HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011743 Ver 1_Monitoring Report Year 4_20080414County Line Creek (High Vista) Final Monitoring Report Year 4 of 5 (2007) Buncombe and Henderson Counties, North Carolina USGS HUC: 06010105 Project ID No. 00044 Prepared for: r? Losystcni NCDENR-Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 February 2008 sr? ¦s.r.ffi:?C ,asE D ?v APR 1 4 2008 DENk.\ STORMWATERB?H WVODS AND ?91 • • • • • Executive Summary • The County Line Stream Restoration project falls within the USGS hydrologic unit 06010105. • The project stream (County Line Creek) lies within a golf course and the watershed includes low • to medium density residential areas and forested areas. Prior to restoration work, landowners • efforts to modify the channel through channelization and clearing riparian areas had impaired the ecological functions of the creek. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (KHA) developed the plans for restoration using natural • channel design methods. The original contractor implemented the plans and completed construction of the restored channel in 2002. During the winter of 2007, stream restoration • contractors performed maintenance work on the lower 2,100 feet of the stream. • KHA performed vegetative monitoring during the late growing season of 2007. KHA assessed . eight (8) vegetation quads. Combined stem counts for these plots equaled over 1,600 stems per • acre. Year 4 success criteria requires 288 stems per acre. Over the history of the project, landowners adjacent to the riparian buffer have disturbed or destroyed sections the vegetation. KHA observed the sections of cleared areas in 2006, but did not observe evidence of additional • clearings during site visits in 2007. Several sections of the riparian buffer lack any woody • vegetation. Existing vegetation is dominated by live staking and early colonizers such as Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides), Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), and Sycamore • (Plantanus occidentalis). The high stem count is attributed to the abundance of colonizing • species. Bare root plantings do not appear to have survived in large numbers. Exotic and invasive vegetation do not appear to be a significant problem. • KHA performed geomorphic assessments and surveys during the spring and fall of 2007. The • geomorphic topographic survey included the section between stations 15+00 and 35+00. This section included the two primary longitudinal profiles and their cross sections and sections • modified during the repair. Overall, the channel appeared to be stable with isolated areas of • instability (e.g. head cuts and bank scour). • Due to the spatial extent of repairs to the channel in 2007, the survey data collected after the i repair cannot be directly compared to the pre-repair data through meaningful overlays or . trending. However, any post-repair data set will permit meaningful post-repair comparisons and data can be extracted from each of the pre-repair monitoring years individually, which will • contribute to various performance/condition statistics for comparison to the pre-construction • condition. • • • • • • • • • i • • • County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008 - Yea 4 of 5 i T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line\MY2007\CYLIN MY4 2007 Final Monitoring Report.docx i • • Table of Contents 1.0 Project Background .............................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Location and Setting ......................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Project Structure, Mitigation Type, Approach and Objectives ........................................ 3 1.3 Project History and Background ...................................................................................... 6 1.4 Monitoring Plan View ...................................................................................................... 9 2.0 Project Conditions and Monitoring Results ....................................................................... 14 2.1 Vegetation Assessment .................................................................................................. 14 2.2 Stream Assessment ......................................................................................................... 14 3.0 Methodology ...................................................................................................................... 18 Tables Table I: Project Restoration Components ....................................................................................... 4 Table 11: Project Activity and Reporting History ........................................................................... 6 Table III: Project Contact Table ..................................................................................................... 7 Table IV: Project Background Table .............................................................................................. 8 Table V: Verification of Bankf ill Events ..................................................................................... 15 Table VI: Categorical Stream Features Visual Stability Assessment ........................................... 15 Table VII: Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary .......................................................... 16 Table VIII: Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary .................................................... 17 Figures Figure 1: Project Site Setting .......................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2: Monitoring Plan View Sheet 1 ...................................................................................... 11 Figure 3: Monitoring Plan View Sheet 2 ...................................................................................... 12 Figure 4: Monitoring Plan View Sheet 3 ...................................................................................... 13 Appendices Appendix A: Vegetation Monitoring Data Appendix B: Stream Monitoring Data County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008 - Year 4 of 5 ii TApn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\Fligh Vista-County Line\MY2007\CYLIN MY4 2007 Final Monitoring Report.docx C=F1 rWJ1*A 0 W_ 1.0 Project Background • The background information for this report references previous monitoring reports submitted by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department at North Carolina State University, and Soil and Environmental Consultants, PA. 1.1 Location and Setting The County Line Creek stream restoration site lies within the USGS HUC 06010105. The site lies approximately nine miles south of Asheville and nine miles northwest of Hendersonville, NC. The site is immediately west of NC Highway 191 within the High Vista Estates and Golf Course. Portions of the stream serve as the Henderson/Buncombe county line (See Figure 1.) 1.2 Project Structure, Mitigation Type, Approach and Objectives Prior to restoration, the project reach exhibited severe bank erosion, channel widening, and the loss of aquatic habitat resulting from stream channelization, lack of riparian vegetation, and watershed development. The mitigation plan (County Line Creek Mitigation Plan 2002) stated the following goals for the project: • Transform pre-existing altered stream corridor to a more stable and biologically active form • Create stable stream dimension, profile, and pattern • Establish adjacent riparian ecological community As stated in Kimley-Horn's 2001 County Line Creek High Vista Estates and Golf Course Stream Restoration: Executive Summary of Design the objectives of this project are "to design adjustments to the stream reach that will increase its long-term stability and create a more functional riparian ecological community. The design for the existing stream will adjust geomorphic dimensions, patterns, and profiles. The proposed changes reflect stable conditions of reference reaches and their current geomorphic conditions. Additionally, vegetated buffers will be created that match proximal natural ecological communities found in similar physiographic and climatic regions. The reach will be redesigned to maximize natural design in light of the needs of the golf course and physical constraints within the project area" Table I provides project mitigation structure and objectives: County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008 - Year 4 of 5 3 T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line\MY2007\CYLIN MY4 2007 Final Monitoring Report.doex CoI , = Mt Table I: Proiect Restoration C amnanents Table I. Project Restoration Components County Line Creek (High Vista) Stream Restoratin (EEP No. 00044) Project c y c 0 0 Segment c tia ? °' nu ou Stationing Comment or Reach d E? c v 04 ID W w d Main 3,500 R F P2 3,500 if 1:1 3,500 0+00.0 - 35+00.0 Mitigation Unit Summaries Stream Of) Riparian Non-Riparian Total Wetland Buffer (Ac.) Comment Wetland (Ac.) Wetland Ac. (Ac. 3,500 -- -- -- -- R =Restoration El = Enhancement Ell = Fnhancement S = Stabilization PI =Priority I P2 =Priority H P3 =Priority III SS =Stream Banks tab flization County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008 - Year 4 of 5 4 !• R1ti",4- T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line\MY2007\CYLIN MY4 2007 Final Monitoring Report.docx aWAUO*lW W. County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008 - Year 4 of 5 5 T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line\MY2007\CYLIN MY4 2007 Final Monitoring Report.docx ??? glen, Are, 1.3 Project History and Background Construction of the project was completed in July 2002. Maintenance construction was completed in 2007. KHA completed monitoring activities for the As-Built and year 1. North Carolina State University completed monitoring for year 2 and Soil and Environmental Consultant, Inc. complete monitoring for year 3. Year 4 monitoring was performed by KHA in 2007. Table II provides additional details regarding the timeline of the project. Table III provides additional information regarding contractors. Tahlp IT- Prnipet Activity and Rpnnrtinu Hictnrv Table 17. Project Activity and Reporting History County Line Creek (High Vista) Stream Restoratin (EEP No. 00044) Data Actual Scheduled Activity or Report Collection Completion or Comments Completion Complete Deliver Restoration Plan 2002 11/2001 Final Design - 90% 2002 Construction 2002 8/2002 Maintenance / Repairs 2007 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area Permanent seed mix applied Containerized and B&B plantings for 2002 reach/se ments 1&2 Mitigation Plan / As- Performed by Kimley-Horn and 0 built (Year 2002 10/2002 Associates Monitoring - baseline) Performed by Kimley-Horn and Year 1 monitoring 2003 Oct-OS 12/2003 Associates Year 2 Monitoring 2004 Oct-06 12/2004 Performed by N.C. State University Performed by Soil and Environmental Year 3 Monitoring 2005 12/2005 Consultants Performed by Kimley-Horn and Year 4 Monitoring 2007 Nov-07 12/2007 Associates Year 5 Monitoring 2008 County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008 - Year 4 of 5 6 C=FJ K,-Hnles. T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line\MY2007\CYL1N MY4 2007 Final Monitoring Report.docx ekx. I Table iii- PrniPrt C'nntaet Tahla Table IM Project Contact Table County Line Creek (High Vista) Stream Restoratin (EEP No. 00044) Designer 3001 Weston Parkway Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Cary, NC 27513 Primary Designer POC Will Wilhelm, P.E. Construction Contractor 6106 Corporate Park Drive Shamrock Environmental Corp. Brown Summit, NC 27214 Primary Contractor POC Greg Kiser Construction Contractor Maintenance 126 Circle G Lane Land Mechanic Designs, Inc. Willow Springs, NC 27592 Primary Contractor POC Planting Contractor Planting contractor POC Seeding Contractor Planting contractor POC Seed Mix Sources Nursery Stock Suppliers Monitoring Performers PO Box 33068 Kimley-Horn and Associates Raleigh, NC 27636 Stream Monitoring POC Andrew Kiley (919) 678-4150 Vegetation Monitoring POC Andrew Kiley (919)678-4 150 County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008 - Year 4 of 5 7 R T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line\MY2007\CYLIN MY4 2007 Final Monitoring Report.docx Curl qtd ryp, The project is located along the Henderson/Buncombe county line, portions of which are located within the Blue Ridge Belt of the Mountains of North Carolina. The site is located within a moderately rural area. Table IV provides additional information regarding this stream. Table IV: Project Rackornund Tahle Table IV. Project Background Table County Line Creek (High Vista) Stream Restoratin (EEP No. 00044) Project County Henderson/Buncombe Drainage Area 0.35 sq. miles Drainage impervious cover estimate (%) 0.1 Stream Order 1st /2nd Physiographic Region Mountain Ecoregion Blue Ridge Belt Rosgen Classification of As-built B4/C4 Cowardin Classification N/A Dominant soil types Codorus, Hayesville, Delanco Reference site ID N/A US GS HUC for Project and Reference 6010105 NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference 04-3-2002 NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference N/A Any portion of any project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream o a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303dlisting or stressor N/A of project easement fenced 0% County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008 - Year 4 of 5 8 1•n T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line\MY2007\CYLfN MY4 2007 Final Monitoring Report.docz CE, ` &IGiNt/4bm. W_ 1.4 Monitoring Plan View The monitoring plan assesses the project stream's geomorphology using a set of five (5) cross sections. The original As-Built included four (4) cross sections. An additional cross section was added after the maintenance work. The 2007 longitudinal profile covers the section between stations 15+00 and 35+00. This section includes the two (2) subsections that have been monitored since the As-Built. Eleven (11) permanent photo points provide for a visual comparison of key site features through time. The monitoring plan uses eight (8) randomly placed vegetation quads to assess riparian buffer restoration. Monitoring Plan View Sheets 1 to 3 show the locations of the monitoring features. County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008 - Year 4 of 5 9 T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line\MY2007\CYLIN MY4 2007 Final Monitoring Report.docx ??/ ' and ' , W_ Figure 2: Monitoring Plan View Sheet 1 Legend ite Observations (Points) (KHA 2007) In-Stream Structures (Rock Vanes etc.) In-Stream Structure Function Rootwads (Function) County Line Stream Centerline w; A Headcut A Boulder Step •? Failed w Failed Vegeation Quads ite Observations (Linear) (KHA 2007) • Bank Toe Protection Poor Poor Cross Sections i Dry Channel Log Vane Fair Fair Photo Monitoring Bank Scour -11CT Rock AVane Good t Good Conservation Easement(Design) , Site Observations KHA 2007 (Areas) ( ) V Rock Cross Vane • Excellent • Excellent _ _- = Bare Floodplain 0 50 1 200 I Invasive Population Feet Prepared For County Line Creek (H igh Vista) Stream Restoration Monitoring Year 4 2007 Prepared By Project Buncombe and Henderson Counties, North Carolina PP- = F1 LC01?St0111 Date Project Number IGmleyHom 3/4/08 044 and lssodates, Inc. County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008- Year 4 of 5 ?.? Kmeys ¢n :\pn1011795022 06-07 MonitoringlHigh Vista-County Line1MY20071CYLM MY42007 Final Monitoring Report.docz I1 ?r 1 antMSOCaas,'rc r k ieure 3: Monitorine Plan View Sheet 2 LSO •. _ N. . .+ T ,+ '' - p ` f --. ?'{ a ? r4 Y - y r, 7 y ?1 ` 1? j • m , y T 21, it -of I v, 1 ? 3 ' . ? •p `Yw,... f a'F^F4' ;? t ?14?.. 111 ?Sr rv i « RJR `. +yt? vtj? ,.fr _ H f' Legend Site Observations (Points) (KHA 2007) In-Stream Structures (Rock Vanes etc.) In-Stream Structure Function Rootwads (Function) County Line Stream Centerline Headcut A Boulder Step 0 Failed w Failed Vegeation Quads Site Observations (Linear) (KHA 2007) • Bank Toe Protection Poor t Poor Cross Sections Dry Channel Log Vane Fair Fair Photo Monitoring 11 t 1 Bank Scour RockA Vane . t Good Good Conservation Easement (Design ite Observations (Areas) (KHA 2007) Rock Cross Vane • Excellent • Excellent Bare Floodplain 0 50 100 200 yr n I .....-_1 Invasive Population Feet Prepared For County Line Creek (High Vista) Stream Restoration Monitoring Year 4 - 2007 Prepared By Project Buncombe and Henderson Counties, North Carolina r 1 r MM 1`('O5?'StClll Date Project Number , Kmley+bm 3/4/08 044 and Assodates, Inc. County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008- Year 4 of 5 T:tpn1011 795022 06-07 MonitoringlHigh Vista-County Line1MY20071CYLM MY4 2007 Final Monitoring Report.docx Kmeprkxn ? aM ksocar,'rc . Figure 4: Monitoring Plan View Sheet 3 ?- - ,_.?.... z e t.. New , 4r g? Alt ,,. 0 ** ar r ?? ns- 8.5 - f b/: Re, a 1 s A"W x. tae' 14 t ?A ,?? mot, ?Jt ry .. ?° S sf+ ?. 4fr 7 "a pry' pp '(ffy? ?... i --- t it-A / R r k «j A 2W 'z "'4 ' Legend ~ ite Observations (Points) (KHA 2007) In-Stream Structures (Rock Vanes etc.) In-Stream Structure Function Rootwads (Function) County Line Stream Centerline r Headcut A Boulder Step 0 Failed Failed Vegeation Quads ite Observations (Linear) (KHA 2007) 0 Bank Toe Protection Poor I, Poor Cross Sections Dry Channel Log Vane Fair Fair Photo Monitoring Bank Scour Rock AVane C: Good Good Conservation Easement (Design ite Observations (Areas) (KHA 2007) Rock cross vane • Excellent 0 Excellent 0 50 100 200 Bare Floodplain l___ ...._ Feet Invasive Population 4 Prepared For County Line Creek (High Vista) Stream Restoration Monitoring Year 4 - 2007 Prepared By Project Buncombe and Henderson Counties, North Carolina r? L(OSyStelll Date Project Number 16mhy-Hom 3/4/08 044 and kmodates, Inc. County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008-Year 4 of S 1pni01179502206-07 Monitoringlnigh Vista-County LineMY2007tCYLIN MY42007 Final Monitoring Report.docx 13 ?n ?A't ASSDC8tK VC ,Iorn 2.0 Project Conditions and Monitoring Results 2.1 Vegetation Assessment Planted zones related to the stream restoration consisted of the riparian buffer zone and the stream banks. The riparian buffer zone begins at the top of the bank and continues out • perpendicular from the stream. The planted stream bank begins at the normal base flow elevation and extends to the top of bank or interface with the flood plain. - The riparian buffer zone was planted with bare root trees and containerized shrubs. As described and depicted in the approved restoration plan, shrub species were planted in play over zones and the bare-root stock was planted on the remaining acreage where future tree height would not affect the field of vision for players. KHA assessed the site vegetation in October and November 2007. Throughout the reach, stream • bank vegetation regions, primarily consisting of planted live stakes and successional volunteers • such as Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides), Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), and Sycamore (Plantanus occidentalis), were performing well with the exception of a few isolated stretches. The riparian zone was not performing as well. In several areas, especially below station 31+50, the riparian regions had been cleared. Invasive and nuisance species were not - observed in populations that presented an immediate threat to the existing communities. . Appendix A provides a summary of vegetative problem areas. Figures 2-4 show the problem areas. KHA assessed eight (8) vegetation quads. Combined stem counts for these plots equaled over 1,600 stems per acre. Year 4 success criteria require 288 stems per acre. The high stem count is attributed to the abundance of colonizing species. Bare root plantings do not appear to have • survived in large numbers. Among the plots, one (1) plot showed a slight decrease in numbers, . three (3) plots showed a strong decrease in numbers, two (2) plots had no significant change in numbers, and two (2) plots showed an increase. Three (3) plots were shifting to a species composition featuring succesional species. Two (2) plots were completely devoid of woody • vegetation. 2.2 Stream Assessment KHA assessed the stream channel during the spring and fall of 2007. During the winter of 2007, stream restoration contractors performed maintenance work on the lower 2,100 feet of the - stream. The maintenance included reshaping the channel and repairing and installing stabilization structures. Overall, the channel appeared stable with isolated section of instability. Two (2) headcuts were located in the upper reach between stations 8+75 and 12+50. A couple of regions of bank scour were also observed in this area. Most of the riffles appeared to be stable - with a few shorter and steeper than design criteria. In the upper reach, some of the pools . appeared to be steeper than design criteria and may be becoming unstable. Most of the in-stream structures such as rock vanes were functional. Some were difficult to identify due to the age of the reach. Monitoring Plan View Sheets 1 through 3 show the location of the stream problem areas and table B 1 in appendix B summarizes the stream problem areas. Due to the spatial extent of repairs to the channel in 2007, the survey data collected after the repair cannot be directly compared to the pre-repair data through meaningful overlays or trending. However, any post-repair data set will permit meaningful post-repair comparisons and County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008 - Year 4 of 5 14 TApn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line\MY2007\CYLIN MY4 2007 Final Monitoring Report.docx CZn data can be extracted from each of the pre-repair monitoring years individually, which will . contribute to various performance/condition statistics for comparison to the pre-construction - condition. EEP installed a crest gage near permanent cross section XS-3. During the November field visit, - the gage did not indicate that bankfull events had occurred since the last reading. Table V shows an empty record for bankfull events. Bankf ill events have likely occurred on-site, but documentation does not currently exist within the monitoring record. - Table V: Verification of Bankfull Events Table V. Verification of Bankfull Events County Line Creek (High Vista) Stream Restoratin (EEP No. 00044) Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Method Photo # Table VI provides a categorical view of the stream visual stability assessment. The visual assessment shows an apparent increase in stability related all metrics. This improvement reflects the maintenance work performed in 2007. Table B2 in appendix B provides a breakdown of the visual assessment. Table Vi: Categorical Stream Featnres Visnal Stability Assessment Table VI. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment County Line Creek (High Vista) Stream Restoratin (EEP No. 00044) Reac h 1 Feature Initial MY-01 MY 02 MY-03 MY 04 MY-05 A. Riffles -- -- -- 87% 94% B. Pools -- -- -- 95% 93% C. Thalwe -- -- -- 100% 1000/0 D. Meanders -- -- -- 78% 96% E. Bed General -- -- -- 82% 1000/0 F. Bank Condition -- -- -- 92% 100% G. Vanes / J Hooks etc. -- -- -- 88% 93% P. Wads and Boulders -- -- -- 52% 78% -- Table VII and Table VIII summarize the site geomorphic assessment. KHA used bankfull elevations consistent with the first three (3) years of measurements (As-Built to MY 2). The field investigators had difficulty identifying one (1) set of cross section benchmarks in the field; therefore this cross section (XS2) lacks data for 2007. KHA added a new riffle cross section (XS5) in the section between the older cross sections. The cross sections in the lower section (XS3 and XS4) were significantly modified during maintenance. Consequently, the shape and hydraulic dimensions differed from previous years. Cross section XS 1 had similar hydraulic dimensions compared to previous years. Appendix B provides photographs and graphing for geomorphic data. County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008 -Year 4 of 5 15 CC" ? ? T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Llne\MY2007\CYLIN MY4 2007 Final Monitoring Report.docx I Tahle VII: Baseline Mornhnlnpv and Hvdranlic Commnrv Table VII. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary County Line Creek (High Vista) Stream Restoratin (EEP No. 00044) Reach Parameter USGS Gage Data Regional Curve Pre-Existing Condition Project Reference Stream (Onsite) Project Reference Stream (Raccoon Design As-built Units Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Dimension BF Width ft * * * * * 12.9 3 8 6 6.1 8.6 * 15.4 15.9 15.7 6 9 * * * 8.9 Floodprone Width ft * * * * * * 19 73 40 9 18 * * * 100 * * >20.0 * * 19.0 BF Cross Sectional Area ft2 * * * * * 10.6 8 11 10 3.3 5.1 * 23.8 23.8 23.8 3.3 5.1 * * * 4.3 BF Mean Depth ft * * * * * 0.8 1 3.3 2 0.5 0.6 * 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.6 * * * 0.5 BF Max Depth ft * * * * * * * * * 0.8 1.2 * 2.4 2.7 2.6 0.8 1.2 * * * 1.1 Width/Depth Ratio * * * * * * 1 8 2.7 11.3 14.4 * 10 10.7 10.3 12 15 * * * 18.5 Entrenchment Ratio * * * * * * 3 12 6.7 1.5 2.1 * * * 6.4 * * >2.2 * * 2.1 Bank Height Ratio 1 1 1.3 Wetted Perimeter ft * * * * * * * * Hydraulic radius ft * * * * * * * * Pattern Channel Beltwidth ft * * * * * * 15 60 30 * * * * * 52 * * 18+ Radius of Curvature ft * * * * * * * * * * * * 8.5 15.8 12.2 * * 18 Meander Wavelength ft * * * * * * 60 135 90 32 48 41 30 84 49.4 18 98 Meander Width ratio * * * * * * 3 10 5 * * * 3.3 3.4 3.3 * * 2+ Profile Riffle length ft * * * * * * * * Riffle slope ft/ft * * * * * * 0.01 0.1 0.04 0.01 0.023 0.02 0.063 0.115 0.085 0.04 0.1 * * * 0.045 Pool length ft * * * * * * * * Pool spacing ft * * * * * * * * * 8.5 36 * 42 163 102 9 48 30 50.3 Substrates d50 mm * * * * * * * * 11.6 31.4 34.8 * * * 0.8 d84 mm * * * * * * * * 63 62 86 * * * 64 Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length ft Channel Length ft Sinuosity * * 1.1 * 1 * 1.3 1.1-1.2 Water Surface Slope ft/ft BF slope ft/ft * * 0.039 0.007 0.07 0.01 0.039 Rosgen Classification * * Incised E,F,G B4 E5c B4 B4/GI *Habitat Index *Macrobenthos 'Substrate collected at each cross section County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008 -Year 4 of 5 16 n T:tpn101179502206-07Monitoring\High Vista-County Llne1MY20071CYLINMY42007Final Monitoring Report.docx CZ/ 1 Ka*H- Table VIII: Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary I Parameter Dimension nits xauec v Coup Line Cross Section 1 Rime AB MYI MY2 xu.triuxtmo4ugyanunyurauttciviom[ormgJummary Creek (High Vista) Stream Restoratin (EEP No. 00044) Cross Section 2 Pool Cross Section 3 Riffle BF Width Flood prone Width BF Cross Sectional Area ft ft ft 8.8 16 2 3 6.9 14 2 9 3.7 * 2 1 MY3 16.3 32.3 MY4 9.1 38.2 MY5 AB 13.4 MYI 11 MY2 6 * MY3 14.4 25.5 MY4 MY5 AB 9 22 MYl 9.3 25 MY2 18 * MY3 9.9 23.7 MY4 5 20.8 MY5 BF Mean Depth BF MaxDepth ft ft . 0.4 0 9 . 0.4 1 2 . 0.6 1 9.6 0.6 1 5 3.1 0.3 15.3 1.1 16 1.4 2 0.3 11.8 0.8 5.4 0.6 8.3 0.9 18.4 1 9.6 1.0 3.0 0.6 Width/De th Ratio . 24 2 . 16 6 6 4 . 27 7 0.9 2.7 2.9 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.5 3 1.8 1 Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio . 1.8 1 0 . 2 1 0 . * . 2.0 26.8 4.2 7.6 18.2 17.4 1.8 14.9 2.4 10.4 2.7 17.7 * 10.3 2.4 8.3 4.2 . . 1 1 0 LO Wetted Perimeter ft 4 9 8 1 * 17 4 . 1 . . . 9.4 14.9 14 * 15.0 9 7 10 7 * Hydraulic radius ft 0 3 0 4 * 0 6 . . 11.9 5.5 . . . 0.3 1 1.1 * 0 8 0 6 0 8 * Substrate . . . 0.8 0.5 d50 d84 mm mm 1.0 30.1 22.0 47 9 1.6 16 0 * * 2.3 25 6 2 * 4.9 8.2 0.32 * 3.3 Parameter . . Cr S ti 4 . 22.6 * 25.3 36.6 7.2 * 36.1 oss ec on Cross S ection 5 Pool Ri me Dimension BF Width Units ft AB 14 6 MYI 9 7 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 AB MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Flood rone Width ft . . 11.4 11.6 11.1 71 p BF Cross Sectional Area ft 17 7 15 4 17.9 13.8 16.8 BF Mean De th ft . 1 2 . 1 6 25.1 11.3 4.9 2.8 p BF Max De th ft . 2 3 . 1 8 2.2 3 1.0 0.4 0.4 p Width/De th Ratio . 12 1 . 1 6 .3 1.6 0.8 0.9 Entrenchment Ratio . . 5.2 * 12.0 27.8 17.8 Bank Height Ratio 1.5 1.2 2.4 Wetted Perimeter ft 15 7 12 * I I H draulic radius ft . 1 1 1 3 * 13.0 11.3 5 y Substrate . . 0.9 0.4 0.4 d50 mm * 3.5 2.8 d84 mm 29 8 * . 21.3 Parameter AB 2002 Pattern NEn Max Med NEn MY-01(2003 M ) MY 02 (2004 -03(2005) MY 04 2007 NIY-05 (2008 Channel Beltwidth ft * * * * ax * Med NEn Max Med NLn Max Med Min Max Med Nliin Max Med Radius of Curvature ft * * * * * * * 15 79 26 38 110 68 9.4 38.5 21.8 Meander Wavelength ft * * * * * 13 96 41 23 57 33 7.3 70.7 21.1 Meander Width ratio * * * * * * 50 378 124 83 464 173 72 193 108 Profile * 2.9 8.3 5.2 1.2 4.8 2.7 Riffle length ft * * * * * * 14 71 29 * * * 4 2 52 3 Riffle sloe ft/ft * * 0 045 * * . . 19.7 Pool length Poolspacing ft ft * * * * . 0 * 30 * * * * 0.0500 * 0.0120 6 0.0433 40 0.0181 14 0.0187 9 0.0274 32 0.0243 18 0.007 6.8 0.082 44.6 0.042 25.1 Additional Parameters 55 29 246 100 12 77 49 25 117 56 Valle Length ft Channel Lcn th Sinuosity ft 2977 3513 3426 3623 Water Surface Sloe BF sloe Ros en Classification ft/ft ft/ft 0.02 0.05 0.0212 0.0415 0.025 0.061 0.04 1.18 * 0.02431 0.008 0.03 1.06 0.02 Habitat Index* Macrobenthos* B4 B4 AB and MYI Materials for sections - XS1 Rime values represent the unner section and XS 3 Riff1P vnh 1Pa ,•P-- t r1 P 1-- County Line Creek Final Monitoring Report (044) February 2008- Year 4 of 5 17 T:1pn101 1795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line1MY20071CYLIN MY4 2007 Final Monitoring Report.docx ?- ?W4 Assocawi. ft. l 3.0 Methodology KEA performed a full geomorphic survey for the lower 2,000 feet of stream that had been repaired. KHA also surveyed an additional cross section, but missed the proper location for the XS2 cross section. County Line Creek Final Monitonng Report (044) February 2008 - Year 4 of 5 18 _^ "%H4- T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line\MY2007\CYLIN MY4 2007 Final Monitoring Report.docx C_? and WWWK f y oy O? d H ? d y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Table V. Preliminary Soil Data County Line Creek (High Vista) Stream Restoratin (EEP No. 00044) Series Max Depth in. % Clay on Surface K T OM % Bradson BaB BaC 75 7-27 0.24 5 1.0-4.0 Brevard BrC BrE BrF 90 10-25 0.24 5 1.0-5.0 Codorus Co 60 15-25 0.37 5 2.0-4.0 Elsinboro EnB 60 8-18 0.37 5 1.0-2.0 10-25 0.24 4 Table VI. Vegetative Problem Areas Coun Line Creek High Vista Stream Restoratin EEP No. 00044 Feature/Issue Station # / Range Side Probable Cause Photo # Bare Bank Bare Bench Area mostly cleared with widely scattered Bare Flood Plain 1,525 1,760 Left mature woody vegetation - likley cleared by human activity VPl Area mostly clear with moderatly scattered 1,525 1,760 Right mature woody vegeation - likely cleared by human activity VP2 1,760 - 2,290 Left Area mostly cleared with dense vegeation along VP3 bank - likle cleared human activity 3,150 3,450 Right Area mostly cleared - likely cleared by human VP4 activity Invasive/Exotic Populations 2,500 2,550 Left Small population of Chinese Privet VP5 '•iii•i•i•••ii••i••••i•••••••i•i••••••••i••i• Table VII: Stem counts for each species arranged by plot. County Line Creek (High Vista) Stream Restoratin (EEP No. 00044) Plots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Year 2003 2005 2007 2003 2005 2007 2003 2005 2007 2003 2005 2007 2003 2005 2007 2003 2005 2007 2003 2005 2007 2003 2005 2007 Species Alnus serrulata 10 3 Betula nigra 2 Corpus amomum 19 19 1 9 8 13 16 15 6 12 12 20 17 11 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 Hamamelis virginiana I Ligustrum sinese 2 Lilodentron tulipera 11 4 Plantanus occidentalis 12 1 1 11 Populus deltoides 1 1 5 5 1 8 0 0 0 0 Prunus serotina 2 Robinia pseudoacacia 3 1 Salix nigra 15 13 2 9 6 7 7 7 2 0 0 1 Sambucus canadensis 1 1 2 1 0 0 6 0 1 5 4 0 Viburnum dentatum 5 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 Total Stems 41 37 42 1 1 18 27 23 6 3 3 37 29 22 11 0 0 0 17 16 0 20 17 12 Plot Size acres 0.0069 0.0069 0.0069 0.0210 0.0210 0.0210 000069 0.0069 0.0069 0.0210 0.0210 0.0210 0.0069 0.0069 0.0069 0.0210 0.0210 0.0210 0.0069 0.0069 0.0069- 0.0069 0.0069 0.0069 Stems Per Acre 5942 5362 6087 48 48 857 3913 3333 870 143 143 1762 4203 3188 1594 0 0 0 2464 2319 0 2899 2464 1739 Stems Per acre Requirements 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 160 260 260 260 as y ' * x ? s af. s ' mlYY _ r ?E - i ? A 1. ? ? < ?R>w? ? A , ? ".: .?atda { , r i74?. r d. , 2 4i Y i z, -4 rt> fit; `?.rN?a F ? h t u f ,n err ? r ? y ? k,.F 'rc? a '. Y i M ••i•!••! sees m s e e FF m e s a 1•• • • :-.r ••s• e r VO 7 (2005) • • 9? r FRI 7 • • • 7755 ,+ I?,lq, !n,`e•? 4 - ? .w?,..ir?^. 'f ?1{XY._?P4 + - ?P?1? ?? IM P yr' ?v4' 9 < x '• ? 3r? ? x?,,Yb ? ? ty?i .> x,??l>,+?''t ._t> R,. ? +??4?' f =+ l?ri•? Y- `?' °? ?.' 'Y "fit gS. '>? q y t V?:???,? T ,?b?,?,a,-.. ' • ? y ..'. 4ryj1'i5r, { w :? ? ?t •? o- +w y ?.1 ? ? ??•" t?dG ?q .tR ? ?r ..s?? '."?'? ?.s., _ ? `' ?"??? Ft + .•f Lf 3 '?'+.Itvt 4is, ..ti t? ?,a?- y? :..;?,. .}plat ?:t?i•?ia , yi p. ?.'. ,.°1 >??t+71 +? c+ t S m + ! x41Tg 'f+ #??1y`{$ ?tjp`?r -a sa 8?.nsA'??• ? +$T x> ? r + '? vw • ?}:r•f ,. tra r f q~?. _Y r;"t 'b ,by to -fr? t"•p:;?'?g/ lar.?'t+? '_ '????Qi 113 ?e?V't ". ?• ?t q 1/If1.7+ _s y+ ?,?Yr ,_w<4'i,?:`. i' !{' ~, 1•.?.? ,y Y s:y.iP' 1 :-mss ?1 r ° S +'tY r ?'?in ° r t0' ?+,. t-T r. .r., fir,; V w'4 9b. ? ?6 P-'a?'•.:.w;a.?.._•wi? «'.. 1.J?. R a .. . ?V$ % f •? t v??s f ?++'i p? VP 3: buffer lacks M ?. .. to ,?'' • , .1.1 "-tppar+ j.:,,t, _ p . . ? - ,!k f ++c ?`? ,irM'?.-:r?vipr ,.'S w ,,k.?" ..sl?+?t .' ??? i'• ,A .d1# r Y tr. #ii NVMV"yf` .'Y'l?.r... KY ,kip 7+• A, V 2i 04 '+ J+ ?.°'r ?°i.:r, ..4 d. +., y _ ???.?!7.117r'1 y fl i?"? J'??Y?''.. i '4?j?! VP 4: Looking upstream, buffer lacks we b r 3 A } 2-y',vi 's;..'"° f,?e ?i t "??t? '!ate ? 1 ? $? .'f.'?"S lV ?. ?.• ' .,? ?"??'+`? _ ,,? N`';'c "-.x+1}7 F 9? ? -- T AWN, ~ VP 5: Looking downstream, population of Chinese Privet a r Y O z 0 d v y a ?d d W ••i••••••?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Table Bi. Stream Problem Areas County Line Creek (High Vista) Stream Restoratin (EEP No. 00044) Feature Issue Reach Station # / Range Side Description Suspected Cause Photo number 2007 Assessment Degradation 8+75 Center Headcut - Localized Excessive shear stress SP I 12+50 Center Headcut - Localized Excessive shear stress SP2 Bank scour 10+50 - 10+55 Left Outer bend scour Excessive shear stress SP3 11+50 - 11+70 Right Bank scour Excessive shear stress SP4 Engineered structures -back or arm scour Etc, 22+91 Center Arm scour and missing header rock -Located on adjacent tributary Excessive shear stress SPS 2005 Assessment Degradation 31+59 to 31+72 High velocity/excess shear 29+68 Structure scour Bank scour 27+50 to 26+92 High velocity/excess shear 27+28 Scour at rootwad 15' up UT 23+78 High velocity/excess shear 13+12 Scour at structure 34+75 Rock shift at apex of vane 34+00 Large drop over structure Engineered structures - back or arm scour 29+68 28+94 Rootwad scour (span channel) Large drop over structure Etc. 27+28 Scour at rootwad 13+12 Scour at structure 4+27 Large drop over structure -scour at structure 1+80 Water flowing under vane 2004 Assessment 360 1,310 2,040 Strucute Failure 2 790 2,810 2,860 3 360 3,470 Bank Erosion 1,145 3.300 Table B2. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment County Line Creek (High Vista) Stream Restoratin (EEP No. 00044) Reach 1 Feature Category Metric (per As-built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total number per As-built, Total Number / feet in unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform. Mean or Total 1 Present? 36 36 NA 100% 2 Armor stable (e.g. no displacement)? 36 36 NA 100% A. Riffles 3 Facet grade appears stable? 31 36 NA 86% 94% 4 Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 36 36 NA 100% 5 Length appropriate? 30 36 NA 83% 1 Present? (e.g not subject to severe aggrad. or migrat.?) 35 35 NA 100% B. Pools 2 Sufficiently deep (Max Pool D:Mean Bkf>1.6?) 32 35 NA 91% 93% 3 Length appropriate? 31 35 NA 89% 1 Upstream of meander bend (run/inflection) centering? 30 30 NA 1 00%__] o 00/ C. Thalweg 2 Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) centering? . 30 30 NA 00 % 1 o I Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? 29 30 NA 97% 2 Of those eroding, # w/concomitant point bar formation? 1 I NA 100% o 96 / D. Meanders 3 Apparent Re within spec. 26 30 NA 87% o 4 Sufficient floodplain access and relief? 30 30 NA 100 % 1 General channel bed aggradation areas (bar formation) 0 / 0 00% o 00/ E. Bed General 2 Channel bed degradation s areas of increasing down-cutting or head cutting? 2 / 0 u 100 a F. Bank 2 Actively eroding, wasting, or slumping bank 2 / 25 100% 100% 1 Free of back or arm scour? 44 45 NA 98% 2 Height appropriate? 39 ] 45 NA 87% o 93 / G. Vanes 3 Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 41 45 NA 91% o 4 Free of piping or other structural failures? 43 45 NA 96% 1 Free of scour? 5 9 NA 56 78% H. Wads/ Boulders 2 Footing stable? 9 9 NA I00% lit ? . r ???> kall tom, PS 1 (2003) Mit f n mom d r I k (Y ? y f: . ?F6^r , J? ; ? lh* T v >. 4 Yi l i'Y ??r ?Q "SF" r 5 .i/-s ?''• ?r Ad.r t t: . ^e4a! 1 " t y s r 1 ?' `i i` rs ` f r.?.• a? d s y? x . _ t r A ? w _ ?? "I 4A, ti r?So `s.? ?: pq??, iyt t? f t t a s. f•.IllYs .'.. .S V ? .?_ ,'i tb a? ai Y PS 1 r I. 3 Ail •. f rts.,. t t { •r, ? C ti? ? Ir` ?pv? ,y>?"g«{, k rte' ??' d•SA ? Y? ?? tii 4F r P, {r d ( v ? # 6'1 i ,r. 5 r ,r} a , t ?rt,?,.„t s. Gt •'?s^..i ° f41 x. ? ? P ' k 4 r- A4" f t . { .. j 1? _ F f{u1?i Y al Si, - t IV S z x „ •.y? 4?g.: { ; t ' - 'fit 1?? V ?4?? ???'??str ?. ?. nt k?• i?y?_}, ? '1'' . . _g i ?.°?',.?k f?i ? ? . _ .l v.a J:..f ? k .7e. '? ?h r^ Y MI J , 4S ? ? ? i #1 ? t E' ? ? - IL 1 r £ Z ? } ?L1f ?? ?` { Fe??? y , T ? 47, ?<d i ? Tom: ¢ea? tiL ?/ f - n ?'Ip'ii?pl ? ..a '? a ?•f6` ?F 1 ? n, ?d? K!'+? rTyiy; 1 - ? h f f f x f p\ w t F4 TT ??"F va 4 3? :¢ y,°r/" I ?y' ill i S 14 u , ?. ?A #? +.;'33 '?74r,?? -? . ? ?? ? ? ? ? • ? ` ? `4 ? 5. ?a b?•? •{ s .?'s 3 P IL ? ? _ ? . .e "`,r r` .__ ? k ? 1?.7 ?. t?'Il`l)J) -- d s. _ 4 S *-c F a''§ :?s :k . a f r{ J / 1++Y. f a f•:. tip, :i All 4 A41 r ? d'<*. ? k r f 1 !n ^' f} r 4r' atw i s i?i-• -: '4r+? iz «7' > ; ? .,. x v ? R t C ' '1 LNG ,Y- v r t ? ? ? ?. ... 7-' ? JAS'' ? w •2Z"¢ .'w ? ?? t ?+it h , f i. $??',??. t jit :h_4 •:i Y ? -?L, s i .l; ?' IA LRf •,rk s . ,r, a. 'F?S - :?-f:. ?, t i _ ?. iA` •?. a PS - (2004 ?- 3' ??? y+ + r. -{ ,?b ,p ., ? ley ? • (???? ? : ;?i,,411? ?' ,?i- i, PS 3 (2004) q ?y/a 1?pp?? f ???Y'F z-Ai ?. 'tYK? 4F,?r y > -Xfflmr _ s .. ;x } wF PS 3 a a • • r - I • • . 14 31 i .Y?'¢ 3'fl ?'?7,?.fKa i ?-? ?• + !a' 7 S ,tily,t ryay y ,1R +? M6 X17 ? f:? ?Y§ v ? :` erg; ,?? t • a? .t4 a 4ett. Ij?r? x.'61 %: •yY S ? y1? ••??f?t 4 ., L ??? I b` ? ?'GO 'tit ??S aah t f ak ? S' ?y!r '. ?I?'".-• - PS 6 (2002) l 4 SOW, CIS n ?r? ? .•aF ?S?a 16'm.s ?."?.A rt:;.. fit { "?ryry ? r t 1 ?c'. ?? r WA .tiy? '{+e ; ??n ?yy?: 'r "SSS ?-}Rfyy .`' 4`:?v?L (i a q Y?rE r ?i r r r j' v 3r t? {, y .:°fi PS 6 (MZ) 9 Sd ? A U ? - 4, • S«4« ?'? :? , a ? € 9t ? #?.y ? q.. ` ? t ;?F y `?_ r,'R. y ? , ?Y! ? .;r? sF x? ? ?,(? at•'1'? '?J ? F +'? • ? y? i . ? a+`+? .?? ? a $? ? W?1 1 +} f.l • *r H- may r'?'- ?f. ! ''??•t.°'!? • ? r .ys;e,,.. , ,#3.,? ? "?? : Aft ? ! . ':.. 'r'.. 'a '?txyt "--. C' ?` ' ' i , ?..? .- .: ? rGk M J]y?z, Y pt a;: ? < 7 1 ?S" ?' ,p ?M c °.t4+?` .» . yn R .JL`'.1.1 a Ll•? {{ ;• ; y?lfgwi - k d ?,, F .:# hi 1! ` ? ? jj 1 r ?? `- ?ip , _ Y y y?(/ J • Y. ?T- y ?, pia AIX - ky<S• i `? J''Y •? s7/ }8th I; .{ K y1 . l•Y x 4? ` ty l yl.. :K _ r+ ` L t j t ,^ rill tes?`- _lL (fOOZ) 9 Sd • "'{??,? `.. ?€ ? ?. •a' e1 4b .'x1M f ?'• 4 '.. ?? E'??Lt li tiy..; Y tax 4xi -dJ• ` 7iS . ?' __?b'?? ? r ? ?: .?,sw.?.- - "fie ;;.?-• $ `? ? Y nl?`lk O L f - ` 4 44 m ra r. .vPrn '{ 'f wS ?'-uF- 441 a ;?. .Y n}:, Yr jY der . 21 k > ?•" , cv SAp o *? P5 A #Sy? ^J''P S _ Al r ,n '_ f y Y l Y? i}'L ?S2i ?yy{{ IPI a ? . Y im '? . ! r { All, ??e ..? Yee ^'? `v k irr ?! w _ PS 6 (2007) - kf , a Rio- fix- y ? i Obvt"J. fit. - s ' Yea i/, zsi%;v„`v?`2' 7?:` Y r NVr "% 3 :.s'}? `fir ?a ? *. p.}.:.:.. ? tE.. -+? ? it f? E ti ??• ''??.%- -C ?. 4 ,,? t F k. n 3 4i s 1 s 4 ? k ?o-? r. ,,..,s w? ? 1? •.. rr ??y 1 L PS 7 (2002) ?Y? 4I PS 8 • ? vf' -' sn ? 3} s: P5 9 (?UU?) • • • • r 69- Y PS 9 it. s , 4t t } fix.. ti ? h Yk ?? ? -. s u? ', r'-t ? s•_ ^?' t 1_ .n?,vr,Y?ru.???.: ?. r?.' t ?; ` . ??. ` PS 9 (2007) my ? '`r ?r.?.r ? ? d '?' Y rtaY'ai ? WWI' ... s 4, *#r . y y? i? 4s is .sT x r.S oaf. Y> 1 ?•n.? S { a?R." :y PS 10 (2002) u a 6R• . PS 10 (2003 i i, i K,,s ;+ir"; w PS 10 ?J 71? ri C F: ??d' „4 k F xxw r f r i u? ,? p _F?? ?, a s:• ?? sE??'?7 ?Myi'?'?!, ': PS 11 (?00?) Arl s '. ?4` a1F' 3 r ` ,? ,2, 'sa: ,• {k' r4 a f*. ? ? t . y r+? - .. Ji a A? ?` r ? _ - & v -Av fig. i y f ? ?t? r x , sC.t-. * ydP ?x Alf, r d ' ?s? 4";,?r+ y \? k % /' '" ?R-'?. ?4 !h 1y,.. ' t'?'p, i {, ,• 4 "s .}5 •'` 44 ?x?' t ? ,,7 Pt's • + - , ? - 04 a? ?,",? yy .} ?} "`R h '.w n'iR` `'?4 "y" ?. ; a• r }'j ?y..b k yS .. AA: fVW - 1 ?bL #i4 rtf , #-.>,?`L?,..i. 86.1'?, wi.? ?•'.. Ft ? x ••a _Mai ?+?r - PS 11 (2003) i? w r l k •,< :?` ? _ +?v. ti? b? ?,?fa , ? ; ? . ?+.- ^t1 :??? k ??t1R i 1S `"'? H??y.'T>? r } . or..A.. Ora ¢..ty tr jj,'k r .sue r:k + I:SLd '. s\r1rSrTl; ,!? x ?f - t ^ 'y s?' i ._ -? t' l? .#? ' ? ? 4 It t 7FI? r 1 r •?? w ?#1 ? *+? t ? 4r: '+r-rr a ) r?;t . r i '?? ? . c 3'r- F ? •@ ? `t i ??fY'•YY ? r? ? ? '. jiL ,t. ?'x t i r ?Y. ??'? ? ? s ? ?,' tr?t?.r.,tk ° 3?i?,,,.? n -_ ?. ?.l y,?'v,r'? 4?d w,. X111' 'r1r 5.?... 0 y :t,'? . !r?! f,? •i""..¢:!_ rit - s: "? w PS 11 S 7` E 1 FI ?A f rf h?. k Ft•' 1 ?'l Jhi ?4?!• .<?,'N?C ?j? ? •?$ K,'w +! Jy ? 1? y`'i`a. Y { "?} 4'?'•i Tn -»f 1 4n y r ?'? yr' ?' _„ ! 4' .•.. 'y? Y7r t'? ?? fll?E?7 ?4„.._ ter}. ?.? ?` ?. 'a T i ` ,.}'.. ` '_ +1T41 r` , Ay,/hZ .y •'? d aH a'rlT i Ir vhf` !-^ 9. 11Ca•CVi. SY.#R?$t T. 1 .Ta ,%A ?.. w`e.h?r;• t1_`:` t '?? ...?. ?. Vii. ?4i1 .>?t ..- • • A • i • • • w r s 2190 2188 2186 2184 2182 2180 2178 2176 2174 2172 2170 N N N w O O O O O p p O O O 2165 2160 2155 2150 2145 2140 County Line Creek Stream Profile 2007 U S - _ pper ection y -0.0147x + 2198.1 - Lower Section Middle Section Y = -0.0289x + 2246.7 i _ Lower Section ? Y --? -0.0082x + 2172.2 i -0 Bed Elevation Water Surface Elevation A Bankfull Elevation I 0 Left Top of Bank Elevation 0 Ri Bht ToP of Bank Elevation Cross Sections 11 0 A Bankfull 2007 Section I t] Bankfull 2007 Section 2 Bankfull 2007 Section 3 f 0 - Bankfull Trendline (Upper Section) Bankfull Trendline (Middle) Section - Banfkull Trendline (Lower Section) 0 © I ? 0 F { t t f i i _ 1 ,_5. { i c O _w w w w O p w A O O 00 O O U C O Cross Section XS1 - Riffle - Station 19+68 Ff t ' XS12007 , I+ 3F X512007 ? Bankfull Indicators V Water Surface Points L X512004 XS12005 Wbkf = 9.11 Dbkf - .34 Abkf = 3.09 A F a (,,? f*„ s?'rak't ?+ f x t i_• t •tr, 2195 2194 ' ?1 f vp ?? *?y p? r r y?,? 2193 ?? r x y r, lYk 2192 S? '? t t .urt+ ` f + i 'fie. .? 2191 / Looking Downstream 2190 lAr ?# 9p tlN{ ,y /,? e' iy W y 2189 _ A 'A kg?ins; Y 001 21881 + * vi p #a ` -1 ? ? ?J ? i >. + ?,F t., ? 4 " Mfr ?s ? ,"1 2187 I ?+ 4L , d y f rtt'i1fi_a s} i ?I t> epi, *i* 4 'r fi' t 2186 'Aw 4 W 2185rt, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 NX- Horizontal Distance (ft) Looking Upstream County Line Creek Monitoring 2007 T:Ipn1011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line1MY20071CYLIN ARK 20071127 Geomorphic Assessment.xlsXS1] - rnni - 2 2 C 0 N 2' UJ 21 21 2007 cross section located u County Line Creek Monitoring 2007 Horizontal Distance (ft) of earlier cross sections Looking Upstream T:1pn1011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line1MY20071CYLIN ARK 20071127 Geomorphic Assessment.xlsXS2] XS2 2007 X022007 ? Bankfull Indicators V Water Surface Points /1, XS22004 XS22005 Wbkf = 5.16 Obkf = 1.75 Abkf = 9.02 W Cross Section XS3 - Riffle - Station 33+80 XS3 2007 ??1r XS3 2007 ? Bankfull Indicators V Water Surface Points G XS3 2004 ? XS3 2005 . Wbkf 7.3 Dbkf = .45 Abkf = 3.26'. 2152.0 } a4l ry y ,, e 2150.3 R? r { r ! 2148.6 s • _'S k 4 A4 i• fit; y"'.. ?? a?;`;ri`? ? ?.,; t .. gp 1yyy?..Is .c ,?? ea v -A .bY?b ? ,{y,,Yyy,,N 4• `ly ? ?1 yy i€pt•9 0 2146.9 . _N Looking Downstream LLI 2145.1 2143.4 • ''.E 2141.7"' } (y? A 2140.0 ? r? ,• ?h f Cu '. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45?' i' 1 Horizontal Distance (ft) Looking Upstream 2007 cross section surveyed after repairs 49 . County Line Creek Monitoring 2007 T:1pn1011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line1MY2007\CYLIN ARK 20071127 Geomorphic Assessment.xlsXS3] • • • • Cross Section XS4 - Pool - Station 34+92 XS4 2007 4Often >S4 2007 ? Bankfull Indicators V WaterSurface Points )G4 2004 A X042005 - r Wbkf = 11.1 Dbkf = .44 Ab}:f = 4.91 CY'° ' ,:« ly. 2150`' 1 ° ?? * } l' lf? 2149 F ` i,"? a * ?°t you'' 'thy" i + 2148 r i41 -w,° r t? R y i 'R'. \J ///r '?F y //??'6+.Cy lllS` N77??'"AC' b ?i4y N' 2147 Yt wir?• ?`. Ve, / Sr P i ? "` +lD?r s:? ? r? .? 4?4 k t aro+ ?; r } $ 2146 ,? t a s 3? Fi ?r?r u w 0 AZ L ? Looking Downstream _N 2145 r; .r ? , r}y rm, ; 4 W ",:i?%I* + ri 4 i X d ?%" PO MikiE ' sr -! 2144 I y' . t 1'?k . ' f d' t,?° ,?` `??+? I ??$• '?i 2143 2142 i y 2141 yvi c ' 1:1','?ktf + «r +.1?7 f"r t 3k Kf t ?,? rfi++ r7 -.ewr ?+c y?{? i /,?7 ?'?r?'+7?ra,€ `4'd' 3 ?' '?q ?`A?`.wr +?? ??z•E°'?'? +t,ke+a ii,¢,?4+-kt y ?d???? 4 I ?i??plx? 2140+? ebd4?* s R Y4j 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 x if ?? s }} ?y i f * f ?y lrt + + ,N, Horizontal Distance (ft) }? Looking Upstream 2007 cross section surveyed after repairs • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • County Line Creek Monitoring 2007 T:1pn1011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line1MY20071CYLIN ARK 20071127 Geomorphic Assessment.xlsXS4] • • • - rtu i ie - XS5 2007 )(S42007 ? Bankfull Indicators Wbkf = 7.1 Dbkf = .4 2168 V Water Surface Points Abkf = 2.82 a C 0 N LU 2166 2164 2162 2160 New cross section for Horizontal Distance (ft) t 46 s4+ v ar Ae? ? r , ?r }4 yy y x. I?t !` b •'n 4? Z ? eta' i ,?} p'' to •`k?'#iy ??'? -$?"' ? qg? . e#'?> ?: .?,??, -- i aEf k, ii i, 1'f Looking Downstream }} t i ,r 1 % d ? s \ ? Iir3 } }4, 4 Y P A !` Wy t ' 4.: S?R t • x1 ??'?.+ 'tt1r Looking Upstream County Line Creek Monitoring 2007 T:1pn1011795022 06-07 Monitoring\High Vista-County Line1MY20071CYLIN ARK 20071127 Geomorphic Assessment.XISXS5] 0 10 20 30 40 I???i??????????????s????????????????????????? a a ---------------------------------------------------------------------- River Name: county Line creek Reach Name: Main Sample Name: x51 2007 r Survey Date: 1210712007 ------------------ -------------- ---------- --------------------------- Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % cum - - ---------- 0 - 0.062 -------------- 6 ---------- 5.94 --------------------------- 5.94 • 0.062 - 0.125 5 4.95 10.89 410.125 - 0.25 3 2.97 13.86 0.25 - 0.50 4 3.96 17.82 00.50 - 1.0 12 11.88 29.70 0 1.0 - 2.0 19 18.81 48.51 2.0 - 4.0 9 8.91 57.43 04.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 57.43 0 5.7 - 8.0 1 0.99 58.42 8.0 - 11.3 13 12.87 71.29 011.3 - 16.0 9 8.91 80.20 0 16.0 - 22.6 3 2.97 83.17 22.6 - 32.0 4 3.96 87.13 032 - 45 2 1.98 89.11 045 - 64 6 5.94 95.05 64 - 90 2 1.98 97.03 090 - 128 2 1.98 99.01 0 128 - 180 1 0.99 100.00 180 - 256 0 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 0362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 01024 - 2048 0 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 OD16 (mm) 0.39 OD35 (mm) 1.28 D50 (mm) 0D84 (mm) 2.33 24.57 0D95 (mm) 63.84 D100 (mm) * 179.99 Silt/Clay (%) 5.94 eSand (%) 42.57 Gravel (%) 40cobble (%) 46.54 4.95 OBoulder (%) 0 .Bedrock (%) 0 4DTotal Particles = 101. • 0 Percent Finer v 0 CD Cn N CD 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X -, NO O O 4 a • ---------------------------------------------------------------------- i ver Name: R County Line Creek Reach Name: Main sample Name: XS2 2007 Survey Date: 1210712007 • 40 Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM ---------- ------------- ----------- --------------------------- 0 - 0.062 00.062 - 0.125 5 15 4.55 13.64 4.55 18.18 00.125 - 0.25 0 0.00 18.18 0.25 - 0.50 0 7 6.36 24.55 0.50 - 1.0 21 19.09 43.64 01.0 - 2.0 20 18.18 61.82 2.0 - 4.0 0 7 6.36 68.18 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 68.18 e5.7 - 8.0 2 1.82 70.00 8.0 - 11.3 0 6 5.45 75.45 11.3 - 16.0 2 1.82 77.27 016.0 - 22.6 6 5.45 82.73 22.6 - 32.0 0 11 10.00 92.73 32 - 45 3 2.73 95.45 045 - 64 0 0.00 95.45 64 - 90 090 128 4 3.64 99.09 - 1 0.91 100.00 0128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0256 62 0 0.00 100.00 - 3 0 0.00 100.00 0362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 01024 2 0 0.00 100.00 - 048 0 0.00 100.00 fffiBedrock 0 0.00 100.00 OD16 (mm) 0.11 fjD35 (mm) 0.77 D50 (mm) O 8 1.35 D 4 (mm) 23.79 OD95 (mm) 42.85 D100 (mm) 128 Silt/Clay (%) 4.55 Sand (%) 57.27 Gravel (%) 33.63 Cobble (%) 4.55 SBoulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 *Total Particles = 110. Percent Finer t J• CD N CD N .A O Oo O O 0 0 o o 0 i =_ - - CD - r-, O O X N O O 0 0 a 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- River Name: Reach Name: Sample Name: Survey Date: County Line creek main xs3 2007 03/04/2008 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- a Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM 0 - 0.062 16 16.00 16.00 00.062 - 0.125 6 6.00 22.00 0.125 - 0.25 5 5.00 27.00 00.25 - 0.50 3 3.00 30.00 00.50 - 1.0 2 2.00 32.00 1.0 - 2.0 X 16 16.00 48.00 2.0 - 4.0 3 3.00 51.00 04.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 51.00 - 5.7 - 8.0 12 12.00 63.00 8.0 - 11.3 7 7.00 70.00 011.3 - 16.0 3 3.00 73.00 e 16.0 - 22.6 2 2.00 75.00 22.6 - 32.0 4 4.00 79.00 032 - 45 16 16.00 95.00 e 45 - 64 0 0.00 95.00 64 - 90 2 2.00 97.00 • 90 - 128 3 3.00 100.00 e 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 0256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 0362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 01024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 OD16 (mm) 0.06 OD35 (mm) 1.19 D50 (mm) 3.33 OD84 (mm) 36.06 OD95 (mm) 45 D100 (mm) w 128 ilt/clay (%) 16 wand (%) 32 Gravel (%) 47 Cobble (%) 5 OBoulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 *Total Particles = 100. a Percent Finer 0 0 v 0 CD Cn N CD 3 o 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X U) W N O O 4 • a ---------------------------------------------------------------------- • River Name: • Reach Name: Sample Name: • Survey Date: County Line Creek Mai n XS4 2007 03/04/2008 • ---------------------------------------------------------------------- • esize (mm) •0 - 0.062 00.062 - 0.125 0.125 - 0.25 00.25 - 0.50 ff0.50 - 1.0 1.0 - 2.0 02.0 - 4.0 •4.0 - 5.7 5.7 - •8.0 - 8.0 11.3 •11.3 - 16.0 16.0 • - 22.6 22.6 - 32.0 •32 - 45 45 - • 64 64 - 90 •90- 128 •128 - 180 180 - •256 - 256 362 •362 - 512 512 - •1024 1024 - 2048 •Bedrock W16 (mm) •p35 (mm) D50 (mm) W84 (mm) 4BP9 5 (mm) D100 (mm) Wilt/Clay (%) Sand (%) Gravel (%) Wobble (%) Woulder (%) Bedrock (%) TOT # ---- ITEM % CUM ---- 10 ----------- 10.53 -------- 10.53 4 4.21 14.74 2 2.11 16.84 13 13.68 30.53 5 5.26 35.79 11 11.58 47.37 6 6.32 53.68 5 5.26 58.95 1 1.05 60.00 12 12.63 72.63 10 10.53 83.16 1 1.05 84.21 4 4.21 88.42 5 5.26 93.68 4 4.21 97.89 0 0.00 97.89 1 1.05 98.95 1 1.05 100.00 0 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 100.00 0 0.00 100.00 0.2 0.92 2.83 21.28 50.96 180 10.53 36.84 50.52 2.11 0 •Total Particles = 95. • • • • • • • • • Percent Finer 0 0 p v 0 CD N CD 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X U) -01 IV O Cl 4