HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170031 Ver 1_20160912_letter_Service to USACE_Bridge No. 780033 and No. 780039_20170104Uia�tca Stat�� 1Je�la� t���ci�t Of the 1��tC� i0� FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE naleigh Field Offce rost O�Ce nOX �� �:v Raleigh, Na«h Carolina 2763b-3726 September 12, 2016 David Bailey U.S. Army Corps of Engineers .s.�.s i Meriiage i rade Dr. Sui�e 1 OS Wake Farest, NC 27587 Dear Mr. Bail�y: This IeEter is in response zo yoUr �rr[ail af Sep�ember 12_ 201b which provided �he U.S. FiSh and Wildlife Se� vice (Service} wi�h �he b��l�gical conclusi�,� �f the U.S. Army Corps �f E�,g�neera that the replacemL�t �f Bridge No. 33 on SR 2359 over Huffines Mill Creek and csridg� Na. �9 �n SR L� f 6 av�r rac�bs Creek in Rockingham Coun�y may af�c�_ bu� are no� likely t� ad�ersely affec� the fed�,aliy endangered Roan�ke l�gperch {Percinarex}. These comments ar pr,,v;ded in accordance with Section 7 of the Endangerea �pecies �►c� (ESA) of 1973_ as amendCd (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543). According to informati�� p�,,vided, fisl� su��ya were conducted at Bridge Na. 3.s and �y on Npgasi �a, c0 i 6 and Hugus� 30, 201 G; respec�ively. The aurveys ex�ended 100 ,��e�ers ups�ream and 400 me�ers downs�rea��, �f the existing bridge 4r�$sings. AltHough a d�ve�e assemblage �f fi�h apecies was obse�ed �„ bath streams, the federajiy endangered xuan�ke lo�perch was na� �bserved. Based on �he survey resul� and o�hes- available informa�i�,�, the Service concurs w;th yuur conclusior� that the proposed project may affect, but is nat Iikel,, to adversely affect the ttoanoKe lagperch. we believe tha� ihe requiremen�s of Sec�ian 7{a)(2} of �he ESA ha�e been sa�isfied. We remind you that obliga�ions under Section 7 cunsultation must b� rec�nsidered if: tl� ne,� i�f�rmation reveals im�,acts of this identifiea ac�ion that may affec� lis�ed species or cri�ical habi�n� in a manner,��� prvi�u�ly cansidered in this r�iew; (2) this action is sub5eqvently modified in a�anner that was n�t c�n3idered in this review; �r �3� a new s�.ecies is listed or criiical habi�a� de«rmined �ha� may be affec�ed by �his iden�ified de�ian. The Service a�,�,reciates the oppoRvniry io r�view ihis projec�. [f yau have �ny ques�ions regarding aur response. please conwc� Mr. Gary J�rdan at (919) 856-4520 (Ext. 32}. Sincerely. ffd�- �ete Ben�am n U Field Supervisor Elec�ronic copy: Travis WiIson, NCWRC, Creedmoor, NC Nicole Thomson, NCDOT, Greensboro, NC r�le� Gray, �CU� �; �caieign, i�C