HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0030088_Monitoring - 11-2016_20170105FORM: NDMR 03-72 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page t or s Permit No.: WQ0030088 Facillry Name: MAJESTIC OAKS SUBDIVISION County: Pender Month: November Vaar: 2016 PPI; 001 Flow Measudng Polnt Parameter Monitoring Polnt: ParameterCotle �� 50050��� 00400 50060 00310 00610 00570 .37616 .� 00076 003o0 a0070 ��OO66b 00600 00630 0a625 00820 � 00615 � a d q L q � N � D E � W C i 4 'p ` m E°: 3 x :4 a c o o ;? c a 'm{� 4 a ? rn � m c° ;? m ^' m w oi " " q a E F N � 6 O ry� 4 O E O 4 � d� d N K 6 G 4 O� �� Y � L@" Y U f LL � F y L m F- N N LL O � N H N F r _.� _ � LL' V R�fi Q ] U H �0 � t Z 2Z q= Z O � p N �- a r 24-hr hrs GPD su mglL mg/L mg/L mglL !!l100 mL NTU mg/L °C mg/L � mg/L mg/L mg/L mglL mg/L 1 0930 2 27 494 7 47 1.09 0.469 20 2 19'.30 1 24,850 7.4 1.33 0468 21 3 17'.30 1 30,594 737 t25 22 0.07 <2.5 <7 0.634 23 0.72 3.51 3.02 049 3.02 <0.02 4 14:00 2 27,393 7.42 1.16 0.404 21 5 25,N9 � 0.6 6 46,207 075 7 05:45 1 30,080 7.15 0.82 0.97t 15 � 8 05:45 � 25,492 7.31 2.2 1.29 14 9 OB:00 2 26,824 7.4 7.93 2.04 i6 10 OB:00 t 35,590 7.65 1.89 1.77 15 N OB:00 t 25,854 7.59 7.48 t66 15 12 25,584 2 13 29,6H4 2 14 06:00 1 42,686 L�9 0.41 5.15 15.3 � 15 07:45 1 23,BB4 723 0.59 3.93 17.9 16 08:45 1 31,202 7.39 0.55 2.8 0.71 3.8 <1 425 ifi 2.88 4.69 4 0.69 4 <0.02 17 06:00 1 26,250 7.3 0.52 5.45 15 18 14:00 1.5 32,182 746 0,22 7.67 i6 19 24.951 5 20 26,038 5 21 06:00 1 27,834 7.31 0.3 4.27 11 22 06:00 1 30,090 729 1.57 3.92 1� 27 08:00 2.5 24.979 7.44 121 3J 13 24 H 27,562 H H H H H H 3.8 H H H H H H H H 25 0030 1 22,838 7.32 t13 4.0'I 15 26 26,157 � 2 27 31.74J 2 28 06:00 1 26,641 7.16 0,9 2.13 12 29 08:00 1 22,524 7.71 7.97 0.93 16 30 '19:00 1 29,778 7.4 1.34 0.932 �e 3I Average: 28070 1.08 1.67 0.08 127 1.00 2.64 0,00 t528 � 120 2J3 2,34 � 0.39 2.34 0.00 DallyMaximum: � 42,686 7.71 220 2.80 0.11 3.8� L00 7.67 0.00 23.00 2.98 469 % 4,00 0.69 4.00 � 0.02 DaIIyMlNmum: 22,524 L15 022 220 0.07 2.50 1.00 0.40 0.00 1t�0 072 9.St 3.02 0.49 3.02 0.02 Sampling Type: Recortler Grab Composlte Composite Composl�e Composi�e GraO Recoreer Gra� Composi�e Calculatea Calalated Composile Composl�e Composile Monthly Limit 47,005 AVG 10 AVG 4 AVGS MEAN 14 AVG 3 AVG 7 I DailyLimlt: >6K9 �95 6 �0 25 10 ��'� SampleFrequency: Conlinuous� 5%WK W 2%MO fXMO 2%MO 2XM0 Continuous �� � �"27(�MO �.� 2%MO 2XM0 2XM0 � 2xM0 .I/'.. ._;j ll�l/ p�F'r'. �tGilVtv �'i�'.��9F?�:f5$�� �i'�� FORM: NDMR 03-12 iVON-DISCHARGE IIftOMiTORING REPORT (NDMR) � Page 2 of 3 FORM: NDMR 03-12 IdOhl-DISCHAE�GE f+�OPt!(T(7RIPlG REPORi (NQ�R} Page 3 of 3 SampNng Aeeson(s} Name: St�nley E: Buck Name: Name: Ers�rironment 1 Name: Certified Laboratories Do�s �ol moni�orie�g dat� a�iti s�r�ptin� fre.quenci�s mee� the r�quirer�et�ts ira.Atta�hrr�errt �, of yo�ar p�rmit? ; If the facili#y. is nan-comptiant, please explain in fhe space belowfhe reason{sj the facili#y was not in compliance. Pravide in your explanation fhe date(s) of th� non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. �Attach addifionai shests ifi necess�ry. Operator in Responsible Charge'(QRG)_Certification Permittee Certification ORc: Staniey E. Buck 111 Permittee: Old Nor�h State Wafer Compariy Certification PJa : �99339.6 S'rgning Offieial: MiGhael ,1. �yei's Grade: ll! Phone kVumbee: 252-235�900 Signing Officfal's Tit[e: President Nas the ORC changed since 4h� previous.NDMR'? 1�hone Plum�er: 919-971-3469 � Permit Expiratior►c 8131/2016 � ` L- , / "s"'��"`--� i.�. — ��'--/ Signature Date Signatuce Date i By;this sfgnature, I certifytttat thls [eport is accurrateand complete to the best of my knawledge: f certify, under,penatiy aFJaw, ifiat ihis documenf and atI aitachrr�ents were prepared under my tlirection orsapervision in accordance with a sysEem d'asigned #o ass�re that all qualifietl personnel propedy gsthered and.evafuated the information suqmitted. Based on my inquiry of fhe person arpersans wiio ma�age the systern, or thoss:persons directfy responsible for gathenng tha i�rforrnetion, the info�mation subrriitted is, to the best o my knawledge and bellet, lrue, accurate, and'compiefe. I am aware that there are significant penalties.forsubmitting fatse in#ormation, including thepossibility oPtnes and imprisonmentfior knrnving vinla ions. �iltiafl �Orlginal and� TvNo Copies io: Division of Vvater Quality lnformation Processing Unit 161.7 Maii Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 2769�-1617 FORM: NDMR 03-12 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) ' Page 3 of 3 Sampling Person(s) Certifed Laboratories Name: Stanley E. Buck Name: Environment 1 i Name: Name: i Does al! monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? If the facility is non-compliant, piease explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the no�-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) CertiBcation Permittee Certification oRc: Stanley E. Buck I11 Permittee: Old North State Water Company Certification No.: 993396 Signi�g Official: Michael J. Myers i i Grade: III Phone Number: 252-235-4900 Signing Official's Titie: President f Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? Phone Number: 919-971-3469 'I Permit Expiration: 8/31/2016 M � a� i� 7, / Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that thls repoA Is accurrale and wmplete to lhe best of my knowledge. I certify, under penally of law, that thls document and all attachments were prepared under my direclion or supervision in accorda�ce with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the Informatfon submNted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the Informatlon, lhe lntortnation submitted Is, to the best of my knowledge and bellef, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware lhat lhere are signfficant penaltfes for submitting false information, inGuding the possiblliry of fines and Imprisonment for know(ng violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit ' 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-9617 FORM: NDAR-2 08-11 NOIV-DISCHARGE APPLIC/�1TION REPORT (NDAR-2) Page 1 of 2 FdRM: NdAR-2 08-11 � I�Of�-DlSGHARGE �APPI.IC�4TfON R�P01'�7 (!`dDAR-2� ' Page 2 of 2 i Dicl th� applicatiora' r�t�� exce�d the limifis in Aitachnnenf � of your-g�ernni#'� Ifi not a ba�i�r, v��r� ihe sites k�pt fr��° of vegetaiion and �aked� If not a ba�in, vv�r� there any ins�a�c�s c�f efffuent �S���ding ir� o� runtaff f�om �t�e �i�es? �� a ba�in, �er� th�re,a�ty inst�nces of lareakout firom #h� ii�rcv9s? i�la� ihe on�ite �w�o�atically aciiva��d sta�dby pow�r �a�rce i�sf��i and Q�er��ion�1? if the facility is non-compiiant; please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not irr complfance. Provide in your explanation the da#e(s) of the noR-compifance and describe #he corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. � Operator-in Respansible Chargs (ORC) Certifccation Permittee Gertiflcation oRc: Stanley 8uck permittee: - Qld Narth Sfate Water Campany, LLC Cert[fication Alo.: 993396 Signing 4fficial: MiGh�el J. MyeCs Grade: 3 Phane Numbec: 252-503-5307 Signing,4fftcia!'s'iiile: President Has fhe aRC changed since ihs previous NDAR-2? Phane Numb�r; Z52=235-4900 Rersnit Eicp.: -8/31%16 � t � -' �'� —��--/ Signature Date Signature; Date By'this signal"ure, 1-certifythat ihis,repart is accurrate a�d'rAmp(ete to the best of my knowledge, i ceriify, uader penaliy of law,'that this ilocumeni and all atiacliments we�e prepared under my direciion or supervision in eccordance wfth a sysfetrhdesigned to assure thaF alf qualified personnel proper{y gathered and evaluated the information �§utimitted. Rased on my inquiry of the person or pereons Wno manage che system, orthose persans tluecUy responsibls for gathering ths information, the information aubmitfed is, to lhe best of my knowiedge and belief, tnie, accurate, and compie;e. I am aware that ihere are. signifreank penalties for submitting false information, ineluding ihe possibiii(y of fines and imprisonment tor knowing violafions. , Niaif t3riginal and iwo Copies to: Div�sion of Yilatier Quality Information Pracessing Unifi 9617 Niail Service Center Ral.eigh, North �Car�rlina.276�9-'#647 FORM: NDAR-2'10-13' P10,N-DISCNARGE APPL.IGATION REPORT' (NQAR-2j Page 2 of 2 Did �fi� ��pl@ca�ian rat�s exceed thie lirtiits in At�achm�n� � a# yoa�r perrv�it? ; � ,.,. , n�..,,,�„ , n,.,�� ..m,,.,��� If n�t a�a�in, �vere the si�es k�pf fr�� of �ege#ation �ar�d raked? � ,_, � . ,,..,�,,,,, , ,.�,�_, �.��,,,..� 1f not a b�sir�, �ere th�w� any ins�an:ces ofi efflu�nt p,or�ding in or run�ff froen the �it�s? ', ..., , ,,,,,.,,,,�- , „�,.�., ,,.n,,,,,.,� If � bas."sn, uve�� fh�r.e any inst��ces of bre�kout from the:b�rms? ,., � , ,.m�„�„- , ,,,��e, ��,�„�.� �as �he .o¢�si#e a�t�matica0ty �ciiwat�d:stat�db�r pa�u�r s�urce festec! anci ope��tio��l?' ,.,, , .;.� ,- , ,,,,,�,., ..�,,.,�.,�� If,the facitify is non-compliant, pleaseeexpiain in the space below the reason{s)-the faci(ity was not in compliance, Prov9de in your expianation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective . action(sj taken. Attach additionai sheets if necessary. Op€;ratar.in Responsibie Charge (ORC) Ge�tificat{on Permi##ee Certi#ication ° ORc: Stanley E. Suck„ III Permittee; � Old Narth State ifVater Gompay�y Certification No.: 993396 Signirig Official: Micheal M.yers f �I Grade; 111 Phone, �umber: 252-235-4900, Signing:Official's Title: President � Nas the:C}RC changed since the previous RlDAR-2? Phone-Nutnber; 919-971-3469 P�rmit Exp.: �,/�$J1 g. �. . �.,, .,,,. �^° � • �. � `� 1'�2 -c2 �S' -� 'Signature pate 51'gnature Date By th�s.signature, I aerti{y thaC,this repad is,accurrate and compleke to the best of my knowledge, 1 certify, under penalty �t 1aw, that this dacument a�id all.attachments were prepare8 unde�•my direetifln or superuision in accordance with a system desEgned `to assure that all qualified persannel properly gathered and evaluated the informa#3on submitted. Based on mg inqu'rry of [hs person or¢ersans wfio manage khe system, orthose persoos dkeotlytesponsiple far gatqeriny the infotmation; the information`submittetl is, to ihe besi of myknowfedge and belief, irue, accurate, and compleie. I am aware that tt�ere are significant perialiles for sulimitting false information, lncluding the possi6ilily of fines and imprisonment for knowing violaiio�s. N3ai1 Original and Two Copies to: Division of �fater Resources � Information Proces"sing Unit 1fi1'7 Mail Service Ceriter Raleigh, No'rth Caroiina 27fi99-'1617 , i FORM: NDAR-2 08-11 NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-2) ' Page 2 of 2 Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? If not a basin, were the sites kept free of vegetation and raked? If not a basin, were there any instances of effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? tf a basin, were there any instances of breakout from the berms? Was the onsite automatically activated standby power source tested and operational? If the facility is non-compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. i I I � Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ottc: Stanley Buck Permittee: Old North State Water Company, LLC Certification No.: 993396 st9ning offictai: Michael J. Myers Grade: 3 Phone Number: 252-503-5307 Signing Official's Title: Pr'2sldent Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-2? Phone Number: 252-235-4900 Permit Exp.: 8/31/16 � l�.Z% /�; i Signature Date Signature _ Date By this signature, I certify that this report Is accurrate and complete to Ihe best of my knowledge. I ceRify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my directlon or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualifled personnel. propedy gathered and evaluated the Informatlon submitted. Based on my inquiry oF ihe person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the Information, the informalion submilted Is, lo the best of my knowledge and belief, lrue accurate, and camplete. I am aware lhat lhere are significant penalties for submitting false iniormation, including the possi�illty of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. I �v�an vny�na� ana i wv �.vpies iv: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDMR 03-12 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 1 of 2 FORM: NDMR 03-12 �i(OiV-DISCHARGE M�NITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 2 of 2 Sampling Person(s) Name: Stanley E. Buck III Name•r �ame: Enviranment 1 Name: Certified Labbratories Compqant U Non-Compliant Does all monitoring data and sampling frecyuencies. meet ihe requirements in Attachment A of your perrrait? � If the facility is non-compliant, please explain'in the space•below the reason{s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanafion the date(s) of the nor}�-compliance and describe the carrective action(s) taken. Attach' additional sheets if ner.ecsarv I �perator in Responsible Gharge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification oRc: Stanley E, Buck Iil � Y� � No Permittee: Old North Sta#e Water Company Certification Rio.s 993396 i Stgning Official: Michael J. Myers Grade: 111 Phone Number. 252 235-4900 Signing Offtcial�s Titie: President � Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR7 Pfione Numher: 919-971-3469 � Permit Expiration: $/31f2016 f �6, �L , t�--~� /� —�2 � ��~�� 5ignature Date Signature Date By th(s signaWre, l certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the'best ofmy knowledge. I ceitify, under penalty of faw, thaC this document and all atfachments were prepared urtder my d(rectiomor sdpervision fn accoPdance with a:systemdesigned to assure that all qualifled:personnel propo�ly gathered and evaluatad the information submittetl. Based on, my inquiry, of lheperson or persons who manage the sysiem, or those persons directly responsible for gaihering the information, the informaUon submfttedls, to fhe best of my knowiedge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there ara slgnificant penalties for submitiing false informafion, inciuding the poss(btlity of fines and imprisonment for knowing vlolatians. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Infarmation Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-�1617 FORM: NDMR 03-12 Name: Stanley E. Buck III Name: Sampling Person(s) NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Name: Environment 1 Name: Certified Laboratories Page 2 of 2 Does.all monitocing data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit?, If the facility is non-compliant, piease explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your expianation the date(s) of the nbn-compliance and describe #he corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. � Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Stanley E. Buck 111 ❑YeS pN� permittee: Ofd North State Water C'ompany Certification No.: 993396 Signing O�cial: Michael J. Myers Grade: 111 Phone Number: 252-235-4900 Signing O�cial's Title: President i Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? Phone Number: 919-971-3469 j Permit Expiration; 8/31/2016 _ t � 7, / Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, i certify that this report is accurrate and complete to ihe best of my knowiedge. 1 certify, under penalry of law, that this document and ail attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel propedy gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persans directly responsible for gathering the informa(ion, the in(ormation su6mitted is, to the besi af my knowledge and trelief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are signiftcant penaities for submitiing faise tnformation, including the possihiiity of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617