HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5706_External Scoping Meeting Summary.pdfMEETING SUMMARY External Scoping Meeting TIP No. U-5706 Eastern Rockingham Corridor Study, Richmond County, NC Date .....................June 16, 2016 Time ....................8:30 AM Location ..............Century Center A, Structure Design Conference Room Purpose ..............Introduce the project to NCDOT's external partners Attendees: Name Organization Email Address Gary Jordan USFWS garyJordan@fws.gov Brian Wrenn NCDWR brian.wrenn@ncdenr.gov Jay Mclnnis NCDOT — PDEA jmcinnis@ncdot.gov Joseph Miller NCDOT — PDEA josephmiller@ncdot.gov Drew Joyner NCDOT — HES djoyner@ncdot.gov Deanna Riffey NCDOT — NES driffey@ncdot.gov Liamcy Hogan NCDOT — PDEA - TEA Ihogan-rivera@ncdot.gov Braden Walker NCDOT — PDEA - TEA bmwalker1 @ncdot.gov Darren Scott NCDOT — Division 8 dscott@ncdot.gov Tony Houser NCDOT — Roadway Design thouser@ncdot.gov Jeffrey Teague NCDOT — Roadway Design jlteague@ncdot.gov Emily Murray NCDOT — Structures Management emurray@ncdot.gov David Bissette NCDOT — WZTC dwbissette1 @ncdot.gov Nick Lineberger NCDOT — Congestion Management nclineberger@ncdot.gov Kyle Pleasant NCDOT — Utilities kpleasant@ncdot.gov Cheryl Collins NCDOT — Rail Division cjcollins@ncdot.gov Kristin Maseman Lochner kmaseman@hwlochner.com David Martin Lochner dmartin@hwlochner.com Kenny Smith Lochner ksmith@hwlochner.com Joining Via Conference Call: Name Organization Email Address Andy Williams USACE andrew.e.williams2@usace.army.mil Travis Wilson NCWRC travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org Rick Lakata NCDOT — STIP rjlakata@ncdot.gov Summary of Discussions Lochner made the following items available for the meeting: 1. Meeting Agenda 2. Meeting Sign-In Sheet 3. Project Data Sheet including Vicinity Map and Environmental Features Map (attached) 4. Handout of the meeting's PowerPoint presentation (attached) Page 1 MEETING SUMMARY External Scoping Meeting TIP No. U-5706 Eastern Rockingham Corridor Study, Richmond County, NC Following opening remarks by Joseph Miller and introductions by attendees, Kristin Maseman provided an overview of the project and elaborated on certain items using the PowerPoint presentation. Key points of the meeting are: 1. Candidate Proiect for NEPA/404 Merqer Process — Jay Mclnnis noted that NCDOT PDEA believes this project should progress under the Merger guidelines. Andy Williams and Gary Jordan agreed. 2. Purpose and Need — Initial thoughts are that the project is needed to provide direct connectivity between US 74 Business and US 1 along the eastern side of the study area, thereby improving north-south mobility between northeastern and southeastern Rockingham. It was also noted that a new connector would divert traffic from the segment of Long Drive between US 74 Business and US 1. This diversion of traffic would be desirable due to the substantial existing traffic congestion on Long Drive and the high crash rate on that segment. It was also noted that any widening of Long Drive will likely have considerable residential property impacts, particularly through a neighborhood with a high percentage of minority population residents. Jay Mclnnis cautioned that we are in the early stages of the study and the projecYs purpose and need is still being evaluated. Andy Williams stated that USACE typically prefers widening an existing road rather than constructing a new location route if the widening alternative meets the project purpose and is otherwise feasible. Andy Williams questioned how a new location alternative would address the congestion and safety issues on Long Drive. He also noted that potential environmental justice issues wouldn't preclude widening of Long Drive, but may require mitigation. Brian Wrenn asked if truck restrictions could be placed on Long Drive. It was explained trucks need to access a Perdue Plant located on Long Drive. Andy Williams also noted that since the projecYs purpose and need isn't finalized, then construction of improvements on Wiregrass Road shouldn't automatically be eliminated as an alternative. Drew Joyner mentioned that the proposed route for US 1 Bypass is in the vicinity of the proposed project. He suggested the purpose and need documentation for the proposed project include a discussion of why the purpose and need of the two projects do not overlap. 3. Water Qualitv — Brian Wrenn noted the eastern half of Falling Creek is a WS-III water supply critical area and any construction in that segment of the watershed will require hazardous spill catch basins. He also expressed concern about the potential for secondary and cumulative impacts associated with a new location alternative. Mr. Wrenn said a higher level of secondary and cumulative impacts analysis may be needed for the project. 4. Control of Access — Limited control of access is proposed for portions of the project on new location. Tony Houser noted that limited control of access might require construction of service roads to provide access to several large parcels. 5. Proiect Schedule ■ Concurrence Point 1(Purpose and Need) — November 2016 ■ Public Meeting — Early 2017 Page 2 MEETING SUMMARY External Scoping Meeting TIP No. U-5706 Eastern Rockingham Corridor Study, Richmond County, NC ■ Concurrence Point 2(Alternatives Carried Forward) — April 2017 ■ State Environmental Assessment — September 2018 ■ State FONSI — April 2020 ■ Right-of-way Acquisition — 2020 ■ Project Let - 2021 Action Items 1. Lochner will prepare and distribute a Meeting Summary. 2. Lochner will distribute a pdf of the meeting PowerPoint along with the Meeting Summary. (Meeting Summary Prepared By: Kenny Smith, 06/29/2016 and Updated 07/06/2016) Page 3