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20140345 Ver 1_Year 0 Monitoring Report_2015_20170119
OKI Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project Anson County, North Carolina DMS Project ID No. 95351, DEQ Contract No. 004641 Permits: SAW -2012-01108, DWR #14-0345 Yadkin River Basin: 03040104-061030 Prepared for: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 Data Collection Period — July 2015 Submission Date — November 2016 n 4 This document was printed using 100% recycled paper. 0KI Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project Anson County, North Carolina DMS Project ID No. 95351, DEQ Contract No. 004641 Permits: SAW -2012-01108, DWR #14-0345 Yadkin River Basin: 03040104-061030 Prepared for: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Prepared by: INTERNATIONAL Data Collection Period — July 2015 Submission Date — November 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................1-1 2.0 PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND AND ATTRIBUTES ..................... 2-1 2.1 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 SITE DIRECTIONS........................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.3 PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................... 2-1 3.0 PROJECT STRUCTURE, RESTORATION TYPE AND APPROACH.. 3-1 3.1 PROJECT COMPONENTS.................................................................................................................................3-1 5.1.4 3.2 RESTORATION APPROACH.............................................................................................................................3-1 5.1.5 3.2.1 Reach HC -RI Restoration.......................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2.2 Reach HC -R2 Restoration.......................................................................................................................... 3-2 3.2.3 Reach HC -R3 Enhancement....................................................................................................................... 3-2 3.2.4 Reach UT4-RlaPreservation..................................................................................................................... 3-3 3.2.5 Reach UT4-RlbRestoration....................................................................................................................... 3-3 3.2.6 Reach UT4-R2 Restoration......................................................................................................................... 3-3 3.2.7 Reach UT4-R3 Restoration......................................................................................................................... 3-4 3.2.8 Reach UT4-R4 Restoration......................................................................................................................... 3-4 3.2.9 Reach UT4-R5 Enhancement...................................................................................................................... 3-4 3.3 PROJECT HISTORY, CONTACTS, AND ATTRIBUTE DATA.............................................................................. 3-5 3.3.1 Construction Summary............................................................................................................................... 3-5 3.3.2 Conservation Easement Boundary Adjustment................................................................................3-7 WETLAND....................................................................................................................................................... 4.0 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.................................................................. 4-1 11(lill_[1]01 V lte] 7I►`[ SUM�i:1► 1�7.YilK 5.1 STREAM MONITORING...................................................................................................................................5-1 5.1.1 Bankfull Events and Flooding Functions.................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.2 Cross-sections.............................................................................................................................................5-1 5.1.3 Pattern........................................................................................................................................................ 5-2 5.1.4 Longitudinal Profile.................................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.1.5 Bed Material Analysis................................................................................................................................. 5-2 5.1.6 Visual Assessment....................................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.1.7 Flow Documentation.....................................................................................................................................5-3 5.2 VEGETATION MONITORING........................................................................................................................... 5-3 5.3 WETLAND MONITORING................................................................................................................................ 5-4 5.4 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MONITORING............................................................................................... 5-4 6.0 AS -BUILT DATA DOCUMENTATION...................................................... 6-1 6.1 STREAM DATA................................................................................................................................................6-1 6.2 VEGETATION DATA........................................................................................................................................6-1 6.3 AREAS OF CONCERN....................................................................................................................................... 6-2 7.0 MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY PLANS ..................................... 7-1 7.1 STREAMS.........................................................................................................................................................7-1 7.2 WETLAND....................................................................................................................................................... 7-1 7.3 VEGETATION.................................................................................................................................................. 7-1 7.4 SITE BOUNDARY............................................................................................................................................. 7-2 7.5 FARM ROAD CROSSING.................................................................................................................................. 7-2 7.6 BEAVER MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................................. 7-2 8.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................ 8-1 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE III 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table 4a Project Attributes — Hurricane Creek Table 4b Project Attributes — UT4 Table 5 Baseline Stream Summary Table 6 Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Table 7 Vegetation Species Planted Across the Restoration Site Table 8 Stem Counts for Each Species Arranged by Plot LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2a Restoration Summary Map (Hurricane Creek Site) Figure 2b Restoration Summary Map (UT4 Site) Figure 3 Reference Sites Location Map Figure 4a Monitoring Features Overview Map (Hurricane Creek Site) Figure 4b Monitoring Features Overview Map (UT4 Site) LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Figures 1, 2a, 2b, 3, 4a, and 4b, Tables 1 through 4 Appendix B Morphological Summary Data (Tables 5 and 6), Profile and Cross -Section Graphs, and Pebble Count Sheets Appendix C Vegetation Summary Data (Tables 7 and 8) Appendix D As -Built Plan Sheets/Record Drawings Appendix E Photo Log Appendix F Conservation Easement Boundary Adjustment Documents MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE IV 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. (Baker) restored 8,213 linear feet (LF) of perennial stream, enhanced 2,481 LF of stream, and preserved 518 LF of stream along Hurricane Creek (HC) and unnamed tributaries (UT4) to Brown Creek, a 303(d) listed stream that flows through the Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge. Baker also planted approximately 33 acres (AC) of native riparian vegetation along the restored and enhanced reaches (Reaches HC -RI, HC -R2, and HC -R3 on the Hurricane Creek portion of the project, and UT4-Rlb, UT4-R2, UT4-R3, UT4-R4a, UT4-R4b, UT4-R5a, and UT4-R5b on the unnamed tributary portion of the project). A recorded conservation easement consisting of 43.3 acres protects and preserves all stream reaches, existing wetland areas, and riparian buffers in perpetuity. The Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project (Site) is located in Anson County, approximately four miles southeast of the Town of Ansonville (Figure 1). The Site is located in the NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) subbasin 03-07-10 and the NC Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) 03040104-061030 of the Yadkin River Basin. The project involved the restoration and enhancement of a rural piedmont stream system (Schafale and Weakley 1990), which had been impaired due to past agricultural conversion and cattle grazing. Based on the DMS 2009 Lower Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin Restoration Priority (RBRP) Plan, the Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project area is located in an existing targeted local watershed (TLW) within the Yadkin River Basin, although it is not located in a Local Watershed Planning (LWP) area. The TLW selection criteria for the Yadkin Basin specifically targets projects that will address water resource impacts from nonpoint source (NPS) pollution. The restoration strategy for the Yadkin River Basin as a whole targets projects which focus on restoring stream functions by maintaining and enhancing water quality, restoring hydrology, and improving fish and wildlife habitat. The primary goals of the project were to improve ecologic functions to the impaired areas as described in the DMS 2009 Lower Yadkin -Pee Dee RBRP as identified below: • Create geomorphically stable conditions along the unnamed tributaries across the site, • Implement agricultural BMPs to reduce NPS inputs to receiving waters, • Protect and improve water resources by reducing stream bank erosion, and nutrient and sediment inputs, • Restore stream and floodplain interaction by connecting historic flow paths and promoting natural flood processes, and • Restore and protect riparian buffer functions and corridor habitat in perpetuity by establishing a permanent conservation easement. To accomplish these goals, the following objectives were identified: • Restore existing incised, eroding, and channelized streams by providing them access to their relic floodplains, • Prevent cattle from accessing the conservation easement boundary by installing permanent fencing and thus reduce excessive stream bank erosion and undesired nutrient inputs, • Increase aquatic habitat value by providing more bedform diversity, creating natural scour pools and reducing sediment from accelerated stream bank erosion, • Plant native species riparian buffer vegetation along stream bank and floodplain areas, protected by a permanent conservation easement, to increase stormwater runoff filtering capacity, improve stream bank stability and riparian habitat connectivity, and shade the stream to decrease water temperature, MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 1-1 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) • Improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat through improved substrate and in -stream cover, addition of woody debris, and reduction of water temperature, and • Control invasive species vegetation within the project area and, if necessary, continue treatments during the monitoring period. This report documents the completion of the restoration construction activities and presents as -built monitoring data for the post -construction monitoring period. Table 1 summarizes project conditions before and after restoration, as well as the conditions predicted in the previously approved project Mitigation Plan. Table 1 is located in Appendix A. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 1-2 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) 2.0 PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND AND ATTRIBUTES 2.1 Project Location and Description The Site is located in Anson County, NC, approximately four miles southeast of the Town of Ansonville, as shown on the Vicinity Map (Figure 1). The project is located in the NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) sub -basin 03-07-10 of the Yadkin River Basin and hydrologic unit 03040104-061030. The project includes one named (Hurricane Creek) and four unnamed tributaries (UTs) to Brown Creek and is located in the Piedmont physiographic region. The Hurricane Creek (HC) portion of the project was divided into three individual Reaches (HC -R1, HC -R2, and HC -R3), and the unnamed tributary (UT4) portion of the project was divided into eight individual Reaches (UT4-RIa, UT4-RIb, UT4-R2, UT4-R3, UT4-R4a, UT4-R4b, UT4-R5a, and UT4-R5b) as shown in Figures 2a and 2b. Hurricane Creek (HC-Rl and HC -R2) and the mainstem of UT4 (UT4-R3 and UT4-R4) were shown as solid blue -line streams on the USGS topographic quadrangle map (Ansonville Quad). The tributaries to Hurricane Creek (HC -R3) and UT4 (UT4-RI, UT4-R2, and UT4-R5) are not shown as any type of blue - line stream on the USGS map. All stream reaches, except HC -R3, are shown as (unclassified) streams within the project limits on the 2005 Anson County Soil Survey (Anson, 2005). LiDAR imagery for the site showed the presence of historic valleys for each of the project stream systems and field investigations confirmed the locations of these valleys. On-site jurisdictional determinations of intermittent/perennial status were conducted in February of 2013 and determined that reaches HC -R2 and UT4-R3 were perennial, while reaches HC-Rl, HC -R3, UT4-R1, UT4-R2, UT4-R4, and UT4-R5 were intermittent. Based on the DMS 2009 Lower Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin Restoration Priority (RBRP) Plan, the Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project area is located in an existing targeted local watershed (TLW) within the Yadkin River Basin, although it is not located in a Local Watershed Planning (LWT) area. The restoration strategy for the Yadkin River Basin specifically targets projects that focus on restoring stream functions by maintaining and enhancing water quality, restoring hydrology, and improving fish and wildlife habitat. 2.2 Site Directions To access the site from Raleigh, take US Highway 1 south through Sanford, for approximately 40 miles. Take the exit ramp to US 151501 South to Carthage and then take NC 24/NC 27 West from Carthage for approximately 33 miles before turning onto NC 109 South. Follow NC 109 South for 20 miles and take the first right past Dennis Road. The UT4 site is located just south of the farm access road about one half mile from NC 109. The Hurricane Creek site is located immediately south of Pleasant Grove Church Road approximately 1.5 miles west of the UT4 site. 2.3 Project Goals and Objectives The primary goals of the project were to improve ecologic functions and to manage NPS inputs to the impaired areas as described in the DMS 2009 Lower Yadkin -Pee Dee RBRP and are identified below: • Create geomorphically stable conditions along the unnamed tributaries across the site, • Implement agricultural BMPs to reduce NPS inputs to receiving waters, • Protect and improve water resources by reducing stream bank erosion, and nutrient and sediment inputs, • Restore stream and floodplain interaction by connecting historic flow paths and promoting natural flood processes, and MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 2-1 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) • Restore and protect riparian buffer functions and corridor habitat in perpetuity by establishing a permanent conservation easement. To accomplish these goals, the following objectives were identified: • Restore existing incised, eroding, and channelized streams by providing them access to their relic floodplains, • Prevent cattle from accessing the conservation easement boundary by installing permanent fencing and thus reduce excessive stream bank erosion and undesired nutrient inputs, • Increase aquatic habitat value by providing more bedform diversity, creating natural scour pools and reducing sediment from accelerated stream bank erosion, • Plant native species riparian buffer vegetation along stream bank and floodplain areas, protected by a permanent conservation easement, to increase stormwater runoff filtering capacity, improve stream bank stability and riparian habitat connectivity, and shade the stream to decrease water temperature, • Improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat through improved substrate and in -stream cover, addition of woody debris, and reduction of water temperature, and • Control invasive species vegetation within the project area and, if necessary, continue treatments during the monitoring period. The project will directly address goals identified in the 2009 Lower Yadkin -Pee Dee RBRP, namely to improve watershed conditions, reduce NPS inputs, and prevent increases to impervious surfaces areas. The natural channel design (NCD) approach resulted in a stable riparian stream system that will reduce excess sediment and nutrient inputs to the Brown Creek sub -watershed, while improving water resources conditions that support terrestrial and aquatic species, including priority species identified in the Lower Yadkin River Basin. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 2-2 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) 3.0 PROJECT STRUCTURE, RESTORATION TYPE AND APPROACH 3,1 Project Components The project area includes one named stream (Hurricane Creek) and four unnamed tributaries (UTs) to Brown Creek and is located in the Piedmont physiographic region. For assessment and design purposes, the Hurricane Creek (HC) portion of the project was divided into three individual Reaches (HC-Rl, HC - R2, and HC -R3), and the unnamed tributary (UT4) portion of the project was divided into eight individual Reaches (UT4-Rla, UT4-Rlb, UT4-R2, U74 -R3, UT4-R4a, UT4-R4b, UT4-R5a, and UT4-R5b). Native species riparian buffer vegetation was established and/or protected at least 50 feet from the top of both banks along all project reaches. Cattle were also excluded along all project reaches in which they were previously allowed through the installation of approximately 9,500 feet of permanent fencing outside of the conservation easement. The reach designations have remained in the same order to be consistent throughout the document. 3,2 Restoration Approach Based on the post -construction as -built survey, the Hurricane Creek portion of the project consisted of 2,043 LF of Restoration on HC -R1,1,393 LF of Restoration on HC -R2 and 564 LF of Enhancement II on HC -R3. Additionally, the UT4 portion of the Site consisted of 518 LF of Preservation on Reach UT4- Rla, 858 LF of Restoration on UT4-Rlb, 1,827 LF of Restoration on UT4-R2, 250 LF of Restoration on UT4-R3, 396 LF of Restoration on UT4-R4a, 1,444 LF of Restoration on UT4-R4b, 335 LF of Enhancement I on UT4-R5a and 1,581 LF of Enhancement I on UT4-R5b. Baker also planted approximately 33 acres (AC) of native riparian vegetation along the restored and enhanced reaches, and a recorded conservation easement of 43.3 acres protects and preserves all stream reaches, existing wetland areas, and riparian buffers in perpetuity. The project involved the restoration, enhancement, and preservation of a rural piedmont stream system, which had been impaired due to past agricultural conversion and cattle grazing. Restoration practices involved raising the existing streambed and reconnecting the stream to the relic floodplain, and restoring natural flows to areas previously drained by ditching activities. The existing channels abandoned within the restoration areas were filled to decrease surface and subsurface drainage and raise the local water table. Permanent cattle exclusion fencing was provided around all proposed reaches and riparian buffers in which they previously had access. The vegetative components of this project include stream bank, floodplain, and transitional upland plantings. The Site was planted with native species riparian buffer vegetation following Schafale and Weakley's (1990) guidance on vegetation communities for Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest (mixed riparian community) and Dry-Mesic Oak -Hickory Forest (Piedmont Subtype), as shown in Table 7 and Table 8 (Appendix C) and now protected through a permanent conservation easement. Table 1 and Figure 2a and Figure 2b (Appendix A) provide a summary of the project components. 3.2.1 Reach HC -R1 Restoration A Priority Level I restoration was constructed for this reach to fully restore stream functions and a floodplain connection. The lowest part of the stream valley runs mostly in the adjacent field along the existing tree line to the east of the degraded stream channel. Starting at the project boundary, the bed elevation was raised gradually to provide a reconnection to the geomorphic floodplain. The restored channel was constructed off-line along the field edge, and was built as a Rosgen `C5' type channel. The stream was constructed as close as possible to the existing tree line. This allowed for ease of construction in the pasture, while also taking advantage of the shading, biomass input, and root mass MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3-1 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) of the existing mature riparian trees to remain. This approach also minimized the number of existing trees that needed to be removed during construction. The width/depth ratio for the channel is approximately 12, and over time the channel may narrow slightly to more of an `E' stream type from deposition of sediment and stream bank vegetation growth. In -stream structures included constructed riffles for grade control and aquatic habitat, as well as grade control j -hook vanes, log vanes, log jams, geo-lifts, and root wads for stream bed/bank stability and habitat diversity. The existing, unstable channel was filled along its length using a combination of existing spoil piles that were located along the reach and fill material excavated from construction of the restored channel. Shallow vernal pools were incorporated along the filled abandoned channel to provide habitat diversity and improved detention of runoff. Riparian buffers in excess of 50 feet were restored or protected along all of HC -RI. No stream crossings or breaks in the easement were installed along HC -R1, and permanent fencing was installed along the entire eastern edge of the easement to exclude cattle from entering the restored stream. 3.2.2 Reach HC -R2 Restoration A Priority Level I Restoration approach continued downstream along HC -R2. The reach was constructed beyond the existing right bank in existing pasture and again as close as possible to the existing tree line as previously described for HC-Rl . In the downstream portion of the reach, a Priority Level II Restoration approach was utilized to lower the stream to the existing bed elevation. These approaches allowed for the restoration of a stable channel form with appropriate bedform diversity, as well as improved channel function through improved aquatic habitat, more frequent overbank flooding, the restoration of riparian and terrestrial habitats, exclusion of cattle and associated pollutants, and decreased sediment loss from bank erosion. The upstream Priority Level I channel section was constructed as a Rosgen `C5' stream type with a width/depth ratio of 16, though that may narrow slightly over time. The channel transitions to a Rosgen `Bc' stream type in the downstream Priority Level 1I section. The mature trees along the channel were preserved whenever possible and the riparian buffers in excess of 50 feet were restored or protected along the entire reach. At the downstream Priority II section of the reach, the restored channel transitions down to the elevation of Hurricane Creek near the road crossing; therefore constructed riffle structures and rock cross vanes were installed to control grade, dissipate energies, and eliminate the potential for upstream channel incision. Along this downstream transition section the channel banks were graded back to stabilize slopes, bankfull benches were incorporated where possible, and riparian vegetation was re-established. Riparian buffers in excess of 50 feet were restored along all of HC -R2. The existing ford crossing in the upstream portion of HC -R2 was improved with the addition of Class B stone topped with ABC stone, and permanent fencing was installed along both sides of the easement to exclude cattle from entering the restored stream. 3.2.3 Reach HC -R3 Enhancement Work on HC -R3 involved a Level II Enhancement approach for the majority of the reach. Likely due to the presence of bank vegetation along much of this reach, the stream showed minimal channel incision. Level 11 Enhancement provided additional stability to both dimension and profile. Minor channel bank stabilization and in -stream structures including log jams and log weirs were installed to enhance bedform morphology for the portions of the reach where the channel had been most impacted. A new, culverted crossing was also installed at the beginning of the reach to provide stable access across to the upstream portion of the property. This crossing was designed to pass a 10 -year event, with excess capacity on the floodplain to pass larger events without damaging the crossing. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3-2 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) Riparian buffers in excess of 50 feet were restored or protected along all of HC -R3. Additionally, fencing was installed along the northern edge of the easement to permanently exclude cattle from entering the stream. 3.2.4 Reach UT4-Rla Preservation Preservation was implemented for the upstream portion of reach UT4-R1 to the existing powerline easement. The stream and riparian buffer are currently stable and no future developments or impacts are expected within the upper watershed. No work was performed along this reach and the existing stream and forested riparian buffer are protected within a permanent conservation easement. 3.2.5 Reach UT4-Rlb Restoration Continuing downstream of the powerline easement crossing, the restoration followed a Rosgen Priority Level I approach in the upstream portion, transitioning into a Priority Level II approach at the confluence with UT4-R5. The active headcut at the crossing was also stabilized. In -stream structures such as log step pools, logjams, log vanes, and constructed riffle structures were installed to control grade, dissipate energies, and eliminate the potential for upstream channel incision. The restored channel was built as a Rosgen `C5' stream type with a width/depth ratio of approximately 14, though the channel will likely narrow slightly over time. The existing, unstable channel was filled along its length using a combination of existing spoil piles that were located along the reach as well as fill material excavated from construction of the restored reach. The existing pipe culvert crossing in the powerline easement was replaced with a larger diameter pipe and the crossing improved with Class B stone to allow stable landowner access. Riparian buffers in excess of 50 feet were restored or protected along all of UT4-Rlb. 3.2.6 Reach UT4-R2 Restoration A Priority Level I Restoration approach continued along UT4-R2. The reach was constructed beyond the existing left bank in existing pasture. The implemented techniques allowed for the restoration of a stable channel form with appropriate bedform diversity, as well as improved channel function through more frequent overbank flooding, the restoration of riparian and terrestrial habitats, the exclusion of cattle and associated pollutants, and decreased sediment loss from bank erosion. This reach was built as a meandering Rosgen `C5' stream type with a channel width/depth ratio of approximately 13. In - stream structures installed included log vanes, root wads, geo-lifts and constructed riffle structures used to control grade, dissipate energy, eliminate incision, promote habitat and bedform diversity, and stabilize banks. The mature trees along the existing channel were preserved wherever possible and the riparian buffers in excess of 50 feet were restored or protected along the entire reach. At the downstream end of the reach, the restored channel was connected to the bed elevation at the UT4-R3/UT4-R4 confluence; therefore, a series of logjams were installed to control grade, dissipate energies, and eliminate the potential for upstream channel incision. Along this downstream transition section, the channel banks were graded to stable slopes in many locations. The existing, unstable channel was filled along its length using a combination of existing spoil piles that were located along the reach and fill material excavated from the construction of the restored channel. Vernal pools were incorporated along the filled abandoned channel to provide habitat diversity and improve detention of runoff. Riparian buffers in excess of 50 feet were restored or protected along all of UT4-R2. The existing ford crossing was improved with the addition of Class B stone topped with ABC stone, and permanent fencing was installed to exclude cattle from entering the restored stream. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3-3 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) 3.2.7 Reach UT4-R3 Restoration A Priority Level III approach was utilized for reach UT4-R3, which begins at the confluence of UT4- R2 and UT4-R4. The channel throughout this shorter section remained a Rosgen `Gc' stream type, but with a post construction width/depth ratio of 6.4. A lighter touch was used on this reach from the initial design due to the presence of existing mature trees along both banks. While this reach remains incised, its degree of incision has been reduced, and it is stable due to the extensive presence and further establishment of vegetation in and along the channel banks. The restored channel transitions down to the existing bed elevation near the project boundary and rock step pools, rock cross vanes, and constructed riffle structures were installed to control grade, dissipate energies, and eliminate the potential for upstream channel incision. To promote stability along this reach, channel banks were graded back along much of the left bank, while the mature trees already established along the channel were preserved wherever possible. Additionally, bankfull benches were incorporated in a few locations. Riparian buffers in excess of 50 feet were restored or protected along the entire reach. Permanent fencing was also installed along the western easement boundary to prevent cattle from entering the restored channel. 3.2.8 Reach UT4-R4 Restoration Restoration in this section primarily followed a Priority Level I approach. In the shorter upstream section above the crossing (UT4-R4a), degraded channel banks were graded back to stable slopes and in -stream structures such as log weirs, log jams, and step pools were installed to control grade, dissipate energies, promote stability, and improve bedform and habitat diversity. Below the stream crossing, the restored channel (UT4-R4b) was built as a Rosgen `C5' stream type with a width/depth ratio of approximately 14. The restored channel meanders across the historic floodplain before its confluence with UT4-R2, transitioning into UT4-R3. In -stream structures such as geo-lifts, log jams, log vanes, root wads, and constructed riffle structures were used to control grade, dissipate energy, eliminate incision, promote habitat and bedform diversity, and stabilize banks. The existing, unstable channel was filled along its length using material excavated from construction of the restored channel, with a few vernal pools incorporated along its length. The existing ford crossing between UT4-R4a and UT4-R4b was improved with Class B stone topped with ABC stone to allow for a stable crossing. This crossing will be used for cattle movement during scheduled grazing rotation and cattle will not have unrestricted access. Riparian buffers in excess of 50 feet were restored or protected along the entire reach length, and permanent fencing was installed to prevent cattle from entering the restored channel. 3.2.9 Reach UT4-R5 Enhancement Work on UT4-R5 involved a Level I Enhancement approach throughout the reach. Due to the presence of bank vegetation along some of the reach sections, the stream showed minimal channel incision or downcutting, thus Level I Enhancement was proposed to restore a more stable dimension and profile. Localized channel bank regrading and stabilization was performed, and in -stream structures such as log jams, log weirs, log vanes, and constructed rock riffles were installed to enhance bedform morphology for the portions of the reach where the riparian buffer and/or channel had been impacted or where active headcuts were stabilized. Additionally, several small, incised drainages flowing into the channel were graded and stabilized. Riparian buffers in excess of 50 feet were restored and/or protected along all of UT4-R5. Existing wetlands are located throughout the buffer in the uppermost section (UT5-R5a), and ephemeral pools are common here, especially along the right floodplain. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3-4 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) 3.3 Project History, Contacts, and Attribute Data Baker implemented the project under a full delivery contract with DMS to provide stream mitigation credits in the Yadkin River Basin. The chronology of the project is presented in Table 2. The contact information for all designers, contractors, and relevant suppliers is presented in Table 3. Relevant project background information is presented in Table 4. Tables 2, 3, and 4 are located in Appendix A of this report. As -built stationing is outlined in the Construction Summary, below, and in Table 1 in Appendix A. 3.3.1 Construction Summary In accordance with the approved Mitigation Plan and regulatory permits, construction activities began in early November 2014 with site preparation, installation of sedimentation and erosion control measures, and the establishment of staging areas, haul roads, and stockpile areas. The construction contractor was River Works, Inc. (River Works). Actual in -stream structure location and placement varied slightly from the design plans in various sections (as described below) due to unexpected field conditions such as shallow bedrock or adjacent springs/seeps, as well as to improve vertical or lateral stability at a given location. Any substitutions and/or relocations were made based on existing field conditions and best professional judgment. The as -built plan sheets/record drawings depict actual surveyed areas for the project and show any changes from the final design plans to what was implemented on-site during construction. The as -built plan sheets/record drawings are located in Appendix C. Channel construction first began at the Hurricane Creek site in mid-November on the upstream portion of HC -R1 at station 10+00 and proceeded downstream into HC -R2 towards Pleasant Grove Church Rd. At the bottom of HC -R2, a downstream beaver dam located off-site within the Pee -Dee National Wildlife Refuge backed water up in the channel. Requests to remove the dam were denied by the managers of the Refuge. With standing water backed up into the channel, the final section of off-line channel could not be constructed. Instead, the new channel was connected back into the existing channel at approximately Station 40+25 and the banks were cut back to stabilize slopes and to help reconnect the channel to its floodplain. The in -stream rock structures were still installed in this section, though with larger sized stone, in the event the dam was ever to be removed the channel would be protected from scour and potential incision. Construction at Hurricane Creek then continued on the tributary HC -R3 at Station 10+36 and proceeded downstream to its confluence with HC -R1 at Station 16+00. A permanent culvert pipe crossing was installed in the uppermost portion of this reach to replace an unprotected ford crossing just outside the conservation easement at Station 10+00. This will provide the landowner with a stable crossing location that will not impact the restored channels downstream. Invasive species vegetation (Chinese privet) was treated in the floodplain at the intersection of HC -R3 and HC-Rl . This will be an area of particular focus in all future monitoring efforts. Upon completion of the three channel reaches and in -stream structures for the Hurricane Creek site in mid-March 2015, all vegetative plantings and coir fiber matting were installed, and permanent seeding with straw was placed in all remaining disturbed areas before mobilizing to the next project site. Permanent cattle exclusion fencing (woven wire) was installed along all reaches, with access gates as shown on the as -built plan sheets/record drawings in Appendix D. The total as -built length for all reaches on the Hurricane Creek site after construction is 4,001 LF. Project work began on the Unnamed Tributaries (UT4) site with a separate Riverworks crew in mid- January of 2015 with all the standard site preparation, including the installation of sedimentation and erosion control measures, and the establishment of staging areas, haul roads, and stockpile areas. Actual construction began along Reach UT4-R5a at Station 09+44. Shallow bedrock was encountered for the uppermost 50 feet of this section and so little bank grading was conducted here, nor was the MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3-5 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) proposed log weir able to be installed in this uppermost section of channel. Logjams in this upper part were substituted with rock riffles to avoid potential conflicts with the shallow bedrock, though the log weirs and an additional log vane were able to be installed. Moreover, while sections of UT4-R5a (particularly along the left bank) were graded back and stabilized with matting, the lowermost 50 feet of this section ending at a powerline easement were not graded back as it had mature trees with an established root mass growing along its banks and was deemed stable. Work then continued downstream along Reach UT4-R5b with the Enhancement Level I approach, starting past the powerline right of way at Station 14+40 and ending at the confluence with UT4-Rlb at Station 30+21. Work included bank grading and installation of in -stream structures such as log weirs and log jams. Reach UT4-Rla is Preservation only and ends at a break in the easement for a Progress Energy powerline right of way. The break also provides the landowner with a vehicular crossing for his farm equipment. As part of the restoration, the deteriorating existing pipe at the crossing was replaced with a larger 36" RCP. Construction next continued along reach UT4-Rlb, where actual in -stream structure location and placement varied only slightly from the design plans: a logjam was substituted for a rock riffle at Station 13+75, a geolift with brush toe wasn't installed at Station 15+25 due to the presence of existing mature trees growing along the bank (which provided ample bank stabilization and protection), and the log weir step pool sequence beginning at Station 18+45 was moved slightly upstream to account for higher than expected backwater conditions. Construction continued along Reach UT4-R2 at the confluence of UT4-R5b and UT4-Rlb. The uppermost 120' section of this reach from the confluence to the improved rock crossing was a long, deep pool creating slight backwater conditions up into R5b and Rlb. The section also had extensive mature hardwoods established along both banks. Considering the quality habitat present from the pool, and to the relative stability of this section from the trees, the channel was not realigned here as originally planned. Instead, a rock riffle was added just downstream of the confluence and a few steep banks were graded back and matted. The remainder of UT4-R2 located downstream of the improved rock crossing continued with the Priority Level I Restoration approach found upstream on UT4-Rlb. The actual in -stream structure location and placement for UT4-R2 varied only slightly from the design plans: the installation of native transplants/cuttings from on-site sources into the banks at Stations 29+40, 30+50, and 31+75 could not be completed due to an unexpected lack of appropriate source plants. They were substituted with root wads in the first two locations, and a geolift with brush toe on the third. Work on reach UT4-R3 began at the confluence of UT4-R2 and UT4-R4b utilizing a Priority Level II Restoration approach. Narrow benching was cut in several locations along the reach, and in many areas along the left bank the slopes were graded back and stabilized with matting, though there were sections where established, mature hardwoods were growing where this was not done in an effort to preserve the trees. The location of one of the boulder cross vanes was moved upstream to improve its channel stabilizing function. Restoration work then began at the top of Reach UT4-R4 and continued downstream to the confluence with UT4-R2. Actual in -stream structure location and placement for UT4-R4 varied only slightly from the design plans. In the upper section of this reach, a single log weir was not installed due to the presence of rock at its proposed location, while an additional log weir was placed just before the rock crossing to further stabilize the channel. The location of the logjam at Station 12+00 was also adjusted downstream by roughly 20' to avoid being undermined by a small tributary flowing in from the western bank. In the lower section of the reach, an additional log weir and root wad were installed near the outfall of the drainage channel at Station 26+70 to provide additional protection and stability to the stream. Upon completion of all the reach segments in mid-May 2015, permanent seeding with straw was placed in all remaining disturbed areas on the site. The planting of bare -root trees and shrubs in the buffer and MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3-6 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) live stakes along the stream channels was completed in mid-March for UT4-Rl, UT4-R2, and UT4- R5. Planting was completed in mid-May for the remaining reaches UT4-R3 and UT3-R4. Permanent cattle exclusion fencing (woven wire) was installed along all reaches with cattle access (UT4-R2, UT4- R3, and UT4-R4), with access gates as shown on the as -built plan sheets/record drawings in Appendix D. The total as -built length for all reaches on the UT4 site after construction is 7,211 LF. Baker and River Works met on site in May 2015 and conducted a final walk through inspection, and generated a punch -list of final items to be completed. River Works completed this punch list and fully demobilized in early June 2015. Baker met DMS personnel onsite for a site inspection in mid-June 2015. Baker completed the installation of all monitoring devices in July of 2015. 3.3.2 Conservation Easement Boundary Adjustment During project construction on the UT4 portion of the project, problems were discovered with the location of the conservation easement boundary at the two crossings on Reaches UT4-R2 and UT4- Rlb. For the first crossing at UT4-R2 located between stations 21+11 and 21+42, Baker discovered that the southern portion of the easement break opening was located within a stand of very mature oak trees. Use of the crossing by the landowner for farm equipment would necessitate the cutting of many of these oaks. That was not a desirable option for Baker, the landowner, or DMS as that stand of mature trees was a direct example of the eventual canopy we are hoping to achieve through our buffer plantings and would serve as a great seed source for years to come. Given that the riparian buffer along this side of the stream was well in excess of 50 feet, Baker worked with DMS and the NC State Property Office (SPO) to adjust the southeastern corner of the crossing. By placing two additional pins in the boundary to cut that corner, we were able to afford enough maneuvering room for farm equipment to use the crossing without having to clear any trees (Appendix F — Figure 1). The area removed from the easement was 870 ftz. The stream buffer along this modified corner was reduced in width for a small length, but is still a minimum of 50 feet throughout. As such, no reduction in stream credits is warranted. For the second crossing on UT4-Rlb located in a power line easement between stations 10+00 and 11+06, the proposed landowner crossing area was discovered to be located in a very wet, seasonally ponded area. The landowner expressed serious reservations about his ability to get farm equipment through this area from autumn until late spring. Field inspections of this crossing during that timeframe confirmed his concerns. The continued use of the existing crossing, a built-up path that runs next to the wet area was the logical solution to the problem, but was located within the sharply oblique angle the conservation easement makes along the power line easement in this area. Baker again worked with DMS and the SPO to adjust the northwestern corner of the crossing, to exclude the existing built-up crossing (Appendix F — Figure 2). The area removed from the easement here was 1,584 ft'. As this portion of easement was within the riparian buffer of a section of stream not included in the project restoration (due to the oblique angle of the easement at this location), no reduction in stream credits is warranted. A revised plat showing the easement modifications for this section of the UT4 site was prepared by a Professional Land Surveyor, and the modifications were accepted by the SPO, which issued a Partial Release of Conservation Easement document on August 18, 2016 formally acknowledging the modification. The document was recorded at the Anson County Register of Deeds on September 14, 2016 (Appendix F). MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3-7 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) 4.0 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Baker has obtained regulatory approval for numerous stream mitigation plans involving NCDOT and NCDMS full -delivery projects. The success criteria for the Site will follow the mitigation plan developed for this project, as well as the Stream Mitigation Guidelines (SMG) issued in April 2003 (USACE) and NCDMS's supplemental guidance document Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation dated November 7, 2011. All monitoring activities will be conducted for a period of 7 years, unless the Site demonstrates complete success by Year 5 and no concerns have been identified. An early closure provision may be requested by the provider for some or all of the monitoring components. Early closure may only be obtained through written approval from the USACE in consultation with the NCIRT. Based on the design approaches, different monitoring methods are proposed for the project reaches. For reaches that involve a combination of traditional Restoration (Rosgen Priority Levels I and/or II) and Enhancement Level I (stream bed/bank stabilization) approaches, geomorphic monitoring methods will follow those recommended by the 2003 SMG and the 2011 NCDMS supplemental guidance. For reaches involving Enhancement Level II approaches, monitoring efforts will focus primarily on visual inspections, photo documentation, and vegetation assessments. The monitoring parameters shall be consistent with the requirements described in the Federal Rule for compensatory mitigation sites in the Federal Register Title 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters Volume 3 Chapter 2 Section § 332.5 paragraphs (a) and (b). Specific success criteria components and evaluation methods are described in Section 5.0 and report documentation will follow the NCDMS Monitoring Report template and guidance (v 1.3, dated 1/15/10). MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 4-1 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) 5.0 MONITORING PLAN AND SUCCESS CRITERIA 5.1 Stream Monitoring Geomorphic monitoring of the proposed restoration reaches will be conducted once a year for a minimum of five years but up to seven years following the completion of construction to evaluate the effectiveness of the restoration practices. Monitored stream parameters include stream dimension (cross-sections), pattern (planimetric survey), profile (longitudinal profile survey), and visual observation with photographic documentation. The success criteria for the restored reaches will follow the methods described below in sections 5. 1.1 through 5.2 for each parameter. All monitoring features are shown in the as -built plan sheets/record drawings (Appendix D) as well as in Figures 4a and 4b. 5.1.1 Bankfull Events and Flooding Functions The occurrence of bankf ill events within the monitoring period will be documented by the use of crest gauges and photographs. One crest gauge was installed on the floodplain of HC -R2 at Station 34+40, and one crest gauge was installed along UT4-R2 at Station 34+80. Both gauges are within ten feet (horizontal) of the restored channels. The crest gauges will record the highest watermark between site visits. The gauges will be checked at each site visit to determine if a bankfull event has occurred. Additionally, photographs taken by automated cameras mounted near the crest gauge along Reach R2 at Hurricane Creek, and on Reach R4b at Station 18+90 at UT4 will also be used to document the occurrence of bankfull events, debris lines, and sediment deposition on the floodplain between monitoring site visits. Two bankfull flow events must be documented within a seven-year monitoring period. These two bankfull events must occur in separate years; otherwise, the monitoring will continue until two bankfull events have been documented. 5.1.2 Cross-sections Fifteen permanent cross-sections were installed for the project, with ten cross-sections located at riffles and five located at pools. Each cross-section was marked on both stream banks with permanent monuments using rebar to establish the exact transect used. A common benchmark will be used for cross-sections and consistently used to facilitate easy comparison of year-to-year data. The cross- section surveys will occur in Years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7, and must include measurements of Bank Height Ratio (BHR) and Entrenchment Ratio (ER). The monitoring survey will include points measured at all breaks in slope, including top of stream banks, bankfull, inner berm, edge of water, and thalweg, if the features are present. Riffle cross-sections will be classified using the Rosgen Stream Classification System. There should be little change in as -built cross-sections. Stable cross-sections will establish that the restoration goal of creating geomorphically stable stream cross-sections has been met. If changes do take place, they will be documented in the survey data and evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a more unstable condition (e.g., down -cutting or erosion) or a movement toward increased stability (e.g., settling, vegetative changes, deposition along the stream banks, or decrease in width/depth ratio). Using the Rosgen Stream Classification System, all monitored cross-sections should fall within the quantitative parameters (i.e. BHR no more than 1.2 and ER no less than 2.2 for `C' stream types) defined for channels of the design stream type. Given the smaller channel sizes and meander geometry of the proposed steams, bank pins will not be installed unless monitoring results indicate active lateral erosion. Reference photo transects will be taken at each permanent cross-section. Lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the stream banks. Photographs will be taken MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 5-1 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) of both stream banks at each cross-section. The survey tape will be centered in the photographs of the stream banks. The water line will be located in the lower edge of the frame, and as much of the stream bank as possible will be included in each photo. Photographers should make an effort to consistently maintain the same area in each photo over time. 5.1.3 Pattern The plan view measurements such as sinuosity, radius of curvature, meander width ratio will be taken on newly constructed meanders during baseline (Year 0) only. Subsequent visual monitoring will be conducted twice a year, at least five months apart, to document any changes or excessive lateral movement in the plan view of the restored channel. 5.1.4 Longitudinal Profile A longitudinal profile was surveyed for the entire length of restored channel after construction to document the as -built baseline conditions only. The survey was tied to a permanent benchmark and measurements collected included thalweg, water surface, bankfull, and top of low bank. Each of these measurements was taken at the head of each feature (e.g., riffle, pool) and at the maximum pool depth. The longitudinal profile should show that the bedform features installed are consistent with intended design stream type. Longitudinal profiles will not be taken during subsequent monitoring years unless vertical channel instability has been documented or remedial actions/repairs are deemed necessary. These measurements will demonstrate that the restored stream profile provides more bedform diversity than the old channel with multiple natural features (such as pools and riffles) that provide improved aquatic habitat, as per the restoration objectives. 5.1.5 Bed Material Analysis After construction, there should be a minimal change in the pebble count data or particle size distribution over time given the current watershed conditions and future upstream sediment supply regime. Since the streams are predominantly sand bed systems with minimal gravel, significant changes in particle size distribution are not expected. A representative sample will be collected in Hurricane Creek (HC -R2) and UT4 (Reach UT4-R4b) in locations where constructed riffles were installed as part of the project. The post -construction riffle pebble count samples will be compared to those collected during subsequent monitoring years. Any significant changes (i.e.; aggradation, degradation, embeddedness) will be noted after stream bank vegetation becomes established and a minimum of two bankfull flows or greater have been documented. 5.1.6 Visual Assessment Visual monitoring assessments of all stream sections will be conducted by qualified personnel twice per monitoring year with at least five months in between each site visit for each year of monitoring. Photographs will be used to visually document system performance and any areas of concern related to stream bank and bed stability, condition of in -stream structures, channel migration, headcuts, live stake mortality, impacts from invasive plant species or animal species, and condition of pools and riffles. This monitoring will be summarized in the Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table and the Vegetation Conditions Assessment Table, which are used to better document and quantify the visual assessment. A series of photos over time will be also be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation (bar formations) or degradation, stream bank erosion, successful maturation of riparian vegetation, and effectiveness of sedimentation and erosion control measures. More specifically, the longitudinal photos should indicate the absence of developing mid channel or lateral bars within the channel or excessive increase in channel depth, while lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the banks. The photographs will be taken from a height of approximately five to six feet from the same locations and view directions on the site for each monitoring period, and will be MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 5-2 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) shown on plan view maps in subsequent monitoring reports. The visual monitoring effort will be conducted per DMS's annual monitoring report guidance (0.5, June 2012). 5.1.7 Flow Documentation Monitoring of flow will be conducted to demonstrate that the restored stream systems classified as intermittent exhibit base flow for 30 consecutive days during some portion of the year during a year with normal rainfall conditions. In order to determine if rainfall amounts are normal for the given year, data will be obtained from the Anson County WETS Station and from the automated weather station (Wadesboro, COOP 318964 and Anson County Airport (KAFP-AWOS), approximately two miles south of the site. If a normal year of precipitation does not occur during the first seven years of monitoring, Baker will continue to monitor flow conditions on the site until it documents that the intermittent streams have been flowing during the appropriate times of the year. The restored intermittent reaches for this project include Reaches Rlb and R4 on the UT4 site, as well as Reaches R1 and R2 on the Hurricane Creek site. To document flow at UT4, in -stream flow gauges (pressure transducers) were installed in Reach Rlb at Station 14+90, and in Reach R4b at Station 18+80. Additionally, the automated cameras installed along Reach R4b at near the flow gauge at UT4, and along Reach R2 at Hurricane Creek will collect a series of regular and continuous photos over time to illustrate water levels within the channel, and will be included in the annual monitoring reports as part of the visual monitoring effort. 5.2 Vegetation Monitoring Successful restoration of the vegetation on a site is dependent upon hydrologic restoration, planting of preferred canopy species, and volunteer regeneration of the native plant community. In order to determine if the criteria are achieved, vegetation monitoring quadrants were installed and will be monitored across the project in accordance with the CVS -DMS Protocol for Recording Vegetation — Level 1-2 Plot Sampling, Version 4.2 (2008), and the total number of quadrants were calculated using the CVS -DMS Entry Tool Database version 2.3.1 (CVS -DMS, 2012). The sizes of individual quadrants are 100 square meters. A total of sixteen vegetation plots were installed throughout the project as per the protocol for Level 1-2 Plot Sampling. The individual vegetation monitoring plots are 100 square meters in size. Vegetation monitoring will occur in the fall, prior to the loss of leaves. Individual quadrant data will be provided and will include species diameter, height, density, and coverage quantities. Individual seedlings have be marked such that they can be found in succeeding monitoring years. Mortality will be determined from the difference between the previous year's living, planted seedlings and the current year's living, planted seedlings. The planting of live -stakes and bare -root trees and shrubs was completed in mid-March for all of the Hurricane Creek site and for Reaches UT4-Rlb, UT4-R5a, UT4-R5b, and UT4-R2 on the UT4 site. Planting was completed in mid-May for the remaining Reaches UT4-R3, UT4-R4a, and UT4-R4b. All monitoring devices were installed on both sites in early July 2015. At the end of the first full growing season (March 6' to November 29') from baseline/year 0, or after 180 days from planting, species composition, stem density, and survival will be evaluated. The vegetation plots shall be monitored annually for seven years, or until the final success criteria are achieved. The interim measure of vegetative success for the site will require the survival of at least 320, 3 -year old, planted trees per acre at the end of year three of the monitoring period. At year five, density must be no less than 260, 5 -year old, planted trees per acre. The final vegetative success criteria will be the survival of 210, 7 -year old, planted trees per acre at the end of the seven-year monitoring period, which must average 10 feet in height. However, if the performance standard is met by Year 5 and stem densities are greater than 260, 5 -year old stems/acre, MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 5-3 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) vegetation monitoring may be terminated with approval by the USACE and the Interagency Review Team (IRT). While measuring species density and height is the current accepted methodology for evaluating vegetation success on mitigation projects, species density and height alone may be inadequate for assessing plant community health. It is understood by the IRT that some smaller tree species, such as Carpinus caroliniana and some slow growing Quercus species, will be unlikely to meet height targets after seven years. For this reason, the vegetation monitoring plan will incorporate the evaluation of additional plant community indices, native volunteer species, and the presence of invasive species vegetation to assess overall vegetative success. The presence of exotic invasive plant species will be visually assessed semi-annually and controlled by mechanical and/or chemical methods if necessary. Their locations will be shown on the Current Conditions Plan View figures in the annual monitoring reports. Any invasive plant species control requiring herbicide application will be performed in accordance with NC Department of Agriculture (NCDA) rules and regulations. Baker will provide required remedial action on a case-by-case basis, such as: replanting more wet/drought tolerant species vegetation, conducting beaver and beaver dam management/removal, or removing undesirable/invasive species vegetation, and will continue to monitor vegetation performance until the corrective actions demonstrate that the site is trending towards or meeting the standard requirement. Existing mature woody vegetation will be visually monitored during annual site visits to document any mortality, due to construction activities or changes to the water table, that negatively impact existing forest cover or favorable buffer vegetation. Additionally, herbaceous vegetation, primarily native species grasses, seeded/planted throughout the site. During and immediately following construction activities, all ground cover at the project site was in compliance with the NC Erosion and Sedimentation Control regulations and applicable permitting requirements. 5.3 Wetland Monitoring No wetlands were proposed for the Site. Therefore, no wetland monitoring is required. 5.4 Stormwater Management Monitoring No stormwater BMPs were proposed for the Site. Therefore, no stormwater BMP monitoring is required. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 5-4 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) 6.0 AS -BUILT DATA DOCUMENTATION Stream and vegetation components will be monitored for seven years post -construction to evaluate project success, unless the Site demonstrates complete success by Year 5 and no areas of concern have been identified. The specific locations of vegetation plots, flow/crest gauges, flow cameras, and cross-sections are shown on the as -built plan sheets/record drawings. 6.1 Stream Data For monitoring stream success criteria, a total of fifteen permanent cross-sections were installed along the two sites. The permanent cross-sections will be used to monitor channel dimension and bank stability over time. To provide a baseline for evaluating changes in bed conditions over time, cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys were completed for the stream channels following construction. The as -built permanent cross- sections (with photos) and as -built longitudinal data as well as the quantitative pre -construction, reference reach, and design data used to determine restoration approach are provided in Appendix B. Two post -construction as -built pebble count samples were also collected following project completion. The riffle pebble count samples were taken along HC -R2 and UT4-R4b in constructed riffles, and the results are provided in Table 5 of Appendix B. To document above bankfull events, two crest gauges were installed along the restored channels on HC - R2 and UT4-R4b. To monitor and evaluate channel flow conditions throughout the year in the restored intermittent reaches, a combination of automated photographic documentation and flow data loggers (in - stream pressure transducers) will be used. The flow cameras are stationed along the top of banks and the pressure transducers and located along the thalweg of the channel near the camera location. For the UT4 site, specific monitoring devices installed include one automated flow camera (a Bushnell -brand wildlife camera) and one in -stream pressure transducer on UT4-R4b, and an in -stream pressure transducer along UT4-Rlb. For the Hurricane Creek site, an automated camera was installed near the crest gauge along HC -R2. The locations of the permanent cross-sections, crest gauges, flow cameras, and in -stream pressure transducers are shown on the as -built plan sheets/record drawings found in Appendix D. Photographs of the selected areas of the restored reaches are provided in Appendix E. 6.2 Vegetation Data Bare -root trees and shrubs were planted within restoration and enhancement areas of the conservation easement. A minimum 50 -foot buffer was established and/or protected along both banks of all stream reaches. Planting of the Hurricane Creek portion of the project was completed in March 2015, and included all buffer bare -root trees and shrubs as well as live -staking along the stream channel. To monitor vegetation success along the Hurricane Creek reaches, five vegetation monitoring plots were established within the planted riparian buffer areas. The planting of bare -root trees, shrubs and live stakes along the UT4 portion of the project occurred in two phases for the site. The first planting occurred along UT4-Rl, UT4-R2, and UT4-R5, which was completed in March 2015. The second planting took place along UT4-R3 and UT4-R4 and was completed in mid-May 2015. To monitor vegetation success along the UT4 reaches, eleven vegetation monitoring plots were established within the planted riparian buffer areas. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 6-1 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) The Mitigation Plan for the Site specifies that the number of quadrants required shall be based on the CVS - DMS Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 (2008), and the total number of quadrants were calculated using the CVS -DMS Entry Tool Database version 2.3.1 (CVS -DMS, 2012). The sizes of individual quadrants are 100 square meters. A total of sixteen vegetation plots were installed throughout the project. The initial planted density within each of the vegetation monitoring plots is provided in Table 8. The average density of planted bare root stems, based on the data from the sixteen vegetation monitoring plots, is 756 stems per acre. The locations of the vegetation plots are shown on the as -built plan sheets/record drawings found in Appendix D. 6.3 Areas of Concern No areas of concern are noted at this time. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 6-2 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) 7.0 MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY PLANS Maintenance requirements vary from site to site and are generally driven by the following conditions: • Projects without established, woody floodplain vegetation are more susceptible to erosion from floods than those with a mature, hardwood forest. • Projects with sandy, non -cohesive soils are more prone to bank erosion than cohesive soils or soils with high gravel and cobble content. • Alluvial valley channels with access to their floodplain are less vulnerable to erosion than channels that have been disconnected from their floodplain. • Wet weather during construction can make accurate channel and floodplain excavations difficult. • Extreme and/or frequent flooding can cause floodplain and channel erosion. • Extreme hot, cold, wet, or dry weather during and after construction can limit vegetation growth, particularly temporary and permanent seed. • The presence and aggressiveness of invasive vegetation species can affect the extent to which a native species vegetation buffer can be established. • The presence of beaver can affect vegetation survivability and stream function. The Site will be monitored on a regular basis and as well as a physical inspection of the Site at least twice per year throughout the post -construction monitoring period until performance standards are met. These site inspections may identify site components and features that require routine maintenance. Maintenance issues and recommended remediation measures will be detailed and documented in the post -construction monitoring reports. Factors that may have caused any maintenance needs, including any of the conditions listed above, shall be discussed. Routine maintenance will be most likely in the first two years following site construction and may include the following components as described below. 7.1 Streams Routine channel maintenance and repair activities may include modifying in -stream structures to prevent piping, securing loose coir matting, and supplemental installations of live stakes and other target vegetation along the project reaches. Areas of concentrated stormwater and floodplain flows that intercept the channel may also require maintenance to prevent stream bank failures and head -cutting until vegetation becomes established. 7.2 Wetland No wetland mitigation was proposed for the Site; therefore, no such maintenance is required. 7.3 Vegetation Vegetation will be maintained to ensure the health and vigor of the targeted plant community. Routine vegetation maintenance and repair activities may include supplemental planting, pruning, and fertilizing. Exotic invasive plant species will controlled by mechanical and/or chemical methods. Any invasive plant species control requiring herbicide application will be performed in accordance with NC Department of Agriculture (NCDA) rules and regulations. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 7-1 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) 7.4 Site Boundary Site boundaries will be demarcated in the field to ensure clear distinction between the mitigation site and adjacent properties. Boundaries may be identified by fence, marker, bollard, post, or other means as allowed by site conditions and/or conservation easement. Boundary markers disturbed, damaged, or destroyed will be repaired and/or replaced on an as needed basis. 7.5 Farm Road Crossing The farm road crossings within the Site may be maintained only as allowed by the recorded Conservation Easement, deed restrictions, rights of way, or corridor agreements. 7.6 Beaver Management Routine maintenance and repair activities caused by beaver activity may include supplemental planting, pruning, and dam breeching/dewatering and/or removal. Beaver management will be performed in accordance with US Department of Agriculture (USDA) rules and regulations using accepted trapping and removal techniques only within the project boundary. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 7-2 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) 8.0 REFERENCES Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) and NC Division of Mitigation Services (DMS), CVS -DMS Data Entry Tool v. 2.3.1. University of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. 2012. Lee, M., Peet R., Roberts, S., Wentworth, T. CVS -DMS Protocol for Recording Vegetation: Level 1-2 Plot Sampling Only, Version 4.2, 2008. North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). 2011. Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation. November 7, 2011. Rosgen, D. L. 1994. A classification of natural rivers. Catena 22:169-199. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, Colo. Schafale, M. P., and A. S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the natural communities of North Carolina, third approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. Division of Parks and Recreation, NCDENR. Raleigh, NC. United States Army Corps of Engineers. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1. Environmental Laboratory. US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Vicksburg, MS. 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines, April 2003, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Wilmington District. 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. Prepared with cooperation from US Environmental Protection Agency, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, and the NC Division of Water Quality. www.saw.usace.army.mil/wetlands/Mitigation/stream mitigation.html MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 8-1 10/3/2016 DRAFT BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS -BUILT BASELINE REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) APPENDIX A Figures 1 - 4, Tables 1 - 4 Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: DMS Project No ID. 95351 Mitigation Credits Stream Riparian Wetland Non-riparian Wetland Buffer Nitrogen Nutrient PhosphorusOffset Nutrient Offset Type R RE Totals 9,753.9 103.6 Project Components Project Component or Reach ID Stationing/ t Location Existing Footage/ Acreage (LF) Approach Restoration/ Restoration Equivalent (SMU) Restoration Footage or Acreage (LF) Mitigation Ratio HC-R1 10+00 - 30+43 1,896 Restoration 2,043 2,043 1:1 HC-R2 30+43 - 30+52 & 30+82 - 44+67 1,288 Restoration 1,394 1,394 1:1 HC-R3 10+36 - 16+00 579 Enhancement Level II 225.6 564 2.5:1 UT4-Rla 10+00 - 15+18 518 Preservation 103.6 518 5:1 UT4-Rlb 11+07 - 19+64 906 Restoration 858 858 1:1 UT4-R2 19+64 - 21+11 & 21+42 - 38+23 1,673 Restoration 1,828 1,828 1:1 UT4-R3 28+92 - 31+42 244 Restoration 250 250 1:1 UT4-R4a 10+00 - 13+96 395 Restoration 396 396 1:1 UT4-R4b 14+28 - 25+23 & 25+43 - 28+92 1,392 Restoration 1,444 1,444 1:1 UT4-R5a 09+44 - 13+35 386 Enhancement Level I 260.7 391 1.5:1 UT4-R5b 14+40 - 30+22 1,535 Enhancement Level I 1,054.7 1,582 1.5:1 Component Summation Restoration Level Stream (LF) Riparian Wetland (AC) Non-riparian Wetland (AC) Buffer (SF) Upland (AC) Riverine Non-Riverine Restoration 8,213 Enhancement I 1,973 Enhancement II 564 Preservation 518 BMP Elements Element Location Purpose/Function Notes BMP Elements: BR= Bioretention Cell; SF= Sand Filter; SW= Stormwater Wetland; WDP= Wet Detention Pond; DDP= Dry Detention Pond; FS= Filter Strip; S= Grassed Swale; LS= Level Spreader; NI=Natural Infiltration Area All powerline easements and cattle/vehicular crossings were excluded from the conservation easement boundary and so no credit reductions are associated with those features. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 9535 1) Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: DMS Project No ID. 95351 Activity or Report Scheduled Completion Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Mitigation Plan Prepared N/A N/A Jan-14 Mitigation Plan Amended N/A N/A Mar-14 Mitigation Plan Approved Nov-13 N/A Jun-14 Final Design — (at least 90% complete) N/A N/A Jun-14 Construction Begins Sep-13 N/A Nov-14 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area Jul-14 N/A May-15 Permanent seed mix applied to entire project area Jul-14 N/A May-15 Planting of live stakes Jul-14 N/A May-15 * Planting of bare root trees Jul-14 N/A May-15 * End of Construction Jul-14 N/A May-15 Survey of As-built conditions (Year 0 Monitoring-baseline) Jul-14 Jul-15 Jul-15 Baseline Monitoring Report Feb-15 Jul-15 Nov-16 ** Year 1 Monitoring Dec-15 Feb-16 N/A Year 2 Monitoring Dec-16 Nov-16 N/A Year 3 Monitoring Dec-17 N/A N/A Year 4 Monitoring Dec-18 N/A N/A Year 5 Monitoring Dec-19 N/A N/A Year 6 Monitoring Dec-20 N/A N/A Year 7 Monitoring Dec-21 N/A N/A * All of HC and Reaches Rl, R2, and R5 for UT4 were planted in March, while Reaches R3 and R4 were planted in mid-May for UT4. ** As -built / Baseline Report submission was delayed due to conservation easement adjustment issues. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 9535 1) Table 3. Project Contacts Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 95351 Designer Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 797 Haywood Rd, Suite 201 Asheville, NC 28806 Contact: Jake Byers, Tel. 828-412-6101 Construction Contractor 6105 Chapel Hill Road River Works, Inc. Raleigh, NC 27607 Contact: Phillip Todd, Tel. 919-582-3575 Planting Contractor 6105 Chapel Hill Road River Works, Inc. Raleigh, NC 27607 Contact: Phillip Todd, Tel. 919-582-3575 Seeding Contractor 6105 Chapel Hill Road River Works, Inc. Raleigh, NC 27607 Contact: Phillip Todd, Tel. 919-582-3575 Seed Mix Sources Green Resources, Tel. 336-855-6363 Nursery Stock Suppliers Mellow Marsh Farm, 919-742-1200 ArborGen, 843-528-3204 Monitoring Performers Jill Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 600 Cary, NC 27518 Contact: Stream Monitoring Point of Contact Scott King, Tel. 919-481-5731 Vegetation Monitoring Point of Contact Scott King, Tel. 919-481-5731 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 9535 1) Table 4a. Project Attribute Information -Hurricane Creek (Pre-Construction) Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project Stream Mitigation Plan - DMS Project No. 95351 Project Information Project Name 113rown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project — Hurricane Creek County Anson Project Area acres 14.1 Project Coordinates latitude and longitude) 35.0498 N, -80.0665 W Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Piedmont Geologic Unit Triassic Basin River Basin Yadkin USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit and 14-digit 03040104 / 03040104061030 NCDWR Sub-basin 03-07-10 Project Drainage Area acres 1,383 Project Drainage Area Percentage Impervious 2% CGIA / NCEEP Land Use Classification, 2.03.01, 2.99.01, 3.02 / Forest (69%) Agriculture (15%) Impervious Cover (2%) Stream Reach Summary Information Parameters HC-RI HC-R2 HC-R3 Length of Reach linear feet 1,347 1,384 546 Valley Classification Ros en VII VII VII Drainage Area acres 1,077 1,383 119 NCDWR Stream Identification Score 26.5 31 23 NCDWR Water Resources Classification Class C 7orphological Description Ros en stream e Incised E Incised E G/Incised Be Evolutionary Trend Incised Incised E4G4F Incised B 4 G 4 F Underlying Mapped Soils ChA ChA CrB Drainage Class Somewhat poorly drained Somewhat poorly drained Moderately well drained Soil Hydric Status H dric Hydric Non-Hydric Average Channel Slope ft/ft 0.0035 0.0024 0.0108 FEMA Classification Zone AE Zone AE Zone AE Native Vegetation Community Piedmont Small Stream Percent Composition of Exotic/Invasive Vegetation <5% <5% <5% Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable Resolved Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States — Section 404 Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) Waters of the United States — Section 401 Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) Endangered Species Act No N/A Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) Historic Preservation Act No N/A Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) No N/A lCategorical Exclusion (Appendix B) FEMA Flood lain Compliance Yes 1yes I Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A I Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) Table 4b. Project Attribute Information - UT4 (Pre -Construction; Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project Stream Mitigation Plan - DMS Project No. 95351 Project Information Project Name 1BrowD Creek Tributaries Restoration Project — UT4 7ounty lAnson Project Area acres 29.2 Project Coordinates latitude and longitude) 35.0477 N, -80.0274 W Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Piedmont River Basin Yadkin USGS Hydrologic Unit 8 -digit and 14 -digit 03040104 / 03040104061030 DWR Sub -basin 03-07-10 Project Drainaize Area acres 974 Project Drainage Area Percent Impervious <20 CGIA / NCEEP Land Use Classification, 2.03.01, 2.99.01, 3.02 / Forest 69% Agriculture 15% Impervious Cover <2% Stream Reach Summary Information Parameters UT4-R1 UT4-R2 UT4-R3 UT4-R4 UT4-R5 Length of Reach linear feet 1,417 1,627 242 1,716 1,564 Valley Classification Ros en VII VII VII VII VII Drainage Area acres 218 706 974 267 452 NCDWR Stream Identification Score 28.5 29 32 26 23.5 NCDWR Water Resources Classification Class C Morphological Description (Rosgen stream type) F/G Incised E G G Incised Be / C Evolutionary Trend Incised E 4 Gc 4 F Be 4 G 4 F Bc4G4F Incised E 4 G 4 F Incised E 4 G 4 F Underlying Mapped Soils ChA ChA ChA ChA, Mall ChA Drainage Class Somewhat poorly Somewhat poorly Somewhat poorly Somewhat poorly drained drained drained I drained Moderately well drained Soil Hydric Status Hydric Hydric Hydric Hydric H dric Average Channel Slope ft/ft 0.0077 0.0053 0.0009 0.0073 0.0038 FEMA Classification N/A Zone AE Zone AE Zone AE N/A Native Vegetation Community Piedmont Small Stream Percent Composition of Exotic/Invasive Vegetation <5% <5% <5% <5% <5% Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable Resolved Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States — Section 404 Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) Waters of the United States — Section 401 Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) Endangered Species Act No N/A Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) Historic Preservation Act No N/A Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) No N/A Cate orical Exclusion (Appendix B) FEMA Floodplain Compliance I Yes I Yes lCategorical Exclusion (Appendix B MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) The subject project site is an environmental restoration site of the NCDEQ Ecosystem Division of Mitigation Servies (DMS) and is encompassed by a recorded conservation easement, but is bordered by land under private ownership. Accessing the site may require traversing areas near or along the easement boundary and therefore access by the general public is not permitted. Access by authorized personnel of state and federal agencies or their designees/contractors involved in the development, oversight and stewardship of the restoration site is permitted within the terms and timeframes of their defined roles. Any intended site visitation or activity by any person outside of these previously sanctioned roles and activities requires prior coordination with DMS. B 0 Hurricane Creek Project Z Refuge 0 UT4 Project R'I Site Directions To access the site from Raleigh, take US Highway 1 south through Sanford, for approximately 40 miles. Take the exit ramp to US 15/501 South to Carthage and then take NC 24/NC 27 West from Carthage for approximately 33 miles before turning onto NC 'Wadesboro 109 South. Follow NC 109 South for 20 miles _filesviille and take the first right past Dennis Road. The 74 UT4 site is located just south of the farm access 03040201020020 road about one half mile from NC 109. The l Hurricane Creek site is located immediately Note: Site is located within targeted local south of Pleasant Grove Church Road approximately 1.5 miles west of the UT4 site. watershed 03040104061030 Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map � 52 � Project Brown Creek Tributaries 1� Location NCDEQ - 1 Division of Mitigation Services � 74 109 i Anson County I V1'EBNA"°Vl7NA L 0 0.5 1 2 Miles N Franklinville seur Ahbo DAVIDSON COUNTY RA OLPH Denton C d U N T Y ROWN COU NAT Y S\�rove ew London Badin I emarle Troy ^r ANLY MONTGOMERY CO NTY COUNTY _4, No od Mi Anso ville � 52 n Project Location Robbins MOORE COUNTY Ell rbe RI HMOND OUNTY Lilesville Wad 1 74 A N S O Roc gham COUNT \ Dob 'ns Heights Ha let =HAM COUTY Golds on 421 LEE COUNT Richland Creek Carth jCa 15 Pines ' ;luff ern Pines Foxfire Village Pin 15 SCOTLAND COUNtY HOKE COUNTY urinburg Gibson La ur x Michael Baker NCDEQ - Figure 3 Division of 0 2.5 5 10 Reference Stream N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L Mitigation Services Miles Location Map Brown Creek Tributaries Conservation Easement ' Cross -Section (Riffle) a. F - Cross -Section (Pool) Camera #1 h R Reach V Crest Gauge C Vegetation Plot As -Built Stream Centerline A Restoration Enhancement II #14 -Aa i '- • 0 #2 No Credit f_ $� #13 .� #15 „ Reach R3 >. . iYd i-- �` #3 Ir jL Rpm %4:W Reach R1 ��► , x. ks . ` k; Source: Esn�.®igitalGlabe, E- e. �larths111 eographicSrCNES/Air"bus2015 Aerial Photo 4' �P ,a DS, USDA, USG=, AES , Getma pinAer IN IG , swisstopo, and iIi N OO , NC- r Geographic Inf rmati nand Analysi , NC 911 Board - Figure 4a Michael Baker 0 250 500 As -Built Monitoring Feet Features Overview Map INTERNATIONAL Hurricane Creek Site :- N Conservation Easement Cross -Section (Riffle) Cross -Section (Pool) E- I Vegetation Plot Flow Gauge Crest Gauge r ' Camera As -Built Stream Centerline Restoration Enhancement I r Preservation Va� No Credit . y �' Reach R3 s #6 r f _ �yy, n #16 . .. a J! #9 #2 Reach R1 #12 13 # b' Reach R2 y #8 r ., #$410a 14 71 #9 Reach R5 Reach 9R4�� 7 #6 #15 2015 Aerial Photo 0 250 500 Feet I N T E R N AT 1 0 N A L Figure 4b As -Built Monitoring Features Overview Map UT4 Site APPENDIX B Morphological Summary Data (Tables 5 and 6), Profile and Cross -Section Graphs, and Pebble Count Sheets Table 5. Baseline Stream Summary Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 95351 Hurricane Creek (Reach 1) Length 2,043 ft Parameter USGS Regional Carve i Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data" a Design As -built Richland Creek (Moore County) Gauge a Dimension and Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mcan Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n BE Width (ft) ----- 14.8 14.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- 13.5 ----- ----- 16.2 ----- ----- 16.7 ----- ----- ----- 19.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 18.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- Floodprone Width (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 106.0 ----- ----- 50.0 ----- ----- 53.0 ----- ----- 4`.0 ----- ----- 79.0 ----- ----- ----- 71.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Mean Depth (ft) ----- 1.3 1.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.2 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.6 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Max Depth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.8 ----- ----- 1.4 ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- ----- 1.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Cross-sectional Area (ft) ----- 22.5 30.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- 30.0 ----- ----- 15.0 ----- ----- 15.5 ----- ----- ----- 28.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 30.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- Width/Depth Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 6.0 ----- ----- 18.0 ----- ----- 18.6 ----- ----- ----- 13.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 11.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- Entrenchment Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 7.9 ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- 3.3 ----- ----- ----- >2.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bank Height Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.7 ----- ----- 1.6 ----- ----- 1.7 ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- d50(mm) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.6 ----- ----- ----- 45.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 69 ----- ----- 140 ----- ----- ----- 93.0 ----- ----- ----- Radius of Curvature (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 14.3 ----- ----- 26.1 ----- ----- 39.0 ----- ----- 55.0 ----- ----- ----- 55.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Rc / Bankfull width (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.5 ----- ----- 5.7 ----- ----- 2.0 ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- ----- 2.9 ----- ----- ----- Meander Wavelength (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 90 ----- ----- 94 ----- ----- 130.0 ----- ----- 230.0 ----- ----- ----- 227.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Meander Width Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- 2.4 ----- ----- 3.5 ----- ----- 6.5 ----- ----- ----- 4.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- Profile RiffleLength (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 48.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Riffle Slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.013 ----- ----- 0.0413 ----- ----- ----- 0.0170 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0102 ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolLength (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool to Pool Spacing (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 37.3 ----- ----- 95.8 ----- ----- 50.0 ----- ----- 138.0 ----- ----- ----- 133.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool Max Depth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.3 ----- ----- 2.5 ----- ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolVolume (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- NIP ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Substrate and Transport Parameters Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S% ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- SC% / Sa% / G% / B% / Be% ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 ----- ----- ----- ---- 0.13 / 0.33 / 0.6 / 4.5 / 14.1 6.0 / NP,/ 45.0 / 125.0 / NP ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Reach Shear Stress (competency) lb/f ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull (Rosgen Curve) ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Stream Power (transport capacity) W/ml ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- 1.68 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.00 ----- --- ----- ----- ----- 1.68 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.68 ----- ----- Impervious cover estimate (%) ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Rosgen Classification ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- E ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C4 ----- --- ----- ----- ----- E5/C5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C5 ----- ----- BF Velocity (fps) ----- 2.9 3.9 ----- ---- ----- ----- 4.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P --- --- ----- 3.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Discharge (cfs) ----- 87.4 129.5 194.3 ---- ----- ----- 129.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P --- --- ----- 110 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ValleyLength ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1745.5 ----- ----- Channel length (ft)2 ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- 1896 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2043.0 ----- ----- Sinuosity----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- 1.07 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.20 --- --- ----- 1.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.2 ----- ----- Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- 0.0023 ----- ----- ----- 0.0136 ----- ----- --- --- ----- 0.0120 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0029 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- 0.0025 ----- ----- ----- 0.0133 ----- ----- --- --- ----- 0.0023 ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 0.0034 ----- ----- ----- ----- BankfullFloodplain Area (acres) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BEHI VL% / L% / M% / H% / VH% / E% ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Channel Stability or Habitat Metric ----- ----- ----- ---' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Biologicalor Other ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- I Existing conditions survey data was compiled for each reach of Hurricane Creek and U74 respectively z Bulk samples taken for pre-existing condition and pebble counts taken for as -built and annual monitoring 3 Reference reach data for Richland Creek in Moore County from the NC DOT reference reach database was used in the design 4 Values were chosen based on previous sand -bed reference reach data and past project evaluations MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) Table 5. Baseline Stream Summary Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 95351 Hurricane Creek (Reach 2) Length 1,394 ft USGS Reference Reach(es) Data3 Parameter Gauge Regional Curve Pre -Existing Condition ' a Design As -built g Richland Creek (Moore County) Dimension and Substrate -Rifik LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mcan Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n BE Width (ft) ----- 14.8 14.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- 16.0 ----- ----- 16.2 ----- ----- 16.7 ----- ----- ----- 20.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 22.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- Floodprone Width (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 162.0 ----- ----- 50.0 ----- ----- 53.0 ----- ----- 49.0 ----- ----- 85.0 ----- ----- ----- 69.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Mean Depth (ft) ----- 1.3 1.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.2 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- ----- 1.6 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Max Depth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.5 ----- ----- 1.4 ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- ----- 2.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Cross-sectional Area (ftp) ----- 22.5 30.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- 34.6 ----- ----- 15.0 ----- ----- 15.5 ----- ----- ----- 31.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 31.6 ----- ----- ----- ----- Width/Depth Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 7.4 ----- ----- 18.0 ----- ----- 18.6 ----- ----- ----- 13.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 16.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- Entrenchment Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 10.1 ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- 3.3 ----- ----- ----- >2.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bank Height Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.3 ----- ----- 1.6 ----- ----- 1.7 ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- d50(mm) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.3 ----- ----- ----- 45.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 74 ----- ----- 150 ----- ----- ----- 100.0 ----- ----- ----- Radius of Curvature (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 14.3 ----- ----- 26.1 ----- ----- 40.0 ----- ----- 60.0 ----- ----- ----- 55.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Rc / Bankfull width (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.5 ----- ----- 5.7 ----- ----- 2.0 ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- ----- 2.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- Meander Wavelength (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 90 ----- ----- 94 ----- ----- 140.0 ----- ----- 250.0 ----- ----- ----- 230.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Meander Width Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- 2.4 ----- ----- 3.5 ----- ----- 6.5 ----- ----- ----- 4.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- Profile RiffleLength (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 54.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Riffle Slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.013 ----- ----- 0.0413 ----- ----- ----- 0.0170 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0080 ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolLength (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool to Pool Spacing (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 37.3 ----- ----- 95.8 ----- ----- 85.0 ----- ----- 149.0 ----- ----- ----- 149.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolMax Deft () ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.3 ----- ----- 2.5 ---- ----- ----- 3.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolVolume (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- NIP ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Substrate and Transport Parameters Ri% / Ru% / P% / G% / S% ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- SC% / Sa% / G% / B% / Be% ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 ----- ----- ----- ---- 0.11 / 0.23 / 0.3 / 1.4 / 4.0 6.0 / NP,/ 45.0 / 125.0 / NP ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 13.6 / 37.6 / 46.2 / 86.0 / 127.6 Reach Shear Stress (competency) lb/f ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull (Rosgen Curve) ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Stream Power (transport capacity) W/ml ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- 2.16 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.00 ----- --- ----- ----- ----- 2.16 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.16 ----- ----- Impervious cover estimate (%) ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Rosgen Classification ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- E ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C4 ----- --- ----- ----- ----- E5/C5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C5 ----- ----- BF Velocity (fps) ----- 2.9 3.9 ----- ---- ----- ----- 4.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P --- --- ----- 4.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Discharge (cfs) ----- 87.4 129.5 194.3 ---- ----- ----- 155.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P --- --- ----- 130 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ValleyLength ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1159.0 ----- ----- Channel length (ft)' ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- 1288 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1393.0 ----- ----- Sinuosity----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- 1.07 --- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.20 --- --- 1.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.2 ----- ----- Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0023 ----- ----- ----- 0.0136 ----- ----- --- --- ----- 0.0120 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0029 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- 0.0025 ----- ----- ----- 0.0133 ----- ---- --- --- ---- 0.0023 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0034 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----' --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BEHI VL% / L% / M% / H% / VH% / E% ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Channel Stability or Habitat Metric ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Biologicalor Other ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- I Existing conditions survey data was compiled for each reach of Hurricane Creek and U74 respectively z Bulk samples taken for pre-existing condition and pebble counts taken for as -built and annual monitoring 3 Reference reach data for Richland Creek in Moore County from the NC DOT reference reach database was used in the design 4 Values were chosen based on previous sand -bed reference reach data and past project evaluations MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) Table 5. Baseline Stream Summary Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95351 Hurricane Creek (Reach 3) Length 564 ft USGS Reference Reach(es) Data3 Parameter Gauge Regional Carve Pre -Existing Condition Design As -built g Richland Creek (Moore County) Dimension and Substrate -Rifflc LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mcan Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n BE W3 O ----- 16.6 16.6 ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.7 ----- ----- 16.2 ----- ----- 16.7 ----- ----- ----- 9.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- Floodprone Width (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 9.1 ----- ----- 50.0 ----- ----- 53.0 ----- ----- 21.0 ----- ----- 36.0 ----- ----- ----- 10.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Mean Depth (ft) ----- 1.4 1.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- ----- 0.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Max Depth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.2 ----- ----- 1.4 ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Cross-sectional Area (ft) ----- 26.8 36.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.8 ----- ----- 15.0 ----- ----- 15.5 ----- ----- ----- 6.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.7 ----- ----- ----- ----- Width/Depth Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.6 ----- ----- 18.0 ----- ----- 18.6 ----- ----- ----- 12.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 7.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- Entrenchment Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.6 ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- 3.3 ----- ----- 1.8 ----- ----- 2.2 ----- ----- ----- 1.6 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bank Height Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.0 ----- ----- 1.6 ----- ----- 1.7 ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- d50(mm) ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 45.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Radiusof Curvature (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 14.3 ----- ----- 26.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Re/ Bankfull width (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.5 ----- ----- 5.7 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- MeanderWavelength (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 90 ----- ----- 94 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- MeanderWidth Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- 2.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Profile RiffleLength (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 79.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Riffle Slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.013 ----- ----- 0.0413 ----- ----- ----- 0.0050 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0046 ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolLength (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool to Pool Spacing (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 37.3 ----- ----- 95.8 ----- ----- 18.0 ----- ----- 50.0 ----- ----- ----- 80.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool Max Depth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.3 ----- ----- 2.5 ----- ----- ----- 2.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolVolume (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- NIP ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Substrate and Transport Parameters Now- T ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ---- - ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- SC% / Sa % / G% / 13% / Be% ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- z d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 ----- ----- ----- ---- (0.29/ 0.63 / 1.0/ 3.4 / 6.7) 6.0 / NP,/ 45.0 / 125.0 / NP ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Reach Shear Stress (competency) lb/f ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull (Rosgen Curve) ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Stream Power (transport capacity) W/ml ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- 0.19 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.00 ----- --- ----- ----- ----- 0.19 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.19 ----- ----- Impervious cover estimate (%) ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Rosgen Classification ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- E ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C4 ----- --- ----- ----- ----- 135c ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 135c ----- ----- BF Velocity (fps) ----- 3.0 4.4 ----- ---- - ----- 4.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P --- --- ----- 3.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Discharge (cfs) ----- 106.1 155.0 231.8 ---- - ----- 26.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P --- --- ----- 22 ----- ----- ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ValleyLength ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 559.0 ----- ----- Channel length (ft)2 ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- 579 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 564.0 ----- ----- Sinuosity---- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- 1.02 -- ----- ----- ----- 1.20 --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.01 ----- ----- Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0078 ----- ----- ----- 0.0136 ----- ----- --- --- ----- 0.0160 ----- ----- ----- -- ----- 0.0047 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- 0.008 ----- ----- ----- 0.0133 ----- ---- --- --- ----- 0.0025 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0047 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----' --- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BEHI VL% / L% / M% / H% / VH % / E% ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- -- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Channel Stability or Habitat Metric ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Biologicalor Other -----I ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- I Existing conditions survey data was compiled for each reach of Hurricane Creek and U74 respectively z Bulk samples taken for pre-existing condition and pebble counts taken for as -built and annual monitoring 3 Reference reach data for Richland Creek in Moore County from the NC DOT reference reach database was used in the design 4 Values were chosen based on previous sand -bed reference reach data and past project evaluations MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) Table 5. Baseline Stream Summary (continued' Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95351 UT4 (Reach 1) Length 1,376 ft Parameter USGS Regional CurNc Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data3 Design' As -built Richland Creek (Moore County) Gauge Dimension and Substrate -RifflE LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SO n Min Mean Med Max SO n Min Mean Med Max SD n BE Width (ft) ----- 7.1 7.5 ----- 8.6 ----- ----- 11.7 ----- ----- 16.2 ----- ----- 16.7 ----- ----- ----- 11.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 14.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Floodprone Width (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- 12.7 ----- ----- 15.6 ----- ----- 50.0 ----- ----- 53.0 ----- ----- 16.0 ----- ----- 46.0 ----- ----- ----- 89.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Mean Depth (ft) ----- 0.9 1.1 ----- 0.9 ----- ----- 1.3 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Max Depth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.2 ----- ----- 1.9 ----- ----- 1.4 ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- ----- 1.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Cross-sectional Area (ft) ----- 7.4 10.3 ----- 10.5 ----- ----- 11.3 ----- ----- 15.0 ----- ----- 15.5 ----- ----- ----- 10.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 14.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- Width/Depth Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- 6.5 ----- ----- 13.2 ----- ----- 18.0 ----- ----- 18.6 ----- ----- ----- 13 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 13.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- Entrenchment Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.3 ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- 3.3 ----- ----- ----- >2.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 6.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bank Height Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.1 ----- ----- 2.4 ----- ----- 1.6 ----- ----- 1.7 ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- d50(mm) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- 45.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 40.0 ----- ----- 80.0 ----- ----- ----- 60.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Radius of Curvature (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 14.3 ----- ----- 26.1 ----- ----- 23.0 ----- ----- 34.0 ----- ----- ----- 40.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Re / Bankfull width (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.5 ----- ----- 5.7 ----- ----- 2.0 ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- ----- 2.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- Meander Wavelength (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 90 ----- ----- 94 ----- ----- 70.0 ----- ----- 90.0 ----- ----- ----- 146.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Meander Width Ratio ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- 2.4 ----- ----- 3.5 ----- ----- 7.0 ----- ----- ----- 4.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- Profile RiffleLength (ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 37.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- Riffle Slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.013 ----- ----- 0.0413 ----- ----- ----- 0.0078 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0153 ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolLength (ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- NIP ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool to Pool Spacing (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 37.3 ----- ----- 95.8 ----- ----- 39 ----- ----- 80 ----- ----- ----- 78.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool Max Depth (ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.3 ----- ----- 2.5 ----- ----- ----- 2.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolVolume (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Substrate and Transport Parameters �01 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- SC% / Sa% / G% / B% / Be% ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- z d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.06 / 0.34 / 2.12 / 36.6 / 101.8 (R2) 6.0 / NP,/ 45.0 / 125.0 / NP ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- Reach Shear Stress (competency) lb/f ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull (Rosgen Curve) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ---- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Stream Power (transport capacity) W/m� ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Additional Reach Parameters yr 9 ----- ----- ----- 1.00 ----- --- Drainage Area (SM) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.34 ----- ----- --- ----- ----- 0.34 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.34 ----- ----- Impervious cover estimate (%) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Rosgen Classification ----- ----- ----- ----- G ----- ----- F ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C4 ----- ----- --- ----- ----- C5/B5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C5 ----- ----- BF Velocity (fps) ----- 2.4 3.9 ----- 3.6 ----- ----- 3.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- --- 3.7 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Discharge (cfs) ----- 25.2 40.9 63.0 ----- ----- ----- 41.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- --- 37 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ValleyLength ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 784 ----- ----- Channel length (ft)' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1,417 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 858 ----- ----- Sinuosity ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.15 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.20 ----- --- ----- 1.11 ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.09 ----- ----- Water Surface Slope (Channel) (Wft) ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0058 ----- ----- 0.0136 ----- ----- ----- --- ---- 0.0058 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0101 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0067 ----- ----- ----- 0.0133 ----- ----- ----- --- --- 0.0067 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0113 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BEHI VLo/ / L% / M% / 11% / VH % / E% ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- - ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Channel Stability or Habitat Metric ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -'-- ----- ----- ----- ---- --- ----- ----- --- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Biologicalor Other -----I ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- I Existing conditions survey data was compiled for each reach of Hurricane Creek and UT4 respectively z Bulk samples taken for pre-existing condition and pebble counts taken for as -built and annual monitoring 3 Reference reach data for Richland Creek in Moore County from the NC DOT reference reach database was used in the design 4 Values were chosen based on previous sand -bed reference reach data and past project evaluations MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) Table 5. Baseline Stream Summary (continued' Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95351 UT4 (Reach 2) Length 1,828 ft Parameter USGS Regional Curve Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data3 Design' As -built Richland Creek (Moore County) Gauge Dimension and Substrate -Rifflt LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SO n Min Mean Mod Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n BF Width (ft) ----- 12.2 12.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- 13.8 ----- ----- 16.2 ----- ----- 16.7 ----- ----- ----- 16.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 15.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- Floodprone Width (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 36.6 ----- ----- 50.0 ----- ----- 53.0 ----- ----- 38.0 ----- ----- 66.0 ----- ----- ----- 95.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Mean Depth (ft) ----- 1.6 1.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.7 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- ----- 1.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Max Depth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.5 ----- ----- 1.4 ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- ----- 1.6 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.7 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Cross-sectional Area (ft2) ----- 16.7 22.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- 23.8 ----- ----- 15.0 ----- ----- 15.5 ----- ----- ----- 21.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 19.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Width/Depth Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 8.0 ----- ----- 18.0 ----- ----- 18.6 ----- ----- ----- 13 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 13.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- Entrenchment Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.7 ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- 3.3 ----- ----- ----- >2.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 6.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bank Height Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- 1.6 ----- ----- 1.7 ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- d50(mm) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 45.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 60.0 ----- ----- 100.0 ----- ----- ----- 75.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Radius of Curvature (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 14.3 ----- ----- 26.1 ----- ----- 33.0 ----- ----- 50.0 ----- ----- ----- 46.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- Rc / Bankfull width (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.5 ----- ----- 5.7 ----- ----- 2.0 ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- ----- 2.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- Meander Wavelength (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 90 ----- ----- 94 ----- ----- 115.0 ----- ----- 180.0 ----- ----- ----- 173.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Meander Width Ratio ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- 2.4 ----- ----- 3.5 ----- ----- 6.0 ----- ----- ----- 10.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- Profile RiffleLength (ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 51.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Riffle Slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.013 ----- ----- 0.0413 ----- ----- ----- 0.0040 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0043 ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolLength (ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- NIP ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool to Pool Spacing (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 37.3 ----- ----- 95.8 ----- ----- 32 ----- ----- 65 ----- ----- ----- 105.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool Max Depth (ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.3 ----- ----- 2.5 ----- ----- ----- 1.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolVolume (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Substrate and Transport Parameters ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- SC% / Sa% / G% / B% / Be% ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- 2 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.06 / 0.34 / 2.12 / 36.6 / 101.8 (R2) 6.0 / NP,/ 45.0 / 125.0 / NP ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- Reach Shear Stress (competency) lb/f ----- ----- ---- --- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull (Rosgen Curve) ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Stream Power (transport capacity) W/m� ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Additional Reach Parameters ----- ----- ----- 1.00 ----- ----- Drainage Area (SM) ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 1.10 ----- ----- --- ----- ----- 1.10 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.10 ----- ----- Impervious cover estimate (%) ----- ----- ----- ---- --- ----- ----- ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Rosgen Classification ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- F ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C4 ----- -- -- ----- ----- C5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C5 ----- ----- BF Velocity (fps) ----- 2.6 4.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- --- 3.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Discharge (cfs) ----- 62.8 95.6 144.3 ----- ----- ----- 95.6 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- --- 80.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ValleyLength ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1590.34 ----- ----- Channel length (ft)2 ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 1,673 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1827 ----- ----- Sinuosity ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- 1.15 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.20 ----- --- ----- 1.19 ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.15 ----- ----- Water Surface Slope (Channel) (Wft) ---- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- 0.0058 ----- ----- 0.0136 ----- ----- ----- --- ---- 0.0034 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0034 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- 0.0067 ----- ----- ----- 0.0133 ----- ----- ----- --- --- 0.0063 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0039 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BEHI VLo/ / L% / M% / 11% / VH % / E% ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Channel Stability or Habitat Metric ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- --- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Biologicalor Other ----- ----- ----- ----- I ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- I Existing conditions survey data was compiled for each reach of Hurricane Creek and U74 respectively z Bulk samples taken for pre-existing condition and pebble counts taken for as -built and annual monitoring 3 Reference reach data for Richland Creek in Moore County from the NC DOT reference reach database was used in the design 4 Values were chosen based on previous sand -bed reference reach data and past project evaluations MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) Table 5. Baseline Stream Summary (continued' Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95351 UT4 (Reach 3) Length 250 It Parameter USGS Regional Curve Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data3 Design' As-builts Richland Creek (Moore County) Gauge Dimension and Substrate -RifflE LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SO n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n BE Width (ft) ----- 14.1 14.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- 13.1 ----- ----- 16.2 ----- ----- 16.7 ----- ----- ----- 19.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 15.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- Floodprone Width (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 18.3 ----- ----- 50.0 ----- ----- 53.0 ----- ----- 44.0 ----- ----- 76.0 ----- ----- ----- 21.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Mean Depth (ft) ----- 1.3 1.7 ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.2 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- ----- 1.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Max Depth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.2 ----- ----- 1.4 ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- ----- 1.7 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Cross-sectional Area (ft) ----- 21.0 28.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- 28.7 ----- ----- 15.0 ----- ----- 15.5 ----- ----- ----- 28.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 36.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- Width/Depth Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 6.0 ----- ----- 18.0 ----- ----- 18.6 ----- ----- ----- 13 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 6.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- Entrenchment Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.4 ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- 3.3 ----- ----- 1.8 ----- ----- 2.2 ----- ----- ----- 1.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bank Height Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.3 ----- ----- 1.6 ----- ----- 1.7 ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.7 ----- ----- ----- ----- d50(mm) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.48 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 45.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Pattern ChannelBeltwidth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Radius of Curvature (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 14.3 ----- ----- 26.1 ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Re / Bankfull width (ft/ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.5 ----- ----- 5.7 ----- ----- 2.0 ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Meander Wavelength (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 90 ----- ----- 94 ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Meander Width Ratio ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- 2.4 ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Profile RiffleLength(ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 20.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Riffle Slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.013 ----- ----- 0.0413 ----- ----- ----- 0.0130 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0153 ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolLength (ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- NIP ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool to Pool Spacing (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 37.3 ----- ----- 95.8 ----- ----- 4� ----- ----- 80 ----- ----- ----- 50.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool Max Depth (ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.3 ----- ----- 2.5 ----- ----- ----- 3.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolVolume (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Substrate and Transport Parameters ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- SC% / Sa% / G% / B% / Be% ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- 2 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.06 / 0.15 / 0.48 / 10.3 / 130.2 6.0 / NP,/ 45.0 / 125.0 / NP ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- Reach Shear Stress (competency) lb/f ----- ----- ---- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull (Rosgen Curve) ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Stream Power (transport capacity) W/m� ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Additional Reach Parameters ----- ----- ----- 1.00 ----- ----- Drainage Area (SM) ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 1.52 ----- ----- --- ----- ----- 1.52 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.52 ----- ----- Impervious cover estimate (%) ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Rosgen Classification ----- ----- ----- --- ---- ----- ----- G ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C4 ----- --- --- ----- ----- 135c ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- G5c ----- ----- BF Velocity (fps) ----- 2.8 4.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- --- 3.7 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Discharge (cfs) ----- 80.7 120.5 181.1 ----- ----- ----- 120.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- --- 103.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ValleyLength ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 237 ----- ----- Channel length (ft)' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 244 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 250 ----- ----- Sinuosity ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- 1.15 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.20 ----- --- ----- N/A ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.05 ----- ----- Water Surface Slope (Channel) (fUft) ---- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- 0.0058 ----- ----- 0.0136 ----- ----- ----- --- ---- 0.0078 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0056 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- 0.0067 ----- ----- ----- 0.0133 ----- ----- ----- --- --- 0.0080 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0058 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BEHI VLo/ / L% / M% / H% / VH % / E% ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Channel Stability or Habitat Metric ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ---- --- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Biologicalor Other ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- I Existing conditions survey data was compiled for each reach of Hurricane Creek and UT4 respectively z Bulk samples taken for pre-existing condition and pebble counts taken for as -built and annual monitoring 3 Reference reach data for Richland Creek in Moore County from the NC DOT reference reach database was used in the design " Values were chosen based on previous sand -bed reference reach data and on past project evaluations s Ultimately, a Rosgen "G" stream type was maintained for this reach due to its stable location with mature trees eastablished along its banks MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) Table 5. Baseline Stream Summary (continued' Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95351 UT4 (Reach 4) Length 1,840 It Parameter USGS Regional Curve Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data" Design' As -built Richland Creek (Moore County) Gauge Dimension and Substrate - Fifth LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SO n Min Mean Mod Max SD 6 n Min Mean Med Max SD n BF Width (ft) ----- 7.8 8.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- 7.7 ----- ----- 16.2 ----- ----- 16.7 ----- ----- ----- 12.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 11.6 ----- ----- ----- ----- F oo prone Width () ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 10.9 ----- ----- 50.0 ----- ----- 53.0 ----- ----- 28.0 ----- ----- 48.0 ----- ----- ----- 75.9 ---------- ----- ----- BF Mean Depth (ft) ----- 0.9 1.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.6 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Max Depth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.1 ----- ----- 1.4 ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- ----- 1.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Cross-sectional Area (ft2) ----- 8.5 11.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- 12 ----- ----- 15.0 ----- ----- 15.5 ----- ----- ----- 11.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 9.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- Width/Depth Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.0 ----- ----- 18.0 ----- ----- 18.6 ----- ----- ----- 13 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 14.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- Entrenchment Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.1 ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- 3.3 ----- ----- ----- >2.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 6.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bank Height Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.1 ----- ----- 1.6 ----- ----- 1.7 ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- d50(mm) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.50 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 45.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.3 ----- ----- ----- Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 40 ----- ----- 70 ----- ----- ----- 55.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Radius of Curvature (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 14.3 ----- ----- 26.1 ----- ----- 24.0 ----- ----- 36.0 ----- ----- ----- 48.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- Re / Bankfull width (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5.5 ----- ----- 5.7 ----- ----- 2.0 ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- ----- 4.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- Meander Wavelength (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 90 ----- ----- 94 ----- ----- 84.0 ----- ----- 140.0 ----- ----- ----- 150.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Meander Width Ratio ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- 2.4 ----- ----- 7.0 ----- ----- 12.0 ----- ----- ----- 13.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Profile RiffleLength (ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Riffle Slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.013 ----- ----- 0.0413 ----- ----- ----- 0.0100 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolLength (ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- NIP ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool to Pool Spacing (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 37.3 ----- ----- 95.8 ----- ----- 42 ----- ----- 82 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool Max Depth (ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.3 ----- ----- 2.5 ----- ----- ----- 2.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolVolume (ft") ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Substrate and Transport Parameters ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- SC% / Sa% / G% / B% / Be% ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- 2 dl / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.13 / 0.43 / 1.5 / 14.2 / 22.6 6.0 / NP,/ 45.0 / 125.0 / NP ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 11.1 / 23.8 / 36.6 / 60.1 / 126.3 Reach Shear Stress (competency) lb/f ----- ----- ---- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull (Rosgen Curve) ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ---- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Stream Power (transport capacity) W/m� ----- ----- ---- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Additional Reach Parameters ----- ----- ----- 0.42 ----- ----- Drainage Area (SM) ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 1.00 ----- ----- --- ----- ----- 0.42 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.42 ----- ----- Impervious cover estimate (%) ----- ----- ----- ---- --- ---- ----- ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Rosgen Classification ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- G ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C4 ----- -- -- ----- ----- C5B5c ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C5 ----- ----- BF Velocity (fps) ----- 2.5 3.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- 3.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- --- 3.6 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Discharge (cfs) ----- 29.5 47.3 73.4 ----- ----- ----- 47.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- --- 40.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ValleyLength ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1657 ----- ----- Channellength (ft)2 ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 1,787 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1840 ----- ----- Sinuosity----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- 1.15 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.20 ----- --- ----- 1.12 ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.11 ----- ----- Water Surface Slope (Channel) (fUft) ---- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- 0.0058 ----- ----- 0.0136 ----- ----- ----- --- ---- 0.0063 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0054 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- 0.0067 ----- ----- ----- 0.0133 ----- ----- ----- --- --- 0.0069 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0062 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BEHI VLo/ / L% / M% / H% / VH % / E% ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Channel Stability or Habitat Metric ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- --- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Biologicalor Other ----- I ----- ----- ----- I ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- I Existing conditions survey data was compiled for each reach of Hurricane Creek and U74 respectively z Bulk samples taken for pre-existing condition and pebble counts taken for as -built and annual monitoring " Reference reach data for Richland Creek in Moore County from the NC DOT reference reach database was used in the design 4 Values were chosen based on previous sand -bed reference reach data and past project evaluations MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) Table 5. Baseline Stream Summary (continued' Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95351 UT4 (Reach 5) Length 1,973 It Parameter USGS Regional Curve Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data" Design' As -built Richland Creek (Moore County) Gauge Dimension and Substrate - Rif h: LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SO n Min Mean Med Max SO n Min Mean Mod Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n BF Width (ft) ----- 9.9 10.2 ----- 16.8 ----- ----- 23.5 ----- ----- 16.2 ----- ----- 16.7 ----- ----- ----- 111.9 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 16.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- Floodprone Width (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- 33.6 ----- ----- 94.3 ----- ----- 50.0 ----- ----- 53.0 ----- ----- 32.0 ----- ----- 55.0 ----- ----- ----- 69.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Mean Depth (ft) ----- 1.0 1.3 ----- 0.7 ----- ----- 0.7 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- 0.9 ----- ----- ----- 1.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Max Depth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.3 ----- ----- 2.4 ----- ----- 1.4 ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.7 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Cross-sectional Area (ft) ----- 12.3 16.9 ----- 11.2 ----- ----- 15.4 ----- ----- 15.0 ----- ----- 15.5 ----- ----- ----- 16.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 28.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- Width/Depth Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- 25.2 ----- ----- 36.0 ----- ----- 18.0 ----- ----- 18.6 ----- ----- ----- 12 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 9.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- Entrenchment Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.0 ----- ----- 4.0 ----- ----- 3.0 ----- ----- 3.3 ----- ----- ----- >2.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bank Height Ratio ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- 1.7 ----- ----- 1.6 ----- ----- 1.7 ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- d50(mm) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.30 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 45.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Pattern ChannelBeltwidth (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Radius of Curvature (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 14.3 ----- ----- 26.1 ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- N/A ----- N/A ----- ----- ----- ---- Meander Wavelength (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 90 ----- ----- 94 ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Meander Width Ratio ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.5 ----- ----- 2.4 ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- N/A ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Profile RiffleLength (ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 46.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Riffle Slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.013 ----- ----- 0.0413 ----- ----- ----- 0.0050 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0086 ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolLength (ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- NIP ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool to Pool Spacing (ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 37.3 ----- ----- 95.8 ----- ----- 50 ----- ----- 90 ----- ----- ----- 101.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- Pool Max Depth (ft) ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.3 ----- ----- 2.5 ----- ----- ----- 2.4 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- PoolVolume (ft") ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Substrate and Transport Parameters ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- SC% / Sa% / G% / B% / Be% ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- 2 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.30 / 0.70 / 1.3 / 5.5 / 8.4 6.0 / NP,/ 45.0 / 125.0 / NP ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- Reach Shear Stress (competency) lb/f ----- ----- ---- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull (Rosgen Curve) ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Stream Power (transport capacity) W/m� ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Additional Reach Parameters ----- ----- ----- 1.00 ----- ----- Drainage Area (SM) ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 0.71 ----- ----- --- ----- ----- 0.71 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.71 ----- ----- Impervious cover estimate (%) ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- - ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Rosgen Classification ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- E/Be ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C4 ----- -- -- ----- ----- C5/E5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- E5 ----- ----- BF Velocity (fps) ----- 2.9 4.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- --- 3.8 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BF Discharge (cfs) ----- 44.4 69.2 106.1 ----- ----- ----- 69.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- N/P ----- ----- --- 60.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ValleyLength ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1838 ----- ----- Channel length (ft)' ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- 1,921 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1916 ----- ----- Sinuosity----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- L08 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.20 ----- --- ----- N/A ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.04 ----- ----- Water Surface Slope (Channel) (Wft) ---- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- 0.0033 ----- ----- 0.0136 ----- ----- ----- --- ----- 0.0033 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0053 ----- ----- ----- ----- BF slope (ft/ft) ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- 0.003; --- ----- ----- 0.0133 ----- ----- ----- --- ----- 0.0035 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0061 ----- ----- ----- ----- Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres) ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BEHI VLo/ / L% / M% / 11% / VH % / E% ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Channel Stability or Habitat Metric ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Biologicalor Other ----- I ----- ----- ----- I ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- I Existing conditions survey data was compiled for each reach of Hurricane Creek and U74 respectively z Bulk samples taken for pre-existing condition and pebble counts taken for as -built and annual monitoring " Reference reach data for Richland Creek in Moore County from the NC DOT reference reach database was used in the design 4 Values were chosen based on previous sand -bed reference reach data and past project evaluations MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95351) Table 6. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Pr ect: DMS Project ID No. 95351 Stream Reach UT4 Reach 1 (1,376 LF) Cross-section X-1 (Riffle) Cross-section X-2 (Pool) Cross-section X-3 (Riffle) BE Width (ft) 14.93 15.43 13.95 BE Mean Depth (ft) 1.02 0.87 1.01 Width/Depth Ratio 14.58 17.74 13.83 BF Cross-sectional Area (W) 15.3 13.42 14.07 Width of Floodprone Area (ft) 58,95 46.7 89.23 Entrenchment Ratio 3.9 3.03 6.39 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 17.0 17.2 16.0 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.9 0.8 0.9 BE Width (ft) BE Mean Depth (ft) Width/Depth Ratio BE Cross-sectional Area (fi:2) BE Max Depth (ft) Width of Floodprone Area (ft) Entrenchment Ratio Bank H i ht Rano Wetted Perrmeter (ft) Hydraulic Radius (ft) Stream Reach UT4 Reach 2 (1,828 LF) UT4 Reach 3 (250 LF) Cross-section X-4 (Riffle) Cross-section X-5 (Pool) Cross-section X-6 (Riffle) BE Width (ft) 15.94 22.4 15.35 Width/Depth Ratio 13.3 16.1 6.4 BE Cross-sectional Area (ft2) 19.0 31.16 36.8 Width of Floodprone Area (ft) 95.2 74.63 20.98 Entrenchment Ratio 6.0 3.33 1.4 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1 1.7 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 18.3 25.2 20.2 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.0 L2 1.8 BE Width (ft) BE Mean Depth (ft) Width/Depth Ratio BE Cross-sectional Area (fi:2) BE Max Depth (ft) Width of Floodprone Area (ft) Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Wetted Perimeter (ft) Hydraulic Radius (ft) MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95729) Table 6. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 95351 Stream Reach UT4 Reach 5 (1,973 LF) UT4 Reach 4 (1,840 LF) Cross-section X-7 (Riffle) Cross-section X-8 (Riffle) Cross-section X-9 (Riffle) Cross-section X-10 (Pool) Dimension and substrate Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS MY"- Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY - Based on fixed baseline bankfufl elevation BF Width (ft) 15.35 16.99 11.58 25.93 BF Mean Depth (ft) 1.56 1.93 0.82 0.96 Width/Depth Ratio 9.8 8.8 14.1 27.1 BF Cross-sectional Area (ft') 23.9 32.8 9.5 24.8 BF Max Depth (ft) 2.33 3.15 1.14 2.09 Width of Floodprone Area (ft) 67.5 71.2 75.9 80.9 Entrenchment Ratio 4.4 4.2 6.5 3.1 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 18.5 20.9 13.2 27.9 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.3 1.6 0.7 0.9 Based on current/developingcurrent/developing bankfufl feature BF Width (ft) BF Mean Depth (ft) Width/Depth Ratio BF Cross-sectional Area (ftp) BF Max Depth (ft) Width of Floodprone Area (ft) Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Wetted Perimeter (ft) Hydraulic Radius (ft) Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft) d50 (mm) Stream Reach Hurricane Creek Reach 1 (2,043 LF) Hurricane Creek Reach 2 (1,394 LF) Cross-section X-11 (Riffle) Cross-section X-12 (Pool) Cross-section X-13 (Pool) Cross-section X-14 (Riffle) Dimension and substrate Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Nly Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation BF Width (ft) 18.92 34.27 29.02 22.54 BF Mean Depth (ft) 1.61 1.84 1.77 1.40 Width/Depth Ratio 11.8 18.6 16.4 16.1 BF Cross-sectional Area (ft2) 30.4 63.1 51.5 31.6 BF Max Depth (ft) 2.47 4.09 2.92 2.26 Width of Floodprone Area (ft) 71.2 80.1 80.0 68.8 Entrenchment Ratio 3.8 2.3 2.8 3.1 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 22.1 38.0 32.6 25.3 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.4 1.7 1.6 1.2 Based on current/developing current/developingbankfufl feature BF Width (ft) BF Mean Depth (ft) Width/Depth Ratio BF Cross-sectional Area (ft2) BF Max Depth (ft) Width of Floodprone Area (ft) Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Wetted Perimeter (ft) Hydraulic Radius (ft) Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft') d50 (mm) MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95729) Table 6. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 95351 Stream Reach Hurricane Creek Reach 3 (564 LF) Cross-section X-15 (Riffle) BF Width (ft) 5.86 BF Mean Depth (ft) 0.81 Width/Depth Ratio 7.3 BF Cross-sectional Area (W) 4.7 BF Max Depth (ft) 1.28 Width of Floodprone Area (ft) 10.0 Entrenchment Ratio 1.6 Bank Height Ratio 2.3 Wetted perimeter (fi) 7.5 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.6 BF Width (ft) BF Mean Depth (ft) Width/Depth Ratio BF Cross-sectional Area (fi:2) BF Max Depth (ft) NMI= Width of Floodprone Area (ft) Entrenchment Ratio Hydraulic Radius (ft) MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 95729) Brown Creek Tributaries Hurricane Creek - Reach 1 and Reach 2 Station 10+00 to 44+75 220 219 218 1- - - 217 - ----------- 216 215 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 214 213 - - - - - -WON- - - - - - - - - - - - - 212 ........ ...... g 211 -- ---- -- > 210 w 209 - 208 - - 207 206 - - - ---- -- --- --- _ � —As-Built Thalweg 205 .. .._...... .... _...... ........... _............. ........... _... ........... ........... _... ........... 204 -o--Left Top of Bank 203 202 Right Top of Bank 201 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Station Brown Creek Tributaries Hurricane Creek - Reach 3 Station 10+00 to 15+92 217 216 215 214 c 0 w > 213 m ED 212 211 —4—As-Built Thalweg (Left Top of Bank 210 Right Top of Bank 209 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 Station Brown Creek Tributaries - UT4 Reach 1 Station 9+95 to 18+95 224 223 - - - - AAs-Built Thalweg 222 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -6--Left Top of Bank 221 _ —.._. ....._ _ _ ___...._ ..—_..—_..—_.... ....... ..... Right Top of Bank 220 -- -- - -- - - ----- - 219 0 218 - - 217 - m W 216--------- - - - _ _ 215.............................................................................................. ___.... ..... 214 - 213 - 212 211 210 990 1090 1190 1290 1390 1490 1590 1690 1790 1890 Station Brown Creek Tributaries - UT4 Reach 2 Station 19+75 to 38+20 218 217 tAs-Built Thaweg 216 -M-Left Top of Bank 215 - - - (Right Top of Bank 214 .... .................. . 213 ...... .. .... ............ ............ ................ .................. ..... ._....... ..... _.... _.._._..... _..... c212 0 m 211 - > m W 210 209 - - 208 - 207 206 205 - 204 1975 2075 2175 2275 2375 2475 2575 2675 2775 2875 2975 3075 3175 3275 3375 3475 3575 3675 3775 Station Brown Creek Tributaries - UT4 Reach 3 Station 28+92 to 31+42 212 210 ___m4 -- ----------------------------------------------------- 208 ----------- --- -------- c ;0 AAs -Built Thalweg m 206 y --w- Left Top of Bank W Right Top of Bank 204 202 --- --------- ----200 200 2890 2940 2990 3040 3090 Station Brown Creek Tributaries - UT4 Reach 4 Station 10+00 to 20+50 219 218 _ _._ -._. _.._. _.._. _._. _._. _._ AAs -Built Thalweg 217 Right Top of Bank 216 -_ - 215.... ..... ... _....... .......... _............ .......... _............ .......... .... .......... ... . _ 1 Left Top of Bank 214- 213 ........... 212 - - - - o 211 -- ..._ _.. _.. _. . w > 210 - - w 209 ---------- -- - - 208 207 -- 206 - 205 - 204 203 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 Station Brown Creek Tributaries - UT4 Reach R5 Station 10+00 to 30+21 228 226 ---_ —4---As-Built Thalweg f Left Top of Bank 224 — -- - — Right Top of Bank 222 ----------- -- --------- ----- ---------------- --- ----------- ------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------- --------- 220 — — 0 218 — ----- ftA -- —------------------------------------ -- — -- W216 _...... ---- ---- --------------- -------- 214 - --- -- -- ------- -- ----- ----------- ---- 212 212 _ _.._. __------------------------- ------------------------------ 210 208 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Station Permanent Cross-section 1 (As -built Data - Collected July 2015) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 15.3 14.93 1.02 1.81 14.58 1 3.9 223.41 223.42 Brown Creek Tributaries UT4 Reach 1, Cross-section 1 227 226 r 225 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------o c 0 224 m LU------------------- 223 �— As -built 222 - o--- Bankfull ---0-- Floodprone 221 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Station (ft) Permanent Cross-section 2 (As -built Data - Collected July 2015) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool - 13.4 15.43 0.87 2.16 17.74 1 3 219.62 219.63 Brown Creek Tributaries UT4 Reach 1, Cross-section 2 223 222 -----------------------------------------------------------------o ;. 221 0 R 220 -------------------w 219 —�— As -built 218 --o--- Bankfull ---0 - Floodprone 217 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Station (ft) Permanent Cross-section 3 (As -Built Data - Collected July 2015) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 14.1 13.95 1.01 1.81 13.83 1 6.4 219.05 219.05 Brown Creek Tributaries UT4 Reach 1, Cross-section 3 222 221 a ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;. 220 W O 219 ------------------ My�� w U 218 —+— As -built 217 --0-- Bankfull ---0-- Floodprone 216 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Station (ft) Permanent Cross-section 4 (As -Built Data - Collected July 2015) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 19 15.94 1.19 1.72 13.34 1 6 212.02 212.03 Brown Creek Tributaries UT4 Reach 2, Cross-section 4 216 215 214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o $ 213 c 0 co 212 ----------------- > _m U' 211 210 As -built --o-- Bankfull 209 --o-- Floodprone 208 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Station (ft) Permanent Cross-section 5 (As -built Data - Collected July 2015) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool - 31.2 22.4 1.39 3.39 16.1 1 3.3 211.62 211.63 216 215 214 $ 213 c 0 ca 212 _m U' 211 210 209 208 Brown Creek Tributaries UT4 Reach 2, Cross-section 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o --�—As-built o- Bankfull --o--- Floodprone 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Station (ft) Permanent Cross-section 6 (As -built Data - Collected August 2015) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle Gc 36.8 15.35 2.4 3.19 6.4 1.7 1.4 205.59 207.68 Brown Creek Tributaries UT4 Reach 3, Cross-section 6 215 213 211 0 209 R 207 LU 205 ------------------- �— As -built 203 ---e - Bankfull --o--- Floodprone 201 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Station (ft) Permanent Cross-section 7 (As -built Data - Collected August 2015) Looking at the Left Bank R Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle E 23.93 15.35 1.56 2.33 9.8 1 4.4 220.03 220.04 Brown Creek Tributaries UT4 Reach 5, Cross-section 7 224 - 223 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 222 $ 221 c 0 m 220 ---------------------- ----------------------- U' w 219 218 As -built 217 --o-- Bankfull --o-- Floodprone 216 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 Station (ft) Permanent Cross-section 8 (As -built Data - Collected August 2015) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle E 32.82 16.99 1.93 3.15 8.8 1 4.2 216.87 216.88 Brown Creek Tributaries UT4 Reach 5, Cross-section 8 221 220 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o 219 218 c 0 M 217 > m ------------------------- UJ 216 215 —+— As -built 214 --o - Bankfull --o - Floodprone 213 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 Station (ft) Permanent Cross-section 9 (As -built Data - Collected August 2015) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 9.5 J 1.58 0.82 1.14 14.05 1 6.5 213 213.01 Brown Creek Tributaries UT4 Reach 4, Cross-section 9 216 215 r214 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o c 213 --------------- m w 212 �— As -built 211 0 - Bankfull -- o - Floodprone 210 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Station (ft) Permanent Cross-section 10 (As -built Data - Collected July 2015) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool - 24.8 25.93 1 0.96 2.09 27.12 1 3.1 212.23 212.24 Brown Creek Tributaries UT4 Reach 4, Cross-section 10 215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o 214 r 213 c 0 m 212 LU 211 As -built 210 - o - Bankfull - o - Floodprone 209 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Station (ft) Permanent Cross-section 11 (As -built Data - Collected July 2015) Looking at the Right Bank Stream TS Of 5:77TIC=. -_ Max BKF x Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D 1 BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Looking at the Left Bank C Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D 1 BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 30.4 18.92 1.61 2.47 11.77 1 3.8 216.13 216.14 Brown Creek Tributaries Hurricane Creek Reach 1, Cross-section 11 221 220 219 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o 218 r 217 M 216 ---------------------- - w 215 214 213 —AAs -built - o-- Bankfull 212 - o--- Floodprone 211 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Station (ft) Permanent Cross-section 12 (As -built Data - Collected July 2015) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool 63.1 34.27 1.84 4.09 18.6 1 2.3 216.18 216.18 Brown Creek Tributaries Hurricane Creek Reach 1, Cross-section 12 221 220 219 218 Y 217 216 4 - - --------------------------------------- w 215 214 —+— As -built 213 o - Bankfull 212 ---e--- Floodprone 211 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Station (ft) Permanent Cross-section 13 (As -built Data - Collected July 2015) t nA Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth 1 Looking at the Left Bank BH Ratio Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth 1 W/D 1 BH Ratio ER BKF Elev 1 TOB Elev Pool 51.5 29.02 1 1.77 2.92 16.36 1 2.8 211.76 211.76 Brown Creek Tributaries Hurricane Creek Reach 2, Cross-section 13 215 ----------------o 214 213 c 212 -------------------------------------- Y as 211 LU 210 As -built 209 -- Bankfull - o - Floodprone 208 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Station (ft) Permanent Cross-section 14 (As -built Data - Collected July 2015) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 31.6 22.54 1.4 2.26 16.08 1 3.1 211.71 211.72 Brown Creek Tributaries Hurricane Creek Reach 2, Cross-section 14 215 214 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o 213 c 212 ....___.,------ ..___..------ .0 M as 211 LU 210 As -built 209 -- Bankfull - o - Floodprone 208 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Station (ft) Permanent Cross-section 15 (As -built Data - Collected July 2015) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle Bc 4.74 5.86 0.81 1.28 7.3 2.3 1.6 212.16 213.78 Brown Creek Tributaries Hurricane Creek Reach 3, Cross-section 15 218 217 216 215 c 214 ------------- w 213 212 As -built 211 ---e - Bankfull ---e - Floodprone 210 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 Station (ft) Pebble Count; As -built Survey Brown Creek Tribs Mitigation Project, DMS# 95351 SITE OR PROJECT: REACH/LOCATION FEATURE: DATE: Brown Creek Tribs Reach R2 (Station 3 Rock Riffle 2 -Jul -15 Creek MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Total AB 2015 Class % % Cum Distribution Plot Size (mm) Silt/Clay Silt / Clay <.063 5 4% 4% 0.063 Sand Very Fine .063 -.125 4% 0.125 Fine .125 - .25 4% 0.25 Medium .25 -.50 6 5% 9% 0.50 Coarse .50 - 1.0 9% 1.0 Very Coarse 1.0-2.0 9% 2.0 Very Fine 2.0-2.8 L 50% 9% 2.8 Very Fine 2.8-4.0 9% 4.0 Gravel Fine 4.0-5.6 1 1 % 10% 5.6 Fine 5.6-8.0 3 2% 12% 8.0 Medium 8.0 - 11.0 12% 11.0 Medium 11.0 - 16.0 8 7% 19% 16.0 Coarse 16-22.6 2 2% 20% 22.6 Coarse 22.6-32 3 2% 23% 32 Very Coarse 32-45 31 25% 48% 45 Very Coarse 45-64 27 22% 70% 64 Small 64-90 19 16% 86% 90 Small 90-128 11 9% 95% 128 Cobble Large 128-180 4 3% 98% 180 Large 180-256 98% 256 Boulder Small 256-362 2 2% 100% 362 Small 362-512 100% 512 Medium 512- 1024 100% 1024 Large -Very Large 1024-2048 100% 2048 Bedrock Bedrock > 2048 100% 5000 Total % of whole count 1 122 100% Largest particle= 256 Summary Data Channel materials D16 = 13.6 D84 = 86.0 D35 = 37.6 D95 = 127.6 D50 = 46.2 D100 = 1 256 - 362 Brown Creek Tribs (Hurricane Creek) Reach R2 Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 100% 90% SAB 2015 80% 70% 60% m i 50% CD a 40% c`o 30% E 20% U 10% 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) Brown Creek Tribs (Hurricane Creek) Reach R2 Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 100% 90% ■ AB 2015 80% 70% 60% C W L 50% d N 40% 30% V 20% 10% 0% Particle Size Class (mm) Pebble Count; As -built Survey Brown Creek Tribs Mitigation Project, DMS# 95351 SITE OR PROJECT: REACH/LOCATION FEATURE: DATE: Brown Creek Tribs (UT Reach R4b (Station 19+ Rock Riffle 2 -Jul -15 MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Total AB 2015 Class % % Cum Distribution Plot Size (mm) Silt/Clay Silt / Clay <.063 6 6% 6% 0.063 Sand Very Fine .063 -.125 6% 0.125 Fine .125 - .25 6% 0.25 Medium .25 -.50 4 4% 10% 0.50 Coarse .50 - 1.0 10% 1.0 Very Coarse 1.0-2.0 10% 2.0 Very Fine 2.0-2.8 10% 2.8 Very Fine 2.8-4.0 10% 4.0 Gravel Fine 4.0-5.6 10% 5.6 Fine 5.6-8.0 10% 8.0 Medium 8.0 - 11.0 2 2% 13% 11.0 Medium 11.0 - 16.0 2 2% 15% 16.0 Coarse 16-22.6 4 4% 19% 22.6 Coarse 22.6-32 9 9% 28% 32 Very Coarse 32-45 5 5% 33% 45 30% Very Coarse 45-64 3 3% 36% 64 Small 64-90 11 11% 48% 90 Small 90-128 17 18% 66% 128 Cobble Large 128-180 25 26% 92% 180 Large 180-256 8 8% 100% 256 Boulder Small 256-362 100% 362 Small 362-512 100% 512 Medium 512- 1024 100% 1024 Large -Very Large 1024-2048 100% 2048 Bedrock Bedrock > 2048 100% 5000 Total % of whole count 96 100% Largest particle= 256 Summary Data Channel materials D16 = 11.1 D84 = 60.1 D35 = 23.8 D95 = 126.3 D50 = 36.6 D100 = 180-2561 Brown Creek Tribs (UT4) Reach R4b Pebble Count Particle Size Distribution 100% 90% SAB 2015 80% 70% 60% d i 50% d a y 40% 0 30% E 20% U 10% 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) Brown Creek Tribs (UT4) Reach R4b Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 100% 90% ■ AB 2015 80% 70% i 60% a 50% rn rn 40% V 30% 20% 10% 0% Particle Size Class (mm) APPENDIX C Vegetation Summary Data (Tables 7 and 8) Table 7. Vegetation Species Planted Across the Restoration Site Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 95351 Botanical NameCommon Name % Planted by Species Total Number of Stems Riparian Buffer Plantings Betula nigra river birch 9.0 1775 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash 9.0 1775 Liriodendron tulipfera tulip poplar 6.0 1183 Nyssa sylvatica black gum 6.0 1183 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore 9.0 1775 Quercus alba white oak 6.0 1183 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak 9.0 1775 Quercus phellos willow oak 6.0 1183 Riparian Buffer Plantings - Understory Alnus serrulata ironwood 5.0 986 Asimina triloba paw paw 5.0 986 Carpinus caroliniana ironwood 5.0 986 Diospyros virginiana persimmon 5.0 986 Hamamelis virginiana witch hazel 5.0 986 Itea virginica Virginia sweetspire 5.0 986 Lindera benzoin spicebush 5.0 986 Viburnum dentatum arrowwood viburnum 5.0 986 Riparian Live Stake Plantings Cornus amomum silky dogwood 10% NA Salix nigra black willow 10% NA Salix sericea silky willow 40% NA Sambucus canadensis elderberry 40% NA MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROJECT (DMS PROJECT NO. 9535 1) Table S. Stem Count for Each Species Arranged by Plot Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project: DMS Project ID No. 95351 Botanical Name Common Name Hurricane CreekVe etation Plots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UT4 Ve etation Plots 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Tree Species Betula nigra river birch 8 6 1 3 2 6 3 10 5 5 5 2 1 5 2 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash 3 5 6 1 4 7 2 5 3 3 2 1 3 4 Liriodendron tuli Jera tulip poplar I 1 1 1 1 Nyssa sylvadca black gum 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 4 2 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 4 4 3 6 3 1 1 Quercus alba white oak 1 2 2 1 3 2 4 1 2 2 2 1 1 Quercus michauxii chestnut oak 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1,wamp Quercus nigra water oak 1 Quercus phellos 1willow oak I I I I 1 3 2 2 1 2 4 Shrub Species Alnus serrulata ironwood 2 1 2 1 Asimina triloba paw paw 1 I 1 Car inns carohniona ironwood 1 3 3 2 1 1 Cornus ammonium silkly dogwod 1 Diospyros virginiana persimmon 4 2 3 1 1 2 Hamamelis virginiana witch hazel 2 3 Itea virginicaVirginia sweets ire 1 Lindera benzoin spicebush 11 1 1 Viburnum dentatum I arrowwood viburnum I 1 1 4 3 2 2 1 3 2 Stems/plot 16 17 15 23 19 20 l8 17 20 22 18 19 15 20 20 20 Stems/acre 648 688 607 931 769 809 728 688 1 809 890 728 769 1 607 1 809 809 809 Average Stems/ Acre for Year 0 As -Built (Baseline Data) 756 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT BROWN CREEK TRIBUTARIES RESTORATION PROSECT (DMS PROSECT NO. 95351) APPENDIX D As -Built Plan Sheets/Record Drawings W W U okk 00 U O C Pen flea 1 Refuge J Rnfugo� j 1' .,n f 41 ilx,-iY1 VICINITY MAP USACE ID: SAW -2012-01108 NCDWR # 14-0345 PCN APPROVED ON: 08122/14 REAC NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICES ANSON COUNTY LOCATION: APPROX. 4 MILES SOUTHEAST OF THE TOWN OF ANSONVILLE. TYPE OF WORK: A5 -BUILT SURVEY / RECORD DRAWINGS GRAPHIC SCALE INDEX OF SHEFTS I. TTFLP SHEiT -A STREAM CONVENTK3NAL SYMBOLS PM6jE T ENGINEER GENERAL NOTES 1394 FEET STANDARD SPKMCATIONS AS—BUILT HC REACH 3 LENGTH = VEL'ETAT70N SELECTION 1-8 - NC1L7T CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS 2 - 2-E..... DETAILS 3-31, � ASrBUILT SURVEY PLAN 4 - 41..... RE•CURD DRAWING PIM' 5.9 AS-BUILVRECORD DRAWING PROFILE USACE ID: SAW -2012-01108 NCDWR # 14-0345 PCN APPROVED ON: 08122/14 REAC NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICES ANSON COUNTY LOCATION: APPROX. 4 MILES SOUTHEAST OF THE TOWN OF ANSONVILLE. TYPE OF WORK: A5 -BUILT SURVEY / RECORD DRAWINGS GRAPHIC SCALE DESIGN .SUMMARY ell 'UN INTERN AT 10 N A Lu`.�ry..F.l u AS—BUILT HC REACH 1 LENGTH = 2043 FEET PM6jE T ENGINEER AS—BUILT HC REACH 2 LENGTH = 1394 FEET LETTINC, DATE, AS—BUILT HC REACH 3 LENGTH = 564 FEET AS -BUILT UT4 - REACH 1A LENGTH = 518 FEET zo 110 o 20 ao AS -BUILT UT4 - REACH 113 LENGTH = 858 FEET j AS --BUILT UT4 - REACH 2 LENGTH e 1828 FEET PLANS AS -BUILT UT4 - REACH 3 LENGTH = 250 FEET AS -BUILT UT4 - REACH 4A LENGTH = 396 FEET AS -BUILT UT4 - REACH 4B LENGTH = 1444 FEET AS -BUILT UT4 - REACH 5A LENGTH = 391 FEET AS -BUILT UT4 - REACH 5B LENGTH = 1582 FEET PREPARED FOR THE OFFICE OF: NCDEQ DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICES 1652 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1652 CONTACT. _HA_RRY TSOMIDES PROJECT ANNAGER PPx Rn[RN FRMNCT RRPRRB.Ne Na I--,tv Y1L'L'T1 Na�11� %wim -- PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: Mich,bso rPanEnp4an% yIne. Ffd] pmcy Bulli W6 c,�. rwRm cwaalru»rre ell 'UN INTERN AT 10 N A Lu`.�ry..F.l u JACOB M. BYERS, PE PM6jE T ENGINEER SEPTEMBER 2014 SCOTT KING, LSS, PWS LETTINC, DATE, PROJECT MANAGER - gr64pFxssrq��,gy.,f SEAL - LJ 175 NCDMS ID NO. 95351' PROJECT ENGINEER g SEAL _ 034241 _ STREAM CONVENTIONAL SYIMBOILS 5t"17l^IRCEDES SHEET I -B 00 ROCK J -HOOK TF ROCK VANE Cwt OUTLET PROTECTION —cam— ROCK CROSS VANE ---------- DOUBLE DROP ROCK CROSS VANE _ _ Fraxmus arts Neruea TEMPORARY SILT CHECK am r ROOT WAD 1,775 LOG J -HOOK LOG VANE U010 LOG WEIR TF LOG CROSS VANE V CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE —cam— BOULDER CLUSTER ---------- EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR _ _ Fraxmus arts Neruea LOG ROLLER am r LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 1,775 FOOT BRIDGE L F::' TEMPORARY GRADE CONTROL. LOG JAM FACW PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING 4 LOG STEP POOL -1 SAFETY FENCE TF TAPE FENCE FP 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN —cam— CONSERVATION EASEMENT ---------- EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR _ _ Fraxmus arts Neruea EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR 9% LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 1,775 FOOT BRIDGE L F::' TEMPORARY TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING FACW PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING LLOW=fu�_ TRANSPLANTED VEGETATION %I TREE REMOVAL "NOTE: ALL ITEMS ABOVE MAY NOT BE USED ON THIS PROJECT The following table lists the bare root vegetation selection for the project site. Total planting area is approximately 29 acres and will vary based on areas denuded during construction. Species shall be planted at density of 880 stems per acre and a minlmum of 50 feel from the stream banks to the revegetalion limits.. Exact placement of species will be determined prior to site planting and based an apparent walness of planting locations and per etre vegetation specialist Refer to the Revegetabon Plan Sheets 8 Construction Specifications for vegetation planting locations and riparian buffer fMa el![± ntG Rt arian13ufer-Treas iWxWs cf TREE PROTECTION MARCH 2009 (REV 2013) DITCH PLUG TREE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION CHANNEL FILL 1,7 BRUSH MATTRESS Wrttland Tolerance GEOLIFT "NOTE: ALL ITEMS ABOVE MAY NOT BE USED ON THIS PROJECT The following table lists the bare root vegetation selection for the project site. Total planting area is approximately 29 acres and will vary based on areas denuded during construction. Species shall be planted at density of 880 stems per acre and a minlmum of 50 feel from the stream banks to the revegetalion limits.. Exact placement of species will be determined prior to site planting and based an apparent walness of planting locations and per etre vegetation specialist Refer to the Revegetabon Plan Sheets 8 Construction Specifications for vegetation planting locations and riparian buffer fMa el![± ntG Rt arian13ufer-Treas iWxWs cf -681)eta mslacre MARCH 2009 (REV 2013) 6.05 TREE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION SclentffPc Name Common Name %Planted By Species Wrttland Tolerance Approx. Number of Stones _ _ Fraxmus arts Neruea Green Ash 9% FACW 1,775 Bafula n' River Birch 9% FACW 1,775 LLOW=fu�_ Tutip Poplar 6% FAC 1,163 Quercus phofts Willow Oak 6% FACW- 1,183 Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut oak 9% _ FACW- 1,T75 N ssa s lvaFce Black Gum 6% FAC 1.183 _ _ Riatenus occidenra&s American 5 amore _ 9% FACW- 1.775 Quercus alba While Oak 6% FACU 1 1.183 7"psacum dac L falces Sub -total 60% 0.75 11,832 Riparian Buffer . Understo (9'x8' spacing - 680 stemalacre Indian rass 1D% D.75 Scientific Name Comincin Name Total 10016 1.6.4 D—Pyros Virg— Persimmon 5% FAC 9166 Amus samdefa Tag aider 5% FACW 986 [mdera benzoin S - ebush 5% FACW 986 Fiamameks vorgfnrana Witch hazel 5% FAC- 986 Murnum derrfolum Prrowwood Viburnum 5% FAC 986 lies vir inuca Virginia sweets pire 5% FACW+ 986 Ca rtes carofrmana American Hornbeam 5% FAC 986 Asimma iritaba Paw 5% FAC 985 Sub -total 40% 7,889 i otal tsare-roors Ia,rzu -GENERAL HT1,0'T' [�, ) 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO INSTALL INSTREAM STRUCTURES USING A TRACK HOE WITH A HYDRAULIC THUMB OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO PLACE BOULDERS (3'x Z x 2'), LOGS AND ROOTWADS. 2. WORK IS BEING PERFORMED AS AN ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PLAN. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD MAKE ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS TO REDUCE SEDIMENT LOSS AND MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE OF THE SITE WHILE PERFORMING THE CONSTRUCTION WORK. 3. CONSTRUCTION IS SCHEDULED TO BEGIN SUMMER 2014. 4. CONTRACTOR SHOULD CALL NORTH CAROLINA "ONE -CALL" BEFORE EXCAVATION STARTS. (1-500-1632-4949) S. ENGINEER WILL FLAG SIGNIFICANT TREES TO BE SAVED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 6. ALL GRADING ACTIVITIES SHALL TAKE PLACE WITHIN THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT OR LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. NORTH CAROLINA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL Common Name MARCH 2009 (REV 2013) 6.05 TREE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION 6.06 TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 6.24 RIPARIAN AREA SEEDING 6.60 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP 6.62 TEMPORARY SILT FENCE 6.63 TEMPORARY ROCK DAM 6.70 TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING :\`110N SELECTION Permanent herbaceous seed mixtures for the project site shall be planted throughout the tloWplain and riparian buffer r3nrm — .— —.1 M inn.-- }omnry colo — — in th. --i— --j— Scientific Name Common Name % Planted fi S atlas Total lbs per Acre Watland Tolerance Andr n arardri Bi blue stem 10% 1.50 FAC D+chanlhelium ciandeslinum Deer TOCRUe 15% 1.50 FACW Carex crinala Fri ed sed 10% _ 2.25 FACW+ Chasmanthium iatoUjum River oats 5% 1.50 FACU Elymus vi i•us W6Z will rye 15% 1.50 FAC Juncus efYusus Soft rush 5% 2-25 FACW+ Panicum vi alum ISwitchgrass 1 10% 1 1.50 I FAC+ Pal um pens&Micurn Pennsylvania Smartweed 5% 0.75 FACW Schaaclt i rum scapanum Little blue stem 10% 0.75 MU 7"psacum dac L falces Easter ams rass 5% 0.75 FAC+ sor0mirum nulans Indian rass 1D% D.75 FACU Total 10016 1.6.4 Lave staking will be applied to all restored streambanks foplrning the details, in this plan set and according to the construction specrficafigns. Scientific Name Common Name % Planted By species Wedand Tolerance Campus amomum Silky D20ood 1D% FACW+ Mix ni ra Black willow 1D% OBL Salix soncoa Sit Willow 40% OBL Sambucus canadensis Elderberry $096 FACW- The following table lists temporary seed mix for the project site. All disturbed areas wrlf be stabilized using mulch and temporary seed as defined in the construction specifications Planting dates Species Name Rate ilhslacrej Seplember to March Annual Rye Grain (Cool Season) 130 April to August Browntop Mllet (Warr Season) 40 'S.U.E = SUBSURFACE UTILITY ENGINEER BOUNDARITS AND PROPERTY - State Line - County Line - Township Line - - City Line Reservation Line Property Line Existing Iron Pin Property Corner Property Monument Parcel/Sequence Number 23 Existing Fence Line Proposed Woven Wire Fence Proposed Chain Link Fence Proposed Barbed Wire Fence Existing Wetland Boundary Proposed Wetland Boundary Existing Endangered Animal Boundory Existing Endangered Plant Boundary BUILDINGS AND OTHER CULTURE Gas Pump Vent or WG Tank Cap Sign Well Small Mine Foundation 1' ' ' css rxA,vsrrrrrAYMN Area Outline urEroDsr js Switch Cemetery RR Abandoned Building RR Dismantled illw School m Church Dom - HYDROLOGY - Stream or Body of Water - Hydro, Pool or Reservoir - - Jurisdictional Stream is Buffer Zone 1 - sz Buffer Zone 2 c: Flow Arrow Disappearing Stream - Spring - Wetlnnd Proposed Lateral, Tail, Head Ditch= -=r False Sump - <> STATE OF NORTH'[ CAROLINA, '[NISI[ 1 [ -'.[ (-'rHWA ` S CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS RAILROADS.• Standard Gouge 1' ' ' css rxA,vsrrrrrAYMN RR Signai Milepost urEroDsr js Switch SO H RR Abandoned - - - - RR Dismantled illw RIGHT OF WA Y.- m Baseline Control Point Existing Right of Way Marker _. Existing Right of Way Line - - - Proposed Right of Way Line - - AATUR Proposed Right of Way Line with E.0.1. Iron Pin and Cap Marker Proposed Right of Way Line with rn Concrete or Granite MarkerJ` Existing Control of Access Proposed Control of Access — Existing Easement Line - - ---- - Proposed Temporary Construction Easement- € Proposed Temporary Drainage Easement TD€ Proposed Permanent Drainage Easement -- POE Proposed Permanent Utility Easement - Puy Proposed Temporary Utility Easement Tu€ Proposed Permanent Eosement with - - - - Iron Pin and Cap Marker ROADS AND REL,4TED FEATURES: Existing Edge of Pavement Recorded U•'G Fiber Optics Cable Existing Curb ----- Proposed Slope Stakes Cut - - - C - - - Proposed Slope Stakes Fill - - - Proposed Wheel Chair Ramp '• Existing Metal Guardrail Proposed Guardrail T r T r Existing Cable Guiderail n n Proposed Cable Guiderail n n n n Equality Symbol Pavement Removal VEGETATION. - Single Tree 4a� Single Shrub - a Hedge Woods Line Orchard 0 0 0 4 Vineyard EXISTING STRUCTURES: MAJOR: Bridge, Tunnel or Box Culvert - 0 Bridge Wing Wall, Head Wall and End Wall MINOR: Head and End Wall—`� Pipe Culvert Footbridge - - >----------C Drainage Box: Catch Basin, DI or IB Paved Ditch Gutter Storm Sewer Manhole Storm Sewer UTILITIES: POWER: Existing Power Pole • Proposed Power Pale [� Existing Joint Use Pole illw Proposed Joint Use Pole m Power Manhole - Power Line Tower Power Transformer F1 U/G Power Cable Hand Hole AATUR H -Frame Pole E.0.1. Recorded U/G Power Line Designated U/G Power Line (S.U.E.') ----"---- TELEPHONE: Existing Telephone Pale Proposed Telephone Pole -0- Telephone Manhole U Telephone Booth 0 Telephone Pedestal Telephone Cell Tower U'G Telephone Cable Hand Hole' Recorded WG Telephone Cable - Designated WG Telephone Cable (S.U.E,`)- --- - - - - Recorded U/G Telephone Conduit Designated UVG Telephone Conduit (S.U.E.')----'�-- - Recorded U•'G Fiber Optics Cable Designated U/G UG Fiber Optics Cable (S.U.E.`) WATER: Water Manhole - Water Meter -- Water Valve Water Hydrant - Recorded LUG Water Line Designated L/G Water Line (S.U.E.') - - -^-- - Above Ground Water Line TV: TV Satellite Dish TV Pedestal TV Tower i UG TV Coble Hand Hole 0 Recorded LUG TV Cable Designated WG TV Coble (S.U.E.') --TM-- Recorded UG Fiber Optic Cable - "^- Designated UG Fiber Optic Cable (S.U.E.') GAS: Gas Valve - (5 Gas Meter - Recorded U✓G Gas Line - Designoted UG Gas Line (S. U.E.'j- - ---- Above Ground Gas Line A/G G - SANITARY SEWER: Sanitary Sewer Manhole is Sanitary Sewer Cleanout (+ U/G Sanitary Sewer Line ss Above Ground Sanitary Sewer AIG S.,PtWy so -or Recorded SS Forced Main Line u Designated SS Forced Main Line (S.U. E.`) MISCELLANEOUS: Utility Pole Utility Pole with Base — p Utility Located Object - - - G Utility Traffic Signal Box —IM Utility Unknown LUG Line m U'G Tank; Water, Gas, Oil AIG Tank; Water, Gas, Oil WG Test Hole (S.U.E.`) m Abandoned According to Utility Records -- AATUR End of Information E.0.1. ROOT WADS ROOT WADS WTHOUT TRANSPLANTS USE IF TRANSPLANTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ON-SITE - COIR FIBER MATTING �O ISEE SPECIFICATIONS AND SHEET ESC -51 ty FLOOD PLAIN - - BERM (0.5 -MAX, HT.) BERM(S) TOP OF BANK \, NOT TO EXTEND BEYOND \ LIMITS OF ROOT WADS. \ i )r � _BANKFULL STAGE IS THE STS THICKNESS IS BELOW STREAM BED 10kA5 FEET LONG THALWEG s10'01AMETER CROSS SECTION VIEW COVER LOG - (6'-W DIA) j ROOT WADS WITH TRANSPLANTS i USE IF TRANSPLANTS ARE AVAILABLE ON-SITE rF TRANSPLANTS ISEE SHEET 2-D) _TRANSPLANTS NOT TO FLOOD PLAIN EXTEND BEYOND TRUNK TOP OF BANK -, OF ROOT WADS �fAR*Iliil.�:. 2�1 R 113 THE TRUNK THICKNESS 'IS BELOW STREAM BED 1 0-1 5 FEET LONG CROSS SECTION VIEW >10" DIAMETER ---- COVER LOG (6'- &' DLA.) - YAW DM - ?r 'Y RIFFLE I----- K12 D#Wx S� POOL N 1. DURING CONSTRUCTION CORNERS OF DESIGN CHANNEL VNLL BE ROUNDED AND A THALWEG WILL BE SHAPED PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER 2. POOLS SHOWN ABOVE ARE LEFT POOLS ONLY. PLAN VIEW ER LOG [6- - 9- DIA.) WAD NOT 1 INSTALLATION USING THE TRENCHING METHOD REQUIRES THAT A TRENCH BE EXCAVATED FOR THE LOG PORTION OF THE ROOT WAD - ONE -THIRD OF THE ROOT WAD SHOULD REMAIN BELOW NORMAL BASE FLOW CONOMONS OR CHANNEL BOTTOM. 2, THE NUMBER OF ROOTWADS ESTIMATED MAY VARY DEPENDING ON THE ROOTMASS SIZE. IN GENERAL. ROOTWADS SHOULD PROTECT THE OUTER MEANDER BEND AS SHOWN. SEE PLANS FOR APPROXIMATE STATION AND LOCATION. 3. INSTALL COVER LOGS BETWEEN ROOTWADS TO PROVIDE HABITAT ONLY WHEN AVAILABLE FROM ONSITE HARVESTING, TYPICAL STRUCTURE PLACEMENT 41QIV!9N9jU 1. GENERALLY LOG WEIRS, ROOT WADS, LOG VANES AND COIR FIBER MATTING WILL BE INSTALLED IN THE LOCATION AND SEQUENCE AS SHOWN 2. ADDITIONAL STRUCTURES OR CHANGES TO STRUCTURE LOCATIONS MAY BE MADE BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER DURING CONSTRUCTION. ROOT WADS COVER LOGS - GRADE CONTROL LOG J -HOOK VANE (SEE SHEET 2-D) 1 ,lP•-' r 1 I NOTES", 1. COIR FIBER MATTING TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL RESTORED MEAMBANKS EXCEPT ON POINT BARS. 2. IF ROOT WADS DO NOT COVER ENTIRE SLOPE ON OUTSIDE OF MEANDER BENDS, COIR FIBER MATTING IS NEEDED. 3, ROOT WADS SHALL BE ANGLED APPROXIMATELY 90' TOWARDS THE STREAMBANK CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE JSEF SHEET 2-D) TOP OF BANK TO IP QF TERRACE 4?' I-IIARIES NAkI VARIES� h "_ T ti Ar OJiJaz Z� RIFFLE WITH BANKFULL BENCH TOP OF TERRACE �VARIES Woks +VARIESit / 'a D=MOrt POOL WITH BANKFULL BENCH MAT BANKS WITH COIR FIBER MATTING HURRICANE CREEK UT4 REACH 1 REACH 2 REACH 3 REACH 1 REACH21 REACH3 POOL RIFFLE POOL RIFFLE POOL_ 16.0 16.5 240 15.8 21.0 REACH 4 REACH 5 RIFFLE POOL RIFFLE POOL RIFFLE POOL RIFFLE RIFFLE: POOL RIFFLE PC106 19.1 9S0 90.1 27.0 R.7 13-0 11A 120 16.9 13.8 VIM 1.9 3.0 1.9 9.2 1;D 2.0 1.1 2A 1.6 1.0 1.7 3.7 1.1 22 1.5 2.4 19.0 SSS 1. 13.1 120 12.1 13.0 11.2 13.0 118 14,0 13.3 110 11t 12tl 12.5 960A&.8 DIA 53.1 6,9 tA0 140 20.2 21.0 A2.& 260 55.1 T1.0 18.5 7&.0 I 25.9 11_a 6S 19A 62 5.3 1.D 7.7 1.6 193 4.5 13-0 S.0 T.4 1.7 8.0 3.6 LOG WEIR BAKER PROJECT" REFERENCE NO. I SHEET NO PROJECT ENGINEER i i � nears. - �: atk55ipy yrs i - n4' SEAL •,r ^ APPROVED 8Y 039201 d i "'•. �''NCIu�F �yaT � rG .6 rr aCauu DATE: MI h 1 ,ker €npleee.1. Inc _ BxG aq 11t. - r `w' e0. - • c� kOKTM ci�aoilrw:ta+e � B 9 .sage I N T E R N A T I D NAL,..... ., NCDMS ID NO. 95351 Wiry \\ Q W \ � u � f rr I GEOLIFT WITH BRUSH TOE -- (SEE SHEET 2-0) WIDTH OF EIANKFULL MW MAXIMUM DEPTH ID -M.) WDTH TO DEPTH RATIO W.M l D) EIANKFULL AREA TADO BOTTOM WIDTH (M) D4Au J, 31 STEP -POOL BAKER PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET Nes LIVE STAKING PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS !28975 1 2-,4 _ - - PROJECT ENGINEER VARIES VARIES i i aNrtf CAR r' i w�Zfo,4q - LIVE STAKES (TYP.) TOP OF STREAMBANK TOP OF -- ,� STREAMBANH TOP OF STREAMBANH SEAL % APPROVED BY U393D1 _________ ______. PLANTINGS •�•$✓q f';rGfNL?a'�•``'• �7 f�_ ..'. - TOEDF SLOPE ; PLANT STAKES FROM TOP OF BANK DATE I. TO TOE OF BANK IN A DIAMOND SHAPED STAGGERED PATTERN -- _ MlcnreI Boom P-ngfnnrin Inc, ---�___- BOTTOM OF CHANNEL .-TOP OF STREAMELANK i 7. nnoa'P�m woL_ isre� • ' uro: R1Y.14'mw i I N T In R N A T 10 N A LiF�,°.::`�'-, TOE OF SLOPE NCOMS ID NO. 95351 GROSS SECTION VIEW PLAN VIEW SOUARE CUT TOP — BOTTOM OF CHANNEL BUDS FACING UPWARD —� LIVE CUTTING — MIN. 112' DIA 7.3'LENGTH a-6' SPACINGI'll— CROSS SECTION VIEW OF BARE ROOT PLANTING - T T SPACING ANGLE CUT 30.45 DEGREES {�(NTILS; LIVE STAKE DETAIL 1, PLANT BARE ROOT SHRUBS AND TREES TO THE WIDTH OF THE BUFFE RIPLANTING ZONE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 2, ALLOW FOR &10 FEET BETV44EEN PLANTINGS, DEPENDING ON SIZE 3. LOOSEN COMPACTED SOIL -- NO LEVE STAKES 4. PLANT IN HOLES MADE BY A MATTOCK. DIBBLE, PLANTING BAR, OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS. 5, PLANT IN HOLES DEEP AND WOE ENOUGH TO ALLOW THE ROOTS ON POINT BAR MOTE'$; TO SPREAD OUT AND DOWN! WITHOUT i-ROCTING. S. KEEP ROOTS MOIST WHILE DISTRIBUTING OR WAITING TO PLANT I STAKES PRODUCED FROM ON-SITE SHOULD BE CUT AND INSTALLED ON THE SAME DAY, 7. FEEL µNpIANTSEN MOI&T SOIL.IILA OR RSSTRAW OT PROMPTLY 2. DD NOT EWSTALL STAKES THAT HAVE BEEN SPLIT. PLANTED UPON ARRIVAL TO PROJECT SITE - 1 STAKES MUST BE INSTALLED WITH BODS POINTI MG UPWARDS. - 4. STAKES SHOULD BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO BANK. 5, STAKES SHOULD BE 1F2 TO 2 INCHES IM DIAMETER AND 2 TO S FT LONG. PLAN VIEW B- STAKES SHOULD BE INSTALLED LEAVING US OF STAKE ABOVE GROUND. T. DO NOT LIVE STAKE POINT BARS ALONG MEANDER BENDS, NOTES: TRANSPLANTED VEGETATION TYPICAL PLAN VIEW AND PROFILE 1. EXCAVATE A HOLE IN THE BANK TO BE STABILIZED THAT WILL ACCOMMODATE THE SIZE OF TRANSPLANT TO BE PLACED. BEGIN EXCAVATION AT THE TOE OF THE BANK. POOL MAX DEPTH - - 2 EXCAVATE TRANSPLANT USING A FRONT END LOADER EXCAVATE THE ENTIRE ROOT MASS AND AS MUCH ADDITIONAL SOIL MATERIAL AS POSSIBLE, IF ENTIRE ROOT MASS CAN NOTE EXCAVATED IN ONE BUCKET LOAD, THE TRANSPLANT IS TOO LARGE AND ANOTHER. SHOULD BE SELECTED. 3 IN THE BANK TO BE STABILIZED SO THAT IENTATED —THALWEG ` HEAD OF FOOL— ✓' POOL R HEAD OF RIFFLE 4!f$'4 VEGETATION IS OORPLACE VERTICAL 4. FILL IN ANY HOLES AROUND THE TRANSPLANT AND COMPACT. S. ANY LOOSE SOIL LEFT IN THE STREAM SHOULD BE REMOVED, S. PLACE MULTIPLE TRANSPLANTS CLOSE TOGETHER SUCH THAT THEY TOUCH. TRANSPLANTED VEGETATION, ROOTMAS&. AND SOIL MATERIAL TOP OF STRF.AMBANK.. f 4°" BANKFULL l LIMITS —` CENTERLINE PLAN VIEW TRANSPLANTED VEGETATION, RDOTNIRS&. AMID SOIL MATERIAL TOE Of BANK --------------------- BOTTOM OF CHANNEL BANKFULL-- STAGE _L FLOW CROSS SECTION VIEWD-Max. HEk6 OF RIFFLE (POOL) RIFFLEI TRANSPLANTED VEGETATION AND ROOPMASS HEAD OF POOL-' ROS G' RFFp;F THALWEG ! __ + MAX DEPTH OF POOL HEAD OF RIFFLE e TOP OF BANK PROFILE VIEW TOE OF BANK I�yr7J 1. ----}_______ - -_- M1_!1€l� j ------------------ ----------------------- 1, HE POINTS SHOWN, e.g. HEAD OF RIFFLE, HEAD OF POOL AND MAX DEPTH 6F POOL HE TARE THE CONTROL POINTS USED TO CUT THE PROFILE; HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTOR _ SHOULD CREATE SMOOTH TRANSITIONS BETWEEN CONTROL POINTS AS SHOWN ABOVE 2. THE DOWNSTREAM HEAD OF RIFFLE ELEVATLON SHOULD NOT EXCEED THE HEAD OF POOL ELEVATION. PLANVIEW PLAN THE CHANGE IN SHOULD OCCUR 3 GRADUALLY OVERT E ENTIRE ALENGTH OF THE BEND. VIEW OMER PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO LOG WEIR LOG VANE 128975 1 2-B PROJECT ENGINEER r LOG BURIED AT LEAST r / BELOW STREAMBED ,t i Q41N CAAo[,ryy, I 1 i`. BACKFILL WITH ONSITE STREAM ALLUVIUM � afF:S57pk',>�'3_ � - $ ,,,rr�,,---yyy TOP OF S7REAM@ANK -- TRANSPLANTS OR UNE STAKES INVERT ELEVATION -. �TTOM �_ AM19DTH (IF AVAILABLE), OTHERWISE USE A WELL 4 >r GRADED MR OF CLASS A, CLASS @ R140 1057 STONE- SEAL I APPROVED 9Y 034401 e r ELEVATIONFLpyy i kEADERLOG—'�P9rf{ O iINVERT' STREAMBED \ A�. NDTH _ S E ��+LLTE. APPROX.aN0TH STR.ERIaIBED1.3 M CHANNEL WNIDTFI9ak•r eyim••51,EI. BACKFILL WITH ON-51TE ALLUVIUM IF AVAILABLE. kEADER LDG 1 4 W 1 OTHERWISE, USE A WVELL GRADED'MIX, OF CLASS 657 ~ FILTER FABRICSCOUR j IIF RQUIREEDj — I N T E R N A T 1 O N A LPOOL �✓ A, CLASS B, AND STONEFILTER � f�-LQG WEIR S -. FILTER FABRIC FOR DRAINAGE � '�,1 rEXCAVATEi 1,1 FABRIC5' MINIMUM NGDMS ilD NO. 9,5351 J Ls 7R(, (SEE SPECS.) - c _ FOOTER LOG S ..' )SEE SPECS)' __ _ _ -________-__I_____ _ POOL A' `� SECTION A -A' SECTION A,A' fff O fff + PLRN VIEW LOG BURIED IN STREAMBANK ROOTWAD AT LEAST 5' PLAN VIEW TOP OF STREAMBANK TRANSPLANTS OR LIVE STAKES FLOW INVERT ELEVATION -loo, INVERT �,l, NOTES:' ELEVATION 1` 'V 1 1 LOGS SHOULD BEAT LEAST 12 INCHES IN DIAMETER, RELATIVELY STRAIGHT, HARDWOOD. AND RECENTLY HARVESTED. �� 2 LOGS s24 INCHES IN DIAMETER MAY BE USED ALONE WITHOUT AN ADDITIONAL LOG HEADER LOG r -' FOOTER LOG FILTER FABRIC SHOULD STILL BE USED TO SEAL AROUND LOG. 3. PLACE FOOTER LOGS FIRST AND THEN HEADER (TOP) LOG. SET HEADER LOG HEADER LOG -_- FOOTER LOG ATA MAXIMUM OF 3 INCHES ABOVE THE INVERT ELEVATION. " 4. CUT A NOTCH IN THE HEADER LOG APPROXIMATLEY 30% OF THE CHANNEL BOTTOM PROFILE VIEW WIDTH AND EXTENDING DOM TO THE INVERT ELEVATION.. NOTCH SHALL NOT EXCEED 31NCHES IN DEPTH NOTES: CROSS SECTION VIEW S. USE FILTER FABRIC FOR DRAINAGE TO SEAL GAPS BETWEEN LOGS. 1- LOGS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 10' IN DIAMETER, RELA7NELY STRAIGHT. HARDWOOD, AND RECENTLY HARVESTED, 6. PLACE TRANSPLANTS FROM TOE OF STREAMBANK TO TOP OF STREAMBANK. 2- SOIL SHOULD BE COMPACTED WELL AROUND BURIED PORTIONS OF LOG. 3. ROOTWADS SHOULD HE PLACED BENEATH THE HEADER LOG AND'PUICW SO THAT IT LOCKS THE HEADER LOG INTO THE BANK. SEE ROOTVIRD DETAIL 4 FILTER FABRIC SHOULD BE NAJLED TO THE LOG BELOW THE BACKFILL. PERMANENT ROAD CULVERT CROSSING _ -----� PERMANENT FORD STREAM CROSSING STEEL GATES NOT TO SCALE VAR4ES 6- THICK COMPACTED CLASS A STONE FILL MATERIAL I 1 I L v V �J ABC STONE 4 INCHES THICK (TYP.) OPTIONAL FLOODPLAIN CULVERT CLASS @ ,/ - �. CLASS @ (SEE PLANS FOR TYPE & SIZE) --. STONE'' -STONE @URY CULVERT j Culvert Depth u1 RegWrod FIJI INVERT 0.4' Tvw Omer Cu1uNt(FT) STREAM CULVERT($) - - - ISEE PLANS FOR TYPE $ SIZE) STREAM 15 1 FT MAX,STONE BERM BERM i t f - OLA$$ B STONE 2 -, n INCHES THICK I?YP.1 „_,., �\_ (1 2 - 4 LASS B S'ANO 1 6' 4. �,� _ _{SEE PL+aNS FOR SPECIFIC LENG lit _ s J NOTES: FLOOD PLAIN 1.5 ? w PROFILE VIEW ALONG ROAD H 1. INSTALL PIPE CULVERT IN ACCORDANCENTH DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS, 2- INSTALL COIR FIBER MATTING FOR EROSION CONTROL ALONG FILL SLOPES I -- - .. rnf / ,/.. I:/n !r./ './.. , ,/A. ✓. /' f -!i lir.l�.r; f.1rMR ln/ /n f J n /T f, I I STEEL FRAME GATE FILTER FABRIC r L' tl 'n' THICK C LASSA CLASS B STONE STONE- CLASS8 STONE NOTES: 2 2 1.. CONSTRUCT STREAM CROSSING WHEN FLOW IS LOW. t - 1 2. HAVE ALL NECESSARY MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ONSITE BEFORE WORK BEGINS, - 3, MINIMIZE CLEARING AMC EXCAVATION OF STREAMBANKS. _-_____________________________.._-___-_- DO NOT EXCAVATE CHANNEL BOTTOM, COMPLETE ONE SLOE NOTES. I BEFORE STARTING ON THE OTHER SIDE- 4, INSTALL STREAM CROSSING AT RIGHT ANGLE 7O THE FLGLN. 1. POST HEIGHT DIMENSION SHALL HE THE SAME AS REQUIRED FOR THE ADJACENT FENCE ` - 5. GRADE SLOPES TO A 4:1 SLOPE- TRANSPLANT SOD FROM ORIGINAL 2. CONSTRUCT AN END OR STRESS PANEL AS REQUIRED IN THE SPECIFICATION, ON EACH SIDE OF GATE STREAMaWK ONTO SIDE SLOPES. 5. MAINTAIN CROSSING SO TRAT RUNOFF IN THE CONSTRUCTION 3, HINGES AND LOCKS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SPECIFIED BY GATE MANUFACTURER CULVERTROAD DOES NOT ENTER EXISTING CHANNEL. STREAMBED 7. A STABILIZED PAO OF CLASS B STONE, 1 FOOT THICK LINED WITH FILTER FABRIC FOR DRAINAGE SHALL BE USED OVER CROSS APPRQ,ILIMATLEY BERM AND AADDED 4INCHES ,SECTION NOTES : TOOTOP LAYERSTONE THICKHE 8. WIDTH OF THE CROSSING SHALL BE SUFFICIENT TO ACCOMMODATE 1. TYPICAL SECTION APPLIES TO U74 REACH I AT APPROXIMATE THE LARGEST VEHICLE CROSSING THE CHANNEL. STATION 16*30 AND HC REACH 3. STATION 10+00. B. CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE AN APPROPRIATE RAMP ANGLE ACCORDING TO EQUIPMENT UTILIZED. Z CULVERTS ARE TO BE EVENLY SPACED MINIMUM OF 24' APART 3 MINIMUM OF 18" COVER FOR ALL PIPES BAKER PROJECT REF€R€NCE NO. SHEET NO GRADE CONTROL LOG JAM 128975 1 2-c FROIECT ENGINEER i A �rT O HEADER LOG - HEADER LOST PRIMARY A �i gam'--�_ LOGS 3 t LARp�.�yy� �;� ?O Qt4551pH,1 T y i � fr ® BEGIN - INVERT y LNTH ONSITE LL `\. ��_ .-• pt OW FILTER FABRIC-°�.'�CO M b 0,1 -0.3' ` SECONDARY LOGS AND WOODY DEBRIS SEAL r I APPROVED 8Y. � 039281 r 4 f'YGINEF :��t'�y WC-+� �l L� �•s. ELEVATION' ■ (TYPICAL 1 DATE: (� �✓ IIBR� HEAdEPoLOG i H=�B.g1.8.3' aRU - {� O.1W.3' } RRChpl Bekn Enpinee'rrpeyy Me. 11 t H-FM 7 p - • - @WO Nyrnty ia+MMSwb006 _ .49 O rT F. Rolrr�ui cnlAneu our cc, I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L -- SANDY SOIL BACKFILL oIc ' ID NO, 95351 SECONDARY LOGS-_ ____ _ SECTION A - j1i _ - PRIMARY LOGS 5' MINIMUM :. SPACE EVERY 5' -T ','���i - .FILTER FABRIC _ (TYPK:AL ) - HEADER LOO - -TRANSPLANTS OR LIVE STAKES SEE TYPICAL SECTION FOR ' I CHANNEL DIMENSIONS BANKFULL ELEVATION SET INVERT ELEVATION BASED _ ON DESIGN STREAM PROFILE f END \, INVERT ELEVATION BANKFULL - _ =- ��.- -- _ _ — HEADER LOG _ - — FOOTER LOG ;NOTES: k' LOG POLE - (DRIVE POLE INTO GROUND 1. PRIMARY LOGS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 10 OR MORE IN DIAMETER RELATIVELY STRAIGHT. HARDWOOD PREFERRED, AND RECENTLY HARVESTED AND EXTENDING INTO THE BINK 5 ON EACH SIDE I SECONDARY LOGS SHOULD SEAT LEAST VIN DIAMETER AND NO LARGER THAN 10" AND EXTEND INTO THE BANK 2 FEET ON EACH SIDE, TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 6) PLAN VI W ! S SNOOD MATERIAL SHALL BE VARYING DIAMETER TO ALLOW MATERIAL TO BE COMPACTED 6' MINIMIMI MINIMUM BURIED INTO BURIED INTO 3. VERTICAL POSTS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 1D- IN DIAMETER AND SHOULD BE DRIVEN INTO THE GROUND BANK BANK A MINIMUM OF 6'. SECTION - 4. FILTER FABRIC SHOULD BE NAILED TO THE HEADER LOG BELOW THE BACKFILL. 5. ROOTWADS AND COIR FIBER MATTING CAN BE USED INSTEAD OF TRANSPLANTS OR LIVE STAKES, PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER. 6. AFTER TRENCH HAS BEEN EXCAVATED A LAYER OF SECONDARY LOGS AND MOODY DEBRIS SHOULD BE PLACED WITH MINIMAL GAPS. A LAYER OF ON-SITE ALLUVIUM SHOULD BE APPLIED TO FILL VOIDS BETWEEN SECONDARY LOGS BEFORE. ADDITIONAL LAYERS ARE PLACED. DITCH PLUG CHANNEL BLOCK WOVEN FIELD FENCE = DITCH TO 8E PLUGGED - DITCH TO BE BLOCKED END POST BRACE POST 6 INCH DIAMETER BY 8 FOOT LONG 61NCH DIAMETER BY -��-R NEW FLOW B FOOT LONG - I RB WIRE BRACE WIRE ED GAUGE WIRE BARB 4YlRE {2 STRAPS OF 3lNCHES (TTP.} 9GAUGE WIRE} - DITCH PLUG - DITCH PLUG - � X X M�X- - X-- — X r� \ 1 p " GRADUAT FD IN SIZE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM 48 INCHES -x X -- x` GET'T1NG LARGER IN `Q SIZE TOWARD THE TOP. PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW X X x * -x -�— --x.x.—.X.y; UNCnMPACTEd BACKFILL COMPACTED BACKFILL 1.5 MINIMUM VAR =5 10 GAUGE YORE 12.5 GAUGE WIRE GROUND UNE FINISH GRADE UNCOMPACTED BACKFILL COMPACTED BACKFILL -. 1.6 MINIMUM ROOT WAD PLACEMENT AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER _ o f \ \/ ,�.r i /\/� X/ \l//\!/\,� \//�\ i i \,i INCHES r \ \ \ \ _r- • FINISHGRADE NEWSTREAMBANKSHALLBE TREATED AS SPECIFIED IN PLANS DITCH INVERT l FLOW NOTE: 1. END POSTS SHALL BE INSTALLED / CHANNEL INVERT AT A SPACING OF 10-15 FEET. - y COMPACTED BACKFILL SECTION A - A' COMPACTED BACKFILL NOTES.' NOTES 1. COMPACT BACKFILL USING ONSITE HEAVY EQUIPMENT 1. COMPACT BACKFILL USING ON-SITE HEAVY EQUIPMENT IN 10 INCH LIFTS. IN 10 INCH UFTS. d FILL DITCH TO TOP OF BANKS OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER, 2. FILL DITCH TO TOP OF BANKS OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER, I BAKER PROJECT REFERENCE NQ. I SHEET NO CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE GEOLIFT WITH BRUSH TOE 128975 I 2-D PROJECT ENGINEER BEGIN HEAD OF RIFFLE INVERT ELEVATION AND STATION -. , TOE I � t, LIVE BRANCH CUTTINGS SHALL BE THE SAME SPEC) S AS VE LIVE STAKES i � a rernrs r �t\Y, ChR6'�,I F 1: u TOP g �� OF BANK --y Girl ERASION CONTROL MATTING AND SHALL BE INSTALLED DURING VEGETATION DONCY Jr�4 SEAL *�: '± I APPROVED BY: i . ''� 2. LIVE BRANCH CUTTINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT A DENSITY OF 20-39 CUTTINGS G392D1 Tl RIFFLE D•mmmc PER LINEAR FOOT AND A MAXIMUM DIAMETER. OF 2.51NCHE5. y ° g B. __..______ _____ SANKFULL 3. NUMBER OF SOIL LIFTS MAY VAR'N IN GENERAL UFTS SHALL EXTEND TO THE`ryGINE4t TOP OF BANK OR BANKFULL STAGSf' 4. GEOLIFTS Td BE INSTALLED IN CHANNEL SECTIONS ALONGSIDE SLOPES STEEPER � rr°'rmrr� r DATE: -EROSION GDNTROL MATTING SHOULD BE L REPLACED BENEATH ROCKS LOPES. THAN 2:1 AIJDIdR ADJACENT TO HILL SLOPES- I TOE exleaRFI asks, EnRl ed Inc. +n. WELL GRADED MIX OF _P11.11 RU curtaiiM Jr5+e� - -.� CLASS A, CLASS B. AND #57 STONE SNI THIGKNESS WELL GRADED MIX STAKE TOP LAYER 4' DEEP TYP ( } TAP OF MATTING INS' TRENCH w. 9'P'atu OF BANK 1 BAN STAGF. 9"11 y INTERN AT 10 NAL' -"-,- [. IV NOM. iHICIC4ESS OF CLASS A CLASS B. AND #57 STONE CLASS 2 STONE (SEE MATTING OETAIW � r NCbM5 ID NO. 45351 SECTION B - s'} I ERASION CONTROL MATTING C S i ENCOMPASSES UFT FLOODPLAIN UNDISTURBED EARTH LIVE BRANCH CUTTINGS (SEE PLANTING PLAN FOR SPECIES) 4 LNr- HEAD OF RIFFLE 1.9' LIFT OF COMPACTED .- WELL GRADED MIX OF GLASS B f AND CLASS A STONE CAN BE BEGIN TAIL OF RIFFLE INVERT - AN SOIL L1YPJ MI SUBSTITUTED FOR BRUSH M AND STATION PLAN VIEW 1+4 OF GLIDE LENGTH " S NOM. THICKNESS -SITE r BASEFLOW WELL GRADED MIX / CLA$5 A. CLASS B. AND 457 STONE 7 FINISHED BED / ELEVATION " r I TAIL OF RIFFLE r - V4 OF RUN LENGTH G$ ,� °, BRUSH TOE Al-PROX. t FT - BELOWFINISHED a.,ryr.,4G� 4'g :•it 'il _ - BED ELEVATION 0 POOL CLASS 2STONE 1. UNDERCUT CHANNEL BED ELEVATION 18 INCHES TO ALLOW FOR LAYERS OF STONE., BRUSH CAN BE LIMBS, BRANGHES, ROOTS OR ANY OTHER -' 2. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING ALONG COMPLETED BANKS SUCH PROFILE A - X WOODY VEGETATION APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. THAT THE EROSION CONTROL MATTING AT THE TOE OF THE BANK EXTENDS DOWN TO THE UNDERCUT ELEVATION. 3. INSTALL SUB LAYER OF CLASS 2 STONE 4- INSTALL WELL GRADED MIX OF SPECIFIED STONE, COMPACTED TO GRADE 5. FINAL CHANNEL BED SHAPE SHOULD BE ROUNDED, SMOOTH, AND CONCAVE, VVrtW YHE ELEVATGON OF THE BED 92 FT DEEPER IN THE CENTER THAN AT THE EDGES. 6, RIFFLE LENGTHS HALL VARY, SEE LONGITUDINAL PROFILE AND STRUCTURE TABLE FOR NOTES: BEGINNING AND ENDING STATIONS AND ELEVATIONS. 1. WHEN GEOLIFTS ARE BUILT ABOVE ROOTWAD CLUSTER, USE LARGE STONE BACKFILL BEHIND ROOT MASS TO BUILT FOUNDATION. ROCK CROSS VANE GRADE CONTROL LOG J VANE LOG BURIED AT LEAST -HOOK FLOW Tg� BELOW STREAMBED - 1 SACKFILL HATH A WELL GRADED MIX OF CLASS A, CLASS B, AND 057 STONE 113 BOTTOM WIDTH -. - NO GAPS BETWEEN ROCKS SiANEBRCKFILL G ® GRADEI`x HEADER ROCK STONE BACKFILL -- � BTREAMBEO - t - -_ EDGE OF CHANNEL ' HEADER LOG - APPROX. j POINT -� }�K _i'2� _ - BOTTOM WDTH HEADER ROCK INVERT SFREAMBED i_ - - _ - - -- - 4 O -- cy O A '.. 1� - GEOTEXTILE FASRTC- FOOTER ROCK 77 MINIMUM STATION AND ELEVATION Ei. 1 LEAVE 0 S - 0.8' GAPS IN THE HOOK(SEE SECTION OF THE HEADER ROCK \\ A.� NO GAPS BETWEEN FOOTER ROCKS. - FILTER --FABRIC FOOTER LOG 5' - SPECS) SPECS) O TOP OF HOOK RUCKS SHOULD BE r © - SECTION A - A' ABOVE BASEFLOW. _A A' ': to - SECTIONA A' .-� VANE STREAM BED ELEVATION -. LTER FRBR Fl IC (SEE SPECS) ARM BANKFULL - - - HEADER ROCKr r "EXCAVATE ''I : BOULDER _ FLOW - 7%SLAPS _ j POOL TO + �� //?• t PROFILE I SET INVERT ELEVATION OF HEAD ROCK TO PROFILE ELEVATION ER r SCOUR PdOL , •,+ 0-.y, Td 4 .-� - �X L c �- - 05 �. f r� ��ILL / FOOTER ROCKS SHOULD�ELE•VATTOPJ� - BE PLACED BELOW THE '' f ROOTWAO - STONE BACKF�� STREAM BED. ` TOP OF STREAMBANK �{3 -- FOOTER ROCK '•A - - ROOTWAD FLOW 51LL LBLIRIEOI SILL fBURfED HERDER ROCK ®' VANE ANGLE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC-' __ SCOUR POOL (EXCAVATED) PROFILE VIEW B - B' O l 4� LOG BURIED STREAM - 29' TO 36' FOOTER ROCK - VANE ARM IN ATS RESAMBANK VIEW PLAN FOOTER LOG y PLAN VIEW, .-CROSS VANE INVERTIGRADE POINT HEADER LOG -- F _ FOOTER ROCK NPTE�a" F NOTES FOR ALL VANL.M_VCTURES.. FLAW -`� HEADER ROCK 1. LOGS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 1(r IN DIAMETER, RELATIVELY STRAIGHT, HARDWOOD, AND RECENTLY HARVESTED, 1. INSTALL BEGINNING AT THE TOP OF THE HEADER ROCKS ANDRIF / 2. BOULDERS MUST BE 3•x2' x 2'. 3. SOIL SHOULD BE COMPACTED WELL AROUND BURIED PORTIONS OF LOG_. PROFILE VIEW EXTEND DOWNWARD TO THE DEPTH OF THE BOTTOM FOOTER ROCK, AND THEN ��/ 4. ROCTWADS SHOULD BE PLACED BENEATH THE HEADER LOG AND PLACED SO THAT IT SECURES THE HEADER LOG UPSTREAM TO A MINIMUM OF TEN FEET.___ 2. DIG TRENCH BELOW THE BED FOR FOATER R INTO THE BANK SEE ROOTWAD DETAIL A ROCKS AND PLACE FILL ON UPSTREAM VANE THE ARM AND /'*��' tf 5, BOULDERS SHOULD BE PLACED ON TOP OF HEADER LOD FOR ACHORING. FEET 3. STARTSIDE ATA7 BANF K AND PLACE FOOTER ROCKS FIEN RST ANDTHENHEADER [TOP} ROCK, `!� �t? / „n j �,. \`. 'r /� 'f� 6. HEADER BOULDERS TO BE PLACED D.5 TO 02 APART, 7. NON -WOVEN FILTER FABRIC SHOULD HE NAILED TO THE LOG BELOW THE BACKFILL. 45AN F TRA . CONTINUE WITH STRUCTURE, FOLLOWING ANGLE AND SLOPE SPECIFICATIONS. STONE BACKFILL .� ti / /�%�rf�� 40 SCOUR POOL F R T I PROVE \\� `�\,?l•'- POOL N BE PLA EDFILI �f�/�/!< �/I ��%���� S. FOOTERS SHALL BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT 114 TO 1!3 OF THE LENGTH IS O(NAR•}STRF_AM OF THE HEADER. B. USE NANO PLACED GAPS SIDE AND �% �+✓'Itf/\ �t�`/��/J�`f�' FOOTER ROCKS. GEOTEXTILE. FABRIC -� T. AFTER ALL STONE BACKFILL HA5 BEEN PLACED. RLL IN THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE WITH OWSITE ALLUVIUM TO THE ELEVATION OF THE TOP OF THE FOOTER ROOK PROFILE VIEW C - C' HEADER ROCK, - LOG BURIED BELOW STR.EAM3ED - 1 LOG VALE `I ILL r' I BANKFULL - COI R FIBER MATTING r IEXCAVATEj SHOUCO BE INSTALLED d BEFOREWELL GRADED MIX CLASS A, B. AND 957 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC STONE BACKFILL .. HEADER LOG i APROX, 0 STEMBD -� FOOTER LOG - L MINIMUM -1.+ SECTION A - A' NOTES. 1. LOGS SHOULD BE AT LEAST IO" IN DIAMETER, RELATIVELY STRAIGHT, HARDWOOD, AND RECENTLY HARVESTED, 2. BOULDERS MUST BE OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO ANCHOR LOGS. 3. SOIL SHOULD BE COMPACTED WELL AROUND BURIED PORTIONS OF LOGS. 4. ROOTWADS SHOULD BE PLACED BENEATH THE HEADER LOG AND PLACED SO THAT IT LOCKS THE HEADER LOG INTO THE BANK. SEE ROOTWAD DETAIL. 5. BOULDER SHOULD BE PLACED ON TOP OF HEADER LOG FOR ANCHORING, S. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHOULD BE NAILED TO THE LOG BELOW THE BACKFILL T TRANSPLANTS CAN BE USED INSTEAD OF ROOTWADS, PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER. A BEGIN LOG STEP INVERT ELEVATION AND STATION �Iy `II Y POOL C L �-� ;EXCAVATO POOL END LOG STEP INVERT ELEVATION AND STATION TQ_7 L A• PLAN VIEW I -- - -BACKFILL WITH A WELL GRADED MIX. OF CLASS A, CLASS B. AND 957 STONE g 1 PROTECT BANK USING ROOTWADS PROTECT BANK USING BOULDERS _I c' PROFILE VIEW TIE-IN SWALE TB� d I TO ��f�1��jjj����//���pp g /^ DO NOT DISTURB EXISTING DRCH 0 a BANKS BEYOND BENCH LIMITS <F LOG AND ROCK STEP -POOL -- BENCH LIMIT GRADE BANKS TO 2 1 MINIMUM AND STABILIZE WITH COIR FIBER MATTING AND LIVE STAKES 10' LONG (MIN.) LENGTH PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER O's COIR FIBER MATTING -•. INT E r' I BANKFULL - COI R FIBER MATTING r IEXCAVATEj SHOUCO BE INSTALLED POOL i BEFOREWELL GRADED MIX CLASS A, B. AND 957 i f ROOTWAD k — LOGS BURIED IN STREAMBANK HI AT LEAST S' PLAN VIEW NOTES. 1. LOGS SHOULD BE AT LEAST IO" IN DIAMETER, RELATIVELY STRAIGHT, HARDWOOD, AND RECENTLY HARVESTED, 2. BOULDERS MUST BE OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO ANCHOR LOGS. 3. SOIL SHOULD BE COMPACTED WELL AROUND BURIED PORTIONS OF LOGS. 4. ROOTWADS SHOULD BE PLACED BENEATH THE HEADER LOG AND PLACED SO THAT IT LOCKS THE HEADER LOG INTO THE BANK. SEE ROOTWAD DETAIL. 5. BOULDER SHOULD BE PLACED ON TOP OF HEADER LOG FOR ANCHORING, S. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHOULD BE NAILED TO THE LOG BELOW THE BACKFILL T TRANSPLANTS CAN BE USED INSTEAD OF ROOTWADS, PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER. A BEGIN LOG STEP INVERT ELEVATION AND STATION �Iy `II Y POOL C L �-� ;EXCAVATO POOL END LOG STEP INVERT ELEVATION AND STATION TQ_7 L A• PLAN VIEW I -- - -BACKFILL WITH A WELL GRADED MIX. OF CLASS A, CLASS B. AND 957 STONE g 1 PROTECT BANK USING ROOTWADS PROTECT BANK USING BOULDERS _I c' PROFILE VIEW TIE-IN SWALE TB� d I TO ��f�1��jjj����//���pp g /^ DO NOT DISTURB EXISTING DRCH 0 a BANKS BEYOND BENCH LIMITS <F LOG AND ROCK STEP -POOL -- BENCH LIMIT GRADE BANKS TO 2 1 MINIMUM AND STABILIZE WITH COIR FIBER MATTING AND LIVE STAKES 10' LONG (MIN.) LENGTH PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER O's COIR FIBER MATTING -•. INT E BANKFULL - COI R FIBER MATTING r SHOUCO BE INSTALLED 12` NOM THICKNESSS OF BEFOREWELL GRADED MIX CLASS A, B. AND 957 STONE BACKFILL -' CROSS-SECTION POOL TO POOL SPACING VARIES. ---SEE STRUCTURE TABLE, LONG PRO AND PLAN VIEW FOR APPROXIMATE A -------- - 4-- STATION LOCATION I ELEVATION RIFFLE D+naEe ---------------- FILTER - --_ FILTER FABRIC SECTION A - A' TOP OF BANK RIFFLE WIDTH - HEADER LOG (INVERT ELEVATION) 1' RIFFLE L' -M. '- BASE FLOW - FOOTER LOG SECTION B - B' NOTES" BANKFULL 1. LOGS SHOULD BEAT LEAST 1 Or IN DIAMETER, RELATIVELY STRAIGHT, HARDWOOD, AND RECENTLY HARVESTED AND EXTENDING INTO THE BANK 5' ON EACH SIDE. 2 SOIL SHOULD BE COMPACTED WELL AROUND BURIED PORTIONS OF LOG. 3. NON -WOVEN FILTER FABRIC SHOULD BE NAILEDISTAPLED TO THE LOG BELOW THE BACKFILL 4. BOULDERS SHOULD BE 3'X 2'X Z AND PLACED ON TOP OF HEADER LOG FOR ANCHORING - 5 LOGS SHOULD BE ANGLED 60' - 70' FROM THE STREAM BANK AND CROSS SLOPES SHOULD NOT EXCEED 2% 6, STEP HEIGHTSIDROPS SHALL NOT EXCEED OA FT AND POOL DEPTHS NOT TO EXCEED I,9 FT 7, THE NUMBER LOG STEPS MAY VARY BETWEEN BEGIN AND ENP STATIONING DEPENDING ON LOG DIAMETER SIZE. SEE LONGITUDINAL PROFILE AND STRUCTURE TABLE FOR STATION AND ELEVATION. THALWEG ELEVATION OF INCOMING DITCH B' MIN. THALWEG ELEVATTDN OF RESTORED CHANNEL 4 COIR FIBER MATTING— TYPICAL PROFILE FOR SWALE BACKFILL LITH A WELL GRADED MIX OF CLASS A, CLASS B. AND 957 STONE . _ A' THALWEGP STREAM BED TOP OF BANK +N POOL WIDTH - , ------------ -- UANKFULL --------- S7_Wk FLOW_ . POOL SECTION C - C" BEGIN HC - REACH 1 NAD 83 END HC - REACH 2 O [jIry [� a int L a E n STA. 15+18.00 BAKER PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 128975 1 3Q SFAL r,� ,9utiv� Mlchnl Bsk�r _ e4,oSxry. kPyr Enpd27rn p 1 NWrm Goura7#518 - Nwn�. 419,W.SxSe I N 7 E: R N A T I 0 N A L X�.:ry:PrSx NCDMS ID NO. 95351 AS BUILT SURVEY UT'4 PLAN VIEW 40 20 0 40 so SCALE (FT) m I/ STA. 31+42,13 SAVik PROIECT kEFEREN.CE NO. SHEET NO 128915 3E i'��OLEE 4M1 Mak ka�l 6ak®r EnglneerM Ine. nr. Honrn enreaciN� si5+e� . sie..a�.scae I N T E R N A T I 0 N A L NCDMS ILS Na. 45351 ] UT4 - REACH 4B = ,IN UT4 - REACH 3 1.28+92.29 UT4 - REACH 2 1. 38+23.08 -VEG PLOT 09 O -) I P-1 x CK CROSS E ETrP.1 >� TIE:. INTP EXJSTING FENCE 3 A5 -.BUILT SURVEY UT4 PLAN VIEW 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE (FT) BAKER PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. l2B975 3F" • tom: R.O b -- a t4AD 83 L175 _'71bsmve' ARch... Enpin�rrinp Inc. a]M+aiagancA PaiM1rer. 'wan ' fir,., HgRPH CAor� �M ry+� itl 1Morr Yf4 MS!AY� IN T E R N A T 6 0 N A L; NCDMS ID NO. 95351 AS -BUILT TOP OF BANK (TYP.) KGL'EN ARE p� 7 FLOW CAMERAx 7,9,00 . G VINE (TYP.) LFLOW J - GEGUFT 4'u1 " BRUSH TOE (TVP.) r GAUGE CONSCTRUCTEf RIFFLE (TYP.) xXx x AS -BUILT THALWEG f LX X o m >o 000 LOG VANE MP.) LOG WEIR (TYP.) WE a. PLOT m8 ---- FENCE_ WOVE A5 BUILT SURVEY UT4 PLAN VIEW 40 20 0 40 80 lllll�l� SCALE (FT) BAKER PROJECT REFERENCE NO, SWEET N4 12897.5 3G lq¢o w�r9 SEA[, Mkhaal Baker Ee�glnaerlrvp Ine. NORTH AAOU tivM365 rc. Fi)R�TH LAhGlJlin i137a ❑rona. 430.ti1R N T E R N A T 1 9 N A L i��mar�r as°R NCDMS ID NO. 95351 AS BUILT SURVEY UT4 PIAN VIEW 40 20 0 40 T_1TI�� ` SCALE (ET) �o E BAKER PRDIECT REFERENCE NC?. SHEET NO. 128975 3M •µ:pT li Cq,�a, NAD 83 IdiehaM Biker Enpina�dn Ine. a000 neve„er. Ark.r. ^wAeux� Cary, nbRTN Gh��lw6 t1;A PnmA 919 Ae�.SsaB I N T€ R N A T I O N A Lir.a:.'0Feia NCDMS ID NO. 95351 E E i \� S UILT THALWEG LOG P.) END UTA - REACH 5A l STA. 13+35.32 y w x 000 BEGIN UTA - REACH 5A AS -BUILT THALWE �''`�1gr0� STA. 9+44.46 CE et-- Ste ! '1,� VEa PLOT 1015Laf. WEIR (TYP.) LIX3 VANE (T5`P.j �� 8 BEGIN UT4 - REACH 5B l\ STA. 14+40.25 AS -BUILT TQC' OF BANK (TYP.) 10+00 11+00 - CONSTRUCTED �t RIFFLE 1TYF.1 fc A ir. rn E CE C AS—BUILT SURVEY UT4 ALAN VIEW 40 20 0 40 Bo 11411 ism `(FT) L� BAKER PROJE[T REFERENCE NO. SHEET N4 !28375 31 ' pRrl4�^ �•, `~``flpP'�FE,p�/�.•HQ ._. fill _ rte7 NAD 83 qy? veru,. �OZEE n Michael Baker Eng Ineenng Ine. mo apervcy Pen..ey. Suxe ", �rry. NURrH C/WOLIwF tih+e Pcwmc 019.16A�la I N T E R N A T f 0 N A L i.M°ra iou NCDMS ID NO. 95351 E E CE E 2 LOG WEIR (TYP. LOG." �2.O. } zzon 24+00 z 26+. y Y r AS -BL G ILT THALVVE CE E�L7 AS -BUILT TOP OF BANK {TYP. cc E E E VER PI.C7T k1a As -BUILT SURVEY UT4 PLAN VIEW 4o 26 0 410 so SCALE (FT) BEGIN HC - REACH 1 BAKER PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SKEET NO. 128975 1 4A P20JECT ENGINEER u ue.nr 1 los AP O BY SEAL i 039201 5 R "'4'�CgB 11 6'1'E i GATE: i i i p�lsfiar%Brkrr Enpinrrhnp Inc. 0.egenry Pen'ery. l I eoG Gear. ND104 GlR9lfNw Pewee. 919.r95.54N N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L NCDMS ID NO. 95351 x sem—x—� --GEOLIFT 1MTH ++ BRUSH TOE(TYP.) X-14 � 3x .REST r fA11GE ! [11 X-1i i S VEG PLOT RECORD DRAWING HURRICANE CREEK PLAN HEW 40 20 4 40 80 11111 SCALE (FT) WER PROJECT R€FERENC£ NO. SHEET NO !2€975 1 48 PROJECT ENGINEER i NAD 83 - sE i 039201 I Y EQL'`��• ° I Mj.,LM"L4' Y DATE: Y L L Fchael 9ahnr E.glmerinp Inc. Ppercy Ren�yr. .SVM 4Je Cvy, npRSat GROIL'�1F ]iS LF PLNNs: FrR.NEO.fYh I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L NCDMS ID NO. 95351 END HC - REACH 2 STA. 44+6677 I AS -BUILT THALWEG _ - = r - 43 42+ ure � �x ROOT YNADS ITYPJ RK CRO N- ANE {TYP.SS V AN ' AS -BUILT TOP OF BANK TYP.) z - J Ir x r� uar CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE {TYP.J / Y VEG PL®TO. _ DESIGN CHANNEL ALIGNMENT--' LaGyANEfTYP1 M - l " RECORD DRAWING HURRICANE CREEK FLAN VIEW 40 20 0 410 as SCALE (FT) F' - END UT4 - REACH 1A STA. 15+18.00 BAKER PROJECT REFERENCE NO SHEET NO 128975 4C PROJECT ENGINEER r i I I •'� I VROVEO BY SEAL ~` I 439201 FNENt4 5 i 3%l6 •,``, ....u..i���``• DALE: MkhpRl BRras17aker Enplin�rinp Inc. 9CU] PaAwal. Suas aOG C��y, HORip CAROIfNA.11Sta nen19 M],6NE INTE R N A T I O N AL:l NCDMS 9D NO, 95351 'ScrrL �u E(lYT E -P.) E RECORD DRAWING UT¢ PIAN VIEW 40 20 0 40 80 V I I� SCALE (FT) — 1 STA. 31+42..13 SANER PROJECT REFEREkCE k0. 5mcEP NQ 12$975 4E PROJECT ENGINEER i � narr,rraq I' y� LAlp r4pi O,y*f. � APPROVEQ By' 0 034201 i aM.Y 8x" RATE: Y Mithq@I 9sk@f Efl{I1.@o Mij Int. Cmm=fac Rooenry Prrtwex. 4�ry NdNiH CI}YOLI114 Pfwnf @Y9.aW `A@@ I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L NCUMS ICJ NO. 95351 7 UT4 - BEACH 4B 3lN UT4 - REACH 3 k. 28+92.29 7 UT4 - REACH 2 k. 38+23.0B -VEG PLOT #9 4 CTED P,j y� �V 11 CK CROSS aeae E ITva.1 I�. rr T1E INTO EXISTING FENCE RECORD DRAWING UT4 PLAN VIEW 40 210 0 40 &0 SCALE (FT) BAKER PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHM NO, 128975 4F PROJECT ENGINEER. .t c r a yiH EddOli F ` _ APPROVED 8� SEAL NAD 93- ,;s:fNGINLE�:�S. aa,,i 4vE t. [ATE= , I I I Nlclwl9Akir EetBlnrtr!(� lns. NOC4 Rev PaM1�. 5w. eW" LrY. NbR'fW �Gr,xA ]}SVA Pliw'. i19,1A] NAR I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L NCDMS [D NO. 95351 AS -BUILT TOP OF BANK (TYP.) �c, r7+pp RESIGN CHANNEL ALIGNMENT 'Tr' I pf4G —rLOW CAMPRA r9# X x .._ Ob VANE 1TYP.) ., _- _ FLOW ! "_ GEOLIFT WITH 9RUSH TOE (TYP.) - - GAUGE r na; ?TM i CON�SCTRUCTEO RIFFLE: (TYP.) AS -BUILT THALWEG m x LOO VANE (TYP.) LOO WEIR (TYP.) - VEGPLOT*$ -- .-- -'. �VE FENC _- RECORD DRAWING UP PLAN VIEW 40 20 ® 40 80 SCALE (FT) NAD 83 BEGIN UT4 -REACH 4B BAKER PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEEP NO. 128975 1 43 PROJECT ENGINEER I ssl ,4SHr CFAO''""i. I I I APPROVED &Y': SFAL _ I I "'•� uienrri" DATE: t I Mlchae48aker EnginHrin Ine.. cel a.:w•<r a��r, sWro e� s'v. M�AI'h GAPatINA T15 ra Pear: 91BK]Sfde 1NTERNATION ALL,; i�r-iae NCDMS ID NO. 45351 RECORD DRAWING UT4 PLAN VIEW 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE (FT) rsmm_4._ NAD 83 Nwiiiiii..-- /t �� NAD $3 � / P BAKER PROJECT REFERENCE NU. SHEET NO !28975 1 41 PROJECT ENGINEER i H tC R p' e4 SEAL T'�}. APPITOVE46Y i i 039201 F DATE: M.t... IBokbr EnplbunsneeN. Int. R'JPJ Aepmry Pukwy, 670 ry. kOR1N C/A04nM T�Sr4 ea�. PI3.NkSIp «gt .i0.i.SiPC IN T E R N A TI O H A L 4< o.toer NCDMS IQ NO. 95351 RECORD DRAWING UT4 ALAN VIEW 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE (FT) BAKER PROJECT REFERENCE N(7, SHEET NO. HURRICANE CREEK - REACH 1 128975 PROJECT ENGINEER EXISTING GROUND i i 3 o`:�Kz EAR,pr hr r i�4� �+r; i xI�P�6vEo 6Y # SEAL '- DESIGN HANKFULL= - 034201 i 220 q !/} xkMnl @alar EngIrH.A Ine. - — -- '-- '- LLJ — Phaw azRree.see - - Eu. ozc.�cesaen I WIERNATIOPJAL�r.n,,.:r-,� F NCDMS ID NO. 95351 210 AS -BUILT THALWEG DESIGN THALWEG - L-41-15 - t" T �bAYITrL ' 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 HURRICANE CREEK - REACH 1 720 —DESIGN RANKFULL —EXISTING GROUND 0 n 220 N 4 4 F Sn Z J Lu 210 - - -- _ _ 21C AS -BUILT THALWEG — DESIGN THALWEG 200 200 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 HURRICANE CREEK - REACH 1 & 2 220 220 DESIGN BANKFULL EXISTING GROUND 0 0 0 F o 0 o. + - m uj 210 N 210 - - LI - J L) U LAS Q -BUILT THALWEG DESIGN THALWEG 2M 200 29+00 30+00 31+00 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 37+00 38+00 39+00 BAKER PROJECT REFERENCE NQ, SHEET NO, HURRICANE CREEK - REACH 2 128975 6 PROJECT ENGINEER I 220��r'...... I I R!i i'S4 •fi .s r APPROVFD RN SEAL —EXISTING GROUND E4392�Y i + rt; DESIGN BANKFULL Jim.r,•a�r DATE' "Jim a i ` I hflc h�qY Bailor EnylnrerYnp tnc. rr 210 1 r0 GRP NaI'g,- .r 4, Ba595BB _ ui t -b Far. 3, .a51 ;a90 1 N T E Et tJ A T I O k A L LVnnw'c-,oe, T L NCDMS !D NO. 95351 J Y _ 200 AS -BUILT THALWEG SEAL -- DESIGN THALWEG 39+00 40+00 41+00 42+00 43+00 44+00 HURRICANE CREEK- REACH 3 ;' CI 220 DESIGN THALWEG r. 210 L.AS-BUILTTHALWEG 1 - - -- - - I — 210 i 20L —EXISTING GROUND 200 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 UT4 - REACH 1 230 230 8 EXISTING GROUND RESIGN 6ANKFULL a a d vi o+ f - Lu Ilil 220 i 220 - --------._.- uj. z i J U W I AS -BUILT THALWEG 210 2117 — DESIGN THALWEG 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 - - - — - - - - -- - --- - - TIMER PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. UT4 - REACH 1 / REACH 2 126975 7 PRO)€CT ENGINEER - DESIGN BANKFULL i CAAp"9 i. _ .i`4 'pis = APPROVMBY: SEAL ; M 039201 i 220 o o O •"y�+';GINEVE'�;s' j O 9rca 6 grg3 rW.i w _. ..- - _ -- y��,� ,. .• — -- -- -- - Kcba lBaRpe EnRI a Zp me. r �-AS-BUILTTHALWEG _- Lu Z - c waRrticwauRi zi's �eS • a a1sa.arae 1NYERNA7IONALuc.nnp 8� s - ciuja NCDMS ID NO. 95351 210 z T „, 2R�'4k p5.Si`j�y"I.y . DESIGN THALWEG rn� SEAL EXISTING GROUND _- loocl 200 200 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 UT4 - REACH 2 220 DESIGN BANKFULL 220 CD O O 6 0) 210 N�.--. _.--_ - __ `-�.__ - -- _- __ _ _ - _- _ - -_ LIJZ 210 ¢ - - - -. W Z _ -AS-BUILT THALWEG Fes.. I 200 ---EXISTING GROUND DESIGN THALWEG 200 29+00 30+00 31+00 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 37+00 38+00 39+00 UT4 - REACH 2 220 — 220 -EXISTING GROUND © 0 -DESIGN BANKFULL 210 0 OI a 210 Lu - z f M v- -- - t) I I ¢ 200 j AS -BUILT THALWEG 200 I- DESIGN THALWEG 39+00 40+00 41+00 42+00 43+00 BOER. PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 5HEET NO. UT4 - REACH 4 128975 8 PROJECT ENG6NEER y111111r ,r i `'y`5'd CA$Q�qs :'�2a,' SE3Slp• N� APPpOVEQ BY: pEStGN eANKFULL 039 1 } ' —EXISTING GROUND (j CD 220 1 t RRs, a.� B.lu J np swt. n Inc. e= $e,,, Pte.earl ZLu Pr XY a?w5+ae N{tFb1R t N T E A N A T I O N A L — — < NCDMS ID NO. 95351 210 AS -BUILT THALWEG `�o4:�Essi a qy,�• —DESIGN = LAT75 THALWEG YeaA - alm (.2- 7 2010 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 UT4 - REACH 4 EXISTING GROUND 220 � 220 —DESIGN BAN KFULL ' o Lu a rn � cv o v> y 210 - 210 m — 0 LLJI, -- - - ~ AS -BUILT THALWEG - 200 200 DESIGN THALWEG 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 220 UT4 - REACH 3 220 DESIGN BANKFULL 210 210 0 0 0) c+J a: VJ w 4C1 y 200 , 200 M —AS -BUILT THALWEG 4- - EXISTING GROUND DESIGN THALWEG P c` - a m 29+00 30+00 31+00 BAKER PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO LLT4 - KEAC"_b 128975 9 PROJECT ENGINEER 230 DESIGN THALWEG —DESIGN BAN KF U LL .PROVED BY: -s ar DATE' 220 Lu C-, C CAAO� 273,1 I N T E R N A T 14 N A L NCDMS ID NO. 95351 —AS -BUILT THALWEG .. js , sr6 �pz� 210 L-1115 _E_XISTING GROUND 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 230 PTA -_REACH 5 230 DEStGN BANKFULL DESIGN THALWEG 220 40 + + 220 w L> 210 210 --AS-BUILT THALWEG �--E,XJS_nNG GROUND 200 200 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 230 UT4 - REACH 5 230 220 + DESIGN BANKFULL 220 uj z TL < 210 210 DESIGN THALWEG —EXISTING GROUND —AS -BUILT THALWEG 200 200 29+00 30+00 APPENDIX E Photo Log Hurricane Creek Reach 1, view downstream at Station 10+00 Hurricane Creek Reach 1, view downstream at Station 11+80 Hurricane Creek Reach 1, view downstream at Station 14+50 Hurricane Creek Reach 1, view upstream at Station 16+90 Hurricane Creek Reach 1, view upstream at Station 17+50 Hurricane Creek Reach 1, view upstream at Station 19+25 Hurricane Creek Reach 1, view downstream at Station 19+75 Hurricane Creek Reach 1, view downstream at Station 22+40 Hurricane Creek Reach 1, view downstream at Station 24+00 Hurricane Creek Reach 1, vernal pool at Station 26+25 Hurricane Creek Reach 1, view downstream at Station 29+30 Hurricane Creek Reach 2, view upstream at Station 31+40 Hurricane Creek Reach 2, view upstream at Station 32+75 P"M Hurricane Creek Reach 2, view downstream at Station 33+00 4 - fa.��_.4 bl� Hurricane Creek Reach 2, view upstream at Station 35+70 Hurricane Creek Reach 2, view downstream at Station 36+00 Hurricane Creek Reach 2, view downstream at Station 39+10 Hurricane Creek Reach 2, view downstream at Station 40+75 1 Hurricane Creek Reach 2, view downstream at Station 39+10 Hurricane Creek Reach 2, view downstream at Station 40+75 Hurricane Creek Reach 2, view upstream at Station 43+75 Hurricane Creek Reach 2, view downstream at Station 44+25 Hurricane Creek Reach 3, view upstream at Station 11+40 Hurricane Creek Reach 3, view downstream at Station 14+00 Hurricane Creek Reach 3, view downstream at Station 15+50 Hurricane Creek Reach 3, view upstream at Station 15+90 d.. r f^ f'7 Hurricane Creek Reach 3, view downstream at Station 15+50 Hurricane Creek Reach 3, view upstream at Station 15+90 UT4 Reach 1, view downstream at Station 11+00 UT4 Reach 1, view upstream at Station 14+15 UT4 Reach 1, view downstream at Station 12+75 UT4 Reach 1, view downstream at Station 14+25 UT4 Reach 1, view downstream at Station 15+40 UT4 Reach 1, view downstream at Station 17+20 UT4 Reach 1, view upstream at Station 19+00 UT4 Reach 2, view of crossing at Station 21+25 UT4 Reach 2, view downstream at Station 21+50 UT4 Reach 2, view at Station 26+00 UT4 Reach 2, view downstream at Station 28+75 UT4 Reach 2, view upstream at Station 31+75 UT4 Reach 3, view upstream at Station 29+50 UT4 Reach 4, view upstream at Station 13+40 UT4 Reach 4, view upstream at Station 18+20 UT4 Reach 4, view upstream at Station 20+50 UT4 Reach 4, view downstream at Station 21+25 UT4 Reach 4, view upstream at Station 22+50 UT4 Reach 5, view upstream at Station 11+00 UT4 Reach 5, view upstream at Station 22+20 UT4 Reach 5, view downstream at Station 26+50 UT4 Reach 5, view upstream at Station 13+10 UT4 Reach 5, view upstream at Station 23+75 �t • �"% r' "ter '� •• - �'�-` I r UT4 Reach 5, view upstream at Station 13+10 UT4 Reach 5, view upstream at Station 23+75 �t • • R I r UT4 Reach 5, view upstream at Station 28+25 APPENDIX F Conservation Easement Boundary Adjustment Documents ". 4; "'•• '� • New Easement Boundary Points • 'r Modified Conservation Easement Boundary Original Easement Boundary quit y°;e "fFl.. �.e ��.� 1* � H � "•��� - w �r of d ".« � -lot ' - ri•; t f L r �new boundary ' •' _•• . ,� y point located f 53 ft from top of stream bank • IL 1 • a t r 5 � � Mat�Oaks _ 74 .t k p g p Information and° Y N OneMa •, NC Center for Geo • ria • h1i'c • Anal sis,�N`C 9'' r Board Michael Baker Figure 1: Crossing #1 0 50 Feet Easement Boundary Adjustment I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L Brown Creek Tribs Project (UT4 Site) New Easement Boundary Points N Modified Conservation Easement Boundary 1 , Original Easement Boundary seasonally ponded Existing zy = , `� area " • }' . Pathivr ^- .1 !r r J, J" •� � _ ,� a :--fid-' • � ^ .R ��`,\ Stream Outside CE (No SMU Credit) f1 Ik • -• t ' ` NC One ap, NC Center for Geographic Informahi n and Analysis NC 911 F sa3t.�fa�i�1%fii'' -� Baa rd Michael Figure 2: Crossing #2 Baker 0 50 Feet Easement Boundary Adjustment I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L Brown Creek Tribs Project (UT4 Site) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ANSON SPO 04-C DMS SITE 95351 FILED ANSON COUNTY, NC JOANNE S. HUNTLEY REGISTER OF DEEDS FILED Sep 14, 2016 AT 10:45 am BOOK 01128 START PAGE 0206 END PAGE 0208 INSTRUMENT # 01579 RECORDING $26.00 EXCISE TAX (None) PARTIAL RELEASE OF A 0.04 ACRE AND A 0:02 ACRE SECTION OF A CONSERVATION EASEMENT (Deed Book 01054, Page 155) THIS PARTIAL RELEASE OF EASEMENT, is made as of the date set forth in the notary acknowledgement below, by the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA through the Department of Administration, State Property Office, 116 W. Jones Street, Raleigh. NC 276603-8003, hereinafter party of the first part and Alan Dale McRae, (unmarried), whose address is 151 Bailey Road, Wadesboro, NC 28170, hereinafter party of the second part, WITNESSETH: THAT, WHEREAS Alan Dale McRae conveyed a conservation Easement to the State of NC covering 8.97+/- acres for the Brown Creek Tributaries Restoration Project in an instrument executed on December 19th, 2013, and recorded in Deed Book 01054, Page 155, Anson County Registry, and; WHEREAS, the State of NC has agreed to release two small sections of the property described herein from said Conservation Easement as conveyed in Deed Book 01054, Page 155 that were not intended to be included and to remedy management issues for the described areas as shown on attached "Exhibit All. NOW, THEREFORE, the party of the first part in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby releases and forever quitclaims unto the party of the second part, their heirs and assigns, all right, title, claim and interest of the party of the first part in and to those two sections of land identified as "Abandoned Existing Conservation Easement 0.04 Acres and Abandoned Existing Conservation Easement 0.02 Acres on a Map of Survey by J. David Lee, III PLS, and attached as Exhibit "A". See attached "Exhibit A" for above referenced map and legal description of the areas to be released. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the aforesaid tract of land, together with all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to it, the said party of the second part, its heirs, successors and assigns free, and discharged from the aforementioned Conservation Easement. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA has caused this instrument to be executed in its name by Tim Walton, State Property Office Director, NC Department of Administration. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BY: . Lt✓ Tim Walton, State Property Office Director STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE 14105 a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County of and the State of North Carolina, do certify that Tim Walton, personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is Director, State Property Office, Department of Administration, State of North Carolina, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the State, has signed the foregoing instrument. fL IN WLITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal, this the l? day ofGi US 2016. My Commission Expires: ?ISali N r Notary Public Print name: ,L'., i" M r'k e 1 aTef It ., E,c ®®o 0 4 s \ ccs vmkz I I I m o m z k r" ' G z` �n 5z,p� mE'mac gn MMM �,��� Ill Z mz Mv'�p��� a � e vzoM1�1r< I tg��, i3 z v elmyzc a`5}az.go z6�3Aa11111�2 AM ;j ZC Cm A'f; a 3 m VIP co Or/i a € z m " .. 1tf C� • •' O�`w e Z@`v'z&33 3 irrr J" a am �� °z m 1 \ p s 3 n �� R \ O P - a A 16 zm O ma m n n - z 2YS'5n �^a0 > mfn py � z ^Zn nm Fp pO lo AnSm z p u ,��. m In al"i �.' m Z Z g Ei 4o N i ^. z I y �ooaz yoU.� " a m ?n2�' Kg Jx$ 111111 6 e o0ZI put: ^l -y aN,.vi,t• f l'< pi O' " 5$ mm m°3= Nij95�WD m G a p = z z z '•.'.0 /7 o � � Q i / O O Sys,V2l zr�s, \ �__� z a e z m D ttsRY 8tp o .zi 14 r 3 Z v i Uij2. t�Ny zu \ I \ o S O n m A Z e�F'ICt PRu gF�, N m 13 � 9 n m m -J < Z i ►- i ��^! 2 p m J id 0 m A D m C Uj 519e2G.59\� C ,`n G1 n O O mY 7r, 66.2T azo y r A m Z e A r < =nor D K S y 3 n Z m p � D Z NAD 832011 z ? m A INTO m !P fg= Izr z 2 y Pow A pI Fz im, j i c a As. qH .pyyKVSp3�a n O � TY -i p 9SY Kc �2 DULY REC HU� ry; RE EG. OF� EOS gY JOANNE S. ANSON Cow NC