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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160438 Ver 1_Bridge Nos 207 and 270 Alamance_20160520
Strickland, Bev
From:Cail, William G
Sent:Friday, May 20, 2016 9:35 AM
To:Wrenn, Brian L; Nicole Thomson
Cc:Patton, Vance H;
Subject:RE: Bridge Nos. 207 and 270 Alamance
Morning Brian
I can clarify for drainage structure in NW quad at 270. This is a junction box (JB) with no inlet and is used to tie to
existing 15” drainage system. The end of the existing system where it ties to the stream will be in conflict with the new
culvert wingwall. So propose to remove about 20 ft of existing 15” pipe, add JB and angle new pipe out into stream. No
treatment but only conveying existing drainage already in this system.
From: Wrenn, Brian L
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 8:56 AM
To: Nicole Thomson <>
Cc: Patton, Vance H <>; Cail, William G <>;
Subject: Bridge Nos. 207 and 270 Alamance
I visited Bridge Nos. 207 and 270 in Alamance yesterday. I have a couple of questions:
-On the upstream side, there is a large sewer line. It looks like it is about where the new culvert inlet will be
located. I assume this will be relocated but I didn’t see anything on the plans. If it is to be relocated, will any
impacts (perm or temp) occur as part of the relocation?
-In the NW quadrant of the crossing, a drop inlet with a conveyance and rip rap pad at the stream bank is
proposed. It doesn’t appear that there is any stormwater treatment prior to entering the drop inlet. Unless I’m
misreading what’s proposed, this would be considered a new stormwater conveyance through the buffer
without treatment which is allowable with mitigation. The application doesn’t propose any buffer
mitigation. Can you give me some more details on this?
-I’m okay with the proposed ditch improvements in the SW quadrant of the crossing.
Brian L. Wrenn
Transportation Permitting Unit
Division of Water Resources
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