HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161081 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_20161107State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources W, Division of Water Resources .. 15A NCAC 02H .0500 —Water Quality Certification, Shoreline Stabilization Division of Water Resources FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Shoreline Stabilization Application Form Three copies of the application (including attachments) and the application fee should be sent to: Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 20101081 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 I. Applicant Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)] 1. Owner Information Name: i_yNiP_i p. l am;p pe? I l Mailing Address:(%, i •i ryU V 0 7 2016 Telephone Number: Z0,-Z,-7-55CCFax Number: E-mail Address: I l . cow 2. Agent/ Contact Person Informatio A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter (a form can be downloaded here: htto://www.saw.usace.armv.miI/Portals/59/docs/reRulatory/re2docs/Permits/SAMPLE AGENT AUTH ORIZATION FORM.pdf) must be attached if the Agent has signed this application form. Name: Compal Mailing Address Telephone Number: 104.5?.�%,7A D Fax Number: `7('q-SZ,9-34nn E-mail Address: Awm . In nrnr_,i;+Prdn,- k,,:: -)a nvwrr . I . rnm Person to receive the Certification Approval: II. Project Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a) & (b)] 1. Attach a vicinity map (i.e. street map) clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. 2. Provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of vegetation clearing, structures (buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 1 of 3 5,1nc. etc.), rip rap, excavation or dredging below Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevations, and construction access corridors. You may use the diagram provided at the end of this application form. 3. Attach a photograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of some sort- a yard stick, shovel handle, etc.) 4. Location of the property (where work is to be conducted) County: Cad-" Nearest Town: e rf P I I Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number): �nme�rSP� o►� Lc�>�e 1�c�r►�an , Phln6P I L )+ 7 - Directions to site - please include road names and numbers, landmarks, etc.: 5rofn 1= T71�b ` 'CoLhe Eid .3(e . -ar r-, I Pa n nin Nr-- 15n* _ Fe I In W I nAn 01 0 VA)a O n . --Iu r r -N 1p -c+ r) nth 51')e,rr'►1 15 Er -A A. T.t r -►-1 I P -P-4- nJ )*) AY -0,01 fP _4 {kM Al I Latitude (in decimal degrees) `), 585307 Longitude (decimal 5. Describe the existing land use or condition off thesiteat the time of this application (residential, undeveloped, etc.): 6. Property size (acres): .750 A t 7. Lake/ river/ ocean adjacent to property: N Orli an 8. Describe proposed work (include discussionas to how hardening of shoreline has been avoided, or why it is necessary): Df -e 8 *o /0 \ a+ -FPnnrl 9. Will work be conductJd from land? ❑ From water? 19 10. Total amount of disturbance (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) below the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level in square feet or acres: .(A3 nGreer 11. Total amount of disturbance (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet land -ward in square feet or acres: 0 12. Please describe the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet landward to be impacted (number of trees, for instance): Owner/Agent's Signature Printed Name [15A NCAC 02H .0502(f)] µAgent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the owner is provided. FORM: SSGP 10-2013 1612- 46 Date Page 2 of 3 �, , `� f'�I\ 12.0 Q c(,"�"� Lake � (At Full Pond/ Normal Water Level) '11 /Q t ' JN' o de eP Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 ft x 100 ft)*: 1. All proposed vegetation clearing 2. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 3. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 4. Location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. 5. Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 6. Location of construction access corridors FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 3 of 3 fir"' ty =rad n .( j!J1 I 7 1 . � 4 1.1 t. IL a -N -I. VVI w •; 'ol 4^ `�.. 4 � x �;._ a. Y`�'F1. �"rii9.ly �v 1 # ��r x '.,1 .' r.. ".a' w�� �..i'• .. Isrn � • _c �: `� � i; a• �.. � •.t �� a :. b�. #'#' 11h � .lX..r �� rtU Y .: %. y �� _ - �'. . Jit 1vvi , F� r a • . M �� T\•ci y Zw ,�/�1�1rii': �1�_SY Y � � •� "' � t `.` �'J• ' ,k ,. ..tea ^ y w •� . } `fes •� � � i ;'� ; �• ���; , L DUKE ENERGY EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM FOR DUKE ENERGY USE ONLY Duke File No. Application Fee $ Security Deposit $ Check # Date Recv'd Initials Date of Duke Energy Lake Services, applicant and/or contractor on-site inspections Date Initials Date Final Protection/Avoidance Area Markings Field - Verified Approved to Start Work By * : Date Completion Required Date Passed Closeout Inspection* (Print) Date of Any Approved Extension Initials Initials Date (Sign) Initials Any Stop Work Orders or SMG Violations*? (check one) ❑Yes ❑No (If Yes, explain in PART V) Date Deposit Refunded Initials Date Permit Database Updated Initials * Forward copy of approved application (all pages, plus any attachments that Duke Energy changed) back to applicant with Approval Letter and highlight any changes. File copies of Approval and Close-out Checklists and any Stop Work Orders with aonlication. PART I. - APPLICANT INFORMATION (Please Print) Name Lake Address J ()l, LTr ,0 I ta()r'. :T r re ISN L 7 T5�) C� (a>/I On l. C /n m L Contractor Company ail /gab 1 r' !/ S�jM , Telephone Mailing Address (If different) i Contractor Contact Person Dov_11�n �_ R� _ Telephone (704 1 400 LAKE LOT INFORMATION --�' Lake&AdA County City /P_YI''e %� State Tax Map No.�i(017d453 SubdivisionSUMer<jp-r n� �. Lot/ Section No. Acres 1�otr 1'%10. Lot Size Are there any Co -Applicants*? (check one) ❑Yes ANo (If Yes, include names, addresses, phone nos., lot nos., lot sizes in PART V — ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) * Co -Applicants exist when the proposed work is being done under a single application, will be performed by a single contractor as one continuous project and is done to benefit multiple owners / lease holders of project -front properties within a single development. The check for the application filing fee and security deposit should be from the party shown as Applicant and not several checks from the Applicant and Co -Applicants. Do not continue the application until an on-site inspection has been conducted between a Duke Energy Lake Services Representative (DELSR) and the applicant and/or the excavation contractor. NOTE: Initializing this portion of the application by a DELSR in no way constitutes approval or eminent approval of the excavation or any other lake use permitting activity. ayn A /1 Date of on-site inspection ` Initials (Duke Energy) (applicant/contractor)ZE5. Duke Energy Page I of I1 rev 9i19/14 Excavation Program e:\#daren\@duke permit\c-w excavation application 11.3.10.docx DUKE ENERGY EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM PART II. - DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT A. BASIC INFO 1. Type of excavation: (check one) X New excavation ❑ Maintenance excavation 2. Purpose of excavation: (check one) JkBoat Access Channel ❑ Water Intake Channel ❑ Wastewater Discharge Channel ❑ Other (specify): 3. Lake user category: (check one) XPrivate ❑Residential Marina ❑Commercial Marina ❑Public ❑Other (snecifv): 4. Max. Excavation Area Dimensions (ft): Length Width -5Z) 4' 15 Depth If) (Note: include additional area dimensions if necessary so response to #S below equals max. area dimensions in #4) 5. Volume of Excavated Material (TOTAL for the project): ( 0 Cubic yards 6. Type of material removed (applicant determines by field sample if practical):Kl 46'A �) / Q 7. Excavation Site area: ---(A 5 Acre (s) Disposal Site area: 45 Acre (s) 8. Total Disturbed Area (including equipment staging area): , c (j_ 4,3 Acre (s) 9. Does the project meet the requirements of the applicable General Pen -nit? (check one) XYes ❑No 10. Do you claim title to the disposal area? (check one) glYes ❑No 11. Do you claim title to the equipment staging area? (check one) J0,'Ves ❑No 12. Are there any water -treatment facilities within 50 feet of the proposed excavation area? (check one) (If Yes, specify): 13. How will the excavated material be :lisoosal area design): T)rpAr. o Type(s) of excavation equipment to be used: and the erosion controlled? (e.g. see attached ❑Yes (14No control plan and Ili - 15. Will waters o weda ds be crossed in transporting equipment tq or from the site? (ch ck one) es ❑No (If yes, explain) CA %h4i. 79, —Pymi�� Al-te Oh L-nA'P-A00—Wdr 16. Will return water re-enter the reservoir? (Check one) ❑Yes ❑No V/A (If Yes, specify point(s) of re-entry and show on Excavation Area Drawing) 17. Is there an existing facility (e.g. pier) that access is being maintained to by conducting the excavation? IR"Yes ❑No (If Yes, specify the existing permit number. If No, include a scaled drawing of the proposed facility). Permit # 948 (V 18. Total planned duration of the work (Include first equipment mobiliza ion, excava ion through final mitigation measures complete): START / —t. FINISH Z / (Month) (Year) (Month) (Year) Note: Notify Duke Energy Lake Services at 1-800-443-5193 prior to commencing any excavation work within the project boundary. Duke Energy Page 2 of 11 rev 9/19/14 Excavation Program e:\#daren\@duke permit\c-w excavation application 11.3.10.docx DUKE ENERGY EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM PART II. (Continued) B. PROTECTION / AVOIDANCE AREA DESCRIPTION Complete the following table including all land areas within and immediately adjoining the disturbed area: Protection/Avoidance Areas (check all that apply) Approx. Identification Method M Avoid (A) or Mitigate (M) Field ID Work Area DWI!. ID Acreage ** a. Marshland, swamp, ponds, beneficial aquatic vegetation or other potential wetlands (circle all that apply) / b. Buffer Zones (specify width &source of requirement) prpI n VV* 11 be o kw� lis froyn e, W 1 +A) eXlCkV4 o�'IoQ e -Vu durn,p w i l l e levet ted 0-F by b4r e.. r c. Environmental Areas as identified by Duke Energy � / / /t /v d. Natural Areas as identified by Duke Energy � ��l IA - e. Historic properties (specify) v L Rare or threatened species (specify) / V A - Buried gas, water, sewer, communications /V ZIA Duke Energy Page 3 of 11 rev 9/19/14 Excavation Program e:\#daren\@duke permit\c-w excavation application 11.3.10.docx DUKE ENERGY EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Protection/Avoidance Areas (check all that apply) A rox. Identification Method(*) Field ID Work Area Dwe. ID Acreaee or electric lines (circle) h. Impact Minimization Zones as identified by Duke Energy /k i. Other areas requiring specific avoidance, protection or mitigation (specify) NIA Avoid (A) or Mitieate (M) * For "Field 1D" column, specify entity or person that performed the identification and how it was physically marked (e.g. Duke Energy (John Doe)/Pink and purple -dotted tape, Corps of Eng. (John Smith)/ yellow flagging). For "Work Area Dwg ID" column, show the symbol that is used on the drawings to identify the protection/avoidance area. ** List and attach mitigation plans Duke Energy Page 4 of 11 rev 9/19/14 Excavation Program e:\#daren\@duke permit\c-w excavation application 11.3.10.docx DUKE ENERGY EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM C. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURES Comments: Applicant Name (print)4411 ze/ Applicant Signature* .` .'" r. , Co -Applicant Name (print) Co -Applicant Signature* Co -Applicant Name (print) Co -Applicant Signature* Co -Applicant Name (print) Co -Applicant Signature* Co -Applicant Name (print) Co -Applicant Signature* Co -Applicant Name (print) Co -Applicant Signature* Lot # Date Lot # Date Lot # Date Lot # Date Lot # Date Lot # Date *Per my signature, the information provided in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. BEFORE YOU MAIL THE APPLICATION TO DUKE ENERGY LAKE SERVICES ENSURE YOU HAVE: • CHECKED THE INFO THOROUGHLY • MET ALL REQUIREMENTS FOR A COMPLETE APPLICATION (see comer letter of application package) • INCLUDED A SINGLE CHECK TO DUKE ENERGY FOR THE APPLICATION FILING FEE AND SECURITY DEPOSIT • INCLUDED ALL AGENCY PERMITS OR COMMENT LETTERS AND RESOLVED ALL ISSUES RAISED • INCLUDED ALL REQUIRED DRAWINGS (INCLUDING PROPOSED FACILITIES), PERMIT # FOR EXISTING FACILITIES, SURVEYS AND PLANS • INCLUDED COPIES OF DEEDS AND AUTHORIZATION LETTERS Duke Energy Page 5 of 11 rev 9/19/14 Excavation Program e:\#daren\@duke permit\c-w excavation application 11.3.1 O.docx DUKE ENERGY EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM PART III - INFORMATIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL APPLICANTS (NC & SC) In addition to the completed application form PARTS I & II, the following items must be provided to Duke Energy Lake Services for all applicants in North and South Carolina: A copy of the deed and registered survey plat or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected property (the shoreline adjoining the excavation area, equipment staging area and the disposal area), OR if the applicant is not claiming to be the owner(s) of said property, then forward a copy of the deed and registered survey plat or other instrument under which the owner(s) claim title plus written authorization from the owner(s) to carry out the project on their land. An accurate scaled drawing (1"=25' for projects <1000 cubic yards of material removed or 1"= 100' for larger projects) of the area to be excavated, including all the information required under Application Process - ITEM 5 of the Application Package cover letter (Attachment 1). An accurate scaled drawing (1 "=25' for projects <1000 cubic yards of material removed or I "= 100' for larger projects) of the proposed design for the disposal area, including all the information required under Application Process - ITEM 6 of the Application Package cover letter (Attachment 1). Also include any erosion control plan or standard reporting form requirements as noted under ITEM 6 of the Application Package cover letter. A map or Duke Energy Directions by Road form showing directions to the excavation area and disposal area. F� A USGS topographic map with a directional arrow indicating the exact location of the excavation project and Latitudinal ! and Longitudinal coordinates for the project site.* A� A list of names and addresses of adjoining property owners for both the excavation area and disposal area. G. A copy of all pen -nits and/or letters of correspondence to/from local, state and federal agencies that require notification or issue individual pen -nits. X" Provide the existing permit number if excavation is being conducted to maintain access to an existing facility (e.g. pier) or provide an accurate scaled drawing of any proposed facility if a facility does not currently exist. Note: A separate application and approval is required for proposed Private Facilities (e.g. pier). I. A check for the application filing fee and security deposit and the signed Excavation Project User's Agreement letter. *USGS maps may be accessed via the Internet at http://.izis.enr.state. nc. us/ utilizing the following pathway: Data catalogue/Digital Raster Graphics/specific county. Longitudinal and latitudinal information is available via the Internet at www.mapblast.com, www. mapsonus.coin or www.maptech.com. Duke Energy Page 6 of 11 rev 9/19/14 Excavation Program e:\#daren\@duke permit\c-w excavation application 11.3. 1 O.docx DUKE ENERGY EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM PART IV — AGENCY REVIEWS/APPROVALS REQUIRED A. NORTH CAROLINA APPLICANTS ONLY 1. The following agencies and the Catawba Indian Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office require at least 30 days prior notification for all excavations in North Carolina reservoirs. Notify them by forwarding a completed copy of this application, including the information required under PART III A -F to: U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers N.C. State Historic Preservation Office Regulatory Field Office N.C. Dept. of Cultural Resources 151 Patton Avenue Division of Archives & History Room 208 c/o Ms. Renee Gledhill -Earley Asheville, North Carolina 28801 4617 Mail Service Center (828) 271-4014 Raleigh, NC 27699-4617 (919)733-4763 Catawba Indian Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office Dr. Wenonah Haire 1536 Tom Steven Road Rock Hill, SC 29731 (803)328-2427 What to Expect: a) If the excavation can be done under the requirements of the General Permit (GP) or a Nationwide Pen -nit (NWP), you will typically receive a copy of the Corps' tear sheet documenting authorization and providing any additional instructions. If the excavation isn't covered under the GP or a NWP, you'll be required to obtain an individual 404 Dredge and Fill pen -nit from the Corps. b) You will typically receive a letter from the NC SHPO documenting their concurrence with your application, requiring additional information or recommending modifications. You must address each comment in your final application. c) You must receive written documentation from the Corps that your application either meets the requirements of the GP or a NWP or that the proper 404 Dredge and Fill pen -nit has been received before Duke Energy can process your application. d) If you do not receive any documentation from the NCWRC within 30 days of their receipt of your application, you may proceed with the application process, recognizing however that if their comments come in later in the application process, you will also be required to address them. (See exception for Commercial/Conveyance/FERC review applications below). e) If you do not receive any documentation from the NC SHPO within 30 days of their receipt of your application, you must provide that agency with a follow-up letter requesting the agency comment on your proposal within 15 days from the date of the letter. If you do not receive any response as a result of this second letter, you may proceed with the application process, recognizing however that if their comments come in later in the application process, you will also be required to address them. Note: This second 15 -day letter requirement also applies to the agency reviews in PART III A. 1-4 when the application is for a Commercial Facility, Conveyance or other application requiring FERC review. 2. In addition to the three entities in PART IV.A. I above; if the proposed excavation is located in the counties listed below, the applicant must also provide at least 30 days prior notification to the following agency by forwarding a copy of the completed Excavation Pen -nit Application Form (including the information required under PART III A -F) to: (For Alexander, Catawba, Cleveland, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln or Mecklenburg Counties) N.C. Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue; Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 (704)663-1699 (704) 663-6040 (fax) (For Burke, Caldwell, McDowell or Transvlvania Counties) N.C. Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources Interchange Building 59 Woodson Place Asheville, North Carolina 28801 (704)251-6208 What to Expect: a) You will typically receive a letter providing Division of Water Resources concurrence, which may require additional infonnation or recommend modifications. You must address each comment in your final application to Duke. Duke Energy Page 7 of 11 Excavation Program e:\#daren\@duke permit\c-w excavation application 11.3.10.docx rev 9/19/14 DUKE ENERGY EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM b) You must receive written documentation from the NCDENR that 401 Water Quality requirements are met before Duke Energy can process your application. 3. In addition to the above requirements, if the proposed excavation is located in Mecklenburg County, the following agency must be provided with a copy of the completed Excavation Permit Application Fonn (including the information required under PART III A -F): Mecklenburg County Land Use and Environmental Services Agency 700 North Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 (704) 336-5500 What to Expect: a) You will typically receive a letter from the county documenting their concurrence with your application, requiring additional information or recommending modifications. You must address each comment in your final application. b) If you do not receive any documentation from the county within 30 days of their receipt of your application, you may proceed with the application process, recognizing however that if their comments come in later in the application process, you will also be required to address them. (See exception for Commercial/Conveyance/FERC review applications below). 4. In addition to the above requirements, if the proposed excavation is part of a Commercial Facilities Application, Conveyance Application, or will require FERC review, the applicant must provide at least 30 days prior written notification to the following additional agencies by forwarding the completed Excavation Permit Application Form, including the information required under PART III A -F: N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service c/o Mr. Chris Goudreau c/o Mr. Mark Cantrell 645 Fish Hatchery Rd. 160 Zillicoa Street Marion, NC 28752 Asheville, NC 28801 828-652-4360 Ext. 223 (828) 258-3939 Ext. 227 (For lakes Wylie, Mtn. Island, Norman, Lookout, Hickory) (For lakes Rhodhiss and James) N.C. Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources N.C. Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Environmental Health Division of Environmental Health Public Water Supply Section Public Water Supply Section c/o Mr. Britt Setzer c/o Mr. Harold Saylor 610 East Center Street; Suite 301 59 Woodfin Place Mooresville, NC 28115 Asheville, NC 28801 N.C. Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Parks and Recreation 12700 Rayleaf Church Road Raleigh, NC 27614 (919)733-4181 What to Expect: a) You will typically receive a letter from each agency documenting their concurrence with your application, requiring additional information or recommending modifications. You must address each agency comment in your final application. b)If you do not receive any documentation from an agency within 30 days of their receipt of your application, you must provide that agency with a follow-up letter requesting the agency comment on your proposal within 15 days from the date of the letter. If you do not receive any response as a result of this second letter, you may proceed with the application process, recognizing however that if their comments come in later in the application process, you will also be required to address them. Note: This second 15 -day letter requirement also applies to the agency reviews in PART IV.A. 1-4 when the application is for a Commercial Facility, Conveyance or other application requiring FERC review. Duke Energy Page 8 of 11 rev 9/19/14 Excavation Program e:\#daren\@duke permit\c-w excavation application 11.3. 10.docx DUKE ENERGY EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM PART IV — AGENCY REVIEWS/APPROVALS REQUIRED B. SOUTH CAROLINA APPLICANTS ONLY 1. Consultation or review is required by the S.C. State Historic Preservation Office (SC SHPO) and the S.C. Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA) for all excavations in South Carolina. The applicant must submit a copy of the completed South Carolina Department of Archives and History State Historic Preservation Office Project Review Form (attached) to: S.C. State Historic Preservation Office S.C. Institute of Archaeology & Anthropology Department of Archives and History c/o Mr. Jim Spirek c/o Ms. Caroline Wilson 1321 Pendleton Street 8301 Park Lane Road Columbia, SC 29208 Columbia, SC 29223-4905 What to Expect: a) You will typically receive a letter from the resource agencies documenting the agency's concurrence with your application, requiring additional information or recommending modifications. You must address each agency's comment in your final application. b) If you do not receive any documentation from the resource agencies within 30 days of their receipt of your application, you must provide that agency with a follow-up letter requesting the agency comment on your proposal within 15 days from the date of the letter. If you do not receive any response as a result of this second letter, you may proceed with the application process, recognizing however that if their comments come in later in the application review process, you will also be required to address them. c) For the SCIAA agency the applicant must wait 30 days after receiving the signed postal returned receipt. If a response from SCIAA has not been received by this time you may proceed with the application process, recognizing however that if their comments come in later in the application review process, you will also be required to address them. 2. (For Lake Keowee only) Consultation or review is required by the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) for all excavations on Lake Keowee. The applicant must submit a copy of the completed Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) Consultation Information Form (attached) to: Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians c/o Tyler Howe PO Box 455 Cherokee, NC 28719 What to Expect: a) You will typically receive a letter from the EBCI documenting the tribe's concurrence with your application, requiring additional infonnation or recommending modifications. You must address each comment from the tribe in your final application. b) If you do not receive any documentation from the EBCI within 30 days upon their receipt of your application, you must provide the tribe with a follow-up letter requesting the tribe's comment on your proposal within 15 days from the date of the letter. If you do not receive any response as a result of this second letter, you may proceed with the application process, recognizing however that if their comments come in later in the application review process, you will also be required to address them. 3. (For Catawba - Wateree lakes only) Consultation or review is required by the Catawba Indian Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office for all excavations on the Catawba —Wateree Lakes in South Carolina. The applicant must submit a request for comments to the Catawba Indian Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office at: Catawba Indian Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office Dr. Wenonah Haire 1536 Tom Stevens Road Rock Hill, SC 29731 (803)328-2427 What to Expect: Duke Energy Page 9 of 11 rev 9/19/14 Excavation Program e:\#daren\@duke permit\c-w excavation application 11.3.10.docx DUKE ENERGY EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM a) You will typically receive a letter from the Catawba Indian Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office documenting the tribe's concurrence with your application, requiring additional information or recommending modifications. You must address each comment from the tribe in your final application. b) If you do not receive any documentation from the Catawba Indian Nation tribal Preservation Office within 30 days upon their receipt of your application, you must provide a follow-up letter requesting comments on your proposal within 15 days from the date of the letter. If you do not receive any response as a result of this second letter, you may proceed with the application process, recognizing however that if their comments come in later in the application review process, you will also be required to address them. 4. If the excavation meets the requirements of the applicable General Permit (GP 87-14-001) and will remove from 50 to 150 cubic yards, in addition to the entities listed above in PART IV.B.I and 2, the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) must be provided with a copy of the completed Excavation Permit Application Form, including the information required under PART III A -H for at least 30 days consultation: S.C. Dept. of Natural Resources c/o Mr. Mark Hall 206 Laurel Valley Road Sunset, SC 29685 (864)878-9071 What to Expect: a) You will typically receive a letter from the SCDNR documenting the agency's concurrence with your application, requiring additional information or recommending modifications. You must address each agency comment in your final application. b) If you do not receive any documentation from the SCDNR within 30 days of their receipt of your application, you may proceed with the application process, recognizing however that if their comments come in later in the application process, you will also be required to address them. 5. In addition to the entities listed above in PART IV.B. I and 2, the following agencies must be provided with a copy of the completed Duke Energy Excavation Permit Application Form, including the information required under PART III A -H, for all excavations not covered under the applicable General Permits on South Carolina reservoirs: (For Lake Keowee) S.C. Dept. of Natural Resources c/o Mr. Mark Hall 206 Laurel Valley Road Sunset, SC 29685 (864)878-9071 S.C. Dept of Health &Environmental Control Water Quality Standards & Wetland Section c/o Mr. Chuck Hightower 2600 Bull Street Columbia, SC 29201 (803)898-0369 (For Catawba-Wateree lakes) S.C. Dept. of Natural Resources c/o Greg Mixon Rembert C. Dennis Building 2600 Bull Street PO Box 167 Columbia, SC 29602 (803)896-7767 What to Expect: a) You will typically receive a letter from each entity documenting concurrence with your application, requiring additional infonnation or recommending modifications. You must address each comment in your final application. b) If you do not receive any documentation from an entity within 30 days of their receipt of your application, you must provide that entity with a follow-up letter requesting comment on your proposal within 15 days from the date of the letter. If you do not receive any response as a result of this second letter, you may proceed with the application process, recognizing however that if their comments come in later in the application process, you will also be required to address them. Duke Energy Page 10 of 11 rev 9/19/14 Excavation Program e:\#daren\@duke permit\c-w excavation application 11.3.10.docx DUKE ENERGY EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 6. In addition to the consultation requirements specified for the agencies listed in Part IV. B.1 and 2, the following agencies must be provided with a copy of the completed Duke Energy Excavation Pen -nit Application Form, including the information required under PART III A -H, for any excavation that is part of a Commercial Facilities Application, Conveyance Application or will require FERC review on South Carolina reservoirs: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Functions Branch c/o Mr. Colton Bowles 1835 Assembly Street Room 86513-1 Columbia, SC 29201 (803)253-2400 US Fish and Wildlife Service c/o Ms.Amanda Hill 176 Croghan Spur Road, Suite 200 Charleston, SC 29407 (843) 727-4704 ext. 12 S.C. Dept. of Parks, Recreation & Tourism c/o Mr. Tony Bebber Edgar A. Brown Bldg. 1205 Pendleton Street Suite 110 Columbia, SC 29201 (803)734-0189 S.C. Dept. of Health & Environmental Control Water Quality Standards & Wetlands Section c/o Mr. Chuck Hightower 2600 Bull Street Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 898-0369 S.C. Dept. of Natural Resources c/o Greg Mixon Rembert C. Dennis Building PO Box 167 Columbia, SC 29202 (803)896-7767 What to Expect: a) You will typically receive a letter from each entity documenting concurrence with your application, requiring additional information or recommending modifications. You must address each comment in your final application. b) If you do not receive any documentation from an entity within 30 days of their receipt of your application, you must provide a follow-up letter requesting comments on your proposal within 15 days from the date of the letter. If you do not receive any response as a result of this second letter, you may proceed with the application process, recognizing however that if their comments come in later in the application process, you will also be required to address them. PART V - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Reference previous parts as applicable. 1f more pages are needed, add a suffix to last page (e.g. 12a, 12b, 12c, etc.) Duke Energy Page 11 of 11 rev 9/19/14 Excavation Program e:\#daren\@duke permit\c-w excavation application 11.3.10.docx Excise Tax: $1,140.00 arcel Identifier No. 4617 Verified by by FILED Cairn" County on Mar 04, 2096 at 02:22:00 prn Effte Tax $1140.00 (AT) mr. #03362 OMWA rucksSPEWIM, Roodw at otteds arc 03331 pg 0562-0564 Recording Time, Book and Page County on the _ day of , 2016 Mail after recording to: GRFtNTEE Law Offices of W. Daniel Grist -4525 Park Rd, Suite 201B Charlotte, NC 28209 This instrument was prepared by: Law Offices of W. Daniel Grist, PLLC, a licensed NC Attorney. Delinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the closing Attorney to the county tax collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds Description for the Index Lot 7, Phase 1 of SOMERSET ON LAKE NORMAN NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL 1fARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this �ay of *arCL 2016 by and between: GRANTOR STEVE E. PERRY and wife, DIANA D. PERRY Forwarding Address: 309 Commodore Loop Mooresville, NC 28115 GRANTEE DANIEL D. CAMPBEL and wife, BARBARA P. CAMPBELL Property Address: 3902 Granite Street Terrell, NC 28662 If checked or initialed, the property Mailing Address: includes the primary residence of at least one of the 11341 Vale Road Grantors. (NC GS§ 105-317.2) Oakton, VA 22124 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. Page 1 of 3 M9 WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of Terrell, Catawba County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Being all and the full contents of Lot 7, Phase 1 of Somerset on Lake Norman as shown on a plat recorded in Hook 47 at Page 155-157 of the Catawba County Public Registry. The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by deed in Book 2167, Page 1802. A map showing the above-described property is recorded in Map Hook 47, Page 155-157. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. AND the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described in subject to the following exceptions: Restrictions recorded in Book 2156, Page 1123; Book 2147, Page 1441; Flood easement to Duke Snergy Corporation (formerly known as Duke Power Company) to flood to the 770' contour line and all other reservations, restrictions and conditions contained in that deed recorded in Deed Book 947, Page 632; All applicable zoning; any easements and right of ways for service lines, roads and utilities as may border or cross the subject property, including streets as shown on recorded plat; any easements reserved in the restrictive covenants, including homeowners association provisions; applicable restrictive covenants of record and street assessments; ad valorem real property taxes for the current year; subject to matters that could be revealed by an accurate and current physical survey and boundary survey of the property. Page 2 of 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, or if corporate, has caused this instrument to be signed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers and its seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of its Bo#TZrpf Direct the day and year first above written. Y -f g rte— (SEAL) STEVE Z. PERRY /FJL/ f.Y�,�jJ 16 / IJUKa (SEAL) DIANA D. PERRY STATE OF N W k --LI 61VB B 11'Y'1 COUNTY O,FLL 1 v i tJ (� I tM ��� 11 rncd to 3 -OoW ^ N a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that the following persons) appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purposes stated therein and in the capacity indicated: STEVE E. PERRY AND DIANA D. PERRY Witness my hand and official stamp or seal this _ day of Ma" 2016. mAiR�1 MATTHEW B. DOWNS Notary Public Nobly Puerto. Medaa*,o C-Unty Stab e1 Nam cardYr Printed Name of No Public W U nWOM Etght A0017, 2Mtart My Commission Expires: 2 % 6 Page 3 of 3 / / / / / OR Bast JJJ6 Pew .To2 n Met Me OauNube nae � an ehen w beta M amen turn h/amgBei Iaad h odbrhp duN aM ateb m netrot Blot Me natio a/ P'eeY6i b I : 1400(!1: arq Mat pb Pyf meat' tM reauiemrrtr oI IM Sfergab M HocOw h- LaM 9vwMq h NaM CardM o»ro ro IIo•M Ne9ra AanhbbetAa cod. iWe n, awl. sA saes, rro4 IN. eunaY b o/ a erbthp pard a Pard$ of lad oi0 dot' not caro a ner etrwt ar Mage a a {yWg rb-L This 22th day of Snpta ber, 2016 40 0 40 80 SCALE: 1' - 40' um rav— u mer (.A etc ortaaa ou _ .mart (01 �illiems Lead Surveyia& Ina fJcetue Nam bar C -,?M 274 B ymoemt Drfsa Steteffl lo, NO 26625 Ph". OW070-SM -• amsD run L.9 -f i"bell .thndt tae' IB1SJItElL4Ti o. FESS%p••.2': :4Q0 Ny� y SEAL - < L-4718 � i9�, JO•i,(� �' :� SURdF; : • \per, Boundary and Physical Survey 3902 Granite Street SOMERSET ON LAKE NORMAN fA`IARI- PHASE ONELOT 7 Mountain Creek Township, Catawba County, NC " 4617-04-53-2831 — D.B. 3331-562 — P.B. 47-156 Property of. Daniel & Barbara Campbell LEGEND UNE TABLE / NUN BEARING INSTANCE PROPERTY UNE (PA) ----- RMWT OF WAY(R/W) L2 S3T43 4J'W 33.21' 51456'31'W 39.89' TIE LINE — — ADXWING PROPERTY UNE FROM DEED OR PUT ______________FUU POND --------- FEMA FLOODUN£ — - — - — BUILDING SETBACK LINE -'-- - - ' --- 50' VEGETA RYE BUFTER E/P EX/STMG J5 REBAR AP SET H REBAR TV CABLE TV BOX TO TELEPHONE PEDESTAL P PORP! PNM POOER SERNCE SUPPLY IP IRRICAROV PUMP Bast JJJ6 Pew .To2 n Met Me OauNube nae � an ehen w beta M amen turn h/amgBei Iaad h odbrhp duN aM ateb m netrot Blot Me natio a/ P'eeY6i b I : 1400(!1: arq Mat pb Pyf meat' tM reauiemrrtr oI IM Sfergab M HocOw h- LaM 9vwMq h NaM CardM o»ro ro IIo•M Ne9ra AanhbbetAa cod. iWe n, awl. sA saes, rro4 IN. eunaY b o/ a erbthp pard a Pard$ of lad oi0 dot' not caro a ner etrwt ar Mage a a {yWg rb-L This 22th day of Snpta ber, 2016 40 0 40 80 SCALE: 1' - 40' um rav— u mer (.A etc ortaaa ou _ .mart (01 �illiems Lead Surveyia& Ina fJcetue Nam bar C -,?M 274 B ymoemt Drfsa Steteffl lo, NO 26625 Ph". OW070-SM -• amsD run L.9 -f i"bell .thndt tae' IB1SJItElL4Ti o. FESS%p••.2': :4Q0 Ny� y SEAL - < L-4718 � i9�, JO•i,(� �' :� SURdF; : • \per, Boundary and Physical Survey 3902 Granite Street SOMERSET ON LAKE NORMAN fA`IARI- PHASE ONELOT 7 Mountain Creek Township, Catawba County, NC " 4617-04-53-2831 — D.B. 3331-562 — P.B. 47-156 Property of. Daniel & Barbara Campbell NDIFS UNE TABLE / NUN BEARING INSTANCE I) Ara p tamhe0 by N Carrputotlm AlethoLL 2J ProPe'fr eubAwt f. ay Antr tAot mot' M dbtlased DY o Ad U SIDW M W 1 13.62 a'0 aeowots Otle warts JJ L2 S3T43 4J'W 33.21' 51456'31'W 39.89' RA INfp w apapry e o 4) A parftn of Sip/eat P.oP.�ty b Iavted h L4 543 44'W 5.20' a SpeaaN fbed Naga -d Ano R s AE) w deMylafM by Me fEEIA fL000 M'9IRAA'rE RALE YAPS Sw M. ttenbsr J7IOI6170YK - Eff-U- Oote 3^8/2006, S) _J., Pr.W, Z. R-30. No Cad fk- Maunent found eWhh 2!100' of ab,bat Prgaerty Bast JJJ6 Pew .To2 n Met Me OauNube nae � an ehen w beta M amen turn h/amgBei Iaad h odbrhp duN aM ateb m netrot Blot Me natio a/ P'eeY6i b I : 1400(!1: arq Mat pb Pyf meat' tM reauiemrrtr oI IM Sfergab M HocOw h- LaM 9vwMq h NaM CardM o»ro ro IIo•M Ne9ra AanhbbetAa cod. iWe n, awl. sA saes, rro4 IN. eunaY b o/ a erbthp pard a Pard$ of lad oi0 dot' not caro a ner etrwt ar Mage a a {yWg rb-L This 22th day of Snpta ber, 2016 40 0 40 80 SCALE: 1' - 40' um rav— u mer (.A etc ortaaa ou _ .mart (01 �illiems Lead Surveyia& Ina fJcetue Nam bar C -,?M 274 B ymoemt Drfsa Steteffl lo, NO 26625 Ph". OW070-SM -• amsD run L.9 -f i"bell .thndt tae' IB1SJItElL4Ti o. FESS%p••.2': :4Q0 Ny� y SEAL - < L-4718 � i9�, JO•i,(� �' :� SURdF; : • \per, Boundary and Physical Survey 3902 Granite Street SOMERSET ON LAKE NORMAN fA`IARI- PHASE ONELOT 7 Mountain Creek Township, Catawba County, NC " 4617-04-53-2831 — D.B. 3331-562 — P.B. 47-156 Property of. Daniel & Barbara Campbell A I . � A A 40 50X20 dredge cut 10 -ft deep with required slopes 15x120 access channel 10 -ft deep with required slopes Ic'eerth DUKE ENERGY DIRECTIONS BY ROAD FORM Lake Use Permit Applicants and Contractors: Ease of locating the proposed project site can have a big impact on permitting processing time. Please complete this form and return it along with your completed application to: DUKE ENERGY CIO LAKE SERVICES — EC 12 Q 526 SOUTH CHURCH STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 Applicant's Name: I a Irl I P G ya ;1 hezI Street Address (at lake): 3LI Q ,r Lake Name: i Subdivision Name: )hv'YlPr SPT oyn Lave &0r nQC1y-) Property Section: Lot #: City: y- rim I I County: State: b V-+Vl Car Zip: Telephone: —Z ()/ - %117 - Directions 7 Directions (from major road or highway)A` tt � �ro rv� x-`17 `V �j, I0.�1e [X,"E 3ip I Lky- Y 1 e -F+ o n {-� N C- 150 l I o Vn1 1 n�-p co, -6w ba Cz . us r) Ie�� 0►-1tp 5V)err, Its rc)r12ci. -y�kfv% itp+0n-fu G r c- ►+ e s- ree+. I -Ln m e i s o h +VA e r 1qq h�- . �J Descriptive Structure(s) on Property (i.e. brick garage, white fence, mobile home, etc.) P r i CV) �p ►ry e \N I C Cly'3 y 0.x0. . *Note: Please use the back of this form if desired to draw us a map to the site. U.S. OEPARTIFOFTHEUTfERIOR "�r 6w uNERNRORTNomNaE u,��aoc�t"us�r xYak�dpgwY E U8 TP °r'+ us � nim 1,�w�sa�a `I V rrell " J Y.YE 1:31001 0.....W.. ...`�,..:"..::::•'".�;.`:" :: �� ��� ° ._..,.�.� . �.....,.. _u..,. ....�., u� wowurl Nonrx. rx 1 List of Names of Adjoining Property Owners 3902 Granite Street Terrell, NC 28682 Excavation Neighbors Russell Edward and Rita Rae Caperoon 3894 Granite St. Terrell, NC 28682 Bruce K and Kathlyn E Edwards 3906 Granite Street Terrell, NC 28682 Disposal Neighbors Harold Edwin and Cherie C. Stutts 8585 E NC 150 Hwy Terrell, NC 28682 DUKE ' ENERGY EXCAVATION PROJECT USER'S AGREEMENT LETTER (Please fill in the blanks. Please Print) Date I t -? D TO: Duke Energy c/o Lake Services - EC12Q P. O. Box 1006 Charlotte, NC 28201-1006 RE: Excavation For Name)_y_ (Lake/County/C (Duke File No.) and Lot Ws or Other Project Lake Services Duke Energy X26 South Chup h Street hadotte, M, 28202 Mailing AddfeSs cC 120 r PO Box 1006 ;hanotte. NC 28201-1006 (Applicant's full name)D &-ij e V V CL bP hereby agrees to comply with all recommendations, requirements and/or conditions of Duke Energy Lake Services, General Permit(s) (if applicable) and other federal, state and local agency requirements pertaining to OAff the application to excavate for the purpose of a In addition, I/we have read and agree to comply with Duke's current Shoreline Management Guidelines (SMG), much of which is repeated hearin, and understand that written authorization must be obtained from Duke Energy Lake Services prior to beginning any activity within the FERC project boundary or on Duke Energy land. The excavation will be completed as described in the approved application and within eighteen (18) months from the date of written approval by Lake Services, unless specifically noted otherwise in the application or unless I/we obtain approval for a single, time extension (maximum of one year) in writing from Duke Energy Lake Services. 1/we understand that if the SMG or other applicable rules change during any extension period, I/we will be expected to comply with the new requirements to the maximum extent practicable. I/we also recognize that failure to complete the excavation within this build- out period will require the fling of a new application within the then -current SMG and that the new application must include any applicable fees and security deposits. Nwwduke n��rgy.curn 1/we attest to be the owner(s) or lease holder(s) of the land immediately adjoining the project boundary or Duke-owned peripheral strip where the excavation activity is to take place, or if not the owner or lease holder, I/we have included proof of title to the property and written authorization from the owner(s) or lease holder(s) to carry out the proposal within the project boundary adjacent to their land. Uwe attest to be the owner(s) or lease holder(s) of the land that will be used for equipment staging and disposal of excavated material or if not the owner or lease holder, I/we have included proof of title to the property and written authorization from the owner(s) or lease holder(s) to carry out the work on their land. Uwe understand that all excavation work must be done directly in front of my/our property and within the third of the cove nearest my/our property or within any middle third of the cove that Duke Energy owns, or I/we have written authorization from the owner(s) or lease holder(s) to carry out the proposal within the project boundary adjacent to/on their land. I/we also understand that access channels must run perpendicular to the shoreline while within the third of the cove area that is nearest my/our property. Uwe understand that for proposed excavations, I/we must notify the appropriate local, state and federal agencies in advance of the activity by sending them a completed copy of Duke's Excavation Permit Application Form and other required information. Uwe understand that written authorization and/or other permits may be required by some of these agencies and such required authorizations must be obtained before Uwe submit the final application to Duke Energy Lake Services. Uwe understand that except for maintenance excavations, any excavation exceeding 2000 cubic yards of material removed or any excavation or shoreline stabilization work needed to support an application that requires Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) review does itself require specific review and approval by the FERC before Duke Energy can issue any approvals. I/we agree that unless specifically approved otherwise in the application, explosives will not be used as part of this excavation activity. I/we understand that every reasonable effort must be made to minimize any adverse impact on fish, wildlife and other natural resources. Uwe understand that applicants in South Carolina proposing excavations that are not covered under the General Permit, or are greater than 150 cubic yards, must receive prior written authorization from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) or the US Army Corps of Engineers (as applicable) before submitting the completed application to Lake Services. Duke Energy Page 2 EXCAVATION APPLICATION g Rev: 9/15/06 GpaVLAKEMCMT/Package InfortnaEffective Date: 11/15/98 tionrNC C-W Dredge/Excagre9.15.06.doc I/we agree that excavation activities in North Carolina and South Carolina will not occur during the months of March, April, May and June because of the potential impacts to fish spawning areas. I/we understand that trees and vegetation growing within or adjoining the lake play an important role in its overall environmental condition, and the ecological benefit the vegetation has on fish and wildlife habitat directly supports a sound and healthy lake environment. I/we also understand that unauthorized removal of shoreline vegetation (e.g. button bushes, willows, cattails, etc.) and/or disturbance of the shoreline buffer may result in suspension or denial of lake use permitting requests, forfeiture of security deposits and require re-establishment of vegetation at my/our expense, particularly if the disturbance is found to be in violation of state or local ordinances or impacts FERC project buffers. I/we agree that all excavated material will be placed in upland areas, landward of the project boundary, and confined to prevent erosion and sedimentation back into the lake or nearby streams. I/we agree to adequately stabilize all excavated material and all disturbed shoreline to prevent erosion and runoff into the lake. I/we understand that the double handling of excavated material will not be allowed; therefore, all excavated material must be placed above the project- boundary in one handling. I/we have designed the hydraulic excavation process (if any will be used) so that return water re-enters the lake in the same general vicinity and cove as the excavation, to the maximum extent practicable. I/we agree that the proposed excavation will not be for the purpose of creating additional shoreline, will not alter the project boundary or the full pond contour, and will not impact threatened or endangered species, historic properties, or environmentally -important areas, unless special public entity provisions were made in the application. 1/we recognize that it is my/our responsibility to clearly locate in the field and label on my/our work area drawings any areas that require specific protection or avoidance during this excavation work. Examples of these protection/avoidance areas include but are not limited to, any Environmental Areas, Natural Areas or Impact Minimization Zones as identified by Duke; jurisdictional wetlands; historic properties; rare or threatened species; and buried gas, water, sewer, electric or communications lines. l/we agree to provide my/our contractor with a copy of these work area drawings showing these areas to stress the necessary protection measures. I/we agree that if any archaeological resources (e.g. pottery shards, Indian artifacts, etc.) are discovered during the excavation, work shall be halted immediately. I/we will then notify Duke Energy Lake Services and the State Historic Preservation Office to Duke Energy Page 3 EXCAVATION APPLICATION g Rev: 9/15/06 Effective Date: 11/15,98 GpaVLAKEMGMT,Package [nformatioNNC C -W Dredge/Ezcagre9.15.06.doc determine what measures, if any, I/we must pursue to protect or salvage the archaeological resources. I/we agree that any excavation from within the project boundary will not exceed the volume as outlined in the application and will remove and disturb only what is absolutely necessary to achieve the project's stated purpose. I/we agree to be fully responsible for the permitted lake use and I/we understand that this responsibility is considered to transfer automatically along with ownership and leases of the adjoining tract. I/we understand that Lake Services representatives may issue Stop Work Directives for any violations of the SMG and that other consequences may result from such violations, including but not limited to suspension or cancellation of approved permits, increases in fees, modification or removal of non -complying structures and restoration of disturbed areas at my/our own expense or loss of any consideration for future lake use permits. I/we agree to immediately comply with any Stop Work Directives, to fully cooperate with Duke Energy Lake Services and other agencies as necessary and to perform the necessary remedial actions within the specified time frame. I/we agree to develop any required mitigation plans and to complete any required mitigation activities at my/our own expense within the specified time frames. I/we recognize that the excavation work is not considered complete and deposits will not be refunded until the mitigation requirements (if any) have been satisfactorily fulfilled. I/we agree to notify Lake Services by phone when the excavation is initiated and to ensure that during the excavation period the weather-proof "Duke Energy_Approved Lake Use Activity" sign (to be provided by Duke Energy) remains posted at the job site and visible from the water's edge. I/we agree to notify Lake Services in writing when the excavation is completed (including any required mitigation measures) and that the excavation was completed per the approved application, so a close-out inspection can be performed. I/we have included a check for the applicable filing fee and security deposit, and copies of all other necessary permits. I/we recognize that security deposits will not be refunded if any violations of the SMG or this user's agreement occur. I/we understand that there will be no change in hydro project operations as a result of the excavation and/or utilization of the excavated area. I/we agree to maintain the work area in a safe condition and to fully indemnify and save Duke Energy harmless from any and all claims, liability, loss or damage that may arise from this excavation project. Duke Energy Page e 4 EXCAVATION APPLICATION Rev: 9;15/06 Gpal/LAKEMGMT/Package InformatiowNC C -W Dredge/ Excagre9.15.06.doc Effective Date: 11/15/93 I/we understand that this user's agreement does not, in any way, constitute the transfer of any rights in real property and that my/our use and enjoyment of FERC project lands and waters shall not hinder the general public's lawful use and enjoyment of the same. Sincerely, Applicant's Name (Print) Lot # Applicant's Signatu e *Co -Applicant's Name (Print) Lot # *Co -Applicant's Signature *Co -Applicant's Name (Print) Lot # *Co -Applicant's Signature *Co -Applicant's Name (Print) Lot # *Co -Applicant's Signature *Co -Applicant's Name (Print) Lot # *Co -Applicant's Signature * Co -Applicants exist when the proposed work is being done under a single application, will be performed by a single contractor as one continuous project and is done to benefit multiple owners / lease holders of project -front properties within a single development. The check for the application filing fee and security deposit should be from the party shown as Applicant and not several checks from the Applicant and Co - Applicants. By signing this agreement, Co -Applicants are in fact recognizing and agreeing to the same conditions as is the party signing as Applicant. Duke Energy Page 5 EXCAVATION APPLICATION Rev: 9/15/06 GpaVLAKEMGMT/Package Information/NC C -W Dredge/Excagre9. 15.06.doc Effective Date: 11/15/98