HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060385 Ver 1_Public Comments_20060427,. Dkp - 0385 4/25/06 Aboard US-Flag containership "Sealand Achiever" Bound from Freeport, GB, to Houston, TX (Via Email to Jenny Irvin) Mr. David Baker US Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Reference: Public Notice Corps Action ID#: 200630708 To Whom it May Concern: It has come to my attention that Forge Cove, LLC, represented by Mr. Robert Johnson of Jacksonville, FL, is seeking Army Corps of Engineers authorization to dam, fill, and inundate segments of Osborne Branch in order to create a "scenic recreation lake" to be named Forge Cove Lake, as part of Forge Cove subdivision off Sutton Creek Road in Transylvania County. Unfortunately, we heard of this through a neighbor from a different subdivision, as no one on our road has received any mail regarding this notice. We found out about this the evening of Monday, April 24, 2006. I live, and have lived most of my life, downstream of this planned lake and subdivision. I have depended upon the waters of Osborne Branch for many reasons over the course of my life, and have raised a family that now also depends upon those waters and the living resources therein, and near to, this waterway. The waters of Osborne Branch not only support fish and wildlife that I have depended upon for recreation, sustenance and quality of life, but also supply several ponds. Two of these ponds are on my family's land, and have been traditionally stocked with fish from which we have taken long-term sustenance and recreation. My wife and I have, in fact, planned to raise trout as a business to sustain us in our retirement. We have also researched and planned powering our home using the waters of Osborne Branch to provide electrical power. There is also a rich and varied community of animal wildlife downstream from the planned Forge Cove Lake and subdivision, which also depends upon the pristine, natural, and unadulterated waters of Osborne Branch. We have come to depend upon this wildlife, also, in our own lives. For the reasons above, but not limited to them, we live where we live; and Osborne Branch in its present state and condition has been central to the decision to live there. Many of my family also have lived, and others plan to live, on Holland Road and Little Sharpy APR ? ? 2.006 ;~r K 'IJAT A t Nw, ;tNb Mountain family-owned lands. Osborne Branch in its present state and condition is also central to their decision to live there. I am currently employed as a Merchant Marine Deck Officer, and am presently assigned to a US-Flag container ship. I cannot personally be home to investigate, comment, or object to the planned damming and interruption of Osborne Branch; and the consequences that this would certainly bring upon us downstream. I firmly believe that Osborne Branch will suffer from this planned action. Were I able to interrupt my employment at this time, I would most certainly object strenuously to the planned damming and interruption of Osborne Branch. I know of NO other waterway that has been similarly altered that has not suffered damage and been degraded from its former natural state and condition. The filling of the planned Forge Cove Lake by itself will deprive my pond of feed- and circulation- water, which will in turn kill off my trout stock. With the land upstream, in and around the planned Forge Cove subdivision, stripped of trees and the natural layers of earth and rock altered, moved, and removed; it is obvious that storm-waters won't behave the same as they have in the past. One has only to recall the storms and flooding of 2004, which occurred down Osborne Branch WITH totally natural landscape and vegetation, to imagine what will happen when similar or worse storms bring as much or more water downstream withOUT said landscape and vegetation. Those damages were so devastating that this area was declared a Federal Disaster Area. The planned subdivision will necessarily strip acreage of absorbing natural earth and features, and will substitute acreage of roofs, lawns, roadways, and other man-made features that will promote runoff rather than absorption. The consequences of storms or flooding, for those of us downstream, will certainly be worse after the planned construction than prior to it. I hereby object in the most strenuous terms to the planned damming of, alteration to, and degradation of Osborne Branch, which I consider to be the inevitable result of the planned construction of Forge Cove Lake. I ask you to consider the ramifications to all of us downstream, and to ask yourself "Is it worth it?" to justify the creation of a man- made "scenic lake" in order to raise property-values for the planned subdivision. I also wish to go on record as depending upon Osborne Branch as it now exists for the present quality of my life, and that of my family's; and that I will seek legal recourse available from all parties contributing to, supporting, or authorizing the mentioned planned construction if said quality of life is degraded by the damming of, alteration of, or degradation of Osborne Branch. Can't it be enough to enjoy this waterway in its natural state and condition, as has been done by us downstream for so long? I hereby ask my wife, Jenny Irvin, to disseminate this letter to anyone concerned in the planned endeavor of Forge Cove subdivision and the planned Forge Cove La same before damage is don times, I feel that there example to prove that the in its influence upon us Respectfully submitted, Sam Irvin, Ch/Mate Sealand Achiever 105 Irvin Road Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 ke in an effort to prevent construction of e that cannot be undone. In these days and is enough knowledge, history, research, and planned construction can only be destructive living downstream from same. Cc: Mr. Robert Johnson - Forge Cove, LLC Ms. Jennifer Robertson - Wetland & Natural Resource Consultants Ms. Cyndi Karoly - NCDWQ