HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002519_Monitoring - 11-2016_20170103FORM: NDMR 07-13 NON-0ISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page � of � •��� - - _ � _ ' ' � -• �� ■ - u - ■ • -- ■� l9 ■ ■• - -- -- - - - -- — �� _.��.� _ �� _� � ��: � ��: � ��:�� � ��::. �, __—_--- . �m�� � � �������������� o�a �� ��������������� o�a�mm������������� o�a���������������� n�a � • � ��������������� o������������������ n������������������ o�o���������������� n�a���������������� o ,. , a , , ��������������� m�o���������������� mo����������������� m�� �., ��������������� m������������������ m „ o ,:, ��r-r-�r�n:r:����������� m�a � � � ���w�a�a:s:����������� m , „ a � � ����trn���a������� m � � a����■������������ m�a����� -�+,������������ m����� ,:�*r,� :�.rM:��ar����������� m�� :,. ����rr�■���������� m�o���������������� o�a , , ��������������� o�a���������������� m������������������ o������������������ o������������������ m������������������ o�am��������������� o ,. , o ,:. ��������������� m�a���������������� m���������� ������� ����� �� ,., „ , „ ������������� ��� „ , „ ������������� ����m���m��������� m�� ,,, m�a����m������� ������������������ ������������������ FORM: NDMR 07-13 NON-0ISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) page Z of � Sampling Persor�s) Hams: Operators Name: Name: Environment 1, Inc. Name: CertMled Laboratories Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your pertnit� ❑ComDliant QNairComWiant If the tacility is non-compliant, please expiain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanatbn the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corredive aGion(s) L�J Operator in Reaporuible Charge (ORC) CertiNwtion Permikae CeRificaUon oftc: Charles A. Jones, Jr. PermKtee: Minzie's Creek Sanitary District Certifieadon No.: 985305 signing Ortielal: Grade: IV Phone Number: 252.333.8766 Slgning Ottieial's 7itle: Chairman Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR7 ❑'�Ps ❑✓ na Phone Number: Permit Expintlon: 9/30/2017 (it� r2.2S.�G . . � 9 /�O Signature Date Signature Date By tl�is signalure, I certlry Mat Mis report is aau�te an0 compete ro Ma Dest of my knaMetlge. I cartMy, under penely d law, Mat tltls tlocumenl aM ell attedimenta were prepereA under my airaction ar wperNsion in axardence wiN e syalem EesigreG b assure Mal WI qualifletl pwaon�rel p�operly galM�etl aM evelueled Me inbrmatbn abmitleU. BacaO on my inqu4y of ihe person a peraona wlw menege Ne syNem, or Moae persons 0i�ectly re6ponaible ior gathering Me inkrtnatlon, Ne InMimatlon eubmi1te01c, lo Ihe Cen� of my knaNadpe aiW Eelb/, M1ue, aavrale, arW campleta. I am awere Mat thera ere Wpillkant panaNba ta suEmINn0/elae In/o�matlon, Intlutling the poesidliry of Mnes anE Imqlaonment for knorAng Woletions. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Divisbn o/ Water Quality Irdormatlon Processtng Unit 1617 Mail Service CeMer Raleigh, North Carolina 27689-1617 �oRM: NDAR-2 08-i � NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-2) Page � ot � Parmit No.: WQ0002519 Faciiity Name: Minzie's Creek Sanilary District WWTP counry: Perquimans Month: November vear: 2016 Did infiltration occur at Site Name: 1 s�ce Name: z Site Name: 3 Site Name: this facility? Area (acres�: 0.19 Area (acres�: o.t9 Area (acres): o.i9 Area (acres�: u � Itt'�:Rate(GPD/ft'�: 0.197 Ht'�:Rate(GPDNt'�: 0.197 Ht'�:Rate�GPD/ft'): OJ97 Mt'�:Rate(GPD/fP): Weather Freeboard Site Infittratetl9 O ❑ Site Intiltreted7 OO ❑ Si[e Infiltrated? ❑ O Site Inflltrated? ❑ ❑ m m C 0 m C T C T C � C T a .�. � t] d d V 9 9 � C y y 9 9 a C V D �r C 9 p 9 C q r 1 O � P9 A c�i : 3 mu c� m�� o 'o� Em m" o o� �°1 qm o o� Em q" 'o o� o � a a aa � n o'a r J m� o cq E� � n� o°p'. Er � m� o c E� � m� q EN � G q � w % Q ~ C T LL W � Q ~_ _ �� i Q ~ C T LL� i Q ~ C = LL N 3 i- 6 bl -��. O m p m p RI p m °F°F°F in ft ft gal min GPD/ft' ft gal min 'GPD/ft' k gal min GPD/k' k gal min GPD/ft' ft 1 C 1250 1140 0.15 7250 1140 0.15 2 CI 1,060 1140 0.13 1.060 1140 0.13 3 C 7 085 1740 0.13 1.085 1140 0.13 4 C 0.85 3.545 1140 0.43 3,545 1140 0.43 5 PC 1.195 1140 0.14 1.195 1140 0.14 6 PC 1,995 1140 024 1.995 1140 024 7 C 7.330 1140 0.76 1.330 1140 0.16 8 C 1,920 1140 023 1,920 1140 023 9 CI 1,035 1140 0.13 1,035 1140 0.13 10 R 0.4 1,765 1140 0.14 1.165 1140 0.14 11 CI 1,365 1140 0.16 1,365 1140 0.16 12 CI 1,950 1140 024 1,950 1140 024 13 CI 1.965 11a0 02a 1.965 7740 024 14 R 02 1.040 1140 0.13 1.040 7140 0.13 15 R 0.1 2.045 1140 025 2.045 1740 025 16 C 1,520 1140 0.18 1,520 1140 0.18 17 C 1.630 1140 0.20 1,630 1140 0.20 18 C 2.325 1140 028 2.325 1140 028 19 C 810 1140 0.10 870 ll40 0.10 20 C 1,400 1140 0.17 1400 1140 0.17 21 C 1.825 1140 022 1,825 1140 022 22 C 2,010 1140 0.24 2,010 1140 0.24 23 C 7,330 1140 0.16 1,330 1140 0.16 24 C 7,445 1140 0.17 1,445 1740 0.17 25 R 0.4 7.915 1140 023 1,915 1140 023 26 C 1,175 1140 0.14 iJ75 1740 0.14 27 CI 1,640 1140 022 1,840 7740 022 28 PC 1210 1140 0.15 1210 1140 0.75 29 C 2,Oa0 11a0 025 2,040 1140 025 30 C 0.1 2.145 1140 026 2145 1140 026 31 CI 0.00 0.00 Monthly Loading (GPDlft'1: 0.19 0.19 #DN�G' #DIV/01 YeartoDateLoadin GPDIft�): FORM: NDAR-2 08-11 NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-2) Did the application retes exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit9 If not a basin, were the sites kept free of vegetation and raked? If not a basin, were there any instances of effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? N a basirr, were there arty instartces of breakout frortr the berms? Was the onsite automatically activated standby power source tested and operationalT � ❑ � D � ❑ � ❑ ❑ � Page �• of� If the faciiity is non-compliaM, please e�lain in the space helow the reason(s) the tadlity was not in compliance. Provide in your e�Wnatlon the date(s) of ihe non-wmpliance and tlescnbe the cortective action(s) taken. Atlach additional sheets K necessary. Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) Certlflcation PermHbe CertitieaUon oRc: Charles A. Jones, Jr. P""��' Minzie's Creek Sanitary Dlistrict CerdlluGon No.: 985305 Signing OfHdal: Grode: IV PhoneNumber: 252.333.8766 SlpningOfflclal'sTkle: Chairman Naa the ORC changetl afnu tM previous NDAR-24 ❑ � Phone Numher: Pertnit Exp.: 9/30/17 � IZ�ZS �l4 . � / � Signature Date Signature Date ey m�. ��or�w�a, i�nny me� N�a repon �a eca,na�a �,a �pefa �o n» eart a my x�o«iaaee. i catitr, ��ner a��r w ia«, me� m�s mo,��«n ana a�i nnewm«n. ware qepereE �nEer mY tlirection w s�qavisim in accwEenr.e x�l� a eystem EesiprreE to aseure tliet all quelRieE persorinel properly gaUierotl erq evaluele0 Hre infamelim aubntl�e0. Basetl on mY �7 d iha Ps�am or Garsane who meriapa IM aysbm. or tlnsa penpu Ci�ectN �sPa�ible /or WUrorinB ttro irifarmation, Me irRortnalion submMetl ia, to ihe Oesl af my krqMeEpe antl belief, We, aceuate, eM mmpMe. 1 am eware ihal lhera ere significeM perwtties (a eubmiltinB lebe sRdmetion, inUWl^7 tlx P�aiEillh of fines antl vnPneorrneM b Mrpwirp violetiona. Mail Original and Two Copies W: Division of Water Quality Infortnation Prceeasing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27899-1877 NPDES Perm�t No. WQ0002519 Discharge No.NON-DISCH Month NOVEMBER Year 2016 ' Facility Name Minzie's Creek Sanitary District WWTP , , County Perquimans ' Stream NIIN21ES CREEK Stream MINZIES CREEK Location � Location UPSTREr�M I)OWNSTREAM �=006i0 00400 00310 00�00 31616 00095 �;- . ::' _ ` � �� � � a� �_ ._ U � � : . o � '• w � �� i' x N ��" � U •U k== � � U a A�, � M,' U•� � aNi �" � � "'G] � � � U � w � F`� HRS °C'" �� m�fl. m�/L � #l100m1 µmhos/,. 900 � 915 ��� DWQ Form MR-3 (Revised 2/2009) 390 390 37 m ��� � ��-�� �� � �i i� � �i�.--- 1 _ .� _ = - • � :� ����� � � � � �—�__�-- ���__��— �������- �������� ������_- �_����__ ������-- �������- ����_��- �������- �_�����_ �������- �������� �������� �7������� � ' ' ����m� �1�����-- �_����-_ �������� �-�����_ �_����_- �-����_- �������� �s������ �������� �������� �������� �������� �������� �������� ���������� �� �����. ����� - � � ������_