HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161221 Ver 1_R-5311A Individual_CAMA Cons December 8 2016_20161209Carpenter,Kristi From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Rivenbark, Chris Friday, December 09, 2016 8:09 AM Tracey Wheeler (Tracey.L.Wheeler@usace.army.mil); Ward, Garcy; Brittingham, Cathy AI-Ghandour, Majed N; Chapman, Amy; Daisey, Greg; gary�jordan@fws.gov; Jennings, Jerry D; ken.riley@noaa.gov; Koch, Thomas K; Carpenter,Kristi; Mellor, Colin; NCDOT Service Account - Roadway Design; rachel.sweeney@noaa.gov; Staley, Mark K; Staples, Shane; Wilson, Travis W.; Twisdale, John W; Wilkins, Ronald B; Willis, Thomas C; clarence.coleman@fhwa.dot.gov; Cynthia VanDerWiele; Joyner, Drew; Militscher, Chris (militscher.chris@epa.gov); Monte Matthews (Monte.K.Matthews@usace.army.mil); Tony Able (Able.tony@Epa.gov); Ayscue, Phillip W; Harmon, Beth; Stanton, Tyler P; McInnis, Jay Permit Application and CAMA Consistency Certification for R-5311A, Hertford County Follow up Completed The permit application for R-5311A has been prepared. The electronic copy can be viewed/downloaded at https://connect.ncdot.�ov/resources/Environmental/ under Quick Links. This email serves as our permit application submittal to the N.C. Division of Water Resources. A hard copy will be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A hard copy of the CAMA Consistency Certification will be submitted to the N.C. Division of Coastal Management. Chris Rivenbark Project Development & Environmental Analysis Natural Environment Section North Carolina Department of Transportation 919-707-6152 office crivenbark(c�ncdot.cLov 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 1020 Birch Ridge Drive Raleigh, NC 27610 ,:t s_r.:�ail correspondence �;� :,nci from t'his send���� �s subject tc 'he :. �'�,blic Records Law anc! ma�� be disdosed to third parl ��s. � �{�FiS�f}fd� t f rJfl-. Deceinber 8, 2016 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 2407 West Sth Street Washington, North Carolina 27889 Attention: Ms. Tracey Wheeler NCDOT Coordinator P�T �'[c�'�C�k�` (;frrrrnnr NI�H�I�A�� J, TFh11�lYSC�T� .5�e�r:�e�Fu1 k� Subject: Application for Section 404 Individual Permit and Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the proposed improvements along NC ll from west of SR 1130 (Modlin Road) to east of NC 11/SR 1213 (Old NC ll Road) Hertford County. TIP No. R-53llA. Debit $570 from WBS 45449.1.1 Deat- Madam: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to construct a grade separation at SR 1130 (Modlin Road) and interchange at Old NC 11/ SR 1213 (Old NC 11 Road) in Hertford County, NC. R-5311A is a section of R-5311 (unprovements to existing NC 11, SR 1212 (Shortcut Road) and portions of existing US 13 froin just south of the NC ll intersection with NC 561 to the US 13 interchange with US 158 and NC 45). R-5311B (remainder of R-5311 froin just south of the intersection of NC 11 and NC 561 to the intersection of US 13/US 158/NC 45) is currently unfunded and has a projected let date in FY 2030. Therefore, this application is only for R-5311A. The purpose of this letter is to request approval for a Section 404 Individual Permit and Section 401 Water Quality Certification. In addition to this cover letter, this application package includes the following for R-5311A: ENG Fonn 4345, stormwater management plan, permit drawings, utility pei7nit drawings, roadway plans, Screening Indirect and Cuinulative Effects (SICE) Report, DMS acceptance letter and 4B/4C inerger meeting minutes. Purpose and Need The purpose of the proposed project is to improve the safety along the NC ll corridor at the intersections of SR ll30 (Modlin Road) and Old NC 11/ SR 1213 (Old NC 11 Road) in Hertford County. Project Description The proposed action involves construction of a grade separation at SR 1130 (Modlin Road) and interchange at Old NC 11/ SR 1213 (Old NC ll Road). Full control of access is proposed. The total project length is 1.12 miles. - ="� �'i�vthinc� �ornp�r�s'=�a� State of North Carolina I Department of Transportstio�� � Project Development and Bnviromnental Analysis 1000 Birch Ridgc Drive I 1548 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, NC 37699-1548 919-707-6000 Summary of Impacts Waters of the U.S.: Proposed permanent impacts to jurisdictional areas total 11.47 acres of permanent wetland impacts. There are no jurisdictional streams or surface waters in the project area. Summary of Mitigation The NCDOT has avoided and minimized impacts to jurisdictional resources to the greatest extent possible. The proposed construction of R-5311A will result in unavoidable impacts to 11.47 acres of non-riparian wetlands that will require mitigation. The Department has acquired the compensatory mitigation for these unavoidable impacts from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ)-Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). Project Schedule Currently, R-5311A is scheduled to let June 20, 2017 and R-5311B is unfunded and is not scheduled in the 2016-2025 STIP. The NCDOT will apply for an additional permit for R-5311B when the project is programed in the STIP. Construction will not commence on R-5311B until relevant permits have been received based on final design. NEPA Document Status The Environmental Assessment (EA) and the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) were approved in October 2013 and December 2015 respectively for R-5311. These documents are available at https://xfer.services.ncdot.gov/pdea/EnvironmentalDocs/Documents/. Resource Status The project is located in Chowan River Basin and lies within Hydrologic Units 03010203 and 03010204. This is within the Northern Outer Coastal Plain eco-region. Jurisdictional areas within the project study area were reviewed by the USACE (Tracey Wheeler) and by NCDWR (David Wainwright) on January 23, 2014. Impacts to Jurisdictional Resources Impacts to jurisdictional wetlands are summarized below in Table 1. [2] Table 1. R-5311A Wetland Im acts Permit FONSI Map Permanent Temporary Mitigation Drawing Site Label Type Impacts (ac.) Impacts (ac.) Required Number 1 WT Non-riparian 0.92 0 Yes (1:1) 2 WY Non-riparian 0.62 0 Yes (1:1) 3 WU Non-riparian 0 0 Yes (1:1) 4 WY Non-riparian 4.29 0 Yes (1:1) 5 WU Non-riparian 0.92 0 Yes (1:1) 6 WZ Non-riparian 1.07 0 Yes (1:1) 7 WX Non-riparian 2.76 0 Yes (1:1) 8 WY Non-riparian 0.33 0 Yes (1:1) 9 WZ Non-riparian 0.56 0 Yes (1:1) Total: 11.47 0 11.47 Note: In addition to permanent impacts, there is 0.50 acre of proposed hand clearing in wetlands Permanent Impacts: Proposed permanent impacts for R-5311A include 9.27 acres of fill, 1.17 acres of excavation, and 1.03 acres of inechanized clearing in non-riparian wetlands. Utility Impacts: There will be less than 0.01 acre of permanent impacts to non-riparian wetlands due to overhead power pole installations. Please see attached utility permit drawings. Protected Species The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists two species, and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) lists one species that are federally protected in Hertford County as of March 7, 2015 (Table 2). Table 2. Scienti�c Name Acipenser oxyrinchus s ecies listed for Hertford Coun Common Name Federal Status Atlantic sturgeon Picoides borealis I Red-cockaded woodpecl Trichechus manatus West Indian manatee [3] Habitat Biological Present Conclusion Endangered No Endangered No Endangered No No Effect No Effect No Effect Northern long-eared bat The USFWS has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and NCDOT far the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is "May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect." The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8, which includes Hertford County, where R-5311A is located. Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGPA) In the July 9, 2007 Federal Register (72:37346-37372), the bald eagle was declared recovered, and removed (de-listed) from the Federal List of Threatened and Endangered wildlife. This delisting took effect August 8, 2007. After delisting, the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (Eagle Act) (16 U.S.C. 668-668d) became the primary law protecting bald eagles. Nesting and foraging habitat are not present in the project area, nor have bald eagle nests or individuals have been seen within a 660-foot radius of the project area. Moratoria There are no in-stream work moratoria required for R-5311A. Cultural Resources As noted in the FONSI, the selected alternative will not have an impact on Historic Properties. Additionally, in a letter dated October 15, 2015 from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), SHPO concurred with NCDOT's recommendation that no further archaeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project since the project will not involve significant archaeological resources. FEMA Compliance The project has been coordinated with appropriate state and local officials and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to assure compliance with FEMA, state, and local floodway regulations. Mitigation Options The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts, and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all remaining, unavoidable jurisdictional impacts. Avoidance measures were taken during planning and NEPA compliance stages; minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design. �4� Avoidance and Minimization All jurisdictional features were delineated, field veriiied and surveyed within the corridor for R-5311A. Using these features, preliminary designs were adjusted to avoid and/or minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas. NCDOT employs many strategies to avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas in all of its designs. Many of these strategies have been incorparated into BMP documents that have been reviewed and approved by the resource agencies and which will be followed throughout construction. All wetland areas not affected by the project will be protected from unnecessary encroachment. Individual avoidance and minimization items are as follows: • No staging of construction equipment ar starage of construction supplies will be allowed in wetlands or near surface waters. • NCDOT and its contractors will not excavate, iill, or perform land clearing activities within Waters of the U.S. or any areas under the jurisdiction of the USACE, except as authorized by the USACE. To ensure that all borrow and waste activities occur on high ground, except as authorized by permit, the NCDOT shall require its contractors to identify all areas to be used to borrow material, or to dispose of dredged, fill or waste material. Documentation of the location and characteristics of all borrow and disposal sites associated with the project will be available to the USACE on request. • All of the proposed drainage has been designed to have as little environmental and surface water impacts as possible. • Ditches were designed using BMP grassed swale criteria. Velocities at wetland features are non-erosive. • The 11,240 feet of ditches were designed using grassed swale criteria to reduce flow velocity, promote sedimentation, iniiltration and runoff attenuation. • Sediment and erosion control devices will be utilized where appropriate. • The use of hand clearing rather than mechanized clearing where possible. • Considering environmental, hydraulic, and roadway perspectives, 3:1 slopes are proposed within the wetlands where most practical. Compensation The NCDOT has avoided and minimized impacts to jurisdictional resources to the greatest extent possible as described above. The unavoidable impacts to non-riparian wetlands will be offset by compensatory mitigation (1:1 ratio) provided by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ)-Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). An acceptance letter from DMS is attached. Indirect and Cumulative Effects A Screening Indirect and Cumulative Effects (SICE) Report for R-5311 was completed in October 2013. A copy of the report is attached. As indicated on page 13 of the report, the screening assessment resulted in a"Not Likely" conclusion. As a result, no Land Use Scenario Assessment (LUSA) was performed. The overall conclusions of the Indirect Effects are summarized on page 16 and the Cumulative Effects are summarized on page 18. [5] Essential Fish Habitat The project will not impact any Essential Fish Habitat afforded protection under the Magnuson- Stevens Act of 1996 (16 U.S.0 1801 et seq.). Regulatory Approvals Section 404: Application is hereby made for a USACE Individual 404 Permit as required for the above-described activities. Section 401: We are requesting a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from NCDWR. We are providing this application to NCDEQ, for their approval. Authorization to debit the $570 Permit Application Fee from WBS Element 45449.1.1 is hereby given. CAMA: Under separate cover, NCDOT is submitting a request for a CAMA Federal Consistency Review from the N. C. Division of Coastal Management for R-5311A. A copy of this permit request and its distribution list will be posted on the NCDOT website at: https://connect.ncdot.�ov/resources/Environmental Thank you for your assistance with this project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Tyler Stanton at tstanton@ncdot.gov or (919) 707-6156. Sincerely, i�. ....--- iG�''` �� � f Philip S. Harris III, P.E., C.P.M. Natural Environment Section Head cc: NCDOT Permit Application Standard Distribution List [6] U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS FormApproved- APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT OMB No. 0710-0003 33 CFR 325. The proponent agency is CECW-CO-R. Expires: 31-AUGUST-2013 Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 11 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of the collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters, Executive Services and Communications Directorate, Information Management Division and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003). Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103, 33 USC 1413; Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rule 33 CFR 320-332. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies, and the public and may be made available as part of a public notice as required by Federal law. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application qnnot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and/or instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE F/LLED BYAPPLICANTJ 5. APPLICANT'S NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (agent is not required) First - Phillip Middle - S Last - Harris III First - Middle - Last - Company - NC Dept. of Transp.- Natural Environment Section Company - E-mail Address -tstanton@ncdot.gov E-mail Address - 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS: Address- 1548 Mail Service Center Address- City - Raleigh State - NC Zip - 27699 Country -USA City - State - Zip - Country - 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOs. w/AREA CODE 10. AGENTS PHONE NOs. w/AREA CODE a. Residence b. Business c. Fax a. Residence b. Business c. Fax 919-707-6156 919-250-5785 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION 11. I hereby authorize, to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructions) TIP R-5311A (Proposed improvements to NC I I from SR 1130 to NC11/SR 1213, Hertford Co.), WBS 45449.1.1 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable) Address 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Latitude: =N Longitude: �W City - State- Zip- 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (see instructions) State Tax Parcel ID Municipality Section - Township - Range - ENG FORM 4345, JUL 2013 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. Page 1 of 3 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE See attached vicinity map 18. Nature of Activity (Description of project, include ali features) Construct a grade separation at SR 1130 (Modlin Road) and interchange at Old NC 11/ SR 1213 (Old NC I 1 Road) 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) To improve the safety along the NC 11 corridor at the intersections of SR 1130 (Modlin Road) and Old NC 11/ SR 1213 (Old NC 11 Road). USE BLOCKS 20-23 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge Wetlands will be impacted by construction activities, i.e., widening of road, replacemenUextension of drainage structures. 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards: Type Type Type Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Please see attached permit drawings 22. Surtace Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see instructions) Acres 11.47 acres of non-riparian wetlands or Linear Feet 23. Description of Avoidance, Minimization, and Compensation (see instructions) See attached cover letter ENG FORM 4345, JUL 2013 Page 2 of 3 24. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? �Yes QNo IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 25. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., WhOSB PCOp@Ijy AdJO1�S th8 W8t8�bOdy (if more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list). a. Address- See attached mailing labels City - b. Address- City - c. Address- City - d. Address- City - e. Address- City - State - Zip - State - Zip - State - Zip - State - Zip - State - Zip - List of Other Certificates or Approvals/Denials received from other Federal, State, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL* �DENTIFICATION DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED NUMBER �' Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flood plain permits 27. Application is hereby made for permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that this information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. - IZ-��- ZO/6 P SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE Nr �H�+��P ,(: t-Ff1R��S �' The Application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345, JUL 2013 Page 3 of 3 Transporta tion December 8, 2016 N.C. Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 ATTN: Ms. Cathy Brittingham, NCDOT Coordinator Subject: Certification for DCM Consistency for the proposed improvements along NC (Modlin Road) to east of NC 11/SR 1213 (Old NC 11 Road) Hertford County WBS 45449.1.1 Dear Madam: PAT McCRORY Governor NICHOLAS J. TENNYSON Secretary 11 from west of SR 1130 TIP No. R-5311A The purpose of this letter and infonnation package is to request concurrence from the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) for the North Carolina Department of Transportation's (NCDOT) consistency certification for the above-mentioned project. This package consists of the supporting information, half size plan sheets, permit drawings, utility plans, and the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) acceptance letter for R-5311A. NCDOT proposes to construct a grade separation at SR 1130 (Modlin Road) and interchange at Old NC 11/ SR 1213 (Old NC 11 Road) in Hertford County, NC. R-5311 A is a section of R-5311 (improvements to existing NC 11, SR 1212 (Shortcut Road) and portions of existing US 13 from just south of the NC 11 intersection with NC 561 to the US 13 interchange with US 158 and NC 45). R-5311B (remai»der of R-5311 from j��st south of the intersection of NC 11 and NC 561 to the intersection of US 13/US 158/NC 45) is currently unfunded and has a projected let date in FY 2030. Therefore, this certification request is only for R-5311A. The NCDOT is also submitting an application for a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 404 Individual Permit as well as a N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Individual 401 Water Quality Certification. NCDOT has reviewed the State's coastal program under 15 CFR 930.58 and 1 SA NCAC 07M. Specifically, we have considered the shoreline erosion, mitigation and coastal water quality policies, and the Hertford County CAMA Core Land Use Plan. The NCDOT certifies that the proposed activity complies with the enforceable policies of North Carolina's approved management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent witll such program. If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Tyler Stanton at (919) 707-6156 or tstanton@ncdot.gov. Sincerely, % � _�d��- Y� '� ��� �}n,� Philip S. Harris III, P.E., C.P.M. T�' Natural Environment Section Head cc: Greg Daisey, NCDCM �Nothing Compares�_ St�te of No�yh Carolina I Department of Transportation � PDEA-Natural Environment Section 1020 Birch Ridge Drive, 27610 �] 598 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, Noiyh Carolina 27699-1593 919-707-6000 T 919-212-�785 F Coastal Zone Consistency Certification Supporting Information for the NCDOT's Request to Construct Improvements along NC 11 from west of SR 1130 (Modlin Road) to east of NC 11/SR 1213 (Old NC 11 Road) in Hertford County, NC. NCDOT TIP No. R-5311A. History R-5311A is a section of R-5311 (improvements to existing NC 11, SR 1212 (Shortcut Road) and portions of existing US 13 from just south of the NC 11 intersection with NC 561 to the US 13 interchange with US 158 and NC 45). R-5311B (remainder of R-5311 from just south of the intersection of NC 11 and NC 561 to the intersection of US 13/US 158/NC 45) is currently unfunded and has a projected let date in FY 2030. Therefore, this certification request is only for R-5311A; however, due to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation, much of the supporting information provided below pertains to the entire scope of R-5311. The section of NC 11, SR 1212 (Shortcut Road) and US 13 to be improved under this project were originally part of two alternatives studied under the proposed US 13 Ahoskie Bypass project (TIP Project R-2205). Project R-2205 would have widened portions of existing US 13 to a four-lane, median divided facility, upgraded the highway to either freeway or expressway standards, and would also have included a new location bypass of Ahoskie. However, Project R-2205 is no longer funded in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and project development studies for this project have been discontinued. Due to safety issues along the section of NC 11 and US 13 between Ahoskie and Winton, particularly at the intersections of NC 11 and NC 561 and NC 11/SR 1213 (Old NC 11 Road) and NC 1 l, TIP Project R- 5311 was programmed in the 2012-2018 STIP. It should also be noted that in September 2010, NCDOT closed one approach to the NC 11/SR 1213 (Old NC 11 Road) intersection to temporarily address safety concerns. This project has followed the NEPA/404 Merger process. The Merger process is an interagency procedure integrating the regulatory requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act into the National Environmental Policy Act decision making process. On September 14, 2011, the merger team concurred on the purpose and need (Concurrence Point 1) for this project. As a result, a Citizens Informational Workshop was held on March 27, 2012. At the Concurrence Point 2 meeting, which was held on September 19, 2012, the merger team concurred on alternatives for detailed study. The merger team concurred on the appropriate structure types for stream crossings (Concurrence Point 2A) at a merger team meeting held on June 18, 2013. The Public Hearing was held on June 9, 2014 in Ahoskie, NC to obtain public input on the location and design of the project. The Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) (Alternative 1) was selected following the Concurrence Point 3 meeting, held on November 20, 2014. Finally, Avoidance and minimization measures were agreed upon at the Concurrence Point 4A meeting held on September 3, 2015. The NCDOT completed the Environmental Assessment (EA) October 31, 2013 in compliance with NEPA guidelines. The EA explains the purpose and need for the project, provides a description of the alternatives considered, and characterizes the social, economic, and environmental effects. The EA was approved and circulated to federal, state, and local agencies. Then following the EA, a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSn Statement was completed December 23, 2015. Copies of the project documents have been provided to regulatory review agencies involved in the approval process. Additional copies are available at https://xfer.services.ncdot.gov/pdealEnvironmentalDocs/Documents/. Project Description The proposed action involves interchange at Old NC ll/ SR project length is 1.12 miles. Avoidance and Minimization construction of a grade separation at SR 1130 (Modlin Road) and 1213 (Old NC 11 Road). Full control of access is proposed. The total All jurisdictional features were delineated, field verified and surveyed within the corridor for R-5311A. Using these features, preliminary designs were adjusted to avoid and/or minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas. NCDOT employs many strategies to avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas in all of its designs. Many of these strategies have been incorporated into BMP documents that have been reviewed and approved by the resource agencies and which will be followed throughout construction. All wetland areas not affected by the project will be protected from unnecessary encroachment. Individual avoidance and minimization items are as follows: • No staging of construction equipment or storage of construction supplies will be allowed in wetlands or near surface waters. • NCDOT and its contractors will not excavate, fill, or perform land clearing activities within Waters of the U.S. or any areas under the jurisdiction of the USACE, except as authorized by the USACE. To ensure that all borrow and waste activities occur on high ground, except as authorized by pernut, the NCDOT shall require its contractors to identify all areas to be used to borrow material, or to dispose of dredged, iill or waste material. Documentation of the location and characteristics of all borrow and disposal sites associated with the project will be available to the USACE on request. • All of the proposed drainage has been designed to have as little environmental and surface water impacts as possible. • Ditches were designed using BMP grassed swale criteria. Velocities at wetland features are non- erosive. • The 11,240 feet of ditches were designed using grassed swale criteria to reduce flow velocity, promote sedimentation, infiltration and runoff attenuation. • Sediment and erosion control devices will be utilized where appropriate. • The use of hand clearing rather than mechanized clearing where possible. • Considering environmental, hydraulic, and roadway perspectives, 3:1 slopes are proposed within the wetlands where most practical. Alternatives Along with the No-Build alternative, a total of six alternatives were considered for R-5311. Four of the six (Alternatives 1, 3, 5, and 6) were studied in detail. These study detailed alternatives were presented at the June 9, 2014 formal public hearing and are described below. Alternative 1— Freeway (Part New Location) This alternative proposes the upgrade of existing NC 11 and SR 1212 (Shortcut Road) to a four-lane freeway from south of NC 561 to US 13. A four-lane roadway on new location would be constructed between SR 1212 (Shortcut Road) at US 13 and existing US 13 at its northern intersection with NC 461. Full control of access (connections to the facility are only provided via ramps at interchanges) is proposed for this new roadway. Existing US 13 would be upgraded to a four-lane freeway between the northern intersection with NC 461 to south of US 158/NC 45 and interchanges would be constructed at the 2 intersections of NC 11 with NC 561 and NC 11/SR 1212 (Shortcut Road) with NC 11. All other crossing roads would be grade separated or have their access removed and turned into cul-de-sacs. Additional right of way would be required to construct the new road segment east of existing US 13, between US 13/SR 1212 (Shortcut Road) and the northern US 13/NC 461 intersection. As noted above, Alternative 1 was the selected LEDPA far R-5311. Alternative 3 — Freeway/Expressway (Existing Location) This alternative proposed the upgrade of existing NC 11 and SR 1212 (Shortcut Road) to a four-lane freeway from south of NC 561 to US 13. The portion of US 13 from SR 1212 (Shortcut Road) to NC 461 would have been widened to four lanes with partial control of access (one driveway per parcel). Existing US 13 would have been upgraded to a four-lane freeway between the northern intersection with NC 461 to south of US 158/NC 45. Interchanges would have been constructed at NC 11 and NC 561, NC 11/SR 1212 (Shortcut Road), and the northern US 13 intersection with NC 461. Alternative 5 — Superstreet (Existing Location) This alternative proposed the upgrade of NC 11, existing SR 1212 (Shortcut Road), and existing US 13 to a four-lane roadway from south of NC 561 to south of US 158/NC 45. Partial control of access would have been obtained along existing US 13 between SR 1212 (Shortcut Road) and the northern intersection with NC 461. Although an interchange would have been constructed at the northern intersection of US 13 and NC 461, a superstreet design would be utilized at the remaining intersections. Alternative 6— Superstreet (Part New Location) This alternative proposed the upgrade of existing NC 11 and SR 1212 (Shortcut Road) to a four-lane roadway from south of NC 561 to US 13. A four-lane roadway on new location would have been constructed between SR 1212 (Shortcut Road) at US 13 and the northern intersection of US 13 at NC 461, which would have been become a grade separation. Full control of access would have been obtained for the new location portion of the project beyond SR 1408 (Saluda Hall Road). Existing US 13 would have been upgraded to a four-lane roadway between NC 461 to south of US 158/NC 45. No interchanges would have been constructed with this alternative, but a superstreet design would have been utilized at the NC 11/NC 561 and the NC 11/SR 1212 (Shortcut Road) intersections. Mitigation Compensation The NCDOT has avoided and minimized impacts to jurisdictional resources to the greatest extent possible as described above. The unavoidable impacts to non-riparian wetlands will be offset by compensatory mitigation (1:1 ratio) provided by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ)- Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). An acceptance letter from DMS is attached. Protected Species The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists two species, and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) lists one species that are federally protected in Hertford County as of March 7, 2015 (Table 2). Table 2. Federally prot Scientific Name 4cipenser oxyrinchus �xyrinchus 'icoides borealis �'richechus manatus E - Endangered Northern long-eared bat l species listed for Hertford ommon Name tlantic sturgeon ed-cockaded woodpecker Test Indian manatee ederal Habita� tatus Presenl E No E No E No No Effect No Effect No Effect The USFWS has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and NCDOT for the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is "May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect." The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8, which includes Hertford County, where R-531 lA is located. Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGPA) In the July 9, 2007 Federal Register (72:37346-37372), the bald eagle was declared recovered, and removed (de-listed) from the Federal List of Threatened and Endangered wildlife. This delisting took effect August 8, 2007. After delisting, the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (Eagle Act) (16 U.S.C. 668-668d) became the primary law protecting bald eagles. Nesting and foraging habitat are not present in the project area, nor have bald eagle nests or individuals have been seen within a 660-foot radius of the project area. Cultural Resources Archaeology and Historic Architecture As noted in the FONSI, the selected alternative will not have an impact on Historic Properties. Additionally, in a letter dated October 15, 2015 from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), SHPO concurred with NCDOT's recommendation that no further archaeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project since the project will not involve significant archaeological resources. Indirect and Cumulative Effects A Screening Indirect and Cumulative Effects (SICE) Report for R-5311 was completed in October 2013. A copy of the report is available upon request. As indicated on page 13 of the report, the screening assessment resulted in a"Not Likely" conclusion. As a result, no Land Use Scenario Assessment (LUSA) was performed. The overall conclusions of the Indirect Effects are summarized on page 16 and the Cumulative Effects are summarized on page 18. Other Permits In addition to the DCM Consistency Determination, permits to be obtained for this project include an Individual Section 404 permit and an Individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. Division of Coastal Management (DC1Vn General Policy Guidelines for the Coastal Area The general policy guidelines in 15A NCAC 07M have been reviewed for applicability to this project in its entirety. Explicitly, the .0700 rules (mitigation), and the .0800 rules (water quality) were reviewed. This project will not affect shoreline erosion or shoreline access. However, this project will require compensatory mitigation and impact water quality. This project has been designed to avoid and minimize jurisdictional areas to the largest extent possible. Best Management Practices will be in place during construction; compensatory mitigation will be provided through NCDMS. Hertford County CAMA Land Use Plan The Hertford County Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Land Use Plan Update was adopted on January 18, 2011. This plan analyzed existing and emerging conditions by stating policies and implementation actions in order to guide development in the CAMA permitting process. According to the Hertford County CAMA Land Use Plan, much of the growth that the Town of Ahoskie has experienced in recent years has been single lot and multi-lot subdivisions for new modular homes. The local planning team also expects increased development along the Chowan River. Additionally, the Hertford Counry CAMA Land Use Plan Update, a majority of Hertford County's land use is agriculture and forestry operations. The county intends for development to occur in areas that can access current and planned infrastructure. The Future Land Use Map shows a majority of the NC 11/iJS 13 corridor in the study area slated for rural development; the area of the corridor just north of the northern NC 461 intersection with US 13 and southeast of the Town of Winton is marked as developed. Properties within the rural development area generally have access to limited services such as county water, police, and fire protection. As such, land uses cannot support a high density of uses without extension of full municipal services. Rural development areas are allowed a residential density of 2 units per acre, with an average of 30% lot coverage. After reviewing the various policy statements, NCDOT concludes that this project is consistent with the Hertford County CAMA Land Use Plan Update. 5 Mitigation Services ENVIRONMENTALOUALITY �.AT MccxoxY Gorrrnvr DONALD R. i�AN DER VAART s«<�r«,, October 14, 20I6 Mr. Philip S. Harris, III, P.E., CPM Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 Dear Mr. Harris: Subject: Mitigation Acceptance Letter: R-5311A, US 13 / NC 11 Improvements from west of Modlin Road to east of NC 11 / SR 1213 (Old NC 11)), Hertford County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) will provide the compensatory wetland initigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you on October 13, 2016, the impacts are located in CUs 03010203 and 03010204 of the Chowan River basin in the Northern Outer Coastal Plain (NICP) Eco-Region, and are as follows: Strcam and River CU Eco- Wctlands Basin Location Regiou Cold details. Impacts � Chowan � 030]0203 � NOCP Stream Cool ! Warm �Vetlands Riparian Nan- Coastal Riparian Marsh 0 10.85 0 lmpacts � Chowan I 03010204 I NOCP � 0 ! 0 I 0 I 0 � 0.62 � 0 � e of the stream and wetland impacts may bc proposed to be mitigated at a 1:1 mitigation ratio. See permit application for Currentl��, DMS does not ha��e non-riparian ���etland mitigadon credits available in Chowan 0301020�4 and proposes to utilize non-riparian �i�etland credits from Chowan 03010?03. DMS commits to implementing sufficient cornpensatory wetland mitigation credits to offset the impacts associated with this project as determined by the regulatory agencies in accordance with the In-Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010. If the above referenced impact amounts are revised, then this mitigation aceeptanee letter will no longer be valid and a new mitigation acceplance letter will be required from DMS. 8420. cc: If you have any questions or need additional infonnarion, please contact Beth Harmon at 919-707- Since , , �� � � James S anfill Credit a � gement Supervisor Ms. Tracey Wheeler, USACE — Washington Regulatory Field Office Ms. Amy Chapman, NCDWR File: R-5311A State of North Carolina Lmiro�mental Quality Mitigation Services 1652 MaiJ Sen ice Center � 217 W. Jones Stree4 Suite 3000 � Raleigh. NC 27609-16i2 914 707 8976 T Project: Date: Location: Time: R-5311A 4B Meeting Minutes 3/21/2016 _./ Enc�irt�erin� R-5311A (US 131NC11 AT NC 111SR 1212 (SHORT CUT ROAD) AT NC 111SR 1213 (OLD NC 11 ROAD) February 18, 2016 NCDOT Structures Conference Room CCA 8:30AM Minutes Authored by: Kyle Stoffer, ICA Engineering Attendees: Paul Atkinson- NCDOT Hydraulics Craig Freeman- NCDOT Hydraulics Nishont Shah- NCDOT Hydraulics Jay Mclnnis- NCDOT PDEA Tracey Wheeler- USACE Jim Hauser- NCDOT NES Garcy Ward- NCDENR DWR Mark Staley- NCDOT REU Cathy Brittingham- NCDENR DCM Tina Snell- NCDOT RDWY Tyler Stanton- NCDOT NES Gary Lovering- NCDOT RDWY Keith Paschal- NCDOT SMU Larry M. James- NCDOT Utilities Travis Wilson- NCWRC Trent Cormier- ICA Engineering Kyle Stoffer- ICA Engineering patkinson@ncdot.gov cafreeman2@ncdot.gov nmshah1@ncdot.gov jmcinnis@ncdot.gov tracey.l.wheeler@usace.army.mil jhauser@ncdot.gov garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov mstaley@ncdot.gov cathy.brittingham@ncdenr.gov tsnell@ncdot.gov tstanton@ncdot.gov glovering@ncdot.gov kpaschal@ncdot.gov Imjames@ncdot.gov travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org trent.cormier@hdrinc.com kyle.stoffer@hdrinc.com Agencies expressed concerns with the large proposed ditch lines along -Y1- and -Y2- and their prospective impacts to the wetlands. It was stated the project drainage design should ensure all proposed ditch depths and geometries be comparable to existing conditions to minimize wetland impacts. It was stated by Trent Cormier that the proposed drainage design limits hydraulic trespassing and maintains existing hydraulic and hydrological conditions. Plan Sheet 4: It was requested by Tracey Wheeler to move outfall node 0508 and the riprap pad outside the wetland boundaries to minimize wetland impacts. Plan Sheet 5: It was stated by Trent Cormier a proposed ditch along alignment -EL- (Sta. 320+00 to 322+91 LT not shown in plans) had been added in response to NCDOT Hydraulics review comments. It was also stated the ditch does not require a riprap pad at the outfall into the wetland due to a flat slope and a non-erosive flow velocity. Plan Sheet 6: No comments or concerns Plan Sheet 7: Trent Cormier explained the proposed drainage design had changed in response to NCDOT Hydraulics review comments in the gore area between -Y2RPB- and -Y2LPB- and gore area between -Y2LPD- and -Y2RPD-. The 36" RCP equalizer pipes had been replaced with drainage boxes and outlets (not shown in plans). Tracey Wheeler requested the riprap pads located in the wetlands within -Y2LPD- and -Y2LPB- loops be eliminated or reduced in size if possible. Trent Cormier stated the riprap pads at these locations were required to ensure non-erosive flow velocities and were sized based on NCDOT standards. Plan Sheet 8: No comments or concerns. Plan Sheet 9: No comments or concerns. Plan Sheet 10: No comments or concerns. Plan Sheet 11: Garcy Ward questioned what happened to the flow in the ditch along -Y2- at Sta. 70+00 LT downstream of the 18" RCP driveway pipe. Trent Cormier stated based field recon the flow reenters the wetlands downstream of the driveway pipe located at Sta. 70+00 LT along -Y2- and this location is outside the project area. Pro�ect: Dake: Location: �"ime: Fir�al R-5�11A 4C Mee#ing Minutes s,r���zois �,� Engineering R-53'�1A �US 13lHC'E1 AT NC 1115R'��12 (SHqRT CUT R�AD) AT HC 11lS� a2'!3 �OL� NC �i �iaAD} Avgusk 17, 3016 NCD4fi Hydntulics Confgrence Roam CC6 '11:OOAM Minutes Aukhored by: Kyle StofFer, ICA Engineering Attendees: Paul Atkinson• NCDOT Hydraulics Graig Freeman- NCDOT Hydraulics re Monte l�attheu�rs•USAC� Pareshkomar Fatel- M�Q(}T STIIP Jay Mcfnnis• NCDOT PDEA Kyle Bames• USACE Carlas Moya•Astudill• NCDC3T TPQ Gr� aaisey- �1CDENR DCM Mark Staley NC�OT R�IJ Cathy Briltingham- NC�1�hli� DCM 5cokt Emory- NC�OT RE DiV 1 Chris Rivenbark• NCDOT NES Gary Lavering- NCDd7 RDWY Amy Chapman-NCDENFi UEQ Larry M. James- NC�OT Ukilities Kifah Kamil- NCDOT lltilities David Fuh- ICA Engineenng Kyle StoFfer- ICA En�ineering f� � patkinson�ncdot.gav cafr�emar�ncdot.ga+r rnorrte.k.mattherws@��sace.aemy.mil pb�atel@ncdat.gov jmcinnis@ncdot.�DY kyle,w,bames@usace.army.rnif cemoya�ncdflk.gov greg,daisey�ncdenr.gov mskad�ey��acslot.gov cathy.brit�ingharr�ncdenr.gov semory�ncdot.g4v crivenbark�ncdat.gov glovering�ncdot.gor► amy.chapman�ncdenr.gav Imjames�ncdot.gov kkamil�ncdot.gov david.fuh�hdrinc.com kyle.stoffer�a hdrinc.com Mark 5taiey, Amy Ci�apman, and 5cott Emory stated the impacls not within the woads lin� thal a�e curren8y designated as mechanized cfearir�g s�oufd t�e reviewe� to dete�ine if they may be designated as har�d efearing to reduce mitigat�on requirements. Post meeiinq Larry James r�quested tf�e uUl'rty impacts to be shown and quantified separately fmm the roadw�y umpacts. ICA Engineering will coordinate wit� Ehe NCDOT Ut+lities Unit for c4arificat�on ofi plan requirennents, Kyle Bames and Amy Chapman expresse� arncerns u�th #he �aroposed ditc#i lines alflng -Y� - and -Y2- and thear prospec�ive ir�pacts ko tMe we�ar�ds. li v�as stated by K��e St�ffer and Pauf Atkins�n �at the prajec# drain�e di�c� d�sign �9eptfias and gea�net�i�es ar� camparabl� to the existing conditions tn minimize weEland impacts and maint�ins existing hydraulic and hydrological conditians. Stam�water Management Plan Sheet: No comrnents or conoems. Title 5he�t; NQ aommenis or ooncems. Plan Sheet 4: Sike 9, the clearing hatching is missing frorn outside dii�h edge to the proposed right nf w�y boundary. Mark Staley r�quested the impacts not in woods line should be reviewed if hand cEearing is possible instead of inechanized dearing. Post meeting Chris Rirrenbark had concerns if the fill slope ai Site 1 aEDng alignment -EL- (Approx. 311+507to 312+75 LT) is needed. After review by ICA Engineering and NGDf}T Hydraulics Unit it was determined the fill slope was not need to facilitate drainage and has been removed �s an impact. Plan Shee� X-24a No c�mments ar concer�s. P1an Sh��# 5: Sit�e 3, �hris Rivenbark asksd if the proposed ditch could be pul]ed back and outlet to natural ground to elimznate r�echanizeci clearir�g, Ky9e Stoifer stated the propased ditch is d�sign� to �cr�mmodate the final future cor�dibon arad the ditc� needs ta tie tv th� uvefianti to maintain tia exis�ng draina�ge pattern. Post meeting Chris Rivenbark asked if t�e proposed ditch outfall cauld tie back inio the existing dit�h line before it enters fhe wetlands to avoid impac;tts. Ai%r a review by ICA Engineering the last 50 feet of ths pnoposed �itch was revise�i to tie inta the existing ditch line and avoid all we�and impact� fvr the current design. Plan Sh�et X-7: No comments or cmnoems. Plan Sheet 7: Scatt Emory and Amy Chapman requested to revise the mechanized clearing to hand clearing outside the woods line around the interchange at Site 4, S�te 5, Site 6, and Site B. �C14 Engineering wilf revise and ta�ulate all proposed mech�nized clearing oukside the woods line to hand clearing. Post meeting Chris Rivenbark and agenaes a8ked if the fill slopes at the grade separation wauld e�end as far as is shawn on #he permit drawings at Site 5& fi. ICA Engineering has 000rdinated between the Roadway Dpsign and Siructures Nianagement lJnit to verify �he 611 slopes and transiiion to the overpass slope proie�tion. The permi#s have b�n r�vised and the impacts h�ve been r�uc�ed at Site 5 to minimize the irt�acts, The impacts at Site 6 remain ur�changed due to Detour i des�gn. P�an Sf�eet X•15: No cammertts or �noems. Plan 5heet X•SB: No camments ar concems. Plan Sheet X-51 � No comments or concems. P�an S�e�t X-43: No commenfi� ar ccyrtr,�ms, PF�n Sheef X-�: No camrr�;nts or concerns. Plan Sheek 8: No comments or concems. Plan Sheet 10: Post meeting Larry James steted only roadway impacts are to 6e shawn �nd tabulated in the permit padeag�. ICA Engineering will revise the permit drawings at Site 9 to anly show roadway impacts. Any impacts from the proposed utility ins#allations vrill be coordina�d lhrtwgh the lVCDQT U6lities Unit and 1 CA Eng�ne.ering will submit a separate �rmit package. PEarE Sfteet X 33: No canmenls ar conrems. Rlan Sheet 11: No oamments or ooncems. Wetland Permit Impact Summary Sheet; ICA Engineering will update the permit package based on requested mechanizBd tn hand clearing changes and tabulate impacta for the roadway impacts anly. E lif;h�ve1)r North Carolina Department of Transportation �tc�r�z��v�wlF•r ,, Highway Stormwater Program � STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN . (Version 2.02; Released April 2015) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: 45449.1.2 TIP No.: R-5311A County(ies): Hertford Page 1 of 1 General Project Information WBS Element: 45449.12 TIP Number: R-5311A Pro'ect T e: Roadwa Widenin Date: 9/28/2016 NCDOT Contact: Matthew Lauffer, PE Contractor / Desi ner: Trent Cormier, PE, CPESC, CPSWQ Address: NCDOT Hydraulics Unit Address: ICA Engineering 1590 Mail Service 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Ralei h, NC 27699-1590 Ralei h, NC 27607 Phone: 919 707-6703 Phone: 919 900-1608 Emaii: mslauffer ncdot. ov Email: trenton.cormier hdrinc.com Cit ITown: Ahoskie Count ies : Hertfard River Basin s: Chowan CAMA Count ? Yes Wetlands within Project Limits? Yes Pro'ect Descri tion Pro'ect Len th lin. miles or feet : 1.12 Surroundin Land Use: Agricultural and Low Residential Pro osed Pro'ect Existin Site Pro'ect Buift-U on Area ac. 38.0 ac. 8.3 ac. Typical Cross Section Description: NC HWY 11 & Short Cut Road (SR 1212): 2 paved lanes (total 24' wide), 8' shoulder on NC HWY 11 & Short Cut Road (SR 1212): open shoulder section, 2 paved lane (total each side (13' with guardrail), 4' paved. Varying fill and cut slopes (see project XSC's for 32' wide); Modlin/Modlin Hatchery Road (SR 1130): open shoulder section, 2 paved detailed information). Modlin\Modlin Hatchery Road (SR 1130): 2 paved lanes (total 24' lane (total 25' wide); Old NC 11 (SR 1213): open shoulder section, 2 paved lane (total wide), 8' shoulder on each side (11' with guardrail). Varying fill and cut slopes (see 24' wide). ro'ect XSC's for detailed information Annual Avg Daiiy Traffic (veh/hr/day): Desi n/Future: 10,667 Year: 2036 Existing: 7,333 Year: 2016 General Project Narrative: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has proposed to construct an interchange for and widen NC 11 in Ahoskie, NC. There are no proposed major (Description of Minimization of Water structures involved with the construction of the NC 11 Bypass. All of the proposed drainage has been designed to have as little environmental and surface water impacts as Quality Impacts) possible. Ditches were designed using BMP grassed swale criteria. Velocities at wetland features are non-erosive.11,240 LF of ditches were designed using grassed swale criteria to reduce flow velocity, promote sedimentation, infiltration and runoff attenuation. All proposed utility impacts and quantities will be shown is in a separate drawing. Waterbod Information Surface Water Bod 1: NCDWR Stream index No.: NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primar Classification: Su lemental Classification: Other Stream Classification: Im airments: A uatic T&E S ecies? Comments: NRTR Stream ID: Buffer Rules in Effect: Pro'ect Includes Brid e S annin Water Bod ? Deck Drains Dischar e Over Buffer? Dissi ator Pads Provided in Buffer? Deck Drains Dischar e Over Water Bod ? (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) General Project Narrative) ., � V W O � � � � •, � V � � O V See Sheet 9A For Index of Sheets See Sheet 9B For Conventlonal Symbols : . : : : . . : . : . : � : . : : .SITE:1-- :::::::::....: � TARBORO - �-- BEGIN TIP PROJECT R- —EL— POT STA 310 + 00.00 NOTES: 5`��`�'I� �]F� ����1[`°�II ��" �.����1[ �� � �������� �� �������� HERTFORD COU1�lT�' LOCATION: WEST OF MODLIN ROAD TO EAST OF NC IUSR 1213 (OLD 1VC 11 ROAD). C011lSTRUCT GRADE SEPARATION AT SR 1130 (MODLIN ROAD) A111D INTERCHANGE AT OLD 111C Il/SR 1213 (OLD 111C Il ROAD). TYPE OF WORK GRADI11lG, PAVI11lG, DRAIIVAGE A111D STRUCTURES 6EGIN CONSTRUCTION —ri— rv� ai,v so+e�.uu BEGIN CONSTRUCTION —r�— rvi �iH 3Utl/.3V= —DETI— PC STA 10+00.00 STATC TATF, PROJFFT RP,FSRP,NfE NO. �p ���� R-5311A _ � 45449'1.2 � NHF-0013��� oEPEon 45449.2.FS1 ' NHF-0013(37) . fLW " ' ' : : END TIP PROJECT R-5311A :• �-Y,2-- PT STA 23 + 91.20 L.B. _ : : : : : : EL= ;P¢Z: STA 368 + 91.18 L.A. ................... ....................... O ' � . . . . . . . \.ENU' BRIDGE' � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � _ , : : : : : : : : : : -. .—: .OT STA 5d + 60.08 : : : : : : : ' ' ....................... • • • • fNfl •CONSTR' �TI�'1,N : : : : : : ' � :..... . . . . . . . . . . . _Y2— �POT• SFA • 69 + �30.00; ; ' ,' a�''' :::::::::::::::::::::::::' 7 .�:::::�::::::�::::::::�::•;:. GLI THIS IS A CONTROLLED ACCESS PROJECT " " • • • " " " " " " " " ' � WITH ACCESS BEING LIMITED TO INTERCHANGES. : ; ; ; : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ' CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED : : : : : ' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ' PERMIT DRAWING TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD III. SHEET 1 OF 19 THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. wETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT DOCUMENTNOTCONSIDEREDFINAL ��LI�vIINA�Y9TPLA�T$ UNLE55 ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH Preparedfo�the '�� ;iziK;�,Ra�n,w���, �'DRAULICS ENGINEER North Carollrta Depor7ment s�,�re iuo ADT (2017) = 7,500 of Transportatlon adi�,�xh,vcz�ea� 50 25 0 50 100 /n tle offlce of: � C01iae'e�°� "�°�`" EiO�p Engineering oF �e ADT (2037)= 10,830 �� c.r,� PLANS K = �O % 2012 STANDARD SPF,CIFICATIONS �! �!� D= 55 % LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT R-5311A = 1.116 MILES DENA C. SNEAD, PE PE � s S[GhAT[/RE: rw . 50 25 0 50 100 T— 26 %* TOTAL LEIVGTH TIP PROJECT R-53IIA = 1.116 MILES �GHT OF WAY DATE: PROJECT ENGINEER ROADWAY DESIG1v � o ENGINEER V= 60 MPH JUNE 17, 2016 JORDAN C. BOND �_ .�< PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) * �ST =22% DUAL 4% l0 5 0 70 20 FUNC CLASS = ARTERIAL REGIONAL TIER saT��. �EErs PROfECT DES7GN ENG7NEER LETTING DATE: JUNE 20, 2017 GARY LOVERING PE ROADWAY DES7GN - PROJ6CT ENGI.NEER P.& Z �D (� sW �� cu_rnr.ho � �wr a- .irasr BEGIN F9dCE RENWVE 4 IF� �,• a _�--__�-__�-__�_�T,ra_`--�---�___�-Tro-_�--� NOIE: ENSUNE �IfCM MIS POSI7IVE DMINAGE i0 E7IISIING CFUWNB AT SfA � 91+W RT � � �.�( P ����4 ,` �' MP�CN�S� SHE� � ♦ '�1�y!�� +�+��I!}' . ��� /'i/�/ � 't' :► i `{f I �yt , � V�1t"�; �r� � '� � �'' ���y����'����' �� � � �����% �� � 1�/�1V � � ``*�� �f�� � � � �: ��1�;�� �.� #,�� � Y������� � ���i!}�I16: � ��,.�� � P � . �� � t �v��¢� 1 �� ��•+'``'� .� ,- r . �� ^ �� � 1 ���A�� � ': . �, �: �"��/ ' ��;��%� �� � ,,�,�-�� . ,���1 � �:: .�,,,, ��y7,� ^-�.� 1` _ 1 t FI co�urt u�o �o __r,rp-mJ� -�.--"--.`. �.__� �4 STAI�pARU Y DfTCM- SEE OETiUL N BEGIH FENCE OVERLAY EXISTING R0,4D� —EL— STA 310-J�0.0D TO 355fQ0.01D 6' DECN �RAINi � 12' O.C., Y1- FROM STA 74+19 TO STA Y4+IS N� SHL�. STA. i5+15 TO STA. 75+77 RT SHLG. STA 45+M TO STA. 46+96 R� SHLD. 57A, 2I+Z8 TO STA. I4+57 LT SHLC. STA.49+S1 TO STA.46+96 LT SHLG. STA.33+l7 TO 5TA.36+06 LT SHLC. O �ELAN6 R. LANG, .Ii. DETAIL A DEfAIL B DEfAIL D IAIERAL BfSE dfCH u�u s�,se orrai u�wu a�se orreM pwb emia ��w b r�da � w� � a�a G' ^ p 1'.I1. HA 1':n. ly CLLTMhTFD N°°� g� ian hu�. o- i p. 6 B FAIn. �= 1 F. B AUn. U=1 H. �= 8 p• B= 5 F. B=5 k. h- S F. 6- S F. h-YnRst YI- FR�MI STA f1+OG TO STA 2I+36 LT. _yF FROM SfA ZI+00 T6 SfA 7A+08 1[T. � FROM SfA 311+70 TQ STA 320+00 -Yl- FROµ STA 76+42 TO STA 49+00 LT. DEfA1L DETAIL H PLJ1N VI C r. sruawau anse orrcn Sr�4Nn4ao 'w oirtn `"�""""° `""�'�'' SITE 1 AND SITE 2 D la�d �. o- i p. e ooe- a cr g= 5 fi. 9APE=0.G% �� FaoM bTA.314+�r TO STA 914+70 LT Non�al � M o AAIn D- 1 H. �Ir F0.0M STA.313+45 TO STA.913+64 0.T DOE = 4 CY, SLOPE - 0.0% �L- FROIYV STAS75+15 TO STA.815+49 RT ooe = a cr, swre = a.o% �i«Qn�Nc�s�am R-5311A 4 NC Liesnes Ne: FOZ66 WW SMEEf NO. ROel�flAY UESIGN HY�RAULIG' ENGINEER ENGIN�t � � � ryop1 � � ` � PRELIMII�T Y PLANS � � „� ����«v uT. s a►se oriEr` ��ff PETAIL A � � � �� � � �OCYMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL � SITE 2 O � YNLlSSALLSI6NATURESCOMPLlTl� � � ~ + � � � � �� PERMIT DRAWING � � � � ��, �� � ` � �� � ` SHEET 2 OF 19 GLI� �` � � ` \ �^ �. CL B NIP RAP � � FST. 7 STy�U�1LE `�' `� `�' � `� � �\��r WOVEN WIRE FENCING SHOULD u�� %� o�rcH �s. 8E PLACED AT LOCATIONS DEEMED ��E DETAIL Q "� APPROPRIATE BY THE ENGINEER. �CL 6 RIP RAP �� � �'"Ti:.s�+��s; aT: �:1�4 � GEQTFSIILE � � � � �..�i��� _ — — � ~ � � � �k�g� c�rrsaTm O Q + Q N �hk�76o_� � � LChNYA- �E6! ~~ ��� � � �L—~ J = .38 E ,rc xw a- .x�asr u� vi I •� W W W �SMNOAw v o�rtn Z N Sff UEfA1L H J __-_T�_-���_-u��_�-�,a--��-__-.�`-_��� \�-^--��- D T�--- _ \ CL B RIP RAP �'� .. •' " � � EST.5 7tlN5 gT.14 SY GEOTEXf1LE ��\ �� `1 4� � 'i � ` 1 �� �i �1 11 � ` �n • � 2g k p0 1 ` : \ _�_ S�cA MA,�GH�'� S E SH�� Q iao 0 50 100 SCALE: I"= 100' HdRIZ. END CN1 � O�ELANO R �aNG. JL LEGEND - —�RB— - WETL4Nd BOUNdARY � �ENDTES EXCAYATION iN VYETUINU � �ENOTES FILL IN WETL4ND ������� �ENOTES MECFiANIZED ******* CLEARING � �ENOTES HANa FOR -EL- PROFILE, 5EE SHEEf 12 & 13 CLEARING FpR YI- PROFILE, 5EE SHEET 14 & 15 FdR 9RIDGE /PAVEMENT RELATIONSIiIP SKEfCFI, SEE SHEET 4B-�4 � , b121 � ro 100 W� P0.OJECf REFERBVCE ND. SNEET NO. � �i«Qn, Nc s�am R-5311A 4 . m Englnoaring Mc uaM. Ne: r.mse ww sNeEr ►ro. a � ao�aw�r o�swN rnowwucs ^., � QD ' / �f ENGINEER ENGIN�t S'� P '' i1 � � f �N� � E� � � �� � � � � + � p�1 hl�`��N S�� SH �,� �," "'` -`� �"' �`�' '.�= � � � °� PRELIMII�T Y PLANS � � � „� ����«v uT. a• a►se oriEr` ~ V" �-.� ti ��ff PETAIL A � ~ ��, 4 i t � 1 ��� � � �! , � `�� � "` > �OCYMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL ��� SITE 2 `� � � �� `"'F YNLlSSALLSI6NATURESCOMPLlTl� g ;}� � SO �!~ � � � � � �� PERMIT DRAWING � + � ,� �� �� ���. �� � ` � ���` SHEET 3 OF 19 GL�� ` I1] � i `�, ` ` � M�a�, �eais � �� � ��, � � � ` i � t _°�"-g � � � r � � ° �` rq4,"_ '`� �� i J �' r et �„�0 1 �� ; `✓ / �� �, � f'-"F�~ �P 'r t L� s �L B IIIP RAP % � y / �i � �\ ,� � � �i 6 �♦ t t � esr.s F ,e \�����•f.- �j `�� ���es-�`��`�y ��,r` �w��N �r� J ,or uU.oEre�ases iTCH � 1; � �}�� esr.7 s�sohxn�� � ��.2� '�.,�� � � +`�y�'r� � S� ��� i �.'�� ' L� j �l i'��+ `�� 3,-% �- x � ti � �� `- �,`> WOVEN WIRE FENCING SHOULD "� ���`�.o�� ,- � �� ,� �. �' �► � f � � ,d � �. �� �; ���.--, f ��� � r ��^`�'� ` �ti ► �1e�� >� SITE 1 ��E 1t,�� � `�j '/ AP ROPRIATE BYOTHE ENGNE �MED /�r ,�,� ` .� r i'� -�.. . ~��`T- � � �•�q � � 4}i tie� �1'�';��-=�� �1�� � � `� ��i s �--_� �•�,s�..c r� I ��,.,, �,r� °" 'y•• - - 11 �j � 'G � �'� 4R r�. \r� � `-r, t�e,��r�w�r�/ � �"� / r � �� ��� � � 1 � ��a� � � � i7 1 � M� � `\ 14 � f ti ' � ' . I� ra1 � ,�a sr Geb�zn� ' ` �'Cr � � � -e�'t % � � �� a,y1 � r-n1� s 1 1 . / 1 �1 � � � �, (� j � -- - „�` +�.e ---- ��,�^►c=�. ./ 4 ` 4 �� s^ / �c� � y �� �� � �� �> r. `,,!' �t i44 `���\0�/ see oew c +'�''v'' - / � ! �l S � I 1 I ` �� 4-ea>. � r� t r \ i� 1+ �: �� ��' � I� �� � ';. � �"`,� * � � � '°�` � r 1 �! � y � lc�nvahn � ��J '� I y � r�° r 1 i' 15" `' �� l� -� :�:..� l ���,��� ��_1�_� _sa--_�_-_ .�_-�`��,'`L4i3Nn7'm-- p � � ` / f / J � p ! 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EXISTIN�,,l�I7M � °��`y� 1�1�1i � 1� . ��' � y� {.� / TO E7IISIING CFUWNB AT SfA � 91+W RT � � [� r, i `; ! S� �+ I —EL— STA 310-l�O.OD TO 355 .GD � �d�� �, 1 1 y4 � 11 � 1 � � -. .. � ��� ! � �9s� ! t � I � ' � x\S t 1111 4 \ l � � _ 1 / �n` 0 l r � il 6' DECN �RAINi � 12'O.t., Y1- ���\\� 1 �4i`� y � 1 � .� � C.'� 1_,.'�� � ^-/ � � 0 FROM STA 74+19 TO STA Y4+IS R� SHL�. Wp �gr +�t j { L� I � � 'j � � �• t�� �y � � j� I a raons l � � srti �s+is To srn. zs+z� xr sH�o. � �T 4� 1\ f �� i�+� �, „1 � y� 4 a � � i�� I� � S s� �l � I� � sr� z�+ e To STA.I4+57 LT SHLC. J ��� 1 � i� y��`\ �+� 1 4 � I carnahn 1� '�� �� woms I�� �`-r�`. I ' r^' I r I `\ �� � 58-�+ `F ,� � � 1 � 1 SEE �EfAll OITC}I _ �� r�-� � � / � �l\ � � STA.49+S1 TO STA.46+96 LT SHLG. ��7 � $� y i / / � 1 i j 15v^�� j: ��R r, �1y,� � � � 1� � STA.33+l7 TO 5TA.36+06 LT SHLC. �-���`� � � !�{� P� ,l��i yy�1 Y, � ' �S i C �� �1 �. � � � - ~" �`�^� Z r�j P/ � \ _ � � 11 � \ e\;� Vlif 1 1 �� �1 " a € '• �� _ _ -- �1.,p �� -yyp[��j � '� __ �rxur �n"r 4 ^. � � `ti \ I ! l t _ � ! � � , �`� `ti� �4�' ? � 1 i ��---�� �� �� t ` 1� � � `` � 1 � END CN1 �J �� �` / �+ti �I �� � ei 1 � �r�' ,• s ! , �� ,\ \ � y 1 ; �,i , i\ !\ � 1 ��� � � �r e�H FENCE f � ti.� � l � r_ t � � �� ��` a.�c� �'r � a'� I �.,�,�� t �1 \`�i �` � 1 `Z "�,er.°' S,yr `•y.,1(y�,l '`", � '�� � , /� / t ` �' / \ 1 ti t � � � Y I � � O �ELANO R LANG, JL �° \` � t \ , � ! \ �ti\ y 1` � 1 ` EL � 1_ � � � �1 �` y� ` O J! '� �,� �j�t1 4t} � �� CN `�'-• '� �! e� � j�� �� t4h � ���ELAN6 R. LANG..Ii. � 4 �\ 1��� i i � DETAIL A DEfAIL B DEfAIL D ��'�� � .�` 11�, �� �1 i � � LEGEND •� IAIERAL BfSE dfCH u�u s�,se orrai u�wu a�se orreM "e °° ��wbemia ��wbs.db INrmada Y A k 0 d � � (�e � , ` ��, yR �� g�A 2g 4 - —�RB— - WETL4Nd BOUNdARY G' ^ p 1'.I1. HA 1':n. ly CLLTMkT7� �� j � � 4 ca a". e_p' �'. B Hw. o= i h. � B AUn. U=1 H. � � ;��. e H�.�N E �� Q � �ENDTES EXCAYATION E h- S F. B= 5 F. B=5 k. s \ �\�'�G S S� IN VYETLANU 6- S F. h-YaRst O 11�v�' � YI- FR�M STA f1+OG TO STA 2I+36 LT. � Q -YF FROM SfA ZI+00 T6 SfA 7A+08 1[T. � FROM SfA 311+70 TQ STA 320+00 � � • -YI-FROµ STA76+42 TO srAs9+oo u. �E WETWJD IN �°' DEfA1L DETAIL H P1..l1N VI C r. z� q siu�w�u ansE ortc„ N'w°'°'ao �°irCM �ENOTES MECFiANIZED `"�""""° `""�'�'' SITE 1 AND SITE 2 ������� 9 ******* CLEARING e��e d p p � N�i � �d� � w� I �p_ � p o o�_ $� M o ��E CLFAERINGN� FOR -EL- PROFILE, 5EE SHEET 12 & 13 Z= � g= 5 p. R4�=0.G% �uM1 o- � r+. F p R Y I- P R O F I L E, 5 E E S H E E T 1 4 & 1 5 0 � Z e p �� FaoM sT�.si4+�s m s'rtisia+�a �T {� p� y7/�,313+45 TO srA. s�3+6a xr 'rj0 �00 FdR 9RIDGE /PAVEMENT REWTIONSFIIP SKEfCFI, � w DOE = 4 CY,SWre - o.ox I �L- FRO)�h STAS75+15 TO Sr�,.a�s+4� �r SCALE: I"- 100' HdRIZ. 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SHEET NO. SHEET NO. LEGENb - —w�— — WEfLAND BOUN�ARY � y f f/ y� �ENOTES IXCAVATION �/XX� �N wEruwo � �ENOTES FILL IN wEruwo � j� � j� j� �� �ENOTES MECHANIZE� .�*****,� CLEARING � oENdTE5 HANo CLEARI NG iao 0 50 100 SCALE: I"= 100' HORIZ. V Z U Z W W Z .� �, s w a �� DETAIL A DETAIL B IAlER/4L BASE UfTCH IAIEP/LL 9ASE DfTCH I�p �M S�a �M n yyR. ql �wn �yk. Fil . i� i�P 0 ASn.O� 1 R. 0 M:�. U- 1 R. B- ] R. B- 3 R. b= 7 A. 6= 5 R. YI- FIOM Sf� 79+8$ TO S�A 71+00 LT. -1!� FRpM ST/419+qp TG $T/421+00 0.T. 0 "�i��4rvi��a�'�a� � .� a A e uae� HouE Pu�c. wc. r� ` 1 � ��� ; � ; o __��-- ; ,; � ;�; �; ; � _� � , �a \�, H�� ---` 1 ' � � � , � y `ti� l � xrn . 1 �3~ �� � —�— � �__` �°�'�' — —� 1�. � � � � �'-- ��,---_ 1�� ° ; � ^ � � { _ �''. sae i ! �LIYEi011W lWTOIdOiIYE INC. *''� ��� i � � '� . i � � ;1 1 — 1i ��—_y� �c+- � i I ___.�/ 1 n�ueus � at � ' I d 1 � � � dq l � � I � � � J II T 11 1 I� I �! �b ra .r, r�� -� � b� � � � i� � � 1 PDE— � �3 � F �^ �\ � PDE— ♦ � \ \ ♦\ . �t \\ `�e �� � � '�—�. � �o ____ PLAN VI EW SITE 1 AND SITE 2 � , � t + ° �e' o NiE �� 1 �'�,` t + � 1 � 1 .5 0 5121 Kinqdom Wa�; s„rro ioo Rolaiyh, NC 47b07 NC Liesnes Ne: FOZ66 �� ���� [ o l I � iATER NOfmfi x � �: ����F� �� sr� n+�e �� � � ,.f� ���` �_� -- -- .���$� • ���a���i; � � — — +`���s PDE� pD �JOT �Mp�S� IAT,3` DITCH ��` SEE DEfAII OSL ON �IIC P�����~� ^ � ``�\ j B �� 1 1 / / 0 / oEuwo R. LlWG, JR. / SITE 2 ,�_ , .� � �� �� �fi � ' � � � .. �._. �t*.. � '��+� +f'��tV� � r� „ ' y��;� ,,, - �� � . r p� � �ry�� �1 �� �~��� � � � �j��' / � �ti�� ���� ��+'�.>+"+�7,�,� �.�f! n . ��ti}.s �~44f.. . � "` n_:v r a.:- � �� i? �+..r��, �'mm=,� �r � _ ,.L..�;.iS��'/.�ll��yW! � � _ � �1 _ �7 � _ I� .�do�S. MOf$ils� 1 � � �' SITE 1 � � �� � � � � WOVEN WIRE FENCING SHOULD BE PLACED AT LOCATIONS DEEMED � APPROPRIATE BY THE ENGINEER. � � FOR -Yl- PROFILE, SEE SHEETS 14 & 15 FOR -DRI- PRDFILE, SEE SHEET 19 FOR -DR1A- PROFILE, SEE SHEEf 18 r _�_r � 4 ra ' M4 J `� r ��` % `� yf / _s�`� � �r�, �� � f �� ■vw ��,,��---�� Englnoarin DETAIL A DETAIL B .f"� � IAlER/4L BASE UfTCH IAIEP/LL 9ASE DfTCH J � �norm amM Srbra amM f� I r yyR. lil �w �yk. Fil d I l ASn.O� 1R. � M:�.U- 1R. � ��~� rT � B- ] R. � B- 3 R. � �-�� b= 7 R. 6= 5 R. J f�' YI- FIOM Sf� 79+8$ TO S�A 71+00 LT. -1!� FRpM ST/419+qp TG $T/421+00 0.T, pf � "' \ j / , � �--�'"' ,� � � r o �.' � r r � , i r / "r�� ♦ � 1 � �� � � :� t (O ff � j�8 _� r� ^ __ _�,__�_", ' r � ..' �`' \ ��`� ��`�, ^� OTpp�TM g� , �jf � r _�4y� d'/f! ~~`� \ ��+����� f�� nNORTH CAIiOLWA.LLC �/ f 1 I' �"-� r'�` �V � ✓ 4 I �-__✓ � 1! ` 1,t � ! / ✓f �� ��4: � 1 ��'~ .. //� �� ��I '� ! ` 7 "��ai� $ i � i � �\����� a a r - - - - �---�- ---�-- ----. _._ rl _ 1 _r��f �� I O _./�.1 � LEGENb - —w�— — WEfLAND BOUN�ARY � y f f/ y� �ENOTES IXCAVATION rF,/XX� IN WEfWVU � �ENOTES FILL IN wEruwo � j� � j� j� �� �ENOTES MECHANIZE� .�*�,«*�„� c�ea.�Nc � oeNOre5 riANo CLEIIRI NG 50 SCALE: I"= 100' HORIZ. 1�� 4 �------- '� � .- 4���4r��e �e a i � � /�4` �� /--es—r``"� "'�f r ` \ ��� ��._��� � ^• u�r � �` ��, �� '4 t � � s-� �'��,� � `� d � t � `9r� !` �� 1 ��` �/ y `'\\ \ f � °� �'�~`����` � � \'+` � �` � t1� /� y _ � � _ r'°� ' 1 I� � F �b PLA SITE 1 AND ,�ITE � � � 1 ` 1 ; s„rro ioo � Rolaiyh, NC 47b07 � nc ucan.. Ne: r�Mya \, �iv��_� �, _, �� � � a$ a 0 a + N H � N H I W � _ I � W W Z y� J 2 (.} � '� `�1 � �� � ��� ��; r 1 I tl � WOVEN WIRE FENCING SHOULD BE PLACED AT LOCATIONS DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE ENGINEER. � FOR -Yl- PROFILE, SEE SHEETS 14 & 15 FOR -DRI- PRDFILE, SEE SHEET 19 FOR -DR1A- PROFILE, SEE SHEEf 18 C7 Z U Z oc W W Z � � sW �� 9� � f , ' � e� � � r � � i � � � i ,,,' "'� .^ ,� l I ,` �e !r'`� I js "`sa.�� �_,�-��f�xs-�.�_ ...� /y l � � ` � x � ��,'` `'r1 r � `''r"--,a_--�'` i E' � j � � � � � � y� � e � 3 rr' � �+ !; r a� i � � i � ! t f, °`� �""� 6 � �1 `, ^+ � � � 1 � 6 ✓ r"'� f�'��� � � ���F1YI��AA�iY I � y� •'' � i•' \+�- / � i ,.,/! 10 .^�6� S3 / � $ C ,w � � ,� ��� i I t .-i ,r�''�,.'` +�`�'°"�.�.�- ��m/ � � ! `� 1 ��f',✓°' FAIiN NALL PAIOE NFAS � ' yrry� f% ~+�`w� � ` y �°' � 4 � ,, s�� � � � \ i / 1 1 f�6i����� ��p�/ �� ✓R I / \ ¢/ ._�_ _� ` � �c:� ��/ a`�/ �y' � � . SITE � l�. � � � i� /I ��_�_4y�� "^bY��.` I t���`�v�, � � ' e., ``, '.� �� � �lc.` y' �.' i�..�r" ?i�y � � _ � ���„�.�� � ��s`� f"� i i �-.,�'��\ � '�\ ''w� ♦e '` ��> is�- � � � ������.f / �. �` �'\ °'' ^°' l '�y /'�� �''�' `"� 7ti � ` � ' \\` \ f� �---�_� ]�` ��, �,,� �s \�` � � '4 L�� � / r.... � . � �� i^� `/ \`\ MppGS `\ $ � sy., r ,� � { c_} y 1 � `� w��_., d9 ✓ * r y, � �_\ ��%� � `�� �� $ C°� `�.....1 �1 � * ` �� � 9F * ia .� * '" ��_ �� �� 8I �_�r m,� f ! * - - - • +�'��-�� ----+�---- -- -� �iv� m-_-�.-=ar;.�C.�� =.._ � -_,---��r=- �'-'��:�.�. - - - � 'i11E���=_L --- - --- - �b � �pS -- , - - _ - ���s � `-e°-- � 6a-ILE�Ri� .- --� ----_.- - _���_=��.���,a��.r.�.S+L��.____�� �.��- ��� - -- __ _' _��`_ ��_ _ _Y:JIIN+If-'l1`dST- — --���qT_ , ��a '"' � �� -_-`-.'i _� J � ' ______`__♦___L_____+L______�______ �crrwa-eresr �.. --__ --___�__--_-- JA! �f . , , ::r,�..n..e,�9 �d9— — �i.�t�iM`�'�- - - `-64_. � 50�� J J� u/� + ` _ _ _ _ � � \, -LI- 36 P ,, � e r . � ,, ob �__��- ` ` \ `,. � �> ! 4Y LiY � � �[�` � � � � � �-�\�- ... ERL4Y EXI5TING RO,4D � ` \�', ��Y�2 STA 30+IT30 TO 35-lOOAO `� � d� � 4. r`'�- _ i t _ �'"ev" ^-,.: � a�^. _ f + _ _ � � r FAIiH HALL PAIGE HERS �?6.� —� ��� �� +.r� � l4L � �� -2 �.._ �7 �er--- � ` � _ �. �y�,� �-��.� �rn � �'-^-1- BD% .� � � r ` � i � '.,! �. ��f�� � � � � �` � r✓ �� 4 ��n� '/� - t \ ��\ _ /� j / �� eaor,s d, 1 � � ati � \I'� �4 _. 4`'..���� �Jf �'°-.».� -� R �y �� q�^t d r �w j SlEPHANE FIOLLE �� COTTON � %� �{ I � r r r � i r - ! I / �' `' a'.. 1 ! �v„ , ! + � t t ! � � !{ DEfAIL A j � /'I �, u7E iauiar�sma RCH � I � � � 6 � a � d ♦ t � � nn, tii � � / I �t a rw. o- � a. � d � �/ 1 ` a= a r+. ) � % I � h- 5 F. ! J i1 ` i –Y2– FkOM STA 37+50 TO SfA 13+00 ICf. ! / I r i tiA r�` a i ��i i � � � i � r� �1 i �� r y �,` �, � ', i � r � t � ► 4 1 1 ! \ � 1 / � t� ! l J e � � � � q r 4 p ! � d� I yt �! �� �1 �� i � r� � $ t r f � b� � r i a � � � r � r � a �� i � � r LEGEND ! i i � I/ � Y - —w�— — wEruNo souNo.ver � � ILD O 50 100 SCALE: I"= 100' HORIZ. � DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND � DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND ������� �ENQTES MECHANIZED *�*x��* CLEA0.ING � � I DENQTES HAND l CLEARING I ��ENOTES TEMPdRARY � FILL IN WETLAND � i � I , , � �.sn y a.,:.� �'� =�.r�,c%s'J/ i �-_... — `► __ � ���i �1F:w s r � .v 'r"i`�i�✓i�.� ' � ����/�'��}f�.a'ryl�1 '.w� :'z1'�. � � � �� �� � .,;;� � �'� � '4�. '�� � � s„rro ioo Rolaiyh, NC 47b07 NC Liesnes Ne: FOZ66 s�s �CII�E �� 7 �3 � '-� e � WW SMEEf NO. 6WAY UESIGN HY�RAULIG' ENGINEER ENGIN�t �ELIMII�T�RY PLA] no Nor vma coe�sisacrcav �OCYMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL YNLlSS ALL E16NATURES COIAPLlTl� PERMIT bRAWING SHEET 15 OF 19 G��� 'f.I � �sRs ?/L,' • ri �f .� 'T � `\ �'�\ �� L B RIP NAP a� � �\ �� �SYNGLD7F7(IIIE � � ��! ��� 1 � ���ti 4 ��- g. I � ti � � ___� °� °� i �` � g- }� k! ; ` � �O Q��, ?"� � � - � � 4\ �' t� � JD�I.`ELEYN PL BAf�'�ELY�3 0. � � � �'« ]� ' `I+ \i � � \ 1V�� �' a a1'1 �'' '�� ��� `\ '�', � � ��1 �e WOVEN WIRE FENCING SHOULD � ; `�- r ��A BE PLACED AT LOCATIONS DEEMEQ �r�" � \ �°' � APPROPRIATE BY THE ENGINEER. f � 1 �_�� � `\ � `�� Y\�'` ' \ g � � � \ y � � `y , ' \ � �,\/q,v � � ` 'w � 1 `\ � � ` �a r �8 \ � ,�� yy4 �\p~ � \``\ I�` � � \ \\ = 0 \ � �`� � � \ �'�• '�-�`o + PL/`''►N V�EW e e � . ,e , � \�, r \ SITE 8 AND SITE 9 , � �, � �� � �,��1 � � `1 ` �y 3 ,`e l� � `� � °� 1 *�a �t ,r ;�` �e � j L._�`� � �� � —�� � � `�\41 � � �� ti�` � \,y � �\ � I � e I � � `� � �� \ �m �'�.` � \ s-- 1 � �r, —.''`ao--�'f � �ti � f � I E� � � � e = i�� t �'"-'`R,� 1`/ _ .I � . Y2- PROFILE,SEE 5HEEfS 15 & `�. � 4 !. t P �_� � t ,., ��� i / !� � t�! \ e ``� � ✓ I �� U z � Z a W z � c� N W a� �U .`� 1� � � 1 � � � I � � l � � 1 �, a'� l � ` � � � ` al~—� ��� � � ����------�-e,� LAT. S' B45E GITCH SEE �ETAIL 6 CL B tlP U1r ESf. R TONS �. 7 SY GEp7F]IIILE � ELB�WS Q F � ` + ~ ` ~ � � CD _� i_ _� 6��'Q� F � � ^ N7 r --- � W -- � _ ��� I � �� W W -- - Z � _ V � , m � �MANIF 'AL711RED HO�S.ING � DEfAIL B � / -/� �y u� � ��� �H � I ^f+ 6 �j YAf. Fls� � , '�� , 1� g B� 'J R.1 F. / .� 6= i R. � � AW JOCELYN PL Bp�� -rY7�- FR�OM STA~.58+0�0 TT�O STA 6�,i+5�0 T. � �'' (�. � � � ��� �SSE JR � � / � MARG� rTON / � � �►�—,� '�` �"� � ~ ` ` �� � y — � �' ` l — i�� �� — � � i I--_,, ti � ` m P � � �-�, ` ��, P JESSE �p�7p M. Ji. � `` / YAR� Y.I�ELTON �� � r 71E TO FJOSIING �RCH , ' �EL SBG +85 ��� M�� �� �� 1 � �------------T-�------------T--- ���. � � � � � � � � � � � � �T F0� � � � � � � � � � � � � �Y FA� � � � � � � — _ _ _ _ �`�'*; �T � IAT. 5' B�l4E �ffCN SEE UEfNL B =� n s wr wer ESf.2 TONS � ESf.7 S' GE07F7ITILE � � � � � � � s„rro ioo Rolaiyh, NC 47b07 NC Liesnes Ne: FOZ66 WW SMEEf NO. aw�r o�swN rnowwuc ENGINEER ENGIN�t �ELIMII�T�RY PLA] no Nor vaa coNsisacr[av �OCYMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL YNLlSS ALL E16NATURES COMPLlTl� PERMIT bRAWING SHEET 17 OF 19 G��� � � 8� sRs /� � ?� C/ � MAll1FJy� HOMES, INC. r'OOQS � � � �g ` � � — � � 65'100 • ' �� � '-.:�+�+�',�'—'VT` �1—� 9�� ~ � _ _ � _ _ _ _e,r• - - - - - — F Fi5 A-LI-38� ----- *�-'��-- -- 1'--------------T--��--a,�-�---T---- T-�----- -----T- � �--- --,_� -- --- --� - -- ------�---�i---�-----------ml--------- �' i-------------�+a�----- -------- --------------------J — -- -----�------�— '���������-- -- i �I 514 tYD MC 9 � P N P _______ = ���� ------- --_ _ _ ��� � �—,�w� —,� � � � � �� � �� � � � �� a �. �apa.o`a�r.aa:.aTr �. � s � s�ys.s�aaa�aa�d' a � a s ■ � --��__— _ � � I F 'v.� _.� � �4!f� i� �.�e l 1 ----------- "`� / y - SITE G �� i FILL FXISi1N E TOCEUSf1NG OIfCH �cont.} '� � � � '� � � � ' � �� � � I� � 1 � � �I � ' =� '� � ` � � r S�� S�FFI' � � �` � �` � ,uu�� �tc A�. AN� JO YN P. B(,'ELY � j � � WOVEN WIRE FENCING SHOULD BE PLACED AT LOCATIONS DEEMED APPRQPRIATE BY THE ENGINEER. � � � f RACHAEL YOOIJV � ! � 1 z � — � ■�� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � t �i� � � � I I.�ran f, xy.�.�i nr+s.a ��a rxr j �P" • .44 INY.�3.66 T3�F � RETAM ' NYrd2.9T — _ � nr� c�,wour �----�- �--- � -- . — �- ----------� ------------- l� � � 1 � i � ��� �� j I Cs � I PATRICIA fi FOSlEA � t � l l !3 � PATRIpA F� FO5TER �a f I < < � � b � � ` � ` � ' �_ I a*° � � i �i.r►���nsON � ,,.�` -�� dt. �• �- -I-- , ' �a ' o.x� Fl� w� 4f � 9d►. , ' '� �i — �3 � RACHAEI MOOLN PLAN VI EW SITE 6 LEGENb - —me— — wEru+No BQUN�ARY � �ENOTES EXCAYATION iN WEru+No � �ENOTES FILL IN wEru+N o '��FM;�• DENOTES MECHANIZE� ����*�� CLEARING ******* � dENOTES HANd CLEARING ioo a �JQ ��� SCALE: I"= 100' HORIZ. FOR -Y2- PROFILE, 5EE SHEEfS 15 8 lb U Z C9 Z a W Z �o (7 N W a� �U �`� �� � l� ;~ �� ���'� j �� \ i 1 � � �' u�1 0�5 '� ���� siis ioowa�; P0.OJEG� REFERB'IGE N0. SMEEf NO. � `'�, �, h' `-� � -,_ ; � � irui � H .iNc. �i«Qn.Nc s�am R-5311A !! ti i j �1 "` 1✓ � t� � DETAIL B � �/ Englnoaring Mc uaM. Ne: r.mse ww sNeEr ►ro. � i �� j �[ � LAIERAL BASE DR'CH � ti � ROel�flAY UESIGN HY�RAULICS �+� S,� l\ _� yl I''jJ�J \`� y��/r, 1 �R �I+ � ��wa�16 �5 I..�--^-h,w ' ENGINEER ENGIN�t �, ��� `�� � i^ ��e t��Yl`��� � '� � re+. r�� .-�.''t��`� n 1 `� F� 11 � � � I � 1 g �o- iw. / � { �a� `�,s� �` �-s''1 � � �� � � `� 1 3 e- a �r. ✓ / } �.. � ��/,� �� 1 v' ��;.; � � e�� j � 1 ^l� -'�r44-_ � 6= i R. �� / \` �\ Plt$LIMQT Y PI.ANS , � \» : l� � / /^\.� �," ;� '"-•.,,� Y2- FROM SfA SB+00 TO SfA 64+00 NT. � �' I \ i-. -,� no nmr vaa eoe�sisacr[av '� i �„� � �,�i� + a1 �-- �' ` ,W�E pp� � -ri- FROM STA. 58+00 TO ST/� 69+50 LT. f `" �+ �, -,� 11 � u--- �� }, �ly � `'}� } \` J, AW JO�� PL�p���� � �r"` fr '� 1 , ; �� � l \ � � �r \ > .r' � \�y� r��� � r�� 9� � �� `� ]� rM'� � ���� J� 1, �OCYMENT NOTCONSIDERED FINAL ti� 4 t 4 � �'" �e �\y`e� t �iy - `+� 4 �\ � �, \ �'' ' / MARG TON , a� YNLlSS ALL E16NATURES COMPLlTl� -v /� j\� 1? ` � �� ` 4 � �r} � 1 � ` `�1 '�'J � 1 !f� ''-+e_ PERMIT bRAWING / � / i/ l C� r � � e � �..� y �� � N�����7C—� \ �y I or �1 , � i`` SHEET 18 OF 19 GL� ����!\ / ��. 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Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 -Y1- 24+35 RT TO -Y1- 18+57 RT ROADWAY FILL & BASE DITCH 0.74 0.15 0.03 0.11 2 -Y1- 20+15 TO 24+05 LT ROADWAY FILL & BASE DITCH 0.45 0.08 0.09 < 0.01 3 -L2- 10+26 TO 12+07 RT ROADWAY FILL 0.02 -L2- 11+77 TO 15+94 LT, -Y2RPB- 10+58 LT TO -Y2- 45+86 4 RT, -Y2- 44+g4 TO 50+53 RT ROADWAY FILL , BASE DITCH & SPECIAL CUT DITCH 3.84 0.17 0.28 0.18 5 -Y2- 45+32 TO 50+08 LT ROADWAY FILL & BASE DITCH 0.77 0.13 0.02 0.08 6 -Y2- 55+87 TO 62+10 RT ROADWAY FILL & BASE DITCH 0.61 0.33 0.13 0.02 7 -Y2LPD- 10+00 TO 19+10 ROADWAY FILL & SPECIAL CUT DITCH 2.44 0.03 0.29 0.03 8 -Y2- 36+33 TO 40+79 RT ROADWAY FILL, BASE DITCH & 24" RCP 0.17 0.12 0.04 0.05 9 -Y2- 33+39 TO 40+33 LT ROADWAY FILL & BASE DITCH 0.25 0.16 0.15 < 0.01 TOTALS*: 9.27 1.17 1.03 0.50 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: 2013 10 24 • .. . . . •� See Sheet � A For I ndex of Sheets See Sheet 9 B For Conventl onal Sym6o1 s BEGl11t TIP EL— POT � 3l0 + 00.00 TO TARBORO �"I' .�� "I` I �:� (�) I �� \ C�) I'� "I� I I � � :�� I'� (�) I . I \ .�� 11) I�' I� I C�) \ I-I1{I�1I��'.���"� 5TATE 5TATE PROdECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET TOTAL NO. SH6ET3 ���� R-5311A � � 3TATE PROJ. NO. F. A. PRO]. N0. DE$CRIPTION 45449.1.2 N H F-4013 3 7 P. E. L4CATl011t: WEST OF MODLI11t RDAD T� EAST OF 11�C Il/SR IZ13 {aLD 11tC 11 R�AD). C411tSTR UCT GRADE SEPARATID11t AT SR I13� (1�l4DLI11t R�AD) A11tD I11�TERCHA11tGE AT �LD 111C ll/SR IZl3 {4LD 11� � TYPE aF WORK: RELOCATl011t OF UTILITY LI11tES � � BEGIN CONSTRUCTION sat u�.uu NOTEs: THIS IS A C�NTROLLED ACCESS PROJECT WITH ACCESS BEING LIMITED TQ INTERCHANGES. CLEARING ON THIS PRQJECT SHALL BE PERF4RNIED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD III. BEGIN C4NSTRUCTION —Y2— PQT STA 30 + 17.3 �_ —DETI— PC STA 10 + 00.00 CONSTRUCTIQN - POT STA 29 + 35.49 —Y2— PQT STA 51 + 6Q.os END C�NSTRUCTION Y2— POT STA 65 + 4Q.00 TIP PR UJECT R-53I1A PT STA 23 + 91.20 L.B. _ PUT STA 36S + 9I.18 L.A. ro wiNroN D�CUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED ROAD). INC�11►�l�lL]ETIE PLANS D4 NOT USE FOR R/ W ACQUI5ITION GRAPHIC SCAI�ES Prepared for tl�e HI'DRAUI�ICS E11�GI11�EER DESIG11l DATA PROJECT I�E11lGTH North Carolina ��rtment 5121Su�t�ioa way, 50 25 Q 50 104 ADT 2 a17 7 500 of Transportation Raleigh, NC 27607 ` � ► i!? tl �E Of f iCB Of: - � NC License Na� FtQ2fi8 ��� Eng�neer�ng �� �� � ADT (2037�= 10,834 �� �� P�1�1NS K = � � p�0 2012 STANDARD SPECIPICATI0�1iS ��'' ��� D= 55 % ��GTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT R-5311A = l.116 MILES DENA C. SNEAD, PE P�• � � SrGxAT[rxs: �a � 50 25 0 50 100 T= 26 0�0 * TOTAL LE1I�GTH TIP PROJECT R-5311A = l.116 MILES ���' OF WAY DATE: PROJECT EXGINEER ROA.DWAY DESIG11t � � V= GO MPH JUNE 17, 2416 JORDAN C. BOND ENGI11tEER �� �� PROFILE �HORIZONTALJ *�ST =22% DUAL 4°/a PROJECT DESIGN ENGI11lEER E �,' ��� 10 5 0 10 20 FUNC CLASS = ARTERIAL LETTING DATE: �� ����� GARY LOVERING, PE REGIQNAL TIER JUNE 20� ZO�7 ROADWAY DESIGN —PROJECT ENGINEER PROFILE (VERTICAL� SIGNATURE: i ADT 2 Q17 ADT 2037 3,��0 5,5so 1,500 � _ 2,� %0 3,��0 -L2- -L2- 5,584 NC 11 SHORT CUT RD Yl- 1,500 2,170 DENOTES HAND C LEARI N G G r� L y� O 2�,��0 � ��[ A �C '� � � $ 5121 Kingdam Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27t507 Engineering Nc ���e�se No: r-o2�$ TIMBERVEST PARTNERS II NORTH CAROLINA, LLC �j PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-5311A R1W SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SHEET NO. NES —02 HYDRAULIC5 ENGINEER ��� � Prop Power Po�e 1 INC�N�I�L]E�IE ][�L�1�TS G+,�,N �■ ]G� t, '� ` � 125` LT Sta 21 +$2 , 6$ OQ DO NOT USE FOR R/ W ACQUISITION �-[ n �� n� � Off 110.27 LT S t I+ ��•�'� �0. p1 aC �j Il A'g� � W � S� O J R53 �1 � i, � I �� ��� � UTILITY IMPACT SITE 1 q�`� � �� � � 1 y waoos � � Q.Q8b Acres P.� � � � � � � �>�� � �.� N � �, � DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL 0 + �� 9 UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED � — 1 � REM � Ay 2 O�e-�h�ad Power TelQ,.phone'�� � Cab1eTV �n�l �Q—L�nes � � I � ..� 1 � � . � 1 00' a 0 R. LAN . � V � w000s�- ' `��• y� `; Po�153 PG 5177 " � " \ � � � � � � WILL FILE 89-E-13 � MICHAANDL WIFE �RRIS � � � ��� � o MB I PG 588 I/2 BEGIN APPROACH SLAB \� JOY S. MOR�t15 �� �3 � 4 `g -YI- P4T STA 24+04.84 � + PIN:5984-71-9444 � 1 O� N � � DB 718 PG 312 ' 1 ��, � � � � � � � �� BEGIN BRIDGE � � BEGIN FENCE f ' �� 1 Off 2 �26 3LT , p � � -YI - PQT �A 24+18.9T �i �i �i �8��` ! � I � � � � 1 \ ` �� � Prop Power Pole r � � '� .9� '. '�� Sta 23+91 . 80 m � off 129.2fi LT .- +07.21 FENCING SHQULD BE � 130oRT ' �'� __� <o.oi ao �' T PLACED AT LOCATIONS DEEMED � �' + 2.6 � � + ; � -EL- +19.�1 309+99,7q -EL- � -EL- +27.27 � a4.75' °,� ���a+�� . �/�s�- �-� APPROPRIATE BY THE ENGINEER. -- . . •. . . . ECM .• ' -i-"'tisr�-!?tr!'Lr{�tiLr+ �� �T E� 318+T8�I { -E � �M� � w' P T r�,�,�,.n�,r�,po�,r. _���i., ,-n „ ��;��"�?ti-r��!"tiu! .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . g � M � � CM M .� '-. . . . .. • .. `--� � � � � � �. ��-.. -. .. .. _. �.� .. .. _. .. .. .. .. .. .. � � \ �, ri.�--��.rr-y�,�--�;,r�--�--�iis-irr',�r 312+T7.94 fEU I ` T� � ieo.00• BEGI N T I P PROJECT R-5311 A -EL - POT ST A 310 +00.00 CLJLTIVATED NC MNY !1- 32' 8ST � • '�� ;:_` . •••S � � � F - ��1 ' �� ` . • ri . � � � � � • i � • � •�� � .. �, � . f , '���'�►. :. . - .. . , . . . • .� . , _ '����►��� C►����� • ��j•►,•� '������ + �7ir� 1 � ,�.,,'•. 1,•�•�'� . . � _ r � . ,•.•'�•♦•l �•�♦�•�,� ` . �����/�►�i I����������. • _ , ..- .• . . . �������i�i�� ��r•�i�i�i��`-`'_- • . ' ' .'�:�.�i�i ►�.•:►•, ..���..��.,►�� � . ...����� �. ..., _ - - � �.. �� ������������ �������������������'���� i ����������±�Z�Z�!�!�!�!��j�������������j�j�����������j �������j���j�j�������j�,� — ---------- --�-�-+-�-�-�������— � � 1� � * * �� ` � - ---- ------+-����-•-•����������+�������i!�������!���-♦����������������������������+�:�����������/�� � 1I 1 . � � � � i . - ► ' � i11 TYPE �� �l li < ' � 1 � t'A . OVERLAY EXISTING ROAD ''� �' � l � � �+ � -EL - ST A 310+00.00 T 0 355 +00.00 END BRIDGE � �� 1��� -YI POT ST A 26 +04.97 \ , � � END ,4PPROACH SLAB � 1 � � \ 1 � -YI - POT ST A 26 f19.10 WOODS .� � � �r^'�'�Lr�?i__r`�±-�-�rr'�+-'�r.r�.. . . . . . . . . . �'!���`.'4-rn�''-�� . - . - . . . . ������r"�ti� 309+g�,69 -EL- � _H! 313+20.00 (EU 219.74' fMON) ECM . . BEGIN FENCE 4.�,� 3 DELANO R. LANG. JR. PIN:5984-BO-2182 WILL FILE 89-E-13 DB 144 PG 6B DB 304 PG I50 UB 389 PG 755 (TRACT 2) MB I PG 588 I/2 CULTIVATE� +o� 147.08' RT + �U 9b' RT ^�,-.,''''� t 4+ I � � � � �� �\ \H� � — — � � — W�B — y �w�,�,�-. — � — � � ;r���� . � � ,� ` � — � , w000s T w�s — — 7 . 26 LT �'`���,r- - �{,�',�. . +T�.a ,.Tl: :r--t: :r[: :rl.� � � a � �� GRADE TO DRAIN � a a { -EL - P4T STA 314+22,� � � -YI - P4T STA 25+47.22 � � � d 1 1 � -� ABANDON �_�%_ ' G � 1 1 � g 1 � -EL - N 38' 18` 17.I" E '�`� ;�=sap ��t� � o . �� � � � 0 � � � r Und �rground FO Cables �O � y � w000s �� o CLILTIVATED � � � � x -a N � � , � 316+7�E� G � � � �r 1 r 1� 1 +74 7 �` , ���� � CLJLTIVATE� NC NWY II - 32' BST 0 � �� -. .. � � s� 316+75.00 -EL- 220.00' . ' / C � , END C/A + 60 " � ECM ,�;.r � `�- �� t 120.19' L . i� ^ � 4 DELANO R. LANG� JR. • +56 PIN:5984-80-2182 DB 389 PG 755??3 128.24' LT WILL FILE 89-E-13 � o �Y. MB I PG 588 I/2 , 9+24.8T fEYS � � 40.24' (MON) r � � � x 1� o � a, 2 OZ 29 k� _ S-[ A � � � —�� .� q . G���N S�E� �� S�L 4' 4' � � N c� a� � W N J = � W t/� W W Z N J � � V H � PAVEMENT REMOVAL OR —EL— PROFILE, 5EE SHEET 12 & 13 OR Yl— PRQFILE, SEE SHEET 14 & 15 OR BRIDGE /PAVEMENT RELATIONSHIP SKETCF EE SHEET 2B-4 � �1 � � m � � w z i � � i _ � � T � � � � � Q � � � � � Z Q J � J Q Z LL � w z / N > � � L L � Z � C � � C � � � � L � � � � w Z � rn � � a� a� i �a �� � i c Nw L /- � �< o °1' N+�� L ��( U�� �� i I Q�i N� i DENOTES HAND C LEARI N G -DRI - PI Sta 10+77.66 �- 63a 11' 1! ��° t RT 1 D = 127' 19' 26.2" L = 49.63' T = 27.68' R = 45.00' SE = NC 6 END CONSTF� -DRI - POT ; TIMBERVEST PARTNERS II NORTH CAROLINA, ��c -DRI - PT Sta. IO+9 N 84° 23' 57.5" E LB -DRI - PC Sta.10+49.98 S 6��49�5�� E BEGIN C�NSTRUCTION 210.°°� UNION UTILITIES -YI - POT Sta 13f75o0� END CONSTRUCTION CORPDRATION Enaineeri o. 11 + -DRIA- POT Sta.10+80.00 $ � � � �� B& B MOBLE HOME PARK, INC. �� �r� wATER � s TOWER \ I � , � `�� \ �j +- _ _ _ ,r+ � ` -I � , �'4 's �j o , � RESET BARBED WIRE FENCE \ � -Y/ STA 17a-05 TO ,, \ �� SDIL ti4 � �� � . �� �y � � � X � STA 17t42 `� • N ' , HTR \ `---------, Iti^�GR� � �1 � 4 ti ' N � +0� � _ _ _ ` �' � ' H T R � �. 4y yti � Z °�n° • � 83.� � �:� � - - - 1 � I � �. 3 � � SOIL � • � d � � �l 41 �: � � �-------- 1 I I �� sa �,, Q �` �ti J 73�81'& HTR � 1 � � �� `A 4 " ' 90 LT �tiNv-s�.37� 1� � I I �' �, �.ti � E N _ _ %, MAIL BOXES` +84.25� �r, � ys °'� i, � � - ,,__r �,_,s,o.,_--------- � +� 50 LT ��� �1.. 8� � � Y~�\\-� 1 ' � i I ' 30' & 14+Y4 I c, y�ti p° CLF W� S ROP 1� � � �(�•---------�5 ! flJ � SOIL INV=�1.44` �°J i I� 50' LT 50,$I' ��� �- ^ I� J�� � 1 / i� �!I W.L PDE r ECM ��AOP LlIG TEL � CAYY CA9L� i - �� wM � . ` EXISTING R/W ^ \ � � � ��^O � � 1 — --- -� �....-�` — -- ---- — � � � � 6� PVC �I5' R�CP WV- 9.99` = _ � _ - o=-= �;�=----�,��---� __ - _--�=� N — o ,\\ a `° �'�-o�� ''` o 0 � �II�,�P- �f � - - _ . �PaD� uI� � ►-inr —C— — �--=-�=�- 5R 1130 MaDLlN R�AD `— _ � z T � � -- � `- - - �' �T ., ��- � — �� 18" RCP _ 18' RCP 18' PINV {$1.31' �� INV=4'i.67' � � r- INV=52.10` ____�� -I= M 24" Cf�P�� EIP yyM \� � EC� �'J� f0� � EXISTING R/W To�.�- , , 0.2,. E, To RW , . � - B Y- 2 � 0 - I. f' ti JN 51, � � I�LIVERMAN AIJTOMOTIVE INC. iNv IN=UNKNOWNf" ID �� � � \ I Xi INV OUT=UNKNOW�' � i� � � + � R � �GN 14+g9.95 fEY� I � � d�� �� � � PD 24.55 PDE � cR l pp� � �R _ \ �� 4 �, � � �i , r + 80 � ` \ .� 25� w + 9.95 +04 x� _ - - X ~ 72�c� Xi35�v� X �, _ - � �I �, � � � � . TYP z9.�6� 58.57' RT � � � � is r�eus , 30 & `, MICHAEL LEE MORRIS � `" � 5 �' R T ` AND WIFE ,' r � u� '� � GAT . 17+. � ' ISBLKBUS ' �R �i � � � � • � JOY S. MOR�tIS �, - - - - _ -'� � � i x �i � Ms � � � SIL ON CONC PA[�' � � ^ J [ � \ � GR y � r ° r�M-,� � r�-s I �P�� GR �R \ � � � /\ • � - ' , � ' ' � - . /� �� -YI - POT I17+24.00 = i , 1 ; ; � •, ! �UN� - - - � - � , , -�, � -- , , / � � -DRIA- PQT 10+00.00 , B � L�' " �'`'J�GRAU 350 f +53e87 � $5.32' '+96.23 -EY- J 84.91' {MON} � 17+g6.51 -EY- 85.00' ECM � � —WtB— � onnincn r � r �� y�� !;, ,., ,� N 21° 17 3 r3 E LA -YI - POT 18+33.� i i � � i t' ' ,, , 1 �� � I � � f NJ �J W ~Z �_ ao � V1U W �H m0 �Z H I �f� o E� b �,P _y�_ 12+ � MICHAANDLWIFE ORRIS JOY S. MOR�ZIS � -DRI - POT 9+88. � 2i 12' 40J" E LA � � � � � � e 5121 Kingdam Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27t507 NC License No: F-0258 ao 10� 1�� O N N ~ N � � waoos � +45 � 25' LT � � '� x c� � � �� . � ,, PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-5311A R1W SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SHE NES -04 HYDRAULIC5 ENGINEER INC�N�PL]E�CIE 1�L�1�TS DO NOT USE FOR R/ W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED UTILITY IMPACT SITE 3 0.011 Acres 5O� � �/A�• '�6 + 05 14Q'LT Sta 20+18.81 Off 10B.31 L / Q i � a . � � 2 DEL NO R. LANG� JR. � i ` 01�/ i � St� 21+00.01 Ofifi 121.07 L _ - �-- ' PROP 01H PDW T�i. CA� & l I'/ 0•� PR � 6�6 C'N� � �_ R ' Ip GAS L-- — O � . � ABA + 1�,o,u�� �.z,�Yi� ENa D4N +za�EM� sta 21+00.00 ' � �.1L f � r t 19+50.0 +60 ���� �'` Ofifi 114.29 LT � (V I i � 91. 72' LT _..... --�- � 20 +Q� � �� � �- � � � 9P� -w -------- �. y �j _ --- - -YI- -- - - _-� � _ _ S 68' 47' 19.9" E � � N 8•/ W � � � — — � — � W r � �i �..a '� � � � 1/ J � � � _ � � � �/ -BY- 201 � �'�--� � - � - . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - � . . �� .. .. � � � �r + 08 J1 85' RT �� � + 00 MICHAEL LEE MORR15105' �T AND WIFE � JOY 5. MORI�IS 1 � � �7 N 9�°qQ, 5S8 S� ° ,i �7 _ � � � � _ � � �j �,��/ � � FENCING SH4ULD BE PLACED AT LOCATIONS DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE ENGINEER. � FOR Yl- PROFILE, SEE SHEETS 14 & 15 FOR -DRI- PROFILE, SEE SHEET 19 FOR -DR1A- PROFILE, SEE SHEET 18 � o� � � � � � w Z � m � _ � � � � � � � � � � Q � � � � � � � Z Q J � J Q Z LL i Cl� W Z / N > � � L L � Z � C � � C � � +� E L N � / � W Z / 0�1 C � N N� Ca r'] � v i C �w L /- � �< O �' N+�� U�� �� i I Q�i N� i -DETI - PI Sta 11 f38.30 � = 3° 12' 49.4" �LT � D = 1° 09' 43.9" L = 276.52' T = 138.30' R = 4,930.00' SE = 0.02 V = 45mph D E N OTES HAN D FAITH HALL PAIGE HEIRS CLEARING � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ANDAMOCELYN�EP�CE�AGELY � � � � � � � � � � � Enaineeri � 5121 Kingdam Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27t507 NC License No: F-0258 � rC SFE S y��NE yF�r 7 � � - � - - w�� � - i , PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-5311A NES-05 R1W SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULIC5 ENGINEER ENGINEER INC�N�PL]E�IE 1�L�1�TS DO NOT USE FOR R/ W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED � � � , �, , � � o � i � -� 0 � 0 4 + z- i ��.� N 43+02.66 -ELI- ECM IS 0.50' +q q - I- � 100.00' � FROM R/W 99.55' (MON) � EXISTING R/W � ECMI � ECM W���S -YZ- 38+qg,p3 -ELI- 43+02.71 -ELI- +II 100.00' 1 99.84' (MON) 0 � ° � w0005 4 � � � 20+ � -DET 1- c� EXISTING R/W o �1 38+38.97 -ELI- �j r, � �� 50.00' �r1 ���;�;� . . . . . . . . . . . . . �;-��;������;� - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +� �;.r � - - - - -- -- -- -- �- -� - - . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. L 12' CMP . . . . . . . . . . . . - -- - , _15 --wr�-,<< --� --- �� �e--�-- --- --w�B-------� Q I� - - - - - - - - - , ,► j �',�i�►IV�7�il �611' iJ�'iGiJ � H �~ NC NWY !I - 24'BST � Power Pole Power Pole Pawer Pole � W J Sta 16+34.96 Sta 16+50.37 f Sta 15+57. 45 f Ofifi 98. 26 R Dff 99.13 RT + + �� '-�yy p- 2q, g� + �_ _ NC M+VY I! - 24' BST �_ Off 5B. fi8 R _� Off 120.62 R Off 128.41 RT Off 140.43 RT N r � � , \ � i _.. , , �ANDON �� rr ABANDON ABANDON NOON W W - - I- - - - - a�M - � �5' CMP ___ � ' - #�+2oar- - -BIM- - - t - - - - - - - - - ,��M- - - - - - - - - - - -9�M- �P �' S°.2°" `M°"' _ A�AND � � �, �4NDON_ �� REM ABANDON ��e ----- ------� ---�------ � � ��' °p s �.�_.. _,:r-,.k� � ��_._... r Fa-���---------- vFo - � ----- --T o------ -�----rv�a- -----------,-� J y EXISTING R/W � �- � � � 1� `r 3 � Sta 16+84. � L l � �`� 1 Sta 18+58.60 Off 125?fiBBRT Off 13076 sRT � g � f � �Oj ' Off 110.fi1 RT ���1 -- -- -- -- -- V .. -- -- .. .. -- Off 101 00 R � � � � � � � . .. .. .. -- -- �� - . . . _ -- -• •. - - - �j � Sta 15+43.64 ,� � Sta 20+47.71 � `" � � ��''�''� � Off 85.31 RT +is.z ���0 N F L s a o r v F L es � Off 144.06 RT � • cM �p BM-4 � � . . �.n ,f CM � � � ��' �TU 8 FO LTNES ��� � � % � � +Y �\ \ �` EXISTWG R/W � �' Sta 16+g3.45 5ta 19+07.27 � pppp 0�� �W r�! WQ��s �' � Overhead Power Telephon 5.30�-ELI- ;� � 1 Off 131.36 RT �] Ofifi 143.34 RT � Sta 2D+46.10 �4�v 8 Fp �TNEs ��-�-��� w000s � CATV Fiber Optic Lines �. '°°.°°' �� �\..1 �' Off 152.43 RT � "� Sta 16+26.11 76+63•�1 � \ Sta 20+34.97 � � � � P r Pole .a Off 127.44 RT Of 130.14 RT �� '.1 � Off 164.71 RT � �� � + +o �\ � 1 Off 112.77 RT � �` �• � � 43+83.62 -ELI- �_ iao.6z• FAITH HALL PAIGE HEIRS � `� \ 43+83.65 -ELI- ti � ' iai.ia' (MONI oN JAMES E. RCE. JR. �� -Y2- �� STEPHANIE HOLLEY COTTON �1 � AN� JOCE PL BAGELY ECM 41+q7.10 Overhead Power Tele,phon � �1 CATV Fiber Optic Li�es UTILITY IMPAC� SITE 4 � � �� �, � � � �� �. 96 Acres , �� � i � � � FENCI SHOULD BE � " � � PLACED AT LOCATIONS DEEMED � � � APPROPRIATE BY THE ENGINEER. 1 _ �- � � �' 1 � � � � 1 � � � � � 1 �] � � 1, �1 � � � ! � f � � � � � �I 2 � r ��� ^ �] � f c; J` �S %� � / �\ �i� ^: ! 1 / � � � � � � �EIP �EIP � �1 r j � � � + � � � I� I � � I � � � �� � � f � ��o ��ti s�'s 200� � j � J �`�V �� � �G� �� 1 � FOR Y2- PROFILE, EE SHEETS 15 & 16 �► S�� � �� S WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Hand Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 -Y1- Sta 21 +32.65 Power Pole <0.01 1 -Y1- Sta 23+91.80 Power Pole <0.01 1 -Y1- Sta 21 +00.00 to Sta 24+19.02 Maintained Utility Easement 0.086 2 -Y2- Sta 47+11.66 Power Pole <0.01 2 -Y2- Sta 49+88.14 Power Pole <0.01 2 -Y2- Sta 56+41.50 Power Pole <0.01 2A -Y2- Sta 47+05.02 to Sta 50+67.20 Maintained Utility Easement 0.213 2B -Y2- Sta 55+91.91 to Sta. 58+00.00 Maintained Utility Easement 0.051 3 -Y1- Sta 20+18.81 to Sta 21 +00.01 Maintained Utility Easement 0.011 4 -DET1- Sta 15+43.64 to Sta 16+63.11 Maintained Utility Easement 0.080 4 -DET1- Sta 16+84.52 to Sta 20+47.71 Maintained Utility Easement 0.216 4 -DET1- Sta 16+30.36 Power Pole <0.01 4 -DET1- Sta 17+70.14 Power Pole <0.01 4 -DET1- Sta 19+08.94 Power Pole <0.01 4 -DET1- Sta 19+82.84 Power Pole <0.01 TOTALS*: <0.01 0.66 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: 6.25 sqft of permanent fill per power pole. 9 proposed poles located within wetland boundaries. Total: 56.25 sqft = 0.001 ac. <0.01 � Revised 2013 10 24 • � See Sheet 9 A For I ndex of Sheets See Sheet 9 8 For Conventi onal Symbol s BEGl11l TIP PR QJECT R- EL- POT STA 3l4 + QQ. o0 NOTES: TO TARBORO THIS IS A C4NTR4LLED ACCESS PR4JECT WITH ACCESS BEING LIMITED TO INTERCHANGES. � " I' . �� � I � I ��� (i) I �� ` \� C�) I'� ' I � I I � . .,� I'� (�) I . I \� . ��. II)I ��I�IC�)\� (�)I��' 1-I It ��1-I ��'.�� �"� L4CATI011t: WEST �F 1�ODLI11t RDAD TD EAST 4F 11 tC ll/SR 1213 (4LD 111C ll R DAD}. C011 tSTR UCT GRADE SEPARA T1411 t A T SR 1130 �MODLIII t RQAD) A11 tD I11tTERCHA11tGE AT �LD 11tC 11/SR 1213 (4LD 11tC ll R4AD}. TYPE OF WORK: GRADl11tG, PA Vl11tG, DRAIII�AGE A11tD STR UCTURES CONSTRUCTION —r i— rvc. � i P► sa t u�.uu BEGIN CONSTRUCTION Y2— POT STA 30+17.30= —D ETl— PC STA 1 Q+ QQ.OQ END CONSTRUCTION —DETI— POT STA 29 + 35.49 D BRIDGE END C�NSTRUCTIQN Y2— POT STA 65 +4D.40 STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. S��T TOTAL NO. 3HELT5 �4�� R-5311A � STATE PROJ. NO. F. A. PRQJ. NO. DESCRIPTION 45449.1.2 NHF—OQ13 37 P.E. 45449.2.FS1 NHF-0013�37� R1W E11tD TIP PR4JECT R 5311A -L2- PT STA 23 + 91.20 L.B. _ EL- P�T STA 368 + 91,18 L,A. ro w�NroN DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES C�MPLETED GRAPHIC SCALES Prepared for the HI'DRAULICS E11�GI11tEER DESIG11t DATA PROJECT I�E1I�GTH Norfh Carollna Departmoent 51zi$xin�ipo way, 50 25 0 50 100 ADT 2 Q17 7 54� ot' Transportatlon xaie�n, NC 27607 � � _ Ra ► !n tiae offlce of: E n g i n ee ri n g NC Licenee No� F•D268 ADT �2437�= 10,830 �� �� ���p� �� P L/S1 N S K = � O ��O 2012 STANDARD SPECIFICATTONS �� ���� D= 55 % �xGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT R 5311A = l.116 MII�ES DENA C. SNEAD, PE SjGNATURE: P�' � � 50 25 0 50 l00 T= 26 �/o * TQTAL LE11lGTH TIP PRDJECT R S3llA = l.116 MILES �GHT 4F WAY DATE: pROJECT ENGI11fEER ROADWAY DESIGN � � V= GO MPH JUNE 17� 201Ci JORDAN C. BOND ENGI11tEER ��� ��� PROFILE �HORIZONTAL} *�ST = 22% DUAL 4% PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER ��� p����� l0 5 0 l0 20 FUNC CLASS = ARTERIAL LETTING DATE: � REGIONAL TIER JUNE 20, 2017 GARY LOVERING, PE ROADWAY DESIGN — PROJECT ENGINEER PROFILE (VERTICAL) P�• SIGNATURE: L[ J � � co � � � � . BQUNDI4RIES 14ND PROPEIZTY,• State Line County Line --- ---- Township Line -- -- City Line - - Reservation Line - - Property Line Existing Iron Pin EO Property �orner � Property Monument 0 Parcel/Sequence Number i23 Existing Fence Line -x x x- Proposed Woven Wire Fence Proposed Chain Link Fence Proposed Barbed Wire Fence Existing Wetland Boundary - - - -w�B- - - - Proposed Wetland Boundary w�B Existing Endangered Animal Boundary EAB Existing Endangered Plant Boundary EPg Existing Historic Property Boundary HPg Known Contamination Area: Soil -�-- 1• -- Potential Contamination Area: Soil -�--�-- Known Contaminatian Area: Water -�--�-- Potential Contamination Area: Water -�--�-- Contaminated Site: Known or Potential '�' � BUIIDINGS �4ND OTHER CULTUR�:• Gas Pump Vent or l� Tank Cap o Sign � We I I ° Small Mine �' Foundation 0 Area Outl ine Cemetery fi Building School � Church � Dam HYDROLOGY.• Stream or Body of Water --- --- Hydro, Pool or Reservoir �__ _� Jurisdictional Stream �S ... — Buffer Zone 1 Bz � BufFer Zone 2 Bz z F I ow Arrow �--- --- Disappearing Stream �--- --- S pri ng C��-..��-�-� Wetland � Proposed Lateral, Tail, Head Ditch � FLAY False Sump � ����� �� ����� ��������g �������� �� ���� V`IY ��� Note: Not to Scale *S. U.E. = Suhsurface Utility Engi�aeering R�4ILR0�4DS: Standard Gauge RR Signal Milepost Switch RR Abandoned RR Dismantled RrcxT oF iv��• Baseline Control Point Existing Right of Way Marker Existing Right of Way Line Proposed Right of Way Line Proposed Right of Way Line with Iron Pin and Cap Marker Proposed Right of Way Line with Concrete or Granite R1W Marker Proposed Control of Access Line with Concrete C/A Marker Existing Control of Access Proposed Control of Access F�cisting Easement Line Proposed Temporary Construction Easement - Proposed Temporary Drainage Easement Proposed Permanent Drainage Easement Proposed Permanent Drainage / Utility Easement Proposed Permanent Utility Easement Proposed Temporary Utility Easement Proposed Aerial Utility Easement CSX TRANSPORTATIDN 0 MILEP05T 35 0 �rr�� � � � � � 0 �i:a' �'.% Proposed Permanent Easement with Iron Pin and Cap Marker R0�4DS �4ND 1eEL�4TED FE�4TURES: Existing Edge of Pavement — �� ,0 in� � /C1 \_,/ E —E TDE �PDE � DUE �PUE TUE AUE 0 Existing Curb — Proposed Slope Stakes Cut --- c--- Proposed Slope Stakes Fill --- F--- Proposed Curb Ramp Existing Metal Guardrail — Proposed Guardrail = Existing Cable Guiderail — Proposed Cable Guiderail — Equality Symbol Pavement Removal T�'G�'T14TIDN.• Single Tree Single Shrub � �� :���������: '� � Hedge Woods Line -- -- -- -- -- 4rchard Vi neya rd EXISTING STRUCTURES: MAJOR: Bridge, Tunnel or Box Culvert Bridge Wing Wall, Head Wall and End Wall - MINOR: � � � � Vlneyard caNc J �oN� ww r ` Head and End Wall CONC HW Pipe Culvert ________ Footbridge Drainage Box: Catch Basin, DI or JB Paved Ditch Guiter Storm Sewer Manhole Storm Sewer IlTILITIES: POWER: Existing Power Pole Proposed Power Pole Existing Joint Use Pole Proposed Joint Use Pole Power Manhole Power Line Tower Power Transformer l� Power Cable Hand Hole H-Frame Pole l� Power Line LOS B�S.U.E.*} l� Power Line LOS C�S.U.E.*) l�/G Power Line LOS D(S.U.E.*) TELEPHQNE: Existing Telephone Pole Proposed Telephone Pole Telephone Manhole Telephone Pedestal Telephone Cell Tower l� Telephone Cable Hand Hole l� Telephone Cable LOS B�S.U.E.*) l� Telephone Cable LOS C(S.U.E.*j l� Telephone Cable LOS D(S.U.E.*j WiG Telephone Conduit LOS B�S.U.E.*� lY� Telephone Conduit LOS C�S.U.E.*) l�iG Telephone Conduit LOS D�S.U.E.*� l� Fiber Optics Cable LOS B(S.U.E.*j l� Fiber Optics Cable LOS C�S.U.E.*) l� Fiber Optics Cable LOS D�S.U.E.*} � C8 Os 5 • • 0 ►� v �� ----P---- P P � � 0 ❑T � HH ----T---- --T-- T ----TC---- - -TC- - TC ----T FO---- --T FO--- T FO PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-5311A IB WATER: Water Manhole Water Meter Water Valve Water Hydrant LI�G Water Line LOS B(S.U.E*j LViG Water Li ne LOS C�5. U. E*} LI�G Water Li ne LOS D�5. U. E*} Above Ground Water Line N: N Pedestal N Tower l� N Cable Hand Hole l� N Cable LOS B�S.U.E.*) l� N Cable LOS C(S.U.E.*� l� N Cable LOS D(S.U.E.*� l� Fiber Optic Cable LOS B(S.U.E.*� l� Fiber Optic Cable LOS C�S.U.E.*} l� Fiber Optic Cable LOS D(S.U.E.*� GAS: Gas Va Ive Gas Meter U/�G Gas Line LOS B�S.U.E.*� U/�G Gas Line LOS C�S.U.E.*� U/�G Gas Line LOS D�S.U.E.*� Above Ground Gas Line SANITARY SEWER: Sanitary Sewer Manhole Sanitary Sewer Cleanout LI�G Sanitary Sewer Line Above Ground Sanitary Sewer SS Forced Main Line LOS B�S.U.E.*J SS Forced Main Line LOS C(S.U.E,*) S S Force d Main Line L O S D( S. U. E.* j MISCELLANEOUS: Utility Pole Utility Pole with Base Utility Located Object Utility TrafFic Signal Box Utility Unknown U/�G Line LOS B�S.U.E.*J U�G Tank; Water, Gas, Oil Underground Storage Tank, Approx. Loc. - A�G Tank; Water, Gas, 4il Geoenvironmental Boring U�G Test Hole LQS A(S.U.E.*j Abandoned According to Utility Records - End of Information O 0 ►;• �o ----W---- w A/G Water ----TY---- --TY-- TV ----TYFD--- - -TY FO- TV FO ♦ - ,■� ----c---— c —c— A/G Gas SS A/G Sanitary Sewer ----F55---- - - FSS - - FSS -?UTL- 0 UST 0 � m AATU R E.O.I. c9 0 N \� � \� c9 0 N \� � \� c9 0 N \� � \� c9 0 N �C tD \� c9 0 N �C tD \� c9 0 N �C tD \� �k GUARDRAIL ANCHOR UNIT REQUIRED BRIDGE APPRQACH SLAB - Yl- �SR 1134 - M�DLIN HATCHERY RD} 4VER -EL- �NC 11 - SHORT CUT RD� - -Y2- �NC11/�LD NC11} 4VER -L2- �NC 11 - SHORT CUT RDj Ei �� 5121 Kingdam Way, Suite 100 � Raleigh, NC 27607 ineerin� Nc License No: F-0258 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-5311A R�W SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SHEET NO. 2B-4 HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED FOR TYPICAL SECTIQNS OF SITES 1& 2, SEE SHEET 28-3 FOR PLANS, SEE SHEETS 4& 7 50� z5� o� 50� �oo� GRAPHIC SCALE c9 0 N \� � \� c9 0 N \� � \� c9 0 N \� � \� c9 0 N \� � \� c9 0 N \� � \� c9 0 N \� � \� c9 0 N \� � \� c9 0 N \� � \� LAT. 5' BASE DITCH � SEE DETAIL B - DUE +07 ,� 123' LT 4 DELANO R. LANG, JR. e s 2r �� 4o�a w �a .� � N 2, ��� ;4 Lu � V � CARLTON F�., AMBROSE THERESA AMB�iOSE y �s 2 pi9_ ��/ �i3'� L s + 6� f� � —YI — PC Sta. 35+47.4( 90' LT ,':`�-? CL B RIP RAP ��, EST.3 TONS DVE , > EST.10 SY GEOTEXTILE �-. _ DUE � ��.,�� ' _. _ , E IS � �'���__``������� /����, �� ___�~~�`� • . , : �� �� �; . � � � ^�� .PROP.47" � W1N FENCE +OQ 9b' RT 30+00 T T T T � —Y1- S VO �� � 30+40.00 -EY- , , 50.00' f `.. � , ff � � 75' & 89.50' RT END C/A �� r r� +oo � 70' RT ' �.� F� N 9 � Yw ' 3 � F� + 95 150' RT —DR2— PI Sto 10+50.57 0 = 24' S3' 18Jg �RT� D = 28' 38' 52.4" L = 86.88' T = 44J3' R = 200.00' SE = NC r` � � �. � ���� f�� � � . ,���� ~�� ``����r /�� � � � r����r��� � a,_ � f I � ` \ ��� ` �������r • ��� _-` �ii��+ �. � � _ - : , Z ,, / r o REMOVE 4 LF OF 18" RCP,�._ ,`' 1303 �\� - COLL4R AND EXTEN� � �- � ` EXISTING R/W _ +G9.12 13 so' RT DUE— + 90 � 63.31' RT + 88 �R2— PC Sta. I0+06.43 �° & 75' RT DR2— PT Sta.14+93.31 ,�, � ,2 11 �� �� 'STRUCTION � �� —ursc — r'OT Sta. ll +44.56 +zo S 46' 05' 58.2� W LB 165' RT 3 �ELANO R. LANG. JR. 0 EIP (AXLE) N 4; Yl- FROM STA. 33 + 86 TO STA. 36 + 66 LT. DDE = 180 CY �� Yl- FROM 5TA. 33 + 90 TO STA. 3b + bQ RT. DDE = 75 CY o r� r� c� � DETAIL B LATERAL BASE DITCN ( NW to Scalej b Natural �-- Ground �i.� p �y:� 1°/Ft. Fill Slope I o I Min. d= 1 Ft. � -,��,- � B = 5 Ft. b = 5 Ft. W Yl- FROM 5TA.29+00 TO STA. 33+86 LT. DDE = 385 CY � — ; -YI- 3�3' 3 -�, , ,� �� ECM 5121 Kingdam Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 Enaineerin� Nc License No: F-0258 END CONSTRUCTI4N -YI - P4C Std 36 f85.44 � �`�`$'���W ��� �ag.9a �y ���ia'u' W 10g•62` � WILLIAM B. WYNN� JR., ET UX JAMES A. JENKINS RACHAEL MODLIN �, _ _�,.,��- � �.� . � a 'o � -° � c �+ �` i56�K� � p ��� � ��� DO �� ' wo �� �, , , �. � z , � _ .�—�.. ;.� d' lSBRK� a� �:�� * �` TIE TO EXISTING DiTC� �'-' 1, o� �� k6Z 3 t y tss � 2 28,99' { Y) � ,.t , .�- R�W , a 52� �i� J� V �XlST4N� 1 Q�-°rb ��w r � � � i �__� � �1P � �'' �. � � ��� dp3��W : =�' Y �� � , , _, , /�° �'j EX TING R/W' � I A �iPd ,_.""y-__,..' --*��- J i��[�►, \ � QV `"`. . _, C� �, . � �3.11 YY �.IP _�� _ ----- _ _ D.94 �.�'.....�- "' - l� �" r '': � `` =' RtiTA1N _ �,--�. 'y � R�aN I �-�� F � � . _ - . � � o _ . � . N � W a r ,. -- — iF �— _ � , �-���-, . . - - - �e� � �/ �. � .. . -- --- - �.—,.r-- .... . . � , �_.� _ � ,���� �_� .� Mf=-.._ 'ST Nc Riw YI — PT Sta. 39f. a TIE T4 EX15TING DITCH , o �P � LAT. 3' BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL A ,+ 90 50' & 72' RT 9 RACHAEL MODLIN YI — PI Std 37�63,30 �= 12' 08' 29.8"' ILT� D = 2° 49' 2�.8° L = 430J8' T = 215.90' R = 2,430.D0' EXti5i1N� ao 10� �u E o�c PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-5311A R�W SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SHEET NO. 9 HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED FQR —Yl— PROFILE, SEE SHEETS 14 & 15 FOR —DR2— PROFILE, SEE SHEET 19 c9 0 N \� � \�