HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5536 JD Package signedTransporta rion August 22, 2016 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 ATTN: John Thomas PAT McCRORI' Governar NICNOLAS j. TE1�]NYS�N Secretary Subject: Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Package for TIP U-5536: Great Wagon Road extension, Forsyth County, North Carolina Mr. Thomas, The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is proposing to extend Great Wagon Road (TIP U-5536) from Shallowford Road (SR 1001) to Lewisville- Vienna Road (SR 1308) in Lewisville, Forsyth County. Below and attached are a brief description of the jurisdictional features identified within the study area, figures depicting all features, and appropriate forms. TIP U-5536 On December 29, 2015 and January 26, 2016 Three Oaks Engineering (30aks) staff members, led by primary investigator Ms. Mary Frazer, conducted a site investigation (Figures 1 and 2). Sixteen jurisdictional features, fifteen streams and one wetland, were identified (Tables 1-3) (Figures 3a-3b and 4). NC Department of Water Resources (NCDWR) Stream Identification Forms and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Stream Assessment forms are included for each stream feature, and USACE wetland delineation forms and NCDWR wetland rating forms are included for each wetland feature. Table 1. Water resources in the stu Stream Name UT to Mill Creek UT to Mill Creek UT to Mill Creek UT to Mill Creek area. ID NCDWQ Index Number 12-82 12-82 12-82 12-82 UT to Mill Creek � SE � 12-82 �Nothing Compares�_ Slate of North Carolina � Department of Transportation I Division 9-TDDC 375 Silas Craek Parkway � Winston-Salero, NC 27127 (336)-747-7800 T Best Usage Classification WS-IV WS-IV WS-IV WS-IV WS-IV Transporta rion PAT McCRORI' Governar NICFIOLAS j. TENNYS�N Secretary NCDWQ Index Best Usage Stream Name Ma ID Number Classification UT to Mill Creek SG 12-82 WS-IV UT to Tomahawk Creek SI 12-94-9-1 C UT to Reynolds Creek SJ 12-94-9 C UT to Re nolds Creek SK 12-94-9 C Reynolds Creek Reynolds 12-94-9 C Creek UT to Ellison Creek SO 12-88- 0.4 C UT to Ellison Creek SQ 12-88-(0.4) C UT to Ellison Creek SR 12-88-(0.4 C UT to Double Creek SS 12-87-1- 0.4 C UT to Double Creek, including pond 2 SU 12-87-1-(0.4) C Table 2. Jurisdictional characteristics of water resources in the study area. Compensatory River Length Mitigation Basin Map ID ft. Classification Required Buffer SA 79 Intermittent Yes Not Subject SB-I 84 Intermittent Yes Not Subject SB-P 49 Perennial Yes Not Subject SC-I 451 Intermittent Yes Not Subject SC-P 84 Perennial Yes Not Subject SD 900 Intermittent Yes Not Subject SE 375 Perennial Yes Not Subject SG 963 Intermittent Yes Not Subject SI 82 Intermittent Yes Not Subject SJ 786 Intermittent Yes Not Subject SK 135 Perennial Yes Not Subject Reynolds Creek 895 Perennial Yes Not Subject SO 92 Intermittent Yes Not Sub'ect SQ 692 Intermittent Yes Not Subject SR 256 Intermittent Yes Not Subject SS 865 Intermittent Yes Not Subject SU-I 429 Intermittent Yes Not Sub'ect �Nothing Compares�� Slate ofNorth Carolina � Department oi'Transportation I Division 9-TDDC 375 Silas Craek Parkway � Winston-Salero, NC 27127 (336)-747-7800 T Tiian�paitadian �iap ILl 9L-P Totai lengtH �� 990 8.2Q7 PAT N aCRORY Cavernu 1� fCHC l AS J. TENT YSC N Senrerar; � Carn p er � atory Riuer M itigalion 8a� in Classification Re uired Buffer Perennial Ye:i No1 SubiE 7 ah'le 3. urisdictional characteristics of wetlands ir. the stud area. NGDWA Map Hyc �ia logia Wetlar d 1D NGW�IM Cla9siflcalior. WA Basin Wellancl Classification Ratin Ri arian 36 Tolal Ar� a ac. 0.024 0.024 W e wa uld like 1 o requesl a JD site vi<i it wii h the a�� paia paiia te �� a ntie s. Please let u� know ifyou } ava any q ue�tions or neyuine additional in�anmation. Vlle appreciate your a ssistance on i hi�i pnojecl. �in euely, � i �`'r l�lm Huli�9 I� 4I1�'D Divi�ion 9 Envinonmenl al Offiaer 375 Silas Cre ek Pa ukwa y VII in'ton Salem, T C 27127 336-747-7802 (wo�ik] aa ultisC nada t.gov aa: M�i. DavEi Il4 anuaha, NCDW Rl �'/ T oi t ing Compa�ie s�. Statr of Tlort} I Qeral'u a� Depart ient of � ransyorla[ion j 0 ivision! -fll Di� 375 SdasUreel HarinvaN � WinstomSalen� tIC 271Z7 (33b; 747-78007 ATTACHMENT PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD): B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: Amy Euliss NCDOT Division 9 Environmental Officer 375 Silas Creek Parkway Winston Salem, NC 27127 336-747-7802 (work) aeullis@ncdot.gov C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: (USE THE ATTACHED TABLE TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE WATERBODIES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC County/parish/borough: Forsyth City: Lewisville Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): Lat. 36.095803° N, Long. -80.421769° W. Universal Transverse Mercator: 17 Name of nearest waterbody: Reynolds Creek Identify (estimate) amount of waters in the review area: Non-wetland waters: 8,207 linear feet: width (ft) and/or acres. Cowardin Class: Riverine Stream Flow: Perennial Wetlands: 0.024 acres. Cowardin Class: Riparian Name of any water bodies on the site that have been identified as Section 10 waters: Tidal: None Non-Tidal: None E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ Office (Desk) Determination. Date: ❑ Field Determination. Date(s): 1 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional waters of the United States on the subject site, and the permit applicant or other affected party who requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved jurisdictional determination (JD) for that site. Nevertheless, the permit applicant or other person who requested this preliminary JD has declined to exercise the option to obtain an approved JD in this instance and at this time. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre-construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non-reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an approved JD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware of the following: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional waters; (2) that the applicant has the option to request an approved JD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an approved JD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) that the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) that the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) that undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an approved JD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the preliminary JD, but that either form of JD will be processed as soon as is practicable; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a preliminary JD constitutes agreement that all wetlands and other water bodies on the site affected in any way by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an approved JD or a preliminary JD, that JD will be processed as soon as is practicable. Further, an approved JD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrative appeal, jurisdictional issues can be raised (see 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a)(2)). If, during that administrative appeal, it becomes necessary to make an official determination whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional waters on the site, the Corps will provide an approved JD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This preliminary JD finds that there "may be"waters of the United States on the subject project site, and identifies all aquatic features on the site that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: 2 SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for preliminary JD (check all that apply - checked items should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources below): � Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant: . � Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant. ❑ Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: . ❑ U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. � U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: Clemmons Quadrangle, 2013 � USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: Soil Survey of Forsyth County, 1976 ❑ National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: ❑ State/Local wetland inventory map(s): ❑ FEMA/FIRM maps: . ❑ 100-year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) �Photographs: � Aerial (Name & Date): 2014 aerial photos. or ❑ Other (Name & Date): ❑ Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: ❑ Other information (please specify): IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarilv been verified bv the Corps and should not be relied upon for later iurisdictional determinations. Signature and date of Regulatory Project Manager (REQUIRED) Signature and date of person requesting preliminary JD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable) Estimated amount of Class of Site Latitude Longitude Cowardin aquatic aquatic number Class resource in review resource area UT to Mill 36.100146 -80.418339 Riverine 791inear feet Non-section Creek (SA) 10 - non-tidal UT to Mill 36.100353 -80.418245 Riverine 133 linear Non-section Creek (SB) feet 10 - non-tidal UT to Mill 36.100702 -80.417532 Riverine 535 linear Non-section Creek (SC) feet 10 - non-tidal UT to Mill 36.097775 -80.419667 Riverine 9001inear Non-section Creek (SD) feet 10 - non-tidal UT to Mill 36.098005 -80.422427 Riverine 3751inear Non-section Creek (SE) feet 10 - non-tidal UT to Mill 36.096550 -80.424122 Riverine 9631inear Non-section Creek (SG) feet 10 - non-tidal UT to Non-section Tomahawk 36.102456 -80.410853 Riverine 821inear feet 10 - non-tidal Creek (SI) UT to 7861inear Non-section Reynolds 36.100375 -80.412290 Riverine feet 10 - non-tidal Creek (SJ) UT to Reynolds 36.096797 -80.414264 Riverine 1351inear Non-section Creek (SK) feet 10 - non-tidal Reynolds 8951inear Non-section Creek 36.097371 -80.414246 Riverine feet 10 - non-tidal UT to Ellison 36.094283 -80.418189 Riverine 921inear feet Non-section Creek (SO) 10 - non-tidal UT to Ellison 692 linear Non-section Creek (SQ) 36.094003 -80.426238 Riverine feet 10 - non-tidal UT to Ellison 36.092103 -80.428079 Riverine 2561inear Non-section Creek (SR) feet 10 - non-tidal UT to Double 36.094691 -80.430554 Riverine g651inear Non-section Creek (SS) feet 10 - non-tidal UT to 1,4191inear Non-section Double 36.093374 -80.429526 Riverine Creek (SU) feet 10 - non-tidal WA 36.100082 -80.416567 Riparian 0.024 acres Non-section 10 - wetland �., � '},� - - _ j - : �-� -fc�'` - t,.. * +y� `, ; . 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M ; r �� . neMap, NC Center for G.�ographic I U-5536 Great Wagon Road Jurisdictional Features Map Lewisville, NC Forsyth County, NC Ephemeral � Wetlands � Ponds Date: February 2016 Scale: 0 250 500 Feei I 1 1 Job No.: 6222 Drawn By: Checked By: ETM MEF Figure a � Study Area Perennial � Intermittent Ephemeral �`��_ Wetlands � - i � , . i ♦ � _: - , ' . � � �. � i . �• �,' . y, `n. . �ti ,�' ��;: �� 1' �+,�j. � F � � t _ �' r '�"�j � � � �� �i - y � ��'�� A r �k e j�9 ~�� . ~�' •Jr � ' Y� � � ,�� ye d �(�' �� E S t ti �-`i t ! X. ` " � �I t 1' . �� F . �. �s. "i .'� Sr �.. � - � 4 �, e s'� �, � ♦ �' " i . � , t�� =,y +� 4 � ' ' . . �� ' ''y� .%a � ' � `�#:.1 �,��. 1 �'� r � � � � {. - =�I ' y e ,�fy ��'� �} �� �`�9 , � �;,,�, ! "� s � �� �'�,,,r�t ;��d' ,���. . 3� �!�i , ,�$�"°�. + .�'<i .. 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" N �p A . ��� �r' � i �� d` ' " � t �, � � -►� ,a . � 4 Q ` ` � ,� s,' ,�: � , P � r- ,� " < <, R � �, � ;, � , � : � ., '� � p�Y � - ♦ � � �'� 4� M .r�� `�R �A � r � ♦ t- ' + r f,- . ,� , � . . r ' �'.� �. , ' a : ";,. ; � " { � p Y ` � NL One'�ap�NG'C �'� �i�raphicJnf.orm`adion �ndAnalys�5;,(�% s?1�B��ard Prepared For: 4RTA �, O O R h�" 9 b � a ��¢ �f OF .�y�A� 44 U-5536 Great Wagon Road Jurisdictional Features Map Lewisville, NC Forsyth County, NC Date: February 2016 Scale: 0 250 500 Feei I 1 1 Job No.: 6222 Drawn By: Checked By: ETM MEF Figure Prepared For: 4RTA �, O O R h�" 9 b � a ��¢ �f OF .�y�A� 44 U-5536 Great Wagon Road Soils Map Lewisville, NC Forsyth County, NC Date: February 2016 Scale: 0 400 800 Fee� I 1 1 Job No.: 6222 Drawn By: Checked By: ETM MEF Figure USACB A1�# DWQ # �-4- SS36 _ 5ite #�1� (indicate on attached mapJ ;,�„ STREAM QUALITY AS�E55MENT W�RKSHEET _ _ Pruvidc the following information far the stream reach untler assessrnent: 1. Applicant's name: lV ��'] "� 2. Evatuator's name: M.��r 3, �ate of evaluation; �� Z fr� � I� 4. 7'ime of e�aluatican: Lcs �, � _ 5. Name oFstream: .SJ� G. River basin: '`'�+�-4�� slr� 7. Approximate drainage area: ��� 8. Stream order: � St 9, Length of reach evaluated: �� � 10. County; �'�'� 5 i i. Site coordinates (iFknownj: preter in decimal degrees. 12. Subdivision narne (if any}: L�titudc {cx. 34.s723 t 2}: _ ��. I a a 1�(, Longi�ude (ex. —77.55651 I): — c°� �� y I 8 3?`1 Mellivd location dctermined (circle}: �P�S Topo Sheet [}rthn {Aerial) PhotolGiS Other GIS flther 13. Locatian of reach under er+aluation (nate nearby roads ar►d landmarks and atkach map identifying stream(sj location]; � � 5-4 d. 5-F H �,,, Si � , , .. �� : �, a G . r...� Iw.usa�� � 14, Propvsed channel ►vork (ifanyJ: 15. Recent weather conditions: [ + 1G. Site conditians at time af 17. ldentify any special waterway classificatinns knnwn: _Section ID Tidal Waters Essential Fisheries Ha6itat Trout Waters Outstanding Resource Waters �Iutrient S�nsitir+e Waters _Water Supply Watershed_jj�___(I-]V} 18. Is there a pand or lake located upstream of the er+aluation paint? Y�S �]f yes, estimate the waker surface area: 19. Does �l�annel appear an USGS quad map? YES NQ ZU. aoes channel appear on USDA Soil 5urvey? YES � 21. Estimated watershed land use: �°/a Residential ,% Commerciai _% Industrial _% Agricultural �/o Fnrested _°fo Cleared 1 Logged ____°!o C]ther ( 22. Bankfiall width: ���� 23. Bxnk height [from bed tn tap af 6ank): '� { 24. Channel slape dawn center of stream: _Flat (0 to 2°fo) _Gentle (2 to 4°Jo) e11L�ioderate (4 to 10°f4} _Steep (�10°iaj 25. Channel sinuasity: Straight ✓ccasiana) bends _Frequent meander _Very sinuous _Braided channel Instructions tor cnmpletinn af wprksheet [lacated on Pagc 2}: Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion bassd an locatian, tenain, ►regetatio�, sircam olassification, etc. E�ery characteris#ic must be scared using ihe same ecaregion. Assign poin#s to each characteristic within the range shawn far the ecoregior�. f'age 3 prv�ides a brief des�riptian of how to re�iew the characteristics identi�ed in the worksheet. Scares shQuld reflect an or+erali assessment of the stream reach under e�raluation. If a charaateristic cannQt be e�aluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 4 in the scoring bvx and pra�ide an explanatian in the comment seetivn. Where there are ohaious changes in the character of a stream under re�[ew (e.g., the stream i�aws from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be dir+ided inta smaller reaches that dispkay mare cantinuity, and a separate farm used to evaluate eaeh reach. The tatal score assigned to a stream roa�h must rangc betwean q and 100, with a scare of iQD representing a stream of tha highest yuality. Total Score (from reversej: } E�alustor°s Sfgnature Date 1+ Zu � r� This channel e�aluatian tarm ' inten tu 1�e use�E only as a guide to sssist landowners and enviro rnentai prafessianals in gathering the data requir� hy the United States Army Corps of Engineers ta ma[ce a preliminary as�essment of stream quaiity. The total scarc resulting from the cornpletion of this farm is subaect ta USACE appra�al and does not imply a partieular mitigation ratio or requirement. Form subject to change — �ersion �Db103, To Comment, please ca11919-57�-8441 x 2G. STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET s� # CAARACTERISTICS • ECOREGIQN P�Il'�'T RANGE ���� Coastal Piedmo�t Mauntain Presenee of flow 1 persistent pao[s in strenm 1 no flow or saturativn = 0- stran tlow =�nax oints d- 5 U- 4 Q- 5 � � Evidence of past human alteration 0--- b 0- 5 0- 5 extensive alteration = 0• no alteration = max oints � 3 Riparian aane p_ 6 0- 4 0- 5 na buff'er = fl• eanti uous wide buffer = max oints 3 4 Eyidence of nntr'rent nr chemieal diseharges a_$ 0-- 4 0- 4 3 extensive dischar es = 0• no dischar es = max oints � Groundwater discharge � � $ no dischar e= 0• s rin s see s wetlands etc. = max aints) a� 3 0- 4 0- 4 � 6 Presence of Rdjacent flaodplain Q_ 4 0- 4 0- 2 � no flood lain = U• e�tensi�e flood lain = max ints f � Entrencl�ment 1 flaadplain Access a_ 5 0- 4 U- 2 � dee ! entrenched = 0� fre uent floodin = max oints f � Presence af adjacent wetlands Q� 6 �-� �-� O no wet{ands = 0� lar e ad'acent wetlands = max in#s � Channel sinuosity p_ 5 U- 4 0- 3 extensi�e channelization = 4• natural meander = max oints � 1 � Sediment input Q - � � - 4 � - � ,� extensiae de sition= 0• littic or no sediment = max ints 11 Siae & di�ersity of channel bed substrate NA* 0- 4 0- 5 Z fine homo enous = 6- laz e di�erse sizes = max nints 1� E�idencc oi channel incisian or widening d_ 5 �� 4 fl- 5 �dee l incised = 0� stab2e bed & banks = m� oints 5 13 Presence nf major bank failures a_ 5 0- 5 q� 3 a severe erosion = D� no erosion stable banks = max ❑ints � j 4 Root depth �ind density on banks Q_ 3 0- 4 U- 5 � no visible raats =�• dense roots throu haut = max oints Z � Impact by agriculture, livestock, or #imber praduction 1� substancial im act �� na e�idence = max ints 0- 5 �- 4 U- 5 � 1� Presence of riflle-pooVripple-paol eamplexes a- 3 U- S fl- b � no riffleslri les or ools = 0• weli-de�elo d= rnax ints ( � � � Habitat complexity 0- 6 U- 6 Q- 6 � �,H� litt[e or no habitat = 0- fre uent �aried habitats = max oints �Canopy eo�ersge o�cr streambed � i$ no shadin ve etation = 4• �ontir�uous cano = max oints 0- 5 D- 5 a- 5 1g S�bstrate embeddedness �A* fl- 4 0- 4 3 dee 1 embeclded = O• loose structure = max za T'resence af stresm en►+ertebrates (see page 4) 0- 4 fl-- 5 U- S Q �no e�idence = 0• cornmon numeruus s= max oints 2[ Prtse►�e� af ns�phlbin�s �- d 0-�i Q- 4 ('] Q no cvidcncc = U' comman numcravs s- m�x oints �'"� Presence vf fish �� no evidence = 0• eommon numeraus = max ints 4- d 4- 4 0- 4 � 23 Er+'tdence of wil�iSiFe use �_� �_ 5 q_$ } na e+vtdence = U• abundank e�idence = max oints ` Total Points Passible lUU 1QQ 1dQ T�TAL SCURE (also enter an first page} �..( � * These chartcteristics are not assessed in cQastal streams. USACE AlD# DWQ# ul- 553fa Site # S� {indieate on attaehed map} ;,,,; STREAM QiJALITY ASSESSMENT WQRKSHEET ,, � ;�,, , , Provide the fol[owing informatian fnr the stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicant's name: �If �� f�T 2. Evaluator's name:_ }a �-,��-� 3. �ate af e�aluation: �`Z� �I � �, Time ofevaluatian: � 0� 15 ArJ�-� 5. Name of strcam: s Q b. T{iver frasin: "I ���� 7. Appraximata drainage area: t� j4 C 9. Length af re�ch e�aluaTed: f 3� ` S. Stream arder: Z l D. Caunty: �+ � �t 11. 5ite coardinates {if knnwn); prcFer in dcc'smal dcgrccs. l2, Subdi►+ision name (if any}: Latilude {ex, 34.87231 Z}: ��� r�O � S i Longilude (cx. 77.55661 I}: �� a�`'� ��� e� s Method lvca�ion determined (cireleJ: N'i' 'Copo 5h�t Uriho {Acrial} PhatolGIS �Dther GiS DUicr 13. La�ation of reach under eyaluat� (nate nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s} lacatifln): c` � ,` �. , ��Y-� �^-0�5�2� i.n woo�.05 . 14. Propased channel work (i any): 15. Reaent weather canditions: �. c.e-1.•� nrrt c� p• IG. Site canditions at time afvisit: �h +�� �� 17. Identify any special watenvay classifications knvwn: _Section LO _Tidal Waters �Esseniial Fisheries Habitat �Traui Waters _Dutstanding E�esource Waters _ Nutrient Sensiti�e Waters _Water Supply Watershed �� (f-IV} 1 S. Is there a pond or laks located upstream of the evaivation paint? YES �O If ycs, estimata the rvater surface area: 19. Does channel appear on [JSGS quad map? YES � 20. Does chaonei appear on USDA Soil Survey? � NC} � 1. �stimated watershed land use; �°Jo fiesidential _% Comm�rcial % Industrial �% AgricuEtura] �'/o Forested _% Cleared 1 Logged _% C3ther ( 22. 6�nkfull widih: �� Z3. Bank height (from hed to top af bank}: �" 3� �4, Channel slope dawn center af stream: Flat (U ta 2%) �Gentle [2 tv 4%J ✓Moderate (4 to 10°/a} _Steep {�10%) 25. Channel sinuosity: Straight Occasinnal 6ends ✓ Freqaent meander _Very sinuous _Braided channel Instructions fvr com�letion af worksheet (locateci on page 2]: Begin by datermining the most apprnpriate ecqregivn based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregivn. Assign points to each characteristie within the range shown �'or the eeoregion. Page 3 pro�ides a brief descriptian af h�w fo re�iew the chara�teristias identifi�d in the worksheet. Scores shouEd reflect an o�erall assessment of the stream reach under e►+aluati�n. If a characteristic can�ot be eva]uated due to site or wc�ther conditions, enter p in the scpring bvx and pra�ide an explanation in the comment sectinn. Whcre there are obvious changes in the character vf a stream under re�iew (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be di�ided into smaller reaches thaf display more cantinuity, and a separate farm used to evaluate each reach. The total score assigned ta a stream reach must range between Q and 10(l, with a score af 10Q representing a stream aF the highest quality. Tatal Scure (fram reversc}: S� Camments: i Evafuator's Signature dxte� Z� � �, This channel evaluation farm is i tended t e used only as a guide tn �ssist land4wners and en�iranmental prufessivnals in gathering the dafa required the United Ststes Arrny Corps uf Engineers tu makc a prcliminary assessment of stream quality. 'fhe tofal score resulting from the completion of this farm is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particufar mitigation ratio or reqvirement. I'orm sub3ect to change — version Qb/U3. To Comment, please ca11 919-87G-8441 �c 2b. s� STREAM QUALITY AS5E55MENT W�RKSHEET EC(]REGIOlV POIiVT RANGE # CHARACTER�S�"IC� Co�stal Piedmont Mountain SCORE i Presencc af flow 1 persistent poo[s in stream �_� p_ 4 U— 5 no flow or saturation = 0• strnn flow = max oinEs 2 2 Erridence of ps�st humau alterativn g,� �— 5 �—$ axtensi�e alterativn = 0• no aiteration = max oints � 3 Riparian zone �_ g p_ 4 0— 5 2 no 6uffer = 0• conti uous wide buti'er = max nints ¢ Evidence oF nutrient or chemical d[seharges Q_ S 0— 4 0-- 4 extensi�e dischar es = 0• na dischar es = maa� oints � �Groundwater discharge � 5 no dischar e= D� s rin s see s wetlands etc. = max oints 0— 3 0— 4 D— 4 � � b Presence of adjacen# �oadplsin 0— 4 0— 4 0— 2 � no flood lain = a• extensir+e flovd lain = max oints Entrenchinent 1 tloadplain access p`'' � dee 1 entrenched = U• fre uent floodin = max oints) �— 5 �— 4 D— 2 � g Presence af ssdjacent wetlands p_ 6 0— 4 0— 2 no wetlands = U• lar e ad'acent wetlands = max ints {� � Channe! sinuosity �_� �_ q. Q— 3 � extensive channelia.ation = 0• natural meander = max ints � la Se�imentinput p—S 0-4 4-4 extensi�e de sitian= 0• little or no sediment = max oints � � � Sixe & diversity of channel bed substrate NA* i} — 4 4— 5 3 fine homo enous = 0• lar e di�erse sizes = max oints � 2 Evidence pf channel inc'ssion or widening 0— S 0— 4 Q— 5 � �r dee 1 inoised = 0• stable bed & banks = ma� ints � 1� Presenee of major banic fniEures p_ S b— 5 Ll — 5 �` a ser+ere erosion = Q� no erosion stable hanks = max qints � �� Raot depth and density an hanks p_ 3 0— 4 6— 5 � H no �isihle roots = D' dense roots throu hout = max oints � Impact by sgricolture, livestock, or timber produetion � 5 substantial im aot -0• no evidence = max ints d` 5 a— 4 0— 5 1� Presence oF riff'le-paollripple-pool complexes Q_ 3 0— S U— G � no riffleslri les ar ools = Q• well-de�ela d= max aints 3 � Habits�t complcxity ,.r � �� 1 ittie or no habitat = U• fre uent �aried hahitats = max oints a— 6 Q— 6 fl— b ��� �Canopy eo�erage over streambed �$ no shadin �e etation = 0• continuous cano = max oints �� S D— 5 U— 5 Y� Substrate emheddedness �A'� 0— 4 4— 4 3 dee 1 embedded = 0� iaose structure = max 20 Presence of strcam invertebrates {see page 4} �_ 4 fl— S 0— S � nn evidence = D• commor� numerous s= max oints 3 �} 21 Presence of:tmphibians ��� �_ 4 Q_ 4 � nv evidence = Q• common numerous es = max oints '[� 4 22 Presence of fish 4_� 0— 4 Q— 4 � no evidence = D' common numerous es = max ints Q �� Evidence of wildlife use g_ 6 �_$ 0— 5 no eVidence = Gl• abundant e�idence = max oints Total Points Passih[e 1Q0 laQ 10f] T�TAL SCORE (alsa enter an first page) � �` 'l'hese characteristics are na[ assessed in coastal streams. USACE AID# D�VQ �c—ss�� _ 5ite # SL�indicate an attached ma�] ; ,,, ; STREAM QUALITY A5SE5SMENT WC]RKSHEET _ ,, ProWide the following in[ormation far the �tream reach uns�er assessment: 1. Applicant's name: �1 C�c� 1 2. E�alaator's name: ��Y� ?�,r` 3. Qate of e�uluatinn: � � L E- j I fc �3. Time of evaluakion: f o' 3 O�lh 5. Name of stream: J� G. Ri�er basin. -f o•�t Ic � �• 7. Approximate drainage area_ ��°S� 8. Stream order, 2� 9. Length of reach evaluafed: ��� 11. 5ite caordinates (if knq�rm]: prcfcr in decimal degrees. Latitude (ex. 34.87z312): 56 , f��yt rf � Q i U. CQunty: �5 1Z. Suhdi�isian name (if any}: Lqngitude {ex. —77.55G6i lj: �`�' � � t � S Methad 4o�atIon determined (cirole): iGP�3, 'Copo Slieet 4riho (Aerial} PhatolGIS Oilter GI5 �tlier 13. Looation ofreach under evaluation (n�te nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) lacation): 4 o '�" z .H, �y � � �. - l� ��n v.c� f�', � ,..s,.w..�=� ...>.�aa. � I4. Propnsed channel work (ifany): 15. Recent weather conditions: c � 7. 1G. Site conditivns attime of�isit: ��� 17. Edentify any special waterway ciassificativns known: Section 10 Tidal Waters _�ssentiai Fisheries Habitat _Trout Waters _C]utstanding Resource Waters _Nutrient Sensiti�e Waters �Water 5upply Watcrshed �{I-1V j lS. ls there a pond or lake lacated upstream afthe evaluation point? YES (i � If yes, estimate the water surface area: 19. Does ehann�el appear on USGS yuad map? YES� 21. Estimated watershed land use: �0 %u Residential 5�% °/a FDtCSte[� 2a. Does channel appear an US�A Saii San+ey? �E N� L% Commerciai _% Indusirial % Agricultural °/a Cleared ! Logged _°10 Other 22. Bankfull width: �- 3� 23. Bank height (from hed to top af bank}: 1- `� � 24. Channe] s[ope dawn eenter af stream: _____Flak {U to 2%) �Gentle (2 to 4%) _Moderate (4 to l0°/n) _Steep {�10°/n) Z5. Channel sinuasity: Straight ,�ccasional bends _Frequent meander ��ery sinuaus _Braided channel Instruetions for completian of worl�sheet �located on page 2]: Begin by determining the most apprvpriate ecoregion based on location, ferrain, �egetation, stream classification, ete. E�ery characteristic must be scored using the same ecnregion. Assign paints t� eaeh characteristic witi�in the range shvwn for the ecoregion. Page 3 pro�ides a brief description nf how to rc►�icw the ch�racteristics identified in the workshect. Scores should reflect an o�erall assessment oF the stream reach under er+alaation. if a character�stic cannot he e�aluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring box and pravide an explanatioo in the comment section. Wherc thera are obr+iaus changes in the characier of a stream under re�iew (e.g., the stream flows fram a pasture into a forest}, the strcam may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used ta erialuate each reach. Tlie tvta� score assigned to a stream reach mnst ranga between 0 and lOQ with a scare of lOQ representing a strearn of the highest quality. To#al Score (fram reverse}: �ci Commenls: E�aluafar's Signature Datc 1� 2 fp' j�a This channef e�aluafion farm is ' tended ta used only as a guide to assist landuwners and en�irann cntal prafessianals in gathering the data required y the United States Army Carps nf Engineers to make a preliminary ass�essment of stream qua[ity. The tata! score resulting from the completion oF #his form is subject to USACE appro�al and daes Qot imply a pgrkieul�xr mitig�tian ratio ar requirement. Form subject ta change - version 06143. To Comment, please call �31 �-876-8441 x 25. SG STREAM QUAI�ITY AS5ES5MENT WORKSHEET # CHARACTERiSTICS • EC4REGI�N POINT RAIYGE �C�� Caastal Piedmaot Mountain 1 Presence af flow 1 persistent poals in stream �_� q_ q fl— 5 'ZJ na flow or saturation = 0• stron flow = max oints E�idence vf past humau alteratiou � Z extensi►+e alteratien = 0• no al#erativn = max oints � — � � — � � — 5 � 3 Riparian zo�e p_ fi 0— 4 0-- 5 no buffer = 0• conti uous wide buffer = max oints � E�idence of nutrient or chemical discharges 4 extensir+e dischar es = 0• no dischaz es = max oints �— 5 a� 4 d� 4 j �5 Grauudwater dischar^�e 0— 3 0— 4 Q— 4 � 7, V no dischar e= 0• s rin s sea s wetlands etc. = max oints � b Fresence of adjacent flaadplain 0— 4 0— 4 0— 2 �no flaad lain = b� extensive flood lain = max ints i ,� Entrenchment 1 floodp[ain access p_$ 0— 4 D— 2 A'' dee I entrenched = 0• fre uent floodin = max oinis � Presence of adjacent wetlands � 8 no wetlands = 4• lar e ad'acent wetlands = max oints �� 6 Q i� Q— Z Channel sinuosi#y � g extensive channelization = 0• natural mcander = max oints 0— 5 0— 4 U— 3 14 Sediment input Q— 5 a— 4 0� — 4 Z extensit+e de osition= 0� little or no sediment = max ints 1� Sixe & diversity of channel bed substrate �A" (} — 4 Q— 5 fine homo enous = 0• lar e di►+ersc sizes = ma�c oints 12 Evidence af channel incision or wicteniag Q_ 5 0— 4 U— 5 �+ dee i incised = 0• sEable bed & banks = max oints �' a 13 Fresence of major bank failures Q_� p_$ D— 5 se�ere erosion = d• no erosion stable banks = max oints 3 � 14 Roat depth and density on banks p_ 3 0— 4 0— 5 �., no uisible roots = 0• dense roots throu hout = max oints 3 � Impact by agricultare, Ilvestock, or tember praduction 1� 15 substantial im act =4• no eviden�o = max oints fl— S fl— 4 0— S _� t� Presence of riffle-paaUripple-poal complexes �_ 3 0— 5 0-- b � � no riffleslri les or ools = 4� well-develo ed = max ints � 17 Rabitat complexity p_ b p— b 0— 6 little or no habitat = 0• fre uent varied habitats = max ints � �Canopy co�erage o�er streambed 1$ no shadin �e etation = 0• continuaus eano = max oints �— j �— S �—$ Snbstrate embeddedness * � 19 dee l emk�edded = 0' Iaose structure = max NA 0— 4 �-- 4 Presence of stream in�ertehrates (see page 4} � �� no eVidence = b� �ommon numeraus = max ints �— 4 0— 5 0— 5 (�rj Presence of amphibians � � 21 no e►+idence = d- comman numerous = max ints a—� 0— 4 Q— 4 presence af �sh � � 22 0—� 0-4 0-4 � no evidence = 0• common nurnerous = max ints Z3 E�idence af wildilfe use Q_ 6 p_� 4— 5 � na e�idence = 0• abundant e�idence = max oints Tatal Poiots Possible 1�0 200 100 TOTAL SCURE [alsa enter on first page} �� � i nese cnarac�erisncs are noi assessen 4n coastai streams. IUSACE AI[7# DWQ u�s5�� 5ite #� (indicate on attached map} ;,�,; STREAM QUALITY AS5ES5MElrTT WaRKSHEET Provide the follnwing informatian for the stre�m reach tinder assessmeot: �� 1. Applicant's name: r1l� it� �_ 2, Evaluator's �iame: �-_�7�+� 3. Date of ��a[uation:� ��i 1�{0 4. Time of e�aluation: � i A�+. 5. Name of stream, Sb 5. River ha.sin; � G p�1 �C � �- 7. Appraxtmate drainage area; 2�°'� S. Siream order� 5�` 9. Length oFreach e�aluated: �� �' � l D. Caunty: S l l. 5ite coordinates (if knnwn): prefer in decimat degn_es. ll. Sabdivision narne [iFanyj: Lati[ude (ex. 34.872312J: �� • �� � � � S I.ongituda [�, -77.556511 j: — � a , `� { ' �+ �r �° � Mclhad locutivn determined {cirelej; G� 'I'apo Sheet pttha (Aerial) PhotvlGiS []thcr G[5 ()ther 13. Location of rcach under evaluatibn (note nearhy raads and landmarks and attaeh map identifying stream(s] lacation]: 1,�-f e S'� e L I'� � f'tL. S�'rx�-i �+rti � u a�� c r�' �� �9£�l- � rck 14. Froposed channel wark (ifany l5. Etecent wcather canditions: l6. Site �onditions at time of � i7-cc' c � l7. ldentify any special waterway classifications knawn: �Section 10 _Tidal Waters �Essential Fisheries Habit�t _Trout Waters Qutstanding Resource Waters _Nutrient Sensiti�e Waters _Water Supply Watcrslied �[I-IY} 18. ls there a pund �ar lake [vcated upstream ofthe e�aluation point? YES � Ifyes, estimate thc watcr surface area: 19. �oes channel appear on USGS yuad map7 YES !O ��. �aes channel appear on USDA Snil �urvey? ��i�3 ��.f 21. Estimeted watershed land use: �% Residential I� % Commercial �% Ind��strial _°Ja Agricultural �°10 Forested _°lo Cleared / Logged % i7ther 22. Bankfull width: Z— 5� 23, Bank height �from bed to top of hank): 2'�" � Z�. Cham�el slope dvwn center afstream: _Flat (0 to 2%) _/Gentie {2 tv 4°to} �Moderate [4 ta 10%) _Stee� {�14°!oj 25. Channel sinnosity: Straight �%Occasic�nal bends �Freq�ent meander _____Very sinuaus _Braided channei Instructions for eampletian nf wor[cshcet (tocated on page Z}: Begin by determining the most apprnpriatc ecvregion based an location, terraio, �egetation, stream classificativn, etc. EVery characteristic must be scored using the samc ecoregic�n. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoreginn. Page 3 prn�ides a brief descriptian of ho�v ta review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scares shauld reflect an u�erall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic caonot be e�aluated due tv site or weather cottditians, enter 0 in the scoring hox and provide an explanation in the camment se�tion. Where there are obvious ehangas in the chara�t�r of a stream uncler review [e.g., the stream fCows fram a pasture into a forest), t�e steeam may be di�ided into smaller reaches that display more corttinuity, and a separate fartn used tv e�alaate each reac'h. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between Q and l Q�, with a score of l OD representing a stream of lhe highest quality. Tatal Seore (from re�erse): �3 Comroents: Evaluxtor's Signature � Date_ _ _f 12[� �{(p This channel e�aluatiun form is in nded tn'b used only as a guide to assist [andowners and enviranmental professionals in gathering the data required h e United States Army Corps of Engineers ta mgke a preliminary assessment af stream queEity. The tatal seure resulting irom the completion of this formt is subject to USACE appro�al snd does not imply a part�culsr miligarion ratio or requirement. Form subject ta change—version D6f43. To Comment, please call 919-87G-8441 x 2G. STREAM QUALITY ASSESSl'VIENT W�RKSHEET ,S�] ECOREGI�P�i POINT RANGE # CHAR.ACTEIt�STICS Caasta! Piedmont Mountain SCORE � Presencc of tlow 1 persistent pouls in stream 0— 5 U— 4 0— S -Z no flow or saturation = 0• stran flow = max oints E�idence of past human a[tera#ion 2 extenser+e alteration = 0• no aiteration = max oints ��� �` S 0— 5 3 Riparian �ane {� — b �— 4 0— 5 no buffer = 0� conti uaus wide huffer = max aints � �vidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 3 � extensi�e disahar es = 0� no dischar es = max oints �— 5 0— 4 0— 4 � 5 Grouudwater discborge p_ 3 Q— 4 0— 4 no dischar e= 0• s rin see s wetiands etc. = max oints z.. � Presence of adj�cent flaadplain � 6 0-4 0-4 0-2 Z no ftood lain = Q� extensive fla�d lai� = max ints Entrenehment 1 floodplain access � � 7 dee I cntrenched = 0• fre uent floodin = max oints �� 5 0— 4 0— 2 g Presence of adjacent wetiands �_� �_ 4 �_ x O no wetlands =�� !ar e ad'acent wetlands = max oents 9 Channel sinuosity Q_ 5 0— 4 U-3 extensir+e channeIixation — 0� natural meander = max oints 1Q Sediment input Q � 5 fl— 4 U— 4 extensi�e de sition= 0� little or na sediment = max ints 3 11 Size & di�ersity of channe! bed sabstrate �A� 0--- 4 0— S fine homo enous = 0• lar e di�erse sizes = max oints 3 12 Er+idence of chanuel incision or wactening �_ 5 a— 4 0— 5 � �dee I incised = 0• stable bed & banks = max oints 13 Presence of major bank failures �_� �_ 5 4_� � j� seaere erosion = 4• no erosion stable banks = max oints � 14 Raot depth and density an banks �_ 3 �— 4 Q— S �- � no �isible roats = 0� dense raots thrau hout = max ints J � impact by agricu[ture, livestock, ar timber production 15 substantiaF im aat �?• no e�idence = max ints 4— 5 U— 4 U— S 1� Presence of ritfle-ponUripple-paol complexes �_ 3 p_� Q— 6 � no rif#leslri les or oals = 0� well-de�elo d= max oints �I� Habitat complexity � _ � Q � � � _ � � F�� little or no habitat = fl• fre uent �aried hahitats = max nirits .� �Canopy co�erage o�er streamhed r1 I$ no shadin �e etation = �' cantinuous cano = max oints 4— 5 U— S 0— 5 �� I g Substrate embeddedness NA* 0-- 4 [1— 4 `7 dee 1 embedded = U- laase structure = max � �Q Presence af stream iovertebrates {see page 4) p— 4 0— 5 0— S � no e►+idence = U� comman numerous s= max ints (�j 2 j Presenee oC amphibians p_ 4 p— 4 0— 4 d O no e►+idence = 0• common numerous es = max ints '� Presence af �sh O 22 Q-4 U-4 fl-4 � no e►+idence = Q; comman aumerous s= max ints � 23 Evidence at wildlife use 4— 6 Q— S 0— 5 no evidenc� = D• abundant e►+idence = max aints Totaf Points Passlble l0U 1QQ lU0 T�TAL SC�RE (alsc� enter on first page} 5 3 * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams. USACE ACD#, {J� -SS 36 DWQ # Site # SCs {indicate an attached mapj ;,�,; STREAN'I [�[IALITY ASS�SSMENT W(]RK5HEET Pro�ide the following informaeion far the stream reach under assessment: I. Applicauit's name: N�►� 1 Z. E�atuator's name: L-'�'r�, 3. aate af e�aluatinn: l� ��— �� �}. Time Qf evaluatinn� ��:�a Pm 5. Name ofs#ream; �U 6. River basin: yUcl kn 7. Approximate drainage area:, 4Z Ac. $. Stream arder: `+�r . 9. i,ength of reach evaluated:, +0[��7 ft- lb. County: ��/��k 11. Sita coordinates (ifknawn}: pr�fcr in dccirr�al degrces. 12. Subdi�ision name {if anyy: Latitude (ex_ 3d_872312): �, 0�[ 1L�SSV Lorrgitude {ex, —77,555611 J: `�3().�( Zy �ZZ Melhod IocaLion de[ermined [oircle]: �P5 Tapo Shcet Ortha (Acrixlj PhatolGlS Dther GI5 Oiher 13. Loca#ion of reach under evaluation (nate nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream�s) lacation); �o � H'��n C+i�'h) f'�"� :°s,•,,- •�� �1-F'�f�,'�, i�f 14. Prnposed channel work (iFany}: I5. Iiecent weathcr conditions: �'P��irY Qtrc P��,�•��, IG. 5ite cortdiCions at time of�isit: � 17� Identify any special waEarway classifications known: _5ection [0 Tida! Waters ____Essential Fisheries Habitat _Trout Waters _�utstanding R�source Waters _ Nutrient Sensiti�e Waters _Water Suppfy Watershed (1-1V} 18. ls thera a pond or lake lacated upstream ofihe eualuatian pnint? YES NO iFyes, estimate t�e water surface area: l9. Does ehannel appear vn USGS quad map? YES NOr 2U. Daes chanr►el appear on USDA 5oil Sur►+ey? �\YE� Nd 21. Estimated watershed 1and use: �°Jo Residential _% Cnmmercisi _% indusirial _°lo Agric�ltura] �% Forested ,% Cleaced 1 Lagged _°r`o ather 22. Bankfull width: I-� C�r _ 23. Sank height (from hed to top vf bank): I-1. ��~ 24. Channel slope dawn center af stream: _Flat �� to 2%) �`�'entle (2 ta 4%) _MocEerate (4 tv l4°/a} _5teep (�10%) Z5. Channel sinuasiry: �traight _aceasiona] 6ends �Frequent meander _Very sinuous ____Braided �hannel Instructians far completian af wnrksheet {lacated an page 2}: Bcgin by determining the mast apprapriate ecoregion based on loeation, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every �haracteristic must be seored using the same e�oregian. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown far the ecoregian. Page 3 pro�ides a hrief description of how tv review the characteristics identi�ed in the worksheet, 5cores shauld retleet an o�erall assessment of the slream reach under e�aluation. If a characteristic cannat be e�aluated due ta site ar weather conditions, enter 0 in the scaring box and pro�ide an explanativn in the comment sectian. Where there are abvious changes in the character of a stream under review [e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may i�e divided into smaller reaohes that display more continuity, and a separate form used to e�aluate each reach. The total scare assigned ta a stream reach must range beriveen 0 and 14D, with a score of 1QQ re�resenting a stream af the highest quaiity, Tatal Score (froro reverse): 1� Comments: �C�«c,��,,1 r', � 1u[r+5 E+valuator's Signature �� �y �--�� Date f—Z�` j� This channel eaaluation form is intended to be used anly as a guide ta assist landawners gnd environmental prtrfessiona�s in gathering thc data required by the United 5tates Arrny Carps ef Engineers ta make a prelirninAry assessment of stream quality. The tatal score resulting from the completit�n of this Form is subject to USACE appra�al and dees not imply a particular mitigation ratia vr requirement. Fann subje�t ta change — version O61Q3. Tv Camment, please ea119 E 4-876-8441 �e 26. �,-5s3� ��- STREAM (�UALITY ASSESSMENT WO�RI�SHEET # CHARACTERISTICS ECQREGION POINT RAI�GE s��� Caastal Piedmont Mauntain 1 Presence of t�ow / persist�nt pools in stream D— 5 0— 4 0— 5 3 no flow or saturation = 0�� slron flow — max oints 2 E�idence nf past human altera#Ion 0— b 0— 5 fl— 5 , extensi�e alteration = 0• no alteration = max oints 3 Riparian zene 0— 6 D— 4 0— 5 �. no buff'er = 0° conti uous wide buffer = max oints 4 Evidenee of nntrient ar chemical discharges 0_ 5 0— 4 fl— A ' extensive dischar es = 4� no dischar es = max oints � � S Groundwater discharge �_� p_ 4 �_ 4 L no dischar e= 0• s rin s see s weflands etc. = max oinfs KPresence af adjacent i�oodplain �6 no flood lain = U� eactensi�e flood la9n = max oints �— 4 0— 4 0— 2 2 � Entrenchmeat i tlaadplain access � _ $ 0 _ � � _ 2 � dee I entrenched = 0� fre uent #�oodin = max aints � g Presence of adjacent wetlands �_� �_� �_� Q na watlands = 0• lar e ad'acent wetlands = max ints ,� Cbannel s;nuosity p_ 5 0— 4 Cl — 3 � extensive channelization = 0• natural meandar = max aints tq Sedimeot input 0— S 0— 4 f} — 4 '� extensive de sition= 0• little or na sediment = max oints 11 Size & diYersity of channe! bed su6strate NA* D— 4 Q— 5 �- fine homo enous = 0� lar e diverse sizes = max oinfis 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening �— 5 0— 4 D— 5 � �r dee I incised = 4• stable bed 8c banks = max oints ,,E",i Presencc of major hank iailures � a �� ser+ere erosion = Q� no erpsion stable hanks = max oints) 0— 5 0— 5 a— 5 � � 4 Root depth �nd slensity on hanks 0— 3 0— 4 Q— S j � no visible raots = 0• dense raots throu out — max oints � Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber production �$ substantial im act =Q• no e►+idence = max ints 0— 5 0— 4 0— 5 � �� Presence of riffle-poollripple-paol camplexes �_ 3 D— 5 0— b 2 E no rii�leslri les oe ools = D• well-de�eta ed = rn� oints .Q+ �,� Habitat complexity 0— 6 U— 6 0—& Z � littla or no habitat = 0• fre uent r+aried habitats = max oints �Canapy co�erage o�er streambed � 1& no shadin r+e etation = a• continuous cana = max oints 0— 5 U— 5 0— S 1� Substrate embeddedness NA�` 0-- 4 0— 4 Z dee i emhedded = 4• loose sttucture = max �� Presence of stream in�ertebrates (see page 4} 0— 4 d— 5 0— 5 } � no e�idence = Q• eommon numerous s= max oints {� 21 Presence of amphibians Q _ 4 � _ � � _ ¢ .� C no evidence = 0• comman numeraus = max oints C 2Z Presence of Csh 0—� 0— 4 0— 4 � � no evidence = U• cummun numerous = max oints) �� E�idence of wildli% use 4_ 6 �_ 5 �_ 5 rj no e�idence = 0• abundant e►+idence = max ints Total Poiots Pnssible 100 l OD ] UO TUTAL SCORE {also enter on first page} �-{�- * These charac#eristics are not assessed in coastal streams. iUSAC� AIDl� t�( - S S s � DWQ # Site # �r (indicate on attached �nap} ;,,,; STREAM QUALITY ASSE55MENT WaR�SHEET _,;. a Provide the following inf�rmation for the stream reach under assessment: I. Applicant's name_ N�� Z. Evaluator's name: ���'� 3. Date af evaluatinn: 1��` �� �, Time of evaluatiQn: ��� z�� 5. Name of stream; S� 7. Approximate drainage area: � � 9. Length of reach evaluated: '"'��fk' 11. Site caordinates (if knvwn): prcfcr in d�oimal degrees. 6. River basi 8. 5tream order: 1 0. Caunry: �a�� hh 12. 5ubdi�ision name [if any); [.atitude (ex_ 34.872312}: ��0. ��►ZW�� Langitude {ex. —77.556611 }: � �SG. +� i 0'�; � MeLho�l lacation determined (circle): � Topo Shect �riha (Acrial) Phc�tr�IG15 Other CI5 Other 13. I,ocation of reach under evaluadon (note nearby roads and kandmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) lacatiany: S3 ��� � r;�. (l�c�kc � ur i 4. Proposed channel wark (if any 15. Recent weather conditions: ����Y � ��t� r� �ci. U.. lb. Site cotlditinns at time ofvisit: �c�f�^a � !7. Identify any special waterway classifieations known: _Section 10 ^Tidal Waters �Essential Fisheries Habitat ,Trout Waters _Qutstanding Resaurce Waters ____ Nutrient Sensiti�e Waters _Water Supply Watershed {I-!V} l S. Is there a pond ar lake lacated upstream of ihe e�aluation point? YES �[f yes, estimate the waFer surface area: 19. Daes channel appear on USGS yuad rnap? YES 'IV� 20. �oes ch�nnel appear on USDA Svil Survey? YES N�Q� 21. Estimated watershed land ase: _% Residential °./o Commercial _% Industrial _% Agricultural _°/a Forested _°lo Cleared 1 Logged _% Other ( 22. Bankfull wid#h: l�� �+ 23. Bank height (frvm hed to top af bank}: Q�— Z f i' 24. Channel slope down center af stream: _Flat (0 to 2°toj �Gentle (2 to 4°/a] _Moderate (4 to l0°��} _Steep (�10%) 2S. Channel sinuosity: �Straight _Drcasional bends _Frequent rneander _Very sinunus _Braided channel fnstructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2}: Bagin hy determining the most apprapriate ecaregian based on lucation, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points ta each characteristic wikhin the range shown for the eeoregion. Page 3 provides a hrief description of how to review the characteristies identified in the worksheet. Scvres should reflect an overall assessment af the stream reach under e�aluation. If a characteristic cannot be e�aluated due to site or weather conditians, enter 0 in the scoring 6Qx and provide an explanatian in the camment section. Where ti�ere are abuious ch�nges in the character af a stream under review (e.g., the stream Rows fram a pasture into a forest), the stream may 6e divided into srttaller reaches that display more cantinuity, and a separate form used to e�aluate ea�h reach. The fc�tal score assigned ta a stream reach must ranga betweer+ 0 and l Ofl, with a scare af 10a representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Scare (fram rc�erse); �'b Camments: `r�.(�� v, , �5�� e- EvaCuator's Signature �"'`ti--_- Date l `�- �6 This channcl e►+aluation form is intended to be used only as a guide to assist I�ndowners and environmentP! professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps oi Engineers to make a preliminary assesstnent of stream quality. The tota[ scare resultin� from the comple#ian of this form is sub,ject to USACE approval and dnes not imply a p�rtieular mitigafion ratio ar requiremeo�. F4rm subject to �hange— �ersian Obf03. To Comment, please call 919-87b-8441 x 26_ � � SS 3� �� �, STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET # CRARACTERiSTICS ECOREGIUN PDINT RANGE Sc�� Coastal Piedmant Mountaio Presence of �iow 1 persistent poals in stream 1 no flow or saturation = U• stron flow = maac oints 0— 5 0— 4 D— S Z, Z E�idence of past human alkeration 0—� p— 5 d— 5 � extensive afteration = 4• no altera#ion = max inGs 3 Reparian xone p_ 6 0— 4 �— 5 Z, na huff'er = �� conti uous wide huffer = max nints 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical disciearges �_ 5 p_ 4 0— 4 .� extensir+e dischar es = U• no dischar es = max oints `— � 5 Graundwater discharge fl_� p_ 4 a-- 4 � no dischar e= 6• s rin see s wetlands etc. = rnax ints � �resence ofad,�acent flvodplein } y 6 no �iood Isin = 0� extensi►+e flood lain = max oints �— 4 D— 4 4— 2 � � 7 Entrenchment 1 floodplain access �_ 5 �— 4 0— 2 '7_ dce I entrcnohed = 0� fre uant floodin = max oints � Presence of adjacent wetlands �_ 6 fl_ 4 0— 2 (� no wetlands = Q� lar e ad'aeent wetlands = max oints g Chanoel sinuasity q_ 5 0— 4 0— 3 ` extensn+e channelixation = U• natural meander = max ints 10 Sediment iopuE � _ 5 � _ � a _ � �7 extensi�e de sition= U• little or no sediment = max aints �— 11 Size & di�ersity of channel bed substrate ��* 0-- 4 D— 5 � fine homo enous = 4� lar e diverse sizes = max �ints �z E�idence vf ch�nncl incisivn or widening �_ 5 0—� �— 5 , �+ dee ! incised = 0• stable bed & banks = max ir�ts � � 3 Presegce of major bauk fPilures p_ 5 0-- 5 0— 5 �Z a sa�ere erosion = 0� no erosion stable banks = max oints �14 Root depth and density an banks {� _ 3 �_ 4 4_ 5 �-] H no �isible roots = U• dense roots throu out = max aints � 1� Impact by agriculture, livestock, ar timber production �_ 5 �— 4 0— S � substantial im ci =0� no e�idence = max oints 1� Presence af rit'fle-paoUripp�e-pool complexes Q-3 �— 5 0— 6 Z.. E no riffleslri les or ooEs = 0• well-de►+ela d= m� oints � �� Habitat complexity 0— 6 0— 6 Q— G �. � little ar nn habitat = 0• fre uent varied habitats = max oints �Canapy co�erage o�er streambec! � I$ no shadin r+e etatian = 0• continuous cana = maa� oints �— 5 �—$ 4— 5 l,� Suhstrate embeddedness NA* 0— 4 U— 4 j dee I embedded = 0• loosa strue#ura = max �� Presence of stream in�ertehrates (see page 4} fl_� a— 5 �— 5 � �„� no e�idence = U• common numerous s= max oints � 21 Presenee of amphibians �p _� p_ 4 0— 4 � C7 no evidence = 0• cammon numeraus s= max ints ''� Presenee of fish � ��2 no e�idence = 0• common numeraus s= max ints �— 4 0-- 4 fl— 4 2� E�Idence aF wildlife use p_ b 0— 5 0— 5 [? no e�idence = 0� ahundant er+idenec = max oints Total Points Passible 100 100 !00 "� TQTAL SC�RE (also enter on first page) �S� * Tl�ese characteristics are nat assessed in coastal streams. �1- SS 3� USACE AiD# DW[� # Site #� (indicate an attached map} ;,�„ STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMEI�TT W�RKSHEET _ Pr��ide the faltowing infarmation far the strearn reach under 9ssessment: i. Applicant's name: N�� 2. Evaluator's name: G�• �7�i�'^� 3. �ate afevaluatian: �-�-�°` �� 4. Time ofevaluation: ��:`15 � S. N�ne af stream_ � Appraximats drainage area: �A+� 9. Length of reach evaluated: 5�U-�fi 11. Slte coordina�tes (if [�nown}: prefer in decimal degrees. G. Ri�er hasin; �Grihv, 8. Stream order: r ��sr' 10. Cflunty: Fart.��► 1Z. 5ubdi�ision name [ifany): Latitude (cs. 34.872312): 7ta. (�D3 � Longitude (ex. —77.SSb611 ]; `�(x�� �[ 1 ��-qp Method lacation detemiincd (circle): GP5 'fvpo Sheet f}rtho (Aerial) PhotafGlS (7ther GI5 Qther 13. Location af rea�h under evaluation {nvta nearby roads and land►nark5 and attach map identifying stream(s] location}; � �e�x�. Es�x, � �- ���d (�cr� 1�. Propased channel work (if 15. Recent weather canditians: reCer�' P«�.�p�+,�� l6. 5ite conditions at time of visit; n�^�� � 17. ldentify any special waterway classifcations knvwn: 3eciion ]0 _Tidal Waters _Essential Fisher�es Habitat ,Tr9ut Vw'aters �utstanding Resauree Waters _ Nutrient Sensiti►+e Waters _Water 5upply Watershed (1-1V) l8. �s there a pond or lake lacated upstteam of the evaluation poink? YES N(] �f yes, estimate the water surface area, l9. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES NO 20. Does �hannel appear on USDA 5oi1 Survey? YES � 21. Estimated watershed land use: �ifl % Residential �% Commercial �% Industrial _°!o Agricultural �-D % Forested 22. Banlcfull widdl: �`Z�'r °% Cleared ! Lagged _% �fher 23. Bank he►ght (from bed to tap of bankJ: �-� €�- 24. Channel slape dawn center nf slream: _Flat (Q to 2%j 'fGentle (2 to 4%} _Moderate (4 ta 14°/a) _Steep [>10°/a) Z5. Channel sinuasity: 5traight �Qccasional bends �/ Frequent meander _Very sinuvus �Braided channel Instructians for completion af worksheet {located on page Z}: Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion hased vn location, terrain, vegetatitrn, stream classification, eta. Every characteristic must be scorcd using the same ecoregion. Assign points to eaeh characteristic within the range shtrwn for the ecoregion, Page 3 pro�ides a brief description vf how to re�iew the characteristi�s identi�ed in the worksheet. Scvres should refleot ar► o�erall assessment af #he stream reach under evaluatian. If a characteristi� cannat be evaluated due ta site or weather conditions, enter U in the scaring box and provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are ob�ious changes ir� the character of a stream under review {e,g., the stream �]aws from a pasture inko a furestj, the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to e�aluate each reach. The total scare assigncd to a stream reach must range between 0 and lfl{], with a score af ]QQ representing a stream of the highest yuality. Tutal Scure {frnm reverse); f�� Comments:, Eva[uatar's Signature �ti---- /'L�r�'�� Date � 4��' ��° This channel e►+aluation farm is intended to be used vnly as a guide to assist Eandowners and enr+iranmental professionals in gathering the d�ta required by the United 5tates Army Carps af Engineers to make a preliminary assessment af stream quality. The tntal scnre resulting from the completion of this iorm is snbject ta USACE appru�sl and daes nnt imply a particular mitigation ratia or requirement. Form subject to change — �ersivn D6103. To Camment, please �all 919-87fi-&44l x 2G. ,�- s s3� s `� STREAM QUALITY A5SESSMENT W(]R.KSHEET # CHARACTERISTICS ECUREGI�N PQINT RANGE �C�� Coastal Piedmont Mountain , Presence of flow ! persistent pools in stream 0— 5 U— 4 0— 5 � no flow vr saturation = 0� stron flow = max vints � Evidenee af past human aiteration �—� d— 5 0— S � extensi�e alteration = 4• no alteration = max aints) 3 Riparian ione p_ b 0— 4 4-- 5 'Z. no huffer = 4• conti uous wide buffer = max aints 4 E�idence of nutrient ar chemical discharges Q_$ 0— 4 0— 4 � extensi�e dischar es = 4• no dischar es = max oints �5 Gro�ndwater discharge 0— 3 0— 4 �— 4 f1 U na dischar c= U• s rin s see s wetlands etc. = max nints � � Preseace of adjacent #]aodplain 0— 4 D— 4 0— 2 "�' �no flood lain = 0• extensi�e flood lain = max aints `` � �ntrenchmen# / f]nndplain access 0— 5 0— 4 0— 2 1 Q' dee l entrenched = 0• fre uent f�oodin = max oints � 8 Presence of sdjacent wetlands Q_ 6 p_ q 0— 2 � no wetlands = 0� lar e ad'acent wetlands = max ints 9 Channel sinuasity Q_ 5 d_� a—� � extensive channelization = 0• natural meander = max ints �� Sedimentinpe�t Q_5 0-4 0-4 � extensi�e de sition= D� [ittle or no sediment = max oints � 1 Size & diyers`sty oi channel bed substrate NA* Q— 4 0— 5 � fine homo enous = U• lar e di�erse sizes = max aints Evidence of channel incisivn ar widening 12 dee 1 incised = U• sta�le bed & banks = max ints Q— 5 �—� �—� 3 ,,�',, Presenee of major ban3c failures �� a 13 se�ere erosian = 0• no erasion stablc hanks = maac oints �—� �— S �� 5 �� 4 Roat depth and density on ban[ss p_ 3 0— 4 D— 5 � N na visible roots = 0• dense roots throu out = max oin#s ' � Impaet by agriculture, livestock, or timber productian 15 substantial im act =0• no e�idence = max oints} 4— 5 4— 4 4— 5 � 6 Presence af riftle-poaVripple-paol camplexes �_� 4— 5 fJ — 6 Z H nn riftleslri les or ols = 0• well-der+elo d= max ints � Habitat camplexity � F,F� �� little or no habitat = 0• fre uent r+aried habitats = max aints a— 6 q— b 0— 5 �Canopy co�er�ge a�er streambed � �� no shadin �+e etation = 0• continuous cano = max nints 0— 5 0— 5 0— 5 +... 1� Substrate embeddedness NA* 0— 4 0— 4 Z dee I embedded = fl• loase structure = max Presence of stream ia�ertebrates {see page 4) 2b no e►+idence = 0� common numerous = max ints 4— 4 U— 5 C] — S � � Presence o#'amphibians C� 1 na e►+idence = Q� common nurneroixs es = max ints 4—�l 0— 4 p— 4 r'i '� Presence af%sb G 22 U-4 0-4 U-4 (� � nfl e►+idenee = U• comm�n, numerous s= max ints 23 �vidence nf wildlife use fl_ 6 4— 5 0— 5 +� na e�idence = 4• abundant e�idence = max aints Total Points Possible 1�00 1D0 100 1�{� T�TAL SCOR,E (also enter on first page) `�S * These characteristics are nvt assessed in coastal streams. USACE A [D# pWQ# �,l- ss 3 � 5ite # � � (indicate an attached map] ;,�,; STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT W�RK5HEET __ _ Pra�ide the fallowing informatian for the stream reach under assessment. 1. Applicant's name: NLGC)� 2. Er+aluator's name: C,l��r�n 3. I]ate of e�aluatian: 1' L"- I�'' 4. Time of evaluativn: ti 1:�x'�. 5. I*lame ofsfream: ��� 7. Appraximate drainage area; � �'- 9. Length of reach e�aluated: �� �"i- G. River basin 8. Stream order: '!�� t��. f�c'Sr 16. Counry:�4� 11. Sita coordinates (if lcnown): prefer in decimal degrees. 12. Subdi�ision name (if any): Latituda (ex, 34.872312): �� � ����� I_oagitudc (ex. -77.556611): '�U,, N +�'_� ��- Mc;thod lo¢ation detemtined (cirele)_ GP5 "fo�ao Sheet Qrtho (f+erial) Phota1G15 Qther GIS Other 13. La�atian of reach under e�aluatton {note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s} locatian): �'�u'� �S:- wf ner � fcx+rrrf C ��Cf� 14. Propased channel work (if arty}: l5. Recent weather eonditions: 4'Pf r'�� C, ti.H�► 16. Site canditions at time af �isit: (b[r�� 1 17. Ideniify any special waterwa�+ classificatians known; _5ection ]0 _Tidal Waters Essential f'rsheries Habitat _'Truut Waters ��utstanding Resnurce W�ters _Nutrient Sensitive Waters _Water 5upply Watershed {[-IV7 18. ls there a pand ur lake ln��ted upstrea�n of khe evak�ation paint? Y�S NO Ifyes, esfimate the water surface area: l9. Daes channel appear an USGS quad map? YES �i�l� 20. Daes channel appear an USDA Soil 5urvey? YE5 � 21. Es#imated watershed land usa: `G� % Residential �% Commercial ,% Indus#rial _°fo Agricultural Z� %o Forested _% Cleared 1 Lagged _% �ther 22. Banfcfull width: �- 23. Bank height [from bed to tap af han[c}: �`5 24. Channel slape down center nf stream: Flat (D tn 2�oj Gentla (Z to 4%) ✓Maderate (4 to l0°l0) _Steep (� 10%) 25. �Channel sinuosity; Siraight �Occasional b�ttds �requent meander Very sinuQus _Braided channef Instructions for cumpletion of wnrksheet (lucated an page �): Segin by determining the most appropriate ecore�ion based on locativn, terrain, �egetation, stream classification, ete. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each aharacferistic within the range shown for the ecoregian. i�age 3 pro�ides a brief descripti4n nf how to re�iaw thc eharacteristics identii[ed in the worksheet. Scores shauld reflect an o�rerall assessmenk of the sxream reach under e►+aluation. lf a characEeristic cannot he evaluated due #a site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scaring box and provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are ob�ivus chan�es in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flvws from a pasture into a farest), the stream may be di�ided intv smaller reaches that dispkay mnre continuity, and a separate form used ta e�aluate each reach_ The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and IOQ, with a scare af 1QQ representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Score (from rer+erse): `� Evaluatar's Signature �`""� •= `� DeYe � `�-�'' �'� This channel e�aluation farm is intended ta he used only as a guide ka assist landa►vners and en�ironmental professianals in gxthering the data reguired by the United States Army Carps of �n�ineers ta make a preliminary assessment of stream qua[ity. The tntal score resulting from the campletion ni this form is suhject to USACE appraval and daes not imply a particu[ar mitigation ratio ar requiremeat. Farm subject to change — version 46103. To Cotnrnent, please ca[1414-$76-8441 x 2G, C,,t - 5 S 3 6 SI� ST1���Fw'I���UALITY ASSESSMENT W�RKSHEET # CHARACTERISTICS ECOREG��N PUIl�TT RANGE �,C�RE Caastal Piedmont Mountain 1 Presence of flow 1 persistent pools ia stream �_ 5 �— 4 0— 5 3 no flow or saturatian = 0• stron �ow = max oints 2 Evidence of past human alteration Q_ 6 p_� 0— 3 � extensi�e alteration = 0• na alteration = max aints) 3 Riparian aaae p_ 6 0— 4 0— 5 f nn hufFer = a• canti uous wide buffer = max aints 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges p_ 5 0— 4 0— 4 3 extensir+e dischar es � 0• na dischar es = max aints � 5 Groundwater diseharge d— 3 �— 4 �— 4 , nv dischar e= f}� s rin s see s wetlands etc. = rnax oints � 6 Presence of ad�scent floodpiain p_ 4 0— 4 �— 2 � y no �Iood lain = D• extensi►+e flaod lain = max oints � Entrenchment 1 floodplain access �+ 7 dee I entrcnched = 0� fre uent floodin = max oints �— 5 0— 4 �—� � g Presence of adjacent wetiands q_ 6 Q— 4 0— 2 � no wetlands = 4• lar e ad'aceot wetlands = max oints g Channel sfnuosity p_ g 0— 4 0— 3 extensir+e chaanelization = Q• natural meander = max ints � 10 Sedimeni input p_� �_¢ �_& � extensi�e de vsition= U� little or no sediment = max oints 11 Size & di�ersity of channel bed substrate �A* 0— 4 4— 5 � fine homo enous = 4• lar e diverse sizes = max oints} 12 Evidence oYchannel in�cision or widening �_ 5 �� 4 �_ 5 � �+ dee 1 ittcised = 0� stable bed & banks = max ints '��" 1� Presence of major bank failures a— g p_ 5 U— 5 y F� severe erosion = 0• na erosion stable banks = max oints �14 Root depth and density an banks p_ 3 �— 4 4— 5 � F na visible roots = 0• dense roots ihrau out = max oints � 15 Impact by agriculture, li�estock, or rimber pruductiao �_ 5 0— 4 0— S � substantial im act =0• no evidence = max ints � 6 Presence af riffle-paallrigple-pool complexes a_ 3 �— 5 4— 6 � no rifflesl'ri les or ools = 0• well-de�elo ed = max oints � Habitat cumplezity �J � 1� little or no habitat = 4• fre uent r+aried habitats = max oints �— 6 0— 6 0— 6 � �Canopy cowerage over streambed � 1 g no shadin �e etation = fl- conNnuous cano = max oints a—� a— S 0— 5 l� Sahstrate embeddedness �A* 0— 4 D— 4 � dee 1 embedded = 0• l�aose stru�ture = max} ZQ Presence of stream invertebrates {see page 4) �_ 4 U— 5 {] — 5 J � no evedence = �' common numeroas s= max oints V► 21 Presence of amphihians p_� [I _ 4 0— 4 {j G na e�idence = 0• common numerous s= max ints a Presence af fish � �� no evidence = 4� cammon numerous s= max ints 0— 4 D— 4 0— 4 (�] 2� Evidence of wildlife use 4— 6 0— 5 0-- 5 Z na er+idence = 0• abundant er+idence = max oin#s Total Points Posslhle 14Q l0� l00 �� T(]TAL SC�RE (also enter �n first page) �' * These characteristics are not assessed in coastal sireams. USACE DWQ #, �•ss�� Site # �U �indi�ate on attached map) ;,�,; STREAM piJALITY ASSESSMENT WQRKSHEET Provide the following int'ormatian fvK thc stream reach under assessment: 1. ApplicanYs name: �� 2. Eval�rator's name: �" ���`f:� 3. Date af evaluation_ �'�'���" �. Time of eya[oatian: ���[� �� 5. Name of 7. Approximate drainage U l� 9. Length of reach evaluated; r7�1�" 11. Site coordinates [iiknawn]: prefer in de�imal degrees. [.aiitudeCex, 34,$72312]: 3�� ��� ��� fi. River basin: L�o.��l �+� _ S. Stream flrder: �-� l�t" l 0. County: t?����. f��, l2. Subdi�isian name [if any}; LongiLurle (ex. —77,555611): �'�S(J. �-id �t-1 Nfethnd location deterrnined {circle�: 1'5 'Topo 5heet Ortl�o (Aerialj PhotalGlS Other GI5 {7ther 13. Location af reach under eva�ustivn {note near6y raads and landmarks and attach map i�leniifying stream(sj location): �j+2{�na -�,rc 5t��i��n ?7Pcci $f�e:, tii��s �.P 14. Prnposed cf�annel work [if any�: 1S. Recent weather conditions: �et�r r�r c � p,t=w...�, 1G. Site canditions at time oFvisit: ���+�un I [7. Identify any speeial waterway classifications known: Traut Waters _Dutstanding Resoarce Waters S�ctinn 10 �'fidal Wat�rs _Essential Fisheries Ha6itat Nutrient Sensiti�e Waters _Water Supply Watershed (I-IV) 1S. Is there a pond or lake lo�ated upstream of the evaluation point? YES �NO� [fyes, estimate the wa#er surface �rea: �J 19.1]oes channel appear on U5G5 quad map? YES ji+]� 2Q, Daes channel appear on L1SDA Soil Sur►+ey7 Y�S� �1. Lstimated watershed land use: _% Residential fati % Commercial ,% Industrial % Agricultural °/a Farested _°/a G[eared f Lpgged �°fo Other { ) 22. Bankfull width: �"'� �T 23. Bank heig�t {frvm bed ta tvp af han[c): � 7��- 24. Channel slope down center ofstream: _Fiat [�J tv 2%) ✓GEntle (2 to 4%j _Moderate (4 to 14°!0} �Steep (�lb°/a} 25. Channel sinuosity: �5traight ,(]ccasiona] bends _Freyueni meander V�ry sinuous Braided channel InstruciiQps for carnpletion of worksheet (located on page Z}: Segin by determining the most apFrapriate ecoregion based on laratian, terrain, vegetatian, stream classification, ete. E�ery characteristic must he scored using the same ecuregion. Assign points ta each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 proyides a brief description af how ta reuiew the characteristics identi�ed in the warksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under e�aluation. If a cllaracterisfic cannoE be e�aluated due to site ar weathar conditions, enter U in the searing box and provide an explanation in the camment section. Where there are obvious �hanges in tha charaoter 4f a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows ftam a pasture into a farest), the stream may be di�ided into smaller reaches that display more cantinuity, and a scparate form used to e�aluate ea�h reaeh. The total s�ore assigned to a stream reach must range between � and 104, wikh a scare of 140 repres�nting a stream of the hi�hest qualiry. Totai Score (from re�erse}: �� Camments: ��aluatvr's Signalure_ ��- ��s-�—.- Date �-�-�7"�� This channel e►+aluation t'orm is intended ta he used only as a guide to assist landawners snd environmental professionals in gRthering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to re�akc � prelirninary assessrnent of stream quality. The total score resu[ting fram the completion oS this form is subject to USACE appruval and dnes not 'rmply a psrficul�r mitigs�tian ratio ar requirement. Form subject to �hange —version ObJ03. To Camment, please �all 919-87b-8441 x 26. �-Ss 3� Sv STI�EAM QUALITY AS5ESSMENT WURKSHEET # CHARACTERTSTICS ECUREGIUN PQINT RAI�TGE �CO� • CoAstal Piedmont Mouatain 1 Presenco of fluw 1 persEstent paafs in stream 4_ 5 0_ 4 a_ S � no flow or saturation = �• stran flow = max oints � E►+idence of past humsn alteration 4_ 6 0- 5 0- 5 � extensive alteration � Q• no alteration = max uints 3 Riparian xone b- 6 U- 4 0- 5 '� no buffer = D• conti unus wide buffer = max oints � Evidence of nutrient nr ctsemical dis�harges �_� d_ 4 �- 4 ��- extensi�e dischar es = 0• no dischar es = max oints a S Groundwater discharge D- 3 Q- 4 �- 4 (� �4�" no dischar e= Q• s rin s see s wetlands etc, = max oints ,..i Presence of Rdjacent flaodplain 5�,, � no fland lain = D• extensiae flood lain = max oints �- 4 0- 4 Q- 2 S`3 � � Entrenchment 1 flaadplain access �_ 5 Q_� �_� n dee I entrenohed = D• fre uent floodin = max ints 8 Presence of adjacen# wetlands 4-� p- 4 0- 2 (} no wetlands - U• !ar e ad'acent wetiands = max ints 9 Channel sinuosity 4- S 0- 4 D- 3 � extensi�e channelization = 4• r�atural meander = tnax ints �� Sedimont input a_� p_ 4 0- 4 '? extensive de osition= b• little or na sediment = max oints Size & diversity of ehannel 6ed su6strate * 11 �ne horr►o enous = 0• lar e di►+erse sizes = max oints �A 0- 4 D- S 7 12 Evidence of channe! incision or widen�ng Q_ 5 a- 4 0- 5 ' y+ dee 1 incised = 0• stable bed & banks = max ints ' ,,�'",� 1� Presence of rnajar bank fai[ures p_ 5 a- 5 0- 5 j� se�ere erosion = 0• no erosion stable banks = max oints) r ��� Root depth and density on b�nks a_� d_ 4 b- 5 - F, na yisiale roots = A• dense roots thr�u haut = maac oints} � Impact by agriculture, livestnck, or timber praduetion � 1� substantial im act =-0• nu evidence = max ints Q-$ �- 4 0- 5 - 1� Presence of rii'#lc-poollripple-paol camplexes �_ 3 b- 5 D- 6 _ H no riffleslri les or ools = 0� well-der+elo d= max oints e� 17 Habitat complexity 4- G Q- 6 Q- b ] ,�"„� little ar no habitat = 4� fre uent varied habitats = max oints �Canopy co�erage o�er streambed 3 1� uo shadin r+e etation = Q• continuous cano = max oints d-� a- 5 Q� 5 ig Substrate embeddedne�s NA* Q� 4 U- 4 � dee I embedded = 0• lanse structure = max 20 Presen¢e of stream in�ertebrates {see page 4] �_ 4 0- 5 0- 5 � � na e�idence = a• camman numerous s= max oints {� 21 Presence of amphihians �_¢ p_ 4 fl- 4 Q Q no e�idence = 0• cvmman numerous s= max oints ''� Presence of fish Q � �� no e�iden�e = U• commvn numerous s= max ints a-'� �-� U- 4 �� E�idence of wildlife use p_ g Q- 5 0- S (� no e�idence = 0- abundant er+idence = max aints Total Points Possi6le l0a IDO 1Q0 TOTAL SCQRE {also enter an first page} �Z '" These eharacteristics are not assessed in caastal streams. - �-ss 36 _ LJSACE AID# DWQ # Site #� {indicate on attached map} ;,�,; 5TREAM QUALITY ASSES5MENT WORi�5HEET _ Provide the Fallawing information for the stream reach under assessment: l. ApplicanYs narrre: /UCI�G1t Z� B�aluator's name: �• ��n 3. Date afe�va[uatian; �-Z�" �tv d. Time vfevaluatian:_ 'v�pry, 5. i�]arne of strearrt: .� Q 7. Approximnie drainage area: ID 9. Length afreach evaluated: -'li)(]f+ b. Riuer basin: �`�f r��,� S. 5tream order: t=���� lU. Caanry: r+� r �y �h ll. Site �nurdinates [if knoWn): preferin deeima] degrees. 12. 5ubdivision natne (ifany): Latitude {ex. 34.872312}: �3ta . (��ikl3 Lvngitudc (ex. -77.556b I I );. - �a. ���t 3 � Metiiod locakion determined (�ircle}: GPS Topo 5heet Orthn (Aerial} Photo1G15 Other GLS Other 13. Lo�ation of reach under eValuativn �note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map id�ntifying stream{s) lo�ationJ: �^5� 4� Rer,�i,�' 11r �i.,�h df L��i�«�4 t'a:,-f ,��' 1�3. Pro}�ased channel wark {if any): 15. Recentweathercanditions: �{�t+' pfeC����.•'^•. I fi. Site conditions at time of n,r„ � 17. [dentify any speeial waterway classifications known; lSection 1 � �Tida] Waters _Essential Fisheries Habitat ,Trout Waters Outstanding R+�sourcc Waters Nutrient Sensitive Waters _Water 5upply Watershed {[-IV) 18. �s there a pond or ]ake lacated upstream uf the e�aluatian point? YES hi0 If yes, eskimate the water surface area: 19, Daes channel appear nn USGS quad map? 1'ES �� 20. boes channel appear on USDA 5aii 5urvey? YE5 � 21. Estimated watershed fand use: ]��/a Residential �°�o Commercial _% Industrial _°fa Agricultural 30 0�o Forested _°/a Cleared / Lagged _% Other ( 22. Bankfull width: �`Z�i- 23. Bank height [from bed to tap ofbank}: 4`�F�- Z4. Ch�nnel sln�ae dawn center of stream: Flat {D ta 2°/a} v``Gcntie (2 to �t%} _Moderate (4 to 10°/0) _5tcep (? I Q%} 2S. Channe[ sinuasity: Straight �%Dccasional bends _Frequent rneander _Very sinuous _Braided channel Instructiona for campletion oF worksheet (iocated on p�ge 2}: Begin by determining #he most appropriate ecoregion hased vn ]vcatian, kerrain, �egetatian, siream �lassification, etc. Ever}+ characteristie must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range sftown for the e�oregion. Page 3 pro�ides a hrief des�ription af horv to re�iew the characteristics identified in the worksheei. Scores should refle�t an a�erall assessment of the stream reach under evaluaEion. If a characteristic cannot be e�aluated due to site ar weather conditians, enter � in the scoring box and pro�ide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are ob�ious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flaws from a pasturc into a forest}, the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separaCe farm used tu eValuate each reach, The tntal score assigned to a strcam reach must ranga between D and 1 DD, with a score of l �4 representing a stream of the hi�hest quality. Total Score (from re�erse): �� Evaluator's Signature �^^- � Date �' �-�''` ��4 This charinel evalnation farm €s intended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners and eavironment�rl prvfessionals in gathering the data required by the llnited States Army Corps of Engineers ta make a Preliminary assessment of stream qaality. The tntal score resulting from the completian af tBis form is subject to USACE appra�al and does not imply a particular mitig�tion ratiu or requirement. Parm subject t� change - versian U6103. To Comment, please call 9l 9-876-8441 x 26. u-ss�� s � STREAPVI QUALITY ASSESSMENT WQRKSHEET ECOREGIDN P�INT RANGE # � C�IARACTERISTI�CS Coastal Piedmont Mountain �'CORE 1 Presence of t�ow 1 persistent pools in strearn �_ S 0— 4 0— 5 L no flow or saturatian = 0� stron flow = max oints) E�idence of past human alteration 2 extensi�e alteration =�� no alteratian = max oints} �— 6 4— 5 0— 5 -- 3 Riparian xane �— 6 �— 4 �— 5 3 na bu1%r = D' canti uaus wide buffer = max oints � E�idence at' nu#rient or chemical discharges �_ 5 0— 4 �— 4 � extensi�e dischar es = 4• no dischar es = rnax oints � 5 Groundwster tiischarge �_ 3 �— 4 a— 4 � no dischar e= Q• s rin see s wetlands etc. = max oints w Presence of adjscent ftoodplatn � � 6 0-4 0-4 Q—Z no flood iain = D� extensi�e flaod lain = max ints � ,� Entrenchment ! floodplain access � , � Q _ 4 � _ � � dee 1 entrenched = Q• fre uent floodin = max oints $ Presence of adjacent wetlands �_ 6 �_¢ Q_ Z � no wetlands = 0• lar e ad'acent wetlands = max oints) 9 Channel sinuosity �_ 5 U— 4 0— 3 f extensi�e channelization = a• natural meander = max oints 1 a Sediment input p— S 4— 4 D— 4 Z extensive de ositivn= 4� little ar no seditttent = max ints 1� Size & diyersaty af channel bed substrate NA* U— 4 ❑— 5 Z fine harnu en�us = 4' lar e diverse sizes = max oints 12 E�idence of channel incisian or widening �_� q_ 4 a_ 5 r �+ dee l incised = 0• stable bed & banks = max aints J �"' 13 presence of major bank failures p_ S U— S �— 5 � a se�ere erosion = 0• no erosion stable banks = max oints J �14 Root depth and density an hanks �_� �_� �_ 5 -, �,, na ►+isible raats = Q� dense roots throu haut = max aints -� � Impact by agriculture, li�estock, or timber production � 1� substantial im act �• r►o e�idence = max ints} 0— 5 0— 4 4— 5 1� Presence of riti�e-paaVripple-pool complexes 0— 3 fl— S 0-- b � � no riffles/ri les or ools = 0� well-de�efo ed = max oints ,y Habitat complexity � � 17 little or no habiEaf = 0' fre uen# ^varied habitats — max oints Q—� �— 6 �—� �Canopy co�eragc over streambed � 1$ no shadin �e etation = 4• continaous cano = max oints p—$ 0— 5 0— 5 19 Substrate embeddedness NA� Q— 4 0— 4 �, dee 1 embedded = 0• loase str�tcture = max 2� Presence of stream invertebrgtes {see page �4] Q� 4 �} _$ p— 5 ' � no evidenee = 0• common numeraus es = max oints {� 2� Preseuce of amphibians p_ 4 Q— 4 0— 4 {� C no eWidence = Q• comman numerous es = max ints � Presence of fish � � 22 no e�idence = 0� �omman numerous es = max infs a� 4 �—¢ 0— 4 Z� E�fdence of wildlife use p_� p_ 5 0— S 2 no e�idence = 0• abundar�t evidence = max aints Total Painfs Passible lU0 l0U 1Qfl � Ta�`i�i.L���CURE (also enter on first page) �� * These �haracteristios are not assessed in coastal streams. USACE AlD#� DWQ# �•1-55-�� 5ite #� {indicate an attaehed map} ;,�,; STRE�M QUALITY A5SESSMENT WURKSHEET Pro►+ide the following inYormatian tar the stream reach under assessment: Z. Applicant's name: ��� C7T 2, Evaluator's name: M� 3. �ate ofevalt2ation_ � ( �� S. Na�ne of sfream: � [` 7. ApproximaEe drainage area: �-`] �4 �3. Time of evaluatian;� 6. Ri�er basin; `� �^- ����+� 8. Stream order: � Sr 4. Lenglh of reach evaluated, Z-5 �� lfl. Counry: �S•-,Tt� 11. Site covrdinates (if known}: prcfcr in decimal dcgrr.cs. l2. Subdi�isian name (i�anyJ: � Latitude{ex.34.872312): ��� , OR i � � � Longitude(ex.-77,556611): ` � � � u �1 p�� Method locatian delermined {circley: �� 'fnpo Sheet C)rtho {Aerial) PhotolGlS qther GIS Dihcr 13. Location of reach under e�aluatinn (note near6y roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) locationj: U3�'s� ��..��. �x.'�--��.� .,1.��•;�,•_ ;�_�. �- ����U�t- b�- 14. Praposed channel work {if anyJ: 15. Recent weather conditians: ��t.a^-� hvic � C� � 18. 5ite cnnditivns at time vf �isit; �a�rl r: ,vi( 17. Identify any speciai waterway classifica[ians kn�wn: _Section 10 _Tidal Waters _Essential Fisheries Habitat _Trnut Waters _Outstandin� Resource Waters _ Nutrient Sensitive Waters _Water Supply Watershed {1-lV j 1S. Is there a pond ar lake located upstream of the e�aluation point7 YES � IFyes, estimate tlia water surFace area: l9. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES � 2D. aoes chanoel appear on USDA SailSurvey? � Nd 2l. Estimated wat�rshed land use; 7� °!o Residential _°/a Commereial �/a lndustria[ °fo Agricultural �% Forested _% Cleared 1 Logged _°/a Other ( ] 22. �ankfull width: �� 5- Z' 23, Banic height (from bed to top vf bank): ��- `�i � 24. Channal slopc down center afstream: _Flat (4 to 2°�0) ✓Gentle (2 to 4�0) �Moderate (4 to 10°�a) ,_Steep [a10°/a} 25. Channet sinuosity. Straight �Occasional bcrsds �Frequent meander _____Very sinuous _Braided �hannei Tnstructions for campletion af warlcsheet {iocated nn page 2j: Begin hy determining the mc�st appropriatc ccoregion hased ❑n location, terrain, �egetation, stream classifcation, etc. E�ery characteristie must be scored using the same ecoregioo_ Assign points to each charaeteristic within the range shown far tha ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brieF deseriptipn of haw to re�ierv the characteristics �dentified in the worEcsheet. Scares should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach uncler evaluation, if a �haracteris[ic cannot be evalaated due to site or weather �onditions, enter Q in the scpring 6ox and provide an explanation in tkie comment section. Where there are ub�ious changes in the chara�#er af a stream under re�iew {e.g., the stream flows from a pasture inta a fc�rest), the stream may be di�ided into smaller re�ches that dispCay mare cvntinuity, and a separate farm used t�o e�aivate each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between Q and lU�, with a score of l0U representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Score (fram re�ersej: � Camrnents: E�aluatar's5ignature Ds►te '����nL_lti This channel evaluation for s mten to be used unly as a gui�e to assist landowners and ea� ronmental prnfessinnals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Carps of Enginecrs to make a prcliminary assessment af stream quality. '1'he total scare resulting irom the completion af this form is sub,{ect to []SACE approval $nd dves nat imPly a particular mitigatinn ratia or requirement. Form subje�t tv change—version Ob1�3_ Ta Comment, please call 919-87G-8441 x 2b. STREAM pUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET S� # CHARACTERISTIC� � ECOREGION PQINT RANGE �C�� Caasta! Piedmont Mountain � Presence af flow / persistent paals in stream 0— 5 0— 4 0— 5 no flow or saturation = 0� stron flow � m� ints � E�idence uf past human alteration I 2 extensir+e aiteration = 0• no alteration = max oints Q—� �— 5 0— 5 �r 3 Riparian xnne 0—�, p— q. p— 5 no buf%r = 0• conti uous wide buffer = max oints -3 4 E►+idence of nutrient or ¢hemical discharges q_ 5 0— 4 Q— 4 extenseve dischar es = Q• nv dischar es = max oints � �5 Groundwater discharge 0— 3 Q— 4 0— 4 z, U no dischar e= 0• s rin s see s wetlands etc. = max oints � 6 Presence of adjaceot iloudplain �_ 4 p_ q. 0— 2 � �no fload lain = 0� extensrve floud lain = max oints � Entrenchment I tioodplain aecess p_ 5 0— 4 0— 2 � dee l entrenched = 0� fre uent flaodin = max oints 3 S Presence of adjacent wetEands p_ b 0— 4 U— 2 na wetlands = 0� lar e ad'acent wetlands = max oinis � 4 Channel sinuos€ty 0— 5 U— 4 D— 3 extensi�e channelization = 0• natural meander = max oints � t� Sediment input p_� p— 4 0— 4 '� extensir+c de osition= 0• little or no sediment = max ints 1� Size & di�ersity of channel bed substrste NA* 0-- 4 U— 5 � fine homa enous = 0� laz e di�erse sizes = max oints � Evidence of channel incision nr widening � y� l�` dee I incised = 0• stable bed & banks = in�r oints �— 5 U— 4 0— 5 "" 13 Presencc of major bank iAilures p_ S p— 5 Q— 5 7,, a severe erasion = U• no erosion, stahle banks = max oints � 14 Root depth and density on banks 0— 3 U— 4 Q— 5 � H no �isible roots = a• dense roots throu hout = max oi�ts � Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber pruduction 15 U-5 Q-4 0-5 suhstantia] im act =0• no e�idence = max oints 0 I6 Presence af riffle-poaUripple-paol camplexes p_ 3 D— 5 �— 6 � no riffl+eslri les or ools = 0� well-de�elo ed = max int� Z � I � Habitat complexity p_ 6 Q— 6 0— 6 �,F� little ar na habitat = fl� fre uent �aried habitats = max oints 2— �Canapy coverage o�er sireambed S �$ no shadin �e etatian = 4• cvntinuous cano = max oints a— S Q— S 0— 5 lg Substrate embeddedness NA'" I}-4 Q-4 3 dce I ernbedded = 0• iaose structure = max Presence of stream in�ertehrates (see page 4) 2U U-4 0-5 0-5 � no e�idence = 0• common nurnerous = max ints C� � 2l Presence af amphibians p_ 4 0— 4 U-4 G no evidence = 0• common numerous = max ints � �'"� Presence of %sh 22 no e►+idence = 0• commvn numerous = max ints Q— 4 0— 4 U— 4 p 23 Evidence af wildEife use Q�� fl— g 0— 5 a no e�iden�e = 0• abundant evidence = max aints Total Points Possible If]0 1{10 1{10 TUT.AL SCORE (alsv enter on first page} �7 � 1 nese cnaracterisucs are not assessed in coastal streams. USACE AI�#, DWQ# �,-ss3�, Site # �5 (indicate on attached map) ;,+„ STREAM QUALITY A5SESSMENT WURKSH�ET _ Pro�ide the Following information far the stream reacts under assessment: 1. Applicant's name: NG � 2. E�+aluator's name: �� f lo�r1 3. [late of e�aluation: �—�—� �' 4. Time c�f e��luation: 3'on P.+� S.1Vame af strearn; 7. Approximate drainage S5 �1� [. 9. Length of reach evaluated: ��� 1 l. Site coardinates (if knawn): preFer in decirn�il degrezs. G. River basin: �Gd }�.,� S. Stream order: �rSfi lU. County:�� 12. Suhdi�ision name (ifany): Latitude (cY. 34.872312J: �i(n. U��fPI l I.ongitude [ex. —77_555fiI l): —' iS�.L�30 �1� Method iocation determined (circic): (,P Tvpo She�t {Drtha [Aerial} PhotvlGlS Other GIS f3ther l3. Lvcation of reach under er+aluatian (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) lacation}: �t'i,'+(i �'�fic.,� nPt,+f' ���Llf=��•{'r�� [Xh�..��.. � �� c.... 1�3. Proposed channel work {if any 15. Reaer►t weathercondi[ions: �ten-� �I'{t;D��.r�� l6. SiCe �onditions at time ofvisit: i�r�n�.,�, f 17. ldentify any special wakerway classifications known: _5ection l0 Tidal Waters ,Essential Fist�eries Habikat Trout Waters _(]utstancfir�g Resource Waters ___, Nutrient Sensiti�e Waters _Water Supply Watershed {i-1VJ 28. !s there a pond ar lake located upsEream of the evaluatinn goint? YES N�IFyes, estimate the water surface area: 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES '� 2U. �oes channel appear an USDA Sai[ Survey? YES � 2f. Est'tmated watershed land use: ,°/n Residential �a0%Commcrcial _% industrial _% Agricultura! K�7 % Forested _% Cleared 1 Logged % Uther ( ' 22. Bankfu]! rvidth: �"�' � t 23. Bank hcight (from bed to top of h�nk}_ �5'— Z-�'� 24. Channel slope down center of stream: _Flat (D to 2%) +�Crentle (2 to 4%) _Moder,ate {4 to [0°fo} Steep (?10%) 25. Channel sinuosity: Straight �Clccasional bends _F`requent meander _Very sinuous =Sraided channel lnstructians For completiQn uf warksheet (Iocated an page 2): Begin by determining the rnost appropriate ecnregion 6ased on lacation, terrain, vegetatian, stream classification, etc. E�ery characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregivn. Assign paints ta each characteristic within the range shown far the ecoregion, Aage 3 pro�ides a hrief description of haw ta review the �haracteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an o�erall assessment of tha stream reach under evalaativn. Tf a ch�racteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scnring box and provide an explanation in the camment sectipn. Where there are ohvious changes in khe character of a stream under re�iew (e.g., the stream flaws from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be di�ided into smalIer reaches that display more cvntinuity, and a separate fortn usecf ta e�aluate each reach. The total score assigned tv a stream reach must range between Q and 1U4, with a scare af lQ0 representing a stream of the highest qaality. Total Seore (frvm reverse]: �� Camments: I�GI/FS r� Ccri„�, t�r f, t`1 �o �tt.r�� °ti- ��� Evaluatnr's Signature ���_ Date �-� ` f�' This channe! evaluation form is intended to he used only as a g�ide to assist landawners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required h� the United States Arm�+ Corps af Engineers to make a preliminary assessment ef stream quality. The total seore resalting from the completion of this farm is subject to USACE apprvval and dnes not imply a partieular mitigation ratio or requirement. Form subject t� change — version DbIQ3. To Camment, piease �all 9[ 9-876-8441 x 2G. u--S��� �5 STREAM QUALITY AS5ES5MENT V6��RI�SHEET # CHARACTERISTICS EC�REGI�N P�INT ItANGE SC�RE Coastal Piedmont Mnuntain � Presence af tiow / persisfent pools in stream a— 5 0—� 0— 5 Z, no flow or saturation = d� stron f�ow = max oints Z E�idence of gast human alteration Q_ 6 q_� �_ S z extensir+e alteration = U• no alteration = max oints 3 Riparian zone p— 6 0— 4 0-- 5 � no buffer = 0� conti uous wide buffer = max oints 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical discharges 0— 5 0— 4 0— 4 ' extensi�e dischar es = Q• no dischar es = max oints �5 Groundwater diseharge � _ � Q _ 4 � _ � � � na dischar e= 0• s rin s see s wetlands etc. = max oints) � Presence of adjacent f]oodpEain �6 no flood lain = 0• extensi�e flood lain = max ints 0— 4 fl— 4 0— 2 `� ,� Entrenchment 1 flaodplain access � _ � � _ � � ! � � �`'� dee { entrenched = 0• fre uent floodin = max aints $ Presence of adjacent weflands �_� p T� p_ 2 no wetlands = 0• lar ad'acent wetlands = max oints � 9 Channel sinuaslty 0_ 5 0— 4 Q— 3 2 extensi�e channelixation = 0� natural meander = ma� oints 10 Sediment input fl_ 5 {1— 4 [1— 4 � extensi�e c!e osition= 0• little or no sediment = maac inEs 11 Sixe & di�ersity of channel bed substrate �A* {� — 4 0— 5 i fine homo enaus = 0• 1ar e di�erse sixes = max vints 12 E�idence of chaonel incision or widening fl_ 5 U— 4 Q— 5 . }i dee I incised = 4• stahle bed & hanks = max oints "�,'� � 3 Preseuee of major hank failures �_$ U_ 5 0— 5 a se�ere erosion = Q� no erosion stable banks = max oints �� � 14 Root depth and density on banks q_ 3 0— 4 0— 5 . �, no �isibie roots = 4• dense roats throu aut = max oints � Impact by agricultnre, livestocEc, or timher praductinn � i 5 substantial im ack =0• no evidence = max ints �— 5 0— 4 0— 5 1� Presence oi riITle-paoUripp[e-pool camplexes {� _ 3 0— 5 U— 6 "L � nn rtffleslri les or oots = 0• well-�de�elo ed = max oints d,+ Aabitat camplexity � 1� little or nv habitat = 0• fre uent r+aried habitats = max oints �^� �— 6 0— fi 2- �Canopy caverage o�er streambed 1 g no shsdin �e etation = 0� continuous cano = rn�x oints �—� �—� 0— S � 19 5ubstrate embeddedness NA* 0— 4 D— 4 � dee t embedded = 0• Ioase structure � max �p PreseQce af stream in�ertebrates {see page 4) � _ ¢ � _ � Q _ 5 , �„� no er+iclence = U• cammon nurnerous es = max ints � 21 Presence of amphibians 4 — � � — ¢ Q — � �.', O no er+idence = fl• comrnon numernus es = max ints '"� Presence of fesh � 22 no er+idence = 4• cummon numerous es = max ints �— 4 d— 4 4— 4 i_' �3 ��idence of wildlife use 0— d 0— 5 U— 5 C� no e�+idence = 0• abundant er+idence = max aints Total Points Passible 100 104 14D TDTAL SCORE {also enter on first page} �� �'l'hese chara�teristics are not assessed in coastal streams. L15ACE AID# Vl,-553� DWQ # Site # �L� (indicate on attached mapj ;,�,; STREAIVI QUALITY ASSESSME�TT W�RKSHEET Pra�ide the fol[owing infurmation for the strcam reach under assessment; 1. ApplicanYs name: ���.� �. E�aluator's narne: �� 3. Date af evaluation: �� Z�` !� 4. Time vf e�aluation: �. �7' P� 5. Name af stream: ��1. 7. Appraximate drainage area: �� �� 9. Length of reaeh evaluated: I 1. 5itc coordinate5 {iFknown): prafer in d�eimal dcgrees. Lutittlde i�x. 34,872312}: ��r� ����" �`'� b. River basin: Ga�� S. Stream order: �'�� 1fl. County: a�`n,"� 12. Suhdivision name [if any): . 1.ongitudc{ex.-77.556611}: `� ����$��� ��. :. � ,� r -�` Method lacativn determined (circle); GPS Tapa Shect Ortho (Aerial) PhoLo1G[S [}ther GI5 Q�hcr 13. Location of reach under e�aivation (note nearby rnads and landmarlcs and attach map icfenti£ying stream{s} lacationj; af� � F !-e l„ ! i'� L� un f+dn5 j�nru� k Pf .�.1e� �^r�n �� e<<tr�d NG Hz � I4. Progosed channel work (if any): ! S. E�ecent weather ennditions: �'�Cei1-L' �fe<<F;f,;4,r,�, I6. Site conditions at time of �isit: l7. Identify any special waterway classifications knawn: _Section l(] Tidal Waters _Essential Fisheries Habitat �Traut Waters �Outstanding Resaurce Waters _Nutrient Sensitive Waters _Water Supp{y Watershed �I-IV} I$. [s there a ps�nd vr lake lacated apstream of the evaluation point? YES NO If yes, esi�mate the water surface �rea: �'1�4aa Sr i9. Daes Ghannel appear on USGS yuad map? YES NO 20. Daes channel aQpear an USDA Sael 5urvey? YES � 21. Estimated watershed land use: _°/a Resider�tial �b % Commercial _% Industria! `% Agrieuitural � °!o Forested ,% Cleared ! Logged _°/o �ther ( ) 2Z. Bankfull width= �- �+-' 23. Bank height {from bed ta top of hank}; �- �ff 24. Channel slnpe clawn center of stream: _Flat (Q to 2%) �Gentle (2 ta 4%j _Moderate (�l ta l0°!0) ,Sfeep ��10°/a} 25. Cliannel sinuosity: Straight �Occasional beads �Frequent meander _Very sinuous �Braided channe! instructians for completian of worksheet [located an page 2): Begin hy determining the most apprupriate ecoregion based on lacatian, te�rain, �egetatian, strcam classification, etc. EVery characteristic must be scored using the same ecaregian. Assign pflints to each eharacteristi� within the range shown for the ecaregion. Page 3 proyides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identi�ed in the worksheet. Scares shnuid refiect an o�erall assessment of the stream reac� under e��luation. lf a eharacteristic cannat be e�aluated due ta site or weather canditions, enter U in khe scoring box and provide an exFlanation in the eommen# section. Where there are ab�eaus changes in the character af a stream ander re�iew (e.g., the stream �lows from a pasture into a farest), the stream may be di�ided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evalua#e each reach_ The total score assigned ta a stream reach mus# range hetween 4 and 1�D, with a scvre of 104 representing a stream af the highest qua[ity, Tntal Score (fram re�ersej: `4� Cornments: ��� ��%�-%- �u��� ��•r� ��.���f-� Evaluator's Signature �1L--4� �dr)---�-. _ _ Date �'��`j� This chRnnel e�aluation form is infended to be use�i anly as a guide to assist landawners gnd en�irnnmental professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment oi sfream qual�ty. The total seore resulting fram thc campfetioa nf this Pnrm is subject to U5ACE approval and �iaes not imply a �articular mitig�ttion r�tio ar requirement. Farm subje�t ta change —versian 0&103. To Comment, please aatl 914-876-844I x 2G. �,( - 5 S3 � SU STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMEI'�T W�7RKFSHEET # CHA��TEF,�ISTICS ECOREGION POIlVT RANGE 5��� Caastal Piedmant Mountain 1 Presence af flow 1 persistent paols in sEream p— S 0— 4 �— 5 � na f�ow or saturation � 0� stron flnw = max oints 2 E�idence of past humAn atteration a_� p— 5 �—� � extensive alteratian = 0• no alteration = max aints � Riporian xone p_� 0— 4 0-- 5 Z no buffer =�• canti uaus wide buffer = max oints ¢ E�idence of nutrieut or chemical discharges �_ S U— 4 0— 4 extensive dischar es = U• no dischar es = max flints L � � Groundwater ciischarge a— 3 p— 4 0— 4 � no dischar e= Q� s rin s see s wetlands etc. = max oints � Presence of adjacent f]oodplain � � 6 0-4 0-4 0-2 no flqod lain = 0• extensive flaod lain = max pints � � Entrenchment 1 flvottplain access p— 5 0— 4 0— 2 I dee I entrenched = 0� fre uent floadin = rnax oints g Presence of adjacent wetlands p_ 6 0— 4 D— 2 no wetlands = 4� lar e ad'acent watlands = max aints �7 g Chgnnel sinuosity 0— 5 0— 4 Q— 3 .� extensir+e channelization = 0• natural meander = max ints 1� Sedimeat inpat p— S fl— 4 0— 4 � extensiWe de osition= 0• little or no sediment = max oints 1� Size & di�ersity o� channel bed substrate NA* 0— 4 4— 5 � fine, homo envus = 0• lar e diaerse sizes = max oints � 2 E�idence of channel incisio� or widening a_ 5 �_� (� _ S � �dee I incised = D• stable bed & bar�ks = max ints � � 3 Presence of major hank failures 0— 5 0— 5 0— 5 � severe erosior► = Q• no erosion stahle hanks = max ❑ints} '— � t� Root depth and density on hanks p_ 3 0—� Q— S -- H no �isible roats = fl• dense raQts thrnu out = max oints � lt�pact by agriculture, li�estock, nr timber productinn 1� substantial im act =D� no evidence = max ints 0— 3 0— 4 4— 5 � lb Presence of reffle-poollripple-poo! complexes 0— 3 U— 5 U— 6 � F na riffleslri les or ools = 0� weIl-de�elo d= max oints d,+ 1� Habitat complexity 0— b 0— G U— G � '�'+ littte or no hahitat = 0• fre uent ►+aried habitats = malc oiots �Canepy coverag� over streambed I� 1� no shadin r+e etation = U� continuous cano = max oints 0— 5 �— 5 4— 5 —� 19 Sabstrate embeddedness NA* �— 4 Q— 4 3 dee I embedded = 0- loase stnucture = max Zp Presence af stream in�ertebrates (see page 4) �_� 0— 5 0— 5 Z � na e�idence = 0• common numerous es = max ints � Z1 Presence of arnphibians p_� Q-- 4 0— 4 � O na e►+idence = Q• common numerous es = max oints a Presence n! �sh � �� no ea9dence = 0- cumman numerous s= max oints �— 4 0— 4 0— 4 C� 23 Evidemce oT wi[dlife use 0—�i 0— 5 �— S � no e�idence = p• abundant e�idence = max oints Total Points Possibie 100 100 lOD TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) ��� * These characteristics are not assessed in caasta] streams. WET[r4ND C]ETERMINATI�N DATA F�RM — Ea�tern Mountains and Piedmant Regian ProjectlSite: C��� WG:-,�,�+„ Y�( �,l' S53�v _ c��y�ea�,ty: ��`�`i`�- 5amplingQate:��lS AppliaantlUwner. "` 5tate: �1I�- Sarrlpf+hg Point;, �.+,1 A` y'-��'-� InvestEgator{s); /�, rf�ti2�r �� lv�'a�n 5ection, Towrrship, Range. Landfarm (hillslape, terrace, etc,J: "�'^N't�AP_ f�i�^ Local relief { ncave convex, noneJ: Sfope (°l): � 5ubregion [LRR ar NiLRA}; t-42A �3� Lat: '3�� ��� Z- Lang: -�d �� �n So% datum ^1U.aff i S Sail Map Unit Rlame: �wC1 '�u.rU<<.,, �,nt.. 1vr�� IC� +�,��i` �•�I��r� _ NWl �lassification: j� r� 1 Are climatic/ hydrologic canditfons an the site typic.al for ti�is time af yea�'? Yes f Na {If na, explain in Remarks.} Are Vegetatiors �A , 5oil �0 , or Hydrolagy � significantly dist�rtred? Are "Normal Circumstances" presenk? Yes � No Are Vegetativn n �� , 3oil 1�0 , or Hydrolagy t�0 nat�rally prah�ematic? (If needed, exp�ain any answers in Remarks.j SUMMARY DF FINDINGS — Attaeh site map showing sampling pvint locations, transects, important features, etG. Hydraghytic Vegetation Preseni? Hydric Soil Present? Wetland Hydraiogy Pr�sent? HY�ROLOGY �� � �� Is the Sampled Area Yes � No wlthln a Wetfand? Yas � No Yes ?C No Wetland Hydralagy Ind�eators. 5econdarv Indicatars tminimum oitwQ reauiredi Primarv Indicators fminimum of ane is reauired: checic a11 thai aonlvl _ Surtace Svil Cracks (B8� � Surface Water [A�J _ True Aquatic Plants �814} _ Sparse3y VegetBted !Cancave Surface {88} Y�High Water Table {A2) _ Hydragen Sulfide Odor (C1) _ Drainage Pattems (B1p) '� Saturatian (A3J _ dxidixed Rhizospheres on Living F2aots {C3J _ Mo�s Trim Lines �B16J Water Marks (B1) _ Presence af Reduced Iron (Cdj _ Ory-Season Water 7ahls (G2J i Sediment �eposiis {B2j _ Reaent Iron Reductifln in Tilled Soils {C6j _ Crayfish Surrows (C8) � �riR Liepasiis {B3J _ 7t�in Muck SurFace [C7j , 5aturation �si61a on Aerial Imagery (C9} Atgal Mat ar Crust (B4) _ Other [E�tplain in Remar#cs} , 5tunted ar 5tressed Plants {p1) ~ Iron Qeposits (B5] , Geamorphic Positis�n (D2} � Inundatian Visihle on Aerial Imagery {B7y _ Shallow Aq�itard (Q3j Water-Stained Leaues (B9} �, Micrqtapographic Relief (04) _ Aquatic Fauna [813j _ FAC-Neutral Test (�5a F[e!d Observativns: 5urface Water Present7 Yes � Na []�pRh (inches}: .S Water Table Present? Yes �' _ No C?epth (inchesj: — 5aturation Present? Yes 6'L No Qepth {inches): i Wetfand Hyd►olagy Present? Yes � Na nc{udes ca illa fin e descri6e Recorded �ata (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, pretiaus insAectlons), if available: Rema�ics: US Army �arps of Engineers Eastem Mountains and Piedmont-Versivn 2,0 VEGETATION �Four Strata) — Use sefentific names of plants. L ,�,�.,,,�„« �..,.������a��� ,��.,G,.a��� Tree Siratum [Piet size: �^► � % CdVer Soecies? 5tatus � . �<. t � . �,, . , -. � D �_ fA3 t z. 4. 6. 7. 50°% of tofal cpuer: 30 Saolin4lShrub 5tratum {P1at size: 5��` 1 1: � � V, .�.5�;�.�`?J„� �,��.,,.t"�'I�,.___ 2. 7 �f? = Tatal Caver 2I}°,� oftatal cover: f�' s � � � = Tata! Cover 50°!0 of total cover: 2•S 2{�% of tohal caver: ��� Herb Stratum {Plat sixe: �Sr+�" j 1. s��14LN\4V6s a�4��,�,Au-�.w. �n � 03L 2. {�'1,. � v., � �, ; , �r.. . �.,,w .,� e � o- I c� � ��-L �. % � - � ��Y' � ��,� � t i n7,� t F ____� � �� �,, J 6. 7, 10 11 6��6 af total co�er: t��4 Woodv Vine Stratum {Plot siae: 5mz ) 1. ^� V � -F;.s sn. 5�°ti of total cover; � rs here vr on a separate Sampling Point: ' �l � � � Test woricsheet: Numbar of [3ominant Species 7hat Are pSL, FACW, or FAC: �(A} 7otal Number af bominar�t Species Across All Strata: [8} Percerst of Qominant 5pecies That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: �_ (AIBj 7otal °� Gaver of; Multiolv bv: OBL specles x 1 = FACW spedes x 2 = FAC species x 3 = �ACU speci�s x 4 = UPL species x 5 = Column 7otals: (A} {B} Prevalerice tndsx = 61A = 1- Rapid Test for Hydrophy#ia Vegetation 2 - l?ominance Test is >5�°/0 3- Prevalenoe Index is s3.il� 4 - Morphalagical Adaptations' (Prouide suppflrting data in Remarks or on a separate shaet} Pra6lematic Hydrophytic Vegeta#ion' (Explain} 'Indicators af hydric sail and wetland hydralogy must be present, unless disiur6ed ar prpblemati�. Qefinitians of Faur Ve�etatian Strata: Tres — Wa[�dy plants, excluding vines, 3 in. (7.6 cm} or more in diameter at breast height (g6H). regardless of height. 5aplinglShrub — Waady plants, excluding vines, less than 3 in. D6H and greater than ar equai LQ 3.28 ft{1 m} tall. H�rh—All her6aceous [non-woody] plants, regardless �5 = Tpial Cover af size, and woady planis less than 3.28 ft talL 20°Ia af tatal caver: I l � Woady vine -- All waody vines greater ihan 3.28 ft in Fiydraphytic Vegetatinn �u = Total Cover Present7 20°� of total caver: Z Yes � Nv US Arrny Carps of Engineers Eastem Mountains and Fiedmont—Version 2.fl SDIL Sampling Point � �' � ��._-�" Proflls �escrfptfon: {aeserEhe to the depth needed ta doeumenk tha indicator or cnnflrm the absence of ind[eato►s.j Depih Matrix Redox Features [inehssl Calor (moist) __°� Colnr Imoistl °/o �roe Lo Texture Remarks � - � -�i � j '�� � � � �� ` � � -'� �o �tc� �lJL_ � �o�'� �!� `�� C �� ��� - � Z � � `� � =1� '2��'c� � o � � �: J � ? J � � � : c_ 'T : C=CQncentration, D=l7e �e#ion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Maske�tl Sand Grains. =LocaRion: PL=Pore Linin , M=Matrix. Hydri� 5afi Indfcatvrs: Indiaators for Pro6lematic tiydric 5ails': HisiosQi {Ai) _ Dark Su�Face �57) _ 2 cm MucEt (A10} [MLRA 147� Hisiic Epipedan (A2) _ Polyvalue Belaw Surface (�8J (MLRA 147, 1�48j _ Cuast Pralrie Redox 4A16) Blactt Hisiic (A3} _ Thin Dark Surtace (S9) �MLRA 147,148} (MLRI1147, id8] J Hydragen Sulfide {A4j � Loamy Gleyed Matrix {F2} _ Piedmant Flotsdplair� Sails (F19j Stratified Layers {A5� t Depleted Matrix (F3} {MLRA 73fi, 147) � 2 em MuCk {A1 Gy (LRR Nj � Red4x Dark SurFace {FBj _ Uery Shallow Dark Surtace �fF12) aepleted Below Dark Surface (A11) _ Depleted Dark Surta� (F7j � Otrier (Explain in Remarks} � Thick []ark SurFace [Al2J ^ Reciox oepressions (F8] Sandy Mucky Mlneral {Si) [LRR N, _ Iron-Manganese Masses [F12) (LRR N, AI�LRA 147, 148j MI.RA 93fi� Sandy Gleyed AAatriac (S4) _ Umbric 5urface (F13) (MLRA 13&, 122} 'indfcators of hydrophytic �egetaiivn and Sandy Redax (S5) _ Piedmant Floodpfain Solls (F19} RMLRA 148j wetlar�d hydralogy must be present, 5tripped h+lalrix �SBj Red Parent Material {F21} �MLRA 921, '�41j unless disturbed or problematic. E��rstr3ct[ve Layer{if obsarved}; Type: �epth (inches}: Hydric 5oil Present? Yes � No Remarks: U5 Army Carps of Engineers �astem Mtruntains and Pfedmont — Versiun 2.0 WE7LAND DETERMIHATIO�[ DATA F�RM — Eastern Mounta�ns and Piedmont Regic�n ��1 ���,�f Projeetl5ite: �9"+�'-�� "'�°'�p.� � t�-�5 �� _ City�County: �=� i'1 T lr., Samplfng Date: 1 L�, �j � "� Applir,anVC?wner: � r(iC State: \1 L 5ampling Paint: �+.J �-�- Ir��esligator(s�; , F�"z�t �.. 1'ti .� Sectian, Township, Range: Lan[ifarm (hillslope, terraee. eta): �il�S�aJ� Lacal relief [canaave, convex, nanej: (bn� 51ape [°lej:. l� Subregian [LRR orMLRAj: !"}U 1 la Lat �'•n. i��f�Et�l Long: ru�. WiG��Z-�' [�atum: NRD�3 Soii NEap Unit Name: FwD, �z.�Pv�ew f: n� x,n���1 io�+r� fa r, �5 r�, SioprS MYV! dassificaUon: _ Nf H Are cl(maiic 1 hydralogic conditfans on the sfte typEcal for ihis time of yeac'? Yes ✓ IVa {IFno, explain in Remarks.j Are Vegetation no , Soi151��, or Fiydrnlogy ThJ— &ignificantly disturtied? Are "Normal �ircumstanoes" present? Yes � No Are Vegetation _/1�, Soil re0 , or F{ydrvlogy �_ naturally prohfemat�c? {If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.} SUMMARY QF F�MDINGS —Attach site map shawing sampling point �dcatians, transects, impartant features, etc. Hydrophytie Vegetation Present7 Yes Hydric Stii[ Present? Yes Wetland Hydrolagy Present? Yes HYDROL�GY �a� Is the Sampled Arsa � No�t wlthln a Wetland7 Yes Na Nr�� Wettand Hydrolagy Indicators: 5eonndarv Indicatars {minimum aftwo reouiredl Primarv Indicators iminimum af qna is reouired: check all that aooiv] _ Surtace 5ail Craaks (B6) Surtaoe Water (A1} _ TCue Aquakic Plants [B14j _ 5parsely Vegetated Concave SurFaoe (B8} _ High Water Ta61e {A2} , Hydrogen Sulfide t7dor (C1) _ Drainage Pattems {B90j Saturation {A3} , Oxidized Rhizospheres on Livirtg F2aots (C3) _ Moss Trim Lines (816] i Water Marks �81) , Presence of Reduced Iran (C4} _ Dry-9eason WaterTable (C2) 5edirnent Deposits tB2] _ Recenk Iron Reduclian in Tilled 5oils {C8j � Crayf+sh Bu�rows �CS} J Drift �epnsits {B3J _ Thin Muck Surface {C7) _ S�turadon Visi6le on Aerial Imagery (C9} Algal Mat or Crusk (8d) _ Clther (Explain in RemarEcs} �, S4unted nr Stressed Planfs {Qi] ~ Iron �eposits (B5� , �eomarphic Pasitian (D2} Inund�tion Vf&it�le onAerial lmagery 4B7) � ShallowAquftard (03j ! Water-Stained Leaves [B9� _ Microtapographie Relief (04} _ Aquatic Fauna (B13) _ FAGNeutrai Test [D5) Field �bservatians: 5urta�e Water Present? Yes No �C Dep4h (inchesj: Water Table Present7 Yes No � deplh �inches]: 1' 5aturation Pressnt? Yes No �t Depih �inches}� Wetland Hydralogy Present7 Yss No ''C includes ca illa frin e l7eserihe Recarded Data {siream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photas, pre�iaus Inspections), if ayailahle: Remarks: Lf8 Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mtsunt��ns and pisdmvnt - Version 2.0 VEGETATI�N {Four 5trata} — Use scientific names af planfis. A6solute Dominant Indicator Tree 5tratum �Ploi size: �' �� ) r I °!a Cover 5oer�es? Status 1. 4��Lt _�`+M!•`—��'-` '� .."1 -5 T tl. f,�}•Il. t` IU \J i � �. �.� . ,3 '� ' I � -1 �� � :;� " , r�, 2 0 F�llt +J 3. �R l �' ti w���� � O rDt3r, u 7. QU = iatal Caver 509b af tofal caver: �� 2U°/� of total oover:� 5apling!$hrub tratum (Piot size: `�+°�t 1. ' r�,_ �.J_• �i�st/ S`�I�YG.{i �UCL � � � �/�t 2. 'I 3. 5. 7 9. �d =7atal Gaver 50°�, of total cover: � 2D°Ia of total cpver: �- Hert� Stratum (Plot size: rM� ��Zk s�l� �� r.�c �s-I,� �,.o� ��Cc9 �= y �� J 2. ,'t f-� r fl(�o CG� S ��I�LV 3. !'�l`i h� W CUSOi c�a.� d'-. ' b ��'P+C1,! U 7. 9. � a. 11. 2° = Total Cpuer 5D°% of tofal cover: � � 24°� of total eover: N Waod Vine tratum �PIOiSIYE: �i`nL } 1. g.1'eL �• c+ ( r,( 'r _ �•j F PC.tiJ 2._�JerAr, � MDv��M�0._. S �- 541-`- 3. 4. 5. �� = Totaf Ca�er 5a% of total cover: � 2�°!a of tatal caVer: Z rs here or an a seqarate sheet.} Sampling Point: U!+� ` �'� p �aminanca Test warksheet: Number of Dominant Species That Ara OBL, FACW, ar FAC: � (A� 7vt�l Numher of Dominant Species Across All 5trata: (6) Percenk of Qominant S ecies That Are C}BL. FACW, ar FAG: Z S�% (!VB) Pne�alenee Index warksheet: Total °k Cover of: i�+Eultlulv bv: OBL species x 1 = FACW species x 2 = FAC species x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL species x 5 = Calumn Totals: (A) [B} Pre�alenoe Index = BIA = Hydrophytic Vegetatlon Indl�atars: _ 1- Rapid 7est for Hydrophytic Vegetation 2- dominance Test is a50% 3- Pre�alence Index is s3.p' _ 4-MarphologicalAdaptations'{Providesupporking data in Remarks or an a separate sheety _ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 'Indicatars af hydncsoll and wetlarnd hydrolagy must 6e present, ur�less disturbed or prahlematic. Tree - Woody plants, exeluding vines, 3 in. �7.6 cmJ or mqr� in di�meter at breask heigh# (oBH], regardless af height. SaplfnglShrub- Won�y plants, exc3uding vines, less thsn 3 in. C3BH and greater than ar equal to 3.28 ft{i mj tall. Herb-A�I hertTBc�ous [non-waqdy) plants, tegardless of size, and waody plants less than 3.28 R tall. Waody Wne-All woody vines greater than 3.28 ft in Hydrophytic Vegetation � Present7 Yes _ _ _ _ Np _ _ _ USArmy Cdrps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmonl-Versian 2.� S[?(L 5ampling Pafn� �� � Profite Qescrlption: (Descri6e to #he depth needed ta document the indfcatar or canfirtn the absence oi Indfeators.j �epth AA�trix Redax Faaiures_ finches] Colarfm4ist2 96 Colorlmaistl °k TyGe� Loc� Te�cture Re arks C� ` J 1�� �{K ��te � V4�} �_ �°� � � I2 S�k, � � 5 '4 t�'•"�c Z � � J'� �— � - I � � � `� �' � / h �I'� �! A �'' �=� O ti�'`'� { � �� 'T e: C=Conoentraiion, C]=De letian, RM=Reduced A+latrix, MS=M1haSked Sand Grains. �Lac�tion; PL=Pore Linin .�+Ii=i+/latrix. Hydric 5ail Inslieatarsr: fndicators fnr Prablematic Hydrie Seils': Histoso! (A7J _ Dark Surtaee (S7J � 2 cm Muck (A10j (MLRA 147} Histio Epipedon �A2] _ Patyvalue Below Surfact: (S8} {MLRA 147, 1A8j �, Caast Prairie Redax (A16] 81ack Hislic {A3] _ Thin DarEc Suriaee �59} �MLRA 147,1d8j (MLftAI 147, 148} _ Hydragen Sulfide (A�) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2j _ Piedmant FlQadplain Soils (F19) Slratified Layers [A5j ��7epieted Mairi�c (F3J (INI.RA 13f�, 1d7j 2 cm Muck {A10� �LRR N} � Redax aark SurFace (F&} _ Very 5hallow aark Surfaoe [7F12j i3e�leted Below DarEc SurFace (A'�1) ,^ Depleted l3ark Surface (F7} _ Other (�xplain'tn Remarks} Thick C3ark Surfa�e (Al2J _ Redox Qepressions (F8} Sandy MuGlcy Mineral {Si a(LRR N, _ Iran-M�nganese Masses �F12j (LRR M, MLRA 147, �id$J MLRA'[S6j 5andy Gleyed Matrix (S4) _ Um6ric &urtace (F13j iMLRA 136, 92�� 'lndicators qf hydrophytic Vegetation and Sandy Redax (S5) _ Piedmant Floodplain Sails (F19} �MLRA iRBj wetland hydroCogy must 6e present, 5ttipped Makrix (SfiJ Red Parent Mat2rial [F21) {MLRA 1?7, 147y unless distur6ed ar pro6lematic. Restrict�Ve Layer (if ot3served}: Type: �epth {inchesj: Hydric 5oif Present7 Yes Nfl � F2emarks: lJl �VJY'7.�._� �f}�,�1 US Army Cvrps vf Engineers �asiem Mauntains and Piedmont — Version 2.4 WETLAI�TD 1�ATIPdG W�RKSHEET F�urth Yersion Project I'riame 1.�: 5��'�a f.�'�r�r 111��'ro,, fi�� cl 1�Jearest Road County �o r�,� Wetland area ��o? � acres Wetland wid#h �S(7 feet Name of evaluatar �. l� �ar�,��.� Date 1Z— 2-�� - I� VVetland loca#ion an pond or lake on perennial stream ,/'on intermit#ent stream _ within interstrearn diwide ather: Soil series: _ pred�minantly organic - humas, muck, or peat ✓ predaminantly mineral - non-sandy J predominantly sandy Hydrauiic factor� ,,� steep topc�graphy ditched or channelized tatal wetland width � 100 f�et Adjacent iand use (within'/� mile upstrearn, upslope, ar radius� ,�''forestedlnaturat r�egetatian '�A % �agrieulture, urbanlsuburban � °fn ✓imperviaus surface 2r3 °�o Daminant vegetatinn [1� �1ii� n�c,fc•Z �Z� ����.+.71�L -L± III�G+.CL�ilrr {�} �'���iir�57Ps,c�rn U;n,�nes.c� Flooding and wetness s�mi�ermanently ta permanently flnaded or ' inu�dated SeasQnally floaded car inundated ,,�'intermittently flaoded ar temporary surface water nQ eviderice of flooding or surface water 'Wetlancl type �select ane)* Bottomland hardtivood fo�rest Pine savanna Headwater farest Freshwater marsh ^ Swamp forest i3oglfen _ Wet �lat _ Epherneral wet[and Pocosin �arblina bay Bvg forest Qther: {�,;� l�g-��w-.�� � TFie rating system Eannnt be applied tn salt or bracki�h marshes or strearn channels : lt Water storage � x 4,00 =� A BanklShoreline stabilizatian Z �� �� �� W�tland rating T Pollutant rema�al � '*x �,p� = Q I Wildlif�e habitat � � �,pp = � N Aquatic li�`e �alue 1 x 4.Oil =� �� � G Ii�ecreationfEducatian � x � ,�p = � =** Add 1 point if in sensiti�e watershed and �l D°fo nanpaint sowrce disturbance within 'ls mile upstrearn, ups[c�pe, ar radius NC DWQ Stre�m ldentifica� o�: h_f ���1 S E�aluator: �"lr'+ ?�� Tota! Points: 5tream is af Ieast irrte�mlffent - if z 19 or pererrnial if a 30' �- � n For�n Version 4.1 l Projecrts;te: �,�j Courity: � Straam De1 f phemeral � j�� ��crtud�: ,�,.IGb14b d Lcngibude: - �j,e-�I �; ircle onej �iher Pef�ellrtfll e.g, CNrad Alamee A. Geoma hal Subtotal = ) AbseM Weak Maderate Strong 1� Cantinuiky of channel bed and bank U 1 2 2. 5in�osity of �hannel along thalweg i] - 2 3 3. In-channel structure: ex. ri#rte-pvol, step-pool, fl /'� z 3 ri le- al se uence u 4 Particle size of stream subsirate 0 f 2 3 5. Ac6�elreiick floodplain Q 1 2 3 6. Depositianal bars or bench�s 0 1 3 7, Recent aflwial deppsits 0 1 3 8. Headcuts 1 � 3 9. Grade oarrtrol 0_5 1 1.5 10_ Natural valley 0.5 1 1.5 11 _ Second or greafer vrder channel a= 0 Yss = 3 a artificial dkches afe not fetecl; See diseus5'sons in manual B. H droio {Subtotal = s �5 12. Presen�+e of BaseHow 0 1 3 13. Iran oxidizin bacteria 1 3 14 Leaf litter f,5 1 .5 4 15. Sediment on plar�ts ar deb�s D 9 i.5 tfi. Organi� debris lines or piles 0 '.5 1 7.5 17. 5a�1-based evidence of high water table? o= Yes = 3 C. 8iolo {Su�.atal � 78. Fibrous roats in streambed 3 l 1 4 19_ Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 2D. Macroberrthos (nole diversiiy and abur►dance} 0 1 2 3 21 _ Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 22. Fish 0 0.5 7 1.5 23_ Gra�sh 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphi6isns 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae 4.5 1 ` 1,5 26. Wetland plants in s#reambed FACW = 4.75; OBL =1.5 C�tter = 'perennial streams may a9so 6e iderrtified usirg other methods_ See p_ 35 o117�t'wal. CVD#c`5: Sketah: Bank Height (ftj: °Z eankfuil width (ft}: I � � Water depth {inj: Z " Channel substrate - Clay, Siit�a `r�,�l, Cnhblc. Bedrxk Velacity -fast, rr�r , slow Llarity- e�a�, lightly turbid, turbid NC DWQ Stream Ideatification � Date: � Z � � ��- E�aluator: F�,;, :,-Q� T�tal Pvints: Stream rs at Jeas1 intemNttent if � 79 or nerenm�l if a 3tl' �� Version �t.l 1 P�i�►sn�: �,,_„�- 6+1 Caunty: � � � Strea�m �etermination [� Ephemeral Fntermittent S_ ��.,,,� a��,., ���t�a�: 34,��5�, � s3 -z Longitude: -� �-(i�Z`�1S Other e.g_ Quad Name: A. Geomor hvl Subtotal =�..- �` Abser�t Weak Moderate Strong 9d Continuity af channel bed and bank fl � 2 �. Sinuasity at channel alang thalweg 0 1 2 �3 3. !n-channel structure: ex. ri�8e-poa1, ste�rpool, � � 3 ri le- oal se uence 4. Par#icle size o# stream substrate 4 1 � �� 5. Activelrelict floodpiain 4 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches a 1 ' 2 3 7. Recsnt alluvial deposits p � 3 8. Headcuts 4 �'1 2 3 9, Grade control yflr_� Q Q.5 7 � t. 1Q. Natural valley a 4.5 ' 1 1.5 11. 5econd or greater o�'der channel Na = 4 Yes = 3 a_ e. Hyarc�i�y cs��4�� w.. ���.w,.� �, .,.�.,.�, '12. Presence a# 8aseftow 13. Iran oxidizing bacieeia 14. Leaf litter i5. 5ediment an pfsnts or debris i5. []raani� debris lines or oiles 0 .5 0 a 1 l� 3 1 2 3 0, 5 0 1 7.5 0, S 1 'I .5 Yes = 3 C. Bioio Subtatal = 18. Fibrous rpats in streamaed 3. 1 Q 99. Rooted uptan�i plan4s in streamhed 3 1 0 Z�. Macroberrthas (rtote di�ersily and abundar�ce y 0 1 Z 3 2t Aquat�c Mallusks � - 7 3 22. Fish 0.5 1 1.5 23. Cra sh 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibiar�s � 0_5 1 1.5 �. �g�g '.0_ 0.5 'I 1_5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; UBL =1.5 e� _ •perennial streams may also 6e iderdified using ather methods. 5ee p. 35 of manual. NOt25: Sketch: BankHeight(ft): ( y� Bankful! width (ftj: �! 1Nater depth {in}: t ' �' � � Channel suFsstrate - Clay, Sf rav b6 rOck Velotity-fas ode te, slaw Ctarity-�lightly tu�id, tur6ld NC DWQ Stream Identifcatian Form Vcrsian 4.11 �� Y`''�'r'���`*` �., ti� � c� S 1� - z Date: �� r� o� + 5 ProjecfilSifie: ��` � Latitude: ��,. +(�D 7 Ev�luator: ��, -Z� County: �,.5 �t Lor�gitude: _c�G�'t-li�t1� Tvtal Points: Stream Detertninaitio>n carde vnej Other 5treamrsatleastfntermittent �'� E emeraF rm erennial e. rf � 19 or rrerennlal itz 36" � 9- 4+►ad Nama: A. Geomo holo Subtotal = ��-S Abserit We�k Moderate Strong 1a Cantinuity of channel bed and pank 6 3 2. Sinuosity af channe! along thalweg � 1� 2 3 3. In�hannel stnscture: ex. �iffle-paol, step-poel, a ,� � � ri le ool se uence �•� 4. Particie s�ze of stream subs#rate D 1 2 3 5, Activelrelict floodplain D 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 �� 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 '�' 3 B. Headcuts � 2 3 9. Grade contrnl 0 9 1_ 5 14. Natural �afley 0 4.5 1 1.5 91 _ Se�and ar greeter order charsnel Na = 0 Yes = 3 art�ficial d'd�hes are noi rated; see disrxrssians in manual B. H drala subtotal = � •� 'S2. Presenc�e af Baseflow 0 7 � 3 13. Iron axidi�in baderia 7 2 3 14. Leaf litter 7 .S 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 1 1.S 1fi. �rganic dehris lines or piles 0 1 1.5 17. Soil-hased evi�enca of high watertable7 � a= Yes = 3 C. Biolo Subtotal = .� 18. Fihrous raats in streambed 3 1 p 19. Rovted upland plants in streaml�ed 2 1 iT 20. Macroberrthos (note diverstty and abundance} � 2 3 21. Aquafic Mollusks 1 2 3 22. Fish � 4 0.5 1 1_5 23, Crayfish (�' 0_5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians �.+� � �.� 25. Algae 0 0.5 � 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FAGW = a.75; QBL = 1.5 Other = 0 'perennial streams may alsa I5E fd�nt�fe+d usin� ather methods. See p. 35 oT manual. NoteS: Sketch_ Bank HeigFtt {ft): r " � Bankfuil wEdth (ftj: 1 � 5 Water depth (in]: t - 2- Channel suhstrate - Clay, Silt n fav Cohble, Bedrock Velot9ty-fas ma e fow Clarity c ar lightly turbid, tur6(d NC DW Stream ldentificatian Form Versiun 4.11 � -� Date: ``L ' (� ProjectlSite: ��.;,,,� Laitiiude: ��,.10�- E�aluator. 1�-z -� � GourttY� �'ars � Longitude: -�fj��in�� Total PoiMs; Stream Determinaticn Rcircle ane} Other Streamrsatleamrirrterrnittenr �� Ephemeral Intarmilten nn e. QuadName: if� i9 araerenrual rfa 3a' �''� g. aRmcrai oRcnes are noc ratea; see o�scusswns �n menua� B. Hydrolagy [Subtofal=�) 12. Presence o# Baseflow 19. Iron oxidizing 6acteria 14. Leaf litter 15. 5ediment an plants ar debris 16. argan� debris lines or piles � 97 Soil-based errid,�nce pf high w8ier tstrle7 C. Biology {Subtotal = �_} t8 Fibraus roats in streamhed 19. Roo#ed upland plants in streambed 2{3. Macrobenth�s (nate diuersity and abundance} 21. Aquat'tC Moltusks 5�..���, 2 ' 3 2 3 � 0 �. 1 5 1 15 ea = . 1 Q 9 0 22. Fish 4.5 i 23_ Crayfish 1 24. Amphibians II'� 0.5 i �. �a� 0 � 0.5 i 26_ Wetland plants in stream6ed FACW = 0.75; OBL =1.5 •perennial stseams may alsa 6e identified using oti+er methods. See p. S5 of manual. i�i012S: a..� nL.. �.�� �_ a_ . �' ii Sketeh: "-� •- ' . - � � ��, � � :, � � �q _ . , J Bank Height (ftJ: I — � Bankfull width (ft}: < - ;. Water depih (in�: ;% _ ;r Channel substrate� Clay, Silt�`f�,t �il�l, �abh �edrn� Velocity—f t era slow Clazity—�lightly turhid, turtrid NC QW Stream I Date: 2 c � E�aluatar. �„�, �� Tatal Poirtts: StreamisaileasJ'fnAemrittenf -� f rf� t4 oruarenrdal !ft 30" _ atioa Form Version 4.11 —,���f 4.,-�( , ProjectlSf�: �� w,�, � Latitude. ',�{p, I�j4��3 County_ �,5 Larrgitude. -�� yi�l�r Strearn Determin ' Grcle onej Uther Ephemet� e►ennial a.g.4uadName: �•••,�•.•o•..�,.���a a.� ,n,. ec�au, aac arscu�vns m manua� B_ H drolo (subtotal = 3 f T2. Fresence af 8asennw �3- Iran o�d'¢in bactena 14. Leaf 1iCter 15. Sediment on plants or d�aris 16. Qrganic debris lines ar piles 17. 5oil-based evidenee of high water tabte? C. BtniOgy (Subtntal = � j 'i8. Fibrous raots in streamDed 2 3 � 3 i.5 4 f.5 1 1,5 Yes = 3 19. Raoted upland ptants �n streamm�ed t 20. MaGrcrberrthas (ncte diuersity and ahamdarxe} � � m 21. Aquatic Mallusks t Z 22. Fish 0 D.5 i 23. Crayhsh {} 0.5 1 24. Amphibians 0 0 1 25_ A ae D � 0� 1 tFi_ Wetland plants in streamhed FACW = 0.75; OBL =1.5 'perennial atreams may atso be identified usin� other methods. See p. 35 af manual. IY��p..S. t "L 1 :,1��i7' �"01 L.�ir :.r ✓ F'ir � _ � lf �\ l �.. � Sketch: i�e c.�.cn.. � � � � � � ` � � � � � �� _ i =� . �e�f���..�X d,cr„r- s�a.� � .��a,� I'� Q 0 3 3 1.5 1,5 1.5 1.5 8ank Height (ft): �' T BankfuA width (ft}: � YVaterdept#� Qn}: � - � �' Cfiannel suhstrate - CiayQt� d�,jQ�t, CD661e, Be�rock Vebcity - fast, n�s}ow Clarity c e s(ightly turbid, turbid NC DWQ Strea�m Ident�ra Qade: t�� -� � � Evatuator: ��n -� ��- Total P�iMs. Stream is at feast int�mitteRt �� r� If 3 fA w ne�errnr'af if x 3�0' � Form Version �.1 l ��U ProjectlSike:(�r� i�.,�,p,�,� �' Latitude: 7jb.�777� Cour3ty: � ,r `�'� Lorigyitude: _�j� yyq � or Stream Qeterrnin ' circle anej Dther Epherneral m rrt eroennial e.g, Quad IUame: A, Geamarphalogy �subtotal = l3 1a Gvntinufiy af channel bed and hank 2_ Sinuosity of ehannel along thalweg 3. In-ehannel structure: ex rifAe-poal, step-po8l, ripple-poof sequence 4. Partioie ssze of stream substrate 5. Activelrelict flaodpiain 6_ Depasrtiana! hars or �enches 7. Reeent alluvial depvsits 8. HeadCu#s 9. Grade contral 1�. Natural val{ey 11. 5econd ar gr�ater arder channei � artif�iai diiches are not raterf; see discussions in m8rrual �� �� �� �� 0.5 Yes=s 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ,�� B. i"� C�ip�O (SukffOt81= 12. Fresence of Baseflow 0 1 ` 2 3 13 Iron oxidrein bacteri� T � g 14_ Leaf litter 1.5 D.5 0 15. Sediment an plan#s ordebris 0 p.g �,� 1fi Organic debris Cines ar piles 4 0.5 1,5 17 Soil-based evidence of high water table? Na = p _ C. Biol 5ubtata� = - 18. Fibrous raots in streambed 3 2 1 4 19. Rooted upland ptants in streambed 3 2 1 p 24. Macrobenthos (note divers�ty and abundance) rr ��� 0 1, 2 3 21 Aquatic Mollusks ) 1 2 3 22. Fish 0� 0.5 1 4.5 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 1 i.5 24. Amphibians 0 p_6 1 1,5 25 Algae g � Q�4 1 �.g 26. Wetland plants in streamhed FACW = 0.75; OBL =1.5 er = 'perennial streams may alsa 6e Identified using other methoBs. See p. 35 af manual. NOte5: Sketch: Bank Height [ftj: � - � Bankfull width �ft}: y � Water depth (inj: '-�- �' Channet substrate - Ciay, Silt, n�, vl�] Eedrack Velocirty -fa�st, moderalt��� Glarity ea slightlytur6id,tur6id NC DWQ Stream ldentifieat�on Form Version 4.11 �C- ogroe: � Z �� � + ; P��Bct�st�: �,�: � �,1��.G�., �2 �( �at�t�,a�: `'��O,o°f �4p �i E�aluatar: � � ^ v, � County: �� � Lar�gitude: —��'.��`t27 7otal ParrtS: St�earn oe#erminatlon (cirale anej Other 5[ream is at least iekermittent - rf a 19 or peienraal►f t 3Q' � 7 -' Ephemeral tr�#ermittent nn , e.g. Quad Name: oru�na�a� v��cnes are noi raBn; see fl�assinns m manuai 8, Hydro[agy (Sub#otal = �5 ) 12, Presenee af Baseflow 13. Iron oxidizing bBCteria 1d. Leaf litter 15. 5ediment on plants or �eCris 18 Organic debris lirnes or piles 17 Soi3-based ev�dence of high water table? 0 1 �� 3 0� 1 2 3 1-5 __1 ; Q.5 Q 0 0. 5 i �'1 _; 0 0.5 't� 1.; No=U �es = C. Biblp $UbiOt�l = � � 18. Fibrous roots in sheambed 3 � p 19. Rooted upland pla�ts in str�ambed � � p 2D_ Macrobenthos (note diversity and ab�dance} � � 3 21. Aguatic Mollusks �❑ 1 2 3 e1. Fish 0.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish (D) fl.5 1 i.5 24 Amphibians (D' 0.5 1 1_5 25. Algae 0 .5 1 1,5 2fi. Wekiand plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; DBL =1.5 er = 0 •perennial streams may also be aderNified using other methods. See p. 35 pf manual. Notes: Sketch: Bank Height �ft�: ? , Bankfull widtfi (ft]: � Waterdepth(inj: Z�s' Channel substrat Uay, Si , ��'rav�l, o���earo� Velocity—fast, ocieraGe sl�w Clarity �c�lear�sli id, turbid NC Qabe: E�aluatnr: Tvtal Poirrts: Stream rs ai Peast lnfe Stream Identification Fo�-rn Version 4.11 SG �.'�� S� -� 1Z. � Proje�tlSibe: r���.�4'a�w Latitude: ?,�,.�14.y�-O �. ��k,,,, f Cvu nty: �� � Langitude: —��� +�Z`'� j LZ ���� Stream Ueterrrf circle one� Qther 30, �� Ephemeral rmitten Pets�nnial e_g. t�uedName: .+�wi.v�w..na.n�ca o�c iiv� �a�cu� acc u�at.uaaau[q Iff nWllual C. Biolo Subtotal = - 5 18. �ibrous raots in streambed 3 1 d 19. Ftooted upland plants in streambed � q Q 2D. Ma�robenthos (note diversity and abundance] 1 � g 21. Aquatic Mollusks � � 3 22. Fish {�,� � 1,$ 23. CrayF+sh 0� {].5 1 9.5 24. Amphihians p,� � �.� 25. Algae U 1 7.5 28. Wetland plants in streambe�f FA = 0.75; OBL =1.5 Other = 0 "perenniai streams may also be iderttified using ather mett�ods. See p.35 of manual. Nates: Sketch: Bank Fleight (ftj: M — ( � 5 eankfull width 4ft}: �_ �, Water depth {in}: � _ � Channel suhstrate - Clay, � ve bble, 6edrock Velocity—fast, muderate, ow Cfarity—elear,slightlyturbi u id NC DWQ Stream [dentific Oate: � 1 � � �P E�aluatar: �� E�_��� Tatal Poi�rts: Sfream is at laasf intemrittenf �� if: ?9 orper�nnraf ifa 3A• Form Version 4.1 l ProJecVSiCe: �y,��. County: �5,� Stream Detertnl�tadis� +one} S� ��uae: 3�,, ta�KS� Langitude: —`,,�d7 �{tpa5� {�her e,g. QnadName: . __----.._...-- 6. Hydrology {Subtotal = 5 12. Presence of $aseflow 13. Iron oxidizin 6ackeria 14. Leaf fittef 15. Sediment vn plants or debris 16. Drgani� debrfs lines or piles '17. Soil-hased evidence of high watertable? � ���� L'j� � � � ' � � � ���� � ' ��'� ��i$.�� - C. BIolO SubtOtal = 18. Fibrous ronts in streambed 3 1 p i9. Rooted upland plan#s in streamDed � p "c�6. Macraberrthos (nate diversity and abundance} 1 � 3 21 _ Aquatic i4Aollusks 1 � 3 22. Fish 0,5 1 1.5 23. Grayfistr 0 0.5 '1 1.5 24. Amphibians Q 0.5 1 1_5 25. Algae 0 4 1.5 �8. Wetlar�d pl�nts in streambed FAGW = U.75; DBL =1,5 er = Q •perennial streams may alsa he identified using other methnds. See p_ 35 of manuai. -- --- Notes: ri �. h� ,.•,- : � . , , � Skeich: � Bank keight [ft): � ] `�. Bankfull widtii {ft): � - � Wa#er depth �inj: f -� Channel substrate - Clay, Silt, �i ,��, Bedrock 4elocity —fast, mbderate� Ciarity—"ea slighUyturb'sd,turhid �c Da�: ldentifieation �'orm Version 4.11 E�afuatpr. �ti f� -Z�-� Total Poirrts: Sfream is at feast rnterr7+i i#lent Z� !f � f9 or perenriiai rf � 3�` ProjestlSibe: {"yr.�,� County: �,� S S3 Latitude: �j�v. � � �-�r�J Longitude_ - �D.+-j 1 �2i°�f1 Stream Lletermination (Gircle ane] aher Ephemeral Ir}IA19�tentj Perennial a.g. �uad Name: amnciai ancrrea are not ratea; see a�sa,sssio� m manuai B. H dralo �Subtatal = 1�. Presence of Basefiow 0 7 3 13. Iron oxidizin bacteria � � � 3 14. Leaf litter �.� � p,g p 'i5. 5edimern# on plants arde6ris 0 0.5 1 1.5 i6. �rganic debris Gnes ar piles p p,5 � �.5 17 Scsil-5ased evic�ence of high water table? Na = 0 = C. Bioifl (Subtotal = 18. Fibrous rvots in streambed 3 2 1 p 19. RaotQd upiand plants in streambed � 2 1 0 20_ Macraberrthos (note dive�siry and aeuetdance} 1 2 g 21. Aquatic Mollusks 1 � 3 22. Fish 0 i}.� 1 1.S 23. Cra sh p,�, � 1.g 24_ Amphibians Q 0.5 1 1,5 25_ Algae 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in sireambed FACW = 0.75; �@L =1.5 .0t�ier = 'perannial streams rnay atsa be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Nates: Sketch: 9ank Height {ft}: � � � Bankfull width (ftj: f - � Water depth {in}: / - � Channel substrate- Clay+, Silt,� ve bhle, Bedrock Velpcity —fast, maferate,�lo'� Clarity—c�ear, lighdyturbid, turhid NC �WQ Stream ldenti�cation Farm Ver�ion 4.11 ��: , �z� � ,� p�,���,,,� ►�7�. : � �d' E�aluator: '""' �,..��„r Caunty: �-�YS `� Total Foints: Stream Qetermination (circle nne; 5t.�am 1s atleast interm�ittant �'� E hemeral 11Ftermittent feen a il � 19 arneronrua! if t�J" � � �at�tua�: 3�0. o� f��s 7 �angitude: — �{�. �-{l� � Okher �.g. Gluad Name: eiuiti�ei �iEwava a�u nu� ra�ro, see ��cuss�vns irt manua� B. H rol Subtotal = 12. Presence af BaseftoW p 1 7 13. Iran vxidizing bacteria 0 1 2 14. Leaf litter 1.5 1 0.5 D 15. Sediment on plants or debris 6 � �.3 18. Organie debris fines or pifes 0 5 1 1.5 17. Soi�based evidence of high water kable? No = a es = C. Biolo Subtat�f = � • '18. Fibrous raois in streambed Z T p 19. Rooted upland plants in stream6ed � 3 2 1 Q �. Macmberdhos {noie diver�ity and ahundancej 4 1 � 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks T � 3 22. Fish f} D.5 1 1.5 23. Cray6sh 0 0 5 � 1_5 24. Amphibians 0 1 1.5 25 Algae 0 0 1 1.5 Z6. Wetiand plants in streamt�d FACW = D.T�; dBL =1.5 her = 'perennial strearr� may atso 6e identihed using other methads. See p. 35 af marrual. Nates: , � - 3 -r..r��n „ ,.,w.� .T� ,,. ,, ; :� ,� �' �� Sketch: w Benk Height {ft}; � ' j Bankful4 width (ft); y Waterdepth(in}: z - � Channelsubstrate-CIay,Silt, an ve Cubble, dro Velocity —f'_�s }rnaderate, slaw Cta►ity—clear, ` urhi turbid ���V ��+) NC DW Stream ldentitication Form Version �1.11 a�: + r � . [ �a P�;�rs�: �„�. w,�,. �.�' E�aluator: � �-Z,�.� Courrty: �,.5 � 1'otal Poitrts: Stream �eterminatian (circl srream rs ar feasr rntemr;tre❑t �� �p�eral Intermitterit e�en rf a 14 ar' Aerennial rt 2 3f}• �� s � w�� �✓ �L�' �atitaae: 3(p, c�( ]►y�7! �o��,d�: �t„b,�t+4ut� Other e.g. QusdNema: A. Geomo hol Subtotal = Z� Abser�t Weak Moderate 5trong 1d Continuity of channei hed and bank a 1 2 2. Sinuosity of channel alan thahveg t1 1 --� 3 3. In-channei structure: ex. riftle-pool, sbep-pool, � ,� � i� ri �- ool se uence 4 Partide size af stream substrate q 1 � 5. Aeti�elrelict iNaodplain 1 2 3 B. aepasitional 6ars ar banches 0 1 3 7. Receni ailuvial depasits 0 � � $. Headcuts � � 9. Grade control 4.5 1.5 10. Natural valley p p_g � �,� 19, 5econd or greater prder channel hla =(} es = a artificial cfitches are rxst rated: s�ee discussior�s in manusl 8. H dro! {Sut�tota I = �I � $ 72, Presence of Base#low 0 1 73. Iran oxidizing bacteria 0 1 14. Leaf liiter � 15. Sediment on piants or debris 0.5 16. Organic dekxis lines or piles 0 D.5 17 SQiI-based e,ridence of high water tabfe? No = 0 C. Biolo Suhtt�tal = S 18. Fibrous roats in streamb�d 3 2 19. Rooted tapland plants in s'�rearr�sd 3 2 20. MaCrcr4eRthos {noEe diversiiy and ahundancej 1 21. Aquatic Mollusks 1 22. Fish � } 0.5 23. Crayfish p,5 24, Amphibians p.� 25. Algae U 0 26. Wetlartd planis 'rn streambed FACW = 0. 'perennial streams may also be 3deittified usirrg other rnethods_ See p. 35 af manual. IVotf.'5: _ .. SY � 51• Sket�h: 2 2 4.5 0 0 3 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Bank Height (ftj: 3 ' "} 8ankfull width (ft): 2-,� Water depth (in): 2 - Ra Channelsu6strate-�Cla SiR, ra�� o�i ,Bedrock Velac'ity-fast, , slow Clarity ea slightlyturbid,turbid NC DWQ $tream ldentific; oa�: f �� �, f �� � E�aivatar; �y.f:� �� � To#al Points: Sfream is at leasi intermilienf �� 1f? 19 9f p@I8t!l7I8I JI'2 �O' Farm Versian 4.l 1 Projectlsite:��-,��` �-�G,o.. � Cnartty: �,- � I -` Stream Dete cyrcle one) Ephemeral n�e�mittent Perennial L.atitude. '7��a� UGjt{Z$'� Longitude: �,c�� N��`,� Other e.g. QuadAtame: A. Geamo� hal Suhtotal = Absent Weak Modei 1a Continuity vf channel bed and bank p 1 � 2. Slnuosity of channel along thalwaeg p 2 3. !n-channel structure; ex. riifle-poo1, step-pool, � � n le- aol se uence 2 4 Paficle size of sh'eam substrate 4 1 5. Activelrelict �oodplain - y 6. Deposrtfonaf bars or henches Q � � 7, Recen# alluvial depasits D i r 2, 8. Hsadcuts p � � 9, Grade opr+tro) � 4 t` Q 5 1 10. Natural vall�y p 1 11 Second or grea#er order ahanne� N- arfificial dicches are nat rated; see discussions in marwal B. H drol subtotal = 12. Presence of Baseflaw p � � i3. Iron vxiQizin haderia S �� 14 Leaf litter � � p S 15, Sediment on plar�ts or debris o d.5 1 ts 1$. �rganic debris lines or piles 4 4.5 17. 5oil-based e�idence of high water tabie? No = p C. Blol Subtafal = 18. Fibrous roQts in streambed � � 19. Raoted upland p{ants in stre�mhed � t 20, Macrobenthos (note diuersity and abundance) 1 2 21 AquatiC Mollusks 1 2 22, Fish 0.5 1 23. Cra sh p.5 � 24_ Amphibians 0.5 1 25. Algae 0.5 1 28, Wetland plants in sfreambed FACW = O.T5; OBL = i.5 Q 'perennial streams may al;so be identifted using oltuer medu�ds, See p. 35 of manual_ v L � a�'�J r� I( y I� I� 5ketcii: Yes = 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 'f .5 1.5 3 3 � 1,5 �.6 Q 4 3 3 i.5 1_5 1.5 1.5 BankHeight�ft}: ,j ~ � eankfull width (fitj: � ' .; Waier depth (rn�: (p ' � Channel substrate -Clay, SIIty an �I, v�e, Bedrock Velpcity�a , moderete, slow Clarity—elear, t ur , turhid NC DWQ Stream Identi�eation Farm Version �.i 1 o�te: f � f Pro;ect�site: �-- Evaluator: C �,�� Caunty; �.� � t� 1'ota! Poirrts: Stream U�min c Saream is at least Jaterm7tenl + c! -� � Ephemetal 1 tmiite rfa i9 orAeren�ralifa 30' I vne� �� Latifude; 3(�.�°j� Langitude: —�8, c��..��-�,9 dther e.g. {�LadName: aR��ra� aRcnes are ttur raiea; see a�scussRons ai manuaN B. Hydrologr� (&uGtotal = _ �, .,,� 12. Presence of Baseflow 13_ Iron oxi[f¢in bactBria 14. leaf littet 15. 5ediment an plants or debris 18. Organic debris lines ar piies water #able7 � � � .'��i' � � � � � � �''�'' � S____ � � `rr,B�''� C. Binla Subtotal = 16. Fibrous roots in st�eambed 3 � p 19, Roated upland p�ants in streambed � 1 � 20, Macrobenthos {rtote diversity and abundance j f � 3 2t. Aquatic Moiiusks � � 3 22. Fish D,5 1 1.b 23. Cra sh 0 p.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibfans 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae � 0 0.5 1 1.5 2fi. Wettand piants in sfream6ed FA = 0.7 � C]BL = 1.5 Crther ={? 'perennial streams may a��a he i ntified usirg other methnds. See p, 35 oi rt�nual. MUtBS' I : .. 3 � �' �� � f � _ Sketch: sank Height ift1: • S - + Ba�kfuil width �ft): 1 Water dep#h {in}: Z - 3 Channel su�strate - Clay, Sih, � a e, Cobhle, Bedrock Veio�ity—fast, ode ,slow Glarity—�sligfitly tur6id, turbid NG QW¢ Stream ldentifc� aate: � �Z Co (� �a Ewaivatar: � ��.-��, To#al Foints: 5fream is at least irrtemritter►f � e.�-. � if 5 18 or�erentrJal if? 30� Furm yersion 4,11 PrpjeCt!$iber: + Caunty: � Stream Deter Ephemeral ,� �j�- - r�awws"�re�.�►. M�• ;1�. , �� Latitude: —� " � � •� 3�.cxtzw3 Longitutle: _���y� �n tcircl� ar�sJ C]ther tei Perennial e.g, G}uadName: v� w i��r�a I�+��u2a P f r. I IV { 1 O4G V i pCC S��pyup3l{]f15 Ill I�IaRY81 B. Hydrology (Subtotal = �_ 12_ Presence of Basefiow 13, lron axidizing ba�teria 14, Leaf litter iS. 5ediment on plants ordebris 16. (]r aniG debris lines ar piles 17 Soil-6ased evidence of high wvater tabfe7 C. B1OIOgy (SUetOtal = S. 5 ] 18. Fibrous raots in straambed 19. Roated upfand plants in streambed 20. Ma�r�benthos (note diversity and a4undance} 2]. Aquatic Moliusks 22. Fish 23. Crayflsh 24_ Amphibians 25. Algae 28. Wenand piants in streambed 2 2 �.—� 'perennia) streams may alsa 6e ident`�fied using other methoda. See p. 35 oi manual. ��,.��..., Sketeh: 3 3 0 1.5 9.5 4 0 3 3 1_5 1.5 1.5 9.5 sank Height (ftj: � 5- `'� Bank€u[I w3dth �f[�: /, �j - Z Waterdepth (in): Z —�{ Channel su6strate - Glay, Sik, 5� av , Co6hle, Bedroek Vefoc'tty—fast, modarate��t Clarity—clea y u i ur6id NC DWQ Stream Identification Fvr� Versivr� 4.11 aate: � (z� � � Prro;ect►si�e: r�-'-"� �ValUa#ar: �'..r �.�� County: �� -�.� TotS1 Pvirlts: 5tream Determina#iai 5iream Js af fesst rntermttte»f ��,� E hemeral rmitte ii2 19 [rrnerenraa! if� 34• p � J��� S S y.o.�,�. �.it� � �! .�c".._ 5 �R Latitude: �j{p, (}c� a�,�-Lt.� �.ongituae: -�, u3�.133Z, tcircle one] I �?ther �t Per�nnial e.g. QuadName: A. Geoma hol Suhtatal = �1, s Absern Wealc Moderate Strang 1a Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 3 2. Sinuosity of channe! alang thalweg (} 2 � 3. In-channel s#ruc#ure: eac, riffte-poal, step-pval, a 2 3 ri le vol se uence 4, Particle stize of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5. Activelreficf floodplaln 0 1 � 3 B. Depositianal bars or benches 0 2 3 7. Re�ent alluvial depvsits 0 2 3 8, Headcuts p � � a 9. Grade ovntrol 0 .5 1 1.S 1 Q. Natlaral �alley Q 0. ( 1 1.5 11. Seoond or greater order channel Nn = Q es = 3 a_��a_�� .��-�-- --- --• _.--�- --- ,--- --• - �- _ .. . _..,....�.,. ................ .�.. �a.` , ,. ��� ��� ���o���� B. H draio su�total = 12. Presence of Baseflow 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 14. Leaf litter 15. 5edimenf on p[ants or dep�is 18. Qrganic debris lines ur piles '17. Sail-based evidence af hiah vuater table? 0 1 1 i.�i �� a a. s 0 17.5 Nn = f] Z 0.5 C. Biolo Sub#atal = 18. Fihrous roo#s in streambed � 1 19. Raoted upl�nd plants in streamhed 3 2 1 20. Macrobenthos [note diversity and abundanae} 1 2 21. Aquatic MoNusfcs �[ 2 22. Fish 0,5 1 23. Crayrtsh 0.5 1 24. Amphibians 4.5 1 25. Algae (}.5 1 26. W�tiand pfants in streambed FACW = 0.75; �BL =1.5 "per�nnial streams may alsu he identified using other m�tt7ads. See p. 85 vf manual. Notes: Sketch: @S = 3 3 D 1_5 �.� a 0 3 3 1.5 i.5 1.5 1.5 Bank Height (ftj; ( -Z Bankfullwit4th{ftJ: Z�'2 -S Water depth {in}: � Channel substrate - Clay, ift�,��`v�'f�y Cvbhle, Bedrotk Velnciry-fast, moderate,� Ciarlty-clear, igh yturbi rhid NC UW¢ Stream ]denti�catian Form Oate: j'Z(� j (�� 1 E�aluator: � �� Total Poi�s: Stream is at ►e�st infermitieet � � if z 19 or aerenrifa! if z 30 • 'ersion 4.I 1 �J � `��� � � � ,� ProjedlSite: C9r4�-�"+�c�Fr �aeitud�: �.7ct�37 a�°�` , y �,,_3 CoLnty: Lorqitude: —�� y-� �r� 8tream aetermination {cir+cle anej Other Epheme rm1 Peronnial e.g. Quad Name; i!f{Iltt:101 9RC�f�C$ ��' jxlC idSEQ� sge aiscussions m ar�rtua� B. Hydro�l�j]I �$ll�ptfl�=�_ 1 12_ Pr�serx;e of BaseflprN 13. Iran oxidizing bacteria 14. Leaf litter 15. 5ediment an ptants pr debris 16. C)r nic debris lines or pites 17 Soil-based e�idence of high w.�ter table'? C. Biolo (Subtataf = � � � 1 2 3 1 2 3 1. 4.5 � 1 1.5 5 1 1.5 Yes = 3 18 F�bra�s roo#s in streambed 3 ��' � 19. Roote�i upland plants in streamhed � � 20, Maerobenth4s (rmte diveraity and abundanca.} 1 2 21. Aquatic Nlotlusks 1 � 22. Fish 0.5 1 �- ��aYh� 0.5 1 24. Artlphibians t Q.� � 25, Algae D.5 7 �6. Wetland plarats in streambed FACW = 0.75: �8L = 1.5 'perennial streams may also be ider�tifred using other methads- 5ee p. 35 of manuai. hio#�'S: IZc�tt,'u-C i �J �C�L�I • �,��,i: � ; � , - ,- ,� ' � — Tr-�c , � . �Fv l�nQ N.�' 5keich: 4 0 3 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 8ank HeiBht ift9: t- L &,nkfuu wtdth (fty: Z - 3 Water depth (inf : Z - � Channel substrate - Clay,�� �rar,el, Gohble, Bedrock 4elocity—fast, moderate, �I Clarity—clear,slightlyturhid, r� NC DWQ Stream Ident�cation Form Versian 4.x1 Qate: i �26 ( � ProjectlSite: � ��`� d�''" E�aluatar: �M � County: ��+, : �.� Ta#a) Pvir�ts: Strearn Determinatinn (cinc Sireamisatreastrrrtermittent -� (,S Ephemeral Irrtermit6ent if a 19 ornerennial if t 3Q' � -� � o�• _L� k r-W^1 Latitude: % SGf -� �.OaL i I� L�r�gi#ude; -�C3 4'�I�d Uther e.g. Quad Name: A. Geomo hol Sui�tatal = Ahsen# Weak Moderate Strang 1� Cantinuity af channel bed and bank 0 1 2 2. Sinuosity of �hannel along thalweg t1 1 3 3. In-ct►annel structure: ex. riffle-pvol, step-{�ool, � � � 3 ri le- oal se uence 4. Particte siza of stream substrate 0 7 3 5. Acbivelrelict flaodplain 0 1 �2 3 fi. Qe�ositi�nal bars ar benches 0 1 3 7. Recent alluvial depasits 4 1 3 8. F#eadcuts o 1 2 9. Grade cantrol q 0.5 1 1.5 10, Natural valtey 0 4.5 1 .5 11. Second or greater order channel rl4o �� Yes = 3 artificial ditches are not rated; see discassions in manual 8. Hydrnlogy (Subtotal = � 12. Presen�e af Baseflaw 13. Iran axiciizing bacteria 14. Leaf litter 15. 5edimer�t on plart#s or de6ris 16. Organic dsbris iin�s or piles 17. Svil-based evidence of high water tab 1 0.6 � 3 3 0 7.5 9.5 C. BiDlo Subtotal = 18. Fibrous roots in streamhed 2 1 0 19. Rooted uplsnd plarits in streambed 2 1 0 2{J. MacroberiEhos (noEe diversity end abundan�e) 'y 4 2 3 �1. Aquatic Mollusks 1 2 3 22. Fish Q.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 1 1.5 24. Ar'nphibiar�s 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae 0.5 '1 1.5 2fi. Wetfand plants in streambed FAGW = U.75; OBL = 1.5 r- `perennlal streams may alsa �e idem�led using other methods. See p. 35 of manuaf. NOteS: vc i.�. ���.-� ��s•�- �oi• ��� c. �_ S{cetGh: eank Height �RJ: �'� eankfull widfh {ft): � � water depth (in}: Z -�n Channel substrate - Clay, Sift, � r 1, �i Bedrock Velacity as toderate, slow darity - clear, ly tu , turb'sd