HomeMy WebLinkAbout19981196 Ver 1_Modifications_19990625Oavvo'-? f ? ? M '-? UL'f bon ak Environmental Consultants, Inc 244 West Millbrook Road ¦ Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 ¦ (919) 846-5900 ¦ Fax (919) 846-9y Facsimile Sheet Fax Number (919) 846-9467 Date: ??Z5 Lqq To. Name: ?P i co) VIE Company: {?? ?1NQ -DE I N? Fax Number: From: Subject: kV1)%r Number of pages including transmittal sheet: For your comments/ approval Per our conversation Please advise Would like to discuss Hard Copy Sent: X_ US regular mail UPS overnight Federal Express Other Remarks: If you have any questions or problems with the transmission, please contact dabtiah at (919) 846-5900. Confidentiality Notice This transmission is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby no4fied that nay disclosure, distribution or copying of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the faxed documents to us at the above address via the United States Postal Service. Sail/Site EVaklation ¦ Mapping and Physical Analysis M Wetlands Mapping and AlitiS:ttion ¦ l.nvironmcnt tl :?udi1 nn-Sitc \Y/:tstV Tiv,ttinent Svstcros, l;?alu:uinn :tnci I)ct,ic;n TO 39Vd 03 IS S L9b69b86T6 ZE:ZT 666T/5Z/90 X For your information Per your request Please call Please handle Hand delivery US certified No hard copy sent Time Sent: cc: Arbor Greets Community Development / S&EC, Inc. Project # 97-3071 Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 West Millbrook Road - Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 - Phone: (919) 846-5900 • Fax, (919) 846-9467 Web Page, www.SandEC.com June 25, 1999 S&EC, Inc. Project # 97-3071 N.C. Division of Water Quality - DEHNR Attn: Mr, Pete Colwell 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: Permit Revision to the Pre-Construction Notification Application dated 12/5/98, NPDES NCGO10000 / NBRRO-99-030 / NCDWQ # 981196, Arbor Green Subdivision, Wake County, NC Dear Sir: PERMIT LKLVISION The purpose of this letter is notify you of changes made to the proposed site plan included within the Arbor Green Community Development Pre-Construction Notification Application (PCN) dated 12/4/99, and to provide a planting plan for the woody vegetation within the riparian buffer restoration areas. Please refer to the Project Update letter dated 4/29199 for additional information related to the riparian buffer restoration, sediment and erosion control and an alternative analysis for the "T" intersection. The proposed changes to the 12/4/98 PCN include a reduction in the amount of wetland impacts from 0.503 acres to 0.447 acres (including utility impacts). The reduction in wetland impacts was accomplished by shifting the utility easement out of the wetland areas and into the lot fiU areas required for Lots 4 and 5 (indicated on match sheet J on the attached site plan). An error was made in the calculation of the amount of linear feet of impact for the Arbor Green Drive crossing on the map provided within the 12/4/98 PCN. The 12/4/98 PCN indicated that only 95 linear feet of impact was required for the proposed crossing, 'The actual amount of linear feet of impact required is 190 linear feet (indicated on match sheets I and J on the attached site plan). The stream channel impacted was determined to be not "important" to significant aquatic function by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Please note that Phase 1 of the developu e n is now currently owned by FORTIS Homes. Included is a completed Agent Authorization Form. Future, correspondences should be addressed to Mr. Reid of FORTIS Homes and S&EC, Inc. Weiland Delineation/Pertni(ting/Mitibution Soil/Site Evaluations Ot+-Site Septic Systems Environmental Assessments/Audits Neusu lia,in and Watershed Buffer Fvaluations Oroundwatcr Hydrology Endangered Species 13rurleh Ofr((ee; 2,11 16th Avenuo N.H. (fickory, North C:arulina 28601 Phone: (828) 322.67(X) • fax: (828) 322-6790 Z0 39Cd 03 V S L9b69VB616 ZE:ZT 666T/9Z/90 Arbor Green Community Development / S&EC, Inc. Project # 97-A71 6/25/99 RIPARIAN BUFFER RESTORATION As indicated within the 4/29/99 Project Update all impacted buffers (both Neuse River Buffers and the 10-foot required buffers along the sanitary sewer corridor) agreed upon during the 3/15/99 Compliance Meeting have been returned to grade and seeded. The next step to be, taken in the restoration process is the planting of woody vegetation. The woody vegetation will consist of seedlings of "at least two native hardwood tree species planted at a density sufficient to provide 320 trees per acre at maturity" as indicated within "15A NCAC 2B.0243 Mitigation Program for Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Buffers, (9)(d)(4)". The woody vegetation is scheduled to be planted during the month of October 1999, in an effort to increase the potential for survival of the seedlings- Please find attached (1) a revised version of the section of the PCN related to the proposed impacts, (2) revised site plans and (3) completed Agent Authorization Forth. Please use the information provided within this revision and that within the 4/29/99 Project Update in your review of the 401 Certification. Please feel free to call myself at 846-5900 if you have any questions, require additional information or would like to visit the site so that someone may accompany you. Sincer?ely,/ Bob Zarzeeki, Biologist Cc: Mr. Danny Smith / NCDWQ Mr. Craig Lang / FORTIS Homes Mr_ Robert Bell / BNK bz E0 39Vd 03 'S S L9b69086i6 ZE:Zi 666i/5Z/90 7a. Is project located near water classified as trout, tidal saltwater (SA), high quality waters (HQW), outstanding resource waters (ORW), water supply (WS-1 or WS41)? YES ( ) NO (X) If yes, explain: No: an Unnamed tributary to Swift Creek indicated as a "perennial Stream' on the Garner. NC USGS topographic quadrangle exists along the southern property boundary. The section of Swill Creek to which this unearned tributary connects to is listed as "C NSW" by the [TVVC, 7b. Is the project located within a North Carolina division of coastal management area of environmental concern (AEC)? YES ( ) NO (X) 7c. If the project is located within a coastal county (see page 7 for list of coastal counties), what is the land use plan (LUP) designation? 1\11/1. ga. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES ( ) NO (K) If yes, provide Action ID number of previous permit and any additional information (including photocopy of 401 certification). 8b. Are additional permit requests expected for this property in the future? YES ( ) NO (X) If yes, describe anticipated work: 9a. Estimated total number of acres in tract of land: + 100 9b. Estimated total number or acres of wetlands located on project site: * 5 10a. Number of acres of wetlands impacted by the proposed project by: Filling: Excavation; Flooding: Drainage: Other. Total acres to be impacted: Proposed Impacts 0.128 (NW14) 0.215 (NW26) 0.104 (NW12) 0.447 (Total) IOb. (1) Stream channel to be impacted by the proposed project (if relocated, provide distance both before and after relocation): Length before: 190' (not significant; NW14); 40' (not signWcant; NW12)=230'(total) After: 240 ft. Width Before (based on normal high water contours): 5 ft. Width After: n/a Average depth before: ±1 ft. After: n/a (2) Stream channel impacts will result from: (check all that apply) Open channel relocation: N/A Channel Excavation: X Other: N/A Placement of pipe in channel: X Construction ofa Dam/Flooding: N/A b0 39Gd 03 '3 S L9b69b86t6 ZE:ZZ 6661/SZ/96 rH4-- q< Soil & Eavirontnental Consultants, Lr. 244 west Mdtbrook Road ¦ Meigth. North Carolitn 2760919 (919) 8465900 ¦ Fax (919) 846 AGENT ALrM0FIZAT ON FORM All Blaxdcs To Be Filled Its By The Cunvxd I.a?owxier Name: Address: _ 3200 WAKM VO EST EoAn BitiTr 7ng BAJAZIGH ., X-C -221502 Phone: 919-872-5252 Project Name/Descripli= ARBOR GRL'ENE SUB. 2-11-99 Date: The Department of the Army US. Axmy Corps of Engineers, W1mutgboxi Distrieet F,0. Baz Wilnxingtan, NC 28402 Att,:A.4 u Field office:a??r??h ?, . .. Ile: Wetlands Related Consulting and Permitting To Whom it may c=we -, 1, the current pzunerfy owner, hereby deli to and authonw Sod & Stxvirox?aRental C+0115ult8O?Lts, bx. to act ?bft any beliaif as Iny agent in the processing of peradt applicatk=, W fu='dsh Up= request supplemental informatlam in support of applicst#orL$, etc. f=om this day fox W*f d. The 11 day of X,0,a 9a T11is noti&AHIon supeEcsedes any P,re QUs conespondenm corwerAhxg the &V=t fm this project fdr NOTxCB; This a u&crizaltiorv, foe liability w ben prafessio nalrtied ?rMons, is ?t'f. You should call 5&EC gover=ert office ds to enter the prop" ccomPa by 6dr.6C et to mange a site mteeting poor to visiting the site. nnmm?TVV v?+T?ti? p? Print Property Ch%-Wx's Na=e cc- Mir- Jahn Dorney NCDEH & KK - DWQ, Wilber Quality PlanrJ=K "01 Reedy Crank Road Raleigh. NC 27607 Property Ownbe s Signature cc.; Mr. Kevft, MA t n Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. agent f= Sc.>di5ice E\•:?lu:,tion = Mapping and Physical Analysis 12 Wetlands Mapping and Mitigation 111 Environmental On-Site Waste Tre'strnent $ystenvs- E-vak%36on and Design 90 39Vd 03 ?R S L9b69086% Z6:Z1 6661/SZ/90 Ica `1\ i? i 14 t W41 I• sl rr' ? ., ?'.? ?r t:d I 1, 1' C r 1 F? ?i r r ') i I' a• , `... `Ti irW. r.,. l ?• h F i I 90 39Vd 03 2 S L9069086T6 ZE:ZT 666T/SZ/90 n-1-1( aNnHoivn .-- O I I 1 Z? V I ad^ ? O L6 3DVd 03 'S S L9069086T6 ZE:ZZ 6661/SZ/99 ? W U 8 N ? U ? C r O W z? v a ? I of A i ?t•s? 000001 r?o•n N W ??CV? TO It q ??YJ t '. I I N co ` *p °„ aS I M 0 o to Z - _ :cc 80 39Vd 03 '8 S L9b69086T6 Z6:ZT 666T/SZ/90 3NIIHOivr4 .O{ 1 '3sY3 KLn 1 n N ? -.i p?A?E i 00 i - I I ? I 10 W _. M N O N U n ;y z tio.f v F-1 J w I ? N Z m ? 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