HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021881 Ver 1_Year 4 Monitoring Report_20080312r:?- ,/I n 1 ?1,2 2 cot 16$ I Silas Creek Stream Restoration Final 2007 Monitoring Report Monitoring Year Four Submitted to: NCDENR-Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Prepared by: URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Project Designed by: Buck Engineering 1152 Executive Circle Drive Suite 100 Cary, NC 27511 Submitted: February 22, 2008 ti-- , osystem L,I 1?1i `eI11eIl PROGRAM Ecosystem Enhancement Program Project Number 00335 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ' 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/PROJECT ABSTRACT ....................................................................1 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................... .3 ' 2.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................ . 3 2.2 PROJECT STRUCTURE, MITIGATION TYPE, AND APPROACH ................................... . 3 2.3 LOCATION AND SETTING ................................................................................................... 4 2.4 PROJECT HISTORY AND BACKGROUND 6 ......................................................................... 2.5 MONITORING PLAN VIEW ........................ 3.0 PROJECT CONDITION AND MONITORING RESULTS ...................................................... 15 ' 3.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................. 15 3.1.1 Vegetative Problem Areas .......................................................................................... 15 3.1.2 Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View ........................................................................ 15 ' 3.2 STREAM ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................................... 16 3.2.1 Procedural Items ........................................................................................................ 16 Morphometric Criteria ........................................................................................ 16 Hydrologic Criteria ............................................................................................. Bank Stability Assessment ................................................................................. 16 16 3.2.2 Stream Current Condition Plan View Areas ............................................................... 16 ' 3.2.3 Fixed Photo Station Photos ........................................................................................ 3.2.4 Stability Assessment ................................................................................................... 16 16 3.2.5 Quantitative Measures Tables (Morphology and Hydrology) .................................... 17 ' 4.0 METHODOLOGY SECTION ....................................................................................................... 28 4.1 STREAM METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................. 28 4.2 VEGETATION METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................... 28 5.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................29 FIGURES ' Figure 1. . .. 5 Project Vicinity .......................................................................... Figure 2. Monitoring Plan View ........................................... _ ............ ...................... 8-14 Figure 3a. Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View - Reach 1 ............ .....................Appendix A-III ' Figure 3b. Figure 3c. Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View - Reach 2 ............ Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View - Reach 3 ............ .....................Appendix A-III .....................Appendix A-III Figure 4a. Stream Current Condition Plan View - Reach 1 ............. .......................Appendix B-I ' Figure 4b. Figure 4c. Stream Current Condition Plan View - Reach 2 ............. Stream Current Condition Plan View - Reach 3 ............ .......................Appendix B-I ........................Appendix B-I Figure 4d. Stream Current Condition Plan View - Buena Vista Bran ch .....................Appendix B-I ' TABLES Table I. Project Restoration Components .............................. .......................................4 Table II. Table III. Project Activity and Reporting History ...................... Project Contacts Table ......................................... .......................................6 .......................................6 Table IV. Project Background Table ...........................................................................7 Table Va. Table Vb. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment - Silas Creek .....................16 - Buena Vista Branch .......... 17 i 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 J ' Table VIa. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary - Silas Creek ................................18 Table VIb. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary - Buena Vista Branch ......................20 Table VIIa-I. Table VIIa-2. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary ...:.............................:: ...........22 Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary ... .23 Table VIIa-3. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary .............................. ................24 ' Table VIIb. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary - Buena Vista Branch ................................................................... ...............25 Table VIIc. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary - Silas Creek .............................................................................. ...............26 Table VIId. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary - ' Buena Vista Branch ................................................................... ...............27 Table AI. Vegetation Metadata .................................................................. .Appendix A-1 ' Table A2. Table A3. Vegetation Vigor by Species ...............................::::: .::::.....::::.... Vegetation Damage by Species.......... .Appendix A-I .Appendix A-I Table A4. Vegetation Damage by Plot ......................................................... .Appendix A-1 ' Table A5. Table A6a. Stem Count by Plot and Species .....................................................Appendix A-I Vegetative Problem Area Table - Reach I .........................................Appendix A-1 Table Abb. Vegetative Problem Area Table - Reach 2 .............................................. .Appendix A-I Table A6c. Vegetative Problem Area Table - Reach 3 ........................................ .Appendix A-I Table A6d. Vegetative Problem Area Table - Buena Vista Branch ......................... .Appendix A-I ' Table B I a. Stream Problem Areas Table - Reach 1 ............................................Appendix B-II Table B 1 b. Stream Problem Areas Table - Reach 2 ............................................Appendix B-II ' Table B 1 c. Table B 1 d. Stream Problem Areas Table - Reach 3 ........................................... Stream Problem Areas Table - Buena Vista Branch ............................. .Appendix B-II .Appendix B-II Table 132a. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment - Silas Creek .......................... Appendix B-V Table 132b. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment - Buena Vista Branch .............. Appendix B-V ' APPENDICE Appendix A S Vegetation Raw Data 1. Vegetation Survey Data Tables II. Vegetative Problem Area Photos III. Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View IV. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos ' Appendix B Geomorphic Raw Data 1. Stream Current Condition Plan View II. Stream Problem Areas Data Tables III. Representative Stream Current Condition Photos ' IV. Stream Photo Station Photos V. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment VI. Cross Section Photos and Annual Overlays of Plots ' VII. Pebble Count Frequency Distribution Plots ii 1 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2108 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/PROJECT ABSTRACT ' URS Corporation (URS) was retained by the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) to conduct stream monitoring at the Silas Creek stream restoration project, located in Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina. The stream monitoring effort conducted by URS in August 2007 ' represents Monitoring Year 4 for this project. Prior to the monitoring effort, URS received a digital As- Built drawing for the project site from EEP. In addition, URS received a Mitigation Plan prepared by Buck Engineering (Buck 2004), a Year 1 Monitoring Report produced by Buck Engineering (Buck 2005), and a Year 2 Monitoring Report prepared by EcoLogic Associates, P.C. (EcoLogic 2006). URS produced ' the Year 3 Monitoring Report in January of 2007 (URS 2007). The Silas Creek project is located within the city limits of Winston-Salem in a heavily developed, urban ' watershed. The project reach is situated within Shaffner Park, where Silas Creek crosses Silas Creek Parkway, near the intersection of Silas Creek Parkway and Yorkshire Road. The project reach crosses under two major roads and is confined by water, sewer and other underground utilities, overhead power ' lines, and a well used urban greenway. In 2003, EEP restored 4,449 linear feet of stream along three reaches of Silas Creek (Reaches 1, 2, and 3) and one reach of Buena Vista Branch. According to the Mitigation Plan, prior to the restoration activities ' the project reach had low sinuosity with varying levels of incision due to historic channelization. The Priority 2 and 3 restoration converted the impaired channels into sinuous channels, where possible (mostly on the tributary). Rock and log crossvanes, single arm vanes, channel width restrictors, and rock toe protection root wads (tributary only) were incorporated for aquatic habitat enhancement and bed and bank stability. A riparian buffer was planted using native vegetation. The buffer ranged from 15 to 25 feet in width, dependent upon space and easement limitations. ' No Vegetative Problem Areas were identified during 2005 monitoring (Year 2). During 2006 monitoring (Year 3), Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), porcelain berry (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), ' bamboo (Phyllostachys aurea), tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), and kudzu (Pueraria montana) were present in varying densities throughout the site. During 2007 monitoring (Year 4), populations of the non-native, invasive floral species listed above remained, and, in some cases, the populations had grown in size. Several mimosa and privet saplings were observed along all reaches. In addition, mimosa was observed along Buena Vista Branch and Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica) was observed along Reach 2. Taxonomy follows `Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and surrounding areas' (Weakley ' 2007). Between the 2007 Initial Assessment and Project Status Report and 2007 monitoring, beavers have moved into Buena Vista Branch. Two large beaver dams were observed along the reach (one damaged, ' the other in-tact). Beaver activity is evident along the entirety of the upstream portions of Buena Vista Branch. The upstream 500 feet of the reach has been used for forage for the large beaver dam present at Station 15+00. Much of the streamside livestakes have been removed for use in their dam. Beaver ' `slides' were also observed throughout the reach and are promoting bank erosion and instability. In addition to the detrimental effect they are having on streamside vegetation, the dam has backed water up within the majority of the project reach. Upstream of the dam, the channel has widened, deepened, and ' become almost stagnant. Beaver activity is also impacting water quality within Buena Vista Branch and, ultimately, Silas Creek. The water above and below the dam is extremely turbid. At the confluence of Buena Vista Branch and Silas Creek, the path of the turbid water entering Silas Creek from Buena Vista Branch can be seen from several feet away. The Silas Creek restoration project is overall functioning fairly well, especially considering the highly urbanized watershed and flashy hydrology. However, beaver activity on Buena Vista Branch may begin 1 ' 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 1 ' to cause larger problems if not managed effectively. During 2007 monitoring a beaver was observed swimming in Reach 2 of Silas Creek, downstream of the confluence with Buena Vista Branch. Reach 1 is exhibiting an inability to transport sediment in some areas. As a result, the reach shows signs of aggradation and bar formation. In addition, several cross vanes are not functioning correctly, possibly ' due to improper construction. Reach 2 has undergone downcutting in the lower part of the reach. Blockage at the downstream box culverts is causing some of the cross vanes in this section to be underwater during normal daily flows. Reach 3 is exhibiting bank erosion and scour in several areas along the reach. t 1 2 ' 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 fl 1 1- [1 1 ?7, 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 2.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES The restoration of Silas Creek was conducted as a Priority 3 Restoration by changing the channel dimension to allow for the construction of a bankfull bench and the addition of rock structures to stabilize the channel and increase the in-stream channel diversity of riffles and pools. The Buena Vista Branch restoration was a Priority 2 and 3 and included building a bankfull bench in the upper reach, changing the channel pattern and profile, and installing stone structures and root wads. Prior to restoration, Silas Creek had failing banks, unstable plan form and cross sectional geometry, little or no riparian buffer, and poor bed morphology, diversity, and aquatic habitat. The goals of the Silas Creek restoration project were listed in the 2004 Year 1 Monitoring Report as: 1. Restore 4,449 linear feet of channel dimension, pattern, and profile to the extent possible considering project constraints, watershed characteristics and data from reference reaches in similar watersheds. 2. Improve floodplain functionality by matching floodplain elevations with bankfull stage, therefore increasing watershed attenuation and reducing peak flows. 3. Stabilize native floodplain vegetation to allow treatment of diffuse storm flow and nutrient uptake while establishing part of a wildlife corridor in the watershed. 4. Improve the natural aesthetics of the stream corridor. 5. Improve the water quality of the Silas Creek watershed by reducing bank erosion, increasing nutrient storage and uptake, and increasing dissolved oxygen in the system. 2.2 PROJECT STRUCTURE, MITIGATION TYPE, AND APPROACH The Priority 2 and 3 restoration involved converting the impaired channels into sinuous channels, where possible (mostly on the tributary). Rock and log crossvanes, single arm vanes, channel width restrictors, and rock toe protection root wads (tributary only) were installed for aquatic habitat enhancement and bed and bank stability. A riparian buffer was planted using native vegetation. 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 1 I? Table I. Project Restoration Components Silas Creek EEP Project Number 00335 `? 'emu ? 8 ya . w aw ? ~ ? ° '? p? ° c . ? b io p E a .l ? Cn o U Silas Creek - 999 El PIII 970 0+00 to 4+50 Cut new floodplain, Reach 1 restoration of incised channel Silas Creek - 897 El PIII 915 4+50 to 70+00 Cut new floodplain, Reach 2 restoration of incised channel Silas Creek - 1,771 El PIII 1,807 0+00 to 25+00 Cut new floodplain, Reach 3 restoration of incised channel Buena Vista 782 R PII 799 0+00 to 15+00 Change dimension, Branch &III pattern, and rofile Note: Existing feet, Mitigation Type, and Stationing were derived from the Monitoring Footage was derived from the Year 3 longitudinal profiles. R= Restoration P1= Priority I El= Enhancement I Ell= Enhancement II PIII= Priority III S= Stabilization Year 2 Report, Linear PII= Priority II SS= Stream Bank Stabilization 2.3 LOCATION AND SETTING ' The Silas Creek project is located within the city limits of Winston-Salem in a heavily developed urban watershed. The project reach is within Shaffner Park, located where Silas Creek crosses Silas Creek Parkway, near the intersection of Silas Creek Parkway and Yorkshire Road (Figure 1). The project crosses under two major roads and is confined by water, sewer and other underground utilities, overhead power lines, and a well used urban greenway. The project restored three reaches of Silas Creek and one reach of Buena Vista Branch. The reaches are divided as follows: Reach 1 of Silas Creek begins just upstream of the pedestrian bridge upstream/north of Yorkshire Road, and ends at the Yorkshire Road crossing. Reach 1 is 970 feet in length. Reach 2 of Silas Creek begins at Yorkshire Road and ends at the Silas Creek Parkway crossing. Reach 2 is 915 feet in length. Reach 3 of Silas Creek begins at Silas Creek Parkway and ends at a pedestrian bridge southwest of Silas Creek Parkway. Reach 3 is 1,807 feet in length. Buena Vista Branch is a tributary to Silas Creek. It is approximately 799 feet in length and joins Silas Creek between Yorkshire Road and Silas Creek Parkway (within Reach 2). Lengths are derived from the Year 3 longitudinal profiles. ' To travel to the site from the Raleigh-area, take I-40 West towards Winston-Salem. Take Exit 188 onto I- 40/US-421 South towards Winston-Salem. Take the Silas Creek Parkway/NC-67 West exit. The project reach is located in Shaffer Park, just north of Country Club Road. Reaches 1 and 2 and Buena Vista Branch are located east of Silas Creek Parkway. Reach 3 is west of Silas Creek Parkway. 1 , I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 .?y.-`-„?#•? •BI?S B " i ? 4 an I Ct 'Ar $?'. )' _"[ ? v??? s•,;- ? } _= ? , ` (^? aP ?' r? ?:}'I? I?\ J t y ./•E, ;. , f)%fi da r ? I t .,,11 ( [Fy QJ ?I ',. T 7 '1.1 \r C? ?l'•w ? ?? rt,i P `U ? l'„ '`? fir" ?? r . sac ?I % )It. • , ?( ' : T ? j --.-:' },, I,;: ( I ^ -.- L yi' ^i \ r•? t, 1 `r_ _?-?'` i Y, d Kul r: "" x + ?,;` ' .; ^a . .?.i M/?? N ?,>} y 4, ,5 ' off, ;y k r.:. ( hr ?4`? s t ((> 1 w - ,? v r '' ql V 1!'s y b '' e?a `'i"\ / - ns ?r € 1 ` "`,I \ '` ( \ 1?: 'BS Y? .LQrWett' { ?,reaLa+O"';?,; r ( - '? r j i J „ , { \ ( e5 :? ? ' a 1 i I I ? ) t L t'r 11 ^ ? •-r, ?,w t ?r i 4 s C cl Y •... t Al 4 ? 1 :.:? ,? ?? ?•az+'f ttl , p I, +- (.. F?' d U 1 ?' N? 7 ? ( ` ? ?`riz-/ F ?• ? ? r A ? i ? ?? ? ? fs(A I ? ? `?'[I y (k ? I 1 ., y ?° s Y>,T r., , ,-a, n' l C ' z y K ' ;r lxr ? I! \ 'P?? rt q" ? °j? +1 ?( r.?? III ? y i _ ? R ' i Y? ? ?? 1 A y # F. r?, Ai ».n.. >C ( ) `Y '?? ?' 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'"' j f? 9 1 •itJ ` ? i t? .Iq I ? •;??( .ice`/? 3'/.: ( ??' ? ?' ? Jv ? ? ?t5'.??' gy .I 1 ??: yS ' II ?'r 7 - ??1 t r' A? Y? ,- ? . i ? f? . i! 71? J ! = r , t? ? 1 ,?rYr ? ? ? ?, ? ? 1, .,,. ,1 \ ?'? IR ll' 'r :? ? " @ 1 d ? i'?Y ? ? 1 3: ? t - p; v ! _ I '?: ? ? .,_ ? a 1 r /?/ ) ?? ? 1 y _ ? r . . 1 ?? _1' ?' .1 !? i r r i 1 } FT "P ?- r ? jt'/ c.ly.??-``:r r 1 _ { . i ? (=??? ' ? t @/ ??,1 •dr si ?:.?I? +f ? ,. r / bl ( . m„ r ?i` ?. t?-? ._ ??_ 1w4? ? ? ..- ` >v ? t •< ? PI ?' ? '!>= 'f'?? ??? 1 \ ki ??^?.??0 ?? '?,}).,a P - ? ?? .?1° y?)i?,? -f < .?; I[ It ? .r ?+ ??'A?? :.= 2?c?> ,I x ? ?? iN I I , JA f s C? l I r ; r , c 1 ?:C? I - ` I ?r!n\, •r ?i? •pl._ .?S ? ? 1e??. A.c ,6 L ,. \'? ? 1 ? ?I'?`1?, ?' ).; ' Prepared By: Prepared For: Project: URS Cor tion - North Carolina pora 1600 Perimeter Park Drive s.ta4oo NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program Silas Creek Monitoring Year: Legend Figure 1 Morriaville, NC 27560 Stream Restoration 4(2007) Project Vicinity Phone: 919-461-1100 Fax: 919461-1415 Forsyth County, NC Project Reach Project Number: Date: 0 0.25 0.5 1 00335 February 2008 Miles 1 1 2.4 PROJECT HISTORY AND BACKGROUND The Silas Creek restoration project was constructed during the spring and summer of 2003. The As-built survey was conducted in October of 2003. The pre-restoration stream channels had low sinuosity and varying levels of incision due to historic channelization. The stream restoration design was based on natural channel design principals and considered differences in drainage area, adjacent land uses, upstream impoundments, and future development potential. The design addressed the channel dimension, pattern, and profile based on reference reach parameters and hydraulic geometry relationships. When considering design alternatives, every effort was made to create a stable meandering channel with bankfull stage located at the existing floodplain elevation. Where valley or development restrictions did not allow for channel pattern to be established, the existing incised channels were enhanced by excavating new floodplain benches and installing structures to improve bed features and control channel grade. Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History Silas Creek EEP Project Number 00335 Activity or Report Scheduled Completion Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan Unknown Unknown Unknown Design 90% Unknown Unknown Unknown Construction 2003 Fall 2003 Fall 2003 Planting 2003 January 2004 January 2004 As-Built/Mitigation Report 2003 Fall 2003 Fall 2003 Year 1 Monitoring 2005 October 2004 February 2005 Year 2 Monitoring 2005 September 2005 Aril 2006 Year 3 Monitoring 2006 October 2006 December 2006 Year 4 Monitoring 2007 August 2007 September 2007 Year 5 Monitoring 2008 -- Year + Monitoring Not scheduled -- -- Table III. Project Contacts Table Silas Creek EEP Project Number 00335 Designer Buck Engineering 1152 Executive Circle, Suite 100 Cary, NC 27511 Primary project design POC Will Harmon 919-463-5488 Construction Contractor North State Environmental 2889 Lowery Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Construction contractor POC Darryl Westmoreland 336-725-2010 Planting Contractor North State Environmental 2889 Lowery Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Planting contractor POC Darryl Westmoreland 336-725-2010 6 I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 i 1 1 Seeding Contractor Seeding contractor POC Unknown 2004 Monitoring Performers Buck Engineering 1152 Executive Circle, Suite 100 Cary, NC 27511 Will Harmon 919-463-5488 2005 Monitoring Performers EcoLogic Associates, P.C. 4321-A S. Elm-Eugene St. Greensboro, NC 27406 Stream Monitoring POC Kyle Hoover 336-335-1108 Vegetation Monitoring POC Moni Bates 336-335-1108 2006 Monitoring Performers URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Monitoring POC Kathleen McKeithan 919-461-1597 2007 Monitoring Performers URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Monitoring POC Kathleen McKeithan 919-461-1597 Table IV. Project Background Table Silas Creek EEP Project Number 00335 Project County Forsyth County Drainage Area Silas Creek 7.2 square miles Buena Vista Branch 1.4 s uare miles Drainage impervious cover estimate % Estimated at >25% Stream Order Silas Creek 3` Buena Vista Branch IA Ph sio a hic Region Piedmont/Foothills Ecore ion Northern Inner Piedmont 45b Ros en Classification of As-Built Silas Creek B4c Buena Vista Branch E4 Dominant soil types Wehadkee, Chewacla, Urban land Reference site ID Unknown USGS HUC for Project 03040103 NCDW Sub-basin for Project 03-07-06 NCDW classification for Project C An portion of an project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listin or stressor NA % of project easement fenced 0% - no cattle in reach I 2.5 MONITORING PLAN VIEW See following sheets for the Monitoring Plan View. 1 I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 a.o-low 06106 ova 0011 16166 sa.am ama Mom VIAN VwoIj^T dVW A3N 1 &IX/ SAW JA•/AW an aoojoo vier - u%oiwxo sun huu ItIOd3d ON1801INOW 100Z u.o VII 5 11 NOlIV80IS38 wV38iS SNOISIA38 k iv VII unmw tM10S3U rinl.N S33 0A iN30JOWN3 A 1N3RLdwd30 VOWW3 HIw" =Pa e W ? Q p a- 0 ?o a 0 ao 0 ?r 10 a 0 0 v N O m m r m m m m m m m r m III pf - l.. 0614s svr CNNI - l.. 06140 70"dOt W _ masupDA0WO wisijjw M31A NVId ONI8011NO O1W0 7JId APP1Aid 00 W f ??f uw.?.f 91JON - u0/p? ?,?..?.?/42 a r.w• a/p? T14 4 = r? = ui IHOd3H ON18011NOW LOW s3?M10s3tl 7 trN ° g NOIMOIS38 Wd381S OW i"300H"N3 d0 1143litd30 r10W3 xl 3 - SWSIA3 ?v 1i dll n?soiw " O 0 N O O b O N II O s O O O O O J Li LL O z O U Ld CC C] L C C_ C C t C F L L C L C 0 U a Ld of 0 Li ~ z J w > V' U- w 0 j O ° z z U I s U i ? 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O 7 Q m 3 N 0 O 00 0O w z J j O U) Y d w O ¢ w V=i > V1 r o M O p Z 133HS 33S - 3NIl H?iVw v v ?, M w W r%) O O O U U O\ J o WX ' o o Z zz v H F v J O O LLj W I0 J d p t, 0 Y F Z O O w C) m d > vI +1 m m m m m m 1 3.0 PROJECT CONDITION AND MONITORING RESULTS ' 3.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT 3.1.1 Vegetative Problem Areas ' No Vegetative Problem Areas were identified during 2005 monitoring (Year 2). During 2006 monitoring (Year 3), mimosa, Japanese honeysuckle, porcelain berry, Chinese privet, multiflora rose, bamboo, tree of heaven, and kudzu were present in varying densities throughout the site. During 2007 monitoring (Year 4), populations of the non-native, invasive floral species listed above remained, and, in some cases, the ' populations had grown in size. Several mimosa and privet saplings were observed along all reaches. In addition, mimosa was observed along Buena Vista Branch and Japanese knotweed was observed along Reach 2. ' Planted vegetation along Buena Vista Branch has been impacted by the presence of beavers. Two large beaver dams were observed along the reach (one damaged, the other in-tact). Beaver activity is evident ' along the entirety of the upstream portions of Buena Vista Branch. Beaver are taking both planted and non-planted stems for use in dams. Populations of non-native, invasive floral species should be monitored due to their propensity to ' outcompete and ovewhelm the more desirable native vegetation planted during restoration. However, survival and proliferation of planted stems along all reaches appears to be successful. Due to the urban nature of this project, it would be extremely difficult to prevent the growth of common invasive species. The large population of kudzu at the upstream portion of Reach 3 appears to be growing. Management of this population may prevent the spread of the plant throughout Reach 3. ' Areas with beaver damage and/or high densities of one or more invasive species were identified as Vegetative Problem Areas and are described in Tables A6a to A6c in Appendix A-I. Seventeen Vegetative Problem Areas were identified along Silas Creek. Two Vegetative Problem Areas were observed on Buena Vista Branch. Vegetative Problem Area Photographs are located in Appendix A-II. 3.1.2 Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View See Figure 3 in Appendix A-I11 for the Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View. 1 1 1 15 1 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 1 3.2 STREAM ASSESSMENT 3.2.1 Procedural Items Morphometric Criteria Dimension and profile were sampled at a rate as per the March 2004 Mitigation Plan completed by Buck Engineering. Dimension: Nine permanent cross sections are located on Silas Creek for a total of five riffles and four pools. Two permanent cross sections, a riffle and a pool, are located on Buena Vista Branch. Profile: Per the March 2004 Mitigation Plan completed by Buck Engineering, a longitudinal profile survey is not required for Monitoring Year 4 for this project. Hydrologic Criteria No crest gages are installed at this site to document bankfull events. There are no USGS stream gage stations located in the vicinity of the site. Bank Stability Assessments A detailed BEHI and NBS assessment was not required for the Silas Creek Restoration site during this monitoring year. According to the 2006 Monitoring Guidelines (EEP 2006), an assessment is required during year 5, post construction only. 3.2.2 Stream Current Condition Plan view The Stream Current Condition Plan View, data tables, and photos are located in Appendices B-1, B-11, and B-III, respectively. 3.2.3 Fixed Photo Station Photos Fixed Photo Station Photos are located in Appendix B-IV. 3.2.4 Stability Assessment Table Va. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment (% Functioning) Reaches 1, 2, and 3 - Silas Creek EEP Project Number 00335 Feature Initial* MY-01** MY-02** MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 A. Riffle 100 N/A N/A 70 70 B. Pool 100 N/A N/A 95 100 C.Thalwe 100 N/A N/A 100 90 D. Meanders 100 N/A N/A 100 100 E. Bed General 100 N/A N/A 95 95 F. Bank Condition 100 N/A N/A 98 90 G. Vanes / J Hooks 100 N/A N/A 61 61 H. Wads and Boulders 100 N/A N/A 100 100 * It is assumed that all were 100 percent functional upon completion of construction ** No stability data are presented in previous reports 16 1 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 1 Table Vb. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment (% Functioning) Buena Vista Branch - Silas Creek EEP Project Number 00335 Feature Initial* MY-01** MY-02** MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 A. Riffle 100 N/A N/A 78 27 B. Pool 100 N/A N/A 90 29 C. Thalwe 100 N/A N/A 86 29 D. Meanders 100 N/A N/A 100 100 E. Bed General 100 N/A N/A 93 93 F. Bank Condition 100 N/A N/A 99 99 G. Vanes / J Hooks 100 N/A N/A 67 42 H. Wads and Boulders 100 N/A N/A 100 100 * It is assumed that all were 100 percent functional upon completion of construction ** No stability data are presented in previous reports 3.2.5 Quantitative Measures Tables (Morphology and Hydrology) 17 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 1 F 1 00 N M ? Q1 N p 7 V /y l? N ? N N O N 7?Q O\ M v) l: If N i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W)i 00 N 1 y M S ^ en M ?O \O M 00 N M N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 d' M I ? N M N 00 i 1 t t p O O • ? e0 , N , , , , 00 A U .. y ?•?I 1 , , , 1 , , , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I L was , , 1 1 1 1 i , , 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M ?.1 A ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , , , , , 1 , 1 0 ?"'1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , 1 1 1 1 1 1 d O 00 W) ? r ? 1 1 1 00 N y..? Ida, ? ? O = L•M e{ M M ? •--i t , 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 p p 1 1 1 I t a?z ++ V N , ? , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? O a ? a W w Q , 00 , , , , , , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N 0o t I ? 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N p M Vl C? M .• O F to a a uca a? 3 a a a: a ?aa > ? v? 3v? ? o°a? r- N r 4.0 METHODOLOGY SECTION All monitoring methodologies follow the most current templates and guidelines provided by EEP. Photographs were taken at high resolution using an Olympus Stylus 4.0 megapixel digital camera. GPS location information was collected using a Trimble Geo XT handheld mapping grade GPS unit. GPS locations were collected on both banks of each cross section and on all four corners of each vegetation ' plot during Year 3 monitoring. Stream and vegetation problem areas were noted in the field on As-Built Plan Sheets. Permanent photo station photographs were taken from locations marked in the Monitoring Year 2 Report, prepared by EcoLogic Associates. ' 4.1 STREAM METHODOLOGY The methods used to generate the data in this report are standard fluvial geomorphology techniques as described in Applied River Morphology (Rosgen 1996) and related publications from US Forest Service ' and the interagency Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USACE 2003). URS' field morphological survey was conducted using a Topcon PL-1-13C Rotating Laser and the data were analyzed and displayed using the Reference Reach Spreadsheet, Version 4.21, (Mecklenburg 2006). Modified Wolman weighted pebble counts were conducted for each reach. Photographs were taken at each cross section. A photo was taken from the left bank towards the right bank, and from the right bank towards the left bank. 4.2 VEGETATION METHODOLOGY Two vegetation plots were established by Buck Engineering in 2003. These two plots were also evaluated for Monitoring Year 1 in 2004. In 2005, EcoLogic established 14 10-meter by 10-meter vegetation plots. Per EEP's 2006 guidance, 7 of the 14 monitoring plots established by EcoLogic were inventoried during 2006 and 2007 (MY3 and MY4). Vegetation monitoring methods followed the 2006, Version 4.0 CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording ' Vegetation (Lee et al 2006) for the Year 3 and 4 stem counts. According to the protocol, the Silas Creek Stream Restoration Project requires the monitoring of 7 vegetation plots. The protocol was used to inventory 7 (2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, and 14) of the 14 vegetation plots established by EcoLogic. ' Ecologic used rebar to mark all four corners of the vegetation plots and the southwest corner was marked with a 4-foot PVC pipe flagged with orange. The remaining three corners were marked with blue flagging. Planted stems were also marked with blue flagging. GPS coordinates were taken for the southwest corner of each plot during Monitoring Year 3. A reference photograph was taken from the southwest corner towards the northeast corner for each plot during each monitoring year. Plot photographs are located in Appendix A-IV. During Year 3 (2006) monitoring, all planted stems were marked with white flagging. Stems found with blue flagging from the previous year were re-flagged with white. Blue flagging was removed. Natural regeneration stems were marked with red flagging and recorded. Monitoring taxonomy follows `Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas' (Radford et. al 1968). Year 4 (2007) monitoring was conducted in the same manner and Year 3. The results of the stem counts are summarized in Tables Al to A5 in ' Appendix A-I. 28 I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 1 ' 5.0 REFERENCES Buck Engineering. 2004. Silas Creek Stream Restoration Project. Winston-Salem, North Carolina Mitigation Plan. Prepared for NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program. March 2004. ' Buck Engineering. 2005. Silas Creek Stream Restoration Project. Year 1 Monitoring Report Winston- Salem, North Carolina. Prepared for NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program. February 2005. EcoLogic. 2006. Silas Creek Stream Restoration 2005 Monitoring Report. Monitoring Year Two. Ecosystem Enhancement Program Project Number 00335. Prepared for NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program. April 2006. ' Mecklenburg, Dan. 2006. The Reference Reach Spreadsheet for Channel Survey Data Management. Version 4.2L. Ohio Department of Natural Resources. ' EEP. 2006. Content, Format, and Data Requirements for EEP Monitoring Reports. Version 1.2 (11/16/06). NCDENR, NCEEP. 17pp. Lee, Michael T., Peek, Robert K., Roberts, Steven D., Wentworth, Thomas R. 2006. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation. Version 4.0. (http:Hcvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm) Radford, A.E., Ahles, H.E., and C.R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. The University of North Carolina Press. Chapel Hill, NC. ' Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO. URS. 2007. Silas Creek Stream Restoration 2006 Monitoring Report. Monitoring Year Three. Ecosystem Enhancement Program Project Number 00335. Prepared for NCDENR - Ecosystem ' Enhancement Program. January 2007. USACE, Wilmington District, US Environmental Protection Agency, NC Wildlife Resources ' Commission, and NC Division of Water Quality. 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. April 2003.26 pp. ' Weakley, A.S. 2007. Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and surrounding Areas. Working Draft as of 11 January 2007. UNC Herbarium. North Carolina Botanical Garden. UNC at Chapel Hill. Zimmerman, James L. 1976. Soil Survey of Forsyth County, North Carolina. US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). 1 29 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 ' APPENDIX A VEGETATION RAW DATA 1 J 1 1 I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 s 1 1 1 APPENDIX A-I. VEGETATION SURVEY DATA TABLES Table Al. Vegetation Metadata Report Prepared By Susan Shelingoski Date Prepared 8/21/2007 14:59 database name URS-2007-A-VMD-v210.mdb database location P:\Jobs3\31825348_MonitoringWeg DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------------ This worksheet, which is a summary of the project and the project Metadata data. Plots List of plots surveyed. Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes. Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences Damage and percent of total stems impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. Count of living stems of each species for each plot; dead and Stem Count by Plot and Spp missing stems are excluded. PROJECT SUMMARY------------------------------------- Project Code project Name Silas Creek Description Stream Restoration length(ft) stream-to-edge width (ft) area (sq m) Required Plots (calculated) Sampled Plots 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 335 7 7 2/08 1 1 1 APPENDIX A-I. VEGETATION SURVEY DATA TABLES Table A2. Vegetation Vigor by Species Species 4 3 2 1 0 Missing Acer floridanum 6 6 1 1 Ailanthus altissima Albizia julibrissin Alnus serrulata 2 4 Aronia arbutifolia 1 1 Betula ni ra 23 30 3 Ca rya cordiformis Ca a ovata 2 2 Corpus amomum 14 12 4 Fraxinus enns Ivanica 1 1 Liquidambar st raciflua Morus alba Pinus serotina Pinus vir iniana Quercus hellos 8 14 2 Rhus t hina Robinia seudoacacia Salix ni ra Sambucus canadensis Morus rubra Rhus co allinum Car inus caroliniana Mimosa Lindera benzoin 1 1 Liriodendron tuli ifera M rica 4 Platanus occidentalis 16 29 4 Acer ne undo E:j TOT: 28 73 103 7 2 8 I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX A-I. VEGETATION SURVEY DATA TABLES Table A3. Vegetation Damage by Species 1 1 1 1 1 1 G Q N C. rn N E o m Im 0 Q V _ d E C 0 = 0 c o ? ) m Acer floridanum 14 13 1 Acerne undo 5 5 Ailanthus altissima 2 2 Albizia julibrissin 7 7 Alnus serrulata 6 6 Aronia arbutifolia 2 2 Betula ni ra 67 64 2 1 Ca inus caroliniana 1 1 Ca rya cordiformis 1 1 Ca rya ovata 4 4 Cornus amomum 32 27 1 4 Fraxinus enns Ivanica 11 11 Lindera benzoin 2 1 1 Li uidambar st raciflua 10 10 Liriodendron tuli ifera 9 9 Mimosa 4 4 Morus alba 1 1 Morus rubra 1 1 M rica 6 6 Pinus serotina 1 1 Pinus vir iniana 3 3 Platanus occidentalis 56 52 4 Quercus hellos 28 28 Rhus co allinum 1 1 Rhus t hina 1 1 Robinia seudoacacia 3 3 Salix ni ra 1 1 Sambucus canadensis 1 1 TOT: 28 280 266 2 6 1 5 I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 I APPENDIX A-1. VEGETATION SURVEY DATA TABLES Table A4. Vegetation Damage by Plot c 0 IM 4) 'i a t0 .? c 3 ++ d 0 M 3 0 C d V o c Ac r Q V 0 C _ U) 0 335-01-0002- ear:3 7 7 335-01-0002- ear:4 9 7 1 1 335-01-0003- ear:3 22 21 1 335-01-0003- ear:4 25 21 4 335-01-0006- ear:3 16 16 335-01-0006- ear:4 15 14 1 335-01-0008- ear:3 16 14 2 335-01-0008- ear:4 20 19 1 335-01-0010- ear:3 38 38 335-01-0010- ear:4 36 35 1 335-01-0013- ear:3 13 13 335-01-0013- ear:4 7 5 2 335-01-0014- ear:3 29 29 335-01-0014- ear:4 27 27 TOT: 14 280 266 2 6 1 5 I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 t u fl 7. L rA U N a O a ,.O U vi Q a? n h y:aeaA-v 00-60-9££ fold M cM ? rn cM N r £:jeeA-y1,00-60-9££ Sold co M A O M N N ti:JeaA-£600-60-9££ Sold N N It £:aeaA-£600-60-9££ fold N N •- W ti:aeoA-0600-60-9££ Sold N N LO N £:jeaA-0600-60-9££ ;old N N cD M V:jeeA-8000-60-9££ fold N to N £:ae9A-8000-60-9££ fold `- N `O N tueeA-9000-60-9££ fold `O W £:ae9A-9000-60-9££ 3 old `O °° v:jveA-£000-60-9££ fold N N ? U M et £:aeeA-£000-60-9££ 4old N N •- r LO co f- tueeA-2000-60-9££ fold £:aeaA-Z000- 60-9££ Sold " sw04s#6ne N ?- N a0 r L6 N r co Wid# f? I O r 'T cD N N N 1 r r r swa;S le;ol M W (D V - co N N V U N U) 00 H E m 'o ? C N V o 5 C 75 ?` } U N L d v c a E SO N O N '? p ca M . 3 f0 N 7 N 7 L W 7 C 7 (0 7 C C M 'X C ? O l0 V C N U L O Q C Q 2 Q N m N 0 O U T c ? C J ? 2 2 a 7 C% H O F- 0 N X D 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX A-I. VEGETATION SURVEY DATA TABLES Table A6a. Vegetative Problem Areas - Reach I Silas Creek EEP Pro'ect Number 00335 Feature/Issue Station #/Range Probable Cause Photo # Invasive population 11+10 Privet, honeysuckle, rose R1 VPA1, R1 VPA2 Invasive population 11+50 Privet, honeysuckle, rose R1 VPA 1, R1 VPA2 Invasive population 13+00 Bamboo R1 VPA3 Invasive population 13+00 Mimosa Rl VPA4 Bare Sloe 13+80 Herbaceous veg. not established R1 VPA5, Rl VPA6, R1 VPA7 Bare Sloe 13+90 Herbaceous veg. not established R1 VPA5, Rl VPA6, R1 VPA7 Bare Sloe 17+10 Herbaceous veg. not established Rl VPA5, R1 VPA6, R1 VPA7 Invasive population 19+50 Japanese knotweed, honeysuckle R1 VPA8 Table A6b. Vegetative Problem Areas - Reach 2 Silas Creek EEP Pro'ect Number 00335 Feature/Issue Station #/Range Probable Cause Photo # 21+90 Mimosa R2VPA1, R2VPA2, Invasive population R2VPA3 22+00 Mimosa, Japanese knotweed R2VPA1, R2VPA2, Invasive population R2VPA3 26+50 Mimosa R2VPA1, R2VPA2, Invasive population R2VPA3 Table A6c. Vegetative Problem Areas - Reach 3 Silas Creek EEP Pro'ect Number 00335 Feature/Issue Station #/Range Probable Cause Photo # Invasive population 33+80 to 34+80 Kudzu R3 VPA 1 Invasive population 39+00 Mimosa R3VPA2, R2VPA3, R2VPA4 Invasive population 39+00 Rose R3VPA2, R2VPA3, R2VPA4 Invasive population 33+90 to 34+80 Mimosa R3VPA2, R2VPA3, R2VPA4 Bare bank 42+50 No wood vegetation R3VPA5 Bare bank 44+00 No wood vegetation R3VPA6 I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 r. 1 1 1 APPENDIX A-I. VEGETATION SURVEY DATA TABLES Table A6d. Vegetative Problem Areas - Buena Vista Branch Silas Creek EEP Project Number 00335 Feature/Issue Station #/Range Probable Cause Photo # Ve etation mortality 10+00 to 15+00 Beaver BVNVPAI Invasive population 10+00 to 18+00 Mimosa BVNVPA2 I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 I ¦ - APPENDIX A-II. VEGETATION PROBLEM AREA PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 to 8/8/07 ¦ REACH 1 r 0 il RIVPA1, RIVPA2 0 I k- - 141 Re' ,o RIVPA4 RIVPA8 ;:na 4 Ile, RIVPA3 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 RI VPA5, RI VPA6, RI VPA7 APPENDIX A-I1. VEGETATION PROBLEM AREA PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 to 8/8/07 REACH 2 R2VPAI, R2VPA2, R2VPA3 REACH 3 t R3VPA 1 R3VPA5 M' 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 R3VPA2, R3VPA3, R2VPA4 R3VPA6 APPENDIX A-II. VEGETATION PROBLEM AREA PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 to 8/8/07 BUENA VISTA BRANCH BVNVPAI BVNVPA2 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 r Ll Ij APPENDIX A-III. VEGETATION PROBLEM AREAS PLAN VIEW I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 m O Z p c co (D +r r 0 Z-?5 X00 ?" N C M a) +? C c v m LO -? o L- !A M Q in H U oa Nov a ?n U O O = O C) -0 4) 0 E y in _ M N C Y U cD E _ U C'4 Z O N :C c :3 (D m v p c r._ L O _ E O V J o o CO 0? N E c- 0 .0 i v aE° m `o a? o= 0) m d w a) (n (6 >' 4 a) > (n U Q Q > U a v> -- R '^ L p +O+ U) C? R C) 10 0 c LL a in2aLCLO a` Zw d a) N O U- 0 Z N 3 0 O 0 LO O U (6 N c ? m D m C A N d N a + > 0 IL o + > N i + sbd/lLdl + m d o N > + co ¦ co C Q > LO ° W > ® o CL + `„ > rn a M O > N O O n _ O 1 O N O r a > N LL ¦ co nom. ? a N Ji T T > > > p 0 C) U -cc W) CD 0 00 W) LLI O O d ? O Y O E4 C ? G ? N t6 0 i a 0 i v •.v,' y ? u •> •> ? 0. C a a as ? O ? O x? ? x? ti? a? x x rn M p ? a L G R ? O + O + O O O O O Cl Q ? Vj ? M M M M l? ? ? U L ? ? O O O O O r O O ? ? ? O, , 0. , d ,? 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. O. 0. ?• d > ? ? C cNC ? ? C R ? O c`a O cid ? c''a ? ? , ?p ? N M ? Vl ?O l? 00 err r Nr m r rr r rr r r r rr gar = r = r mm c o f 00 > ?s co C) Z? Lc) LO m 0 NT7 a m O Z O) co LL N r ,rl m o NO Udv >•00 d N ?~ n;;rn m 0C c U o a ` c a W m d w8's or c U c a D - U) a-Ll- a zw W z 3 N t U N N C N m as o U ~ Q E c Cl) Z L: o ` 0 (D N Ln L o 3 N??-,Q N U O O O M ?c d) c Q co a?i 65 H o C.) E cn C) N Z C) O C N J c h E (D C 2 cn _ M N Da) a) ) V CC C r r V Q O O N 16 y O m m a) M N 0 CL LL O . (n L O ? ? m (n U ¢ ¢ > o a + a a in ° a o ? ? I I I ¦ N as N D' Q' co IL > ¦ 3 0 CC rA M CC ti ,? cn U &n ? a a, a i v? M p ? ? ? ? O O O ? N N N ? U ^, ? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 > Cd as It a ? a N ? a , 1L1 &+ 3 O L 0 0 0 T N O LL 0 N C 0 o > ¦ 0 r LO o T O 0 T O n M a N w N L U fQ a) C W a m m m m m m m = w m r = m = m C ? fa C rte': N C N O N O Z L L O E C L N co (a R d O 2 O rn -0 0) (D Z U'j ° o } ti E M y m o m a c?6 a oa Nov a r U N 0 C O O c¢¢ avi cn Fr- o N N C C - i U m L: E w U N Z O E d c E E w In w - f Co m o °' Z co a y 0 r fQ Cl) = LO ?. ++ (D J N a> m o y ? 3 Cc o n.E O ai 'T s >E La - V E _ v Q o o is o m m> m o a? o- Cl) rn m o ?? d C/) m >% d u? vi a? L cn (D a- CL 0 CL ?o a? c o d wr L 0 0 i CL D?cn2a? a` zw` 0. U) LL N M L + U (i'S N C_ 0) (D z C-0 O M 3 M a) a) o O LL O M C14 CD a O >¦ M O a a M O t[ LO v O N o¢. M O Cl M t Q 1f' a M > O M M t n M N a 0 0 ao M Q a M 01 M Q a M t O d > O O O > 0 o li v cc a 03 M ?4 C2 Z, Z, !O 19 a co d M a) N C > ¦ °o N ?? ? U ?? ca Q) ?? ?Ei ?? d di A C O > W p O m` a G d c4 a4 94 4 n d a o 0 V -v -v M 0 0 3 3 vi M p ? O O M O w +• 000 000 O O 01, 000 W) O ? M M M M M M ? ? ? L ? U L cc ? O O O O R y t1. LL A. LL > M N N R C ?_ C U v c E E 0 o U N C ca r- i•^•° z O Z o L L O L = ca m CU 0 LO U U 2 2 U s W E N O? oo m O O O ^ M a0 a0 d d d d m a) Z too CD , >- cu 73 > cc U'5 LO L- Cj) = E a) oa Nrv a U N O OO O 0 o 0 d 0 0 d d 2 t Cl) O a`-) U m L: E CO) U N Z O E J m is L C d a n n n / a .? N T v O G; C •L CD > 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ m p E Z o to LL ,n p r-+ f0 L G +.+ a s a` a 5 s m N s o 9 N N m m ^ 'O a o y E r T r,,... = (D w, ^Q^`` m o 0 8 8 fR ° S, 10 J, \ V LJ.. cn°o"?ox aai WL O N 0?5OtR a cnL a o I I IL Z) U) CL LL a z w m CO W 0 0 0 r z 3 N U O m O (Q O N > r N Z O 7 7m Ln m C m N Q N a z m O 0 0 N r 3 0 LL oI a + M m r N LL Z > O O t r Q R LL CW R L R Q) v 0 Q) 14 'A 'A 0 (U -C O O O z + r 1r U Y m CL b C 0. N O "d O O t R kr) r 3 O Q U N N M> W a? L ? U p r C C) O O p a O m ~ U- N r ? .a (z cl R f6 > N O R O w + M m R N d O a?i C .0 Q Q Q Q Q ? ? w 0 0 a C O U •i, C C C C +?"' U ? E u O O -2 O O 'G ? ? ? ? ? .fl R CZ ? ? ? ? ? r= m GQ R 1 !1 O O C O O O ? L L • V 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 O Q ? + ? + + + O O N M ?O -- O O ? 0. O O O O O U ? 0 cC .R R R y y „ ? R cC R R -p R O ? ?"? ? bA bA bq bA bA bA bq bq ? - Q Q Q Q ? O C C ? ? y O O ^O y ?y W Y• w y ? ?1U-+ W y ? ? ?' C E ? Ga W Ga CG ? U ? V] N M 6> r. N M ?' v) Q Q Q o ?" a m a m a > a > a > z ? m aa a? APPENDIX A-IV. VEGETATION MONITORING PLOT PHOTOS VP2 (8/7/07) VP6 (8/7/07) VP3 (8/8/07) VP8 (8/7/07) s < . y sir ? r!'• Wit S ? 4. r? 4 4 5-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 VP13 (8/8/07) VP 10 (8/8/07) APPENDIX A-IV. VEGETATION MONITORING PLOT PHOTOS I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 VP 14 (8/8/07) 11 APPENDIX B GEOMORPHIC RAW DATA I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-I. STREAM CURRENT CONDITION PLAN VIEW C [7 C 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 U CD CD E o w OD U N Z i L: Q c c m CU Y ca >; ?C a) O U U E a°'i o m , .0 Lf) N m co co 3 ; C: (L) U ca ?°? o µz N N= 0) O M Q Q o N H o N o v a U n a)0 CO 4) Q O E E y cn == U N U O E N I..L U (v Z O N N CO H o 3 Z? p NC O - ? i G) 00 o f rn m y a) .- i•+ (Q C 4.0 -0 J o o ;- o I I N o a._o ai?? a> E V ?. 4.0 a) a s 05 v Q Q V N m o do•?°'m o$ (D () M> d LL L a d v v c •? fn a •0 CL UUi o o u1 L p O :3 a o a` ?tOC)Maii a` zw C/) LL 4. U N N O ? z ? N 3 0 0 0 0 r U fa N ? y C ? a m m C IE H d a % a N oo N CD a M Q a o s 0 U 0 f0 o N + O O ? + w O 3 + O N o LL Q m r °+ o 0 0 0 0 N Swl C 423 C', A- c4 a; rx rx rx o O O d U s'" U L r.+ U ?" ? a + N a + O N E + .. O ? O vOi O vUi O U V] ' ?n 4, rn i.. ti b 0 J-+ b 0 J.+ L 3r i,a u ? c ? c E OG ? ? t?0 M O C i Q O ? O w U L rA 0 0 0 0 0 LO. ? R L ? C O C O 7 b4 w L 7 Q cN •r.. O ? O N N 4. N 4r N ? p -? Q N Q c•? Q rt Q 'n Q L a a a a a . c o U 00 E o U j Z Q L L c r-C E x Y T N U U ?e 0 0 o as N 0 ?' Ln m z c O N -25 a) E m ca ?o? o L Im c) M -a U U Q 2 E N N' '? a U N O = o Q C E a5 as E a1 C a5 3 N .2 Z5 U m E U N Z Q a> L- d a? .4 L +r m o °' Z co U. m m e Q Q :5 o Q in w C (u U d m y E d (n fE4 >+ r N J m a) a aEi N .3 0 D cu CL V (D > o .? N C d co o o ro D o m .zg m L c. w S: CL LLJ cc -W CL a` D-Uw) aLi a` zw d U) LL. a 0 0 0 W N N z o LL 0 0 + CV 3 0 0 0 LO o 3 0 N LL CD U ? C N m N r N o a N O1 ? O ? t O O O O O Q N O t IL N Qd N Q a o M o a L9) + CD Qa r v so N O ?bdZ21 °+ to a a N N ti 3 o a L a E r- O Co N Q) C N L U N N 7a C W 0 O 0 M 6 ? N N N N N N N N N N N Qat e ew G? CJ??aS + M 0 M Q ,--N M C W) "O l? oo D\ ? ,-• U ? v7 O ? R U .a a c ? ? C C C ? ? u a i . `?' ° 3 ? 3 3 3 3 ° 3 3 3 b bUA "O 'fl '? ^G ? 'C b ^O ? W U CG U U U U CQ U U U w I M o era o C + L O O +; vi N Q ? L ? ? O ? U 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 ? 0 C 0 0 00 0 M 0 W) O + O + ? ? + -? + + O M ?F v) W') \O l? L L O 0 a) U O ? w i u X a? 's, a> 0 0 0 X X 0 0 ? Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q ? Q Q Q ?" yy C4 y ?i ry Fri y f? f ?? LYi f ? G.? ( ?? 0.i ? ] Frr ? y P= ? ] Fri ( ?] 0.i E N CU E E E 0 E O `° o Z L o ° g U cc a) r o E E a Y" >, O R U o x- +L-' N 0 CD 0 (D LO C%4 v Q= Q Q ci m N (n O ? u° LO o j `.° 2 N ~ E cM 2- % ?o d N v_ a U N 0 = C) o f4 C1 T m a2 2 M U Z v o y V .?, N Z O L J Q o Q o Q v? ++ C T 00 o f rn m L N a> ..: i.i M 0 a E a 2 `n = c - U C N n. 6- E V IL o $ 0 0 0 0 Q m m d o d°=wrn d o (^B` >+= d N if 4i y U C ?.; .d ^ (n L •^ yWj d N d N N d C.) Q (/1 Q W L a `1 Q' C) . O 0 N `1 U C O W 0 0 0 N CL C, 2 r- C: CL LU M IL Z) U) a w a z w d (n LL d I I I I LL 11 N co t + U (0 N W C cm N m z Un M Qa? Gteev` 3 ?r M ?d N N o O U- 0 M N 0 O M O r O LO ol?d M 0 d 0 0 0 O M t n co d? 0,`nd o s6 m d d M 11 d 0 a <6 0 d a o`"d ?`nd o ??? d O o IL v t6 d v 0 O w .? C. C 00 ? O ?L C N ? M t ca aD ca MCC MR} MCG M(C lMMC m MCC fa CMMC CMMC C w c ? ? E E U :v :8 Qa U ?' N N `? N N N N an c 4] N ? ? rig ? L V1 o fA o ? ? Vi 0 N 0 to 0 VI 0 ',? U 3 V1 0 Vi 0 Y o Q) 0 0 u 0 ? S P? a1 ? ? Cq ? ? U ? 0.1 a, I e"a M o c o + L Q O ? O y+ o0 M ? ?"' U ? ? 0 00 0 N 0 C ? O o 0 o0 0 l- 0 t- 0 M 0 O 0 O 0 00 O M cn M I ? M ? M ? M 0+0 M O ? ± 7 ± ?Y N m as o m 0 ? a •" c ? a o ? ? a a ? as ? n on Q' 0 U 0 U n on Q o U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U ?, O O O O O O y,., ? O ? cC .n ` •vi ` iC ? •? ` ? ` .? ` v, '" O O ti a i a i a i a i a i a v C G s.. C G C G' ?. C C W W W W W W W W > W W ? ? -• ¢ N Q M Q ? Q ?n Q ?O Q l? Q oo Q D1 Q ? Q Q y0,. ?1r Q-i Q. ? ? 0. ar pr 0. a ?r M M M M M M M M M M 0 U M c o U Ey C O m O Z 00 C C U N .2 L L c o L Q a ,C (Q d Q v L c Y _ Z °m o m a) `O C In N o E c°? 0 'x O Q1 c: CL I- '7 r N d Y U W O O M tm N Q Q Q d O r r r`U+ U c0 L: E N Z Q G? 'm E E E rn co) T N Z `T o Q? c L ?+ i m a D a m ° m U C pp p rn <0 LL y N +-+ (6 O o 0 0 o m a n o ai ?? a> E V ? V a` a L Q" in Q" C ° v?o a3 oto w0 C: (D L OL +`- O O 0 L. ! I I C I m ? d U ` Z) )2aLL 0. zw d C/) LL IL w 0 0 0 z r 3 a? N 0 U- v O m coq ° a Cl) > m ? a m LO m c a> LO m N a m o O O N I r 3 0 LL N N m m a m 0 > r m 0 0 v 0 a O t 0 N r C.0 i ? 'C U O O Cts cc CZ O O W) ? O O kn t <O i0 a 0>0 lab to L U c LL o m r N ca c o ? + m N C w c 0 . Y U ? N N N CQ ? O C ? G T. ? N O vUi vUi u ? U 3 c O a O a ? N O ? bA ? O s" L ? U a .. a + C Ll, 'O '"' U 73b y Q? Q? i--i Qa G' A C C = O O ? d ? ? ? O O ? L U o 0 0 0 0 0 Q ? 0 0 -- N M \O O O bq L ? C O N O O R VI ?• ? L O O O O bA Q bq Q cQ O ? ? ,O C O C O O U ? Q Q Q Q Q Q O R? 0.? P•. 0. C1. f3. aa a aa ca oa ra APPENDIX B-II. STREAM PROBLEM AREAS DATA TABLES Table Bla. Stream Problem Areas - Reach 1 Silas Creek EEP Pro'ect Number 00335 Feature Issue Station Suspected Cause Photo # Vane failure 10+00 Improper design and/or construction R1 PA 1 Bar formation/A radation 10+70 Inability to transport sediment R1PA2 Vane failure/erosion 14+10 Improper design and/or construction R1PA3 Bar formation/A radation 14+10 Inability to transport sediment R1PA4 Vane failure 16+80 Improper design and/or construction R1PA5 Table Blb. Stream Problem Areas - Reach 2 Silas Creek EEP Pro'ect Number 00335 Feature Issue Station Suspected Cause Photo # Bank erosion/scour 20+00 Bank angle too steep R2PAI Vane failure 20+10 Channel downcuttin R2PA2 Debris collection 20+00 Box bridge blocking debris movement R2PA3 Vane failure 23+50 Channel downcuttin R2PA4 Vane failure 24+00 Channel downcuttin R2PA5 Vane failure 24+40 Channel downcuttin R2PA6 Structure failure 25+00 to 25+50 Channel downcutting R2PA7 Bank erosion/scour 25+10 Bank angle too steep R2PA8 Bank erosion/scour, turbidity 25+80 Confluence with Buena Vista Branch R2PA9 Vane failure 26+30 Channel downcuttin R2PA10 Vane failure 27+50 Channel downcuttin R2PAI I Table Blc. Stream Problem Areas - Reach 3 Silas Creek EEP Project Number 00335 Feature Issue Station Suspected Cause Photo # Bar formation/A radation 30+80 Inability to transport sediment R3PA1 Bank erosion/scour 33+20 Bank angle too stee R3PA2 Bank erosion/Scour 34+50 Bank angle too steep R3PA3 Bar formation/A radation 37+05 Inability to transport sediment R3PA4 Bank erosion/scour 37+80 to 38+10 Bank angle too steep R3PA5 Bank erosion/scour 38+70 Bank angle too steep R3PA6 Bank erosion/scour 40+70 Bank angle too steep R3PA7 Bank erosion/scour 41+30 Bank angle too steep R3PA8 Vane failure 41+00 Channel downcuttin R3PA9 Bank sloughing 42+00 Bank angle too steep R3PAIO Bank erosion/scour 43+80 Bank angle too steep R3PA11 1 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 i 0 1 1 1 L I 1 APPENDIX B-II. STREAM PROBLEM AREAS DATA TABLES Table Bld. Stream Problem Areas - Buena Vista Branch Silas Creek EEP Pro'ect Number 00335 Feature Issue Station Suspected Cause Photo # Channel widening, deepening, beaver slides 10+00 to 15+00 Beaver presence (dam presence) BVPA1 Sedimentation on banks 10+00 to 15+00 Beaver dam downstream BVPA2 Bank erosion 11+10 Improper design and/or construction BVPA3 Bank erosion 12+50 Bank angle too steep BVPA4 Bar formation/A radation 13+30 Inability to transport sediment BVPA5 Bar formation/A radation 16+00 Inability to transport sediment BVPA6 I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-III. REPRESENTATIVE STREAM CURRENT CONDITION PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 and 8/8/07 REACH 1 R1PA1 RIPA3 R2PA2 RIPA4 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 iK APPENDIX B-III. REPRESENTATIVE STREAM CURRENT CONDITION PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 and 8/8/07 REACH 2 R2PA1 R2PA3 R2PA5 R2PA2 R2PA4 R2PA6 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-III. REPRESENTATIVE STREAM CURRENT CONDITION PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 and 8/8/07 R2PA7 R2PA9 J 1Y S w: d• R2PA10 R2PA8 R2PA9 R2PA11 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-III. REPRESENTATIVE STREAM CURRENT CONDITION PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 and 8/8/07 REACH 3 - ?? ?? 4 t 4- .;+ R3PA1 R3PA3 k':f'+ti?il? ?? f R3PA2 R3PA4 R3PA6 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 R3PA5 APPENDIX B-III. REPRESENTATIVE STREAM CURRENT CONDITION PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 and 8/8/07 QTY ?:: R3PA7 R3PA9 ,l. )jq R3PA11 - .•t1 R3PA8 R3 PA 10 4^' UU335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-III. REPRESENTATIVE STREAM CURRENT CONDITION PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 and 8/8/07 BUENA VISTA BRANCH BVPAI B VPA 1 BVPA2 BVPAI BVPAI BVPA3 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-III. REPRESENTATIVE STREAM CURRENT CONDITION PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 and 8/8/07 !f • B VPA4 BVPA6 Nil x:.-- _. if BVPA5 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-IV. STREAM PHOTO STATION PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 and 8/8/07 REACH 1 PSI PS3 PS5 PS2 PS4 PS6 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-IV. STREAM PHOTO STATION PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 and 8/8/07 REACH 2 PS7 PS9 PSII PS8 PS10 PS 12 ?- o 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-IV. STREAM PHOTO STATION PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 and 8/8/07 PS 13 PS15 REACH 3 PS 16 PS 14 PS 17 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-IV. STREAM PHOTO STATION PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 and 8/8/07 PS18 m PS20 PS22 ?:_ ?; Vo vi PS19 PS21 PS23 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-IV. STREAM PHOTO STATION PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 and 8/8/07 X ? PS24 PS26 ?.. aka. ¦rl .? ?.? q'i,?rn PS28 PS25 PS27 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-IV. STREAM PHOTO STATION PHOTOS Photos taken 8/7/07 and 8/8/07 BUENA VISTA BRANCH Z.ti M PS29 PS31 PS33 PS30 PS32 PS34 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 1 W w H H C7 O x O t ? MMW Q w ' a le;oa ao ueaW $ o $ •wao3aad ° a ., a.ln;gaA uoljlpuoa alquis o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ul wao3aad % w 00 M alvis a19elsun - h a ?o 0 0 o M M 0 0 0 0 O C, N 0 0 'b ul laa;/aagwnu N Ce JVJO L M rl y . O O N N N N N U . In s lad ••'? M M M M M M M M M M 00 0m0 G C iagwnu jujo L d U y fi papuaJul d 2 M "" O 00 t ` v? m o0 oo 00 lc 00 O Q ' N ? ' O . r se ulwao3aa M M M N N M M M M ? O M Vl M z N N N N Q Q „y aagwnN M (alq vjs #) a o a? y ? d c C O U u 1+1 ?" a O p O w w ? y y `0 w b U V O ? ?' C aE •0 U O • b q • .D O O 11 i C ? y ? O ? ? ? C?' id ii El r-L 9 > o ? ` ? (U 'm CI. N y b y w ° j i o C'. .. d 4. v y 5 • b 3 H C. a? r °' a ' a? r-L ?a a E cd 7a 4) A i C ° o Ci a 75 , _ ° C. ? .y ca b O N b O O C. y ° v A v ?" v ? b ... ;d _ y ° °' '^ q U 17 " ~U r" tC U U > N d N •Y U N « + . 1 • t .. a m w ? N .a 2 a, O v? N .a ? O A O O 4, O Q :3 cn N c7 y' U U Q ?U„ w N x q Q tU, w w w O w O L d ? U i w o d ? w q ? A d O O R w x a° F ? oo ? ? 3 ? 00 U A W f? C7 x 0 N cn J., v U J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 i 1 F-? W w F-' I--1 r?r^ Vf V t? a lg;o; Jo ugaw t- N ON 0 0 •wao3aad N aan;ga,? uoglpuoa a N N o N rn N rn N C, N O, N rn N a, N 0, N o O 0 O 0 O 0 O Wn o O N n ,n N O O alqu;s ui w io3aad % a;g;salgg;sun o - o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? o 00 o. n an o 0 0 u! ;aa3/aagwnu o Igl0JL u d' 7 of d' 7 t? l? l? [- 000 000 ONO N N N N ll!nq-sd aad r > aagwnu lg;o J, c? b papua;ul A sg gu!waopad ? M ? ? rh d ? 7 7 ? n n n r ? ? M I? I? M Q Q y aagwnu M (alggis #) C ° o d ? U ° 5 0 O QN R C ?•. C C ? W C •? U W y u C• C C 5 O ? ? O i •? C, cd ~ w 5 F N N CQ V c• w O ,+w? O G .b ? c? A C. ti y ? ? Ca U U a' ' O ?' co U id 7 N v. Q' y 5 b cd Q ? N •d U ? ? ?p ctl O •? ? y ? d t, ? ? L h 'O ? U ^' N O rn 'b , O c U y U U O y i O D U IC c U ,? p Y 5 m X p N ?.. U N U O 5 p N 5 b _ r-L 3 [-? v :: i d e at d ?" o ce s cd d Y _ U 0 5 cl. •? w O O o v o ae o °' .5 5 b ? N C '? q y ?" U N b .., V ti C• N H ? , cd ? N N U c0 ? y ky w a? A a? O C , ? C '? U _ N n O ?d ti ti O U y q m Q Q 5 .U+ •5 ? U G N ,? N O U O N a w ? ..a a v? .a ? Ca O O Q v? c7 U Q w x d w Is o ? U i w o L v ' c O V w w ix a H as > 3 d PQ U A Gzl ?:, C7 x APPENDIX B-VI. CROSS SECTION PHOTOS AND ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF PLOTS SILAS CREEK REACH ONE Photos taken 8/7/07 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-VI. CROSS SECTION PHOTOS AND ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF PLOTS Photos taken 8/7/07 a GC [' 1F •ys ¢¢yy G MFG : ? ?' ,.,far; -•+? 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 XS 1 facing right bank XS 1 facing left bank XS2 facing left bank XS2 facing right bank XS3 facing right bank XS3 facing left bank Silas Reach 1 XS 1 (Riffle) Overlay 808 804 ----..--- d w 800 - ? C 796 d lil 792 , 788 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Station (feet) -0 As-Built - 10/03 -? Year 1 - 10/04 Year 3 - 8/06 (XS re-established) - Year 4 - 8/07 Silas Reach 1 XS 2 (Pool) Overlay 810 805 to w r 800 0 a 795 m w 790 785 -1 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station (feet) - 0 As-Built - 10/03 m Year 1 - 10/04 Year 3 - 8/06 (XS Re-established) - ? -Year 4 - 8/07 00335 - Silas Creek - MY 4 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX B-VI. CROSS SECTION PHOTOS AND ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF PLOTS SILAS CREEK REACH TWO Photos taken 8/8/07 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-VI. CROSS SECTION PHOTOS AND ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF PLOTS Photos taken 8/8/07 ? '? Y' ? Y t j f?Z J F 9 i Eye 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 XS4 facing right bank XS4 facing left bank XS5 facing right bank XS5 facing left bank XS6 facing right bank XS6 facing left bank Silas Reach 2 XS 3 (Pool) Overlay 815 810 d 805 w 0 800 Y A m 795 w 790 785 - 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Station (feet) -+-As-Built - 10/03 -Year 1 - 10/04 Year 3 - 8/06 (XS Re-established) ---Year 4 - 8/07 Silas Reach 2 XS 4 (Riffle) Overlay 802 800 N 798 d ?. 796 c O 794 792 d w 790 768 766 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Station (feet) -?-As-Built - 10/03 Year 1 - 10/04 Year 3 9/06 (XS Re-established) --- Year 4 - 8/07 00335 - Silas Creek - MY 4 Final Report URS 2/08 Silas Reach 2 XS 5 (Pool) Overlay 8 7 7 7 7 0 7 A 7 m 7 w 7 7 7 E d ? w c 0 A ? d ? w 7 00 98 96 - 94 92 90 88 86 7 84 ? _ _- 82 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Station (feet) -?--As-Built - 10/03 Year 1 - 10/04 Year 3 - 9/06 (XS Re-established) Year 4 - 8/07 00 Silas Reach 2 XS 6 [Run (formerly Pool)] Overlay 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 14 Station (feet) As-Built 10/03 -Year 1 - 10/04 Year 3 - 9/06 (XS Re-established) --- Year 4 - 8/07 00335 - Silas Creek - MY 4 Final Report URS 2/08 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX B-VI. CROSS SECTION PHOTOS AND ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF PLOTS SILAS CREEK REACH THREE Photos taken 8/8/07 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-VI. CROSS SECTION PHOTOS AND ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF PLOTS Photos taken 8/8/07 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 XS7 facing right bank XS8 facing left bank XS8 facing right bank XS9 facing left bank XS9 facing right bank XS7 facing left bank Silas Reach 3 XS 7 (Riffle) Overlay ouc 800 r 798 d 796 c 794 792 A 790 FU 788 786 784 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Station (feet) As-Built - 10/03 --Year 1 - 10/04 Year 3 - 10/06 (XS Re-established) - ---Year 4 - 8/07 Silas Reach 3 XS 8 (Pool) Overlay 796 794 d 792 790 0 788 786 m 784 w 782 780 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Station (feet) -As-Built - 10/03 -Year 1 - 10/04 Year 3 - 10/06 (XS Re-established) Year 4 - 8/07 (right pin missing) Silas Reach 3 XS 9 (Pool) Overlay 796 794 792 790 0 = 788 > m 786 w 784 782 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Station (feet) 1BAs-Built 10/03 -# Year 1 - 10/04 Year 3 - 10106 (XS Re-established) Year 4 - 8/07 (right pin missing) 00335 -Silas Creek - MY 4 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX 13-VI. CROSS SECTION PHOTOS AND ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF PLOTS BUENA VISTA BRANCH Photos taken 8/7/07 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 APPENDIX B-VI. CROSS SECTION PHOTOS AND ANNUAL OVERLAYS OF PLOTS Photos taken 8/7/07 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 XS I facing right bank XS I facing left bank XS2 facing right bank XS2 facing left bank Buena Vista XS 1 (Pool) Overlay 802 801 800 799 798 ?- 0 A 797 w 796 795 794 793 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Station (feet) -DAs It - 10/03 -? Year 1 - 10/04 Year 3 - 11/06 (XS Re-established) -# - Year 4 - 8/07 Buena Vista XS 2 (Riffle) Overlay 802 801 800 d 799 d 79s Jl/l O 797 M"Z w 79s _- 795 794 793 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Station (feet) -As-Built - 10/03 Year 1 - 10/04 Year 3 - 11/06 (XS Re-established) - a*- Year 4 - 8/07 00335 - Silas Creek - MY 4 Final Report URS 2/08 1 I 1 t 11 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX B-VII. PEBBLE COUNT FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION PLOTS SILAS CREEK REACH ONE I UU335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 Reach 1 Weighted Pebble Count Feature Percent of Reach Ritfie 20 % Run % R4Rq Pod, Rory GA4e F--] Pool 80 % GlldeO% Riffle Material Size Range (mm Count ,lode 0 -0062 very fire sand 0.062 - 0.125 fine sand 0.125 - 0.25 medium sand 0.25 .05 1 sand 0.5 - 1 2 sand 1 - 2 2 very fine gavel 2 - 4 1 fine gavel 4 -6 1 fine gavel 6 -8 medium gavel 8 - 11 1 medium gavel 11 -16 R -arse gavel 16 - 22 2 -ens gavel 22 - 32 2 very -a gra el 32 -45 3 ? v 45 - 64 vily 2 small cobble 64 - 90 1 medium motile 90 - 128 large cobble 128 -180 vary large -bble 180 -256 well boulder 256 - 362 small boulder 362 -512 medium boulder 512 -1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 ve la a boulder 2048 -4096 total particle count: 20 bedrock day hardpan - detmu.1 ood arbficel total count: 20 Note: elghbed pebble count by bed features Material Size Ruing. mm w ei hted .Itm. 0 - 0 062 4.0 very fine sand 0.062 -0125 2.0 fine sand 0.125 -025 140 medium sand 0.25 -0.5 18.0 m sand 0.5 - 1 11.0 sa e nd 1 - 2 18.0 very fine gra vel 2 -4 40 fine gravel 4 -6 20 fine gravel 6 - 8 00 medium gravel 8 - 11 50 medium gavel 11 - 16 40 ..r- gravel 16 22 80 coam gavel 22 - 32 2.0 very coo- gavel 32 - 45 4.0 mar oval 45-64 2.0 small nibble 64 - 90 20 medium nibble 90 -128 00 large cobble 128 - 180 0.0 - lar a-bbl. 180 -256 00 small boulder 256 - 362 090 small boulder 362 - 512 do medium boulder 512 - 1024 0.0 large boulder 1024 - 2048 0.0 ve lame boulder 2048 -4096 090 total particle weighted count: 100 bedrock 0.0 day hardpan ---- 00 datritushwad artificial 0.0 0.0 total weighted count: 100.0 Note: Pool Material Size Ra Count silada 0 -0062 4 very fine sand 0.062 - 0.125 2 fine sand 0125 - 025 14 medium sand 0.25 - 0 5 17 .arse sand 05 - 1 9 rte Ve sand 1 -2 16 very fine gavel 2-4 7 fine gavel 4 -6 1 fine gavel 6- B medium gavel 8 - 11 4 medium gavel 11 -16 2 rsa gavel 16-22 0 rse gavel 22 - 32 very co- grvel 32 - 45 1 mirrse avel 45 - 64 small -bole 64 - 90 1 medium cobble SO -128 large cobble 128 - 180 e lame -bble 180 -256 small boulder 256 - 362 all boulder 362 -512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 -2048 val, lame boulder 2048 -4096 total particle count: 80 bedrock day hardpan detritu .d artificial total count: 80 Nate Weighted pebble count by bed features Silas Creek 20% Me 80% pool weighted percent - Rltfie -?-Pool - Run -Glide - Mof particles silt/day sand ravel obble boulde r 100% 20% 90% 18% 80% I 16% 70% 14% 60% I? 12% °m 1 4 tg 0 g 40% k 8% $ 30% 6% a 20% 4% $ 10% 2% 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Ty pe ux D1. 0.21 mean is ilt/cl,y 4% 035 045 dispersion 109 sand 63% D50 1 skewness 0.20 gavel 31% D65 1.9 nibble 2% D84 17 boulder 0% 095 41 Riffle Silas Creek silt/d, send oval - muII% cobble boulder -#of partides 1W% 90% _______ _ _____ ___.- 4 3 80% 70% 3 g ¢ 60% ( ? 3 2 n 5096 --------- _.____ o E 8 40 % 0' 2 a S . 30% u 20% 10% 0% 0 0 01 0 .1 1 10 100 1000 10000 parocle size (mm) Size (mm ) Size Distribution Type D16 1.1 70 silt/day 0% D35 8 dispersion 8.6 sand 25% D50 16 skewness -029 gravel 70% D65 27 -bbl. 5% D84 44 boulder 0% D95 64 Pool Silas Creek mmative % -N of partices .it day sand oval obble boulder 100% 18 90% 16 80% 14 70% 12 S 60% S 10 50% 0% -- 8 a T 4 %6 u 6 u 30 20% 4 10% 2 0% 0 0 01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 100W particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution T.. D16 0.18 mean 1.3 si l clay 5% D35 035 dispersion 87 sand 73% 050 063 ske wness 0.23 gravel 21% D65 1.3 -bble 1% D64 8.8 boulder 0% D95 20 Lr _ _ _ L J 1_ I? I? I I I I n I I I I I I I I I' II I I i I I I I it II I I I II II I 817108 00335-SI'las Creek-MV 4 Final Report URS 208 APPENDIX B-VII. PEBBLE COUNT FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION PLOTS I t 1 u SILAS CREEK I REACH TWO 11 f t I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 i 1 r i r Reach 2 WN tad Pebble Count Feetun Percent of R•..h Rifts. 20 % Run % ??p'I,1?M?, _ kwlor Run, Gke _ EI Pool ®% Glide O% Weighted pebble -, by bad feature. Matal Size Range mm w ti ' 'wda 0 -0.082 00 wry fin•send 0,062 -0.125 0.0 fine earl 0.125 -0.25 7.0 medium pnd 0.25 -0.5 10.0 rse sets 0.5 - 1 9.0 send 1 -2 18.0 wry fine g.-I 2 -4 11.0 fine gravel 4 - 8 1.0 fine pnvN 8 - 6 6.0 medium grew) 8 - 11 90 medium gravel 11 - 18 9.0 ram gravel 16 - 22 4.0 rse gravel 22 - 32 8.0 wry mares 9-1 32-45 2.0 Coe ravel 45 - 84 2.0 anall-bole 64 - 90 560 medum co.l• 90 -128 1.0 large cobble 128 - 180 000 w large cobble 180 - 256 060 -11 boulder 256 -362 0.0 amel boulder 362 - 512 0.0 madium boulder 512 -1024 0.0 large boulder 1024 - 2048 000 w la a boulder 2048 - 4098 0.0 total particle weighted count 100 bedrock 0.0 day hardpan 0.0 atrituat-d 00 a s 0. total weighted Count: 100.0 Nob: IM Matsnal SiZIRande (mm Count siwda 0 -0.082 wry fine eand 0.062 - 0.125 fin. send 6125 -025 medium send 0.25 - 0 5 rse send 0.5 -1 wry mane send 1 - 2 3 wry fine pnvN 2 - 4 1 fine gravel 4 - 8 fine gravel 6 -8 2 medium pnvN 8 -'l 2 medium pnvN 11 -18 3 n. gravel 18 - 22 1 -arse gravel 22 - 32 2 wry coarse gl 32 - 45 wry rse rave1 45 - 64 1 II-bbl. 64-90 3 medium cobble 90 - 128 1 larg Cobble 128 - 180 e w le cobble 180 -256 small boulder 256 -382 email boulder 362 .512 medium bolder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 w la a boulder 2048 - 4088 total particle count 20 bedrock day hardpan - detrSUah-d I total count: 20 Nob: Pool Material Si ze Range Count siwda 0 -0.082 wry fine end 0062 - 0125 fine send 0.125 - 0.25 7 nd 0.25 - 005 medium 10 e rod 0.5 - 1 9 sees eats 1 -2 15 wry fine gravel 2 - 4 10 Ins gravel 4 -1 1 fins gravel 6- a 4 medium shawl 8 - 11 6 gravel medi 11 - 16 6 um gravel 16 - 22 3 secs gravel 22 - 32 4 wry Coarse growl 32 .45 2 ravel 45 - 84 1 -11 cobbl. 64 - 90 2 medium cobble 90 .128 large cobble 128 - 180 w I a Cobble 180 -256 II boulder 258 -302 small boulder 362 -512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 harps bolder 1024 -2048 w la boulder 2048 - 4088 total particle Count 80 bedrock day hardpan detrltirsr?vocd artifisl total count: 80 Nob 00335 - Sil•• Creek- MV 4 Final Report Weighted pebble Count by bed features Silas Creek 20% Offle 80% pool weghted percent - Riffle - Pool - Run -Glide -%ofpredes 100% aiwd sand ravel Cobble boulder 20% 90% 8% 80% _-.___ ___________ ______ I ?. 6% 70% i 4% `m 60% 12% R c 50% I g 40% 8% $ 30% 1 6% a 20% I q?s >_e 10% j 2% 0% 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution T ws u% Di6 0.47 12 man siwday 0% D35 1.4 dispersion 6.9 no 44% D50 2.9 ek.-- 003 grew) sD% D65 8.9 -bbl. 6% D84 22 boulder C% D95 69 Riffle Silas Creek 100% siwda send wl cobb -?cumustive % boulder le -6 or paredsa 90% 4 ------ -- - ______ __ ____ ____ 3 80% 70% 3 d 60% 3 2 p 50% ------ -- -------- -- ----- B a e 40% 2 30% 1 $ 20% 10% 1 0J i- 0 0.01 0. 1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle .ire (mm) Size Imm) Size Distribution Type 018 21 mean 127 siwday 0% 035 8.9 dispersion 5.5 send 15% D50 1 2 sk-. 0.02 prowl 65% 065 22 cobble 20% D84 70 boulder 0% D95 90 Pool Silas Creek -mlaavs % - S of pareda• 100% sihda sand ravel cobble boulder 90% 18 8096 -1__li --- -- H - _1JJHHH - --k _ III 14 70% F FT 7 1 1 1 11 11 12 a% ! II t0 50% 40% 30% f L 6 20% 4 0% III 2 0% I 0.01 0. 1 1 10 0 . 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm ) Sim(mmt Size Distribution Ty pe D1. 0.37 mean 2.4 siwd.y 0% D35 1.1 diW-n 8.5 send 51% D50 11 akewnese 007 grawl 46% 065 6 bbl. 3% 084 15 boulder 0% 1395 38 URS 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 r I 1 1 8/7m 2A8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r r APPENDIX B-VII. PEBBLE COUNT FREOUENCY DISTRIBUTION PLOTS SILAS CREEK REACH THREE 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 Reach 3 WeIhod Pebble C-1 Feabrre Percent of R ..h 110111e 20 % Run % RRM,RmI, 0.uM1 (aria-.-.-- ICI --.-._-- LJ Pool ®% Glide O% Weighted pebble count by bad lseblraa Material Size Ra mm -i hied siltld. 0 -0.062 1.0 wry fine send 0062-0.125 00 fine send 00125 - 0425 11.0 medium send 025 m05 18.0 nee send 0.5-1 90 warse send 1 .2 17.0 wry fins pnvN 2 - 4 900 fins gravel 1 - 8 3.0 fins gravel 8 - 8 2.0 medium pawl 8 - 11 5.0 medium gravel 11 - 16 4.0 coarse growl 16 - 22 6.0 ocares gravel 22 - 32 8.0 wry maws gravel 32 - 45 3.0 rase wry m d 45 - 64 5.0 -11 cobble 64 - 90 190 medium cobble 90 .128 0.0 large cobble 128 -180 090 w large cobble 180 - 256 0.0 -11 boulder 256 -362 0.0 smell boulder 362 - 512 0.0 medium boulder 512 - 1024 0.0 largo boulder 1024 -2048 00 w I. bounder 2048 -4098 00 total partide weighted count 100 tedrock 0.0 day hardpan 090 detribwh-d! 0.0 artificial 0.0 total weighted mum: 100.0 Nob: Riffle Material Si- Range Count siltlda 0 -0.062 wry fina send 0.062 -0.125 fine send 00125 - 0.25 2 nediumsend 0.25-0.5 coarse send 005 - 1 1 w coarse send 1 -2 2 very fine gravel 2 - 4 1 fin. gravel 4 -6 1 fin. g= 6-8 medium growl 8 - 11 1 um gravel 11 -16 coarse gravel 16 - 22 3 ras gravel 22 - 32 2 wry coarse gravel 32-45 2 wry mares ravel 45 - 64 4 ares" cobble 64 - 90 1 medium cobble 90 -128 let cobble 128 - 180 w la tibia 180 - 256 amall boulder 258 - 382 -11 boulder 362 -512 medium boulder 512 -1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 w la . boulder 2048 -4099 total parade count 20 bedrock day hardpan da"wilwood antildill total count 20 Now od Material Si- Rance Count sisda 0 -0082 1 wry fins send 0082 -0.725 fine send 0.125 - 0.25 9 medium send 0925 - 05 1s maws send 065 - 1 a ws send 1 -2 18 wry fire gravel 2 - 4 a fine gravN 4 - 6 2 fine gravel 6 -8 2 medium prowl S - 17 4 i prowl 11 - 18 4 ? gravel 16 - 22 3 ws pnvN 22 - 32 4 wry coa- gravel 32 - 45 1 w co roe ravel 45 .64 1 smell whole 64 - 90 medium cobble 90 - 128 large cobble 128 - 180 w la a cobble 180 -216 small boulder 256 -362 small boulder 382 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 w la s boulder 2048 -4096 total particle count: 80 bahook day hardpan detraua -.d ararldal total count: 80 Nob: 00335-Silas Creek-MV 4 Final Report Weighted pebble count by bed feat ures Silas Creek 20% riffle 80% pool weighted percent -Riffle -Pool -Run -Glide -#dper8des 100% silt/day sand ravel We boulder 20% 90% 18% 80% 16% R. 70% 14% 60% 12% $ 50% 10:9 S S 40% a 3 8% 30% 6% a 20% 4% 10% 2% 0% 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 p.rode size (mm) Size (mml Size Distribution T- use D18 0.28 man 25 siltrdq 1% D35 0.73 dispersion 93 sand 55% D50 1.6 skawnese 0.14 growl 43% D65 4 cobble 1% D64 21 boulder 0% D95 48 Riffle Silas Cree 1_,% siH/da k end rased b-cumulati ve % cobble III -9 of parodse 90% 4 80% 4 70% 3 60% 3 g 3 50% 40% ----- - - -------- -- ------ -- a 2 S 2 w 30% 20% 7 10% 0% p 001 0. 1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (m m) Size Distribution Type 078 1.1 mean 7.8 sil9day 0% D35 8 dispersion 10.4 send 25% 050 20 skewness -0.32 gravel 70% 065 32 cobble 5% D84 53 boulder 0% 095 64 Pool Silas Creek mulatlv. % - a o/parades 100% is des send ravel cobble boulder 20 90% 80% 18 70% 16 am 4 50% 12 2 40% ---L- L' 10 S 30% 6 n 6 20% 4 10% 2 0% 0 0.01 0.1 1 '0 100 1000 10000 particle size (m m) site (- I Sim Distribution Tvos D16 02B 1.8 si1Vdq 1% D35 its diapers- 8.7 cord 63% 050 1.2 ekawrase 0.13 gravel 36% 065 2.2 cobble 0% D84 11 boulder 0% D95 27 URS _____ ___ _ _ __ I 1 ----- - ------- -- ---- ----- I I 1 1 i 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I III I - IJ _1__ .1 _ _L__L I 1 1 I I I I I I III I I I I I I III I I I I I III I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 ? I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I l i I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I 8(INJ 2IOB APPENDIX B-VII. PEBBLE COUNT FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION PLOTS 1 f A BUENA VISTA BRANCH [1 t 1 I 00335-Silas Creek-MY4 Final Report URS 2/08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 Buena v t. Wel hhd Pebble Count Feabdre Percent of Reach RiMe 50 % Run % RMIa Pod. Run, Ode 1 Pool ®% Glide O% Pool Mabnal Size Ra Count aWa 0 -0062 6 veryfine sand 0.062 -0.125 2 fine sand 0.125 - 0.25 - 8 - inediurn nd 0.25 - 0 5 1 0 o-1 send s 3 3 ne sand 1 - 2 5 very fine gavel 2 - 4 2 fine gavel 4 - 8 fine gavel 6 -8 medium gravel 8 - 11 rr gra vel 11 -16 2 = gravel 16 - 22 3 rse gravel 22 - 32 8 wry -a g e1 32 -45 1 ,, :: 45 - 64 co -11-bole 64 -9D medium cobble 90 - 128 large cobble 128 - 180 ve I a cobble 160 -258 annall boulder 256 -362 small boulder 382 -512 medium boulder 512 -1024 large boulder 1024-2048 vla a boulder 2048 -4096 total particle count 50 bedrock day hardpan defiorehwod artificial total count: 50 Nob: l6Me Material Size Ra Count alma 0 - 0.082 4 wry fins sand 0,062 - 0.125 1 fine sand 0.125 -0.25 3 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 rss send 0.5 - 1 1 very a- sand 1 - 2 3 very fine gravel 2 -4 1 fine gravel 4 - 6 1 fine gavel 6 - 8 1 medium gravel 8 - 11 1 medium gravel 11 - 16 a rse gravel 16 - 22 11 rse gravel 22 - 32 7 wry coarse gravel 32-45 4 van, marse ravel 45 - 64 small cobble 64 - 90 medium cobble 90 - 128 large bble i28-180 velarge cobble 180 -256 mall boulder 258 - 362 anall boulder 382 - 512 medium boulder 512 -1024 larpa boulder 1024 - 2048 w la s boulder 2048 -4096 total particle count 50 bedrock day hardpan detrilu N-cd artficau total count: 50 Note: N.Ight.d pebble count by bed flatuns Mabnal Size Range sih/da 0 - 0.1182 12.0 wry fine sand 0.082 -0.125 3.0 fine sand 0.125 - 0025 8.0 medium sand 0025 - 005 1000 coarse sand 0.5-1 400 sand 1 -2 100 wry fine gravel 2 - 4 300 fins gavel 4 -6 1.0 fine gmel 6 - 8 100 medium gravel 8 - 11 500 medium gravel it -16 1040 rse gravel 16 - 22 14.0 rss gravel 22 - 32 12.0 wry coarse gavel 32 - 45 7.0 vary ravel 45 - 64 0.0 smell cobble 64 - 90 0.0 medium cobble 90 -121 040 large cobble 128 - 180 000 w laa cobble 180 -256 0.0 anal) boulder 256 - 382 00 ana11 boulder 382 - 512 090 medium boulder 512 -1024 0.0 large boulder 1024 - 2048 0.0 w la boulder 2048 - 4098 03 total particle weighted count: 100 bedrock 0.0 day hardpan 0.0 daindush c! 0.0 arbficial 0.0 total weighted count 100.0 Nob: 00335 - Silas Creek- My 4 Final Report Weighted pebble count by bed features Buena Vista 50% riffl. 50% pool +-weighted percent - Riffle --Pool - Run - Glide -Nof parECles "Itf," sand ravel cobble boulder 16% 100% 14% 8 ------ ------------ ------- £ 12% 7 10% m8 8% g 6% .d 3 4% 5 2% 0% 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1 000 10000 particle size (mm) tin Si. fmm) Size Distribution T D16 0.14 mean i.8 siMclay 92% 1 D35 0.71 dispersion 17.3 send 35% DSO 4 skewness 0.23 growl 53% D55 15 cobble 0% D64 24 boulder 0% D95 35 Riffle Buena Vista 1 lyd send gravel ? oumula8w % cobble boulder -e of particles 12 10 8 3 s 6 8 g < g 2 1 0 0% 0.01 0. 1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Tops 076 0.5 mean 3.8 iwd.y 8% D35 9.4 dispersion 18.0 sand 20% D50 15 akewnssa 0.45 gravel 72% D65 19 cobble 0% D84 29 boulder 0% D95 39 Pod B uena Vista -a-cumulative % - e of p.rtidee silt d sand 1 cobble boulder 1 12 10 6 ' a a 4 Q. 6 2 0% o 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 1 DDD D particle size (mm ) I Size (mm ) Size Distribution Typ e 018 0.062 mean 1.1 ah/day 16% D35 0.3 dispersion 22.0 sand 50% D50 0.5 skewness 0.21 gravel 34% 085 le cobble 0% D84 18 boulder 0% D95 29 URS 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% I 1 I 0% I 0% I 0% 80107 9 6 4 3 2 o% 0% 0% _____ _ _______ __ ____ __ 1 0% 1 I 1 o% 0% 0% 0% 0% o 9 8 7 s 4 3 2 ao% , I I I III I I I I I III I I I I I I I 1 90% _ I_I _J__ L _ _L__L _ III I I I I I I III I 70% I I I I I I II I I' I I I I I I III I I I I I I TT 11 II III I I I I I I III I BO% 50% I II I I I I II ?I II,' I I I II I IIII I I 11 I I I I I ?% I I I I I I I I I 11 III I I I I I I III I 30% 20% I I I I I I I I I I I 11 III I I I I I I IIII I I I I I I I I 11 III I I I I I I III I ,o% I I I I I I I I I I 11 III I I I I I I III 1 8 5 7/OB