HomeMy WebLinkAbout19981196 Ver 1_More Info Received_19990429 Soil. & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 West Millbroolc Road 0 Raleisb, North Carolina 27609 w (919) 846-5900 t Fax (419) 846-9467 Facs'rile Sheet Fax Number (919) 846-9467 Date: 04/29/99 To. Name: W. John Dorncy Company: DWQ - Central Office Fax Number: 733-9959 From: Bob Zaraecki Time Sent: 12:57 PM cc-Danny Smith /DWQ 5714718 Craig Lang / FORTIS 872-3320 F,obbie Bell / BNK 851-8968 Subject: Arbor Green Project Update Nurnber of pages including transmittal sheet: 14 For your comments/approval IQ Far your information ? Per our conversation ? Per your request 0 Please advise ? Please call ? Would like to discuss ? Please handle Hard Copy Sent: US regular mail ? Hand delivery ? UPS overnight ? US certified ? Federal Express ? No hard copy sent ? Other I cmitrlt;s: 'lease Rod attaohod the Project Update for Arbor Green discuussing the currant status of the compliance actions that have taken place within the community and a letteT from BNB. discussing alternatives to the "T" intersection of Arbor Green Drive_ I1 you have any questions or problems with the transmission, please contact BZ at (919) 846-5900. Confidentiality Notice This transmission is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If the realer of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that nay disclosure, distribution or copyiq of this iidonnation is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify us irin=40tely by teleplione and return the faxed documents to us at the abovc address via the United States Postal Service. Soil/Site hvaluation ¦ Mapping and Physical Analysis ¦ Wetlands Mapping and Mitigation ¦ Environmental Audi (Dn-Site Waste Treatment Systems, F valumion and Design 64/29/1999 13:39 9198469467 S & EC PAGE 01 64/29/1999 13:39 9198469467 S & EC PAGE 02 Arbor Green Community Development / S&EC,1nc. Project # 97-3071 Soil Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 West Millbrook Road E Raleigh, North Carolina 276og m (919) 840-5900 0 Fax (919) 846-9467 April 29, 1999 S&EC, Inc. Project # 97-3071 N.C. Division of Water Quality - DEHNR Attn-. Mr. Danny Smaitb 3800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27609 N.C. Division of Water Quality - DEHNR Attn: Mr. John Doroey 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Re= Project Update - Post March 15, 1999 Meeting, NPDES NCGO10000 / NBRRO-99-030 / NCDWQ # 981196, Arbor Green Subdivision, Wake County, NC Dear Sirs: The purpose of this letter is to notify you of activities that have taken place within the Arbor Green Community Development since our meeting held on 3115199. The activities listed below were executed in response to concerns stated within the `Notice of Violation/Notice of F. n6rcernent' letter dated 2/5199 and compliance actions agreed upon during the 3115/99 meeting. The activities involved the removal of Sediment and Erosion Control devices from, the Neuse River Basin 50-fl. Buffers, compliance actions involving the installation of the sanitary sewer line and discussion of potential alternatives to the `r'-intersection of Arbor Green Drive. Sediment ara I Erosion Control Devices: (Please refer to the attached reaps depicting the location of the sediment control devises within the community-) Area "A' -'Phis area contains a temporary sediment basin as required under the ori&al approved Sediment and Erosion. Control plan. As per the decision agreed upon during the 3/15/99 meeting, the temporary basin within this areal is still in place and will remam until the construction within the drainage area is complete- Additional wdirent =trot xneasures (including silt fencing and seeding) have been installed in an effort to reduce any potential seditt a t from reaching the stream- The basin is being maintained an a regular schedule as well as immediately after heavy rain events. The basin will be removed and the surrounding area restored once construction within the drainage is complete. Area 'VI - This basin was mistakenly placed within the stream buffers. In addition to the basin, a small amount of fill material had also r? Wakenly been placed within the stream buffers. The basin and fill material have been entirely removed from the stream buffers and the impacted area has been re-vegetated. The basin is in working order and is being maintained on a regular schedule and inunediately after heavy mitt events. Soii/Site Evaluation ¦ Mapping and Physical Analysis ¦ Wetlands Mapping and Mitigation Ili Environw, On-Site Waste Treatment Systemo, Evaluation and Design . 04/29/1999 13:39 9198469467 S & EC PAGE 83 Arbor Green Community Development / S&EC, Inc. Project # 47-3071 4/29/94 Area "C" -- This area contained a rock-check dam and small temporary sediment basin as required under the original approved Sediment and Erosion Control plan. As per the decision agreed upon during the 3115199 meeting, the rock-check dam will remain in place until the construction within the drainage area is complete- The small sediment basin has been removed and the drainage diverted directly to the rock-check dam. The rock-check dam is in working order and is being maintained on a regular schedule and itnm4ately after heavy rain events. The rock-check data will be removed and the surrounding area restored once construction within the drainage is coaVlete. Area ' D" - This area contained a small temporary sediment basin as required vender the original approved Sediment and Erosion Control plan,. This basin has since been removed and the impacted area has beery re-vegetated. The drainage has been diverted away from the stream and associated buffers. Area `°E" - This area contained a small temporary sediment basin as required under the approved original Sediment and Erosion Control plan. This basin has since been removed and the impacted area has been re-vegetated. The drainage has been diverted away from the stream and associated buffers. ,Area "F"- This area contained a small temporary sediment basin as required under the approved original Sedi neat an Erosion. Control plan and a stortnwater discharge pipe within the stream buffers. The basin has since been removed and the impacted area has been re-vegetated. The stormwater discharge pipe has been redirected and wW now discharge into a small detention basin and "sheet-flow" the stormwater prior to entering the stream buffer. Area "G" - This area contained a small temporary sediment basin as required under the original approved Sedirneut and Erosion Control plan. This basin is still in place, in working order and is being maintained otl a regular schedule and in mediately after heavy rain events. The developer and engineer are currea dy working with the Sediment and Erosion Control agent on a revised plan that will keep all devices outside of the buffered area. This has proven to be somewhat challenging given the steep topography and overall site conditions. Once a revised plan is approved and instaUed, the original basin will be removed from the buffered area and the impacted area restored. W. Jake Taylor, of Wake County Environmental Services (the Sediment and Erosion Control agent for the community), has meet the developer on the site on several occasions slnee the 3/13/99 meeting. He has stated that the site is in compliance with the revised Sediment and Erosion Control plan. Mr. Craig Lang, of FORTIS Holmes (the developer) has been on the site almost every day since the initial notice of violation in an effort to insure that the sediment and erosion control devices are in working order, that no sediment is reaching the streams or wetland areas and that the impacted stream buffers are being restored as per the decisions agreed upon during the 3/15/49 meeting. Installation of the Sanbrx-S2Wr Line: Additional erosion control fencing and seeding has been installed to stabilize the sanitary sewer line construction corridor. The sewer line has been moved further into the side-slope fill am Of home lots 3, 4 and 5 and away from the stream in an effort to reduce the amount of impact to the associated wetlands. The sewer crossing of the secondary stream channel (for please 1; between 04/29/1999 13:39 9198469467 S & EC PACE 04 Arbor Greed Community Development / SBA W,1nc. Project 0 97-3071 4/29/99 home forts 5 and 14) will be done in compliance with the General Ccnditians of Nationwide Permit 12. Specifically, the temporary fill that had been placed within the stream channel during the site prep work will be removed and the charnel returned as close as possible to its original condition. Alternatives Anal sis fi the "T"-WLe ion of Green Driv - Mx. K. Robert Bell of Bass, Nixon and Kennedy (the project engineer) bas prepared the auached alternatives analysis for the `°l"'-intersection of Arbor Green Drive :fox your review- CONCLUSION: Please note that all the compliance actions agreed upon during the 3/15/99 meeting have or are currently being implemented within the Arbor Green Canmtna V Development. The developer has made every effort to insure that the project site is in compliance with the current regulations. We believe that this revised site plan and Sediment and Erosion Control plan has mi nknized the wetland impacts and Neuse River Bu%r impacts to the maximum extent practicable. Please use this infornaatirm when reviewing the 401 Perna t Application. Due to the actions that have taken place since the 3115/99 mcet4, we request that you send written approval of the 401 Permit Application. Please feel free to call myself at 846-5900 if you have any questions, require additional information or would like to visit the site so that someone may accompany you. Sincerely,, Bob Zarzecld, Biologist Cc: Mx. Craig Lang / FORTIS Homes Mr. Robert Bell / BNK 04/29/1999 13:39 9198469467 S & EC 14EW H/G Iew.r „r . -amass' +? _?.F?F.?t?• (NIO c r '0r`v` , RECREATION AREA .- wl tn 4FROP09EL3 POOL. AND CI.UBHauSE1 QI tlf Is 1 1 dL:1/ r '`r rr 7 ?. 4 1 ? t rr? ? ?3! I ? ?1D, III r •4 .• 'fir ? r 14 + 1 E l ? l ? f 16 ???qs 17 ` ??t r-?r r r 1 1 1 I S ti t--? / 1 IN Q t 1 ? 1 ' 5 i r H PAGE 05 _ L -51.93' A -04'13'14" R 7fl5.00 T -25.9g' SIN ? li1l.OE-4Z• .WK.pe 10Nk M. ail F. a. sax II.L.?IO11/ x Nusolu+l vrLer?MS r+ ?- $Pr'?. ?. ~*,rrr?? ..+.ar .•- 5P .. -?`. ? r; '? r . uCHUA1L a. [ENNEIN .. l,. sox 4oois E,i4N. f1. C- 2Y6Z9-406#, . '^•ti???r Q Mwa IN$` F01lEST?FItNY _ PHA PH F. + I? t 1 r I ? l Oll i -1 WETLANO NODS. Q ASCRIPTION LF SF _ ., 84129/1999 13:39 9198469467 S & EC t<GE 06 Z ON _? I u , s6NOL !619.07-10-0420 v EARL BRITT A 1ualTN m- ORITT 991 RAxa ROAO OARNER. K.C. 7T#t0 R-s: RESIDENTIAL t e I ' A"A rr fr D? l; 63 + f ? 51 N \\ >P- ell 9 67 • ? ,mil r ?. AREA, ti??y ?4ti Fl- I jr.- .. ,?- - .r -- try 1? r tti ? 1 1 1 i1 W%lk "N' \% 1 72 111 j 7J 10 ;HA.SE Ile / v 1iR8 ? K a ? 2?E TR 7fo r 1 , 1 1 I 1• 7-0 f M-re.'.. I I 1 ??? ! I I I 15 ! 1 1 I I 79 76 ! ? i + ? ; *?. ?i ? Ir .? M1 1 1 04/2911999 13:39 9198469467 S&EC 1 U 1 11 ? 1 Ag Af?Y 4PCHURCK S iLl (1.0931 ACR") film 1- 7 -?.?__-_, + l b f GIN f I f ? r? ! 1 f f. r ? r f r f r 1 i r I ? t r 1 I 1 1 ? f f I fA r I 195.36 I? '? f I_ l 16 k J f ! r AREA, i5 Wf ? l r N r t r f: D n 5A IS f -- I 1 1 OPIE14 «! r as il g ?lc no To + _ I 41 ! i I r 1 r r r 1 a s1 1 i i r i I 1 ? ?? i I I • ? .98' r 1 1 1 1 I v t c, ; ; 1 ( v7 X;cM EAST 1 1 1 S 0932'27" W i ? f I ? r I ! ? 56 ?i 1 i 57 ? i 1 1 i i PAGE 07 R AL! toMING: Us&$ tiEtiERVEd (Rot PART OI PIN iiit.4s'43 OMNERI 11. 1rAf1L 6R tie RAIIP a CAROM N. Zen INet Roj"DENT1A Usti C? ?1If r I ! -VJ I-T 1 - 1 ??J i 1 ! ? rJ? -? -. / ai r' Uz I IM r+ t k *d & CA 04129{1999 13:39 9198469467 S & EC PAGE 08 BASS, NIXON & KENNEDY, INC., CONSULTING ENGINEERS n 7416 CHAPEL HILL ROAD, RALEIGH, NC 27607 _? 019/851-4422 w FAX 919/851-8968 March 25, 1999 Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 Millbrook Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Attn: Mr. Kevin Martin REF: Arbor Greene Wetlands and Neuse River Impact Garner, NC Dear Kevin: Per your request, I have investigated the different impacts of wetlands and Neuse River Buffers regarding the Arbor Greene Drive, with and without the T-Intersection. Please find the following attached color coded summary for Exhibits A through E: yellow shading is for wetland impacts and orange shading for the Neuse River Buffer Impacts. EXHIBIT A Exhibit A shows the existing T-Intersection which received the Town of Garnet's approval over two years ago- The area highlighted in yellow represents the Wetlands Impacts delineation confirmed by the Corps of Engineers and permitted under 404. EXHIBIT B Exhibit B shows elimination of the T-Intersection- The cul-de-sac, as shown roughly sketched, violates the Town of Garnet's Maximum Cul-de-sac Length Use Ordinance Article XIV, Section 217 ( c ), which is more stringent than all the municipalities in this area. Even with this additional connection of Street E we are inclined to believe that we may still encounter problems with the Ordinance and or the Town's Board of Alderman. Any changes to the street alignments will require re-approval which will take considerable time and incur lost finances. Also coupled with this connection Is the fact that extending Street E will violate the Town's horizontal and vertical design criteria, not to mention the possible loss of tot(s). In finalizing the review of Exhibit B please note that the total wetland impacts at this location are the same with or without the T-Intersection. 04/2911999 13:39 9198469467 S & EC PAGE 09 Soil and Environmental Consultants March 25, 1999 Page two EXHIBIT C Exhibit C shows the existing T-Intersection represents the Neuse River Buffer Impacts. EXH IDLTQ The area highlighted in orange Exhibit D shows the elimination of the T-Intersection. The area in orange represents the Neuse River Buffer Impact as a result of eliminating the intersection. EXHIBIT E Exhibit E shows the net increase of the orange) as a result of the T-Intersection. increase, 1,790 SF, is located in Zone 2. the total increase is 2,760 SF. Neuse River Buffer Impacts (highlighted Please note that the majority of this net The net increase in Zone 1 is 970 SF and SUMMARY A review of Exhibits A and B reveals no additional wetlands being impacted by the intersection. After reviewing Exhibits C, D, E and the actual field topo (prior to grading), it is my professional opinion that the additional impacted Neuse River Buffer Area was somewhat ineffective as a buffer for infiltration. The original topo shows vertical grades to be in excess of 2U percent (latitudinal to wet weather draw). As you continue in a southerly direction along the wet weather draw, at about the half way point on Lot 11, the draw and sideslopes flatten out thus allowing the buffer to provide for biological protections measures as it was intended. Any shifting of Arbor Greene Drive from its present location will only increase damage to wetlands and buffers and present further delay in preparing and finalizing the site. Should you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, Ba ixon Kennedy, Inc. K. Robert Bell, Jr., PE, CPESC KRBjr/rt CC: Craig Lang Enclosures 2 04/29/1999 13:39 9198469467 S & EC rv PAGE 10 71. 70 ??• 6 1xa INTO onmit, CURE { 5? yer48 ?1? / R u>•tLtfi ,rte ,,. -??? = ? ?-?- ?// ? / / +` ' r e'}•Ty? +. ,,.lr! tii .''' y""r ! ???-? _.., r ??'. ...'fir ?LS10E'?=1 a `{ r 64 ti , , r "r +•' ??N s4' • 87e'?46f' T1- 71 R y1 r "? '?'. SiCE??1-R+ ? 1`?'? \ ?\ `? \, & ?.,, • 1? \? 1 ? ? t r ? `li'p ?\ D7 1 • ?' . FeR V IG. I \ \, \ \ ? J a i ' 74 0 D4 4--4 /'? ??\ \ ?\? 7$ 76 it r + i S ? r ?`?' '?, • \??}rte \ \`? ; / / % 16 r I? 78 ,• Ir +X?l? ?? \ \ fir rt '/ ??11 I rye ` + Y f' // ??/ fry /; #' r ? III % to . ! •, f ? 8 E HIBIT A ''. r ?t,rdrf yrrrr rr?r riff E .r'?? ??,?\ ,•? ,,'-„' r fJ ! ??`"-- I 04/2911999 13:39 9198469467 \ S & EC PAGE 11 +J r T 1 t t rf rp t =_86' tt x. UT LA6t-? 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