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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0031030_Monitoring - 11-2016_20161228 (2)~ .- SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY ROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: DMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Name: Name (N Address: act Person: William G. Freed Location/Site Name:Tefephone#: 252 207 5853 Surrounds holding pond No. of wells to bebe samp�_ Identification Numha, rs....., e__u.. tea' Well Deptt 21.9 ft. -- -' Well Diamete 2 In. lf WELL WAS DRY 3me Screened Interyal: it. to 157 ft. at of sampling. Check here Depth to Water Level: 5.5 ft. below measuring point. Sample is from system: ❑ Influent Measuring Point is 1.5 0 Gallons of water pumped before It. sampling above land surface. 10.0 I Relative M.P. Elevation in ph 7.34 Date collected sample Tamp ._16.5_°C 23'8 Odornone apperance clear 2 OfMION OF WATER OUALRYaNFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1317 MAILSERVICE C:NTER DATE: U1[40 OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon _ Remetllation: Infllaation Gallery _Spm? Feld Remediation: _Rotary DlstiNitor —Land Application of Sludge _Water source Heat Pump -- Other. Cd - Cadmium - -- _••• cnivenr unly (Attach Lab Int mg/L (Total VOC Concentration) ent mgfL (Total VOC Concgmmtlon) Removal % Name: PARAMETERSSam lfor metals were collected unFlltered Certification No. as P ( _YES NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. — NO and field acidified _N0.) COD ColiformMF Fecal mgn Nitrite (NO2) as N --mgA : <t /100mi Nitrate (NO,) as N Coliform: MF Total Phosphorus: Total as P �...... mgn /lo0ml (Note. ilea MPN mHnoE lar ngnry MNE eemoies) A I- Aluminum_mgn ��—mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 271 Ca - Calcium pH (when analyzed) Cd - Cadmium - mg/I TOC mgn units Chloride 5.86 mgn Arsenic 23'8 mgll Grease and Oils Mg - Magnesium mgn Phenol mg/I Sulfate mgn Specific Conductance mgn Total Ammonia uMhos (Ammonia Nt6ogen; NHt as N; Ammonta NMogen, <1 Total) mgn TKN as N mgfl Phosphorus: Total as P �...... mgn Orthophosphate A I- Aluminum_mgn ��—mg/I Be -Barium Ca - Calcium mgn Cd - Cadmium - mgn O Chromium: Total mgn Cu -Copper —mgA Fe - Iron mgn Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mgn Mg - Magnesium mgn Mn - Manganese—mgn mgn Ni - Nickel n Pb - Lead > mg/I Zn -Zinc mgfl � mgn Other (Specify Compounds and C ttratim?Unitop (Specify test and method #. ATTACH U& REPORT.) Report Attached? Yes_(1) No_x_ (0) VOC method is 6200 ' M— Is Name: Name (if Address: QUALITY MONITORING: REPORT FORM elem or ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY DMSION OF WKMR QUALITY -INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER uIC -••._rs--- - ....,.nq wnuucR TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Contact Person: William G. Freed Well Locatwn/Site Name. Telephone#: 252 207 5853 Lagoon Remediation: Infiltration Gallery spray surrounds holding pond No. of wells to be Sampled., led: 3 Field _Remeala6on: Well Identification Number (from Permit): mw2 1� st Rotary Distributor Land Application of Sludge Water Source Heat Pump Well De tt 21.9 P ft. Well e 2 1n. If WELL WAS DRY at Uma of sampling, Check here X others •� Screened Interval: ft. to 15_2" ft. 7 ft. Depth to Water Level: 5.1 ft. below measuring point.For Sample is from system: ❑ Influent ffluent Remediation System Influenummuent Only (Attach Lab Reports.) Measuring Point p 1.5 0 ft. above land surface. Gallons of water pumped before sampling 10.0 Relative M.P. Elevation in ft. Influent "MAL (Total VOC Concentration) Effluent m I11L (Total VOC Concentration) ph 6.47 Date collected sample 11/17/2016 VOC Removal__% Temp._17.6_'C Odor none a pperance clear 2 Date sample analyzed: - Laboratory Name: UNIVERSAL LABS PARAMETERS (Samples for metals were Certification No. 543 collected unfiltered_YES _ NO and field acidified _YES NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal COD concentrations. _N0.) Coliform: MF Fecal <1mg/I mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N Ni -Nickel.°sx D� Coliform: MF Total /100m1 Nitrate (NO3) as N <1 mg/I Pb - Lead/100ml Use MPN me1hW yrhghlytw samples) Phosphorus: Total as 'P Orthophosphate /l mg Zn - Zinc - .' Dissolved Solids: Total 253 mg/I A I- Aluminumunits mg/I - pH (when analyzed) Ba -Barium mgA Ober (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) '€ TOC 6.91 Chlodde mg/I Ca - Calcium mgA mg/I - 279 Arsenic mg/I Cd - Cadmium mgA Grease and Oils mgA Chromium: Total mgn Phenol mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I Sulfate ge mg/1 Iron Mercu Hg Mercury mg/I ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Specific Conductance uM11os K - Potassium mg/I (specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Total Ammonia <1 mg/I Mg -Magnesium mg/I Report Attached? Yes x_ (0) (1) No_ �k - (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH, as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total)VOC TKN N Mn - Manganese method #= 6200 as mgll mg/I — : method #_ - : method #= rwwlranwn� method A ­— GW -59 Rev. 1112005 Agent) DWATER QUALITY MONITORING: REPORT FORM Name: North Name (if different): North el Address: act Person: William G. Freed Location/Site Name: surrounds holding pond Well Deptt 22.1 Screened Interval: Depth to Water Level: 12 Measuring Point is 1.5 0 ft. Well Diamete 2 in. ft. to 157 ft. ft. below measuring point, ft. above land surface. sampling 10.0 ON IZ Telephone#: 252 207 5853 No. of wells to be sampled: 3 Of sampling, Check here PAPER ONLY DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER - RALEMH. NC 27699-1617 Phe": (911 '1334921 ERMIT No. Wg0031030 EXPIRATION DATE: 1y1 Jon -Discharge UIC VPDES OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED _Lagoon _Remedlation: Infiltration Gallery _Spray Field mg/I _ Rotary Distributor _Remediation: Land Application of Sludge Water Source Heat Pump Y80 Other: ant mg/L (Total VOC Concentration) ant mgfL (Total VOC Concentration) Removal % Temp._16.7_eC Odor none a Date sample analyzed: pperance clear Laboratory Name: Certification No PARAMETERS ERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES _ NO and field acidified _YES NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. _NO.) COD mg/I Nitrite (NO,) as N Coliform. MF Fecal <1 ) Colmg/I Ni -Nickel It00ml Nitrate as N <mg/I Pb - Lead Coliform:rm: MF Total /1 00m1 Phosphorusoras: T tel (Nate: Useoahyturpltlsamples) o as P Orthophosphate mg/I Zn - Zinc Dissolved Solids: Total Y80 mg/I pH (when analyzed) mg/I units A I- Aluminum Be - Barium m9� Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) TOC Chloride 11 3 mg/I Calcium Ca -C i - Arsenic 8 mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I mg/I - Grease and 011s mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Phenol mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I O Sulfate mg/I mg/I 9 Fe - Iron N g - Maroury mg/I ORGANICS: by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Specific Conductance Total uMhos K- Potassium mg/I (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Ammonia `1 mg/I Mg - Ma nesium mg/I Report Attached? Ye3_(1) No(0) Nitrogen; NHe as N; Ammonia NiWgen. Total) Mn - Manganese mg/I _x_ VOC : method #= 6200 _ _ ` TKN as N mg/1 mg/I : method#= _ method #= • method #= arm ee or o : gent time an t e - eaae p nor GW -59 / z - Z _ C Rev. 11/2005 signature Pon (o A nhori ed Agent) T _, �1