HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160418 Ver 2_More Info Received_201701240/�' d�4- Commercial Real Estate Development The Broadway Group, LLC • 216 Westside Square • Huntsville, AL 35801 • Phone: 256.533.7287 • Fax: 256.533.7236 January 23, 2017 Attached is a resubmittal for additional information of DWR # 16-0418-V2. Please forward this package to Tim Fox, as what was previously done before. Best regards, Melissa Ballard e($� ol of Shopping Centers Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY December 5, 2016 The Broadway Group, LLC Attn: Melissa Ballard & Robert M. Broadway 216 West Side Square Huntsville, AL, 35801 Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION New Retail Store — Brevard, NC Dear Ms. Ballard & Mr. Broadway: PAT MCCRORY Gnvemor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director DWR # 16-0418-V2 Transylvania County On November 8, 2016, the Division of Water Resources (Division) received your application requesting a 401 Water Quality Certification from the Division for the above referenced project. Additional information (signature page & agent authorization form) was received on November 9, 2016. The Division has determined that your application is incomplete and cannot be processed. The application is on -hold until all of the following information is received: Page 10 of 10 carries the signature of Jerry M. Cargile. In order for Jerry M. Cargile to sign, the application package requires an agent authorization letter from the applicant. The Agent Authorization form submitted authorizes Robert M. Broadway of the Broadway Group for permit authorization. Please provide correct responsible party application signature page or agent authorization form. A sample agent authorization letter can be found on the USACE website. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(f)] 2. Please provide more details regarding avoidance and minimization of the stream impacts for this project. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(f) and (g)] This should include alternative designs and layouts of the commercial retail store. This Office believes that the Retail Store Building and Parking area labeled on the plans can be moved or reconfigured to minimize the impacts to the stream. Please revise the plans to minimize the impacts or provide a detailed explanation of why this plan for the activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize disturbance to the stream. 3. Please provide a detailed engineering plan, profile view, and cross-section of all proposed culverts and associated junction boxes. These drawings must include details regarding State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 2090 U.S. Hwy.70 I Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 8292964500 DWR # 16-0418-V2 Request for Additional Information Page 2 of 2 stream alignment in relation to pipe alignment, pipe slope, pipe burial, and dissipater pad if applicable. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(b)] 4. Per Condition 13 in GC 3890 "all culverts must be placed below the elevation of the stream bed by one foot for all culverts with a diameter greater than 48 inches and 20 percent of the culvert diameter for culverts having a diameter less than 48 inches." Please revise your plans to meet this Condition or request an exemption from this Condition and provide justification for the exemption request. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(2) and .0502(b)] 5. Please explain the need and purpose of the rock pipe inlet protection shown on the drawing on sheet 5 and provide how it will meet Condition #13 of GC 3890. 6. Per Condition 6 of GC 3890, all work must be done "in the dry". Therefore, dewatering methods will be necessary to temporarily dewater the stream channel during pipe installation. Please provide a construction sequence that details the method of dewatering to be utilized at the site and the sequence of construction events to be followed to ensure compliance with this condition. In addition, please ensure that the location of the temporary impacts are shown on the construction drawings and clearly indicated in the revised impact table. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(b)(3)] 7. Application Item 2a. indicates that this project requires Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? Please clarify the need for this requirement. 8. Per GC 3890, this project is required to provide a stormwater management plan to protect water quality. Please see Appendix A of the General Certification 3890 (attached) and submit a stormwater management plan that is in accordance with these requirements. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5) and (c)(5)j Please contact Cory Larsen with questions regarding the stormwater component of this project. Cory Larsen, PE Stormwater Engineer 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources 919.807.6379 office cory.larsen@ncdenr.gov 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 DWR # 16-0418-V2 Request for Additional Information Page 2 of 2 Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 02H .0502(e), the applicant shall furnish all of the above requested information for the proper consideration of the application. If all of the requested information is not received in writing within 30 calendar days of receipt of this letter, the Division will be unable to approve the application and it will be returned. The return of this project will necessitate reapplication to the Division for approval, including a complete application package and the appropriate fee. Please respond in writing within 30 calendar days of receipt of this letter by sending four copies of all of the above requested information to the 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. Please be aware that you have no authorization under the Section 401 of the Clean Water Act/ Isolated Wetlands and Isolated Waters Rules/Buffer Rules for this activity and any work done within waters of the state may be a violation of North Carolina General Statutes and Administrative Code. Please contact Tim Fox at 828-296-4664 or tim.fox@ncdenr.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, an Price, P.E., Assistant Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Asheville Regional Office cc: DWR ARO 401 files DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit ec: Jerry Cargile, P.E. 4Site, Inc. Cory Larsen - DWR David Brown - USACE Asheville Regulatory Field Office Andrea Leslie — NCWRC Stan Aiken - DEMLR G:\WR\WQ\Transylvania\401s\Non-DOT\New Retail Store -Brevard 18 See Off Mountain Rd\ADDINFO.401NewRetai1Store12- 2-16.docx Water Quality Certification No. 3890 Water Quality Certification Number 3890 is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15A NCAC 02H.0500 and 15A NCAC 028.0200 for the discharge of fill material to waters and adjacent wetland areas or to wetland areas that are not a part of the surface tributary system to interstate waters or navigable waters of the United States as described in 33 CFR 330 Appendix A (B) (18, 29, 39, 41, 42, 44, and 46) of the Corps of Engineers regulations and for the Riparian Area Protection Rules (Buffer Rules) in 15A NCAC 028.0200. The State of North Carolina certifies that the specified category of activity will not violate applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the conditions hereinafter set forth. Activities meeting any one (1) of the following thresholds or circumstances require written approval for a 401 Water Quality Certification from the Division of Water Quality (the "Division' ): a. Any impacts to streams involving excavation or dredging; or b. Total stream impacts within the project boundaries equal to or greater than 150 linear feet of stream, including temporary and/or permanent impacts; or c. Any stream relocation; or d. Any impact associated with a high density project (as defined in Item (A)(iv) of the 401 Stormwater Requirements) that is not subject to either a state stormwater program (such as, but not limited to, Coastal Counties, HQW, ORW or state -implemented Phase II NPDES) or a certified community's stormwater program; or e. Temporary or permanent impacts equal to or greater than one-tenth (1/10) acre of wetlands or open waters; or I. Any impacts to wetlands adjacent to waters designated as: ORW, SA, WS -I, WS -II, or Trout, or wetlands contiguous to waters designated as a North Carolina or National Wild and Scenic River; or g. Any impacts to coastal wetlands (15A NCAC 07H .0205)], or Unique Wetlands (UWL) (15A NCAC 02H.0506],- or h. Any impact associated with a Notice of Violation or an enforcement action for violation(s) of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 02H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 02H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 02B.0200); or i. Any impacts to streams and/or buffers in the Neuse, Tar -Pamlico, or Catawba River Basins or in the Randleman, Jordan or Goose Creek Watersheds (or any other basin or watershed with Riparian Area Protection Rules (Suffer Rules] in effect at the time of application) unless the activities are listed as "EXEMPT" from these rules or a Buffer Authorization Certificate is issued through N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) delegation for "ALLOWABLE° activities. In accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.3D(e), written approval for a 401 Water Quality General Certification must include the appropriate fee. If a project also requires a CAMA Permit, then one payment to both agencies shall be submitted and will be the higher of the two fees. Water Quality Certification No. 3890 Water Quality Certification No. 3890 Activities included In this General Certification that do not meet one of the thresholds listed above do not require written approval from the Division as long as they comply with the Conditions of Certification listed below. If any of these Conditions cannot be met, then written approval from the Division is required. Conditions of Certification: 1. No Impacts Beyond those Authorized in the Written Approval or Beyond the Threshold of Use of this Certification No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands, waters, or riparian areas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the Pre -Construction Notification, as authorized in the written approval from the Division or beyond the thresholds established for use of this Certification without written authorization, including incidental impacts. All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices shall be performed so that no violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of this permit. 2. Standard Erosion and Sediment Control Practices Erosion and sediment control practices must be In full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design, installation and operation and maintenance of such Best Management Practices and if applicable, comply with the specific conditions and requirements of the NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit issued to the site: a. Design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal or exceed the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractor -owned or leased borrow pits associated with the project. b. For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Surface Mining Manual. c. Reclamation measures and implementation must comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and the Mining Act of 1971. d. Sufficient materials required for stabilization and/or repair of erosion control measures and stormwater routing and treatment shall be on site at all times. e. if the project occurs in waters or watersheds classified as Primary Nursery Areas (PNAs), SA, WS -1, WS -I1, High Quality (HQW), or Outstanding Resource (ORW) waters, then the sedimentation and erosion control designs must comply with the requirements set forth in 15A NCAC 04B.0124, Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds. Water Quality Certification No. 3890 Water Quality Certification No. 3890 3. No Sediment and Erosion Control Measures in Wetlands or Waters Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters. Exceptions to this condition require application submittal to and written approval by the Division. If placement of sediment and erosion control devices in wetlands and waters Is unavoidable, then design and placement of temporary erosion control measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in dis-equilibrium of wetlands, stream beds, or banks, adjacent to or upstream and downstream of the above structures. All sediment and erosion control devices shall be removed and the natural grade restored within two (2) months of the date that the Division of Land Resources (DLR) or locally delegated program has released the specific area within the project. 4. Construction Stormwater Permit NCG010000 An NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit is required for construction projects that disturb one (1) or more acres of land. This Permit allows stormwater to be discharged during land disturbing construction activities as stipulated in the conditions of the permit. If your project is covered by this permit, full compliance with permit conditions including the erosion & sedimentation control plan, inspections and maintenance, self-monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements is required. A copy of the general permit (NCG010000), inspection log sheets, and other information may be found at http:titportal.ncdenr.orcilweblwci/ws/su/npdessw#ta The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) shall be required to be in full compliance with the conditions related to construction activities within the most recent version of their individual NPDES (NCS000250) stormwater permit_ 5. Construction Moratoriums and Coordination If activities must occur during periods of high biological activity (i.e. sea turtle nesting, fish spawning, or bird nesting), then biological monitoring may be required at the request of other state or federal agencies and coordinated with these activities. All moratoriums on construction activities established by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), NC Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF), or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to lessen impacts on trout, anadromous fish, larval/post-larval fishes and crustaceans, or other aquatic species of concern shall be implemented. Exceptions to this condition require written approval by the resource agency responsible for the given moratorium. Work within the twenty-five (25) designated trout counties or identified state or federal endangered or threatened species habitat shall be coordinated with the appropriate WRC, USFWS, NMFS, and/or DMF personnel. 6. Work in the Dry All work in or adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted so that the flowing stream does not come in contact with the disturbed area. Approved best management practices from the most current version of the NC Sediment and Erosion Control Manual, or the NC DOT Construction and Maintenance Activities Manual, such as sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams, and other diversion structures shall be used to minimize excavation in flowing water. Exceptions to this condition require application submittal to and written approval by the Division. Water Quality Certification No, 3890 3 Water Quality Certification No. 3890 7, Riparian Area Protection (Buffer) Rules Activities located in the protected riparian areas (whether jurisdictional wetlands or not), within the Neuse, Tar -Pamlico, or Catawba River Basins or in the Randleman, Jordan, or Goose Creek Watersheds (or any other basin or watershed with buffer rules) shall be limited to "uses" identified within and constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 0213.0233-0259, .0243, .0250, .0267 and .0605, and shall be located, designed, constructed, and maintained to have minimal disturbance to protect water quality to the maximum extent practicable through the use of best management practices. All buffer rule requirements, including diffuse flow requirements, must be met. 8. If concrete is used during the construction, then all necessary measures shall be taken to prevent direct contact between uncured or curing concrete and waters of the state. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete shall not be discharged to waters of the state due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life/ fish kills. 9. Bridge deck drains shall not discharge directly into the stream. Stormwater shall be directed across the bridge and pre-treated through site -appropriate means (grassed swales, pre- formed scour holes, vegetated buffers, etc.) before entering the stream. Please refer to the most current version of Stormwater Best Management Practices. Exceptions to this condition require written approval by the Division. 10. Compensatory Mitigation In accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (h), compensatory mitigation may be required for losses of equal to or greater than 150 linear feet of streams (intermittent and perennial) and/or equal to or greater than one (1) acre of wetlands. For linear public transportation projects, impacts equal to or exceeding 150 linear feet per stream shall require mitigation. Buffer mitigation may be required for any project with Buffer Rules in effect at the time of application for activities classified as "Allowable with Mitigation" or "Prohibited" within the Table of Uses. A determination of buffer, wetland, and stream mitigation requirements shall be made for any General Water Quality Certification for this Nationwide and/or Regional General Permit. Design and monitoring protocols shall follow the US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Stream Mitigation Guidelines (April 2003) or its subsequent updates. Compensatory mitigation plans shall be submitted to the Division for written approval as required in those protocols. The mitigation plan must be implemented and/or constructed before any impacts occur on site. Alternatively, the Division will accept payment into an in -lieu fee program or a mitigation bank. In these cases, proof of payment shall be provided to the Division before any impacts occur on site. Water Quality Certification No. 3890 4 Water Quality Certification No. 3890 11. Relocated stream designs should include the same dimensions, patterns, and profiles as the existing channel (or a stable reference reach if the existing channel is unstable), to the maximum extent practical. The new channel should be constructed in the dry and water shall not be turned into the new channel until the banks are stabilized. Vegetation used for bank stabilization shall be limited to native woody species, and should include establishment of a 30 -foot wide wooded and an adjacent 20 -foot wide vegetated buffer on both sides of the relocated channel to the maximum extent practical. A transitional phase incorporating appropriate erosion control matting materials and seedling establishment is allowable, however matting that incorporates plastic mesh and/or plastic twine shall not be used in wetlands, riparian buffers or floodplains as recommended by the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. Rip -rap, A -Jacks, concrete, gabions or other hard structures may be allowed if it is necessary to maintain the physical integrity of the stream; however, the applicant must provide written justification and any calculations used to determine the extent of rip -rap coverage. Please note that if the stream relocation is conducted as a stream restoration as defined in the US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, April 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines (or its subsequent updates), the restored length may be used as compensatory mitigation for the impacts resulting from the relocation. 12. Stormwater Management Plan Requirements All applications shall address stormwater management throughout the entire project area per the 401 Stormwater Requirements, referenced herein as "Attachment A" at the end of this Certification 13. Placement of Culverts and Other Structures in Waters and Wetlands Culverts required for this project shall be designed and installed in such a manner that the original stream profiles are not altered and allow for aquatic life movement during low flows. Existing stream dimensions (including the cross section dimensions, pattern, and longitudinal profile) must be maintained above and below locations of each culvert. Placement of culverts and other structures in waters and streams must be below the elevation of the streambed by one foot for all culverts with a diameter greater than 48 inches, and 20 percent of the culvert diameter for culverts having a diameter less than or equal to 48 inches, to allow low flow passage of water and aquatic life. When topographic constraints indicate culvert slopes of greater than 5%, culvert burial is not required, provided that all alternative options for flattening the slope have been investigated and aquatic life movement/ connectivity has been provided when possible (rock ladders, crossvanes, etc). Notification to the Division including supporting documentation to include a location map of the culvert, culvert profile drawings, and slope calculations shall be provided to the Division 60 days prior to the installation of the culvert. When bedrock is present in culvert locations, culvert burial is not required provided that there is sufficient documentation of the presence of bedrock. Notification to the Division including supporting documentation such as, but not limited to, a location map of the culvert, geotechnical reports, photographs, etc shall be provided to the Division a minimum of 60 days prior to the installation of the culvert. If bedrock is discovered during construction, then the Division shall be notified by phone or email within 24 hours of discovery, If other site-specific topographic constraints preclude the ability to bury the culverts as described above and/or it can be demonstrated that burying the culvert would result in destabilization of the channel, then exceptions to this condition require application submittal to, and written approval by, the Division of Water Quality, regardless of the total impacts to streams or wetlands from the project. Water Quality Certification No. 3890 5 Water Quality Certification No. 3890 Installation of culverts in wetlands must ensure continuity of water movement and be designed to adequately accommodate high water or flood conditions. Additionally, when roadways, causeways, or other fill projects are constructed across FEMA -designated floodways or wetlands, openings such as culverts or bridges must be provided to maintain the natural hydrology of the system as well as prevent constriction of the floodway that may result in destabilization of streams or wetlands_ The establishment of native, woody vegetation and other soft stream bank stabilization techniques must be used where practicable instead of riprap or other bank hardening methods. 14. All temporary fill and culverts shall be removed and the impacted area returned to natural conditions within 60 days of the determination that the temporary impact is no longer necessary. The impacted areas shall be restored to original grade, including each stream's original cross sectional dimensions, plan form pattern, and longitudinal bed and bed profile, and the various sites shall be stabilized with natural woody vegetation (except for the approved maintenance areas) and restored to prevent erosion. 15. All temporary pipes/ culverts/ riprap pads etc, shall be installed in all streams as outlined in the most recent edition of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual or the North Carolina Surface Mining Manual so as not to restrict stream flow or cause dis-equilibrium during use of this General Certification. 16. Any riprap required for proper culvert placement, stream stabilization, or restoration of temporarily disturbed areas shall be restricted to the area directly impacted by the approved construction activity. All rip -rap shall buried and/or "keyed in" such that the original stream elevation and streambank contours are restored and maintained. Placement of rip -rap or other approved materials shall not result in de -stabilization of the stream bed or banks upstream or downstream of the area. 17. Any rip -rap used for stream stabilization shall be of a size and density so as not to be able to be carried off by wave, current action, or stream flows and consist of clean rock or masonry material free of debris or toxic pollutants. Rip -rap shall not be installed in the streambed except in specific areas required for velocity control and to ensure structural integrity of bank stabilization measures. 18. A one-time application of fertilizer to re-establish vegetation is allowed in disturbed areas including riparian buffers, but is restricted to no closer than 10 feet from top of bank of streams. Any fertilizer application must comply with all other Federal, State and Local regulations. 19. If this Water Quality Certification is used to access building sites, then all lots owned by the applicant must be buildable without additional impacts to streams or wetlands. The applicant is required to provide evidence that the lots are buildable without requiring additional impacts to wetlands, waters, or buffers if required to do so in writing by the Division. For road construction purposes, this Certification shall only be utilized from natural high ground to natural high ground. 20. Deed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on all retained jurisdictional wetlands, waters, and protective buffers within the project boundaries in order to assure compliance for future wetland, water, and buffer impact. These mechanisms shall be put in place at the time of recording of the property or of individual lots whichever is appropriate. A sample deed notification can be downloaded from the 401NVetlands Unit web site at htto•gi)ortal ncdenr orgbygb/wci �/ws/401/Certsandpermits/a2r)ly/forms. The text of the sample deed notification may be modified as appropriate to suit to a specific project. Documentation of deed notifications shall be provided to the Division upon request. Water Quality Certification No. 3890 6 Water Quality Certification No. 3890 21, If an environmental document is required under the National or State Environmental Policy Act (NEPA or SEPA), then this General Certification is not valid until a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or Record of Decision (ROD) is issued by the State Clearinghouse. 22. In the twenty (20) coastal counties, the appropriate DWQ Regional Office must be contacted to determine if Coastal Stormwater Regulations will be required. 23. This General Certification does not relieve the applicant of the responsibility to obtain all other required Federal, State, or Local approvals. 24. The applicant/permittee and their authorized agents shall conduct all activities in a manner consistent with State water quality standards (including any requirements resulting from compliance with §303(d) of the Clean Water Act), and any other appropriate requirements of State and Federal Law. If the Division determines that such standards or laws are not being met, including failure to sustain a designated or achieved use, or that State or Federal law is being violated, or that further conditions are necessary to assure compliance, then the Division may reevaluate and modify this General Water Quality Certification. 25. When written authorization is required for use of this certification, upon completion of all permitted impacts included within the approval and any subsequent modifications, the applicant shall be required to return the certificate of completion attached to the approval. One copy of the certificate shall be sent to the DWQ Central Office in Raleigh at 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650. 26. Additional site-specific conditions, including monitoring and/or modeling requirements, may be added to the written approval letter for projects proposed under this Water Quality Certification in order to ensure compliance with all applicable water quality and effluent standards. 27. This certification grants permission to the director, an authorized representative of the Director, or DENR staff, upon the presentation of proper credentials, to enter the property during normal business hours. This General Certification shall expire on the same day as the expiration date of the corresponding Nationwide and/or Regional General Permit. The conditions in effect on the date of issuance of Certification for a specific project shall remain in effect for the life of the project, regardless of the expiration date of this Certification. Non-compliance with or violation of the conditions herein set forth by a specific project may result in revocation of this General Certification for the project and may also result in criminal and/or civil penalties. The Director of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality may require submission of a formal application for Individual Certification for any project in this category of activity if it is determined that the project is likely to have a significant adverse effect upon water quality, including state or federally listed endangered or threatened aquatic species, or degrade the waters so that existing uses of the wetland or downstream waters are precluded. Water Quality Certification No. 3890 7 Water Quality Certification No. 3890 Public hearings may be held for specific applications or group of applications prior to a Certification decision if deemed in the public's best interest by the Director of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Effective date: March 19, 2012 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY By 1-4 -/-n ,/'i Charles Wakild, P.E. Director History Note: Water Quality Certification (WQC) Number 3890 issued March 19, 2012 replaces WQC Number 3821 issued April 6, 2010; WQC Number 3631 issued March 19, 2007; WQC 3402 issued March, 2003; WQC Number 3362, issued March 18, 2002; WQC 3287, issued June 1, 2000, WQCs 3106 and 3106 issued February 11, 1997. This Water Quality Certification is rescinded when the Corps of Engineers reauthorizes any of the corresponding Nationwide or Regional General Permits and/or when deemed appropriate by the Director of the Division of Water Quality. Water Quality Certification No. 3890 8 Water Quality Certification No. 3890 Attachment A: 401 Stormwater Requirements The requirements listed below shall be implemented in order to comply with Condition 12 of this General Certification. For the North Carolina Department of Transportation, compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250 shall serve to satisfy the 401 and Isolated Wetland Stormwater Requirements.' A. Design and Implementation Requirements. All projects, regardless of project area, amount of built -upon area or amount of jurisdictional impact, shall meet the following stormwater design requirements: i. Non -Erosive Discharge to Streams and Wetlands. Stormwater conveyances that discharge to streams and wetlands must discharge at a non-erosive velocityprior to entering the stream or wetland during the peak flow from the ten-year storm. ii. Vegetated Setbacks. A 30 -foot wide vegetated setback must be maintained adjacent to streams, rivers and tidal waters in areas that are not subject to a state Riparian Area Protection Rule or other more stringent vegetated setback requirements. The width of the setback shall be measured horizontally from the normal pool elevation of impounded structures, the top -of -bank of streams and rivers, and the mean high waterline of tidal waters, perpendicular to shoreline. Vegetated setback and filters required by state rules or local governments may be met concurrently with this requirement and may contain coastal, isolated or 404 jurisdictional wetlands. Non -jurisdictional portions of the vegetated setback may be cleared and graded, but must be planted with and maintained in grass or other vegetative or plant material .3 iii. Construction and Operation. The Stormwater management plan must be constructed and operational before any permanent building or other structure is occupied or utilized at the site. The stormwater management plan, including drainage patterns, must be maintained in perpetulty.4 iv. Coordination with Other Stormwater Programs. Projects that are subject to another Division of Water Quality (DWQ) stormwater program, including (but not limited to) the 20 Coastal Counties, HOW, ORW or state -implemented Phase 11 NPDES, or a Certified Community's stormwater management program, must be constructed and maintained in compliance with the approved stormwater management plan.5 v. Stormwater Design Requirements for Projects Not Covered Under Item (iv). Projects that are not subject to another DWQ stormwater program or a Certified Community's stormwater program shall meet all of the following requirements: a. Low Density. A site is low density if all the following requirements are met: The development has a built upon area of twenty-four percent (24%) or less, considering both current and future development. When determining the amount of built upon area, coastal wetlands shall be included; however, ponds, lakes and rivers as specified in North Carolina's Schedule of Classifications shall be excluded. If a portion of project has a density greater than 24%, the higher density area must be located in an upland area and away from surface waters and drainageways to the maximum extent practicable.6 2. All stormwater runoff from the built upon areas is transported primarily via vegetated conveyances designed in accordance with the most recent version of the NC DWQ Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual. Alternative designs may be approved if the applicant can show that the design provides Water Quality Certification No. 3890 9 Water Quality Certification No. 3890 equal or better water quality protection than the practices specified in the manual. The project must not include a stormwater collection system (such as piped conveyances) as defined in 15A NCAC 02B.0202(60).7 b. High Density. Projects that do not meet the Low Density requirements shall meet the following requirements: 1. Stormwater runoff from the entire site must be treated by structural stormwater controls (BMPs) that are designed to remove eighty-five percent (85%) of the average annual amount of Total Suspended Solids (TSS). Stormwater runoff that drains directly to Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) must also be treated to remove thirty percent (30%) of Total Nitrogen (TN) and Total Phosphorus (TP).8 2. All BMPs must be designed in accordance with the version of the NC DWQ Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual that is in place on the date of stormwater management plan submittal. Alternative designs may be approved if the applicant can show that the design provides equal or better water quality protection than the practices specified in the manual.9 3. DWQ may add specific stormwater management requirements on a case-by- case basis in order to ensure that a proposed activity will not violate water quality standards.'0 4. DWQ may approve Low Impact Developments (LIDs) that meet the guidance set forth in the Low Impact Development: A Guidebook for North Carolina." 5. Proposed new development undertaken by a local government solely as a public road project shall follow the requirements of the NC DOT BMP Toolbox rather than Items (1)-(4) above.12 B. Submittal Requirements. The submittal requirements listed below apply only to projects that require written authorization as indicated in the applicable General Certification as well as projects that require an Isolated Wetlands Permit. Any required documentation shall be sent to the Wetlands, Buffers and Stormwater Compliance and Permitting Unit at 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650. i. Projects that are Subject to Another DWQ Stormwater Program: If the project is subject to another DWQ stormwater program, such as the 20 Coastal Counties, HOW, ORW or state -implemented Phase 11 NPDES, then the applicant shall submit a copy of the stormwater approval letter before any impacts occur on site.13 ii. Projects that are Subject to a Certified Community's Stormwater Program. If the project is subject to a certified local government's stormwater program, then the applicant shall submit one set of approved stormwater management plan details and calculations with documentation of the local government's approval before any impacts occur on site. iii. Projects Not Covered Under Items (i) or (ii). If the project is not subject to another DWQ Stormwater Program or a Certified Community's stormwater program, then it shall be reviewed and approved by the DWQ through the Water Quality Certification authorization process. a. Low Density. For low density projects, the applicant shall submit two copies of the DWQ Low Density Supplement Form with all required items. 13 Water Quality Certification No. 3890 10 Water Quality Certification No. 3890 b. High Density. For high density projects, the applicant shall submit two copies of a DWQ BMP Supplement Form and all required items at the specified scales for each BMP that is proposed. 13 iv. Phasing. Stormwater management plans may be phased on a case-by-case basis, with the submittal of a final stormwater management plan per Items (i) -(iii) above required for the current phase and a conceptual stormwater management plan for the future phase(s). The stormwater management plan for each future phase must be approved by the appropriate entity before construction of that phase is commenced. The approved stormwater management plan for each future phase must be constructed and operational before n permanent building or other structure associated with that phase is occupied. 4 Stormwater Management Plan Modifications. The stormwater management plan may not be modified without prior written authorization from the entity that approved the plan. If the project is within a Certified Community, then the applicant shall submit one set of approved stormwater management plan details and calculations with documentation of the local government's approval for record-keeping purposes. If the project is subject to DWQ review, then the applicant shall submit two copies of the appropriate Supplement Forms per Item (iii) above for any BMPs that have been modified for DWQ's review and approval.15 ' The stormwater requirement for 401 applications is codified in 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5) and (c)(5). 2 Non erosive discharge rates are required in SL 2008-211§2(b)(1). The 10 -year design storm standard is codified in 15A NCAC 02H .1008(f)(2) and .1008(g)(1). 3 30 -foot vegetated setbacks are required in SL 2006-246§9(d), SL 2008-211§2(b), 15A NCAC 02H .1006(2)(c) and .1007(1)(a). 4 Construction and maintenance of the stormwater plan is necessary to satisfy 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5). 5 Conveys application procedure to streamline the permitting process and reduce any unnecessary duplication in the review of stormwater management plans. 6 Low density built upon area thresholds are set in SL 2006-246§9(c) and SL 2008-211 §2(b). ' The requirement for low density development to use vegetated conveyances is codified in SL 2046-246§9(c), SL 2008-211§2(b), 15A NCAC 02H .1006(2)(b) and .1007(1)(a). The Stormwater BMP Manual is also referenced in 15A NCAC 02B .0265(3)(a) and .0277(4)(e). a 85% TSS removal is required in SL 2006-246§9(d), SL 2008-211§2(b), 15A NCAC 02H .1006(2)(c), 15A NCAC 02H .1007(1)(a). The 30% TN and TP removal requirements for NSW waters are set forth in 15A NCAC 026 .0232, 15A NCAC 0213.0257(a)(1), 15A NCAC 02B .0265(3)(a) and 15A NCAC 02B.0277(4). 9 The Stormwater BMP Manual is also referenced in 15A NCAC 02B .0265(3)(a) and .0277(4)(e). 10 The requirement for DWQ to ensure that water quality standards are protected before issuing a 401 certification is codified in 15A NCAC 02H .0506. " The LID Toolbox is also referenced in 15A NCAC 02B .0277(4)(8). 12 The term "public road project" is defined in15A NCAC 02B .0265(3)(a). t3 Conveys application procedure to streamline the permitting process. 14 Phased development is addressed as a "common pian of development" in 15A NCAC 02H ,1003(3). 15 Procedures for modifying stormwater plans are set forth in 15A NCAC 02H.101 1. Water Quality Certification No. 3890 11 W A TTf9q Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.4 January 2009 Page 1 of 10 PCN Form - Version 1.4 January 2009 Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: ❑X Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: or General Permit (GP) number: 1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ❑X Yes ❑ No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular ❑ Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑X 401 Water Quality Certification - Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWQ 401 Certification: ❑ Yes ❑X No For the record only for Corps Permit: ❑ Yes ❑X No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program. ❑ Yes Q No 1g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1h below. ❑ Yes 0 No 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes ❑X No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: New Retail Store - Brevard, NC 2b. County: Transylvania 2c. Nearest municipality / town: Brevard Q 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state project no: N/A Jq 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: High Mountain Holding, Inc. 'WATER 3b. Deed Book and Page No. Deed Book 442, Page No. 260 p B-41 ES 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable): 3d. Street address: 18 See Off Mountain Road 3e. City, state, zip: Brevard, NC, 28712 3f. Telephone no.: (828) 508-4211 3g. Fax no.: 3h. Email address: mkananre@citcom.net Page 1 of 10 PCN Form - Version 1.4 January 2009 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑X Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. Name: Melissa Ballard 4c. Business name (if applicable): The Broadway Group, LLC 4d. Street address: 216 West Side Square 4e. City, state, zip: Huntsville, AL, 35801 4f. Telephone no.: (256) 533-7287 4g. Fax no.: (256) 533-7236 4h. Email address: melissa.ballard@broadwaygroup.net 5. Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: Jerry Cargile, P.E. 5b. Business name (if applicable): 4Site, Inc. 5c. Street address: 7500 Memorial Parkway SW, Suite 209 5d. City, state, zip: Huntsville, AL 35802 5e. Telephone no.: (256) 539-1221 5f. Fax no.: (256) 539-1220 5g. Email address: I jcargile@4siteinc.biz Page 2 of 10 B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): 8593127813000 1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): ILatitude: 35.156388 Longitude: -82.709166 1 c. Property size: 2.25 acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water to proposed project: Long Lake 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: Long Branch - Tr 2c. River basin: French Broad River Basin 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The existing site consists of a single real estate building with associated parking area and utilities located in the front portion of the lot toward Highway 276 and See Off Mountain Road. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: 588 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: Construction of new retail store (9,002 SF) with associated parking, stormwater management and utilities, including demolition of existing site condition 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Bulldozers, dump trucks, excavators and skid steers will be used for demolition of existing conditions and grading for the proposed conditions. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / project (includingall prior phases)in the past? ❑ Yes ❑X No ❑ Unknown Comments: 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made? El Preliminary Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Agency/Consultant Company: Other: 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past? ❑ Yes ❑X No ❑ Unknown 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes ❑X No 6b. If yes, explain. Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands ❑X Streams — tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. Wetland impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary T 2b. Type of impact 2c. Type of wetland 2d. Forested 2e. Type of jurisdiction Corps (404,10) or DWQ (401, other) 2f. Area of impact (acres) W1 Choose one Choose one Yes/No - W2 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No W3 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No N/4 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No W5 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No W6 - Choose one Choose one Yes/No 2g. Total Wetland Impacts: 2h. Comments: 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. Stream impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary (T) 3b. Type of impact 3c. Stream name 3d. Perennial (PER) or intermittent (INT)? 3e. Type of jurisdiction 3f. Average stream width (feet) 3g. Impact length (linear feet) S1 P Fill Long Branch PER Corps 7 140 S2 Choose one - S3 Choose one S4 Choose one S5 Choose one S6 - Choose one 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 140 3i. Comments: Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then indivi ually list all open water impacts below. 4a. Open water impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary T 4b. Name of waterbody (if applicable) 4c. Type of impact 4d. Waterbody type 4e. Area of impact (acres) O1 Choose one Choose O2 Choose one Choose 03 Choose one Choose 04 Choose one Choose 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments: 5. Pond or Lake Construction If pond or lake construction proposed, the complete the chart below. 5a. Pond ID number 5b. Proposed use or purpose of pond 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland (acres) Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated P1 Choose one P2 Choose one 5f. Total: 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWO) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar -Pamlico ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman ❑ Other: 6b. Buffer Impact number— Permanent (P) or Temporary T 6c. Reason for impact 6d. Stream name 6e. Buffer mitigation required? 6f. Zone 1 impact (square feet) 6g. Zone 2 impact (square feet B1 - Yes/No B2 - Yes/No B3 - Yes/No B4 - Yes/No B5 - Yes/No B6 - Yes/No 6h. Total Buffer Impacts: 6i. Comments: Page 5 of 10 D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. The layout of the proposed store was designed to a minimal surface area and placed as far south as possible; for example, additional pavement was added in the southeast comer of the lot to eliminate the need for pavement that would further encroach onto the stream to the north. Piping and grading used to divert the stream was designed to be the minimum required to adequately route runoff from the stream. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. During construction, erosion and sediment control measures will be taken for all aspects of the drainage system, including silt fencing, check dams, rock doughnuts, rock pipes and a gravel construction entrance (see provided plan). 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? ❑ Yes ❑X No 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this project? ❑ Mitigation bank El Payment to in -lieu fee program ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type: Choose one Type: Choose one Type: Choose one Quantity: Quantity: Quantity: 3c. Comments: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: 140 linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4f. Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: Payment to an In -Lieu Fee Program will be made once the fee is assessed by the USACE 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires buffer mitigation? ❑ Yes ❑X No 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. Zone 6c. Reason for impact 6d. Total impact (square feet) Multiplier 6e. Required mitigation (square feet) Zone 1 3 (2 for Catawba) Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in -lieu fee fund). 6h. Comments: Page 7 of 10 E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified ❑ Yes ❑X No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? 26 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? ❑X Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: 30" piping will be used to re-route water from the stream around the new building into the existing storm system. A diversion swale will be used outside the building to direct runoff in the yard areas into the existing storm system. The parking lot is graded to draina into a new area inlet, where runoff is then routed into the existing storm system along U.S. Highway 276. 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? NCDEQ 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which localgovernment's jurisdiction is thisproject? Transylvania County ❑ Phase II ❑ NSW 3b. Which of the following locally -implemented stormwater management programs ❑ USMP apply (check all that apply): ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑X Other: NCDEQ 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑X No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Program Review ElCoastal counties ❑HQW 4a. Which of the following state -implemented stormwater management programs apply ❑ORW (check all that apply): ❑Session Law 2006-246 ❑X Other: High Density 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑X No attached? 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑X No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑X No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the ❑ Yes ❑X No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes 0 No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval ❑ Yes ❑X No letter.) Comments: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes ❑X No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after -the -fact permit application? F1 Yes ❑X No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in ❑Yes ❑X No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Sanitary sewer from the building will be pumped (design by others) into a new septic system located on the uphill side of the site, adjacent to the eastern boundarline (see provided plan). The system will treat the sewage and allow wastewater to percolate within the designated field lines. Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or Q Yes ❑ No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act 0 Yes ❑ No impacts? 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? Bryon Hamstead off the Ashevill USFWS Field Office was contacted and sent project information to determine of the site is located within Long Earred Bat habitat. We are awaiting.Mr. Hamstead's findings. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes ❑X No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? httpi//www.habitat.noaa.gov/protection/efh/howweprotect.html 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation ❑ Yes ❑X No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA -designated 100 -year floodplain? ❑ Yes ❑X No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? https://msc.fema.gov/portal/search#searchresultsanchor Q 31F7 goad W,Ma Applicant/Agent's Printedlame Date A gent's Signature (A,gl6fs signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant isprovided.) Page 10 of 10 STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1. ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA, I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890, CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN' ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1 - APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. PROJECT NOTES: C)2OPERTY C}VvWNER INFORM:A riON HIGH MOUNTAIN HOLDINGS 2. DEVELOPER INFORMATION: THE BROADWAY GROUP LLC 216 WESTSIDE SQUARE HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA 35801 PHONE: 256-533-7287 3. PROPERTY INFORMATION: DEED BOOK 442 PAGE 260 4. GOVERNING -TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, NC -U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS -NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (NCDEQ) LuCONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR � PROPOSED RETAIL STORE �(1 PREPARED FOR THE BROADWAY GROUP LLC Adbk U.S. HIGHWAY 276 - @REVARD, NC `r DUNN'S ROCK TOWNSHIP - TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY 4: '• k s` K SITE t� ,4py.�xrc- M<ru.�.sc.r N C` xY c - ti VICINITY MAP IJAN 2 4 2017. INDEX TO DRAWINGS: SHT. N0", SST. DAME COVER COVER SHEET 1 NOTES 2 DEMOLITION 3 LAYOUT 4 GRADING (PHASE I & 11) 5 GRADING (PHASE III) 6-8 EROSION CONTROL (PHASE 1 -III) 9 STORM 10 STORM CROSS-SECTIONS 11-13 DETAILS 14 LANDSCAPE PLAN w O NW m O H N H Z Q J O ` Q W ' 0 zz LLQ 3 d g z < Q W 0 w a a(n m m a.: w 1 Z 0OF-NO U � O LL U 030 zLi.a=z O(LruviZZ) UI..L a:� o i{Lun®Y oanwweT: e3.v�v REWMTE 01012616 OFFICEMTE 02.:72016 CHE BY: JCARALE P TMTE. X3012617 NO SCALE SHEET COVER OF 14 CWJERII , e-13) STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1. ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT U THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA, I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3CONDITION O 890. #6 (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET S FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1 - APRIL 1S). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS S SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. GENERAL NOTES 1 THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING APPLICATION. AND PAYING FOR ALL NECESSARY PERMITS HE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREVENT THE DESTRUCTION OF ALL SURVEY MONUMENTS S. BENCH MARKS. PROPERTYN COR ERS AND ALL OTHER SURVEY POINTS WHERE REMOVAL I E E TH E E O A OF SUCH POINTS IS NECESSARY F T T OR HE ACCOMPLISHMENT F THE . T E O E WORK. HE PONT UNTIL V IS TC INFORM THEN TO D EF IN WRITING PRIOR TE THE DISTURBANCE OF ANY POINT AND IS NOT TO DISTlA2E THE POINT UNTIL WRITTEN PERMISSION TO 00 SG HAS BEEN GRANTED BY THE ENGINEER S ALL EXISTING TREES AND SHRUBS OUTSIDE OF THE LIMITS OF WORK SHAD BE PROTECTED DURING- CONSTRUCTION AND ARE NOT TO BE DAMAGED IN ANY MANNER 4 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESPONSIBLE FOR RFFNRANY DAMAGE TO STREETS AND OTHER STRUCTURES WHICH IS CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 5 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL AND PROPER DISPOSAL OF ALL BOULDERS. DEBRIS. EXCESS CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS MATERIAL GENERATED FROM THE DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND FACILITIES. AND TRASH 6 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING EXISTING UTILITIES LOOTED PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION THE ENGINEER/SURVEYOR ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY /IS TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE EXISTING SSHOWN U71LCTI 'T E ON HE PLANS 7 UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS. ALL STORM DRAINAGE PIPES SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE CUSS III (ASTM C-76) COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL FOR BEDDING SHALL BE PEOUIPEC WHERE UNSUITABLE GROUND WATER OR OTHER CONDITIONS PREVENT THE CONTRACTOR FPOM OBTAINING A PROPERLY SHAPED TRENCH BOTTOM B ALL PAVEMENT CUTS SHALL BE REPAIRED WITH MATERIAL IN KIND TC THAT REMOVED 9 UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS. ALL RIP RAF SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 6.15. NCDEO EROSION 6 SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING B DESIGN MANUAL 10 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDITIONS OF THE JOB SITE. INCLUDING THE SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY DURING PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL VVOPKING HOURS 11 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND SAFETY MEASURES FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK WITHIN PUBLIC FIGHT -OF -WAYS AND OTHER AREAS WHICH REOURE ITS USE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS (M .0 T C.C.) LATEST EDITION 12 THE DUTY OF THE ENGINEER TO CONDUCT CONSTRUCTION REVIEW OF THE CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE DOES NOT INCLUDE REVIEW OF THE CONTRACTOR S SAFETY MEASURES IN. ON' OR NEAR THE CONSTRUCTION SITE 13 SIDEWALK RAMPS ARE TO COMPLY WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) SPECIFICATIONS 1 ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE AR ENTRAINED 3000 PS'I MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTFI /,T 2E DAYS (CLASS "A') UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS E ALL CONSTRJCTION JOINTS SHAD_ BE CONSTRUCTED WITH CONTINUOUS SHEAR KEYS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SHEAR KEY DETAIL ON THE PLANS 3 ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE GRADE 60 DEFORMED BARS. AND SHr,_L CONFORM TO STM A61S. FOR BILLET STEEL 4. LAP SPLICES AND BAR EMBEDMENTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TABLE ON THE PLANS. 5. CONCRETE NR CONTENT AND SLUMP SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TABLE ON THE PLANS E ALL REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE SHOP BENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TABLE ON THE PLANS HEATING OF REINFORCING BARS TO BEND THEM. OR STRAIGHTEN THEM WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. 7 ALL WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A18S. SMOOTH FABRIC WITH AN A5TM YIELD STRENGTH OF 65.000 PSI 1 THE CONTRACTOR IS PEOUIPED TO FURNISH ALL MATERIALS. EOUIPMENT AND LABOR NECESSARY FOR' THE SEEDING OF ALL DISTURBED AREAS. AND OTHER AREAS SPECIFIED ON THE GRADING PLANS ALL SPECIFIED SURFACE AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS 2 TOPSOILSHALL BE STRIPPED AND STOCK PILED DURING CONSTRUCTION A MINIM'S OF 61NCHES OF CONDITIONED AND AMENDED TOPSOIL SHALL BE RESPREAC OVER ALL AREAS SPECIFIED FOR SEEDING GRADING SHALL CONFORM WITH THE GRADING PLAN S. SEEDING SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS. (AYPEBEL' OR'PALCON' FESCUE SEED ( TIL APRIL ISTH) WITH 95% GERMINATION APPLICATION RATE SHALL BE 8 LBS PER 1.000 SQUARE FEET (B)BERMUDA SEED (FROM APRIL 15TH TO AUGUST 15TH) WITH 95% GERMINATION APPLICATION PATE SHALL BE 3 LBS PER 1000 SQUARE FEET 4 SOIL AMENDMENT SHALL BE RECOMMENDED USING LIME OR SULFUR TO ACHIEVE A SOIL PH OF 55 TO 65 52-4-D ROUNDUP' OR EQUIVALENT POST -EMERGENT HERBICIDE SHALL BE REQUIRED TO KILL EXISTING WEEDS PRIOR TO SEEDING 'TREFLAN"'DACTAL' OR EQUIVALENT PRE -EMERGENT HERBICIDE SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR Al SEEDED AREAS TO PREVENT VVEEC GERMINATION 6 PROTECTION OF SEEDED AREAS ON STEEP SLOPES SHALL BE PROVIDED USING A:'SJPER DUTY EXCELSIOR EROSION CONTROL BLANKET'AS MANUFACTURED BY 'PPS PACKAGING COMPANY.' PAC BOX 56 FOWLER. CA. 93625. OR APPROVED EOJIVALENT WHERE INDICATED ON THE GRADING PLAN APP_lC/-TION OF'EXCELSIOR' BJWKET SHALL COMPLY WITH THE MANUFACTURER S RECOMMENDATIONS WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. APPLYBLANKET TO THE SLOPE AFTER PROPER PREPAR/:TION ANC SEEDING OF THE GROUND EARTHWORK GENERAL NOTES: THE SITE TOPOGRAPHY AND OTHER TOPOGRAPHIC DATA. SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR INCLUDED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE INF MT OR .IONF THE HE CONTRA TOR THE HE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE SUCH ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATIONS AS REQUIRED TO ACQUAINT HIM F SEL ADEQUATELY EOUnTEL WITH THE SITE IN F F E INCLUDING G SUBSUR ACE SOIL CONDITIONS FOR PREPARATION O. HIS BIG. AND FOR THE SUCCESSFU: EXECUTION- 2 XECUTIONE 'UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS. ALL PROPOSED CONTOURS AND ALL PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE FINISHED GRADE THENTR CO ACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY AND COMP Y LETEL RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION OF HIS WORK SUCH GRADING AS 11 REQUIRED FOR THIS PURPOSE SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR S RESPONSIBILITY AND SHALL BE PERFORMED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER THE OWNER MAY DIRECT THE CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM SUCH GRADING AND DRAINAGE AS IS NECESSARY TO PREVENT SURFACE RUNOFF FROM DAMAGING THE WORK 4 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO INSTALL SILT FENCES CHECK DAMS. AND OTHER EROSION E SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TO PREVENT LOOSE DIRT AND SEDIMENT FROM WASHING ONTO STREETS AND ADJACENT PROPERTY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF EROSION E SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION: BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCY I ALL EARTH FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 9S% OF THE MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY. PLUS OR MINUS 2% OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE (ASTM -D6798). EXCEPT FOR EARTH FILLS UNDER ROADS WHICH ARE TO COMPLY WITH THE PAVING SPECIFICATIONS 6 ALL EARTH FILL SHALL BE PLACED IN UNIFORM LAYERS OR LIFTS NOT EXCEEDING 6' IN COMPACTED THICKNESS UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS ALL EARTH FILL SHALL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCDOT 200E STANDARDS ALL EARTH FILL UNDER BUILDINGS SHALL /"LSD MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ARCHITECT'S PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 8 IF A GEOTECHNICAL REPORT HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THE SITE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING THE SITE PREPARATION RECOMMENDATIONS SPECIFIED WTHIN THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS MORE STRINGENT REOLI REMENTS ARE GIVEN ON THE PLANS OR WITHIN THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS ALL DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED WITH SOD EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN U EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN O U N U I: 1 REMOVE SPOILS E STOCKPILE E INSTiIL DOUBLE ROW SILT FENCE ALONG RIGHT OF WAV a INS?ALL STRAV. WATTLES AROUND EXISTING INLETS 4 INSTALL CHECK DAMS ALONG EAST PROPERTY LINE INS- ALL PHASE III STORM (SEE SHEET 4) E INSTP:L. AESOO:^:TEC EROSION CONTPOL !WATT -ES E REMOVE PHASE I & I! SILT FENCING ? INSTALL TEMPOPAPY SANITARY FACILITIES AND DJMPSTEPS B INSTALL UTILITIES STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWERS AND WATER SEPOCES 7 CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA 1C CONSTPJCT STAGING AND MATERIALS STORAGE ARE`'. 11 INSTALL TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES AND DUMPSTERS 12 INS/'.LL UTILITIES. STORM SEVVER. SANITARY SEWERS AND WATER SERVICES 15 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING FOUNDATION AND STRUCTURE 14 INSTALL GUTTERS CURBS, AND PREPARE PAVEMENT SJBGRADE IS PARKJNG LOT PAVED EXTERIOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTED 16. REMOVE TEMPORARY CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA. 17 IMPLEMENT WINTER STABILIZATION PROCEDURES IF NECESSARY 16 FINALIZE PAVEMENT ACTIVITIES 19 FINALIZE GRADING ACTIVITIES 2C REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY CONTROL BMP S AND STABILIZE AREAS DISTURBED BY THEIR REMOVAL WITH EROSION CONTROLS 21 PREPARE FINAL SOD AND LANDSCAPING 22 MONITOR STABILIZED ARES UNTIL FINAL STABILIZ:TION IS PE/`,CHEC YEV61DI6: DAWN BY: 8"LEY FBDOATE D:D:23S OFFICi DATE DE.Il[ OEO�DDY: .IrnaDN.E PIDT DATE 23.DL2Dl7 NO SCALE SHWT 1 OF 14 PIIO.)ECTMO.: 16-137 STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1. ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA, I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890, CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN. 1- APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. RELOCATI EXISTING POLE F / CONNECTING LINE`. (SEE SHEET 3 - '� 111 It'll 1 11i I I III 1 vI ' ` !Ill J1106 ---- i/lblrlit • l t �- I I ,,1111 Ri'np1U l l ' I �ll 4�, I1 lil I _ l"q lll'I'ryl i! -1 I • 1 1 I �� �I R �__ 1 F14r , K �1 I 8 , If III I I I 1 IA rs�2Ies ''6 f, l l ` 1 1 i l 1NEW SEPTIC SYSTEM N 02 vq \ \ Il -� l I l r — ! 11 111 I I� f I I TO UTILIZE EXISTING 1.?\ .\\ IIIIIII Il,tll 17 1 I , i 1 1 RELD LINES 1 \— \moi jll III 11 it 11111 'l� • 1 I 1 (SEE SHEE73) .,IItO, — \ I_III!III11i.1111 11, 1 I I \ "I I Zen,7 ".III, IIII I,l AV AA 1 I I 11.E i V vIIIItil. RE -VE \\\\ EXIMSTING PIPE \\\\\\\�\\\\\ 11 11 1 1 'I i i 11 I\\\ ♦ \IIII 1 I UlIl 1\N\\\\A\\AAV\��AVAVA I' aO1 / — p` lit /F It II \111 / / I I , 1 �\ 1111 �, 1'1111IIIIIIII \ c1 1'.1 -III 111.11111 1111,1\I \\ DEMO EXISTING \I 11 BUILDING 1111111,1 1j 111\IA111V111`111 'AV v'��'�_ 1111 ` 11 N•1`V• r '\ 11�`\\I\1\1 \11;1111�1i1 ,\ •,111,1\.1\11,1'.,11\�\ � '�,_ ;VA1111At�AVA, wv _�—�. 1 RELOCATE EX. WELL \\ (SEE SHEET 3) ® I I I p I 0 J O i 0 a O v I J z eee� Z) Q J O Q W0 Z O Qz Q a JW8tt2 a� m m n Lu OOrx-^p � a LN L �_ o LU CY Z/Li.axz aujo DeAWeeT: fi6A , POMMM DIA12016 OF mm 06.:12016 Baer: s,WGI.6 PWT011TE 23012017 0 20 40 SHWr 2 of )4 STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: L ALL WORK IN OR ADJ WATERS SHALL BE COI THE FLOWING STREAM CONTACT WITH THE DI! "IN THE DRY". (PER WAl CERTIFICATION NO. 38£ (SEE "PHASING PLAN' C ADDITIONAL INFORMAT 2. NO CONSTRUCTION) INVOLVE DISTURBANCE MAY TAKE PLACE DURII` SPAWNING SEASON (J, 3. SEE EROSION CONTE 4 REGARDING PHASING SPECIFIC TO PROTECTII STREAM. ABBREVIATIONS BC BACK OF CURB - BOTTOM OF.11 CDN' I:ONC,RETF EI. ELEV EIEV — ER EDGE OF PAVEMENT ESMT E✓S -, EX EXETNG FFF FNZHED FLODR ELEVATKM FC FINISHED GRADE FSL FRON-SET SNC --WPl. HEAD - -Hp iD, POINT IE N1ER-EI-5— W LAVER - JB .:UNY.'gN BOX LF _IN'rAR FEE' LOCO: MAX MBL TqN MA%Y�UM MNUMUM BUI'_DING LNF i. MM NIC MANHOLE HNFAUM NOT N CONTRACT .Tl OPENTHROATNLET PVMT PAVEMENT READ REO'.IIRED REa'S REOUWEMENF_ R5L REAR SETBACK LIFE ROW RIGHI-OF-WAY 5S SANIT ANY SEWER 551 SDE SETBACK LINE STR Sl.LCTURE — TFMPORARY TOC TOP OF CURB TOW TVG TOP OF WALL `v UED ICAL JTUI, ANDDRAiNAGE UNO JN..ESS NCTED OI.+ERWISE STP WOJ STRJCTURE WAI ER OL -11-1 LEGEND ❑ CONCRETFMONUMENI FOUND 0 CONCRETE MONUMENT SET O PROPERTY CDRNER FOLINO 0 PR—ERTVCDRNER. SEI FENCE CONCRETE DRECTIONO; F.Ow —OXT— OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE —OXE— OVERNEAD ELECTRIC LINE —IIQ— UNDFRGROUND E:ECTRC INE — .1 -- UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UhNE (ATb, G E=TING SANRAR`. SEWER MAwgLE —5— EXE,—SANITARY SEWER LRE G RRCRCSEDSANITARVSEWERMAN'HOLE —S— PROPOSED SANRARV SEWER LINE O EXISTING ~T RCL - X EXISTING -LT POLE —w— EXISTING WATER LNF EXISTING WATER VALVE llMll T{ EXISTING FINE HYDRAN' �w PROPOSEDWATERLNE N PROPOSED WATER VALVE PROPOSED FRE MYDRAN' — G — EXISTING GAS LINE —G— PR;WOSED GAS SNE BID EXISTINGINDEXCDNIOIIRS - - 811 - - EXISTING INTER CONTOURS ) EG 6612 EXETNG SPOT EI E`/ATgN —010— PROPCSED wE%CONTOURS PROPOSED WTFRCONTOURS. X FG 662.50 PRDRCEEDS-1 ELEVATION /1/Y\ TREE LINE OE%LSTNG'REES TEMPORARY SII FENCC ® iEMPCRARV ST LME CtiECr DAM ® IEMPGRARV STRAW V✓Al'LE - — — — e EXISTING STORM PPE /©. DEMp FXLSTINC ASPHA-1 O FX6DNG AREA TO REMVNN ® AREA, F F 0 J DR "Bl RMLEY FIED-TE a: ol2Ol6 01410E -Te W172DM O Illy: JCARGI_E P4 -TE 230'.2011 0 20 40 SHOT 3 ,a STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1. ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA, I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890, CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN' ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1- APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. NOTE: ONLY THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MAY BE CONSTRUCTED DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN. 1 - APRIL 15) TO AVOID STREAM DISTURBANCE STREAM DISTURBANCE SCHEDULE CALENDAR DAYS ACTIVITY I MOBILIZE 5-B PHASE I: PIPE B STRUCTURE INSTALLATION 3-4 PHASE II: PIPE B STRUCTURE INSTALLATION 3-4 PHASE III: FILL REMAINING STREAM NOTE: PHASE 116 PHASE 111 Udo& IS TO BE PERFORMED ONLY WHEN THERE IS NO PAIN FORECASTED WITHIN 5 DAYS OF COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK 6 THERE IS NO VISIBLE EVIDENCE OF FLOW IN THE STREAM. ALL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED 6 STABILIZED 24 HOURS MIN PRIOR TO FORECASTED RAIN. (PER LEA NCAC 048.0105) Gs y� — y rho, 10�61, J TALL ALL PIPE TURF B2 TO LIMITS OF (HIGHLIGHTED ' (SEE SHEET 7 PHASE zd� I I y 1 N r ' v GP I / - •r r �I " DOUBLE ROW SILT / "... 'yy 1 FENCE ALONG .I:I TOP OF BANK STR BI H -WALL PHASE II NOTES: - 1. ALL MAINING PIPES 6 LF RCP 6 STRUCTURES (HGHUGHTED 1 INSTALL REMAINING PIPE. PORTION) (SEE SHEET 7 FOR r� mH-WALL 6 GRADE IN CONNECTION FURTHER DETAILS) 2. SPREAD STRAW OVER ENTIRE �� �� RE AWING HANI*BEROFF' FLOW TO DISTURBED AREA AT HEADWALL REMAINING CHANI 6 INSTALL COIR MATTING (HEAVY DUTY BIODEGRADABLE 700 GRAM) OVER STRAW - INSTALL 6 STAKE MATTING AS PROVIDED IN' SMALL-SCALE SOLUTIONS TO ERODING STREAM BANKS' AS PUBLISHED BY NC AST STATE UNIVERSIT' COOPERATIVE EXTENSION. (SEE 1 1 LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR PLANTING REO TS) 10 LF PCP � r \ STP 83 OTI PHASE II (,ALSO NOTED AS PHASE II GRADING CONSTRUCT WITH PHASE III GRADING (SEE SHEET 5) / r ( I FILLREMAINING STREAM I (SEE GRADING PLAN (THS SHEET)) 1 J \ PHASE III STREAM DISTURBANCE PHASING PLAN NOTE' PHASE If 6 PHASE 11 W(317K IS TO BE PERFORMED ONLY WHEN THERE IS NO RAIN FORECASTED WITHIN 5 DAYS OF COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK 6 THERE IS NO VISIBLE EVIDENCE OF FLOW IN THE STREAM. ALL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED 6 STABILIZED 24 HOURS MIN PRIOR TO FORECASTED PAIN (PER ISA NCAC 048 .0105) N Q CL z NWN O c} J_ Z Q J O Q W°0 > 0 Q Z Z LL U) 0 F - Q g,W^0Lu avlmm(n Z W Z 00�rl0 0 N aLL U FOLUx :� (n U) axz lOJlio�o 4RwwN ev: BBAILEY -__ eN lw 0 20 40 SHEET 4 OF 14 . 1R04ER MD: 16 137 _ - - STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1. ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890. CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN' ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1 - APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. BUFFER DISTURBANCE. r WIDTH - 25 Is, �\ 2>6, (,'6`'0. A J ORRWN lY: BBA4EV iBDpGIE OOix16 ama w� ae:>x�s 0 20 40 sH�r 5 OF 14 PRO.IELTNO.: 16 .3> - STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1. ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890, CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN. i - APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. 2. TEMPORARY SEEDING I HA H (FOR DETAILS 6 SPECS. SEE EROSION 6 SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING 6 DESIGN MANUAL. SECTION 610) PROTECTION OF STREAM TEMPERATURE: USGS PROVIDES A LIST OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT CAN AFFECT THE TEMPERATURE OF DOWNSTREAM WATERS ((https://water.usgs.gov/edu/temperature.htmi). THESE ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: • IMPERVIOUS AREAS • SEASONAL CHANGES IN LAKES 6 RESERVOIRS • DAMS 6 IMPOUNDMENTS • POWER PLANTS THE PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREAS WILL NOT DISCHARGE DIRECTLY INTO THE EXISTING STREAM 6 WILL BE DIRECTED TO THE EXISTING STORM SEWER ALONG U.S. HWY 276. THE REMAINING ACTIVITIES ARE UNRELATED TO THIS DEVELOPMENT. BASED ON THE ABOVE, NO ADVERSE EFFECTS ON TEMPERATURE CHANGE AS A RESULT OF THIS DEVELOPMENT ARE ANTICIPATED AND THE PROPOSED ACTIVITIES WILL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF 15A NCAC 04B.0125. 11-1 TEMP( t -t � t v It -i I I � I _ I 80 LF SILT FENCE (DOUBLE RI SLOPE =33%(MAX): v; DD Ln kD w V � � v C) 0 ? I v^ Ln Cb l- I I( \ I // ► 2�, \\ 9005F.1.500 --+OK 111 II \ \ \ \SLOPE -10%(MAXJ: \4 2.180 SF 5.000 SF —> OK 1 \ r �x 1 I \ I I o _ 1 1 \ \ 1 V 6 WALL ILL TABUSH ;STORAGE EROSION CONTROL LEGEND: -x- SILT FENCE TEMPORMV GRAVEL CONSTRIKTION ENTRANCE EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. HATCHED AREAb ENT DRAINAGE AREAS TO EACH BMP. 2. CAPACITIES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES DOCUMENTED PER THE NC DEO "EROSION 8 SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING 6 DESIGN MANUAL' IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REOUIREMENTS OF 15A NCAC 04B .0105..0106. AND .0108. W (n a a J O Z O Z O En- o a w a O v I J z Z Q J O Q W ir Y QQ Z Z ( 03Ca � Z Q W Q'oa' Z W QOx uK NZ O Q Q o �iOf zLLa=z O ^^ L6 Z Ir Vlia:jo — BEAL _ IX76 DRAWN BY: BBAILEY gElU DAlE DL012016 �M 08/72016 CHECKED BY: JCARC>IIF -TE: 23012017 0 20 40 SHEET 6 STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1. ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890. CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1- APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS fi SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. HARDWARE CLOTH S GRAVEL - INLET PROTECTION: DISTURBED AREA . 012 AC (MAX), 1,0 AC --> OK � I 1 45, \ \ \ 1 V� titer 2�6 C.6�c J EROSION CONTROL LEGEND: -s- SILTFENCE HARDWARE CLOTH 6 GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE \ INSTALL CONTROL BLANKET ' OVER ENTIRE DISTURBED AREA I/ FOLLOWING GRADING. (SEE 1 ' 1 LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR PLANTING VEGETATION REOUIREMENTS) i , / I it I sas 1 I � I I I � I 1 45, \ \ \ 1 V� titer 2�6 C.6�c J EROSION CONTROL LEGEND: -s- SILTFENCE HARDWARE CLOTH 6 GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NOTE: PHASE II 6 PHASE III W�T7IC IS TO BE PERFORMED ONLY WHEN THERE IS NO RAIN FORECASTED WITHIN 5 DAYS OF COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK 6 THERE IS NO VISIBLE EVIDENCE OF FLOW IN THE STREAM ALL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED 6 STABILIZED 24 HOURS MIN. PRIOR TO FORECASTED RAIN (PER ISA NCAC 048 0105) W a 0 �I _j } H � j a� ° �Q d Z W 8 > Irmo, O a z LL j3 w Q W aI_ O w a aLt) mmc=n Lu Z 0ru O��o ~T ~ � O a 3: U ILLI _ a ZLLa=z 8 a OL OYAWNBY: BBAIUE FHDDATE 01412016 OPNOEDATE 00.7zoi CIEPI®BY: JCARGI�F PLOTDATE 230:20;7 SHffT 7 CIF 14 STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1 ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890, CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1- APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. DISTURBED AREA - 0.08 AC < DS AC OK HEIGHT = I (SEE DETAIL) ELEV. DROP BETWEEN DAMS =1 __, OK ( CHECK DAM.-/. DISTURBED MEA -0.07 AC 0.A' -5C HEIGHT -I (SEE DETAIL) ELEV. DROP BETWEEN DAMS =I - OK HARDWARE CLOTH JRAVEL.-_�,,�INLET PROTECTION: DISTURBED AREA - 003 AC (POM LO AC -, OK 0 125 LF SILT tiny 2,6 194 LF SIL FENCE CAPACITY: 7.500 SF PER 100 LF (SINGLE ROW) --� 14.550 SF PER 194 LF (SINGLE ROW) --� 14.500 SF x 2 = 29100 SF (DOUBLE ROW) 291M SF , 23.970 SF -, OK DRAINAGE AREA- 005 AC. 0.5 AC OK HEIGHT = 2 (SEE DETAIL) ELEV DROP BETWEEN DAMS = 2 - OK ROSION CONTROL LEGEND: - x - SILT FENCE D CHECK DAM HMDWARE QOTH 6 a GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE W m 0 v I J_ z Z Q j O Q � Q Lu } amQZz I- LL LL Z � Q Q Q WO w a aLI) mmv=i wI z oO00fU V U BOG w In� � V) ZL.Laxz Oo Ul.ia�o CEV WDNS: D"wNBY: ssnK caD DAA: .10_6 ORK2 DATE 08172016 CII W'. JCARGILF VWTCATE 23.012M7 0 20 40 SHEET 8 11 STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1 ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890. CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1- APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. _ _ ,oPwvER FLrRIanN exv STORMFILTER DESIGN NOTES OTO WKLTER TR&,TNEMWFCRY IS n FUn ON DF T"E ftrtiOGE CnOEIEDMr�GNNIDTRE M.W,�R F wwmmGEs. ME s*arvo nc YNL* Nxi" ES SnOwNwnn TN. NOVO_ c.Vs'P,Dr,ER ltt, vxa 0.^BON. ­ Mrt,ET ea ,. Ui HflonTEwFRErvui. iec�.xR:c E" "x,. ­11­r1,PN�v 6 16115 R,,,E SBE caat�E,�aFD 1.sys.N I-—Emxss M< TLR S UEiu�-te''t— �—a-rt '. ...�ee xETEwr.TE PwE LOUTpN rtvP� LICT— aY Daa RECONNEnpED nrBROWC aroPM, rS EPECE,L F_ox'RnTE 2EpsN 3�' +EomA2y fpa,M' CARiRC1GEFWWRaIEgpm1 E.5 �4 5 grt1Ei 1. J7 4 , L r 6 IR7, P FION SITE SVECIM DATA REQUIREMENTS `` � 31M1CIIINE D � -\\ Nxr9taNrm cLOx MTE tl" MFrexY 6rOR�sLrpt DWi11�Q— Bxv �� REnFaiFL a�Em�m o<�aFNc � t t _ i Gr+1RnG£ .. CtlNTEGN . .xoP.TVPE 6 Pm:BE.ac. wc.PNs, ' vuLiSPLAELENT MEaWin.Er- ..F-P�Ea \� rDYR,eroFN���E" UPSrREAU NLt ElEYx oDxwso �R.—T,ON �RD�E u,B NOB, NEIrM FRAME AND COVER N REDUREE�Nrs '.. , (DIMAEfER VARIES) N.T.S -as+e"r,NEERw REw1c x "®a LXT -- � '_ ,� -- � F�sn'��ow,wNrswrr"uEr.RmvvE,ueaans;,.n w�w�s.Pa�"Rar,rncrYD"Rca„ccy ERr��nzo so-.u,ONs � � nvoRLur.BRBv �. sTORN�_rbi wRTER aMEPYsrRI,CfUE sw,:.OE wxccaRwNa wB«xv "E_r;+wTwam Nraav,TnNmnnva�wnu I xn.Lai.N sw,ur�r..�Rrons�r,_onan�aMsr` oc"`wFFia""i�c�' roamsr.n, NVEx FIEYxTpn. ENa tuu <arwwavxmR cur<r,a. rrarNos s.u.. W.cr x+s.rc - i Emccum�wTwrt"TnE mxrFnriocD � _.. 6 FLTER^NBR®Di3&WLOE NEd/.fLL1EDPn6..NE.SR�KN ACTWIFD, RxBEW F�OW.N,m xncC�EANIG RID NEBU OE?1"NUil OE.MCIESF1 TER 6FOunL""Fi011E FLrER'IawTEER*rN]BSECOMb PEf"MrEMJ SiaWFCTEP_ ; ��� _. 7 -- mrE .dT.bP.,UivEEBBrTrt R1FACWrstfSWFNf NEwyq"1 PDo_E:F. i EroERaeustEJ � F` w' aures* �so�a,z�ev �uo.+F>�oOZF �coRo a+rvrroTn.wn FrsowwRsu�Es�aFEcscoe;"m msmEw,norauo s�w.eE w.a. moa z! i vmE EawuENrwrtN suFFkon �FBNax"oRE.n�uPl,rn-moor Nm BErr�srarosRn�+vNLi,uFnnE c""t"xcres�oc"RoivDoec� _ E— SECTION A -A T._ vFEoaz Dasrxia s ro�irtR"�xcroR io�+�PPR�aP�RkciF�i.Eau�iRFSTOF�Rn �cwi�sFa<w u""ctan�uTEnamwxoua�Fr CONTECK SF0612 siom Rtte.'°���0� uc STORMFILTER STANDARD DETAIL CONTECH STORMFILTER DETAIL NOT TO SUIS 2�6 160, J 0* REvsIBNs: ORAWNBY: BBPI�EY RaD OATF: ai D�zots oFq[E GATE: oe.izo,b cNEarIDBY: �c,w;u:>: vRwEcrNo_ is -3r 1EAM PROTECTION NOTES: .L WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM iERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN (TACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. I.E. 'HE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY TIFICATION NO. 3890. CONDITION #6) "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR )ITIONAL INFORMATION) D CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT )LVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM 'TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT WNING SEASON (JAN.1- APRIL 15). -E EROSION CONTROL PLANS S SHEET 0+20 GARDING PHASING OF THE WORK 215 2 so 2150 CIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING =AM. PROPOSED GRADE(TYP) EX GRADE (TYP.) 2740 2740 \ zlno 2>ac i — L C!\ / `EX. STREAM B3 OM PROPOSED EX. STREAM PIPE CrIP.) 27 0 2,3 213.1 2130 2136 -20 c 20 4C -20 c 2C 4C 0+60 0+88.70 2150 2150 2750 214D / / 21ap 274D O--F \\`EX. STREAM 2130 2130 -20 c 2C 4„ — 2150 2140 2140 STREAM �� 2130 0+40 'E% c 20 .+02.76 27W O ( E%. STREAN 1 2130 -2C c zc 40 - - - -- 1+16.83 27x 2150 2740 273[ 2740 N `EX. STREAM 31 H -WALL 2 3c 0 20 40 SECTION VIEW VERTICAL SCALE. 1' • 5 EX STREAM - �\• BANK � E%. STREAM ALIGNMENT \ .. I TOP 2 1 rt ',IE Y+ 21517377 .7/ Ali \ x 1 o" 1, PLAN VIEW -0+35 0+00 1+00 1+35 PROFILE VIEW i N z U ♦x Q U) DYAWNBY: BBN_EV FLDDATE 0:0':.20]6 01110E DAT! 06172016 OIiO(®BY: JCARGI_E ®.® Nw 0 20 40 SHEET 120% STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1. ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA, I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890. CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1- APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. NOT 10 SCALE O168 LBSF Y. (I -i2') I10- BRIMNDlS fDNK:RRF - WEA RING COURSL NCD0120125PECIEYNATIONS B. PAVERS WILL BE LAID ON TOP OF A 4' CONCRETE BASE. SETTING BED AND JOINTS TO BE MORTARED IN ACCORDANCE O I68LBS/5, B -J2 ),o, I——CONORETE 3 ���JJJJJJ ENDER COUR;E NCD.^T Zai SPFLIFY EIDNS STANDARD SPECLICATOHS G S Y EMJLSFIED ASPHA:I OR D CT GAL/EY 2O ODID 3 TACK COAT ALT MATFRW. S ARE TC BE IN AOCDRDACNF TOP 6 6 SUBGRAOE E IO BE COMPACTS: TO WIT- THE NCDO1 2012 SPECFICA1 IDC% PROC IOP DENSITY BELOW TOP 61S TO 6'WER OF DENSE GRADEDNMDNE BACOURSE BE COMPACTED 10 95%PPOCTO DETERMINED AASHTO I.99 COMEAMION NEDD-CIESPECIFICATIONS AL_MATEMLSSlALLBE O ' TEST SEERVEMENTNOTESFORPDDITIONAL N'FORMATION. InACOANCEWTr5EC70101O=%C3MACIIDN REC-D STANDARD PAVEMENT SECTION NOT 10 SCALE NOT IOSCALE O2E=.8./EY 12-THD-BRLMN05COnCRE'E 21 BRUMNOUSCDNCRETE WEAfBNI CDURSE NCD 2012 SPECFICAT S B. PAVERS WILL BE LAID ON TOP OF A 4' CONCRETE BASE. SETTING BED AND JOINTS TO BE MORTARED IN ACCORDANCE A ­ /SY (2') 10T Bf'UMNOUS 0ON ,, WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. OR WITH A MAXIMUM 1/2 "THICK BED OF LATEX MODIFIED CEMENT MORTAR BKICER co1. _CO- I., $PEIFIIA'On5 STANDARD SPECLICATOHS EMULSIREDASPHAL'DR 2O OMCGA-JS' TACK COAT A L MATERIALS ARF TO BE IN ACCORDANCF TOP 6' OF EUBGRADE G I O BE COMPACTED TO WITH THE NCDOI 2012 SPECIFICA IONS 1C0% PROCTOR DENSITY BELCW TOP 6 I TO BE COMPACTED 10 95%ERECT OR DENSITY AS 6' _AYER 0= DENSE GRADED L -5 -ONE BASE COURSE DETERMNED BY AASHTO I-99 COMPACTON NCDO-2012SPECFKA7IONS AL'.YIATE- S-.AL.BL O TESL BEE PAVEMENT NOTES FOR 4DDRgM1AL NFORMAUDIN IN ACCOROlN.L WTI-SECTgN101L 100%CDMPAC'On BEDJ HEAVY DUTY PAVEMENT SECTION NOT IOSCALE SEE PLANS NOTE CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE SPACEDAI'W IMAX)CENIERIO CENTER. AND SHALL BE FORMED USNG PWS TC OR HARDBOARD PREFORMED STRIPS (J3 DEPTH OF SLAB) PLACED N THE SIDEWALK AND CURB AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. OR BY SAWCOTING THE SIDEWALK AND CURB 10 ,/3 DEPTH WITHIN 2 HOURS AFTER CONSTRUCTION FIGHT BROOM SI -ES MATCH LOCTON' OF JONTS IN PAVEMENT N- (IYE) WHERE POSSIBLE 1/< PER FT s 4_ DONT SEALING SEEPA SECTION P COMPOND Om POR RE-REMETS SEE DETAIL 9. C103 FOR EXPANSION JOINT REMS V2' PEE-MOLDEp DONT FILLER WOO BETWEEN CURB E CONIC RYMT (TVP) CONCRETE SIDEWALK & TURN -DOWN CURB DETAIL NOT 10 SCALE O22<LBS/SY 21 BRUMNOUSCDNCRETE ALL DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH -HE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990 B. PAVERS WILL BE LAID ON TOP OF A 4' CONCRETE BASE. SETTING BED AND JOINTS TO BE MORTARED IN ACCORDANCE SOPEACE COURSE REF 61C. 59.58..=I ED. WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. OR WITH A MAXIMUM 1/2 "THICK BED OF LATEX MODIFIED CEMENT MORTAR RAISED TRUNCATED DOMES WITH A. STANDARD SPECLICATOHS C 2O M. LBS, -Y (31 B1-INOUIS CONCRETE 2 lr,l lJ c 1 - TOP DIAMETER OF 10 MM (0.4 M), INTERMEDIATE COURSE REF 61C.11906. NCDOT 2012 lJ "Jl SHALL BE LAID SUCH THAT JOINTS ARE LEVEL WITH ADJOINING JOINTS SO A5 -0 PROVIDE A SMOOTH TRANSITION =ROM STANDARD SP EC _ONS BRICK TO BRICK AND BRICK TO CONCRETE SURFACE. O3 OOK - 008 GAL By TACH EDA' AS REED W SPECS 1 OP 6- 6 SUBGRPDE IS 1 O BE COMPACTED TO 10. THE SURFACE OF ANY TWO ADJACENT UNITS SHOULD NOT DIFFER BY MORE THAN 1/B "IN HEIGHT. BRICKS SHAL- BE All w`TERIALS ARE TO BE N ACCORDANCE WITH SECiKX, 60.5 OF THE NCDp12025PECFKATKXNS :00%PROCTOROENSRY BELOWICE-T0 BE COMPACTED TO 95%PROCTOR DENSITY l5 (D 10' LAYER O: CRUSHED AGC{EGATE BASE COURSES-NAL- DETEPMN+ED BY AASHTC I SIB COMPACTION TEST SEEPAVEMENINOTCSFORAODITXXJLL DURING CONSTRUCTION. ILEXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PROVIDED IN T -IE CURB RAMP AS EXTENSIONS OF WALK JOINTS BE PLACED N ACCORDANCE WIT.. SECTIO 520. nKJO- 2012 AT MATERIA -5 H 8Eln ACCORDANCEWIT- SE-KI.1D1010A INFORMATION COVERED (EXCLUDING THE FLARED SIDES) RATHER THAN THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE RAMP TO MAXIMIZE THE COMPACTION RECD NCDOT PAVEMENT SECTION (IN R.O.W.) NOT IO SCALE MOBILITY THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT THE EDGE NEAREST THE CURB LINE IS SEE PLANS NOTE CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE SPACEDAI'W IMAX)CENIERIO CENTER. AND SHALL BE FORMED USNG PWS TC OR HARDBOARD PREFORMED STRIPS (J3 DEPTH OF SLAB) PLACED N THE SIDEWALK AND CURB AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. OR BY SAWCOTING THE SIDEWALK AND CURB 10 ,/3 DEPTH WITHIN 2 HOURS AFTER CONSTRUCTION FIGHT BROOM SI -ES MATCH LOCTON' OF JONTS IN PAVEMENT N- (IYE) WHERE POSSIBLE 1/< PER FT s 4_ DONT SEALING SEEPA SECTION P COMPOND Om POR RE-REMETS SEE DETAIL 9. C103 FOR EXPANSION JOINT REMS V2' PEE-MOLDEp DONT FILLER WOO BETWEEN CURB E CONIC RYMT (TVP) CONCRETE SIDEWALK & TURN -DOWN CURB DETAIL NOT 10 SCALE JND'rKi E -OPE -0 - INC CURB A- 1 -NG) SIDEWALK RAMP "BTI NOTT05CA,E JONI SEALING COMPOUND (TYP) Il C 4 NOTE SPACE EXPANSION JOC:TS AT < d SOMAIL AND AT ALL LOCATIONS ,A F' WHERECURBORSOEWAIX ERMMATES AG 51 ARIGOO ECT J2 PRE-MOLDED,10!<T FILLER REED BETWEEN CURB E CONC PVMI EYP) SIDEWALK & CURB EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE -'.ANOICAFPED PARKING ON.Y TT--- MAN— .54 INE S3-: ` �LEVA-In A6CVE =NMSHED PVMT ('VPI H'CAP SIGN DETAIL 18.12' SGn WHITE H'AP SYMBO- G- WHI-L FT ER5(TVF) IB'+B SGk SEl SIGs PO51 N CONCRETE (TVP) T A 1Ml - DEPT DE 2'-0' JSF U-TYPF-.ANGEO 51EE1 SECTONIS FOR =CR SGN POS- IPER AL.DO- SPECS; =ABRKNATE SGN PANE -S Or 16 GA OR 063 ALUMINUM GENERAL NOTES 1 THE EXPANSION JOINT 6 TO BE REPLACED WHERE THE NEW RAMP OR SIDEWALK JOINS EXISTING PAVEMENT STRUCTURE ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS AND PRODUCTS ARE. 2. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 8320: AND 832.02 OF ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPECIFICATIONS. 3. THE SUBGRADE SHALL BE FREE OF ALL ROO-5 AND OTHER UNDESIRABLE MAI ERIALS WITH THE ROOT S CUT BACK ONE (1) FOOT FROM FACE OF SIDEWALK. A. RAMPS SHALL HAVE A NON-SKID SURFACE APPLIED BY BRUSHING TRANSVERSELY OR GROOVING. 5 WHERE SIDEWALKS ARE REQUIRED, THIS PLAN SHALL BE USED AT PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKS FOR SAFE AND CONVENIENI MOVEMENT OF THE HANDICAPPED AND PERSONS USING WHEEL CHAIRS. 6. INSTALL DETECTABLE WARNINGS (TRUNCATED DOMES) FOR A DISTANCE OF 24' FROM THE BACK OF THE CURB FOR THE ENTIRE WIDTH OF THE RAMP OPENING SHOWN. 1) WHITACRE-GREER FIREPROOFING COMPANY 1400 S MAHONING AVE ALLIANCE. OH. 44601. ADA PAVER, 4'X B' X 2-1/4', CLEAR RED (RUSTIC) u3D 2) HANOVER ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS. 240 BENDER ROAD, HANOVER, PA 17331. DETEC-ABLE WARNING PAVER, 4'X 8' X 2'. RED OR OJARRY RED. 3) PAVESTONE COMPANY, 7322 BONNYSHIRE DRIVE, CHATTANOOGA. TENNESSEE. DETECTABLE WARNING PAVER, 4'X B" X 2-3/8. RED DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR DETECTABLE (TRUNCATED) WARNINGS THE DETECTABLE WARNING IS DEFINED AS'A STA14DARDVED SURFACE FEATURE BUILT IN OR ADDLED TO THE WALKING SURFACE OR OTHER ELEMENTS TO WARN VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE OF HAZARDS ON A CIRCJLAT10N PATH' 7. PAVERS SHALL MER ASTM C 9D2 CLASS EX. TYPE I, OR C 936. OR C 1272 TYPE R. ALL DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH -HE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990 B. PAVERS WILL BE LAID ON TOP OF A 4' CONCRETE BASE. SETTING BED AND JOINTS TO BE MORTARED IN ACCORDANCE ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES (ADAAG) AS DETAILED IN 28 CFR PART 36. DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL CONSIST OF WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. OR WITH A MAXIMUM 1/2 "THICK BED OF LATEX MODIFIED CEMENT MORTAR RAISED TRUNCATED DOMES WITH A. MORTAR JOINTS TO A WIDTH OF 3/8 ". PAVERS SHALL NOT BE DIRECT LY TOJCHING EACH OTHER JNLESS TRAY HAVE SPACING BARS - BOTTOM DIAMETER OF 23 MM (0.9 IN): - TOP DIAMETER OF 10 MM (0.4 M), w. JND'rKi E -OPE -0 - INC CURB A- 1 -NG) SIDEWALK RAMP "BTI NOTT05CA,E JONI SEALING COMPOUND (TYP) Il C 4 NOTE SPACE EXPANSION JOC:TS AT < d SOMAIL AND AT ALL LOCATIONS ,A F' WHERECURBORSOEWAIX ERMMATES AG 51 ARIGOO ECT J2 PRE-MOLDED,10!<T FILLER REED BETWEEN CURB E CONC PVMI EYP) SIDEWALK & CURB EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE -'.ANOICAFPED PARKING ON.Y TT--- MAN— .54 INE S3-: ` �LEVA-In A6CVE =NMSHED PVMT ('VPI H'CAP SIGN DETAIL 18.12' SGn WHITE H'AP SYMBO- G- WHI-L FT ER5(TVF) IB'+B SGk SEl SIGs PO51 N CONCRETE (TVP) T A 1Ml - DEPT DE 2'-0' JSF U-TYPF-.ANGEO 51EE1 SECTONIS FOR =CR SGN POS- IPER AL.DO- SPECS; =ABRKNATE SGN PANE -S Or 16 GA OR 063 ALUMINUM GENERAL NOTES 1 THE EXPANSION JOINT 6 TO BE REPLACED WHERE THE NEW RAMP OR SIDEWALK JOINS EXISTING PAVEMENT STRUCTURE ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS AND PRODUCTS ARE. 2. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 8320: AND 832.02 OF ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPECIFICATIONS. 3. THE SUBGRADE SHALL BE FREE OF ALL ROO-5 AND OTHER UNDESIRABLE MAI ERIALS WITH THE ROOT S CUT BACK ONE (1) FOOT FROM FACE OF SIDEWALK. A. RAMPS SHALL HAVE A NON-SKID SURFACE APPLIED BY BRUSHING TRANSVERSELY OR GROOVING. 5 WHERE SIDEWALKS ARE REQUIRED, THIS PLAN SHALL BE USED AT PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKS FOR SAFE AND CONVENIENI MOVEMENT OF THE HANDICAPPED AND PERSONS USING WHEEL CHAIRS. 6. INSTALL DETECTABLE WARNINGS (TRUNCATED DOMES) FOR A DISTANCE OF 24' FROM THE BACK OF THE CURB FOR THE ENTIRE WIDTH OF THE RAMP OPENING SHOWN. 1) WHITACRE-GREER FIREPROOFING COMPANY 1400 S MAHONING AVE ALLIANCE. OH. 44601. ADA PAVER, 4'X B' X 2-1/4', CLEAR RED (RUSTIC) u3D 2) HANOVER ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS. 240 BENDER ROAD, HANOVER, PA 17331. DETEC-ABLE WARNING PAVER, 4'X 8' X 2'. RED OR OJARRY RED. 3) PAVESTONE COMPANY, 7322 BONNYSHIRE DRIVE, CHATTANOOGA. TENNESSEE. DETECTABLE WARNING PAVER, 4'X B" X 2-3/8. RED DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR DETECTABLE (TRUNCATED) WARNINGS THE DETECTABLE WARNING IS DEFINED AS'A STA14DARDVED SURFACE FEATURE BUILT IN OR ADDLED TO THE WALKING SURFACE OR OTHER ELEMENTS TO WARN VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE OF HAZARDS ON A CIRCJLAT10N PATH' 7. PAVERS SHALL MER ASTM C 9D2 CLASS EX. TYPE I, OR C 936. OR C 1272 TYPE R. ALL DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH -HE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990 B. PAVERS WILL BE LAID ON TOP OF A 4' CONCRETE BASE. SETTING BED AND JOINTS TO BE MORTARED IN ACCORDANCE ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES (ADAAG) AS DETAILED IN 28 CFR PART 36. DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL CONSIST OF WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. OR WITH A MAXIMUM 1/2 "THICK BED OF LATEX MODIFIED CEMENT MORTAR RAISED TRUNCATED DOMES WITH A. MORTAR JOINTS TO A WIDTH OF 3/8 ". PAVERS SHALL NOT BE DIRECT LY TOJCHING EACH OTHER JNLESS TRAY HAVE SPACING BARS - BOTTOM DIAMETER OF 23 MM (0.9 IN): - TOP DIAMETER OF 10 MM (0.4 M), 9 MOR-ARED JOINTS ARE TO BE FLUSH WITH THE TOP SURFACE AND STRUCK SO AS TO GIVE A SMOOTH SUR=ACE. PAVERS - HEIGHT OF 5 MM (021N). SHALL BE LAID SUCH THAT JOINTS ARE LEVEL WITH ADJOINING JOINTS SO A5 -0 PROVIDE A SMOOTH TRANSITION =ROM - CENITER-TO-CENTER SPACING OF 60 MM (2.35 IN). BRICK TO BRICK AND BRICK TO CONCRETE SURFACE. - THE COLOR OF THE DETECTABLE WARNING SHOT: -D CONTRAST VISUALLY WITH ADJOINING SURFACES. EITHER LIGHT ON DARK OR DARK ON LIG14T THE MA-ERIAL USED TO PROVIDE CONTRAST SHOULD COWRAST BY 10. THE SURFACE OF ANY TWO ADJACENT UNITS SHOULD NOT DIFFER BY MORE THAN 1/B "IN HEIGHT. BRICKS SHAL- BE AT LEAST 70 PERCENT. PLACED IN A HERRINGBONE PA -TERN WHERE FEASIBLE. IN ALL CASES, -HF PATTERN OF THE DOMES IS TO BE MAINTAINED PER ADA REQUIREMENTS. FACE OF ALL BRICK SHALL BE C_EAN OF CEMEN- AND PROTECTED SO AS TO AVOID CHIPPING DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE LAID OUT ON A TRIANGULAR GRID OR A SQUARE GRID (PARALLEL ALIGNMENT). DURING CONSTRUCTION. ILEXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PROVIDED IN T -IE CURB RAMP AS EXTENSIONS OF WALK JOINTS WHEN INSTALLED ON CURB RAMPS, ONLY THE LOWER 610 MM (2 FT) OF THE ENTIRE CURB RAMP WIDTH SHALL BE FORA NEW CONCRETE WALK. A 1/2 "EXDAN'SION JOINT FILLER SHALL BE PROVIDED AROUND THE EDGE OF RAMPS BUILT COVERED (EXCLUDING THE FLARED SIDES) RATHER THAN THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE RAMP TO MAXIMIZE THE IN EXISTING CONCRETE WALKS. ONES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING INDICATE THE RAMP EDGE AND SLOPE CHANGES AND DETECTABILrY AND TO MINIMIZE THE NEGATIVE IMPACT ON PEOPLE WHO RELY ON WHEELED DEVICES FOR ARE NOT NECESSARILY JOINT LINES. MOBILITY THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT THE EDGE NEAREST THE CURB LINE IS 152 MM TO 20C MM (61N TO B IN) BEHIND -HE CURB LINE H'CAP RAMP DETAILS NOT 10 SCI E cn J ui W 0 W a O I J F- Q J O a W0 > O Q z z Q LLIMan a O Q JLIUofY CL a(nmm2(n W I Z 11 00��0 (U VOQY O U C 3:a U) z/L/��ia=z 8 Li Lu Lu o DMWN BY: BBAILEY f6BDAM DIOURD16 OR'I�DATE 08;12016 OECI®YY: .1URGLF PL.OTDATE 233:20:1 NO SCALE SHEET 11 OF 14 PRDJFDT ND.: 16-131 STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1 ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA, I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890. CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN' ON SHEET S FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1- APRIL 1S). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. cross -Section View Filler Stud faleic 6ackfil:tw.h �� post` M compact �md inorouohly 24' •: f,: SEDIMENT (SILT) FENCE NOTTOSCA.F NOTE: ALL EROSION CONTROL DETAILS ARE TAKEN FROM 6 SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NCDEO EROSION B SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING B DESIGN MANUAL (REVISED MAY 2013). 9' mM /L5' min. -------------- --_ _______`.___ / Fil—Cloth Plan View 12' of NCDOT #5 or 957 —O.A stone 1.5' 2� Class 6 Rgny 2'max Finer Cloth 14 4.6' Crass -Section View L = The ai6tant:e such that points A and B am of equal elevation A 8 ny,.. sn. sP� a,.d: errs.: A mw.�wlw Ilm de aw d n,A..e.a,a e.a a elela�MeP� d aw laa el wae.a m. CHECK DAM TO ALLOW FOR SETT..EMEN' I SLCRF 0. REOLEIED TC +FET OSHA REGUJ.Iq)� COMPACF� SmN'2INCM TAY TO 86Y STA RD PROCTOR DtrLSfry COMPACT THS PORTTJN Oc TRENCH III-_ WITH HAND HELD-CnANL'AI TAMPERS ArO NO 78 S,C OR SE.ECI ExCAVEXC VAI1I dP gN WOPI: MATEIaAL MOUND PpE a �£ STORM SEWER M NON -TRAFFIC MEAS -NISHED PAVEMFN i` AS`— PAVNG ENSE :7-%. RADE) BASE ATERAL AS %, y STREE• SECTIO DENSE GRADED BAST ALDOT - R CRL5HED Sl ONE i -S MFTMOD T. s -ow sFWFR5IN mcsFD TRAFFIC MEAS OR VAT HN STREET R1GH'S-OFK�A� STORM SEWER PIPE BEDDING NOT TO SCALE ue CONCRETE wASMDu NCD�OT t hey NCDOT #5 or #57 N� — CONCRETE WASHOUT HARDWARE CLOTH & GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION NOTTOSCAF 23 - c.arseaggregate aware cbth aening5l 50 Injq Pb,�j TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AF NW iii 0 I J a� ° �Q �.. z a WO 0 < Z Q F - Q I QWOwa a LU (L I Z s01-- U 0 ? ~ � O 0 Q U W _° 0 1n zLL91Z O I v. � UL{.an0 IXNWNEY: a6NLE� FEL. DA1it .1..1201E 01—DATE: 08.172016 OIEOLEDEY: J RGILZ RLOTOAIIE [3.12017 NO SCALE SHEET 12 OF 14 Filial Iti- STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1. ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890. CONDITION #6) (SEE 'PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1- APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. NODE. V -:3W FEDESTRWn SA4 TRENIi+FRAME a GRATr AS 2t' MANUFACTURED eY'EAST JOROAn IRON WORKS. INC (1-B—eT AIOJI OR A—F. E-1 —11 FER MANUFACTJRER'E RECOMENDATpR 'SAW{L_ F. TING 4 MN : •. • SUE WALK 6 FC'ALL ESR 6ETWEEN'RENCH DRAM E E%E- WAD: 3000 £ CONCRETE TRENCH GRATE SECTION NOT TO SCALE ,.F VERT INTO YnNVG6✓- PLAN END ELEVATION CROSS SECTION CONCRETE HEADWALL DETAIL - 42" PIPE NOT ro scr,_F �1 AROUND Ot BELL (Tw.) 0 —i - CONCRETE APRCN REO'. AI 1'nROAI OFENNCS DM1LY pIPL 10 (SEE CONT RL'.1pNP•PNE I FOR ACfpIJ Lx ipNS. I I I I _ E- ARS EYP) i A I• •I 4 A O eARS0<' OC EACH WAV ' 6 c3• MN.I e' e' PLAN CONCRETE APRON REOD AI T-iROAI OPENNSS ONLY (SEE CONSTRIwTCN P-.N•b FOR APRON _C C!%-rEI MGTC�GRADE RYPI INLET DIMENSIONS T— P EID �� w 12 gg lSEE P•{w IS z FOR— 1tiROPlIEF 4'1' 21' LCCATDNI 5'-6 as.o;e cc c _ 3'3' E-9 30 30 EACH wAL' F.I. 36 5'-10 A' -E' 6'-10• �(rw) 5_OPE BOTTGW w ps's 06 D.0 IS -LAP GROUT Ar NEED EACH WAY (Typ) - TC_ SECTION "A" -"A" NOTE- : AL. CON -1- SHALT BE C.A,.`; AAND-".HALL DEVELOP A MNIMJM COMFRE3rvF _STRENGT- OF 30D0 P51 N 26 D11 2 REINFORCING S SE NTERM TE GRADE (GRAOE 60; DEFORMED EAR AND SHALL CCN -URN TO THE REOUREMENT5 OF T NE SI AND -D SFEOFICATpNE FORBBLET STEE: CONCRETE RENFORCEMENT BAR ASTM A -IS AND DEFCRHATIONS CONFORMING CAST- - 2 ASTM, A-3053 57 ER ARE ROURED Ow ALL N..ET ep%ES WHEN OMENSpN FROM 60T'OM SIRS FLOW 111.1E TO -OF OF TCP SLAG 6 GREATER Tw.N T -D' < WHEN SR COFEIRIICTIONEJSFD WA,15 S�+AL. 3E e' 6RCK WHEN H • 5'. JSF 12' 6RCK WH- H,5 VJI"H 1/2 THCK MORTAR ON BOTH OFFS OPEN THROAT INLET NOT TO SCALE INLET DIMENSIONS P EID A B w 12 gg IS z R3' 4'1' 21' A'-6' 3'-2 5'-6 e c _ 3'3' E-9 30 30 5'1 A-0 F.I. 36 5'-10 A' -E' 6'-10• 1/2 THCK MORTAR ON BOTH OFFS OPEN THROAT INLET NOT TO SCALE VROJECf ND.: 16_137 I gg z � AS IIIII, L � _ I wJ 5 I �e OTE PDRON REO'0 A- I 3 £ Z — CNCRE THROAT Op NNG. ONLY I i SEPLANS- (E CONS' PLANS FOR FOR APRON'_OCAT—F ) ----- W lb / SKEW /�//TMSAEEOON NA__U FE 5— O= 73 J > Z 'wz •D3 •a' -c � � MA% w2 - r -D' MM NOTE: FOR JUNCTION BOX W 2 •3'-6 ONLY. OMIT CONCRETE APRONS J Q PLAN AND THROAT OPENINGS. a Z !'-6'.E OPENN3 W O > C• e wE a IE CON"EE—CN"C9AT 7 MMNA% Wa - •3'-6DTO (SEE CONST:TON PNE a Z iZ O FORAO ns'_DIE- oc LL V) p l esoco 'l7 >< i Q Q W O w a Is'uP J�mm� Z W F3 5 �O Q 2 -Ks• _- n6'a06'OC � � fl' 0 O cS'>b6'OC Q U ?O A5'::C6 N �LL30 LLI n5'>D6'O� n6SOe OC CFiR A6'>O6 C.0 N Q Z a x z ---- w p UIEia�o e-AS•s -�� S c_R SLOPE BOTOM wRH TO AS NEEDED '♦ TO DRAM � REVI61DN6: E -15's SECTION A -A _— DwwFlaT: eeaLEv FB DATE OL012016 tibTEE AL. COFCRcTE SwnLL BE C.ASS'A' AND SHAH DEVEAP A MNIMJN COMPRESSNE STRNGTF OF 300C FSIN2e CM.K DEF2 RFOQF IEDJNG S N ..ONE WTE.RADE ;GRADE 6C; RFOO EO GAR AND SHAL_ CONFORM Tp THE REOUREMENTE OF THE STANOARO EpECFiCA'IOu� FORBILLET STEELND oFFIa DATB: OB.I)2016 DIF.!®9Y: Y-ARG4F ♦LOT DI.T[: 23..1.2017 OEETE IIOVSCEMENT BAR. A61M A -IS AND OEFORMATD!J$ COFKORMING TO ASTM A-305 3 ETFR ARE RFOtRREO ON ALL N.ET BO%EE VHFN ONENSION FROM BOTTOM SLAB FLDW LINE ,O TOP OF TOP SLAB M GREATER' HAN A T NO SCALE JUNCTION BOX/OPEN THROAT INLET DETAIL FOR 27" TO 60" PIPES NOT TO SCALE 13 VROJECf ND.: 16_137 STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: L ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA, I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890. CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1- APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. +45 95 / , / / / \ I •I • J I Coro oordiformis / Bi:ternut Hic%ory 54 B / , SHRUB5✓✓S QTY BOTANICAL NAME /COMMON NAME SIZE I Colyconthus fiorlou5 / 5weet Shrub 5 ool 24" min. Ilex ver:irilloto / Airte-be-ru 5 ool _ 1 5omoucue rio-o / Common Eloeri er-y 5 ool I i I I / / +45 95 / , / / / N$ PLANT SCHEDULE T/R,E/E�S,,\ \ CONT •I • J I Coro oordiformis / Bi:ternut Hic%ory 54 B / , SHRUB5✓✓S QTY BOTANICAL NAME /COMMON NAME SIZE I Colyconthus fiorlou5 / 5weet Shrub 5 ool 24" min. Ilex ver:irilloto / Airte-be-ru 5 ool / I 5omoucue rio-o / Common Eloeri er-y 5 ool I i I a , I / 1 / I N$ PLANT SCHEDULE T/R,E/E�S,,\ � BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONT CAL SIZE • J I Coro oordiformis / Bi:ternut Hic%ory 54 B SHRUB5✓✓S QTY BOTANICAL NAME /COMMON NAME SIZE HT Colyconthus fiorlou5 / 5weet Shrub 5 ool 24" min. Ilex ver:irilloto / Airte-be-ru 5 ool 24" min. 5omoucue rio-o / Common Eloeri er-y 5 ool IB" mi-. NOTE: LANDSCAPE PLANT MATERIALS WERE SELECTED FROM THE MOUNTAIN RIPARIAN SPECIES DOCUMENT FOUND AT NC STATE UNIVERSITY STREAM RESTORATION PROGRAM AND THE NCDEO - DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES - ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE. NOTE: ONLY THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MAY BE CONSTRUCTED DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN. 1- APRIL 15) TO AVOID STREAM DISTURBANCE NOTE PHASE II 6 PHASE III WW0 M IS TO BE PERFORMED ONLY WHEN THERE IS NO RAIN FORECASTED WITHIN 5 DAYS OF COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK 6 THERE IS NO VISIBLE EVIDENCE OF FLOW IN THE STREAM. ALL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED 6 STABILIZED 24 HOURS MIN. PRIOR TO FORECASTED RAIN (PER 15A NCAC 04B 0105) z g W g z J a O v I JH Q J O g a Z Da W0 oaazz z U) Q gW O w a 0. s -. W Z 0O,,o fU F 0 } ~ � O a 0 L_° Ix0. O/� �u?� u 0. O WN BY: BBAUY iiIOOA.TE 01012016 OFF=OR 08172016 OI bv: Y,ARGU PWTMM rPizPn eN Nw 0 10 20 siiffr 14 OF 14 CIIO.]FCTIge 16-13% - - STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1. ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890. CONDITION X16) (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1 - APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 8 SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. - NOTE: ONLY THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET MAY BE CONSTRUCTED DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1 - APRIL 15) TO AVOID STREAM DISTURBANCE STREAM DISTURBANCE SCHEDULE CALENDAR PHASE II NOTES: IiTTTLEMAINING PIPES DAYS ACTIVITY 1 MOBILIZE 5-11 PHASE I: PIPE 6 STRUCTURE �*''''� ( ry - �� INSTALLATION 3-4 PHASE II: PIPE fi STRUCTURE Z, 42' I INSTALLATION 3-4 PHASE III: FILL REMAINING STREAM NOTE PHASE 116 PHASE III 2K IS TO r W BE PERFORMED ONLY WHEN THERE IS NO RAIN FORECASTED WITHIN 5 DAYS OF COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK fi THERE IS NO VISIBLE EVIDENCE OF FLOW IN THE STREAM. ALL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED 6 STABIUZED 24 HOURS MIN PRIOR TO FORECASTED RAIN (PER ISA NCAC 04B.0105) Gs tiny} c r60- 10 `b�C J /N STIR 92 JB ,lam 19 LF- \ xl IF/ :DOUBLE ROW SILT p I FENCE ALONG TOP OF BANK �i lI i /I PHASE <1y " ! ) FILL REMAINING STREAM - / 1 (SEE GRADING PLAN (THS SHEET)) ! PHASE III STREAM DISTURBANCE PHASING PLAN W tnQ CL ID Z a O VI J_ z z Q J O Q W0 > } O a z z uiOQ�� Wa w a a(/)mm Lf) W Z 0cu O�^o 0 } ~ MO°au Mw=a ZL^^i.axz 811 Lu Z IMAwil": B6GAEY OCR�OATE O6.i)2016 OEO®!Y: .JCiACIE eN lw 0 20 40 SHEET 4 OF 14 ORO.IERNO_ 6-131 STP Bl H -WALL PHASE II NOTES: IiTTTLEMAINING PIPES 6LFPCP .-i 1 fi STRUCTURES (HGHUGHTED I INSTALL REMAININGPIPE. I 1 I ( 1 PORTION) (SEE SHEET 7 FOR FURTHER DETAILS) �*''''� ( ry - �� H -WALL 6 GRADE IN CONNECTION TO STREAM.'SERM OFF' FLOW TO 2. SPREAD STRAW OVER ENTIRE Z, 42' I REMAINING CHANNEL DISTURBED AREA AT HEADWALL 6 INSTALL COIR MATTING- (HEAVYDUTYBIODEGRADABLE 700 GRAM) OVER STRAW OVER ( _ INSTALL 6 MATTING ASr J I r PROVIDED IN ^ SMALL-SCALE SOLUTIONS TO ERODING STREAM BANKS' AS PUBLISHED BY NC AST STATE UNIVERSITY I COOPERATIVE EXTENSION (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR I I - l ' - I I PLANTING REO TS) _ I ]O LF RCP I sTR B3 on \ PHASE II ( ALSO NOTED AS PHASE II GRADING) NOTE STO 11E PERF1 S�ORM'EAfHED <1y " ! ) FILL REMAINING STREAM - / 1 (SEE GRADING PLAN (THS SHEET)) ! PHASE III STREAM DISTURBANCE PHASING PLAN W tnQ CL ID Z a O VI J_ z z Q J O Q W0 > } O a z z uiOQ�� Wa w a a(/)mm Lf) W Z 0cu O�^o 0 } ~ MO°au Mw=a ZL^^i.axz 811 Lu Z IMAwil": B6GAEY OCR�OATE O6.i)2016 OEO®!Y: .JCiACIE eN lw 0 20 40 SHEET 4 OF 14 ORO.IERNO_ 6-131 FORECASTED WITHN 5 DAYS OF I I I COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK 6 THERE IS NO VISIBLE EVIDENCE CONSTRUCT WITTi PHASE III GRADING (SEE SHEET 5) I 1 I ( 1 OF FLOW IN THE STREAM. ALL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED 6 STABILIZED 24 HOURS MIN. PRIOR TO FORECASTED RAIN. (PER 15A NCAC 04B 0105) <1y " ! ) FILL REMAINING STREAM - / 1 (SEE GRADING PLAN (THS SHEET)) ! PHASE III STREAM DISTURBANCE PHASING PLAN W tnQ CL ID Z a O VI J_ z z Q J O Q W0 > } O a z z uiOQ�� Wa w a a(/)mm Lf) W Z 0cu O�^o 0 } ~ MO°au Mw=a ZL^^i.axz 811 Lu Z IMAwil": B6GAEY OCR�OATE O6.i)2016 OEO®!Y: .JCiACIE eN lw 0 20 40 SHEET 4 OF 14 ORO.IERNO_ 6-131 STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1. ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890. CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1- APRIL 1S). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS & SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. BUFFER DISTURBANCE: WIDTH = 25' f �S J W Q a O z W m 00 ■ Y H Z Q J O Q W0 > 0 Q Z Z LL Q , gW0Wa a(nm m c-, W Z z0� N OLLQU lxO W=° z^�aXZ U li a J t M M172a6 Y: .KaRG0.E mw 0 20' 40 5 OF 14 STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: L ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890. CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1- APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM - PROTECTION OF STREAM TEMPERATURE: USGS PROVIDES A LIST OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT CAN AFFECT THE TEMPERATURE OF DOWNSTREAM WATERS ((https://water.usgs-gov/edu/temperature.html). THESE ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: • IMPERVIOUS AREAS • SEASONAL CHANGES IN LAKES 6 RESERVOIRS • DAMS Ei IMPOUNDMENTS • POWER PLANTS THE PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREAS WILL NOT DISCHARGE DIRECTLY INTO THE EXISTING STREAM 6 WILL BE DIRECTED TO THE EXISTING STORM SEWER ALONG U.S. HWY 276. THE REMAINING ACTIVITIES ARE UNRELATED TO THIS DEVELOPMENT. BASED ON THE ABOVE, NO ADVERSE EFFECTS ON TEMPERATURE CHANGE AS A RESULT OF THIS DEVELOPMENT ARE ANTICIPATED AND THE PROPOSED ACTIVITIES WILL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF 15A NCAC 04B.0125. p EROSION CONTROL LEGEND: U _Iz I I o L+ —x SILT FENCE -1D C) N., TEMPORARY GRAVEL d CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I I { 1 I N O V I W I i I EROSION CONTROL NOTES: cb . HAR EPRESENT DRAINAGE AREAS TO EACH BMP- 2. CAPACITIES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT 2,�s+XXX I CONTROL MEASURES DOCUMENTED PER THE \ ; , P; I I NC DEO "EROSION 8 SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING 8 DESIGN MANUAL" IN - I I ACCORDANCE WITH THE REOUIREMENTS OF 112 LF SILT FENCE (DOUBLE ROW). 0 LF SILT FENCE (DOUBLE ROW): k +, _ \= SLOPE = _w./1//, f� - p / , '\ SLOPE = 33% (MAX): II 15A NCAC 048.0105..0106. AN0 .0108. 2.760 SF. 5000 --" OK 900 SF 1500 Sr --: OK JI f \ TEMPORARY SEEDING i � 2180 TSF, SP — OK I LI HA CH A (FOR DE7AIL56 SPECS. SEE EROSION 6 SEDIMENT CONTROL "�r PLANNING 6 DESC44 MANUAL. SECTION 610) \�\ tk! - >•�� `\ `\ /, / N _ i `( k TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT: 12(MIN.) X 50'. 6' THICK 2-3' WASHED STONE (SEE DETAILS) Is, hpyy - ��s t'6O A`6�c J FOLLOWING GRADING 6 WALL CONSTRUCTION. INSTALL REQUIRED BASE TO ESTABLISH STAGING 6 MATERIALS STORAGE AREA w U) a 2 Q J O z O v z O Fn O a w m O (n J z z QO g W cr i z Q z LL d9 r P z a Q' aWOwa a�mmv=) WTZ OOF-r,p F- N R Y F jOLL 0 a 0 H Wx(y ��y/ cE -Z Lr) LL 0. ��aLu �o REVI6gN6 �-, : Er RwowTi: OIn12o16 OIF MT• 0817 WIS VIDT WT• 23n12017 SHEET 6 OF 14 caoJ6cTMQ: I6 W STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: 1. ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890. CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN. 1- APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS & SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. c; -x- SILTFENCE O GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION GRAVEL DTEMPORARY CONSTRI1rnON ENTRANCE I INSTALL CONTROL BLANKET OVER ENTIRE DISTURBED AREA 'I I FOLLOWING GRADING. (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR PLANTING I � VEGETATION REQUIREMENTS) It 1- 1 I � l l• ;I I -.gyri I.�..• .� N � / HARDWARE CLOTH 6 GRAVEL - INLET PROTECTION: DISTURBED AREA = 012 AC (MAX) , 1.0 AC - OK i ♦ 1 1 !/\ •� , �� 2745 / k \ 1 , I I r 1 1 1 , \ MAINTAIN PHASE I SILT FENCES I 1 111,\ ,I v Do O"D's co ;E o I N U m 0 EROSION CONTROL LEGEND: -x- SILTFENCE HARDWARE CLOTH 6 GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION GRAVEL DTEMPORARY CONSTRI1rnON ENTRANCE NOTE: PHASE II 6 PHASE III WM IS TO BE PERFORMED ONLY WHEN THERE IS NO RAIN FORECASTED WITHIN 5 DAYS OF COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK 6 THERE IS NO VISIBLE EVIDENCE OF FLOW IN THE STREAM. ALL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED 6 STABILIZED 24 HOURS MIN. PRIOR TO FORECASTED RAIN. (PER LSA NCAC 048 0105) W Q 2 CL J Z U Z 0 to W a O J z Q J O J Q W 0 O�aZZ LL to�p�F Q Z W O w a a(ns-. i w r z 0p)_rlo a�0 } ~ QcuU LaLI )oU=° Z/L/��iaxz 811 0. 0 FffiO-M OLOL20% OfFl MM DB 72Dlfi OEO®!Y: Y.NIGI�E PLOTOATPo 23D3.20.7 0 20 40' SHEET 7 nF l4 STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: L ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890. CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1- APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS & SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. 1115 DISTURBED AREA = 0.08 A < .�A--7 HEIGHT =1' (SEE DETAIL) ELEV. DROP BETWEEN DAMS =1' --+ OK I CHECK DAM) DISTURBED AREA - 007 AC, .off° HEIGHT -1 (SEE DETAIL) ELEV DROP BETWEEN DAMS =1—OK HARDWARE CLOTH 6LVEL7 INLET PROTECTION: DISTURBED AREA - 003 AC (MAX), 10 AC —> OK $ SLOPE =2%(MAX.) 2.755 SF, 5.000 SF - OK FENCE CAPACITY: 7.500 SF PER 100 Lf (SINGLE ROW) 14_ a 950 SF PER 194 LF (SINGLE ROW) __.14500 SF x 2 = 29300 SF (DOUBLE ROAM 29100 SF, 23.970 Sr OK DRAINAG = AC, 0.5 AC — OK HEIGHT = 2(SEE DETAIL) ELEV. DROP BETWEEN DAMS - 2' - OK 2OSION CONTROL LEGEND: - r. - SILT FENCE W a O (n J_ z Z Q J O CL zQ W 0 } 0 Q Z Z LL (z z Q Q I aW &�_ a�M M U) W Z pOl=-V,p fV H H VOa U 7 ZL^.L.a=z ULLa=io NEVISx)N5: I,-- e3.n�Ev -PATE o�oLzols OPFICEOATE WB 720A OIECI®BY� XM(J�E PLOT GATE: 23ml2 ..J SHEET 8 OF 14 PRO.IECf HD- 16-13) CHECK DAM HARDWARE CLOTH 5 GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE W a O (n J_ z Z Q J O CL zQ W 0 } 0 Q Z Z LL (z z Q Q I aW &�_ a�M M U) W Z pOl=-V,p fV H H VOa U 7 ZL^.L.a=z ULLa=io NEVISx)N5: I,-- e3.n�Ev -PATE o�oLzols OPFICEOATE WB 720A OIECI®BY� XM(J�E PLOT GATE: 23ml2 ..J SHEET 8 OF 14 PRO.IECf HD- 16-13) STREAM PROTECTION NOTES: L ALL WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM WATERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT THE FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. I.E. "IN THE DRY". (PER WATER OUALITY CERTIFICATION NO. 3890, CONDITION #6) (SEE "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) 2. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT INVOLVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM MAY TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT SPAWNING SEASON (JAN.1- APRIL 15). 3. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET 4 REGARDING PHASING OF THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING STREAM. A R� xAETenv� 6�OJNCRETE � vv�"un J cwmncroR ro rnour ro STORMFILTER DESIGN NOTES siR REnrMENruRu:m s n suxcTwx of THE owrRnr.E sElEMnOx NIDTHE nuxeEn a CMTRE10Es. rHE sreNo.Aovnla.T.--T isss +wm„r�E xurslw ti,neEn oocmnooEs„nvunT Eomaru"c,uoE Dunsr e..:,•I.nu HElrlrrenrr+<wu, axu EURHVDRUAE: w.rnTarscRs "rHE s,rE cnrnnxxas EtcEEO,-acrs.HURsrREu+evv,.ss sTxuciuRE is :ATRATpx ur �' AtTERHAIEN� iDGE HEIGHT LOC"ttION,TWI RECQ MEWED HYDRPUUC OROnIH1 iY L DFIDTLOW RnIE .21 T ] , „` T>pn4' t,pmE• 3p - CMIeOGE FUAV MiEl9Pn1 E! ,6I lo FILM VIEW vucTSTns.aa nE, am ROwgf� p1nEr WE SECTION A -A _ 5E0_m,Wter� _ A O,IR.ET I I FRAME AND COVER (DIAMETER VARIES) N.T.S SITE SPECWIC DATA REOUMEMENTS wSEIFVWI, iEIf T cx""�rosRtviloE M, w.,ExWs.atESs xD,ku OTrvER,c'6= EIDM Ox.E*6IOeS vwgt®wRH(IMEREEERENCEDMExslOxs. wCrW.OwExsIDx9.wv.,WV -- � SFOR 9HE SPFS1CDMwH05 w?H CETalID VM4T DA8a5gH9 A>D NEIGHrsRUSeCWIrtCrvWRCDNIECHExGI,FERED 90!Jrprb STOft,RLL � NATER DDNI�S ,mss. H.oA•uc oRa � o,uw�W TER Hr,ueE.nccoRD.WewTm.u._oESlDx onrnuw nramuTpx coxrAA,ED xnxs MI"AEr IIJ '. SAW fiAOW0Wn1$iEIEYnTONAT.'H,RELOW.T1- roounEr«v o�`i'„"s,T. w�Krcr E�iEv�i,onro ... �uvm r�xCOIRIEmI M,�i,aL�,nwrlrvvnrER Evcvnrlux. cFsrwcs S,IA.: HEErnsHle ' ANO N: nsr HmxTxEcwr= -•Do EiTEA;w9mFDOEsvwusE wEDV. luE .RnsavE sw.oxAnw,ED RAOlu rrw�.am �aearexa. RAOIu uEow DE2rH sw.0 ". SPECEIC Rav"RaTe�EOI1DK�To wlre� TER ANATrENTIE SGPntln��s fWml DrvroED By THE RRTERCWraLr SUREACE raEA Iw nl "�AHr SUBar.4raEo,Fi�aE.vrx.Ari�rn ARrutOfAixJx RRDw5roHs.wESRESREISC DES Gt, cPv.9IDE,urRxW UD Sw"i eE v EHDMEER DEPEDCW zconina�coR TorxovmE Eowc«r wrtx surscertTo urT ulo sETTr£sroro+RnrERvwsiarnxc aurcHEs movoEnl cDx—T� MTO rsiut,ol SEMAxr RPRVEEn k, VADLT SE(.Tgrvs WDAssF,M"Fvw,T tO vloE. wsrau�u®s�aTr �.w,cH ouT�r avr: xv_arw rH uunEr enr rvooR. cc«rwcwro-u TEn ��.wrxoDEs rRDN caurnucriax.REurEO ERasIax RUWEr CONTECH STORMFILTER DETAIL NOT TOS E � r - z>� Tow 2] 71 � 1 Ap I I N I ry I 1 N m O v I J Z Q J O a wce O � Q Z Z tA�p�jx Q ~ gU)mm aW I Z 00rl�0 cr N Y LL OLLI_ Z� O S Z U� Lm v \ ;RATE \ _ - - - 1 l I yi NiLDMTE DTm2Dls OE DATE 0817 205 oEat®SY: JGWGIE \ 1 _ \ . � - PLOTDATE 230.2M7 \\ I \ 14 \ \ ` TRENCH I.E.- 2737.94 r O 20 0 / NCH IF=2736.89 g NEW RETAIL STORE / \ N/4445r PROTOTYPE'P \ SHEET (9.002 SF) FFE=274450 }/ \ 1 11 \ 11 _ i 2� PROJ[LTND: I6-:37 BOOT ROOF DRAINS TO 3 8' HOPE (APPROXIMATELY I 1 1 '- 133LFp0.50%MIN) .J .1 27AL82 E OUT- 2]3].35 \ 1 tO 27 M . SS IE IN (SE} 2735.50 IE N(NM=2T3550 3 ,A \ \ 3.F Ie' R5 iE. OI,T• 2]3"50 _ \ 1 \ 27435u lw� 2'v aizDx. \ LE -- OU LE OV --=I6 \ \ "=273419 N m O v I J Z Q J O a wce O � Q Z Z tA�p�jx Q ~ gU)mm aW I Z 00rl�0 cr N Y LL OLLI_ Z� O S Z U� Lm v \ ;RATE \ _ - - - DI—Ner: eanE.Ev SHEET 9) I - NiLDMTE DTm2Dls OE DATE 0817 205 oEat®SY: JGWGIE \ 1 _ \ . � - PLOTDATE 230.2M7 \\ I \ 14 \ \ ` TRENCH I.E.- 2737.94 r O 20 0 / NCH IF=2736.89 g N/4445r \ SHEET 9 OF 14 PROJ[LTND: I6-:37 ZEAM PROTECTION NOTES: _L WORK IN OR ADJACENT TO STREAM TERS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO THAT FLOWING STREAM DOES NOT COME IN )TACT WITH THE DISTURBED AREA. I.E. -HE DRY". (PER WATER QUALITY TIFICATION NO. 3890, CONDITION #6) "PHASING PLAN" ON SHEET 5 FOR )ITIONAL INFORMATION) O CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT )LVE DISTURBANCE OF THE STREAM 'TAKE PLACE DURING TROUT WNING SEASON (JAN.1- APRIL 15). =E EROSION CONTROL PLANS 6 SHEET 0+20 GARDING PHASING OF THE WORK 2 s 250 250 CIFIC TO PROTECTING THE EXISTING EAM. PROPOSED GRADE(TYR) EX.GRADE TW)� 2740 2140 2740 �L r a EX. STREAM 33 Oil PROPOSED . o EX. STREAM PIPE (TVP) 2T30 2130 2]302]34 2730 -20 0 20 4C -20 0 2C a0 0+60 0+88.70 2750 2150 ,� 2]50 2740/ r 2140 4)40 0 f \\ — `EX STREAM 2130 2130 2730 ,20 o r 4c V 2C C 2C 40 1+16.83 2150 2FC 274(: 2730 �EX. STREAM K H -WALL 1 274C 2730 � 20 ao SECTION VIEW VERTICAL SCALE: 1' - 5 275 2740 2i4C STREAM 3p 2M 0+40 C 20 +02.76 2]40 TREAM 273 J 0 EX. STREN 2� 2745 2744 2735 2733 O , PLAN VIEW ,/� Ex STREAM RAW \`] f 1 /�I EX STREAM ' /f AUGNrEw 1ff ✓✓ �, I I I r _ Btfl-WALL I TOP•27I IE. Pa -2]3i37 .3N, ice, �^. N �i r �\ r r r J �r l I TOP. 2144.33 IO'W'A TOP, 21. / I / r J e2 aB TOP. 2144.33 IO'W'A TOP, 21. / IE E. 27WM lE WT' 0T / ---- i is Tl -1N 140.73 _. __ – – 5 2"', 2 Q 312'1. IEW2T35–�- 65 0 C' n N v N NN � ry Q N !745 X54 r3> ]5 ?740 2735 2733 -0+35 0+00 1+00 1+35 PROFILE VIEW N z n NU Ix 0 En i amtifma �w duwxer: 3BAnFv FBDIMTE OL012016 oFRQIMm 08/72016 C.Eom r: ,Tc -AG" 0 20 40' SNffT 10 OF 14