HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200065_Pre Application Documents_20160518� Section 404 / NEPA Interagency Merger Process Concurrence Meeting DESIGN OPTIONS FOR DETAILED STUDY SR 4471 (Reedy Fork Parkway) / US 29 Interchange Improvements Guilford County STIP Project R-4707 North Carolina Department of Transportation *� nr�� o= �,: 0 1/AH1� MERGER C4NCURRENCE PDINT 2 REVISITED May 18, 2016 Table of Contents 1. Purpose of This Meeting . ...................................................................................1 2. Introduction ......................................................................................................9 2.1 Pro{ect Information ....................................................................................1 2.2 Public Involvement ................................................................... .............1 3. Merger Team Concurrences to Date .................................................................... 2 3.1 CP 1& CP2 .............................................................................................2 4: CP 2: Alternatives Consldered .............................................................................2 4.1 Summary of Alternatives to Be Considered............................................................................ ..............2 4.2 Analysis of Build Alternafives .......................................................................3 5. Interim Design ...................................................................................................4 6. Project Schedule .........................................:.................:....................................5 Section 404INEPA Merger F'roject Team Agreement Form .......................................6 � �l. PURPOSE OF THIS MEETING The purpose of this meeting Is to update the merger tearn on the project status and introduce the revised alternative to be carried forward for detail study. 2. INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Department ot Transportation (NCDOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), proposes a bridge replacement and an improvement to the existing interchange on US 29 at SR 4771(Reedy Fork Parlcway) in Guilford County. The proposed project would also inciude the realignment, part on new location, and upgrade of the existing SR 4771 {Reedy Fork Parkway} and SR 2526 (Summit Avenue}. The proposed action Is included in the 2p16-2025 StateTransportation Improvement Plan (STIP) as project number R-4707. 2.1: PROJECT IIVFORMATION The project is located in northern Guilford Caunty, approximately eight miles northeast of downtown Greensboro (Figure 1). U5 29 is a four-lane, rnedian-divided facility that linlcs I-40 in Greensboro with US 58 in Danville Virginia. The study area is moderately developed and includes a mixture of light industry, institutional, and residential uses. There are currently plans for additional commercial, industrial and resi@ential development in the vfcinity of the existing interchange. Trafflc volumes are projected to increase on Reedy Fork Parkway Interchange from an average of 40,000 vehicies per day (vpd) in 2015 to 72,000 vpd in 2035. 7he existing US 29 Interchange, Sumrnit Avenue, and Reedy Fork Parkway are not capable of handling these traffic volumes without experiencing substantial delays and increased accident potential. 2.2. PUBLIC lNVOLVEMENT A Citizens Informational Workshop (CIW) was held on November 13, 2006 at the Reedy fark Community Center. Participants were able to view the alternative exhibits that depicted environmental constraints, proposed study area, business access and typical sec#ions. Some concerns raised by the public regarding the project included truck access to local businesses, existing delays at study areas intersections, and increased truck traffic within the study area. Employees from local businesses directly impacted by the proposed project expressed the need for a traffic Iight at the intersection of Eckersan Road and Reedy Fork Parkway. Concerns were also raised concerning the existing roadway design not supporting wide #urns for large trucks and the need for future designs to support the large truck volume that is anticipated to serve the local industrlal facilities in the study �rea. Citizens also praised the inclusion of future bicycle facilities included in the project design. Due ta the passage of time and re-initiatEon of the praject development process, a Public Meeting was held on April 21, 2016 to update the public on the project studles, to present the design alternatives, and to request their comments on the design alternatives and the project in general. Cancerns were raised similarto the one raised in the 2006 Public Meeting. Merger Concurrence Poinf 2 Revisifed S7lP Project R-4707 ' Page 1 May 18, 2016 3. MERGER TEAM CONCURRENCE TO DATE 3.1 CP1 & CP2: PROJECT PURPOSE AND NEED AND STUDY AREA DEFINED AND DESIGN OPTIONS FOR DETAILED STUDY The Merger Team concurred on the following Purpose and Need Statement and Study Area on September 21, 2006. � The Study Area extencls approxfmately 5,000 feet north of the existing interchange along tJS 29 and approximately 3,000 feet south along iJS 29, SR 2641(Bryan Park Road) and 5R 25Z5 (Summit Avenue). The Study Area also extends approxfmately 3,000 feet south east along SR 4771(Reedy Fork Parkway) • 1'he project's purpose is to provide a set of objectives that will address the transportation needs identified in the study area. The purpose of the proposed project is to replace the�structurally deficient bridge over US 29, improve the interchange to meet interstate standards and accommodate future traffic volumes from the Reedy Fork Ranch Mixed Use Development. The Merger Team also concurred on the Design Options for Detailed Study on September 21, 2006 for the following alternatives: • No-Build Alternative: Make no improvements • Alternative 1(SPUI1: This is a single point urban interchange where all left turns are handled at one signalized intersection and all right movements are free flow. • Alternative 2(Partial Cloverleafl: All ramp movements are located on the south side of the interchange.. • A(ternative 3(Traditional Diamond}; This design has a one-way diagonal ramp in each interchange quadrant with future loops at two quadrants. The ramps are aligned with free-flow terminals on US 29 with signalized intersections on Reedy Fork Parkway at the ramp intersections. 4. CP2: ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED 4.1 SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVES TO BE CONSIDERED 7he identification, consideration, and analysis of alternatives are key to the NEPA process and the goal of objective decision-making. Consideration of alternatives leads to a'solution that satisfies the transportation need and avoids and minirnizes adverse impacts to environmental and cornmunity resources. In addition to the Na Bufld Alternative, build alternatives listed in the next section were studied. With the funding constraints, this project was on hold for few years. In 2013, the project was reinitiated to refine and update the design aiternatives with updated traffic voiumes. At the request of the City of Greensboro and the Greensboro Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (GUAMPO}, a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDIj Alternative was added. Merger Concurrence Point 2 Revisifed STIP Project R-4747 Page 2 May 18, 2096 4.1.1 Bufid Afternatives 7he 8uild Alternatives under consideration for R-4707 consist of four interchange configurations. Each interchange configuration wfll meet the project's purpose and need by providing a new bridge and improved interchange. All build alternatives wfll meet the purpose and need of the project. The connecting roadways associated with the tonstruction of the new Reedy Fork Parkway Interchange on US 29 would not vary between the Build Alternatives: In all Build Alternatives, Reedy Forlc Parkway connects to US 29 with the following improvements: • Removal of the exlsting structurally cteflcient bridge over US 29; • improvements to the existing SummitAvenue; • Improved traffic flow, safety, and truck movements; • Improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities on Reedy Fork Parkway. Bulld A{ternetive 1: Single Potnt Ur.ban Interchange (SPUIj - The SPU1 AlternatiVe involves the signalization of three intersections on Reedy Fark Parkway between Summit Avenue and Eckerson Road (see Figure 2). Summit Avenue will be realigned to tie into the realigned and extended Reedy Fork Parkway forrning a signalized four-leg intersection. Build Alternative 1 Revised: Diverging Diamond Interchange (ODI) — A Diverging Dfamond Interchange �DDI) is a type of diamond interchange in which the two directions of traffic from US 29 cross to the opposite side on both sldes of the bridge at the interchange {see Figure 3). The DDI Alternative involves the signalixation ofthree intersections on Reedy Fork Parkway between Summit Avenue and Eckerson Road. The DDI has a smaller bridge cornpared to the SPUI and fits within the footprint established for the SPUT Alternative. Bulld Alternative 2: Partial Cloverleaf Interchange — The partial cloverleaf interchange includes a loop and a ramp in the southeast and southwest quadrants of the proposed Reedy Fork Road Interchange (see Figure 4). The ramp terminals connect with planned roadways on the north side of Reedy Fork Parkway. Buifd Alternative 3: Traditional Diamond - The Traditional Diamond Alternative design has a one- way diagonal ramp in each interchange quadrant and two future loops at two quadrants (see Figure 5). The ramps are aligned with free-flow terminals on US 29 with signalized intersections on iteedy Fork Parkway at the ramp intersections. 4.2 ANALYSIS OF BUILD ALTERNATIVES The project Roadway Engineers have established anticipated right-of-way requirernents based on preliminary functionat roadway design. Due to �ariations in the topography, among ather factors, there are some variations along each alternative. 7he anticipated right-of-way limits were utilized to develop anticipated impacts foreach Build Alternative. Merger Concurrence Point 2 F2evisited STIP Project R-4707 Page 3 May 98, 2016 Stream impacts were caiculated in GIS to include the portions of ffeld-delineated streams beyond the existing right-of-way limits (where applicable) and wtthin the anticipated right-of-way requirements. Table 1 summarixes the impact analysis. All impacts included in this report are based on preliminary functionaE roadway design; avofdance and minimization will continue to be pursued throughout the clesign development. TABLE 1- R-A707 ALTERNATIVES COMPARISON � Evaluatian Factor Alternative i- Alternative 1 Alternative 2- Alternative 3- SPUI Revised - DDI Partial Clover Diamond � Impacts Additional Right of Way Needed- acres 47 49 53 55 Residential Relocations 0 0 0 0 Business Relocations � � fl � Schools Impacted 0 0 0 0 Parks Impacted 0 0 0 0 Churches/Cemeteries Impacted 0 0 0 0 Receptors Impacted by Noise 0 0 0 0 Cultural Resource Fattors Potential Archaeological Sites 0 0 0 0 Recorded Archaeological Sites 0 0 0 0 Historic Properties Effected 0 0 0 0 Natural Resources Factors Protected Species lmpacted 0 0 0 0 Stream - linear feet 1,077 1,303 1,122 1,140 Wetlands - acres 0.31 0.58 0.74 0.62 Ponds 0 0 0 0 Stream Crossings {ti) 5. 5 , 5 6 Physical Factors Hazardous Materials 5ites 0 0 0 0 Federal Lands - 0 0 0 0 Railroad Crossings 0 0 0 0 Greenway Crossings 0 0 0 0 Low Income/Minority Populatlons (y/n) N � � � Limited English Proficiency Populations N N N N IY/n) 5. INTERIM DESIGN The existing Reedy Fork Parkway Bridge (Bridge IVo. 360 in Guilford County} carries SR4771 over US 29. The bridge was constructed in 1961. The 2014 bridge inspection report indicates a condition rat}ng of "Poor' for the Deck, Superstructure, and Substructure. The estimated remaining fife per the bridge inspectian report completed in 2014 report is 2 years. Due to the extensive deterioration of essential superstructure and substructure components and the associated condition ratings, this bridge is cansidered "Structurally Merger Concurrence Point 2 Revlsited STlP Pro%ect R-4707 - Page 4 May 98, 2016 Deficient" according to FHWA guidelines. The FHWA Structural �valuatfon of the bridge is 2, indicating that the structural condition of the bridge is basicaliy intolerable, requiring hlgh priority of replacement (per the FHWA Coding Guide). Based on the condition of the existing bridge, an Interim Design (Figure 6) is developed to replace the bridge priorto the construction of the full interchange. The Interim Design is located within the footprint of the build alternatives. The phased construction is programmed to start in 2419. 6. PROJECTSCHEDULE The tentative project schedule is below. • EnvironmentalAssessment • Public Hearing • Finding of No Significa nt Impact • Interim Design Right-of-WayAcquisition • Interim Design Construction • Right-of-WayAcquisition • Construction Notes: The above schedule is subject to change. Decemher2016 Spring 2017 Summer 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2022 FY 2024 Merger Concurrence Point 2 Revisited STlPProjectR-4707 Page 5 May 98, 2096 Section 4Q4lNEPA Interagency Merger Process Agreement Concurrence Polnt Number 2 Revisited Design Options for Detaiied Study W BS No.: 36599.1.3 STIP Project: R-4707 County: Guilford Project Name/Description: R-4707: SR 4471(Reeciy Fork Parkway)/US 29 Interchange Improvements 7he Project Team has concurred on this date of May 18, 2076 that all checked alternatives wlll be carried forward to be studied 9n detaii for STIP Project R-4707. �). IVo BuildAlternative--No irnprovements are made. () BuiJd Alternative 1 Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUlJ— The SPUI interchange has left turns at signalized intersection and right movements are free flow (Figure Z'. () Bufld Alternative 1 Revised: Dlverging Dfamond Jnterchange (DDl) — The dlverging diamond interchange where two directions of traffic from US 29 cross tothe opposite side on both sides of the bridge at the interchange. (Figure 3). ( � 8uild Alternative 2: Partia! Cloverleaf Interchange — The partial cloverleaf includes a ramp in the southeast and southwest quadrants �Figure 4j. () BuildAlternative 3: TraditionaJD/amondlnterchange—Thetraditianaldiamond includes a ramp in all four quadrants with future loops at two quadrant (Figure 5). USACE NCDOT USFWS NCDWR SHPO GUAMPO USEPA FHWA NCWRC Merger Concurrence Point 2 Revisited STlP Project R-4707 Page 6 May 98, 2016 �� � rrea Goil STI P # R-4707 � °"`�' '� �• US 29 / REEDY FORK PARKWAY �' ., t� INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS „ - • � ,,� . VICINITY MAP _,� � '+� ! Alarchvraod O� � r �. .4.�'. � � JFr �� .. � e°'� " . .r,° ��. ... .:..., . .. .,, .� �� � � : � h ' �� � ... Fc,r�+�,' � Ghickas �tn<rd7 . ° � ,'i r '�'� f1r . j" . .� ��'�� � r� �s .._. , ,. ., U� , . ` ° �Surn , �>� -a '�"�'�' ��� US 29 AND REEDY FORK ,. 3" PARKWAY (SR 4771) �', > ��v� `��.� � tir an " { :� � Cfiry:?n Faik . y' G�Ht'our:,, F'ark � Greensboro � m � �� �e �. � � Y;�. p� � �� �'�� �'� �� c�������� , t � ��X pV=� • n �r�^ w+ 'P,�, ` �; �eg�r� � � � �- o� ��Y� � ' � �' .. A �0 , � a �� . . � r;'. " � . `� Q ca�a Q � ;���r ', � 1 . _ . ... , ;, � � Y . �;.. � o� '��e �.. ds� °� : � V`�Q ::'e, '�' ,. �`Ln �Y� , ��. . . p . �.. a,, v �, � 1 �Q- ,�. , �,..��' . (������ ��y f ,. ...., .. ..1 � ...i�. _. ��' �' - �� � a t��f � - , Q� • . 7 � "1� . c��ot��a yy,�e. .. � � Q s o b f.� �a� ?- e x � � � Cande�wo° � ?� ''�.,�. { � W �r $ ; , * ro 4 ��� .. .. , � �.... �.�r�� � � � �i1Ga�° ��� �� �� ��,., . ... � No���h � � � 4 r...,.. _�� ��► � ,. . a i i f v� 7� � .. _ j.-; �.., ....... LEGEND i� � # �:�.�• � - Study Area . i •'. a Y _ �� Q1 � 4 0 375 750 1.500 2,460 ].000 �'�'� ; Fesl Gul{ford County, NC ��� 4� FIGURE 1 0 . . ���� ��, �` : , , -- ,��;� ;� ;� ��� ' � STIP # R-4707 � , .£ , �'`'��� U� �� i REEDY FORK PARKWAY �' '.' INTERCHANGEIMPROVEMENTS ALTERNATE 1 ' ,f. � ' SINGLE P(�I�lT Uk��AN 11VTERGHANCE (SPUI) �� . �/ * � �� '� } ��r �� ;� � . �� `'r _ �� ' � f _ I . � _ `,� .. �r , . I : � ; /`.; . � ' •. �_.� �l :- {i. � � � ! r1� ^ � lxisting eridge - ,i ; r { ' i�il � . � " "! �C To Be Removed i� : ! �` � U � � � t�� � � '� � � (� , ` ,,�M � y '�' �y ' v� ;. ' ,� �( . , � �►�r,r` � = r . ;,R :/�, Stream Impact ' � f , �,�, J�/ ' 410 L F . �� � � , a��� � ���r � r' � / . � � f � Stream Impact ` ' � �`�,y=-' ��j� � � :� 147 LF �� ' - ��•' �,.�'�- �, � ; .> =. ) �. ,. 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REEDY FORK PARKWAY INTERCHANGEIMPROVEMENTS ALTERNATE 1 REVISED � ' DIVERGING DIAMON� INTERCHANGE (DDI) , � � :� � .E � t � .'� i� : i �'.t. � , ,.. t � I s �� . `' -� � � ��t :� ` ,��:•; _- ° ��' ',: ''”; ; i � � ... ..� . � � ' w �,w Existing f3ridge � �1 � � � . �'�II�. �. ;"}` �E To 8e Removed r � u � i � ,.` , .:..I, .�', . . •� 1 ,�M�1`..� . vi , ���r .�� �' i �� 1. ,r J � r �' , � � �• � ~ �, �'/, _ � � � f '> - `` 1�1,,� , Stream Impact � , '�� *�; � ;':��� ,�/',� .� 147 LF . 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'� �� �'Lx � , i � � �,e��,� , -�»� ►,� , �;> � � ' ,��p', Stream Impact �stR ' � � � �," , ' �.,� �� ��' 315 LF , � � � ,,,�'� � �' _ . ; +� � � t , f _..,:W:_, , �;, _ , � �` , p � _%�°�5�" � � ` I i .�;�� � Y d�r i t� r- ;� a. �-. ��.. t _ / p.,z � y �< ' �IIGy����. •" L.! t'� � \�,,. 4. LEGEND - Wetlands Interim Desi� Streams 0 725250 500 750 1,000 F�� r� � Wetland Impact ,� 0.02 AC '�: . Stream impacl 109 LF �:` �' FIGURE 6 5/17/2016 � ■ . _�.w��s-.�; �� „� - _ _ - � STIP Project R-4707 iA'v �C� k<<Jr l��nrk P�irkinn� . ln<<i�.�h�oi,'r lmprurr�m�r�r� NORTN CAROLfNA � � ��� ' �' � : ,;�. - „� ,� - - "� � .:,t�t; - y �. - k�. +�F . M - . ��% i y q eS � . � �,,..� � MF; h �i: _ _ a"�� '-. -:y S L �. e l 9 . 7 � � "4`6" � �.� �. i - ``�, L - i .'�xC�/lC�CI • Introductions • Purpose af This Meeting • Project Overview • Project Information • Publlc Involvement • MergerTeam Concurrences m Date • CP 2 —AHematives Considered • BuildAlternatives • Project Schedule • Discussion Pttr��ns�• u% 77tis :1 /eelf�tg STo p�p�p�l R-a]Oi [ -_ � ��'' I -; . L, isinwngN�nn.irnnmtata�a STP Raje i R-0]O) The purpose of this meeting is to update the merger team on the project status and introduce the revised aRernative to be carried forward for detail study. �w . _ i��. :'a,-� _... y . � `�' 1�if.. 5,er� 29 ��� � ; : � = `��'��''' .,,:� Project InJonnution Pi�uject 17cn�ih� 11up sna a�da+ a<�m Vro�ect Is located approxima[��.y 3 r,t� r,orth af downtown Greansoc�o in Gulitord Counry 1 he propos¢d prOject �inclutles t�ie br-�tlye replaCemen� and Improvem 5 to [Ye ,. rchange wiih [he reahgnmen[ part on ew location. and upgrade of the eziring SR 4771 (Reedy Fork Parkway) and SR 2526 (Summit Avenue). Study Area Is light Industrial, instltu�ional. and rasidenGal f xis�ng Iratfic volumes are 40,000 vehicles per day on US 29 20351raRic is ezpectetl to n. �:; _�., vehicles per day on US 2�� STIP Prqaq Ri]Ol STIP Prqsc[ RJ)0I . Publ�ic Involvement . Crtrzer�,s Informa0onal Workshapheld on rao�emne� is, zoos. . Publ:c Meeting held on April 21, 2016 � Concems ra� regartling truck ess �o local businesses, ewstina Oelays et study area InterSeCtions, and eased truck traRc within the study • Expressed Ne need for a Vafic Gght at tne intersecbon of Eckeimn Road and Reedy Fork Parkway • Eaaing roadway design not s�,:ppoNng vnde Wrns for large trucks � C�ezens prarsed the �inclu9on of fuNre Gcycie faolitias induded in project 5/17/2016 2 sna a.oren R�a�o� .11r�,°��r l��ani ('nn.�iu-i�n�ds 7�, l 4ua . .. . . .. ,_.' . . � CP 1: Purpose and Need & StudyArea Defined (September 21, 2006) ri,o swdv a«a e.�aoas aov�ox�maceiy s,000 ree� �onn or me e.�en�9 int rrr:i-�anye a�.ong US 29 and approximately 3.000 teet south along US 29. SR 7��A1 i.6ryan Park Roed) and SR 2525 (Summit Avenue). Tha Study Aiea also �ends approximately 3.000 teet 5ou[h east alOng SR 4771 (Reedy Fork aarkway) The projecCs purpose is to provide a set of objeclives Iha� will address [he . an5portalion needs itlentlfied In the sNdy aree The purpose ot Ihe proposed pro�act �s to repiace Ihe strucNrally tleficie�t bndge over US 29 improve [ne ange' eet �nterslate stantlartls and accommodate fu!ure traflir, voiumes .rom .^e Ree�y Fork f2�nc� Mixed Usz Development STIP Prqect R-e)0] ilc�lrr li��rnr(���nrm��rn ��e 7nl��nr ,... ,. . . �..��. �CP 2— Design Optio2c Jur Ddluiled Sh<<Ir Sepren�ber ?L ?00( • No BuildAlternahve • BuiltlAltema6ve 1�. Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUq • Builtl Alternative 2: Partial Clovedeaf Interchange • Bwltl Alternative 3�. Traditional Diamond sna arqeu a-a�o� ('f'? .11ternc�lln:s � �� (�urr�ir�li� (��msi<l�°r<<1 ❑ No Bwld ❑ Build Alternative 1 Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUII 7 Bulld Altemative 1 Revised- Diverging Diamond Interchange IDDI� �7 Build Altemative 2: Partial Ciovedeaf Interchange 7 Build Alternative 3: Traditional Diamond All6uiiaAltematives incluoe � Removal of the existing structuially deficient Giidge over U� '^ � Improvements to the existing SummitAvenue. � linprOved trafiic flow safety antl Iruck movements. � linprovetl bityde and pedeshian /atibties on Feedy Fo�k Pa-�:..i, 5/17/2016 3 STIP pro�ect R-a]0] li7nil is u Uicei��u�;r Ufm�innd lme�nc�ui��' _ ,, The diver9ing diamond interchange known as a DDI is designed to allow two direcUons of treRc to temporerity cross ta the opposite side of ihe roadway to provide easier access on and oR the freeway E.CBILLCS • Limds number of Vat�c signal phases required to move motorists �hrough the in[erchange . Movements on and oR of Ihe freeway have fewer onflictpoints and can be free-Flowing • Moves high volumes of trefic without increasing the number ol lanes in an interchange STIP Piojec� R�410i {i'hci! un� fh�° ffriirli��' � • Safety . Fewer ruirili�t �,uints i�8 fni DDI 7»'n- SGUI 3,..:�: D�an��iirl� • Bettei siyhl dis�anre at turns . Wron� way entry to remps e#remely diffcult . Less horizontal curvaWre reduces risks of off-road crasl�=s • Vrtualty no driver confusion (FHWAstudy) • Protected pedestrian crossinc� can be provided at si�nal . Pedestrian refupe area Is provided in wncrete medl,+�� �.� • Decreased ezposure [o free-Flowing turning movem� �. � � � � . Operations � • Simple left and right Wms from all dlrectiuns ��,—� . Increases lefttum lane capeciry without adJing la�.��: . Two phase signals w�h shoner cycle lengths racln-��. ..._ • Better storage belween the remp tvnnlnals • Better Ievel of service and abiliry lu handle addrtion�il ha�� capac�ity (15'���25',�0) STIP Prqaq R4)Ol {17rn1 nre the Benefils' " •" , ' , . costs • Construction time is reduced � . Reyuires minimal detourinc� duriny construction . Usually requ�iies less lanes Ihan other interchanc�e types . Les's bridt�e sliiicture --: ��nstiu�:tir�ii ei��i lung t2rn� mainiei�aitce cosl sevinc�s . . -� �,,,,.: aw.. ' .,. "`�►'�'`.� "� .�: �" _ ._ •�•�� _ '! - �, - `�r� .,I� 5/17/2016 4 5/17/2016 51�P P,a;ea R.4��� l>l�l nn 1-!��'S ut 1/�rllur�! C-r��rl� � R � p �y 1"`- �� / ... �W�';::: . . _. .:a-.._ _, _... � ' . .. � ' .. ,:...��:.1 � - • . . . . �...... . ... �� �� �. �1f ' 4� `�n�� __, .�. r?dk' . "..i:' �.,� �` �t �� ,.,, Pee,.. �. _ _ o;M o�diieercTh DDI .�,..o � .�.�.. y, .�c. ...,�..ei��.�ve STI� Prqeci R�eiOi Vnrrli i 'ar��hna l �l �! Pru/rct.c . . . . ' . . .' . , Asheville 626 at NC 280 (Asheville Alrporry Charlotte i-485 at MallarA Creek Road Concord I-85 at Poplar Tent Road I-85 at NC 73 I-85 at US 29-601 Cornelius I-77 at Ca[awba Avenue Greensboro I-73 at West Gate City Boulevard Kernersville I-40 at Union Cross Road Leland US 17 at NC 133 (River Road) lumberton I-95 at US-301 (Fayetteville Road) Mooresville I-77 at NC 150 S�a[esville I-40 a� US 21 WinstonSalem US 52 at Salem Creek Connoctor STIP Rqecl R�d]0) It-a-o-=lRrrnmir�l�.�l'('Ur� � .... ._. ..��.. .�lt� rrn�nn� l !<<�r�c�d �l �l rlr .. � Width of the bridges over US 29 will be reduced; DDI also allows for a tangent bridge, unllke the SPUI, which requires eMre bridge stmcture foi all ramps converginy to the middle of Ihe 6ridge � Reduction of lanes on ihe ramps � Construc�ion tlme is reduced for ihe �interchange due to a simpl�i(ed brir�y,�. thereby reducing labor costs + Abiliry to handle addl�ional traNc cepa<�.Iiy � Improved 6icycle an0 pedesiri2ii safuly � Two �ilirise signal iediices dolay litti/d:illerncrlir�� 1 �i[(i��� ��[.�-...:" . �."�,J sna a.ore�+ R-<;oi Grvzi ying DiemonC Interchan��� • S.gnal¢a0onofthree�mtz�so::��'� on Reedy Fork Parkway • DGI has a smaller �ntlge comut�t' !o t^e SPUI 9r.d�z fis wRh�in the footpnnt �„�_,.ishetl f�� Ihe S°UI al�einat��.e uw�- mrl-W�al W�qs�Oar s�y� STIP Rqecl R<>0] Cuilcl_ll�c�rrru�ir� ' ,j �� • Pa lal CI e leaf � . " {, J .. e3si and ...,E.,. : , . T�. ...,�. i • . M i . 11 . .., ..,.. . � � b��,a _ , .. r �" � l /' �r�, �, . � � 5 �3 � �� � � 9'11 .� � o�. � ����"'; `��� 5/17/2016 0 ��ll.'�.�. �jlil"IiC!(ll'�' J Buihf.�lhd��na�ire Smn�uai�i STIP Project R-d]0] � Tradllional Diamond vay d:agona� iamp m e=c< .er�,:hange quatlranl • -:.clulureloopsatlwoquao�.�."., ainps are eligned wRh fre=-�I^ � :. minals on US-29 naliZed �intersec�ions on Re_�1�, '�r.. aark�r:a�� atihe ramp STIP Rqec� R�4]0� Rd10) ALTERNATNES COMPARISON Evaluation Factor PHerna�ive 1� Altemative 1 Alterna�i�e 2� Alfernalive ]- SPUI Revisetl -D01 ParLal Llover DiamonC AtlEitional R�ipM M Way 4] 09 SJ 55 NeeCetl- acrez Rnidential Relocalions � 0 0 0 Businesz ftelocetlons 0 0 0 0 St�eam � linear laet 1.OT/ 1.303 1.123 1.1 C0 Weflantls-azrn 0.31 0.58 0]0 O6] PonCs 0 0 0 0 Slream Crossirpa (R) 5 5 5 fi Tolal Rlparian BMer (fl� 1]6,355 160,028 1]3.)43 168,686 STIP Pro�ecl R-ai0] , .. .�i Design � '�ny nr�dge �e Stiu��w�.�ly � en[ antl has a hign p�iori�� �, ent per the 2014 6r�,1... , ��cr on report � I�tenm Desgn is locat?_, �.. m So �p� � rm 5����., �e s ,am� �� , . s to and from _ . _ � �<d cc^s�r�i� i. 5/17/2016 7 Di.+cr<l��ctn�<i�cs ofthe SPUI „ o' u�itli tha hr�erirn l)�°sig�r ' ii - � ,�i�n�3r � --,re�.�n sP�.i nnooa e��n�nz;as a._ �a� .a> roi oinar io;a�cnz-.:= �-. - Th� interim SPUI britlya does nc; acwmmodate me intenm phas�� .�.� � The erisnng ramps ca�notbe used with thn intenm SPUI bii.�,i� �.. , [an��cr3-r 'zrp -al�::-a��ons STIP %qecl Rd]0] Prujeil.�'chi°dtde � -E�r;o�m.�mi,�,:.:z�,.m — o�.mcmzoie � a�ei�<iiw��e._ sM�w m» ; _J Forvsi s�mm.rzon i Inie�im Duipn RqMd Way fY20�8 '�, ��. Ac9uisilion �. � In�erim Desi9n Construclion I FY ]Ot9 �i �BeginRgMNWaYkAuwkion FY202! ��. _ Bogin Conslruction FV ]0]4 j � 5/17/2016 • R-4707: �r�vironm��tai �ssessment of SR 2970 (Reedy Fork �'arkway}lUS � 29 [nferchange Recons�ruc�ion Section 4Q4/itJEAA Merger Process Concurrence �greemeni Concurrence Poin� 1: Purpose ��leecf and Study �rea i iP Project t�o. R-47Q7 WBS �la. 3.6599.1.1 ii� Descrip�iorr: The Narth Caralina Department or Transportation (NCDOT), thraugh the City of Greensboro's Department ot Transporta�ion (GDO�'). prc�poses to recan5�ruci and improve the SR 2�70(Reedy Fork ParEtway�IUS 29 interchange with improvements to SR 2526 (Summit Av�nue) from SR 26�1 (Bryan Park Ro�d) �o the inferchange. @�urpose & Need and S��dy �rea: The f�ierger Proeess Team met on September 21, 20Q6 to discuss the Furpose & Need and Stud;r A.rea for the prapased projeci. Based on the project infarmation presented, the Te�m concur� u�ith the Purpase & Need and Study Area of the praject as fo(laws: The Stud�� Area extends approximat=ly 5,000 feef north ef the existina in;erchana� aiong LS 29 and a�prcximately 3,000 feet south alonq iJS 29, SR 28�1 {Bryan Park Road) and SF; 2525 (Summit Rve�uej. The Study A,rea a(so extends aporoximately 3,000 f�e? souih easi along SR 2� 90 (Reedy Fork Parkway). The purpose oT ihe proposed project is to repface the structuraiEy deficient bridge over U� 29, improve the interchange t� meet inierstate standard� and accomniodaie future trafiic vciumes generated frcm the Fieedy Forf: Ranch Mixed Use �Jevelapment_ US.�CE US �.:______-- c�=�r � ✓l. FHWA �� � NCW RC� ��^' � �� t�Il P O ' !t 4'�''� ��L� �f`��-`�"� ___ v ��/ �----' i NC��T �G2G/�( ;� .�C..._.�. j n �` � 1 ��-- �'Z�/ '�,� �;,. usFWS �T�`^',, �f�, ��� � � �_ ✓r N C DW Q—` � x.=r' `-- f-��-= �� '� NCDCR `� R-4T07: Envi�oninen�ai �ssessment of S{� 29l0 (�eedy �'�rk Parlt�vay}/US 29 Interchange Reconstruc�ian Sectican 4041�lEPA 11�erger f'rocess �oncurrence �greemertt Concurrence Point 2: Design Qptions f4r Detail�d Study i1P Project No. R-4707 WBS �lo. 3.6599.'I.'S iIP Descripfion: The Narth Carolina Department of Transportatian (NCDQT}, through the City of Greensboro's Department o� Transpartation {GDO i j, praposes to reconsiruct and improve the SR 2970(Reedy Fork Parkway�/US ?9 interchange with improvements to SR 2526 {Summit Av�nue} from SR 2641 (Bryan Park Rcad) ta th� interch�nge. Design Qpfiions iar Deiailed �tudy: The �rlerger ProcEss i eam m�� on September 21, 2006 to discuss ihe Qesc�n Op�iors far D�tailed Siudy far the proposed projeci. Sased on the project information presented, the Team concurs with the follawing Design Optians fior Detailed S(udy. m "No-Build": No improvsrnents are r�ade. � Alternative 1(SPU11: A!I left turns are h�nale� at one signalized in�ersecticn and all right movements are iree-flo��v. a Al�ernative 2(Partial Cic,v�rleafl: A[I ramp mavEments ar� Iccat�d on the seuihside af the in�erchange. � Alternative 3(Traeitionaf Qiamandl: fncludes t�G{o distinct intersecticns 4vi�h free flow righ"t turning movements an to ramps. , . .�� � ' � � USAGE � NCDOT � f� � � / / , USE�� ������� USFWS �`_��-j ' �,��---.. FHWA NCD�VQ NGWRC � ����� NCDCR J ,�' / iv1PQ �� l��. �'�'"�''�--��> � ;; � a�� ��� j� ' z`U �' `-. /'` r �f I�i i i � IC-�?'�r;� � � -r � � �li � � �� � � � � . � r - -� . � LEDP� l� �,`t- ,. � .. � � �,� M � . � e. �1. � �„r. 51Ji l �'i' �. � 11 i c�s��� �. �1 ,. � e � "� �,"�:� I��x ��� d�.a��n��" � �2Si�r��i � �� ► _ P �__�� � � _� _ L _� _ , f._ _ „s _ _. . ..r _ __ � ��