HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080652 Ver 3_Stormwater Info_20080602 (2)D S- O tc S A U.3 ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS FOR HADLEY (FORMERLY KNOW AS "ARROWOOD STATION") ARROWOOD STATION, LLC 1600 Camden Road Charlotte, North Carolina 228203 December 2007 Revised: February 2008 Revised: March 2008 Revised: May 2008 PN: 1007154 Calculated By: FJM/JMK Checked By: Kevin W. Vogel JUN 2 2008 pEP1Ft -'?Jr+ tk ?UN+? ? ? A DS AND STDFtMWATER BMW' F? "si tom; SEAL _ 21164 /,??fiV+rrrwi 1V LandDesip urban design planning civil engineering landscape architecture 1 1 1 1 Sediment Basin Design t 0 0 M M ?o b v ti •? Q ? w ? ?Q b P? ? b :J v Eu ocu U U 1 C ? Q c Z ? H z MM F? ? Q O ? C a W Q O Ul '3' u O (U v Q Q u H \ N Lr) M C ? Lr) Lr) lu s? C u1 M O O M r Q) O v V Y Q Q ? v bA 'v 0 v C? v N _ 't 00 0 o-t v CA \ \ ? z cca O O 0 M 6J ?y \ W cd n w Q V ? v O ao °0 00 r `C Z m v U z c"i 4 o v CIS i,••, N r-- O Ln N N ? W V V ?: V 610 w Ln N o 0 ?a ? v -O p N (V N N b Ln - ? W 00 M N .--? O M -t O V N N N M O l? ?t M 41 gt 6J 'yOj svi U 00 00 00 ai ? ° c+1 Q ? b v U 00 M M O M ^ ( l G\ v C-1 't C N M 't C ( C m m Ca) E L CA CA W i Z w. U) F U I w I Z [0 c 1 1 GV cMM? V 1 0 0 M M O ^? N Ln v y ce5 Q ? w ? b CU N U E U O -a u U U' W it. O U U O ?4 O E? H O O 7.1 O W ral O W Q x v Ll. O v v Q Ln I u s.i \ N u) M O O Lr) lu 14 \ o ?n M o w .? v v O (U w v V U o y '? w O ? U bA v ? x O RS 44 v 7 ? 00 00 LL v (U CA 14 34 O O O ? M M M v C l m N W Q r N r A cC u U U c l M o M U c`? v c? y c? w Cr 0000 v b p N N N U') 110 00 C? vv r-+ OD 00 M va y M rI- Ln O d 000 O 00 cn N N v b U O U 00 O tn Q ? v A C U 00 M O L V M C11 ?4 CZ ,o C? Lin Q 74 C ? -+ N M m :3 z cn W In P? iu d 2 O U U) z O F- U F- U) z O U w U z O LL O 0 w CO O 0_ 0 J w n. O a 0 z n. Er F- F- z w 0 w 0 z U) 0 Y U O 0 O (r LL 0 W z O 2 U) w m w cr co w a Ln CC u) U ~ z H 2 O 0 W J J cr m O x z t i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 eo- E I l O i ! ? I i ? ' i i r i i 0.25 day -t-0.5 day --dr- / day -t- -'-{- ' i i 2 days -0 -3 days t5 days - ---.__?. ._----.--j--+...? LI-I----`----I-- '7 days -10days -- i 0.1 i 1000 10000 100000 1000000 Basin Water Storage Volume (i'13) u'sc a'" Dig 1 1 1 1 1 11 Figure 2. Skimmer orifice diameter as a function of the basin volume and basin dewatering time. '36-Z y"'PIR vsE.. t 1 ( 11 Figure 2. Skimmer orifice diameter as a function of the basin volume and basin dewatering time. 56-3 1/5 E.- y''0,,4 1 Sedimient Basin #1 (SB-1) 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents i Table of Contents ***+****************** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Mecklenburg..... Design Storms ...................... 2.01 Mecklenburg..... 2 Design Storms ...................... 2.02 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS ********************* DA TO SB-1...... Tc Calcs ........................... 3.01 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* DA TO SB-1...... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.01 ***********+*********** POND VOLUMES *t*r*****t************* SB-1............ Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 5.01 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* Outlet 1........ Outlet Input Data .................. 6.01 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) Individual Outlet Curves ........... 6.05 Composite Rating Curve ............. 6.09 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Mecklenburg Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID ------------ ------ ---------------- ---------------- 2 3.1200 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 10 4.8000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID ------------ ----- Type ---- Event ------ ac-ft ---------- Trun DA TO SB-1 AREA 2 2.859 DA TO SB-1 AREA 10 5.028 *OUT 10 JCT 2 2.097 R *OUT 10 JCT 10 4.247 R SB-1 IN POND 2 2.859 SB-1 IN POND 10 5.028 SB-1 OUT POND 2 2.097 R SB-1 OUT POND 10 4.247 R Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage hrs --------- cfs -------- ft -------- ac-ft 11.9200 53.10 ------------ 11.9200 90.97 12.0400 34.50 12.0000 72.61 11.9200 53.10 11.9200 90.97 12.0400 34.50 622.92 1.124 12.0000 72.61 623.66 1.439 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Name.... Mecklenburg File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Doc5\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p Title... Project Date: 12/3/2007 Project Engineer: FJM Project Title: ARROWOOD STATION RISER BASIN #1 (SB-1) Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Mecklenburg Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.1200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 Page 2.01 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.8000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Page 2.02 Name.... Mecklenburg Event: 2 yr File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 2 DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Mecklenburg Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID Storm Frequency Total Rainfall Depth Duration Multiplier Resulting Duration Resulting Start Time Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr 2 yr 3.1200 in 1 24.0000 hrs .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.8000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA TO SB-1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p .............................................................. TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .0833 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 3.01 Total Tc: .0833 hrs Calculated Tc < Min.Tc: Use Minimum Tc... Use Tc = .0833 hrs SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA TO SB-1 Page 3.02 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ User Defined Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 t Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... DA TO SB-1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C °UC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ Residential Districts - 1/8 acre (t 90 16.380 90.00 Page 4.01 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 16.380 90.00 (90) ........................................................................... ........................................................................... SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... SB-l Page 5.01 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(Al*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) ----------- (sq.in) (acres) -- ------ (acres) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 619.00 ----- --------- ----- .1590 ----------------- .0000 --------- .000 ------------- .000 620.00 ----- .2420 .5972 .199 .199 622.00 ----- .3420 .8717 .581 .780 624.00 ----- .4790 1.2257 .817 1.597 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-ELI) * (Areal + Areal + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) where: ELI, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for ELI, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between ELI and EL2 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.01 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 619.00 ft Increment = .50 ft Max. Elev.= 624.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------- --------- --------- User Defined Table UO ---> TW .000 624.000 Stand Pipe RO ---> CO 622.000 624.000 Culvert-Circular CO ---> TW 619.000 624.000 Weir-Rectangular WO ---> TW 623.000 624.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.02 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = UO Structure Type = User Defined Table ------------------------------------ ELEV-FLOW RATING TABLE Elev, ft Flow, cfs --------- --------- 619.00 .00 619.25 .17 624.00 .17 Structure ID = RO Structure Type ------------------ = Stand Pipe ------------ ------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 622.00 ft Diameter = 4.0000 ft Orifice Area = 12.5664 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 12.57 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.330 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM 5/16/2008 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.03 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = CO Structure Type = Culvert-Circular ------------------------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 2.5000 ft Upstream Invert = 619.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 618.00 ft Hcriz. Length = 33.00 ft Barrel Length = 33.02 ft Barrel Slope = .03030 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .009217 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) _ .000 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.292 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 619.00 ft ---> Flow = 27.16 cfs At T2 Elev = 622.23 ft ---> Flow = 31.05 cfs SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type -------------- # of openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs WO Weir-Rectangular ---------------- 1 623.00 ft 16.00 ft 3.330000 Page 6.04 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.05 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = UO (User Defined Table) -------------------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes --------- WS Elev. ------- --------------- ---- Q TW Elev Converge ---------------------- ft -------- cfs ft +/-ft ------- -------- ----- Com ---- putation Messages ---------------------- 619.00 .00 Free Outfall 619.50 .17 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 620.00 .17 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 620.50 .17 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 621.00 .17 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 621.50 .17 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 622.00 .17 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 622.50 .17 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 623.00 .17 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 623.50 .17 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 624.00 .17 Free Outfall SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 ' Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.06 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE ' Structure ---------- ID = RO ---------- (Stand Pipe) ------------------ Upstream ID = ( Pond Water Surface) P DNstream ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) ond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS C han. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ' ft cfs ft - --ft--- --ft--- +/-ft +/-cfs ft ---- - +/-ft -- ------- 619.00 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.50 .00 Free Outfall ' WS below an invert; no flow. 620.00 .00 ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.50 .00 ... Free Outfall ' ::; WS below an invert; no flow. 621.00 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.50 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall ' WS below an invert; no flow. 622.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 622.50 14.79 622.50 Weir: H = Free .50ft 621.07 .000 .000 Free Outfall 623.00 41.85 623.00 623.00 623.00 .001 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER: ADJUSTED TO WEIR: H =1 .00ft t 623.50 * 623.50 623.50 FULLY CHARGED RISER, 623.50 .000 .000 Free Outfall DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 624.00 * 624.00 624.00 624.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. H ev=0.000 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM 5/16/2008 ' ' Type.... Name.... File.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.07 Outlet 1 N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) ----------- --------------------------- Mannings open channel maximum capacity: 76.80 cfs UPstream ID = RO (Stand Pipe) ' DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Ch an. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ' ft cfs +/-ft +/-cfs ft ft ft - ------ -- ft ----- +/-ft -- ------- ---- -- 619.00 ------- .00 --- -- -- --- --- --- - - -- ... ... ... ... Free Outfall ' 619.50 .00 WS below an invert; no flow. Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.00 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall ' 620.50 .00 WS below an invert; no flow. Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 621.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 622.00 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall ' 622.50 14.79 WS below an invert; no flow. 621.07 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .515ft Dcr= 1.297ft CR IT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 623.00 37.81 623.00 Free Free .000 4.033 Free Outfall ' 623.50 41.63 INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =4.00 623.50 Free Free .000 32.448 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =4.50 624.00 45.12 624.00 Free Free .000 40.414 Free Outfall ' INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =5.00 n SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 11 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.08 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = WO (Weir-Rectangular) -------------------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q ---------------- Tail Water ---------- Notes WS Elev. Q ----- TW Elev Converge -------------------------- ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft -------- ----- Computation Messages -------------------- 619.00 .00 Free Outfali ------ WS below an invert; no flow. 619.50 .00 Free outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.00 .00 Free outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.50 .00 Free outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 622.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 622.50 .00 Free outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.00 .00 Free outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.50 18.72 Free Outfall H= .50; Htw=.00; Qfre e=18.72; 624.00 52.61 Free outfall H=1.00; Htw=.00; Qfr ee=52.61; SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.09 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 1 REVISED 5-13-08.p ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ------ ------------------- Elev. Q TW E lev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft -------- Contributing Structures 619.00 .00 Free ----- Outfall -------------------------- (no Q: UO,RO,CO,WO) 619.50 .17 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 620.00 .17 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 620.50 .17 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 621.00 .17 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 621.50 .17 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 622.00 .17 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 622.50 14.96 Free Outfall UO,RO,CO (no Q: WO) 623.00 37.98 Free Outfall UO,RO,CO (no Q: WO) 623.50 60.52 Free Outfall UO,RO,CO,WO 624.00 97.90 Free outfall UO,RO,CO,WO SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- D ----- DA TO SB-1... 3.01, 4.01 ----- M ----- Mecklenburg... 2.01, 2.02 ----- 0 ----- Outlet 1... 6.01, 6.05, 6.09 ----- S ----- SB-1... 5.01 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM A-1 Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 r Sediment Basin #2 (SB-2) Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 ********************** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Mecklenburg..... Design Storms ...................... 2.01 Mecklenburg..... 2 Design Storms ...................... 2.02 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS ********************* DA TO SB-2...... Tc Calcs ........................... 3.01 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* DA TO SB-2...... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.01 *********************** POND VOLUMES *************r*t******* SB-2............ Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 5.01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* Outlet 1........ Outlet Input Data .................. 6.01 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) Individual Outlet Curves ........... 6.05 Composite Rating Curve ............. 6.09 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Mecklenburg Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID ------------ ------ ---------------- ---------------- 2 3.1200 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 10 4.8000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ------------ ----- Type ---- Event ------ ac-ft ---------- Trun hrs --------- cfs -------- ft -------- ac-ft ------------ DA TO SB-2 AREA 2 1.866 12.2400 15.38 DA TO SB-2 AREA 10 4.255 12.2400 38.14 *OUT 10 JCT 2 1.319 R 12.9100 5.02 *OUT 10 JCT 10 3.661 R 12.4800 27.39 SB-2 IN POND 2 1.866 12.2400 15.38 SB-2 IN POND 10 4.255 12.2400 38.14 SB-2 OUT POND 2 1.319 R 12.9100 5.02 605.16 .764 SB-2 OUT POND 10 3.661 R 12.4800 27.39 606.01 1.107 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Name.... Mecklenburg File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw Title... Project Date: 12/3/2007 Project Engineer: FJM Project Title: ARROWOOD STATION RISER BASIN #2 (SB-2) Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Mecklenburg Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.1200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.8000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Page 2.01 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Page 2.02 Name.... Mecklenburg Event: 2 yr File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 2 DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Mecklenburg Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.1200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Storm Frequency = Total Rainfall Depth= Duration Multiplier = Resulting Duration = Resulting Start Time= Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr 10 yr 4.8000 in 1 24.0000 hrs .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA TO SB-2 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .6000 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: .6000 hrs Page 3.01 SIN: Bentley PcndPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA TO SB-2 Page 3.02 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ User Defined Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... DA TO SB-2 Page 4.01 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ Woods - fair 73 24.030 73.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 24.030 73.00 (73) SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... SB-2 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(Al*A2) Volume Volume sum (ft) ------------ (sq.in) (acres) --------------------- (acres) ---- (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 603.00 ----- .3200 ------------ 0000 ---------- 000 ------------- .000 604.00 ----- .3500 1.0047 .335 .335 606.00 ----- .4200 1.1534 .769 1.104 608.00 ----- .4900 1.3637 .909 2.013 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 Page 5.01 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 603.00 ft Increment = .50 ft Max. Elev.= 608.00 ft Page 6.01 OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------- --------- --------- User Defined Table UO ---> TW .000 608.000 Stand Pipe RO ---> CO 605.000 608.000 Culvert-Circular CO ---> TW 603.000 608.000 Weir-Rectangular WO ---> TW 607.000 608.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.02 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = UO Structure Type = User Defined Table ------------------------------------ ELEV-FLOW RATING TABLE Elev, ft Flow, cfs --------- --------- 603.00 .00 603.25 .29 608.00 .29 Structure ID = RO Structure Type -------- = Stand Pipe ---------- # of Openings ------------------ = 1 Invert Elev. = 605.00 ft Diameter = 4.0000 ft Orifice Area = 12.5664 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 12.57 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.330 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = CO Structure Type = Culvert-Circular ------------------------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 2.5000 ft Upstream Invert = 603.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 598.00 ft Horiz. Length = 50.00 ft Barrel Length = 50.25 ft Barrel Slope = .10000 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .009217 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.110 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.257 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below Tl elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 605.78 ft ---> Flow = 27.16 cfs At T2 Elev = 606.14 ft ---> Flow = 31.05 cfs Page 6.03 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.04 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type -------------- # of Openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. WO Weir-Rectangular ---------------- 1 607.00 ft 28.00 ft 3.330000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = UO (User Defined Table) -------------------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water --- --- Notes - - -------- --------- WS Elev. ------- Q ------- ----- - TW Elev Converge -------- --- - ft - - cfs - ft +/-ft - - - -- Computation Messages --- -- - --------------- - ----- 603.00 ----- - .00 -- -- - - -- Free Outfall - -- - - 603.50 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 604.00 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 604.50 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 605.00 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 605.50 .29 Free outfall Interpolated from input table 606.00 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 606.50 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 607.00 .29 Free outfall Interpolated from input table 607.50 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 608.00 .29 Free outfall Page 6.05 SIN: Bentley PcndPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 ' Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.06 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE ' Structure ---------- ID = RO ---------- (Stand Pipe) ------------------ Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS C han. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ' ft cfs ft ---ft--- --ft--- +/-ft +/-cfs ft ---- +/-ft --- ------- 603.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603.50 .00 ::: WS below ::: an invert; ;:: ::: ::: Free no flow. Outfall 604.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 604.50 .00 WS be:::low an i:::nvert; flow. :;: Free no : Outfall 605.00 .00 . . Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 605.50 14.79 605.50 FULLY CHA 605.07 RGED RISER: 605.07 .000 .000 Free ADJUSTED TO WEIR: H =.50ft Outfall 606.00 * 606.00 606.00 606.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHA RGED RISER: ADJUSTED TO WEIR: H =1.00ft ' 606.50 * 606.50 FULLY CHA 606.50 RGED RISER, 606.50 .000 .000 Free Outfall DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 607.00 * 607.00 607.00 607.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 607.50 * 607.50 607.50 FULLY CHARGED RISER, 607.50 .000 .000 Free Outfall DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 608.00 * 608.00 608.00 608.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 1 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 ' Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.07 Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = CO - (Culvert-Circular) - -- - --------- ---------- Mannings open channe ---- --- - ------ l maximum capacity: 139.52 cfs UPstream ID = RO DNstream ID = TW ( (Stand Pipe) Pond Outfall) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Ch an. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ' ft cfs ft ft ft +/-ft +/-cfs -- -- ft -- +/-ft - - -- ---- -- 603.00 ------- .00 --- -- --- --- - ... ... ----- - --- ------ ... ... ... -- - Free - - - -- Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 603.50 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.50 14.79 605.07 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .515ft Dcr= 1.297ft CR IT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 606.00 27.00 606.00 Free Free .000 14.843 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .819ft Dcr= 1.772ft CR IT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft ' 606.50 33.62 606.50 Free Free .000 40.457 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= 1.018ft Dcr= 1.972f t CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 607.00 38.52 607.00 Free Free .000 47.018 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... S ubmerged: HW =4.00 607.50 42.26 607.50 Free Free .000 53.371 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... S ubmerged: HW =4.50 608.00 45.70 608.00 Free Free .000 59.054 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... S ubmerged: HW =5.00 1 1 1 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 F 11 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.08 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = WO (Weir-Rectangular) -------------------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q ---------------- Tail Water ------------ Notes - - WS Elev. Q --- TW Elev Converge - ------ ----------------- ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft -------- ----- Computation Messages -------------------------- 603.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 606.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 606.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 607.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 607.50 32.85 Free Outfall H=. 50; Htw=.00; Qfree=32.85; 608.00 92.57 Free Outfall H=1 .00; Htw=.00; Qfree=92.57; SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 t Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 2.ppw Page 6.09 ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ------------------------- Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft -------- Contributing Structures 603.00 .00 Free ----- Outfall -------------------------- (no Q: UO,RO,CO,WO) 603.50 .29 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 604.00 .29 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 604.50 .29 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 605.00 .29 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 605.50 15.08 Free Outfall UO,RO,CO (no Q: WO) 606.00 27.29 Free Outfall UO,RO,CO (no Q: WO) 606.50 33.91 Free Outfall UO,RO,CO (no Q: WO) 607.00 38.81 Free Outfall UO,RO,CO (no Q: WO) 607.50 75.40 Free Outfall UO,RO,CO,WO 608.00 138.57 Free Outfall UO,RO,CO,WO SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- D ----- DA TO SB-2... 3.01, 4.01 ----- M ----- Mecklenburg... 2.01, 2.02 ----- 0 ----- Outlet 1... 6.01, 6.05, 6.09 ----- S ----- SB-2... 5.01 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01 A-1 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 11:05 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 Sediment Basin #3 (SB-3) 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents ********************** MASTER SUMMARY *****************r**** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Mecklenburg..... Design Storms ...................... 2.01 Mecklenburg..... 2 Design Storms ...................... 2.02 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS ********************* DA TO SB-3...... Tc Calcs ........................... 3.01 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* DA TO SB-3...... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.01 *****************t***** POND VOLUMES *****************t***** SB-3............ Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 5.01 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* Outlet 1........ Outlet Input Data .................. 6.01 i S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) Individual Outlet Curves ........... 6.05 Composite Rating Curve ............. 6.09 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Dccs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Mecklenburg Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID ------------ ------ ---------------- ---------------- 2 3.1200 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 10 4.8000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ------------ ----- Type ---- Event ------ ac-ft ---------- Trun hrs --------- cfs -------- ft ac-ft DA TO SB-3 AREA 2 2.681 11.9200 49.80 -------- ------------ DA TO SB-3 AREA 10 4.715 11.9200 85.30 *OUT 10 JCT 2 1.560 R 12.1000 13.06 *OUT 10 JCT 10 3.561 R 12.0300 59.59 SB-3 IN POND 2 2.681 11.9200 49.80 SB-3 IN POND 10 4.715 11.9200 85.30 SB-3 OUT POND 2 1.560 R 12.1000 13.06 624.43 1.342 SB-3 OUT POND 10 3.561 R 12.0300 59.59 625.43 1.801 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Name.... Mecklenburg Page 2.01 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw Title... Project Date: 12/3/2007 Project Engineer: FJM Project Title: ARROWOOD STATION RISER BASIN #3 (SB-3) Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Mecklenburg Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.1200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Storm Frequency = Total Rainfall Depth= Duration Multiplier = Resulting Duration = Resulting Start Time= Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr 10 yr 4.8000 in 1 24.0000 hrs .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Page 2.02 Name.... Mecklenburg Event: 2 yr File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 2 DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Mecklenburg Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.1200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.8000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA TO SB-3 Page 3.01 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .0833 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: .0833 hrs Calculated Tc < Min.Tc: Use Minimum Tc... Use Tc = .0833 hrs SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DA TO SB-3 Page 3.02 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ User Defined Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 ' Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 4.01 Name.... DA TO SB-3 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C .UC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ Residential Districts - 1/8 acre (t 90 15.360 90.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 15.360 90.00 (90) SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... SB-3 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(Al*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) ------------ (sq.in) (acres) --------------------- (acres) ----- (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 621.00 ----- .3400 ----------- .0000 ---------- .000 ------------- .000 622.00 ----- .3700 1.0647 .355 .355 624.00 ----- .4300 1.1989 .799 1.154 626.00 ----- .4900 1.3790 .919 2.073 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-ELl) * (Areal + Areal + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between ELl and EL2 Page 5.01 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 621.00 ft Increment = .50 ft Max. Elev.= 626.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------- --------- --------- User Defined Table UO ---> TW .000 626.000 Stand Pipe RO ---> CO 624.000 626.000 Culvert-Circular CO ---> TW 621.000 626.000 Weir-Rectangular WO ---> TW 625.000 626.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel Page 6.01 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.02 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = UO Structure Type = User Defined Table ------------------------------------ ELEV-FLOW RATING TABLE Elev, ft Flow, cfs --------- --------- 621.00 .00 621.25 .29 626.00 .29 Structure ID = RO Structure Type ------------------ = Stand Pipe ------------ ------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 624.00 ft Diameter = 4.0000 ft Orifice Area = 12.5664 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 12.57 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.330 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.03 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Dccs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = CO Structure Type = Culvert-Circular ------------------------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 2.5000 ft Upstream Invert = 621.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 620.00 ft Horiz. Length = 65.00 ft Barrel Length = 65.01 ft Barrel Slope = .01538 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .009217 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.153 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.299 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below Tl elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 623.88 ft ---> Flow = 27.16 cfs At T2 Elev = 624.25 ft ---> Flow = 31.05 cfs SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.04 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type -------------- # of Openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. WO Weir-Rectangular ---------------- 1 625.00 ft 18.00 ft 3.330000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM 5/16/2008 1 1 1 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = UO (User Defined Table) -------------------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water ---------------- ---- Notes WS Elev. ----------- ---- Q TW Elev Converge ---------------------- ft -------- cfs ft +/-ft ------- -------- ----- Com ---- putation Messages -------------- - 621.00 .00 Free Outfall - ------ 621.50 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 622.00 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 622.50 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 623.00 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 623.50 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 624.00 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 624.50 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 625.00 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 625.50 .29 Free Outfall Interpolated from input table 626.00 .29 Free Outfall Page 6.05 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 t Type. -.. Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.06 Name. _.. Outlet 1 ' File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE ' Structure ---------- ID = RO ---------- (Stand Pipe) ------------------ Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) ' Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ---ft-- - - -cfs -- - -- -ft-- ---ft- - -ft--- -- -ft ---cfs ft - ---ft ' 621.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfail WS below an invert; no flow. 621.50 .00 WS below an invert; :::: ::: no flow. Free Outfall 622.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 622.50 .00 Free Outfall ' ::: WS below ::: an invert; ::: :;: ::: no flow. 623.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.50 .00 ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.00 .00 ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 624.50 14.79 624.50 Weir: H = Free .50ft 623.07 .000 .000 Free Outfall 625.00 41.85 625.00 625.00 625.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHA RGED RISER: ADJUSTED TO WEIR: H =1 .00ft 625.50 * 625.50 625.50 625.50 .000 .000 Free Outfall ' FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Ke v=O. Hev=0.000 626.00 * 626.00 626.00 626.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Ke v=O. Hev=0.000 ' SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM 5/16/2008 ' Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE 1 I Structure ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) -------------------------------------- Mannings open channel maximum capacity: 54.72 cfs UPstream ID = RO (Stand Pipe) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft cfs ft ft ft -ft -cfs ft -ft --- -- - 621.00 -- -- .00 - --- -- ... --- --- ... -- --- ... -- ------ ... -- ------ ... ----- Free - -- - ------- Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.50 .00 ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 622.00 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 622.50 .00 ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.50 .00 ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.00 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.50 14.79 623.07 Free Free .000 .000 Free outfall CRIT.DEPT H CONTROL Vh= .515ft Dcr= 1.297ft CR IT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 625.00 37.67 625.00 Free Free .000 4.176 Free Outfall INLET CON TROL... Submerged: HW =4. 00 625.50 41.50 625.50 Free Free .000 32.579 Free outfall INLET CON TROL... Submerged: HW =4. 50 626.00 44.99 626.00 Free Free .000 40.545 Free outfall INLET CON TROL... Submerged: HW =5. 00 Page 6.07 1 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = WO --------- (Weir-Rectangular) ----------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,D --------- evice Q Tail Water ------- ------- Notes WS Elev. -------- Q TW Elev Converge -------------------------- ft -------- cfs ft +/-ft ------- -------- ----- Computation Messages --------------- 621.00 .00 Free Outfall ----------- WS below an invert; no flow. 621.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 622.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 622.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 625.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 625.50 21.07 Free Outfall H=.50; Htw=.00; Qfre e=21.07; 626.00 59.27 Free Outfall H=1.00; Htw=.00; Qfr ee=59.27; Page 6.08 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\EROSION CONTROL 12-3-07\SED BASIN 3.ppw ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ------ -- Converge ------------------------- Elev. Q TW El ev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft ------ +/-ft -- Contributing Structures 621.00 .00 Free ----- Outfall -------------------------- (no Q: UO,RO,CO,WO) 621.50 .29 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 622.00 .29 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 622.50 .29 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 623.00 .29 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 623.50 .29 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 624.00 .29 Free Outfall UO (no Q: RO,CO,WO) 624.50 15.08 Free Outfall UO,RO,CO (no Q: WO) 625.00 37.96 Free Outfall UO,RO,CO (no Q: WO) 625.50 62.86 Free Outfall UO,RO,CO,WO 626.00 104.55 Free Outfall UO,RO,CO,WO Page 6.09 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names A-1 ----- D ----- DA TO SB-3... 3.01, 4.01 ----- M ----- Mecklenburg... 2.01, 2.02 ----- 0 ----- Outlet 1... 6.01, 6.05, 6.09 ----- S ----- SB-3... 5.01 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:07 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/16/2008 ' Water Quality Design Calculations Wet Pond #1 i 1 1 1 i i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 WET POND #1 DESIGN: WATER QUALITY TO MEET 85% TSS REMOVAL GIVEN: DRAINAGE AREA TO FACILITY = 16.38 Ac. LAND USE = MULTI FAMILY CALCULATED PERCENT IMPERVIOUS = 81% DESIGNED PERCENT IMPERVIOUS = 81% PREDOMINANT SOIL TYPE = CeB,CuB,EnB,MkB,Mo,Ur,WkB,WkD,WkE,WkD 1) POST CONSTRUCTION MANUAL WATER QUALITY PROTECTION VOLUME CALCULATIONS COMPUTE RUNOFF COEFFICIENT, Rv Rv= 0.05 + 0.009(1) 1= 81% Rv= 0.05 + 0.009 (81) Rv= .779 PROVIDE VOLUME TO DETAIN THE 1" STORM EVENT ABOVE THE ELEVATION ALLOCATED AS A PERMANENT POOL THE VOLUME FOR THE 1" STORM EVENT CAN BE CALCULATED AS: WQv= 3630*1"*Rv*A WQv= 3630*1*.779*16.38 WQv= 46,318 FT3 SA/ DA SA= (2.84/100)'(16.38) SA= .465 AC = 20,256 SF 2) Pond Drawdown Time Pond Height above Orifice = 620.100 feet Orifice Invert Elevation = 618.000 feet Pond Surface Area at Height Above Orifice = 25,685 square feet Pond Surface Area at Orifice Invert Elevation = 20,278 square feet Orifice Diameter (D) = 3.00 inches = 0.25 feet Orifice Area (a) = 0.0491 square feet 5/28/2008 2:37 PM Page 1 of 2, Average Surface Area (A) = 22,982 square feet Gravitational Constatnt (g) = 32.2 ft/seC2 Head (H) = 1.98 feet Discharge Coefficient (C) = 0.6 Time (t) = 273,299 seconds = 3.16 days Note: ' The above calculation is based on the Bernoulli Equation where: -2xA t o x (0 - Hos) : x a x (2g) ' 5/28/2008 2:37 PM Page 2 of 2 1 Pond Stage-Storage Calculations Wet Pond #1 r r Wet Pond 1 Stage Storage Pond 1 - Main Pool Elev Area (sf) Inc Storage cf Total Storage (cf) 613.5 9,829 0 0 614.0 10,140 4,992 4,992 616.0 12,039 22,179 27,171 618.0 15,915 27,954 55,125 Pond 1 - Foreba Elev Area (sf) Inc Storage cf Total Storage (cf) 613.5 2234 0 0 614.0 2437 1,168 1,168 616.0 3290 5,727 6,895 618.0 4363 7,653 14,548 Total Volume (cf) = 69,673 Total Surface Area (sf) = 20,278 Average Depth (ft) = 3.44 Forbay Volume Req. (20%) = 13,935 Forbay Provided (cf) - 14,548 Pond 1 - Temp WQ Pool Elev Area (sf) Inc Storage cf Total Storage (cf) 618.00 20,278 0 0 620.10 25685 48,261 48,261 0.21 1 Pre Development Flows Wet Pond #1 n t Table of Contents Table of Contents ********************** MASTER SUMMARY ********+*********t*** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Mecklenburg..... Design Storms ...................... 2.01 Mecklenburg..... 2 Design Storms ...................... 2.02 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS ******************** DRAINAGE BASIN.. Tc Calcs ........................... 3.01 ********************** ON CALCULATIONS ********************* 1 1 1 DRAINAGE BASIN.. Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.01 i S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 8:50 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Mecklenburg Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID ------------ 2 ------ 3.1200 ---------------- Synthetic Curve ---------------- TypeII 24hr 10 4.8000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 1 2.6400 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac-ft ----------------- DRAINAGE BASIN ---- AREA ------ 2 ---------- .824 --------- 12.1000 -------- 9.39 -------- ------------ DRAINAGE BASIN AREA 10 1.878 12.1000 22.94 DRAINAGE BASIN AREA 1 .570 12.1500 6.15 *OUTLET 2 JCT 2 .824 12.1000 9.39 *OUTLET 2 JCT 10 1.878 12.1000 22.94 *OUTLET 2 JCT 1 .570 12.1500 6.15 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 8:50 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 t Type.... Design Storms Name.... Mecklenburg Page 2.01 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw Title... Project Date: 12/3/2007 Project Engineer: FJM Project Title: ARROWOOD STATION PRE-DEV FOR POND #1 Project Comments: REVISED 5-15-08 ADDED 2.36 ACRES FROM CATS VOL 3 PLANS DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Mecklenburg Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID = Storm Frequency = Total Rainfall Depth= Duration Multiplier = Resulting Duration = Resulting Start Time= Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr 2 yr 3.1200 in 1 24.0000 hrs .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.8000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 1 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 1 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.6400 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 8:50 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 t 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Page 2.02 Name.... Mecklenburg Event: 2 yr File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 2 DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Mecklenburg Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.1200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.8000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 1 Data Type, File, ID Storm Frequency Total Rainfall Depth Duration Multiplier Resulting Duration Resulting Start Time Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr 1 yr 2.6400 in 1 24.0000 hrs .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 8:50 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 t 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DRAINAGE BASIN File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time 3600 hrs -------- --- ---------------- - - ----- -Total-Tc_--- -.3600-hrs- Page 3.01 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 8:50 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/200e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... To Calcs Name.... DRAINAGE BASIN File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 3.02 User Defined ------ T c = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 8:50 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... DRAINAGE BASIN File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres °,C oUC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ Woods - fair 73 10.600 73.00 Page 4.01 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 10.600 73.00 (73) SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 8:50 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- D ----- DRAINAGE BASIN... 3.01, 4.01 ----- M ----- Mecklenburg... 2.01, 2.02 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01 A-1 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 8:50 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 L Pond Design Calculations Wet Pond #1 1 1 11 t War Pon D * i City of Charlotte - Land Development Division Wet Pond Worksheet ? ? f Project Name: Date: 9119 BMP location narrative: Attach"' schematic describing wet pond location and information relative to BMT( Wet Pond Summary Basin drainage area to pond: ac. (Delineated on attached drainage area map) Proposed Impervious Area Percentage: t? % (Detailed impervious area calculations attached) SA/DA ratio required: (Use State BMP manual chart) Permanent Pool Surface Area Required: 7025"6 sq. ft. Permanent Pool Surface Area Provided: 2 02 7$ sq. ft. Permanent Pool Elevation: 6 18 ft. (elevation of the orifice invert) Forebay Volume Percentage: Z 0 % (calc showing between 15% and 25% attached) Average Depth Provided: ft. (calculation attached) I? I/ Runoff volume: A/O acre-ft. (calculation attached) Diameter of orifice: in. (for water quality drawdown between 2-5 days) Emergency pipe diameter: in. (calculations attached) Temporary Pool Elevation: ft. (routing calculations attached) Spillway Elevation: ft. (calculation attached) Spillway weir length: ft. (calculation attached) Top of Berm Elevation: 62 y, 3 Z ft. Freeboard Provided: b in. Basin Diagram (fill in the blanks) Bottom Elevation.--- Permanent Pool Elevation 6119 ' Sediment Removal Elevation 775 % -------- // Sediment Removal Elevation 4 /\5 / ?? 25% / Bottom Elevation CCJ Forebay Main Pond • C[iA UMTE. ENGINEERING ! PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Land Development Division 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202-2844 Telephone: 704/336-6692 Fax: 704/336-6586 landpermits.charmeck.org Revised 7/2005 Project Name t 11 PRE-DEVELOPED SUMMARY Basin area: / %, ac. (Delineated on attached drainage area map) Time of Concentration, Tcpre:_ ?(Based on the SCS Method) (Tc path shown on attached map) Reference 3.9.6 of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual - SCS Travel Time. Curve Number, Cnpre: 13 ' POST-DEVELOPED SUMMARY Basin area: / , ..,, 9 ac. (Delineated on attached drainage area map) Time of Concentration, Tcpost: min. (Based on the SCS Method) (Tc path shown on ' attached map) Reference 3.9.6 of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual - SCS Travel Time. Curve Number, CnPos,: , City of Charlotte Land Development Division Detention Worksheet /00 /7 Z> */ Date: Project Description: Attach brief explanation of detention plans and any assumptions if necessary. DETENTION SUMMARY Computer Method Used*: pcz? _ plllq?4 *Land Development Plan Review Staff will verify all detention submittals using HEC-1 for compliance with the City of Charlotte Zoning Ordinance, Section 12.6 This summary is to accompany all detention analysis and is not intended to replace that requirement. Pre (cfs) Post (cfs) Routed (cfs) Elevation 2 yr. y? / i 6-3. ?. ?4? J ,v 621P 10 yr. , 2 -3 50 yr. N/A A 87 0 t 5 0 aM1:r Pg I of 3 Revised 3/2005 i i PRE-DEVELOPED SUB-BASIN CALCULATIONS: Sub-basin Name/Level: __ /_ (Coordinate with attached drainage area map) Type of Flow Sheet Unpaved Travel Length (ft.) ?Q Sloe (%) 1 4?1 Mannin s (n) Time (min.) _?z Sheet Paved Shallow Conc. (Unpaved) Shallow Conc. Paved Channel Pipe TOTAL N/A N/A N/A TC pre= - Acreage Land Use Soil Type Hydrologic Group CN Weighted CN (Acreage/Total Area) x (CN) le, 0 Wooas ^ F .73 __73 w? Acreage Land Use Soil Type Hydrologic Group CN Weighted CN (Acreage/Total Area) x (CN) CNr°5t= Pg2of3 Revised 3/2005 POST-DEVELOPED SUB-BASIN CALCULATIONS: Sub-basin Name/Level: (Coordinate with attached drainage area map) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 STORAGE / DISCHARGE CALCULATIONS *(If applicable) Complete Underground Storage Volume Table Elevation Underground * Above Ground Total Ace. Volume (cf) Ace. Volume for all Structures (cf) Area (sq. ft.) Inc. Volume (cf) Ace. Volume (cf) (Above and Underground) la ZeZ 78 0 0 C? Z3Y9Z V.S 770 Y 7 %'r A157-20 6 21 Z. ZS Z 3 -53 7Z 6 ? ?/ ?d ? - »5. ...?..,». 5.. Co= orifice coefficient: Cw = weir coefficient. Orifice Area unit shall be square feet (sfl. Elevation / rifice 1 Orifice 2 Weir 1 Weir 2/Em. Outlet Emergency Total Q Stage In. ? In. Ft. Spillway Control Pipe Spillway (cfs) (ft) Inv. dd/ Inv. Inv. (Controlled by 7- Dia. (Free flow out of G S Area / Area Cw= 3 0 outlet pipe/struct) /10 Length pond) Co= . 6 Co= ., Ft. 6115 Inv. v. In Co= + () Inv. Cw= Cw= ??t a 0 ? l0 3 Z C ? 31 . - ,. 22 .117 3,91 0 1 unaergrouna Ntorage volume i anie (if applicame) Provide additional storage volume tables if more structures are used. Elevation Ace. Volume (cf) Underground Structure # # Length (ft.) Size/dia (ft.) Upper inv. Lower inv. Slope (%) Ace. Volume (cf) Underground Structure # # Length (ft.) Size/dia (ft.) Upper inv. Lower inv. Slope (%) Ace. Volume (cf) Underground Structure # # Length (ft.) Size/dia (ft.) Upper inv. Lower inv. Slope (%) Ace. Volume (cf) Underground Structure # # Length (ft.) Size/dia (ft.) Upper inv. Lower inv. Slope (%) d"I" A 011 d-yrr ' ENGINEERING k PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Land Development Division 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202-2844 Telephone: 704/336-6692 Fax: 704/336-6586 landpermits.charmeck.org Pg 3 of 3 Revised 3/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 2vl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 WET POND #1 24 HOUR EMERGANCY DRAIN 3) Pond Drawdown Time Pond Height above Orifice = 618.00 feet Orifice Invert Elevation = 612.00 feet Pond Surface Area at Height Above Orifice = 15,915 square feet and Surface Area at Orifice Invert Elevation = 8,331 square feet Orifice Diameter (D) = 6.00 inches = 0.50 feet Orifice Area (a) = 0.1963 square feet Average Surface Area (A) = 12,123 square feet Gravitational Constatnt (g) = 32.2 ft/sec2 Head (H) = 5.75 feet Discharge Coefficient (C) = 0.6 Time (t) = 61,496 seconds = 0.71 days Note: The above calculation is based on the Bernoulli Equation where: t ; x a x( 9)° x (0 - Ho.e) 5/28/2008 2:37 PM Page 1 of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 Job File: N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 REVISED 5-08-08.PPW Rain Dir: N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\ JOB TITLE Project Date: 12/3/2007 Project Engineer: FJM Project Title: ARROWOOD STATION WET POND 1 Project Comments: REVISED 5-15-08 ADDED 2.36 ACRES OF DRAINAGE AREA FROM CATS VOLUME 3 PLANS SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents ********************** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Mecklenburg..... Design Storms ...................... 2.01 Mecklenburg..... 2 Design Storms ...................... 2.02 ****+***************** TC CALCULATIONS ********************* BASIN 1......... To Calcs ........................... 3.01 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* BASIN 1......... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.01 *********************** POND VOLUMES *********************** POND 1.......... Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 5.01 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* Outlet 1........ Outlet Input Data .................. 6.01 i SIN: Bentley PcndPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents (continued) Individual Outlet Curves ........... 6.04 Composite Rating Curve ............. 6.20 ii S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Mecklenburg Total Depth Rainfall Return Event ------------ in - Type RNF ID 2 ----- 3.1200 --------- Synthetic ------- Curve -------- TypeII -------- 24hr 10 4.8000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 50 6.4800 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 100 6.9600 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID -------- ---- ----- Type ---- Event ------ ac-ft ---------- Trun -- hrs cfs ft ac-ft BASIN 1 AREA 2 2.859 --------- 11.9200 -------- -------- ------------ 53.26 BASIN 1 AREA 10 5.028 11.9200 91.23 BASIN 1 AREA 50 7.254 11.9200 128.87 BASIN 1 AREA 100 7.895 11.9200 139.55 *OUTFALL 1 JCT 2 1.189 R 13.7900 1.92 *OUTFALL 1 JCT 10 3.306 R 12.1050 21.54 *OUTFALL 1 JCT 50 5.483 R 12.0650 49.80 *OUTFALL 1 JCT 100 6.110 R 12.0700 50.77 POND 1 IN POND 2 2.859 11.9200 53.26 POND 1 IN POND 10 5.028 11.9200 91.23 POND 1 IN POND 50 7.254 11.9200 128.87 POND 1 IN POND 100 7.895 11.9200 139.55 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID - Type Event --ac-ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac-ft POND 1 OUT POND 2 1.189 R - --- 13.7900 1.92 621.38 --- 1.885 POND 1 OUT POND 10 3.306 R 12.1050 21.54 622.67 2.723 POND 1 OUT POND 50 5.483 R 12.0650 49.80 623.82 3.515 POND 1 OUT POND 100 6.110 R 12.0700 50.77 624.21 3.795 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Design Storms Name.... Mecklenburg Page 2.01 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw n I DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Mecklenburg 1 Storm Tag Name = 2 ---------------------- Data Type, File, ID = ------------------------------------------------ Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr ' Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.1200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs ' Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs 1 Storm Tag Name = 10 ---------------------------- Title... Project Date: 12/3/2007 Project Engineer: FJM Project Title: ARROWOOD STATION WET POND 1 Project Comments: REVISED 5-15-08 ADDED 2.36 ACRES OF DRAINAGE AREA FROM CATS VOLUME 3 PLANS Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.8000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 50 ---------------------- Data Type, File, ID = ---------------- Synthetic Storm -------------------------------- TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 6.4800 in Duration Multiplier = 1 ' Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 100 Data Type, File, ID Storm Frequency Total Rainfall Depth Duration Multiplier Resulting Duration Resulting Start Time Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr 100 yr 6.9600 in 1 24.0000 hrs .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Design Storms Page 2.02 Name.... Mecklenburg Event: 2 yr ' File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 2 DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ' Design Storm File,ID Storm Tag Name Data Type, File, ID Storm Frequency Total Rainfall Depth Duration Multiplier Resulting Duration Resulting Start Time Mecklenburg 2 -------------------------------------------- Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr 2 yr 3.1200 in 1 24.0000 hrs .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Storm Frequency = Total Rainfall Depth= Duration Multiplier = Resulting Duration = Resulting Start Time= Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr 10 yr 4.8000 in 1 24.0000 hrs .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = ----50 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 6.4800 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs u 1 11 Storm Tag Name = 100 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 100 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 6.9600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 t Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... BASIN 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw ....................................................... TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .0833 hrs ------- - ----- - ------ ------- ---- ------ Page 3.01 -Total -Tc:-----.0833-hrs- SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... BASIN 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 3.02 User Defined Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 s t t Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... BASIN 1 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ Residential Districts - 1/8 acre (t 90 16.380 90.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 16.380 90.00 (90) Page 4.01 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 i 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... POND 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(Al*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) (sq.in) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 618.00 ----- 20278 0 -- .000 --- --- .000 620.00 ----- 25492 68506 1.048 1.048 622.00 ----- 28234 80554 1.233 2.281 624.00 ----- 31050 88893 1.360 3.642 624.32 ----- 31521 93856 .230 3.872 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Areal + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) where: ELI, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for ELI, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between ELI and EL2 Page 5.01 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 618.00 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 624.32 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------- --------- --------- Orifice-Area 01 ---> CO 621.000 624.320 Inlet Box RO ---> CO 622.100 624.320 Orifice-Circular 00 ---> CO 618.000 624.320 Culvert-Circular CO ---> TW 612.500 624.320 TW SETUP, DS Channel Page 6.01 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 t t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = O1 Structure Type ----------------- = Orifice-Area ---------- # of Openings --- = 1 ------ Invert Elev. = 621.00 ft Area = 1.0000 sq.ft Top of Orifice = 621.75 ft Datum Elev. = 621.38 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Structure ID = RO StructureType -------- = Inlet Box ---------- # of Openings ------------------ = 1 Invert Elev. = 622.10 ft Orifice Area = 9.0000 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 12.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No Structure ID = 00 Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 618.00 ft Diameter = .2500 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Page 6.02 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 ' Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 1 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw 1 I t 1 t 1 OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = CO Structure Type = Culvert-Circular ------------------------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 2.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 612.50 ft Dnstream Invert = 610.25 ft Horiz. Length = 110.00 ft Barrel Length = 110.02 ft Barrel Slope = .02045 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .012411 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.150 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.297 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 614.80 ft ---> Flow = 15.55 cfs At T2 Elev = 615.09 ft ---> Flow = 17.77 cfs Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Page 6.03 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.04 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Str ucture ID = 01 (Orifice-Area) --- ------ --- - - Ups tream ID ---- - - = ( ------------------ Pond Water Surface) ' DNs tream ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) C onverge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error --ft-- - --cfs - - ---ft- - --ft +/-ft +/-cfs ft ft +/-ft 618.00 .00 ... - ... -- --- ------ ------ ... ... ... - Free --- ------- Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 618.10 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.20 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall ' 618.30 .00 WS below an invert; no flow. Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.40 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 618.50 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.60 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.70 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.80 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall 618.90 .00 WS below an invert; no flow. Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 619.10 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.20 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall ' 619.30 .00 WS below an invert; no flow. Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.40 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall 619.50 .00 WS below an invert; no flow. Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.60 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall 619.70 .00 WS below an invert; ... no flow. ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' SIN: Bentley SYstems Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw 1 1 1 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Page 6.05 Structure ---------- ID = 01 ---------- (Orifice- --------- Area) ------- -- Ups tream ID = ( Pond Water Surface) DNs tream ID = CO (Culvert- Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS C han. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ---ft-- - cfs --ft - ft ------- ft +/-ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft 619.80 .00 ... - ... - --- ... ... ... Free - Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.90 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.10 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.20 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.30 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.40 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.50 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.60 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.70 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.80 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.90 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.00 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.10 .39 621.10 Free 612.97 .000 .000 Free Outfall Hi=.10; H t=.38; Qt=2.95 621.20 .79 621.20 Free 613.08 .000 .000 Free Outfall Hi= .20; H t=.38; Qt=2.95 621.30 1.18 621.30 Free 613.17 .000 .000 Free Outfall Hi= .30; H t=.38; Qt=2.95 621.40 1.57 621.40 Free 613.25 .000 .000 Free Outfall Hi= .40; H t=.38; Qt=2.95 621.50 1.96 621.50 Free 613.33 .000 .000 Free Outfall Hi= .50; Ht=.38; Qt=2.95 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 I File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw ll t 1 11 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = 01 (Orifice-Area) -- Up --------- stream I -------- D = ---------- (Pond Wate --------- r Surface) DN stream I D = CO (Culvert- Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft - -- cfs ft ft ft +/-ft + /-cfs ft +/-ft -- --- 621.60 2.36 - 621.60 - - -- - Free 613.40 .000 .000 Free Outfall H i=.60; Ht =.38; Qt=2.95 621.70 2.75 621.70 Free 613.46 .000 .000 Free Outfall Hi=.70; Ht =.38; Qt=2.95 621.80 3.14 621.80 Free 613.53 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.42 621.90 3.49 621.90 Free 613.58 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.53 622.00 3.81 622.00 Free 613.63 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.63 622.10 4.10 622.10 Free 613.67 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.72 622.20 4.37 622.20 Free 613.86 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.83 622.30 4.63 622.30 Free 614.14 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.92 622.40 4.87 622.40 Free 614.46 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.03 622.50 5.10 622.50 Free 614.82 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.13 622.60 5.33 622.60 Free 615.23 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.22 622.70 5.54 622.70 Free 615.91 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.33 622.80 5.75 622.80 Free 616.83 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.42 622.90 5.94 622.90 Free 618.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.53 623.00 6.14 623.00 Free 619.43 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.63 623.10 6.32 623.10 621.15 621.15 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.72 623.20 4.36 623.20 622.38 622.38 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.82 623.30 .97 623.30 623.26 623.26 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.04 Page 6.06 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw 1 t 1 1 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = 01 -------------------- (Orifice-Area) --------------- Upstream ID = ( --- Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error --ft cfs ---ft- --ft- -------- ft +/-ft +/-cfs ft +/_ft 623.40 -- 623.40 623.40 -- --- - - ------ ------ ------- 623.40 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 623.50 * 623.50 623.50 623.50 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 623.60 623.60 623.60 623.60 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 623.70 623.70 623.70 623.70 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 623.80 * 623.80 623.80 623.80 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 623.90 623.90 623.90 623.90 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 624.00 * 624.00 624.00 624.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 624.10 * 624.10 624.10 624.10 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 624.20 * 624.20 624.20 624.20 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 624.30 624.30 624.30 624.30 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 624.32 * 624.32 624.32 624.32 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE Page 6.07 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 ' Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw 1 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Page 6.08 Structure --------- ID --- = RO -------- (Inlet Box) ----------------- - Ups tream ID = ( Pond Water Surface) DNs tream ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS C han. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft cfs ft - - -ft- - ------- - -ft - +/-ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft 618.00 .00 ... ... - ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.10 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.20 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.30 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.40 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.50 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.60 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.70 .00 ... .. ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.80 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.90 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.10 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.20 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.30 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.40 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.50 .00 .. ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.60 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.70 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw 11 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Page 6.09 Structure --------- ID --- = RO -------- (Inlet Box) ------------------ Ups tream ID = ( Pond Water Surface) DNs tream ID = CO (Culvert- Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) C onverge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS C han. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ----ft-- cfs ---ft- - --ft ft +/-ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft 619.80 .00 ... ... -- ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 619.90 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.10 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.20 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.30 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.40 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.50 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.60 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.70 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.80 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 620.90 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.10 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.20 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.30 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.40 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.50 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.10 Name.... Outlet 1 ' File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TY PE Structure ID = RO (Inlet Box ) ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ -- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS C han. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ' ----ft-- cfs ---ft-- ---ft-- ft +/-ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft 621.60 .00 ... ... -- --- ... ... ... -- Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 621.70 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.80 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 621.90 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 622.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 622.10 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 622.20 1.14 622.20 Free 613.86 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H = .10ft ' 622.30 3.22 622.30 Free 614.14 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H = .20ft 622.40 5.92 622.40 Free 614.46 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H = .30ft ' 622.50 9.11 622.50 Free 614.82 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H = .40ft 622.60 12.73 622.60 Free 615.23 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H = .50ft ' 622.70 16.73 622.70 Free 615.91 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H = .60ft 622.80 21.08 622.80 Free 616.83 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H = .70ft 622.90 25.76 622.90 Free 618.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H = .80ft 623.00 30.74 623.00 Free 619.43 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H = .90ft 623.10 36.00 623.10 Free 621.15 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H = 1.00ft 623.20 41.53 623.20 622.38 622.38 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER: ADJUSTED TO WEIR: H =1 .10ft ' 623.30 47.32 623.30 623.26 623.26 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER: ADJUSTED TO WEIR: H =1 .20ft SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.11 Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = RO ( Inlet Box) --------------------- Upstream ID = (P ----------- ond Water S ------ urface) DNstream ID = CO ( Culvert-Cir cular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Er ror Error TW Error ft cfs ft - - ft--- --ft--- +/ - -ft +/-cfs --ft--- +/-ft ---- ------ ------- - - -- 623.40 ------- * -- - 623.40 623.40 - 623.40 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 ' 623.50 * 623.50 623.50 623.50 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 623.60 * 623.60 623.60 623.60 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 623.70 * 623.70 623.70 623.70 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 623.80 * 623.80 623.80 623.80 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 ' 623.90 * 623.90 623.90 623.90 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 624.00 * 624.00 624.00 624.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 624.10 * 624.10 624.10 624.10 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 624.20 * 624.20 624.20 624.20 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 ' 624.30 * 624.30 624.30 624.30 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 624.32 * 624.32 624.32 624.32 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 ' SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM 5/29/2008 ' Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.12 Name.... Outlet 1 ' File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw RAT ING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TY PE ' Str ucture ID = 00 (Orifice-C ircular) --- --------- -------- ---------- -------- Ups tream ID = ( Pond Water Surface) ' DNs tream ID = CO (Culvert-C ircular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft cfs ft ft ft +/-ft + /-cfs ft +/-ft -- --- - 618.00 ------- .00 - --- -- - ... -- --- ... ------- ... ------ - ... ----- ... ---- Free --- ------- Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.10 .02 618.10 Free 612.56 .000 .000 Free Outfall CR IT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .026f t Dcr= .074ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 618.20 .06 618.20 Free 612.62 .000 .000 Free Outfall CR IT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .059f t Dcr= .141ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 618.30 .10 618.30 Free .00 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.17 618.40 .12 618.40 Free 612.68 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.28 618.50 .14 618.50 Free 612.70 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.38 618.60 .16 618.60 Free .00 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.47 ' 618.70 .18 618.70 Free 612.72 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.58 618.80 .19 618.80 Free 612.73 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.67 ' 618.90 .21 618.90 Free 612.73 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.78 619.00 .22 619.00 Free 612.74 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.88 ' 619.10 .23 619.10 Free .00 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.97 619.20 .24 619.20 Free 612.75 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.08 619.30 .26 619.30 Free 612.76 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.17 619.40 .27 619.40 Free 612.77 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.28 ' 619.50 .28 619.50 Free .00 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.38 619.60 .29 619.60 Free 612.78 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.47 619.70 .30 619.70 Free .00 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.58 ' SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 Page 6.13 I File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TY PE t Structure ID = 00 (Orifice-C --------- ircular) -------- ------------ Upstream ID ------- = -- (Pond Water Surface) ' DNstream ID = CO (Culvert-C ircular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS C han. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error E rror TW Error ' ft cfs ft ft ft +/-ft +/ -cfs ft +/-ft 619.80 .31 - - - - - 619.80 ------- Free .00 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.67 619.90 .31 619.90 Free 612.79 .000 .000 Free Outfall ' H =1.78 620.00 .32 620.00 Free 612.79 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.88 ' 620.10 .33 620.10 Free 612.80 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.97 620.20 .34 620.20 Free 612.80 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.08 ' 620.30 .35 620.30 Free 612.81 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.17 620.40 .36 620.40 Free 612.81 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.28 ' 620.50 .36 620.50 Free 612.81 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.38 620.60 .37 620.60 Free .00 .000 .000 Free outfall H =2.47 ' 620.70 .38 620.70 Free .00 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.58 620.80 .39 620.80 Free 612.82 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.67 620.90 .39 620.90 Free 612.82 .000 .000 Free outfall H =2.78 621.00 .40 621.00 Free .00 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.88 621.10 .41 621.10 Free 612.97 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.97 621.20 .41 621.20 Free 613.08 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.08 621.30 .42 621.30 Free 613.17 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.17 621.40 .43 621.40 Free 613.25 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.28 ' 621.50 .43 621.50 Free 613.33 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.38 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw 1 1 C 1 r n 1 1 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = 00 --- (Orifice-Circular) ------------------- ------------ Upstream ID ---- = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = CO (Culvert-C ircular) Pond WS. Device (into) C onverge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS C han. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft cfs ft ft ft +/-ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft 621.60 .44 -- - --- 621.60 -- --- Free 613.40 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.47 621.70 .45 621.70 Free 613.46 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.58 621.80 .45 621.80 Free 613.53 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.67 621.90 .46 621.90 Free 613.58 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.78 622.00 .47 622.00 Free 613.63 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.88 622.10 .47 622.10 Free 613.67 .000 .000 Free Outfail H =3.97 622.20 .48 622.20 Free 613.86 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =4.08 622.30 .48 622.30 Free 614.14 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =4.17 622.40 .49 622.40 Free 614.46 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =4.28 622.50 .49 622.50 Free 614.82 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =4.38 622.60 .50 622.60 Free 615.23 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =4.47 622.70 .51 622.70 Free 615.91 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =4.58 622.80 .51 622.80 Free 616.83 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =4.67 622.90 .52 622.90 C entroid 618.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =4.78 623.00 .45 623.00 619.43 619.43 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.57 623.10 .33 623.10 621.15 621.15 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.95 623.20 .21 623.20 622.38 622.38 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.82 623.30 .05 623.30 623.26 623.26 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.04 Page 6.14 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.15 Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = 00 (Orifice-Circular) --------------- -------------------- Upstream ID = ( --- Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) Pond WS. Devic e (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft cfs ft ft ft--- +/-ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft 623.40 - -- * --- --- -- 623.40 623.40 - 623.40 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 623.50 * 623.50 623.50 623.50 .000 .000 Free Outfall ' FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 623.60 * 623.60 623.60 623.60 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 623.70 * 623.70 623.70 623.70 .000 .000 Free Outfall ' FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 623.80 * 623.80 623.80 623.80 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE ' 623.90 * 623.90 623.90 623.90 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 624.00 * 624.00 624.00 624.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 624.10 * 624.10 624.10 624.10 .000 .000 Free Outfall ' FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 624.20 * 624.20 624.20 624.20 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE ' 624.30 * 624.30 624.30 624.30 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 624.32 * 624.32 624.32 624.32 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLING STRUCTURE 1 r SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw 1 1 1 1 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure.ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) -------------------------------------- Mannings open channel maximum capacity: 34.80 cfs UPstream ID's= 01, R0, 00 DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Er ror Error TW Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft - ---- -- ft - ft +/-ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft 618.00 .00 - ... ------- ... ------- -- ... ---- ... ------ ... ------- ------- Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 618.10 .02 612.56 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .014ft Dcr= .043ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 618.20 .06 612.62 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .027ft Dcr= .080ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 618.30 .10 .00 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .036ft Dcr= .107ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 618.40 .12 612.68 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .041ft Dcr= .120ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 618.50 .15 612.70 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .044ft Dcr= .130ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 618.60 .16 .00 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .047ft Dcr= .138ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 618.70 .18 612.72 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .049ft Dcr= .144ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 618.80 .19 612.73 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .051ft Dcr= .150ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 618.90 .21 612.73 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .053ft Dcr= .156ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 619.00 .22 612.74 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .054ft Dcr= .160ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 619.10 .23 .00 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .056ft Dcr= .164ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 619.20 .25 612.75 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .057ft Dcr= .169ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 619.30 .26 612.76 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .059ft Dcr= .173ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 619.40 .27 612.77 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .060ft Dcr= .177ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 619.50 .28 .00 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .061ft Dcr= .179ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 619.60 .29 612.78 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .062ft Dcr= .183ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 619.70 .30 .00 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .063ft Dcr= .185ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft Page 6.16 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 1 n 11 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) -------------------------------------- Mannings open channel maximum capacity: 34.80 cfs UPstream ID's= 01, RO, 00 DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft cfs ft ft ---- ft +/-ft ------- ------ +/-cfs ------ ft +/-ft ------- ------- -------- 619.80 ------- .30 - ------- .00 ---- Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .064ft Dcr= .188ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 619.90 .31 612.79 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .065ft Dcr= .192ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 620.00 .32 612.79 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .066ft Dcr= .194ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 620.10 .33 612.80 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .067ft Dcr= .197ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 620.20 .34 612.80 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .068ft Dcr= .199ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 620.30 .35 612.81 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .069ft Dcr= .202ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 620.40 .36 612.81 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .070ft Dcr= .204ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 620.50 .36 612.81 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .070ft Dcr= .206ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 620.60 .37 .00 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .071ft Dcr= .209ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 620.70 .38 .00 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .072ft Dcr= .211ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .00ft 620.80 .39 612.82 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .072ft Dcr= .212ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 620.90 .39 612.82 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .073ft Dcr= .215ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 621.00 .40 .00 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .074ft Dcr= .217ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 621.10 .81 612.97 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .106ft Dcr= .308ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 621.20 1.20 613.08 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .132ft Dcr= .378ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 621.30 1.60 613.17 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .154ft Dcr= .438ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .00ft 621.40 2.00 613.25 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .174ft Dcr= .490ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 621.50 2.39 613.33 Free Free .000 .002 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .192ft Dcr= .538ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft Page 6.17 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.18 Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE ' Structure ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) ----- -------- Mannings open ------------------------- channel maximum capacity: 34.80 cfs UPstream ID' s= 01, R0, 00 DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW ' Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft - ------- ft -------- ft +/- -- ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft 621.60 2.80 613.40 Free ----- --- Free --- .000 ------ .000 ------- ------- Free Outfall ' CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .210ft Dcr= .584ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 621.70 3.20 613.46 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .226ft Dcr= .625ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 621.80 3.59 613.53 Free Free .000 .002 Free Outfal l CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .242ft Dcr= .664ft . CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 621.90 3.94 613.58 Free Free .000 .002 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .255ft Dcr= .696ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 622.00 4.27 613.63 Free Free .000 .002 Free Outfall ' CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .267ft Dcr= .725ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 622.10 4.57 613.67 Free Free .000 .002 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .279ft Dcr= .752ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 622.20 5.99 613.86 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall ' CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .329ft Dcr= .865ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 622.30 8.34 614.14 Free Free .000 .007 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .407ft Dcr= 1.029ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 622.40 11.29 614.46 Free Free .000 .007 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .505ft Dcr= 1.205ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 622.50 14.71 614.82 Free Free .000 .002 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .627ft Dcr= 1.382ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 622.60 18.56 615.23 Free Free .000 .004 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .783ft Dcr= 1.551ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 622.70 22.78 615.91 Free Free .000 .002 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... S ubmerged: HW =3.41 622.80 27.34 616.83 Free Free 000 .000 Free Outfall ' INLET CONTROL... S ubmerged: HW =4.33 622.90 32.20 618.00 Free Free .000 .023 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... S ubmerged: HW =5.50 ' 623.00 37.29 619.43 Free INLET CONTROL... S Free ubmerged: HW 000 .032 =6.93 Free Outfall 623.10 42.64 621.15 Free Free .000 .010 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... S ubmerged: HW =8.65 623.20 46.07 622.38 Free Free 000 .033 Free Outfall ' INLET CONTROL... S ubmerged: HW =9.88 623.30 48.38 623.26 Free Free .000 .036 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... S ubmerged: HW =10. 76 SIN: Bentley SYstems Inc. ' Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 1 I File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw 11 1 t RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) -------------------------------------- Mannings open channel maximum capacity: 34.80 cfs UPstream ID's= 01, R0, 00 DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Err or Error TW Error ft cfs ft ft ft +/- --- ft +/-cfs --- ------ ft ------ +/-ft - ------- -------- 623.40 -------- 48.74 ------- -------- 623.40 Free ------- Free .000 .649 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =10.90 623.50 49.00 623.50 Free Free .000 2.259 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =11.00 623.60 49.25 623.60 Free Free .000 3.807 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =11.10 623.70 49.50 623.70 Free Free .000 5.334 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =11.20 623.80 49.75 623.80 Free Free .000 6.769 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =11.30 623.90 50.00 623.90 Free Free .000 8.121 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =11.40 624.00 50.25 624.00 Free Free .000 9.462 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =11.50 624.10 50.49 624.10 Free Free .000 10.769 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =11.60 624.20 50.74 624.20 Free Free .000 12.077 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =11.70 624.30 50.98 624.30 Free Free .000 13.310 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =11.80 624.32 51.03 624.32 Free Free .000 13.554 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =11.82 Page 6.19 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw 11 t ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ------- --- --- ------------ Elev. Q TW E lev Error ft -------- cfs ------- f ----- t +/-ft --- ---- Contributi ng Structures 618.00 .00 Free - Outfall -------- (no Q: --- O1 --- ,R0 ------------ ,O0,C0) 618.10 .02 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 618.20 .06 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 618.30 .10 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 618.40 .12 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 618.50 .15 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 618.60 .16 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 618.70 .18 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 618.80 .19 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 618.90 .21 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 619.00 .22 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 619.10 .23 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 619.20 .25 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 619.30 .26 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 619.40 .27 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 619.50 .28 Free Outfall OO1CO (no Q: 01,RO) 619.60 .29 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 619.70 .30 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 619.80 .30 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 619.90 .31 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 620.00 .32 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 620.10 .33 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 620.20 .34 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 620.30 .35 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 620.40 .36 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 620.50 .36 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 620.60 .37 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 620.70 .38 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 620.80 .39 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 620.90 .39 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 621.00 .40 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: 01,RO) 621.10 .80 Free Outfall 01,00,CO (no Q: RO) 621.20 1.20 Free Outfall 01,00,C0 (no Q: RO) 621.30 1.60 Free Outfall O11OO1CO (no Q: RO) 621.40 2.00 Free Outfall 01,00,CO (no Q: RO) 621.50 2.40 Free Outfall 01,00,CO (no Q: RO) 621.60 2.80 Free Outfall 01,00,CO (no Q: RO) 621.70 3.20 Free Outfall 01,00,CO (no Q: RO) Page 6.20 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Outlet 1 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\WET POND 1 revised 5-08-08.ppw ***** COM POSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY ** ** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ------ -- Converge ------------- ------------ Elev. Q TW El ev Error ft cfs ft +/-ft Contributing Structures -------- 621.80 3.59 ------ Free -- Outfall 01,00,CO (no Q: RO) 621.90 3.94 Free Outfall 01,00,CO (no Q: RO) 622.00 4.27 Free Outfall 01,00,CO (no Q: RO) 622.10 4.57 Free Outfall 01,00,CO (no Q: RO) 622.20 5.99 Free Outfall Ol,R0,O0,C0 622.30 8.34 Free Outfall Ol,R0,O0,C0 622.40 11.29 Free Outfall O1,R0,O0,C0 622.50 14.71 Free Outfall O1,R0,O0,C0 622.60 18.56 Free Outfall O1,R0,O0,C0 622.70 22.78 Free Outfall Ol,R0,O0,C0 622.80 27.34 Free Outfall Ol,R0,O0,C0 ' 622.90 32.20 Free Outfall Ol,R0,O0,C0 623.00 37.29 Free Outfall Ol,R0,O0,C0 623.10 42.64 Free Outfall O1,R0,O0,C0 623.20 46.07 Free Outfall O1,R0,O0,C0 623.30 48.38 Free Outfall O1,R0,O0,C0 623.40 48.74 Free Outfall RO,CO (no Q: 01,00) 623.50 49.00 Free Outfall RO,CO (no Q: 01,00) 623.60 49.25 Free Outfall RO,CO (no Q: 01,00) 623.70 49.50 Free Outfall O1,R0,O0,C0 623.80 49.75 Free Outfall O1,R0,O0,C0 623.90 50.00 Free Outfall RO,CO (no Q: 01,00) 624.00 50.25 Free Outfall RO,CO (no Q: 01,00) ' 624.10 50.49 Free Outfall RO,CO (no Q: 01,00) 624.20 50.74 Free Outfall O1,R0,O0,C0 624.30 50.98 Free Outfall O1,R0,O0,C0 ' 624.32 51.03 Free Outfall O1,R0,00,C0 t Page 6.21 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- B ----- BASIN 1... 3.01, 4.01 ----- M ----- Mecklenburg... 2.01, 2.02 ----- 0 ----- Outlet 1... 6.01, 6.04, 6.20 ----- P ----- POND 1... 5.01 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 9:51 AM A-1 Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 Water Quality Wet Pond #2 2 Design Calculations and Wet Pond #3 1 WET POND #2 DESIGN: WATER QUALITY TO MEET 85% TSS REMOVAL GIVEN: DRAINAGE AREA TO FACILITY = 9.5 Ac. LAND USE = MULTI FAMILY CALCULATED PERCENT IMPERVIOUS = 54% DESIGNED PERCENT IMPERVIOUS = 54% PREDOMINANT SOIL TYPE = CeB,CuB,EnB,MkB,Mo,Ur,WkB,WkD,WkE,WkD 1) WATER QUALITY PROTECTION VOLUME CALCULATIONS COMPUTE RUNOFF COEFFICIENT, Rv Rv= 0.05 + 0.9(I) 1= 54% Rv= 0.05 + 0.009 (54) Rv= .536 PROVIDE VOLUME TO DETAIN THE 1" STORM EVENT ABOVE THE ELEVATION ALLOCATED AS A PERMANENT POOL THE VOLUME FOR THE 1" STORM EVENT CAN BE CALCULATED AS: WQv= 3630*1 "*Rv*A WQv= 3630*1*.536*9.5 WQv= 18,484 FT' SA/ DA SA= (2.03/100)*(9.5) SA= .192 AC = 8,400 SF 2) Pond Drawdown Time Pond Height above Orifice = 602.900 feet Orifice Invert Elevation = 602.000 feet Pond Surface Area at Height Above Orifice = 24,074 square feet Pond Surface Area at Orifice Invert Elevation = 21,624 square feet Orifice Diameter (D) = 2.50 inches = 0.21 feet Orifice Area (a) = 0.0341 square feet 5/28/2008 2:37 PM Page 1 of 2 Average Surface Area (A) = 22,849 square feet Gravitational Constatnt (g) = 32.2 ft/sec2 Head (H) = 0.80 feet Discharge Coefficient (C) = 0.6 Time (t) = 248,374 seconds = 2.87 days Note: The above calculation is based on the Bernoulli Equation where: t; x a x (2g)o x (0 - HO-5) 5/28/2008 2:37 PM Page 2 of 2 WET POND #3 ' DESIGN: WATER QUALITY TO MEET 85% TSS REMOVAL GIVEN: DRAINAGE AREA TO FACILITY = 15.36 Ac. LAND USE= ' MULTI FAMILY CALCULATED PERCENT IMPERVIOUS = 75% ' DESIGNED PERCENT IMPERVIOUS = 75% PREDOMINANT SOIL TYPE = CeB,CuB,EnB,MkB,Mo,Ur,WkB,WkD,WkE,WkD 1) WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS ' COMPUTE RUNOFF COEFFICIENT, Rv Rv= 0.05 + 0.009(1) 1= 75% ' Rv= 0.05 + 0.9 (75) Rv= .725 PROVIDE VOLUME TO DETAIN THE 1" STORM EVENT ABOVE THE ELEVATION ALLOCATED AS A PERMANENT POOL THE VOLUME FOR THE 1" STORM EVENT CAN BE CALCULATED AS: WQv= 1.0*Rv*A/12 WQv= (1.0*.725*15.36)/12 WQv= 40,423 FT' ' SA/ DA SA= (2.61/100)*(15.36) SA=.40 AC = 17,463 SF r 2) Pond Drawdown Time ' Pond Height above Orifice = 624.640 feet Orifice Invert Elevation = 623.000 feet Pond Surface Area at Height Above Orifice = 28,420 square feet Pond Surface Area at Orifice Invert Elevation = 21,690 square feet Orifice Diameter (D) = 3.00 inches = 0.25 feet Orifice Area (a) = 0.0491 square feet Average Surface Area (A) = 25,055 square feet Gravitational Constatnt (g) = 32.2 ft/sec2 Head (H) = 1.51 feet 5/28/2008 4:03 PM Page 1 of 2 ' Discharge Coefficient (C) = 0.6 ' Time (t) = 260,956 seconds = 3.02 days Note: ' The above calculation is based on the Bernoulli Equation where: -2xA t; x a x (2g)° x (0 - HO-) 5/28/2008 4:03 PM Page 2 of 2 u 1 1 1 1 Pond Stage-Storage Calculations Wet Pond #2 and Wet Pond #3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wet Pond 2 Stage Storage Pond 2 - Main Pool Elev Area (sf) Inc Storage cf Total Storage (cf) 596.0 7,789 0 0 598.0 9,353 17,142 17,142 600.0 11,000 20,353 37,495 602.0 14,518 25,518 63,013 Pond 2 - For bay Elev Area (sf) Inc Storage cf Total Storage (cf) 597.5 2646 0 0 598.0 3023 1,417 1,417 600.0 4355 7,378 8,795 602.0 7169 11,524 20,319 Total Volume (cf) = 83,332 Total Surface Area (sf) = 21,687 Average Depth (ft) = 3.84 Forbay Volume Req. (20%) = 16,666 Forbay Provided (cf) = 20,319 Pond 2 - Temp WQ Pool Inc Total Storage Elev Area (sf) Storage (cf) cf 602.00 21,688 0 0 602.90 24074 20,593 20,593 604.00 21,558 25,097 45,690 0.2438 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wet Pond 3 Stage Storage Pond 3 - Main Pool Elev Area (sf) Inc Storage cf Total Storage (cf) 618.5 9,290 0 0 619.0 9,927 4,804 4,804 621.0 12,550 22,477 27,281 623.0 17,124 29,674 56,955 Pond 3 - For bay Elev Area (sf) Inc Storage cf Total Storage (cf) 618.5 2006 0 0 621.0 3083 6,361 6,361 623.0 4566 7,649 14,010 Total Volume (cf) = 70,966 Total Surface Area (sf) = 21,690 Average Depth (ft) = 3.27 Forbay Volume Req. (20%) = 14,193 Forbay Provided (cf) - 14,010 Pond 3 - Temp WQ Pool Elev Area (sf) Inc Storage Total Storage cf (cf) 623.00 21,690 0 0 624.64 28420 41,209 41,209 625.00 29,082 10,214 51,423 0.1974 1 V Pre Development Flows Wet Pond #2 and Wet Pond #3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Job File: N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 2.PPW Rain Dir: N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\ JOB TITLE Project Date: 12/3/2007 Project Engineer: FJM Project Title: ARROWOOD STATION PRE-DEV FOR WET POND 2 AND 3 Project Comments: SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 12:40 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 11/30/2007 Table of Contents Table of Contents +++++++*+++*+*++++*++* MASTER SUMMARY ++++++++++++*++++*++++ Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Mecklenburg..... Design Storms ...................... 2.01 Mecklenburg..... 2 Design Storms ...................... 2.02 ++++++++*+**++++*+++*+ TC CALCULATIONS +++++++*++*++++*+++++ BYPASS.......... Tc Calcs .... 3.01 DRAINAGE BASIN.. 'rc Calcs ........................... 3.03 ++++*+++++*++*++++++++ CN CALCULATIONS ++*++*+++++++++**++*+ BYPASS.......... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.01 DRAINAGE BASIN.. Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.02 i SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 12:40 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 11/30/2007 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 2.ppw MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Mecklenburg Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID ------------ ------ ---------------- ---------------- 2 3.1200 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 10 4.8000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID ---------------- Type - ---- Event ------ ac-ft Trun BYPASS AREA 2 ---------- 6.900 BYPASS AREA 10 11.971 DRAINAGE BASIN AREA 2 2.895 DRAINAGE BASIN AREA 10 6.601 *OUTLET 2 JCT 2 9.795 *OUTLET 2 JOT 10 18.572 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage hrs cfs - ft ac_ft -------- 12.1000 -- --- --- ---- 87.05 12.1000 147.07 12.2500 23.82 12.2500 58.90 12.1000 104.69 12.1000 194.20 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 12:40 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 11/30/2007 1 1 1 1 Type.... Design Storms Name.... Mecklenburg File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 2.ppw Title... Project Date: 12/3/2007 Project Engineer: FJM Project Title: ARROWOOD STATION PRE-DEV FOR WET POND 2 AND 3 Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Mecklenburg Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.1200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.8000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Page 2.01 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 12:40 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 11/30/2007 Type.... Design Storms Page 2.02 Name.... Mecklenburg Event: 2 yr File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 2.ppw Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 2 DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Mecklenburg Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.1200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.8000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 12:40 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 11/30/2007 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... BYPASS File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 2.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1-Time-----_3300-hrs ------------------------------------------------- ---- -Total-Tc_-----_3300-hrs- Page 3.01 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 12:40 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 11/30/2007 Type.... To Calcs Name.... BYPASS File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 2.ppw ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 3.02 --_= User Defined To = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 12:40 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 11/30/2007 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 3.03 Name.... DRAINAGE BASIN File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Dccs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 2.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: hrs ----------------------------------------- _6000 ---- -------------- - -Total-Tc_-_-- .6000 hrs SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 12:40 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 11/30/2007 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... DRAINAGE BASIN File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\PCND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 2.ppw ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ User Defined Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration Page 3.04 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 12:40 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 11/30/2007 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 4.01 Name.... BYPASS File.... N:\_2C07\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 2.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA ----- ----------- ------------------ ------ ---------- ------------------------ Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Des ---------------- cription -------------- CN acres %C %UC CN Urban Districts -- - Industrial ---- 91 --------- 13.600 ----- ----- ------ 91.00 Urban Districts - Industrial 91 12.000 91.00 Urban Districts - Industrial 91 .900 91.00 Urban Districts - Industrial 91 .800 91.00 Urban Districts - Industrial 91 10.600 91.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 37.900 91.00 (91) SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 12. PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 11/30/2007 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... DRAINAGE BASIN File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\PRE-DEV-BASIN 2.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C RUC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ Woods - fair 73 37.280 73.00 Page 4.02 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 37.280 73.00 (73) SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 12:40 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 11/30/2007 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names A-1 ----- B ----- BYPASS... 3.01, 4.01 ----- D ----- DRAINAGE BASIN... 3.03, 4.02 ----- M ----- Mecklenburg... 2.01, 2.02 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 12:40 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 11/30/2007 1 ' Pond Design Calculations Wet Pond #2 and Wet Pond #3 1 I 1 1 t 11 Vvir Pnp *,z City of Charlotte - Land Development Division Wet Pond Worksheet Project Name: / /•^ . Date: BMP location narrative: Atta schematic describing wet pond location and information relative to B Wet Pond Summary Basin drainage area to pond: 4 ac. (Delineated on attached drainage area map) Proposed Impervious Area Percentage: Y. (Detailed impervious area calculations attached) SA/DA ratio required: 2,03 (Use State BMP manual chart) Permanent Pool Surface Area Required: 9 4 sq. ft. Permanent Pool Surface Area Provided: 71687 sq. ft. Permanent Pool Elevation: 602 ft. (elevation of the orifice invert) Forebay Volume Percentage: 23 % (calc showing between 15% and 25% attached) Average Depth Provided: 615 ft. (calculation attached) Runoff volume: //7 acre-ft. (calculation attached) Diameter of orifice: 2, S in. (for water quality drawdown between 2-5 days) Emergency pipe diameter: in. (calculations attached) Temporary Pool Elevation: 602, 9 ft. (routing calculations attached) Spillway Elevation: c1i 1.x,.5. J?5 ft. (calculation attached) Spillway weir length: 8 ft. (calculation attached) Top of Berm Elevation: 06 . •.5 ft. Freeboard Provided: -7, in. Basin Diagram (fill in the blanks) Permanent Pool Elevation 75% "75, [ . Sediment Removal Elevation ,J - - _ - - 25% Sediment Removal Elevation - Bottom Elevation " --""" 59 25% Bottom Elevation Forebay Main Pond • ENMEEIIHM & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Land Development Division 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202-2844 Revised 7/2005 Telephone: 704/336-6692 Fax: 704/336-6586 landpermits.charmeck.org City of Charlotte Land Development Division Detention Worksheet Project Name: P y /2ornD n 1 I 11 n D 1 1 Date: Z Project Description: Attach brief explanation of detention plans and any assumptions if necessary. PRE-DEVELOPED SUMMARY Basin area: 75, / 9 ac. (Delineated on attached drainage area map) Time of Concentration, Tcpre: 3 04 min. (Based on the SCS Method) (Tc path shown on attached map) Reference 3.9.6 of the Charlotte; Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual - SCS Travel Time. Curve Number, Cnpre: e? jt 73 . ?Z ?o s a , : 2, 0 7 POST-DEVELOPED SUMMARY Basin area: .' ac. (Delineated on attached drainage area map) Time of Concentration, Tcpost: min. (Based on the SCS Method) (Tc path shown on attached map) Reference 3.9.6 of tCharlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual - SCS Travel Time. Curve Number, CnPost: DETENTION SUMMARY Computer Method Used*: *Land Development Plan Review Staff will verify all detention submittals using HEC-1 for compliance with the City of Charlotte Zoning Ordinance, Section 12.6. This summary is to accompany all detention analysis and is not intended to replace that requirement. Pre (cfs) Post (ccfs)) Routed (cfs) n Ellevatiio 2 yr. / / ? 36 . a-, (9 / / C1 1 10 yr. /Y f1? sf" 8) r 50 yr. N/A ??? alt f r e it? O. 1? ?'n? „? t A " r x f . L'J`/Cry t 71?lt > . 9/, a ?l ' Pg 1 of 3 Revised 3/2005 PRE-DEVELOPED SUB-BASIN CALCULATIONS: Sub-basin Name/Level: Z (Coordinate with attached drainage area map) r 1 1 u 1 1 n Type of Flow Travel Length (ft.) Sloe Mannin s (n) Time min.) Sheet Unpaved O 2-6 ! ? .:= (p, i) ?, Z . t 4 Sheet Paved Shallow Conc. Un aved Shallow Conc. Paved Channel Pipe TOTAL N/A N/A N/A Tc Acreage Land Use Soil Type Hydrologic Group CN Weighted CN (Acrege/Tobd Arco) a (CN) C4,t, C4 V,, yam, g? 7, ?{3 ?. -t . CU ,f-r+ ,.1A1L3MO Vr W 7 1? . Z..C7 CN... _ 2. Pg 2 of 3 Revised 3/2005 POST-DEVELOPED SUB-BASIN CALCULATIONS: Sub-basin Name/Level: (Coordinate with attached drainage area map) STORAGE / DISCHARGE CALCULATIONS *(If applicable) Complete Underground Storage Volume Table Elevation Underground * Above Ground Total Acc. Volume (cf) Acc. Volume for all Structures cf) Area (sq. ft.) Inc. Volume (cf) Acc. Volume (cf) (Above and Underground) 60Z Z/6 Q 0 ? 6 0 el 2680 y S3Z ,s',5Z 3,70,11 5 ,5?5' / 7.3497 / 73 e"" 7 Stage Discharge Co= orifice coefficient: Cw = weir coefficient. Orifice Area unit shall be sauare feet W). Elevation / Orifice 1 Orifice 2 Weir 1 Weir 2/Em. Outlet Emergency Total Q Stage -7, • S In. In. Ft. Spillway Control Pipe Spillway (cfs) (ft) Z . o Inv. Inv. Inv. (Controlled by Z Dia. (Free flow out of P-.6-3 Area ? Area Cw= outlet pipe/struct) , ??Length pond) Co= 0, 6v0 Co= --` -Ft Inv '!S Ft. , a. • Inv. . Co= 0. vc? 60ft nv. Cw= 3. v Cw= 3 (002- cD r Q f? © D lal?{1 0.23 ? 0. 2 3 O. ?.3 0.32 Z 6 z?.c1 X5.37 -, y, L{ o . 1) 15, 9 ? ..,? -7 1 .ki Underground Storage Volume Table (If applicable) Provide additional storage volume tables if more structures are used. Ace. Volume (cf) Elevation Underground Structure # Length (ft.) Size/dia (ft.) Upper inv. Lower inv. Slope (%) Ace. Volume (cf) Underground Structure # Length (ft.) Size/dia (ft.) Upper inv. Lower inv. Slope (%) Ace. Volume (cf) Underground Structure # Length (ft.) Size/dia (ft.) Upper inv. Lower inv. Slope (%) Ace. Volume (cf) Underground Structure # Length (ft.) Size/dia (ft.) Upper inv. Lower inv. Slope (%) • CHUUMTE. ENCIM" M E: rROPMY MANAGEMENT Land Development Division 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202-2844 Telephone: 704/336-6692 Fax: 704/336-6586 landpermits.charmeck.org Pg3of3 Revised 3/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7, ? - ,j LF A (?'= 30, SOc'ocs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 } 11 f? = 7y 5.5'c?s G = 7y ss l L°???Lf 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 WET POND #2 24 HOUR EMERGANCY DRAIN 3) Pond Drawdown Time Pond Height above Orifice = 602.00 feet Orifice Invert Elevation = 594.00 feet Pond Surface Area at Height Above Orifice = 14,486 square feet and Surface Area at Orifice Invert Elevation = 6,307 square feet Orifice Diameter (D) = 6.00 inches = 0.50 feet Orifice Area (a) = 0.1963 square feet Average Surface Area (A) = 10,397 square feet Gravitational Constatnt (g) = 32.2 ft/sec2 Head (H) = 7.75 feet Discharge Coefficient (C) = 0.6 Time (t) = 61,230 seconds = 0.71 days Note: The above calculation is based on the Bernoulli Equation where: t , x a x (2g)o x (0 - Ho.s) 5/28/2008 2:37 PM Page 1 of 1 t 11 t LJ W,-7, > A".3 City of Charlotte - Land Development Division Wet Pond Worksheet Project Name: ? l Date: 15-18 l BMP location narrative: At AA schematic describing wet pond location and information relative to Bfffl Wet Pond Summary Basin drainage area to pond: /.S 36 ac. (Delineated on attached drainage area map) Proposed Impervious Area Percentage: 76 % (Detailed impervious area calculations attached) SA/DA ratio required: 2,46 / (Use State BMP manual chart) Permanent Pool Surface Area Required: / 7 d,3 sq. ft. Permanent Pool Surface Area Provided: Z1,6,90 sq. ft. Permanent Pool Elevation: 6l,5 ft. (elevation of the orifice invert) Forebay Volume Percentage: / % (calc showing between 15% and 25% attached) Average Depth Provided: _/"O ft. (calculation attached) Runoff volume: 9 acre-ft. (calculation attached) Diameter of orifice: 3 in. (for water quality drawdown between 2-5 days) Emergency pipe diameter: 6 in. (calculations attached) Temporary Pool Elevation: VOY, - ` ft. (routing calculations attached) Spillway Elevation: 4?2 7. 60 ft. (calculation attached) Spillway weir length: v121 ft. (calculation attached) Top of Berm Elevation: Z,Z e. ft. Freeboard Provided: I` in. Basin Diagram (fill in the blanks) /6 _5 Permanent Pool Elevation ?,:,. 75 Sediment Removal Elevation 75% - - - - -Sediment Removal Elevation 25% ---- r Bottom Elevation - - - - - - - - 25% Bottom Elevation Lj? / I Forebay Main Pond • ?11110 CHART OM. ENGMiEEOW APMOPEMTY MANAGEMENT Land Development Division 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202-2844 Revised 7/2005 Telephone: 704/336-6692 Fax: 704/336-6586 landpermits.charmeck.org F L City of Charlotte Land Development Division Detention Worksheet 1 r 1 Project Name: _ /!/"p / t Date: Project Description: Attach brief explanation of detention plans and any assumptions if necessary. ' PRE-DEVELOPED SUMMARY Basin area: /'t, .4 ac. (Delineated on attached drainage area map) Time of Concentration, TcPie: 3 min. (Based on the SCS Method) (Tc path shown on attached map) Reference 3.9.6 of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual - SCS Travel Time. Curve Number, CnPre: 91 d 73 ('c,rrr? ' P 2 6 ' POST-DEVELOPED SUMMAR Y Basin area: /,? ,3? (Delineated on attached drainage area map) ac. Time of Concentration, TcPost: min. (Based on the SCS Method) (Tc path shown on attached map) Reference 3.9.6 of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual - SCS Travel Time. Curve Number, Cnpost: DETENTION SUMMARY Computer Method Used*: L_11 *Land Development Plan Review Staff will verify all detention submittals using HEC- I for compliance with the e, City of Charlotte Zoning Ordinanc Section 12.6. This summary is to accompany all detention analysis and is not intended to replace that requirement. t IPrr (cfs) Post (cfs) Routed /(cfs) Elevation 2yr. 50 yr. N/A ?f ?? d /? t0 6z/'r 54") 'Q7 C.? 6 ff',7? 'FY -t , z 0/ 601 54r') ? r! T, fi'b' ,w 5 G z I// ?I t .. r. 3 Yz ;Ye ' - /9G.37zr' _lzo Pg 1 of 3 Revised 3/2005 ' PRE-DEVELOPED SUB-BASIN CALCULATIONS: Sub-basin Name/Level: (Coordinate with attached drainage area map) T e of Flow Travel Len th (ft.) Slo a (%) Mannin s (n Time Sheet Un aved til 2 ' Sheet Paved Shallow Conc, (Unpaved) f? ; t Shallow Conc. (Pavedl Acreage ..y t SS ht Shallow C Shallow i ' Acreage f 5. ?6 TOTAL Land Use N/A Soil Type GvS, len \A ?Ala r) k k '.,J ' Wkrt O VD N/A I N/A Hydrologic Group I Tc pre = CN Weighted CN (Acrea`elTeta Area) % (CN) 2-o CNPre = ? 2.0 1 I Land Use Soil Type Hydrologic Group CN Weighted CN (Acreage/Total Area) it (CN) 5 'ate CNPoat° Pg2of3 Revised 3/2005 POST-DEVELOPED SUB-BASIN CALCULATIONS: Sub-basin Name/Level: (Coordinate with attached drainage area map) 1 I STORAGE / DISCHARGE CALCULATIONS *(If applicable) Complete Underground Storage Volume Table Elevation Underground * Above Ground Total Acc. Volume (cf) Acc. Volume for all Structures co Area (sq. ft.) Inc. Volume (cf) Acc. Volume (cf) (Above and Underground) 623 V,6 90 0 a 0 ,625, 9093 5b 773 3z 773 5V77.3 627 31 6 26 9 /130e12 13OV2 6278 6 YR 3Y 6 ? / 76 ,' ry76?S"9 (P44113e7 15 6 /Lf 160 YG y /6eyeY Stage Discharge ?,., 7 , ., Co= orifice coefficient: Cw = weir coefficient. Orifice Area unit shall be square feet (sf). Elevation / Orifice 1 Orifice 2 Weir 1 Sta e 2 I e1r 2/Em. Outlet Emergency Total Q g n, In. Ft. (ft) (023. ro Inv. Inv. Inv. llway lled by Control Pipe T Dia. Spillway (cfs) (Free flow out of 6. 0 `19 Area Area Cw= : pe/struct) 7 ,- Length pond) Co= ?. ??, Co= Ft. VaInv. (Inv. ' L Ft. 62'I.nv ?,7 C0 . Cw= j .} 12. 3 0 O 0 C. Z ca z _.z 73 ??. l.? c"? 7 , t' -3 1 yS: 9v 123. 2.'L ig Underground Storage Volume Table (If applicable) Provide additional storage volume tables if more structures are used. Ace. Volume (cf) Ace. Volume (cf) Acc. Volume (cf) Elevation Underground Structure # Underground Structure # Underground Structure # Acc. Volume (cf) Underground Structure # Length (ft.) Length (ft.) Length (ft.) Length (ft.) Size/dia (ft.) Size/dia (ft.) Size/dia (ft.) Size/dia (ft.) Upper inv. Upper inv. Upper inv. Upper inv. Lower inv. Lower inv. 0 Slope (/o) Sl Lower inv. Lower inv. ope (%) Slope (%) Slope (%) UAW*= m a MOPIM IMIIMA6lwWM Land Development Division 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202-2844 Telephone: 704/336-6692 Fax: 704/336-6586 landpermits.charmeck.org Pg 3 of 3 Revised 3/2005 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 loo c5 ?h? <r L= ?f1?79 3C?_ L=/6?F t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SeW/y L41*7411 L.A"lL?G??17e?? 4*3 A12 ZEZ-ol 1 WET POND #3 24 HOUR EMERGANCY DRAIN ' 3) Pond Drawdown Time Pond Height above Orifice = 623.00 feet Orifice Invert Elevation = 618.50 feet ' Pond Surface Area at Height Above Orifice = 17,124 square feet and Surface Area at Orifice Invert Elevation = 9,290 square feet Orifice Diameter (D) = 6.00 inches = 0.50 feet Orifice Area (a) = 0.1963 square feet Average Surface Area (A) = 13,207 square feet ' Gravitational Constatnt (g) = 32.2 ft/sec2 Head (H) = 4.25 feet Discharge Coefficient (C) = 0.6 Time (t) = 57,598 seconds = 0.67 days Note: The above c alculation is based on the Bernoulli Equation where: ' -2 x A t o x (0 - HO-5) ; x a x (2g) ' 5/28/2008 2:37 PM Page 1 of 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Job File: N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5 Rain Dir: N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5 JOB TITLE ------------- Project Date: 12/3/2007 Project Engineer: FJM Project Title: WET POND 2 AND WET POND 3 Project Comments: Revised 02/08/08 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Table of Contents i Table of Contents ********************** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Mecklenburg..... Design Storms ...................... 2.01 Mecklenburg..... 2 Design Storms ...................... 2.02 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS ********************* BASIN 2......... To Calcs ........................... 3.01 BASIN 3......... Tc Calcs ........................... 3.03 BYPASS.......... To Calcs ........................... 3.05 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* BASIN 2......... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.01 BASIN 3......... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.02 BYPASS.......... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.03 *********************** POND VOLUMES *********************** POND 2.......... Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 5.01 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) POND 3.......... Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 5.02 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* Outlet 2........ Outlet Input Data .................. 6.01 Individual Outlet Curves ........... 6.05 Composite Rating Curve ............. 6.17 Outlet 3........ Outlet Input Data .................. 6.19 Individual Outlet Curves ........... 6.23 Composite Rating Curve ............. 6.39 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Mecklenburg Total Depth Rainfall Return Event ------------ in - Type RNF ID 2 -- --- 3.1200 --------- Synthetic ------- Curve -------- TypeII -------- 24hr 10 4.8000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 50 6.4800 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 100 6.9600 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 1 2.6400 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ------------- Type ---- ---- Event ------ ac-ft Trun ---------- hrs ------ cfs ft ac-ft BASIN 2 AREA 2 1.658 --- 11.9200 -------- -------- ------------ 30.80 BASIN 2 AREA 10 2.916 11.9200 52.76 BASIN 2 AREA 50 4.207 11.9150 74.55 BASIN 2 AREA 100 4.579 11.9150 80.75 BASIN 2 AREA 1 1.311 11.9200 24.54 BASIN 3 AREA 2 2.681 11.9200 49.79 BASIN 3 AREA 10 4.715 11.9200 85.30 BASIN 3 AREA 50 6.802 11.9150 120.54 BASIN 3 AREA 100 7.404 11.9150 130.55 BASIN 3 AREA 1 2.120 11.9200 39.67 BYPASS AREA 2 6.896 12.1000 87.02 BYPASS AREA 10 11.964 12.0600 147.33 BYPASS AREA 50 17.143 12.0600 207.39 BYPASS AREA 100 18.632 12.0600 224.44 BYPASS AREA 1 5.490 12.1000 69.86 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 11 C' 1 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID Type Event - --ac-ft Trun --------- *OUTFALL -- --- 2 -- - -- ----- JCT 2 8.401 *OUTFALL 2 JCT 10 16.247 *OUTFALL 2 JCT 50 24.781 *OUTFALL 2 JCT 100 27.237 *OUTFALL 2 JCT 1 6.406 POND 2 IN POND 2 1.658 POND 2 IN POND 10 2.916 POND 2 IN POND 50 4.207 POND 2 IN POND 100 4.579 POND 2 IN POND 1 1.311 POND 2 OUT POND 2 .260 R POND 2 OUT POND 10 1.016 R POND 2 OUT POND 50 2.299 R POND 2 OUT POND 100 2.668 R POND 2 OUT POND 1 .226 R POND 3 IN POND 2 2.681 POND 3 IN POND 10 4.715 POND 3 IN POND 50 6.802 POND 3 IN POND 100 7.404 POND 3 IN POND 1 2.120 POND 3 OUT POND 2 1.246 R POND 3 OUT POND 10 3.266 R POND 3 OUT POND 50 5.340 R POND 3 OUT POND 100 5.937 R POND 3 OUT POND 1 .690 R Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage hrs -- cfs - ---ft - -- - --ac_ft -- -12.1000 ---- - 87.98 12.0600 188.30 12.0750 270.07 12.0600 322.76 12.1000 70.35 11.9200 30.80 11.9200 52.76 11.9150 74.55 11.9150 80.75 11.9200 24.54 18.2300 .25 604.46 1.402 13.3450 2.29 605.34 1.991 12.0950 19.11 605.85 2.351 12.0650 33.90 606.00 2.458 20.0450 .22 603.96 1.088 11.9200 49.79 11.9200 85.30 11.9150 120.54 11.9150 130.55 11.9200 39.67 12.5350 4.01 625.62 1.581 12.0550 40.70 626.51 2.224 12.0700 44.25 627.60 3.061 12.0550 64.71 627.82 3.233 14.5150 1.17 625.47 1.481 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Design Storms Name.... Mecklenburg Page 2.01 I File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- 0 1 1 Title... Project Date: 12/3/2007 Project Engineer: FJM Project Title: WET POND 2 AND WET POND 3 Project Comments: Revised 02/08/08 DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Mecklenburg Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID = Storm Frequency = Total Rainfall Depth= Duration Multiplier = Resulting Duration = Resulting Start Time= Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr 2 yr 3.1200 in 1 24.0000 hrs .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.8000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name -----_ ----50 --------------- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = Total Rainfall Depth= 50 yr 6.4800 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 100 ---------------------- Data Type, File, ID = ----------------- Synthetic Storm ---------- TypeII --------------------- 24hr Storm Frequency = 100 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 6.9600 in Duration Multiplier = Resulting Duration = 1 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs 1 1 Storm Tag Name = 1 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 1 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.6400 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 ?J 1 1 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Design Storms Page 2.02 Name.... Mecklenburg Event: 2 yr File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 2 DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Mecklenburg Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.1200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Ta Name - 10 g --------------------- ------- Data Type, File, ID = Storm Frequency = ---------- Synthetic Storm 10 yr -------------------------------- TypeII 24hr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.8000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs S torm Tag-Name ----- ----- --- ---- -50-- ---- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= Duration Multiplier = 6.4800 in 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm T N m = 100 ag a e ---------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Storm Frequency = ----------------- Synthetic Storm 100 yr ------------------------------- TypeII 24hr Total Rainfall Depth= 6.9600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name ----_- --1------- - Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 2 -4h--r Storm Frequency = 1 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 2.6400 in ' Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Tc Calcs Page 3.01 Name.... BASIN 2 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined ---- -----------------------------------Segment #1 Time: ----0833 hrs Total Tc: .0833 hrs Calculated Tc < Min.Tc: Use Minimum Tc... Use Tc-=------.0833-hrs- S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... BASIN 2 Page 3.02 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ User Defined ______________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... BASIN 3 Page 3.03 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time- .0833 hrs ------ ---- -- - --------------- -- Total Tc: .0833 hrs Calculated Tc < Min.Tc: Use Minimum Tc... Use Tc = .0833 hrs S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... BASIN 3 Page 3.04 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ __________ ---- User Defined _______------ _____------ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 t 1 1 1 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... BYPASS Page 3.05 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined segment #1 Time ---- ----_ ---------- ----------- ---_----- .3300 - hrs ------------------------- -Total-Tc_-----.3300-hrs- S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... BYPASS Page 3.06 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ User Defined --- = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... BASIN 2 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C $UC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ Residential Districts - 1/8 acre (t 90 9.500 90.00 Page 4.01 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 9.500 90.00 (90) SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 t 1 1 1 1 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... BASIN 3 Page 4.02 File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres °C oUC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ Residential Districts - 1/8 acre (t 90 15.360 90.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 15.360 90.00 (90) SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... BYPASS Page 4.03 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... ------ ----------- ------------------ ----- ---------- ------------ Impervious ------------ Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres =.C °UC CN ----- Urban ------------ Districts - --------------- Industrial ---- 91 --------- 10.600 ----- ----- ------ 91.00 Urban Districts - Industrial 91 .900 91.00 Urban Districts - Industrial 91 .800 91.00 Urban Districts - Industrial 91 12.000 91.00 Urban Districts - Industrial 91 13.600 91.00 COMPOSITE AREA & ................. ................. WEIGHTED CN ---> .................. .................. ..... ..... 37.900 .......... .......... ............ ............ 91.00 (91) ............. ............. SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... POND 2 Page 5.01 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(Al*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) (sq.in) (sq.ft ) (sq.ft) -- (ac-ft) ----(ac-ft) - 602.00 ----- 21688 0 .000 .000 604.00 ----- 26844 72661 1.112 1.112 606.00 ----- 32011 88169 1.349 2.461 606.50 ----- 33340 98020 .375 2.836 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2 -ELl) * (Areal + Areal + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) where: ELI, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for ELI, EL2, respectively Volume = Incre mental volume between ELI and EL2 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... POND 3 Page 5.02 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(Al*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) -- - (sq?in) - - ---(sq.ft) -----(sq.ft) -- - -(ac=ft) -- - --(ac=ft) -- - - - 623.00 - ----- 21690 0 .000 .000 625.00 ----- 29083 75888 1.161 1.161 627.00 ----- 33186 93335 1.428 2.590 628.00 ----- 36048 103821 .794 3.384 628.35 ----- 36779 109239 .293 3.677 * Incremental volume cc Volume = (1/3) * (EL2 where: EL1, EL2 = Areal,Area2 Volume POND VOLUME EQUATIONS reputed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. -ELl) * (Areal + Areal + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) Lower and upper elevations of the increment = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively = Incremental volume between ELl and EL2 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 2 Page 6.01 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 602.00 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 606.50 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------- --------- --------- Inlet Box RO ---> CO 605.200 606.500 Orifice-Circular 00 ---> CO 602.000 606.500 Culvert-Circular CO ---> TW 594.500 606.500 Weir-Rectangular WO ---> TW 605.850 606.500 TW SETUP, DS Channel SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 2 Page 6.02 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = RO StructureType = Inlet Box ---- - # of Openings - - = 1 Invert Elev. = 605.20 ft Orifice Area = 9.0000 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 12.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No Structure ID = 00 Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 602.00 ft Diameter = .2083 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 SIN: Bentley PcndPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 2 Page 6.03 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Dccs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = CO Structure Type = Culvert-Circular ------------------------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 2.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 594.50 ft Dnstream Invert = 594.00 ft Horiz. Length = 90.00 ft Barrel Length = 90.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00556 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .012411 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.157 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.304 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 596.81 ft ---> Flow = 15.55 cfs At T2 Elev = 597.11 ft ---> Flow = 17.77 cfs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 2 Page 6.04 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Dccs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type -------------- # of openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. wo Weir-Rectangular ---------------- 1 605.85 ft 48.00 ft 3.000000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 2 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- i L 1 n L 1 1 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = RO ---- (Inlet Box) ------------------ --------- Upstream --- ID ---- = ( Pon d Water Surface) DNs tream ID = CO (Cu lvert-Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge N ext DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev . Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft cfs ft ft -- - -- ft --- +/-ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft 602. 00 .00 -- - - ... - - -- ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 602. 10 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 602. 20 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 602. 30 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 602. 40 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 602. 50 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 602. 60 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 602. 70 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 602. 80 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 602. 90 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603. 00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603. 10 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603. 20 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603. 30 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603. 40 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603. 50 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603. 60 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603. 70 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. Page 6.05 1 1 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 2 Page 6.06 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ---------- ID - = RO ------- (Inlet Box) Ups tream - ID - = ( ---------- Pond Water -------- Surface) DNs tream ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft cfs ft ft ft +/-ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft -------- 603.80 -- -- .00 - --- -- ... - -- --- ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603.90 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.10 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.20 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.30 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.40 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.50 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.60 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.70 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.80 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.90 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.00 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.10 .00 ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.20 .00 ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.30 1.14 605.30 Free 595.13 .000 .000 Free Outfall We ir: H = .10ft 605.40 3.22 605.40 Free 595.51 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H = .20ft 605.50 5.92 605.50 Free 595.89 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H = .30ft S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 ' Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 2 Page 6.07 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- 11 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = RO ------------------ (Inlet Box) - Upstream ID = ------------------- (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error --ft-- - cfs ------- -ft-- ---ft-- - ft +/-ft + /-cfs ft +/-ft 605.60 9.11 605.60 Free ------- 596.26 ------ - .000 ----- .000 ---- Free --- ------- Outfall Weir: H =.40ft 605.70 12.73 605.70 Free 596.64 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H =.50ft 605.80 16.73 605.80 Free 597.03 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H =.60ft 605.85 18.86 605.85 Free 597.32 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H =.65ft 605.90 21.08 605.90 Free 597.69 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H =.70ft 606.00 25.76 606.00 Free 598.71 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H =.80ft 606.10 30.74 606.10 Free 599.93 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H =.90ft 606.20 36.00 606.20 Free 601.41 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H =1.00ft 606.30 41.53 606.30 Free 603.18 .000 .000 Free Outfall Weir: H =1.10ft 606.40 47.32 606.40 605.28 605.28 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER: ADJUSTED TO WEIR : H =1 .20ft 606.50 49.39 606.50 606.08 606.08 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER: Orifice Equation Control to Crest; H=1.30 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 ' Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.08 Name.... Outlet 2 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET T YPE Structure ID = 00 (Orifice- Circular) ---- --------- ------------ Upstream ID -------- = ( ----- Pond Wate r Surface ) DNstream ID = CO (Culvert- Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) C onverge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ' ft cfs - --ft-- - --ft--- ft ------- +/-ft + ------ - /-cfs ----- ft ---- +/-ft --- ------- -- -- 602.00 ------ .00 - ... ... ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 602.10 .01 602.10 Free 594.56 .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .029 ft Dcr= .072ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 602.20 .05 602.20 Free 594.61 .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .060 ft Dcr= .140ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft ' 602.30 .07 602.30 Free 594.64 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.20 602.40 .09 602.40 Free 594.65 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.30 602.50 .10 602.50 Free 594.66 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.40 602.60 .12 602.60 Free 594.67 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.50 602.70 .13 602.70 Free 594.68 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.60 602.80 .14 602.80 Free 594.69 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.70 ' 602.90 .15 602.90 Free 594.70 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.80 603.00 .16 603.00 Free 594.70 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.90 ' 603.10 .16 603.10 Free 594.71 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.00 603.20 .17 603.20 Free 594.71 .000 .000 Free Outfall ' 603.30 .18 H =1.10 603.30 Free 594.72 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.20 603.40 .19 603.40 Free 594.72 .000 .000 Free Outfall 603.50 .19 H =1.30 603.50 Free 594.73 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.40 603.60 .20 603.60 Free 594.73 .000 .000 Free Outfall ' 603.70 .21 H =1.50 603.70 Free 594.74 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.60 1 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. ' Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 ' Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.09 Name.... Outlet 2 t File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TAB LE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE St ructure ID = 00 (Orifice -Circular) -- -------- ---- Upstream ----- ID = --------- (Pond Wat ---------- er Surface) ' DNstream ID = CO (Culvert -Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ' ----ft-- cfs ------- - ---ft-- ---ft--- ft +/-ft + /-cfs ft +/-ft 603.80 .21 603.80 Free -- --- 594.74 ------ - .000 ----- .000 - Free --- ------- Outfall H =1.70 ' 603.90 .22 603.90 Free 594.74 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.80 604.00 .23 604.00 Free 594.74 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.90 ' 604.10 .23 604.10 Free 594.75 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.00 604.20 .24 604.20 Free 594.75 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.10 ' 604.30 .24 604.30 Free 594.75 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.20 604.40 .25 604.40 Free 594.76 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.30 ' 604.50 .25 604.50 Free 594.76 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.40 604.60 .26 604.60 Free 594.76 .000 .000 Free Outfall ' 604.70 .26 H =2.50 604.70 Free 594.77 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.60 604.80 .27 604.80 Free 594.77 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.70 604.90 .27 604.90 Free 594.77 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =2.80 605.00 .28 605.00 Free 594.77 .000 .000 Free Outfall ' 605.10 .28 H =2.90 605.10 Free 594.78 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.00 605.20 .29 605.20 Free 594.78 .000 .000 Free Outfall ' 605.30 .29 H =3.10 605.30 Free 595.13 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.20 605.40 .30 605.40 Free 595.51 .000 .000 Free Outfall ' 605.50 .30 H =3.30 605.50 Free 595.89 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.40 1 1 1 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 2 Page 6.10 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ---------- ID = 00 - ------ (Orifice -- -Circular) Upstream - - ID = ------- (Pond Wat ---------- er Surface) DNstream ID = CO (Culvert -Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error --- ft cfs ------- - ft ft ft +/-ft + /-cfs ft +/-ft 605.60 .31 --- -- 605.60 --- --- Free -- - 596.26 ------ - .000 ----- .000 ---- Free --- ------- Outfall H =3.50 605.70 .31 605.70 Free 596.64 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.60 605.80 .32 605.80 Free 597.03 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.70 605.85 .32 605.85 Free 597.32 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.75 605.90 .32 605.90 Free 597.69 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.80 606.00 .32 606.00 Free 598.71 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.90 606.10 .33 606.10 Free 599.93 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =4.00 606.20 .33 606.20 Free 601.41 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =4.10 606.30 .29 606.30 603.18 603.18 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =3.12 606.40 .17 606.40 605.28 605.28 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.12 606.50 .11 606.50 606.08 606.08 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.42 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 ' Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.11 Name.... Outlet 2 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TA BLE F OR ONE OUTLET TYPE ' Structure ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) --------- Mannings ----- open ------------------------ channel maximum capacity: 18.14 cfs UPstream ID's = RO, 00 DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW ' Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Er ror Error TW Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft - ------- ft ------- ft +/ -ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft 602.00 .00 ... - ... ------- -- ... ---- ... ------ ... ------- ------- Free Outfall ' WS below an invert; no flow. 602.10 .01 594.56 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall BACKWATER CONTROL.. Vh= .010ft hwDi = .045ft Lbw= 90.Oft H ev= .OOft 602.20 .05 594.61 Free Free 000 .000 Free Outfall ' BACKWATER CONTROL.. Vh= .020ft hwDi = .081ft Lbw= 90.Oft H ev= .OOft 602.30 .07 594.64 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall BACKWATER CONTROL.. Vh= .027ft hwDi = .096ft Lbw= 90.Oft H ev= .OOft 602.40 .09 594.65 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall ' BACKWATER CONTROL.. Vh= .030ft hwDi = .106ft H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft 602.50 .11 594.66 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall BACKWATER CONTROL.. Vh= .034ft hwDi = .114ft H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft 602.60 .12 594.61 Free Free 000 .000 Free Outfall ' CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .039ft Dcr= .115ft H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft 602.70 .13 594.68 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall BACKWATER CONTROL.. Vh= .039ft hwDi= .123ft Lbw= 90.Oft Hev= .OOft ' 602.80 .14 594.69 CRIT.DEPTH Free CONTROL Free Vh= .043ft .000 Dcr= .002 .127ft Free Outfall H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft 602.90 .15 594.70 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .044ft Dcr= .131ft H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft 603.00 .16 594.70 Free Free 000 .000 Free Outfall ' CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .046ft Dcr= .135ft H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft 603.10 .16 594.71 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .047ft Dcr= .138ft H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft 603.20 .17 594.71 CRIT.DEPTH Free CONTROL Free Vh= .048ft 000 Dcr= .000 .142ft Free Outfall H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft 603.30 .18 594.72 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .049ft Dcr= .144ft H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft ' 603.40 .19 594.72 CRIT.DEPTH Free CONTROL Free Vh= .050ft .000 Dcr= .001 .147ft Free Outfall H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft 603.50 .19 594.73 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .051ft Dcr= .150ft H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft ' 603.60 .20 594.73 CRIT.DEPTH Free CONTROL Free Vh= .052ft .000 Dcr= .001 .153ft Free Outfall H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft 603.70 .21 594.74 Free Free .000 .003 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .053ft Dcr= .156ft H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 2 Page 6.12 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) -------------------------------------- Mannings open channel maximum capacity: 18.14 cfs UPstream ID's= R0, 00 DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW ' Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Er ror Error TW Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft - ------- ft -------- ft +/ ----- -ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft 603.80 .21 594.74 Free -- -- Free ---- .000 ------ .001 ------- ------- Free Outfall ' BACKWATER CONTROL.. Vh= .053ft hwDi = .159ft Lbw= 90.Oft Hev= .OOft 603.90 .22 594.74 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .054ft Dcr= .160ft H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft 604.00 .23 594.74 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .055ft Dcr= .162ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 604.10 .23 594.75 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .056ft Dcr= .164ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 604.20 .24 594.75 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .056ft Dcr= .166ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 604.30 .25 594.75 Free Free .000 .003 Free Outfali CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .057ft Dcr= .169ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 604.40 .25 594.76 Free Free .000 .002 Free Outfall ' CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .058ft Dcr= .171ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 604.50 .25 594.76 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .058ft Dcr= .172ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 604.60 .26 594.76 Free Free 000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .059ft Dcr= .174ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 604.70 .26 594.77 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .060ft Dcr= .176ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 604.80 .27 594.77 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .060ft Dcr= .177ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 604.90 .27 594.77 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .061ft Dcr= .179ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 605.00 .28 594.71 Free Free 000 .001 Free Outfall ' CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .061ft Dcr= .181ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 605.10 .29 594.78 Free Free .000 .004 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .062ft Dcr= .183ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 605.20 .29 594.78 Free Free 000 .000 Free Outfall ' CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .062ft Dcr= .183ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 605.30 1.43 595.13 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .145ft Dcr= .414ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 605.40 3.52 595.51 Free Free 000 .001 Free Outfall ' CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .239ft Dcr= .656ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 605.50 6.22 595.89 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .336ft Dcr= .882ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft ' SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 ' Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 2 Page 6.13 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE ' Structure ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) -------------------------------------- Mannings open channel maximum capacity: 18.14 cfs UPstream ID's= R0, 00 DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW ' Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft cfs --- ft - ft ft +/-ft + /-cfs ft +/-ft -------- 605.60 -- -- 9.41 - ------ 596.26 -------- ------ Free Free - ------ - .000 ----- ------ .004 Free - ------- Outfall CRIT.DEPT H CONTROL Vh= .443ft Dcr= 1.096ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 605.70 13.04 596.64 Free Free .000 .003 Free Outfall BACKWATER CONTROL.. Vh= .545ft hwDi= 1.321ft Lbw= 90.Oft Hev= .OOft 605.80 17.04 597.03 BACKWATER Free Free .000 CONTROL.. Vh= .591ft hwDi= .007 Free Outfall 1.644ft Lbw= 90.Oft Hev= .OOft 605.85 19.18 597.32 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall INLET CON TROL... Submerged: HW =2.8 2 605.90 21.40 597.69 Free Free 000 .003 Free Outfall FULL FLOW ...Lfull=30.54ft Vh=.721ft HL=1.355ft Hev= .OOft 606.00 26.08 598.71 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall FULL FLOW ...Lfull=77.96ft Vh=1.071ft HL=2.643ft Hev= .OOft ' 606.10 31.06 599.93 FULL FLOW Free Free ...Lfull=86.45ft 000 Vh=1.519ft .000 Free HL=3.909ft Outfall Hev= .OOft 606.20 36.32 601.41 Free Free .000 .009 Free Outfall FULL FLOW ...Lfull=88.89ft Vh=2.077ft HL=5.408ft Hev= .OOft ' 606.30 41.79 603.18 FULL FLOW Free Free ...Lfull=89.52ft .000 Vh=2.749ft .034 Free HL=7.179ft Outfall Hev= .OOft 606.40 47.47 605.28 Free Free .000 .026 Free Outfall FULL FLOW ...Lfull=89.79ft Vh=3.548ft HL=9.277ft Hev= .OOft ' 606.50 49.48 606.08 FULL FLOW Free Free ...Lfull=89.83ft 000 Vh=3.855ft .017 Free HL=10.080ft Outfall Hev= .OOft SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.14 Name.... Outlet 2 ' File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = WO (Weir-Rectangular) -------------------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) ' DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes ' -- ------ ----- - ---- ----- - - ----- ----- WS Elev. Q TW Elev Converge ft cfs ft +/-ft Co mputation Messages -------- 602.00 ------- .00 -------- ----- Free Outfall --- ----------------------- WS below an invert; no flow. 602.10 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 602.20 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 602.30 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 602.40 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 602.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 602.60 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 602.70 .00 Free Outfall 602.80 WS .00 below an invert; Free Outfall no flow. WS below an invert; no flow. 602.90 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603.10 .00 Free Outfall ' 603.20 WS .00 below an invert; Free Outfall no flow. WS below an invert; no flow. 603.30 .00 Free Outfall ' 603.40 WS .00 below an invert; Free Outfall no flow. WS below an invert; no flow. 603.50 .00 Free Outfall ' 603.60 WS .00 below an invert; Free Outfall no flow. WS below an invert; no flow. 1 S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 2 1 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- 1 I 1 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = WO (Weir-Rectangular) -------------------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q ---------------- Tail Water -------- -- Notes WS Elev. Q - ---- TW Elev Converge --- ----------------------- ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft -------- ----- Computation Messages -------------------------- 603.70 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603.80 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 603.90 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.10 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.20 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.30 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.40 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.60 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.70 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.80 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 604.90 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.10 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.20 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.30 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. Page 6.15 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 2 Page 6.16 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = WO (Weir-Rectangular) ------ -------------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes ---------------- WS Elev. --------------- -------------------------- Q TW Elev Converge ft -------- cfs ft +/-ft Computation Messages ------- -------- ----- -------------------------- 605.40 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.60 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.70 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.80 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.85 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 605.90 1.61 Free Outfall H=.05; Htw=.00; Qfree=1.61; 606.00 8.37 Free Outfall H=.15; Htw=.00; Qfree=8.37; 606.10 18.00 Free Outfall H=.25; Htw=.00; Qfree=18.00; 606.20 29.82 Free Outfall H=.35; Htw=.00; Qfree=29.82; 606.30 43.47 Free Outfall H=.45; Htw=.00; Qfree=43.47; 606.40 58.74 Free Outfall H=.55; Htw=.00; Qfree=58.74; 606.50 75.47 Free Outfall H=.65; Htw=.00; Qfree=75.47; SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Outlet 2 Page 6.17 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- t li WS Elev, Total Q Elev. Q ft cfs -------- 602.00 .00 602.10 .O1 602.20 .05 602.30 .07 602.40 .09 602.50 .10 602.60 .12 602.70 .13 602.80 .14 602.90 .15 603.00 .16 603.10 .16 603.20 .17 603.30 .18 603.40 .19 603.50 .19 603.60 .20 603.70 .21 603.80 .21 603.90 .22 604.00 .23 604.10 .23 604.20 .24 604.30 .25 604.40 .25 604.50 .25 604.60 .26 604.70 .26 604.80 .27 604.90 .27 605.00 .28 605.10 .29 605.20 .29 605.30 1.43 605.40 3.52 605.50 6.22 605.60 9.41 605.70 13.04 ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** Notes -------- Converge ------------------------- ft +/-ft Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall SIN: Bentley PondPack ( Contributing Structures (no Q: RO,OO,CO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Outlet 2 Page 6.18 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ------ -- Converge ------------------------- Elev. Q TW El ev Error ft cfs ft +/-ft Contributing Structures ---------- ------ - --- - 605.80 ------- 17.04 ---- Free -- ----- Outfall --------- - RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 605.85 19.18 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 605.90 23.01 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO,WO 606.00 34.45 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO,WO 606.10 49.06 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO,WO 606.20 66.14 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO,WO 606.30 85.26 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO,WO 606.40 106.22 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO,WO 606.50 124.95 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO,WO SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 3 Page 6.19 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 623.00 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 628.35 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall El, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------- --------- --------- Inlet Box RO ---> CO 625.400 628.350 Orifice-Circular 00 ---> CO 623.000 628.350 Culvert-Circular CO ---> TW 618.500 628.350 Weir-Rectangular WO ---> TW 627.590 628.350 TW SETUP, DS Channel SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 3 Page 6.20 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = RO Structure Type = Inlet Box ------------------ # of Openings ------------------ = 1 Invert Elev. = 625.40 ft Orifice Area = 9.0000 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 12.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No Structure ID = 00 Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 623.00 ft Diameter = .2500 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 3 Page 6.21 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = CO Structure Type = Culvert-Circular ------------------------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 2.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 618.50 ft Dnstream Invert = 618.00 ft Horiz. Length = 75.00 ft Barrel Length = 75.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00667 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss; Kb = .012411 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss; HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.157 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.303 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 620.81 ft ---> Flow = 15.55 cfs At T2 Elev = 621.11 ft ---> Flow = 17.77 cfs S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Outlet 3 Page 6.22 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type -------------- # of Openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. WO Weir-Rectangular ---------------- 1 627.59 ft 62.00 ft 3.000000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) i Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES ... Maxi mum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 ' Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.23 Name.... Outlet 3 ' File.... N:\_2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03 REVISE \ D POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- 1 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = RO ------------------- (Inlet Box) --- 1 Upstream ID = ---------------- (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW 1 Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft cfs ft ft ---- ft +/-ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft 623.00 .00 ---- ------- ------ ----- ------- ------- ... ... ... Free Outfall 1 WS below an invert; no flow. 623.10 .00 .. . ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.20 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.30 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.40 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.50 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.60 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.70 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.80 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.90 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.00 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall 1 WS below an invert; no flow. 624.10 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.20 .00 . .. ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.30 .00 ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.40 .00 . .. ... ... ... Free Outfall 1 WS below an invert; no flow. 624.50 .00 ... ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.60 .00 ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.70 .00 ... ... Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. I SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 ¦ SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.25 Name.... Outlet 3 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = RO ( Inlet Box) -------------------------------------- Upstream ID (Pond Water Surface) ' DNstream ID = CO ( Culvert-Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ' ft ft cfs ft ft +/-ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft ---- -- 626.60 - -- --- --- -------- 626.60 626.60 ------- ------ ------ ------- ------- 626.60 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER: ADJUSTED TO WEIR: H =1.20ft 626.70 * 626.70 626.70 626.70 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 626.80 * 626.80 626.80 626.80 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 626.90 * 626.90 626.90 626.90 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 627.00 * 627.00 627.00 627.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 ' 627.10 * 627.10 627.10 627.10 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 627.20 * 627.20 627.20 627.20 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 627.30 * 627.30 627.30 627.30 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 627.40 * 627.40 627.40 627.40 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 ' 627.50 * 627.50 627.50 627.50 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 627.59 * 627.59 627.59 627.59 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 627.60 * 627.60 627.60 627.60 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 627.70 * 627.70 627.70 627.70 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 1 627.80 * 627.80 627.80 627.80 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 627.90 * 627.90 627.90 627.90 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 628.00 628.00 628.00 628.00 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 628.10 * 628.10 628.10 628.10 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 ' 628.20 * 628.20 628.20 628.20 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHARGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev=O. Hev=0.000 ' SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. ' Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 3 Page 6.26 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = RO (Inlet Box) - - ---------- Upstream ----- ----------------- ---- ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft cfs ft +/-ft +/-cfs ft ft +/-ft ft ---- -- 628.30 --- -- -------- * 628.30 --- --- -- --- ------ ------ 628.30 628.30 .000 .000 -- -- ------- Free Outfall FULLY CHA RGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev =O. Hev=0.000 628.35 * 628.35 628.35 628.35 .000 .000 Free Outfall FULLY CHA RGED RISER, DOWNSTREAM CONTROL: Kev =O. Hev=0.000 SIN: Bentley PcndPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 t Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 3 I Page 6.27 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE ' Structure ID = 00 (Orifice- Circular) --- ----- - --------- --------- -------- - Upstream ID - - = ( Pond Water Surface) ' DNstream ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) C onverge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ' ft cfs ----- ---ft-- - --ft--- --ft--- +/-ft + ------ - /-cfs ----- - ft - +/-ft ---- -- 623.00 -- .00 - ... ... ... ... ... Free ------- Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 623.10 .02 623.10 Free 618.56 .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .026ft Dcr= .074ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 623.20 .06 623.20 Free 618.62 .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .059ft Dcr= .141ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft ' 623.30 .10 623.30 Free 618.66 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.17 623.40 .12 623.40 Free 618.68 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.28 ' 623.50 .14 623.50 Free 618.70 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.38 623.60 .16 623.60 Free 618.71 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.47 1 623.70 .18 623.70 Free 618.72 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.58 623.80 .19 623.80 Free 618.73 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.67 ' 623.90 .21 623.90 Free 618.73 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.78 624.00 .22 624.00 Free 618.74 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.88 ' 624.10 .23 624.10 Free 618.75 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =.97 624.20 .24 624.20 Free 618.75 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.08 624.30 .26 624.30 Free 618.76 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.17 624.40 .27 624.40 Free 618.77 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.28 ' 624.50 .28 624.50 Free 618.77 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.38 624.60 .29 624.60 Free 618.78 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.47 ' 624.70 .30 624.70 Free 618.78 .000 .000 Free Outfall H =1.58 I SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 3 Page 6.30 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = 00 (Orifice-Circular) -------------------- Upstream ID = ( ------------------ Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error - ft cfs ---ft-- ---ft--- -------- --ft--- +/-ft +/-cfs ------ ------ +/-ft --ft-- ------- 628.30 * 628.30 628.30 628.30 .000 .000 - Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLI NG STRUCTURE 628.35 * 628.35 628.35 628.35 .000 .000 Free Outfall FLOW PRECEDENCE SET TO DOWNSTREAM CONTROLLI NG STRUCTURE SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.31 Name.... Outlet 3 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE ' Structure ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) ------------- Mannings open ------------------------- channel maximum capacity: 19.87 cfs UPstream ID' s= R0, 00 ' DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW ' Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Er ror Error TW Error ft - ------ cfs ------- ft - ------- ft -------- ft +/ - - - -ft +/-cfs ft +/-ft - 623.00 .00 ... ... -- -- -- ... ---- ... ------ ... ------- ------- Free Outfall WS below a n invert; no flow. ' 623.10 .01 618.56 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall BACKWATER CONTROL.. Vh= .013ft hwDi = .043ft Lbw= 75.Oft Hev= .OOft 623.20 .06 611.62 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .027ft Dcr= .080ft H.JUMP IN PIPE Hev= .OOft 623.30 .10 618.66 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .036ft Dcr= .107ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 623.40 .13 618.68 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .041ft Dcr= .120ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 623.50 .14 618.70 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .044ft Dcr= .130ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 623.60 .16 618.71 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall ' CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .046ft Dcr= .137ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 623.70 .18 618.72 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .049ft Dcr= .144ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 623.80 .19 618.73 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .051ft Dcr= .150ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 623.90 .21 618.73 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .053ft Dcr= .155ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 624.00 .22 618.74 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall ' CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .054ft Dcr= .161ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 624.10 .23 618.75 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .056ft Dcr= .164ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 624.20 .25 618.75 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .057ft Dcr= .169ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 624.30 .26 618.76 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .059ft Dcr= .173ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 624.40 .27 618.77 Free Free 000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .060ft Dcr= .177ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 624.50 .28 618.77 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .061ft Dcr= .180ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 624.60 .29 618.78 Free Free 000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .062ft Dcr= .183ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 624.70 .30 618.78 Free Free .000 .002 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .063ft Dcr= .186ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 3 Page 6.32 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TA BLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) --------- Mannings ---- open ------------------------- channel maximum capacity: 19.87 cfs UPstream ID' s= R0, 00 ' DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Err or Error TW Error ft ----- -- cfs ------- ft --- - ft - ft +/-ft + - /-cfs ft +/-ft - 624.80 .31 - - - - 618.79 ----- -- Free ------ --- Free --- - .000 ----- .000 ------- ------- Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .064ft Dcr= .189ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft ' 624.90 .32 618.79 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .065ft Dcr= .192ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 625.00 .33 618.79 Free Free .000 .002 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .066ft Dcr= .195ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 625.10 .33 618.80 Free Free .000 .002 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .067ft Dcr= .198ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 625.20 .34 618.80 Free Free .000 .001 Free Outfall ' CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .068ft Dcr= .199ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 625.30 .35 618.81 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .069ft Dcr= .203ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 625.40 .36 618.81 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .070ft Dcr= .204ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 625.50 1.51 619.15 Free Free .000 .005 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .149ft Dcr= .425ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 625.60 3.59 619.53 Free Free .000 .004 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .242ft Dcr= .664ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 625.70 6.30 619.90 Free Free .000 .002 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .339ft Dcr= .888ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 625.80 9.49 620.27 Free Free .000 .000 Free Outfall ' CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .446ft Dcr= 1.101ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 625.90 13.12 620.66 Free Free .000 .002 Free Outfall CRIT.DEPTH CONTROL Vh= .569ft Dcr= 1.303ft CRIT.DEPTH Hev= .OOft 626.00 17.13 621.06 Free Free .000 .003 Free Outfall ' BACKWATER CONTROL.. Vh= .691ft hwDi= 1.523f t Lbw= 75.Oft Hev = .OOft 626.10 21.49 621.70 Free Free .000 .004 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =3.2 0 626.20 26.15 622.59 Free Free .000 .019 Free Outfall ' INLET CONTROL... S ubmerged: HW =4.0 9 626.30 31.09 623.73 Free Free .000 .024 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... S ubmerged: HW =5.2 3 626.40 36.23 625.13 Free Free .000 .033 Free Outfall ' INLET CONTROL... Su bmerged: HW =6.63 626.50 40.66 626.50 Free Free .000 .869 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Su bmerged: HW =8.00 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.33 Name.... Outlet 3 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE ' Structure ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) -------------------------------------- Mannings open channel maximum capacity: 19.87 cfs ' UPstream ID's= R0, 00 DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ' ft cfs ft ft ------- ft - ------- +/-ft +/-cfs ------ ------ ft ----- +/-ft -- ------- -------- 626.60 ------- 40.96 - ------- 626.60 Free Free .000 6.360 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =8.10 ' 626.70 41.26 626.70 Free Free .000 8.127 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =8.20 626.80 41.56 626.80 Free Free .000 9.693 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =8.30 626.90 41.86 626.90 Free Free .000 11.192 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =8.40 627.00 42.16 627.00 Free Free .000 12.634 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =8.50 627.10 42.45 627.10 Free Free .000 14.028 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =8.60 627.20 42.74 627.20 Free Free .000 15.375 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =8.70 ' 627.30 43.03 627.30 Free Free .000 16.681 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =8.80 627.40 43.31 627.40 Free Free .000 17.945 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =8.90 627.50 43.60 627.50 Free Free .000 19.172 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =9.00 627.59 43.86 627.59 Free Free .000 20.249 Free Outfall ' INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =9.09 627.60 43.89 627.60 Free Free .000 20.362 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =9.10 627.70 44.17 627.70 Free Free .000 21.529 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =9.20 627.80 44.45 627.80 Free Free .000 22.661 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =9.30 627.90 44.73 627.90 Free Free .000 23.763 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =9.40 628.00 45.00 628.00 Free Free .000 24.845 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =9.50 628.10 45.28 628.10 Free Free .000 25.901 Free Outfall ' INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =9.60 628.20 45.55 628.20 Free Free .000 26.936 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =9.70 ' SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 3 Page 6.34 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = CO (Culvert-Circular) ------------------- Mannings open chann ------------------- el maximum capacity: 19.87 cfs UPstream ID's= R0, 00 DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) Pond WS. Device (into) Converge Next DS HGL Q SUM DS Chan. TW Elev. Q HW HGL DS HGL DS HGL Error Error TW Error ft - ---- cfs ------- ft ft - ------- ------- ft +/-ft +/-cfs -- - -- -- - --- ft --- - +/-ft -- - --- 628.30 45.82 - 628.30 Free --- - - - - - Free .000 27.950 - Free ---- -- Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =9.80 628.35 45.96 628.35 Free Free .000 28.444 Free Outfall INLET CONTROL... Submerged: HW =9.85 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 3 Page 6.35 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- 1 1 1 1 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = WO (Weir-Rectangular) -------------------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes --------- WS Elev. ------- Q --------------- TW Elev Converge --- ----------------------- ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft -------- ----- Computation Messages -------------------------- 623.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.10 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.20 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.30 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.40 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.60 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.70 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.80 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 623.90 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.10 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.20 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.30 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.40 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.60 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Page 6.36 Name.... Outlet 3 ' File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE ' Structure ID = WO (Weir-Rectangular) -------------------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) ' DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes --------- WS Elev. ------- Q --------------- TW Elev Converge --- ----------------------- ft cfs ft +/-ft Computation Messages -------- 624.70 ------- .00 -------- ----- Free Outfall --- ----------------------- WS below an invert; no flow. 624.80 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 624.90 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 625.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 625.10 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 625.20 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 625.30 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 625.40 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 625.50 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 625.60 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 625.70 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 625.80 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 625.90 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 626.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 626.10 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 626.20 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 626.30 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 3 Page 6.37 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- 1 RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = WO (Weir-Rectangular) -------------------------------------- Upstream ID = (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes 1 --------- ------- --------------- ------- -------- -- WS Elev. Q TW Elev Converge ft cfs ft +/-ft Computation Messages -------- 626.40 ------- .00 -------- ----- Free Outfall -------------------------- WS below an invert; no flow. 626.50 .00 Free Outfall 626.60 WS .00 below an invert; Free Outfall no flow. WS below an invert; no flow. 626.70 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 626.80 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 626.90 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. ' 627.00 .00 Free Outfall WS below an invert; no flow. 627.10 .00 Free Outfall 627.20 WS .00 below an invert; Free Outfall no flow. WS below an invert; no flow. 627.30 .00 Free Outfall ' 627.40 WS .00 below an invert; Free Outfall no flow. WS below an invert; no flow. 627.50 .00 Free Outfall ' 627.59 WS .00 below an invert; Free Outfall no flow. WS below an invert; no flow. 627.60 .18 Free Outfall 627.70 H= 6.78 .01; Htw=.00; Qfre Free Outfall e=.18; H= .11; Htw=.00; Qfre e=6.78; 627.80 17.89 Free Outfall H= .21; Htw=.00; Qfre e=17.89; 627.90 32.10 Free Outfall H=. 31; Htw=.00; Qfre e=32.10; SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Individual Outlet Curves Name.... Outlet 3 Page 6.38 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- RATING TABLE FOR ONE OUTLET TYPE Structure ID = - - --- WO (Weir-Rectangular) - ------ ---- Upstream ID = ---------------------- (Pond Water Surface) DNstream ID = TW (Pond Outfall) WS Elev,Device Q Tail Water Notes --------- WS Elev. ------- ------------- Q TW Elev Conv -- -------------------------- erge ft -------- cfs ft +/- ------- -------- --- ft Computation Messages -- -------------------------- 628.00 48.83 Free Outfall H=.41; Htw=.00; Qfree=48.83; 628.10 67.73 Free Outfall H=.51; Htw=.00; Qfree=67.73; 628.20 88.61 Free Outfall H=.61; Htw=.00; Qfree=88.61; 628.30 111.27 Free Outfall H=.71; Htw=.00; Qfree=111.27; 628.35 123.22 Free Outfall H=.76; Htw=.00; Qfree=123.22; SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 ' Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Outlet 3 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- 1 C ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ---------- --- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft cfs ft -- +/-ft Contributing Structures 623.00 .00 -- - Free Outfall (no Q: RO ,OO ,CO,WO) 623.10 .01 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 623.20 .06 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 623.30 .10 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 623.40 .12 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 623.50 .14 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 623.60 .16 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 623.70 .18 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 623.80 .19 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 623.90 .21 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 624.00 .22 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 624.10 .23 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 624.20 .25 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 624.30 .26 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 624.40 .27 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 624.50 .28 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 624.60 .29 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) 624.70 .30 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 624.80 .31 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) 624.90 .32 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 625.00 .33 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 625.10 .33 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 625.20 .34 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 625.30 .35 Free Outfall O0,C0 (no Q: RO,WO) 625.40 .36 Free Outfall OO,CO (no Q: RO,WO) 625.50 1.51 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 625.60 3.59 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 625.70 6.30 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 625.80 9.49 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 625.90 13.12 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 626.00 17.13 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 626.10 21.49 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 626.20 26.15 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 626.30 31.09 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 626.40 36.23 Free outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 626.50 40.66 Free Outfall RO,CO (no Q: OO,WO) 626.60 40.96 Free Outfall RO,CO (no Q: OO,WO) 626.70 41.26 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) Page 6.39 1 1 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Outlet 3 Page 6.40 File.... N:\ 2007\1007154\Docs\Calcs\POND PACK 12-3-03\REVISED POND PACK POND 2 AND 3 2-5- ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ------------- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft -------- - Contributing - Structures 626.80 41.56 Free --- - Outfall - ------------ RO,OO,CO (no ------------ Q: WO) 626.90 41.86 Free Outfall RO,CO (no Q: OO,WO) 627.00 42.16 Free Outfall RO,CO (no Q: OO,WO) 627.10 42.45 Free Outfall RO,CO (no Q: OO,WO) 627.20 42.74 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 627.30 43.03 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 627.40 43.31 Free Outfall RO,CO (no Q: OO,WO) 627.50 43.60 Free Outfall RO,CO (no Q: OO,WO) 627.59 43.86 Free outfall RO,OO,CO (no Q: WO) 627.60 44.07 Free Outfall RO,CO,WO (no Q: 00) 627.70 50.95 Free Outfall R0,O0,C0,W0 627.80 62.34 Free outfall RO,OO,CO,WO 627.90 76.83 Free Outfall RO,CO,WO (no Q: 00) 628.00 93.83 Free Outfall RO,CO,WO (no Q: 00) 628.10 113.01 Free outfall RO,CO,WO (no Q: 00) 628.20 134.16 Free Outfall R0,O0,C0,W0 628.30 157.08 Free Outfall RO,OO,CO,WO 628.35 169.18 Free outfall RO,CO,WO (no Q: 00) SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 1 1 1 1 I Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names A-1 ----- B ----- BASIN 2... 3.01, 4.01 BASIN 3... 3.03, 4.02 BYPASS... 3.05, 4.03 ----- M ----- Mecklenburg... 2.01, 2.02 ----- 0 ----- Outlet 2... 6.01, 6.05, 6.17 Outlet 3... 6.19, 6.23, 6.39 ----- P ----- POND 2... 5.01 POND 3... 5.02 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 10:20 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 5/29/2008 u 1 Gutter Spread Calculations 1 11 u E 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i Yard Inlet Calculations 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yard Inlet #77 (4'x3.5' Slab Type Catch Basin With 8" Opening (4 Sides)) (STD. #20. Pipe Diameter = 15" Rim = 639 A = 10.00 sf (open area of inlet) = (4 x 0.67 x 2) +(3.5 x 0.67 x 2) DORIFICE = 0.08 ft (Depth of Flow) DwEIR = 0.43 ft (Depth of Flow) Q = 13.83 cfs (Surface Flow) P = 15.00 ft (Perimeter Length of Open Area) = (4 x 2) + (3.5 x 2) DORIFICE = ((Q)/[(0.6) x A x (64.4)'5])2 DwEIR = [(Q)/(3.3 x P)]2i3 Rip-Rap Calculations 0 M N J ° a _ ea J et G ° t-- o + O O Q ^ cl: W CO) CV) a 0 II II K ? o W N a `? p Q , c0 m a Q E O ° U) y i II T o o LL H U) N E z J c "- = 3 M c = C O 0 (D a L ° O C N E N ?R V u i r° O = = m 2 (n Z 0 0 ( p x + N w U? o ^ 1 ! V, W 0 Z a? 0 0 x < 'L3 O LL U. oo Q O J O v J :) O C LO M Ll. O _ II C N N O U) Q O Cc ?? G ? V V ? I V y a J U. . V , ^ v! LL d Q1 O O ? U li LO a ' ?I nI I I O l I {I G ? rs ? +- - ?I H O Q o ,= ? J u M n O _ a cc I O O Lo c a F}- i U O w > W N a W n. fn CL fA CL M a N a Lq O Un O o Un N co M Rt LO w O J w Q w w O 0 > m J U y J J O J C 0 1 O (n 'a p C U a co .t] 0 ?z?rvn <L T T W co l o `"t T V- U. Z Z N w B fn O.J QLYlrN ? U h k N J ° a t4 J et 2 + O ° g O O a:2 W ® c a N o fl fl x o ` t ! W - a` o o p p ? , c0 o ? rn o CL v n E M c _ ° U) N fl -; LL H E- E Z o . Q c U ? O o c° ° O O ++ /) a E d as z uo z is o m x + 0 U C V V Cl) .. v Q O O 7 O < V Z O Li -j LL x 0 ao J v D c Y O A N LL C II Q O 3 = j J .? .? C 0. a ? 00) a o ? o ) cc U) Q "f LL (L) = c CL V N U. d d Q d 0 o Lo 0 Lo I + co I ? ! R I f m m of M o O cl o t II J II II O c O. N y d 'r3 J d G Y cc o _ +O+ a a ? Q Q m H U O J w > fA fA W fA N fJl J fz ma a y- a a fa. a U O lli R U B N M M 4* w w O J w E w E m J J x W O E J m U O d y _J j w O v 13 ' .a M = a - - O I' i ln €I cn U U Pi 1 0 1 N ? a J C U, + r o a .U) O 0 O 0 J U Cl) I CO 11 a `?' y = o I cc C13 x a N N W Q O O 0 .-. c0 r o rn 0 E O a m o V A D L O II CJ L H N o E Z L _ H V Q "? U O _ ,L O cc o o O O *+ d1 a L 0 ^ N m co = U) Z o s x + N C4 Q 0 C I_ Cl) 0 c a Z O x < 'r3 U. co 0 d o J yM? J = 0 O L L j It a o L d a J L C c a ? ? L N B L Lb Ln Ln U LL . LL U- -0 -0 ? i (D l I O r ) n ci f O 0 R J n 11 ? o _ Q t d +, S N d ? >_ M d l 4 O , j :? ? 0 LL Y R O c CD . O O 51 ii a - a a a t ?f U O W ? tl! !? N V1 Ul cA W CL ? Q. " Q. " Q. " a v- Q. " m Lq O Lq O O Lq Q N M M Ict w w 0 J J Q W E m 75 0 X E J O > 0 W 0 J _ V 0 N I J M a ? t4 - c0 ? ? O cn cap co 0 0 (? RIP ?Ut- '71 RAP APRON SIZING HW-32 FROM POND #2 Based on Army Corps of Engineers Reports H-70-2 H-72-5, and N.J. Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control (1999) Pipe Diameter, Do 24 Inches or 2 Feet Peak Flow, Q25 128.24 CFS (Always use FULL FLOW) Tailwater depth, Tw 0_4 Feet ( If Unknown, use 0.2 x Diameter in Feet) La = (1.8 x Do/Q) _ Do^0.5 a.... ., +713o, If TW <Do/2, Wa = 3Do + La Apron Length, La = 32.0 Feet Long If TW > Do/2,Wa = 3Do+ 0.41-a Apron Width, Wa = 38.0 Feet Wide (Only if no well-defined channel downstream ) dso Stone Size = 1.36 dso in Feet 16.4 ?' dso in Inches dso = 0.016/TW x (q) 02/0 I 3 00 Outlet W a 0o la 90 P'Pe diameter (Do) :: •'. .. ::: ?; + I La 80 Tail rater c 0.50® 70 -IMP ok 60 41 -TI At _U 301 •r: •„r , •, r , h ... ,. r r• ?T a7 '•' ;tti _ -J 'r'.r' rr• r ,. j; ?p ( TI ::r T. a a r ? .• a ..r ...: r ? r 1 fi -j ••' , L . .t r .. :i? 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