HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161183 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20161216Environmen ta( QUality PAT MCCRORY rlo,:ern„i uoN a�� a. vnN u�k vAnaT ircrc�an JAY LIMMF,RMAN I �A�dk Ducato: Decerr�ber 16, 2015 Crange County NCDWR Project No. 201G1133 Bridge I S on SR 1421 WRS Element No. 17BP]. R.93 APPROVAL oi A0: W'ATER QUALITI' CERTIFICATfO\ and Jmdau l.ake 6UFFER AUTHORIZATION Kith AUDITIUNAL CONUITIONS Mr. J.M. Mills, P.G. Division Enginzer NCDOT, Division 7 PG Box 1499'v Greensboro, NC 27415 Dear Mr. Mills: You have our approval, in accordance with the conditions listed below, for the following impacts for the purpose of replacing Bridge 18 over UT to Back Creek [Index No. 16-I &(I); WS-II, HQW, NSW] on SR 1421 (Lib Road) with a hvo-barrel reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC) in Orange County. Si.c I Totals Siie � Zone 1 Impact fsq ft) --1----- 1 4,355 Totals 4,355 'Le:n;,erxry Fil! �e Perennial Stream tliaear ft) Im acts in the Ca e Fear Permanrnt Fill ir, Perennial Stream � (ii�iexr ft) Culver[ RipRnp IS�rearii imp�c[s Tutai Strearo I�nnncl Reyuiring Qinear R) Mi[igation (linear ft) 28 42 57 127 28 99 127 Total Stream Impact Cor Preject: 127 lioear feet. Jordan Lake Ri arian BufTer Im acts minus I — Zone 1 Zone 1 QuTf�r �,:��: Zone 2 in:nus Weflands 8uffers (not Mitiga[iun hnpacl Wetlands in Zone I wetlands) Required "' (sq ft) I in Zone 2 (sy f.) (sq fi) �(using 3: i ratio) � (sq ft} - - 871 - - - 871 - Totai BuCfer Impact for Project: 5,?26 sGuare ieet. = Zc�e 2 I Zone 2 Bufter Buffers Mitigation lnot ReyuireU (using wettands) I.5:1 ra[ia) —�Y��— =-- -- _ i _ ihe project.=.hail be constructed in accurdance with yeur application dared received Novembe�r 28, 2016. After reviewing your apphcation, we have decidc:d that these impacts are cevered by General Witer Quality Certitication Number 3Jiiti. This certification corcesponds [o Che Nationwide Permit 14 issued by .he Corps of Engineers. �i his approval is alse valid for the Jordan Lake Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCP.0 .03B .0267). In additio�, you should - - � Nothing Compares --� Slato u(Nu:th CacLne I Cnvimr.mcntal Qu21iLy 161 I M3il Service Cl..tcr i R�leigh_ TJor[h Ca-ohma 27c49 ! 61 I (iiq 7.i..'�00�! aaq�aire any othe: federal, state or local permits before you procced with your project inc:uding (but not liriited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire wiili the accompanying 404 pet-nit. This approval is valid solely for the purpose and design described in your application (unless modified below). Should your project change, you must notify the NCDWR and submit a new application. If the property is sold, the . neu c;��vner must be given a copy of this Certif cation and approva? letter, and is thereby responsible for co�nplying -�s�iih a.l tY:� canditions. If tata; wet;a ,d fills f�r th:s project �nov� :�r li-� the fiz� �re) exceed one acr�, �r of tatal � i,-nnacts ±o st;•ea�ns (now or in thE �aturE) exceed l 50 linear feet, car:ipensa�ory �nitigatic�n may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .OSC6 (h) (6) and (7). Additional buffer impacts may require compensator� mitigation - as described in 15A NGI�e 028. �295. ror this approval to remain valiu, yau must adh:,:e to the co�ditions listed i.-� ihe attached certification(s) and any additional conditions listed beiow. Co��etian(s) a: Certi�cs�ion: Project Speci6c Condi4ions :1. All storm�vater runoff sha?1 be dire�ted a5 sheetflow through stream buffers at non-erosive velacities, unless � otherwise approved by this certification. (15A NCAC .02B .0267) .. ... . 2. _ All riparian buffers impacted by the placement of temporary f Il or clearing activities shall be restorec� to the preconst�uction contours and revegetated. Maintained buffers shall be permanently revegetated with non-woody species by the end of the growing season following completion of construction. For the purpose of this condition, maintained buffer areas are defined as areas within the transportation corridor that will be subject to regular NCDOT maintenance activities including mowing. The area with non-maintained buffers shall be permanently revegetated with native woody species before the next growing season following completion of constiuction. (i5A NCAC .02B .0267) - 3: -Pursuant to i5�i Ni,AC-GZB .G2S7, seiliment and erosion cor�trol devices shall not be placed in Zone 1 of auy - buffeT• without �rior approval by the TJCD�VR. At this time, the N�DWR nas approved no sediment and __~ _ �rosiora contrvl d�vices in Zone -1, outside of che appraved projecl irripacis, anywhere on tnis project. Moreover, -. _ � - s�diment ancl_eros:on con�rol devices shall be, al,_ewe� ir. Zore 7 af the buffers p:ovi�ed that Zone 1 is nat -. � ca::lpror.ised and that discharge is relPased as diffuse flow. � 4: �� �ny modifcations to this 4C1 Water Quality Certification triat propc,se additic,ual strearri impacts or increased -�impervious s�a:-face requiri�ig additional storm���ater management may be subject the Jordan Water Supply Nutrient Strategy (15A NCACO2B .0267). The NCDOT shall coordinate with the NCDWR prior to submitting � a.modification request to d�termine the app!ica�:?ity of the Jurdan VJater Supply Nutrient Strategy. . 5. :� As a condition ef this 401 Water Quality Certif cation, the bridge demelition and construction must be accomplished in strict compliance with the most recent version of NCDOT's Best bianagement Praciices for Construction and Maintenance Activities. [15A NCAC 02H .0507(d)(2) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5)] - - .� 6: Culvert.shali be�desigue�ito:mimic naiural sn•eam cross section as closely as possib]e including pipes or ban•els at flood plain elevation and/or sills where appropriate. Widening the stream channel should be avoided. Stream _..,._ ._ channel widening at the inlet ar.outlet.end of structures typically decreases water velocity causing sediment - - dzposiiior. that requires incr�ased maintenance and disrupts aquat:c life passage. [15A NCAC 02'rLC50G(b)(2)] --- -- --- -7: For the 2� linear feet of sh•eams being impacted due to site dewatering activities, the site shall Ue graded to its preconstruction contours and revegetated with appropriate native species. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 8. . Riprap.shall nc�i be placed iu the acti.ve_thalweg chat�nel or placed in the streambed in a manner that pr�cludes a.c�uatic lif� pa�sage. '3iee�tgi:�eering'�oul�i�rs or si�a,t�ires sho��j 1�� }�rr,rerly �esi� .ed, si�.e� and i��s�alled. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] �, . Strrn,water;snail ne directed io veg�ta��d bufzet- a.•e�s, �c•ass�?�ited ditches or other rr.ean ; apur��riate i:o the siiP . S�r thP p��rp�se ot �;re-treat�ng st�rrr� water.; i�noff pricr to dischargirg direct�y into st: eam_s. 1'�iouain� of e�isting vegetated Uuffers is stror,gly disccuragcd. -� 10: N�DG�T �hall be in cor:ipliar�ce with th� Nf'L�ES Pe;m:t NCSC00250, inclnding the applicable requiremer.ts cf � General Permit NCGO 10000 for Construction Activities. Because UT to Back Creek is classified as High � Quality Waters ('rIQZV) arid Waier Supply (`vVS-II}, NC��T shali use Design Standards iri Sensiiive • Watersheds.(1�A NCAC 4B.0124[a]-[ej) 11. Tall fescue shall not be used in the establishment of temparary or permanent groundcover within riparian areas. _ For the establishment.of_pe�-maneny herbace�us cover, erosion cantrol matting shall be use� in conjuncr_io�i ��ith �. an a�prapriate nati ✓e seed m;x cn disturbed sails ��ithin the ripurian ar�a �.r.d an distu;bed steep slopes ;��i±h the . - following eYce�;tifln. Erosi.er, control ma�tir�a is nvt necessars% if the area is cantained by �erijr.eter erosion control devices su�h as silt :ence, tem�orary� sediment ditah�s, basins, etc. Pdattir.g sh�ald be secur�d in pluce . with•stapl;,s, stak�s, or wherever pcssible, :ive siakes af :tdtiv2 trezs. Erasian con�rol rr�atting placed in ripariar. areas sha11 not contain a nylon mesh grid, wnich can impinge and entrap small animals. For ihe esiablisnment � . of temporary a oundcover yvithin riparian areas, hydrosee�ing alon� with wood or cellulose bas�d hydro mulch applied from a fertilizer- and�lir:iestane-free ta.�lc is allowable at th� appropriate rate ui coni�nction witu the eresion cor�lro: measures. I3.SLi131'biCg ilj�(IiCSZEC� 1T'iiXCUl'ES Sll� w�ad c�r cel:ulose ��a1c11 ir.t� surfaae waters ir �� - prohibited. Riparian areas are defined as a distance 25 feet landward from top of stream bank. Gemeral Conditions 1. Unless otherwise approved in this certification, placement of culverts and other structures in open waters and � � sreams shall be placed below the elevatian of t'.ie streambzd by on� foat for all cu'.verts �vitr a diamete; graater _._ . _ . th�n 48 inches, and.20 percent of the culvert diameter fnr culveris having a diam.eter ]ess than 48 inches, to allow _. low flow passage of water and aquatic life. Design and placement of culverts and other structures including temporary erosion control measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in dis-equilibrium of wetlands or streambeds or banks, adjacent to or upstream and downstream of the above structures. The applicant is required to provide evidence that the equilibrium is being maintained if requested in writing by NCDWR. If this condition is unable to be met due to bedrock or other limiting features encountered during construction, - piease contact NCD�%R for guidance on how to proceed and to deteimine whether or not a permit modification � will be r�quired. [15A N�AC 02HA506(b)(2)j --.:. .:�. If concrete is_used ciuring cansiructio�i, a ciry wo�•k area shali be maintained to prevent direct contact between . °_ curing uonr.reie and siream water, tiJat�r �hat inadvertentiy cnntac`rs un.�u•ed concrete sriall noi be discharge�l -. .-� -._ to s��rfa:,z wa:e�s due to th� poten�ia] for elevated YH a,^�d �es�ible aqaatic life a.nd f;sh ki11s. [15A T��AC 02B.0200] 3. ~ Put°ing ihe cor,s7uciicn of �he prcject, no s�agir,g oi eqaipr�ient af any kin�i is pern,iiteu ir, waters of the ti.S., or protected riparian buffers. [ISA 1�TrAC 02H.0506(b)(2)1 4. The dimensier, pattern ar.d profile ef the stream above and below the crossing shall not be cno�ified. . Disturbed floodplains and ctreams sha11 be restored to natural geomorphic c�nditions. [15:� NCAC 02_H_.�506;b)(2)] 5. The use of rip-rap above�the Normal High Water Mark shall be minimized. Any rip-rap placed for sheam stabilization shall be placed in stream channels in such � manner that it does not impede aquatic life passag�. �15A NC�C 02H.G506tbj(2)] 6. ThePermitkee shall.ensure that the.final design drawings adhere to the permit and to the permit drawings su�mit�e� f�r a�proval. �iSA NCAC 02�I.OSCi7(c) a�d 15r�;v'CAC 02H .u�G6 �b)�2} ard (c)(2)] 7. Atl work in or°adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted in a dry work area. Approved BP�IP measures from the most current version of NCDOT Construction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandbags, rock uerrAs, cofferdams a.nd otner diversioti st; uct�res sha11 be used to przvent axcavation u� flowu�g water. [ 15A NCAC 07H,0506(b)(3) and (cl(3)] 8. Heavy equipment shall be operated from the banks rather than in the stream channel in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce the introduction of other pollutants into the stream. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)] : �. Ail rn:chanizer� �aaipne�t operat�a naar �tu�f�ce �ate=_•s must �e regularly �r�s�Pctec's ai�d maintained ta ni'eV�P_t . �or�tami,�ati�r af strear,l waters from fuels, lubrica�ts, h�rdra�alic flai�s, ar at;�er te,xic .natsrials. [15A �NCA� �'�H.�505(�1�3}j 10. No rock, sand or other materials shall be dredged from the stream channel except where authorized by this certiiicaiion. [15A NCAC 02H.0505('0)(3)] 11. Discharging hydroseed mixtures and washing out hydroseeders and other equipment in or adjacent to surface waters is prohibited. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)] .2. T9:e ge; rnittee and its auth.erized a�ents sh41f conduct its aati��ities in a manner �onsistent u�ith State :�vate: qua:it�,� � . standards (;ncluding any r£quirements resul:ir�g from conpliance with §3C3(d) of the Clean �Va±er Actj and aay� other appropriate requirements of:State an3 Federal 1aw. If tHe 1`TCDWR determ:r.es that such standards or laws - are-not being met (including th;, fail•are to sustain a des:gnatzd ar achieved use) ar that State or :ede: al law is being - violateci; or tfiat further condiiions are necessary to assure compliance, the NCDWR may reevaluate and modify this cerfification. [15A NCAC 02B.0200] 13. Al: �fil:- slo�es located �in jurisuicticnal �>>etlar.ds shall be placec� at slopes no fla�ier than 3:1, uni:,ss otl-i�itivise -. authorized by this certification. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] -• 14. A copy of this Water Quality Certification shall be mair.tained on the construction site ai all times. In addition, the . . � Water Quai_ity Certificatien and all subsequent mod:fications, if any, shall be maintained with the ]�ivision Engine�r and the on-site project manager. [15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(2) and (c)(2)] _.... 15. . The _ outside _bnffer, . w�tland_ ar, water boundary locateci within the construction c�o?ridor approved by this authorization shall be clearly marked by highly visible fencing prior to any land disturbing activities. Impacts to areas within. the .fencing are prohibited unless otherwise authorized by this certification. [15A NCAC 02H.0501 and .0502] 16. The issuance of this certification does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, -� regulations, ur ordinances ihat may�be imposed by other government agencies (i.e. local, state, and federal) having � jurisdiction; including-but-not limited te applicabie buffer rules, storm�vater management ruies, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirernenis, etc. �� __ i7.� Tne Permittee-shall repor� any vioiations ot ti�is cer'iificaiion io the Division of `vVaier Resour�es within 24 houis ._- ._ o. discovery. f; SA N� A.0 028.0505(b)(2)' -- . ._.._. _l 8... Upon completion.of the project,(including any impacts at associated borrow or waste sites), the NCDOT Division � •� Enginee� �(ar appoiniez) shall �compiete and rerain the enclosed "Certificatior� of Completion Furin" to natify ihe °- -� - NCDWR.when all wark included in the 401 Certificatien l�as �ee� cor.!pleted. �15A NCP.0 02H.Q502(fl] � 19. Native ri�arian �egetatien mustbe reestablish�d in the riparian areas within tl:e const:uctior. limits of the project .. ,.. ... ry.the end of the growing season following completion of construction. [] SA NCAC 02B.0267(10)] 20. There shall be no excavation from, or waste disposal into, jurisdictional wetlands or waters associated with this permit without appropriate �modification. Should waste or borrow sites, or access roads to waste or borrow sites, � be located�in.wetlands or strearis, compensator;� mitigation will be required since that is a di.rect impact from road const��uction ac�ivities.[15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3) and (c)(3)] 21. Erosion and secliment control practices must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proner ._ __ desigr,, instailati�n and operatioiz and mauitenanae of such Best �anagement P.actiaes in arder to protect surface • wa±ers standards [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3) and (c)(3?): a. The erosion and sediment control measures for the project must be designed, installed, operated, and maii�tain�d`in accordance.with tl;e. most recent version of the Nortl� Carolina Se�inze�:i and Er°oszor �ont��ol Planning Pnd Design .Manual. - �J. ��IE �2S[�"R, insta.11atii)ll; G��i?.iis7?l,.a:i�' ii1�1�.tEii�lilC:; Of i11E S�Ci�CP.0I1� 82t� 0iO570r c�ntrol an:2�t!ii.5 lilU�i i�F such that they equal, or exceed, the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow ..- sites, �nc�.��aste pile.(spoi�� ;�rojecis� ll7C�liC�lIln conira�tor-o�x�ne� or lease�3 horrow pits assacia�ed with the project. .G. For bon-o�%_pii sitzs,-t�ie erasion an� sedi�r�ent controd mea�ares must Y�e designed, installed, cperated, and rnair�tai:.ed 'ui accerdance ytiritu tl:e mest recent version af the 1Ve-rth Cai•olincs Sz:rjace Mining Mo.:�url. d. 1'he reclamation measures and implementation must comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requiremenu of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. 22. Sediment and erosion control measures shall no[ be placed in weNands or waters unless otherwise approved by [his Certification. [ I SA NCAC 02H.0506(bx3) and (c)(3)] If you wish to contest any statement in the attached Certification you must file a petition for an administmtive hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the o�ce o�Adm:nistrative hearings. You must file the petition with the office of Administrative Heazings within sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrativc Hearings acccpts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of S:OOam and S:UOpm, except for otTicial state holidays. The original and one (1) copy of the peti[ion must be filed with tl�e Office of Administ�ative Hearings. The petition may be faxed-arovided the original and one copy of the document is received by the Office of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. The mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Telephone: (919) 431-3000, Facsimile: (919) 431-3100 A copy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Sam M. Hayes, General Coiu�sel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center 1'his letter completes the review of the Division of Water Resuurces under SecGon 401 of the Clean Water Act. [f you have any questions, please contacx Dave Wanucha at (3361776-9703 or Dave.Wanucha@.ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, / 1/ (/' / - - Q,�- S. Jay Zimmertnan, Dire or Division of WaTer Resources Electronic copy only distribution: Dave Bailey, US Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh Field Office lerry Parker, NCDOT Division 7 Environmental Officer Nicole Thomson, NCDOT Division 7 Environmental Supervisor Assistant Travis Wilson, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Dave Wanucha, NCDWR File Copy Environm en tal Quafity PAT MCCRORY ��a n -i 110NALU It. VAN DCR VAART ;�,:icia��� IAY I.IMMERMAN i � �n� ia ; �� �: <<„� NCDW'I2 Prujecfi No.: _ Cuuniy: __ ______ Applicant-: --__-- ---- Project Name: Da[e of Icsuaecs ef 401 Wa[cr Quality Certification: CertiGcate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved wi[hin [he 401 Water Quality Ce�Yification or applicablz Buffer Rules, and ar,y subseq,uent modificatior,s, the applicant is reGuired ro remm thi; certifica[e ro the 401 Tran,porta:ion Permitting Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Resources, 1617 Mail Service Center. Raleigh. NC, 27699-1617. This form may be retumed to NCDWR by the applicant. the applicant's authorized agent, a� Ihe proiect engineer. it is not necessary to send certificates from all of these. .qpplicqnt's Certificatiott �, , hereby sta[e [hat, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial comphance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certitication and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. �innature' -- — — --- -- - Date: --- — — — - -- --- -- AgcnP.s Cerlificatlon � , hereby state that, to the best of my ahilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliauce and intent of tht 4Q I W'ater Quality Certitication and Buffer P.ules, tl�z app: oved pSans and specificationc, and other suoportine materials. Signature: Date: Engineer's Certifcnlion Partial Pinal � , as a dul, registered Professioral Er.gincer in the State of Nor[h Carolina, having be2n au[��orized to observe (periodically, weekly, fu!I time) the construction of thc project f•�r thz Permittee hereby state [hat, [o the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in [he observation of the construction such tha[ the cons[ructiun was observzd to be built within substantial compliance and in[ent ofthe d01 Water Qualitq Certitication and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specitications, and other supportine materials. Signature _ Date Registration No. ` ''Nothing Campares :- , Sta',e bfN��rJ� Camifna I Cm�imnrneirtai Quahrv IS:I Uail S,nica Crntsr', k�lvigh. Nbrth C:uahna 3769)-;G� I ;lU.on' c,10�'i