HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211043_R-5709 (NC 211) External Scoping Meeting (final version for your files)_20160510 Strickland, Bev From:Kristina Miller <kmiller@rkk.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 10, 2016 1:31 PM To:andrew.e.williams2@usace.army.mil; gary_jordan@fws.gov; Wrenn, Brian L; Wilson, Travis W.; pgraham@townofaberdeen.net; mday@tjcog.org; Hanson, Robert P; Jones, Brandon H; Olinger, John R; Houser, Anthony A; Bass, Bradley D; Elam, William H; Lee, Craig J; Marshall, Harrison; Cooper, Tatiana E; thsampson@ncdot.gov; Stanton, Tyler P; Bunting, Clarence B; Robbins, Jamille A; Staley, Mark K; Lakata, Richard J; McInnis, Jay; Blakeney, Gregory M; Brandon McInnis; Brian Peeler Cc:vanderwiele.cynthia@epa.gov; Goff, Edward R CTR (US); Harris, James B; Furr, Mary Pope; Tris Ford; Frank Vick; Wilkerson, Matt T; Smith, Gregory A; Payne, Bruce B; Sturdivant, Darius D; Pilipchuk, John L; Murray, Emily E; mstanley@ncdot.gov; Stanley, Mike Subject:R-5709 (NC 211), External Scoping Meeting (final version for your files) Attachments:R5709_External Scoping Meeting Summary.pdf Good afternoon. Attached is the updated Meeting Summary of our April 21, 2016 External Scoping Meeting for your files. STIP Project No. R-5709 (NC 211 Improvements in Moore and Hoke Counties) The following text was added to the attachment:  Page 5, Andrew Williams (US Army Corps of Engineers) provided clarification text regarding Regional General Permit #31.  Page 2, John Olinger (NCDOT-Div. 8) noted consideration for the 2024 US Open and stated that further discussion may need to take place prior to accelerating this project. Thank you for your participation in this project. Sincerely, Kristina ___________________________________ KRISTINA MILLER, PE Project Manager RK&K 900 Ridgefield Drive, Suite 350 Raleigh, NC 27609-3960 919.653.7384 D 919.878.9560 P 919.225.8298 C www.rkk.com RESPONSIVE PEOPLE | CREATIVE SOLUTIONS From: Kristina Miller Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 1:48 PM To: 'andrew.e.williams2@usace.army.mil' <andrew.e.williams2@usace.army.mil>; 'gary_jordan@fws.gov' <gary_jordan@fws.gov>; 'brian.wrenn@ncdenr.gov' <brian.wrenn@ncdenr.gov>; 'travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org' 1 <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org>; 'pgraham@townofaberdeen.net' <pgraham@townofaberdeen.net>; 'mday@tjcog.org' <mday@tjcog.org>; 'rhanson@ncdot.gov' <rhanson@ncdot.gov>; 'bhjones@ncdot.gov' <bhjones@ncdot.gov>; 'jolinger@ncdot.gov' <jolinger@ncdot.gov>; 'Houser, Anthony A' <thouser@ncdot.gov>; 'bdbass@ncdot.gov' <bdbass@ncdot.gov>; 'belam@ncdot.gov' <belam@ncdot.gov>; 'cjlee@ncdot.gov' <cjlee@ncdot.gov>; Marshall, Harrison <hmarshall@ncdot.gov>; 'tecooper1@ncdot.gov' <tecooper1@ncdot.gov>; 'thsampson@ncdot.gov' <thsampson@ncdot.gov>; 'tstanton@ncdot.gov' <tstanton@ncdot.gov>; Bunting, Clarence B <cbunting@ncdot.gov>; 'jarobbins@ncdot.gov' <jarobbins@ncdot.gov>; 'mstaley@ncdot.gov' <mstaley@ncdot.gov>; 'rjlakata@ncdot.gov' <rjlakata@ncdot.gov> Cc: 'McInnis, Jay' <jmcinnis@ncdot.gov>; Blakeney, Gregory M <gmblakeney@ncdot.gov>; Brian Peeler <bpeeler@rkk.com>; Brandon McInnis <bmcinnis@rkk.com> Subject: R-5709 (NC 211), External Scoping Meeting (draft summary for your review) Good afternoon. Attached is a Draft Meeting Summary of our April 21, 2016 meeting for STIP Project No. R-5709 (NC 211 Improvements in Moore and Hoke Counties) for your review. If possible, please e-mail edit requests by May 6, 2016 so that we may incorporate your feedback and finalize the summary. Thank you for your time and effort for this project. Sincerely, Kristina ___________________________________ KRISTINA MILLER, PE Project Manager RK&K 900 Ridgefield Drive, Suite 350 Raleigh, NC 27609-3960 919.653.7384 D 919.878.9560 P 919.225.8298 C www.rkk.com RESPONSIVE PEOPLE | CREATIVE SOLUTIONS "RK&K" and "RK&K Engineers" are registered trade names of Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP, a Maryland limited liability partnership. This message contains confidential information intended only for the person or persons named above. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender by return email and delete the message. Thank you. 2