HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160988 Ver 1_SAW99-BO-govt dredge plant_19990309Mr. C. E. Shuford, Jr., P.H. Chiclfl Toohnica:l Sarvicses Llivisian Wilmington District Clarpss of F nginaars F.C. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 284(11-1890 Desan Mr. Shufbrd: UNITED STATES OEPARTIMENTI OF COMMERDS National Oceanic and A tmoel pharlic A c ministration NATION AL MARIN 8 F19 BFUE9 SERVIC9 Southeast Rlagsional Offncla 5 721 Elxacoutive Centar Drivel North) St. F atersburg, FL 33702 (727) 570-5312; FLAN 57(1-`_1517 MAR 9 '1991 Hj1SERII3:EGHI:ts This letller responds to your letter to me dated July 1, 1195 f and enclosed Biological Assesnrrlelnl (HA). Yours BA, submlittad pursuant to Endangerad Species Aul (ESA) ssesctian , consultal ion raquiramlants, assasses tha usa of tha L .S. Army Corps of Einginearsl (CC El' sidaclasl dredgcis HRY, MERRITT and SCIHIWEIZERII, and tha slplit-hull hopper dredge CLRRITUCK in United Statas aaasted waters). Additional, ravised irfarrration was submitllad to This afficia on MaiiaH 2, 1955. Proposed A(illian Thlisi corsu:llation addrassas the use aflthe sidacsast dredges) HRIY, MERRITT and SCHWEIaEIR and the split -hull Hopper dredge CIURRI'DUCK, to maintain shallow, coastal inlet nav>igatior clhlannel;I along the eastern saabaak of the United States. These slplecializad dredge pllant:I are aurranlly wicid primarily by the WilmlirEllon Eistr:iat Corps aflEnElinaelrs at many locations in Worth Carolina but also ocamianally ellsawhera along the eastern) seaboard. T orma:lly, they are ussad in: 1) ;shallow coastal inlets whlich ciannot be dradack siaflsly or (sffdcitively with commaraially available dradgasl, 2) during emlarlaanaies, ar 3; when an ujgclnl and comple:llinEl need axists for cslearing out a navigatian channel, suahl as pleriods when rallid shoaling has occurred, a navigalior Hazak may axis), and thera is insufficsient lime la contract commercial drag gess. 'Dhel sidecast dradgasl FRAY and MERRITT eacsh have Iwo drag arms), once or eacsh side, 1hal vacsuum the sedimanl through) l 0 -inch) inlake psipas as thle arrr. s drag along thle bottom. Tha sedimant is pumped through a combined 12 -inch disaharge piple that is above thea water surfacse and panpandicoular la the drag ga. The SCHWE 121ER is laid out similarly but its dredge suction piples arcs 114 :inchasl in diamater and combined discharge pliple) :is 16 inahcssl in diametar. In all threw dredgas the discharge pliple axlends about 60 feet beyord thle side aflthle dredge. This pipe distance and force from thle llumpss genarally rasults in the sediment baing deplasitcsd 851 to 100 feet from the dreldga. The sed:imlant is disohargad on the side of the channel whera the predaminant currents would tand to move the sedimanl away from the clhlannal. C gyp ATM0.5gyEq �ArMENT Oi �� The sp! it -hull hoppar dredge CL RRITUCK has drag arm; s imilar to a s:idacasil dredges, but the sadiment i; purripac into lha dredga's hoppeti. The watar in lha hoppcir is ovarfllowed to pravicci an acor.iorn is loac of ,iand, sinice the dredged slurry enitening thci hloppar cor.itainsi about 20% s ar.ic and 80% water. Once thle hopper is fuail of sarc (aboul 30(I cubic yards), thla sediment is taken to nearshara ocean waters (normaally 6 to 10 below f✓acR maar low walem) whara the spl:iI -hu:lI hloppar isi openied and tha sediments asci durripoc . Tllesia vessels opcirate yeah -round to dradge arc ma: ntai n shallow nava gal i on chlartn els w i thl c apthls bdwaani 4 facrt and 14 facit balcw+ mciar low walar. Vassahi opcmate w: thout sea turfla dafllecitcros on lhci dragllaads, and nava na sarcieninig or observiens. Draghead suction isi praducad by use ofldredgei pumps avaraging 33(1•hotisapower, with a maxa:irrium horsepower afl4(10. Tha draghciad sizes tiange from appromimataly 2 f6d by 2 firiet to 2 feat by 3 facet. The draghaac apanings ara furthlar subdivided an thlair undensiidas by griidded baff us, withl openings ranging from aboul 5 inahas by 9 inichlesi to _`I inicihles by 8, riches. Thlese bafflas rastriat the siize cif abjacts whlich cian entar the dradga draghciad. Listed 'Speai cis am d Cri ll i cal Habi tall Llistad spaeies undeni the jttrisdiation of the NMFS that may occur in channels along tha south awiterri U nited Statos ar d which rr ay be affbcted by dreidging i nciluc ei: THREATFINEE : (1) the loggerhead turtle - Carne tta aamha EN DANC EIRE D : (11) tha right NN Hale - Euba& Bina gJaaaalisi (2) tha hlumpbaak whal a - Megapteria no v c eic nghiae (3) the graeni tur lla - Chelonia myaas Nota: grean turtles : n U.S. waters area :listad asi tlueatanac, axacipl for the Hloriida breeding popu:l ationi whi all is :I i stad asi endangarad. (4; the Kemp'si ridley turtle -1 epiidocht 41 s kemt HI (3; thle hlawklsbiII turtle - Ereilmochelys iimbiuiccta (1E; the shlortnose sturgeon-Acipenseir tlneWinostrunt Additianal andangered spacies whlichl arca krlawn to aaciur along the Atlartici coasil include the fir.ibackl (Balatinopteric physalwi), lha sai (BalaeinopteinG borcahis), and sparm (Physieiteri macrnocephalus) whlales and lha loathlerbackl sea turtle (Denmochelysi coniactia). NMAS has daterm:inad thlat thlasa sipaaiesi are unliklaly to ba advetisialy affecded by tha praposed dredge vessal activities because thay ara unlikely to ba encountered in the shlal l aw , aoam al inlet watars that typify the projaot arcias. 2 Right w1lale critical hallitat oveirlaps porticinsi of lhei project arca. There ane five wcill-knciwr Habitats used annually By r:igHt wHalcis irciludir.g: 1) coastal Porida and Ceicrg:ia, :I) thlei Greiat South C hannell, ciast of Cape C od, 3; Capel Cod and Massachusetts bays, 4) tha Bay cif Fundy, and 5) Browns and Baccano Banks, south cif Nova Scotia. Tha first three aneias occur in U.S. walers and Have Eleien designated Ely NMFIS as critical hallitat (f151 ARI, 287513, June 3, 1994). Biological information an thei righlt whlala and hlumpbacY whale is included by rciftireircie la the August 25, 1995 Biological Cpinicn on Happeri dredg:ing in the southeastcm Unitcd States, and thle NMP9 recovery plans for righlt whlales and humpElack whlak s (NMF 9 15191 a; :I S119111). the fkl lowi ng di scussi tins focus primarily an vessel i r. tenacl ior. s with wHall a s. kl�lht Whalc s: New :information Has recently Ile come availab:lc or the rigHt w1lale papulalion. A progression cifI discussions and analysis has cccurrcd during HSA suct:icin 'a consu:llation; conducted in 15195 and 1996 on vcssel and airicrafll opeuiations oflthe U.S. Coast Guard, and lhei proseculion oflnortHeasl At11an1ic fishcrieis far Amcriican:IoHsler and multi •-speciies, conccming the population trend for the northlern right whale. Thle currcnt conclusion is that it remains unknawn whetHeii or not thle population is shawing a decline, or whether the population growth iiatc hlais rema:intd at ai constant iiatc of 2._`I% or at a constant, but lows r date. The 1996 NMAS draft stock asses smc n1 rcport indicala: that thle siizc oflthis population rriaiy have bcien as ]cw as _`IO at Ilio turn of the ce n tur31, w1lichl s uggc stsi thlat the specie s may be sillawin g siigns ofl a slow recovery to thle current cstimaite of129fl. Howeiver, ai recent slait:isit:ical analysis based an cuneir.t trcndsi :in right whale mortality prcdictsi that the northern night whale population hi doamied to extinction and ca:lculatesi thorn cxtircition dale as :1189 (Casiwel:l et ail 1999 in press). Other righl whale rcisiearchcrsi havc cixpresisie d thlci:ir daubtsi as la the a ffi cacy cf 1 curre r. t acnsierviait:i cm rrie wiurc si lo prevent c x1 i r. ation oftEle northlerni right wha:Ic population (Slay 19951, plcirsior.al commiuniaat:icin). In any evert, thle tunic nt ,irrizill papulal ion ,iize con biinc c w:ilh thle:ir low reprcduclive rale siu�lgc sit than anthropogenic impacts maty have a gre atc r effect on thlisi sipacic s tElan othler cindangeric d whla:lc s siutject to the mme impaictsi. Anthrapogenic cavies oflright whale rriarality are disicusscd in detail in Krausi (1990; wi well ais in NNF1S (:151511a). Shlip cc:Ilisicnsi and er.langlementsi aiiei thci most common dint ct ceusiesi of mortality icer.tified duaughl right whlaac s1rancin€lsi. Twenty percent of all right whale mortalitics obscrvcd between 1970 and 19851 wort caused by vesisiel eallisiions/inleracticnsi with) ri€lht wHalles. An additional 8% of thesie mcrtelities are siuspected tc Have resultcd fiicn vesisiell collision. As ai resiult cflthle potential fkir irteraalionsi bctwecn vessie:lsi enc right whelesi from December through Marah in the calving area cfflGeorgia and northerri Alorida, aerial siurveys fenced Ely the COB, N avy and USCC Have Neon implemc me d as tht righlt whlalt early warning systc mi. Thies e siurvcysi arca conduated to identify 1he occurnencci and disitributicn afIright whalesi in lhei vicinity, of sihi Fl channel si in the wintc r Elrc adi ng area; and to n otify newel y ve ssiel apt rail ora of I whlalc s in their path. Date ao]lectcd during thest survieysi indicate that righlt whale ane oHsierveic off I Savannah, 3 Georgia, in Deccmbeir and Marchi, and arc relaitivel) abundant butweiein Brunswick, Ceiorg:ia, south) to C apes Canaveral from Deccimbeir thiiough Marsh. Dw ing easy 1995, a right Wflale Was also observed by shlipboard obscirvcrs cifflMorehlead City, Norlh Caiicilir.ai. Hum pbacik Whaa cis: The Humpback WY elle Reicovary Alan (NMFS 19911 b) identifiieis entanglement and ship ciallisions as potcinlial sources of m srtality, and dislurbanaei, habiilat dcgradalion, and ciompalition with (iommarciial fishcrieis as potential factors dela) ing reicoveiry of the speciieis. Until recently, humpback whales in the mid- and south) Atlantic wcrci conis:idarcid transiieir.its. Flew weirei seen during maria] surve) s esnducteid over a deicade ago (Shoop et al., 15182). Hawevar, sir.icie 1989, sightings of fcieding juvciniile humpbacks Have ir.icireiaseid along the cioasts oft Virginia and North) Carolina, peaking during the months of 3anuary through March in 15191 and 15192 (Swingle cit al., 1519=1). Shipboard sbservations conducted during daylight hours during drudging aslivit:ieis in the Morehead City Harbor cintranca channel during January and FlebrciarM 15195 dociumented sigHtings of young Humpback whalas on al ;Iciasl six days nciaai the allannal and disposal area, thiiough January 22, 1995. Threci hlumpbacikl stiandings wcrei documented in North) Carolina ir thal year, one eiach in Aabruary, Marchi, and April, suggesting thal humpback wHalcis remaincid within South Atlant:ici waters thiiough April. Swingle eit al. (1993) identify] a shift in diistr:ibuticn cifljuvar.iile humpback wheiles in 11 ei nearshore walers ofNirginia, primarily in wintar moriths. Those whales using this mid-Atlantic areia that flava becin identifieid ware found is ba residents of lflei Gulf of Mair.ia feeding group; suggesting a sh:ifl in distnibutiicin that may bci related 1c wi nteir prey availability. In cor.iciert with tf ei :incnciase in mid -Atlantis whale sightings, stnand:ings of Humpback) whales Have incirciascid beitwaein Nava Jsrsey and Florida since 1985. Strandings wera most fiiequant during the mionths of Seiptember thilaugh April in North Carolina and Virginia waters, and weirs somposcid primarily of juven:ilei Humpback whales oflno more than 11 meiters in length) (Wiley et G1. 15195). Sim of 181 flumpbacks (=13 pcmcant) for which 1Ha cause of mortality was determined wane killad by vessel strikcis. Ar, additional humpback had scars and bore fraclujes ir.ic icative ofla previous vessel strika that may hava contributad to 1Ha whale's mortality. Sixty, peiicent cif 1Hose miortaliticis theft wena closely investigated showed signs of cinlanglement or vessel collision (Wiley eit al., 1993). Sea Turtles: Information on the biology and d:istr:ibuticn oflscia turtleis can be found :in the 19511 and 119515 Bicicgiieal Opinions on hloppar dredging in chlannels and bonow arcias, which are inccrporatad by reiftirence. Channel spociif a information Elms beieni (iolIectsd b) the CC B for chlannals at Moiiehlaad City, CHarlaston, Savannah, Brunswick, Aernandina and Canavenal, and is pnasentad in detail :in CCE summary neport enititlad "Asscissmenit sflSea Turtle Aburidancei :in Sias South Atlaritic U.S. Channels" (Diickemson eitl al. 1994) and in the C CE's Biological Assessment. Information cin lhei 4 biolagy and c istribution oflrighlt whales and humpback whlalcis can be fbund :in thea 1991 and 1995 Biological Cpiniaw as well. There is no significant nciw infbrmatian raganding thle stalus of l sea turtici spciai e: that hlas niat becin di saus sere in thea Biological C psi ni ons that Have b clan inaarporatcic by referenicci. Sturgaons: Sflarinose sturgeon are found in river:, eistuar.kis, and lhlei seia, but population., are aonfiineic mostly to niatal river: and eistuar:icis. The ,pciaieE appears la be cistuar..'inc anadrorricus in the soutf. arn. plait ofIits range, but in some ncnhearn rivers it is "fre.hwatcir amplhidrarr.aus," ix., adu:lls spawn in freshwaileir but rcigularly enitcir saltwater Habitats during their life. Adult: in south earn river: forages al the initerfaaei of fresh tidal vaater and saline eastuariie., and enter the upper neaaheas oflrivers to spawn in early ,prang (NMAS 1998). Thea uses oflsalinae habitat varies greasily among northern populations. In the Said Jalid and Buc sora rivers, ac u:lls acaur in b othl freashwater and upper tidal saline areas all year. 'Ilhis situation may also axisil in Thea Keanneabeac River syslem where, during summear, ,arra adults fbrage in the salines estuary while others forage in freshwalear reachleas. In Thea Delaware, Mcarriamiackl and Conneacticul Rivers , adu:ll s remain in fres hwater all year but s ora ea adults blr.'caf ly enter l ow saliniq river rciachles in May -June lhear, return upriver. Some adulls flavea been aapltured in nearshlorea marinca hlablital, but this is not well documented. Many tagging and telcametry studies in n:iwirs lhnioughcut the species ranges indicate That ilhcase fish nieamain in their natal river or lllea raver s eastuary (N MAS 19981). Thee final recovery plan for thlei shartnose sturgeon (NMFS 19981b) givers the aunent, best avai lab:1 ea information a on 1 hca distribution and abundancia of s horn nos ea sturgeon, and is incarporatead flewin by reafcarear.aae. Bowever, in 11 ea plrojeal arena, lhca Carle Rear Rivera, North Carolina, sharinose sturgeon population woulc be 11 ea mosl :likaly to bca affealead by thea plrcposead dredging activitieas. No other shortnose sturgeon populations arca kdawn from Narih Carolina, which is w heare rr ost of the mai r.al en ance d readgi ng by the vcass eels conasi dciread in this aonsultal i on Has hl:istorically occuned and wall aantinuc. Effects of th e F nopos(id A ction Effcacts on Sca Turtles Thea conastrualion and mainlenaance oflFuc coral navigaliona channe:lsi by hopper dredges have bean sic entified as a souraci of turtles mortality. NMAS has preaviiawly consulted on thea use of Hoplpear dredges in southeastern United Stales chlanneh and bonaow, areas, and Gulf aflMexiao channels. The November 2-I, 1991 biological opinion issued to the COE si South Atlanlic Divi,, ion (1IAD) fbund that continued hopper dredging aalivity was :likaly to jeoplardize lhlea ccntinucd exhleance cfl 11 ea Keamp's ridleay sena lurtle. Thea reasonable and prudent alternative issuad wilh the 1991 biological opinion included 11 o pltohibition of hopper drodg:ing in ilho Canavcmal (ihlannel ff lomida), soasanal mestriailions which allowcid flapper dradgiing from Decamibar though Marchi :in ahannals from North Clajolina Through Canaveral, or use aflalilornatva diiedges in all southoasilorn U.S. chlannalsi. In addition ilo happcm dradgas, clarrishlell, sideaast and pipciline dradgas are all used la drodgci and maintain navigation ahannahi. Pipellino and alamsholl drodacis are iielalive:ly stationarM, and 11arafora act on only small] arias at any given times. Ctlserver coverage was ragwirad at piipolino outf ows during sevcmal driedging pmojecils dcipllaying plipolinci cbodgesi allang tela Atlantic coast. No turtllas or turtle partsi wema obmirvad. Additionally, the CCEI'si SAD plravidad doaumionlation of hundreds oflhlours of informal ollscirvalion Ely CCE imipautoni during which) no ilalas afllisited siplacicis were observied. Additional mian:ilaring by othlem ailanay perosionnal, conscirvalion organizations, and lila general putllic has novor tesiulted in meportsi of a turtle talo by p'pellir.ia dredges. In (iontmast, largci capacity, aaeiangain8 Hopper drodgwi, which are flnoqucintly used in occiar, bar cllannols and sicirriatimcis in haillcir channels and aff kora borrow areas, move melailivaly rapidly and can entrain and Mill ,icia turtlasi, pmesiumably as the drag arm aflthe miav:ing dredge overtakcis thea silowcm movin8 turthi. Brumalion by sea turtles yin siciuilhaaslern channels, when llhciy bur){ themseNcis in the ahlanral bottom mud and presumably slow their mcRabolic plroaasmis, is allso suspected in doathsi of stomia sea turtles by hopper dredge. The roascinsi for ilhis ara that: 1) thci turtle deflector devico on the leading adgo of the dmaghoad is probably'loss effeclivei ail deflecting buried scia turtlas than deflaciting turtlasi wh:iall arca simply rcisting or forailing on tela channel bottom, 2) the turtles' ability Ila mova out aflthle way quiaklly may be aomipromisied because thoy arca partially blunied in midiment, and 1-I) ltlaim f ighlt rosponso timia may tla lcingthened dua ile their torpor or iieduaed malabolic rate during tlrumation. The operation of sideaast drodilcis FRIY, M E RRITT and SC B WEI2 EIR and ilho simiall caplacit}l, coasitall hopper driedge CURRITUCI-a is not expactod to advorscily afftiot lisilod siplaaiesi of soa turtles bauawia of ilhe ,ilow speed ofltho vesisols, the low sivalion lovelsi inhorar.il to thosci small dradgas, and tela small ,iize afltho draghleadsi. These splecias should bo ablo ila gat out aflthe way of thci slava moving dredges, which ciperale al sipoedsi of 1 la 3 kdotsi whon working in inlet channels. From scia turtle Masts performed by tela Corps oflEnginecirs in Now Rivar Inlet in 119SIFI, it isi krkiwn thal the suction dmaghoads of these vcissohi exhlibiil very low suction foraos. Furlllar, the dragheads havo very small oploninas--3 inahcis by f inches fbr the CIURRITUCA and `.f inches by 8 ir.iaho,,i for the sideaasil dradgas. The mesiultsi of thci tcistsi aanducilod Ely the Corps of Enigineemsi on a previously -dead, _juvenile (13.5 -inch) aaiaplacci lcngilh) green turtle dcimomitrated that the low suction fkiraas and simall apciningsi pmeventod the life lesis lurlle from Elaing entraincid. Furthcr, the ,iucl ion force wasi low enough that the lurlle was casily prodded and miaved with a plale dcispitc being Meld Ely the suction faraa against the drailhead. If a small, lives turtlla did get impinged by lila pump sivation against the dmaghead, tha tur lle would very likely soon Ela dtokan free of the suction by the motion of the draghe ad along tela :irrcilulam blotlami and/or its own effort s to ffiea itself. Event if a turtle small enough to plass thrlough the draahcad vete ancauntcmcd, it could plass tlulough lila driedge ralat:ivc ]y unharmed due 10 the low pump pmesisumesi :involved. 0 It is unliklaly ilhlat turtlas small anougH to pass through the dnagHeads will ba encountered in significant numbers iin the pnopased operaling area ofltHe dredg(is. Tha smallest of three sea turtles (all l aggerheads) takan during hopper dredging openail i ons in N omember-E acember 1998 at Bciaufart Inlet Entrance Channel; North Carolina by tlla dredge SUGAR ISLAND mieasurad 371 cm by 44 am curved carapace length (CCL) by curved carapace width (CCIW; . During Hopper drad8ing aparationis in Fabruary of IS1199 in Kings Bay Entranae Channel, Farrandina, Florida, a total of133 soa turlle:i (all juueniile loggemhaads) were captured and nelocalad by a contaiact trawlat swaepinig thci area in frionit of tha :larg(i capacity Hopper dredge M.N. WEEKS. (The R.N. WEENI9 has a dredged mal erial ,ilarada capacity approximately 10 time:i tHail of the CURRYBUCK1, and significantly lardar diiagllciads, pumps and suction). 31Ha smallast capturcid and nelocalad loagarhead measwad 54.5 cirri CCII by 52.0 cirri CCIW. One Kamip's ridaay that was:Iathally taken by tHa M.N. WEEKS measured approximately 30 cm in carapace diamcicit. NaitHen of tHasc turtles would Kama been er.ittained by the ,im aller siaed gnidded dragheads of 1ha vie,isels considered in this con:iultatiion bcicause ofltheiir small opening:i. Sea turtle stranding;i ware compiaad by IT Hoetllahlan of Northl Carolina Marina F ishlenies Commiss'on fbn bciachle:i witllir.i 3 mile:i (ricrlh, south, and inland) of Oregon Ir.ilet, I7 rum 16 at, Now Topsail Inlet, and IJoaklwood I olly Inlat, North Carolina fbn all pariods whlen dradging openaticna occurred fbn 1994 - 1997 (ACICE, 15198) fbri 1ha four vie.isels considered ir.i this coniaultatiion. A toilal of 19 loggerheads, ona gtaeni and ona Kamp's ridley wane reported :itrandad. The siza of thci ,i1randad log8arheads would Havie prcialuded their entrainmant by the viessels aonsidered ir.i th's consultation (111a smallest logoarhaad which strandad measured 23.5 inches by 22.-I inichle;i (CCII by CCIW). 31hc rarest and smallest of the turlle:i whiiah sirandcid during the raporting patiod-1he green and thla Nlemp's ridley — measured 112 inches by 10 inehes (CCII1 by CCW , and 1-I iniahwi by 1fl inches, rcispealiuely, and were alio too large to Havie bccir.i entraincid by the dra3heads of 11.1a me:isels considered ir.i this eansultation. Both oflthlesci turtlas strandad within thrlec mi:las of I.loakwood I olly Inlet. Additianal data was compiled and analyzed by Hoetichen on thio mciasuremcnts of sea turtle strandings and incidenital captures in North Carolina fram 11 9S -1998. C f12fI stranded 1]wan turtles fbri which straight-line carapace widths (SCWs w(ire measured in 1SIS16, toughly 5111% IImician plus or minus two ;itanidard deuiatians) ranged belwecn 7.5-12.5 inchcs (rrciari SCW was 10.0 inches); in IS197, toughy SI - I% of 29 stranded 8rcen turtlas hlad SCWs of 6.7-12.4 inchles IImiaan SCIW was 9.3 inches); in 15198, toughly SI -`I% of 43 stranded graeni turtlas had SCWs of 3.8• R.4 inches (mcian SCW was 10.1 ir.iahlas), while roughly 68% (mean hilus cr minus one standard deviation) had SCWs cif 17.0-13.3 inches. In 1996 of 9 stranded Klemp':i, toughly 93% had SCWs of 7.1-17.4 inchlas 11mcian SCIW was 12.6 inchle:i ;yin 15197 of134 stranded Klemp':i, roughly 95% had SCIWs of (.2-19.2 inchles (mean SCW wa:i 112.7 inchlas); in 1998 of173 shandad Klemp';i, roughly 95% plaid SCWs of 4.6-19.5 ir.ichlas (mean SCW wa:i 12.0 ineh(is). The difftiranae belween the SCW and straight -lana carapace loriglhl (SCID) measuramiarits oflthe 212 stranded Klemp's and greens considerad abova ranged from (1.8 to 2.2 .inches. It applciars bascid an 111ase measuraments and tha ,iiae of thla openings on the dra3heads (1ha larg(ist cpeniing is fl by 8 inchles), That ilha Wast majcriq of both greens and Klemp':i tidleys conisidatad here could r.ial and 7 would not be cinlrainied by lhei dragheiads. Both spee:ieis ane cacansiderably smaller ilhan the abundant loggerheads. While the posasibility of anilrainmenit ciflthle sma:lleisl individuals of lheasci two species cannot bei nailed out, it is unlikely to occur. Hffiicitsi on Stud eg. ion Asides fiom seasonal miEralioris to estuarine waters, shortnosei saturgeacan sanely occur in thea marina einv:ironn int. 'IHortnose sturgeon spawning habilut in the poleinitial projecil areas should Fief well upsa aam caflthle aaeian an', cit einviironmenitsi typically dredged by the small capacity, eoamal hopper dredge CURRITUCK and the small siideacast dredgesi ARYI, SCHWEI2BR and M[BMTT. Juvcinile shlortniosei usually remain upstream oflsaline wateui until they rciach about 4`I cim (approximateily 181 inches) in lengthl. Habitat cor.iditioni;i niorrr. ally suitab:la fori adults (shlcartnose groater than 49 cm in lcingth) could occur in estuarine areas whearea these vessaeils might be iiequired to workl. Sturgeons hlabitat within thle areasa dredged would Ile tomparariily disatwbad during maintenance dredging. Howuvcir, thea dredgus cionsidearcad in this cicansultatian riestarc navigation channels to theair authorized dimensions to reestabll:ishl a preaviiously axisting condition i (depth). Thurcafkaro, no new peirmanent rr,cadiification oflhablitat will ocicii Maintanance dreidging of Rederal niaviigaticinal channels can adviersauly afflacit sturgeon Ely eanlraining them :in dreadgei dragarms and impe:llar pumps (NMRS '998). Cthler dredging mealhlods may also adversely affeict stungeoni. Hastings (19821) rupcarieid anecdotal accounts cafladult Etungeior.i being eampalled ftom drudge spoil pipeis wHi:lu conducting a satud) on slurgeon an the Atlantic cicaast. Atlantic stwigcican wer(i klillcid in both hydraulic pipeline and bucket -and -barge (elan isheill drudge) capciratior.is ir.i the Clapa Haar Riviera JIM. Mosaeir :in NMFhI 15198). NMHS ollsurvurs dociumuntud the take cif Icanu At] antic salurgecan in a hopper drudge operiating in King's Bay, Georgia (C. Slay in NMFS 1998). Two shcartnase sturgeons cianciasases ware discovered in a diiedge spoil ncian Tullytcawri, Aenrsylviania and apparcinilly ki:llad by a hydraulic pipoline drudge opemat:ing in thea Eclawarea River in March 1996 (N MAS 1998). In candy 1998, thricci sahortnosci slurgcican were klil:leid Ily a hydraul:ia pipelinci diiedgei operating in thea Alcareancie tca Treniton seetian ofltHe upper E alawaiia Riviera (NMAS 1998). Adult shortniosei could occur in sour ei of thea areas that rr ay be dreidged by thusea viessuls. Adults would bei most l:ikcily to bei enicountered in the winii and sipriing, after sipawning and lheair migiiat:ions to fbeding areas in downstreiam and estuanir.iei waters. Howuvier, beicausaei of theiir rr,ability, adult shlarinose sturgeon should blei able to avoid the slow moving dreadgci equipment if they movie ai when lheiy deitocit thea apprcaacihlinig diiaghead. Civien theiir sipciciia' heed sena apparatus, thcay should be able to detecit thci vibrat:ionsa of a salow rravring, appmachling draghead. AN a, g:ivein the sizes of thea sahortnosu saturguan whlicH would be empected to occupy thea coastal inlets being dredged, i.e. greaater thlan 45 cim, :i1 is unl:ikuly that they would be eanlrained by thea slow moving, lcaw suction draghleads. Bntrained stud€cions passir.i� tlulougH lhlea suction p:ipulinies ciauld pass lhrioughl unharmed, ar they could ba l ilaead. Though lhlu possibility of injury at doath cannot be ruled out, as evidenced by lhei Historic reacord, thea likeilihlood is remote. 8 Elfftiats on Whales RigHt wHal cis and Humplblacld vuhlalas are vu InenaHle to small vessel and ship collisions w lan the whales makes their annual mignatians along tHa eastarn seaboard. aha sidaaasl dnedgas RRIY, MEIRRIT'D and SCE WEIZERI iransill at approximately] to 10 knots fram thle inlet dredging sites to adjaccint beaah sites la dispose of drudged materials. 31hci CURRYBUCK travels at specids of 5 to El knolls to adjaaent tleiacHes or cff§hlcrci disiposial sitcis. Because ofltHesci slow speeds, these vessels sHould present a minimal tlueat to m:ignallird whales — certainly less thlan thal of normal, fasten -moving commuraial shipl traffici and necirciational blciatinig. Advensu impacts to nighlt whales and Humplblaclds from tha dredges and dredging oplenations are viol eNplectcid because 1) the dredges work) in the 1 hilcats and i nil eirior portion s of I inlets wfli chl arca riot uscid bly whal cis, 2) the dreidges travel at vary low iatas oflspecid during dncidg:ing operations, 3) the capltains of the drudgas will He plrovidad daily iniforrr.ation on tha plosillions of the migrating rigW whalcis, and 4) the dredges voila reduce their speed as racessary and maintains a plropen lookout to avoid collisions with wHalcis wHeni transiting to disposal situs and right whales are in the area. Ccinclusion Based oni our consideration of 1 he Heal avai labile inform ationi, we blel ieve tHat the year -hound operation of the hloppcir dredge CL'RRITL'CIK and 1ha sidaca,R dnedges BRIM, MERRITT and SCIII WEIZEM to maintain coastal ir,ilets on the eastern seaboard oflha Ln:iIad States may aff✓6ct, blut is nal likcly to advierscly affect thci continued cixiistence of Iisiled species ur. dcir NMFIS Alun iew. This consultatian is valid as wall fbr 1Ihu operation by W ilminigtor,i E istr:iat Corps of Engineers fbr ahannal miainitenanaci dredging of upl to 10 vessels of this or sim:ilan typle and siza class (under 500 gross tans), with similar dragheads (Brur.swicld, Brunswick CountN Type, BruwiwiaM Adjustable, or equivalcinl), dnedge plumpl horseplawen (400 H.A. ma)Cmium), and sucllion and discHarge pliple speciifiaatiians (dredge suation pipes 10-14 inichles ini d:iamiciter, and comblinied discHarge pliple 12-16 :inches in diamelen). This concludes consultation resiponisiiblil:iliesi wilthl NMFS urden section 7 afltHe EISA. Conisultatian should also be neinitialad plwsuant to 50 CBIM 4 02.16 ifltHere is new infbrmatian that reveals effects of the aclior. tHal may aff6at listed ,ipciaiesi or critical Hablital (when designiatad; ini a manner or to an e)atent riot plrieviously cor. sidarcid, :i f thla :idunll i feed acil i on is subsequently modified ini a manner that causes an effect to :liistad species or critical habitat ]hart Has not been considered, or :ifla nava splec:icis is lisRed ori critical Habilat its designated ]hart may bci affected by thla idanlified action. Blease Cala Mr. Eric Hawk, BlisHery E iolog:ist, at 727/570-52I12 if you have any questions regarding This cor,isulutioni or if furtHen coardinalion is niecessarM. Kemmcircir gioniaa Administrator 7 Re fe ren ae,�i Caswell, H. 6 j al. 19SI9. Araciaedinigs oflthe Nal ional Academy cafl Sciancia. In press. Diakearsor,i, D.D., K.J. Kleine, D.A. Nahion and C.E. Dicklerson. 1994. Amassmenit caflSea Turtle Abur,ic ancia in Six Southl Atlantic U.S. Channels. Report for thea UIS Army Corps of Engineers, C catobar, 1994. Has ti ngs, H.W. 1983. A study of the shortnose satw g aon, Ac;lp e nsi ri bre viriostm rn, populat ion in the upper tidal Delaware Rvear: assass ment caflimpact oflma:inteanancae dredging. Final Report. 81 _`1670 UISACE SHortnosea Stutgeaon—Delaware River (Haslings) DACW 61- 81-C-0138. Center for Coastal and Elnvironmeanilal Studies for U.S. Army Corps oft Enginieears , Phi:l adealphia D is trict. 117pp. Kraus, S.D. 1990. Rlateas and pcalential causes of mortality in Northl Allantia righlt whales (Eubailaenagilacialis). Marina Mammal Saience. ((4):278-291. NM IRS. 1991. Endangered Spec:ieas Act seacation I cor,isubation with U.S. Army Carps of Engineers, Scauth Atlantic Division on hopper dreadg:ing oflcal anneals in the scautheaastearn United States from North CanoliniathalcaugH Cape Canaveral, Aloriida. Bicalcagicaal Opinion, November 25. NMAS. 1991a. Rllecovary plan for thle northern righl whale (Eubalaena glacial is). Freapared by the Right Whale Recovery 'fl aam for the National M arinea Aisheriieas Service, Silver Spring, Maryland. 86 pp. NMHS. l 9SIlb. Recovery plan for the humpbacakl whale (Megapalera novaeangiliae). Preapareac by the Humpbacld Whale Reaaver)l Team for the NM FS, Silver Spring, M aryl ar d. 105 pp. NMFS. 1993. Endangered Spec:ieas Act section I consu:llation "itH U.S. Army Corpse of Engir,iaen, South Ailantia Division on hopper dreac ging oflcahlannals and borrow areas in the southeastern United States from North C arcalinia through Florida east caoast. Biologicaal Opinion, August 25. 25 pp. NMHS. 1997a. Endangered Specias Act scacation 7 cor.sullation witH U.S. Army Carpsa of Eng:ineaears, South Atlantic Division on 1Ihea continued hopper d><edginig of two channels ar d two borrow anew :in thle southeastern Ulniteid Stales during 1997. Biological C pir. i on, April 9. 16 pp. LAMES. 1997b. Elndangered Species Aa1 section 7 consultation with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Southl Atlantia Division ori the continued hopper dred>ling oflchlannels and boncaw arenas in thci southeastearn Unilleid States. Biological Cp:in:ion, Ocalobcir 14. 16 pp. 10