HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160919 Ver 1_More Info Received_20161024 Homewood, Sue From:clearcreeks@zoominternet.net Sent:Monday, October 24, 2016 7:59 PM To:Homewood, Sue Cc:John t thomas jr; Leslie, Andrea J; Charles Anderson Subject:Re: Big Creek 4 Stream Restoration Project Attachments:image002.png; stelprdb1046932.pdf; nrcs144p2_052940.pdf; Response to NCDENR 2nd Comments.docx Sue, In response to your e-mail I have prepared the attached letter requesting exemption from the dewatering requirement for the Big Creek 4 project. I am attaching the NRCS guidance documents on stream crossings for your review. If you have specific questions regarding the culvert, you can discuss them with Tommy Burchette when you meet on-site. He prepared the culvert design criteria. I also forwarded the application signature page to Debbie Dodson, RI for signing. As soon as I receive it I will forward that and a revised page 2. Rocky From: "Sue Homewood" <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> To: clearcreeks@zoominternet.net Cc: "John t thomas jr" <John.t.thomas.jr@saw02.usace.army.mil>, "Andrea J Leslie" <andrea.leslie@ncwildlife.org>, "Charles Anderson" <canderson@resourceinstituteinc.org> Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 9:56:07 AM Subject: RE: Big Creek 4 Stream Restoration Project Rocky, Thanks for the response. I need a couple follow up items in order to issue the 401 approval.  I need the revised Page 2 of the PCN and signature authority (agent authorization) indicating the applicant you would like to receive the 401 authorization. (you mentioned you’d send it, I just wanted to be clear that I can’t issue the approval until I receive that)  Cost for dewatering effects all restoration projects. While we recognize that more work can be accomplished when dewatering doesn’t use up the funding, that is not a sufficient justification for the risk/damage that can be done when a project is installed “in the wet”. When we spoke on the phone you indicated that the size of Big Creek is the main reason you were going to request exemption from working in the dry (the risk is greater to try to dewater a channel that large). Also, that installation of structures is more likely to occur when the stream is flowing during installation and the designer can make adjustments as needed. Please provide a revised justification for exemption from dewatering Big Creek. Also, the exemption will not be applicable to either of the tributaries unless you provide justification for those channels also.  Please provide a copy of the standard detail for the NRCS ford crossing and the culvert crossing for my file. Thanks, Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 1 October 24, 2016 Ms. Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 Dear Ms. Homewood, I am responding to your e-mail of October 24, 2016 regarding the Big Creek 4 Stream Restoration Project. I am requesting that you consider granting an exemption for the pump diversion requirement for the mainstem portion of the Project. I am requesting that you consider the following logistical issues and risks associated with requiring the dewatering of a stream this size. Providing pump diversion for a stream this size (DA = 10.5 square miles) increases the risk associated with trying to effectively dewater the stream channel. Given that a typical pump diversion scenario involves dewatering stream channels in manageable 300 - 500 foot increments, the overall length of the Big Creek 4 mainstem restoration (2,172 LF) would require multiple installations and removals of the coffer dam- pump diversion system. The significant volume of stream flow that must be diverted would require a system of large coffer dams, large pumps and interconnecting hoses or pipes. This size system requires the use of heavy equipment to move the cofferdams, pumps and pipes from one set-up location to the next. Because the dewatering system is setback from the channel, generally along the adjacent floodplain where it is proximate to the channel but out of the immediate work area, the heavy equipment utilized to set-up the system would have to travel along the floodplain multiple times. Given your concerns about the degree to which mechanical clearing would impact the riparian area, setting up this system has the potential to impact a much greater area than the channel work alone. Given the size of the dewatering system required it would be unwise to leave the coffer dam in-channel when storm flows are anticipated. To avoid the potential for the coffer dams to impound significant volumes of sediment or divert storm flow into existing banks or worse yet, the restored banks, it would be necessary to incorporate additional set-up and breakdowns into the process to account for multiple storm events over the several month construction period. On the other hand, there are significant advantages to working in the wet. The potential impacts to the riparian area associated with installing the dewatering system are avoided or minimized. As the in-stream structures are installed the designer and contractor have the ability to immediately assess whether they are functioning as intended, making adjustments as needed. We propose that the work along the Big Creek mainstem be exempted from the dewatering requirement. Given the shorter length and smaller size of Tributaries 1 and 2, a single, smaller sandbag-pump diversion system set-up could be employed to dewater these streams. If you have any additional comments or questions, please contact me at my office. Sincerely, Rocky Powell C Charles Anderson John Thomas Andrea Leslie NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE CONSERVATION PRACTICE STANDARD STREAM CROSSING (No.) CODE 578 DEFINITION A stabilized area or structure constructed across a stream to provide a travel way for people, livestock, equipment, or vehicles. PURPOSE • Provide access to another land unit • Improve water quality by reducing sediment, nutrient, organic, and inorganic loading of the stream • Reduce streambank and streambed erosion CONDITIONS WHERE PRACTICE APPLIES This practice applies to all land uses where an intermittent or perennial watercourse exists and a ford, bridge, or culvert type crossing is needed. CRITERIA Apply this standard in accordance with all local, State, Tribal, and Federal regulations, including flood plain regulations and flowage easements. Identify significant cultural resources or threatened or endangered species that could be affected by the implementation of the practice. Location. Locate stream crossings in areas where the streambed is stable or where it can be stabilized (see NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, Channel Bed Stabilization, Code 584). Do not place crossings where channel grade or alignment changes abruptly, excessive seepage or instability is evident, overfalls exist (evidence of incision and bed instability), where large tributaries enter the stream, or within 300 feet of known spawning 578-1 areas of listed species. Avoid wetland areas. Discourage livestock loafing in the stream by locating crossings, where possible, out of shady riparian areas or by including gates in the design. Install stream crossings perpendicular to the direction of stream flow where possible. Fully consider the natural lateral migration pattern of the stream in the design. Avoid skews on all but the smallest streams. Access Roads. Where the stream crossing is installed as part of a roadway, size the crossing according to NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, Access Road, Code 560. Width. Provide an adequate travel -way width for the intended use. Make "livestock- only" crossings no less than 6 feet wide and no more than 30 feet wide, as measured from the upstream end to the downstream end of the stream crossing, not including the side slopes. Side Slopes. Make all side slope cuts and fills stable for the channel materials involved. Make the side slopes of cuts or fills in soil materials no steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical (2:1). Make rock cuts or fills no steeper than 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical (1.5:1). Stream Approaches. Blend approaches to the stream crossing with existing site conditions, where possible. Use streambank soil bioengineering practices as appropriate and feasible. Make the approaches stable, with gradual ascent and descent grades which are not steeper than 4 horizontal to 1 vertical (4:1), and of suitable material to withstand repeated and long term use. Make the minimum width of the approaches equal to the width of the crossing surface. Divert surface runoff around the approaches to prevent erosion. Direct roadside ditches into a Conservation practice standards are reviewed periodically and updated if needed. To obtain the current version of this standard, contact your Natural Resources Conservation Service State Office or visit the Field Office Technical Guide. NRCS, NHCP September 2011 578-2 diversion or away from the crossing surface. Configure the crossing approaches (gradient and curves) to properly accommodate the length and turning radii of vehicles using the crossing. Rock. All rock must be able to withstand exposure to air, water, freezing, and thawing. Use rock of sufficient size and density to resist mobilization by design flood flows. Use appropriate rock sizes to accommodate the intended traffic without damage to the livestock, people, or vehicles using the crossing. Fencing. Exclude livestock access to the crossing through the use of fence and gates, as needed. Install cross -stream fencing at fords, with breakaway wire, swinging floodgates, hanging electrified chain, or other devices to allow the passage of floodwater and large woody material during high flows. Design and construct all fencing in accordance with NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, Fence, Code 382. Vegetation. Plant all areas to be vegetated as soon as practical after construction. If completion does not coincide with appropriate planting dates for permanent cover, use a cover of temporary vegetation to protect the site until permanent cover can be established. Native or functioning -as -native plant species are preferred. Use NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, Critical Area Planting, Code 342, where vegetation is unlikely to become established by natural regeneration, or where acceleration of the recovery of vegetation is desired. In areas where the vegetation may not survive, use NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, Heavy Use Area Protection, Code 561. Bridge Crossings Design bridges in a manner that is consistent with sound engineering principles and adequate for the use, type of road, or class of vehicle. Design bridges with sufficient capacity to convey the design flow and transported material without appreciably altering the stream flow characteristics. Design bridges to fully span the stream, passing at least the bankfull flow where the design flow is not dictated by regulation. NRCS, NHCP September 2011 Bankfull flow is the discharge that fills a stream channel up to the elevation at which flow begins to spill onto the floodplain. Adequately protect bridges protected so that out -of -bank flows safely bypass without damaging the culvert or eroding the banks. Vehicle and pedestrian bridges must be designed in accordance with the current American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) bridge design specifications (AASHTO, 2010). Evaluate the need for safety measures such as guardrails and reflectors at bridge crossings. Acceptable bridge materials include concrete, steel, and wood. Culvert Crossings Design culverts in a manner that is consistent with sound engineering principles and adequate for the use, type of road, or class of vehicle. For culverts associated with a road, culvert design flow shall meet the criteria in NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, Access Road, Code 560. The design flow for culverts not associated with a road will be the 2 -year, 24-hour storm discharge, or bankfull flow, whichever is less. Design culverts with sufficient capacity to convey the design flow and transported material without appreciably altering the stream flow characteristics. Design culverts to minimize habitat fragmentation and to minimize barriers to aquatic organism movement. Do not use culverts where large flows of sediment or large woody material are expected, or where the channel gradient exceeds 6 percent (100 horizontal to 6 vertical). Evaluate the need for safety measures such as guardrails at culvert crossings. Crossings shall be adequately protected so that out -of -bank flows safely bypass without damaging the structure or eroding the streambanks or the crossing fill. At least one culvert pipe shall be placed with its entire length set six inches below the existing stream bottom. Additional culverts may be used at various elevations to maintain terrace or floodplain hydraulics and water surface elevations. Make the barrel length of the culvert adequate to extend the full width of the crossing, including side slopes, and inlet or outlet extensions. Acceptable culvert materials include concrete, corrugated metal, corrugated plastic, new or used high quality steel, and any other materials that meet the requirements of NRCS Conservation Practice Standard, Structure for Water Control, Code 587. Ford Crossings The following criteria apply to all ford crossings: Make the cross-sectional area of the crossing equal to or greater than the natural channel cross-sectional area. Make a portion of the crossing depressed at or below the average stream bottom elevation when needed to keep base flows or low flows concentrated. Match ford shape to the channel cross-section to the extent possible. Provide cutoff walls at the upstream and downstream edges of ford -type stream crossings when needed to protect against undercutting. Evaluate the need for water depth signage at ford crossings. To the extent possible, the top surface of the ford crossing shall follow the contours of the stream bottom but in no case shall the top surface of the ford crossing be higher than 0.5 foot above the original stream bottom at the upstream edge of the ford crossing. Make the downstream edge of the ford crossing with a low -flow hydraulic drop less than 0.5 foot above the original stream bottom. Concrete Fords Use concrete ford crossings only where the foundation of the stream crossing is determined to have adequate bearing strength Use concrete with a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi at 28 days, with a ratio of water to cementitious materials of 0.50 or less. Use coarse aggregate of 0.75 to 1 inch nominal size. If designed for freezing conditions, use concrete with 4 to 8 percent air -entrainment. 578-3 Use a minimum thickness of 5 inches of placed concrete. Pour the concrete slab on a minimum 4 -inch thick gravel base, unless the foundation is otherwise acceptable. Construct toe -walls at the upstream and downstream ends of the crossing. Make the toe -walls a minimum of 6 inches thick and 18 inches deep. Extend the toe -walls in the stream approaches to the bankfull flow elevation. Precast concrete panels may be used in lieu of cast -in-place concrete slabs. To the extent possible, the panels shall follow the contours of the stream bottom in order to avoid potential problems with sediment accumulation. Use concrete units that have adequate reinforcement for transportation and placement. Dewatering of the site and toe -walls is required during placement of the concrete to maintain the proper water/cement ratio. Flowing water will erode concrete that is not sufficiently hardened. The stream must be diverted or retained from flowing over the concrete for at least 12 hours after placement of the concrete. During construction, aquatic species must be removed from the construction area according to State protocols. Rock Fords and the Use of Geosynthetics Coarse aggregate or crushed rock ford crossings are often used in steep areas subject to flash flooding and where normal flow is shallow or intermittent. When the site has a soft or unstable subgrade, use geotextiles in the design of rock ford crossings. Dewater and excavate the bed of the channel to the necessary depth and width and cover with geotextile material. Install the geotextile material on the excavated surface of the ford and extend it across the bottom of the stream and at least up to the bankfull flow elevation. Cover the geotextile material with at least 6 inches of crushed rock. Use minimum 6 -inch deep geocells, if geocells are used. Use durable geosynthetic materials and install them according to the manufacturer's recommendations, including the use of staples, clips, and anchor pins. NRCS, NHCP September 2011 578-4 Design all rock ford stream crossings to remain stable for the bankfull flow. Compute channel velocities and choose rock size using procedures in NEH630; NEH654 TS14N; and EFH Chapter 16 (NEH650), Appendix 16A, or other procedures approved by the State Conservation Engineer. Where rock is used for ford crossings for livestock, use a hoof contact zone or alternative surfacing method over the rock. CONSIDERATIONS Avoid or minimize the use of or number of stream crossings, when possible, through evaluation of alternative trail or travel -way locations. Assess landuser operations to consolidate and minimize the number of crossings. Where feasible, use existing roads. Evaluate proposed crossing sites for variations in stage and discharge, tidal influence, hydraulics, fluvial geomorphic impacts, sediment transport and flow continuity, groundwater conditions, and movement of woody and organic material. Increase crossing width or span to accommodate transport of large woody material in the flow. Design passage features to account for the known range of variation. For culvert crossings, consider incorporating natural streambed substrates throughout the culvert length for passage of aquatic organisms (see Bunt and Abt, 2001, for sampling procedures). Natural streambeds provide passage and habitat benefits to many life stage requirements for aquatic organisms and may reduce maintenance costs. Consider all life stages of aquatic organisms in the stream crossing design to accommodate their passage, in accordance with the species' requirements. Design criteria are available in NEH Part 654, Technical Supplement 14N, Fish Passage and Screening Design; U.S Forest Service low-water design guidance (USFS, 2006); and stream simulation guidance (USFS,2008). Each State also has specific design criteria for culverts and stream crossings (e.g., MassDOT, 2010). See also Harrelson, et al. 1994, for stream reference site descriptions. Where a stream crossing is installed to remove an existing barrier to the passage of aquatic organisms, consider using NRCS NRCS, NHCP September 2011 Conservation Practice Standard, Aquatic Organism Passage, Code 396. Consider relevant aquatic organisms in the design and location of crossings to improve or provide passage for as many different aquatic species and age classes as possible. Consider the habitat requirements of other aquatic or terrestrial species that may be affected by construction of a stream crossing. For example, a crossing may be designed with features that also promote safe crossing by terrestrial vertebrates. Ford crossings have the least detrimental impact on water quality when their use is infrequent. Ford crossings are adapted for crossing wide, shallow watercourses with firm streambeds. If the stream crossing is to be used frequently, or daily, as in a dairy operation, a culvert crossing or curbed bridge should be used, rather than a ford crossing. Locate stream crossings to avoid adverse environmental impacts and consider the following: • Effects on upstream and downstream flow conditions that could result in increases in erosion, deposition, or flooding. Consider habitat upstream and downstream of the crossing to avoid fragmentation of aquatic and riparian habitats. • Short-term and construction -related effects on water quality. • Overall effect on erosion and sedimentation that will be caused by the installation of the crossing and any necessary stream diversion. • Effects of large woody material on the operation and overall design of the crossing. • Consider adding a well -graded rock riprap apron on the downstream edge of concrete crossings to dissipate flow energy. • Ford crossings should not be placed immediately downstream from a pipe or culvert because of potential damage from localized high velocity flows. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Prepare plans and specifications for stream crossings in keeping with this standard. The plans and specifications must clearly describe the requirements for applying the practice to achieve its intended purpose. As a minimum, include the following in plans and specifications: • Location of stream crossing. • Stream crossing width and length with profile and typical cross sections. • Design grades or slopes of stream approaches. • Design flow calculations. • Thickness, gradation, quantities, and type of rock or stone. • Type, dimensions, and anchoring requirements of geotextile. • Thickness, compressive strength, reinforcement and other special requirements for concrete, if used. • Vegetative requirements that include seed and plant materials to be used, establishment rates, and season of planting. • Location, type, and extent of fencing required. • Method of surface water diversion and dewatering during construction. • Location of utilities and notification requirements. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Develop an operation and maintenance plan and implement it for the life of the practice. Include the following items in the operation and maintenance plan, as a minimum: • Inspect the stream crossing, appurtenances, and associated fence after 578-5 each major storm event and make repairs if needed. • Remove any accumulation of organic material, woody material, or excess sediment. • Replace surfacing stone used for livestock crossing as needed. REFERENCES AASHTO, 2010. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design Specifications, Customary U.S. Units, 5t" Edition, with 2010 edits; ISBN Number: 1- 56051-451-0 Bunte, Kristin; Abt, Steven R. 2001. Sampling surface and subsurface particle -size distributions in wadable gravel -and cobble -bed streams for analyses in sediment transport, hydraulics, and streambed monitoring. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-74. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 428 p (http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs/rmrs gtr74.html ) Harrelson, Cheryl C; Rawlins, C. L.; Potyondy, John P, 1994. Stream channel reference sites: an illustrated guide to field technique. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM -245. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 61 p. (http://www.stream.fs.fed.us/publications/PDFs /RM245E.PDF) MassDOT, 2010. Design of Bridges and Culverts for Wildlife Passage at Freshwater Streams. Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Highway Division. (http://www.mhd.state.ma.us/downloads/probD ev/Design Bridges Culverts Wildlife Passage 122710.pdf ) NRCS, NHCP September 2011 TECHNICAL NOTE United States Department of Agriculture NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE Engineering Engineering Technical Note No. MT -13 February 2001 LIVESTOCK WATER ACCESS AND FORD STREAM CROSSINGS Forrest Berg, Stream Mechanics Engineer and Sandy Wyman, Rangeland Management Specialist A livestock water access or ford stream crossing is a trail or travelway constructed across a stream or at a water access point that allows livestock to cross or to drink with minimal disturbance to the streambank and channel. The livestock water access and ford stream crossings are used to: • prevent or minimize water degradation from sediment, nutrient and organic loading. • protect the watercourse from restricted capacity, degradation and adverse hydrological impacts. • protect the land from streambank erosion. • provide a means for livestock to cross a watercourse or provide a stable area to drink from the stream. This practice may be used for all land uses where an intermittent or perennial stream exists and a crossing or access point for livestock is necessary. Stream crossings (Figure 1) or access points (Figure 2) should be located in areas where the streambed is stable. Where practical, crossings should be located just upstream or downstream of any natural barrier such as a rock seam. Avoid sites where: • channel grade or alignment changes abruptly • the channel bed is unstable • overfalls exist • large tributaries enter the stream • there is a newly located or constructed channel, or • immediately upstream or downstream of a culvert or bridge • water velocity and depth are excessive. Figure 1. Stream Crossing NRCS—Montana—Technical Note—ENGINEERING—MT-13 Engineering Technical Note No. MT -13 February 2001 Figure 2. Livestock Access Point It is not recommended to install a crossing or access point if the product of the depth x velocity is greater than six. In this case, a bridge crossing should be considered. Crossings or access points should be installed perpendicular to the direction of the flow of the stream, preferably at the midpoint between the stream meanders (riffle section). Special care should be taken to harden the width and depth of bankfull stream channel dimensions in order to maintain long-term health and proper stream function. Bankfull is based on the 1-1/2 year return interval. Do not disturb the stream channel upstream or downstream of the crossing during installation of a stream crossing. Avoid polluting streams during construction. Temporary diversions may need to be installed to avoid excess sediment transport. Shaping of the entrance and exit approaches may be all that is necessary if bank and channel is comprised of .5 inch diameter or larger materials. GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Job sheet drawings can be downloaded from http://www.wcc.nres.usda.gov/wtec/roads.html. Establishing Grades Subgrade and finished surface grade are critical factors in the design of a properly functioning crossing or access point. Materials should be placed in excavated subgrades, which are below potential scour lines. Geotextile Filter Fabric Geotextile should be installed on the excavated surface of the ford according to specifications. The geotextile should extend across the bottom of the stream including 20 feet of approach on each side of the stream. Geotextile may be omitted in streambeds with stable rock, gravel, or cobbles. All edges of the geotextile should be keyed as described under construction specifications and manufacturer's recommendations. Geotextile filter fabric should be woven or non -woven, needle -punched, geotextile fabric with a minimum tensile strength of 180 pounds (minimum average roll value). NRCS—Montana—Technical Note—ENGINEERING—MT-13 2 Engineering Technical Note No. MT -13 February 2001 Longitudinal ends of the geotextile filter fabric should be lapped back over the top of the backfill toe trench a minimum of one foot beyond the edge of the trench. The ends should be anchored to the fabric using anchoring pins placed on five-foot centers. When more than one width of fabric is required, the downstream panel should be installed first. The next upstream panel should be installed with a minimum of 18 inches overlap over the first section. Anchoring pins should be installed on 3 -foot centers, 6 inches from the downstream edge of the lap. Pins should penetrate both sections of fabric in the lap. Every precaution should be taken to not tear the geotextile filter fabric. Tears should be repaired immediately by removing all surface material and soil from the tear, for a minimum distance of 18 inches, in all directions from the tear. Spread a new section of fabric over the cleared area and anchor with anchoring pins around all sides. Where stream channels are composed of a stable coarse rocky material or solid bedrock, the requirement to extend filter fabric across the channel bottom may be waived upon the approval of the engineer. Anchoring Pins for Geotextile Anchoring pins should be fabricated using No. 3 reinforcing steel or material of equivalent or greater size and durability. All anchor pins should be installed with the top width lying perpendicular to the direction of flow in the stream. Pins should be driven vertically into undisturbed soil to provide maximum resistance to removal. Anchoring pins should be installed through all overlapped filter cloth at all excavated trenches and across the channel bottom widths on approximately 3 -foot centers. For crossings using only one width of fabric, plan to use a number of pins equal to 0.85 times the total length of the crossing from entrance to exit end. For crossings using two widths of fabric, use 1.3 times the total length (Table 1). Table 1. Minimum Number of Anchoring Pins Reauired Number of Fabric Strips Across Channel 1 2 Example: Stream crossing 80 feet in total length using two adjacent strips of 15' wide fabric for a crossing width of 20 feet. Minimum number of pins is 1.3 times 80 feet for 104 pins. Recommend 110 anchor pins. Care should be taken not to rip the fabric while installing anchor pins. Pins should be sharpened to permit easy penetration through the fabric. Also, the fabric will fit tightly around anchor pins with sharpened ends. If a pin must be removed, plug the opening with a wadded ball of fabric filter cloth. Light weight wire staples such as used to anchor mulch netting may be used to hold filter cloth in place temporarily while construction is in progress. Such staples cannot substitute for anchor pins. Elevation The design subgrade and finished surface are determined by analysis of the stream channel profile upstream and downstream of the proposed crossing location. The finished (top) surface of the stream crossing in the channel should not be higher than the natural stable channel gradeline. If the top surface is above the stable grade line, the surfacing material may wash off. It is recommended that the final finished surface should be approximately four inches below natural channel grade. NRCS—Montana—Technical Note—ENGINEERING—MT-13 3 Engineering Technical Note No. MT -13 February 2001 Width Width is defined as the crossing surface and does not include the side slopes. "Livestock only" crossings may be as narrow as 6 feet wide. Multi -use crossings should be no less than 10 feet and no more than 20 feet wide in the upstream -downstream direction. Side Slopes All cuts and fills for the stream crossing should have side slopes that are stable for the soil or soil material involved. Side slopes of earth fills should be no steeper than 2.5:1. Rock fills should be no steeper than 1.5:1. Cut slopes should be no steeper than 2.5:1 unless in rock or hard shale, in which case they should be no steeper than .5:1. Entrance and Exit Approaches The entrance and exit approach is defined as the terrace elevation to the five-year rainfall event surface elevation, where it exists. Materials will be used which are equal to the channel bottom materials from the channel bottom to the five-year frequency storm or terrace elevation (whichever is less). Use surfacing material (minimum 6" thick) and geotextile fabric, where necessary, from the five-year to the terrace elevation (if exists). Entrance and exit approaches to the crossing or access point should blend in with existing site conditions where possible, but should not be steeper than 5:1. The entrance and exit approaches should be underlain with geotextile filter fabric and covered with a minimum 6 inches of crushed gravel. The minimum width of the approaches to the structure should be equal to the width of the structure. Where necessary, a surface flow diversion should be installed across the entrance and exit of the travelway to prevent sediment -laden runoff from entering the stream (See Figure 3). Fencing If necessary, stream channel areas above and below the stream crossing should be fenced to prevent livestock access to the stream except at the crossing or access point (Figure 2). Fence posts along each side of fords should be installed inside the area covered with geotextile filter cloth and stone. Fence posts with sharpened ends should be driven through the filter cloth, in the center of the toe trenches, along the side of the crossing. A "break -away" fence may be installed across streams where damage from runoff is likely to occur. The fencing wire should be placed on the downstream side of the posts on each fence line. Strands of wire should not be continuous across the crossing, but should be cut and secured lightly to the posts so a buildup of trash will pull the wire away from the post, allowing the trash to move downstream. In lieu of "break -away" fences, other appropriate means of preventing livestock access to the stream, such as swinging gates, electrified chains, or other control measures may be used. Safe The specifications contained in this practice pertain primarily to flow capacity and resistance to washout of the structure. A gauging rod should be installed at ford crossings to determine depth of flow and safety for crossing. Crossing should not be installed where water velocity and depth are excessive. NRCS—Montana—Technical Note—ENGINEERING—MT-13 4 Figure 3. Stream Crossing 5' max VA. bank height .. X31 � f f Stone over filter cloth Engineering Technical Note No. MT -13 February 2001 ,,,Stream channel f1" Surface flow diversion POW Stone approach section 5:1 max, slope on road •�. Surface flow diversion Original streambank t�oj _r w Q r 1 J Filter cloth Stone Fords Using Stone Figure 3 shows a typical layout for a well -constructed crossing (fence not shown). The stream crossing must be designed to remain stable during the bank full event. Bankf ill flow and water surface slope or channel velocities should be computed or measured, and a stone size chosen from Figure 4 or Table 2. The surfacing material should consist of 1/2" to 2" rock with a minimum 2-3" thick layer, where the D50 of the crossing stone is >1 inch. The minimum thickness of rock protection should be the greater of 6 inches or twice the D50 rock size. The final elevation of the surfacing stone in the bottom of the stream/watercourse should be no higher than the original stream bottom on both the upstream and downstream edges of the crossing or access point. This eliminates any overfall and possible scour problems. NRCS-Montana-Technical Note -ENGINEERING -MT -13 5 Engineering Technical Note No. MT -13 February 2001 Figure 4. Livestock Crossing DM Rock Size D50 V LIVESTOCK CROSSING Bankfull Depth D50 D50 ROCK SIZE (inches) Slope 5.00 inches fps 4.50 ft r 4.00 ft/ft ft 0.5 2.96 F- F- 3.50 2 13. 0.01 0.84 w 3.00 0.002 J 2 3.91 0.012 2.50 0.5 2.35 0.004 0.52 2 3.81 0.014 0.60 0.5 2.20 0.006 0.35 3 ILL Y 2.00 Dso=•5 Dso= 2.09 Dso= Dso=3 Dso 3 5.75 0.004 3.15 1 Z 0.001 4.20 3 5.38 0.006 2.10 1 3.73 0.002 2.10 3 Q 0.008 1.57 1 3.32 0.004 1.05 3 4.94 0.01 1.26 1 m 1.50 0.70 3 4.79 0.012 1.05 1 2.96 0.008 0.52 3 4.67 0.014 0.90 1 2.85 0.01 0.42 4 7.45 0.002 8.39 1 2.77 1.00 0.35 4 6.64 0.004 4.20 1 2.70 0.014 0.30 4 6.21 0.006 2.80 2 5.27 0.002 4.20 4 5.92 0.008 2.10 2 4.70 0.50 2.10 4 5.70 0.01 1.68 2 4.39 0.006 1.40 4 5.53 0.012 1.40 2 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014 1.05 4 BANKFULL SLOPE D50 V Slope Bankfull Depth D50 V Slope Bankfull Depth inches fps ft/ft ft inches fps ft/ft ft 0.5 2.96 0.001 2.10 2 4.03 0.01 0.84 0.5 2.63 0.002 1.05 2 3.91 0.012 0.70 0.5 2.35 0.004 0.52 2 3.81 0.014 0.60 0.5 2.20 0.006 0.35 3 6.45 0.002 6.29 0.5 2.09 0.008 0.26 3 5.75 0.004 3.15 1 4.18 0.001 4.20 3 5.38 0.006 2.10 1 3.73 0.002 2.10 3 5.13 0.008 1.57 1 3.32 0.004 1.05 3 4.94 0.01 1.26 1 3.10 0.006 0.70 3 4.79 0.012 1.05 1 2.96 0.008 0.52 3 4.67 0.014 0.90 1 2.85 0.01 0.42 4 7.45 0.002 8.39 1 2.77 0.012 0.35 4 6.64 0.004 4.20 1 2.70 0.014 0.30 4 6.21 0.006 2.80 2 5.27 0.002 4.20 4 5.92 0.008 2.10 2 4.70 0.004 2.10 4 5.70 0.01 1.68 2 4.39 0.006 1.40 4 5.53 0.012 1.40 2 4.19 0.008 1.05 4 5.39 0.014 1.20 Table 2. Livestock Crossing Ds„ Rock Size NRCS-Montana-Technical Note -ENGINEERING -MT -13 6 Engineering Technical Note No. MT -13 February 2001 Fords or Access Points Using Geocell and Stone The minimum height of the geocell is 6 inches but an 8 -inch geocell is recommended (See Figure 5). The geocell material should not be used if velocities are expected to exceed 6 fps. In order to minimize velocities; locate the crossing where the stream is not steeply graded. Install geotextile and geocell as shown in Figure 5. The geotextile and geocell should extend across the bottom and at least 20 feet up each approach section. Fill geocell with AASHTO No. 2 stone, (3/4 in. to 3 in.) and, add 2 inches (minimum) of stone above the geocell. Use staples, clips, anchor pins, or earth anchors as recommended by manufacturer. The final surface of the stone in the bottom of the watercourse should be the same elevation as the original watercourse bottom in order to eliminate any overfall and possible scour problems. Figure 5. Stream Crossing Using Geocell c O I egg e a p Q e r {� /J1, streizm>aed � � a"i+ ti.Jl d orf 1S ti I I ri'4 � Jf r¢ � X411 TOP OF BA FILLED 'GEOCELL• GRADE RAMP AT EACH END PLAN (Hydmullo Flow diagram PrnYl wLh psmu miwn tram Malo Produce, GHOSYSYEMS 17iVWW.) NRCS—Montana—Technical Note—ENGINEERING—MT-13 7 Engineering Technical Note No. MT -13 February 2001 Fords Usine Concrete Concrete may be used as a surface treatment for crossings. The finished surface of the concrete will be at or slightly below the natural stable channel grade. The subgrade for the concrete will be shaped and smoothed to provide a uniform 5 inch minimum thickness of concrete. The concrete slab and toewalls will be reinforced by placing #4 (1/2 -inch diameter) steel reinforcing bars on 24 inch centers (both directions) at the slab thickness mid -point. The concrete will extend down into toe trenches, minimum 6 inches wide and 18 inches deep, on the upstream and downstream edge of the crossing. The toe trenches/walls will extend half way up the streambank approaches. If the crossing has "soft" or compressible soil, the foundation will be excavated and backfilled with graded aggregate base (GAB) or crusher run stone to provide a dense subgrade for the concrete. De -watering of the toe trenches and site should be needed during placement of the concrete to maintain the proper water/cement ratio. Flowing water will erode concrete that is not sufficiently hardened. The stream should be diverted or retained from flowing over the concrete for 12 hours after placement of the concrete. A three-foot wide and 18 inch thick rock riprap apron should be installed along the downstream edge of the concrete. This riprap apron serves two purposes; 1) velocity dissipation, and 2) head cut protection should the stream channel degrade. The concrete should meet the following minimum requirements: • Minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3500 psi and maximum water/cement ratio of 0.5 (minimum of 5 1/2 bags of cement per cubic yard). • Portland cement type I or II should be used. • A slump of 1.5 to 3 inches - use a concrete super plasticizer admixture to improve workability during placement and reduce voids and honeycombs. • The maximum size aggregate should be 1-1/2 inch. • Air entrainment should be 3 to 6 percent by volume (air entrainment is critical for concrete subject to freezing and thawing). • The concrete will be placed within 90 minutes after adding water to the cement/sand/gravel mix. Construction Equipment Experience has proved that certain types of construction equipment are more suitable for installation of crossings than others. Where crossings are on small drains with stable subsoil, equipment choice may not be critical. Where non -plastic silts and clays or unstable fine sands are anticipated in the subgrade material, the following observations should be noted: • Tracked equipment is superior to rubber -tired equipment, when working in streams. • Crawler tractors with angle dozer or bulldozer blades and fixed bucket front-end loaders should be avoided. • Smaller, lighter dump trucks to deliver surfacing material will cause less damage to approaches than large trucks. • Track -mounted hydraulic excavators with reaches of 25 feet or more provide the best and fastest installation. • A tracked front-end loader with a 4 in I clamshell type bucket and a large rubber -tired backhoe provide the best installation if a hydraulic excavator is not available. • A gasoline -powered pump and hose should be available for pumping excess water from trenches. Landowners and contractors should be advised of the use of proper equipment. Improper equipment will result in construction difficulties and excessive construction costs. NRCS—Montana—Technical Note—ENGINEERING—MT-13 8 Engineering Technical Note No. MT -13 February 2001 Vegetation Disturbed areas not covered or protected should be established to vegetation immediately after construction. Seed bed preparation, fertilizing, seeding, and mulching should be in accordance with NRCS Field Office Technical Guide, Section IV, Practice Standard 322, Channel Vegetation or Practice Standard 342, Critical Area Planting. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS Avoid crossing streams when possible. Crossings can be a direct source of water pollution. They may create flooding and safety hazards and can be expensive to construct. Evaluate each specific site carefully to determine if a crossing is most appropriate. Crossings made of stabilizing material such as rock riprap are often used in steep areas subject to flash flooding, where normal flow is shallow or intermittent. Crossings have the least detrimental impact on water quality when crossing is infrequent. Crossings are especially adapted for crossing wide, shallow watercourses with firm streambeds. Generally, crossings should not be used where bank heights exceed 5 feet. Mud and other contaminants are brought into the stream by vehicular and animal traffic where crossings are used. Access to crossings will be prevented during high flows. It is recommended to shape cut slopes of a minimum of 3:1 or flatter to facilitate re -vegetation and ease of maintenance. Livestock access points should be constructed as narrow as possible to allow drinking, but so as not to encourage loafing in or near the stream. Where feasible, utilize and stabilize existing livestock crossing areas to ensure livestock are familiar with and will use the area. Roads or trails leading to stream crossings will normally slope into the stream. Where necessary, water diversions should be installed to move sediment -laden runoff from the trail or road and to disperse the runoff onto an undisturbed area for filtering. Crossings should provide a way for normal passage of water and aquatic animals within the channel. Consideration should be given to erosion and sedimentation, which will be caused by the installation of the crossing and any necessary stream diversion. Construction should be done during the driest part of the year. Cultural resources should be considered when planning this practice. This practice has the potential to adversely affect cultural resources and requires compliance with General Manual 420, Part 401 during the planning process. Measures planned shall not adversely affect threatened and endangered species or species of special concern. If threatened and endangered species or their critical habitats are present at this site, or downstream, or upstream, General Manual 190, Part 410.22 shall be followed. Determine and secure necessary permits prior to construction. It may be necessary to obtain permits such as 310 Permits, 404 permits, etc. NRCS—Montana—Technical Note—ENGINEERING—MT-13 9 Engineering Technical Note No. MT -13 February 2001 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The crossing or access point and associated fence should be inspected on a frequent basis, especially after major storm events. Any disturbed materials should be repaired or replaced as soon as possible to prevent further damage from occurring. Surfacing stone used for crossings or access points should be replaced as needed. Break -away type fences will need to be repaired after major runoff events. During high flows, sediment and deposition may occur on approaches to crossings. This berm of soil and debris will need to be occasionally removed. REFERENCES United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Field Office Technical Guide, Section IV, Practice Standards and Specifications: • Alabama Stream Crossing 728 • Access Road 560 • Fence 382 • Channel Vegetation 322 • Georgia Stream Crossing 728 NRCS—Montana—Technical Note—ENGINEERING—MT-13 10