HomeMy WebLinkAbout20052147 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report_200803052oO5aH9 Gray Farm Stream Restoration Monitoring Report - Year Two Contract # D05016-2 EEP Project # 92219 December 2007 Cataloging Unit - Catawba Basin 03050101 Prepared For: r~ VJ JlVlll ,,nnancement PROGRAM 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Iredell County, North Carolina ' Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary / Project Abstract .......................................................................1 II. Project Background ..................................................................................................... 2 1. Project Goals and Objectives ............................................................................... 2 ' 2. Project Structure, Restoration Type, and Approach ........................................ 4 3. Location and Setting ............................................................................................. 5 4. Project History and Background ......................................................................... 6 5. Monitoring Plan View ........................................................................................... 8 ' III. Project Condition and Monitoring Results .............................................................. 8 A. Vegetation Assessment .......................................................................................... 8 1. Problem Areas Plan View (Vegetation) ........................................................ 11 2. Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View ........................................................... 11 B. Stream Assessment ..................................................................................................... 12 1. Problem Areas Plan View (Stream) .............................................................. 12 ' 2. Problem Areas Table Summary .................................................................... 12 3. Numbered Issues Photo Section ..................................................................... 13 t 4. Fixed Photo Station Photos ............................................................................ 13 5. Stability Assessment ........................................................................................ 13 ' 6. Quantitative Measures Summary Tables ..................................................... 14 IV. Methodology Section ........................................................................................... 19 Tables 1 Exhibit Table I. Exhibit Table 11. Exhibit Table III. Exhibit Table IV. Exhibit Table V. Exhibit Table VII. Exhibit Table VIII. Exhibit Table IX. Figure 1 Project Structure Table Project Activity and Reporting History Project Contact Table Project Background Table Verification of Bankfull Events Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring i S&EC Job # 9385.D8 December 2007 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 Appendix A Vegetation Raw Data 1. Vegetation Survey Data Tables 2. Vegetation Problem Area Photos 3. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix B Geomorphologic Raw Data 1. Stream Problem Area Table 2. Representative Stream Problem Area Photos 3. Stream Photo-Station Photos 4. Exhibit Table B.1. Qualitative Visual Stability Assessment 5. Annual Overlays of Cross Section Plots 6. Annual Overlays of Longitudinal Plots 7. Annual Overlays of Pebble Count Frequency Distribution Plots Appendix C Integrated Problem Area Plan View Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring ii S&EC Job # 9385.D8 December 2007 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 I. Executive Summary / Project Abstract The Gray Farm Stream Restoration project consists of two separate reaches (Reach 1 and Reach 2) along unnamed tributaries of Buffalo Shoals Creek, a tributary of the Catawba River (Hydrologic Cataloging Unit 03050101). The site is located approximately 10 ' miles due west of the City of Statesville in western Iredell County, NC. This restoration was contracted by Restoration Systems LLC (Contract # D05016-2) as a full-delivery project for the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). This report ' summarizes the monitoring efforts for Year 2 (2007) of the Gray Farm Stream Restoration Project. ' Restoration construction of the Reach 2 began in early March 2006 and was completed in mid-April 2006. Restoration construction of the Reach I began in mid-April 2006 and was completed in early July 2006. Demobilization and minor Contractor punch list items ' were completed shortly thereafter. Installation of monitoring devices and As-built surveys for both reaches were performed as construction progressed. Monitoring of the vegetated buffer was performed during the growing season of 2007 by Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC). Stem counts were performed within the established vegetation monitoring plots, resulting in an average live stem density of ' approximately 452 stems per acre. Physical monitoring of the restored channel consisted of the collection of cross-section and representative longitudinal profile data, and a visual assessment of the stream. Collected data was then compared with As-built and Year 1 Monitoring data. 1 1 r; 11' 1 Based on Year 2 Monitoring results, the site has met the prescribed success criteria. Year 3 Monitoring will commence in January of 2008. Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Year 2 Monitoring December 2007 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 9385.D8 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 II. Project Background The Gray Farm Stream Restoration project is located in the Catawba Basin, Hydrologic Cataloging Unit 03050101. The site consists of two separate reaches (Reach 1 and Reach 2) along unnamed tributaries of Buffalo Shoals Creek, a tributary of the Catawba River. The site is located approximately 10 miles due west of the City of Statesville in western Iredell County, NC. The restoration project objective was to restore the impaired streams to appropriately sized stream channels that were stable and self-maintaining, and would not aggrade or degrade over time. Restoration was accomplished with Rosgen-based natural channel design procedures and techniques. Reach 1 restoration was a combination of a Priority I (reconnection of the channel with its historic floodplain) restoration and a Priority II (construction of a new floodplain at a lower elevation) restoration. Reach 2 was a Priority I restoration. Restoring an appropriate sinuosity lengthened both channels, thereby lowering their bankfull slope. Restoration construction of the Reach 2 began in early March 2006 and was completed in mid-April 2006. Restoration construction of the Reach 1 began in mid-April 2006 and was completed in early July 2006. The buffer of both reaches of the restored stream channel were planted with native tree and shrub species and seeded with a native grass seed mix. During construction, site topography and grading allowed for the creation of vernal pools, oxbows, or pocket wetlands within the riparian zone along the restored reaches. Planting operations were performed in April 2006. Supplemental planting was performed in December of 2006. Demobilization and minor Contractor punch list items were completed shortly after the completion of construction. Installation of monitoring devices and As-built surveys for both reaches were performed as construction progressed. 1. Project Goals and Objectives The goals of the Gray Farm Stream Restoration project are: 1) Improve local water quality within the restored channel reaches as well as the downstream watercourses through; a. The reduction of current channel and off site sediment loads by restoring appropriately sized channels with stable beds and banks. b. The reduction of nutrient loads (both soil enhancement practices and cattle) from adjacent agricultural fields with a restored riparian buffer. Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring 2 S&EC Job # 9385.D8 December 2007 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 ' c. The reduction of water temperatures provided by shading of the channel from canopy species along with the resultant increase in oxygen content. ' 2) Improve local aquatic and terrestrial habitat and diversity within the restored channels and their vicinity through; ' a. The formation of varying bed form within the channels to provide for fish, amphibian, and benthic species. ' b. The restoration of a suitable riparian buffer corridor which will provide both vertical and horizontal structure and connectivity with adjacent upland areas. c. The restoration of understory and canopy species which will provide forage, cover, and nesting for a variety of mammals, reptiles, and avian species. 3) Improve local watershed conditions through the restoration of two low order streams (one first order, one second order) and the placement of permanent conservation easements. ' Through the restoration process the following objectives were accomplished: 0 1 n 1) Restore approximately 7,610 linear feet of appropriately sized stream channel that is stable and self-maintaining, and will not aggrade or degrade over time. Restoration was accomplished with Rosgen-based natural channel design procedures and techniques. 2) Develop restored channels with the appropriate morphological characteristics (cross-sectional dimension, pattern, and longitudinal profile) utilizing collected reference reach data as a guide. Allow for no net loss of overall channel length in the process. 3) Create and/or improve bed form diversity (riffles, runs, pools, and glides) and improve aquatic and benthic macroinvertebrate habitat. 4) Construct a floodplain (or local bankfull bench) that is accessible at the proposed bankfull channel elevation. 5) Ensure channel and stream bank stabilization by integrating in-stream structures and native bank vegetation. 6) Establish a native forested and herbaceous riverine buffer plant community within a minimum width of 50 feet from the edge of the restored channel. This new community will be established in conjunction with the eradication of any existing exotic and/or undesirable plant species. Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Year 2 Monitoring December 2007 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 9385.D8 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 7) Improve water quality within the subject channels and the downstream receiving waters. 8) Supplement the education and conservation efforts for natural resources in Iredell County as indicated in program goals for the local Soil & Water Conservation District and the NC Cooperative Extension Service. 2. Project Structure, Restoration Type, and Approach The restoration project objective was to restore the impaired streams to appropriately sized stream channels that are stable and self-maintaining, and will not aggrade or degrade over time. Restoration was accomplished with Rosgen-based natural channel design procedures and techniques. Restoring an appropriate sinuosity lengthened both channels, thereby lowering their bankfull slope. A total of 8,004 linear feet of stream channel were restored onsite (8,004 SMU's). Reach 1 Reach 1 restoration was a combination of a Priority I (reconnection of the channel with its historic floodplain) restoration and a Priority II (construction of a new floodplain at a lower elevation) restoration. Approximately 800 linear feet of this length was previously inundated by an existing farm pond that was removed during the channel restoration. The pre-restoration length of this channel segment was approximately 4,340 linear feet. One additional piped farm road crossing existed approximately 700 feet downstream of the dam. This piped crossing was removed and replaced with an in-stream crossing. Immediately downstream of the dam for a distance of approximately 1,000 feet, severe bank erosion, channel incision, and an over- widening of the stream channel was evidenced. This degradation appeared in large part due to previous uncontrolled releases from the existing dam spillway. The lower two thirds of the reach were characterized by overly steep and undercut banks. Significant localized erosion was evidenced along this lower portion. Trees of large diameter lined the banks, many of which were undercut, suspended or had collapsed into the stream. The channel had down cut and over widened in many locations along the reach allowing no access to its floodplain. The last 200 feet (approximately) of the pre-existing channel was not down cut due to a change in surrounding topography. The upper portion of Reach 1 has demonstrated pool development since the as- built survey. Significant sediment entered the pools at the upper end of Reach 1 shortly after construction. This sediment came from upstream sources including areas of cattle pasture and areas previously inundated due to the old pond. This sediment has been flushed from the system during the first year causing these pools to deepen to their previously excavated depth. Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring 4 S&EC Job # 9385.D8 December 2007 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 Reach 1 consists of 5,813 (5,813 SMU's) linear feet of restored Type C4 channel. Reach 2 Reach 2 was a Priority I restoration. A small impoundment previously existed near the lower end of the reach; however, it was drained and removed a number of ' years prior to the channel restoration. A piped farm road crossing existed at roughly the same location (the old dam embankment). This was (and remains) the only existing crossing along the reach. The pre-restoration length of this channel ' segment was approximately 1,600 linear feet. Throughout Reach 2, severe bank erosion, channel incision, and an over-widening ' of the stream channel were evidenced. This impairment appeared in large part due to previous uncontrolled grazing operations. The reach was characterized by overly steep, sloughing, and undercut banks. Significant localized erosion was evidenced along the entire reach. Trees of large diameter lined the banks, many of which were undercut, suspended or collapsed ' into the stream. The channel had down cut and over widened in many places along the reach allowing no access to its floodplain. Reach 2 consists of 2,191 linear feet (2,191 SMU's) of restored Type B4 channel. 3. Location and Setting The Gray Farm Stream Restoration project is located in the Catawba Basin, Hydrologic Cataloging Unit 03050101. The site consists of two separate reaches (Reach 1 and Reach 2) along unnamed tributaries of Buffalo Shoals Creek, a tributary of the Catawba River. The site is located approximately 10 miles due west of the City of Statesville in western Iredell County, NC. Reach 1 is located immediately north of Bolick Road (SR 1532). Reach 2 is located immediately west of the intersection of New Sterling Road (SR 1525) and Gray House Road. The watershed areas for Reaches 1 and 2 are estimated at approximately 0.91 square miles (582 acres) and 0.085 square miles (54 acres) respectively. See attached Figure 1. Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring 5 S&EC Job # 9385.D8 December 2007 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 4. Project History and Background 0 rn- ?- I (? The following tables summarize the project history and background: `( Exhibit Table I. Project Restoration Components Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site/EEP Project # 92219 Project c a a Segment or Stationing Comment Reach ID r j ; w F" c d o w = 04 ? ? Reach I 3,000 R PI 4,119 1:1 4,119 0+00 to 41+19 Reach I 1,340 R PII 1,694 1:1 1,694 41+19 to 58+13 Reach 11 1,600 R PI 2,191 1:1 2,191 0+00 to 20+91 Mitigation Unit Summations Stream (If) Riparian Nonriparian Total Wetland Buffer (Ac) Comment Wetland (Ac) Wetland (Ac) (Ac) 8,004 N/A N/A N/A 18.38 Exhibit Table H. Project Activity and Reporting History Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site/EEP Project # 92219 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan Aug-05 Nov-05 Construction Reach 1 Jul-06 Reach 2 Apr-06 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area Apr-06 Apr-06 Permanent seed mix applied to reach/se ments 1& 2 Apr-06 Apr-06 Plantings for reach/se ents 1& 2 Apr-06 Apr-06 Mitigation Plan / As-built (Year 0 Monitoring - baseline) May-06 Jun-06 Year 1 Monitoring Dec-06 Dec-06 Supplemental Planting Dec-06 Year 2 Monitoring Nov-07 Dec-07 Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring 6 S&EC Job # 9385.D8 December 2007 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 Exhibit Table III. Project Contacts Table Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site/EEP Project # 92219 Designer Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Primary Project Design POC 11010 Raven Ridge Rd Raleigh, NC 27614 Rebecca S. Wargo, P.E. 919 846-5900 Construction Contractor North State Environmental Construction Contractor POC 2889 Lowery St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Darrell Westmoreland (336 725-2010 Planting Contractor North State Environmental Planting Contractor POC 2889 Lowery St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Darrell Westmoreland 336 725-2010 Seeding Contractor North State Environmental Seeding Contractor POC 2889'Lowery St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Darrell Westmoreland (336) 725-2010 Monitoring Performers Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Rd. Raleigh, NC 2761 Stream Monitoring POC Jessica Regan 919 846-5900 Vegetation Monitoring POC Jessica Regan 919 846-5900 n 1 n Exhibit Table IV. Project Background Table Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site/EEP Project # 92219 Project County fredell Drainage area Reach 1 - 0.91 square miles 582 acres Reach 2 - 0.085 square miles 54 acres Drainage impervious cover estimate (%) < 20% Stream Order Reach 1 - 2nd order Reach 2 - 1 st order Physio ra hic Region Piedmont Ecore ion Northern Inner Piedmont Rosgen Classification of As-built Reach 1 - C4 Reach 2 - 134 Cowardin Classification N/A Dominant soil types Reach 1 - Cw, CxB Reach 2 - CsE2 Reference site ID Reach 1 - Tributary of Turkey Creek Reach 2 -Basin Creek USGS HUC for Project and Reference 3050101 NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference Reach 1 - 03-08-32 / 03-04-02 Reach 2 - 03-08-32 / 03-07-01 NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference Reach 1 - WS-IV; CA / C;NSW Reach 2 - WS-IV; CA / C; Tr; ORW An portion of any ro'ect segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor N/A % of project easement fenced Reach 1 -No Fence, Reach 2 - 100% Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Year 2 Monitoring December 2007 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 9385.D8 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 5. Monitoring Plan View Six (6) tree and shrub buffer vegetation plots (four (4) on Reach 1 and two (2) on Reach 2) and four (4) bank vegetation plots (two (2) on Reach 1 and two (2) on Reach 2) were established. All monitoring will occur within these observation plots throughout the monitoring period for as long as they continue to be representative of the community. For all buffer monitoring plots, Level 1 of the Carolina Vegetation Survey-Ecosystem Enhancement Program (CVS-EEP) Protocol for Recording Vegetation will be utilized for vegetation sampling in Years 1 and 2. Subsequent monitoring years will utilize Level 2 of the CVS-EEP protocol in order to record and report woody plant volunteers within vegetation monitoring plots along with planted stems. A corner of each vegetation monitoring plot will be used as a permanent photo point for vegetation monitoring photos. Locations of these photo points are shown on the attached Monitoring Plan View. A total of seven (7) nested riffle and pool cross-section pairs were established along Reach 1, and two (2) nested riffle and pool cross-section pairs were established along Reach 2. Each cross-section also serves as a designated photo point that will be photographed annually. The locations of all monitoring devices are shown on Sheets 2 through 6 (Reach 1- Monitoring Plan View) and Sheets 11 through 14 (Reach 2 - Monitoring Plan View). III. Project Condition and Monitoring Results A. Vegetation Assessment The success of the adjacent riparian buffer will be based on the combined survival of tree and shrub species for the five-year monitoring period. Survival of woody (tree and shrub) species planted within the restored buffers will be at least 320 stems/acre through year three, 288 stems/acre through year four, 260 stems/acre through year five. The stem count will be based on an average of the stem counts of the evaluated tree and shrub buffer vegetation plots. The success of the bank vegetation plots along the restored channels will be based on the survival of live-stake (or other) bank plantings for the five-year monitoring period. Survival of bank plantings will be based on a linear average of approximately 50 percent of the planted species within the restoration reaches. Biological monitoring will be used as a general indicator of restoration success, however, no specific biological criteria applies to the success of the restoration reaches. Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring 8 S&EC Job # 9385.D8 December 2007 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 ' The approximately 18.4 acre restoration area was planted with various native hardwood tree and shrub species, native to the area. Reaches 1 and 2 were ' planted in April 2006. Supplemental planting was performed in December of 2006. ' The following tree species were planted in the Riparian Buffer Area: • Alnus serrulata (Tag Alder) ' • Betula nigra (River Birch) • Carpinus caroliniana (Ironwood) • Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Green Ash) ' • Ilex opaca (American Holly) • Lindera benzoin (Spicebush) • Liriodendron tulipifera (Tulip Poplar) ' • Platanus occidentalis (Sycamore) • Quercus michauxii (Swamp Chestnut Oak) ' • Quercus nigra (Water Oak) • Quercus phellos (Willow Oak) • Viburnum nudum (Possumhaw) ' Stream banks were planted with live stakes in two offset rows. The following shrub species were planted as live stakes: ' • Cornus amomum (Silky Dogwood) • Salix sericea (Silky Willow) • Sambucus canadensis (Elderberry) 1 As previously described, a total of six (6) buffer vegetation monitoring plots were established on site in 2006. The success criteria for the site require a minimum of 320 live stems per acre for the first three (3) years of monitoring. Year 2 vegetation monitoring shows 452 live stems per acre. Future buffer vegetation monitoring data will be compared with previous monitoring data to determine survival rates and stem densities for woody vegetation planted within the riparian buffer. Vegetation monitoring data for buffer plots was collected using the CVS-EEP monitoring protocol and is presented in Appendix A. Four (4) bank vegetation plots were also established (two on each reach) to monitor survival of live-stake plantings along stream banks. Future bank vegetation monitoring data will be compared with previous monitoring data to determine survival rates for live-stakes planted along stream banks. Live stake survival from Monitoring Year 1 to Monitoring Year 2 for the site overall is approximately 68.9%. Live-stake counts by species and by plot are presented in the following tables: Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Year 2 Monitoring December 2007 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 9385.D8 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 2006 - REACH 1 Common Name Species REACH 1 Species Total % of Total BANK 1 BANK 2 Silk Dogwood Comus amomum 12 17 29 39% Silky Willow Salix sericea 30 16 46 61% FTOTAL 42 33 75 100% 2007 - REACH 1 Common Name Species REACH 1 Species Total % of Total BANK 1 BANK 2 Silky Dogwood Corpus amomum 4 9 13 27% Silk Willow Salix sericea 27 9 36 73% TOTAL 31 18 49 100% Live-stake Survival = 73.8% 54.5% 65.3% 2006 - REACH 2 Common Name Species REACH 2 Species Total % of Total BANK 1 BANK 2 Silky Willow Salix sericea 7 4 11 23% Silk Dogwood Corpus amomum 9 25 34 72% Elderbe Sambucus canadensis 2 2 4% TOTAL 16 31 47 100% 2007 - REACH 2 Common Name Species REACH 2 Species Total % of Total BANK 1 BANK 2 Silk Willow Salix sericea 6 4 10 29% Silk Dogwood Corpus amomum 5 20 25 71% Elderberry Sambucus canadensis 0 0% TOTAL 11 24 35 100% Live Stake Survival = 68.8% 77.4% 74.5% Live-stake mortality can be attributed to drought conditions during the 2007 growing season as well as dense herbaceous vegetation along stream banks. Most surviving live stakes appear to be healthy and growing vigorously. Herbaceous vegetation varies widely throughout the restoration site. The native herbaceous species have become densely established and are dominant throughout the site. Herbaceous species observed along stream banks and in the buffer and wetlands onsite include: • Impatiens capensis - Jewelweed • Juncus effusus - Soft Rush • Leersia oryzoides - Cutgrass • Mimulus ringens - Monkeyflower Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Year 2 Monitoring 10 December 2007 • Carex sp.- Sedges • Panicum virgatum - Switchgrass • Sagittaria latifolia - Duck Potato • Solidago sp. - Goldenrod Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 9385.D8 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 ' • Eupatorium capillifolium - Dog- • Eupatorium perfoliatum - Boneset fennel ' The dense herbaceous vegetation at the lower end of Reach 2 combined with the steep slope and drought conditions have severely stressed planted tree species and caused their slow establishment. This area will be monitored ' closely and, if necessary, recommendations will be made for management or supplemental planting. ' The lower section of Reach 1 and the upper section of Reach 2 are dominated by sparse, low growing cover crop grasses. In these areas the planted woody species have lower mortality, appear healthier, and have grown more in the ' last year compared with the areas of extremely dense herbaceous vegetation. In areas given shade by surrounding mature trees, planted woody species are healthy and thriving likely due to less intense light and heat during drought conditions and a less dense herbaceous layer (See Buffer Plots 3 & 4-Reach 1). 1. Problem Areas Plan View (Vegetation) During a field inspection on November 27 & 28, 2007, a total of twelve ' localized areas of bare banks and floodplain were observed on Reaches 1 and 2. These areas appear to be due primarily to either surface flows or poor soil conditions. Drought conditions during the growing season have likely ' contributed as well. These areas are shown on Sheets 6 through 9 (Reach 1) and Sheets 14 through 16 (Reach 2). Photos are included in Appendix A. ' Some small amounts of the non-natives johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) and tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) have been observed at the edges of the ' buffer restoration areas that border the agricultural fields on both reaches. These populations will be closely monitored to ensure they do not become dominant or exclude native vegetation. ' An area of kudzu (Pueraria lobata) was noted at the site in early June, 2007, on the west side of Reach 1 between stations 16+00 to 19+00. Although the ' majority of the kudzu was along and in the edge of the woods immediately outside the easement area, some had encroached into the easement area. The area (approximately 0.5 acre) was treated with the herbicide Transline ' (clopyralid) at a rate of one pint per acre. The area will continue to be monitored to determine if re-treatment is necessary. While we will continue to monitor these areas, based on vegetative success criteria the site currently exhibits strong vegetative success. ' 2. Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View Vegetative problem areas are shown on Sheets 6 through 9 for Reach 1 and ' Sheets 14 through 16 for Reach 2 (Problem Area Plan View). Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring 11 S&EC Job # 9385.D8 ' December 2007 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 B. Stream Assessment A review of available on-line USGS gauge sites was performed to determine if a suitable surrogate gauges was present in the area. No nearby gauge was identified. The closest USGS gauge to the site was on the Lower Little River (near Healing Springs, NC, Gauge Identification Number 02142000) which is approximately 15 miles from the project site. Based on this large distance, significant disparity in watershed sizes, and topographic variation, it is unlikely that a conclusive determination regarding the number of bankfull events experienced on the restoration site could be made. However, based on site observations, to include wrack lines, floatsom, staining of vegetation, displaced/flattened vegetation, and observable sediment deposition, it is apparent that multiple overbank events have occurred during this monitoring year. Exhibit Table V. Verification of Bankfull Events Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site/EEP Project # 92219 Date of Data Date of Method Photo # Collection Occurrence (if available) 03/01/2007 Unknown N/A 03/22/2007 Unknown Onsite observations (to include wrack N/A lines, floatsom staining of vegetation, 04/05/2007 Unknown di l d/fl tt t d ti d N/A sp ace a ene vege a on, an 08/22/2007 Unknown observable sediment deposition) N/A 11/27/2007 Unknown N/A 1. Problem Areas Plan View (Stream) An assessment of channel stability was also preformed on November 27 &28, 2007, by S&EC. Areas of concern that were observed and documented included some minor localized bank scour and four stressed structures. Detail of such scour is evidenced in cross-section 6 (pool). These problem areas are shown on Sheets 6 through 9 for Reach 1 and Sheets 14 through 16 for Reach 2 (Problem Area Plan View). And, while we will continue to monitor these areas, based on physical success criteria the site clearly exhibits stable conditions and meets the requirements for physical success. 2. Problem Areas Table Summary Stream problem areas observed are shown in Table 6 in Appendix B. Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring 12 S&EC Job # 9385.D8 December 2007 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 3. Numbered Issues Photo Section Representative photos of each category of stream problem area were taken and are shown in Appendix B. 4. Fixed Photo Station Photos Photos from established photo stations (at each cross-section) were collected during the stream survey (November 2007). These photos are included in Appendix B. 5. Stability Assessment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A visual qualitative assessment was performed to inspect channel facets, meanders, bed, banks, and installed structures. This visual assessment was confirmed and enhanced with a quantitative assessment of the physical stream survey. The goal of this assessment is to provide a percentage of the features listed in Table VII that are in a state of stability. Table VII was compiled from the data in Table B I in Appendix B of this report. Table VIIa: Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site/EEP Project # 92219 Reach 1 Feature MY-1 2006 MY-2 2007 MY-3 2008 MY-4 2009 MY-5 2010 A. Riffles 100% 100% B. Pools 100% 100% C. Thalwe 99% 99% D. Meanders 100% 100% E. Bed General 96% 99% F. Bank Condition 100% 99% G. Vanes/ J Hooks, etc. 99% 98% H. Wads and Boulders N/A N/A Table VIIb: Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site/EEP Project # 92219 Reach 2 Feature MY-1 2006 MY-2 2007 MY-3 2008 MY-4 2009 MY-5 2010 A. Riffles 100% 100% B. Pools 100% 100% C. Thalwe 100% 100% D. Meanders 99% 98% E. Bed General 100% 100% F. Bank Condition 100% 100% G. Vanes/ J Hooks, etc. 99% 96% H. Wads and Boulders N/A N/A Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Year 2 Monitoring December 2007 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 13 S&EC Job # 9385.D8 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 6. Quantitative Measures Summary Tables The following tables (Table VIII and Table IX) summarize the quantitative data collected from the cross-sectional and representative longitudinal stream survey. This data was analyzed and summarized, and then compared with baseline data types available for this project. The Quantitative Morphology Tables illustrate the degree of departure, if any, of the current channel from the baseline data. Tables VIII and IX were compiled from the cross-section and profile raw data and plots located in Appendix B of this report. Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring 14 S&EC Job # 9385.D8 December 2007 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 Table VIII. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary GRAY FARM STREAM RESTORATION SITE (EEP Project #92219) REACH 1 Parameter Pre-Existing Condition Project Reference Stream Design As-built Dimension Min Max Avg. Min Max Avg. Min Max Avg. Min Max Avg. BF Width (ft 15.77 15.77 15.77 32.08 32.08 32.08 15.2 15.2 15.2 13.62 19.48 16.02 Floodprone Wid 19.41 52.54 20.39 100 47 90.34 47 37.49 89.67 61.53 (ft BF Cros Sectional Are 17.87 17.87 17.87 79.79 79.79 79.79 17.84 17.84 17.84 11.01 17.92 13.79 (ftz BF Mean Dep 1.13 1.13 1.13 2 49 49 2 49 2 1 17 1 17 1 17 0 7 0 94 0.86 (ft . . . . . . . . BF Max Depth (ft 1.49 1.49 1.49 3.61 3.61 3.61 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.36 2.04 1.61 Width/Dep 13.96 13.96 13.96 12.43 12.43 12.43 12.67 12.67 12.67 18.63 20.07 19.46 Rae Entrenchmen Rati 1.29 1.29 1.29 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.09 3.09 3.09 2.75 4.6 3.84 Wette 16.52 16.52 16 52 34 8 34 8 34 8 16 01 16 01 16 01 13 26 16 41 15.67 Penmeter(ft . . . . . . . . . Hydraulic radiu (ft 1.08 2.29 1.11 0.69 0.92 0.83 Pattern Channel Beltvvid (ft 67.62 137.29 98.27 70.8 91.93 84.35 26.1 61.8 40.75 59.32 93.89 72.85 Radius o Curvature(ft 64.8 121.04 81.58 13.36 36.57 26.56 19.97 37.85 28.23 16.64 40.88 25.73 Meande Wavelength (ft 716.91 716.91 716.91 148.13 291.09 221.56 77.08 117.13 95.07 77.08 117.13 94.8 Meander With 4.29 8.71 6.23 2.21 2.87 2.63 1.72 4.07 2.68 3.7 5.86 4.55 tati Profile Riffle length (ft N/A N/A N/A 32.94 48.35 40.29 19.31 54.86 30.86 25.87 54.2 37.85 Riffle slope (ft/ft 0.00632 0.00657 0.00647 0.00809 0.01395 0.01074 0.0057 0.00092 0.0187 0.0062 Pool length (ft 93.8 159.47 119.6 8.96 41.09 26.43 22.9 33.17 29.66 7.41 244.47 23.01 Pool Slope (ft/ft N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.0009 0.0029 0.0013 0.0007 0.0064 0.0016 Pool spacing (ft 347.07 525.3 444 44.08 130.73 67.98 51.66 82.92 67.79 12.35 142 70.94 Substrate d50(mm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A d84(mm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i:. 1 ? +<.. ' vl •::. ?, F" . t•? rg t..,?. r. w-:,::.:,..y _ . , t.. 4.ri y .;. l..? ;i?•r. ,,t,,,.t. .: ,a t.8d' ,1-e i;:;k.,..; .. Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft 4258.3 648.35 4258.3 4258.3 Channel LengtJ (ft 4939.628 758.58 5622 5813.3 Sinuosi 1.16 1.17 1.29 1.36 Water Surfacc 0.00647 0.01074 0.0057 0.00544 Slope e (11/11J BF slope (fifft 0.00647 0.01074 0.0057 0.00544 Rosg Classificatio F4 C4 C4 C4 'Habitat lnde N/A N/A N/A N/A *Macrobentho N/A N/A N/A N/A Gray Farm Stream Restoration Soil Environmental Consultants, PA Yea 2 Monitoring S EC Job #9385.D8 ' December 2007 15 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 Table VIII. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary GRAY FARM STREAM RESTORATION SITE (EEP Project #92219) REACH 2 Parameter Pre-Existing Condition Project Reference Stream Design As-built Dimension Min Max Avg. Min Max Avg. Min Max Avg. Min Max Avg. BF Width (ft 5.34 5.34 5.34 4.86 4.86 4.86 6.9 6.9 6.9 7.38 8.21 7.8 Floodpron Width (ft 7.04 7.04 7.04 8.73 8.73 8.73 12.4 12.4 12.4 13.96 39.05 26.53 BF Cros Sectional Are 3.88 3.88 3.88 1.94 1.94 1.94 3.96 3.96 3.96 4.14 6.77 5.46 (ft' BF Mean Dep (ft 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.56 0.82 0.69 BF Max Dep (ft 1.13 1.13 1.13 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.86 1.3 1.08 W idth/Dep Rati 7.32 7.32 7.32 12.15 12.15 12.15 12.11 12.11 12.11 1.01 13.18 11.3 Entrenchmen Rati 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 4.7 3.4 Wette Perimeter(ft 6.03 6.03 6.03 5.28 5.28 5.28 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.68 8.77 8.23 Hydraulic radin 0.64 0.37 0.94737 0.94737 0.94737 0.78261 1.11594 0.95652 43.58 68.11 54.22 6.97 22.7 32 13 49 9 16 5 12 65 11 83 22.05 16.96 Beltwidth (ft . . . . . Radius o 32.54 52.64 41.25 4.1 8.88 5.93 6.71 9.9 8.05 4.63 9.1 6.43 Curvature (ft Meande 209.46 394.66 334.46 22.47 68.78 46.57 31.6 37.12 34.08 27.51 34.72 31.75 Wavelength (ft Meander Widt 8.16 12.75 10.15 1.43 4.67 2.74 1.38 2.39 1.83 1.52 2.83 2.17 rat, Profile Riffle length (ft N/A N/A N/A 5.52 7.6 6.39 4.93 7.24 5.88 3.36 11.6 5.6 Riffle slope(ft/ft 0.0179 0.03688 0.02444 0.03022 0.05058 0.04025 0.0258 0.0053 0.0555 0.0279 Pool length (ft 26.27 54.41 40.34 7.56 10.65 8.78 6.25 10.46 8.45 5.2 10.08 7.59 Pool Slope (ft/ft N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.0017 0.0087 0.003 0.001 0.0092 0.0022 Pool spacing (ft 125.7 474.65 265.15 20.17 70.04 46.72 15.73 23.84 19.22 9.43 28.94 19.51 Substrate d50 (mm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A d84 (mm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A a., ... }aH+'r? a .'s,.. ¢ .. t?::. ,? .. #?•a a,:' _?= '.?"r'-;a?.., . ,,? hr r:<< t-,-', ?. a? w n-t,r- 9:>x-,.. !=vay ?ittrntJ'V _irr, . t+?,, ,i .T e 1872 216.55 1872 1872 (ft Channel Leng t 1965.6 266.36 2114 2191 ft ( Sinuosi 1.05 1.23 1.16 1.2 Water Surfac 0.0286 0.039 0.0258 0,025 Slope (ft/ft BF slope (ft/ft 0.0286 0.039 0.0258 0.025 Rosge G4 134 134 B4 Classification *Habitat Index N/A N/A N/A N/A •Macrobentho N/A N/A N/A N/A Gray Farm Stream Restoration Soil Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring SEC Sob # 9385.D8 December 2007 16 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 Exhibit Table IX. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary GRAY FARM STREAM RESTORATION SITE (EEP Project #92219) Parameter REACH 1 RIFFLE 1 POOL I RIFFLE 2 POOL 2 Dimension AN bbiLi Mri M're WY AS BUILT MYI MY2 MY3 AS BUILT MYI MY2 MY3 AS BUILT MY1 MY2 MY3 2006 2006 2007 2008 2006 2006 2007 2008 2006 2006 2007 2008 2006 2006 2007 2008 BF Width (IT 15.34 11.25 2037 22.32 20.84 24.21 13.62 11.33 16.89 20.84 20.41 26.66 hmdprone Width 111 54.53 50 50 61.28 62.34 62.92 59.9 60.26 60.01 57.43 58.07 57.82 BF Cross Sections Area III` 11.97 5.96 12.52 39.71 41.33 38.36 11.01 9.18 9.29 29.04 26.98 31.28 BF Mean Depth 111 0.78 0.53 0.6 1.78 1.98 1.58 0.81 0.68 0.55 1.39 132 1.17 BF Max Depth (ft 1.39 0.87 1442 3.29 147 3.61 1.53 1.25 1.46 2.89 2.74 3.63 Width/Depth Razi 19.67 21.23 34.62 12.54 10.53 15.32 16.81 19.94 30.71 14.99 15.46 22.79 Entrenchment Rati 3.56 4.44 2041 2.75 2.99 2.6 4.4 4.45 3.55 2.76 2.85 2.17 Wetted Perimeter(ft 15.67 11.41 21.04 23.83 22.42 2537 13.97 13482 17.34 21.83 21.52 26.62 Hydraulic radius (11 0.76 0.52 0.6 1.67 1.84 1.51 0.79 0.66 0.54 1.33 1.25 1.09 Substrate d56 (mm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A d84 (mm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A /A Parameter REACH I RIFFLE 3 POOL 3 RIFFLE 4 POOL 4 Dimension AS BUILT MYI MY2 MY3 AS BUILT MY! MY2 MY3 AS BUILT My! MY2 MY3 AS BLALI MYI MY2 MY3 2006 2006 2007 2008 2006 2006 2007 2008 2006 2006 2007 2008 2006 2006 2007 2008 BF Width 111 12.94 12.1 49.38 20.75 21.49 22.08 15.7 19 45.04 20.28 21.29 24.79 loodprone Width (ft 89.67 89.64 89.86 61.38 61.32 61.04 66.39 66.2 66.27 65.77 65.75 66 BF Cross Sections Area W 9.49 9.25 23.48 34.09 33.59 32.19 11402 13.49 18.12 32.64 38.77 32.22 BF Mean Depth (R 0473 0476 0.48 1.64 1.56 1.46 047 0.71 0.4 1.61 1.82 1.3 BF Max Depth (ft 1.41 1.36 1.64 3.03 2.83 2494 1.36 1.41 1.3 2.79 342 2.83 Width/Depth Razi 17473 15.92 102.88 1165 1178 15.12 22443 26.76 112.6 12.6 11.79 19.07 Entrenchment Rani 6.93 7.41 1.82 2.96 2.85 2476 4.23 3.48 1.47 3.24 3.09 2466 Wetted Perimeter(R 13.26 12.46 49.83 21.78 22445 23401 16.01 19.29 45.45 21.59 22.97 26404 Hydraulic radius (ft 0.72 0.74 0.47 1.57 1.5 1.4 0469 0.7 0.4 1.51 1.69 1.24 Substrate d50(mm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A d84(mm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Parameter REACH 1 RIFFLE 5 POOL 5 RIFFLE 6 POOL 6 Dimension ASBUIL'1- MYI MY2 MY3 AS BUILT MYI MY2 MY, AN BUILT MYI MY2 MY3 AS bUILt MYi M),2 MY3 2006 2006 2007 2008 2006 2006 2007 2008 2006 2006 2007 2008 2006 2006 2007 2008 BF Width (it 15.63 14.32 51.25 26.27 23.03 22.33 17.01 14.54 24.63 18.59 21.11 19.69 loodprone Width in 72.27 64.56 73.17 68.23 68.53 68.67 50.57 60 60 60.15 62.76 63 BF Cross Sections Area ft' 14.76 14.03 30.25 37.47 33.39 32.16 16 14.61 16.62 26.72 27.06 51.7 BF Mean Depth (ft 0.94 0.98 0.59 1.43 1.45 11.44 0.94 1.01 0.67 1.44 1.28 2.63 BF Max Depth (ft 1.67 2.27 2019 2.75 3.08 3.12 1.56 1.49 1.43 2.83 3.14 4.82 Width/Depth Razi 16.63 14.61 86.86 18.37 15.88 15.51 18.1 14.4 36.76 12.91 16.49 7.49 Entrenchment Ratit 4.62 4.51 1.43 2.6 2.98 3.08 2.97 4.13 2.44 3.24 2.97 3.2 Wetted Perimeter(ft 16.14 15.28 52.22 27.26 24.24 23.58 17.42 15 24.92 20.27 22.27 23.49 Hydraulic radius (11 0.91 0.92 0.58 1.37 1.38 1.36 0.92 0.97 0.67 1.32 1.21 2.2 ubstnte d50 (mm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A d84 (mm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Parameter REACH 1 RIFFLE 7 POOL 7 Dimension AS BUILT MY! MY2 MY3 AS BUILT MYI MY2 MY3 2006 2006 2007 2008 2006 2006 2007 2008 BF Width (ft 19.48 16.96 22.43 22.66 22.31 23.12 Fladpmne Width (ft 50 50 50 51.23 55 55 BF Crass Scetiona Area ft' 17.92 15.49 16.94 42.08 38.22 36.39 BF Mean Depth (R 0.92 0.91 0.76 1.86 1.71 1.57 BF Max Depth (ft 2.04 1.61 1.68 3.47 3.06 3.03 Width/Depth Razi 21.17 18.64 29.51 12.18 13.03 14.73 Entrenchment Rani 2.57 2.95 2.23 2.26 2.46 2.38 Wetted Perimetar(B 20.08 17.38 22.83 23.91 24.11 24.31 Ilydraulie radius (ft 0.89 0.89 0.74 1.76 1.59 1.5 Substrate d50(= N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A d84 (mm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Parameter As-built (2006) MY-1-(2006)___ MY-2 (2007) MY-3 (2008) Pattern Min M. Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Channel Beltwidt ft 59.32 93.89 72.85 58.48 96.38 71.67 58.96 97.33 72.54 Radius TC-to 0 16.64 40.88 25.73 16.84 39.51 24.43 16.72 40.02 25.69 Meander Wavelengt R 77.08 117.13 94.8 76.54 118.26 91.85 75.94 120.96 92.17 Meander Width rati 3.7 5.86 4.55 3.56 5.72 4.65 3.24 6.23 4.99 Profile Rime length (ft 25.87 54.2 37.85 30.86 22.15 58.62 34.61 Rime slope (0./R 0.00092 0.0187 0.0062 0.00883 0.0017 0.025 0.00 Pool length (R 7.41 244.47 23.01 .4 = 3 24.11 IS.fi4 34.81 26.84 Pool S[ope(Nft 0.0007 0.0064 0.0016 0.0012 0.0007 0.004 0.0017 Prwl spacing (ft 12.35 142 70.94 88.05 45.21 148 85.94 dditianal Reach parameters Valley Length in 4258.3 4258.3 4259.3 Channel Length (ft 5813.3 5913.3 58133 Sinuusil 1.36 1.36 1.36 Water Surface Stop, at 0.00544 0.00544 0.00544 BF slope U0 0.00544 0.00544 0.00544 Rosgen ClassiGcatio C4 C4 C4 Ilabion Index N/A N/A N/A Macmbenthos N/A N/A N/A Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Soil Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S EC Jab #9385.D8 December 2007 17 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 Parameter REACH 2 RIFFLE 1 POOL 1 RIFFLE 2 POOL 2 int-I.a AS BUILT MY] MY2 MY3 AS BUILT MY] MY2 MY3 AS BUILT MYI MY2 MY3 AS BUILT MYI MY2 MY3 2006 2006 2007 2008 2006 2006 2007 20N08 2006 2006 2007 2008 2006 2006 2007 2(H)8 BF Width (ft 738 7.61 10.66 18.44 17.46 22.47 8.21 7.6 9.16 9.59 10.03 5.56 loodprone Width lft 23.08 26.25 29.56 46.7 46.7 46.7 39.05 26.17 2.6 54.65 51.62 54.65 BF Cross Section. nrea n' 4.14 4.65 5.33 19.78 18.94 23.35 6.77 4.86 7.71 17.34 16.04 5.82 BF Mean Depth (ft 0.56 0.61 0.5 1.07 1.09 1.04 0.82 0.64 0.84 1.81 1.6 1.05 BF Max Depth (ft 0.86 0.98 1 2.6 2.64 2.63 1.3 1.19 1.47 3.2 2.88 1.54 Width/Depth Rati 13.18 12049 13.5 1713 16.02 21.61 10.01 I I.8R 10.9 5.3 6.27 5.3 Entrenchment Rani 3.13 1.94 2.77 2.53 2.67 2.08 4.76 3.44 2.84 5.7 5.15 9.8 Wetted Perimeter(ft 7.68 7.92 10.91 20.58 19.14 24.19 8.77 8.01 9.69 12.14 11.79 6.8 hydraulic radius (ft 0.54 0.59 0.581 0.96 0.99 0.97 0.77 0.61 0.8 1.43 1.37 0.86 Substrate E (mm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4.g 7 0.12 N/A N/A N/A d84 (mm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 28 42 0 6 N/A N/A N/A Parameter As-built (200 MY-I (2006) MY-2 (2007) MY-3 (2008) Pattern Min Max in Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Channel Belovid R 11.83 22.05 1.56 23.13 17.05 11.45 24.13 17.55 Radius of Curvanu n 4.63 9.1 776 477 9.84 6.32 4.7 9.7 6.1 Meander Wavelengt n 27.51 34.72 1 .61 35.43 32.47 28.42 35.03 31.73 Meander Width mti 1.52 2.83 .43 2.94 2.33 1.48 2.95 2.41 Profile Riffle length (ft 3.36 11.6 .93 724 5.88 4.95 7.64 6.01 Riffle slope(Nft .0053 00555 04 5 .0393 0.1073 0.0049 0.0534 0.0325 Pool length (ft .17 8.67 14.37 5 15.25 10.125 Pool Slope (w 092 0087 0.00754 0.00253 0.00084 0.00253 0.00738 Pool spacing (n 943 2894 .65 21.98 35.31 14.65 36.12 26.95 Additional Reach ammeters Valley Length (ft 187237 1872.37 1872.37 Channel Length (ft 2190.67 2190067 2190.67 Sinuosi 1.2 1.2 1.2 Water Surface Slop an 0.025 0.025 0.025 BF slope(tUft 0.025 0.025 0.025 Rosgen Clmsificatio B4 B4 B4 Ilabitat Index N/A N/A N/A Macmbenthos N/A N/A N/A Gray Fartn Stream Restoration Site Suit Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S EC Job #9385.138 December 2007 18 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 IV. Methodology Section No deviations from initially prescribed methodologies were implemented as a part of monitoring Year 2 (2007) activities. Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring 19 S&EC Job # 9385.138 December 2007 Restoration Systems Contract # D05016-2 v q, ( i )) N'l ?, oq 1,4 ') z 35 ti6 56 ? (( Feet r--.,, O??Il nr? to l O r 2 .000 1527 ;? "? ?? _- •?_ ; ? 'i? ? `,1 I (? ? Ir ?fi??? ? , Tai , , r ,` 1 ?.-, ( 4 0,9.32. Reach I Priority I - { - ' -` " Reach I , Priority II LINDEN RO ?.• ) - - --- ' l ' ` \• ! ? r { (? -- - - ?1 ROAD) _ o R` Ifl+ Vk? r t `I t / 4 J ? ems • vp, w c % Reach 2, Priority I 00 Directions: From I-40 West, take exit 144, Old Mountain Road North (SR 1005) - 21 f / Take a left at Sterling Road (SR 1 52G) o 1 J % '1 L - ;^ j, Then right at Linden Road (5R 1527) ( :` `, ti? 1' "•? { Right on Bolick Road (5R 1532) West Reach 1 is located immediate) north of Bolick Road t'' I ' ' .i ??`(• c``. '? `_ i (5R 1532) From Reach I , return East on Bolick Road (5R 1532) Take a right onto Linden Road (5R 1527) Then right at New Sterling Road (SR 1526) each 2 15 located immediately west of the intersect on ' ?scb of New 5terlmg Road (5R 1525) and Gray 11ou5e Road 1, = (5R 1525) 4r, ' Project Number: Map Title: - 9385.D8 Project Manager: FIG?Ure I Project Location PICJ Gray farm Stream Restoration Site ' EEP Job # 92219 Soil t Envi onnvntat C'nnsuhanta, PA 1N1J F.:rri au:?G :?•?+,$1`V.;:'E14 ( Scale: 1 2,000' Iredeli County, NC ?s;o;;.?•„•;,,,,a,?;w 1 ,lm 4('] 11 ' Date: Source: DECEMBER 2007 Stony Point Quadrangle u r n L F APPENDIX A - Vegetation Survey Data Tables r ct r.+ C O C? r-i e? H N N 0 0 N W O co a) m C co 0 m a? a`, m oa (1) m wo C O m m 0) m Q Q 0 z cr_ O .Q E0 N > I? O N f- a W C } W IL W WI > cc) U rn E Y a) LL O i ? U O (n N c m E co ? c O L U a) a) N L) U m C_ E U) E a) ? co O a) O O U X ? a) O O c ca a) cn E m a N a s c m c CD U E C a) i L to U U aS O 3 O 0 Q L i U) a) 1 O > > Q a) L ? U p ( 4 (1) U '- N Q 4 L j c to U U in ai a) cn cn cn co co a) a) a) U f (O (D V) U U O L L ?O O Q L L U a) a) cn 5 2 2 , U A > - ., O O m " -0 - 0 " ' C C O i s O O- O a N N a) _ +. c Cn = . - - 7 (1) a) .0 7 co M o - - - C: 07 U) U) Cl) L a) U) U) a) a) p) - U) _0 - 0 ' C - (n >, 0 0 > > I Q C C E a) a) 0 0) 0) o o a' CT m co c > N N N E E =) a) co o J LL LL J U C. i C. ' cn ' ,a w ? o Q a CL o i C. cn a cn c+o. A y d 0 0 U m m 0 o) m U W i ++ E E E O o a) a) oGG FL ccn a "tt N d N w O. O Wa c d cn ? d c C: O O 3 = L L U y m m a m CD CD E E 7 cow ON d LL LL V 11 V LL d ca z LL) L) ty N V ? NNa) IJ. 'O L E E t0 LL LL U U s m ? o U ? V 0 0 CL E m ? LL U- 'n V 'n Table 2. - Vegetation Vigor by Species Species 4 3 2 1 0 Missing Alnus serrulata 2 1 1 2 Betula ni ra 2 1 1 1 Cornus amomum 2 1 Fraxinus enns Ivanica 2 1 3 Quercus michauxii 1 Quercus ni ra 2 3 Quercus hellos 5 7 1 Viburnum nudum 1 Viburnum 2 Viburnum dentatum 1 Ilex o aca 2 3 1 Ca inus caroliniana 1 Quercus 1 8 1 Quercus rubra 1 1 Lindera benzoin 1 3 Liriodendron tuli ifera 3 3 Platanus occidentalis 4 18 1 1 4 TOT: 17 10 35 19 3 31 2 Table 3. - Vegetation Damage by Species Species All Damage Categories (no damage) Insects (other damage) Alnus serrulata 6 5 1 Betula ni ra 5 5 Ca inus caroliniana 1 1 Corpus amomum 3 3 Fraxinus enns Ivanica 6 6 Ilex o aca 6 6 Lindera benzoin 4 4 Liriodendron tuli ifera 6 6 Platanus occidentalis 28 20 8 Quercus 10 10 Quercus michauxii 1 1 Quercus ni ra 5 5 Quercus hellos 13 13 Quercus rubra 2 2 Viburnum 2 2 Viburnum dentatum 1 1 Viburnum nudum 1 1 TOT: 17 100 90 9 1 Table 4. - Vegetation Damage by Plot lot All Damage Categories (no dama a Insects (other damage) GFR1-01-buffer1 17 14 2 1 GFR1-01-buffer2 17 16 1 GFR1-01-buffer3 16 16 GFR1-01-buffer4 11 6 5 GFR2-01-Buffer1 24 24 GFR2-01-Buffer2 15 14 1 TOT: 6 100 90 9 1 Table 5. - Stem Count by Plot and Species pecies Total Stems # lots avg# stems plot GFR1- 01- buffer1 plot GFR1- 01- buffer2 plot GFR1- 01- buffer3 plot GFR1- 01- buffer4 plot GFR2- 01- Buffer1 plot GFR2- 01- Buffer2 Alnus serrulata 4 3 1.33 2 1 1 Betula ni ra 4 2 2 2 2 Ca inus caroliniana 1 1 1 1 Corpus amomum 3 2 1.5 1 2 Fraxinus enns Ivanica 3 3 1 1 1 1 Ilex o aca 2 2 1 1 1 Lindera benzoin 1 1 1 1 Liriodendron tuli ifera 3 2 1.5 1 2 Platanus occidentalis 24 6 4 2 3 9 7 2 1 Quercus 1 1 1 1 Quercus michauxii 1 1 1 1 Quercus ni ra 2 1 2 2 Quercus hellos 12 3 3.67 3 8 1 Quercus rubra 2 1 2 2 Viburnum 2 1 2 2 Viburnum dentatum 1 1 1 1 Viburnum nudum 1 1 1 1 TOT: 17 67 17 12 12 15 11 12 5 Total Plot Density Stems Per Acre 486 486 607 445 486 202 Average Plot Density Stems Per Acre 452 Exhibit Table 6. Vegetative Problem Areas Reach 1 Feature/Issue Station Range Probable Cause Photo # 0+00-2+10 Surface flow / Poor soil quality 5+00-7+00 Surface flow / Poor soil quality Bare Floodplain 43+00 - 44+00 Surface flow / Poor soil quality 1-2 51+50 - 52+75 Surface flow / Poor soil quality 52+50 - 53+15 Surface flow / Poor soil quality 42+90 - 43+30 Surface flow / Poor soil quality Bare Bank 45+95 - 46+30 Surface flow / Poor soil quality 3 46+90 - 47+40 Surface flow / Poor soil quality Exposed roots 39+90 - 43+25 Settling of fill /Lack of compaction / Surface flow 4 Reach 2 Feature/Issue Station # / Range Probable Cause Photo # 2+45-2+60 Surface flow / Poor soil quality B Fl d l i 2+90-3+10 Surface flow / Poor soil quality 5 are oo p a n 4+50-4+75 Surface flow / Poor soil quality 19+60 - 19+85 Surface flow / Poor soil quality APPENDIX A - Vegetation Problem Area Photos Appendix A Vegetation Problem Area Photos -? ?-- -7' ! ?:.usr ?4-? Kim' ,, ? a t •, ?? ? ? •N? , ? .,s .u ? ?lrv - f ,,,?? Yii ' `cr ?' 1 N t v'' t.°.?• ` r: t r??,? t? F r ! 4f` ?X'kYx i .??.. ? sw} A> h1 ; r.?LY'?r??} ._'fr.4 r..Ilati..f.+,1 r. •Y. i _ C, A Photo 1-Typical Bare Bench/Floodplain-Reach 1-Year 2 (2007) Y,n L 41 P +.?k.rx }[t r? ? ? ' it '?1:t .?^ ; ? • '??'" Photo 2-Typical Bare Floodplain-Reach 1-Year 2 (2007) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix A Vegetation Problem Area Photos Photo 3-Typical Bare Bank-Reach 1-Year 2 (2007) Photo 4-Exposed Roots-Reach 1-Year 2 (2007) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.138 December 2007 Appendix A Vegetation Problem Area Photos A. OV r i r L ?`AR^I' /? ^Cf f k '• # 2 ? m Yt. 7v., t.:.? ut. aP.. Photo 5-Typical Bare Bench/Floodplain-Reach 2-Year 2 (2007) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 APPENDIX A - Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos I Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos W;. -Ail grojptem 4r s t ??.1f?¢. ? t f?•?.???4 i ??? ?i'? '"+C L `?a ?i:d tti ?,`3' i vr7 . ?4, ?+ ?''' g?,.? t; i" ) a ,iaS y;y:. I t."y!y''3 „? ?Y v 1?. ?v 00 3/?,iir? 1 ' `4i`RC j ,? R'°,1 ?k +j I? p,;(r v rr '! 41, ? sjrA,I41'? TN w 4' 4 Vegetation Monitoring Plot- Reach 1-Buffer 1-Year 2 (2007) ! 1 ' p r k. ??;, Raw< ?Y?y??y .{ ;1 i }l1:{ lgRf '??#3t? k 1t 2 Vegetation Monitoring Plot- Reach 1-Buffer 1-Year 1 (2006) ' Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year 2 Monitoring ' December 2007 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job# 9385.D8 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot- Reach 1-Buffer 2-Year 2 (2007) r f s FP 3 a o 14. vrr. t , Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 1-Buffer 2-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year 2 Monitoring December 2007 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job# 9385.D8 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 1-Buffer 3-Year 2 (2007) y? !- .' e r?rc .'?= vX ?`'_? ?, a ;: ?r" ?.?'K' "? , ArI°r.7 :. yrb _'.7d 0 ' sp -. ,rt r.. ? }, ? .?* frig `.l'ki 2 ??. Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 1-Buffer 3-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 1Buffer 4-Year 2 (2007) 4t ':1A ra: Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 1-Buffer 4-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year 2 Monitoring December 2007 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job# 9385.D8 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos r? d 4.?C ;? r ` .tl ,Fyn a 2 dZ t W C yyrr -y?1 • +.ai;, ! yS,?e v grit ?.?. ? ??iF_r ?fi.: p % f? ? .5 ?„ ?F"' l,ff .r.. Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 1-Bank 1-Year 2 (2007) 13 ,?. Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 1-Bank 1-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos € 4• .a,(? • lye, .., rC?'Sy ?y??, iMv'j 9 f a 5 /` ?. - Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 1-Bank 2-Year 2 (2007) f ? ^\ e;t}r ? Y n W ? e AO ?. ? r Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 1-Bank 2-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos A . 4 - y i } H? v 1 ?, ? r f t:: Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 2-Buffer 1-Year 2 (2007) Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 2-Buffer 1-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 2Buffer 2-Year 2 (2007) t r t hti et :: Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 2Buffer 2-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 2-Bank 1-Year 2 (2007) 4 yb M i 'lilt D: 4 ' F ? Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 2-Bank 1-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 2-Bank 2-Year 2 (2007) +" tf 4 s, .. i R+ f r r, ? dx. '?7 ??f1? ?.? ;? •vI y' 'r' l; flk t ??y{.r t r i •T????, ?` 3 ? +? n?i is ti ¦ ads. 1 fs d° y- ? - . } ?W 1. ? ' i ? ar r t s ' On k,. IT, S% Vegetation Monitoring Plot-Reach 2-Bank 2-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 APPENDIX B APPENDIX B - Stream Problem Area Table Exhibit Table B.1 a Stream Problem Areas Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site/EEP Project #92219 Reach 1 Feature Issue Station numbers Suspected Cause Photo number 5+30 Surface flow 6+85 Surface flow Bank Scour 14+00 Surface flow 1-2 43+05 Surface flow - Settling fill 47+90 Surface flow Structures 43+05 Stressed structure - Bank Scour 2 Exhibit Table B.1a Stream Problem Areas Gray Farm Stream Restoration Site/EEP Project #92219 Reach 2 Feature Issue Station numbers Suspected Cause Photo number 4+80 Surface flow Bank Scour 6+00 Surface flow 16+75 Surface flow 2 4+80 Stressed structure - Bank Scour Structures 6+00 Stressed structure - Bank Scour 16+75 Stressed structure - Bank Scour Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year 2 Monitoring Soil Environmental Consultants, PA December 2007 SEC Job3 9385.D8 APPENDIX B - Representative Stream Problem Area Photos Appendix B Stream Problem Area Photos ' ?;R t r p"yr+ ay • w 3f4?f S f r ?y r?? ? k?. ? ? +9t .Li llwlop!?'j M'Ti I Photo 1-Typical Bank Scour-Reach 1-Year 2 (2007) ty. NIT +y? ??1 any s !.' rte , ? ?. k. f f.? Typical Stressed Structure/Bank Scour-Reach 1-Year 2 (2007) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 APPENDIX B - Stream Photo Point Photos Appendix B Cross-Section Photos t6 :A= ?s } fibs F'? f 1 ^??i TJ a, ?j J s .tiD? y F t? ws 4 ?+,x Cross-Section 1- Reach 1-Riffle 1-Year 2 (2007) ti . :f N l-kA. t t vy Ikl? ,C'aPx.lpy,x Y, . 2 r e 3 V = _ ro ` v, t ..1 aW r Ai S. t ?, '. ttttt? Cross-Section 1 Reach 1-Riffle 1-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.138 December 2007 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos IM V? 'VT ?M JS r \ `C` l r? ? ? .a? ,Ti ? 101? ? fP" IA g,?,_?' t ' K• x ?°5 {? ,_ . [ J 5 _ Cross-Section 1- Reach 1-Pool 1-Year 2 (2007) 3 ? W .4 1 1 J Y' - ?`i: r,Sf? Y1 r t!` t 1 x Cross-Section 1 Reach 1-Pool 1-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos ii Cross-Section 2-Reach 1-Riffle 2-Year 2 (2007) Cross-Section 2-Reach 1-Riffle 2-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 i-I Appendix B Cross-Section Photos ark , r F 3?y , t 2 g? . 4" iz, Cross-Section 2-Reach 1 - Pool 2-Year 2 (2007) Cross-Section 2-Reach 1 - Pool 2-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos Cross-Section 3-Reach 1-Riffle 3-Year 2 (2007) Cross-Section 3-Reach 1-Riffle 3-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos Cross-Section 3-Reach 1 - Pool 3-Year 2 (2007) Cross-Section 3-Reach 1 - Pool 3-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos Cross-Section 4-Reach 1-Riffle 4-Year 2 (2007) Cross-Section 4-Reach 1-Riffle 4-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos ;i ,may /? 'y- ?;L-? - ,4 !e q 1 _ -R ra ¦ Y ?Y ' ! ??'A ,r' ?A 4 r r•' r 4t' r ?T??? i > •s s Cross-Section 4-Reach 1-Pool 4-Year 2 (2007) Cross-Section 4-Reach I -Pool 4-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.138 December 2007 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos r. Y Cross-Section 5-Reach 1-Riffle 5-Year 2 (2007) "J N VIAW _4 Cross-Section 5-Reach 1-Riffle 5-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos Cross-Section 5-Reach 1-Pool 5-Year 2 (2007) k t ? `d 101' f t,It r ? f ? fry., P :r d J n J ? u •b r.? l??y a ?ryy? F Cross-Section 5-Reach 1-Pool 5-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year 2 Monitoring December 2007 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job# 9385.D8 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos Cross-Section 6-Reach 1-Riffle 6-Year 2 (2007) y.? meu '4' a K*1'ry,?,- 5 ??'.a ? .. yy. !fit x ?? ?e': +4°? , d ? ], iLY'J ,'y"? hjjV00 11 Cross-Section 6-Reach 1-Riffle 6-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos St i??: '33 ? ' q ,P ..? l It s { 4 { , ? jY ?? ?JY ?raR" ?.r f - .l 4 Fal 7"x -y F f + yr is€?t Cross-Section 6-Reach 1-Pool 6-Year 2 (2007) Cross-Section 6-Reach 1-Pool 6-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos 1 171, ? ?•y?? ' 0' yyF 'i yy4 i .xt J f r? J ? .y 1 q 7 yJF? !L ?. ??r????? ?'" ,"';a:• :.irk' ?"?• Cross-Section 7-Reach 1-Riffle 7-Year 2 (2007) x- a? s y?1?tN. `yam X, '? » -? .a r Cross-Section 7-Reach 1-Riffle 7-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Year 2 Monitoring December 2007 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job# 9385.D8 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos r L Cross-Section 7-Reach 1-Pool 7-Year 2 (2007) Cross-Section 7-Reach 1-Pool 7-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.138 December 2007 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos Cross-Section 1-Reach 2-Riffle 1-Year 2 (2007) !iy 3 !St 'i twxr ,x. 7?? o ie?tit 14 W 1.4 -,"StAL't 41 1) k'T'111 ItAl " t A?11 Cross-Section 1-Reach 2-Riffle 1-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.138 December 2007 Appendix B ,? ^ ? i -? may, ?# •, 1¦L 1 c .:z x-!{1?k' ?„+ ,?a`SF ?yd Iii, ? -• - !?? r?p.? 1? i K ?,r .p:r tr?4.?? i ° yiite_ "?. ?'a??ty,??.???!` ?4 /•?1?2?'t(t?"'? ,??''i? $`??•??> r ? ? ?.? / 1 c- ? t ? t. Q /? 1 ['4 , i 9S !' f?1?`'I1 '? f1,?;•? ?, ;fit r?;? ?` i? +,i 41 e'i c•W-f <>}???^?i• ,+''??'Y'•?-t ??t /t P' a ?}?'llSjj;, iii???,??}7 ??,•?-?tr?'? 1 "?1? _? ?' 'r' 't 3• ?, ??lti: Y? ?? _t t ??y:t err' +? t r 1. , tl? 'r rc• j, Cross-Section Photos Cross-Section 1-Reach 2-Pool 1-Year 2 (2007) Cross-Section 1-Reach 2-Pool 1-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos Cross-Section 2-Reach 2-Riffle 2-Year 2 (2007) Cross-Section 2-Reach 2-Riffle 2-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 Appendix B Cross-Section Photos Cross-Section 2-Reach 2-Pool 2-Year 2 (2007) v? Cross-Section 2-Reach 2-Pool 2-Year 1 (2006) Gray Farm Stream and Wetland Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring S&EC Job# 9385.D8 December 2007 APPENDIX B - Exhibit Table B.1. Qualitative Visual Stability Assesment Table B2. Qualitative Visual Stability Assessment Date: NOVEMBER 2007 GRAY FARM STREAM RESTORATION - REACH 1 Feature Category Metric (per As-built and reference baselines A. Riffles 1. Present? 2. Armor stable (e.o. no disolacement)? Project # 9385.D8 (# stable) Total Number Total Number/ % perfor. Feature number Perform. performing feet in in stable per As- Mean or as built unstable condition Total intended state 34 34 NA 100% 34 34 NA 100% 33 34 NA 97% 34 34 NA 100% 34 34 NA 100% 6. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 34 34 NA 100% 7. Depth appears appropriate for current discharge? 34 34 NA 100% 8. Length appropriate? 34 34 NA 100% 100% B. Pools 1. Present? (e. g. not subject to severe a radation? 49 49 NA 100% 2. Suffiecientl deep Max Pool D:Mean Bkf>1.6 49 49 NA 100% 3. Thalwe located outer bend? 49 49 NA 100% 4. Spacing appropriate? 49 49 NA 100% 5. Non-a radin not filling)? 49 49 NA 100% 6. Length appropriate? 49 49 NA 100% 100% C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of meander bend runAnflection centering? 34 34 NA 100% 2. Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) centering? 33 34 NA 97% D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? 49 49 NA 100% 1 2. Of those eroding, # w/ concomitant point bar formation? N/A 49 NA N/A 3. Apparent Rc within spec? 49 49 NA 100% 4. Sufficient flood lain access and relief? 49 49 NA 100% 100% E. Bed General 1 . General channel bed a radation areas bar formation 1 NA NA 0 100% 7 ' anne a enra a inn _ areas n increasinn nwn H. Vanes 1. Apparent scour points from channel processes 2. Apparent cut points from overland flow 3. Apparent cut or scour from flood water re-entry to (e.g. inadequate floodplain access?) 4. Tension cracks 5. Bank gradient in excess of 40%? 6. Collapse/slumping 7. Ratio of bank height: bankfull height elevated 1. Free of back or arm scour? 2. Height appropriate? 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 4. Free of oioina or other structural failures? NA I NA I 75 I 98% I 99% NA NA 20 99% NA NA 150 96% NA NA 0 100% NA NA 0 100% NA NA 0 100% NA NA 0 100% NA NA 0 100% 99% 27 28 N/A 96% 28 28 N/A 100% 1. Wads/Boulders 1. Free of scour? 0 0 N/A N/A 2. Footing stable? 0 0 N/A N/A N/A Notes Table B2. Qualitative Visual Stability Assessment Date: NOVEMBER 2007 Project # 9385.D8 GRAY FARM STREAM RESTORATION - REACH 2 Feature Category etric (per As-built and reference baselines (# stable) Number performing as intended Total number per As- built Total Number/ feet in unstable state % perfor. in stable condition Feature Perform. Mean or Total A. Riffles 1. Present? 51 51 NA 100% 2. Armor stable (e. g. no displacement)? 51 51 NA 100% 3. Facet grade appears stable? 51 51 NA 100% 4. Stable interval grade? 51 51 NA 100% 5. Featurespacing appropriate? 51 51 NA 100% 6. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 51 51 NA 100% 7. Depth appears appropriate for current discharge? 51 51 NA 100% 8. Length appropriate? 51 51 NA 100% 100% B. Pools 1. Present? e.. not subject to severe a radation? 52 52 NA 100% 2. Suffiecientl deep Max Pool D:Mean Bkf>1.6 52 52 NA 100% 3. Thalwe located outer bend? 52 52 NA 100% 4. Spacing appropriate? 52 52 NA N/A 5. Non-a radin not filling)? 52 52 NA 100% 6. Length appropriate? 52 52 NA N/A 100% C. Thalweg 1. U stream of meander bend run/inflection centering? 51 51 NA 100% 2. Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) centering? 51 51 NA 100% 100% D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? 50 52 NA 96% 2. Of those eroding, # w/ concomitant point bar formation? N/A N/A NA N/A 3. Apparent Re within spec? 52 52 NA 100% 4. Sufficient flood lain access and relief? 52 52 NA 100% 98% E. Bed General 1. General channel bed a radation areas bar formation NA NA 0 100% anne a degradation - areas o increasing own cutting or head cutting? NA NA 0 100% 100% G. Banks 1. Apparent scour points from channel processes NA NA 20 98% 2. Apparent cut points from overland flow NA NA 0 100% 3. Apparent cut or scour from flood water re-entry to channel (e. g. inadequate floodplain access? NA NA 0 100% 4. Tension cracks NA NA 0 100% 5. Bank radient in excess of 40%? NA NA 0 100% p 6. Collapse/slum in NA NA 0 100% 7. Ratio of bank height: bankfull height elevated NA NA 0 100% 100% H. Vanes 1. Free of back or arm scour? 50 53 NA 94% 2. Height appropriate? 53 53 NA 100% 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 51 53 NA 96% 4. Free of piping or other structural failures? 50 53 NA 94% 96% 1. Wads/Boulders 1. Free of scour? 0 0 NA N/A 2. Footing stable? 0 0 NA N/A N/A Notes: APPENDIX B - Annual Overlays of Cross Section Plots w Z J O i o O LL, CZ U N w W 4 O Q R ? U Q w - U LLJ U CL/ O O O O O T) O O O 0 m O O N + O O O O O + Ln O m m m N Q o m 4 (f) N L ca N - O CO [? <9 ?r ? ?r m m m m m m m m m m m (?aa}) uoi?ena?? z -' O 00 O z c? O w Q ?t w ? O Q 0 U? ? U CL/ Q w U Q O O O O O Ln O O O O c? O O N + O O + O O O + c? O m m 0 cn ?CC) lQ T a? 'r N a? I N - O m co r- u Ln d m m m m m m m m m (qaa}) uoigenOlg w Z I o LL LL N O Z W - LO U Ln w + w (S) m R c?0(S) Q ' U W R/ O O O O O + O c O O +' 0 O N + O O + O O O + O O m n 41 5 CD N Q i N ?o Ln ?t m N - m m m m m m m m m m m m (4004) uOigenaIg Z J O O O O N ? z O ? w + Q cn c? III cj OO ? U (S) r Q w - U U R/ O O O Ln O O v O O m o + O +' O N + O O + O O O + m o N m N Q N a? I ?o Lo M N - o m m m m c? m m (qaa}) uoileAOlg 0 m 0 w Z J O? O m ? z O ? O LU + W N c? 0 Q ' U U w R/ O 0 O O 0 m N Q 0 1 O - ? L o 4 O + N O L O m O O N + O O + O O O + ? O N N - O n co co m N N N (4024) u014CnOIg O O z -' O 0 m O ? z O w + Q m w N O Q Q w U Q 0111 O Ln O -L1 om IT + O lQ o ? + O N > O N + O O + O O O + <9 O N N - O 6) co co co co N N N 6? 67 6? 6? 6? 6? (qOO}) uOlgeAOJ? w Z J o l ?t OO z (S) o LLJ - R/ U U + N m LLJ ct? 0 rv (J) Q ' U U w rV 0 0 O U O O Ln O O + O O m O O N + O O + O O O + N O N 0 m Q N a? (qaa}) UOIgFAaJg Ln It m N N N m m m O Z J 00 O? z ? 0 O ? w + Q ? m L m cj OO ? U v Q tL - U Q U w R/ O O O O Ln O O I< + O 1 Q L 4.1 0 CO N + L O O N + O O + O O O + Ln IT m N - o O N N N N N N 6? b? 6? 6> d7 b> (qaa}) uoigenal] O O w z -1 Oil 1 O ? z w O O R/ U w m c? O Q ' w - U U w CZ O O O V" + O 0 O ? m O O N + O O + O O O + O N N N - - (qaa}) uoigenaj:j O O z ? O o O Ln Z L O Ln Q cW + cj OO Q U Q (,D w 0 0 O Ln O 0 0 0 m lQ T 0 m N O l? T O N + O O + O O O O N - O 6) [- N N N - - - (qaa}) uoigenOlg w z ? 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