HomeMy WebLinkAbout20052066 Ver 7_Individual_20161117ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. Planning for a Better Environment P.O. Box 3368 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Telephone: 252-441-0239 Fax: 252-441-0721 Email: obxwood@yahoo.com TO: North Carolina Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit Attn: Ms. Karen Higgins 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 JATTACHED LETTER OF TRANSMMAL 2 0 1 6 1 1 3 5 DATE: November 1], 2016 JOB NO.: 014-014 RE: Corolla Bay — Northeastern North Carolina Properties Corolla Soundside, LLC COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENTS 4 11-11-16 Project Narrative 4 11-11-16 ENG Form 4345 4 11-11-I6 Letter to the Great Dismal Swamp Restoration Bank — Confirmation of Acceptance of Mitigation Credits 4 11-14-16 Confirmation Letter from the Great Dismal Swamp Restoration Bank 4 Revised 11-10-16 I 1 x 17 Plat 4 8-9-16 Waiver Setback Requirements THESE ARE SUBMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ❑ For your approval ❑ For your use ❑ ❑ As requested REMARKS: COPY TO: Project File Towne Bank: Attn: Mr. Louis Roussos Review & Comment Signature/Notarization SIGNED: / Qeorge H. Wood, CEP, PWS Environmental Professionals, Inc. PROJECT NARRATIVE COROLLA BAY The recent acquisition of the southern portion of this project site has resulted in the reconsideration of water access and shoreline erosion control for the remainder of the property. This request is to authorize: ■ the relocation of the community access pier to the area just south of Lot 36; ■ the concrete pier which will be 180 feet long x 6 feet wide with a 4 -foot -wide step down for kayak access along 50 feet of the pier with two sets of steps leading into the water; ■ a 20 x 20 foot (400 square foot) gazebo platform which is proposed at the waterward end of the pier; ■ an existing sandy beach which will be protected by a 30 -foot -long groin on the north and a 60 - foot -long groin on the south which is at the pier; ■ a proposed 20 foot x 6 foot kayak storage area and picnic tables; ■ a 50 -foot -long bulkhead which will be constructed at the highground wetland interface; ■ a 6 -foot wide concrete walkway which will access the pier as well as the sandy beach; ■ day parking which is proposed adjacent to Cruz Bay Court; ■ landscaping buffer areas which are proposed for the north and south sides of the recreational access area; ■ four 92 -foot -long breakwaters which are proposed on the south end of the property to protect the eroding wetlands. The breakwaters will have a 2 -inch gap which is proposed between vinyl sheets. The breakwaters are proposed to be offset by +/- 12.5 feet and overlap +/- 5 feet. On the north end, four breakwaters of 75 LF are proposed with the same construction detail as the south end except the offset between breakwaters will be +/- 10 feet; and ■ a bulkhead (220 feet long) which is proposed at Lots 11, 12, and 13 in the pond and will be constructed at NWL. 1,581 s.f. of Section 404 wetlands will be filled as a result of the alignment which is proposed to be mitigated by the purchase of wetlands from The Great Dismal Swamp Restoration Bank (2:1). I NUV 11 2416 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-0003 APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT EXPIRES: 28 FEBRUARY 2013 33 CFR 326. The proponent agency is CECW-CO-R. Public reporting for this collection of Information is estimated to average 11 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed. and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of the collection of irlforrnation, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Deportment of Defense, Washington Headquarters, Gx*cutive Swvioes and Communications Oireewrese, infbrmabon Uansoenwent Division and to the Office of Management and Budget. Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003). Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information 9 it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your forth to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act. Section 10, 33 USC 403: Clean Water Ad. Section 404.33 USC 1344: Marine Protection. Research, and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103.33 USC 1413. Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rub 33 CFR 320.332. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state. and local government agencies, and the pubic and may be made avail" as part of a public notice as required by federal law. Sutxnission of requested information is voluntary, however, it Information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and/or instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full -*All be returned. (ITEMS1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1, APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE ((TENS BELOW TO BE FILLED BY APPUCANn 5. APPLICANTS NAME 8. AU 1 agent is not required) First - Herbert Middle - R. Last - Hamlet First - George Middle - H. Last - Wood Company - Northeastern North Carni ilia Prnperties Soundside_ LLC Company - Envirottrnental Professionals, Inc. E -mad Address - Louis.Roussos@townebanknet E-mail Address - obxwood,@yahoo.com 6. APPLICANTS ADDRESS: S. AGENTS ADDRESS: Address- 6001 Harbour View Boulevard Address- P.O. Box 3369. 1404 S. Virginia Dare Trail City - Suffolk State - VA Zip - 23435 Country -USA City- Kill Devil Hills State - IVC Zip - 27948 Country -USA 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NO*. wJARGA CODE t0. AGENTS PHONE NOs w/AREA CODE a. Residence b. Business c. Fax a. Residence b. Business c. Fax 757-673-1593 252-423-1234 252-441-0239 252441-0721 *TATCMCNT OF AUTHOMICATtON 11. I hereby authorize, Environmental Professionals,tna to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request. supplemental information in support of this permit a bcauo1 2016-)1-09 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME, LOCATION, AND DERCRIPTKIN OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see Instructions) Corolla Bay 13. NAME OF WATERBODY. IF KNUWN (11 appucable) 14. PROJECT 5TREET ADDRC55 (Kapplcaole) Currituek Sound Address Not Assigned �'�' ('nrAlle State. NC Zip 27927 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Latitude: -N 36.3537 Longitude: •W -7s-8270 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (see instructions) State Tax Parcel ID l ISE00000320000 Municipality Corolla Section - Corolla Bay Township - Poplar Branch Range - ENG FORM 4346, OCT 2012 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE, Page 1 of 3 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Drive north on Ocean Trail, turn west on Devils Bay, and project is at either end of Cruz Bay. 18. Nature of Activity (Description of project, include all features) Residential subdivision. See attached project description. 19. Proiect Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the projwcl. awe inntnictinns) Recreation water access and shoreline erosion control USE BLOCKS 20-231F DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge Erosion Control 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards: Type Typo Type Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Sand - 50.74 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see instructions) Acres or Linear Feet 274 Linear Feet 23. Description of Avoidance, Minimization, and Compensation (see instructions) Bulkhead alignment along shoreline in pond averaging 0 feet. Only the small wetland fringe on Lots 11, 12, and 13 will be filled resulting in the loss of 1,581 s.f. which will be mitigated 2:1 by purchase of wetland credits from The Great Dismal Swamp Restoration Bank. Pier aligned to avoid SRVs. ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 Pago 7 of 3 24. Is Any Portion of the Work Already r:omplPte9 Yee L_I"o IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK Subdivision infrastructure in place 25. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody irf more mar, can be entered here, please anach a e4ppkrnw0l lot) a. Address- Jeffrey Kuhn - 541 Vanderbilt Avenue City - Virginia Beach State - VA Zip - 23451 b. Address- NCDOT - 1514 Mail Service Center City - Raleigh State - NC Zip - 27699 c. Address- Food Lion, LLC - P.O. Box 1330 City - Salisbury State - NC Zip - 28145 d. Addrees- City - State - Zip - e. Address - City - State - Up - 26. List of Other Certificates or Approvals/Denials received from other Federal, State, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPC APPROVAL- IDENTIFICATION DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED NUMBER (See Attached) Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flood plain permits 27. Appiication is hereby made for permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that this information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE ? SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The Application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. FNG FoRm 1315, ocr 2012 Page 3 of 3 ` COROLLA RAY PERMIT STATUS MAI-RIX , MAY 13, 2016 Permit T Type Issuing ------------- - - - --- _-- Permit Status/ — Date Fxpiralioe Authorkv Description Issued ate I ('AMA Najoi Permit 0129• N(DENRA)CM _ Foramstructirmot2 obscivation piers anJ o bet slruc:ures and us:•s located in and over wacr 6.8-15 09 (Amended) _ 4-14-17 Modified Nomtweter Permit _` --­14, NCI)t'.NWI)WQ -- - difial 2(RIS SWPemrit to alt,w HI1 devdo men( & a,nstntcGon, i -� - - p 4wralron. • mamlcnancz ofa -- 10-29-08 -------- ---- .. 0SW 7(1502211 wet Jetenlion pend 10.29-18 •i 401 Water (2ualil} N(UFiNWDWQ _ — - 7o impact .13acrrs west of NC' 12 and .41 acres case of NC 12. Includes (kneral 1'exnrit - - 4-13-07 --------- --- ('caUfwatu,n Projca #IWGPI0000()& W(,X 3627. 9_30-118 v4 Work has been cotooLecd. (Wrxk Completed) 4 401 Water(,)uglily N(I)I NR/DWQ 10i ---. impact 1.46 eves of 4114 walands & 1.'8 acres of isolated wetlands to too construct subdivisk'n 4-3-09 •404 ('atification Includes Cenral Permit #IW(;PIO(XM. WQC3788, IMAILT #SAW-2088-00770 wetland im expiration of Project 005-2066 05404 or M A permit. • Impadi to isolated wNlands-up:)n espirali,ar of IWGP10000() 10.31-13 1 Work Completed) -104 Individuall'crmit ('01: Action 11) # SAW USA('F. -- --- -- Active Act-., - ----- -- --- - '- - 10-10 ----------- -- _----- Runs with ('AMA Permit #200M)770 (now) (� 404 (icneral Permit (SACC Phase I of 59-acxe poject allowed filling of .1268 acres of wetlands to facilitate mad crossing (west 12-28115 --- - - - Nativnwidc Permit #14 side (if NC 12 only). 12-28-IO _ Action ID-2((16103'',8 (Work Cr wnpleted) 7 AN(Vice r1lurisdictimal ----- 1,14AUt .-- V1c.1 ~rdc of Nl 12 1 oerminattcm - ORM 11-3 0 SAW 2007-0948 8 Erosion & Sed 2M)e.p C'ontml N(1)LNW[1<.R - ---- --- 1 or instatlaton of mad infrastructure, utilities rb sionnwatcx managctne t facililies. - -- Plan #Curt 2(105-0I1 uff 11.2 acus dislurigtrce 3.28118 6encral discharge Pcmu1 for construction activities - '► N1,513(iPerna WNUWQ 10-1-01 NCf 1010000 OIOOl ConctruYitm only otlow rate inlihration facility -- ^--- -- --- ----t-3 tW 9-30_% - -- 7.31-09 -- - - IQ WaSILVAtter Permit NCDI NWI)WQ a W 21872 I Modified Wastewater Permit PT( 'IN:NRNWQ Wastewater rnllcctKr extension fir Phase 1 toot building of this Iimc) Voids #WQO124(191 detect 8- ?-1-05 Until Keued►d # W 0(124(191 17-M. Modified due to a redesen of miie�y November 1 I. 2016 The Great Dismal Swamp Restoration Bank. LLC Attn: Ms. Beverly White P.O. Box 6186 Chesapeake. VA 23323 Dear Ms. White. This letter is to request confirmation of acceptance for mitigation credits for the Corolla Bay application for proposed impacts to wetlands. Corps' Project Number: Waterway: Permittee's Name: Location of Impact: Permit Action: Impacts (Acres/Linear Feet): Impact NWI Classification: Impact Hydrologic Unit Code: Anticipated Mitigation: SAW -2008-00770 (modification) Non -Riparian Northeastern North Carolina Properties Corolla Soundside. LLC Corolla, C'urrituck County. North Carolina Individual Permit 0.036 Acres None Pasquotank 03010305 0.073 Acres Thank you for providing a letter of acceptance for these proposed impacts. Sincerely. Environmental Professionals. Inc. ,�--1/ 14✓aC2 Wood, CEP. PWS 31.01. f,0\.33iiX 's... i ail-'. 1: 1i. 's '\ORi 11 z 4 ltl . }'€i;'tiP. -.., �+i}-il�_`J S . ,. :5-.'. rl-'�-_. • } ;11! . ,dr=.;. �:,:.,+�;fhuo.Cu,. The Great Dismal Swamp RestorationBank, LLC P. O. Box 6186 Chesapeake, VA 23323 November 14, 2016 Mr. George Wood Environmental Professionals, Inc. P.O. Box 3368 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 RE: Corolla Bay Currituck County, NC Dear Mr. Wood: Phone (757) 487-3441 Fax (757) 487-8680 The following price quote is given in reply to your request for the purchase of 0.073 wetland mitigation credits (HUC Code 03010205) from The Great Dismal Swamp RestorationBank Timberlake Farm. These credits are currently available from our Timberlake mitigation bank. The cost will be One Thousand, Six Hundred, Seventy -Nine Dollars ($ 1,679.00). This quote will expire on January 31, 2017. You will need to submit to the USCOE the necessary application for said mitigation, and receive USCOE permission to furnish said required credits from our Timberlake bank. To complete this transaction, we will require payment in full. Once payment is received, the credit sale will be reported to the US Army Corps of Engineers. Please provide and/or confirm the following information: Corps Project i*: SAW -2008-00770 Waterway: Non -Riparian Permittee Name: Northeastern North Carolina Properties Corolla Soundside, LLC Locality of Impact: Corolla, Currituck County, NC Permit action (i.e., IP, NWP-39, enforcement, etc.) IP Impacts (acres/linear feet): 0.073 Impacts Hydrologic Unit Code: 03010205 Mitigation Bank, Permittee, and Consultant agree not to discuss with any other party the details and/or pricing of this agreement, unless necessary for regulatory matters. Information contained herein shall be held in the strictest confidence. Thank you for allowing us to quote on this project. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, 4A.— LJ .—LJ everly hite Manager ccounting / Sales GDSRB CC: File CAFE NAME North Carolina Department of Transportation Att: Michelle Pittman ADDRESS 230 NC 42 West CITY Ahoskie _ _ ST NC Z:P 27910 RE Corolla Bay To 'Alhom, It May Concern July 26th, 2016 - -_{PROJECT NAME-) Northeastern North Carolina Properties -his correspor dFnce r it, notify you as a noanar prctpeny ownei th., Corolla Soundside, LLC _ — is applying for nsen property owner :name or company) AMA Major perm; to -- _ _ _-_ _ Construct a pier (.nsert project ,escripliur or, Popery IcLated x Eastern Shore of Currituck Sound, on Cruz Bay Drive, in Corolla {insertgrope.^,y aodra� cour,!) vlr.,ch,, ,s adlale�d to your ptopuny A copy a! The appltcatton and p^. 1"r -i diarrrrrl:s is !cciosed fo- your review it ycu have ria cblectrons to the ;,Io(ns�d activity please lila n irio arpropriale six,ert riecv, an(J rt:t.l'n to Northeastern North Carolina Properties Corolla Soundside, LLC. cis soot, as pcssrhle ,insert name of responsible :;arty) If no comments. are received within 3C days of recent of this rotict, :nl; r),; cw s.dere:! r -at you have no comments regarding this project, If you havo rlb,ections or comments please mark the approl ate staterr,en► be+:r:: and send your correspondence to the NC Division at Coastai Vanagunient at 1361" LES H!,)1Y 1 i b . Elizabetri C , y Nv 27 901:, If v -, r,a,e questions about the protect please d;: no; nesrrte tc contact : ,r; d!. 752673-1593- .'insert pnone nig .t erl of Vie Dins - of ;oastal Management at 252.261 393 Sincere!v Northeastern North Carolina Properties Corolla Soundside, LLC. INSERT NAME X have nn objection to the Juscnhe:J _ _ Vet- a:;ect orn s) to the project as desimberl WAIVER S_CIION unaerstand twat, a titer klock. mooring pilings boat rar--;) brt-;Awa!9 lift ': n.s: Cir se., back � minimum d -stance of 15' 'rr:m fny area of rip Ina^ :,:ress ur.ess valved !,y we 0* you ::t sn to 9:'1": the se!l rick ; -r must initial the appropriate blank X co :vrs,� w v:a+ve r nr- t-' se'haci, rt-uuvemer! _ Print harp Signature of Acjacen! Prcperty Owner Mailing Address rid. -or Erna I Address i do not yvish to waive t!7e .5 setbacs regUirenlent Date Phone Number AAAA AAAA AAAA ... SouND cu��ucK : ATLANTIC OCEAN V IC]d C5Y MAP NTA NOTES 1) CONTACT. NORTHEASTTRN NORM CAROUNA PROPERTIES COROLLA SOLAIMDE. ILC 6001 HARBOUR NEW w D SUFFOLK, VA 23435 (757) 61}1593 2) SOURCE DEED AS RECORDED N D.B. 365. PC 374, C.0 R 3) PLAN REFERENCE WETLAND MM BY COASTAL ENIXNEERNG 6: SURI£Y1NG. INC WETK.MO MAP BY BENCINARN SURVEYING, AND WETLAND MAP BY WIBLE R ASSOC 4) ALL DISTURBED MEAS M HAVE MT FENCE INSTALLED AROOND THE PERMKETER. 5) TOTAL LENGTH OF SNOREUNE *3,932 6) CURRENT VALID WETLAND DEDkffATON. U.S.A.OE. SAW#2006-03170* 7) CARA Map. Permit #129-09 (—&d) EXISTING BULOEAD� wo RPARIAN CORRmORLINIS MM Mlxmsw- xo aAv.W PROPOSED 4005 f LE(>Ct0 E L IIVIDI uu]n �� � I E '.hHu\'I l'11x i'1P � HATCHING: fa�ub \`/ ® 404 WETLANDS mU I p �.� . i a�xK7 •sem KAYAK STORAGE PER uPd OAZEBO ? RIPARInN (IlRR100R LINES ITYPI z \ II\\ 1 I NORMAL WATER LINE / CAMS'. WETLA \ \ l '.l czll DO H WIDt PIER WITH Al—PHomj w I - PROPDSEDTS L! PER COMA PF�WP (wan am31 IBREAKWATflII'1'YPl •Iam1.LM `m_ TX (4 TOTAL x I 1� �� \ xD4 GAZEBO PLATFORM PROPOSED 92 LF - /�_ \ �'•- _. / %\! _ \ J!. —• _ W BREAKWATER(IT% .. I �.' IJ °''Y{ \ _ _ - I{/ \ l- N/F -/ /•,/ __ IS TOTAU / •� �1 �+ CIIRRITUCK COUNTY 76 g ge '. Y WIDE CONCRETE PANEL ` \ _ - r S ♦s s j OYE NORMAL WATER SURFACE PROPOSEDS WIDE EX POND ELEVATED WALKWAY WER PIER f1YP) PER�CAMAA PERMITJ •17"I41.IENDEd \ ,C„ • K'a�NF1E / f 1 �iY 117 BBUI�ADEicm9oN Wl ADJACENT 6 6 § Bch RIPARIAN POSEDWLF.GROIN ' � .. .915 �N:TIA uxE O O ,�+ NEIGHBOR `2 g OPOSEDWI-F.GROIN n ("Kt. t O O° •49.Wr -'my �_ POND / S OPOSEDSO�BIR1(IIEAD / ,/ Aylf. . /, A' Cv 4�4 �' 1 ' O'� O •� u o ucw WnrtR LNE / ]i �yY � " PROA76ED 20M'KAYAII SIOItAGL SINUCITIRE �. ® 1 ® t ®,O"off 4t4Nr I �/lY *T O MA - PROPOSEDISIWTLANOBGPEBUFFERMEA 1 vyyW C _g KYW WALL 14 R �METI.WD I1NE REOIION� •4rJIR DN: ffi _ _ TM'.YR ian� SFp110N Ty- CT a �o o W o ECTK7N 1 O P/O LOT 2 T . , n On v4CAKT LANDS OF 0 ® ® ® NORTHEASTERN NORTH ® 0 4Rt rest `vAO41er \ CAROLINA PROPERT,LI.0 DB. 1288, PG. TLB -733 SECTA464 W[RAN03 FORMALLY COROLLA SOUNDSIDEE L.L.C. / scTlw 404 vc*1"v+os CJ' y - - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - PC. J. Sl. iMB 1. ? �_ - MEA ,M4.6 W RIGHT OF FORM FORMALLY SECTIONN It II COROLLA BAY P/0 IAT 2 COROLA BAY 7-7 K WETLAI4I.S /- !i / \ �Aj sE ox 10. WCTl.wos' ns 16 EF EX. POND LOT 3 / LANDS OF: NORTHEASTERN NORTH CAROLINA ( PROPERTIES OCEANSIDE VILLAS, LLC D.B. 1288, PG 713-721 FORMALLY COROLLA OCEAN SIDE L.L.C. "VILLAS AT COROLLA BAY" PC. I", SL. 34 PC. M, SL. 160 PROPOSED210 LF, B WIDE CONORERE PANED D PROPOSED BULKHEAD PIER { FEET ABOVE NORMAL WATERSURFACE a (1 NOIIMAL WATER LINE oboes NWQ SURVEYED IN 2145 ,W awxV 1 PRIOR PERMITTED PIER LOCATION LOCATION TO BE ABANDONED / PER CAW PERMIT .� •129-09(AbOENDEDl - CURRITUCK COUNTY D.H. 718, PG. 76 EXISTING SANDY BEAOKTREA 25500' VINYL - - PROPOSED BENCH MING- 8' DIAMETER X 12 FOOT PILES ��\\ B FEET ON CENTER (TrP) \ 4"a8" INE ORAE �WHALER TREAT. TO 2.5 CCA � 3/4" TIMBER BOLTS / PROPOSED 6 WIDE CONCRETE WAIJK TYM-0 FROM TOP DOWN 12" FOR WATER FLOW (TYP) ON BREMWA STRUCTURES WHERE APPLICABLE WATER PROPOSED PICNIC TABLETP)� / ✓. 6UtttB - SR10RD LANDSCAPING - "- - IMPROYF]P:N S(TYP) PROF'DSEDCONCREM �OFAlaIlul 4w'YEnnlns ING AA PARKRT /60.7Y / PROPOSED GRAYEL— PARKING AREA L- f LE(>Ct0 E L IIVIDI uu]n �� � I E '.hHu\'I l'11x i'1P � HATCHING: fa�ub \`/ ® 404 WETLANDS mU I p �.� . i a�xK7 •sem KAYAK STORAGE PER uPd OAZEBO ? RIPARInN (IlRR100R LINES ITYPI z \ II\\ 1 I NORMAL WATER LINE / CAMS'. WETLA \ \ l '.l czll DO H WIDt PIER WITH Al—PHomj w I - PROPDSEDTS L! PER COMA PF�WP (wan am31 IBREAKWATflII'1'YPl •Iam1.LM `m_ TX (4 TOTAL x I 1� �� \ xD4 GAZEBO PLATFORM PROPOSED 92 LF - /�_ \ �'•- _. / %\! _ \ J!. —• _ W BREAKWATER(IT% .. I �.' IJ °''Y{ \ _ _ - I{/ \ l- N/F -/ /•,/ __ IS TOTAU / •� �1 �+ CIIRRITUCK COUNTY 76 g ge '. Y WIDE CONCRETE PANEL ` \ _ - r S ♦s s j OYE NORMAL WATER SURFACE PROPOSEDS WIDE EX POND ELEVATED WALKWAY WER PIER f1YP) PER�CAMAA PERMITJ •17"I41.IENDEd \ ,C„ • K'a�NF1E / f 1 �iY 117 BBUI�ADEicm9oN Wl ADJACENT 6 6 § Bch RIPARIAN POSEDWLF.GROIN ' � .. .915 �N:TIA uxE O O ,�+ NEIGHBOR `2 g OPOSEDWI-F.GROIN n ("Kt. t O O° •49.Wr -'my �_ POND / S OPOSEDSO�BIR1(IIEAD / ,/ Aylf. . /, A' Cv 4�4 �' 1 ' O'� O •� u o ucw WnrtR LNE / ]i �yY � " PROA76ED 20M'KAYAII SIOItAGL SINUCITIRE �. ® 1 ® t ®,O"off 4t4Nr I �/lY *T O MA - PROPOSEDISIWTLANOBGPEBUFFERMEA 1 vyyW C _g KYW WALL 14 R �METI.WD I1NE REOIION� •4rJIR DN: ffi _ _ TM'.YR ian� SFp110N Ty- CT a �o o W o ECTK7N 1 O P/O LOT 2 T . , n On v4CAKT LANDS OF 0 ® ® ® NORTHEASTERN NORTH ® 0 4Rt rest `vAO41er \ CAROLINA PROPERT,LI.0 DB. 1288, PG. TLB -733 SECTA464 W[RAN03 FORMALLY COROLLA SOUNDSIDEE L.L.C. / scTlw 404 vc*1"v+os CJ' y - - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - PC. J. Sl. iMB 1. ? �_ - MEA ,M4.6 W RIGHT OF FORM FORMALLY SECTIONN It II COROLLA BAY P/0 IAT 2 COROLA BAY 7-7 K WETLAI4I.S /- !i / \ �Aj sE ox 10. WCTl.wos' ns 16 EF EX. POND LOT 3 / LANDS OF: NORTHEASTERN NORTH CAROLINA ( PROPERTIES OCEANSIDE VILLAS, LLC D.B. 1288, PG 713-721 FORMALLY COROLLA OCEAN SIDE L.L.C. "VILLAS AT COROLLA BAY" PC. I", SL. 34 PC. M, SL. 160 /EON WATER LEVE —0.5' DEEP- 255-16""n SHEET PRE BECTM PROPOSED BREAKWATER / COM DUAL SCALE. N. T.S. -- �- DEADMAN/TIEBACK' , PROPOSED BULKHEAD BACKFNL (1 . oboes NWQ N/F / PLAN VIEW CURRITUCK COUNTY D.H. 718, PG. 76 ALONG ENTIRE "NO WMD 25500' VINYL 2" WDE GM AT INTERLOCK 8' DIAMETER X 12 FOOT PILES ��\\ B FEET ON CENTER (TrP) \ 4"a8" INE ORAE �WHALER TREAT. TO 2.5 CCA � 3/4" TIMBER BOLTS SHEET PIE 1/{" TIMBER BOLTS FROM TOP DOWN 12" FOR WATER FLOW (TYP) ON BREMWA STRUCTURES WHERE APPLICABLE WATER /EON WATER LEVE —0.5' DEEP- 255-16""n SHEET PRE BECTM PROPOSED BREAKWATER / COM DUAL SCALE. N. T.S. I r PHASE Y R ES. O.YBE%tG. TE m 1 r� P.C. G, SL 956 (COYId+RCIAl NOT TO EXCEED 5.40 AC) i / PIN 0116-000-0033-0000 ISWATERLINE EASEMEWNr \' �` • 1 II/ TS ACCESSEASEABENf � '0D iN FOR BAY W C 121 P/0 IAT 3 \ / PIN: 011500000040000 — I � ----- LOT 4 Q E " LANDS OF — q � NORTHEASTERN NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTIES LLC -------- ------ A o EX is VEPCO EASEMENT 'Z, D.B. 1288, PG 722 (DA2i1PG. TSM 1 cJ FORMALLY o U COROLLA COMMERCIAL L.L.C. w i F Ip GA] P.C. "I", SL. 35 x P.C. 7', SL. 198 W za 20'X20' GAZEBO 6' WOE PER }3891 TOP OF PIER CURRITUCK SOUND 3100' WETLANDS *107' POND *202' 4. A.M. S.L. EROSION ESCARPMENT PROPOSED NORTH PIER ELEVATION G,: IF- I" - 40' 20'X20' GAZEBO TOP OF PIER S. WIDE CONCRETE PANEL PIER R CCNCRETE WALK 345'3 4.0 OF PIR 6 WE CONCRETE PANEL PIER 210 CINRITUCK SOUND 180'* *30' CONCRETE WALK ON GROUND 135'* N.W.L SUBSTRATE EROSION 50 LF. CONCRETE PANEL STAIRS TO LOWER SECTION (TVP) ESCARPMENT LOWER LEVEL SECTION PROPOSED SOUTH PER ELEVATION SCALe.- I • = 40, -- �- DEADMAN/TIEBACK' , PROPOSED BULKHEAD BACKFNL (1 . oboes NWQ N/F / GEOTEXTILE FABRIC CURRITUCK COUNTY D.H. 718, PG. 76 ALONG ENTIRE "NO WMD SUBSTRATE FACE OF BULKHEAD "FT10D U LLC• / PO BOX 1330 SALISBURY, NC 28145 (COROLLA SHORES) I r PHASE Y R ES. O.YBE%tG. TE m 1 r� P.C. G, SL 956 (COYId+RCIAl NOT TO EXCEED 5.40 AC) i / PIN 0116-000-0033-0000 ISWATERLINE EASEMEWNr \' �` • 1 II/ TS ACCESSEASEABENf � '0D iN FOR BAY W C 121 P/0 IAT 3 \ / PIN: 011500000040000 — I � ----- LOT 4 Q E " LANDS OF — q � NORTHEASTERN NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTIES LLC -------- ------ A o EX is VEPCO EASEMENT 'Z, D.B. 1288, PG 722 (DA2i1PG. TSM 1 cJ FORMALLY o U COROLLA COMMERCIAL L.L.C. w i F Ip GA] P.C. "I", SL. 35 x P.C. 7', SL. 198 W za 20'X20' GAZEBO 6' WOE PER }3891 TOP OF PIER CURRITUCK SOUND 3100' WETLANDS *107' POND *202' 4. A.M. S.L. EROSION ESCARPMENT PROPOSED NORTH PIER ELEVATION G,: IF- I" - 40' 20'X20' GAZEBO TOP OF PIER S. WIDE CONCRETE PANEL PIER R CCNCRETE WALK 345'3 4.0 OF PIR 6 WE CONCRETE PANEL PIER 210 CINRITUCK SOUND 180'* *30' CONCRETE WALK ON GROUND 135'* N.W.L SUBSTRATE EROSION 50 LF. CONCRETE PANEL STAIRS TO LOWER SECTION (TVP) ESCARPMENT LOWER LEVEL SECTION PROPOSED SOUTH PER ELEVATION SCALe.- I • = 40, PROPOSED BULKEAD DETAL (N. T. S.) GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 SD IDD 200 ( IN FEET 1 inch = 100 it. W F � z 4 DATE: SCALE: 4 20 O6 1 100' CFC IMAIN PROJECT N0: P641 CAD FILE: P641CAMA 1 1 -- �- DEADMAN/TIEBACK' , PROPOSED BULKHEAD BACKFNL (1 . oboes NWQ EROSION ESCARPMENT GEOTEXTILE FABRIC NW- POND ALONG ENTIRE "NO WMD SUBSTRATE FACE OF BULKHEAD PROPOSED BULKEAD DETAL (N. T. S.) GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 SD IDD 200 ( IN FEET 1 inch = 100 it. W F � z 4 DATE: SCALE: 4 20 O6 1 100' CFC IMAIN PROJECT N0: P641 CAD FILE: P641CAMA 1 1