HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021345 Ver 1_Monitoring Report Year 4_20080414SANDY CREEK STREAM ENHANCEMENT AND WETLAND RESTORATION SITE 2007 Annual Monitoring Report (Year 4) Durham County EEP Project No. 322 Design Firm: Becky L. Ward Consulting KEECEI ED FEB 1 ti NC ECOSYSTEM ENRANCEMENTPROGRAM February 2008 Prepared for: NCDENR/ ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1619 Prepared by: ECOSCIENCE CORPORATION 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27604 l% A PR 14 D 2008 L,(),SyStell, T ADSANDSTO,R1Aj W? /3. H V WOL,N AM 1 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... .1 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................... .2 2.1 Mitigation Objectives and Structure ........................................................................................... . 2 2.2 Location and Setting ................................................................................................................ . 2 2.3 Project History and Background ................................................................................................. .4 3.0 PROJECT CONDITION AND MONITORING RESULTS .................................................................. 11 3.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................ 11 3.1.1 Vegetation Problem Areas .......................................................................................... 11 3.2 STREAM ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................................... 11 3.2.1 Bankfull Events .......................................................................................................... 11 3.2.2 Bank Stability Assessment ......................................................................................... 11 3.2.3 Stream Problem Areas ................................................................................................ 11 3.3 WETLAND ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................................... 13 4.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 13 LIST OF TABLES Table I Project Mitigation Objectives and Structure .............................................................................. 4 Table II Project Activity and Reporting History ...................................................................................... 4 Table III Project Contacts .......................................................................................................................... 5 Table IV Project Background .................................................................................................................... 6 Table V Hydrological (Bankfull) Verification ........................................................................................1 l Table VII Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment .........................................................12 Table IX Morphology and Hydrologic Monitoring Summary .................................................................12 Table X Wetland Criteria Attainment ..................................................................................................... 13 LIST OF FIGURES Site Location ....................................................................................................................................................3 Monitoring Plan View ....................................................................................................................................... 7 EEP Project No. 322 i Sandy Creek Monitoring Report 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX A: VEGETATION RAW DATA Vegetation Survey Data Tables Table 6. Vegetation Problem Areas Vegetation Problem Area Plan View Vegetation Problem Area Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos APPENDIX B: GEOMORPHOLOGIC RAW DATA Stream Current Condition Plan View Stream Problem Areas Table Representative Stream Problem Area Photos Table B2. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Stream Photo-station Photos Cross-Section Plot Pebble Count Plot APPENDIX C: WETLAND RAW DATA Monitoring Gauge Hydrographs and Precipitation Graphs Wetland Problem Area Plan View EEP Project No. 322 ii Sandy Creek Monitoring Report 1 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site (Site) was selected to mitigate impacts to Section 404 jurisdictional areas associated with the extension of Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway (Parkway) between Cook Road and Hope Valley Road in Durham County. The impacts of the Parkway on jurisdictional wetlands and non-wetland jurisdictional waters totaled 1.73 acres near Third Fork Creek. The Site provides 3.6 acres of restoration and creation as mitigation for the impacts. The Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) will be using the remaining 1.87 acres as mitigation for other impacts within the Cape Fear River Basin. In addition to the wetland restoration, Sandy Creek has been enhanced with the installation of log vanes. The log vanes are intended to create pool features that will enhance habitat and water quality along 2,700 linear feet of stream. Stream stationing begins at the downstream end of the project and increases upstream. Site construction and planting was completed in June 2003. The Site was partially replanted in January 2004. The 2007 monitoring report represents the fourth year of vegetation and hydrological monitoring. The Site must demonstrate both hydrologic and vegetation success for a minimum of five years or until the Site is deemed successful. The following paragraphs summarize the results of the on-site monitoring that has occurred during the fourth year. Vegetation Monitoring Vegetation success criteria for the wetland restoration areas include a minimum survival of 288 stems per acre of planted species at the end of the current monitoring year. In addition, six planted species must survive throughout the Site. Four of the five vegetation plots achieved the density criterion for success at the Site. However, since only three planted species were recorded in the aggregated vegetation plots, the Site as a whole fails the diversity criterion. Low survival of many of the planted species can be attributed to flooding at Plot 4 (located in an on-site pond) and invasive exotics at Plot 5. The surviving stems are most likely volunteer individuals of the planted species recruited from the surrounding woods. Initial plantings were previously reported to be largely destroyed by geese, and this event is assumed to be responsible for low species diversity at the site at Year 4. Poor soil composition (Urban land soils occupy approximately 5.5 acres of the Site) is another factor in poor survival. Stream Enhancement Monitoring ' The log vanes in Sandy Creek were observed and evaluated for stability and effectiveness. The vanes appear stable with no visible signs of piping. Vegetation has established on the depositional areas behind the vane arms at many locations. The banks adjacent to all the vanes were stable and vegetated, while showing no evidence of erosion. However, the enhancement of bed form from the installation of these vanes is not currently evident. Sandy Creek is a currently classified as a sandbed system within a suburban watershed. Under conditions free from excessive sediment input, Sandy Creek would be classified as a gravel cobble system. Based on cursory observations, the high sediment load in the stream has not allowed pools to form downstream of the structures. No discernable bed features were observed throughout the reach. The permanent cross-section survey and pebble counts show limited change over the past year. Bankfull area was observed to increase since last year, and may be attributed to sediment ' transport during peak flow conditions. Wetland Hydrology Monitoring The 2007 hydrologic monitoring results indicate limited hydrologic success within the Site. Only one ' gauge (Gauge A) exhibited saturation within 12 inches of the ground surface for at least 12.5 percent (consecutive days) of the growing season (March 30 - November 11 or 227 days). Gauges B and C EEP Project No. 322 1 Sandy Creek Monitoring Report exhibited saturation within 12 inches of the ground surface for 5-12.5 percent of the growing season. Drought conditions throughout the monitoring period contributed to the limited hydrologic saturation. 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND ' 2.1 MITIGATION OBJECTIVES AND STRUCTURE The Site is located adjacent to Sandy Creek Park (future Sandy Creek Environmental Education Center) ' in Durham, North Carolina near the intersection of Highway 15-501 Bypass / 15-501 Business (Figure 1). Site directions: from Raleigh, follow I-40 west to Highway 15-501. Take Highway 15-501 north approximately 2 miles. Pass under 15-501 Bypass and turn left onto Tower Boulevard. Take Tower Boulevard until it dead ends at Pickett Road. Turn left. Sandy Creek Road will be on the left directly after crossing over 15-501 Bypass. Take Sandy Creek Road to the end and enter into the Sandy Creek Park. The entrance to the wetland restoration area is accessed by following the greenway trail (Sandy Creek Trail) to a dilapidated bridge crossing over Sandy Creek. The stream enhancement reach begins ' approximately 1525 feet upstream of the bridge and ends approximately 1175 feet downstream of the bridge at the stream culverts located under Highway 15-501. The objectives of this project are to restore habitat and water quality in Sandy Creek and restore the abandoned sludge drying bed locations to riparian wetlands. The restored wetland ecosystem will provide quality habitat and food for wildlife, as well as buffer and water storage benefits within the Sandy Creek watershed. 2.2 LOCATION AND SETTING The Site occupies areas once used by the defunct New Hope Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility owned by the City of Durham (City). As part of a park and greenway development plan the City Parks and Recreation Department removed existing structures including piping, control buildings, and fencing of the existing sludge drying beds located west of Sandy Creek within the proposed wetland restoration area. Prior to construction of the wetland project, the City had completed phase one of the Sandy Creek Trail, a greenway trail located along the east side of Sandy Creek. Demolition of the treatment plant east of Sandy Creek continued concurrently with the wetland and stream restoration project. ' Wetland Restoration Activities The area proposed for wetland restoration was excavated as an extension of existing ponds and vegetated wetlands located adjacent to the Site (Figure 2). The wetland was designed so that a broad berm set at the elevation of the seasonal high water table of the pond (262.0 feet) separates the restored wetland into two sections. The southern section ties into the grade of the existing wetland and slopes gradually up to the berm. From the berm, the ground gradually slopes down to the north into a depression that stores run-off ' from adjacent slopes and floodwaters from Sandy Creek. In the middle of the depression, an elevated island was constructed to allow for various vegetation assemblages. Following the completion of earthwork the Site was planted with native tree and shrub species. Stream Enhancement Activities Thirteen log vane structures were placed along 2700 linear feet of Sandy Creek in order to create pool features within the sandbed system. The log vanes consisted of two hardwood trees, stacked together to form each structure. The logs were secured together with rebar and tied with cables at both ends. Vegetation was planted on the banks to stabilize the disturbance created during installation. Additional modifications to the channel included regrading and stabilizing a small section of bank directly above the culverts located under Highway 15-501 and the removal of fallen trees and debris to improve flow conditions. EEP Project No. 322 2 Sandy Creek Monitoring Report el,Q 4 N c ,.. a so I) A W. E .?. '1 p LAM ¢, n ,?lr Io? / ? G -. Efendr. . 70 `. i?.. kr ar'rrJy? t.F vs?rg? ? t' :-i ¢? ` kfilkb?o WkSA ? ?1 Xw?gh' 85 !JIM ? ? . _ r? % ? (198(1' ,? °' J? /?S l ) / ? %•uH ? 40 t%ME KMESf '`??? _ ' a \E`wJ UiViSKN, ? '? 1 <r \ ?E ? 1 ( l .ul _ _ ? Joy s"Y ,.? K w? 7C `_- ,M _ ,md ?r}?ar R r 5 l + g jJ a1 ? ? i sa a w< }8 J P M h r Site I Pq`v 0 751 '- Location DURHAM lu ?? J Ee, Fes:' £: { -kl,/ f F ?1 1 Iy3 i\_' 1 - h1a? a w?' / 1µ td ? I ?? h'd' ( 1+a ki nt.Ikp r £ _ l (_. ESE, r5 J MrV S![/ i I ? ?,d n qtr r-n++Wi ? ?r?`?t"'f-?f:.'xg'a - ?_.. /.: ... rwh•1 .( ? ? yw, -_ Ayr ?Cl:_. - a+I / }- 1 44 '?\ '? } hit . pp 741 t 11 ?_ 1'? '?,.. ?-? a'+!' S` Y-rm v _ ? ? ; / ? «? ?o \y f r' 75?/?'' x..iG 55 - \ i! ? , \I - ? ? a Mar MtN (-`i ,p ? I ag?t i ?d t r-- ? I' ,< a Chapcd Hal - a y s. r ? ? $ . ? j? t tgF 1 I r? ? uvy ,t/'? / \, t N?urrh.Leraury.rrt 501. ?.°, .`fir „'/ uM. ?,: i 54 54 r - ai u+a ei F, 1 / ` - e a ? ,?.r,?„^? ( +b :. f 4 r 2 ` ? -?d ?l.y ?: 1 1 7 a 3 ,N n ? n.w: L 0aar?t _ y\ "\ ? . ? F p°j"rcr?iT w ?? `?r° r r ??. ? ? } ?: •. °? ? - = ?^ , r ?, h b + ? ,? F . ja 751 /'- Ft< ?... HGPE Cie3MEND ' ? ' POLRS l " \ 1 ml. 0 1 ml. 4 mi. inn ? - v / 1:144,000 Source: 1997 North Carolina Atlas and Gazetteer, p.39. ? y ? ?? r+^'` •. \? ?j _ - , . - win= LcoSclcncc corporation SITE LOCATION andy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site D- by MAF Ckdby MCG Date: DEC zoos FIGURE Raleigh. North Carolina Durham County, North Carolina Project 06-282.03 Exhibit Table I. Project Mitigation Objectives and Structure Sand Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 Project °F a u ° Linear Segment or F- Z. Footage or Reach ID d Acreage Stationing*** Comments 00+00 to Primarily achieved with Reach I Ell SSS 2700 linear feet 27+00 placement of to vanes Wetland R - 3.6 acres NA Restoration * Ell = Enhancement II, R = Restoration ** SSS = Stream Bank Stabilization *** Stationing begins at the downstream end of the project and increases upstream 2.3 PROJECT HISTORY AND BACKGROUND Exhibit Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History Sand Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 Activity Report Scheduled Completion Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan NA* NA* NA* Final Design 90%) NA* NA* NA* Construction NA* NA* Jun 2003 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area NA* NA* NA* Permanent seed mix applied to reach/se ments NA* NA* NA* Bare Root Seedling Installation NA* NA* NA* Mitigation Plan / As-builts (Year 0 Monitoring - baseline) NA* Jun 2003 Oct 2003 Year 1 Monitoring NA* May 2004 NA* Site Replanting (portions of Zone 3) NA* NA* Mid 2004 Year 1 Monitoring re-sampling NA* Se 2004 Dec 2004 Year 2 Monitoring (Vegetation) Dec 2005 Oct 2005 Dec 2005 Year 2 Monitoring (Groundwater Gauges) Dec 2005 Oct 2005 Dec 2005 Year 3 Monitoring (Vegetation) Dec 2006 Nov 2006 Dec 2006 Year 3 Monitoring (Groundwater Gauges) Dec 2006 Nov 2006 Dec 2006 Year 4 Monitoring (Vegetation) Dec 2007 Nov 2007 Dec 2007 Year 4 Monitoring (Groundwater Gauges) Dec 2007 Nov 2007 Dec 2007 Bolded items represent those events or deliverables that are variable. Non-bolded items represent events that are standard over the course of a typical project. *NA - Historical project documents necessary to provide this data were unavailable at the time of this report submission. EEP Project No. 322 4 Sandy Creek Monitoring Report 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Exhibit Table III. Project Contacts Sand Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 Designer Ms. Becky Ward 1512 Eglantyne Court Becky L. Ward Consulting Raleigh, NC 27613 919 870-0526 Construction Contractor Mr. Greg Kiser 6106 Corporate Park Drive Shamrock Environmental, Inc Browns Summit, NC 27214 336 375-1989 Planting Contractor NA* Seeding Contactor NA* NA* Seed Mix Sources NA* Nursery Stock Suppliers Monitoring Performers EcoScience Corporation 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27604 919 828-3433 Stream Monitoring POC Jens Geratz Vegetation Monitoring POC Elizabeth Scherrer Wetland Monitoring POC Jens Geratz *NA - Historical project documents necessary to provide this data were unavailable at the time of this report submission. EEP Project No. 322 5 Sandy Creek Monitoring Report 1 1 1 1 Exhibit Table IV. Project Background Sand Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 Project County Durham Drainage Area 7.3 square miles to culvert at Bypass 15-501 Impervious cover estimate (%) 10 percent Stream Order 3rd order Physiogra hic Region Piedmont Ecoregion (Griffith and Omernik) Triassic Basin Rosgen Classification of As-built NA (Enhancement only) Cowardin Classification Stream (R3UB2) Wetlands (PFOl) Dominant soil types Stream - Chewacla and Wehadkee soils (Ch) Wetlands - Urban Land (Ur) SCO #ID 010542301 USGS HUC for Project and Reference 03 03 0002060110 / NA NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference 03-06-05 / NA NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference C, NSW / NA Any portion of an project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor NA Percent of project easement fenced None EEP Project No. 322 Sandy Creek Monitoring Report ?? ?,. S dt ti -" ^?:;` "?, i o !?+ e' s ..+4 ? LEGEND -C/E- CONSERVATION EASEMENT EXISTING STREAM BOTTOM OF BANK i PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION - - EXISTING WETLAND BOUNDARY --- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING TREE LINE LOG VANE +- FLOW DIRECTION a THALWEG N I N W L? SANDY CREEK W 2 c? L 2 ..ac ?•pO 3 U Q L vd -- -------- ------ --------------- ?? a ? . a+ L4 14- ? ? Cif _ t ? >100 0 l O SCALE IN FEET --- Gent: iilk? MONITORING PLAN VIEW Dwn Bye Doles FKAW GWN FE8 2008 Project' Ck0 By Scole: EcoSclence f? t Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site JWG ,••• 100• Corporation (1«` Ctll EEP Project No. 322 ESC Project No.: 2-1 DURHAM COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA 06.282.03 ?- LEGEND I 3/, -C/E- CONSERVATION EASEMENT REFERENCE SITE GAUGE EXISTING STREAM / BOTTOM OF BANK VEGETATION MONITORING PLOT MONITORING GAUGE J? \ P3 PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION ` Pl A 3 `. EXISTING BOUNDARY WETLAND A - - ?- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER \ EXISTING TREE LINE \ n' / LOG VANE ch N ` pZ MONITORING CROSS-SECTION N I j Lu - --_? - I - - i--- FLOW DIRECTION W THALWEG = C P5 , P4 ?5 V a b '0iao bf ,. L5 i ANDY CR K 13-aD L7 s.oo i 1 L SF 100 0 1 0 SCALE IN FEET Dke°`: Tale: MONITORING PLAN VIEW D- By GWN Dale: FEB 2008 FKUW Project cka By: S-le. FcoScience Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoratio n Site JWG r•• 100• 11Sv-StC111 Corporation EEP Project No. 322 ESC Project No, 2-2 x°-g --, C-11h, DURHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 06.282.03 1 1 100 0 I Q0 SCALE IN FEET ? V 04 / f W ~ ° e CV CA , .. LLI "_- ...__ 1 Z i V ' 1 C C f ' -L 13 E t 1 r ? , ` ?; .r j LEGEND -C/E- CONSERVATION EASEMENT EXISTING STREAM BOTTOM OF BANK PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION L1 - EXISTING WETLAND BOUNDARY L9 1' ?p .0.a - 01 «- °--' EXISTING SANITARY SEWER L 21- Lit Ss EXISTING TREE LINE LOG VANE FLOW DIRECTION ?f THALWEG Cueat: Title: MONITORING PLAN VIEW D- By Dale: FGURE CWN F 2008 POeS ckd By $C01e: EcoScience andy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site DWG V. 100• [, Co stenl Corpor2tion v ., EEP Project No. 322 ESC Project Na: 2-3 (DURHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 06.282.03 ' 3.0 PROJECT CONDITION AND AND RESULTS 3.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT ' Vegetation success criteria for the wetland restoration areas include a minimum survival of 288 stems per acre of planted species at the end of Year 4. In addition, six planted species must survive throughout the Site. Stem counts were conducted for all woody species, including volunteer species following EEP Stem ' Counting protocols. The taxonomic standard for vegetation follows Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and surrounding areas (Weakley, 2007). A total of 267 stems of planted species were counted in the four plots. Stem density per acre for Plots 1-5 are 9300, 2200, 1500, 0, and 350 respectively. The average density for planted species in all plots is 2670 stems per acre. Four of the five vegetation plots achieved the density criterion for success at the Site. However, since only three planted species were recorded in the aggregated vegetation plots, the Site fails the diversity criterion. Despite successful average density for planted species in four of the five plots, the Site as a whole fails overall vegetation success criteria for wetland restoration due to the failed diversity criterion. Vegetation Survey Data Tables, as well as plot photos, are provided in Appendix A. ' 3.1.1 Vegetation Problem Areas Low survival of many of the planted species can be attributed to permanent flooding of Plot 4 (located in an on-site pond) and invasive exotics at Plot 5. Initial plantings were previously reported to be largely destroyed by geese, and this event is assumed to be responsible for low species diversity at the site in Year 4. High occurrences of Fraxinus pennsylvanica and Salix nigra are likely due to volunteer ' individuals of planted species. Poor soil composition (Urban land soils occupy approximately 5.5 acres of the Site) is another factor in poor survival. A Vegetation Problem Areas Table, Vegetation Problem Area Plan View, and photos are provided in Appendix A. 3.2 STREAM ASSESSMENT 1 3.2.1 Bankfull Events Exhibit Table V. Hydrological (Bankfull) Verifications Sand Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Method Photo Number 01/12/07 12/26/06 Photographed evidence on-site N/A 11/12/07 10/27/07 Photographed evidence on-site BE1 (Appendix B) ' 3.2.2 Bank Stability Assessment A detailed BEHI and NBS assessment are required in year 5. This report represents the fourth year of monitoring, therefore no bank stability assessment was performed. ' 3.2.3 Stream Problem Areas An analysis of stream features was performed in order to evaluate the current condition of Sandy Creek. Identified problem areas exist in the form of an overall aggradation of sediment throughout the restored reach of Sandy Creek, presumably from an upstream source. The Stream Problem Areas Table and photos are located in Appendix B. EEP Project No. 322 11 Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Exhibit Table VII. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 Se ment/Reach: 2,700 feet Feature Initial* MY-01* MY-02 MY-03 MY-04** MY-05 A. Riffles NA NA 0% 0% 0% B. Pools NA NA 0% 0% 0% C. Thalwe NA NA 0% 0% 0% D. Meanders NA NA 100% 100% 100% E. Bed General NA NA 0% 0% 0% F. Bank Condition NA NA NA* NA* 100% G. Lo Vanes NA NA 100% 100% 100% *NA - Historical project documents necessary to provide this data were unavailable at the time of this report submission. ' **The riffles, pools, thalweg, and bed features of Sandy Creek are continuously changing due to the sandy composition of the streambed. None of these features are considered visually stable. See Table 132 in Appendix B for assessment details. Exhibit Table IX. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 Parameter Cross-Section 1 Dimension MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 BF Width (ft) NA* 28.8 29.5 31.1 Floodprone Width (ft) NA* >500 >500 >500 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft) NA* 75.1 92.7 105.1 BF Mean Depth (ft) NA* 2.6 3.1 3.4 Width/Depth Ratio (ft) NA* 11 9.4 9.2 Entrenchment Ratio (ft) NA* >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Wetted Perimeter (ft) NA* 32.7 34.0 35.2 Bank Height Ratio NA* 1.23 1.42 1.27 Hydraulic Radius (ft) NA* 2.3 2.7 3.0 Substrate d50 mm 0.61 0.58 0.58 0.55 d84 mm 1.5 0.98 0.98 0.89 *NA - Historical project documents necessary to provide this data were unavailable at the time of this report submission. I EEP Project No. 322 12 Sandy Creek Monitoring Report 3.3 WETLAND ASSESSMENT 1 Exhibit Table X. Wetland Criteria Attainment Sand Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 ract ell ID Well Hydrology Threshold Met? Tract Mean Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Density Met (260 stems/acre) Diversity Met? (6 species) Tract Mean 1 A ? (28%) 14% of P1 ? (9300) 2 Failed 1 B (5%) growing P2 ? (2200) 2 because 1 C (9%) season P3 ? (1500) 2 of lack REF Ref Site (4%) P4 (0) 0 of P5 ? (350) 1 diversity 4.0 REFERENCES ' Weakley, A.S. 2007. Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and surrounding areas. Working draft of January 2007. University of North Carolina Herbarium, North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina. 1015pp. EEP Project No. 322 13 Sandy Creek Monitoring Report 1 APPENDIX A VEGETATION RAW DATA EEP Project No. 322 Appendix A Sandy Creek Monitoring Report = m m = m = = = m m m m m = = m m = = Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Vegetation Survey Data Tables 1 1 1 Stem Counts for Each Species Arranged by Plot Plots Year 4 Year 4 % Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Year 0 Species 1 2 3 4 5 Total Survival Total Total Total Total Acer rnbrum 4 4 13 4 4 12 30 Alnus serrulata 1 Betula nigra 5 2 Carya ovata 4 Cephalanthits occidentalis 2 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 91 37 18 146 913 128 148 104 16 Liriodendron tuli ifera 2 9 Nyssa sylvatica 5 Quercus lyrata 3 5 uercus hellos 3 3 14 Salix nigra 95 7 8 7 117 2340 88 108 73 5 Sambucus canadensis 1 11 Viburnum nudum 3 8 Stem Counts for Volunteer Species Arranged by Plot Plots Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Year 0 Species 1 2 3 4 5 Totals Totals Totals Totals Totals Acer negundo 1 1 2 1 2 Baccharis halimifolia 2 2 Celtis leavigata 1 2 Cornus amomum 2 2 2 2 Gleditsia triacanthos 1 1 1 Liquidambar styraciflua 25 1 26 6 1 Pinustaeda 11 11 Platanus occidentalis 1 1 1 2 Populhts deltoides Omits americana 2 2 EEP Project No. 322 Appendix A Sandy Creek Monitoring Report 1 Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Monitoring Year 4 I 1 1 1 1 Exhibit Table 6. Vegetative Problem Areas Sand Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 Feature / Issue Station # / Range Probable Cause Photo # Bare Flood lain Vegetation Plot 4 Flooding from and creation VPA1 Poor Survival Vegetation Plot 5 Invasive exotics VPA 2 EEP Project No. 322 Appendix A Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Vegetation Problem Areas Photos VPA Photo 1. Low species survival and flooding at Plot 4. VPA Photo 2. Invasive exotics within Plot 5. EEP Project No. 322 Appendix A Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 1 (August 1, 2007) ter,. .3C'- •': t ? /? ?t?i? ''jam y 1 j b t • t ylk a?.fx; c c ., : !dr'? ° ` t ?0 3; }Ra!r , a , "J?, .. K x? is il+ .. s ..#` _ Photo 1 7, 4" ry` r' rn? G? r ? (Q V `ct p ?a?` t F ? •. ?,, Air ., +To?'., ' F*#' i ?,`;Y.?VP xY},., ? { 51, Photo 1A EEP Project No. 322 Appendix A Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 2 (August 1, 2007) Photo 2 Photo 2A EEP Project No. 322 Appendix A Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 3 (August 1, 2007) r p i Photo 3 ?? ;;;t r r r •??• t t o 4?s W U,it 'f?';t+j ???'? -t•v?'?i?'i ? w . >? a.?i 4?,? t?."°i"?',? 1 A, ..1 ? '?` ,t •??,y',? miT. 'y Ali, d• ????? ?? ttv ? ?-? 'P % c: t, +• .t ° i 9 1t??t{t'iJrg' gr 4 gT3 ?. Photo 3A EEP Project No. 322 Appendix A Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 4 (August 1, 2007) Photo 4 EEP Project No. 322 Appendix A Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 5 (August 1, 2007) C , ar ? Alv •.±'-0?S .i 4,?t4??R)?> ' F .._ -2?1 1E. ?!`•i?NOa ?rt 'k:.k°%i. - Photo 5 +"i r Y? !rY''k ?9r ? ? tea/ •i ? ?.t yy I -.A r?U." i•. us "d-?. .?b.? Ci '.+f:»•-:M P.9t?a. Photo 5A EEP Project No. 322 Appendix A Sandy Creek Monitoring Report 1 1 APPENDIX B GEOMORPHOLOGICAL RAW DATA EEP Project No. 322 Appendix B Sandy Creek Monitoring Report w Mobil. ?utl P c fir/ • f , ?' n `. r. FIGURE 131 y r . .. : „ 41, ?1 w A f :- x ,. r e $$7 ! and Client. Title. STREAM CURRENT CONDITION PLAN VIEW SHEET INDEX Dwn By. Dote- FKAK TAL FEB 2008 Projects Ckd By: Scale EcoScierce C( Stelll S? Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site MCC r•. 400• B Corporation ? , ? i.? EEP Project No. 322 ESC Project No DURHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 06.282.03 M M M M M I? 1=1 r M M M M M M M M M M LEGEND -CIE- CONSERVATION EASEMENT EXISTING STREAM BOTTOM OF BANK EXISTING TREE LINE •-© PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION LOG VANE (FUNCTIONAL.) FLOW DIRECTION ?•? THALWEG ? N m CAE SANpy CREEK L 2 ..uo 2 w E. l3 U H L4 4 b ?c Cif '9y !s S 100 0 1 0 SCALE IN FEET 1 CfieM: Title: STREAM CURRENT CONDITION PLAN VIEW D- By: TAIL Dale: FES 2008 vKxi?E Project Ckd By: Scale EcoScience 1' (115? tCi11 Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site MCC 1 . 100• e Corporation a , EEP Project No. 322 ESC Project Na B l DURHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 06-282.03 - LEGEND 3/J -C/E- CONSERVATION EASEMENT EXISTING STREAM i ?, - - - - BOTTOM OF BANK EXISTING TREE LINE PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION LOG VANE (FUNCTIONAL) ?-- FLOW DIRECTION \ o+? THALWEG V M m ILI LL W u- U \J SANDY CREEK ?0 V - 's•oo L 7 L6 L 100 0 0 SCALE IN FEET Client: Ti11eSTREAM CURRENT CONDITION PLAN VIEW D.n By: Dote: FIGURE 19 `- T"` 2008 l Project: Ckd By: e S- L7EcoScience ? } t Sandy Cree k Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restorat ion Site MCG r•• 100• rinn ? S?S em EEP Project No. 322 D Project N._ B2 DURHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 06-282.03 M M M M M M M M M M i M M M M M M M M 100 0 l Q0 SCALE IN FEET V ".oo cp M W ?•ca µOJ JB I= CAE _V u- U H t Q ? Al L 13 ` LEGEND -C/E- CONSERVATION EASEMENT t EXISTING STREAM O BOTTOM OF BANK L 12 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPN EXISTING TREE LINE l9 10 a?•0g Ltt rE L10 .-© PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION L1t Cl LOG VANE (FUNCTIONAL) r f FLOW DIRECTION 0:!t-? THALWEG Cent. 7 Tine: STREAM CURRENT CONDITION PLAN VIEW D•^ By TAL Dole FES 2008 raw ;?? Projed Ck0 By al e Scale EcoScience H osvSteI11 Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland j Restoration Site MCG r•• 1001 Cor or2tion P ? j ? EEP Pro ect No. 322 g3 i b ,1 1r I? ESC Project No.= DURHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 06.282.03 1 1 1 Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Monitoring Year 4 Table B1. Stream Problem Areas Sand Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 Station Photo Feature Issue Numbers Suspected Cause Number Aggradation/Bar 00+00 to 27+00 Excessive sediment load from upstream sources SPA1, 2 Formation EEP Project No. 322 Appendix B Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Stream Problem Area Photos EEP Project No. 322 Appendix B Sandy Creek Monitoring Report SPA Photo 1. Excessive sediment load from upstream sources. SPA Photo 2. Excessive sediment load from upstream sources. Table 132. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Sandy Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 2,700 linear feet Feature Category Metric (per As-built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total number per As-built Total Number / feet in unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform Mean or Total A. Riffles 1. Present'? 0 N/A N/A 0 2. Armor stable (e. g. no displacement)? N/A N/A N/A N/A 3. Facet grade appears stable? 0 N/A N/A 0 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 0 N/A N/A 0 5. Length appropriate? 0 N/A N/A 0 0% B. Pools 1. Present? (e.g not subject to severe aggrad. or mi rat.? 0 N/A N/A 0 2. Sufficiently deep (Max Pool D:Mean Bkf >1.6?) 0 N/A N/A 0 3. Length appropriate? 0 N/A N/A 0 0% C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of meander bend (run/inflection) centering'? 0 N/A N/A 0 2. Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) centering? 0 N/A N/A 0 0% D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? N/A N/A N/A 2. Of those eroding, # w/concomitant point bar formation? N/A N/A N/A 3. Apparent Re within spec? N/A N/A N/A 4. Sufficient flood lain access and relief? 2700 ft N/A N/A 100 100% E. Bed 1. General channel bed aggradation areas (bar formation N/A N/A 2700 ft 0 General 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing down-cutting or head cutting'? N/A N/A 2700 ft 0 0% F. Bank 1. Actively eroding, wasting, or slumping bank N/A N/A 0 100% 100% G. Vanes 1. Free of back or arm scour? 13 13 N/A 100 2. Height appropriate? 13 13 N/A 100 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate'? 13 13 N/A 100 4. Free of piping or other structural failures? 13 13 N/A 100 100% EEP Project No. 322 Appendix B Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Stream Photo-stations Photo L2: Log Vane 2 at Station 4 + 12 (August 21, 2007) EEP Project No. 322 Appendix B Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Photo L1: Log Vane 1 at Station 2 + 04 (August 21, 2007) Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Stream Photo-stations Photo L3: Log Vane 3 at Station 6 + 55 (August 21, 2007) EEP Project No. 322 Appendix B Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Photo L4: Log Vane 4 at Station 8 + 88 (August 21, 2007) Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Stream Photo-stations Photo L6: Log Vane 6 at Station 13 + 83 (August 21, 2007) EEP Project No. 322 Appendix B Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Photo L5: Log Vane 5 at Station 10 + 99 (August 21, 2007) Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Stream Photo-stations Photo L7: Log Vane 7 at Station 15 + 39 (August 21, 2007) Photo L8: Log Vane 8 at Station 17 + 45 (August 21, 2007) EEP Project No. 322 Appendix B Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Stream Photo-stations ' y„A - *-- i l R Photo L10: Log Vane 10 at Station 20 + 91 (August 21, 2007) EEP Project No. 322 Appendix B Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Photo L9: Log Vane 9 at Station 19 + 72 (August 21, 2007) Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Stream Photo-stations If ? ?, T4 JJ Ale" ? .. 1 TT -0 y r rt ? ?? :• F '.tilt _ '56 so 6 yF J Photo L11: Log Vane 11 at Station 22 + 66 (August 21, 2007) EEP Project No. 322 Appendix B Sandy Creek Monitoring Report Photo L12: Log Vane 12 at Station 24 + 20 (August 21, 2007) Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site Stream Photo-stations Photo L13: Log Vane 13 at Station 26 + 12 (August 21, 2007) % .T . 4 . 7 Photo L14: Permanent Cross-Section (18 + 25) Viewed Looking Downstream EEP Project No. 322 Appendix B Sandy Creek Monitoring Report m m b -o 0 0 w N b 'v G /. a U. L? G .C n fp 0 0 UQ cro A O 104 102 0 00 198 ;96 94 92 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 * vaa,-across se ro' tai2vm) -+- Year-3 cross se-ron ti voa/oe) -?-- Year-2 Cmss Section (10/14/05) BanVA Cross-section, upstream looking downstream Cross-section, downstream looking upstream Project Sandy Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Site, Durham County Survey Date Survev Weather Field Team 8/21/07 Sunny Michael Gloden, Justin rction Appendix C Location ation IS+_'s m m b 0 ro z 0 w J D ?a 'a 2 X cc n 0 0 ttc rn 0 silt/clay 0 - 0.062 very tine sand 0.062 - 0.125 tine sand 0.125 - 0.25 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 coarse sand 0.5 - 1 very coarse sand 1 - 2 very fine gravel 2 - 4 tine gravel 4 - 6 fine gravel 6 - 8 medium gravel 8 - 11 medium gravel I 1 - 16 coarse gravel 16 - 22 coarse gravel 22 - 32 very coarse gravel 32 - 45 very coarse gravel 45 - 64 small cobble 64 - 90 medium cobble 90 - 128 large cobble 128 - 180 very large cobble 180 - 256 small boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 very large boulder, 2048 - 4096 total particle count: 100 bedrock clay hardpan detritus/wood artificial Note: total count: 100 Bed Surface Pebble Count, -*-cumulative % -# of particles 100% - IU I A I bbl b Id 90% 80% CU 70% w c 60% w c v 50% C CL 40% 30% 20% 10% 0°/ si c ay san grave co e ou er r i 1 t f 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 particle size (mm) Size (mm) D16 0.16 D35 0.22 D50 0.55 D65 0.68 D84 0.89 D95 9.4 60 50 40 c 3 Cr rn 30 ° W m 20 10 0 1000 10000 Size Distribution dispersion 2.5 skewness -0.19 silt/clay 0% sand 92% gravel 8% cobble 0% boulder 0% 1 APPENDIX C WETLAND RAW DATA 1 1 EEP Project No. 322 Appendix C Sandy Creek Monitoring Report a;is uoi;ejojsad Naaio Apues 0 xlpueddy ZZE •ON;aafad d33 G1 tD r-r (D Q 0 3 CD Water Depth (in) , A W W N N NL L , , ? - N N N W W A O O N Oo A 0 0 N Oo A O N. Oo N M O A w N O O son - March 30 m - April 11 ison - April 28 - November 11 E O O 3 M -4 n D (DD I cD D w -Ph D O O N N O M O CT1 O cn Precipitation (in.) ajls uogejolsab ?aajo Apues 0 xipueddy ZZ£ 'ON ;Oafad d93 N O lD fD N N Q ? fD - (D N -0 Q C N ? N. n CD 3 Q O CO 7 D v N lD m CL av N Q CD cn ' 7 U) O ?F Water Depth (in) A W W N N N ?? ?? N N N W W A O O N CO A Cl O N Oo A O A Oo N O O A w N O O arch 30 111 kpril 28 ember 11 E O 1- f-0 ?• 0 Y , CD q< 0 ?T 0 0 W CD 1 tD v M M IT1 N O O ? ? N N O cn O Cn O cn Precipitation (in.) a;ls uogejolsad ?aajo Apues 0 xlpueddy ZZE *ON;oafad d33 G) N C co m 5 N N N Q N 0 S CO 0 .-r Water Depth (in) A W W N N N??? i ? -? N N N W W A O W N w A 0 0 N Oo A O A OD N W O A w N W O rch 30 111 kpril 28 /ember 11 ic 0 M 0 Q M ° 0 CD v M 4 0 0 00 O O N N O C n O Cli O U1 Precipitation (in.) atis uol;ejo}sad ?aajo ApueS 0 xlpueddy ZZE 'ON toafad d33 W 1 C a 0' v (D v A O 6 (D 0 3 (D (o l O C 7 a y C N n (D r+ Water Depth (in) A W W N N N??? ? ? -? N N N W W A O W N 0o A O O N 00 A O A OD N O O A OD N O O arch 30 111 April 28 ember 11 K O O C CL O O ?G O 3 y 0 n ?D cD ?p Cn X O W/? n n 4 a M 0 O O N N O M O (n O (n Precipitation (in.) m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m ¦¦. ii EcoScience Corporation R?l,ig6. KorcL Carolina a 1,.cos\stem ¦ IV, v L11101 SANDY CREEK STREAM ENHANCEMENT r+ M? AND WETLAND / RESTORATION SO SITE EEP Project Yo ? n , a '+A W . a 0 No. 322 DURHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ` WETLAND PROBLEM AREAS By Dote ! TAL NOV 2007 ?Ir p. ? a Br Scale. MCG 1-60' - 06-282.03 FIGURE ? I C