HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161026 Ver 1_670209 Archaeological AR15-04-0023 NoSitesPresent_20161026Project Tracking No.: 15-04-0023 NO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES o� '��' �� ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES -�� �, �ap� �`� PRESENT FORM ��, �' �� ! � {�-4.���� ��' This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not '�„... .� ..;�: �,+� ��-,�`.�"`-¢-� valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the ��..,�a;� Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: N/A WBS No F.A. No. 17BP.7.R.99 N/A Federal Permit Required? County: ORANGE Document: Attachment G Funding: � State ❑ Federal ❑ Yes ❑ No Permit Type: ? Project Description: NCDOT Division 7 proposes to replace Bridge No. 209 on SR 1366 (Atkins Road) over Frank Creek in Orange County. As defined by the NCDOT, the survey area (Area of Potential Effects [APE]) for archaeology measures approximately 1,056 feet (321.87 meters) long (centered on the mid-point of the existing bridge). The study corridor is approximately 100 feet (30.48 meters) wide, extending 50 feet (15.24 meters) on each side of the centerline of the roadway/bridge. For the purposes of this review, the APE is estimated to encompass an area of slightly more than 2.42 acres (approximately .98 hectare). SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS An archaeological survey and evaluation of the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 209 on SR 1366 (Atkins Road) over Frank Creek was conducted on February 17, 2016 by Terri Russ and Lauren Roper of Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI). As a result of the investigations, no archaeological sites were located within the project's APE. No further archaeological investigations are needed for this project. I concur with this recommendation as the proposed bridge replacement project will not impact significant archaeological resources. If the project expands and impacts subsurface areas beyond the defined APE, further archaeological consultations will be necessary. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Group reviewed the subject project and determined.• � There are no National Register listed or eligible ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present within the project's area of potential effects. (Attach any notes or documents as needed) ❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations were required for this project. � Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. � All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qua[ified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 14 Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: See below. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info . -� ' � �� � �� 3 NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST Project Tracking No.: 15-04-0023 ❑Correspondence March 29, 2016 Date "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qua[ified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 2of14 Project Tracking No.: 15-04-0023 Bridge 209 AR15-04-0023 An archaeological survey and evaluation of the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 209 on SR 1366 (Atkins Road) over Frank Creek in Orange County, North Carolina was conducted on February 17, 2016 by Terri Russ and Lauren Roper of Environmental Services, Inc. (Figures 1 and 2). As defined by the NCDOT, the survey area (Area of Potential Effects [APE]) for archaeology measures approximately 1,056 feet (321.87 meters) long (centered on the mid-point of the existing bridge). The study corridor is approximately 100 feet (30.48 meters) wide, extending 50 feet (15.24 meters) on each side of the centerline of the roadway/bridge. Background Summary A map review and site file search conducted by NCDOT at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on 23 Apri12015 revealed that no comprehensive archaeological survey of this bridge has been conducted, and no previously recorded sites have been documented within the project's APE. Randy Daniel (1994:95— 97) suggested that the upland areas overlooking minor drainages (such as Frank Creek) should be considered to have a"reasonable potential" to contain prehistoric (and possibly historic) artifact scatters. A search of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office online database (HPOWEB GIS Service) revealed no previously recorded historic architectural resources located within the APE that have the potential to yield intact archaeological deposits. Topographic maps, aerial photography, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) soil survey maps, and historic maps were examined for information on natural or cultural factors that might have affected site locations or preservation. The 1918 soils map and ca. 1910-1919 Rural Delivery Route map show a different alignment for the bridge and portions of Atkins Road (Figures 3 and 4). By 1955, the road and bridge appear to follow the current alignment; however, portions of the former alignment are also still visible (Figure 5). The 1967 topographic quadrangle map also shows the current general road and bridge alignment (Figure 6). No structures are depicted within or immediately adjacent to the APE on any of the maps. Environmental Setting The APE is located within the Piedmont physiographic region and consists of the floodplain and adjacent terraces of Frank Creek. Atkins Road (SR 1366) crosses Frank Creek roughly northwest to southeast. Frank Creek drains southwest into Stagg Creek, eventually joining the Haw River southeast of the town of Graham. Map units (soil series) are named for the major soil or soils within the unit, but may have minor inclusions of other soils (NRCS 2014). The floodplain of the APE is mapped as Chewacla loam, a somewhat poorly drained, frequently flooded soil series (Table 1). The soils along the terraces on either side of Frank Creek within the APE are mapped as well drained Appling sandy loam and moderately well drained Helena sandy loam. A small portion of the northwestern end of the APE is mapped as Vance sandy loam. Table 1: Project Area Soils. Soil Name Code Slope Drainage Landform Appling sandy loam ApC 6-10% Well Hillslopes on Ridges Chewacla loam, freq. flooded Ch 0-2% Somewhat Poorly Floodplains Helena sandy loam HeB 2-8% Moderately Well Ridges "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" farm for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 3of14 Project Tracking No.: 15-04-0023 Soil Name Code Slope Drainage Landform Vance sandy loam VaB 2-8% Well Interfluves The current archaeological investigation included pedestrian (visual) inspection and shovel testing within the APE. Photographs of the project area are shown as Figures 7-16. A systematic visual inspection of the APE was undertaken to search for surface artifacts, above-ground resources, or other signs of cultural activity. A total of 35 shovel tests were excavated during the current investigation (see Figure 2 for shovel test locations). The APE was divided into four quadrants (e.g., northeast, southeast) based roughly on their locations relative to the bridge. Each quadrant of the APE is described below. Southwest Quadrant The southwest quadrant of the APE was wooded (see Figures 7-8). There was some evidence of past logging activities (tire ruts and berms of soil), and an ephemeral upland drainage was observed just outside of the APE. Nine shovel tests (STs 1-7, 1�11) were excavated in this portion of the APE (STs 8 and 9 were not excavated due to visible disturbance: pushpiles of soil and ruts from logging equipment). Excavated shovel tests generally encountered around 10 centimeters of grayish brown or olive brown sandy loam over olive yellow or dark yellowish brown wet sandy clay loam or clay. No artifacts were recovered from any of the excavated shovel tests. A visual inspection of the southwest quadrant of the APE revealed no surface artifacts or structural remains. Some evidence of past trash dumping (plastic, furniture, and glass bottles) was noted in this area; however, this debris does not appear to be associated with a former dwelling or home site. Southeast Quadrant The southeast quadrant of the APE consisted of a gently sloping wooded area (see Figures 9-10). A total of 10 shovel tests (STs 12-21) were excavated in this portion of the project area. Soils in the shovel tests consisted of 10 to 15 centimeters of light brown or olive yellow sandy loam over light reddish brown sandy clay or clay subsoil. No artifacts were recovered from any of the excavated shovel tests. A visual inspection of the southeast quadrant of the APE revealed no surface artifacts, structural remains, or other evidence of past human activity. Northwest Quadrant The northwest quadrant of the APE consists of an overgrown former clearcut area (see Figures 11-12). Of the 11 transect shovel tests located within this portion of the APE (STs 22-32), two (STs 22 and 29) were not dug due to standing water. The remaining excavated shovel tests typically encountered 15 to 25 centimeters of olive yellow or light olive brown wet sandy loam over olive yellow or light yellowish brown wet sandy clay loam subsoil. No artifacts were recovered from any of the excavated shovel tests. Northeast Quadrant The northeast quadrant of the project area consisted of an overgrown former clearcut area (see Figures 13-15). Areas of standing water as well as surface disturbance (ditching and pushpiles) were observed in this portion of the APE. A visual inspection of this quadrant of the APE revealed no surface artifacts, structural remains, or other evidence of past human activity. A total of 12 transect shovel tests (STs 33— 44) were placed within this quadrant of the APE. Five of these shovel tests (STs 33, 34, 36, 40, and 44) were not excavated due to standing water or significant disturbance (pushpiles of soil). "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" farm for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 4of14 Project Tracking No.: 15-04-0023 Excavated shovel tests typically encountered up to 15 centimeters of olive yellow sandy loam over light yellowish brown wet sandy clay loam or sandy clay subsoil. No artifacts were recovered from any of the excavated shovel tests. Excavated shovel tests measured 30 centimeters in diameter and were excavated to sterile subsoil, hydric/saturated soils, the water table, or 75 centimeters below surface (whichever was encountered first). All soils were excavated by natural levels (soil strata) and screened through a 0.25-inch hardware mesh. No artifacts were recovered from any of the excavated shovel tests. Based on the results of the background research and field investigations, no archaeological resources are located within the APE for Bridge No. 209 in Orange County. It is recommended that this project be allowed to proceed without concern for impacts to significant cultural resources. Should the boundary of the proposed APE be expanded or moved, additional archaeological investigations may be necessary, as determined in consultation with the NCDOT and/or SHPO per the Programmatic Agreement. REFERENCES CITED Daniel, I. Randolph, Jr. 1994 An Archaeological Survey of Portions of Orange County, North Carolina. Research Report No. 12. Research Laboratories of Archaeology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. National Geographic Society/ESRI 2011 Cedar Grove, North Carolina. I-cubed Seamless USGS Quadrangle. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 2014 Orange County, North Carolina Soil Survey. Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture Web Soil Survey. http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda. o�v/ accessed 2 February 2016. United States Bureau of Soils: North Carolina Department of Agriculture 1918 Soil Map, North Carolina, Orange County Sheet. On file, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/313/rec/27 accessed 4 February 2016. United States Deparhnent of Agriculture (USDA) 1955 USDA Historic Aerial Photographs, Orange County, North Carolina. Digitized by University Libraries, Univeristy of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. http://www2.lib.unc.edu/reference/gis/LTSDA/orang} 1955/index.html accessed 4 February 2016. United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1967 Cedar Grove, N.C., 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle map. Historical Topographic Map Collection. http://historicalmaps.arcgis.com/us�s/ accessed 4 February 2016. United States Post Office Department 1919 Rural Delivery Routes, Orange County, N. C., between 1910 and 1919. On file, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh. http://dalib.unc.edu/cdm/sin,gleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/6666/rec/21 accessed 4 February 2016. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" farm for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 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Project Location (Cedar Grove, NC USGS 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle) `NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELJGlBLE OR LlSTBD ARCHAF,OL;OGICAL SlTF,S PRESENT" form for Minor Tran.r/�orlatio�a Projects as Qualif ed in !he 2007 Pr�ogr�ammafic Agreemenf. 6of14 Project Tracking No.: ]5-04-0023 L..� , .. �•. _ . . � �.., �. � t. r � . . � � � , � r � Praject Boundary (APE) �'� � `� � '>• ' � , � Shavel Test- Negative � • � � ' � ' .,���� �+:i � Shovel Test- Not Dug ,f ! . ` N � y �k 4 0 75 '150 •• k� . . , . � � �' Z �ka : ., � , � � ��M `. r . � Fee� �t . � ; �t. h '� 1 Saurce�, ESRP world 6ase layers�, Project Boundary •�yF�• � �� I R ' "�� . �!•_ ` � ` ♦ � � provfded by NCQOT. ���. �f� J .••�} • ' p�,� _, l. � - � ,-.. � r.,�r •••` ' . .e ,�' 9 � ' ' .y�' �. ��- � ❑ � e The �9 1 de, tetlo ihsrg. e-s�ai . � � I p rpo.� I 7' t P -d . antl c } A •` �.� � ! . 1 I _ � �.cti �{` �..y��,r , � ' . .:`. �� y-, �1,��� i � �ti ,� :; .itr • ti �i , ". �� , ' ��f'. ;� r . :� r , ' •'�{.�,x ��� , ;" n� , �,;" r,� � * '�� .i3-e �l ,� V� ly +.�� ��� • � ���f�` .I� � . . � .l� �• � • y �� �ia 4 �t, -' _ � e . ♦ � -�� 3 3,���y� . � }t� RT� y � ��� � � �.�� t.� . r � ' � ! � sz � i , ae � , •a� f y � �� �4�" ���` � f , ,+� �F �� �� , ' '�� � �►. � ,i . 28 7_ � . � .�r .Ni .;,i�. r.. .i., .'a� ..�. �. �� �x �y'�"'�"� u ��: , ; ��.�, j � , �� �, . 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' ���ps .I � � ,r-'"�� n . e�' ^ �. � � �� \ � : � �� � Approximate Project Area p� �, � � i . . .� ! �_��A � . . y �� . �.�� , � ; � - � . r-Y` �y t�ly � I " rf� • � f� � � !f , s•'�. . � � '� _ � � � � � � � .i , ! � 5 �� %'�".' _ �+� �� , �$ •� ��._ 'r �� - �__ � ` �� � - � _ • d . ! � ' wc „ . ! t, � '� � � , { � , ,, _ .l 1 �-w � �.. _��� �_ �� ��� � � ��"�F� i�i�b�ii., l .k � �. � a *x� � `.'tir � � \'� + 1'Rs��ta t-c�t-e_. _' 9 �' ' Figure 4. 1918 Soils Map of Orange County `NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELJGlBLE OR LlSTBD ARCHAF,OL;OGICAL SlTF,S PRESENT" form for Minor Tran.r/�orlatio�a Projects as Qualif ed in !he 2007 Pr�ogr�ammafic Agreemenf. 8of14 Project Tracking No.: ]5-04-0023 li,�l' ..�r�i•'• r�9.. � ,.�,. :Af'. �':.�_. rl , �� ����'' . '�ti �'` � ' � L { : { � �M ,,� . x�r ' �a`.�;,�' � +�," e .�� w: .: ..,� ` % ya �r},�i,.. �t s,�•��.,r'�rs[ / - . �/ v �p j . Yl *.'1[, � i � ` .. �'171 ♦61.�L - f ' t - i h�.! E Ff ^�y fe�. . � �:4� e , � - � � ♦ " ` �' I�r F �; i�� . .� f . �� ', '� . y�l r �� ..� � �tf �'•• ,�-" J{f�' � '~a � � ,�fi �t� .,��4 Y' � r F� , .� � � " t" r � r a � . � ; ?'.' • �� �`F�� •i t. T'}q � �, , . �, � � �1� ri • . 4 i-': , ,. f , �,. •. � � � • � +=. �,, :. .,r�!.,��, ��; �•; � Approximate Project Area y,y�.7w,� f .. . ��;�% t _�~ ' F � _ r _ �, , � y. i � �, ' .x 'r • ,.� 4' . {�!�� �� � ,� . i �1 � '�+ , � � \ , .• �a. `C'�t�� ?� � r+4: Wt- � �,,' � '��� � �� _. .1 _ r 3 � , � � Y . �' �t�- V '�.. � �� .. . . � � �' .. � ��'i• r r �, '�3' - A � " I �. • � ; r�'� , �, k j'� ' � /" � . f s"{ � �1 :i, .f^r� "`iy„_ ,�r� _l�!s {� , _ '� /�� — _ r'id' tf�jt�- - � J• � rA t�,ir_ a � ��r ��','�1.�� 1� � � ! ,.; ':.�;;}� •:'°y "� � ��: `. ,`'� rl.�. a : ,� � .` . f �°�- ., �' �� � �. , _ {N.�'��..�+w� . - . �r-. -d 'C � �'��3 ` ,� f1�� � � •� � r`. � � �� ..:'�l'a�7� � ! Figure 5. 1955 Aerial Photograph � � -- � ; j � ���'r,,�' � � � -' ` � � i �� �rr-- � �� - J � � '�-..._/ �' � `_ _ � , �, ' , ���- �,� � ��n � � � _ ) -. ,n� r,�� �` �� � r—,�� _ � \ �i ti --� �, -� , �: � .� - � ,�� �, /,� , ` �--�' _ _ � �,�° - � - A� _ ' �' i Approximate Project �rea � `�,1 �� ` ;� '°,� °`� `� tii�- �'�-� , , , � � � �� � � � � �� ��� � � � ��� , � -,�+� � - � r �,y � .- � � �� _ �-� � _ t� 9 1. �� ' i, ' ��, �� - `r � i � , � � f -� - � _ � � � � r r� � � 'Z � Figure 6. 1967 USGS Topographic Quadrangle `NO NATIONAL REGISTFR ELJGIBLF. OR LlSTBD ARCHAF,OL;OGICAL SlTF,S PRESENT" form for Minor Tran.r/�orlatio�a Projects as Qualif ed in !he 2007 Pr�ogr�ammafic Agreemenf. 9of14 Project Tracking No.: ]5-04-0023 Figure 7. Southwest Quadrant of APE, facing South-Southeast ?� � � - \ , �� \ � ; ,, � � 3� L� � � t ( JA ' '�_: { f. � -. � �� i'1 I f . �: ' . � _ 4, 1' ,� �_ •��.,y��� v� �� � r� Y `' ' �� �� � ` � � -- � k � s��� � �' � � � � �� � : � .� ' ��: ' � II� � � _ # . , �r. F � � , � . . . ��'�-� . 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Southwest Quadrant of APE, facing North towards Existing Bridge `NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELJGlBLE OR LISTF.D ARCHAF,OL;OGICAL SlTF,S PRESENT" form for Minor Tran.r/�orlatio�a Projects as Qvalif ed in !he 2007 Pr�ogr�ammafic Agreemenf. 10 of l4 Project Tracking No.: ]5-04-0023 Figure 9. Southeast Quadrant of APE, facing North Figure 10. Southeast Quadrant of APE, facing East `NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELJGlBLE OR LISTF.D ARCHAF,OL;OGICAL SlTF,S PRESENT" form for Minor Tran.r/�orlatio�a Projects as Qvalif ed in !he 2007 Pr�ogr�ammafic Agreemenf. 11 of l4 Project Tracking No.: ]5-04-0023 Figure 11. Northwest Quadrant of APE, facing Southeast Figure 12. Northwest Quadrant of APE, facing North `NO NATIONAL REGISTFR ELJGIBLF. OR LlSTBD ARCHAF,OL;OGICAL SlTF,S PRESENT" form for Minor Tran.r/�orlatio�a Projects as Qvalifed in !he 2007 Pr�ogr�ammafic Agreemenf. 12 of l4 Project Tracking No.: ]5-04-0023 _ � . ��� � �, �� �� � -,�'" � � � � � ` "� -z �`�"' �� � � . i' 9 �g � � t' a y � `t ��6 � r � r � c��� > � �1 �c �p ,t i�����'� 46��r°�t������ � �'i�t �q$;po � if�'iia �. I� �-r ���M.� ���e .�,,�.N�1Tt� l� II p-'I ry1.�,�"_� �r� Sy� � pt1�1���� �� � �"�� i'r"y' f i; �. Ir �Vp ��w. ;5�, �. ' ,� . . � . � . - . . . y ' . .� . � � . Figure 13. Northeast Quadrant of APE, facing East Figure 14. Standing Water in Northeast Quadrant of APE near ST 34, facing North `NO NATIONAL REGISTFR ELJGIBLF. OR LlSTBD ARCHAF,OL;OGICAL SlTF,S PRESENT" form for Minor Tran.r/�orlatio�a Projects as Qvalifed in !he 2007 Pr�ogr�ammafic Agreemenf. 13 of l4 Project Tracking No.: ]5-04-0023 ; '4 ti.i��"�. �I, � -� .' ' ' � t �_�y-. ��,�� LL� � ,�. = � � �,� ,� �� �� � � ���'� �� ,�� �� �� ; . 3 � � q �� � , � , '' _ � __ � �. } � l� � ;` �� � }� �� e }t t.:, '� i � �� � Y � �� �� �� �� � S �� �` :� . � ' � . � . . w �r �d � � o . � �i�� , � �` 4 �, ,� �, � ��. �� ' � � �� � � � �` "� fi , t � ,� � `� , ;� � �;'� r �.,� �:, �, � , , ,. �h` �4'�' �. . �� n � �Jt �. , � � � w � �-fi^� `a �'J�^�. i �r�` �i` �r 1 � � � X� ��� � i�� "" :" r' ° 1 ' � � � � . ,� � �� �,�,, �`r ^f � � �� ,c��� � � x',�,� �. �� ' ��''RR'� � � �ibti ��.: �. ic�, � �, � 's� �'R y .►5�.� ��� �k�� M"'��� F�a� 6*1. q �'. �T. $ k� 1 ' �� ra.. r �. . . : ., �,� �� � �r i � #°'�a �3F. ���x� , � �,7. �; } ; w.� .jr �� : +, �- � -3'� � � '" ` t �,;' t i . 2� w-'c. ',�° �k«�t�.' �� �`�Lyi�^r .+�,�A� .... w y� 4 � T' �. :.,p �: ���.iR>"R➢e�"'� .� .jL.h i 'P � ^� �i � . P . �t ,f 'Y+ °,�' 4 '_�4 si - ., n, .��_sl �R.4"���f kh.�w .,�� �� '41 a�;� - 'g -. A-` F g' � �..t. �:, s! �� � � $� ri Mt. a /s�. f �} { +r� i� Lf`-w`# �"' %A .':: *i � ¢i 1 - v . '��+�4ra�l. w _ ��_ i�.`. � ��� ��� «'�r. �' �` _.�}� Figure 15. Northeast Quadrant of APE, facing North from Bridge Figure 16. View of Frank Creek from Bridge No.209, facing West `NO NATIONAL REGISTFR ELJGIBLF. OR LlSTBD ARCHAF,OL;OGICAL SlTF,S PRESENT" form for Minor Tran.r/�orlatio�a Projects as Qvalif ed in !he 2007 Pr�ogr�ammafic Agreemenf. 14 of l4