HomeMy WebLinkAbout15-920_U-5853 MeetingMinutes_11-9-16�A� E r�a �.T NCDOT TIP U-5853 Widen St. Marks Church Roadl S. Williamson Ave. Burlington & Elon, Alamance County INTERNALI EXTERNAL SCOPING MEETING MINUTES — November 9, 2016 NCDOT Century Center — Structure Large Conference Room DAVENPORT 15-920 *Via phone Purpose The purpose of the meeting is to scope the project with internal and external agencies. Proiect Presentation/ Backqround NCDOT TIP U-5853 is described to widen SR 1301 (St. Marks Church Roadl S. Williamson Avenue) from SR 1228 (Boone Station Drive) to East Lebanon Avenue. There are streams and wetlands to the east and west of corridor but none within the study boundary. There are several churches in the vicinity: St. Marks Church, Trinity Presbyterian Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Elon Community Church. The average traffic along corridor is —10,000 ADT based on NCDOT AADT maps in 2013. The proposed project is State funded with a total amount of $24,819,000. The existing conditions are as follows: • 2-3 lanes undivided • Shoulder from Boone Station Drive to Sunset Drive • Sidewalks near Elon University • Speed limit: 35 MPH • No control access • Project limits: 2.33 miles The proposed improvements are as follows: • 3-4 lanes (based on traffic projections) • Shoulderl curb & gutter • Sidewalks • Bicycle lanesl sharrows (to be determined) NCDOT TIP U-5853 1 Internal & External Scoping Meeting November 9, 2016 '- +� [��V El'�P��T • Design speed: 40 MPH • Speed limit: 35 MPH • No control access Purpose and Need The primary purpose is to reduce existing and projected traffic congestion along St. Marks Church Road/ S. Williamson Avenue; while the secondary purpose is to provide safe pedestrian access to destinations in the corridor and near Elon University. Potential Impacts/ Design Consitlerations There are several elements to take into account while designing this project. • Railroad tracks parallel Trollingner Avenue and E. Lebanon Avenue, • A city park, Joe C. Davidson Park, • A church with a cemetery (St. Marks Church), • Overhead utilities • NCDOT TIP U-5752 — intersection improvement at US 70 (Church Street) and St. Marks Church Road — currently under planning. Current Project Schedule: • Traffic Forecast — February 2017 • Capacity Analysis — June 2017 • Preliminary Design — June 2018 • Document (EA) — January 2019 • Document (FONSI) — June 2020 • Possible State EA/FONSI to be completed January 2019 timeframe in place of Federal documents • ROW — 2021 • Construction — 2023 Discussion & Input The following units/ agencies did not participate in the meeting: • Structures • Hydro • Geotech • WZTC • PDEA-NES • Bike & Ped • Rail • WRC • USFWS • SHPO • RPO • City/Town Comments received from the following units during the meeting are below: Roadway: o Confirmed the design considerations, coordination is needed with Railroad Unit Utilities: o Identified power poles in the area NCDOT TIP U-5853 2 Internal & External Scoping Meeting November 9, 2016 �A� E r�a �.T • HES: o Mentioned that the park (4f issue) would be temporary, there are no EJ impacts but Spanish and Asian languages were identified in the area and should be considered with communications. Coordination with Bike & Ped is needed regarding accommodations and the need for wide outer lanes to accommodate bicyclists. A multi- use path for pedestrian and bicycles may be considered for the corridor. • TPB — no comments • STIP: o Concerned that the limits would be extended south to University Drive. Additional coordination is needed regarding the project scope. Currently plans does not include extending the limits to University Drive. • Division 7: o With a proposed ROW date of 2021, U-5853 was slated for reprioritization under SPOT 4.0. Recent discussions regarding prioritization of project U-5853 resulted in an unfavorable SPOT 4.0 score for this project. Early indiciations is that U-5853 will not be funded in the upcoming draft STIP. This project may receive a more favorable prioriry in SPOT 5.0. o Clarification is needed regarding the Town's vision for the proposed project to include a logical termini. o Division believes a more urgent issue may be between Boone Station Drive and Church Street • USACOE: o There will likely be low wetland investigations and general permitting. o This project does not need to follow the merger process. • DENR: • EPA: o Concerns with stormwater and wants to know if NCDOT will have inventory of outfalls and repairs. The project is within the Jordan Watershed Buffer. This is common on NCDOT projects. NCDOT Hydraulics Unit will be notified regarding this request. o There are no natural resources of concern. EPA has the same stormwater concerns as DENR. Should be known that EJ communities extend beyond limited English speaking communities but also covers the population under the age of 5 and over the age of 65. There should be more coordination with Elon University for a land use plan and future plans. NCDOT should consider a complete street approach and more participation with typical sections. • PDEA: o A capacity analysis will be prepared to aid in the scope of the project for SPOT 5.0 o Based on information received from the Dvision, if the project becomes unfunded in the draft STIP, PDEA will terminate any further project development activities until project becomes funded. Next Steps: • DAVENPORT will analyze the traffic upon receiving Traffic Forecast • DAVENPORT will be tasked with preparing a capacity analysis to aid in scope development for SPOT 5.0. • DAVENPORT to coordinate with NCDOT Hydraulics Unit regarding outfall inventory for the project area. NCDOT TIP U-5853 3 Internal & External Scoping Meeting November 9, 2016