HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200065_STIP R-4707 CP2R Draft Meeting Summary_20160617 (2) Wrenn, Brian L From:Ramkumar, Rajit <ramkumarr@cdmsmith.com> Sent:Friday, June 17, 2016 7:26 AM To:Megahed, Samuel; Payne, Bruce B; Houser, Anthony A; felix.davila@dot.gov; gary_jordan@fws.gov; Wrenn, Brian L; Weaver, Derrick G; Makhlouf, Tamara; Clodgo, David J.; Saunders, Douglas B.; David.e.bailey2@usace.army.mil; Vanderwiele.cynthia@epa.gov; Craig.mckinney@greensboro-nc.gov; Mason, James S; Dagnino, Carla S; Murray, Emily E; Staley, Mark K; Dickens, Shantray D; Mills, James M; Lydia.McIntyre@greensboro-nc.gov; Gledhill-earley, Renee; Abuya, Michael R; Lakata, Richard J Cc:Al-Sharawneh, Ahmad A Subject:RE: STIP R-4707 CP2R Draft Meting Summary Attachments:STIP R-4707_CP2R Merger Final Meeting_Summary_05_18_2016.pdf Good Morning, Thank you for providing comments. Please find attached the final meeting summary for the CP2 Revisit Merger meeting for R-4707, US 29 and Reedy Fork Parkway in Greensboro, Guilford County. If you have any questions or comments please contact me or Ahmad. Thanks, Rajit Rajit Ramkumar, P.E., LEED AP |CDM Smith Office: 919 325 3606 | Cell: 919 931 6452 From: Ramkumar, Rajit Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 9:55 AM To: 'smegahed@ncdot.gov' <smegahed@ncdot.gov>; 'bbpayne@ncdot.gov' <bbpayne@ncdot.gov>; 'thouser@ncdot.gov' <thouser@ncdot.gov>; 'felix.davila@dot.gov' <felix.davila@dot.gov>; 'gary_jordan@fws.gov' <gary_jordan@fws.gov>; 'brian.wrenn@ncdenr.gov' <brian.wrenn@ncdenr.gov>; 'dweaver@ncdot.gov' <dweaver@ncdot.gov>; Makhlouf, Tamara <makhlouft@cdmsmith.com>; Clodgo, David J. <clodgodj@cdmsmith.com>; Saunders, Douglas B. <saundersdb@cdmsmith.com>; 'David.e.bailey2@usace.army.mil' <David.e.bailey2@usace.army.mil>; 'Vanderwiele.cynthia@epa.gov' <Vanderwiele.cynthia@epa.gov>; 'Craig.mckinney@greensboro-nc.gov' <Craig.mckinney@greensboro-nc.gov>; 'jsmason@ncdot.gov' <jsmason@ncdot.gov>; 'cdagnino@ncdot.gov' <cdagnino@ncdot.gov>; 'emurray@ncdot.gov' <emurray@ncdot.gov>; 'mstaley@ncdot.gov' <mstaley@ncdot.gov>; 'sddickens@ncdot.gov' <sddickens@ncdot.gov>; 'mmills@ncdot.gov' <mmills@ncdot.gov>; 'Lydia.McIntyre@greensboro-nc.gov' <Lydia.McIntyre@greensboro-nc.gov>; 'renee.gledhill- earley@ncdcr.gov' <renee.gledhill-earley@ncdcr.gov>; 'mrabuya@ncdot.gov' <mrabuya@ncdot.gov>; 'rjlakata@ncdot.gov' <rjlakata@ncdot.gov> Cc: 'aalsharawneh@ncdot.gov' <aalsharawneh@ncdot.gov> Subject: STIP R-4707 CP2R Draft Meting Summary Merger Team, Please find attached the draft meeting summary for the CP2 Revisit Merger meeting for R-4707, US 29 and Reedy Fork Parkway in Greensboro, Guilford County. If you have any questions or comments please contact me or Ahmad. If there th are no additions or deletions by June 15, 2016 this summary will be considered the final version. 1 Thanks, Rajit Rajit Ramkumar, P.E., LEED AP |Transportation Project Manager| CDM Smith 5400 Glenwood Ave., Suite 400, Raleigh, NC 27612 | Office: 919 325 3606 | Cell: 919 931 6452 |ramkumarr@cdmsmith.com|cdmsmith.com 2 PAT McCRQRY c�v�r„n. I�EICHC�LAS J. TENNYSON Secreraiy Transportation STIP R-4707 — US 29 & Reedy Fork Parkway Interchange Improvements Greensboro, Guilford County, NC CONCURRENCE POINT 2(REVISIT) DRAFT MERGER MEETING SUMMARY MAY 18, 2016 MEETING CALLED BY TYPE OF MEETING PROJECT ATTENDEE LIST NAME Samuel Megahed Bruce Payne Tony Houser Felix Davila Gary Jordan Brian Wrenn Ahmad Al- Sharawneh Derrick Weaver Raj it Ramkumar Tamara Makhlouf David Clodgo 10:00 AM — 12:00 PM STRUCTURE DESIGN CONFERENCE ROOM CCA Ahmad Al-Sharawneh, NCDOT Group Discussion TIP R-4707, Guilford County, NC AGENCY DEPARTMENT PHONE EMAIL NCDOT NCDOT NCDOT FHWA USFWS �. � NCDOT NCDOT CDM Smith CDM Smith CDM Smith Roadway smegahed@ncdot.gov Roadway 919-707-6302 bbpayne@ncdot.gov Roadway 919-707-6253 thouser@ncdot.gov 919-747-7021 felix.davila@dot.gov 919-856-4520 garyJj ordan@fws.gov ext. 32 919-707-8792 brian.wrenn@ncdenr.gov PDEA 919-707-6010 aalsharawneh@ncdot.gov PDEA 919-707-6601 dweaver@ncdot.gov 919-325-3506 ramkumar@cdmsmith.com 919-325-3500 malchlouft@cdmsinith.com 919-325-3559 clodgodj@cdmsmith.com David E. Bailey Cynthia F. Van Der Wiele Craig McKinney Jim Mason Carla Dagnino Emily Murray Mark Staley Shantray Dickens Mike Mills Lydia McIntyre Renee Gledhill- Earley Michael Abuya Richard Lakata USACE USEPA Greensboro MPO NCDOT NCDOT NCDOT NCDOT NCDOT NCDOT Greensboro MPO SHPO NCDOT NCDOT NES NES SMU REU EOWS DN 7 TPB STIP 919-554-4884 David.e.bailey2@usace.arm ext 30 y.mil 919-450-6811 Vanderwiele.cynthia@epa. gov 336-373-4184 Craig.mckinney@greensbar o-nc. gov 919-707-6136 jsmason@ncdot.gov 919-707-6110 cdagnino@ncdot.gov 919-707-6498 emurray@ncdat.gov 919-707-2948 mstaley@ncdot.gov 919-508-1896 sddickens@ncdot.gov 336-487-0000 mmills@ncdot.gov 336-373-4368 Lydia.McIntyre@greensbor o-nc.gov 919-807-6579 renee.gledhill- earley@ncdcr. gov 919-707-0990 mrabuya@ncdot.gov 919-707-4629 rjlakata@ncdot.gov PURPOSE OF MEETING The purpose of this meeting is to update the merger team on the project status and introduce the revised alternative to be carried forward for detail study. DISCUSSION Project Overview NCDOT PDEA and CDM Smith gave a brief overview of the project via a PowerPoint Presentation. Topics included in the presentation were the purpose of the meeting, proposed project, the purpose and need of the project, prior concurrences to date, and benefits of the DDI vs SPUI, interim design, and the project schedule. PDEA NCDOT is no longer building SPUI's and therefore the DDI was studied to revise the SPUI alternative. There is no NCDOT policy against building SPUI's, however it is not an alternative that is usually studied currently due to constructability and cost reasons when other viable interchange alternatives are available. DDI is typically studied as a replacement to SPUIs as they perform better with increase traffic demand and overall �Nothing Compares�.� State ofNorth Cazolina � Department of Transportation � Project Development and Environmental Analysis 1000 Birch Ridge Drive � 1548 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 919-707-6000 less construction cost. Safety is also improved for all modes for the DDI alternative. A comparison of the SPUI and DDI was discussed with examples where DDI has been recommended for construction or completed in NC. A future long term project to include service roads was discussed previously but not part of the R-4707 project. The previous designs with the service roads had much higher wetland impacts on the SPUI alternative. The removal of the service roads have reduced the wetland impacts for the SPUI alternative. The current condition of the bridge required the project team to study an interim design, which is the phased construction of the interchange. The proposed bridge will be located south of the existing bridge and would use existing ramps until the full interchange is constructed. Roadway Design SPUIs are no longer constructed. If the project had started recently, the SPUI would not be an alternative considered. SPUI's have several disadvantages. Alternative 2 Partial Clover and Alternative 3 Traditional Diamond are very similar in terms of impacts and design. Although the design and impacts were similar, Alternative 3 had one additional stream crossing and more right of way impacts, so NCDOT recommended eliminating Alternative 3 from further study to the merger team. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) There are other more modern urban interchanges that can be considered other than the DDI. Would like to see information on bicycle and pedestrian. At this time, EPA does not have enough information to determine if the SPUI alternative can be dropped from alternatives to be carried forward. SPUI has the least impact and therefore needs to remain as one of the alternatives studied. More information on the performance benefits, costs, and other operational efficiency needs to be provided when available. EPA was in agreement of dropping Alternative 3— Traditional Diamond from further study. United States Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) Fish and Wildlife Services no comments at this time. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) The SPUI alternative has the least amount of environmental impacts, this would be permitted, unless it is proven to be not practicable. At this time, USACE does not have �Nothing Comparesy...� State ofNorth Carolina � Department of Transportation � Project Development and Environmental Analysis 1000 Birch Ridge Drive � 1548 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 919-707-6000 enough information to determine if the SPUI alternative is "not practicable" from the permitting standpoint. Need to show cost logistics and technology. The USACE cannot let the interim design drive the alternatives. Interim design for all alternatives needs to be studied. Permitting far the entire project is recommended even with a phased construction. USACE does not recommend dropping SPUI with the information provided. Alternative 2 Partial Clover and Alternative 3 Traditional Diamond are very similar in terms of impacts and design. Therefore, one of the alternatives could be taken out from detailed study. Due to the similarities in design and impacts, NCDOT recommended eliminating Alternative 3 from further study and USACE concurred to dropping the Alternative 3 — Traditional Diamond. When designs are reiined, for impact calculation, USACE recommended including direct/indirect stream impacts especially when portions of streams remains within loop ramps. This is applicable in the Partial Clover and Diamond Alternatives. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) The bridge in the interim year for the SPUI would require a larger structure i.e. half a bow-tie bridge compared to other alternatives. FHWA was in agreement of dropping Alternative 3— Traditional Diamond from further study. Division 7 Division 7 has no comments at this time. Greensboro Urban Area MPO (GUAMPO) The area surrounding the interchange is identified as an activity node in the MPO's long range plan. The MPO and the City of Greensboro is committed to bike/ped users, a sidewalk would benefit with the existing land use on either side of the interchange. Bryan Park is located to the west and a large residential community and elementary school is located to the east of the interchange. All alternatives considers bike and ped accommodation. State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) SHPO has no comments at this time. North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) NCDWR has no comments at this time. �Nothing Compares:...� State ofNorth Carolina � Department of Transportation � Project Development and Environmental Analysis 1000 Birch Ridge Drive � 1548 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 919-707-6000 Schedule Discussion: • The current R-4707 Tentative Schedule was discussed: o Environmental Assessment — December 2016 o Public Hearing — Spring 2017 o FONSI — Summer 2017 o Interim Design Right of Way Acquisition — FY 2018 o Interim Design Construction — FY 2019 o Begin Right of Way Acquisition — FY 2022 o Begin Construction — FY 2024 ACTION ITEMS AND NEXT STEPS • Merger Team recommended dropping Alternative 3- Traditional Diamond from detailed study. • The following alternatives were recommended far detailed study ✓ No Build ✓ Build Alternative 1: Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI) ✓ Build Alternative 1 Revised: Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDn ✓ Build Alternative 2: Partial Cloverleaf Interchange • Interim Design for all design options carried forward has to be studied. • NCDOT will review current project schedule and revise if needed. • Project team will develop traffic performance metrics to compare each alternative such as level of service, delays, safety, and queuing. • Merger Team requested additional information as they become available. When costs, performance measures, and refined impacts are available, merger team would provide additional comments on the SPUI. If there are discrepancies, errors, or omissions which need to be addressed, please contact Ahmad Al-Sharawneh at aalsharawneh(c�ncdot. o�v or 919-707-6010 or Rajit Ramkumar at ramkumarr(a�cdmsmith.com or 919-325- 3606 or by SPM Wednesday, June 15t''. If no changes are received by the said time, this meeting suinmary will be considered accurate. cc: Meeting Attendees Project File Signed Section 404/Merger Project Team Agreement Form �Nothing Compares�.� State of North Cazolina � Department of Transportation � Project Development and Environmental Analysis 1000 Birch Ridge Drive � 1548 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 919-707-6000 Secfior� 4041N�PA interagency Merger Pracess Agreement Concurrence Poln# Numbsr 2 Revisitec! Design Optians far Detalled Study WBS No.. 36599.1.3 S7lf' Project: R-4707 County: Guiiford Project Name/Description: R-4707: SR 4471 (€teedy Fork Parkwayp/US 29 Interchange Irnprovements T�e Projecl Team has concurred an this date of May 98, 2�16 that all c�ecked alternaklves wNf be carr[ed farward ta be sfadied En detail for STIP Project R-4707. (� No BufldAlternative � Na impro�emen#s are mad�, °�j Build Alterr�ative 1 Single Point Urban lnterchange (SPUIJ — The SPUJ Interchange has left turns at signalized intersectlan and r�ght mo�ements aee free flow {Figure 2j. � 8ufld Alternative 1 Revised: Dlverging Diamond Interchange (flD1J — The diverging diamond interchange where two dfrections of traffic from US 29 cross tothe opposite side on both sides of #he bridge at the Interchange, (Figure 3j. '�Q 8uild Alternpfrve ,2; Partio! Cloverleaf lncerchange — The partial cloverleaf includes a rarnp in the i• southeast artd southwest quadrants �F€gure 4j, ( ) 8u11dAlternatr've3:Traditronalt7lamandlnterchange—Thetraditionaldiamandincludesarampin ail fourquadrants with future loops at ttnro quadrant (Figure 5), USAC�'��� NCDC �S �i�i �cnv� 5HP� �` GUAMP ��� � • CJL�7'Li56%{�i'[ �'i"rw'� iJSEPA *' w FHWA -�/.e�� �.1L ✓�-- DocuSigned by: �CTa.V�S W�CSOti n�cwRc Marger Concurrence f'oint 2 Revisited 57lP Pro!`ect R-4707 Page 6 May 18, P016