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20161050 Ver 1_401 Application_20161116
2 0 1 6 1 0 5 0 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWR Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02H.0500—Water Quality Certification,Shoreline Stabilization FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Shoreline Stabilization Application Form Three copies of the application (including attachments) and the application fee should be sent to: Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 I. Applicant Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)] 1. Owner Information Name: T I lea. Mailing Address: '401 Al2cet4onIck- 00-d' � 4- Telephone Number: f '��. I( � Fax Number: E-mail Address: Man311 M 661 - Opal 2. Agent/Contact Person Info ation A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter (a form can be downloaded here: http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Portals/59/docs/regulatory/regdocs/Permits/SAMPLE AGENT AUTH ORIZATION FORM.pdf) must be att ched if the Agent has signed this application form. Name: Company Affiliation: (t7 eoieCl�� Mailing Address: r�c__ as (1) Telephone Number: !028 Fax Number: E-mail Address: V nC M Person to receive the Certification Approval: i d( C �r�S II. Project Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a) & (b)] 1./Attach a vicinity map (i.e. street map) clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. 2. Provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of vegetation clearing, structures (buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, FORM:SSGP 10-2013 Page 1 of 3 etc.), rip rap, excavation or dredging below Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevations, and construction access corridors. You may use the diagram provided at the end of this application form. 3.f Attach a photograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of some sort- a yard stick, shovel handle, etc.) 4. Location of the property (where work is to be conducted) �J County: ,,M C DDWeI I Nearest Town: Adn,nd Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number). _i2i q 311i f5e±, Q21 di-s. Directions to site - please include road names and numbers, landmarks, etc.: Latitude (in decimal degrees), '! DJr Longitude (decimal degrees) 5. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application (residential, undeveloped, etc.): i�&_nlje_ `od LV+ 6. Property size (acres): .3(o _ 7. Lake/ river/ocean adjacent to property: 8. Describe proposed work (include discussion as to how hardening of shoreline has been avoided, or why it is necessary): I b e, Choce-1 i Ner_- �5' pb: iV %Dn f 'rr� 1J11oG�a`Y�C. 9. Will work be conducted from land? From water? ❑ 10. Total amount of disturbance (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) below the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level in square feet or acres: 11. Total amount of disturbance (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet land-ward in square feet or acres: arC_ to 12. Please describe the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet landward to be impacted (number of trees, for insta ce): a" r k c U..r\d.er o -ao (Owne /Agent's Si6a re* [15A NCA 2H .0502(f)] Date is signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the owner is provided. FORM:SSGP 10-2013 Page 2 of 3 La ke (At Full Pond/Normal Water Level) ky P �� ey Full Pond/ 04- Normal Water Level Shoreline R �p ky Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 ft x 100 ft)*: 1. All proposed vegetation clearing 2. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond/Normal Water Level elevation 3. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Full Pond/Normal Water Level elevation 4. Location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. 5. Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 6. Location of construction access corridors FORM:SSGP 10-2013 Page 3 of 3 Driving Directions to Sunset Point on Lake James: • Take 1-40 West to Marion, NC • Take Exit 86(Highway 226)off of 1-40 • Drive north on Highway 226 approximately 1 mile to traffic light • Continue north on Highway 221/226 Bypass approximately 5 miles to traffic light; Taco Bell on R) • Go through that traffic light • Tum right at next traffic light(Business 221/226) • Take a quick left onto Hankins Road • Continue on Hankins Road until it dead-ends at Lake James Road • Turn left onto Lake James Road;follow it out • Turn right to the entrance of Sunset Point, continue on Sunset Point Parkway • Bear left unto Big Tree Way and follow to the and --- - - - ---- ----------- OCINI TY MAP- M-:),)W=_COUNTY I.DOLPHUS E HARMON,PRqpO 5 rpAL LAND SURVEYOR.DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ------------------------ NIS D_A:WAS BRA*EyG{Ht[N CIFIJJyy SURVEY UNDER NY SUPERNSION:THAT MCDOV[ELL COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA (NOT TO SCA;E) I. REEERENCES.OTED N EIn*EIRE• ;THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION BY LAT AND DED[S I Al BONOARY ONES NOT SURVEYED RENEW OFFICER OF COUNTY.CERTIFY THAT THE YAP FILED FOR REGISTRATON AT______O CLOCK___M THIS ARE CFC v'I pTG D: PARED IN ACCORDANCE NTH OR PLAT 10 vii"THIS CGRAFICATKN IS AFFIXED MEETS ALL STATUATORY REWIREYEMTS FOR RECORONG '551 N_.�x� f,M:N91,• �/� THE______DAY OF 20_--AND -__ DALE 1H15 5i / - RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK AT PAGE ��IJq�O 'O,fyi ✓ �+� COUNTY MAI 15 RENEW OFFICER UTA�I,Aafy4 Mf URONT A] =PARCEL$Oi LAND I(L(p b NFDFWNI Cwlt NC Lake Ro00 / \� 'Q�V ��y _______ __ _ __ _ L N]NE55 M�NANp AN ^ - DSDl�7 POI ----- ELL C _ - __ 6y.P6Tf.,f HNI, REGISTER OF DEEDS MCDOWc!L COUNTY RM4t.F a7 D..6, BOOK 7 PAGE 57 v L-3333 OL_CORNER- EXISTING - p1mPRIMARY STRUCTURE SETBACK UNE- EIBM PPE MCDOIIELL COUNTY 65 077 ScTBACK LINE LAKE JAMEB Q• � P J'�%� SURv •• O�` �i NIMW2AT.,Z� (75 FT IF ST=EEPER THAN 2:1) <-eooa PAGE e7 L135 LHI> (SEE LAKE JAMES PROTECTION ORDINANCE) /jV l-•• [i J `lam [!• LAKE JAMS, 1 _ L141 [118 ENNRONMENTAL AREA STRUCTURES ' SITE R W g ALLOWED-MARKED 9Y DUKE POVF_R-(TYP) o $ • uw 4 D72 LIBI M1 e w m$ © �! 10 FT COM ON > 9° yl> V 7 JL / L139 a' M1 cou - BEARING OSTANCE L102� W e 1.53 AC +qb C $� L158 WALKWAY Tn �b M24.37 1:W 66 6" _2 EY>'0O'E 11:-' 70' g w \ ♦ C • - - Li x0]1359'. SE 90' h13 `Zg1 zJ '$ O `(1 Off'• ` e Q „ n L115 49 ,j?� 5 SO-•30'00"E 18.EJ' -96 Iy? 1.BJ AC yby 9 J (7 ? a,£ c L1B2 \ SECTION Two SY' L6 N19'42 00'W JG.e9' 7 z] �• •(7 r yb ® 1.36 AC IQ L187 \ / •' y LT NOC:,1'OG"W ]2<2 1.61 AC 1 j P p \ O \ Le N2'71'O0'W 331.1 C L9 C10'00'E 7-9:' L89 1.36 AC 7 p 1 H.. 1.91 AC ,�F• \ © /;' LIO x60'1 Wo'. t9 a" L T 1 \o : 9159 Y \ 0 SECTOR TWO LI1 'W- 910' 72:T L I[` T� l SI 0y 9T 'p 101.132.19• 0 117 50711'00'. S 1.78 / / O ,p Lta9 W 903.51 © 1 24.68' � 0 )O >r}'•y 4 2) 1151 $ \fPJ DT.11A q � SECTOR T w s1_':5?o w 74.68• LJO a� z.o9 AC c ` L11 so '19 .79' M1b UNE DANES [' 0 TOT.! 5 NO< 26,9E Se 55 aI° Id}?. b 81.19' D' 6 3 [ 17 -212 1 + L16 O'S5?R'w 59.55' 84 oJ�f S� y8 N0540•E -192 d V \\ C77 + Ll) .1.18".','W 59.86' 'I S 5 .a a5 '55.15' 1 1.60 AC [ 75'88• ) ) ) N86'35'79'W 25.01 Lla N17'a"CS'W 6:.10• LTB OF O• -191 �i8 / N. I 119 N24']"SG'w 39.56• + 1.09 AC .8 y• O 2 A j 100• 1 -_!i/ PONT-CENTERUNE _20 59^^5909'* 3!.7[' -M1O HQ 8 © J 4 In 1 9- L�9 + _ _ INTRSECTON OF 2i 2+ 509:05.;w 3712' L87 M1 7: C� 8' ,,yg ,,p _ EASEMENT AND 50 R/W L22 S YO6':5'w 27 3!' ~ 1 4 J © TOT.10A.86• 4N6" .t"• BELL.. OH LOT li _Z3 57C'.tP.'S9'w .?]+"R.{,M1 1N 2.19 AC 2.1�yLC / ,L4 N%3529'.25.07 -.2. N WIC 2' 6. 9' �'-�-P-�-�" ,�'�o.7s Ac D't SO FT p S.T2 Ac N06Tw'w Is9.6Y B d ® o$. ye'.' (o L25 s4c':u"_ ss:es' [5 3°te .4 ; �i?� STREET ryATE• :RS g G © LT3 Ac L2 51r'S'a'E Lee N7.Tm'oD'w SE.?+' F u• MS ` �) 7s•RAp tP oA- _29 07'Hl'00'E 894" L6 L59 �,3 CIF O TW O20 1.M AC 9L& / y ♦ Q ;30 5364000 -1 62' L84 L61 lTSJ ( 1\ % . . L57 6 1.29 '�C� W 501']0'20120•� ^75 Jl.te' 1.52 AC L31 S2<-109399E 3.00' 1.02 AL ,L"�'� -18 C9 -160 -190 C L32 x35'2''49"[ '.TES' b 0Z W LS a WI L33 x1405.06 i ".20' _9t 51!']2'29'. 9.61' L55 �S�' O $p?., C> L15 NO<' = l _34 .267:55'W ]9 CE' <�40 0.80 AC CB ia7,1 180.68' LJS xt 495.53'* _6%' -91 5203-'3, 15.78' LSJ m a e^.I m n �LJ 50� �L,' 3 MICHAEL A GOODMAN L9J 516'1_STC ;t,1!' 1%.92' 124.10 n 36 .4>'t•'w ]!ES' •_9a N]e'<6'SE'W 0.99' IS' ^' D'o J L38 NNl'.y<'J6'_ 72.:7 2 O n ® Is a m O n i N n O R. L D' F OB 650 PO 468 Lae oa'46'39}x 5-.4' -95 N5437'0.'W 2011' L50 NOl•40'C]15.07' 7 n O n 0.96 AC 1N / _]9 Nt21-45'I"W ES OB' -% N79.33'3O'W 5118' 130 1.96 AC �'H O n,� 6 ; I 1.08 AC i n O 7 LM C'.1iO3'W s4.s_• O _ 8 0 1.20 AC ~ $'o $o o$ 0.%Ac +„ - g 5 L.1 g 8 a 4 5a.'SC'SL'w 6<,3<' -95 NO6'..'.'37•W 38.29' i) L47 S2C't 9'Os•w .+ _99 N2a1L'3<'W 39.86' 1.20 AC M1Hy a, S i P G 1.32 AC 1.18 AC M ^ O a \ Lµ7 5]6:'9'1?'W "..]0' _00 .:735906'. 5]16' N JL':.'.'18'W i -101 NSC'IE']P.'W 29 74 ,� 10 4 A i Las 566'15,•'W •Ree' :102 Na1'2240'W 2010' SL•1 _46 5681506'M Be 28' _103 N50'S2'2:.7 50.00' las 3.00 y�A1.15 AC LVa [IJ 51577 a L17 .8518'58'* 19.BO' _t0A N454O"00'* 50.00' �� ? 6 L2A LT3 [1J LJ9 L17 171.1p W $0 1.15 AC np L4e ""0'"r 1E.?• :106 .45 600E 5992• ` L16 �9 L19 S7:•3C'30-W : 5:' [r• LSD N533770"W t5 S. _108 555954 2"E 48.25 Lao '9.BB' LAKE JAMES :57 x7-'4508'0 5o.G0• _tag 5<?7695[-: ?.0+' [J ENVIRONMENTAL AREA DU STRUCTURES 7:l� La [7 :.53 NSSIR,56'W 33 ET -+o Nag-3-'O6'E 9.88' ? ALLOWED-MARKED BY DUKE POWER-(7W) 503139599E L54 NIY5!m-W 2955 _tl1 NTa'J:':5-E 209119 L55 .3212'55"W 33 t2' _112 570'26'370 2171' 116.98' [21 CONTROLCORNER- L56 N?2219*'* 254:' -+13 52570'S8-E 59.90' 1 _WSTNG NON -171 561411.35'0 16.93' CARVE RADIUS LENGTH CHORD C.AEARM6 PPE NTN CAP L57 S>OYO'-9•w .9s' -Ota 51:1•':5-w ].u' -143 S33TL2'36'W 53.41 Ci 90.00' 101.29' %.OJ' .133178'* CRESCENT RESOURCES.INC :SB $I 7200,w 3'..71' - 5 507']8'42•- 36,81' L144 51716'S4'W 48.23- L172 57459'30'* 19.25' :59 Nla".]9099. 7e' ;ttfi SJ_'S5'?2 20.]0 -145 SI6']0'14'W 7p,y0' LI]] NB6'JO'09'w 30.OT C2 10D0,00' 97.6]' 97.6!' A;3,5rOz"w PB 8 PG ea L60 Nt<7a'S"w 3;' ,•6'7 S5:'30'0''w :.58' L17f .101 a'OJ'W 73.00' CS 1000.00' 1]2.82' 17240 NOTH11'• 4 0`w 4861' -t5 505'J<']5`A L147 5%94]'50'* 56.]5' LI75 NICJI.1:'W 49.11' 1_61 x02 T 16.15 L14) St r1]'7<'W 18.96' C4 1000.00' 17].76' 12-4289 50031'051_ L67 .39:]'09"A a' 119 r.'1'O?'W 10.15' L146 N7 7E L175 N203y'.76'E 51.10' CS 130D.o0' 79.62' 79.61' S02'AA'4TE L6J 6745'14-0 -:20 x707402. ,547' 'E 61'76• C6 LRf0.O0' 1]L9Y 1-445]' N0231.5a'E ]:E5• Lt19 N87't S'02'E 63.95' LI77 N351_37, 58.39' 16a 50210'3•-"= 923 :'21 .6045'55'. 1.53' -175 N2J46't 1'E 2.80' C7 1]00.00' 17.68' 1746-' S0T%•3TW -150 SB8'S0':5'E 101.23' L179 N48IW32'E 24.5]' Z L6S 505'5.'20"+.' 2[452' -'2Z n 4407_. 96.98' LIS! SI?3226'. 04.99' CB 22100' 1 7475' +26.07 N55'43'48'W L66 55:'+2'4[0 1.3 3 6997'5E'w 52' L15 L1e0 N3r21'ITE J2.DD' C9 600.00' 71.71 71.73' N10'S5'36•E BEING PART OF DEED BOOK 666 PAGE 5118 Oy'w -:2- 57•va• 2 Soy^Z W W 43'56 L1Bt .22359389E 2]45]9 AND ALSO PART OF PLAT BOOK 6 PAGE 42 L67 5::::' S0'W 11.07' -153 NOr30'00'C 154.50' C10 77100' 1]458' 13.58' 537'4]'48"0 L6e SOB']8.18'W ]L�J' S 505'39'59-E 7.93' L102 6353'05'* 70.39' ell 800,00' 141.61' 111.28' S21TE'S2"w _:I6 5-0730'5•-E 26.21' Lt54 St_'S_'7r* 35.03' AND PART OF PARCEL ID:1774-00-71.1895 L69 M351:5'S�'W 4C_9' LOSS N.1B71.49'W 32.39' L15J 56516'11'. 4].6-' CZ 800.00' 117.%' 117.67 NS]']0't 4-E L70 19"1'00"L 52 E5' -'77 5-5-49:?'E ]190' Lt6a 530'18'17'. 76.45' CT3 800.00' 107.19' +0].05' Sula'S6'W '_:28 S7C76.343'0 .O5 LI56 NS?41'47'. ]9.98 Ct3 800.00' 157.16' 151.OT 54246•%'w L71 SOE'l:16'w 50.00 LIS] .7649'26'* 6.62' Lle3 S13'12.50'w 36.07' SEE RESTRICTIONS-DEED BOOK 666 PAGE Sea L72 N2WOa'26'F_ 3_A.: -:29 SY71']J'E 5>.9Y LI57 N6776'4+-W 43.72' 1_188 5%12'58'* 50.76• Cis 600.00' 286.27 253.36' .2110'%'E L7] N'J^3-;'9` ?9.96' -:30 56:3G'piL 11.07' 1159 NB570'W'E 91.98' -187 N C18 1525.00' 206.53' 206.]9' NBI'J7'12'E 0831.71 111: C17 1300.00' 216.57 246.20' 50243'59'* 1_]4 . .: 15"0 J<9i -:343 S3-'7:2 521+' 1160 S07'10'00'W 76.070' -188 NSl'3a'43'E Se.21' 75 Nw'So'be'E .•30' '32 3-12'76'?9' 2.37' U89 55040'0o'E 10.00' C1e 1525.00' 39.82 59.61' 5]8'1112'* SCALE IN FEET 1_76 P.'_:SYE •173' "3 N06'1•'21-w 67.27' - L16t S7V30'00'W 55.70' 1_77 510'-9"1'E 12.10' -�� x2712'41': 22.68' 062 54112'20'W 30,64 UMA Nq•37'04'E 49.21' CB 1525.00' 193.11• 192.98' N7947'40'E L75 S!2'25 15'0 6:]<' :•5 .0-74905'. a9 y9• L163 55718'33_* 42.87' U90 N0430'00'W 10].55' C70 1300.00' 25.70' 25.70' 50736909E 150 73 a 73 •50 ]00 1_)9 S30'Oa'e+'E .']8 .949_`59'0 5000' 1162 S55'S<'OTW 10.85' L191 53340'00'* 115.10• C21 1525.00' ]3.05' -]4049 SB44Tap'W M:5' L165 576'a8'36•W i0.8Y• L192 50342'43'. 25.55' C72 1000.00 210.14 209.)3' NOt'31'12'E 450 50:W.'S;-w 4C!1- .'37 .1340'00"E 5000' -166 521'S3'18'E 7.53' -193 523'76'S5'W 94.5x• C23 80.00 ]6.82' 76.48' N3T50'S5'E LAI 50-95'51: ?a.. -'10 .35'00'00'[ :648' L167 525'4)'-9'0 41.]0' -191 SST-376'W 2173' C24 90.00' 174.46' 118.10' 53159009E Let x79:'.?1190 .!3' -']9 Sa6'}4955-. 005' L16B �.^2. -195 .]979'01'0 25.1!' CZS 1000.00' BB.Bi 58.81' S1046'S0'W NEBO TYSP- MCDOWELL COUNTY- NORTH CAROLINA Lel ,0.4-46'[ SC.,S' -'-e Nea'a5a"W ,OT OS'E ]0.51' LI% N37YJ'28'E 26.19' CZ6 90.00' ]118' 71.18' 5697976-E La. N R-SE'S:'E - SaE39'_!'W 51.42' Lt69 SI?'33'OrE :8.30' L197 .7970'0-'E 6.05' C27 90.00' 35.67' 3138' S124123'W 1_55 N-Ol<'1<"E 60.57 -127 55-7711'* 12.79' -170 SeC10'OTE 9.81' L19a N2J'36'S5'C -6416' FINAL PLAT •_116 Sys'0<'<+•w EN' L199 NO344'a]'E 20.10' LB7 5?'v0'••"W -•4599 -200 55]46'32'* 36.11' LAID 54'103". '` °' Si6Z75W 5'>4 SUNSET POINT-SECTION ONE L69 S,,G']7'. L202 51745'0!'. 4546-' L90 517082:_ __.16' .03 SS019'<1'W 5.%' LEGEND NOTES L204 N4040'OO'w 10.09' OWNERS:SUNSET POINT.LLC LZOS N4940'00E 4835• E }2.66' 1 FR6tCT tHAN2¢. flNE +-A' CORNER N -206 N4 9`00 CENTER OF SO FT R/W AND ARE REFERENCED AT R/W L206 x 823'75'0 I6.61' NOTES?-Dal: :_ONG SHORELINE ARE UN.-ED-EXCEPT FOR LO l CORNERS AN ANY L208 N5746'36'E 47.98' DEH I" - 150 WEST AND ASSOCIATES, P.A. IRON'•-E3•ONO'_-M ORION. 90UNDAiY SURVEY BY ABERNATHY AND ASSOC L209 .339040E 11544-9 3 A5__.NEPS SET 9Y W_5:AND ASSOC ARE 1/2"RESIN L210 N5110'00'E 137.75' I NIS SURVEY CREATES A SUBDIN5104.THIN 9a6M A.NRET OAR a_ap:-i A-•,INC SHORELINE is STARLISNED 81 ABERNATHY AND ASW T' PB 6 PG 62 L211 N247TI1'A 53.63' MCDOYF_LL COUNTY WHICH HAS NO SUBDINSIGN DEH MAR 26 2002 VVi CONSULTING ENGINEERS -717 50O45'OO'E R6?' ORDINANCE(XS7E AT THIS THE ``-/`=�/y`1 405 SOOT. STERLING ST 433-5661 2-ALL OSTANCES ARE HGTIZONTAL R oATA ]-NO NCGS HORIZONTAL CONTRGI NTHIN 20DO FT 15� MORGANTON, NORTH(CAROLINA SU30.OWG 07092 �a 1 1. �F y �; �r.��.'q"�'a7 1 '''r'���y^4 t� yy.�D oi• 3` Rt J A_"�,'+� 1, _ vPEN; R�� ra > � LL :t`y'n i�• �~r �'Y, L �`- ,q .r � � `�!a j � t _.Y .+K.,+ u�. .t q.'• i�, '1 tJC� �•:�i+���i��x�_ r, '1`+.( j1 \. _.`.�-eh ,1`.. w� •a -40 low Ln 71 t It .�r cf .q .f► � • Y - _•'�+. �'�>� '� °'�l vim- f -� t� � �va� .may � :� "�F � >' ti � a,^� ��. 'fid r •'� +: 1 i S ca, t v Y t sf� 'r � � � 1 Z pfd '� •r , ,r tt..�,,1. 4 � � ((moi, ` •__J{,//J 1 I `� ,I 't � 1 ►� 1 r 1 , �.� J: 1 a j d�� .i� R I• ".i�r.* �,y�c 1, � t ) 1. J: � �.,J` ,1'.11: k j V;.c It lip 41 T .v }I r � { r Ilk" rru� ' � �i� ,,• f� a ,r , , , ; � ,�•�� ;,,ti•;� ,1 1 i i �.�., I�( !,r ,,r.N,�r ,� �L( •i,, �:f� e bey ' ' ��� ��l ��r� � •g �� ..?fid s .�, � �� �,; r � + ,�,����� fir; ' '''• ,. { ' �' �iil '� °'� ,i ++'' �•i -.fes.. .t Y ' ' r Y I i I �1 p �+ I � •�1t t � tr 1 + 7 �• rd /u��� J''�,����,• �� +�; r �� 1 h r Y�, � ,Y, !t � ,�Ky��)1� �� ,t fi�l,�' �� �� t., � ,S• v ' P o_ l• ��: ,�1 �r,Y. J � /�f�1,� (I'� i�� rr � I(1� �� � �� � + F� t�1������,��I�. MS{���,y�� , �� Y� ch ,., Av,�.� `'I• /� �+� �n ��% ��)�C � I i �I� IM ( ! 1 y�l'9�� r��ly�,yyt r y t 4 �" �:�y �4 Y"l � �sl � s ff, Ys�• .,. i Y� 1 � '+ r� I" , ► � s.;S , P,'��` �i 1f �:� ' '�. I r f' l� r 'If�' � c• i r YY} 1 Y - �� �� t� �, ,�-11 � � � ti�. ��y,r ��j �r{,j'�'�D'rrrr 2Y'•���L' �r .V� r. Jt�',rt RY 1 rel,+lr',r� , �r• �f T ��� I �� ,� ,���� r � � " .e �� {ry7}W��1��,t.�,, b1 ,`,i�r r �i��• �'r'�.. :l� `Y�[S'�� '•i: 1 � TT1 "• +