HomeMy WebLinkAbout20042007 Ver 1_Monitoring Report Year 1_20080414Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration Year One Monitoring Report Pasquotank County, North Carolina -44 March 2008 EEP Project Manager: Tracy Morris S&EC Project Manager: Patrick Smith, P.E. Cataloging Unit - 03010205 Pasquotank County EEP Project No. 79 Prepared For: Alf tII 1C, e11 lent NROCt WAM wfaq9% ApR 1 ? 2ooa ?E??10 S??yMW ?RB?N ,?., eNpS Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary / Project Abstract ....................................................................... 2 II. Project Background ..................................................................................................... 3 A. Project Goals and Objectives ............................................................................... 3 B. Project Structure, Restoration Type, and Approach ........................................ 3 C. Location and Setting ............................................................................................. 4 D. Project History and Background ......................................................................... 5 E. Monitoring Plan View ........................................................................................... 7 III. Project Condition and Monitoring Results .............................................................. 7 A. Vegetation Assessment .......................................................................................... 7 1. Problem Areas Plan View (Vegetation) .......................................................... 7 2. Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View ............................................................. 7 B. Wetland Assessment ............................................................................................. 7 1. Problem Areas Plan View (Wetland) .............................................................. 8 2. Wetland Criteria Attainment ........................................................................... 8 IV. Methodology Section ............................................................................................. 9 Tables Exhibit Table I. Project Structure Table Exhibit Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History Exhibit Table III. Project Contact Table Exhibit Table IV. Project Background Table Exhibit Table V. Wetland Criteria Attainment Appendices Appendix A Vegetation Raw Data 1. Vegetation Survey Data Tables 2. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix B Wetland Data Appendix C Integrated Problem Area Plan View Charles Creek Park Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year I Monitoring - FINAL I S&EC Job # 728 LD2 March 2008 I. Executive Summary / Project Abstract The Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration project is located in the Pasquotank River Basin, Hydrologic Cataloging Unit 03010205. The site consists of approximately 2.13 acres along the southeast bank of Charles Creek near its confluence with the Pasquotank River. Of this acreage, a total of 1.93 acres is comprised of restored wetlands, enhanced wetlands, or open water areas. The restoration site is located within Charles Creek Park in downtown Elizabeth City, NC. The property is currently owned by the City of Elizabeth City; the conservation easement is owned by NCDENR-Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). The Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration project restored wetland hydrology and the targeted cypress-gum swamp plant community onsite (Schafale and Weakley, 1990). The restoration of this riverine wetland commenced in July 2007 and consisted of re- grading previously filled wetlands in order to lower the site elevation to bring it closer to the water table and the mean water surface elevation of the adjacent Charles Creek thereby restoring wetland hydrology. The site was planted in July 2007 with native woody (tree and shrub) and herbaceous vegetation, and seeded with a native herbaceous seed mix. Monitoring of the vegetated buffer was performed by Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC) during the growing season of 2007 (from April 7 to November 1). Stem counts were performed within the established vegetation monitoring plots, resulting in an average woody live stem density of approximately 1,073 stems per acre. Only two (2) of the four (4) installed groundwater gauges achieved the desired success criteria. This most likely due to the sever drought which was documented across the State of North Carolina in 2007. However, based on site observations, including inundation (or evidence thereof to include wrack lines, etc.), vegetative success, and overall site conditions it appears that the site has performed successfully. Year 2 Monitoring (coordinated by NCEEP) will commence in January of 2008. Charles Creek Park Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year I Monitoring - FINAL 2 S&EC Job # 7281 D2 March 2008 II. Project Background The Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration Site is located in downtown Elizabeth City in Pasquotank County, NC. The site is approximately 2.13 acres and is located along the southeastern bank of Charles Creek near its confluence with the Pasquotank River in the Pasquotank River basin (Cataloging Unit 03010205). Of this acreage, a total of 1.93 acres is comprised of restored wetlands, enhanced wetlands, or open water areas. The project site is located within a property owned by the City of Elizabeth City, in an urban residential area comprised primarily of single family homes. NCEEP owns a conservation easement on the property. Charles Creek Park is bordered by a paved basketball court and Southern Avenue to the west, Dawson Street to the south, Hunter Street to the east and Tuscarora Avenue and Charles Creek itself to the north. The majority of the site surface was filled an unknown number of years ago in order to create the city park. Most of the usable surface was maintained as turf grass (for recreational purposes) with some remnant areas of cypress-gum swamp along Charles Creek and the two unnamed tributaries to Charles Creek within the project site. These unnamed tributaries enter the site through culverts under surrounding streets. One tributary flows west under Hunter Street and across the north edge of the site until its confluence with Charles Creek. The other tributary flows north into Charles Creek through the center of the property essentially bisecting the property. The natural areas onsite contained many large bald cypress trees. A. Project Goals and Objectives The specific goals and objectives of the Charles Creek Park wetland restoration as described in the Restoration Plan (March 2005) are to: 1) Restore and enhance wetland function, vegetative structure, and wildlife habitat to approximately 2 acres of lower coastal plain bald cypress-gum swamp, 2) Incorporate the restoration effort into the site's surrounding areas in an aesthetically pleasing manner that does not mark a significant departure from similar nearby cypress-gum swampland, 3) Retain valuable natural onsite assets (i.e., large existing bald cypress individuals) and incorporate them into the site restoration, and 4) Incorporate the site into the Elizabeth City community in a manner that is conducive to fostering public interest in wetland restoration. B. Project Structure, Restoration Type, and Approach The restoration design for the site was based on qualitative assessment, species lists for vegetative strata and techniques utilizing reference data sets and existing wetland Charles Creek Park Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 1 Monitoring - FINAL 3 S&EC Job # 7281.132 March 2008 conditions survey data. Reference data utilized in our design included the previously described reference data in the Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration Plan (March 2005). The implementation of the Restoration Plan resulted in the restoration of a previously impacted riverine wetland and the enhancement of natural habitat through the removal of fill, the removal of exotic invasive vegetation, and the planting of native vegetation based on reference wetland conditions. This restoration also provided a more appropriate hydraulic connection of the pre-existing hydrologic regime and the local historic floodplain. Hand auger borings and visual site assessment indicated varying depths of fill material overlaying the residual site soils. This was confirmed based on a review of the Pasquotank County Soil survey, which indicates the presence of primarily Mattapex fine sandy loam in upland areas as well as Bibb and "Swamp" mapped soils to lesser degrees. Restoration operations included removal of this fill material to expose residual soils. The resultant presence of groundwater closer to the soil surface in conjunction with the planting of appropriate vegetative species (tree, shrub, and herbaceous) supports the restoration approach. C. Location and Setting The Charles Creek Park Riverine Wetland Restoration Site is located in downtown Elizabeth City in Pasquotank County, NC. The site is located along the southeastern bank of Charles Creek near its confluence with the Pasquotank River in the Pasquotank River basin (Cataloging Unit 03010205). The restoration site is located within a property owned by the City of Elizabeth City, in an urban residential area comprised primarily of single family homes. The conservation easement on the property is owned by EEP. Charles Creek Park is bordered by a paved basketball court and Southern Avenue to the west, Dawson Street to the south, Hunter Street to the east and Tuscarora Avenue and Charles Creek itself to the north. Charles Creek Park Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year I Monitoring - FINAL 4 S&EC Job # 728 LD2 March 2008 D. Project History and Background The following tables summarize the project history and background: Exhibit Table I. Project Restoration Components Charles Creek Park Wetland Mitigation Site Project wo d c „ 4 ca o d Segment or d ;; Stationing Comment Reach ID w 0. d o Q w Restoration 1.16 R N/A 1.16 N/A Enhancement 0.60 E N/A 0.60 N/A Open Water 0.17 N/A N/A 0.17 N/A Mitigation Unit Summations Stream (If) Riparian Nonriparian Total Wetland Buffer (Ac) Comment Wetland (Ac) Wetland (Ac) (Ac) N/A 1.93 N/A 1.93 N/A Site construction and planting were completed in July 2007. Additional information regarding the project history and schedule are shown in Table II. Exhibit Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History Charles Creek Park Wetland Miti ation Site Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan Mar-05 Construction Jul-06 Planting / Permanent seed mix applied Jul-06 Mitigation Plan / As-built ear 0 Monitoring - baseline Mar-07 Year 1 Monitoring Nov-07 Dec-07 Year 2 Monitoring Dec-08 Year 3 Monitoring Dec-09 Year 4 Monitoring Dec-10 Year 5 Monitoring Dec-11 Charles Creek Park Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year I Monitoring - FINAL 5 S&EC Job # 7281.D2 March 2008 Exhibit Table III. Project Contacts Table Charles Creek Park Wetland Mitigation Site Designer Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Primary Project Design POC 11010 Raven Ridge Rd Raleigh, NC 27614 Patrick K. Smith 919 846-5900 Construction Contractor North State Environmental, Inc. Construction Contractor POC 2889 Lowery St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Darrell Westmoreland 336 725-2010 Planting Contractor North State Environmental, Inc. Planting Contractor POC 2889 Lowery St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Darrell Westmoreland 336 725-2010 Seeding Contractor North State Environmental, Inc. Seeding Contractor POC 2889 Lowery St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Darrell Westmoreland 336 725-2010 Monitoring Performers Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Rd. Raleigh, NC 27614 Vegetation Monitoring POC Jessica Regan 919 846-5900 Wetland Monitoring POC Jessica Regan 919 846-5900 Exhibit Table IV. Project Background Table Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site/EEP Project # 92219 Project County Pas uotank Drainage area 21.3 ac Drainage impervious cover estimate (%) < 20% Stream Order N/A Ph sio ra hic Region Coastal Plain Ecore ion Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain Rosgen Classification of As-built N/A Cowardin Classification Estuarine Dominant soil types Matta ex, Bibb, "Swamp" Reference site ID Charles Creek USGS HUC for Project and Reference 03010205 NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference 03-01-50 NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference C;Sw An ortion of an project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor N/A % of project easement fenced No Fence Charles Creek Park Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 1 Monitoring - FINAL 6 S&EC Job # 7281.132 March 2008 E. Monitoring Plan View Four (4) vegetation monitoring plots were established across the restored wetland area. Monitoring plots consist of l Om x l Om squares with a groundwater monitoring gauge serving as one corner of the plot. The remaining plot corners are marked with 1.5-inch diameter PVC pipes. A corner of each vegetation monitoring plot was established as a permanent photo point for vegetation monitoring photos. The locations of all monitoring devices are shown on Sheet 1 (Monitoring Plan View). III. Project Condition and Monitoring Results A. Vegetation Assessment The vegetative success of the restored riparian wetland will be based on the combined survival of tree and shrub species for the five-year monitoring period. Survival of woody (tree and shrub) species planted within the restored wetland will be at least 320 stems/acre through year three, 288 stems/acre through year four, 260 stems/acre through year five. The stem count will be based on an average of the stem counts of the evaluated vegetation plots. The taxonomic standard used for the counts is "Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas" by Alan S. Weakley. In Year 1 (2007), vegetation monitoring shows an average density of 1,073 live stems per acre (trees and shrubs). Future vegetation monitoring data will be compared with baseline monitoring data to determine survival rates and stem densities for woody vegetation planted within the restored wetland. Vegetation monitoring data for buffer plots is presented in Appendix A. 1. Problem Areas Plan View (Vegetation) There are currently no vegetative problem areas. 2. Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View There are currently no vegetative problem areas. B. Wetland Assessment Four (4) Infinities, USA groundwater monitoring gauges along with one (1) Infinities, USA rain gauge were installed onsite after construction was completed. The groundwater gauges record daily readings of groundwater depth. The rain gauge records daily rainfall depths. The growing season in Pasquotank County typically begins April 7 and ends November 1 (209 days). Success criteria for wetland hydrology require that the area be inundated or saturated within 12-inches of the ground surface for a period of 8.5% of the growing season or approximately 18 consecutive days. This duration is selected as the mean and Charles Creek Park Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 1 Monitoring - FINAL 7 S&EC Job # 7281.D2 March 2008 generally desired percentage, however, an individual gauge is deemed successful if it falls within the range of 5 to 12% of the growing season or approximately 10 to 26 days. 1. Problem Areas Plan View (Wetland) An assessment of the stability of the wetland was preformed on during monthly visits that occurred from January through November 2007, by S&EC. Groundwater gauges were downloaded quarterly. As shown on the Problem Area Plan View (Sheet 2), two (2) of the four (4) gauges on-site achieved wetland success criteria of saturation for 8.5% of the growing season (18 days). CCP 2 and CCP3 experienced 50 and 51 consecutive days of saturation, respectively. The two (2) gauges that did not meet criteria are CCP 1 and CCP4 which experienced a maximum of 4 and 7 consecutive days, respectively. However, based on site observations, including inundation (or evidence thereof to include wrack lines, etc.), vegetative success, and overall site conditions it appears that the site has performed successfully. Based on data collected from the onsite rain gauges a total of 20.36 inches of rainfall was measured during the growing season. Based on data from the State Climate Office (NC SCO), normal rainfall during the growing season in Elizabeth City is 28.04 inches. It should be noted that much of the State of North Carolina was in a severe drought for a majority of 2007 and that onsite rainfall was well below normal. In fact, observed onsite rainfall equates to less than 75% of that expected during a normal year. And considering gauges CCP1 and CCP4 were relatively close to achieving saturation within the desired range of 5 to 12% of the growing season, it would be expected that during a normal rainfall year, all gauges would likely meet hydrologic success criteria. 2. Wetland Criteria Attainment Table V: Wetland Criteria Attainment Charles Creek Park Wetland Mitigation Site 00 _ R > 3H F ? F CCP 1 N Plot 1 Y CCP2 Y Plot 2 Y 50% CCP3 Y Plot 3 Y CCP4 N Plot 4 Y Charles Creek Park Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 1 Monitoring - FINAL 8 S&EC Job # 7281.D2 March 2008 IV. Methodology Section No deviations from initially prescribed methodologies were implemented as a part of monitoring Year 1 (2007) activities. Vegetation counts were completed according to EEP 2004 Stem Counting Protocol. References Weakley, Alan S. 2004. Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas. Charles Creek Park Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year I Monitoring - FINAL 9 S&EC Job # 7281.D2 March 2008 APPENDIX A - Vegetation Survey Data Tables Table X1 It: Wetland Criteria Attainment Charles Creek Park Welland Mitigation Site Plot Number & Year i S T l 2007 pec es ota 2007 Species Type 1 2 3 4 Viburnum dentatum Arrowwood Shrub 4 2 6 Cyrilla racemiflora TiTi Shrub 1 2 2 5 Perea borbonta Red Bay Tree 3 1 5 9 Cephalanthus occidenialis Buttonbush Shrub 2 3 9 14 Lyonia lucida Fetterbush Shrub 3 2 2 7 F'raxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree 2 1 2 5 Viburnum nudum Possum Haw Shrub 3 1 5 S 17 Magnolia virginiana Sweet Bay Tree 1 1 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress Tree 1 4 4 4 13 Vaccinium corymbosum Hi hbush Blueberry Shrub 3 3 Clethra alm/blia Sweet Pe rbush Shrub 4 3 7 14 yssa aquatica Water Tupelo Tree 3 3 3 9 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 2 1 3 Totals 25 10 24 47 106 Live Stem Density 1012 405 971 1902 1073 APPENDIX A - Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos r ' 0 4 } y 1 A, 1 ;. a cr . Plot # I -2006-A5-Built (August 9, 2006) n wf;+i,'".S'ti?. ..' , r J A, ?S.?r i> ww, rw?t P1 I ,*? iii J ?? ' •,.} r???.. 'f w•t /!l? 'G.'" µ `ti '.. ? } Ir r?! ?,.?? ? '. ?? r.l .dy.?t 1 .,, •„Y\ std f .?C ?r dJ`?•? ,? r t t I _•1 Jt r` jl .y l+* e C ? ,,?1{ Joe xf `, - ?„J,`7 p%$-01 at a t rile 7 °f d J y ,1;t ?? iy..y "?d y •? .r. ilk YI?; r;?l ??•t?all?'? a; ??'-.' /raw/.t?•?dYy Plot # I -2007-Year One Monitoring (August 30, 2007) Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration Soil t Environmental Consultants, PA Year One Monitoring-FINAL S*EC Job# 7281 .D2 March 2008 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Plot #2-2006-A5-Built (August 9, 2006) r 6 k h h ?. klr M1 -7 tt?JS. y? `4. Plot #2-2007-Year One Monitoring (August 30, 2007) Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration Soil t Environmental Consultants, PA Year One Monitoring-FINAL S*EC Job# 7281 .D2 March 2008 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Plot #3-2006-A5-Built (August 9, 2006) Plot #3-2007-Year One Monitoring (August 30, 2007) Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration Year One Monitoring-FINAL Soil t Environmental Consultants, PA S*EC Job# 7281 D2 March 2006 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos t ie Plot #4-2006-A5-Built (August 9, 2006) .gi" . ?rti • .. `.r?yYr ry a . .. f . tl t ta r ;if tY/ d ry y 3 4, r R Plot #4-2007-Year One Monitoring (August 30, 2007) Charles Creek Park Wetland Restoration Soil * Environmental Consultants, PA Year One Monitoring-FINAL 5$EC Job# 7281 .D2 March 2008 Charles Creek Park Wetland ReStoratlon 51te Groundwater Gauge CCP I 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 0 2.50 4-1 2.00 L nn L1. 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Maximum # of Consecutive Days > -12" : 4 % hydroperlod During Growing Season: 2% END GROWING SEASON BEGIN GROWING SEASON LAI JLI 11 5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 N -15.00 -20.00 L 0 -25.00 0 -u S -30.00 N -35.00 -40.00 o? ,31 ?)?? ???\P?? ??OC, C// ?oG?GQ -45.00 Charles Creek Park Wetland Re5toratlon 51te Groundwater Gauge CCP2 0 V L 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 L 73 0 r L n V 0 o? o? o? o? o"A p? o? oA ?A ?/ o'\ o6 QA o? oA o? c c c c , lb 6??a ?e ?,A K? 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