HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070173 Ver 5_Notice of Sediment Release and Cleanup_20161014 Burdette Jennifer a From: VVY8 (Wendy Bailey) <VVY8@novonordiskcom> Sent: Friday, October l4` ZUl6Z:ZZPK4 To: ]ohnIThomasJR@usace.army.mi|; 8urdette' Jennifer a Cc: 8eth.Reed@kim|ey'horn.com; K4VVKN (Matt Kuntz) Subject: Permit# SAVV'ZUl5 02127 Attachments: Environmental map.pdf, BMP Site Inspection post Hurricane Matthew 00ct2016zipzip_renamed; 8K4P Site Inspection 06-07 Oct 2016.zip.zip-renamed Mr. Thomas & Ms. Burd8tt8-- ThiS rn8SSag8 is to provide notification that during hurricane preparations on 06 October 2O16, at Novo Nordisk API, 3611 Powhatan Rd., Clayton, NC we had a breach of the silt fence during a pump-down of pond #3(rnap attached). During the activity, a silt bag was installed in line to prevent silt from entering the adjacent wetlands. Unfortunately, the intake Qnthe hose was too close tQthe ground causing an excess Qfsilt tQaccumulate inthe bag preventing the water from escaping. Sometime after 1:OO prnthe silt bag ruptured and caused silt to breach the double-silt fence in approximately 50' radius. Our contractor(Fluor) immediately powered down the pump and contacted crew members to begin corrective actions. Hand shovels were utilized to remove sediment impacts, a temporary basin was installed with rip-rap and wash stone, silt fence repairs were made and mulch was installed between the double row of silt fence; all corrective actions were cQrnp|8t8d the evening of 06 October 2016. P|8aS8 find attached a copy Qfthe O6 October 2016 BMP Site Investigation Report. On 07 October 2016, Charles P8nd8rwith ]QhnStQn County Erosion Control made a site visit and viewed the impacted area. Mr. P8nd8rStat8d that it appeared the area had been cleaned to the best of our ability, but recommended we follow up with you. Saturday 09 October 2016 we received 1O.4" Qfrain from Hurricane Matthew. Fluor crew rn8rnberS were on site on 09 October to aSS8SS the StQrrnS impact. I've attached the fQ||Qw up inspections from 09 October 2O16for your review. Although w8received a tremendous amount Qfrain, the erosion control devices irnp|8rn8nt8d on site, worked very well and helped drastically reduce the impact to the wetlands. The sediment basin and rip-rap added on 06 October 2016 prevented additional impact on the wetlands previously effected bythe silt bag rupturing. AS of 11 October 2016, the site has returned to "normal" standing. The silt fences are in working order, silt traps and basins have begun to drain and pump outs are only taking place in areas with active construction. If after review, you f88| that additional rn8aSur8S are required or site visit is needed, p|8aS8 do not hesitate tQcontact me. Respectfully- Wendy Bailey Sr. Environmental Professional Novo Nordisk Pharmaceutical Industries, Inc. so1zPowhatan Road Clayton, mcz7sz7'yz17 USA +1919'550'2200 (phone) 919-750-6047 (mobile) wno@novonoru|ax.00m z This e-mail (including any attachments) is intended for the addressee(s) stated above only and may contain confidential information protected by law. You are hereby notified that any unauthorized reading, disclosure, copying or distribution of this e-mail or use of information contained herein is strictly prohibited and may violate rights to proprietary information. If you are not an intended recipient, please return this e-mail to the sender and delete it immediately hereafter. Thank you. 2 i t .31 U 1 1.3"'1 0 2 . Silt fencot installed r� 31 G 131,• ___ -' �, or 131 1 8 R4 1 M , Al � —1131 1 131 16 131 1 r � 131 8 1 1 1 - 131 20 d HILD f . BMP Site Inspection Report: NOTE: If an issue Is discovered and reported,then note to whom the Issue was reported and update the log when the issue is resolved. Sediment Traps, Basins, Points Note: See sheet CL XX DAPI-US 3 15 00200 for"zones"201-220 of construction site. of Discharge, & Spills Nole: A qualified person must Inspect the erosion and sedimentation control eMPs once per week and/or withta 24 hours after a storm event.A"qualified person'is a person knowledgeable in the principles end Complete report within 24 hours of Inspectinp,the site. pratllce of eroslon and sediment controls and pollution prevention,who possesses the skills to assess conditions Qualified Person(Field Inspector) at the construction site that could Impact stormvrater quality,and the skills to assess the effectiveness of any Todd Sig- gerstaff stormwater controls selected and Installed to meet the requirements ofthls permit. 'Duringyourslle Inspection,you must at a minimum Inspect the following areas af.yourslte: All areas that have been cleared,graded,or excavated and that have not yet completed stabilization Quatlfled Person's Title consistent with Part 2.2; 1te51117BrifftEfl Superintendent All stormwater controls(including pollution prevention measures)Installed at the site to comply with this Permit; Material,waste,borrow,or equipment storage and maintenance areas that are covered by this permit, 4.1,5.4 All areas where stormwater typically flows within the site,Including dralnageways designed to divert, Qualified Person's Qualifications convey,and/or treat stormwater; Multiple Yea l-s EXII All points of discharge from the site;and All locations where stabilization measures have been Implemented. You are not required to Inspect areas that,at the time of the inspection,are considered unsafe to your inspection personnel."(from EPA NPDES CGP) InspectionDa;elTime Weather Conditions Weather Conditions MOO(Last 24 In Compliance with SWPPP loos to R�rt7(Y" Resolved?(YM) p Since Last Repofl Today Hours) (Y"q L) I� Aar IIN+ 2i�0 G1wJudAjhO, riN • Ib /t/ Reason for Insepcllon: Zane A44 row d rMn o 6 of Photos qikej Wq f% ?fplos are Mandatory); Rwllil CAM 1?1Z.ffPAil.edwesg 5V%b-J ►?6K.0i 3 1 3 ph-0 WS 2 - sW Locallon of Photos Taken: [Setns..s1 V6rp 46 N Ql I�Llda.i�- ❑csrrilie oondilion,lfhyltycondilians change,issues,resolutions lrnplerrienVA: G IDA* Srli� 6 1nRd. �uST4ti4, Bao WwS� Pe;,6 used >b F: Chsf-, �D *a, Sed,n..c,r+ /v AA w.►s1+o� *h"v In SFO IA.�,4o w&414,.d, We webs 41So �. p �Yion� �i•�,D a! yy/r 1:wh•> m Kc1 Dischargesoecuiring at Urne of InsWUon: � PlOns of discharges of zedfinenflpollutla� J-4 e ���, ��Ht tVp # 3 —VC;, 3G01vp 163 '�lo wQAIAmpS Porwp 1 -40 t`1+G" 11a..� ft�u..hwls.» ltd All ArSxhAAbus AQA_ IV-1;06dL 4hirwuth Sr 1i,3AT l,ocalinns of BMPs to be malnlained: Locations where additional now BMPs are needed: 'PNv D3 Loullons of BMPs thatare damaged4ailingflnadequale: PL,-p 43 BFC) -F.4.teal r I�ZCe.0t a. WC.1C,4v-�1 pY 140,1J. .. S►1� -f'c�cc �A�flt 1 . Tc.,,p Se✓,..-..� 8rts;ry %-�, ��- fit..,f Cerlifica6on by a Respmslbte Cotptuaa Officer is Required(as per EPA NPDES CGP 2012,page 14): 'I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that quanned personnel properly gathered and evaluated the Information contained therein.Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responslble for gathering the informatton,the info rmatlon contained Is,to the best of my knowl edge and belie I,true,accurate,and complete.I am aware that there are signincantpenal I]esf r hmillingfa elnformatlon,includtngthepossibilityoIflneandimprlsonmentforknow!ngviolations.' 5�nalure: pale: z�-o w j BMP Site inspection Report: NOTE: If an Issue is discovered and reported,then note to whom the Issue Was reported and update the log When the issue Is resolved. Note:See sheet CL XX DAPI-US 315 00200 for"zones'201-220 of construction site. Silt Fences & Dikes Note: A qualified person must Inspect the erosion and sedimentation control BMPs once per week and/or within 24 hours after a storm event.A'qualifiied person'Is a person knowledgeable In the principles and Complete report vvkhln 24 hours of Inspecting the site. practice of erosion and sediment controls and pollution prevention,who possesses the skills to assess conditions Qualified Person(Field Inspector) at the construction site that could Impact slormwater quality,and the skills to assess the effectiveness of any Todd Blggqrstaff starmwater controls selected and installed to meet the requirements ofthis permit. 'During your site inspection,you must at a minimum inspect the following areas of your site: 4;]-5.1 All areas that have been cleared,graded,or excavated and that have not yet completed stabilization Qualified Person's Title consistent with Part 2.2; slormwater controls(including pollution prevention measures)installed at the site to comply with this Site Sttl)erhiteLT erit permlt; Material,waste,borrow,or equipment storage and maintenance areas that are covered by this permit; All areas where stormwater typically flows within the site,including drainageways designed to divert, QuaTlned Person's Qualifications convey,and/or treat sloriAviater; M u tip a ears xl) All points of discharge from the site;and All locations where stabilization measures have been implemented. You are not required to inspect areas that,at the time of the Inspection,are considered unsafe to your Inspection personnel."(from EPA NPDES CGP) Weather Conditions Weather motions Ra5lfall(Last 24 In Complionce with SWPPP Inspeclan 1{ Dale/Time Since Last Report Today flours) (YIN) Issue to Report?(YIN) Resolved?(YM) U n OuetLeas I've y° 3:00- c10,41 TAI'm . /n Al Y Y Reason for Insepclion; Zane: A#y%L4it4 V%Al #of Photos(Tiimme-Slainped Photos are Mandatory): V14z�eAke Ne��A0IL4ejess 5��ti,•� �r..}7 w3 �' /v �'� 7p�+-mw I4 - 13 Location of Photos Taken: h7UD +amu ' M 3 `+n 1--ti-14,,.A S Describe condition,iNwhyconditlons change,issues,resolutions impterhented: U-')KIll,e IAA1b7[cA,N�' S;1e AtP'Hn4'4toP► ' weeKe4 Vw" - %SSuet. Ilsked Selo.-o. i)• Spo Mee".)&) To 8e c%Awird -Ve^h) A TACOCO MA p sV%,,w,% l a"}rvw 111 @ �•+Iu �3 rw1oKs.1}%,%4Q, 1e 3r I} 13.vg �se1 wa P.1r,•Pr,..l= %^a104f3t,sir t P4,41ed;n•.,a pink.fges occurring zil time of inspect f:• Locations of dlscharges of sedimenVpollut)on: W v%S wA3ysd iAk4ft 4h, we- lml os) F61Aa �3 , Srl� 3AB usarel t�or..r� *43 tA�1 prs ctn�a5c.d wAdea we{-►wn.p S, i.nr Llimis of BMPs to be maintained: ff�� Locations where additional new BMPs are needed: MOM. At , of SP o gT41M1 .e„oW �Ar tue�h i) � R re.,.:o l M'A F�vi..rr<sr� Wt Locations of BMPs that areaanagrJllaili+>grinadegtiate SA% 0,5e,t44%jr— sth8.1 -D*3 5r0 (4-4-Iea -1b�eS on% Certification bye Responsible Corporate Officer Is Required(as per EPA NPDES CGP 20121.11.1.1,page I-4): 'I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personne)property gathered and evhluated the information contained therein.Oased onlny Inquiryof the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the Information contained is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete.I am aware thatthere are significant penalties for spbmittln$false Information,including the possibility of fine and Imprisonment for knowing violations.' signature: October 6: @ 3:30pm: During inspections, Todd Biggerstaff and Wendy Bailey Found that the silt bag had busted behind pond#3. The silt bag was being used to filter water pumped from pont#3 to a silt-fence-outlet (SFO) directly behind the damn. The sediment hat was collected in the bag was washed through the SFO and into the wetlands. Pictures were captured and crews were called to evaluate the impact to the wetlands and start a plan to remove all sediment by hand. @4:40pm: Crews started to remove all sediment by hand using shovels, racks and buckets. The sediment impacted an area of 50' radius from SFO. The silt fence was repaired with new SFO installed. Temporary basin with rip-rap &wash stone was put in place directly in front of outlet. Once wetland areas were cleaned, light mulch was spread over the area. Mulch that was used was from the previous wetlands on site that had been cleared. Mulch was also installed between the silt fences. Work was completed around 8:30pm. October 7: @7:39am: Contacted Charles Pender to make a site visit to review incident. @9:00am: Reviewed area under good daylight to evaluate the clean up @10:30 Todd Biggerstaff, Charles Pender (Johnston County Erosion control), Wendy Bailey (Novo Nordisk EHS) and Justin Lamb (Fluor) reviewed the area. Per Charles Pender area looked to be cleaned to the best of our ability by hand. No issues. Only request made was to contact ACOE to review and see if any native seeding would be required, to establish the area. The action to contact ACOE to be handled by Wendy Bailey. Pictures were taken before of incident and after incident was cleaned. t 0 a e, a 11 1 03 ' Silt fend: installed Tr- ,31, 4 l" _•� 131 0�1 �� + 09 131 1 ,it�� � ,f/ MM '," •'y •`7f� "' � 1 '�r l ti' y lyra W';1 O 1 1 "1Z •.-. 3 14 1 i1 1311'6 1311 `131 20 •r x ,R I HOLD +� l « � r 06 October 2016 Silt Fence Inspection 07 October Silt Fence Inspection ���AA .f � l•-•y � }• - e�"�•ate - .��.2 f_� J� .h _•.4` � ,.'lam t6'M •: "._.• ''- -�_ _ �•�.. '.. � -wry �!�.+ "-� �'.l�..r a- ._�_ pit►. :.:yam - ` �j-� '� *_47 G rte" 06 October 2016 Silt Fence Inspection 07 October Silt Fence Inspection .ms ��� / a1s w Ir 44 i- :yFa {.�� l�•j ve ti' �q a n} ,1 f 06 October 2016 Silt Fence Inspection 07 October Silt Fence Inspection At r .4`•'� ��"`y���1, � .4�##zr► At1 1 T �f _)• Y ti , ti ! AV - r ' Am- • � _rf. v IA __ 1 06 October 2016 Silt Fence Inspection 07 October Silt Fence Inspection r 1! BMP Site Inspection Report; NOTE: If an Issue Is discovered and reported,then note to whom the issue was reported and update the log when the Issue is resolved. Nate: See sheet CL XX DAPI-US 315 00200 for"zones"201-220 of construction site. Mark Clearing Limits Note: Aqua€ified person must inspect the erosion and sedimentation control BMPs once per week and/or within 24 hours after a storm event. A"qualified person"Is a person knowledgeable in the princip€es and Complete report within 24 hours of inspecting the site. practice of erosion and sediment controls and pollution prevention,who possesses the skills to assess conditions Qualified Person(Field Inspector) at the construction site that could impact stormwater quality,and the skills to assess the effectiveness of any Todd Biggerstaff stormwater controls selected and installed to meet the requirements of this permit. "During your site inspection,you must at a minimum inspect the following areas of your site: All areas that have been cleared,graded,or excavated and that have not yet completed stabilization consistent with Part 2,2; Qualified Person's Title All stormwater controls(including pollution prevention measures)installed at the site to comply with this Ste SLlperinten ent permit; Material,waste,borrow,or equipment storage and maintenance areas that are covered by this permit, All areas where stormwater typically flows within the site,Induding drain ageways designed to divert, convey,and/or treat stormwater; Qualified Person's qualifications All points of discharge from the site;and M U tI p @ Years Exp 4.15.6 All locations where stabilization measures have been Implemented. You are not required to inspect areas that,at the time of the inspection,are considered unsafe to your inspection personnel."(from EPA 14PDES CGPI Wealher Conditions Weather Conditions Rainfall(Lost 24 In Compliance with SWPPP Issue to Report? YIN Resolved? YIN InspeclEon# f}atel time Since Last Report Today Flours) (YIN) p (YIN) Resolved?( ) 013 0 Q rn C IMA, Y N Reason for Insepction: Zone: #of Photos(Time-Stamped Photos are Mandatory): H V Q,',u4 NE M,4 J+hefa 5�' A it &1.1- Location of Photos Taken; -fe i Ree �0N Nw+ec-!�r Describe conditions,iflwhy lines move,issues,resolutions implemented: All 1 flee 4.41,4& = S�5riA11be 't S 01? Discharges occurring at time of inspection: Locations of discharges of sedimenllpollution: D11301A4g+,.4i W44eX * 1E4 All AizeAs la'hex WAIM is CuRR-eu41 d,st1j.4a fr��,WA4c4 +fie N Soufh we¢lq,��ls L� 1 v �-3 iS Gleam , jh44y 14A,.vedI Locations of BMPs to be maintained: Locations where additional new BMPs are needed: .iS wr �tlGLt'/ Locations of BMPs that are damagedlfallinglinadequale: Certification by a Responsible Corporate officer is Required(as per EPA NPUES CGP 20121.19.1.1,page 1-4): "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information contained therein.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information contained is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false Information,Including the possibility of fine and Imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature: Date: 1 �! BMP Site inspection Report: NOTE: If an issue is discovered and reported,then note to wham the issue was reported and update the log when the issue Is resolved. Sediment Traps, Basins, Points Note: See sheet CL XX DAPI-U5 3 15 00200 for"zones"201-220 of construction site. of Discharge, & Spills Note, A qualified person must inspect the erosion and sedimentation control BM Ps once per week and/or within 24 hours after a storm event. A"qualified person"is a person knowledgeable in the principles and Complete report within 24 hours of inspecting the site. practice of erosion and sediment controls and pollution prevention,who possesses the skills to assess conditions Qualified Person(Field Inspector) at the construction site that could Impact stormwater quality,and the skills to assess the effectiveness of any Todd Biggerstatt stormwater controls selected and installed to meet the requirements ofthis permit. "During your site inspection,you must at a minimum inspect the following areas of your site: All areas that have been cleared,graded,or excavated and that have not yet completed stabilization Qualified Person's Title Consistent with Part 2.2; 4.7..5.2 Ail stormwater controls(including pollution prevention measures)installed at the site to comply with this Site Superintendent permit; Material,waste,borrow,or equipment storage and maintenance areas that are covered by this permit; 4.1.5,4 Ali areas where stormwater typically flows within the site,including drainageways designed to divert, Qualified Person's Qualifications convey,and/or treat stormwater; All points of discharge from the site,and Multiple Years Exp All locations where stabilization measures have been implemented. You are not required to Inspect areas that,at the time of the inspection,are considered unsafe to your Inspection personne#."(from EPA NPDE5 CGP) Weather Gonditions Wea(her Conditions Rainfall tLasl24 In Compliance with SWPPP Inspeclien# Datel Time Since Last Report Today Hours) [YIN) issue to Report?(Y!N) Resolved?(YIN) Reason for Insepction: one: 144he Q/ lie #of Photos(Time-Stamped Photos are Mandatory): }�,a►�, �'ve„�f z1how„ h��a s S�� q i�hcr> 5 i Location of Photos Taken: SD-+►i Describe condition,iflwhyconditions change,issues,resolutions implemented: SD- — Z P1104-0.5 i oil cugae..-h h,gve. w,p,ka � c7,sch•o.o�r.,f, 74�7 5�4 P�w}S +� IAF sc hAe Re @. a i iso�.►� Z � ,(�1�fl9�vs Discharges occurring at time of inspection: Locations of discharges of sedimentlpollution: tJe+Ivvi,is E, 9.o 4�3 Locations of BMPs to be maintained: Locations where additional new BMPs are needed: ,0&4A0.15 .u44,(e Locations of BMPs that are damagedlfailinglinadequaie: )4,9&, e,,WjWdte oder/, Certification by a Responsible Corporate Officer is Required(as per EPA NPDES CGP 20121.11.1.1,page I-4): "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the Information contained therein.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information contained Is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and Imprisonment for knowing violatlons." Signature: [late: i i i I MW V-Tr AL _ FEW 'O"IW Oct 9. 2016 w I , f• } - j. *, ' tit (��- �.� - - - •.I.: ` r�,. f_ �� , F tiizion � 44k `ok� J; old r M1 W�_:•^�,"ay ,S t 4�.�1�J � yyFCi` e �YK _ �`\ �, :.:� '`- � T.� � ,',rY "�.� y'z r ` ' - � .�-' 14 bus i •�1 .- 4.' I Au-• ��l •��,� orf, _ � f � � '� � �1 � ..,` -! f i I ! 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APE Ao •'P' "s' - +.� '� qiq L.� � 4 s _ v . ki f` '''\_� �" / � - ,Jk �;). •cg.�P. fir' OF _ L_ - ..A. •.,-!!� � Y n J..: r".41.�.i"!Hr. �_ 'A k� �� w +..t -�i' �n �<•_ � ` :.vj.F,h�yi� %A' gE�', 4 .W'. �� �a'.`j `r..y+�'�+.,� '`�*is -./ - j,' " If isM, ���i+'� L'{�1 r ..yr�� � � � �1•��, 1 ����Z��/�o'6''i'N� , ir,'/ :'tRtl •` ,5 i r � "'� :! y�l' ^` f ` � s�1. •;rb�t>a'c/ 1 .9 � i r r1R1 i �; 5 ,r:� . s r r 5 •� � c 5 � r S �. o -1 � .. _ . 1� .i ',��, t{� �`vf/r -'-�e•.. -�'S l..'4:.ya. .fes, .) .. r�'y.1 rtv wK � Ptill "�{� •, ; �� � � .rp:`'4� Vis: 9 1 1�•�``��e Jr C 2 1�.� 411`;r.�iJ'q�4� fsl�trP�t� ��. f�l�� K �1 r'1� d:f`d 1. � ��ti .. _ e `/'�) i¢�r +<,jV��a.•�d+��`�ii 41�•-�~° �1d�i 1.�w7..pfF„>�� •�',ry�%'����y� � , '4 -� �dFr�,g�� �` _ - � + ('rf 1 f � _ '.rso"'ti!�''t H!•-- 7 .,�; ter v II J r yt�i�: r.tib/ � � - �,,.- .f ��1'�1 � �-, 't dd,�,}y.t,:.� d' WIN, d �"� , � jf` ;�•rte' `���riz ,�� �� s �T F� '� �Ir yr Vic: �"� �d I�h��� ar � � �r'� 1 C' r rr r. 91. RL p' ' n'-' i -•' 3' '+4�,�$P��' �j�' �a ,3ion •! R j' V�i � rr,'; y% °` �a" d f✓a�?y $'` k�`i`�.`sfs �l�" r � f� ��. •f� `h ���p � � 4, FF � off.' ' rEl��c1 lw��.�y`.�1�6�r�alrn��� ''!1 �� ��� ,L�iR��•¢1��11,� ..;�' �����`� "�',l ', ,s"'c�9s,' �,���r��f:.11f�• , �?fqY � �•�J,�''� FV'.�y��y:+�v s� `tg�, � �1�, ��p�4.•�.�.'�ra° MARA rJ Y' L'�s`�y t„� deJ e�•, nR�r r/,rF 1 1 f�. �.U� � r,��k�t �' l •q, rj� s5� .� 18S�I 'H���t�,b/,.,��j' , +S1 •�S"�`�yy,v�y ati �!!�{ f�. �LL�p ',� 1 �j�f/�;,'1 18 r •.r• , 1- r ��������' def ( — sem. •.+rl � OC1 9, 3©16, 8: 38 AM L ' :�i d-.! /174', f� -.,•� 411 �-1 't /'' �'• y, ti� �^-r'`.�.... i 1 �;J�6 .1}i?�. �a�, + a�, ,�S, �.`, Y.' a�^• f 1 �i'1Y ` tl,, �� l �,r' � ;$• ,�:_ �$ 4: Vii. - ya 5 l�S 777 yK - ,.•��` rr i /_.i'r 1'.�. ice. -- T"• _ � � _ it '�CI`I, _ S��• BMP Site Inspection Report: NOTE: If an Issue Is discovered and reported,then note to whom the issue was reported and update the log when the Issue is resolved. Note: See sheet CL XX DAPI-U5 3 15 00200 for"zones"201-220 of construction site. Soil Stabilization Note: A qualified person most inspect the erosion and sedimentation control BMPs once per week and/or within 24 hours after a storm event. A"qualified person"is a person knowledgeable in the principles and Complete report within 24 hours of Inspecting the site. practice of erasion and sediment controls and pollution prevention,who possesses the skills to assess conditions Qualified Person(Field Inspector) at the construction site that could impact stormwater quality,and the skills to assess the effectiveness of any ToddB igge rsta stormwater controls selected and installed to meet the requirements of this permit. "During your site Inspection,you must at a minimum inspect the follow€ng areas of yours€te: MI areas that have been cleared,graded,or excavated and that have not yet completed stabilization consistent with Part 2.2; Qualified Person's Title All stormwater controls(including pollution prevention measures)installed at the site to comply with this Site Superinten e n t permit; Material,waste,borrow,or equipment storage and maintenance areas that are covered by this permit; All areas where stormwater typically flows within the site,including drainageways designed to divert, Qualified Person's Qualifications convey,and/or treat stormwater; All points of discharge from the site;and Multiple Years Exp All locations where stabilization measures have been implemented. You are not required to inspect areas that,at the time ofthe inspection,are considered unsafe to your inspection personnel."(from EPA NPDES CGP) Weather Conditions Weather Conditions Rainfall(Last 24 In Compliance with SWPPP Issue 10 Re Resolved? Inspection# pate!Time orf? YIN YfN Since Last Report Today Hours) (YIN) p ( ( ) Ow 1 �/I o�92a� �9„t� W,., p. �/ y Reason for Insepction: one: ,Q o d #of Photos(Time-Stamped Photos are Mandatory): illU ✓tr`f{' CO Location of Photos Taken: 2- ?9%60- +0 Auy jtg04,-AJ Describe conditions,undisturbedlactivelinactive/stabilized,If/why conditions change,issues,resolutions implemented: y- A rf+ro— 14,001 "Sh Od ON JSP 4x Ad Ameel 60,0&sf,,r Gwa 57,de 40� C-0//'VslZ. ,S�rGre IJ/e e•� ��e� s./f rervea 1�.a1 A, �J'raS h, REr� /7'O �eP�V /�Q►9�Oto� ,S� f� �er4C �P,4,+�p //D Discharges occurring at time of inspection: Locations of discharges of sediment/pollution: ,valve )N VA*95' ✓fbNl: Locations of BMPs to be maintained: Locations where additional new BMPs are needed: 54- It Ve,c y We- -- SeG�,.,,,� AM s to pes `C ?ago e-L s, 5C-1%a.J, le, CL �a `i'he uPt,an���� wee K, l7e�e�-d5 Locations of BMPS that are damagedlfailinglinadequate: 61+ P^ce- O OAA rade.,, U y r Ceriitication by a Responsible Corporate Officer is Required(as per EPA NPDES CGP 26121.11.1,1,page 1-4): 'I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision In accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information contained therein.Based on my inquiry ofthe person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information contained is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false Information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations, Signature: Date: A:r � y'Y��,1� � - �� -. Oct 9 .2016 i • ' IX:h:• _ yam, 1-� _ � _ ., vY.:t•j � - _ �f 'r3� 9"r'"`�v '-�� � ""#�}'1�;�d--"4'c-' - :.R� �yr - .: - •c•,�, ,n �S :tom r __ ��, .. - ' - � 'lea S• ,� - >r 'ice'' ?�.*..mr".r .. �( - �,I _• f f, �- �- ¢- - _ ` - _.4 �+ I- "S•C.?� F rya - .�yi � �=� .fie �.�' - � - i .. -. -r t �ti/ v � 9` - r. •��5-•-e� 'f ��� _ ©et 9, 2016 ` '� Tom:-- _ • ,,,�.-. ! 1� -.Lv 7 �. � �.� � � ^ �,`;�._y'�:4 `i i. �� _ _ •jn•r•� Y '� ,r.r � •. q •tiYS A "". ;a � y - t� ', _ 'fir.,r�,�;•`� '�"L+r�]�'Y��,,.• . -(.�y�, � �� �^�✓� i r- •� _ �. 'y � as 1, jY!• ' .. ��'k•..' � �Ss wo p i A '+:(•c •�' � r ^y.o- � � � �, i';- i.- r rt 5',�n� ✓ � �'.- b'`+�1+Lr 7f+r �1 tie. - r7 i ... r a �-�- - +.�-�a_�.L -�`r t �z•S}z"f�� �_.IF� ."II..7r� -w4 'h `� -.'a 15 Ile .R•`"an� * ...r N,�.�� �Vei y".,! �r .�:y:;_ � � c .. ' jS%slgwF '[:" i.'4 'kA � a'�`�,�k e>i' ,• _ _ .�,•�r'h•,,,� .� 1l. 'kms: �' i' -.. a41.a.- .l ,� �'�'-�6 �L"�-e.a t,: q a. +d�•��iN"MS�� � � � �.' `� �.� � X33;X�. +Y7-_ 'n q 1 'er_+' �- �q ._o- `T .,'t�S, •, ' i ice. .N; i —w-` S 3� e tr r "_ " _""'-i".� w -.�, +dei - x - .t -s:• - y "� - S� � � 4a 7 � ,„ ��Sie. Y fib"-Y� Tr'� V .h i� 11 ��4•F•`y. r- ..7i � .w._V f'� "� -� k. - r n^ ALT ++h 'x r� i ♦ :,C. 9:. y ��/ +6G.., � Act" 5 •>,. "� i t.,. ,�. r i- Oct 11, 2016, 12:24 PM AL� t . i' =�--;t � 'a,• mss" F "_ Az K 4e Lo . - r .�- Ir.r r `- +, - a -�'°['l�J.,E��'><�d.4.3YfiF. "..a•f, +`'A:� }c-�2 ��y<�{>' ` �• t r ter. f r� _ +`- - _ ae?'� > 1'-+ fi t S P�Y +N>r F ,,,- •;� -r• ,'rte — '`' - h *.�. - 4♦:— 4 il�'�ti• `s1Y t _ y, :-•7'�T" r-,mics� •� ,�'r+• - i- _ �,�,y(.�., _ w �y� - C f r �w• \4 'bgJ�� - �:J r ,.:{b y'•r ,/• ... ,TV - ��,�i"g 1� � e�•� �'. i � �', � /t'}��� YAW-* �.._ _ •:� -r -' .}- . vp 1 V r fi S 1'V`4 'Y' - t 'c{k_icy S , +try %t f - �•.. a ' ` tea'_._ .t l+,�rt''ti ♦�,I ,�' s- J� •, v'.�`�i e s "aa!'� • - _fit nr�r t ,t , �C l�I.•'.fir'{'� �S,R t 7` .i{ � N R# � fr 'i4 ` � 4• '��.� �, I a n�S�• rt ..a 7.•�.•¢` � !, a,Z+°•n'-,'� t \ '� Ac�ygy.xf. �4� � 1 �'-. A. ,�� �„Zl!<��1 f� T, y/ L y�'•.YJ- 4;1,3 Pti ��r7T!f' r t •• . j �c'Y�f �,,,• ��h., 'a�?'G �� -� � _ ♦ .r' - A t ih '.-r.yn .-!`.f r •_lfl5..�., �,'s' .1'�rr. � 711 OF IL XA ti •/ Y�- �'f�,��;�i8�t•.�'1''ti � ry, 1' �r � Iy 1j.6;.; •ir.i �'�,~� 7 � t�_ ). r r/ a" •+ � 4t' e t {{ � �4''� e. {�i1he% �'lIJ^'tiP,i �- '� S• � ti�t4J�,rr'.\ti. f !� t t` � , .rpt . h' lir _ � y � �' � 1' •t � �t,t ;•.%. i•�, ;t >k. M`�� \� A V` . 11 �jS/1 Irl; � ti ( �y �f+��� w r ,��t�I+�'*� 1 .t ��. �t ���,1..•�' �� �. tom' `4� y i �.� � `''�•�. �•�Vi r� fa 1 � � 7 �� a� i A 4 t xtj � tt �p�� �ry�.'.��,r�, < ,c 1.. � � §' � St n ;/• tit ro -Fr�<� r� P� ,r } p 7 } VI ))Iyy �' r � .tl �' s`= ,;a 11 t :�s�:�•,�._ �'��j(��b't 1 7 v t '•; i' .� �����''s, �'�� -tet �r .,•'�� 1 � '�� � �t i>to h+rl 5. tom•' _ ��� ,~�.__ /.�- r� � -r- ..t ryi.l' y.^A try +.,�G }t�a •4''r]lr M y .b All ,� � orf r a 'y4+ � R. � ti \,� .� �. � • ift NIT,- '�,P'sg• � � J ,� f y - ^. .f tdr�r i' •,?�, ��j r... ,�.:V � !4r I ; ��TV v BMP Site Inspection Report: NOTE' If an Issue is discovered and reported,then note to whom the issue was reported and update the tog when the issue is resolved. Note:See sheet CL XX DAPI-US 315 00200 for"zones"201-220 of construction site. Inlet Protection Note: A qualified person must inspect the erosion and sedimentation control BMPs once per week and/or Within 24 hours after a storm event. A"qualified person"is a person knowledgeable In the principles and Complete report within 24 hours of inspecting the site. practice of erosion and sediment controls and pollution prevention,who possesses the skills to assess conditions Qualified Person(Field Inspector) at the construction site that could impact stormwater quality,and the skills to assess the effectiveness of any Todd BIg(gerSta stormwater controls selected and installed to meet the requirements ofthis permit. "During your site inspection,you must at a minimum inspect the following areas of your site: All areas that have been cleared,graded,or excavated and that have not yet completed stabilization consistent with Part 2,2; Qualified Person's Title 4,1,5,2 All stormwater controls(including pollution prevention measures)installed at the site to comply with this Site Superinten ent permit; 4.1.53 Material,waste,borrow,or equipment storage and maintenance areas that are covered by this permit; All areas where stormwater typically flows within the site,-including drainageways designed to divert, Qualified Person's Qualifications convey,and/or treat stormwater; At I points of discharge from the site;and M u tip e Years exp Ali locations where stabilization measures have been implemented. You are not required to inspect areas that,at the time of the inspection,are considered unsafe to your inspection personnel,°(from EPA NPUS CGP) Inspection# Dalel Time Wealher Conditions Weather Conditions Rainfall{Last 2.4 In Compliance with SWPPP Issue to Report?(YIN) Resolved?(YIN) Since Last Report Today Flours) (YIN) p Reason for Insepction: X A Zone: 147qNA,d 4W #of Photos(Time-Stamped Photos are Mandatory): bu 44i i4 /S Location of Photos Taken: RbMC Descfibe condition,if/whyconditions change,issues,resolutions Implemented: /� , 1! �W Lb�A.Iy r }pwl a mak•1{*4-tr i C G/G4ti1 Discharges occurring at time of inspection Locations of discharges of sedimenttpollution: Locations of BMPs to be maintained: Locations where additional new BMPs are needed: N 1+ 5AU*XS a0 45 5"40"" ,eIprW,( � r ` � Y ere s'�G�✓+�1 Locations of BMPs that are damagedlfailinglinadequate: i Cerlification by a Responsible Corporate Officer is Required(as per EPA NPDPS CGP 20121.11.1.1,page 1-4): "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the Information contained therein.Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the Information,the Information contained is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false Information,including the possibility of fine and Imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature: Date: i j i BMP Site Inspection Report: NOTE: if an issue is discovered and reported,then note to whom the Issue was reported and update the log when the issue is resolved, Housekeeping (including Trash Note: See sheet CL XX DAPI-1.1531500200for"zones"201-220 of construction site. & Dewatering) Note: A qualified person must inspect the erosion and sedimentation control BMPs once per week and/or within 24 hours after a storm event.A"qualified person"is a person knowledgeable in the principles and Complete report within 24 hours of inspecting the site. practice of erosion and sediment controls and pollution prevention,who possesses the skills to assess conditions Qualified Person(Field Inspector) at the construction site that could impact stormwater quality,and the skills to assess the effectiveness of any Todd Biggerstaff stormwater controls selected and installed to meet the requirements of this permit. "During your site inspection,you must at a minimum inspect the following areas of your site: All areas that have been cleared,graded,or excavated and that have not yet completed stabilization consistent with Part 2.2; Qualified Person's Title All stormwater controls(including pollution prevention measures)installed at the site to comply with this Site Supel'Intell elft permit; Material,waste,borrow,or equipment storage and maintenance areas that are covered by this permit; 4.1.5,4 ATI areas where stormwater typically flows within the site,including drainageways designed to divert, Qualified Person's Qualifications convey,and/or treat stormwater, Multiple Years Exp All points of discharge from the site;and All locations where stabilization measures have been implemented. You are not required to inspect areas that,at the time ofthe inspection,are considered unsafe to your inspection personnel."(from EPA NPDES CGP) i Weather Condifions Weather Conditlons Rainfall(Last 24 In Compliance with SWPPP Inspection It DalotTime Since Last Report TodayHours) [YIN) Issue to Report?(YIN) Resolved?(M) 030 jr R ason for Insepction: Zone: ��, r; � #F of Photos(Time-Stamped Photos are Mandatory): �✓a�'►'+ �Jt..-�—" "RC2. �°r�tLlt�i�l� Location of Photos Taken: 501- t4TTAL14GC) Phokus a,.• ANu Describe condition,iflwhyconditions change,issues,resolutions implemented: ��W��.r+�/ C i�u r+�p,•g �tl�D �' � f �I� "' t'Q.+17 '�Z' i'�fipiw�� �rtrA�S 3O 1p ;s ef�he••,�g' d s��A�� �%f ��ps ga l �a,o.� ��%�s�.� ,w s 7 Discharges occurring at time of inspection: Locations of discharges of sedimentlpollution: I Locations of BMPs to be maintained: Locations where additional new BMPs are needed: �i/0N a �p.✓e Locations of BMPs that are damagedlfailinglinadequate: Certification by a Responsible Corporate Officer is Required(as per EPA NPDES CGP 20121.11.1.1,page 1-4): "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information contained therein.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information contained Is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false Information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature: Date: s� BMP Site Inspection Report: NOTE: If an issue Is discovered and reported,then note to whom the issue was reported and update the log when the issue Is resolved. Note: See sheet CL XX DAPI-US 315 00200 for"zones"201-220 of construction site. Ponds Note: A qualified person must inspect the erosion and sedimentation control BNiPs once per week and/or within 24 hours after a storm event.A"qualified person"Is a person knowledgeable in the principles and Complete report within 24 hours of inspecting the site. practice of erosion and sediment controls and pollution prevention,who possesses the skills to assess conditions Qualified Person(Field Inspector) at the construction site that could impact stormwater quality,and the skills to assess the effectiveness of any Todd Biggerstatt stormwater controls selected and installed to meet the requirements of this permit. "During your site inspection,you must at a minimum inspect the following areas of your site: 4.7..5.1 All areas that have been cleared,graded,or excavated and that have not yet completed stabilization Qualified Person's Title consistent with Part 2,2; All stormwater controls(including pollution prevention measures)installed at the site to comply with this Site Superintefl elft permit; Material,waste,borrow,or equipment storage and maintenance areas that are covered by this permit; All areas where stormwater typically flows within the site,Including drainageways designed to divert, Qualified Person's Qualifications convey,and/or treat stormwater, Multiple Years Exp 4.1,5.5 Ail points of discharge from the site;and 4,15.6 All locations where stabilization measures have been implemented, You are not required to inspect areas that,at the time of the inspection,are considered unsafe to your inspection personnel."(from EPA NPDES CGP) Inspection# Date/Time Weather Conditions Weather Conditions Rafnfall(Last 24 3n Compliance Mth SWPPP Since Last Report Today Hours) (YIN) Issue to Report?(YIN) Resolved?(VII) 41l12 Pc"O/ Alm;y ale a�,S gyp. & y Reason for insepction:r ne: ofPhotos(Time-Stamped Photos are Mandatory): p-/0+Y j SjJaw�/ 1'S Location of Photos Taken: Describe condition,if/whyconditions change,issues,resolutions implemented: Rom So (S),?14445 Z AtZe, 4Z,l4 1 � i S C�+�Ct�A►L�t+u$ IaA4l�L o�+ Da444+ 5dr.t,ci,+ti¢, ✓%Isb Pu*%jP1,q 4-6 h 5./i 1141, 1u DA Ave. D,so-H,favel .L-A+sA eu'� of 76%? Sp+lf "y Lf.t„y/vkIe yob. '4V 4.1 also bt:K�r w, 7A-o �SDr& t�. v d# :s Ala Discharges occurring at trine of in eclion: " D 6 i ocatlans ci discharges o sedime,tlpo lution: !U• -1A If h f 5AV 4.,4. Locations of BMPs to be maintained: Locations where additional new BMPs are needed: 5�S ��,•a.5 Sf D'S be','k ©v4•IC4- :54,2 (.4-4W 5- Locations Locations of BMPs that are damaged/failingfinadequate, Ceriificalion by a Responsible Corporate Officer Is Required(as per EPA NPDES CGP 2012 1.1 1,1J,page 1-4); "f certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the Information contained therein.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the Information contained is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false Information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.” Signature: Date: • S � . S:: ✓ " C 5 +! _. _ 1� ..,i' -:t awl 1 I _ Rte. r 41JI YM a �•- - t y $ x.�va •Tr'! t4 j }•� t'it HCl •h - . ;,y �� P yp}'� y. !r ���=r+`��t Je+ t•�Fr.'C.!' �:�ry�� e;� ;f^ A• �/ � •(S�iaY T•�1��2�,���, .���cy �r,`,�Y}�'4i> •Ru 1 r tc`:cr�w t i.�.: .>„irS'�-.:r''S � .f � �.•�t{ ` P Aq t ��' r �'i�' f sv J Cy�v h '* �.�/� [l1, Jt�+��y..� ^r �.� �_ �,-.yY,��y k d'1• -Mr. t r�;�:,t�sgtl,��•i � !'pT t�\. � �:.� �}=i.. � ' +��_\e. .�� ,.�`� � �i �Y�.t •�. t •+.$ ^rX u• t .,�. � � .. � ���p/ti� 'n �' �' tli` 3 •'1` '�C .'� �,��T 1�1 'fir - - .;,j:5 +tr �t�"f �9� �t tr�j:: .;��^ til� « �.. �. J Y� �13'. . ���,�. 1•,+ a,,.y h :�x [, y.,r: ..t .;- �.v � ...a..l r r.{.t� lir" �r ?.y ,\ � 1� n5�. �t -�tir Yil'9 �i� .i� F••`r�` I,—r v 1;, ,��•fl 'y {r' •.}..:� •S ''� -"� v� �� �' ''r3f +Mr .,I, J3.. f ;�:� (t. dt$ . .�' � •.. 1-.- 1 ,k,! il^v. � ,.p r a✓�t.ry r4. ,t :e�:a n •. r .� r:,� -� t }fir^•�� r• ' '{` -.J n ''�� a `�V .,�1�k �� r,' 1' J.11 t / -,�� + ( f �, a "4 z 1; a. 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R 'Oct '()l6, S: 47 ri I�,r d r r; ti 1lrvy r 9'. i 4 { f / � l •cC is * f.� z �,�"�� \, 1 ` � y - - 1 _ i '�,�•s =-��.` .� � :tis F� ! ��'� r r~�� •7r,, -sra.. awo 47 Oh tr` - lee �i A �, f, ;: ter- •,� ep'n�, `�,'`: �ti.. i f G� jp-- r •• a., A OCt9, 2016, S: 45 AIry •' :4 NO Ot 1 ' , 4- i •r n • '. _� + the\ - `. - .. � i n lJ � b y�{y' t p l ' 71 r 7 Chh`i{ lip- VE A> f � r 1 �, '�• ''gni.. � 1 °ty`i4{ FIR .:,< �-,��� i T i4; ��C;- � �� �� � ��1�"ir q?�?�t _J•.,f�' lJ�/,��dy' y _ '.1�f �-�-'r'`"-.b ..r''��`'•.��frd- ��Y tll'[g'� t' �tl:." �+F f •yt:, (C i wn .�► ' � R. -. ��. � k.}��'� •� ,, 'f �' f [ �� pt..lt�r ...(((..:rrr,•`ff a`. _:(f`�.�s 4KI / ell 1 - �.' 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S5 ^_ jam', t 4 K _ r � _fib' 4'/ `.�s4;'•'' } Y Ya .r ' 1 . N�y t� dp dip ZiFc�I ApH �7QY1 a � 46 Sk `�,�..- �' � �':i:� �+� +L,_..�T4 � �f: �\, \ !�• ��w R \ yam} �`�. `. IV •i.' f."�-,Jr-te Rir' �.� 'a'e.. •• ' ?,` - \ - 1 /• _ ' `� _r.� _ � � i _4 r� " rte. log ij r I r Y ' � }IL'�'` ' " �*�-!,`!•,S,c� , ,,• _ '`'moi -�� '- n -,,�_. R -`�•, y �y �1 T l �.\ i.• .� � Q..A• r' Y� ._ _ � /�` � tom. P•-' .�, ��"Q`� \ "w � 'e '\ � } � i h - ..max-� _ _�"�L'�3—.�'_ �•' iiiLwiP�.�r.�.. _ — �T�2 r"T _ —: r .�� . r �Yi�+r' Via.•' .!F° '}�,' �l f N ��`yl^�. �'. � S ��'���!• y 1 t��t T�f'r r rC'•rr...>,4+h•�,P� ,v�� ��� _ _ �f�� y Yr •� .� �r.Ktt,,.lL, i - Oct 9, 2016 . x• „� e � )j ri;' x .51.. 1 P } S' l l t� .0 - z _ �. Y., �'.:. ��'A �4E•„ '�-- .�raY V��`'3- �«cy$R���..:j���/'^ x� X11 &�� - �i+i���Y _ - ;`3�,� �•_ `�- _ r'-_ ;- _"''^�.xr ^!- gam - .-� . ,tea P. - -�� _ "� ��'x� �' � ����.��-};-p v:s ��� �� `tic�-•t : :'z'aI. 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'� 1 -/ � • . 7 In 1 fr 1 P Y yy ti- 1 �t7 t G �` X41 �J •�� � �• j s• / BMP Site Inspection Report: NOTE: If an issue is discovered and reported,then note to whom the issue was reported and update the log when the issue Is resolved. Nore: See sheet CL XX QAPI-U5 315 00200 for"zones'201-220 of construction site. Silt Fences & Dikes Note: A qualified person mV inspect the erosion and sedimentation control BMPs once per week and/or within 24 hours after a storm event.A"qualified person"is a person knowledgeable in the principles and Complete report within 24 hours of inspecting the site. practice of erosion and sediment controls and pollution prevention,who possesses the skills to assess conditions Qualified Person(Field Inspector) at the construction site that could impact stormwater quality,and.the skills to assess the effectiveness of any Toad Biggerstaff stormwater controls selected and installed to meet the requirements of this permit. "During your site inspection,you must at a minirlum inspect the following areas of your site: All areas that have been cleared,graded,or excavated and that have not yet completed stabilization consistent with Part 2.2; Qualified person's Title 4,1.5.2 All stormwater controls(including pollution prevention measures)Installed at the site to comply with this Site Superintendent permit; Material,waste,borrow,or equipment storage and maintenance areas that are covered by this permit; Ali areas where stormwater typically flows within the site,including drainageways designed to divert, Qualified Person's Qualifications convey,and/or treat stormwater, All points of discharge from the site;and M u ti p e Yea rs Exp All locations where stabilization measures have been implemented. You are not required to inspect areas that,at the time of the inspection,are considered unsafe to your Inspection personnel."(from EPA NPDES CGP) Inspect on# Dale1 Time Weather Conditions Weather Conditions. •Rainfall(Last 24 In Compliance with SWPPP Issue to Report?(YIN) Resolved?(Y/N) Since Last Report Today Hours) (Y1N) Reason for Insepction; Zone: d 1,7AV #of Photos(Time-Stamped Photos are Mandatory): /9,D 6-t �Nspec��o.� Show;N� 4�I Irl 32f 47'-4 /-AvajLi G*MG Avee Ao"Vw"S Location of Photos Taken: {(,}- stn wZ�l.,-ys•dy Itllt Describe condition,11twhyconditionschange,issues,resolutions implemented: klo) SFO C,le m.-%Q 1 (y) Slopes W AO RIS. (y' 144-1 d AQC9- It7, `r of /Q.9:u �'4e S�. e /DAKS 9L13d. �// 119oe A /s g a►sehm;Tq. ,SSE �/or�s ow B.r�i� pill 3550e /Uue ,bee.., Resohad, PAPire- See .4#, k,d Discharges occurring at time of inspection: Locations of discharges of sedimentlpollution: �rSGhAfL4,�{j. 05AVP +�Aklt. „„� ;P.—p *LL. t1UP 14 1 A - To Drain+ UG}l+ai.�d;1a Cv �o►-al *�3 Imp Z. 2 5�',tl w+�y 41►4eti ;S C)e ,j 1,s Kj- S�,:k ;A, CO/4A. Locations of BMPs to be maintained: Locations where additional new BMPs are needled: 51 bpe s 3eh„wd + +ta Rw+S C'oM&IJe. `Ik540+111, r►sutC^ mA�u�iRiuM�� -fel 3f0 i... A124a51wer,.+ 3i(+ +•tG j4o+�iWs-WIfed, 3e�;k�. sly I4yr Locations of BMPs that are damagedlfailinglinadequate: A Ion - tl 51iopeS $y Ctrf- je,)+V% 1418h 044ef k -pASS� � oLle�., ►1+ . .Ce P4Rce I, DAA +0 J:)A0Pe44y -f'xon. �►lxo,a�, wA/�R 1s c%r,, lfhlly S'Ao”, 5-1* -re -e, W.11 Need. 40 be A" once wjkL ,/eueyk d'e6e. Certficalion by a Responsible Corporate Officer is Required(as per EPA NPDES CGP 20121.11.1.1,page 1-4): "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the Information contained therein.Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage tha system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information contained is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete.I am aware that there are slgnificasit penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature; Date: i I Wes+r S-de o� sitx- - P, le Col hapse d q.u.1 -f'-011 S•/ TCNCB, .5W- , ►ce: d,4.o+. d 1 Sty;/s Blot 41D f 1+ by C'am; au 40 5,4e 2om '''� nom• dioe�'N �n t,� 1 �► 1+ '4GJ14ce 1noKs 9no�, f ,g juc�'e� once A4rO ,PAOW"S 51c>pes "'7 Spy!! wAy :s will xieeo 40 las Pc,lled beck 10t i -}o be; Gl�.aaied ray . �o"a w44eg,- Ct.1:ime&MY, &SC,YlAQ��ai(�� N C1ed �2e��',a; ,• a�+Ge w� leue/s clrtoP• 51 ope s ee b . ,. to „ wo t✓!le d s,%� Y/2�rho�cdl ;41a��. ; �1e�lANds .�/ems► . . , . .. .. . ' 4-o he gemwed -10 i41o,� 5�1f �Fa�ce. I Rees igRe ,c7awr� pi12fL y/� nc� w.// i i i 41.. - W\\ •'l , \I'. r - - �s'2� t � t - i S.j= r �� Y ;� vv M :):. i �+• r y `� 1 ,r,rYaL �"X / !•/ t :�� )I4 r r"` r . ,'�'Yt s �.�':'�/'— Ir Yv1y'�` ��.4 �. F �7_. �k^x •Yr •T r7 t _ t r 1 I\ I I 1 -•,,i -,/ I' r / •`� y`' \ — \\\_•1, ����, 151• t �' .''pct Aw s► 47 r .-� {, r tom. }�.�.,� ki + I;> [�� •`;r�,,�•�� A �, lb do iwl iA jw �'�r ..�' � t ..�!,!�, !� ��PP .�`.. 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