HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211043_R5709_ESMSummary_draft042916_20160429 STIP Project No. R-5709 Page 1 of 5 STIP Project R-5709 External Scoping – Meeting Summary NC 211 Improvements from US 15-501 in Aberdeen to SR 1244 (West Palmer St)-SR 1311 (Mockingbird Hill Rd) in Raeford Moore and Hoke Counties, WBS No. 50205.1.1 Draft Distribution: April 27, 2016 (For Your Review) Date (Time): April 21, 2016 (8:15am) Location: Structure Design Conference Room, NCDOT Century Center Building A Meeting Participants: Meeting Participants (continued): Andrew Williams, US Army Corps of Engineers Bill Elam, NCDOT – Hydraulics Gary Jordan, US Fish and Wildlife Service Craig Lee, NCDOT – Hydraulics Brian Wrenn, NC Division of Water Resources Harrison Marshall, NCDOT – Community Studies *Travis Wilson, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Twiana Cooper, NCDOT – PDEA *Pam Graham, Town of Aberdeen Tanga Sampson, NCDOT – Utilities Matt Day, Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization Tyler Stanton, NCDOT – NES Brandon Jones, NCDOT – Division 8 *Mark Staley, NCDOT – Roadside Environmental John Olinger, NCDOT – Division 8 *Rick Lakata, NCDOT – STIP Rob Hanson, NCDOT – Project Development and Clarence Bunting, NCDOT – Cong. Management Environmental Analysis (PDEA) Jamille Robbins, NCDOT – Public Involvement Jay McInnis, NCDOT – PDEA Kristina Miller, RK&K – Planning Greg Blakeney, NCDOT – PDEA Brandon McInnis, RK&K – Roadway Tony Houser, NCDOT – Roadway Design Brian Peeler, RK&K – Traffic Brad Bass, NCDOT – Right of Way Please Note: Meeting attendees that participated via telephone are indicated with an asterisk (*). Copied on this Summary: Copied on this Summary (continued): Cynthia Van Der Wiele, US Environmental Protection Agency Mary Pope Furr, NCDOT – Historic Architecture Bruce Payne, NCDOT – Roadway Design Matt Wilkerson, NCDOT – Archaeology Darius Sturdivant, NCDOT – Division 8 Greg Smith, NCDOT – Air & Noise Tris Ford, RK&K – Planning Emily Murray, NCDOT – Structures Frank Vick, RK&K – Planning Jim Harris, NCDOT – Rail Division Mike Stanley, NCDOT – STIP John Pilipchuk, NCDOT – Geotechnical Meeting Materials: The following materials were discussed during the meeting: project information sheets and the environmental features map. In addition, the meeting handout included photographs along NC 211 within the project limits. STIP Project No. R-5709 Page 2 of 5 MEETING OBJECTIVES:  Orient attendees to the project. Define the project study area.  Understand the need for the project. Identify constraints and any red flags.  Discuss the purpose of the project. Discuss possible typical sections. Discussion: Greg Blakeney opened the meeting, participants introduced themselves, and Kristina Miller reviewed the project information sheets and the environmental features map. A summary of the discussion that followed the initial presentation is outlined on the following pages. \[Please Note: Italic text in brackets within this summary indicates additional detail to supplement the meeting discussion.\] State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) & Prioritization  With right of way acquisition scheduled to begin in 2020, the proposed project should not require reprioritization.  The draft of the new STIP will be available in December 2016/January 2017.  The project is state-funded.  Rick Lakata stated that he would like to update the STIP with revised cost estimates and asked when the study team would have the updated information. He noted that the current costs included in the STIP are very preliminary. Jay McInnis explained that they would be available after preliminary design is completed, in about a year.  The Let date has the potential to be accelerated from FY 2025 to FY 2022..  Tony Houser suggested that construction could be broken into segments of the project with some starting sooner than others, depending on when funding is available. The full project would still be delivered by the expected date. Potential Controversy & Other Concerns  In addition to anticipated concern from the public regarding property acquisition and relocations, potential impacts to study area churches and cemeteries may generate particular concern. In addition to widening NC 211, the potential grade separation of the rail crossing near Reservation Road is anticipated to raise concern from members of the Ashley Heights Baptist Church.  Matt Day noted that there would be public controversy if the Bethesda Cemetery was impacted by the project.  The red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) mitigation site at the Calloway Community Nature Park was discussed. Tyler Stanton of the NCDOT Natural Environment Section explained that - Calloway is a RCW mitigation site for the Fayetteville Outer Loop. Gary Jordan of the USFWS referred to this area as the “heart of RCW habitat.” - STIP Project No. R-5709 Page 3 of 5 While no RCW clusters are known within the project study area, Mr. Jordan - explained there are substantial RCW populations nearby. There could be unknown populations in the study area. RCW survey requirements extend a half-mile to each side of the study corridor. - NCDOT-Natural Environment Section (NES) Biological Surveys Group and/or their - consultant will be conducting the RCW surveys. Similarly, surveys for other federally-protected species will also be conducted.  Brian Wrenn noted the Division of Water Resources is concerned with sediment and erosion impacts that could result from the project, particularly due to the number of first-order streams in the study area. These are headwaters and are sensitive to storm water flows. Mr. Wrenn referred to his written response to the scoping request (via an April 18, 2016 Memo to NCDOT) and requested that alternatives include designs that allow for treatment of storm water runoff through best management practices that reduce flows as much as possible. \[Mr. Wrenn’s Memo includes a list of 26 general project comments relative to avoidance/minimization of stream and wetland impacts.\] Other Community Features  Meeting participants asked about the track shown in the environmental features map at Fulford McMillian Road. Pam Graham noted that it was an active horse arena. Potential Typical Sections & Other Design Considerations  Anticipated typical section details discussed at the meeting are outlined below. NC 211 will be widened from the existing two travel lanes to four travel lanes - with a median. A 23-foot to 30-foot wide, raised grass-median with use of a curb and gutter - section is anticipated through Aberdeen and Moore County where more residential and commercial development is located close to the existing roadway. A 46-foot wide, depressed grass-median shoulder section is anticipated from the - Moore/Hoke County line to the eastern project limit. A bicycle lane along the outside travel lanes (for both directions of the proposed - roadway) is anticipated with the curb and gutter section.  Superstreet concepts and access management will be considered along the project (e.g., use of right-in/right-out and consolidation of access points where access is also available along another roadway or a second access point is located along NC 211, like where a parcel may include a U-shaped driveway).  The median width would not be impacted by the superstreet concept. Superstreet design features can be used with both typical sections (noted previously).  The potential for partial control-of-access will be considered (with the 46-foot median section) for the project to reduce the potential for conflict points (enhancing safety). STIP Project No. R-5709 Page 4 of 5  The two at-grade rail crossings were discussed. The existing exposure index warrants consideration of grade-separating both crossings. \[Details regarding the grade separation guidelines, bridge requirements, and the need for coordination with the Aberdeen & Rockfish Railroad are summarized in an April 18, 2016 e-mail from Jim Harris with the NCDOT-Rail Division.\] Revisions to the Study Area Boundary  Near Bethesda Cemetery, the study area will expand slightly to the north so that the study team may evaluate the potential for grade-separating NC 211 and the railroad.  The study area shown at the meeting provided room for consideration of a potential grade-separation in the Ashley Heights area.  In the Ashley Heights area (at SR 1228 (Reservation Road) intersection with NC 211): The study area boundary will be expanded so that the study team may evaluate - the potential to split Reservation Road on each side of NC 211. Along the north side of NC 211, potential realignment of Reservation Road may - include it intersecting with NC 211 west of the railroad while along the south side of NC 211, the potential realignment of Reservation Road may include it intersecting with NC 211 east of the railroad. This concept would eliminate Reservation Road’s current at-grade rail crossing. - Input/Questions from the Town of Aberdeen  Bicycle Lanes – Ms. Graham asked if dedicated bicycle lanes were anticipated. Bicycle lanes along the outside travel lanes (both directions) are anticipated to be part of the improvements within Aberdeen with the curb and gutter section. Ms. Graham noted that the Town would be in support of having the bicycle lanes.  Sidewalks – Ms. Graham noted that the Town of Aberdeen is interested in sidewalk participation for the project \[e.g., cost-sharing and maintenance responsibilities\]. Ms. Graham noted that while the Town is typically most happy with sidewalks along both sides of new roadways, they understand that there could be constraints that result in the need to only have them along one side.  Right of Way – Ms. Graham asked about the proposed right of way width and amount of anticipated acquisition. The proposed right of way width and area of acquisition will be determined in later stages of the planning process when we have developed preliminary design.  Public Involvement – Ms. Graham noted that the Town would like to request that public meetings for the project include a meeting location in Aberdeen and one in Hoke County/Raeford rather than use of a single location near the middle of the project. Jamille Robbins noted that NCDOT would be looking at public meeting locations near each end of the project and that small group meetings would be a way to help enhance community outreach. STIP Project No. R-5709 Page 5 of 5 She believes that will help facilitate more public participation. She noted that - there was an underserved population located south of NC 211 in Aberdeen. Ms. Graham said that she will contact the Moore County Home Builders Facility - (located off of NC 211 near the project) to ask if they would allow use of their facility for public meetings. If they agree, she will provide NCDOT with the contact information. She believes they have capacity for about 100 people. - Merger Process & Permits  Andrew Williams stated the project would need to proceed via the Merger Process but that he would anticipate use of combined concurrence point meetings and that the project could screen out of the Merger Process later in the planning process depending on the results of the natural and cultural resource surveys.  Combined concurrence points (CP) may include CP 1 & 2. CP 2A may not be needed if there are no proposed bridges or major culverts; however, other design refinements may be discussed at the CP 2A meeting.  Mr. Williams noted that the project may be able to utilize a nationwide permit, an individual permit, or General Permit (GP) 31.  GP 31 is only available for best-fit widening projects. For projects that follow the Merger Process, they may have a maximum of 500 linear feet of stream channel impact and one acre of wetland impact per crossing. Also, use of GP 31 depends on it being renewed as a permit option, as it is about to expire.  \[Cynthia Van Der Wiele (USEPA) was unable to attend the meeting but noted via an April 19, 2016 e-mail that she was very familiar with this stretch of NC 211 and she recommended that the project follow the Merger Process due to the proposed widening of NC 211, the number of streams/wetlands in the area and potential RCW concerns.\] Action Items  The study area will be expanded at the two rail crossings, as detailed on page 4.  Ms. Graham will contact a representative of the Moore County Home Builders Facility to ask if they would allow use of their facility for public meetings. If they agree, she will provide NCDOT with the contact information. Schedule  Public Meeting (Summer 2016)  State EA (Nov 2017)  State FONSI (May 2019)  Right of Way (SFY 2020)  Let (SFY 2025)