HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080016 Ver 1_Stormwater Plans_20080509 CIVIL CONSULTANTS INC. Civil Engineers Land Development Consultants To: DWQ 2321 Crabree Blvd Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 WE ARE SENDING YOU THE FOLLOWING ITEMS VIA 08-OoIto Date: 5-8-08 Job No: 13037 Attn: Cyndi Karoly Re: OC Animal Services UPS Ground Copies Date No. Description 1 4/30/08 CO-D9 Revised Site Plans 1 5-6-08 Letter by Town of Chapel HIll Approval 1 4/28/08 Storm Drainage Pipe Calcs. 1 4/25/08 Stormwater & Resource Conservation District Reports REMARKS: Qg??WMC p MAY 9 2008 DENR - WATER QUALITY COPY TO: FILE WETLANDS AND STORMWATER 8RAKA Jim Compton - reviaed shee*& as -p1am a,t i SIGNED: Rrianne M Macsev LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 3708 Lyckan Parkway . Suite 201 Durham, N.C. 27707 919-490-1645 Phone . 919-403-0336 Fax www.civil-consultants.com May 6, 2008 Tony Whitaker Civil Consultants, Inc. 3708 Lyckan Parkway Suite 201 Durham, NC 27707 PLANNING Town of Chapel Hill 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Chapel Hill, NC 27514 pboac (919) 968-2728 fax(919)969-2014 www.townofchapcffiM.org Subject: Orange County Animal Services Facility - Final Plans/Zoning Compliance Permit (File No. 9870-77-4584) Dear Tony: Town staff has reviewed the above application and finds *the development proposed therein to be in general compliance with the Land Use Management Ordinance. I hereby approve the above application for a Zoning Compliance Permit for the Orange County Animal Services Facility, identified as Orange County Property Identifier Number 9870-77-4584. The application is approved in accordance with approved plans, dated January 22, 2007, and revised April 30, 2008, June 8, 2007, August 15, 2007, August 29, 2007, January 22, 2008, and February 5, 2008 on file in the Planning Department and subject to the conditions listed on the attached Permit. The work authorized by this permit will not be allowed to deviate from approved plans. If you wish to revise the approved plans, you must first submit and have approved an application for Modification of Zoning Compliance Permit, which includes the proposed revisions. If you have not started the construction authorized by this approval within twelve (12) months of this expiration date, the approval shall automatically expire and any permit issued pursuant to the approval shall be void. Should you have questions, please call the Planning Department and ask for me at 919-968-2728. Sincerely, Judy Johnso b&'k4? Senior Planner cc: Bobby Pettiford, Town of Chapel Hill Inspection Sue Burke, Town of Chapel Hill Engineering Mike Taylor, Town of Chapel Hill Engineering Curtis Brooks, Town of Chapel Hill Public Works Matt Lawrence, Town of Chapel Hill Fire Grant Gayle, Orange County Solid Waste Gene Poveromo, Town of Chapel Hill Planning Ellen Weinstein Pam Jones, Orange County Ted Be. lakOWASA PLANNING • • Town of Chapel Hill 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Chapel Hill, NC 27514 pboxe (919) 968-2728 fax (919) 969-2014 www.townofchapelhill.org THIS CERTIFIES THAT A ZONING COMPLIANCE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ORANGE COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES FACILITY HAS BEEN ISSUED TO Name of Applicant: Tony Whitaker Civil Consultants; Inc. ty Name of Development: Orange County Animal Services Facili For: Construction of a 24,000 square foot building for the Orange County Animal Services Facility in accordance with approved plans dated January 22, 2007, and revised April 30, 2008, June 8 2007, August 15, 2007, August 29, 2007, January 22, 2008, and February 5, 2008, on file in the Planning Department. Location: 1601 Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill and identified as Orange County Property Identifier Number 9870-77-4584 Conditions Prior to Bel:innine Site Work: 1. That the applicant shall obtain all necessary permits from the Town of Chapel Hill Building Inspections Department. 2. That the applicant shall hold a pre-construction meeting with the Town's Landscape.. Architect, the Orange County Solid Waste Management, and Orange County Erosion Control to review landscape protection procedures and construction waste management and recycling respectively. 3. That the applicant shall post a construction sign that lists the property owner's representative and telephone number, the contractor's representative and telephone number, and a telephone number for regulatory information at the time of issuance of a Building Permit, prior to the commencement of any land disturbing activities. Miscellaneous Conditions 4. That prior to any street or lane closing, a traffic control plan shall be submitted to the Town of Chapel Hill Engineering Department for review and approval. 5. That the applicant shall source separate construction debris. 6. During the construction phase, additional erosion and sediment controls may be required if the proposed measures do not contain the sediment. Sediment leaving the property is a violation of the Town's Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance. Conditions Prior to Occupancy 7. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all of the documents enumerated below must be submitted to the Town Stormwater Management Engineer for review and approval. After reviewing and approving the documents, the Town Stormwater Management Engineer or designee will issue an Approval Notification to the Town's Inspections Department. a. A copy of the final plat or easement exhibit, signed and sealed by a North Carolina- registered Land Surveyor and recorded by the County Register of Deeds, showing the "Reserved Stormwater Facility Easement(s)", the stormwater management facility(ies), and the maintenance access locations. The following notes must be included on the recorded final plat or easement exhibit. All engineered stormwater management control, treatment, and conveyance structures located on or below the ground shall be wholly contained within an easement entitled: "Reserved Stormwater Facility Easement Hereby Dedicated" and shall be reserved from any development which would obstruct or constrict the effective management, control, and conveyance of stormwater from or across the property, other than the approved design and operation functions. • Unless specifically designated as being "Public" and accepted by the Town of Chapel Hill, the Reserved Stormwater Facility Easement(s) and the facilities it/they protect are considered to be private, with the sole responsibility of the owner to provide for all required maintenance and operations as approved by the Town Manager. • The Reserved Stormwater Facility Easement and the Operations and Maintenance Plan are binding on the owner, heirs, successors, and assigns. b. A copy of the recorded maintenance covenant ("Operations and Maintenance Plan"), signed by the owner and recorded by the County Register of Deeds, for the stormwater management facility(ics). c. Certified as-built plans, signed and sealed by a North Carolina-registered Professional Land Surveyor, showing building footprints, driveways, and all other impervious surfaces as well as stormwater drainage/conveyance piping and stormwater management structures. The as-built plans should be in DXF binary format using State plane coordinates and NAVD 88. d. Certification, signed and sealed by a North Carolina-registered Professional Engineer, that the stormwater management facility(ies) was/were constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. 8. This stormwater approval limits the amount of total impervious area to 78,000 square feet as reported in the SWIS submitted for the Zoning Compliance Permit. Any increase of impervious area that occurs as a result of construction over this permitted amount shall require a revised stormwater management report and plan, signed and sealed by a North Carolina-registered Professional Engineer, be submitted to the Town Stormwater Engineer for review and approval prior to the issuance of the C/O. 9. Please provide a stand-alone Operation and Maintenance Plan for the stormwater management facilities. The O&M Plan shall be detailed, clear, and concise such that the property owner (lay person) understands the O&M requirements (what, when, where, and how) and can effectively implement them. The plan shall include: • a statement for owner's signature acknowledging financial responsibility for stormwater management facility. • a brief discussion of the stormwater facility components, operation, and general maintenance requirements. • a detailed maintenance checklist and schedule for use by the owner(s) in performing O&M - recommend in table-format that includes fields such as maintenance items, maintenance frequency, observations, action, date, initials of person performing inspection / maintenance. 10. The stormwater management facility(ies) shall be maintained 'by the property owner in accordance with the recorded Operations and Maintenance Plan. 11. The owner shall be required to replace any failing stormwater management structures. 12. The owner may be liable if adjoining properties or rights-of-way receive substantial damage associated with the discharge of stormwater from this property. 13. That approval of the final sewer plans and all improvements required for the OWASA sewer main extension project, as designed to provide sewer service to this site and adjoining properties, be approved by OWASA and the Town Manager prior to occupying the building. Revicwed/Approved: Administration X . Date: May 6.2008 Town Council X Date: September 10, 2007 Issued By: . CIVIL CONSULTANTS Nc. Civil Engineers Land Development Consultants ORANGE COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES D8-ooIc' STORM DRAINAGE PIPE CALCULATIONS November 20, 2007 December 6, 2007 January 31, 2008 Revised April 28, 2008 Project #13037 Prepared for: Orange County P.O. Box 8181 Hillsborough, NC 27278 R O / -AL 033777 _ ?//•gNH?I M? t?Pc,S??? fi&@?flM V c5 PAY 9 D 2008 NDSAR WA ?MWA 7Y ?? St man 3708 Lyckan Park,vtiy . Suite 201 . Durham, N.C. 27707 919-490-1645 Prir t! . 919-403 0336 Fax . www.civil-consultants.com PROJECT NARRATIVE Project Name: Orange County Animal Services Project Number: 13037 Report Date: January 31, 2008 Project Location: Southwest of the intersection of Eubanks Rd. and Millhouse Rd. Purpose: Storm drainage system. Site Description: The proposed development is a facility for Orange County Animal Services. The existing site is located southwest of the intersection of Eubanks Rd. and Millhouse Rd. The site is mainly brush with substantial trees along the western side. There one streams that receives stormwater runoff from the project site. The site currently drains to a stream that flows to Old Field Creek. Proposed Development: The proposed development will consist of 24,000+/- SF office, educational, veterinary, and animal shelter space. Storm Drainage Analysis: The majority of the proposed project will be collected in a traditional drainage system that will drain to new biofiltration and dry detention pond areas. A small area will bypass the biofiltration/pond area and will be collected at the driveway entrance in the proposed conventional pipe system along Eubanks Rd. The runoff coefficient was also evaluated per drainage area and a conservative inlet time of 5 minutes was used for most inlets. The time of concentration for structures A05 and A07 were calculated based on the TR55 Method, and can be found in the attachments. All storm drainage calculations were prepared in accordance with the Town of Chapel Hill. 2 Calculations: Description Page Storm Drainage: Schedule 4 Worksheets: Rational Coefficients 5 TR55 Flowpath 1 7 TR55 Flowpath 2 8 TR55 figure 3-1 9 Pipe Design Worksheets: Hydroflow Plan View (A) 10 Hydroflow Storm Sewer 10yr Summary (A) 11 Hydroflow Storm Sewer 25yr Summary (A) 12 Hydroflow 2 yr. Inlet Report (A) 13 Hydroflow Plan View (131) 14 Hydroflow Storm Sewer 10yr Summary (B1) 15 Hydroflow Storm Sewer 25yr Summary (61) 16 Hydroflow Plan View (62) 17 Hydroflow Storm Sewer 10yr Summary (62) 18 Hydroflow Storm Sewer 25yr Summary (62) 19 Storm Drainage Exhibit: EX1 STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURE SCHEDULE STRUCTURE DATA PIPE DATA Structure Number Structure Type Rim/Top Invert In North Invert In East Invert In South Invert In West Invert Out To Pipe Length Out Pipe Slope Pipe Diameter Pipe Material # elev elev elev elev elev elev ft % in A00 FES 475.80 NA 473.00 NA NA NA OUTFALL NA NA 24 RCP A01 * NCDOT STD. 840.01 478.00 NA 473.39 NA NA 473.29 A00 29 1.00 24 RCP A02 NCDOT STD. 840.01 479.75 NA 474.47 NA NA 474.37 A01 98 1.00 24 RCP A03 NCDOT STD. 840.01 479.75 474.83 NA 474.83 NA 474.73 A02 26 1.00 24 RCP A04 NCDOT STD. 840.01 479.76 NA 475.35 NA NA 475.25 A03 42 1.00 24 RCP A05 NCDOT STD. 840.15 487.50 NA 484.00 NA NA 483.29 A04 265 3.00 24 RCP A06 RISER 488.00 NA NA NA NA 484.00 A03 83 15.17 24 RCP A07 PIPE END 492.00 NA NA NA NA 490.50 A05 43 10.96 15 RCP B01 FES NA NA NA 490.33 NA NA OUTFALL NA NA 15 RCP B02 NCDOT STD. 840.01 494.25 NA NA 490.73 NA 490.63 B01 30 1.00 15 RCP B03 NCDOT STD. 840.01 494.50 NA NA 491.24 NA 491.14 B02 41 1.00 15 RCP B04 NCDOT STD. 840.15 497.80 NA NA 493.10 NA 493.00 B03 117 1.50 15 RCP B05 NCDOT STD. 840.15 496.80 NA NA NA NA 493.73 B04 59 1.00 15 RCP B06 FES NA NA NA 486.00 NA NA OUTFALL NA NA 24 RCP 607 NCDOT STD. 840.15 491.00 NA NA NA NA 486.30 B06 30 1.00 24 RCP B08 FES NA NA NA 490.33 NA NA OUTFALL NA NA 24 RCP B09 NCDOT STD. 840.01 495.20 NA NA 491.13 NA 490.93 B08 40 1.50 24 RCP B10 NCDOT STD. 840.01 496.70 NA NA 492.20 NA 492.10 B09 65 1.50 24 RCP 611 NCDOT STD. 840.15 496.50 NA NA 493.57 NA 493.47 B10 127 1.00 15 RCP B12 FES 495.95 NA NA NA NA 494.70 611 113 1.00 15 RCP Footnotes FOR CURB INLETS, ELEVATION SHOWN AS RIM/TOC IS FOR TOP BACK OF CURB. FOR CATCH BASINS, ELEVATION SHOWN AS RIM/TOC IS FOR TOP OF GRATE. FOR JUNCTION BOXES, ELEVATION SHOWN AS RIM/TOC IS FOR TOP OF LID. ''i FOR YARD INLETS, ELEVATION SHOWN AS RIM/TOC IS FOR FLOW LINE. RATIONAL COEFFICIENT DRAINAGE BASIN AREA C A* C WEIGHTED C SF A01 6529 0.95 6202.55 3361 0.3 1008.3 9890 0.73 A02 1068 0.95 1014.6 1667 0.3 500.1 2735 0.55 A03 5094 0.95 4839.3 6427 0.3 1928.1 11521 0.59 A04 5944 0.95 5646.8 11337 0.3 3401.1 17281 0.52 A05 126890 0.35 44411.5 126890 0.35 A07 65844 0.4 26337.6 65844 0.40 B02 6077 0.95 5773.15 1652 0.3 495.6 7729 0.81 B03 5011 0.95 4760.45 9610 0.3 2883 14621 0.52 B04 4730 0.95 4493.5 0 0.3 0 4730 0.95 B05 0 0.95 0 21602 0.35 7560.7 21602 0.35 B07 160112 0.85 136095.2 0.3 0 160112 0.85 609 12877 0.95 12233.15 6561 0.22 1443.42 19438 0.70 RATIONAL COEFFICIENT DRAINAGE BASIN AREA C W C WEIGHTED C SF B10 4717 0.95 4481.15 23894 0.85 20309.9 1031 0.35 360.85 29642 0.85 611 1553 0.95 1475.35 3687 0.3 1106.1 5240 0.49 B12 3627 0.95 3445.65 53482 0.3 16044.6 57109 0.34 TR 55 Time of Concentration Worksheet Project Orange County Animal Services Location Chapel Hill, North Carolina Calculated By BMM Checked By BMM Date 12/5/2007 Revised Sheet Flow Segment 11 1 Surface Description 2 Mannings Roughness, n (table 3-1) 3 Flow Length, L in ft (max 300') 4 Two-year 24-hr rainfall, P2 in inches 5 Land Slope, s in ft/ft 6 Tt = 0.007x(nL)^0.8/(P2^0.5xs^0.4) in hr Shallow Concentrated Flow Segment K 7 Surface description (paved or unpaved) 8 Flow length, L in ft 9 Watercourse slope, s in ft/ft 10 Average velocity, V in ft/s (figure 3-1) 11 Tt=U3600V in hr Channel Flow Segment IC 12 Cross Sectional flow area, a in ft^2 13 Wetted perimeter, pw in ft 14 Hydraulic radius, r=a/pw in ft 15 Channel slope, s in ft/ft 16 Manning's roughness, n 17 V=1.49xr^0.667xs"0.5/n in ft/s 18 Flow length, L in ft 19 Tt=U3600V, in hr 20 Watershed total Tc in hours Rainfall Intensity 21 Time of Concentration, Tc in minutes Pre-development Condition Post-development Condition Subtotal Subtotal 0.000 0.000 i EF unpaved 271 0.023 2.6 0.196 0.196 0.000 DE FG CD 5 5 5 8 8 8 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.03 0.003 0.033 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.54 0.16 0.57 742 199 550 0.382 0.353 0.736 0.270 0.270 0.93 0.27 55.89 16.21 1 OF 1 Flowpath 1 OF tr551.xis 12/6/2007 TR 55 Time of Concentration Worksheet Project Orange County Animal Services Location Chapel Hill, North Carolina Calculated By BMM Checked By BMM Date 12/5/2007 Revised Sheet Flow Segment 1[ 1 Surface Description 2 Mannings Roughness, n (table 3-1) 3 Flow Length, L in ft (max 300') 4 Two-year 24-hr rainfall, P2 in inches 5 Land Slope, s in ft/ft 6 Tt = 0.007x(nQA0.8/(P2^0.5xs^0.4) in hr Shallow Concentrated Flow Segment IC 7 Surface description (paved or unpaved) 8 Flow length, L in ft 9 Watercourse slope, s in ft/ft 10 Average velocity, V in ft/s (figure 3-1) 11 Tt=U3600V in hr Channel Flow Segment IC 12 Cross Sectional flow area, a in ft^2 13 Wetted perimeter, pw in ft 14 Hydraulic radius, r=a/pw in ft 15 Channel slope, s in ft/ft 16 Manning's roughness, n 17 V=1.49xr^0.667xs^0.5/n in ft/s 18 Flow length, L in ft 19 Tt=U3600V, in hr 20 Watershed total Tc in hours Rainfall Intensity 21 Time of Concentration, Tc in minutes Pre-development Condition Post-development Condition ? AB Subtotal AB BC Subtotal Lawn Lawn 0.24 0.24 139 139 3.6 3.6 0.050 0.050 0.202 0.202 0.202 0.202 0.000 0.000 BC CD 5 5 8 8 0.63 0.63 0.033 0.033 0.35 0.35 0.57 0.57 998 998 0.490 0.490 0.490 0.490 0.69 0.69 41.56 41.56 1 OF 1 Flowpath 1OF tr552.x1s 12/6/2007 Chapter 3 Time of Concentration and Travel Time Technical Release 55 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Figure 3-1 Average velocities for estimating travel time for shallow concentrated flow .50 .20 .10 0 CL 0 m .06 IA 0 V m .04 3 .02 .01 .005 1 2 4 6 10 20 Average velocity (ft/sec) 3-2 (210-VI-TR-66, Second Ed., June 1986) q - ?_ _?__r1 _... I?1...? \/.e\?/ Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2003 Storm Sewer Summary Report Page 1 Storm Sewer Summary Report Page 1 Line Line ID Flow Line Line Invert Invert Line HGL HGL Minor Dns No. rate size length EL Dn EL Up slope down up loss line (cfs) (in) (g) (ft) (ft) N (n) (g) (ft) No. 1 A01-A00 19.42 24 c 28.7 473.00 473.29 1.009 475.00 475.17 0.69 End 2 A02-A01 18.71 24 c 98.4 473.39 474.37 0.996 475.85* 476.53* 0.39 1 3 A03-A02 18.58 24 c 26.1 474.47 474.73 0.996 476.91 * 477.09* 0.60 2 4 A04-A03 8.22 24 c 41.8 474.83 475.25 1.004 477.69* 477.74* 0.12 3 5 A05-A04 7.54 24 c 264.8 475.35 483.29 2.998 477.86 484.26 0.19 4 6 A07-A05 2.85 15 c 42.9 484.00 490.50 15.166 484.46 491.18 0.28 5 7 A06-A03 9.51 18 c 61.0 474.88 484.00 14.951 477.69 485.18 0.64 3 Project File: SD A.stm Number of lines: 7 Run Date: 0428-2008 NOTES: c = circular; e = elliptical; b = box; Return period = 25 Yrs.; * Indicates surcharge condition. Hydraflow Storm wars 2003 l2 Inlet Report Page 1 Line Inlet ID Q = Q Q Q Junc Curb Inlet Grate Inlet Gutter Inlet Byp line No CIA carry capt byp type Ht L area L W So W SW Sx n depth spread depth spread Dep No (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (in) (ft) (sgft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (it/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (in) 1 A01 0.97 0.00 0.97 0.00 Comb 6.0 4.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.010 2.00 0.100 0.030 0.013 0.24 3.33 0.25 2.88 2.00 Off 2 A02 0.19 0.00 0.19 0.00 Comb 6.0 4.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.045 2.00 0.100 0.030 0.013 0.10 1.00 0.10 0.92 2.00 1 3 A03 1.12 0.00 1.12 0.00 Comb 6.0 4.00 0.00 1.08 2.00 0.045 2.00 0.100 0.030 0.013 0.20 2.00 0.20 1.78 2.00 2 4 A04 1.20 0.00 1.20 0.00 Comb 6.0 4.00 0.00 0.89 2.00 0.017 2.00 0.100 0.030 0.013 0.24 3.33 0.25 2.71 2.00 3 5 A05 3.39 0.00 3.39 0.00 DrGrt 0.0 0.00 2.45 0.39 2.00 Sag 2.00 0.030 0.030 0.000 0.40 28.95 0.40 28.95 0.00 Off 6 A07 1.80 0.00 1.80 0.00 Hdwl 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sag 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Off 7 A06 9.51' 0.00 9.51 0.00 DrCrb 6.0 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sag 0.00 0.030 0.030 0.000 0.41 13.66 0.41 13.66 0.00 Off Project File: SD A.stm I-D-F File: chapel hill.IDF Number of lines: 7 Run Date: 0428-2008 NOTES: Inlet N-Values = 0.016; Intensity = 71.48 /(Inlet time + 13.00) ^ 0.87; Return period = 2 Yrs. ; * Indicates Known Q added U,.,Ar?nfinw Plan Viaw Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2003 IJ::? Storm Sewer Summary Report Page, Storm Sewer Summary Report Page 1 Line Line ID Flow Line Line Invert Invert Line HGL HGL Minor Dns No. rate size length EL Dn EL Up slope down up loss line (cfs) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft) N (ft) (ft) (ft) No. 1 B02-601 4.57 15 c 30.5 490.33 490.63 0.984 491.19' 492.11 n/a End 2 B03-1302 3.49 15 c 41.5 490.73 491.14 0.989 492.11 492.20 0.17 1 3 1304603 2.22 15 c 117.0 491.24 493.00 1.504 492.37 493.89 n/a 2 4 B05-1304 1.43 15 c 58.7 493.10 493.73 1.073 493.89 494.41 n/a 3 5 1307-1306 26.45 24 c 30.0 486.00 486.30 1.000 487.80' 490.16' n/a End Project File: SD B1.stm Number of lines: 5 Run Date: 12-06-2007 NOTES: c = circular; e = elliptical; b = box; Return period = 25 Yrs.; ' Indicates surcharge condition. Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2003 1l0 Hvdraflow Plan View Outfall 1 2 B10 B11 4 B12 Project file: SD B2.stm No. Lines: 4 12-06-2007 nyowa zwrm x - 4w Storm Sewer Summary Report Page 1 Line Line ID Flow Line Line Invert Invert Line HGL HGL Minor Dns No. rate size length EL Dn EL Up slope down up loss line (cfs) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft) N (ft) (ft) (ft) No. 1 1309-1308 9.35 24 c 39.8 490.33 490.93 1.507 491.41 492.64 n/a End 2 B10-B09 7.36 24 c 64.7 491.13 492.10 1.499 492.64 493.56 n/a 1 3 1311-B10 3.51 15 c 127.1 492.20 493.47 1.000 493.56 494.69 n1a 2 4 B12-B11 3.19 15 c 112.8 493.57 494.70 1.002 494.69 495.84 n/a 3 Project File: SD B2.stm Number of lines: 4 Run Date: 12406-2007 NOTES: c = circular; e = elliptical; b = box; Return period = 10 Yrs.; ' Indicates surcharge condition. Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2003 I° Storm Sewer Summary Report Page 7 Line Line ID Flow Line Line Invert Invert Line HGL HGL Minor Dns No. rate size length EL Dn EL Up slope down up loss line (cfs) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) No. 1 BO9-BOB 10.74 24 c 39.8 490.33 490.93 1.507 491.49 492.81 n/a End 2 B10-B09 8.43 24 c 64.7 491.13 492.10 1.499 492.81 493.70 n/a 1 3 B11-610 4.00 15 c 127.1 492.20 493.47 1.000 493.70* 494.81* n/a 2 4 B12-B11 3.62 15 c 112.8 493.57 494.70 1.002 494.81 495.95 n/a 3 Project File: SD B2.stm Number of lines: 4 Run Date: 12-06-2007 NOTES: c = circular; e = elliptical; b = box; Return period = 25 Yrs.; * Indicates surcharge condition. Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2003 19 CIVIL CONSMANTS l l? ii i:r?in? rr? Lind I ?cc?!,,??e?rnt t'ni,>ull,uu? lbg- Co t LA ORANGE COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES STORMWATER AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT REPORTS March 20, 2007 Revised May 7, 2007 Revised May 18, 2007 Revised November 15, 2007 Revised April 25, 2008 Project #13037 Prepared for: Orange County P.O. Box 8181 Hillsborough, NC 27278 15?N CARo',' % SEAL • 10437 C 06 @4? Mq y 9 S ?STT?ROU 2008 ?4Mryq Rrr ?.? if r:: ,..I- • ¦ :i?3i<. r ??:,,t ?? (, ?i'?i3i TABLE OF CONTENTS Number of page Stormwater Impact Statement Stormwater Management Plan 16 Development in the Resource Conservation District 97 STORMWATER IMPACT STATEMENT FOR ORANGE COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES tP- aet STORMWATER IMPACT STATEMENT Project Name: Orange County Animal Services Project Number: 13037 Report Date: March 19, 2007, Revised May 7, 2007; May 18, 2007; November 15, 2007; Revised April 25, 2008 Project Location: Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill, Orange County Purpose: To assess the stormwater impacts of a proposed animal services building A. Site Analysis and Narrative Land Use, Density, Impervious Cover and Phasing The property is a tract which is currently undeveloped on the south side of Eubanks Road (SR1727) just west of the crossing of State University Railroad and Eubanks Road. Currently there is no development on the 5.95 acre tract except for a gravel driveway (Genestu Drive) which is bordering the eastern edge of the tract. The tract has frontage along Eubanks Road for approximately 500 feet. The proposed land use is for a public service facility to be owned by Orange County for the purposes of building an animal services facility. Construction is proposed of a main building of approximately 24,000 square feet with associated parking lot, animal exercise area, and service area. The only current impervious cover on the property is the existing gravel driveway, gravel in limited locations within the railroad right-of-way, and pavement within the Eubanks Road right-of-way. The proposed allocated impervious area for the property is approximately 78,000 square feet. Location, Topography, Drainage Conditions As discussed above the site is located along the south side of Eubanks Road, north of Chapel Hill. The land slopes from a high area just to the south of the site falling at a slope of approx 4% to 6% toward an existing roadside drainageway paralleling Eubanks Road. The drainageway along Eubanks Road flows westerly into a perennial stream just west of the site. This perennial stream flows to the north crossing under Eubanks Road and becomes tributary to Old Field Creek at a location just north of Eubanks Road. PI4 Upstream and/or Downstream Volumes, Discharges and Velocities Analyses of stormwater flow rates and volumes were performed for the site (pre- development and post-development conditions) using techniques from USDA TR-55 and incorporating the Peak Discharge Method. Calculations were performed for the 1-year, 2-year, and 25-year, 24-hour storm events. In keeping with Chapel Hill requirements for release rate management, stormwater detention will be provided that will control peak flow rates for those storm events to not be increased above the pre-development rates. Backwater Impacts and Effects on Drainage Conveyance Facilities The drainage from off-site flowing on to the site from the high ground on the south begins less than 100 feet off the site. The drainage from this area is not to be impeded by the construction proposed to develop the site and therefore no backwater effects are anticipated. Ability of Natural Drainage Channel to Convey Additional Volumes, Discharges and Velocities The drainage way which is the roadside ditch along Eubanks Road will continue to receive all the runoff from the site. The peak discharge rates from the developed areas will be controlled by detention facilities for the 1-year, 2-year, and 25-year storm events so that peak flow rates will not be increased. Since the flow rates are not going to increase, the drainage way is not expected to be adversely affected by the development proposed. Potential Mitigation Measures Due to the management measures proposed for controlling peak discharge rates and stormwater quality, adverse impacts are not expected to occur to the surface water system downstream of the site as a result of the development. Delineation of Resource Conservation District (RCD), Jurisdictional Wetlands, Soils Series and Flood Hazard Areas The perennial stream that is flowing just to the west of the site and crosses under Eubanks Road is a tributary to Old Field Creek. The three zones of the RCD from this stream, (Stream Side Corridor, Managed Use Corridor and Upland Corridor) are all present on the northwest corner of the site. This RCD limit is also influenced by the stream from the opposite side of Eubanks Road. The RCD zones are shown on the Site Plan drawings. Based on the wetlands Paae3 evaluation report prepared by The Catena Group, October 5, 2007 (copy attached), there are no wetlands present on the site. Soils on the site are mostly of the Georgeville type with some small area of Tatum type (both are Hydrologic Group B), based upon the Orange County Soils Survey. A review of Flood Hazard Areas based on the published maps and the NC Floodplain Mapping Information System indicate that the nearest flood hazard areas are on the downstream areas that are on the opposite side of Eubanks Road from the site. While not indicated on the flood maps, actual topographic survey data has found small areas on the south side of Eubanks Road that are at an elevation such that backwater effects are present at or near the northwest corner of the site. These areas are so indicated on the plans. B. PROPOSED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PRACTICES All of the roof top stormwater runoff will be directed to underground cistern(s) that will have a volume of 24,000 gallons. Approximately 25% of the cistern(s) storage will be kept available for stormwater runoff reuse by the animal services facility. Roof top runoff that is not retained in the cistern(s) will flow to the stormwater management system. Site stormwater will be collected and conveyed to a series of two devices for treatment and control. The first device will be a bioretention area. The bioretention area will provide treatment for the stormwater runoff from small storm events and the initial runoff from larger storm events. Some of the water passing through the filter portion of the bioretention device will be infiltrated into the underlying soils with the remainder being collected in an underdrain system. The underdrain system from the bioretention area, along with the overflow of the ponding area due to larger storms, will flow to a dry detention pond for peak flow control of the larger storm events. This dry detention pond will also have an infiltration area in the bottom of the pond. From the dry detention pond the flow will be discharged to the existing roadside drainage system along Eubanks Road. Only a small amount of impervious area (approx. 8,000 sq. ft.) which is to be created will be at elevations that are too low to be captured in the system (the portion of the proposed driveway that is nearer to Eubanks Road and a portion of the walking trails). C. RELEASE RATE MANAGEMENT Release rate analysis was performed using techniques from USDA TR-55 and incorporating the Peak Discharge Method along with abstractions for the detention volumes provided. As required by Chapel Hill, release rates will be controlled for the 1-year, 2-year, and 25-year, 24-hour storm events. The infiltration zones in the bioretention area and in the detention pond, as described in Section B above, will provide for infiltration of the increase in flows from the 1- year and 2-year storm events. The storage and orifice release of stormwater ???, LL from the larger storms provided in the detention pond will control the release rate from the 25-year storm. D. VOLUME MANAGEMENT Based upon Chapel Hill requirements, the increased volume from the 2-year, 24- hour storm must be managed onsite. Additional runoff volume produced in the 2- year, 24-hour storm event will be managed in the infiltration zones of the bioretention area and of the detention pond and directed to the cistern(s) for reuse as described in Section B above. E. WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT Chapel Hill requires treatment of stormwater from impervious surfaces associated with the development to achieve 85% removal of Total Suspended Solids. This treatment will be accomplished by directing the runoff from the impervious surfaces to the bioretention area. This device treats the runoff from small storm events and the initial runoff of larger events for pollutant removal as described in Section B above. F. PRELIMINARY NUTRIENT LOADING CALCULATIONS Nutrient loading calculations are provided to show the Nitrogen and Phosphorous loading rates from the facility. Nutrient Pre-Development Post-Development Post-Development Loading Coefficient Loading Coefficient Loading Total Phosphorous 0.08 Ibs/acre/ ear 1.6 Ibs/acre/ ear 9.52 Ibs/ ear Total Nitrogen 0.6 Ibs/acre/ ear 8.8 Ibs/acre/ ear 52.36 Ibs/ ear G. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS PLAN An Operation and Maintenance Plan is incorporated into the Stormwater Management Plan as one of the attachments for both the bioretention area and for the detention basin. Attachments: N.C. Floodplain Mapping Information System FIRM Map; Panel No. 370342 0255 B, March 16, 1981 Nutrient Loading Calculations Wetlands Evaluation: OC Animal Services Site, The Catena Group, October 5, 2007 Map Output t • rage t of t Orange Co Animal Services Wed Feb 28 10:01:36 EST 2007 L v; a 4 AEFIV ,SHADED X . 1 . 9810 1 3? ? f ,.? ?, rrr ._J rtnas cao?c u?„r, tx?iwu.vw'cr?cn ??, KC. FloudPlain MdP&u k4ormation Sylltom On-UM Mapping Apphcatlo Pmvtded 4 the Nwth C-". Floodpl.in Mapping P-q- asclamer'. TNs is nut Icp?iyy D;ndirQ (FIRM1.Q Flood Vs-r - Rn? MP xid ;huuld rw[ Ca usad a::uch, 1 r?' "t. Viz' C ' reiY =, Ca s{ ,?, i y. 1? r Legend .. 7-1 ,_' ? •'1,..,.?-_ fog, ..,f. ,?? _-,?, `?"? ...[.. ? _ VJ r[s ?;_ of .._ Ilttp -' I t?? I0, I() 1 8 ?Cl%ICt'cont CSri Csrinrip FSrimap'?Set icetiame Iocatoi -Ch entVersl _ '-'/'28/2007 ?# Rye ? 442 rn • -? 440 442 • j 4?4 a : ?e2 446 ? ? 450 • ? 452 - • \ 1725 458 ZONE A4 86 i 475 / \\ LIMIT OF 6 ?O ,• DETAILED ST Y RM76,, \ • ? F, i-1 e ? 3 ?' • a V -- I / \ II t /' rte/ II \ IC ,ll \ I I \ I I ,r •----•__ _ /i ,4 • II /i 11 ? / G •= ZONEC a 41 II • II ; II t ? *4 I I J* I ? • II ;? I/ Il II 11 n \ r. - ? II \\t • HON1ESIEA0 . 0 0 N 0 J W 2 Q a LA 2 O may be This m Sarily all plan For ad Panels. Refe. shoe. s(ru - Ilshe, ro cont. Pr i 6 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA (UNINCORPORATED AREAS) PANEL 255 OF 350 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) COMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER 310342 0255 B EFFECTIVE DATE: MARCH 16, 1981 federal emergency management agency federal insurance administration li Y Nutrient Loading Calculation Project: Orange County Animal Services Location: Chapel Hill Date: 3/12/2007 Rev: 3/12/2007 Site Area Nitrogen Total N Phosphorous Total P Land Use Type Acres lbs/ac/ r lbs/ r lbs/ae/r lbs/ r Low Density Residential 5.2 0.0 0.7 0.0 Hi Density Residential 7.4 0.0 1.2 0.0 Office/Institutional 5.95 8.8 52.36 1.6 9.52 Commercial 13.2 0.0 1.6 0.0 Industrial 11.2 0.0 1.4 0.0 Undeveloped/Forest/Open 0.6 0.0 J 0.08 0.0 Pasture 2.6 0.0 E 0.5 0.0 ?av. The Catena Group 410-B Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 (919) 732-1300 October 5, 2007 Tony Whitaker Civil Consultants, Inc. 3708 Lyckan Parkway, Suite 201 Durham, NC 27707 Subject: Wetland Evaluation: OC Animal Services Site, Eubanks Road Orange County, North Carolina TCG Job # 2122 Dear Mr. Whitaker, Per your request, The Catena Group (TCG) conducted a wetlands assessment in the vicinity of an Unnamed Tributary (UT) to Old Field Creek on the OC Animal Service site south of Eubanks Road (SR 1727) in Orange County, North Carolina. Prior to field investigations, the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) topographic map (1978 Chapel Hill quadrangle) and 2003 aerial photography were examined to determine if any wetland features were visually discernable (Figure 1 and 2). Wetlands were not identified on the topographic map or the aerial photograph. The field investigation was conducted on October 4, 2007, by Kate Montieth and Jenn Logan of TCG. The project area was evaluated based on criteria established in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wetland Delineation Manual (1987) and accompanying USACE Wetland Determination Data Form. This form is based on the three parameter approach in which hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and hydrology, are evaluated to determine if an area is considered a wetland. Approximately 50 feet on either side of the stream and 100 feet from the road was searched for wetland features. No wetlands were identified within the project area. A USACE Wetland Determination Data Form was completed for the area which exhibited the most wetland characteristics; however, the area was determined to be upland (Figure 2, Appendix A). The findings presented herein represent The Catena Group's professional opinion based on our site evaluation and knowledge of the current federal and state laws and rules governing Jurisdictional Waters of the United States. No wetlands were identified within the area of potential impact. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns with the results of this study. Sincerely, Kate Montieth -?c4e IC) :AkI b J- t Mb. * Y j ? f flf ?,f?4 r t ?1 z' ?` 'v '%? ? +'•?' k ?.? 4•'h.._ '? -• ,, w?l i! ? ?' ?j?•, ? ? ,•, '?L ? ? Yh' 1 ? 9 ' ?' •? °4 '1 ? 1 ' r ? 1 f S f B + ,1 ,-i'. .i e`r?','i_ l _ . ? :'' ?h..i }'?71? ? e!{ {' f,, r r b' ! .!.. `L'4. T ly Iti1 A? ' baW ?R '+ fj ( r?,f. _ •. }f '-"}• 'PR Old Field Creek ! ," ¦ % i '%% UT to Old Field Creek; 1 _ ?' f,? - ? ?r -,! •? ?1 ' •?,i. ••' _ ! t ?! ' is 0' +t', ?•Z '' ^?? ? (' '? .•` ? dt? _ _ ? 11 ?1 ? ' , ' ? 1'1 '! I ' ! f -_ it -4 -4 N? Id i _ t. 1 I 1 rl j - ??- _ t• .. 1 1 1 i t % - ?' II ','' ?-•?' ?+' _..__ ti f - _ '?? I , ? - Approximate Study Area f 4 f 't ON. _ ! ! The C t OC Animal Services Site Ot II,I„e+ Zoo, Figure a ena Wetland Assessment Group 0 'SO _G'"J Feet - '? _' Orange County, North Carolina Job Na -, z I zz Old Field Creek a Read ` x Data Form Point UT to Old Field Creek t ? . ??•?' ? t ? mom` - l y k - x, Approximate Approximate Study Area Boundary The OC Animal Services Site o(1„Ix!t 2007 Figure Catena Wetland Assessment Ska? Group 0I 25 { 1 0 Feet Orange County, North Carolina Job No. 2122 _-i_1) Appendix A USACE Wetland Determination Data Form ??t3 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual Project/Site: OC Animal Services Applicant/Owner. Investigator(s) K. Montie J. Logan Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? es No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? es ®o Is this area a potential Problem Area? Yes o (If needed, explain on reverse) Date: October 4, 2007 County: Orange State: North Carolina Community IE upland TransectID: Plot ID: VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Microstegium vimineum grass - 9. 2. Ligustrum sinense shrub FAC 10. 3. Acer mbrum canopy FAC 11. 4. Liquidambarstyraci/lua canopy FAC+ 12. 5. Smilax roturrdifolia vine FAC 13. 6. Rubus al egheniensis vine UPL 14. 7. Solida o s p. herb - 15. 8. Polystic rum acrostichoides TeT FAC 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (excluding FAC-' 63% Remarks: HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe Remarks) Stream, Lake, or tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other No Recorded Data Available Wetland Hydrology Indicators Primary Indicators: Inundated _ Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Water Marks Drift Lines _ _ Sediment Deposits Field Observations: Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Depth of Surface Water: none (in.) Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Water-Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit: none (in.) Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: none (in.) -Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks No hydologic indicators. --N__ . /l SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Geort;eville silt loam Drainage Class: well drained Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroul Typic Kanhapludults Confirm Mapped Type? Yes Profile Description: Depth Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, inches Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0-2 10YR 413 clay loam 2-8 5Y 416 2.5YR 514 few distinct clay loam 8+ 2.5YR 613 7.5YR 516 common prominent clay loam Hydric Soil Indicators: _ Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils _Aquic Moisture Regime Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List _Gleyed or Low-Chroma Color Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks No hdric soil indicators WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Yes No Yes RNo Yes Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No Remarks The point is not in a wetland STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ORANGE COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES -OnA 0 IL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Project Name: Orange County Animal Services Project Number: 13037 Report Date: March 14, 2007, revised May 7, 2007; May 18, 2007; November 15, 2007; Revised April 25, 2008 Project Location: Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill, Orange County Purpose: Management of stormwater for Proposed Animal Services Building Site Description: The property is a tract which is currently undeveloped on the south side of Eubanks Road (SR1727) just west of the crossing of State University Railroad and Eubanks Road. Currently there is no development on the 5.95 acre tract except for a gravel driveway (Genestu Drive) which is bordering the eastern edge of the tract. The tract has frontage along Eubanks Road for approximately 500 feet. The only current impervious cover on the site is the existing gravel driveway, gravel in limited locations within the railroad right-of-way, and pavement within the Eubanks Road right-of-way. The site is located along the south side of Eubanks Road, north of Chapel Hill. Proposed Development: The proposed land use is for a public service facility to be owned by Orange County for the purposes of building an animal services facility. Construction is proposed of a main building of approximately 24,000 square feet with associated parking lot, animal exercise area, and service area. The only current impervious cover on the property is the existing gravel driveway, gravel in limited locations within the railroad right-of-way, and pavement within the Eubanks Road right-of-way. The proposed allocated impervious area for the property is approximately 78,000 square feet. Existing and Proposed Storm Drainage System: There is no existing storm drainage system, only a roadside ditch along Eubanks Road. The site slopes from a high area just off site to the south of the site falling at a rate of approx 4% to 6% toward existing roadside drainage ways paralleling Eubanks road. The drainage way along Eubanks Road flows westerly into a perennial stream just west of the site; this perennial stream crosses to the north under Eubanks Road and becomes tributary to Old Field Creek at a location just north of Eubanks Road. Pnfe,11 Once developed with the buildings and the parking lot and driveway, the site will have a stormwater collection system for the building and service area which will flow through stormwater pipes to the parking area and thence to the stormwater management BMP's/IMP's. The BMP's will infiltrate a portion of the stormwater and the remainder will discharge into the roadside drainage way on the southside of Eubanks Road. Stormwater Detention Structure(s): Stormwater from impervious areas will be treated through a Bioretention BMP with infiltration of some of the stormwater though the bottom of the underdrain section into the native soils (soils in the proposed stormwater management area are all in the Georgeville group, Hydrologic Group B, based upon the Orange County Soils Survey). The overflow from the ponding area and the underdrain flow from the Bioretention BMP will discharge to a dry detention pond. The detention pond will have an infiltration area in the bottom which will provide infiltration of some of the stormwater. The detention pond outflow will discharge to the existing roadside drainage way along Eubanks Road. The following table summarizes the onsite impervious area allocations for preliminary design purposes. Proposed Bldg. Parking, etc. draining to stormwater management system Allowance for possible future expansion BMP design impervious area Proposed impervious area not captured by stormwater management system Impervious Area (sq. ft 63,384 +5,000 68,384 8,029 The existing impervious area of Genestu Drive is neither contributory to the stormwater runoff for the project nor proposed to be modified; therefore, it has not been included in the pre-develop me nt/post-development hydrologic calculations. BMP's/[MP's: All of the roof top stormwater runoff will be directed to underground cistern(s) that will have a volume of 24,000 gallons. Approximately 25% of the cistern(s) storage will be kept available for stormwater runoff reuse by the animal services facility. Roof top runoff that is not retained in the cistern(s) will flow to the stormwater management system. Stormwater from the impervious areas of the site will be discharged to a proposed bioretention device. The device will allow a ponding depth of approximately 12 inches, with any overflow into a detention pond. Underdrains from the bioretention BMP will discharge into the detention pond as well. The detention pond will be used to control the peak flows from large storm events with outflow through an orifice in the riser device. Both the bioretention cell and the detention pond will have infiltration areas. This infiltration will accommodate the additional oo - ) 8 (post-development vs. pre-development) stormwater runoff that is expected to occur from storm events up to the 2 yr, 24 hour event. Grading/Landscaping: Grading of the site will be employed to produce a building pad area for the proposed building on the southern portion of the site. The parking area will be in front of the building (between the building and Eubanks Road) and will be 2ft to 4 ft lower than the building. The entry driveway will curve around the west side of the site from the parking area to Eubanks Road and will slope down to Eubanks for about 12 feet in elevation. A sloped embankment will bring the grade down in front of the parking area to the stormwater BMP devices. Landscape plans will be produced to meet Chapel Hill's landscape requirements. Erosion Control Features: Erosion control plans were prepared in accordance with the guidance contained in North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Desiqn Manual, 2006 Revisions, and have been submitted to the Raleigh Regional Office of the NC Land Quality Section for review and approval. Typical erosion control devices such as diversion berms, drainage channels, sediment traps and/or sediment basins are employed in the design and plan. Financial Responsibility Forms have been executed and submitted with the plan to the Land Quality Section. Reserved Stormwater Drainageway Easement: A "Reserved Stormwater Drainageway Easement" has been designated on the plan including the bioretention device and the detention pond and the areas necessary for maintenance access to these devices. Analysis: Analyses of stormwater flows rates and volumes has been performed for the site (pre-development and post-development conditions) using techniques from USDA TR-55 and incorporating the Peak Discharge Method. Stormwater runoff modeling and routing of the detention facilities has been analyzed with the computer program, Hydroflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve. Calculations were performed for the 1-year, 2-year, and 25-year, 24-hour storm events. In keeping with Chapel Hill requirements for release rate management, stormwater detention has been provided that will control peak flow rates for those storm events to not be increased above the pre-development rates. Delineation of Resource Conservation District (RCD): The perennial stream located to the west of the site crosses under Eubanks Road and is a tributary to Old Field Creek. The three zones of the RCD, Stream Side Corridor, Managed Use Corridor and Upland Corridor are all present on the northwest corner of the site. This RCD is also influenced by the stream from the opposite side of Eubanks Road. The RCD zones are shown on the Site Plan drawings. Release Rate Management: Release rate analysis has been performed using techniques from USDA TR-55 and incorporating the Peak Discharge Method along with abstractions for the detention volumes provided. As required by Chapel Hill, calculations have been provided for the 1-year, 2-year, and 25-year, 24-hour storm event. Using the bioretention facility for the water quality treatment and the infiltration rate for the volume management, the peak flow from the given events are being limited on- site to no more than the pre-development levels in the indicated storm events. The system proposed will infiltrate the difference in volume for the 1-year and 2- year events, along with detention and release of the 25-year runoff discharge through orifice control; and will release the 25-year event runoff at pre- development rates through the existing roadside drainage system along Eubanks Road. A comparison of peak discharge flow rates is: 1 year storm 2 year storm 25 year storm Pre-Development 1.64 cfs 3.69 cfs 17.73 cfs Post-Development 1.51 cfs 2.45 cfs 15.17 cfs Volume Management: Based upon Chapel Hill requirements, the increased volume from the 2-year, 24- hour storm must be managed onsite. Additional runoff volumes produced in the 2-year, 24-hour storm event is managed in the infiltration zones in the bottom of the bioretention facility and in the bottom of the detention basin. Infiltration calculations have been based upon an infiltration rate of 0.6 inches/hour (the low end of the range for the Georgeville soils) with an effective infiltration rate of 0.3 inches/hour. This rate is expected to infiltrate the additional volume of stormwater runoff from the 2-year event within a three day period. The infiltration in the bottom of the bioretention device along with infiltration in the bottom of the detention basin provides the infiltration capability that is required for infiltration to meet or exceed the Town requirements. a,,, 6 n Water Quality Management: Chapel Hill requires treatment of stormwater from impervious surfaces associated with the development to achieve 85% removal of Total Suspended Solids. This treatment is accomplished by directing the runoff from all the impervious surfaces, except for a small portion for the entrance driveway leading in from Eubanks Road and a small portion of the walking trails, to a bioretention area located in the front of the proposed animal services center. The impervious areas not captured by the stormwater management system are 8,029 sq. ft. Conclusion: The Stormwater Management measures as proposed are designed to meet or exceed the Town of Chapel Hill's stormwater requirements for release rate management, volume management and water quality management. Attachments: TR 55 Time of Concentration Curve Number Analysis BMP Design Calculations Hydrographs for Pre- and Post-Development Stormwater Runoff Orange County Soils Survey Operation and Maintenance Plan for BMPs PaaP 21 TR55•Tc Worksheet 4 Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 1 Pre Dev. Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.240 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 11.44 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 11.44 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Unpaved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.79 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.89 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.89 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.025 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.94 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 1.01 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 1.01 Total Travel Time, Tc ............. ................................................................. 13.30 min -;?haP ?.,2- 6 TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by intelisolve Hyd. No. 2 Post dev to Det. Pond Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.011 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.97 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.97 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Paved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.87 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.87 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.87 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.013 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 7.76 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 0.64 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.64 ........... Total Travel Time, Tc ................. ...................... ........................ 2.50 min .... Paine M 12 TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 6 Post dev not to detention Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.240 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 11.44 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 11.44 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow !er.gth (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Unpaved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.79 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.89 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.89 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.025 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.94 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 1.01 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 1.01 ................................... Total Travel Time, Tc ............... ......................... 13.30 min ... -a"e2? Project Orange Co Animal Ser Location Eubanks Rd., Orange Co Curve Number Analysis Calculated By WCM Date Checked By WCM Revised 11/15/2007 Notes 1 Soils are Georgeville - Hydrologic Group B CIVIL CONSULTANTS, INC. 3708 Lyckan Parkway Suite 201 DURHAM, NC 27707 (919) 490-1645 Fax (919) 403-0336 JOB_ SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE rr _ _L???tn l1alCt?.l??1d)t_s for ,?io?/iyh ?/??f? Vz kt me-dr ?r?,? 5DZ in?ir. urren?e 1i? t?0lt?rrtp (?Y?ytdec': ,4m ltd mar A-r Ll EL. ?9,o / D fJ i }2!` G I l I S! h 5cct?! f. /ndDn O i ;NB t' P14its inc a ? ? , ? l'C4 fCl? (r???J (Il / lC?t v GL Or?,m? of sar /'e uii^emeds qer 1-: ;&11 H44-1 WC5? 1?f hd?rolrou;M s r r??(evf P/fQs 1 lp1h, frp" Gfse to'Y4nreler ?h m!Hm!me- vok"41 e'1U941n/ _ CIVIL CONSULTANTS, INC. 3708 Lyckan Parkway Suite 201 DURHAM, NC 27707 (919) 490-1645 Fax (919) 403-0336 JOB-, e. A-6 SHEET NO. ' r OF CALCULATED BY w DATE y S V CHECKED BY. SCALE At 5. DATE /?h ' _?Zmx, e,, her e sand Csz t ox4am" Z?j eo ?exfi ?e - br 6eheQY sad- ?v9 ?JP 1 Gthderdra?is ark .n ? rave. f ,?Q a?' ?s7 ??a??e , ?'???r?-, td[c?s ? ?e ?enPa?t_lurderpl?'??:cs ?o_Q/'D?tG?C. /rl ++ 4 41 VA Q rea 5 o ?r e IrP.?1Ce G? .Z V I^ v ?r?w ?? -Z1fr4' s ?"Jo de 4r &X41 bl o f ?_. ear, 2 -Uea r _ 2? !? r ?m ev?5 ru -?F rya" 31 hof _7?e???G? _/ 'Pre- de it topoie sJ- r4es X, 694r4d) AloL-: Ad--IeW .sW'//or,-i?e r- PomW Z4 om -/o b S, z 'aflame ier. A Zeller Aslq n 44u ?r _45?_ small or; 4 e- /' V)? hA'" W a zat joker %co, Ar+d `f o- pbkn ?-,o redivte Cf 6 mot) ' e? Dz4tk?- Dili d e l? up r `f/cc. _ rc?e ? -F- D. ?'7 c-?s ?, r f ??arrn a s `?l,,c S,l . '? G?tai?t?r _or?`?rce ?'-- ?? . ho?r<orn ? !Y[?le% Lr6n a?de,? ?HC verse rh ?,ea? over ai' icc Prom ,Sari. Q = CAD a F2F ?,q CIVIL CONSULTANTS, INC. 3708 Lyckan Parkway Suite 201 DURHAM, NC 27707 (919) 490-1645 Fax (919) 403-0336 JOB 04 A, SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY ??/,? ? DATE ?O CHECKED BY DATE SCALE d, 4, 7 cA ?-??a?? vn c?Qe ? el- q = 32, 2 416 Z 4r o,Frrr? ? way ?- ?; V31 ?iCvlhE??°r Dr ?YL'2? pri t ' = 3,& Wickes 0 -? 'prprlde ?oehoard -?vr 1G?0 year erg Xyr- W5? = 7 ? _ ?rlCc ?/? ` ` ! S4r4& arm- a ol146/e = 'M'W Z'04m- n I?rL 21)21 ?o lt+We- d -Wcreelce- e4 2Lj t. ?4orm nA v,,bA 4-12,42 &(1 IM4 ??'!Ue lrl??r4??vn = ?,s?0.lo ?µ-/?r? = D• 3l?. f ?irv? l kwu.. k ?na?a?-` / S/ 2 ?f' i o? D. D 2s ? ? ?,r_ Yne O 9 X CIVIL CONSULTANTS, INC. 3708 Lyckan Parkway Suite 201 DURHAM, NC 27707 (919) 490-1645 Fax (919) 403-0336 JOB -0-01. Ammo l SHEET NO. I , l of Z CALCULATED BY IMP DATE T 30 O S CHECKED BY DATE SCALE (2) EL. 488 e7 ?- der' ??? `tie 9ratt? ?? (I) EL_. X86.7 ? Op-en,;r? c1oP,? h,ot Ca-r.tro ? pond owil-o-f floc for U 0 -u l l (an9-e 6f exy4A lja7? SUrfact. Ale-vo? mss . - 0".&,:" Aro.e Assume all Row is 9o vtirn td 6 y orf,ocJ = 0. 0707 -ft2 ?- CD A 29ti WA-eft CD =O.?o Tor Grale-? O. x 3.r7 232.2) V h = 0. 6 X 0, 0707 2(32,2) Cond m, f i (I&U, = W6.7) ? ; A p n 0,,3q (° w r f \ s w is s ? • a a V ell % !! !yt • eoee Q. ?? 0 Gaff, 17, 67 /. 0 Q P;?, = 0,31f 3.05 Coi'?di i" # 2 C Z?SSEL = 468.7 17, 67 cfs 0, 5 7 c'fs Pi pe C4-rlf ro is QO, e = 17, 67 3. o = 30.61 cc, P,` fe, C4-"-f ra l.S C? ;PQ- 0. 3 S. 05 - 0.76 cfs 3e? n? cor•.l ftis &Af o j 1t at/ c6rr1d "t;oN-S ohx 9R 04 L- 1" DEPRESSION 1 r-7`/Arr SECTION G-G 2r-31/4" 12n (0.I(17') SECTION H-H - 11rr 04 i1/2rr ri1?Br, ?? 1?8rr H G o G D N 1 f? N 1.3?5? L?H co TC T- 1 r-7j/8rr V-7-5/8" PLAN OF GRATING CAST IRON 1/8, 21/8 rr 1/8 rr 1/8 rr 1 rr 3'-344° 1 rr 3/4r, 3 31-2rr 3'-144rr 3r- 611 N N SECTION E-E 3r-6rr F? E N F---Wj PLAN OF FRAME CAST IRON E -4 Dpenmj At-t. c 1•375`' A 0.101 x 16 slots 3.67 ff - 1 rr i8 it 1n SECTION F-F o? H } Qa Q W J a C9 H Z N?V oou)= F-0=0(0 H=F-zW U) F- WOJ O C Z ,jam ~ H CL o , W O Lo T 0 W F- co o °7a c7 ? Z T H Z a Q ° x co o W z l? ° = J cn cn H ? J z a. 3 W O0 W D cf) c r- 0 W 1840.16 Or?? cry Ar?;?? SsWv,c1?.? 2 c? 2 Hydrographs for Pre- and Post-Development Stormwater Runoff '.Jn60 A ,Table of Contents Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve 13037 detention rev 4-25-08.gpw Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hydrograph Return Period Recap ...................................................................... 1 - Year Summary Report ................................................................................................................. 2 Hydrograph Reports ........................................................................................................... 3 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Pre Dev ......................................................................... 3 TR-55 Tc Worksheet .................................................................................................... 4 Hydrograph No. 2, SCS Runoff, Post dev to Det. Pond ................................................... 5 TR-55 Tc Worksheet .................................................................................................... 6 Hydrograph No. 3, Diversion1, infiltrate ............................................................................ 7 Hydrograph No. 4, Diversion2, To detention pond ........................................................... 8 Hydrograph No. 5, Reservoir, Detention Pond Outlet ....................................................... 9 Pond Report ............................................................................................................... 10 Hydrograph No. 6, SCS Runoff, Post dev not to detention ............................................. 11 TR-55 Tc Worksheet .................................................................................................. 12 Hydrograph No. 7, Combine, Post Dev. Total ................................................................ 13 2 - Year Summary Report ............................................................................................................... 14 Hydrograph Reports ......................................................................................................... 15 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Pre Dev ....................................................................... 15 TR-55 Tc Worksheet .................................................................................................. 16 Hydrograph No. 2, SCS Runoff, Post dev to Det. Pond ................................................. 17 TR-55 Tc Worksheet .................................................................................................. 18 Hydrograph No. 3, Diversion1, infiltrate .......................................................................... 19 Hydrograph No. 4, Diversion2, To detention pond ......................................................... 20 Hydrograph No. 5, Reservoir, Detention Pond Outlet ..................................................... 21 Pond Report ............................................................................................................... 22 Hydrograph No. 6, SCS Runoff, Post dev not to detention ............................................. 23 TR-55 Tc Worksheet .................................................................................................. 24 Hydrograph No. 7, Combine, Post Dev. Total ................................................................ 25 10 - Year Summary Report ............................................................................................................... 26 Hydrograph Reports ......................................................................................................... 27 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Pre Dev ....................................................................... 27 TR-55 Tc Worksheet .................................................................................................. 28 Hydrograph No. 2, SCS Runoff, Post dev to Det. Pond ................................................. 29 TR-55 Tc Worksheet .................................................................................................. 30 Hydrograph No. 3, Diversion1, infiltrate .......................................................................... 31 Hydrograph No. 4, Diversion2, To detention pond ......................................................... 32 Hydrograph No. 5, Reservoir, Detention Pond Outlet ..................................................... 33 Pond Report ........................................................................................... Hydrograph No. 6, SCS Runoff, Post dev not to detention ............................................. 35 TR-55 Tc Worksheet ........................................................................................ Hydrograph No. 7, Combine, Post Dev. Total ................................................................ 37 25 - Year n Contents 13037 detention rev 4-25-08.gpw Summary Report ............................................................................................................... 38 Hydrograph Reports ......................................................................................................... 39 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Pre Dev ....................................................................... 39 TR-55 Tc Worksheet .................................................................................................. 40 Hydrograph No. 2, SCS Runoff, Post dev to Det. Pond ................................................. 41 TR-55 Tc Worksheet .................................................................................................. 42 Hydrograph No. 3, Diversion1, infiltrate .......................................................................... 43 Hydrograph No. 4, Diversion2, To detention pond ......................................................... 44 Hydrograph No. 5, Reservoir, Detention Pond Outlet ..................................................... 45 Pond Report ............................................................................................................... 46 Hydrograph No. 6, SCS Runoff, Post dev not to detention ............................................. 47 TR-55 Tc Worksheet .................................................................................................. 48 Hydrograph No. 7, Combine, Post Dev. Total ................................................................ 49 100 - Year Summary Report ............................................................................................................... 50 Hydrograph Reports ......................................................................................................... 51 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Pre Dev ....................................................................... 51 TR-55 Tc Worksheet .................................................................................................. 52 Hydrograph No. 2, SCS Runoff, Post dev to Det. Pond ................................................. 53 TR-55 Tc Worksheet .................................................................................................. 54 Hydrograph No. 3, Diversion1, infiltrate .......................................................................... 55 Hydrograph No. 4, Diversion2, To detention pond ......................................................... 56 Hydrograph No. 5, Reservoir, Detention Pond Outlet ..................................................... 57 Pond Report ............................................................................................................... 58 Hydrograph No. 6, SCS Runoff, Post dev not to detention ............................................. 59 TR-55 Tc Worksheet .................................................................................................. 60 Hydrograph No. 7, Combine, Post Dev. Total ................................................................ 61 on nU. ?? Hydrograph Return Period Recap Hyd. Hydrograph Inflow Peak Outflow (cfs) Hydrograph No. type Hyd(s) description (origin) 1-Yr 2-Yr 3-Yr 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 1 SCS Runoff ------- 1.64 3.69 ------- ------- 12.02 17.73 ------- 27.40 Pre Dev. 2 SCS Runoff ------- 7.33 10.37 ------- ------- 20.13 26.10 ------- 35.47 Post dev to Det. Pond 3 Diversion1 2 4.25 6.01 ------- ------- 11.68 15.14 ------- 20.58 infiltrate 4 Diversion2 2 3.08 4.36 ------- ------- 8.46 10.96 ------- 14.90 To detention pond 5 Reservoir 4 0.56 0.61 ------- ------- 4.34 8.69 ------- 13.77 Detention Pond Outlet 6 SCS Runoff ------- 0.96 1.85 ------- ------- 5.21 7.44 ------- 11.19 Post dev not to detention 7 Combine 5,6 1.52 2.46 ------- ------- 9.36 15.14 ------- 22.89 Post Dev. Total I i I I i i i Proj. file: 13037 detention rev 4-25-08.gpw Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:07 PM Hydraflow Hydrograph Summary Report Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to peak (min) Volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Maximum storage (cult) Hydrograph description 1 SCS Runoff 1.64 1 724 6,967 ---- ------ ------ Pre Dev. 2 SCS Runoff 7.33 1 716 12,746 ---- ------ ------ Post dev to Det. Pond 3 Diversionl 4.25 1 716 7,393 2 ------ ------ infiltrate 4 Diversion2 3.08 1 716 5,353 2 ------ ------ To detention pond 5 Reservoir 0.56 1 723 5,353 4 486.45 1,389 Detention Pond Outlet 6 SCS Runoff 0.96 1 723 3,340 ---- ------ ------ Post dev not to detention 7 Combine 1.52 1 723 8,694 5,6 ------ ------ Post Dev. Total I I 13037 detention rev 4-25-08.gpw Return Period: 1 Year Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:07 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 1 Pre Dev. Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 1 yrs Drainage area = 5.85 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = TR55 Total precip. = 3.00 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:7 PM Peak discharge = 1.64 cfs Time interval = 1 min Curve number = 60 Hydraulic length = 0 ft Time of conc. (Tc) = 13.3 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 6,967 cult Q (cfs) Pre Dev. Hyd. No. 1 -- 1 Yr 2.00 1.00 0.00 0 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 Hyd No. 1 Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 0.00 26 Time (hrs) 3 P - kr TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 1 Pre Dev. Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.240 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 11.44 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 11.44 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Unpaved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.79 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.89 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.89 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.025 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.94 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 1.01 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 1.01 Total Travel Time, Tc .............................. ...................... .......................... 13.30 min 4 A.., -? 1 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:7 PM Hyd. No. 2 Post dev to Det. Pond Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 7.33 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 3.69 ac Curve number = 76 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 2.5 min Total precip. = 3.00 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 12,746 cuft Post dev to Det. Pond Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 2 -- 1 Yr 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 2 5 Hyd No. 2 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 Q (cfs) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 23 26 Time (hrs) 5 V)'.0 , TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 2 Post dev to Det. Pond Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.011 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.97 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.97 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Paved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.87 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.87 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.87 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.013 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 7.76 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 0.64 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.64 Total Travel Time, Tc .............................. ................................................ 2.50 min 6 PAL 313 Hydrograph Plot 7 Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:7 PM Hyd. No. 3 infiltrate Hydrograph type = Diversion'! Peak discharge = 4.25 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hydrograph = 2 2nd diverted hyd. = 4 Diversion method = Flow Ratio Flow ratio = 0.58 Hydrograph Volume = 7,393 cult infiltrate Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 3 -- 1 Yr 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 Hyd No. 3 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 4 19 21 Q (cfs) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 23 26 Time (hrs) A'.'4h Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:7 PM Hyd. No. 4 To detention pond Hydrograph type = Diversion2 Peak discharge = 3.08 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hydrograph = 2 2nd diverted hyd . = 3 Diversion method = Flow Ratio Flow ratio = 0.58 Hydrograph Volume = 5,353 cuft To detention pond Q (cfs) Q (cfs Hyd. No. 4 -- 1 Yr ) 8.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 3 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 23 26 Time (hrs) PA a .4I 8 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:7 PM Hyd. No. 5 Detention Pond Outlet Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 0.56 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyd. No. = 4 Max. Elevation = 486.45 ft Reservoir name = Detention Pond Max. Storage = 1,389 cuft Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0 2 5 Hyd No. 5 Detention Pond Outlet Hyd. No. 5 -- 1 Yr 7 9 - Hyd No. 4 Hydrograph Volume = 5,353 cuft Q (cfs) 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Time (hrs) 9 Pmt _ -- Hydr'ograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 6 Post dev not to detention Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 1 yrs Drainage area = 2.16 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = TR55 Total precip. = 3.00 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:7 PM Peak discharge = 0.96 cfs Time interval = 1 min Curve number = 63 Hydraulic length = 0 ft Time of conc. (Tc) = 13.3 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 3,340 cuft Q (cfs) 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 Post dev not to detention Hyd. No. 6 -- 1 Yr Q (cfs) 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 26 Time (hrs) 04,.E * - 11 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 Hyd No. 6 'TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 6 Post dev not to detention Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.240 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 11.44 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 11.44 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Unpaved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.79 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.89 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.89 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.025 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.94 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 1.01 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 1.01 Total Travel Time, Tc ............. ................. ........................... ..................... 13.30 min 12 Fin no A< Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:7 PM Hyd. No. 7 Post Dev. Total Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 1.52 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyds. = 5, 6 Hydrograph Volume = 8,694 cuft Post Dev. Total Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 7 -- 1 Yr 2.00 1.00 0.00 0 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 Hyd No. 7 Hyd No. 5 Hyd No. 6 19 21 23 Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 0.00 26 Time (hrs) 13 ow- * 14 Hydrograph Summary Report Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to peak (min) Volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Maximum storage (cuft) Hydrograph description 1 SCS Runoff 3.69 1 723 12,021 ---- ------ ------ Pre Dev. 2 SCS Runoff 10.37 1 716 18,062 ---- ------ ------ Post dev to Det. Pond 3 Diversionl 6.01 1 716 10,476 2 ------ ------ infiltrate 4 Diversion2 4.36 1 716 7,586 2 ------ ------ To detention pond 5 Reservoir 0.61 1 724 7,586 4 486.99 2,295 Detention Pond Outlet 6 SCS Runoff 1.85 1 722 5,471 ---- ------ ------ Post dev not to detention 7 Combine 2.46 1 722 13,057 5,6 ------ ------ Post Dev. Total i i 13037 detention rev 4-25-08.gpw Return Period: 2 Year Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:07 PM Hydraflow HydroVph Eby Intelisolve J A Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 1 Pre Dev. Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 3.69 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 5.85 ac Curve number = 60 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 13.3 min Total precip. = 3.60 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 12,021 cuft Pre Dev. Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 1 -- 2 Yr 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0 2 5 Hyd No. 1 7 9 12 14 Q (cfs) 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 16 19 21 23 26 Time (hrs) 15 Ofine A Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 2 Post dev to Det. Pond Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 10.37 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 3.69 ac Curve number = 76 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 2.5 min Total precip. = 3.60 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 18,062 cult Post dev to Det. Pond Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 2 -- 2 Yr 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 2 5 7 9 Hyd No. 2 Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Time (hrs) nA'V 50 17 TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 2 Post dev to Det. Pond Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.011 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.97 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.97 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Paved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.87 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.87 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.87 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.013 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 7.76 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 0.64 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.64 Total Travel Time, Tc .............................................................................. 2.50 min 18 D(k Si Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 3 infiltrate Hydrograph type = Diversion1 Peak discharge = 6.01 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hydrograph = 2 2nd diverted hyd. = 4 Diversion method = Flow Ratio Flow ratio = 0.58 Hydrograph Volume = 10,476 cuft infiltrate Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 3 -- 2 Yr 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 2 5 7 9 Hyd No. 3 Hyd No. 2 Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Hyd No. 4 Time (hrs) 19 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 4 To detention pond Hydrograph type = Diversion2 Peak discharge = 4.36 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hydrograph = 2 2nd diverted hyd. = 3 Diversion method = Flow Ratio Flow ratio = 0.58 Hydrograph Volume = 7,586 cuft Q (cfs) To detention pond Hyd. No. 4 -- 2 Yr 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 2 5 7 9 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 2 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Hyd No. 3 Time (hrs) Q (cfs) 12.00 - Pt, ?-; 20 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 5 Detention Pond Outlet Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 0.61 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyd. No. = 4 Max. Elevation = 486.99 ft Reservoir name = Detention Pond Max. Storage = 2,295 cuft Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0 Detention Pond Outlet Hyd. No. 5 -- 2 Yr 2 5 7 9 Hyd No. 5 Hyd No. 4 Hydrograph Volume = 7,586 cuft 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Time (hrs) Q (cfs) 5.00 21 PA. 64 .Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Pond No. 1 - Detention Pond Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cuft) 0.00 483.50 00 0 0 1.50 485.00 25 19 19 2.50 486.00 1,202 614 632 4.50 488.00 2,155 3,357 3,989 6.50 490.00 3,334 5,489 9,478 Culvert/ Orifice Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 18.00 3.60 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 18.00 3.60 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 0 0 Invert El. (ft) = 483.00 483.60 0.00 0.00 Length (ft) = 70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .013 .013 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 Multi-Stage = n/a Yes No No Stage (ft) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] Crest Len (ft) = 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 488.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = Riser --- --- --- Multi-Stage = Yes No No No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note. Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Stage / Discharge 22 Stage (ft) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 Discharge (cfs) PA.1 ?l - 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 - - Total O Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 6 Post dev not to detention Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Drainage area = 2.16 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = TR55 Total precip. = 3.60 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Peak discharge = 1.85 cfs Time interval = 1 min Curve number = 63 Hydraulic length = 0 ft Time of conc. (Tc) = 13.3 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 Post dev not to detention Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 6 -- 2 Yr 2.00 1.00 Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Hyd No. 6 Time (hrs) PA,V- sb Hydrograph Volume = 5,471 cuft 23 TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 6 Post dev not to detention Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.240 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 11.44 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 11.44 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Unpaved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.79 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.89 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.89 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.025 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.94 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 1.01 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 1.01 Total Travel Time, Tc .............................................................................. 13.30 min i 24 L. 51 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 7 Post Dev. Total Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 2.46 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyds. = 5, 6 Hydrograph Volume = 13,057 cuft Q (cfs) 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0 Post Dev. Total Hyd. No. 7 -- 2 Yr 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 Hyd No. 7 Hyd No. 5 Hyd No. 6 Q (cfs) 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 23 26 Time (hrs) 25 W„., AG Hydrograph Summary Report 26 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to peak (min) Volume (cult) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Maximum storage (cult) Hydrograph description 1 SCS Runoff 12.02 1 722 31,952 ---- ------ ------ Pre Dev. 2 SCS Runoff 20.13 1 716 35,812 ---- ------ ------ Post dev to Det. Pond 3 Diversion1 11.68 1 716 20,771 2 ------ ------ infiltrate 4 Diversion2 8.46 1 716 15,041 2 ------ ------ To detention pond 5 Reservoir 4.34 1 720 15,041 4 488.24 4,646 Detention Pond Outlet 6 SCS Runoff 5.21 1 722 13,544 ---- ------ ------ Post dev not to detention 7 Combine 9.36 1 720 28,585 5,6 I ------ ------ Post Dev. Total I I i I I I 13037 detention rev 4-25-08.gpw Return Period: 10 Year Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:08 PM Hydraflow Hydrograpjht by Intehpolve Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 1 Pre Dev. Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 12.02 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 5.85 ac Curve number = 60 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 13.3 min Total precip. = 5.38 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 31,952 cuft Pre Dev. Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 1 -- 10 Yr 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 2 5 Hyd No. 1 Q (cfs) 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Time (hrs) PA. 6 6 27 TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 1 Pre Dev. Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.240 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 11.44 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 11.44 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Unpaved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.79 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.89 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.89 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.025 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.94 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 1.01 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 1.01 28 Total Travel Time, Tc .............................................................................. 13.30 min Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 2 Post dev to Det. P ond Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 20.13 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 3.69 ac Curve number = 76 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 2.5 min Total precip. = 5.38 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 35,812 cuft Q (cfs) 21.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 Post dev to Det. Pond Hyd. No. 2 -- 10 Yr Q (cfs) 21.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 Hyd No. 2 Time (hrs) chat (I.l 29 TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 2 Post dev to Det. Pond Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.011 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.97 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.97 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Paved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.87 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.87 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.87 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.013 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 7.76 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 0.64 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.64 Total Travel Time, Tc ............. ................................................................. 2.50 min 30 P,,L6i Hydrbgraph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 3 infiltrate Hydrograph type = Diversion1 Peak discharge = 11.68 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hydrograph = 2 2nd diverted hyd. = 4 Diversion method = Flow Ratio Flow ratio = 0.58 Hydrograph Volume = 20,771 cuft infiltrate Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 3 -- 10 Yr 21.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 Q (cfs) 21.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 Hyd No. 3 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 4 Time (hrs) PiAf- lod 31 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 4 To detention pond Hydrograph type = Diversion2 Peak discharge = 8.46 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hydrograph = 2 2nd diverted hyd. = 3 Diversion method = Flow Ratio Flow ratio = 0.58 Hydrograph Volume = 15,041 cuft Q (cfs) 21.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 Q (cfs) 21.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 3 Time (hrs) PW v 32 To detention pond Hyd. No. 4 -- 10 Yr Hydr'ograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 5 Detention Pond Outlet Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 4.34 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyd. No. = 4 Max. Elevation = 488.24 ft Reservoir name = Detention Pond Max. Storage = 4,646 cuft Storage Indication method used. Hydrograph Volume = 15,041 cuft Q (cfs) 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 2 5 Hyd No. 5 7 Detention Pond Outlet Hyd. No. 5 -- 10 Yr 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Hyd No. 4 Time (hrs) Q (cfs) 10.00 33 Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Pond No. 1 - Detention Pond Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cult) 0.00 483.50 00 0 0 1.50 485.00 25 19 19 2.50 486.00 1,202 614 632 4.50 488.00 2,155 3,357 3,989 6.50 490.00 3,334 5,489 9,478 Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 18.00 3.60 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 18.00 3.60 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 488.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 Invert El. (ft) = 483.00 483.60 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = Riser --- --- --- Length (ft) = 70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = Yes No No No Slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .013 .013 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 Multi-Stage = n/a Yes No No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tai lwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Stage (ft) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Stage / Discharge Stage (ft) p34 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 Discharge (cfs) 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 - Total Q Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 6 Post dev not to detention Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 5.21 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 2.16 ac Curve number = 63 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 13.3 min Total precip. = 5.38 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 13,544 cuft Post dev not to detention Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 6 -- 10 Yr 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0 2 5 7 9 Hyd No. 6 Q (cfs) 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Time (hrs) A. • /a A 35 TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 6 Post dev not to detention Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.240 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 11.44 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 11.44 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Unpaved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.79 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.89 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.89 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.025 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.94 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 1.01 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 1.01 Total Travel Time, Tc ..................................... ............... ...................... .... 13.30 min 36 Om, (P q Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 7 Post Dev. Total Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 9.36 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyds. = 5, 6 Hydrograph Volume = 28,585 cuft Post Dev. Total Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 7 -- 10 Yr 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 2 5 Hyd No. 7 7 9 Hyd No. 5 Q (cfs) 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 I t- 0.00 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Hyd No. 6 Time (hrs) 37 I'nat ill 38 Hydrograph Summary Report Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to peak (min) Volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Maximum storage (cuft) Hydrograph description 1 SCS Runoff 17.73 1 722 45,876 ---- ------ ------ Pre Dev. 2 SCS Runoff 26.10 1 715 46,921 ---- ------ ------ Post dev to Det. Pond 3 Diversionl 15.14 1 715 27,214 2 ------ ------ infiltrate 4 Diversion2 10.96 1 715 19,707 2 ------ ------ To detention pond 5 Reservoir 8.69 1 718 19,706 4 488.41 5,127 Detention Pond Outlet 6 SCS Runoff 7.44 1 721 19,044 ---- ------ ------ Post dev not to detention 7 Combine 15.14 1 718 38,751 5,6 ------ ------ Post Dev. Total i i i i I 13037 detention rev 4-25-08.gpw Return Period: 25 Year Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:08 PM Hydraflow Hydrogiphs by.lotelisolve Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 1 Pre Dev. Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 17.73 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 5.85 ac Curve number = 60 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 13.3 min Total precip. = 6.41 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 45,876 cuft Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 0 2 5 7 Hyd No. 1 Pre Dev. Hyd. No. 1 -- 25 Yr Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Time (hrs) 39 pa-? I ?- TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 1 Pre Dev. Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.240 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 11.44 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 11.44 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Unpaved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.79 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.89 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.89 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.025 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.94 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 1.01 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 1.01 Total Travel Time, Tc ............. ................. ................................................ 13.30 min 40 PaaL_ 13 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 2 Post dev to Det. Pond Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 26.10 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 3.69 ac Curve number = 76 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 2.5 min Total precip. = 6.41 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 46,921 cult Post dev to Det. Pond Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 2 -- 25 Yr 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 Q (cfs) 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Hyd No. 2 Time (hrs) 41 Lit 14 TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 2 Post dev to Det. Pond Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.011 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.97 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.97 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Paved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.87 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.87 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.87 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.013 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 7.76 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 0.64 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.64 Total Travel Time, Tc .............................. ................................................ 2.50 min 42 (4 Hydrbgraph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 3 infiltrate Hydrograph type = Diversion1 Peak discharge = 15.14 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hydrograph = 2 2nd diverted hyd. = 4 Diversion method = Flow Ratio Flow ratio = 0.58 Hydrograph Volume = 27,214 cuft infiltrate Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 3 -- 25 Yr 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 Q (cfs) 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Hyd No. 3 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 4 Time (hrs) P ". it. 43 Hydrbgraph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 4 To detention pond Hydrograph type = Diversion2 Peak discharge = 10.96 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hydrograph = 2 2nd diverted hyd. = 3 Diversion method = Flow Ratio Flow ratio = 0.58 Hydrograph Volume = 19,707 cuft To detention pond Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 4 -- 25 Yr Q (cfs) 28.00 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 0.0 2.0 4.0 Hyd No. 4 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Time (hrs) - Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 3 44 Paw, 11 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 5 Detention Pond Outlet Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 8.69 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyd. No. = 4 Max. Elevation = 488.41 ft Reservoir name = Detention Pond Max. Storage = 5,127 cuft Storage Indication method used. Hydrograph Volume = 19,706 cuft Q (cfs) 12.00 Detention Pond Outlet Hyd. No. 5 -- 25 Yr Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 2 5 7 9 Hyd No. 5 Hyd No. 4 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Time (hrs) 45 owu -Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Pond No. 1 - Detention Pond Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cuft) 0.00 483.50 00 0 0 1.50 485.00 25 19 19 2.50 486.00 1,202 614 632 4.50 488.00 2,155 3,357 3,989 6.50 490.00 3,334 5,489 9,478 Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [I3] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 18.00 3.60 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 18.00 3.60 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 488.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 Invert El. (ft) = 483.00 483.60 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = Riser --- --- --- Length (ft) = 70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi-Stage = Yes No No No Slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .013 .013 Crif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 Multi-Stage = n/a Yes No No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tai lwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note. Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Stage (ft) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Stage / Discharge 46 Stage (ft) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 22.00 Discharge (cfs) A"' 1 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 Total Q Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 6 Post dev not to detention Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 7.44 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 2.16 ac Curve number = 63 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 13.3 min Total precip. = 6.41 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 19,044 cuft Q (cfs) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 2 5 Hyd No. 6 Post dev not to detention Hyd. No. 6 -- 25 Yr 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 Q (cfs) 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 23 26 Time (hrs) 47 pa'?v ? b "TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 6 Post dev not to detention Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.240 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 11.44 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 11.44 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Unpaved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.79 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.89 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.89 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.025 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.94 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 48 Travel Time (min) = 1.01 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 1.01 Total Travel Time, Tc .............................................................................. 13.30 min Hydtograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 7 Post Dev. Total Hydrograph type = Combine Storm frequency = 25 yrs Inflow hyds. = 5, 6 Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Peak discharge = 15.14 cfs Time interval = 1 min Hydrograph Volume = 38,751 cuft Q (cfs) 18.00 Post Dev. Total Hyd. No. 7 -- 25 Yr Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 0 2 5 7 9 Hyd No. 7 Hyd No. 5 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Hyd No. 6 Time (hrs) 49 pao? ? d- 50 Hydrograph Summary Report Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to peak (min) Volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Maximum storage (cuft) Hydrograph description 1 SCS Runoff 27.40 1 721 69,679 ---- ------ ------ Pre Dev. 2 SCS Runoff 35.47 1 715 64,770 ---- ------ ------ Post dev to Det. Pond 3 Diversion1 20.58 1 715 37,567 2 ------ ------ infiltrate 4 Diversion2 14.90 1 715 27,204 2 ------ ------ To detention pond 5 Reservoir 13.77 1 717 27,203 4 488.58 5,579 Detention Pond Outlet 6 SCS Runoff 11.19 1 721 28,316 ---- ------ ------ Post dev not to detention 7 Combine 22.89 1 717 55,519 5,6 ------ ------ Post Dev. Total i I 13037 detention rev 4-25-08.gpw Return Period: 100 Year Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:08 PM Hydraflow Hydrographs y Intelisolve Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 1 Pre Dev. Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 27.40 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 5.85 ac Curve number = 60 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 13.3 min Total precip. = 8.00 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 69,679 cuft Q (cfs) 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 Q (cfs) 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Hyd No. 1 Time (hrs) 51 ?"t o Pre Dev. Hyd. No. 1 -- 100 Yr 'TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 1 Pre Dev. Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.240 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 11.44 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 11.44 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Unpaved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.79 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.89 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.89 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.025 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.94 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 1.01 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 1.01 Total Travel Time, Tc .............................................................................. 13.30 min 52 PAP,t ? S Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 2 Post dev to Det. P ond Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 35.47 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 3.69 ac Curve number = 76 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 2.5 min Total precip. = 8.00 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 64,770 cuft Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.0 2.0 Hyd No. 2 Post dev to Det. Pond Hyd. No. 2 -- 100 Yr 4.0 6.0 8.0 Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Time (hrs) 53 PW ae TR55 Tc Worksheet 54 Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 2 Post dev to Det. Pond Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.011 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.97 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.97 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Paved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.87 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.87 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.87 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.013 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 7.76 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 0.64 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.64 Total Travel Time, Tc ................................................... ........................... 2.50 min PO'Ot g? 1 55 Hydrograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 3 infiltrate Hydrograph type = Diversion1 Storm frequency = 100 yrs Inflow hydrograph = 2 Diversion method = Flow Ratio Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.0 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Hyd No. 3 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 4 Time (hrs) Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Peak discharge = 20.58 cfs Time interval = 1 min 2nd diverted hyd. = 4 Flow ratio = 0.58 Hydrograph Volume = 37,567 cuft infiltrate Hyd. No. 3 -- 100 Yr Q (cfs) 40.00 Pte, ?ft Hydtograph Plot 57 Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 5 Detention Pond Outlet Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 13.77 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyd. No. = 4 Max. Elevation = 488.58 ft Reservoir name = Detention Pond Max. Storage = 5,579 cuft Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 Detention Pond Outlet Hyd. No. 5 -- 100 Yr 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 Time (hrs) Hyd No. 5 Hyd No. 4 Hydrograph Volume = 27,203 cult Q (cfs) 1. nn Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Pond No. 1 - Detention Pond Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas. Average end area method used. Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sqft) Incr. Storage (cult) Total storage (cuft) 0.00 483.50 00 0 0 1.50 485.00 25 19 19 2.50 486.00 1,202 614 632 4.50 488.00 2,155 3,357 3,989 6.50 490.00 3,334 5,489 9,478 Culvert / Orifice Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 18.00 3.60 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 18.00 3.60 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 0 0 Invert El. (ft) = 483.00 483.60 0.00 0.00 Length (ft) = 70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) = 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .013 .013 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 Multi-Stage = n/a Yes No No Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [D] Crest Len (ft) = 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 488.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = Riser --- --- --- Multi-Stage = Yes No No No Exfiltration = 0.000 in/hr (Contour) Tailwater Elev. = 0.00 ft Note' Culvert/Orifice outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Stage (ft) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Stage / Discharge Stage (ft) 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 22.00 Discharge (cfs) Am? a 58 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 - - Total Q Hydeograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 6 Post dev not to detention Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 11.19 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 2.16 ac Curve number = 63 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = TR55 Time of conc. (Tc) = 13.3 min Total precip. = 8.00 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Volume = 28,316 cult Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 Post dev not to detention Hyd. No. 6 -- 100 Yr 0.00 0 2 5 Hyd No. 6 Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Time (hrs) 59 P"', 9 ?- TR55 Tc Worksheet Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Hyd. No. 6 Post dev not to detention Description A B C Totals Sheet Flow Manning's n-value = 0.240 0.011 0.011 Flow length (ft) = 100.0 0.0 0.0 Two-year 24-hr precip. (in) = 3.60 0.00 0.00 Land slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 11.44 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 11.44 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow length (ft) = 150.00 0.00 0.00 Watercourse slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Surface description = Unpaved Paved Paved Average velocity (ft/s) = 2.79 0.00 0.00 Travel Time (min) = 0.89 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.89 Channel Flow X sectional flow area (sqft) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 Wetted perimeter (ft) = 1.50 0.00 0.00 Channel slope (%) = 3.00 0.00 0.00 Manning's n-value = 0.025 0.015 0.015 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.94 0.00 0.00 Flow length (ft) = 300.0 0.0 0.0 Travel Time (min) = 1.01 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 1.01 Total Travel Time, Tc .............................................................................. 13.30 min 60 Pal q3 Hydtograph Plot Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve Friday, Apr 25 2008, 5:8 PM Hyd. No. 7 Post Dev. Total Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 22.89 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyds. = 5, 6 Hydrograph Volume = 55,519 cuft Post Dev. Total Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 7 -- 100 Yr 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 0 2 5 7 9 Hyd No. 7 Hyd No. 5 Q (cfs) 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 61 0.00 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 Hyd No. 6 Time (hrs) PatL q -4 ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH 2? s IrB T3D G •C SGI SLfy?1! ?° vx Y {t ?S ?> 0? ?_V' l ?' t nE3 ? n ! e- tc G ?` )'?" Val 'aE i .+;kr} ? ?' '? C, , GeC "O n :r. , t 7a h q ro°;.r1bj r F •+? '.*. I/B rt•7a:' 4.ICg .w? ja4 '` ? Ge 0 ?. NwB HrB \4 C .r GeB 0?Q Gel`,' t.lX ?, A. rr i t w r r e? r. p 0 t 3i Sti _? ?r ?? < 4' HrB .E $ ?HrB' ?'` 'I tt ,y_.:` .tom r C '1Ltd a'(eB tt'F , ai '?' ?t +t T ??i Hr t s, y- •k ?y ? r ?b?B t Erl? r ?:, G s tts? 0l. ? ? y ? n, ? ?'??•?z„er'" ,.. s ? ` ? •' ? ,'.• ?v APC '4:'+`F .fiK e? ???'?? ??' 7$z ' ,` G c? ?s?? +?' e a? •1? GeC i? ,t 0 0 1 r ?? ? ? by : 4 5 ?, ??? s • ;i ? ?. ?, 41G '' ••ti • , ? rBi Y .?, ?? • ?+ ,, ;k` ,?r•`- ? ? ;,'krC ' „t ?_c. ? ?? ? t G?;? 1 F r-Q- ? S ? ? 'GeC ' r ? `? ?, G,,?. ?I ( ? _ ?,,?,k?. p('?.6... ?Sr' r' r. ci-[ ? .,r ?1s ?' f..• Gc.B?r '. ?'• r i0?` ?t ?ieCr"ti;._,`. ,. % v7.?_;:: jfy ` r7,i ^ t.?• `f.g. a r ?' t».i Fr {. ?C t; 8? Ta r ll ? ? r' rrn ' P y c. ',t,? _ G APB ? I Y ?'f1T rr ? r ? .? QA r Ge r ?.' / f (e' jrt c 4Ci eB J'Ap, AD APL. Y _ t „ C(C th,. . *., ,?+,' •K !r} .s, x . ? ?? 4 t„ f?' ,.?.-T.'7' ? " : r< GeC •.?? //?` A , P I d ?? - r fi r yfi !!'' Q l V ' r. .r: ? I? "? h{r B r 1 L r Ar . r Y" ? ! PB , 3it 'ii Hr8 ?C? G? ??? - ?+r?.. rf?1C ??,?. ?? •? ? At1G` r ?`' ,f t j i t v-, 1Ar #t"?? ?, E? N ?,. °??y Ff.: ?f,'$•_l., Y`.T . ~ f t-'rr • ? 4 C •-? ` c. •/ !s ? ? ' " ? ?flr' cl f- HeB ?/ B e iY rC t'?E _ GeC - _ t t G APC C I' w r cr B :A j, v: r' fir ii' t, tt r h ?I'? wa" ,?P`• ?`' :q ADC x PP.R c APB tt a HrB• I, ° - r .tom a . ? GaB ! He U ...?t { A C:O GeC V ° f n8 ' -4r `f' Ge 4 APB b - _II GeB _ _ v _ nE3' r r' f ° eG I G 'r r `y aD A "B f' APC HaI3 CnC t H.v',B JI Iv .:. Ch Ge `.a '''7lP G?? x •,rs. GID eR r wtr ?. ApC u? ? •Y ` ? r ? . APB GeC rF ;? r . t; N Ge8 rY xaDHrC .1' I' °o fd rC : i, ,? w o HrC _,EnC ? TaD i ,?. is T?D. ? A E t l t f ? , ? GzC FIiB A C r L 4 P C ? X EnC GeB4 Ge8 '? h r?'Geg GeC'Ch„} P t heC r-•=? rr - Yi -{s , E • \+ b (1ke APB Ap$ + v/ r^ ( En8 1. •. GeC\i °o e C .a. Q w u' En(, S s! r \ o C C 1 s HrB H e f r j, Sr. 0 0 .• ;. T ) } GeB._ ! i r' fa0 _ ?` ? APC .'.. \. g ?•-`.?? - -- ? Enc. .l: ,; ? : GeC I ,.o CeC" -7 lei _ " ftPC" . E C H EnC.•. if $ IuB HrC. d u t i' GeC r f' JYp F 1 Gft c` (` ?r ;J., 1 LSc . ?? _r ?j, .'rA4R' EnC 4 ,j ty.?' GeC t Hr6•jEnC Ch •/ r' /r`i.'` _:4 5-{GC ??` ?'i.i''.k ~? °o t GeB H e sa 0 H i GeC T ?+ ,? b, f ? . GeC '• + •i; T D r HrB? .\'F ... IUB ErY6 tHfC??' Q, }??.' ?: GeB -• t EnG1? CI GeC / HCB ,GeC l^,J EpB G° ti s y / knC ^GeB EnC. t: tS rq`7 / r a • c .iGeG " t y a .q i En8 En6` .t Hw8 stn ."r ? ?. R'?y ,-; ? ?; ? ?'?? ?{rB f `• CD Ca. ^. EnC r ' C? P ? •t4 ,.i .Gat4y_ a i -,,r,. t? ?•??f.? ii EnC ' ! •'.l'tl`v8 ,? !,i rt1 C1 t fr 1 r e r Lrr? EnC GeB, _ } f' Hr?' t` ttt t"?` •? t1 ^.; , r a• fiJ6 ' ,i •r l F ?(,.,?;, HORACE,1\'ILLL\DSSAI _ vE.W f 'ta Nt r.' 4 ,l i? r E Get l". ? (,? •I GBC± r t?t., r` 1 . . y1+ a? ?tit\ -. , l't41?4,?r ':t °.'.. •: r ,_,• ' 04, -11" } \ '/c :; ' r-t r GeC ?' nt EnC-- ft' dic' -Fri En8_, \"1xF -? ' ?l Nr(: I -n8 "r Fn Operation and Maintenance Plan for BMPs (Under revision, to be provided at a later date) Dnno ja / DEVELOPMENT IN THE RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT AREA FOR ORANGE COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES ona o Q Development in the Resource Conservation District (RCD) Project Name: Project Number: Report Date: Project Location: Purpose: A. Utilities Plan: Orange County Animal Services 13037 March 16, 2007, revised May 7, 2007, revised November 15, 2007; Revised April 25, 2008 Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill, Orange County Describe development activities for the project and identify potential impacts, due to development in the RCD (Utilities Plan is provided in the drawing package). B. Grading Plan showing existing and final contours: (Grading plan is provided in the drawing package). C. Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan: Erosion control plans have been prepared in accordance with the guidance contained in North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, 2006 Revisions, and requirements of the Town of Chapel Hill and submitted to the Raleigh Regional Office of the NC Land Quality Section for review and approval. Typical erosion control devices such as diversion berms, drainage channels, sediment traps and/or sediment basins are employed in the design and plan. Financial Responsibility Forms have been executed and submitted with the plan to the Land Quality Section. D. Stormwater Management Plan: Attached. E. Soils Analysis: Soils on site are mostly of the Georgeville type with some small area of Tatum type (both are Hydrologic Group B), based upon the Orange County Soils Survey. Silt loam and well-drained are general characteristics used to describe these soil types. F. Plan view of the development project: (Plan view provided in the drawing package). G. Profile view of watercourse bed, etc: Attached. H. Existing Vegetation and landscape plan: (Existing vegetation is shown on plans. Landscape plan is included in the drawing package). 1. Description of wildlife habitat: The existing site is primarily covered in scrub vegetation and provides habitat for small animals (rabbits, foxes, rodents) and birds. J. Storage of materials and waste disposal: There will be no storage of materials or waste disposal in the RCD. K. Floodproofing: Not applicable. There are no buildings located in the RCD. L. Alteration or relocation of riverine watercourse: There will be an extension of the existing culvert and improvement of the outlet protection for the off-site perennial stream on each side of Eubanks Road to accommodate the pavement widening of Eubanks Road. Channel re-alignment of the stream necessary to accommodate the culvert extension is proposed. The design of this re-alignment will minimize the impacts to the stream channel. M. Elevation of the 100-year flood upstream from the development: Due to the controls that are established for stormwater runoff management, treatment and control for the development, the logical conclusion is that the elevation of the 100 year flood will not be altered as a result of this development. N. List of owners within 500 feet, with stamped, pre-addressed envelopes: Attached. Powt q q JOB yr_kA P. 0. 4141%1, Am /A21 '5e v 7- 1 CIVIL CONSULTANTS, INC. SHEET NO. OF 3708 Lyckan Parkway Suite 201 CALCULATED BY DATE 3??•Zs07' DURHAM, NC 27707 (919) 490-1645 CHECKED BY DATE Fax (919) 403-0336 SCALE -? _ I ! I - -- T - ?- -I - - - flj? i e k v -e ' y- ---- N 8 E O 0 S - m S F - -------- --- 3 O