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20161143 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_20161118
Kim B. Wamer, PE, PLLC 4 3 November 15, 2016 Division of Water Resources Wetlands, Buffers, Streams — Compliance and Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 RE: 401 Water Quality Certification Application 179 Tryon Bay Circle Lake Lure, NC 28746 To whom it may concern, Kim B. Warner, PE, PLLC 139 Countrywood Drive, Forest City, NC 28043 Cell (828) 429-2466, Phone/Fax (828) 248-1240 PE No. 19856 Company No. P-1583 Email — wamer nnctv.com ,\\A t CA RO%/� _i�✓E,L 6 aV 19856 1l ` N O V 1 8 2016 Contained in this package are documents pertaining to the proposed construction of a new seawall at the Dunlop residence at 204 Pier Point Dr. in Lake Lure, NC. The section where this wall is proposed is adjacent to an existing boathouse on a very steep section of the Dunlop property. There is a twenty one foot gap between the boathouse and the property line where the Dunlop's neighbor has installed a 4 to 5 foot tall seawall. Soil from the area above this section of the property is prone to washing into the lake. The attached plans and documents describe a wall that matches the neighbor's wall in height and appearance. The new wall will be constructed during the time when the lake is down so that there will be no contact with uncured concrete by the waters of the lake. By copy of this letter, the Dunlop's respectfully request that a 401 Water Quality Certification be issued for this project. A prompt review to facilitate construction during the recently scheduled lowering of the lake would be appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at one of the numbers listed above. Sincerely, Kim B. Warner State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWR —1. Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02H .0500 — Water Quality Certification, Shoreline Stabilization Division of Water Resources FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Shoreline Stabilization Application Form Three copies of the application (including attachments) and the application fee should be sent to: Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 I. Applicant Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)l 1. Owner Information Name: fiQ J -77 Mailing Address: Z 3 f ,.' -7 Telephone Number: 7/3. ;z5Y 3.339 Fax Number: `713. 2 Z 129 7 3 E-mail Address:r^. 2. Agent/ Contact Person Information A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter (a form can be downloaded here: http://www saw usace army mil/Portals/59/docs/regulatory/regdocs/Permits/SAMPLE AGENT AUTH ORIZATION FORM.pdf) must be attached if the Agent has signed this application form. Name: 1kim lVarne✓ Company Affiliation: Ma en e.- ;EK" ?e P.LL L Mailing Address: 13 ' ' e6v 1 fr+waod r:Y Telephone Number: 828. ` 2 9, ,2 `%i�6 Fax Number: E-mail Address: & /fie L'Gw Person to receive the Certification Approval: M'Z VaAlLOlp 11. Project Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a) & (b)l 1. Attach a vicinity map (i.e. street map) clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. 2. Provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of vegetation clearing, structures (buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 1 of 3 etc.), rip rap, excavation or dredging below Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevations, and construction access corridors. You may use the diagram provided at the end of this application form. 3. Attach a photograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of some sort- a yard stick, shovel handle, etc.) 4. Location of the property (where work is to be conducted) I?,V Mer erNearest Town: Zake- ZurC , /V� Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number): Directions to site - please include road names and numbers, landmarks, etc.: Latitude (in decimal degrees) Longitude (decimal degrees) 5. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application (residential, undeveloped, etc.):; 6. Property size (acres): 6, S 7 cfGv�s 7. Lake/ river/ ocean adjacent to property: 1,&Ae— •�vi'�. 8. Describe proposed work (include discussion as to how hardening of shoreline has been avoided, or why it is necessary): 7Cy-&-a, 9. Will work be conducted from land? ® From water? ❑ 10. Total amount of disturbance (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) below the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level in square feet or acres: 11. Total amount of disturbance (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining �ey� walls, etc.) above the normal pool lake level/ Normalpate`r Level and 50 feet land -ward in square feet or acres: S �✓t ,' 1 X� l ��l 12. Please describe he vegetation bove the normaf pool la cfe/'le` el/ Norma ater Lexie and/ 50 feet landward to be impacted (number of trees, for instance): resrit � Sr�v"k, 042,A./S AJQr e- e xi-5-hnr id` Ze- W,� A,- ./ Owner/Agent's Signature* [15A NCAC 02H .0502(f)l Date `Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the owner is provided. FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 2 of 3 J Full Pond/ Nnrmal Water Level SI La ke (At Full Pond/Normal Water Level) Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 f t x 100 ft) *: 1. All proposed vegetation clearing 2. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 3. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 4. Location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. 5. Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 6. Location of construction access corridors FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 3 of 3 SAMPLE AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: torr nt LOT N0.2f33 �-L- PLAN NO>7&,4- bYL-n, PARCEL ID: 14y"43 STREET ADDRESS:©��'-✓ CUi� ��'''L` make- tart, A/C y Please print: Property Owner: �/'�� �f • �v� /o Property Owner: The undersigned, registered property owners of the above noted property, do hereby authorize tom, Nei i-- -',, of Alit*-y1e4e (Contractor / Agent) (Name of consulting firm) to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of this permit or certification and any and all standard and special conditions attached. Property Owner's Address (if different than property above): '101/- Telephone: 101r Telephone: 7/.3, `?fY, 3339 7x 7 70, � -e We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. 4�62rA-lqz / /4_ Authorized Signature & Date: t9c Z0/6Date: 19chl " Z / ! STATE OF NORTH CAROM�� MINTY OF RUTfIEnFORD I �� 4 Dondd R. YoEnfM., awBh that this plot w» draw: \�\ r N CA /;O ///� ar my (M.a�dww(peNa .'�'roord.d ti o..d 731 Sago k o R � ` 8 t of fhwfard Cawty IM'ma� VVVV11►ill//f�/ Book 6Z{ OVA aw nmwdarw 1. S S /0���� y�km'w~�fw d In Bald --- Pop --- Owt o �' wrflfpy �a plat + fhN ertllboUon N ofTsd meds al Nooetwy rpakwn.nb for r.00rdNp. ��``��� 9/� : [ �� , the Mb of pr.ddon a o abd NT:'(000Q �}' '9 fhet tld. poet ww Pr.Pard h a000rdatw .Nh O.S. m a "-"" L \ 617-30 a amended. Bttn... my hoaW..od�f a = 141h day of D.owr 19856 \, \ $ Y m . rr Mr r ..d Dote Motu. of Lake Luo//�/, _ \ (� % �i��• A, (�\ �a�� Wd ar'"m �1 i �Y ! Lkeonwr. Numbw L-80.7 G 11111►\V�` ... $ $ g Y IDEARM _31- N 1 ♦ 10. L � bo SnL L-4103 Me at � v%gL7 W41r"r TgmLunaN OatM ofdoFovrd Mon PBPg20/WR "'•`. M6tw. o/ •'' /'�/` rt of Lot 2__-�----_� L Dorrdd R MOE-Um ProfadSv and Land wyor No. L-4183. man o/ 1M roaoMnq w Nd�baaGd ®« Lake Lon N p xi a�, Foond Mon �+. 1p1'"1 `r' plot of a wn y of an oNtYp parcel or ®0. fiat is land.. poral. d LU F to Found Iron ��i. ��* DONALD R. McENTRE. PROFMCNAL LAND WtVEYOR N0. L-4183 '4k Raak PoNo `� of=Mop naB ..t In the Matwooetron , , Orfm and PlupoMrt Cow 0.57 ACRES o ¢�� Food Mon fit cusnxc s*or�wu � `_`_ `b� �1►'L.tyr `moi''••''/ 0 �i o N z S ��` W W •Z.T• Control Com oud Man v ! lF ��'�' Cwru.t. Om./raft14.71' __'-_`-\ Lu Z v fr s Bsaa'ao' r 5 m U 464.1 Ap •/1 W LLO 2 Y CL Af Was G LannW oat« Loot« LL Sandr ate 4 3a Les Ctral Pa � Faud Yuan COXXXX LMMM Q��FRED H. DUNLOP OJ o D EMIM prom F"NEW � 1 4��ItF JACQUELINE T DUNLOP z POWT TMMAL ORrRMMD4O SPME / YAPT8Oy1�'pL8A4�f9Np3p2� 7O O W Ac/trP r®P AIR COlgI71ONIM/NEAT PIAP / MO. pp�p�TAX �/� ' "REIIAMNO W cr J FED Co ❑ TELEPHONE PEDESTAL O d£ANOVT ¢ LNWT POE OR LNJP % LOTS 3J PORTIOII OF IA7'32 DOZED: R-1 ONIaEY� EY'�'.OY� MM: DYap Cga1TY. NC 11133-0178 O LL Y r � w, 'tb UTILITY POLE 4 NATO VALVE / DATE: DECEMBER K 2013 YMk 'BBI�*R1t Z i W wn pv • NATER AETER GAS VALVE 20 0 10 20 NO 80 Z Z J ® WNW MANHOLE STDRu DRAW WNWICV IRE DONALD MaENTSURVEYING M tl O ARIBGATON OONIRO. VALVE Comm IE MONIAVENT 100 MAN DRIVE RUDMORDTOK NC 2813 0 w U a ®WOIT OF WAY MONIl11ENT (828) 287-043a EMM.: 8nontMNbMeath.n.t Q � o Q Stow N m U) x 0 0 cn z -� m z < GD m cf) z ---i m O O m m O O mm 0 m � N C D m cl) D \ z < r rd ti 000 (IV 1� 0 0�� Qo �o �o C) n C m cp m Z 00 D G) z O D D v�0 r 0 Cy- Q) � s� 1810 �_�_ o� a\ m SEAWALL LAYOUT FOR ENLARGED ENGINEERED BY DATE 11-15-16 SIGMFICANT CARE AND EFFORT HAS BEEN TAKEN TO SHEET ENSURE THAT THESE PLANS ARE CORRECT AND KIM B. WARNER, PE, PUC REV COMP ETE HOWEVER KIM B WARNER, PE, LLC JACQUELINE AND FRED DUNLOP PARTIAL PLAT 139 COUNTRYWOOD DRIVE REV / ASSUMES NO LIABILITY EXCEPT TO MAKE 204 PIER POINT DR LAKE LURE, NC 28746 SCALE-V=10' FOREST CITY, NC 28043 REV L CORRECTIONS AND REISSUE COPIES AS REQUIRED. PE NO 19856 COMPANY NO P-1583 REV FILE-KW-DUNLOP SW m x cn z G7 O O 0 D r r I O I I ° I I ° ° ° I I ° ° I 0 �r I T O r O D D m I ° M m �° 0 D i W m n zz =' = m II o Z i� % m m m m I m ° m X W OO ° G, � J o m r � i o I � m x U) z G7 U) o ����� Zi/7 m � / D r IX � ct, war m SEAWALL PLANS FOR LAKE ENGINEERED BY DATE 11-1516 REV SHEET SIGNIFICANT CME AND EFFORT HAS 8EENTMEN TO ENSURE THAT THESE PUNS ARE CORRECT AND JACQUELINE AND FRED DUNLOP ELEVATION KIM B. WARNER, PE, PLLC 139 COUNTRYWOOD DRIVE REV { COMPLE E. HOWEVER, KIM WARNER, PE, LLC ASSUMESNO MMILRY EXCEPT TO LWE 204 PIERPOINT DR. LAKE LURE, NC 28746 SCALE- 1l4' = 1' 0' FOREST CITY, NC 28043 REV REV J CORRECTIONS AND REISSUE COPIES ASRECMRED. PE NO 19856 COMPANY NO P-1583 FILE- KW -DUNLOP SW \ N 1 CA'Ro /��i o i 19856 \� FOOTING DEPTH IS TO BE SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE COVER SHOWN HERE AND IS TO BE VERTICALLY ALIGNED SUCH THAT FINISHED HEIGHT INCLUDING STONE ��i �j ''�/G 1 N -- VENEER IS FLUSH WITH THE ADJACENT SEAWALL OWNED BY C. LEMUEL OATS �j B' WI 1 FZ\���\\ 12" OPEN BOTTOM BOND BEAM BLOCK AT TOP COURSE W/ 2 #5 REBAR STONE VENEER TO OWNER SPECIFICATIONS 4" REINFORCEMENT- #4 REBAR WALL HEIGHT -4" LG, BONDED AND TIED TO MASONRY UNITS 32" OC, LOCATED 4" FROM FILL FACE OF WALL #57 WASHED STONE FILL, 12" MINIMUM BEHIND WALL TO WITHIN 12" OF FINISHED GRADE SOIL FILTER FABRIC INSTALLED AS SHOWN I I COMPACTED SOIL OR GRAVEL FILL BEHIND WALL LAKE LURE SPECIFICATIONS _ SOIL FILTER FABRIC INSTALLED BETWEEN SOIL RIP RAP INSTALLED PER b I I I AND GRAVEL FILL AS SHOWN 9 GA. MIN. LADDER -MESH HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT AT EVERY OTHER COURSE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMP PROOFING FOUNDATION WALL 2" PVC WEEP HOLES NOMINALLY 8 FT APART AND 6" TO 10" ABOVE WATERLINE (990.0') #4 DOWEL 6" X 34", 16" O.C. 4" MAX. FROM FILL FACE OF WALL "—" SOIL FILTER FABRIC ENCLOSING 12"X12" AREA —III— OF GRAVEL AROUND DRAIN PIPE • _= I I 350OPSI (MIN) CONCRETE FOOTING I _ (4) #4 REBAR CONTINUOUS AND EVENLY SPACED I= — #4 REBAR 30" LONG @ 16" OC #4 REBAR 16" LONG @ 16" OC #14 REBAR CONTINUOUS TYPICAL SECTION SCALE - 3/8" =1'-0" a o mww WaY�� N2a J Z 4 IL QD O J 00N Z U Z:) z D LL W U) � J Z LL_ W ag Z J Q � Q W � Z r - J Z U) LL a Of Q a Q o 04 CARO ss 4AL 19856 \\ \ DESIGN INFORMATION (APPLIES TO ALL PAGES) THE DESIGNS PRESENTED ON THIS DRAWING INCORPORATE THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM VALUES. VERIFICATION OF THE DESIGN ELEMENTS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS DURING CONSTRUCTION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LOCAL AUTHORITY NOT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. CONCRETE (WHEN APPLICABLE) MINIMUM 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH FOOTINGS & WALLS/SLABS 3500 / 3500 PSF DENSITY 150 PCF PERFORMING SLUMP 4 INCHES SOIL (WHEN APPLICABLE) APPLICABLE) MINIMUM SOIL BEARING PRESSURE 2000 PSF MINIMUM SOIL INTERNAL FRICTION ANGLE 30 DEG COMPACTED BACKFILL DENSITY 100 MPH SLIDING COEFFICIENT .35u IMPORTANCE FACTORS (WHEN APPLICABLE) WIND 1.0 SNOW 1.0 SEISMIC 1.0 DESIGN LOADS (WHEN APPLICABLE) ROOF DL / SNOW 15/20 PSF FLOOR & DECKS DL / LL 10 /40 PSF WIND 100 MPH EXPOSURE CATEGORY C SEISMIC DESIGN (WHEN APPLICABLE) REINFORCING (WHEN APPLICABLE) SEISMIC USE GROUP 1 ALL REINFORCING STEEL IS TO BE ASTM A615 GRADE 60, SITE CLASSIFICATION D FABRICATED AND PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 318. SPECTRAL RESPONSE ALL LAPS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 36 BAR DIAMETERS. ACCELERATION SDS 39%g, SD1 21%g STRUCTURAL SYSTEM MOMENTFRAME SEISMIC BASE SHEAR Vx=1.1k, Vy=1.1k GENERAL NOTES: ANALYSIS PROCEDURE EQVLNT LTRL FRCE 1. GLOBAL STABILITY AND SEISMIC LOADING HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED IN THIS DESIGN. 2. HYDROSTATIC LOADING IS CONSIDERED IN THIS ANALYSIS. SUFFICIENT DRAINAGE MUST BE PROVIDED SUCH THAT HYDROSTATIC LOADING IS DISSIPATED. FLOOD DESIGNED STRUCTURE: THE DESIGNS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOOD PRONE CONSTRUCTION AS CONTAINED IN THE NORTH CAROLINA BUILDING CODE AND AS PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF RUTHERFORD COUNTY, THE LOCAL ENTITY HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THIS PROJECT. ILu uj N� I aEl. all ?u iul o=�X.x W z O f= U N LL z v w a co a � O ,^o J N z 0 ui LL oUJo j W, gz< J Q Q w Z Z J LU a 0 a ....r... . t Ilk a IWOx3 Y