HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021528 Ver 1_Year 3 Monitoring Report_20080414c RECEIVED Big Warrior Creek Stream Restoration FEB 2 6 1, 0" 2007 Final Monitoring Report NC ECOSYSTEM ' Monitoring Year Three ENHANCEMENTPROGRAM Submitted to: NCDENR-Ecosystem Enhancement Program D 1652 Mail Service Center r r. ??,', ? M Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 -? a Prepared by: URS Corporation - North Carolina AP R 1 4 2008 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 p?- Nft WATERQUAU-(V H Morrisville, NC 27560 ? pSANDST04tMWATERB Project Designed by: CDM " 5400 Glenwood Ave, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27612 t? Submitted: February 26, 2007 i oQvQtej m ' PLy, d ROGRAM' 1 Ecosystem Enhancement Program Project Number 00412 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/PROJECT ABSTRACT ....................................................................1 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................ 2.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................... 3 3 2.2 PROJECT STRUCTURE, MITIGATION TYPE, AND APPROACH .................................... 3 2.3 LOCATION AND SETTING ................................................................................................... 3 ' 2.4 PROJECT HISTORY AND BACKGROUND ......................................................................... 5 2.5 MONITORING PLAN VIEW .................................................................................................. 7 ' 3.0 PROJECT CONDITION AND MONITORING RESULTS ......................................................19 3.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT ........................................................................ .....................19 3. 1.1 Vegetative Problem Areas ..................................................................... 3.1.2 Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View ................................................... .....................19 ..................... 19 3.2 STREAM ASSESSMENT ................................................................................. .....................20 3.2.1 Procedural Items .................................................................................... .....................20 Morphometric Criteria ................................................................... ..................... 20 Hydrologic Criteria ........................................................................ ..................... 20 3.2.2 Stream Problem Areas ........................................................................... .....................21 3.2.3 Fixed Photo Station Photos ................................................................... 3.2.4 Stability Assessment .............................................................................. ..................... 22 ..................... 22 3.2.5 Quantitative Measures Tables (Morphology and Hydrology) ............... ..................... 22 4.0 METHODOLOGY SECTION ....................................................................................................... 30 4.1 STREAM METHODOLOGY ............................................................................ ..................... 30 4.2 VEGETATION METHODOLOGY .................................................................. ..................... 30 5.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................31 FIGURES ' Figure 1. Project Vicinity ................................................4 Figure 2. Monitoring Plan View ............................................................... ..............8-18 Figure 3. Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View .............................................. Appendix A-III Figure 4. USGS Stream Gage Discharge Data .............................................. .................21 Figure 5. Stream Current Condition Plan View .............................................. ..Appendix B-I TABLES Table I. Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives Table .............................. ..................5 Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History ........................................... ..................6 ' Table III. Project Contact Table ....... ....... ..6 Table IV. Project Background Table .. : ................................................ .7 ................ Table V. Verification of Bankful Events .................................................... ................20 Table VI. Table VII. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment (% Functioning) .................. 22 Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary .................................................23 Table VIIIa. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary - ' Table VIIIb. Big Warrior Creek .................................................................... Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary - ...............24 i ' 00412 - Big W arrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 Big Warrior Creek ....................................................................................25 Table VIIIc. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary - Table VIIId. Mountain Creek ......................................................... Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary - .............................26 Mountain Creek ......................................................................................27 ' Table VIIIe. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary - Unnamed Tributary ..................................................... .............................28 Table VIIIf. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary - Unnamed Tributary ..................................................... .................... .......29 ' Table A I. Vegetation Metadata .............. .........Appendix A-I Table A2. Vegetation Vigor by Species.... ::::::::::: : ::::::::: : :: : ::::::: .Appendix A-I Table A3. Vegetation Damage by Species ........................................ ....Appendix A-I Table A4. Table A5. Vegetation Damage by Plot ...............................................Appendix A-1 Stem Count by Plot and Species... .Appendix A-I Table A6a. Vegetative Problem Area Table - Big Warrior Creek .............. ....Appendix A-I ' Table A6b. Table BIa. Vegetative Problem Area Table - Mountain Creek ................. Stream Problem Areas Table - Big Warrior Creek ................. ....Appendix A-I ....Appendix B-II Table BIb. Stream Problem Areas Table - Mountain Creek .................... ....Appendix B-II Table B 1 c. Stream Problem Areas Table - Unnamed Tributary ................ .....Appendix B-II ' Table B2. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment ............................ ....Appendix B-V APPENDICES ' Appendix A Vegetation Raw Data 1. Vegetation Survey Data Tables II. Vegetative Problem Area Photos III. Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View IV. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix B Geomorphic Raw Data 1. Stream Current Condition Plan View II. Stream Problem Areas Data Tables III. Representative Stream Problem Areas Photos IV. Stream Photo Station Photos V. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment VI. Cross Section Photos and Annual Overlays of P lots VII. Annual Overlays of Longitudinal Plots VIII. Pebble Count Frequency Distribution Plots 1 ii 00111 -Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/PROJECT ABSTRACT The Big Warrior Creek Stream Restoration Site is located in Wilkes County, North Carolina, approximately 10 miles southwest of Wilkesboro. Big Warrior Creek drains a watershed area of approximately 7.4 square miles, beginning on the Wilkes and Alexander County line. Two major tributaries (Mountain Creek and Unnamed Tributary) flow into the main channel of Big Warrior Creek within the project reach. Sections of these two tributaries were also restored. The project restoration segments that are on the downstream property are completely fenced to exclude cattle from the creek and riparian areas. Per the 2005 Mitigation Plan and As-Built report (CDM 2005), the objectives of the Big Warrior Creek Stream Restoration Project include the following: reduce bank erosion, exclude cattle from the stream and riparian zone, improve water quality, establish a floodplain at a lower elevation, enhance in-stream habitat, improve functional and aesthetic value of the riparian corridor, and preserve existing beneficial channel, floodplain features, and riparian vegetation. URS did not receive a Restoration Plan for the site. URS assumes from site visits and survey work that Big Warrior Creek originally had failing banks, unstable plan form and cross sectional geometry, little or no riparian buffer, cattle access to the creek, and several unstable creek crossings. The Priority II restoration involved converting the impaired channels into stable channels that meander for a total of 11,035 linear feet. Rock cross-vanes, single arm vanes, staked log toe protection, and root wads were incorporated for aquatic habitat enhancement and bed and bank stability. A riparian buffer on either side of the stream was planted using native vegetation. The cattle were fenced from the riparian area along the Unnamed Tributary, Mountain Creek, and most of Big Warrior Creek. The upstream-most portion of Big Warrior Creek is not fenced, but cattle are not present on the surrounding property. In addition, two stabilized creek crossings and two culverts were installed to allow vehicular access to different parts of the farm while limiting impacts. The 2007 monitoring indicated that the Big Warrior Creek restoration is functioning well and even improving in some areas. The majority of the bed features appear stable, with well-developed pools in the meander bends and long riffles in the straight reaches. However, there are areas of aggradation, evidenced by grass-vegetated mid-channel bars. Some of the rock structures are failing or causing bank erosion and should be repaired. Several rootwads and log bank protectors have experienced scour behind the device. Some bank erosion continues to be present along Big Warrior Creek. A beaver dam and sign of beaver activity were observed on Big Warrior Creek during 2007 monitoring between stations 20+00 and 25+00 and 40+00 and 50+00. A small beaver dam is present at station 22+40. Measures should be taken to remove the beaver from the site. Vegetation is growing in from the sides of the channel in many areas, indicating that the system may eventually transition from a C channel to a narrower E. Mountain Creek is showing stabilization trends as the cross sections re-classified this year into an E type channel. The planted woody vegetation is doing fair along all three reaches. The streamside and floodplain zones are generally in better health than upland areas. Streamside survival appears to be the most successful. The banks of the Unnamed Tributary are covered with a dense mat of American hogpeanut (Amphicarpaeae bracteata) and arrowleaf tear thumb (Polygonum sagittata). This may become a problem in that the herbaceous species seem to be choking much of the planted vegetation along the streambanks. Tear thumb and Hogpeanut are also evident along the mainstem and Mountain Creek; however, the presence of kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata) and Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) pose a more serious problem to the survival of vegetation along those reaches. Taxonomy follows `Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and surrounding areas' (Weakley 2007). Kudzu is a serious problem along the upstream reach of Big Warrior. Maintenance to control the presence and spread of kudzu is recommended. There are also several large areas of bare ground where the soil appears compacted and not conducive to natural colonization. Soil amendments and reseeding are recommended in these areas. 1 00112 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 I Fish, snails, and several aquatic insects were observed in all three reaches, and evidence of wildlife use was observed again in 2007. All of the fencing and gates along the reaches are intact and functioning properly. However, the gates at the cattle crossings are not closed, allowing cattle to cross and/or congregate in the channel at their free will. It is recommended that these gates remain closed except ' when cattle are being herded. The unfenced, upstream edge of the project reach (Big Warrior Creek) has a very minimal buffer on the left floodplain. The landowner along the left bank has continued to mow the adjacent field to within five feet of the edge of the water. 1 J 1 i 2 ' 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 F1 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND ' 2.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES According to the 2005 Mitigation Plan prepared by CDM and Biohabitats, the overarching goal of the ' project was to establish a stable planform, cross-section, and profile pattern to Big Warrior Creek and it's tributaries, with the premise that geomorphic and habitat function will follow appropriate channel form. Specific project objectives included the following: 1. Reduce bank erosion. 2. Exclude cattle from the stream and riparian zone. 3. Improve water quality. 1 4. Establish a floodplain at a lower elevation. 5. Enhance in-stream habitat. 6. Improve functional and aesthetic value of the riparian corridor. 7. Preserve existing beneficial channel, floodplain features, and riparian vegetation. 2.2 PROJECT STRUCTURE, MITIGATION TYPE, AND APPROACH URS did not receive a Restoration Plan for the site. URS assumes from site visits and survey work that Big Warrior Creek originally had failing banks, unstable plan form and cross sectional geometry, little or no riparian buffer, cattle access to the creek, and several unstable creek crossings. The Priority II restoration involved converting the impaired channels into stable channels that meander for a restored total of 11,035 feet as measured along the thalweg. Rock cross-vanes, single arm vanes, staked log toe protection, and root wads were incorporated for aquatic habitat enhancement and bed and bank stability. A riparian buffer was planted using native vegetation. Cattle were fenced from the riparian area. In addition, two stabilized creek crossings and two culverts were installed to allow vehicular access to different parts of the farm while limiting impacts. 2.3 LOCATION AND SETTING The Big Warrior Creek Stream Restoration Site is located in Wilkes County, North Carolina, approximately 10 miles southwest of Wilkesboro (Figure 1). The project site is on the south side of North Carolina Highway 18, across from the intersection of northern end of the High Rock Road loop, which is about 4.5 miles east of the Caldwell County line. Big Warrior Creek drains a watershed area of ' approximately 7.4 square miles, beginning at the Wilkes and Alexander County line. Big Warrior Creek and its tributaries originate in the Brushy Mountains near the boundary between Wilkes County and Alexander County. Downstream of the project area, Big Warrior Creek ultimately flows into the W. Kerr Scott Reservoir, an impoundment of the Yadkin River. Two major tributaries (Mountain Creek and Unnamed Tributary) flow into the main channel of Big Warrior Creek within the project area. Sections of these two tributaries were also restored. The project restoration segments that are on the downstream property are completely fenced to exclude cattle from the creek and riparian areas. To travel to the site from the Raleigh area, take I-40 West to US-421 North towards Wilkesboro. Take NC-16 South/NC-18 towards Wilkesboro/Lenoir/Taylorsville. Follow NC-18 to the site. It is approximately halfway between the towns of Boomer and Thankful. 1 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 WW Kerr Scott Reservoir w" k 5 268 Okt �4. "•, I �{ti s l L � \C � ,.r � E. �Ft`:laf✓ ,�,,,,� �F �.. < �< , t � , t , • Ih[ , i t �v L � � _i� 4 r�?� `�; ''• K �A`}�K �; �.~�a�l•�„'�/!�S t a� zm Boomer (57 �.(��✓ J/r, S rYat i r, 4 �/�,(?� � .. Z� � �_ r ,- �l l , _ - - .L �`� L�ti`{-•a..)l` �h” T'/\ f < �f1� )fv`./(i ti �.r�. �r_ - .. � ,�J"'";� ." - <k\ °.\v �r>•jY ,.4 ,r+ ./.,\`<i. �/�.:�/ jJ �: r It ' �� r lt.✓s , ) ib �r- Rock Ftd It �IL.- —�' vn.a���iL � - -� v 1 -= •, .. ��� ��r -_ ` Big Warrior Creek Unnamed Tributary Thankful �1 ��f,�i/' 1� S- Mountain Creek wl KES ,t + I Prepared By: Prepared For: b NC Ecosystem Project: URS Perimeter Pa North Carolina Enhancement Program Monitoring Year: Figure 1 1600 Perimeter Park Drive B Big Warrior Creek ' Mom Sute 400 Stream Restoration Legend Phone NC 27580 r �.- Wilkes County, NC 3 (2007) 9 Project Vicinity Phone: 979487-1700 Fax. 919381-1415 Project Reach L tenj Project Number: Date: 0 0.5 1 CII lilt II1Ci 100412 November 2007 Mlles i 2.4 PROJECT HISTORY AND BACKGROUND The Big Warrior Stream Restoration project was designed by CDM and construction was completed in November 2004. The Mitigation and As-built Plan were completed in March 2005. The estimated restoration length was 11,035 linear feet. This length includes 7,185 feet of Big Warrior Creek, 2,415 feet of Mountain Creek, and 1,435 feet of an Unnamed Tributary. EcoLogic conducted the Year 1 monitoring in 2005. At that time, Ecologic was provided with an As- built site map. Other documentation such as project history, contacts, goals, and the As-built report were not provided. The measured restoration amount is 10,698 linear feet, as measured by EcoLogic (7,013 on Big Warrior, 2,373 on Mountain Creek, and 1,312 on Unnamed Tributary). Since EcoLogic did not have complete project data at the time of the Year 1 monitoring, much of their quantitative data differs from that presented in the As-built Plan (EcoLogic 2006). At the time URS was given the contract, URS had only Ecologic's Year One Monitoring Report. Therefore, Year 2 (2006) and 3 (2007) surveys, cross-sections, photo stations, and vegetation plots follow those of Ecologic. Table I. Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives Table Big Warrior Creek EEP Project Number 00412 A ao o u ? a % a c Comment w ??" ? aw Big 450 Ell PIII 450 0+00 to Warrior 4+50 Creek Big 6,735 R PII 6,735 4+50 to Warrior 70+00 Creek Mountain 2,415 R PII 2,352 0+00 to Creek 25+00 Unnamed 1,435 R PII 1,409 0+00 to Tributary 15+00 R= Restoration P1= Priority I El= Enhancement I PII= Priority II Ell= Enhancement II PIII= Priority III S= Stabilization SS= Stream Bank Stabilization r s 1 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 n 1 n 1 Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History Big Warrior Creek EEP Project Number 00412 Activity or Report Scheduled Completion Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan Unknown Unknown Unknown Final Design - 90% Unknown Unknown Unknown Construction Unknown NA November 2004 Permanent seed mix applied Unknown Unknown Unknown Live stakes and wood plants Unknown Unknown Unknown Final Walk Through Unknown Unknown Unknown Mitigation Plan/As-Built Report Unknown Unknown March 2005 Year 1 Monitoring October 2005 Unknown Aril 2006 Year 2 Monitoring Fall 2006 September 2006 December 2006 Year 3 Monitoring Fall 2007 September 2007 November 2007 Year 4 Monitoring Fall 2008 -- Year 5 Monitoring Fall 2009 -- Year + Monitoring Not scheduled -- -- Table III. Project Contact Table Big Warrior Creek EEP Project Number 00412 Designer Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM) 5400 Glenwood Ave, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27612 Prima project design POC Kell Boone 919-787-5620 Designer - Subcontractor Biohabitats 15 W. Aylesbury Road Timonium, MD 21093 Subcontractor POC Ellen McClure 410-337-3659 Construction Contractor Shamrock Environmental PO Box 14987 Greensboro, NC 27415 Construction contractor POC Bill Wright 336-375-1989 Planting Contractor Seal Brothers Contracting 131 W Cleve Street Mt. Airy, NC 27030 Planting contractor POC Brian Seal 336-710-3560 Seeding Contractor Seal Brothers Contracting 131 W Cleve Street Seeding contractor POC Mt. Airy, NC 27030 Brian Seal 336-710-3560 Seed Mix Sources Unavailable 6 00411 -Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 1 F 1 1 1 1 1 Nursery Stock Suppliers Unavailable 2004 Monitoring Performers Biohabitats 15 W. Aylesbury Road Timonium, MD 21093 Ellen McClure 410-337-3659 2005 Monitoring Performers EcoLogic Associates, P.C. 4321-A South Elm-Eugene St. Greensboro, NC 27406 336-355-1108 2006 Monitoring Performers URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 919-461-1100 Monitoring POC - Kathleen McKeithan 919-461-1597 2007 Monitoring Performers URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 919-461-1100 Monitoring POC - Kathleen McKeithan 919-461-1597 Table IV. Project Background Table Big Warrior Creek EEP Project Number 00412 Project County Wilkes County Drainage Area Big Warrior Creek Mountain Creek Unnamed Tributary 7.4 square miles 1.77 square miles 0.5 square miles Drainage impervious cover estimate % Estimated at <5% Stream Order 3rd for Bi Warrior Creek 2° for Mountain Creek and Unnamed Tributary Ph sio ra hic Region Piedmont/Foothills Ecore ion Northern Inner Piedmont 45e Ros en Classification of As-Built C Dominant soil types Toccoa sand loam, Dou e fine sand loam Reference site ID Unknown USGS HUC for Project 03040101 NCDW Sub-basin for Project YAD01 NCDW classification for Project Class C, Index no. 12-29-2-(1) An portion of an project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor NA % of project easement fenced 75% - no cattle in upper reach 2.5 MONITORING PLAN VIEW See Figure 2 for Monitoring Plan View. 7 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 VIOI-I90 (6161 %Vd OOII-190 (616) 4.0-Id3'Pdi 09520 OUI/03D041JON'aIIIAS/JJOH dVA ,1311 1 o _ aAIJp Y.Jod Jafa uldad 0091 9 N N W Y Z M u N i ourrolojqi-N - uolloxdloJ sNn :31111 ?-4 Ir > 2 m S o W Q W o 180d3d ONIbO11NOW 9002 D S2 W Y 2 a 2w 'L & o " I NOI1d2i01S32i WG32ilS S3aanoS3a ivan1VN o 31VO 'ON s I ONV 1N3WNO8IAN3 30 VO H HON O VNI10 SNOISIA38 Irq paJodaJd 1i33dO bOIHHVM 019 U33rOdd 1N3W18Vd3 8 I (1N3110 0 v 0 v o N OD O = O N O N N b m m N \ d NO«mM v"i (O V uOiOM mN mmO? ti N M N N N m 6,-j 4 4,i m rn N l \? ^?rlV r y mmW 6 Q+ 6 6 6.6 6 6 6 mb ./1 ? r m °i N C'O y? p m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m opD m m m m m p m o?0 \? a° z° aD °0 ?Ndl Om m nm 01 O f .-NN NN NN NN NN M MM M I \ aB II mmrnmn??ol?Mp m?mo•n 0r°rni ??mC°?i °prn II w-------------------- mmuln "' .i °n Nmn r(o ?n rn N ?? a m a n e . r°mro°mm°m mmmmm°mm°roro p°m° Z m m m m m ...... m 3 a9 > >»>°°>»»»>>>>>>>Mm »» N . 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E 1 3.0 PROJECT CONDITION AND MONITORING RESULTS ' 3.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Vegetation monitoring plot stem counts and photos are located in Appendices A-I and A-IV. ' 3.1.1 Vegetative Problem Areas The number of vegetative problem areas has decreased between 2006 and 2007, from 16 to 15, ' respectively. Of the 15 problem areas observed in 2007, six are areas of high concern. URS recommends that these areas receive repair or treatment. The other nine areas should be monitored further to see if they improve or worsen. The areas of high concern are related to invasive species and bare, eroding soil. Vegetative Problem Areas are listed in Tables A6a and A6b in Appendix A-I. The presence and abundance of kudzu along Big Warrior Creek appears to have increased dramatically since 2006. Four notable areas are shown as problem areas. However, small patches of kudzu were ' observed along the majority of Big Warrior Creek. Because of the highly aggressive growth habit of kudzu, it is expected to continue expanding across the site and endangering the planted vegetation if it is not treated. American hogpeanut is also growing very aggressively along the Unnamed Tributary and portions of the other reaches. While this vine is a native species, it is a vigorous climber and may threaten the survivability of planted stems. Small Chinese privet were observed along the mainstem of Big Warrior Creek during the 2006 and 2007 monitoring periods. While these individuals do not pose an immediate threat, their presence should be noted and monitored. Other problem areas include bare banks and floodplains along the mainstem and Mountain Creek. These problems are likely resulting from poor site soils or soils that were compacted during construction. URS recommends soil amendments and reseeding in these areas. No problem areas were documented along the Unnamed Tributary. ' Vegetative Problem Area Photos are located in Appendix A-II. 3.1.2 Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View See Figure 3 in Appendix A-III for the Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View. 19 1 11412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 3.2 STREAM ASSESSMENT ' 3.2.1 Procedural Items Morphometric Criteria Dimension and profile were sampled per the 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USACE 2003) as ' follows: Dimension: Eight permanent cross sections were surveyed. Two are located on Mountain Creek (one riffle and one pool), two on the Unnamed Tributary (one riffle and one pool), and four on Big Warrior Creek (two riffles and two pools). The survey includes points measured at all breaks in slope, including top of bank, bankfull, and thalweg. ' Profile: A total of 6,804 linear feet of longitudinal profile was surveyed, broken into three segments as follows: 2,361 linear feet on Mountain Creek, 1,423 linear feet on the Unnamed Tributary, and 3,020 linear feet on Big Warrior Creek. Survey points include the top of bank, the beginning of each stream feature such as riffle or pool and the maximum pool depth. J 0 Hydrologic Criteria No crest gages are installed at this site to document bankfull events. Therefore, potential occurrence was extrapolated based on USGS stream gage discharge data for the Reddies River at North Wilkesboro, NC (USGS 2007). The USGS gage plot is shown below. The gage is located about 10 miles from the project site in the same watershed and has a drainage area of 89 square miles. An estimate of the number of bankfull events from in 2007 was made by comparing the stream discharges from the USGS data in cubic feet per second (cfs) against the bankfull discharge estimated from the drainage area on the Rural Piedmont Regional Curve. According to the regional curve, a bankfull event occurs on a stream with an 89-square mile drainage area when the discharge is about 2,250 cfs. This discharge was exceeded on January 1 of 2007, indicating that the Reddies River has had one bankfull event between September 12, 2006 and September 12, 2007. Big Warrior Creek is in close proximity to the Reddies River, and it is likely that the project site also experienced a bankfull event in January 2007. Table V. Verification of Bankfull Events Big Warrior Creek EEP Project Number 00412 Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Method 10/19/2006 Late June 2006 Proximal USGS Gage Resource 9/13/2007 January 1, 2007 Proximal USGS Gage Resource 20 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 Figure 4. USGS Stream Gage Discharge Data 4000 3000 a? +n 2000 a? 1000 4J at U 7 Ci w L 108 M t Ci N .H O USGS 02111580 REDDIES RIVER AT NORTH HILKESBORO, NC J 20 O Now 01 Jan 01 Mar 01 May 81 Jul 81 Sep 01 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 - Daily naxinun discharge - Estinated daily nean discharge - Daily nininun discharge - Period of approved data - Daily nean discharge Period of provisional data 3.2.2 Stream Problem Areas There were a total of 37 stream problem areas identified for the project, 25 on the mainstem, 10 on Mountain Creek, and two on the Unnamed Tributary. Thirteen problem areas were classified as areas of high concern, and URS recommends repair or maintenance on these areas. The remaining 24 should be watched closely to see if they improve or worsen. The stream problem areas consisted primarily of bank erosion, structure failure, and bed aggradation. The structure at the beginning of Mountain Creek, MCPAI continues to be a problem area. Water is piping behind and around the structure, and it is constructed at a large elevation drop. If this structure fails, it is likely to induce a headcut that will work up the unrestored section of Mountain Creek. Many of the rootwads were causing scour on the downstream side. A common problem was also observed with many of the J-hook vanes, as shown in photos BWPA3 and BWPA1O. These structures were often constructed with three rocks placed high above the invert of the bed, which caused an obstruction of flow, and the water to be diverted into the banks. This problem was further exacerbated by the fact that the rocks trap debris and create a larger obstruction. A beaver dam and sign of beaver activity were observed on Big Warrior Creek during 2007 monitoring between stations 20+00 and 25+00 and 40+00 and 50+00. A small beaver dam is present at station 22+40. Measures should be taken to remove the beaver. 21 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The Problem Areas Plan View is located in Appendix B-I, Problem Area data tables are located in Appendix B-II, and Problem Area Photos are located in Appendix B-III. 3.2.3 Fixed Photo Station Photos Stream Photo Station photos are located in Appendix B-IV. 3.2.4 Stability Assessment Table VI. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment (% Functioning) Big Warrior Creek EEP Project Number 00412 Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 A. Riffle 100 N/A 100 100 B. Pool 100 N/A 100 100 C. Thalwe 100 N/A 96 96 D. Meanders 100 N/A 98 98 E. Bed General 100 N/A 93 93 F. Bank Condition 100 N/A 96 98 G. Vanes / J Hooks 100 N/A 72 75 H. Wads and Boulders 100 N/A 70 73 3.2.5 Quantitative Measures Summary Tables (Morphology and Hydrology) Neither EcoLogic nor URS received the Restoration Plan for the Big Warrior Stream Restoration Site, and the 2005 Mitigation Plan contained little pre-restoration data. Therefore, populating the Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary Table was not possible. The table has been condensed to show the Regional Curve Interval data for each reach. Baseline data were unavailable for the rest of the table. 22 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 F 1 I 1 1 1 j t? 0. "T - W? CU ? Fr k C C 00 O W) 00 R d O 00 f/] L C _ U U cc ? ? ? o o c t.. N C C, .p O 6? l? "' CJ o cz ? o 0 0 ? ? ? ? y > ? M 00 M 3• L p o U p V e 04 o p" c N W) r 0 ? W •? w ca o 3 c 41 45 45 3 ' fi , a o ? F A Q ? ? ? - o6 ? 3 3 .? d ti pC k p" ^ O a?i aii a y O p p .a ^ v1 m c y y C 9 c b a o A w ca w w aa w ca w c? 3 w 3 x 0 4 6 =u a a a a ? ° o o da > = U . ? 3 w aa x M N 0 a t? c iw U 0 iG0 I N_ V O O 1 1 I 1 L-J 1 1 SAW a VAW a p; CAW - it ? O ? ? ,-. N M O M M M O1 N U ZAW N n M '? M 00 --? N /? r N O 0 TAW N M '? M '? Z N O 9 00 V 6) U SAW 0 VAW 3 c 0 a CAW N M ~ N n ~ M N ~ ~ ~ y y CO i. ? O M ? ,_, N N O ? ? ? O ? C% N ?O N o0 ? M Q o0 N M •-• c TAW N M p V o SAW o ? ,. z V }" ++ N c, b VAW 3• o a W ? 00 00 N N l M CAW n N ? ?D ' y b W o V 00 tn tn d. 'n M C ?''? 10 ZAW N A M N ? n •-? N ,--? N I 0 M M N V'1 00 Q 00 TAW N v M -? N v' z N '" . m i. O SAW F1 ? VAW In N O ,_, h O 00 O O\ CAW V ° ; ZA W It A v N N M Q\ M d: N 00 Q, M kn vl TAW M 00 N F O - i¦ co + V O Q Q ? ? a? a ,.O ° a y o a a? e a . x w, ?? U w ? u ' ? 5 c a i °' . O .O x o y p" A as w3 IS aaA a`?a 3c wa? aa Sa x ? - c M O U N .c a? a, b ti N b O N G N L b U N M b N O a? G. O ? U ? O O O bA Cam.' 'O N O 00 M ? b O C U O W) rUn b In N U ?r O N N 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 o N ? ? U ? a o ? C° •v d an 00 I N ? ? bA 0 A 0 000 00 0 •? ?" O y? N M o0 N ?t v O N W) cn M 00 ° ° V ca u M V o kn O M wl t? r" o 0 o 0 U u 0 bA i . q ? x w w C• O O O ? O N V1 0 N M t O Vn 00 M M M N 0 O N o N r, 0 0 U ?,r C O O ~ i N 0-4 0-4 CD 00 F o ? kn i O N M i O ' O O O ? C U O O M /. O M w b ?+ N q O U a Uw a;U 3 rx w i? ` d9 >`? ? " 3v c a a 060 U v ? ? aa xU N tea' 0 a c w U O b0 ?c I 0 0 1 1 11 SAW U a C° p VAN a O 7> •? ? tn O? O to 00 00 a £AW k" n N r. cs rn n `o N O CC i. V 00 in N kn m M 00 N O l? d. N ZAW A `l O a r IAW r, •w o o ? a ? U SAW u s, O eoa •? VAN b a 7a ' .. V . N 00 Vl , 00 q Ap A, CAN A N N A N QM QM C? O V oo 6 O oo N ?' i p [? ZAW 0 - n N ?' N N C- n N O ,C IAW N N M u 0.4 , O 44 Cr' Y N N +'' S. ti . H o. w C N b a> Cdd U N c0 .b M b a? 0 N Cd LL E O C r.° N N Ll. N s. ? W 00 b 'C 0 3 b .b a? o E 00 0 N 110 N I? 1 d Lri ? l "p d 01 O O N ya R t it U 5 a ? C ? ,O O y O N ? C? ? O d r bA ? y i. 0 O O N C? N C? kn O M O O 00 N M 00 00 .-r M N ,--? C O C O (7a O O O •L' 0 N ? O O O ? 00 cq u M 10 M C fNV O i i i i i i 3r b bA L WW p ?' M ?O y b W N ee W L7 w M 00 O N N ?n M 00 00 O M M 00 00 M 0 0 U O N O O O O ? M ?1 *0 00 ? O E " ° n O ° ° N M O kn O O N yd O O <'`? ? v M 00 DO O M M O O? O 00 r- C> •" \O O 0 0 00 M .--? O O W C O N C C Ca C It C N vi K p? d\ O N ~ N N . O R co 72 w cn l p " a u Uaa w xU 3 x ?°. a. x $ 0. 0 a d09a cd > r u o c0 0 Z;3 : w o rxv 0 N N CA C a a? a? ?a C W M w U O M N 0 0 1 1 u 1 SAN b Q b VAN C `?' h ° " Ne y? CAN n c ' m n •? ° o 6 „" 00 O 7 l? h --? M O O 0 kn m N ? ZANY oo 0 ° O o ! ?Q C N •L ? N ? ? V'1 '" ? M Q l0 ? ? Om0 O IAW oo N "' o =° ?' z °° o O O p ? O s. /r U ? ` SAKI . o 5 F" •o o VAN N W v' CANT ° n ? O - ? n o o ? w Na s V 0 N Q1 h N N O N d, 00 ?. ZANY n o n .? p It o Y? / ?O V -? 1 M kn ¢ 00 IAW tr; 00 00 0.0 0.0 Y CC •y O'i cd F ? O x b N 6n o 0 U° ? 0 0 F G .? 964 A aa w3 aa? cnQ aa 3x wx r?x 3a x b sU, W 'O a> U N b M b N 0 ° U ? O 0 V b b vUi ? U U 0 3 y O H ?* 00 0 N N cn 1 1 L i 1 1 I d 1? Z7 V O? O O yd N ? b a? b b 00 O N x ? q e C b y O 'F"' iw y .0 O i O M ? 000 000 N N 'n M O ~ v i O O O ? ? O O O • O y N C O i i i i i i • M N 01 O M ? C? ? ^O? 064 O ? W ... O O O O ? O O d N M 00 O O w C ? 00 .r N N M O M i i i i i i tn O O N ? i4 ? p N ? ,? M ? N M N O ?D ? 0 O N 0 ? O O ?'`? O ? ? N ? _ O O -, O O •? to N N O O cn kn a Uaa wU 3 "4 s pz 0,., a, >`? Us r. v5 o 3vs u C) 0 N 01 N Iii t 1 4.0 METHODOLOGY SECTION All monitoring methodologies follow the most current templates and guidelines provided by EEP (EEP 2006). Photographs were taken at high resolution using an Olympus Stylus 4.0 megapixel digital camera. GPS location information was collected using a Trimble Geo XT handheld mapping grade GPS unit. GPS locations were collected in 2006 (Year 2) on both banks of each cross section and on all four corners of each vegetation plot. Stream and vegetation problem areas were noted in the field on As-Built Plan Sheets. Permanent photo station photographs were taken from locations marked in the Year One Monitoring Report, prepared by EcoLogic Associates. 4.1 STREAM METHODOLOGY The methods used to generate the data in this report are standard fluvial geomorphology techniques as described in Applied River Morphology (Rosgen 1996) and related publications from US Forest Service and the interagency Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USACE 2003). URS' field morphology survey was conducted using a Topcon PL-H3C Rotating Laser and the data were analyzed and displayed using the Reference Reach Spreadsheet, Version 4.21, (Mecklenburg 2006). Modified Wolman pebble counts were conducted in the vicinity of each cross section. Photographs were taken at each cross section. A photo was taken from the left bank towards the right bank, and from the right bank towards the left bank. 4.2 VEGETATION METHODOLOGY Seven vegetation plots were established by CDM in 2004. These seven plots were evaluated for the As- built survey. These plots consisted of 1/10-acre circular plots with the center points marked with rebar. For the Year 1 survey in 2005, EcoLogic did not have As-built project data. EcoLogic established 30 10- meter by 10-meter vegetation plots, per EEP's current protocol at that time. According to the 2006, Version 4.0 CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (Lee et al 2006), the Big Warrior Creek Stream Restoration Project requires the monitoring of 16 vegetation plots. The new CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation was used to inventory 16 (1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 19, 25, 26, 28, 29, and 30) of the 30 vegetation plots established by EcoLogic. Vegetation monitoring methods followed the 2006, Version 4.0 CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation. Vegetation plot photographs were collected at the southwest corner of each vegetation plot. Vegetation monitoring plots were re-marked in the field by replacing all old flagging with new flagging. Each vegetation plot was marked by Ecologic in 2005 with a four-foot PVC pipe at the upstream, outside corner. The remaining three corners were marked with steel conduit. URS placed orange flagging at the southwest corner of each vegetation plot and blue flagging at the remaining corners. The orientation of the plot was marked on the CVS-EEP data sheet if the PVC was not in the southwest corner (the origin of the plot). Planted stems were flagged in white. Volunteer/natural regeneration stems were inventoried, but not flagged. Monitoring taxonomy follows `Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas' (Radford et. al 1968). Stem height was measured with a folding one-meter rule. Diameter at breast height and decimeter height were measured with calipers. The X,Y coordinates relative to the southwest corner (origin) of each stem in the plot were recorded, as was the bearing of the x axis from the southwest corner. The results of the stem counts are located in Appendix A-I. Photographs of the monitoring plots are located in Appendix A-IV. 30 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 ' 5.0 REFERENCES ' CDM. 2005. Big Warrior Stream Restoration Mitigation Plan. Prepared by Camp, Dresser, and McKee and Biohabitats, Inc. Prepared for NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program. March 2005. ' EcoLogic Associates, P.C. 2006. Big Warrior Creek 2005 Monitoring Report, Monitoring Year One. Prepared for NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program. April 2006. Mecklenburg, Dan. 2006. The Reference Reach Spreadsheet for Channel Survey Data Management. Version 4.2L. Ohio Department of Natural Resources. EEP. 2006. Content, Format, and Data Requirements for EEP Monitoring Reports. Version 1.2 (11/16/06). NCDENR, NCEEP. 17pp. Lee, Michael T., Peek, Robert K., Roberts, Steven D., Wentworth, Thomas R. 2006. CVS-EEP Protocol ' for Recording Vegetation. Version 4.0. (http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm) Radford, A.E., Ahles, H.E., and C.R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. The ' University of North Carolina Press. Chapel Hill, NC. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO. USACE, Wilmington District, US Environmental Protection Agency, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, and NC Division of Water Quality. 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. April 2003. 26 pp. USGS. 2007. Reddies River at North Wilkesboro, NC streamflow gage. USGS Real Time Water Data. Gage 02111500. http://waterdata.usgs.aov. ' Weakley, A.S. 2007. Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and surrounding Areas. Working Draft as of 11 January 2007. UNC Herbarium. North Carolina Botanical Garden. UNC at Chapel Hill. 1 31 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX A VEGETATION RAW DATA OU412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 1 1 t a 1 1 APPENDIX A-1. VEGETATION SURVEY DATA TABLES Table A1. Vegetation Metadata Report Prepared By Susan Shelingoski Date Prepared 9/28/2007 9:11 database name CVS_EEP_EntryTool_v220NEW.mdb database location P:\Jobs3\31825348_Monitoring\Veg computer name RDUXPL129 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------------ Metadata This worksheet, which is a summary of the project and the project data. Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems, for each year. This excludes Proj, planted live stakes and lists stems per acre. Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems, for each year. This includes live Proj, total stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems. Listed in stems stems per acre. Plots List of plots surveyed. Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes. Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and Damage percent of total stems impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. ALL Stems by Count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers Plot and spp combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. PROJECT SUMMARY------------------------------------- Project Code 412 project Name Big Warrior Creek Description Stream Restoration River Basin length(ft) stream-to- edge width (ft) area (sq m) Required Plots (calculated) Sampled Plots 0 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX A-I. VEGETATION SURVEY DATA TABLES Table A2. Vegetation Vigor by Species Species 4 3 2 1 0 Missing Alnus serrulata 2 9 1 Betula ni ra 3 4 3 Cephalanthus occidentalis 1 Cornus amomum 2 12 2 1 Fraxinus enns Ivanica 1 2 2 1 Ju lans ni ra 1 7 6 1 2 4 N ssa s Ivatica 1 Salix ni ra 2 5 Cercis canadensis 1 1 1 Lindera benzoin 1 Liriodendron tuli ifera 5 9 1 2 4 Platanus occidentalis 6 9 4 1 Ph socar us o ulifolius 8 4 TOT: 13 22 64 21 1 10 14 Table A3. Vegetation Damage by Species Species All Damage Categories (no damage) Diseased Insects Vine Strangulation Alnus serrulata 12 5 7 Betula ni ra 10 10 Cephalanthus occidentalis 1 1 Cercis canadensis 3 3 Cornus amomum 17 16 1 Fraxinus enns Ivanica 6 6 Ju lans ni ra 21 21 Lindera benzoin 1 1 Liriodendron tuli ifera 21 15 3 3 N ssa s Ivatica 1 1 Ph socar us o ulifolius 12 10 2 Platanus occidentalis 20 12 8 Salix ni ra 7 6 1 TOT: 13 132 107 3 20 2 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX A-I. VEGETATION SURVEY DATA TABLES Table A4. Vegetation Damage by Plot All Damage (no Vine lot Categories dama a Diseased Insects Strangulation 412-01-0001- ear:3 16 13 3 412-01-0002- ear:3 10 7 3 412-01-0004- ear:3 4 3 1 412-01-0006- ear:3 6 5 1 412-01-0007- ear:3 16 16 412-01-0008- ear:3 1 1 412-01-0009- ear:3 9 8 1 412-01-0011- ear:3 15 14 1 412-01-0013- ear:3 9 9 412-01-0015- ear:3 3 3 412-01-0019- ear:3 5 5 412-01-0025- ear:3 8 6 2 412-01-0026- ear:3 9 6 3 412-01-0028- ear:3 8 7 1 412-01-0029- ear:3 2 1 1 412-01-0030- ear:3 11 9 2 TOT: 16 132 107 3 20 2 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 W H d H d Q W F-d H W W d ?C Q z w a a d U N C/1 cz 0 a c 0 0 U d I M N M CD ON , cl) L. d C 1 0 0 0 i M T N 0 N CD i T N 4) M N N N ? 00 L C T N p,v 00 d 0 M CD N 00 0 N N L C1?0) CO) L N 0 M N r- co 0 _0 T N 0 0 d 0 0. M U 0 0 CV Q) T T T ? M - N C N r T cc ? C. 0) M LO N CP w N CO T T T m 3 M ?- N M CD N O N T L T T T m T C1 O 0 o 0 M N T LO co N O L C.?00 d 0 M T o4400 O 00 y 0 M M N T T 0 N T i ` O T Q.r.O0 0) I CO T N CO 0 T O T a?oo m M 4 L T N 0 C T O p 00 , 0 0) V) T T M N co O N r O M a?po m M N U) CO M CC! O N T O L T a?po m 0 M CO L T 0) U? Un LO m 0 £ 0 ? N CN I? I? T > 4) N M N y 40 CD It N ti N CD fl- LO T k O T N T 1- N CO M L LO N m r- co E ?- r T r T r p C ~ ? CA a f`C y U) _ CO N 4) Cp f C " 3 E U C= N w 0) . 0 m O Ca O c: co cn C C 0 y 7 U U CL ` LM m Cc N •C ` -0 Q U) O N y y CB y m C U w co .? y 'V j C c y X C c m a) O "O O O C M c X C N N O 2 0) 7 S O O CCf T L) LL -? -i o d u) T O H ri rr r? a. ray r r r r r r err r rr r? r r r n t 1 1 1 APPENDIX A-1. VEGETATION SURVEY DATA TABLES Table A6a. Vegetative Problem Areas - Big Warrior Creek Big Warrior Creek EEP Project Number 00412 Feature # Feature/Issue Station #/Ran e Probable Cause Photo # BWVPA2 Invasive/exotic plant 12+00 to 20+10 Invasive/exotic plant BWVPA2 BWVPA4 Invasive/exotic plant 33+00 to 35+00 Invasive/exotic plant BWVPA4 BWVPA5 Bare bank 43+15 Bank erosion BWVPA5 BWVPA6 Invasive/exotic plant 43+15 Invasive/exotic plant BWVPA6 BWVPA7 Bare floodplain, gully erosion 49+00 to 50+00 Poor soil BWVPA7 BWVPA8 Invasive/exotic plant 63+50 Invasive/exotic plant BWVPA8 BWNVPAI Bare bank 21+00 to 22+00 Bank erosion BWNVPAI Table A6b. Vegetative Problem Areas - Mountain Creek Big Warrior Creek EEP Project Number 00412 Feature # Feature/Issue Station #/Range Probable Cause Photo # MCVPAI Bare bank 5+00 Bank erosion MCVPAI MCVPA2 Bare bank 6+20 Bank erosion MCVPA2 MCVPA3 Bare bank 13+60 Bank erosion MCVPA3 MCVPA4 Bare bank 15+00 Bank erosion MCVPA4 MCVPA5 Bare flood lain 17+00 to 17+60 Overflow MCVPA5 MCVPA6 Bare bank 17+00 Bank erosion MCVPA6 MCVPA7 Bare bank 17+60 Bank erosion MCVPA7 MCVPA8 Bare bank 19+00 Bank erosion MCVPA8 1 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX A-II. VEGETATIVE PROBLEM AREA PHOTOS BWVPA4 BWVPA6 c ?. BWVPA8 _:W vd 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 4 APPENDIX A-II. VEGETATIVE PROBLEM AREA PHOTOS { A tT ? t u BWNVPAI ° ti r• Y" 4 ? y? Tw;,Z M j! y i 9 &. q 0 ?. PAM f° 6-- 5i wr ? ?y? 1 f i r .. ° ° °r??YdW?{?ay{??'.`7L ?y ? ?g a MCVPAI MCVPA3 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS MCVPA2 fi3 ?]R1 t fi r s " a 4?'.. t , fC?errt tk ,g MCVPA4 2/08 MOUNTAIN CREEK (9/11/07) II APPENDIX A-II. VEGETATIVE PROBLEM AREA PHOTOS J*! ` j t?.-? Rib"44 ??, l x_Y yy. fl ? .. 14 j;? k MCVPA5 it j 1 MCVPA7 1 r e' a :• / ? -fit ?4. .. /? 1 ???'T(F M91 MCVPA6 MCVPA8 , w W7-711W y J. 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 I APPENDIX A-III. VEGETATIVE PROBLEM AREAS PLAN VIEW 1 11111 -Big Warrior Creek- MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 C C Y c U 8 o (1) .2Z Ecc Ecc E N C) 0=0=0 c W zo °m °o L- N N N m m m m m m Q Cd LO `O 1^Y •L LI. O O E ? w a <<<<< m N m +r E" o N v d U N O -Q C EEEEE w- 'o N > ?. m 2 2.T -T 2 _ m `mom z?ca LL dN > N •C M Z O m o 0002 a o` > U c N .Q o n.oui >E Y O V > aadaa C c 5 CO m' °- O > iL V O? m `o mo- rno) m N _ L- r p o o o co r- o> o m i Un v y uirn i`o L) c m ???' _ G? Z °o°o°o°oo s s z Q Q U) GU)O C p• w m O vJ O NON N 2 of 0'5 O 0 fx6 U c L. O L. R 01 a D (f) aw a zw d 4. > ¦ ¦ 4- m O ? O ? O o CO 0 0 s' O p LO t O J?cmc? O o Q O U a O L o+ O p m O O O + r" N O tD O o C ¦ ¦ O ¦ O a E o > > > N a > o a O > a > ?o °o 00 > U u' iy d ti o + U a o Q ?aaJ N > a + N > o d J ??P a ? v Mo?? ?aaa? JouJeM 2 r °?2 Bib m a v > o 0 > 2 a ¦ o+ O o Qa N IT OD > a_ CN ++ U > Q- N O a > > ?sv o m ¦ ++ o a co 04 m O > Q? d Qo > 0 rn ¦ + o N O U E O 9) O + Q M CL m M r > O O O O ¦ O > N M O N a) !6 N C.5 ¦ N o a .r in > 0 Q C ? U O M O + cu N 3 ` U O =W ¦ T a > ot C) ci CD o 0 -0 Q O N C U Q N It C N O N -Cu m N N X O C m O M + C •0 T C O m r C a m + C V'N O r CD C U O - O N z Z; oo c?uY 3 BCD d ?? (.0 LO ? u =>>a>>LO o E N > ® O m06? O C ,c ¦ O M N .- M Q N N N `) a) U » d N O Ow >a -o-mca > a0 00 Ca is ) ^^ old ?l aaa 0 Q v in > a aoi?aeM Bib z - c.; R U 0. m _? cCa ? Y ? U U y a U L U p X ? X C .? ? X ? X C O C O C O C O C O C O C O G O L C ' U y N O > O ? y > O ? ? > . O O O O O ? O O O N L ? ? ? y U = ? ? U Y U Y U Y U Y N Y ? U Y N Y Y ? W CO m 0.l W ? CO m @ I d R + t d U y ?. ? NN h M N N = t ? ? ? O O O o ? e O E d R Cl t °o t t t t t ° Cl t 0 0 O 0 N 0 ", t 0 0 t 0 0 t 0 0 t 0 0 t 0 0 t ? V) N M 7 7 ?O N ? V1 ?p M Vl l? [? l? 01 L 0. d d d ? O O 0 y C O v L ? ? C R C R C R >? ? C R .U. U U G U C 0 ? > 0 ?> Y R o a O O o N ? Y t?3 Y ? Y tOC 1 N Y ? a 9 O Y ? Y tC3 Y (=3 R tC ? cd U td ? ? U U ? ? ` ? U = S 0? ° R C m N W W cY? Oa Oa C7 W ? N a ? a¢ Vl a¢ b a m a ¢ > N M 7 vl ?D l? W . , 1 [ a s a. a a a n. a 3A 31 ? m I ? ? U ? U ? U CJ U 21 U 2, U 21 `c m U 2, rr r rr rr m r rr r rr r r¦ = r r m r rr r ¦ir APPENDIX A-IV. VEGETATION MONITORING PLOT PHOTOS ?? *e 3 46 ??°l? A 0- 4?H ?? 4 ,?) f 1{?? ?F R Y ? 4^ 5? V P7 y? 3 (9/10/07) 4 ;k A VP8 (9/10/07) 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 VP1 (9/11/07) V P2 (9/11/07) VP4 (9/11/07) VP6 (9/11/07) APPENDIX A-IV. VEGETATION MONITORING PLOT PHOTOS ?11, ?a ?? il:..ir ?i?Mk ?i. VP19 (9/12/07) E? A 4 ? a t!¢ ?r?' t?yh # 1 E ,j. pv'p ?a as 4+-. + VP25 (9/11/07) 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 VP11 (9/12/07) VP9 (9/10/07) VP 15 (9/12/07) VP13 (9/12/07) APPENDIX A-IV. VEGETATION MONITORING PLOT PHOTOS p' Y y z, ti q t? ° f S` l w? \ b :t1 ? F s 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 VP26 (9/11/07) VP28 (9/11/07) VP29 (9/11/07) VP30 (9/11/07) 1 APPENDIX B I GEOMORPHIC RAW DATA 1 J 1 I UU412 - Big W arnor Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 L 1 1 0 1 APPENDIX B-1. STREAM PROBLEM AREAS PLAN VIEW 1 11111 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 E ` C ?c p U U U Q 2 Z 00 E O E O .rr cc 8 a+ U U Y r? ' U O R .? O o m o rn -C a) C > o? L_ "? C d N N U x U x E Q Z Y c°D °o C ? O >' O r- C m m m m 2 m (Q m ,n - LO r E a) 0 °' O O ,d- ?' d a 4 N U c0 Nov L/ L C) N O m rn¢¢¢¢ U in L C Ed C%3 N = Z O J aEi E E E N 12 .2 U) D 0 z 0 a) C: LL Q m a) p V O o 0 0 0 o N N m L m E °'v i E V Y LE ai a` a` a` a` 6 ¢ ¢ in 6 LL o o mu . m I aNo L ?rn `o Uc > w m ++ a O m O p O X d L L ¢p L ® U a` D c'n2 0, d ZW a G a 00 O U- O O ?p + O /4? X O va L o ? O N Q O °oa I- ? 0 00 N Q°- ? Q a U) a a o a > N m x m O m v o m O a- c m a N o M 04 t Lo m U ++ L O m m ~ m Q C N N CO) &5 g O OO + CL g co x o U o N m m m o + ° r °O a v CD + BWPA15 LO Mold ?1aaJ o? fib, ?Oi O JOIJJpM 6!8 dJ? y?aa O O 0 N o /? X ++ > o to LO o? O a a LO r> ? U U U a o + X Ln n. m mN U Q ? a o a U + O m N o U m Q o k c a C) CL 0 d O mj BWPA9 °+ ° d M c?5 co V U m X O O M W O O LY U N O ? E O C ? + F d d co c o C C v, rn 'A In w W D I e .L d o o (6 ° n f4 ?U O 0) Q o _ .s c Q t O U LO to cf) N Q „ w O O- o O M p °"a na m?E W U O O m c E - ZT? C :L G G +N+ 'A on V? C? -j /LO E C M O mD ? ti ? omnN v ? ? ma In ? -0.2 O ?ccaa O mN N -.E w + P N -0 U X ddlk QQd d ° ° v d m e L c' N Q O G' F F O_'C + J - N Q O cc L) O m U 7 m 6 p? _y In (a ` O M O r N N O r O cu N U ti ° X v 3 ?m r LO 1 R m m O p_ (6U0 N cc E -0 45 + -0 O O Cm) co: ` E U co Q N ? >,ia3a U to 0.2 '0 i ? cma O m4 tO m fn m it 3 uJ U Mot? ?aa J ~O Q a(A > d JouJIM 6.i8 z N A O C L O ^ C 0 G 0 N N N .?. > > u 7 y U ? U d .p 5o 7 C G R ' O nn C N U O C. C z ? R ? A U o N ` ? U c vC6 c vCtl y U ? 0 3 > A v "' 3 ? U ? U ,., v i x ? ? C u cn 0 ? o o .5 ° 0 0 ° = 3 0 U o ? v $, G a?i y ? v E .. a c - c .°3 A . c = v c L L L R y Y CC Q ? O U o Y V O 7 O > A U ? 7 O U ? O U 7 O U 7 O U c N ? A .. `" o ? `? O ? q v tp L ?p o .O 7 O U O p '3 O U 'C O U 7 O U 'C O U O U ? ?p ti .. `" m ? W Q ? 0 0 0 0 0 o Vl o 0 0 0 o Vl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O ^ V7 ?D ? V ?D M h a ? O M O O ? r ' r O\ b O\ O N W O O ?-? 7 ?D f M d\ N V O ? W y N 1 N N V M? M V M V V N V V ? V V' ?n V v? ? ?n ?n N ?O ?D V O l ?D l ? r ?D 0 L ^' O O O O ? i m E m ? c is C m 7 L a> ? v GC '? w p d ? ? C ? ?.. ? C .? ? C .? N U '9 U b m 4l ? R a ? C _? A C .? A C .? R C _? iC C .? t0 C .? C .? r U b ? ? 7 7 7 ? G G C A, R G .,C ? ? R ? ti O G' d 'G R w m w m w v 'O ^ O O O C O C O 'A w C O p ¢? •p O u •p r,? •O u •O ¢? 'O i -0 •O ti 'O p N •tl o v U v v U v V ? ?p c v U o Y 0 Y c 0 Y c ? ?' v U ? o Y ° v V ? v U v U v U v U c v U v U p Y ° v U -- ? 2 K 2 Z ? E 2 2 C 2 ?C 2 C o xt L ? _ d N ¢ M d 7 d d ?D d l? d W ¢ O\ d o_ ¢ -- d N d M_ d v d ?n d ?o d ?_ d oo d rn d o N d - N d N N d N d a N ¢ ? N d ? a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a. 3 a. 3 a, 3 a 3 s 3 o, 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a. 3 c. 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a. 3 a. 3 a. 3 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m O vl N m O o m d d ? o R O O Y v C d a ? C0 d d vi ?n y C O F O .-1 ? U ? r? O O X X C3. 0 G I w ? o r 'L ? L ? o O o ? o N o ?D 0 o O ? r` 0 w 0 o f? 0 ?o ? 0 rn N i a ? i O ti o R a h u v m m c w v ?m ? o a 0 . 0 .o o .o v o ;? o Q . a . A > > '? ? G m K m C m ? Y ? Y ? cn v? rn W W W m 0.l 0.l 0.l d a 0 6 U U U U U F__1 L ?I 1 1 1 APPENDIX B-II. STREAM PROBLEM AREAS DATA TABLES Table Bla. Stream Problem Areas - Big Warrior Creek Big Warrior Creek EEP Project Number 00412 Feature # Feature Issue Station Suspected Cause Photo # BWPA1 Structure degradation 5+00 Bank scour behind rootwad BWPA1 BWPA2 Structure failure 11+00 Scour BWPA2 BWPA3 Structure failure 12+60 Rocks obstructing flow, causing flow diversion into banks BWPA3 BWPA4 Structure failure 17+60 Scour BWPA4 BWPA5 Pondin 22+40 Beaver presence / beaver dam BWPA5 BWPA6 Structure degradation 23+60 Scour behind to vane BWPA6 BWPA7 Bank erosion 34+50 Scour BWPA7 BWPA8 Bank erosion 34+75 Scour BWPA8 BWPA9 Bank erosion 34+90 Scour BWPA9 BWPA10 Aggradation, mid-channel bar formation 43+00 Inadequate sediment transport BWPA10 BWPA11 Aggradation, mid-channel bar formation 40+00 Upstream erosion BWPA11 BWPA12 Structure failure 42+60 Rocks obstructing flow, causing flow diversion into banks BWPA12 B W PA 13 Aggradation, lateral bar formation 44+70 Lateral migration of channel B WPA 13 BWPA14 Bank erosion 49+75 Lateral migration of channel BWPA14 BWPA15 Structure degradation 49+60 Stability BWPA15 BWPA16 Aggradation, mid-channel bar formation 52+00 Inadequate sediment transport BWPA16 BWPA17 Structure degradation 54+80 Scour BWPA17 BWPA18 Structure degradation 56+00 Floodplain flow is undermining log structure BWPA18 BWPA19 Structure degradation 56+10 Scour BWPA19 BWPA20 Structure degradation 62+60 Scour BWPA20 BWPA21 Structure degradation 63+10 Scour BWPA21 BWPA22 Structure degradation 64+90 Scour BWPA22 BWPA23 Bank erosion 65+20 Scour BWPA23 BWPA24 Structure degradation 67+00 Stability BWPA24 BWPA25 Aggradation, mid-channel bar formation 67+80 Upstream erosion BWPA25 1 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 t 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 17 1 APPENDIX B-11. STREAM PROBLEM AREAS DATA TABLES Table Blb. Stream Problem Areas - Mountain Creek Big Warrior Creek EEP Project Number 00412 Feature # Feature Issue Station Suspected Cause Photo # MCPA1 Structure failure 0+00 Too much elevation drop MCPAI MCPA2 Structure failure 1+80 Lo not keyed into bank adequately MCPA2 MCPA3 Bank erosion 2+10 Scour MCPA3 MCPA4 Bank erosion 6+80 Scour MCPA4 MCPA5 Bank erosion 10+00 Scour MCPA5 MCPA6 Bank erosion 13+75 Scour MCPA6 MCPA7 Bank failure 14+80 Scour MCPA7 MCPA8 Bank erosion and a radation 17+00 Excessive scour MCPA8 MCPA9 Bank failure 17+60 Excessive scour MCPA9 MCPA10 Aggradation, mid-channel bar formation 23+90 Upstream scour MCPA10 Table Blc. Stream Problem Areas - Unnamed Tributary Big Warrior Creek EEP Project Number 00412 Feature # Feature Issue Station Suspected Cause Photo # UTPA 1 Severe sedimentation (pool 5+00 Upstream erosion/clearcut UTPA 1 filled in UTPA2 Severe sedimentation (pool 9+00 Upstream erosion/clearcut UTPA2 filled in 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-III. REPRESENTATIVE STREAM PROBLEM AREA PHOTOS BIG WARRIOR (9/12/07) BWPA3 facing upstream 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 BWPAI facing right bank BWPA2 facing left bank BWPA5 facing downstream BWPA4 facing left bank B WPA6 facing right bank iI 1 1 4 r +i?i A i'1Y... ??'i?i+ t BWPA10 facing downstream APPENDIX B-III. REPRESENTATIVE STREAM PROBLEM AREA PHOTOS r B W PA 1 1 facing upstream 00111 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 BWPA7 facing right bank BWPA8 facing left bank BWPA9 facing left bank BWPA12 facing upstream APPENDIX B-III. REPRESENTATIVE STREAM PROBLEM AREA PHOTOS F ?j '? °Y } 1 R c s F ry " w tr ?. r F? ??Ak BWPA15 looking down at left bank u. - r? t ,i I? 3 A, r 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 BWPA13 facing downstream B WPA 14 facing right bank BWPA17 facing left bank BWPA16 facing upstream BWPA18 facing right bank APPENDIX B-III. REPRESENTATIVE STREAM PROBLEM AREA PHOTOS 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 BWPA19 facing right bank BWPA20 facing right bank BWPA21 facing right bank BWPA22 facing left bank BWPA23 facing left bank BWPA24 facing downstream APPENDIX B-III. REPRESENTATIVE STREAM PROBLEM AREA PHOTOS MOUNTAIN CREEK (9/11/07) 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 7WPA25 facing downstream MCPA2 facing left bank MCPA3 facing upstream MCPA4 facing right bank APPENDIX B-III. REPRESENTATIVE STREAM PROBLEM AREA PHOTOS f' f 10 MCNPA5 facing right bank a P ,(? .? -g _ ,s, •'?: ??;., .'mod .kr. ???. _ ?. s # 4 ?E t M ?t 1 7 y 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 MCPA6 facing right bank MCPA7 facing right bank MCPA9 facing downstream MCPA 10 facing right bank f APPENDIX B-fll. REPRESENTATIVE STREAM PROBLEM AREA PHOTOS UNNAMED TRIBUTARY (9/10/07) 4. ? f + t r F UI1'i? I facing upstream r 004I2 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 1 R. + ?, N X P y? h rr ti .flsy? .. ?? ! V w f? A ?' J? - ?, 2/08 UTPA2 facing upstream APPENDIX B-IV. STREAM PHOTO STATION PHOTOS 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 PS 1 - Big Warrior Creek (9/12/07) PS2 - Big Warrior Creek (9/12/07) PS3 - Big Warrior Creek (9/12/07) PS4 - Big Warrior Creek (9/12/07) PS5 - Big Warrior Creek (9/12/07) PS6 - Big Warrior Creek (9/11/07) APPENDIX B-IV. STREAM PHOTO STATION PHOTOS 5 \? .w2 rs k? f , f ? J Y 31{1 4P y :. r ?fy PS9 - Unnamed Tributary (9/10/07) 00412 -Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 PS8 - Big Warrior Creek (9/10/07) PS7 -Big Warrior Creek (9/10/07) PSI 0 -Unnamed Tributary (9/10/07) PS 11 -Unnamed Tributary (9/10/07) PSI 2 -Unnamed Tributary (9/10/07) APPENDIX B-IV. STREAM PHOTO STATION PHOTOS e +{ti VIP.?R wmt rt7`t. fS :.r r; 1? Syr 1'S13 - Unnamed Tributary (9/10/07) . y . k ?t k i4 y_ .I t P, 4 ? PS 15 - Big Warrior Creek (9/10/07) w"F` PSI7 - Big Warrior Creek (9/11/07) V,7 ,; LI PS 16 - Big Warrior Creek (9/11/07) 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 PS 14 - Unnamed Tributary (9/10/07) PSI 8 - Mountain Creek (9/11/07) APPENDIX B-IV. STREAM PHOTO STATION PHOTOS ?•o ? ? rob t+•• '??. r, • `?-? ? .;=.u4:: •. .raw '- - ? ? ? . PS 19 - Mountain Creek (9/11/07) ,a 4 3 a S? f , ? JJ ?v 1 J fi• y k 3, 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 PS20 - Mountain Creek (9/11/07) PS22 - Mountain Creek (9/11/07) PS23 - Mountain Creek (9/11/07) PS24 - Mountain Creek (9/11/07) APPENDIX B-IV. STREAM PHOTO STATION PHOTOS PS25 - Mountain Creek (9/11/07) 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08PS27 - Big Warrior Creek (9/10/07) PS26 - Big Warrior Creek (9/10/07) PS29 - Big Warrior Creek (9/10/07) PS28 - Big Warrior Creek (9/10/07) PS30 - Big Warrior Creek (9/12/07) APPENDIX B-IV. STREAM PHOTO STATION PHOTOS 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 PS32 - Big Warrior Creek (9/12/07) PS31 - Big Warrior Creek (9/12/07) PS33 - Big Warrior Creek (9/12/07) 1 F? W Con w Qn CA I-? Qn u O x O z w a a lujol ao uuaw •wao3aad c o rn as CM 00 a aan;ua,? uot;tpuoa alqu;s u! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lp ? ?D ? M ¢ z 0 o 0 o vl bb 0 o 00 Vl ? kn ? ? ? V'1 ? M ? M ? waopad % a;u;s a M alqu;sun u! ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ o ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ z z z z z z z z z z z z z z o z z z z z z ;aa{?aagwnu o JVJO L N jl!nq-sd . . ._.. . . o ¢ "o .o ¢ ¢ ¢ rn rn rn rn aad aagwnu d• 'IT '^ '^ '^ v, "' '^ z '^ W' z z z O° co co co JVJO L b papua;uisu 2ulwaopad - -te r-' - - mot N ? c oo ¢ ¢ ¢ r- r- r- ? N N ?r ? It W) to W) kn u, to to Wn z z z to kn aagwn? (alqu)s #) V u E oLz S? U y h C O O ?y bA Lr y y ?' L, q C„ '? cc ? '?+ C4 0 CI. 0 ? N ° 40 . U U O . C bq C '? L ° fl a+ y cC ? cam vi y w ?•. t. O ,k _ •f' O .b N V1 3-i . . Y i-i N L ° w ,ti CJ y U N , O O Y CC N U C i"., '" c? L O >~ c ., 4: o E a A v o ? O Ca ? v • ? a`?i ? ? ? F" o = o o o y °? a > ° o ? a c• N I C'. Q a> c°i a? U O c. r. Z: O FA 6 cu Ln 4. o C'• C-• a? O - ° 3 ° .d c 3 l. . c v U C ztk N . 2 4- -0 U 0 ? o ' 2 v a>i , .. C :? ° o y P: a o a'"i OL CL O C- w O ca 9 g a? c c a o U o - E U t? P U ° 0 o 0 o o c U >~ o h 3 4) . . >~ U tC .. 7a o V cC N in N O 4. ? N U L Q1 C'-. ° a ¢ w .a a v? ? Ca 0 0 ¢ v? c7 U o ¢ w x ¢ w --? N M ? V) -? N cn .-. N ? N M d' .--? N 'C •--? N M ? --i N O y y d ? cC U en rA ,L, d a O p.1 a ° 10 ^o a a F m m > 3 d f? U A Gzl rz; fJ, C7 00 N r? U APPENDIX 13-VI. CROSS SECTION PHOTOS AND ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF PLOTS BIG WARRIOR (9/12/07) t 47 1 XS 1 facing left bank , JAI r A IA ' XS2 f i l f b k ac ng e t an ? ' ?r ?YY t• d ? '? . I ;; WZM? .. .M XS3 facing left bank 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report r M? URS r ?, a???; ate" L Y ii•F ???,i}. Y. j^FA.Z ,? S ar` = ro 2/08 XS I facing right bank XS2 facing right bank XS3 facing right bank APPENDIX 13-VI. CROSS SECTION PHOTOS AND ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF PLOTS 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 XS4 facing left bank XS4 facing right bank Big Warrior - Mainstem XS 1, Year 1, 2, & 3 Overlay As-Built Elevation Data used for 2006 and 2007 top of rebar elevation a 0 r R d w -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station Year 1 - 11/16/05 - Data moved to align right bank -¦- Year 2 - 9/27/06 - Both bank pins re-established Year 3 - 9/12/07 - Inconsistent left pin, data placed over 2006 Big Warrior - Mainstem XS 2, Year 1, 2, & 3 Overlay As-Built Elevation Data used for 2006 and 2007 top of rebar elevation 1102 g 1100 1098 d W 1096 1094 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station C Year 1 - 11/16/05 --w- Year 2 - 9/27/06 Year 3 - 9/12/0] Big Warrior - Mainstem XS 3, Year 1, 2, & 3 Overlay As-Built Elevation Data used for 2006 and 2007 top of rebar elevation 1092 c 1091 1090 > 1089 1088 w 1087 1086 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Station Year 1 - 11 /16/05 -f Year 2 - 8/29/06 - Right bank pin re-established Year 3 - 9/12/07 1090 Big Warrior - Mainstem XS 4, Year 1, 2, & 3 Overlay As-Built Elevation Data used for 2006 and 2007 top of rebar elevation c 1088 r 1086 m M 1084 1082 ' 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station -?- Year 1 - 11 /16/05 - Year 2 - 8/29/06 - Right bank pin re-established Year 3 - 9/12/07 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX 13-VI. CROSS SECTION PHOTOS AND ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF PLOTS MOUNTAIN CREEK (9/11/07) ,; ? r l+w F kyk .{t :?. ?' ?? CtA 4 i t A? r- ;#- ?.1.'.' asx?; ;11'1'h. s+! 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 XS 1 facing right bank XSI facing left bank XS2 facing left bank XS2 facing right bank Big Warrior - Mountain Creek XS 1, Year 1, 2, & 3 Overlay As-Built Elevation Data used for 2006 and 2007 top of rebar elevation 1104 1103 c 0 1102 1101 w 1100 1099 1098 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Station -+- Year 1 - 11 /15/05 -;- Year 2 - 8/30/06 - Left bank pin re-established -* - Year 3 - 9/11/07 1100 1099 c 1098 35 Big Warrior - Mountain Creek XS 2 - Year 1, 2, & 3 Overlay As-Built Elevation Used for 2006 data for Height of Instrument 1097 ?a m 1096 U' 1095--. 1094 1093 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station Year 1 - 11/15/05 -Aff--Year 2 _8/30/06 Year 3 - 9/11/07 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX 13-VI. CROSS SECTION PHOTOS AND ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF PLOTS UNNAMED TRIBUTARY (9/10/07) ti ?. ?? ? ?. Sf YZv..r Sa> "Ilk i?'.t?yi~ t"'Nib [Cis 4 r _ .t 9 ? Y f/ r 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 XS l facing right bank XS 1 facing left bank XS2 facing left bank XS2 facing right bank Big Warrior - Unnamed Trib XS 1, Year 1, 2, & 3 Overlay As-Built Elevation Used for 2006 data for Height of Instrument 1108 1107 ca 1106 w 1105 ' " 0 5 10 15 20 1102 = 1101 1100 1099 w 1098 Station --*-Year 1 -11/15/05 --n Year 2 - 8/29/06 Year 3 - 9/10/07 Big Warrior - Unnamed Trib XS 2, Year 1, 2, & 3 Overlay As-Built Elevation Used for 2006 data for Height of Instrument 1097 ' 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Station -Year 1 - 11/15/05 --Year 2 - 8/29/06 Year 3 - 9/10/07 25 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX B-VII. ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF LONGITUDINAL PLOTS BIG WARRIOR UU412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 OD O N O O c? L O M 06 t? L c? L 0 L L. O LO O LO O O d7 00 O O O uoiIenal3 MO W O lr? O O N Co 0 O O O N Uft) O O O O N O O ti Cn O a 0 .? HE O C O U a? c? CO m U m I ti 0 N C7 0 a? co O Q 11 M } Y N U O c? m N O O ¦r r r r r r r r¦ r r r r¦i r r rr r rr rr r? APPENDIX B-VII. ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF LONGITUDINAL PLOTS I MOUNTAIN CREEK 1 1 1 [1 I 1 1 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 L O M r L w L V 1 L O L ¦ LO O LO O LO O LO r r Q Q m m w r r r r O O O r r r r r r r uoijenal3 O 'O r / N O O O N O O l O O O r O O LO O LOoJ HE a? L U L VJ 4-- C m W a? a L I 0 r \ M L U LO O \ i L co 0 N O CL N c LL M Y N N U `o c`a rn T N C> O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX B-VII. ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF LONGITUDINAL PLOTS UNNAMED TRIBUTARY 00412 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 L 4) O M 06 r L 4) M% L L O L L m O UD O UD O UO) r O O m m w r r r O O O r r r r r r O O r O O It r O O N r O O O r c O O C) ?? W Cl) O O O O qqT O O N O 00 0 N O L C O U a) c? L ca m U (6 D U) L I O ? O O M L LO O ?I ?I I rf 0 a- m M } Y N N U 0 rn m N r O O APPENDIX B-VIII. PEBBLE COUNT FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION PLOTS BIG WARRIOR C1 C? 01411 - Big Warrior Creek - MY3 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 N W (o O n fD m W 7 N m N V O C N O OD Z (D < N (D < 3 CD ? n m W- mm °- 3 3 n Qu+ oooona n ? C ) 0) 3 w C O O N m O O Q (D m 3 0 N 3 O N y N H C C 7 7 7 O N ? O C 3 C* C (D N- W m m m 3 3 N (D N N in C 7 7 7 y a) (D d O' O O O 0 C C C 0 n n n O O O O o t0 0 Q Co D, o Co m m 3 (D m D) 0 W 0 y C N ?j ?o v'o -? C C aaa aa vvvv wdwvwdm w w (a NNNNN ? pj - ' O 0) O O ? mm m m m Cr Q Cr 6 m m < < G< G G<<< mmmmmmm m m O O O 7 7 D) a>>c m m QQQQQ l< N 4D AN -?-? 0 Nn 8 N Co 0) 4DN 00 O N NW O (n N (D , OoA N N G OOD OA (nNNO?0o 0) AN ?(n fn (nN ' I O AN j W N W to 0)A WN SOD a) -N N? OOO O (p (? 0 CD C) Co N OD O Ul OD A(TNNO)? (n N O N O C O C (OA N O OD A D p O W Cyl N) 0) - 3 3 O O .a .a .a (n OD W N W -+ N v N N V pD C O O 6= :3 percent finer than (D CL O O O O O O O O O O 00 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 O o ? 00000!2 ? (O OD O Vt w N Vt A V1 O N O) (D -? m _ 3 Cr 3 o 0 m O O O) L" O) ... C? N O O C (n CL N o 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - p . (D U) N fD y . (D N 7 7 0 N O O ZT C) rn f) m E (D 3 W O j N• _ O (\D N -------------- - a ? N 3 0 O O O' Q Q U) n o o C m D) () V < C Q N R OG () a C c O N ?' ' m 0 0 (O N cD oO O ? 0 0 0 0 0 C < 0 O O I ? O O Cn ...a .? N N O (n O of a saloi}jed;o jagwnu (D ur 1 I u, I I C I I ? I I ? I I 1 I I I I I I 1 ur I I °i I I 1 I I I I I I o I O N 6 O Q (D (D CD 51 N N 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C) A N W tO d 0 m' (D Cl) T N (D (D a 0 C X N N O tb ID ) 3 U Co d N a 3 3 w m a O O O O a a ? O n g lD 2 3 3 c D)tumw °° a 0) 0) N N 3 Q 0' (D0' (D ID 3 W N N N m m N N N c 7(D d 0 0. ?j a O O O O O C C C C C C O C O tO (o to (Q O fO to (D N? N N y y y y y an C lD 0 o v o n a a CL OL <<< <<< < o m m w m o - o d o p a > % v v v v mm mm < < < < < < < < < < m m mmmmm m m > > > > > aaaaa y l< - _ _ '0 N? t. Nn N ( - Oo (O N N A OOO N N 0 O U 1 CD 0 OD A N N O ) OD O O A il N NO)? OD O) A N ? CA (T (n N AN c W N A W N--)-BOO OVA N? 000 O t(D O 0 (OA N N N W 00 N 0 0 OD o 4 (nNN W -+ (n N O (D c a) oo A (Nn N 3 7 O T M O i l A N W Of Of N (O ? ? ? A (p O c - - 7 percent finer than 0 CL CD O O O O o o O O 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD o 0 0 0 0 N ' C (D Co 0) v cn A Ut O Cn 0) CD m 3 0 3 0 _ Co 0 N W p V C O ? W * : 3 1 CA a i M CD N' ? 3 (D y. (D N N 7 0 0 0 ° y 3 4 ;: Q O v ? •C. O fD CO O N O W ° y N' O IV 0 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 0- 0 y u:l C Q N a v < m m m a m ? _ c C O (D o o O O O O N 0 0 o O 0 0 (D 0 O O I O O O - O O (n in '0 N sapiped;o jagwnu m y I I y I I I I ? I I ? I I I 1 I I I I I I y I I to I I a I I I I I I I I I I ? 1 I m I v 6 (D 6 O a (D n U) O typ lD O N e i i 0 A N Cu m (7 N x WW T d 17 (D a 0 C N O 00 Z O) < < < (D (D < c m 3 m CD 3 42 Q 3 3 (D Z < ? n m d N w CD 0 0 0 0 l7 ° ° ? E 3 a ) O1 3 dd ° wwo )m - ooo z N 3 O 07 (T or rr rr (D (D 3 - ry O) N N 3 3 O) N m :3 N C 7 7 O N d m d O" ° O O O O O C C C C C S S S n AO Cc) 00 O O (D fQ fO (O tO (O ( O ' CD CD C (n m N (n 3 m to y. (D a R o p p) p O 0 37 . . . O a O O O CL O) ID Cr Cr Q Cr Q Cr d Q d d w w w w d m d < < < < < < < < < w d m d 0) > d ) CD (D CD- , mm mm(Dmmmmm m anann ? a) N D. N ? w OoA N N 0) W N w 000 C) A W N -+ NNO e O) AN 0 0 N N E ? O Cl) N L4 E; au Ln (T mN A ID I N -+ (T W A N? t0 0)A W N•-?•--BOO OA N-+000 0 pp (OOA N N N a)p ON0O ACJiNNO)-+ Vt N 0 0 j O ao A (NT N 7 0 0 W V N A W N O W O) (O 07 A (O C 0 0 7 percent finer than co CL Cl) O _ N W A (T O) V O O O O O O O OD O (O O O O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 000000(h (D OD Q) W W N (J) A 0 O W m N Q 3 o (D O 03 V l < C7 N? O O (O IV O C O 7 (o N NIN o' v) n I ? x N (D m ( ' 9 5' m . y 7 7 0 a v D) .? (D 3 Q n O v C N CD O ('') A j N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L7 . W 0 N O 0 0 N O" n c m Q @ ? n 0 0 < 3 O O A V O O 0 0 0 o p C r fU 0 0 C L < N 0 O O I ? O O N O O U) O ( n a soloilied;o jagwnu (D H I I w t I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I y I I D) I I o- I I I t t t I Q) 0 o- a O OI n O N N O) o' W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 °o N W O n mm >r W T) N .T1 m v 0 C W N O OD Z m m m V)) m (p 2 d°' n 3 3 md 000 a? z ° oo? m 1 c N Ol 3 f0 C N > c (R / f/, N N C C 7 7 7 y O a tit O C V y O fl Cr O N N 3= m m m m 3 3 N CD (D in in C> 7 N m 3 m m (!)• O) . d O 0 0 C C C C C 0 0 0 0 9 9 D ( (O uQ (O (O co co ' w d d y y y y y G' N O O "O O a O a a a Cr Cr v or Q Q m m N w o) w < < y w N N D) (? p O). O p) n a > 77 _ D O) (D ( D (D ( Q 6 (D N N N < < < < < < < E E S E (? E E a O 7 7 7 7 7 a a Cl a a N < . (D C I I I I N , AN 0) ON) ODN (O 0) A W N 0 0 N N8) C) (n ' O ODA N N O) OOD OA (nNNO)?OD0) AN ?(n Vt (nN I I AN Ot W N W (0 0)4 W OD 0)4 N? 000 O 6 0 Cl 0 O 0) N N (n OD N O OO Co A (n N N M -+ <n N -? O N C O)OD A CLn N • 3 I M - O . V N c O , O - W percent finer than Co Q O N O O W A Ot O) -l O O O O O OD O (0 O O O C o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O n (D 0000000 O ' (D O O O n A (n O W - O ( 3 (o W 0 0 O 0 _ N, b) 6 m m C y N O ? W (o U) O1 O y a y ' (D N (D ' N 7 m (D (D N y 7 7 0 vi. O D) (D _ .? 3 Q (1 O (n O.C. N CO (n W W O N' _ O N O O O O Q n y m C Q _ N v < m m R m O < O O Co O N (D C) N 0 0 0 °o O c N 0 0 <' CL (D \o 0 O O I ? O O C ) Cn O O n O Vt (n a solol}ied;o jagwnu m v) I I y I I C I I ? I I ? I I I I I I I I I I I D) I I (O G N O Q a U O C (D n 0 y (n (D 2 0 A 80/Z ssfl liodag IeuiA CAW - xaatD JollnM $ig - Z1b00 1 1 1 1 ' >12JED NiviNnow scold NOllflgl'dLSIQ ADNTIOHNA INnoD 2118HAd ILIA-9 xiaNaddd 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 O A N W O n fD CD W 7 D) m -0 0 C N O 00 A N N 0 Z ° < < m 3 3 3 m -2 G 1, cD cD 3 01 E- E- :3 a) C =r Q N 6' 6 0' 6 Q m m 3 m m m m 3 3 m m m N in O 7 7 rn N m N °10 i ? 0 0 0 0 0 C C C C C 00 0? O O O ?O?omOCOmcaCo mm 3 mm m m y w w _. - ? 0 0 v o a a a a a v v v d m m d w d m m d d y m m d - O 0) ' O O SU Q 7 7C m m m m m Cr Q Q 6 m m m m < < < G < < < G G m m m m m N N m m 7 7 7 7 7 O O O O O p) ,< ? . _ _ _ _ AN V1 aDN f0(n A W N -? --? O O N N0) O N O , p DDA N N 0) OOD OA O)NN0)?00 a) AN --•Ot V10 ? O I I I I I AN --? Vt W I I I N? (O I I I I I I I I I O)A W N-?--?00 Q1A I I I I N? OOO 1 O d pp O O COA N N N 0) 0)O 00 N) 00O A(TNNO)•-? N O CD C C 0) W A Ot N N 3 =3 3 O O N W V DD V 00 N J N A ID A N 0 C O O percent finer than Ei; CD 0 N W A CT M -1 0 o 0 0 0 O O Co o _ W O o O N 0 0000000 0 00 0 o 0 o ? _ Co OD 0) m w Ui A UOi O Oi 0) (D 6 3 0 ? o CD ao 0) 0 4)N N W O O C W U) co w CL N Q O m ( n ' _ ? m 3 N m y. m m C y 0 0) 0 O Q L11 Q O O W A i CO ? n V O W Fj O m 3 3 - --------------- - (D O O O Cr N O' 0 m C_ Cr < N ' n' O < 7 D) m ? m Q,G 0 ? C C OD o m 0 0 O O O \ CD 0 O O I C) O OI N N O 01 O (J7 a sahlUed;o jegwnu 0 D ( m I I v, I I C I I I I ? 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O A Cb M Co -' C percent finer than Co Q rn O O C IC) O O G) O Co o oo c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ^ O N m 0 0 0 0 Vn A Ot O (n O) (D (D Q 3 m W O O n CO N Opp 6 Vt W A O C O ? W (n v O y Q i M a Co CD N y O) O O C . 01 47 0 0 0 vi. m 7 N C Co W + CD (D n 1 N O 7 _ A N' O) O (D 3 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O 0 O Q n y C _ 6 N N O- Q < m ? m a ? _ 0 C c () cn O) C) 6 0 \ \ c O G O) 0 O O I ? O O O) N O O Ut o ( T aN saloi}ied;o jagwnu (D y I I y I I c I I ? I I ? I I I I I I I I I I y I I w I I o- I I I I I I I ? I d I m 0 6 6 (D O Q O) n CA 0 y O) O N oda21 euid £.IW - aa.rD ioi ueM ili 80/Z S2Ifl u 1 x S-ZIb00 1 ?J 1 0 1 ' k'HVlf glliL UgWVNN-n SlOld NolIfIBMISIa ADN9n69x3 LNno3 TIse9d *IIIA-S xIQNgddV 1 t 0 A N W m n a m W 'fl w CD m 0 O 3 C N O O V) Z CD < m (D < ° fD d m 3 3 3 m Z < w y y 3 3 m w m o 0 0 0 0 w m w w L L 3 o 12D m 3 3 w - l i N (D Q o w ?? mm3= y y n CD CD 7 mmmm33mmm ?! !i Nm°?° w y w vvv6a O O O O O n n 0 O O O O O (O O (° coca (O (O (O m m 3 m m y ' m a 0 0 '0 0 d 4 Q ? d Q C" Cr Cr d m@@ m m m d v y y y y Co w w w w w r- 0 w O w O O a ° ? . N m m m m 6 Cr v Cr mm mm <<<<<<<<< mmmmmm m m m 7 3>>> aoaaa w l< ? O O W N 0 C) A N O W O0 N Co O) _ A W N -+ N 1 0 ) O m 1 O 00. -N N N 01 000 0 4 (7)NND)?CO 0) AN ?W N V1N I (D Al - Cn W N -? --+CD O A W N--+-+00 014 N --? O 00 O ( p 0 00 0 0) -N K) N N CA OD N CDOO 000O ACTNNO--? (T N O m C C 00 4 m Ui N O) 7 °i 1 3 n O O N A ? W N W A A ? N O1 Co Co V O O : T percent finer than o m N W A M O) V OD O O C O O O O O O O Cl O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O ovooop co 0) Cn W W CD l1 O Ln A M O ( (D or 3 m 0 0 o n O N V W O v O a) A N O 7 W (o C L N O y Q ? m v cn ? C m F' m ' m m w y O w p M 7 :3 3 CD O_ Q O C A n CD -I ...a N O Q m - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 ?0 0 0 o N v 0 a Q n y C m or N 0 O- U < ? C N (T C> m m O Q C o CD m 0 O O I ? p 0 N A O W ,? N ° O N A W W O "O w seloi}led jo jagwnu ° (D U) I I y I I C I I ° I I ? I I I I I I I I y I I w I I I I I I I I ? < I 0 a O C a m n CD O y 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 A N W O l7 N m W M D) .(1 N 0 O a C ;C1 Cn N O O Ln Z m N N < _ 3 ? R 2 _ Co °' °- y w Q d o oo aa Z i0 ? c c m 3 ' (0 C N w i i C C m i O O CD D) N .. N C 3 C' (D N N - n n 7 7 7 n (p (D N m 3 3 0 m m * N@ c 7 7 N O. _j 0. O O O O O C C C C C O O 00 8 - (0 (0 (0 Coco (0 Co Co 0 N N N N N N N N (D (D (D (D 0 0 0 a) y y C (D pj 0 O '0 O 0 a d 0 0 Q Cr Q O v N O) d 0) N 0 - O d 0 O ?a>X . . . mmm mm Q Q Q mmmm < < < < < < < < < -(??saaa a > > > > 7 aO aaa y << - 1 ? ? -- _ A N -? O O) O N 0 W A W N -+ --• o o ? N N 0) O cn (D 4 OoA N N 0 00 0A 0 NNO»OO O) A N ?(T Ot (TN O ? (D A N --• LT, W N? , (O O) A W N B Co O) A r,) 0 00 O (p O O (OA N N N 01 00 ip pNpO ANNNO? V1 N-? O (D C C 0) OO A (T 0 ^) 3 3 C) EJ percent finer than a N O _ N W A Ot O V O O O O Co O O OD W O O O O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 n fD O 0000000 ' T 0 0 (n A U( O (7) O) N O- Q 3 ° °3 0 0(» WN N 0)V C N 0 3 [A SU O 0. y X, U) ? (D -0 N N N' C =3 N (n. N 0 Co y 7 7 y N 3 . ? (D Q Q O .... .C.. W ° (1 (D _ M. N 7 N' O Q N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. 0 _ O 00 O -4 O y V n m C_ Q d O Q < 7 0) C O N A N O -4 M 0 0 ° O O 0 0 0 CL <' N 0 O O I C) ° C) (n w O M O (77 O Vt ? saloiped;o jagwnu m m U) I I y I t I I ? I I ? 1 I I I I I I I I I y N I I I 1 I I I I (0 1 6 Q O' S. O I fD CD O y y N o' N 1 1 1 1 1 r II 1 1