HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020027 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20080201 UNNAMED TRIBUTARY TO BEAR SWAMP CREEK STREAM RESTORATION SITE 2007 Annual Monitoring Report (Year 5) Franklin County EEP Project No. 27 Design Firm: Arcadis G&M of North Carolina, Inc. February 2008 Prepared for: NCDENR/ ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1619 Prepared by: ECOSCIENCE CORPORATION 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27604 r? TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................................1 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND .......................... ..............................................................................................3 2.1 Location and Setting ......................... ..............................................................................................3 2.2 Mitigation Structure and Objectives . ..............................................................................................3 2.3 Project History and Background ....... ..............................................................................................4 3.0 PROJECT MONITORING AND RESULTS ..............................................................................................6 3.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT ....... ..............................................................................................6 3.1.1 Soil Data ............................ ..............................................................................................6 3.1.2 Vegetation Problem Areas . ..............................................................................................6 3.1.3 Stem Counts ...................... ..............................................................................................7 3.2 STREAM ASSESSMENT ................ ..............................................................................................9 3.2.1 Bankfull Events ................. ..............................................................................................9 3.2.2 Bank Stability Assessment ..............................................................................................9 3.2.3 Stream Problem Areas ....... ............................................................................................10 4.0 REFERENCES ............................................... ............................................................................................14 LIST OF TABLES Table I Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives ................................................................................4 Table II Project Activity and Reporting History ....................................................................................... .4 Table III Project Contacts ........................................................................................................................... .5 Table IV Project Background ..................................................................................................................... .6 Table V Preliminary Soil Data .................................................................................................................. .6 Table VI Vegetation Problem Areas ........................................................................................................... .6 Table VIIa Stem Counts for Each Species Arranged by Plot ........................................................................ .7 Table VIIb Stem Counts for Volunteer Species Arranged by Plot ............................................................... .8 Table VIII Verification of Bankfull Events ................................................................................................. .9 Table IX BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates ....................................................................................... .9 Table X Stream Problem Areas ................................................................................................................ 10 Table XI Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment ........................................................... 11 Table XII Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary ......................................................................... 12 Table XIII Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary ..................................................................... 13 EEP Project No. 27 ii UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site APPENDIX A: FIGURES Figure 1: Site Location Figure 2: Monitoring Plan View APPENDIX B: VEGETATION DATA Vegetation Problem Area (Plan View) Vegetation Problem Area Photos Vegetation Survey Data Tables Vegetation Plot Photos APPENDIX C: STREAM GEOMORPHOLGY DATA Stream Current Condition Plan View Verification of Bankfull Event Representative Stream Problem Area Photos Permanent Station Photos Exhibit Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Cross-Section Plots and Raw Data Tables Exhibit Cross-Sections Longitudinal Plots and Raw Data Tables Exhibit Longitudinal Profile Exhibit Raw Data Table Pebble Count Plots and Raw Data Tables Exhibit Reachwide Count Plot Exhibit Cross-Section Count Plots EEP Project No. 27 iii UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Unnamed Tributary (UT) to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Mitigation Site (hereafter referred to as the "Site") was constructed for the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) to provide compensatory stream mitigation in the Tar/Pamlico River Basin. This stream restoration project is located on an unnamed tributary to Bear Swamp Creek at the Murphy Hay Farm just north of the Town of Louisburg. This project involves the permanent exclusion of cattle from the stream, stabilization of eroding stream banks, installation of cross-vane structures for habitat, and the planting of a forested riparian buffer. The following report summarizes the monitoring activities that have occurred in the past year (the fifth year of project monitoring) at the Site. Site construction began and was completed in July 2002. As-built surveys for the Site were performed in August 2002. First year monitoring was conducted in September 2003, and has continued through the current fifth year of monitoring. The Site must demonstrate vegetative criteria success and a stable restored stream channel for a minimum of five years or until the Site is deemed successful. The following paragraphs summarize the results of the 2007 year monitoring. Vegetation Monitoring Vegetation monitoring for Year 5 was performed based on the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) Levels 1 and 2 (Lee et al. 2006). CVS methodology determines density and survival of planted species, and individuals resulting from natural regeneration. Plot locations are consistent with previous years and plot size consists of 5m x 20m. Based on recommendations by EEP, Plot 4 was not surveyed in the current monitoring Year 5. The taxonomic standard for vegetation follows Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and surrounding areas (Weakley, 2007). Vegetation success criteria for the forested riparian restoration areas are based on a minimum survival of 260 stems per acre of planted species at the end of Year 5. Volunteer woody vegetation will also be included in the survivability calculations. Based on the fifth year surveys, the average count of the surviving planted species is 293 stems per acre. If volunteer species are included, the total number of stems increases to 8690 stems per acre. The Site meets and exceeds the established success criteria for vegetation based on the survival of the planted species. The apparent cause of mortality for some planted species is competition from fast-growing woody species, principally Pinus taeda, and from large herbs such as Sorghum halapense, Solidago sp., and Eupatorium capillifolium. Other early successional species in abundance on the site include red maple (Acer rubrum) and sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua). The heavy loblolly pine colonization is a continuing nuisance as pines compete with the more desirable species for light and nutrients. Drought conditions ranging from moderate to extreme have afflicted Franklin County for the duration of the growing season and may be responsible for some species mortality. Stream Enhancement Monitoring Success criteria for the restored stream reach has been established to confirm that no significant changes have occurred to the dimension, pattern, profile, and bed material over the 5-year monitoring period. Location surveys of the constructed features were conducted to verify the performance of the stream. A total station survey was performed to describe the stream longitudinal profile and five permanent stream EEP Project No. 27 1 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site cross-sections (3 riffles and 2 pools). A modified Wolman pebble count and assessment of the constructed features was also undertaken. Overall, the stream channel bed form is stable. However, many of the grade control structures (rock vanes) in the stream have failed which has led to low to moderate bed degradation immediately behind these structures. Of the twenty-four rock vanes that were installed, sixteen are not performing their intended function. Three vanes have water piping through or behind the structure, six have filled in with sediment and have become obsolete, and the remaining seven are flooded from beaver dams throughout the lower portion of the Site. A total of eight beaver dams were observed within the UT to Bear Swamp Creek and significant impoundments have formed behind them. One beaver dam, constructed at the upstream culvert invert, posed a potential flood hazard to the Murphy Hay Farm driveway. In late 2007, beaver trapping and removal was carried out at the Site to prevent offsite flooding, continued negative impacts to the stream, and potential nuisance impacts to the adjacent landowners. Based on the cross-sections and visual observations, the channel dimensions have not changed significantly. The stream was designed as a 135c (step-pool) stream (Rosgen 1996), which provides a sand bed channel with moderate entrenchment and a moderate width-depth ratio. During the current survey, bankfull indicators continue to be found at a significantly lower elevation than those described by the designer. The current classification measurements also exhibit a very low width-depth ratio and entrenchment consistent with an E-channel. Pebble counts show no significant change to the channel substrate which is composed primarily of sand and fine gravel. EEP Project No. 27 2 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 2.1 LOCATION AND SETTING The Site is located north of Louisburg in Franklin County, NC, immediately south of West Dyking Road (SR 1235) at the Murphy Hay Farm (Figure 1, Appendix A). From Raleigh follow Highway 401 north to Louisburg. Approximately one mile past the Highway 561 split in Louisburg take a left onto West Dyking Road. The Murphy Hay Farm will be approximately one mile on your left. The entrance to the stream restoration area is accessed by several cattle gates located along an electrified fence. The stream restoration reach begins approximately 460 feet upstream of the driveway crossing and ends approximately 775 feet downstream. 2.2 RESTORATION STRUCTURE AND OBJECTIVES Approximately 1400 linear feet of an Unnamed Tributary (UT) to Bear Swamp Creek were identified on the 32-acre Murphy Hay Farm. The stream had severely degraded and eroded significantly due to past vegetation removal and the unrestricted access of cattle. The torrential rain events associated with Hurricanes Fran and Floyd provided the final impetus for restoration work. The stream originates at a pond approximately 500 feet east of West Dyking Road and 1000 feet east of the project. Land use in the watershed consists of agriculture, pasture, forest, and single-family residential. The design of the new stream included both Priority II and III stream restoration. The degraded F5 and G5c stream types were restored to a 135c (Rosgen 1996). Approximately 664 linear feet of new channel was constructed; and 771 linear feet of stream was stabilized in-place. Approximately 800 tons of rock was used to construct 24 rock vanes throughout the reach (Figure 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, Appendix A). The vanes were designed to improve hydraulic flow and reduce shear stress. The vanes were to provide bed stabilization and improved stream habitat by creating pools. The steep, eroded banks were graded back and expanded to increase the entrenchment ratio. Root wads were also installed to provide bank protecting and additional habitat diversity. Approximately 2.4 acres of riparian vegetation was also established along the restored channel in Zone 1 (inner 30 feet) of the Tar/Pamlico Riparian Buffer. This riparian buffer zone has been fenced to exclude cattle. Site construction began and was completed in July 2002. Project monitoring began the next year in September 2003. The objective of this project is to restore habitat and water quality to the restored reach and the Tar- Pamlico River Basin as a whole. By stabilizing the streambed and banks, the restoration will improve water quality by reducing the amount of sediment contributed to the watershed. Exclusion of cattle and establishment of a permanent riparian buffer should further help reduce sediment and nutrient input. The newly established riparian buffer will provide shade, thereby reducing water temperatures, and increase habitat and food for wildlife. EEP Project No. 27 3 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Exhibit Table I. Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 27 Project Segment or Restoration Linear Footage or Approach Stationing Comments Reach ID Type Acreage* Exact locations R P2/P3 780 linear feet -- h 1 unknown Reac Exact locations Ell SSS 600 linear feet -- unknown Riparian Vegetation R -- 2.4 acres N/A -- Re-establishment *Linear footage values in the table are from the current year's survey. Linear footage values provided in the project's Mitigation Plan are 780 linear feet of restoration and 680 linear feet of stabilization - reaches are not distinguished on figures or in text narrative R = Restoration P2 =Priority II P3 =Priority III SSS = Stream Bank Stabilization Ell = Enhancement II 2.3 PROJECT HISTORY AND BACKGROUND Exhibit Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 27 Activity Report Scheduled Completion Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan NA* NA* NA* Final Design (90%) NA* NA* NA* Construction NA* NA* July 2002 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area NA* NA* NA* Permanent seed mix applied to reach/segments NA* NA* NA* Bare Root Seedling Installation NA* NA* NA* Mitigation Plan NA* NA* April 2003 Minor repairs made filling small washed out areas May 2003 Final Report NA* NA July 2003 Year 1 Vegetation Monitoring NA* Fall 2003 Year 1 Stream Monitoring NA* Sept 2003 Jan 2004 Year 2 Vegetation Monitoring NA* NA* * Year 2 Stream Monitoring NA* NA* NA Year 3 Vegetation Monitoring Dec 2005 Oct 2005 Dec 2005 Year 3 Stream Monitoring Dec 2005 Nov 2005 Dec 2005 Year 4 Vegetation Monitoring Dec 2006 Nov 2006 Dec 2006 Year 4 Stream Monitoring Dec 2006 Nov 2006 Dec 2006 Year 5 Vegetation Monitoring Dec 2007 Sep 2007 Dec 2007 Year 5 Stream Monitoring Dec 2007 Sep 2007 Dec 2007 *NA - Historical project documents necessary to provide this data were unavailable at the time of this report submission. EEP Project No. 27 4 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Exhibit Table III. Project Contacts UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 27 Designer Mr. Robert Lepsic 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300 Arcadis G&M of North Carolina, Inc. (ARCADIS) Raleigh, NC 27607 919 854-1282 Construction Contractor 130 Penmarc Drive, Suite 108 Raleigh, NC 27603-2434 SO Environmental, Inc. Planting Contractor 2889 Lowery Street Winston Salem, NC 27101 North State Environmental, Inc. (336) 725-2010 Seeding Contactor NA* NA* Seed Mix Sources NA* Nursery Stock Suppliers NA* Monitoring Performers EcoScience Corporation 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27604 919 828-3433 Stream Monitoring POC Jens Geratz Vegetation Monitoring POC Elizabeth Scherrer *NA - Historical project documents necessary to provide this data were unavailable at the time of this report submission. EEP Project No. 27 5 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Exhibit Table IV. Project Background UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 27 Project County Franklin Drainage Area 0.26 square miles Impervious cover estimate (%) <1 percent Stream Order 1 st order Physiographic Region Piedmont Ecoregion (Griffith and Omemik) Northern Outer Piedmont Rosgen Classification of As-built B5c Cowardin Classification Stream (R3UB2) Dominant soil types Wake-Saw-Wedowee Complex (WaB) Wedowee (WeB, WeC) Wake-Wateree-Wedowee Complex (WbD) Reference Site ID 000543201A USGS HUC for Project and Reference 03020101040010 NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference 03-03-01 NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference WS-IV, NSW Any portion of any project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor N/A Percent of project easement fenced 30-foot buffer fenced around entire reach 3.0 PROJECT MONITORING AND RESULTS 3.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT 3.1.1 Soil Data Exhibit Table V. Preliminary Soil Data UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 27 Series Max Depth (in.) % Clay on Surface K T OM /o Wake-Saw-Wedowee Complex (WaB) 32 3-20 0.15-0.28 1-4 0.5-3 Wedowee (WeB, WeC) 32 5-20 0.24-0.28 4 0.5- 1 Complex (WbD) 54 2-20 0.15-0.28 1-4 0.5-3 3.1.2 Vegetation Problem Areas Exhibit Table VI. Vegetative Problem Areas UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 27 Feature / Issue Station Range Probable Cause Photo # Invasive Populations Throughout, but especially at loblolly pine (Pinus taeda): seeding 1 and 2 Vegetation Plot 1 from adjacent stands (Appendix B) EEP Project No. 27 6 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site 3.1.3 Stem Counts Vegetation monitoring for Year 5 was performed based on the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) Levels 1 and 2 (Lee et al. 2006). Plot locations are consistent with previous years and plot size remained 5m x 20m. Based on recommendations by EEP, Plot 4 was not surveyed in the current monitoring year. Stem counts were conducted for all woody species, including volunteer species. The taxonomic standard for vegetation follows Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and surrounding areas (Weakley, 2007). An inventory of planted species is given in Table VIIa, while volunteer species are listed in Table VIIb. Photos of vegetation problem areas and vegetation plots can be found in Appendix B. Exhibit Table VIIa: Stem Counts for Each Planted Species Arranged by Plot UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 27 Plots Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Survival Species Totals' Totals Totals Totals % 1 2 3 5 Shrubs Tag alder (Alnus serrulata) 0 0 0 0 -- Silky dogwood (Cornus amomum) 1 13 12 1 1 8 W interberry (Ilex verticillata) 0 0 0 0 -- Black willow2 (Salix nigra) 7 1 19 29 7 8 42 Elderberry (Sambucus Canadensis) 0 0 0 0 -- Trees River birch (Betula nigra) 9 0 6 13 9 N/A Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana) 1 0 0 0 0 Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) 6 8 8 7 6 75 Black walnut (Juglans nigra) 2 3 3 2 2 66 Red mulberry (Morus rubra) 1 0 0 0 0 Hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana) 1 5 0 2 1 20 Swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii) 1 1 3 5 3 2 66 Cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda) 1 0 2 0 0 'Initial Totals for planted species within vegetation plots are not available. 2 Species not found on initial survey. Current individuals are volunteers. EEP Project No. 27 7 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site A total of 29 stems of planted species were counted in the four plots. Stem density per acre for Plots 1, 2, 3, and 5 are 728, 364, 40, and 40 stems per acre. The average density for planted species in all plots is 293 stems per acre, which exceeds the established success criteria of 260 stems per acre for vegetation at year 5. Silky dogwood and elderberry have survived and grown on moister and more exposed sites on the stream banks, but have largely been out-competed in the drier upland sites where the vegetation plots are located. Survival of tag alder, winterberry, ironwood, red mulberry, and cherrybark oak appears to have been very poor. The apparent cause of mortality for these species is competition from fast-growing woody species, principally loblolly pine, and from large herbs such as Johnson grass (Sorghum halapense), goldenrod (Solidago sp.), and dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium). Drought conditions may have also contributed to poor survival throughout the Site. Exhibit Table VIIb. Stem Counts for Volunteer Species Arranged by Plot UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 27 Plots Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Species 1 2 3 5 Totals Totals Totals Totals Boxelder (Acer negundo) 1 2 1 0 3 3 4 Red maple (Acer rubrum) 44 3 51 73 23 47 Eastern baccharis (Baccharis halimifolia) 4 0 2 8 4 Sugarberry (Celtis laevigata) 0 2 0 0 Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) 0 1 1 0 Easter red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) 1 0 0 1 1 Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraci,/lua) 15 50 20 26 39 65 Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) 1 1 7 2 3 2 Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) 395 107 54 57 250 547 654 613 Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) 0 1 0 0 Black cherry (Prunus serotina) 1 8 0 5 12 9 Winged sumac (Rhus copallina) 1 0 0 0 Smooth sumac (Rhus glabra) 44 2 43 0 44 Winged elm (Ulmus alata) 23 0 41 11 23 Possumhaw (Viburnum nudum) 0 3 1 0 Chinese privet Li ustrum sinense 1 0 0 1 1 A total of 813 stems of volunteer species were counted in the four plots. Density per acre for Plots 1 through 5 is 21,165, 4,654, 2,185, and 4,897 respectively, with an average of 8,225 volunteer woody stems per acre. Density for Plots 1 through 5, including planted and volunteer species, is 21,894, 5,018, 2,226, and 4,937 respectively, with an average of 8519 stems per acre. EEP Project No. 27 8 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Aggressive recruitment of Pinus taeda continues at the Site, especially at the northeastern end (Appendix B). A mixed pine-hardwood woodlot near this area provides a nearby source of pine propagules. The northeastern end of the Site, near Plot 1, also features abundant Rhus shrubs, principally Rhus glabra. While these are abundant, they do not generate the dense shade found under pine saplings. The unbranched stems and weak vegetative growth result in an open understory where grasses and herbs flourish. An informal inventory of herbaceous species on the site was also taken. Dominant herbaceous species over the Site as a whole are listed below: long-stalked aster (Symphyotrichum dumosum) pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) beggar ticks (Bidens frondosa) smartweed (Persicaria sp.) Indian strawberry (Potentilla indica) curly dock (Rumex crispus) purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) horse nettle (Solanum carolinense) bottlebrush grass (Elymus hystrix) goldenrod (Solidago sp.) dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium) Johnson grass (Sorghum halapense) Joe Pye weed (Eupatorium fistulosum) poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) narrowleaf sunflower (Helianthus angustifolius) ironweed (Vernonia sp.) Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) 3.2 STREAM ASSESSMENT 3.2.1 Bankfull Events Exhibit Table VIII. Verification of Bankfull Events UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 27 Date of Data Date of Photo Collection Occurrence Method Number 7 08/28/2007 July 2007 Crest Gauge (Water level was 6-8 inches above bankfull) (Appendix C) 3.2.2 Bank Stability Assessment Exhibit Table IX. BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 27 Time Segment/ Linear Very Sediment Point Reach Feet Extreme High High Moderate Low Very Low Export ft % ft % ft % ft % ft % Ft % Tons/year Year 5 Reach 1 Above 463.3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 20 4 -- -- 443.3 96 3.4 Road Year 5 Reach 2 Below 916.7 -- -- -- -- -- -- 20 2 -- -- 896.7 98 6.2 Road EEP Project No. 27 9 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site 3.2.3 Stream Problem Areas Exhibit Table X. Stream Problem Areas UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 27 Feature Issue Station Numbers Suspected Cause Photo Number Vane 2, filled in Low slope, excess sediment 8** Vane 3, structure failure Piping, steep vane arms Vane 4, filled in Low slope, excess sediment Vane 5, filled in Low slope, excess sediment Vane 6, structure failure Piping, steep vane arms Vane 8, structure failure Piping, steep vane arms Vane 11, flooded Beaver dam downstream of structure* 9** Vane 14, filled in Low slope, excess sediment Vane 15, flooded Beaver dam downstream of structure* Vane 16, flooded Beaver dam downstream of structure* Vane 17, flooded Beaver dam downstream of structure* Vane 18, flooded Beaver dam downstream of structure* Vane 19, flooded Beaver dam downstream of structure* Vane 20, flooded Beaver dam downstream of structure* Vane 22, filled in Low slope, excess sediment Vane 24, filled in Low slope, excess sediment * Beaver trapping and removal was carried out at the Site in late 2007. **Photos are representative of similar stream problem areas at other vanes A stream problem area plan view and photos of problem areas are provided in Appendix C Exhibit Table XI. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 27 Segment/Reach: 1,380 feet Feature Initial MY-01* MY-02* MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 A. Riffles 100% NA NA 80% 80% 84% B. Pools 100% NA NA 91% 91% 100% C. Thalweg 100% NA NA 88% 88% 100% D. Meanders 100% NA NA 77% 77% 100% E. Bed General 100% NA NA 95% 95% 99% F. Rock Vanes 100% NA NA 82% 71% 77% G. Root Wads 100% NA NA 86% 86% 88% *NA - Historical project documents necessary to provide this data were unavailable at the time of this report submission. EEP Project No. 27 10 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site O O M M O\ O b O 00 ? 00 O ? ? n _M N M M d z _O O ? M 7 O D /-, M y j ¦ C '? ?r [? O O O l? O O n d' 00 [? ?'`? 00 O Vl O N ? M ? 00 ¢ Z 00 M O ? ? .?-. ? O ? O M M ?' h ~ Vl ~ U N N p O O O O C ^" ? .-r ? h N 06 n .-r 00 V1 ? ? p Q rq O y " C 00 oe 00 O N oo l? O r, O Q1 0 l? M Q z (? C 0 O 00 C n N O O? N M It O M 0D k? O O O p o0 00 N ?'`? ? r` 0 N ? O Q M ? ? 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U U ' d d Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q O r /. ? c ?_' O z" N a, O -• O O ? z z z z z z z z z O Q M M O N M .--i < z O [? M ? z z z z z z z z z C M w ?i ?+ Q+.q ? 'O •O Q+ ? ? ? ? ? ? O ?-+ ? w .+ ? w. ...+ W ryl ?'..i Q'..i ?l ,^ Q''..i Q?-n Q ?"' cd ^ 7 ' 7 Cli PC vi v', F es, Xs i" 'r 3-' b0 w S.' f: O cd v b a a . . s o oo b t;n y « bi0 r °' i r d r 0. oo . g ll . . ° ° a b U 3 °o o a: a U o w 3 b cc > ; bbo O cn cq W „ 3 x „ U O L q w L , .' U b 04 R w N v y u R w q * O r3 a A v'? a a a` d EEP Project No. 27 12 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site z ? u o y ? p _ o W W ?" ? u + L ? O ,0 L O a0+ d' a O E M o L w ?+ o U r~r R YC + u ? M N M 00 l- 00 ?O N ?' W a N o U PC ti c r r` ?n --i O .--? ? M M vl 00 0, r` 00 O V1 ? O w iG U ? d d d d d d d d d d d z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z o M -M 12 ti 3 3 Q Q $ ° p 'n 00 00 2 2 s rn O y O U .°: C+, A 12 EEP Project No. 27 13 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site 4.0 REFERENCES Lee, Michael T., R. K. Peet, S. D. Roberts, and T. R. Wentworth. 2006 CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.0 (http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm) Weakley, A.S. 2007. Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and surrounding areas. Working draft of January 2007. University of North Carolina Herbarium, North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina. 1015pp. EEP Project No. 27 14 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site APPENDIX A FIGURES EEP Project No. 27 Appendix A UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site ? /lr + ? :? _ _i ,,, ?r---. ter--• ••1 l f __ . j _ JJ ' J i . r r •Y t ?,? 1 JR21f ? _ ? t, SITE LOCATION j i W. DYKING RD. .,M.A r Sri" ?- V - . ¦ .. ?' ty ? t l ii. •? MURPHY -¢f NAY FARM + ( t t t"_ - \. `I ENTRANCE_ f j :?, c 1'• Gem t?p. t r G i? i? ??----'. ? ?`? - . J? I 1 ---Y { • : Hosp , t J, - ir, - d - 3 a .rte > - +.?? l• `` ., " ` \ I i(L/ ? ,,. llhglt. 1 ? ?'?.r. ••? j pig ` n t e t 0 2000 4000` } Y/?O SCAM iN_EEET LO I 1,t, 1tttn 'ar7 s• , :• j } Client: Project: • •Dwn By Ckd By Unnamed Tributary to cwN DWG FIGURE Bear Swamp Creek Dote: ?j ,r•®ScbencStream Restoration Site Scale: SEP 2006 e 1Lsl? Corporation AM' stem ? , °-2000 ement EEP Project No. 27 ESC Project No.: Raleigh, North Carolina PROGRAM FRANKLIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 06-282.04 L ? a ,6..N ' Ali ?w . ., N s ? O O O O N N ' U • LJ . $ O N $ n 00 ' 3 .jr N g c ? .? o d C O a+ c0 A. O 4.0 H W cc D ? E Q LU O Lu y = U i ~ LU p C. Z E 3 } yF? g O y d U Z Z m Y M 00 0- jam` ?. f.?4 f ,? 5 7 , e F "Yi I _ C 0 a_ z W Z N W + Q Z U .?j W Z O o Z O w ll? zO ? w O z z? Q cn F- v ? o I o C3 Q O J V) m Q W w m 04 LLJ N J w ~ Z w W ch 0 - Z 8 w ? O Of J z L'i F- 3: 0 N a Q cn v W 3 0= o z _ u \ O Z ? J Of LLJ w k O W _ X O S X L, u > d W F H L, W H m D U w ra I Ln Q O W (n v i > ?N rn z G) S ?I > ° C) z 0 ??1 \ f ?G v? w a Q C z \ \ \ / 3 .O z z EE D w ?(L O LnQ W \ > f z Lon V' O ca LLI ?l o Q a > ? as c + 5 O ° N }_ L M a 0 Z All, ° N N N l I ? f 0 z W O W J 0 z w z w Q ? Z U w Z 0 D z O Q Oz O LLJ W O > O ? V) Y Z ~ Z O ? Q w ? O m _ Q W > F- w O w w w U z w <? z 0 o Fh =j z W H J cn U w z c? v N d Q I O w w 0 1-- > w z w U ? I X jl Ln C3 U-) off, x a ,I x W '` `w° I ! ? ? C7 \ \ U \ .\ f'l N 1 cue O 0 0 Ln M 1 N 00 O O Lo O N II m O W (y c° W Si 00 N ? ? o I = cD O .Yz O m a a ? w W z a O z HE O H z O 2 ih c O O N E ? (n -Y N a? U Z Q U 3i (a mw O 4+ r z D 0 0 ?\ \ ,SOdM m c X V 0 2 Q ?•? U 3/0 L u A APPENDIX B VEGETATION DATA EEP Project No. 27 Appendix B UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site 0 0 '$ a 0 0 d T Ing 3 m a a r+ m z 0 O x F- M CD 2 ME) W C-) '0 -% ? O -u (/) O Z z C z m3 z 0-0 O ZCD M D ?7 3 ;oa N > O z D 3 3 (D N r+ 0 r+ O f?D -1--J a ? ?a`ra w y ` cn Cn 0 D F- m z m m O cn 0 a 3 0 O ) I G7 Z N 00 -M s rQ m O W .. 41 II N cr 00 co T m f r O x p Nm ?m p m O o N n C C C O o n-i n? Z O D m < z m O m G7 m r (n C ?O ?O D -9 C7 D Z ? O TI n Z n Z zi m zz D zi M mp m0 p m z D D0 Do V) Z zA <a? K: pz mZ m Z G7 v G? z O ?? m ? mr r ?O O ?4 1 r m O m Z v m O 5Z< z n o m D m D ° ?N m = C 0 < = m :2 Z m O-0 m c n -4 m m vi m 2 n 0 " W % 1-1 U i f / f G? n _°? 0 91 Z '$ d e-t- y 7 a a C h C M. m D O zmCD D zm0) O -u N c -, z Z ?• T ?M3 z? O W °? m m =NC :z C) -4 > N 0 r- CD D 3 cn m m r•r O .-r O K 0 C- G7 Z C z N Oo N m o N - m O W O O O OD m N c n 2 C m W O O D m z m m m O Cn O k _ n? CAF \ 41 f f v J x w ? I m m m < < ?m N p T7 m r m r O O m x u m p p nm n O z m 0 c m o p? C)? m r _O m z O) ?u m mD mD cn i N ? M < z m O T7 cc) D 0 W N N 0 -9 O m n -j 0 z p n T7 m (7 D m ?K ?? O m Oz D =j :;u m0 -0 z z m p z ? ? D0 D D0 U) 0 zZl K: ?:u M Z oz m2 m z AO =?O z 0 K: _0 -0 ? M0 0 ?- { D X r W ?- 0< z m y O r D -:? N m m r rT O< ;;a m = o m z OU) m M ? m m U) m S O a ? o - a r m 0 m z v G7 Z 0 d on O CD d n v _y 3 c? a a + m O rmM y z 0- o?? Z z ?• cD 3 m z 0'a 0 o z n W ? .0 <D m = N C 3 DAN D? o cD D CD O O N m K 0 c- G7 p z N O N - m m 0 W 1 I O c i w m C/E Y? X ? ADS' J_ k \ _ cn (/) 0 D mm Z m m m O cn 0 D D m o O m ?Z O< m y ° D ?cn m = z m OT m c Mm M cn z m = a c a a 0 a z W ' U x R? F` ?f m i i 0 I ? (/? cn m 0 O M m m O 0 * U FA :j c n O n0i r i r p (n U? r X C) O m z .J l MD MD m J m O co M W ?O oO D m O D N r p m OZ OZ _i - m m Z m C) D 9 m Loi?:: ?oK O Z O m O Z D =i -40 m0 mz z m O z ? D DD D0 ? z z-x KA K OZ mZ m Z --A 0 v 0 z K-0 T vr0 0 a n 0 m CD N UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site Representative Vegetation Problem Areas 1 1? u? .gyp 4 R ?A<I F x r ITI, ;tt ?S ?R b'. ? tl6, t K° T r • I rf '?" w` IP' 1 J A ? I ? c V X ply; ?, _ ? ° ? ? t r J S' . ,ter; ., Photo 1. Heavy loblolly pine colonization near Station 1+00. EEP Project No. 27 B-4 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Photo 2. Heavy loblolly pine colonization near Station 10+00. Unnamed Tributary to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Year-5 Vegetation Survey Data Tables Stem Counts for Each Species Arran ed b Plot Plots Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Survival Totals Totals Totals Totals % Species 1 2 3 5 Shrubs Tag alder (Alnus serrulata 0 0 0 0 -- Silky dogwood (Cornum amomum) 1 13 12 1 1 8 W interberry Ilex verticillata) 0 0 0 0 -- Black willow Salix ni ra 7 1 19 29 7 8 42 Elderberry Sambucus canadensis) 0 0 0 0 -- Trees River birch (Betula ni ra) 9 0 6 13 9 N/A Ironwood (Car inus caroliniana) 1 0 0 0 0 Green ash (Fraxinus ennsylvanica 6 8 8 7 6 75 Black walnut Ju lans ni ra 2 3 3 2 2 66 Red mulberry Morus rubra 1 0 0 0 0 Hophombeam (Ost a vir iniana) 1 5 0 2 1 20 Swamp chestnut oak uercus michauxii) 1 1 3 5 3 2 66 Cherrybark oak ( uercus pagoda) 1 0 2 0 0 Total 18 9 1 1 Density (trees/acre) 728 364 40 40 Average Density 293 EEP Project No. 27 B-5 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Unnamed Tributary to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Year-5 Vegetation Survey Data Tables Stem Counts for Volunteer Spec' s Arrange d b Plot Plots Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Species 1 2 3 5 Totals Totals Totals Totals Boxelder Acer ne undo) 1 2 1 0 3 3 4 Red maple (Acer rubrum) 44 3 51 73 23 47 Eastern baccharis Baccharis halimi olia 4 0 2 8 4 Sugarberry Celtis laevi ata 0 2 0 0 Persimmon (Dios ros vir iniana) 0 1 1 0 Easter red cedar (Juni erus vir iniana) 1 0 0 1 1 Sweetgum (Li uidambar s raciua) 15 50 20 26 39 65 Tulip poplar Liriodendron tuli i era) 1 1 7 2 3 2 Loblolly pine Pinustaeda 395 107 54 57 250 547 654 613 Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis 0 1 0 0 Black cherry (Prunus serotina) 1 8 0 5 12 9 Winged sumac (Rhus co allina) 1 0 0 0 Smooth sumac (Rhus labra) 44 2 43 0 44 Winged elm (Ulmus alata) 23 0 41 11 23 Possumhaw Viburnum nudum 0 3 1 0 Chinese privet Li ustrum sinense 1 0 0 1 1 Total 523 115 54 121 Density (trees/acre) 21165 4654 2185 4897 Average Density 8225 Combined Stem Counts for Planted and Volunteer Spec es Arranged b Plot Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 5 Total 541 124 55 122 Density trees/acre 21894 5018 2226 4937 Average Density 8519 EEP Project No. 27 B-6 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site (Year 5) Vegetation Plot Photos Photo 4. Plot 2 taken July 31, 2007 from the northwest corner looking southeast. EEP Project No. 27 B-7 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Photo 3. Plot 1 taken July 31, 2007 from the northwest corner looking southeast. UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site (Year 5) Vegetation Plot Photos EEP Project No. 27 B-8 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Photo 5. Plot 3 taken July 31, 2007 from the northeast corner looking southwest. Photo 6. Plot 5 taken July 31, 2007 from the southwest corner looking northeast. W 12 0 r \ / `> STA. +00 / - v> 0 Z LU O W J LO z w Lu Q w cn w ? z - w :2i z w U o z O w Y O Z w J J C5 N Z w > Q > O m C7 Lh O U o w Z d \ p w Z L'i m Z o ? 0 O? Z J N H Ln J 3? U J Z m Q O Li Z O Q w O X O = J J ?i O Q w (L' U w ? P- w w Q L, Cn w m H LLJ I I ? I X C" c I l i l Z / t ' \ \ `A I ?I ? ? S A. 2400 I x 00 -I. X . ?A, O L O w w Z w J Q O O In 1 U 00 0 O° n N II It m is O w - N Ll M 00 N z c? ° 3 ° m m a `s H o v w w Z CL Z O 0 Z O U H Z W I= 4U W f? W r4 C'3 F cn c 0 0 0 E c6 Z J 4-1 af Yti U oN = a) o VZ O a j a? O Na o a z Cc LLI CD W Y z 0 Q w ca m m c Z3 U t0 C I U O c ?+U I ? d t U ? o (? O z C-) O m wU -a Ln N P LD r,A G 00 0 0 U') d Vv?? ° N II O w m u G? o L 00 C7 e CrP? z N w O J C7 i-dr `U m m 5X - O (n c u"i S,? °C?, un 1 N f o w v, s P 6 N`'` g c Z \ \ J i O 4-1 k Z N a ? O Y C) N V ,j z I \? - ----- _ U o m p z cnao Q 1 M W Z k co _------ V m w Y z ?ObO - p < k 00 N z Z W E w } z ST ?W c c w z w w a cn C7 Z W O O W J CD Q Y z J ?L Z w C) _j LU O N m C) Z O d O W W w (J W w o D o V) L\ j Z F? ?? Z Of (n (? J N J Z F- O v ((n C~1 W z O W C ) +? X O w Z F O Q W O O= C U W F- W W Q lOi N Lai LJi m w 1 1 1 X w vi I z U O o U L o i OY QZ L Nl u O -y wU C3 W i r 900 f I tx I + o? co /I A. 11+ 0 Z W 0 W J Z Li bi Q w w z w Q Z w U I o -1 z 0 w of Z O w W 0 z _ m 0 U U Z 0 N 0 ? D 1 o! LLJ Z w D 0_ ( w (D D' 0' cn O -1 ? 0 N U W Z m0 > > z C o Q O w Z J O Q Q o w w < L m m ry. Q L- Cn L, w I z Ilff-,'SOd?` I % x I o >, ( I w \ Z LLJ \ J U O \? •,`\ N ,`•\ cn Lo cn f Sl A• 12? \ k \ ` OVM loo X 0 A Q? ? C O O O C:;-- t (D ? C I v 0 0 V) cLZ O L- c U O y WU ? M V 00 O o LO 0 N II m 0 w N c° Y 00 N Z U ? ? U O m r o m a o ? N w z a z 0 O Z O U H Z W U W N Q 0 ?a 0 a? E z cc J 0 (D N = ,_O oz o sZ? U ?O Z V) a o IZ 03W z m Y Z Q M m c a` rya U UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site (Year 5) Verification of Bankfull Event EEP Project No. 27 C-4 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Photo 7. Crest gauge showing particulate deposited 6-8 inches above bankfull during a storm event in July 2007. UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site (Year 5) Stream Problem Areas Photo 8. Rock vane 14 has filled in with sediment but stream remains stable. EEP Project No. 27 C-5 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site (Year 5) Permanent Station Photos EEP Project No. 27 C-6 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Photo 10. Photo Station 1 taken August 28, 2007 looking downstream. Photo 11. Photo Station 2 taken August 28, 2007 looking upstream. UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site (Year 5) Permanent Station Photos ,_A Photo 12. Photo Station 3 taken August 28, 2007 looking upstream. ¦ ..S^_J Photo 13. Photo Station 3 taken August 28, 2007 looking downstream. EEP Project No. 27 C-7 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site (Year 5) Permanent Station Photos EEP Project No. 27 C-8 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Photo 14. Photo Station 4 taken August 28, 2007 looking upstream. Photo 15. Photo Station 4 taken August 28, 2007 looking downstream. UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site (Year 5) Permanent Station Photos EEP Project No. 27 C-9 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Photo 16. Photo Station 5 taken August 28, 2007 looking upstream. Photo 17. Photo Station 5 taken August 28, 2007 looking downstream. UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site (Year 5) Permanent Station Photos Photo 19. Photo Station 6 taken August 28, 2007 looking downstream. EEP Project No. 27 C-10 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Photo 18. Photo Station 6 taken August 28, 2007 looking upstream. UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site (Year 5) Permanent Station Photos EEP Project No. 27 C-11 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Photo 20. Photo Station 7 taken August 28, 2007 looking upstream. Photo 21. Photo Station 7 taken August 28, 2007 looking downstream. Table Bl. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment UT to Bear Swamp Creek Stream Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 27 1,380 linear feet Feature Category Metric (per As-built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended` Total number per As- buile Total Number / feet in unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform Mean or Total A. Riffles 1. Present? 21 25 N/A 84 2. Armor stable (e.. no displacement)? 21 25 N/A 84 3. Facet grade appears stable? 21 25 N/A 84 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 21 25 N/A 84 5. Length appropriate? 21 25 N/A 84 84% B. Pools 1. Present? (e.g not subject to severe aggrad. or mi rat.?) 34 24 N/A 100 2. Sufficiently deep (Max Pool D:Mean Bkf ->1.6?) 34 24 N/A 100 3. Length appropriate? 34 24 N/A 100 100% C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of meander bend (run/inflection) centering? N/A N/A N/A 100 2. Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) -centering? N/A N/A N/A 100 100% D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? N/A N/A N/A 100 2. Of those eroding, # w/concomitant point bar formation? N/A N/A N/A 100 3. Apparent Rc within spec? N/A N/A N/A 100 4. Sufficient flood lain access and relief? N/A N/A N/A 100 100% E. Bed 1. General channel bed aggradation areas (bar formation N/A N/A N/A 100 General 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing down-cutting or head cutting? N/A N/A 1/22 98 99% F. Vanes 1. Free of back or arm scour? 16 24 N/A 67 2. Height appropriate? 18 24 N/A 75 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 22 24 N/A 92 4. Free of piping or other structural failures? 18 24 N/A 75 77% G. Wads/ 1. Free of scour? 7 8 N/A 88 Boulders 2. Footing stable? 7 8 N/A 88 88% Includes constructed riffles and pools that are functioning as intended, as well as any others observed in the field. Based on Rosgen type B stream with every structure having an associated riffle and pool. Flooding from beaver dams within UT to Bear Swamp Creek prohibited an evaluation of some vanes. Any vanes observed to be piping or failing during Year 4 Monitoring, but are currently flooded, are still considered failing in Year 5. EEP Project No. 27 C-12 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site 4'_ 9 I ffll? a f4 ; ' «3 t a i ?. *? ? ? 1 Fem. ? ? E u V U d u T y m U ? E ? N 3 2 i o c I i ? C z m m m ?one??i ? a a?;ie m m wa m m m E• a` E z z _ - ' I T T T I T T N N m .: Q S c EEP Project No. 27 C13 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site c d .! 1 /? ary. 't,4 y s E . M E y5 ? a` E ? Q Z ci U V1 G g ? O L o a °1 E E t U ? n E 3 Z F Q Z > A c Lo??o f .- m m m ` 8i m ?i m m m Si o F 4 uolle nal3 an llelatl Z e g z_ _ _ v - ¢ z o a i i z a < l y ? e A ? EEP Project No. 27 C15 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site p y ?'J ?y i M \ E rwv,,yyaa f E ,r.,. Y X r w y ? / ' ? ? 7 ?y? _ / ;` C ? - ' it ?? rC, p #?l?b y; a wt? p 4' a _ U g V - O k. a e q t ? ? $ e G a w E 5 ? U w! 3 C g ? . Y it: I h D u I ? a r 9 3 z` t T . - m m W m ooarlri3 rwa m rioa m m o , F a: a z ? ? z 8 a ? o 3 e A U ? z ° o o - - - - - - - - - - - - - C € u 3 ? f ? s _m m s . = 3 y u EEP Project No. 27 C16 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site • _ Y ??? (err lXd?', t c. ° 5; . 5 I lMi ¢ ,', ? s f A N? '? . E +' A ` l ,•' t• A t* IlTr+ ? ? v? °' ? m ??:> ryw.. ?. ? R frt. 4 j ? s. Y 4s fi S+ E U ?g V I 1 T h F N ? ? E E 3 Z U ? y v s ? ? ? U 3 _ 3 C ? F J I 7 t I Z rn I m m a rn m m m m F o`. ?oae ?ai3 a?i? Yiaa g C N C a . . . . - . a ? o ? ? TT T a s ,X B A II ? u 3 ? ? ? e q = ? s = 3 . - EEP Project No. 27 C17 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site O rl- O O N V O O j m .4 O N . N N j U) -14 E S o , N ' • N I I (D LO L !/1 x O 0 0 chi x 00 E Y ? > d y V d 0) m E Oo ^ 0 CL L 00 _ O N o L 0 , O C O ti g N N N O O p ppp O U) x O O fN O N x U) x O O O O O O O O O 0) 0) W 00 r (?}) uOl;ena13 anPI ION 0 0 v C4 v U a 3 CIO c? 0 H U r N 0 z U N O a a w w UT to Bear Swamp Creek Longitudinal Profile Data (Year-5) Station TW Elevation WS Elevation BKF Elevation Station TW Elevation EleWvatSion BKF Elevation 0.00 92.99 93.23 367.90 88.51 89.27 6.47 92.91 93.23 369.68 89.14 89.42 90.12 12.25 92.80 93.16 373.29 88.84 88.96 14.96 92.71 93.08 94.00 374.30 86.22 88.43 46.58 92.55 93.16 93.91 379.56 87.60 88.25 48.67 92.79 93.14 383.52 87.97 88.39 53.08 93.10 93.11 390.81 87.75 88.34 54.32 91.23 92.84 395.07 87.91 88.34 59.18 91.66 92.84 403.72 87.78 88.34 89.01 66.90 92.25 92.65 421.74 87.34 88.14 68.97 92.24 92.81 423.72 88.16 88.26 97.36 92.42 92.62 425.78 84.61 87.98 98.51 91.54 92.30 437.22 86.19 87.98 100.34 91.33 92.24 93.25 453.69 86.09 87.86 106.07 91.74 92.24 460.46 87.68 87.86 115.57 91.41 92.24 463.27 87.09 87.86 119.61 91.48 92.24 534.34 86.17 87.11 123.34 91.83 92.24 538.50 86.80 87.11 130.52 91.81 92.10 543.18 82.65 87.11 133.95 91.58 92.04 556.36 85.72 86.18 87.20 142.15 91.55 91.98 92.90 560.26 85.12 85.66 146.40 91.51 92.02 571.38 85.04 85.29 159.58 91.57 91.73 574.94 82.55 84.87 162.23 90.68 91.33 578.31 82.93 84.87 175.28 90.86 91.33 585.16 83.91 84.83 181.14 90.85 91.33 586.90 83.43 84.91 192.61 90.70 91.33 599.84 83.71 84.91 201.25 90.77 91.22 610.79 84.67 84.91 85.24 206.11 90.79 91.23 612.70 81.61 84.86 214.13 91.10 91.05 91.88 620.59 81.80 84.86 217.31 90.38 91.00 637.15 84.56 84.91 225.93 90.65 91.00 639.30 83.37 84.91 228.55 90.74 90.99 644.04 83.47 84.91 250.05 90.64 90.99 645.80 81.06 82.39 269.73 90.08 90.67 653.03 81.20 82.41 273.91 89.95 90.76 657.06 82.03 82.45 83.50 275.61 90.12 90.68 666.48 81.88 82.39 278.28 90.38 90.73 669.68 80.74 82.40 289.58 90.07 90.73 90.75 674.62 81.88 82.37 311.94 89.68 90.73 676.49 82.51 82.37 324.37 89.23 89.51 680.03 79.74 81.96 330.54 87.14 89.24 688.28 79.86 82.03 337.95 88.24 89.24 692.44 81.14 81.99 346.19 88.24 89.24 700.07 81.78 82.04 355.93 88.40 89.30 712.03 81.43 81.79 82.61 EEP Project No. 27 C-19 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site Station TW Elevation WS Elevation BKF Elevation Station TW Elevation WS Elevation BKF Elevation 721.16 81.06 81.72 1077.77 76.27 76.27 732.58 80.49 81.79 1082.84 75.67 76.27 743.62 80.65 81.72 1086.05 74.02 74.70 747.69 80.99 81.81 1093.62 73.70 74.55 754.07 80.46 81.83 82.33 1099.62 74.15 74.68 75.40 777.40 80.00 81.93 1112.46 74.62 74.60 787.04 80.43 81.83 1122.69 74.39 74.60 793.13 81.48 81.77 1128.24 74.02 74.28 797.19 80.70 80.95 1131.24 73.35 74.30 797.40 78.16 80.90 1143.02 73.54 74.31 804.99 79.13 80.98 1156.27 73.57 74.25 74.95 813.34 79.27 80.96 1177.19 73.93 74.08 824.66 79.42 80.98 1180.36 70.74 73.36 835.92 79.03 80.92 1187.18 71.23 73.36 848.50 79.51 81.00 1192.01 72.28 73.35 856.20 78.56 81.00 1199.59 72.67 73.36 74.34 877.08 79.05 80.99 1215.76 72.80 73.36 882.78 77.99 80.99 1222.22 72.47 73.39 897.31 78.34 80.98 1234.85 73.07 73.27 910.01 78.81 80.98 1242.11 72.91 73.36 913.10 80.64 80.98 1249.71 72.31 73.36 919.32 78.94 80.10 1261.01 72.46 73.34 924.42 77.90 80.10 1269.17 71.40 73.36 927.34 76.79 80.10 80.38 1274.60 71.91 73.35 937.45 76.98 80.13 1286.33 71.88 73.36 943.46 77.15 80.13 1292.35 72.27 73.36 947.32 78.11 80.13 1295.62 73.00 73.33 73.96 955.00 76.94 80.14 1301.05 72.28 72.68 962.13 76.90 80.08 1310.04 72.44 72.46 967.01 79.85 80.08 1312.12 70.68 72.41 972.55 77.26 77.69 1317.61 70.70 72.43 979.80 76.77 77.46 78.07 1321.81 71.63 72.41 984.54 76.13 77.45 1326.99 72.01 72.42 992.67 76.51 77.41 1342.26 71.79 72.11 999.23 77.48 77.41 1345.01 71.44 72.09 999.55 74.19 77.27 1348.93 71.28 72.04 1003.59 74.46 77.27 1353.14 71.35 72.09 1009.47 75.83 77.20 1359.26 71.99 72.01 72.70 1016.12 76.03 77.21 1387.92 71.47 71.66 1029.60 76.23 77.20 1392.68 70.80 71.52 1033.56 76.91 77.20 1398.96 70.73 71.52 1036.61 76.68 76.81 1403.30 71.05 71.44 1038.74 73.93 76.84 77.76 1412.22 71.24 71.43 1048.46 75.01 76.80 1427.53 70.95 71.27 1053.59 75.88 76.75 1451.49 70.41 70.84 1067.76 75.34 76.84 1074.01 76.17 76.84 EEP Project No. 27 C-20 UT to Bear Swamp Creek Restoration Site number of particles _U r CO O It LO M O if) O O M N N ? ?- ? O O O 4k O O U O v a I 0 o o 0 10, C) O 0) O 0 N O O j O E F- U T 'O y N ? N O O] U O .N ? O O E E 0) 'y M p 00 Co N _ = M O C O O N C C w O 0) 0) N E n N ti ? i i C 7 O U a? M M o O M r O d O CO .-- E O E 't N Co M LO 0 to to LO CO 0000 O 7 0 CO U) a O m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O O O O W O O O O O O O O 00 1- CO LO "t M N .- O uey; lain;;uawad 0 ) c l v m U N 0) CL M M c O O N N Y N N U E (0 N O CI4 U n N O Z U 0) O d a w w number of particles U_ (0 C. M LO v C) v LO C) LO C, LO CD, CO M N N U) O CO O O I O ? 0 N O N O LO N 0 0 j O N O O O) U O .N ? O O E E o N a o rn m y N N O (O O_ D; c C N 5 O N N f` N E N Y i i a C 7 c (0 t/) O U (D (D 0 ^ vr- ono r a- 0 0) U m U E ) ( p LO 0 LO 0 N CO M N CO CVO O U) v1 D D 0) Li Li Li 0 N N N _ O V o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O) CO I- (O LO V' M N O O uey; jaw) juaouad N U) C O O N Y N N U O_ E (o N M (D CO O F- Z) N N U r - CA O Z U N O a` a w w number of particles U la O' O LO M O LO O O M N N N O Oo O ?k I O ? 0 (U o ° ° 0 0 O 0 C 0 ? 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O N (O N O N M V' CO O N 00 (O CO N It N N O? O ? N M (O O O CL U) O O - N - a >+ (0 a a a a a C C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N N a) N a) (D a) O ? Y C a U m O vf°i uoi u?i u?i u?i > > > > > > > > > m m m m (`o m m m M 1] .0 .0 a v -v > > v -a -a > > > O - (C O • ° -o o d 0) c" rn (m 0) 0) 0) 01 0 U U U 0 0 0 0 10 If N N a) (D E N a) C C ` m N N N N N N N 0 _ E 0 . 0 20 0)) m .0 t w (0 M ?` +C m C C C 7 7 e ? E2 E2 (0 _ = cc w E a) a) >. .` (/? x U 0 U O Z` N N N EE - N n) L - E > U U U U E E (> a a) N > E > E N o Z a N N > > > CS I I I I L O_ E (a 3 r` N 6 Z a) 'o d d w w number of particles v m O_ C, n a Co C) C, (o N v M N O O O O O I O 0 o Q Q o 0 O O O 0 0 O O 7 O CO N E 7 H U >, -O y ? N N 0 7 O) O N U .0 O O E E O v 10 1 O N 7 O C M N c C N Q (o O fA N N E 3 N ? N Y i C l0 y 7 O U N ? N o N to n M V N M U E (O 0 C> LO ? 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