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20080791 Ver 1_401 Application_20080508
ky X_ WAA North Carolina Department of Environment and ' Natural Resources NCDENR Request for Express Permit Review For DENR(Use ONLY Reylw"f 12, 1, r't`e Submit: "rime. Gonfirm: FILL-IN all the infonnation below and CHECK the Permit(s) you are requesting for express review. FAX or Email the completed form to Express Coordinator along with a completed DETAILED narrative, site plan (PDF file) and vicinity map (same items expected in the a,gpllcation package of the project location. Please Include this form in the application package. • Asheville Region-Alison Davidson 828.296.4698;a11sQn.davidsoniAncmail. net • Fayetteville or Raleigh Region-David Lee 919-7914203; david.leeici-ncmail.net Q 8 Q 7 9 • Mooresville 8 -Patrick Grogan 704-663-3772 or patrick.grogan0mcmail.net • Washington Region-Lyn Hardison 252-946-9215 or lyn.hardlson(Ancmail.net • Wilmington Region-Janet Russell 910-350-2004 or 'aI net.ruxsall?ncmall.net NOTE: Project application received after 12 noon will be stamped in the following work day, Project Name: OREGON INLET OCEAN BAR AND SPIT MAINTENANCE DREDGE County: DARE Applicant, US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON Company: Address: PO BOX 1890City: WILMINGTON, State: NC Zip: 28402 Phone:910-251-46636 Fax:910-251-4744 Email: leffrey.h.nchtelbusace.army,mil Project Drains into water classified SA HOW (OREGON INLET) (for classification see - http:/ih2o.enr.state,nc.us/bim:s'repor-ts/reportsWB.html) Project Located in PASQUOTANK River Basin. Is project draining to class ORW waters? Y1N, within 'mile and draining to class SA waters Y or within 1 mile and draining to class HOW waters? YIN Engineer/Consultant: Company: Address: City: , State: Zip; Phone: - Fax:: - Email. (Check all that apply) ? Scoping Meeting ONLY ? DWQ, ? DCM, ? DLR, ? OTHER: _ _ ? Stream Origin Determination: # of stream calls - Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions - ? State Stormwater ? General ? SFR, MBkhd & Bt Rmp, n Clear & Grub, Ej Utility ? Low Density ? Low Density-Curb & Gutter ..-_ # Curb Outlet Swales ? Off-site (SW (Provide permit #)j ? High Density-Detention Pond ._ # Treatment System s ? High Density-Infiltration .,_,. #Treatment Systems ? High Density -Bio-Retention # Treatment Systems ? High Density-Storrnwater Wetlands _ # Treatment Systems ? High Density-Other Treatment Systems MODIFICATION SW (Provide permit #) Coastal Management ? Excavation & Fill ? Bridges & Culverts ? Structures Information - Upland Development ? Marina Development ? Urban Waterfront ? Land Quality ? Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with acres to be disturbed.(CK # (for DENR use)) wt:TLANDS QUESTi©NS MUST BE ADDRESSED BELOW ® Wetlands (401): Check all that apply isolated wetland on Property ? Yes (?] No Wetlands on Site ? Yes ? No Buffer Impacts: ? No ? YES: acre(s) Wetlands Delineation has been completed: ? Yes ? No Minor Variance [ No ? YES US ALOE Approval of Delineation completed: ? Yes ? No Major General Variance ?j No ? YES 404 Application in Process w1 US ACOE: ? Yes ? No 401 Application required: Yes ? No If YES, ? Regular Permit Received from US ACOE ? Yes [] No Perennial, Blue line stream, etc on site ? yes ? No For DENR use only Fee Split for multiple permits: (Check #? Total Fee Amount S c- &e SUBMITTAL DATES Fee SUBMITTAL DATES Fee CAMA $ Variance Ma'; Min SIN ? HD, O LD, ? Gen $ 401: t?f -w 5 S 1" .-? LQS $ Stream Dot el,--. $ __I NCDENR EXPRESS January 2008 Office Use Onh': For? , ler,ic n 5.f, * . u i (:S ACE Action ID No. nXVQ No 0 8 0 7 9 i If an :,.err ,?ular icenl is not applic-: bic to rhi, t,rol"., plcase cntc- Nk."t Applicabic" ,r N, A".i 1. Processing EXPRESS 1, Check all of the approval{s} requested for this project: MAY 0 S 2008 % ] Section 41,14 Pennit [ Riptu'an or Watershed. Buffer Rule's ? Section 10 Permit [?] Isolated Wetland Perrot from Lt DENR X 4(':)1 Water Quality Certification ? Fxpruss 4011 ti'+'atcr C?tl pity (ertiticatiilrl . Nationwide, Relgional or General Permit Number(s) ReclUestod: G( 3711_ Ii till`; Ilol"i cation is solek,' l C0111-teSy c:ii?7+,' N!Cause vvrrtle.tl approval tol r.1w 401 ?.k:rtltlcatJoll is 1104 rc;-;aired, check herc: 4. If p Porwnt wto the North Carolina Eccl4 stem Enhancen.wnt Program (NI CC:I PI is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the accent:ance letter from NCE'l-P, t.i:mp'ete sc;tion 4"lil. and check here: ? 5. l.f your project is located in any o.f North Carolina's twenty coastal countiQs (iisted can pauc 4), and the project is within a Forth Carolina Division of Coastal Mana?em_ent Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page ? for further details), check here: L I1?. Applicant Information 1. Owncr;Appiicrant Information Narrlc: t_S Army Corps of Engineers. W11.111M-ton District MailiT Address: PO Box 1890, wilnlinp-tcn_NC 25402 _-- Telephone Number 91.0-251-4616 Fax Number: 9 10-2 1 -l°44 E-mail Address: Jeffrey h richte.rrisi,ti ice.,irniv mil----__ _ ?. ucnl Cmistlltatit Infoi-ination (A signed and (I'm i cipv of t'ne A`',erll r1C11':i1.lC?fi lctt?r bust he atl,;chcd if the, Agent has signator% authority for the OxVner''applrc,krll Name:-- Co m pa n4.tllIIall Io11 N'lailin' dclre:ss, Telephone dumber: E-mail .Aaldr(?ss- Fax Number: l pdaled t;1 2005 Pa r5oF M. Project Information . -4ach .:t vicinity map cltarl% Shoe t ln-'' the 1Ll• i;_?n t)t th ' lazidn,.at_:s tZuch <aS halos, ri. ens, and rioa(I A so tiro`. de a dct,:tle;I site plait sl'ii \r:tt1" 17i(1;Ztl hotmdarics and development }Mans in relaltiOn to SUrroU11di1111 prt.?PCrttes. 130th thy; ' tci...nt" and site plait must include a -scale and north arrow. The specific f?ciatprints or all hut?(iitt??s. inipti-vious surfaces, or other facilities must he irtclt &d. Hpossible, the niah,, and plans shotilcl include. the appropriate USES Topo-Tal,hic Quad Map anti NRC S SO11 'stir e,, 'Xith the prc1171er', houndaries outlined. Plan dra`,ings, or rather maps may be. included Lit the. applicant's (;i-S'crCt10t1. so Ion,-, as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distributlola purse SCS, th(' I'SAC'E regtiiri: Information to he subrnitted on sheets no 1, rger Ili-it 11 1)V I7-inch fortraat: hm,' e\ er. C)i'? Q may accept. paper-xork of any f) sir. . X'Q Pr, fC?rs lull-sizes ConsiruCitort dr,m ings rather than a sequential sh :et vet- iota of the full-sire plats,. 11' t'ull-sire plans are rtdticed to ;a sna all scale such that the final version is illegible, the apphc iiv t? ill he informc d 11,'11 the pro-io t has been placed on hold until decip'herablc maps are provid.-d 1. Vataac: of project:: Qregc_rn Inlet Occorn Bar and Spit Ma ittentni e; I )r ::doe FY 1)8 ?. TT P- Protect Number or State Project Number (NC DOT Onlti`1 3. Pr-opert,k Identification Number (Tax PIN): -I. Location earest. Tfwm _-N'akts_Head Suhdl,. i,ion name (include phase lot number. -- -- -- -- --- Directions to site (include road numhers,names, landmarks, etc.): Disp_o,ai of di-cdved material will oc,:Lir_in ncar?horc eaters off_110FIll Md ul P? L Island or on ninth end c?f- I'ea I.sIand beactilt1ihtn the. P-a I s I and Nat1on<aI 'WIIdi iR tuw,c_ F'INNV R)__. ?. Site coordinates J For linear projects. such as a road or utility hiic, attach a shcc,. thae separately lists the coordinates for each cr'ossin" Of a distinct waterbod . Decimal De;?recs (6 digits min itntitn,r ?c,' `1('. 08.68-N 7-5 ° 31' 13 -S \V 6. Propcrt'G si. c (acr s)Beach disposo1 11k?t i7 01.11d be appr_ox`10.41 i} t ct lcrn? b% w-1dth of h r ` - trsltiar, disposal area V Odd he ltla?3rox_5 5.060 feet IOM hti ?i1 t t aide NI me t) nearest recetvuag body oC ,,ti ittCr =?tla[1tLC'- ?}CGctTl __-__- . 8- River B assn: Pastluotarilc_ -- (Nott ihi? must be one of North Carokiia's seventeen designated nia;ilr riVel hash;. Ri?- cr Basin neap is available at ht t7__:?:_ ?tate.l,c k cittt_n 11'13t), i 9, l7escnbe the existing conditions on the, Sit,, and -general land use in th •:mty ofthe prcfject at the' umt' o this application Real it sitc la orl Pi?'t r h ,zch 01l i" ;ti ;:.ii Updated 11, 1'200J Pao,: 6 i>t 14 undeveloped beach ,vIthin a National ?•`4'`ildlifc Pt?itize. eershore disposal area is in open waters of Ailantic Ocean _.-.__ 11). Describe the overall project in dctad- iricludim-? the type of c ;t.tiprt:c:i-t W be uSCd -` ]_Cd ,,viii he perfomied by either Mdraulic pireline Olt ds?v or lip -p.'-'- dr,, ' Dred?pcd tilt ral has-been det.:;nnined to be 17ea?li ? l; lit?_srr c7 t ??tiwa is le , thau_ I :_ lin erarnetl_ e+ilIncr t> anal will _bedisposed .ofeither _rn.._-tlleY[NWR beach or in the ncarshcre dis_o -al area. Pl.acetnent on the PINWR beach will, be bv. slurrv discharged From t_hvdr tultc pll?clir? dredL,e or a slurry discharged by punin-out apt a hopper dredge - ficach_jlacmient ill he conducted in cc+rnplianc ? th 'iI con-d-O , s_-of a s ecial use permit 6141) trPttr_..,E l,N ;,:R, The SUP has been conditioned to inini nize adverse environin?.mal_ Inlpa?t5 ihtc trI potentially dangerous sea c-onditi{gills rvhjch are. _present can the ocean bar_hei2'mur7L, in late summer and early fall, the SCI' is_l,Catr ._ci?nl i"oned to allow mobhatiiLn t cc ]uipt7Yent ri the beach beLyinnine.luly 15 and dredziri }-g )e,ininr?Aueust 1_ _While this does not-coitrcide tivith the time of year considered to have le>.a? biological activity, ihr St_Ii}'_ requires a beach ?ti. 7ti 1 pattern that involves uridisturbed m) between nodes ref discharged sand Undisturl?er_lva s lie intended to ?provide-__a _.refdae f;r ?bcach arndintertidol macroinvertebrates Then: orgt_nisnis are expected to beginjecolonrrstimi of the no(ics Uj)4)rt ci-in]j?[e iorl of disposal gj,?ratjon,. rhe_stT also requires tnotmor•tnL, of ccolo:ncal-a.rld biological functions to dtterz-nin the ininaets of the exI?eri,memal node s,tiste_m_of beac1- disvosal._ It inonitorin2resgilts indicate that the nodal m thodolo-1 of t) ach disposal does not minimize adverse environment,il 1t1t7?3Ctti the SU_P rnav be reissued 4Oth a rec urZ renle_nt foI alternate methodoloiJes of i)e lch clt-sPOSa11 _tSSO rated with,.- utrlre J+ f'.)s..__ Placement of 111.alc rl<,. in the, itcarshore disposal _ ? a xil _ be bly'- hopper cireil?4 Bt.'Itll typ S of disposal w0l ?tls9 be c,orIducted in compliancy w. rttl_ap?rupr?ate c01-idit101Iti frovt other autfrorrrarions ]rlc,l_ti?hrr the N; C?Division of Coastal _ Manrag ggri?rat 4+in5i4lencv ccriici.rrrer7c:e. attd the nnuilil eel US Fish _atlci.Wildlife Biolo 6cal 1 1. Explam the purpose of the proposed work:it ltlntpnance dre(!LTI tr the teder rll_. <rtrthoried channel _1hreueh Ore),on _Inlet will provide 5 ? naz i ation t )ly?i? : ai of'rnaterr al on Pea Island peach will sen.-e as a f asiblc disr co al up.ti+?n which keeps beaGh-gttal9ty sand in the. ]itt?it tr ._;ter?,__-in -advitiorl to hvpas InLT sand f_roni Bodie. Island to Pea IslandNcarshore ciisgos,al_?Olj also serve as a IedSibIC dispostl_ontion which kze hC<.ICJa Qllalita sand in the, litti}I ?? ?'•r3t?'r1a. ? _ IV. Prior Project History If'jurisdicti.onal determinations and:`or pernits have been requested and/or obtained l'or this project "including all prior phases cif the same sub(fivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE -?caion tD Number. D?1'C? Prt?jc:.ct timber, application J& anti laic permits and certific ttu>n:? ,were issued or w1 'thdraxt7. Nov de photocopies of pr, ---\ I+,us.i_, r?;sued pernt.itr. certificart+:,n:? or ocher useful info niiatioii, 1)cscribe previously appro,>.-d +,?,etland, streani and buffer Iln[a,ic'ts itc7rigg tl'ttlk associated riiiCi i iii?n (where ap 7fiCablC:I. 11 in115 15 a N(1)C)"l ' pr'i?tl{:t. U?datcd 1 1 r't ?''?(?? t'ac,e. 7 :fit' 14 list and describe permits issued for prier 5c'girients of the sauce I'J.P proICC , a?ari`T %?, tla consrrtaction schedules [ he- ,w1gr- lr -,, been rdclressed rn th.:_+ lit ; ut4r docunt?,rrts_ 1. Environmental _Assessrt ent and p ndiri,-, of No Signitic.ant Inipact Dischar,e o Dred Material tan Pea Island `Jational Wrldiafe. RefirTe and :ldvanced_tilaintenancl- of the Oret;(.tt Inlet Channel, ManteoLhafhowt,?a,)Jl y.l?r?i t. Dare (-'c.?rtnt?'._ti??rth C'<ttt?lina, elated lulu 199i. J. I-n% 'rortmental Assessment anti 1~trid'i -, of No Si?jn ficanty[MTNittt,'Njam cmi.nc? DredQrnL. of the (-)re.4on Inlet _Channel, (Oc.c` an Bar Channel) l?v OCea* 11 _t .cal I IC i F{rdr relic Pipeline Di vdg e tarli ? t'.C)red<:e with Egret Purrip oui or Disch,atVc of Drcd"T,:l %-lslc i1 ran Ilea Islan?:l Nariori_al LYlldlite Retitcel tManteo (Sh rllw bhw) Rav Pruj,:!Ct, Dares( 1'` orth C arc-1111 <t. dated Jatne 1991. l rndin oft o ilirftstlrtt ii)Pact Mariteo Sh aIlu?ybtlta B a v I'rcat_ct_Ntatr t4_n:anC- of O tgoi Ir ict F3a C'hanaie!_l_'rurrin i_?ilticn?r Dare County `north Carolina, daLed Jtrric '.?,r?-l. [t__d c p tst _ beach disposal _and, nee tsht rc disposal have been Conducted in i,mphattce \wJth with }s hat- is heats, GC ^703 with no xvr t{c.; r approval from N('1)%k'Q V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project':' It so, describe tht anticipated work. and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. Prolec t involves maintenance dredgiinS - rv year or every other- yea _ -Disposal will dc?he'[dd gppq bids received from contract dred<xingx companies and Coordination w, itl) PrNW-R. v Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/NVaters of the State It is the aipplicant's (or agent's) rusporasibihty to determine, delinc.<atc, grid map all impacts to t? etlrand:>. open water, and stream chrtiinels associated with the pro)..c:t l`ach impact must bc hstLd separately- in the tables belotc ( ccrlvert installation should bc; listed separately fror-i ripr'ap dissipater pa(ls). Be sure to indicate if ata impact is ternjpo rarv. Atill proposed ir7apac'ts. perraaanent and temporary, must be IIS[Cd. anti nlttst be labeled ard c-l?-Iarl,,ldcntifiabic on art accornpanyring site plan. All wetlands and (eaters, and all streanis d'irtic;rrrrittcnt and perennial a she. uld Ile showra on a delineation elan, whether or not impacts are priipowd w these system.," Wetland and stre-ani evalua-tion and toiMc°ation forms should he it chided as appropri rtt:. Photographs may he included at the applicant's discretion. If this propos: 2d impact is strictly gar v.etland or scream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section V' Ill below. It' additiomd space is raeedecl for listing or descriptiort, please attach a separate sheet. Pry,, i(; a .5rltten description, )t the propos°d impacts: _Pr'car?osed iemaets >suOciated with beach disposal include ty'ml)`grary adverse im act to beach and trttcrtid al macroinvertebrates in the trr rnediate disposal area BcCaLlse d edged rtaati rial is sand rnrninaal if arty `tm act to habitats or water oualiLv t; ected. Sitn1 rraa a Cali be erected from i earshore_disposal. Impacts f'rorn bath methods of disposal arc r ininial and short,-livcd. The Vn t 8 of 14 roIect is pr posed to be repeated -on an as_z1e?c?t? taa5t.5 .??+??wililti, once a `-! ar or once c',cr; other } ,;3r 2. Individually fist wetland impacts. `hypes of impacts inciude, bw arc rut limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, f7oodin-, ditching'dr:amagv, cic. For clams. separately list impacts due to both stmcturc and floodili.v 1_,catcra .. idh n Duran to I ?r<:a of v1 r il.arld I rn1)a ,.t try l ?,'c tt u.d site '4!3mbcr ?'vt c + lr7?t?;iet { c 1 r..?te i r7 aastt, f IrYCtid€ rain ti?r•.r,n aur91 1 ? indicate on neat, I ? herha? ropy. l:,c?? ,r.?,t i I ? t Total Wetland lrnpi3r t ac rrs) List (It, total am:agc? E?cstimated) ca? all eristvcilands on thc? prohtxt it one 4. lneii ;ciuzr?l list all intert-nittent and pc.reranial stream itllpaCtS, 13C Sur,:. to .(.h:ntll'., tempt-rrar,. impacts str??am impacts inc.ladz, but are not limited to placement of I 'or cidvents, c#an1 construction, hooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g,, c: alert ?%tills, rip-rap, crib walls, gabimis, etc.), excavation, ditchtn(-, str3ightenin.g, etc. It stretana rc:IocattOn is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original brad r?.-located Streams must be included To calculate acreage, mUltiply length . % idt.h, there dt% tdo b? 43-50), 5trcam Impact -? vaz sec ? Irrax act t r ea ut' PCrctu7ial or *lumbcr Sir cani Nark Type of In4xto Stream t?`tdtL i rn?rh impact f andtate at7 Igla 5 lnrcrnuncnt" ti u.. t - _-- .-__. ___-_ Brtlrrelmct Iltaen t ctl I>cresi -', i I ytal Strecatn Impact i;bti tzngth anal ace t tri 5. Jndir,idually list all open water impacts {including lakes, ponds, est?aarics, sot3ricfs, :atlantic Ocean and any other eater of the U. . ,;l. Open water impacts include, but are not limited it) fill, {: r diging, fl oodi?ate, il7mn- we, l?t.B11iI ends, etc. Open I c[1 W3t2Y l17)pwt r I I Nom- Est ?t`steshnci}` -T? TG eC1r ,t Site. Naanber ' =t apptacabie) 1?.pc >i`trnpa Impact (lake, p-mid, s Impact indicate on ma a ( n 1 ba ocean ra esi tlualt (1?:car ter. h n arsl.?,re I `-t an-cs ---- - tl`^"3t. ___ 17et gent Tf dated t tr1,1105 Pa;r_" 9 of 14 '] mal [7pen'vGa-er [rupa.:" iaw7n4 VII. list the cumul<1tivC ;rnp Ict to all % alas ,f tl t..5 r;5ultlu 1roln 1114 i r tl;` t: Strcarn Impact (acres): - -- - _? _._ -... -- - --- ------ Wetland Impact (a(rcs): Open Open ?-Vater Impact (acres): acres per event otai Impact to Waters of the U.S. (act s) 5 12 acrt,s per e ..r]1 Total Stream Inapwt (linear fcct): isolated W,atcrs )o any isolated tivaters exist on the propcr+1%'? L Yes No Describe alt Impacts to isolated waters, artd include the.: type of?4alcr (wetland or.strianl) and the sire of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Pltase note that this section only applies to eaters that have speciticall%, been C(Aemimed to bi is elated b,, the l `w.q _TI Pon i Creation if consmiction of a pond is proposed, associated xetland and stream impacts should tn, included ;Above in the %?,'etland Lind stream im.p;,act sections. ,also, the ptopo,,etl pond Should be descrbcd here and illustrated on any (maps included ?,vith this Ipplication_ Pond to be created in (check all that app]}I: Uplands strcarn t ' ?vel lands Describe the method of construction dam;en,.hanknnent ?x(?131a1i?.n. installation of (Irakv-down %alvc or spillway, etc,): ._._ PI.OPosr;d use or purpose of pond (C.2_ 11,, e;tock fv atcrirtg, irrigat,on, ac ,ihetiG, tFOLIt pond, local sty rnl ,t ar,cr ree utremcm, ctc. 1. Current laud us : in thy: vicinity of the porl(l: Sire of ,,watershed draining to pond:_-.... Fxpected pond surface ar, a Impact Justification (Avoidance and "Minimization) Spec i6cal11, de-scribe UICasures taken to avoid the proposed impacts, it nlav he useful to prov'idc infon-nation relat?+-i to site constraints c4lCh aS t( jo,rraphy, building ordialan? ic; r ssil iltty, and Financial vmhilitti oftht project. The applicant nw% attach drawings of altrmari,,,% lov,,cr-impact site layouts, :111(1 explain kvhu these design ciptions were not feasible. Also d::>cuss IlOV,' irnp?wts were; rninitnired once the desired site plait was dcvelopcd. It applicable, dlsi L1,?s Construction techniques to he k-dlowcd during consttlleticln to reduce impacts. The Nv( ' wk is (o, be conducted du. 6nS4 ttntc?_cst t c "ear when dred:nn?, couditimis are safe. Dredglmi, clunnzt }(nods „t low h?i)Ldi_ -colt acts t 's dangerous. for contra t dr,c)e equipment and pci sOrlflel. Itrou?dl %, itl l'lNWR, an investigator, method of bale} dIsnosal 1n",ol in, thv creation of t]l)te? (clfG?i t?l atl?pi>Sat InterspcC?ed with arc.t_ot no minact) 1s tntendcd pr(,%lde "r-c- u,!e;s tot beach and inicnl(Lii mucroinverte-bl attS that '11 C r)t-?, te(l 10 recoloniz completion Or, 111? Ilc n ,ct. Ind bio. ?.T; j In, rtdrttern L. tZdts?1x (t , G.al IClonltt'I"LIi I ntlLl?. t t7 deterin'rie C ctr., Qss of node's. Il rnot?1Lorrn Indicalre t1j, tI1' ? to q'r ] I I ti [ l - beach dis-p sal. dots not minimize adverse environmenull ir?i.gcjs,_ttxc ,5ljP t tatx be rcisSLtCdW [h a re•C Llrrcmerit for alternate methodcilogles o b+`ac.h disvosal. No mitigation for ncarshorc disposal intended is impacts are short-lived and minirt-tal. VIII. :Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 21-1 0500, m tir_=.ation may he r-'?quired h,. the NC Division of Water (duality for projects uavolx.in greater than or egUal 10 a(-,_r' O impacts to Freshwater wetlands or 'eater than or eLlilal to 1 i+1.) linear lect of total in*lp;:iCts to t?cr nnial streams. l In accordance with tic Final Notice CIF Issuance acid Modl icanon of Natww.? Idc I'cnnits. puhli?hed in the Federal he`?ister on Jan_rary 21JO , mitigation uill he required vvhcri n cessaT'to en>Ltr that adverse effects to the. aquatic crivironment ale. WMIlin" 1. Factor:; inclLtdin_ size and type of proposed impact acrd fMICtion and relat)N c. val+le of the irnpacte aquatic. resource will be considered in determinim-, acceptability or appropri;ite and practicable mitiOatiOrl as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and p r wtlcahle includc, but are not limited to: reducing, the size of the project. establishing and ri-nulrtamill- \vctlar l and.ior upland vgietated buffers to protect open waters such as sti-cams-, land aquatic resource fanc.tions and values b} cneatim , restoring enhancirtg, or ;arescvvim? ?sinlilat' functions and Values, preferably. in the sarne watershed. if miti.Inati-on is required for this project, a copy of the miti`ration plant rnu t be attaelled in orclcr for 17S ACE or DWO to consider the application complete for processI'll `. All.,' aLpplicatican lacking a r-cluircd mitigation plan or MCI TP concurrence shall be placed on hoid a irlc.oniplete. An applicant inav also choose to review the current mi'delincs for stream restoration lit DWQ's Draft Technical Guide For Stream Work in North Caro IIii a, available rat ht1v:.' 11 o.t"rlr_ 11,-,11 Ltb TICV, tIaIIIdS 7tI!II?- idC l,lfi'J'i, Provide a hric:Fdescription of'the proposed mitigation plan. The description ?llould provide as much i11forniati011 as possible, includin , but not limited to: site location (attach directir3nr; mtor snap, it ofisite;l, affected stream acrd nvcr basin, type and amount of milWa:ltroll proposed (,restoration, enhancement, ercation, (-)r pl'45iTS3tk0[tL a ?!'dn l'ir_'tii', prtiservatrvn r xchanism te.u., deed reStrii'nOfts. l'Orlservati()n eai;enlwril, e'tc.;I, and ;i descripti 7r. or the crlrri:nt site Corlditioi . :and j)?!-)p(-.1se j irli• hod o conct?'oct[1)TI Plt' ISC :1tt:1C'1 1 1110T ' SPace IS netidt d. T'hrOUL ITll_._000t;ai_t? itrc>tlWith PI''vWR, disp(,a] rnvolvinu, the creatti 5r?. O C 11cclts 'area o dis .,}sal irq rs?er -tth area o no enl?act) is intended to prcrti ide__':r Ci.lir•?, f'(-)r beach and intertidal rn croi,nvertef_irates that are, expeci;?d.ic, recolOilie imtlicted_.rii)dt_:4 U11011 Cnt»11Icti.('rI of the .p1- acct. In add. ion, geological and b10logicat tnon,itclnri g44- i 1 he cnncltzcdcci to deterralitJe cttccti? trntss of node, 1.f pioruIorinn results indicate that the nodal n-retl-odolot. v of bG c,h drsposal aloes not nunimiz adverse environmental impacts, the tit }T rnrv he reissued 'O lth i requirement for alternate methodologies of beach_dis uw;al. No mitrl ttwn for nle rshorc- disvoi it untended as imparts arc shol -h\cd and ininirnal. Page 11 ui 14 ?. ?titarayon rnxy also) be made; by pay'trlc?rlt inter the Nortl1 Carohna I-C(`?ta.t]rl1 Lnhar ccln-nt I'rol4ran) (NCEEP). Please; note it is the lpplicarIt's responsil7i:11ty to COt11 1Ct Thu- N(T FP at (` 19) 715-1..)=176 to determine availabiI tv, and written approval from the N(:'I LP iii `i:at that they are will to accept payrllent for the mitigation must be aua?-iled to this t*- rrrl 11U1 additional infonnation regarding the application process for the NCELP, cl,trcl the wi"F,1-1' wi_1?Slt'4 at Ill.tt7::'l 2U..`.rl titi!ti .n4 ll? '': li ;;\ E[17. It lt$C Cif tllt'M1'.ty prlit4?Sill, p}tUl check the approprlrlte box Can Pal-e, fi"vc and pivvido the Iallo wino Into nla[wi'3 !"11111Yunt of strcani mitigation requested (llllear Feet): A(luaunt of buffer rnItigation requested (square feet): _--?- ,-\Jll unt of Riparian N etland mitigation requested (acres):_ Amount o(Non-riparian wetland mittgaltion requested (acres) Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested acres): IX. Environmental Documentation (required by 13WQ) Does the pr0JCCt inVoNe at) eXpet1411(t)rc° QC I%l.rl.)lrl (tC'dd 'ill tit Yt 'liicatl) ll1n?_'!?: (.JZ ell. lrti (.,t Public 1: dU1 ?1Ji state) laird':' If yes, does the project require- preparation oC an enc(rorlment.rl do?(-umrut pursLlant io the requirements of the National or North C'arohna F::'llvironnlental Policv .Act CNLP,I,SE-Pilo[? Note_ If 'VOU are not sure whether a NEP ?V""F'PA docunlenl is regtnl od call tile SEPA coordinator at (9F)') 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environnic%ta; ,1+rculnc.ntatiC?rv. Yes X No ? These doCLIments (hstcd above) have J}Letj c(.,-rnp1cI:cd prior to previous; Iterations ofdredging. . If yes, ha1s the document review been #inallizcd by the State Clearing: slotls?- if L, please attach a copy of the NF RA or SEP.A, final approval letter. Yes ? S1--F ABOVE, X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and NVatershed Buffers (rewired by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or a-2ent's) responsibilit'l to determine. do hricate and t? ap will impacts to required state and local 'buffers associate(! 'with the pro'lect. The applicant iiimt iko piw ide justification f6r these Impacts in Section \,-'II abu) c All proposed impacts 1111rSt ?";: listed hc:rcil?" and must be cl arl),- idkntitiable on the acc+ rrrllatlin? sati. plan, .r;ll buffers nitisr c s;hoti'?n or a map, Whether or not impacts are proposed To the. bullrs. Con-esp()nder,ce tram the: DIA'Q Regional Off-We r111y he included as appropriatc. Photographs ma} also hL inc ludcki ti the applicant's discreti01-1, I . Will the proj'ec:t imp<1Ct protected riparian h 1 lers iclent #ied within 1 5:1 Nt':1C' Ea .f:l??3 (Neuse), I ?,A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico ). I ?;\ NCAC 0213 .0243 (t atat. h;t) 1.5.,\ M-,M- 2B ,0250 tRxidlalan Rules and M."ater Supply Ruffs-r RegUir ments). car olh( r Iple tse idtntrf? i' 1cS ?. J1 Ncj X lJpdare:l 31 ? I ? 2of?j Page t2 cA, 14 ?. If "yes", Went if`•, the square feet and acrea?e of impact to e,tc.ll zone of the r'ilmi xi bu`fei If buffer ntitigation is required calculate the recluired amaurlt of tlllti??ratiuli l>?, appl'?in1-f C-t butter mLIltlpln2:-ti 117nr' iC t R-o u { .. c-tarp tc t tit .r ?m f 1 ntaI r .:rac 1 ..r?n?1 out :Iii tcrt p(,,rper: cit:al r :rrt1 tfsC :.w w qt e r: . !:Dnk of Channel. ,AI ' r ::en.; : wrr ar3 ,:::anal '+'r ;eet'wni the clu of Zone `s If hunter In It I;-Iatloll 1S requIred. please d ;cuss what L%pC: o nxl[1 '',tlli7rl l: l f }pC`SC`L; (l Donatican of Property. Riparian But'te'r Restoration ? Enl'113rbl:Cn,Cnt. Px,rl;cla Into tae- Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all ,lpproprizlle 111porll`. ttit'?1: ,IS xtcl t!r`tc: * within 1 -;A Nt_'AC 2l3 .0242 or .f)244, or .0260. Appllcalilc XI. Sturltawater (required by DNN Q) Describe impervious acrea-c (existirlg and proposed) versus total acreage on thy site, DISCUSS stor water controls proposed in order to protect surfacc: waters and wetlands downstre ull f onl the property. If percent impervious, surface exceeds 2(6), please provide calculations demonstrating touil proposed iTripenious level. Not. Applicable XII. Seivage Disposal (required by D'4NVQ) Clearly detail cite Ldtinlat? treatment ruciliods :wd disposition (non dlschart:? ur laiscliar?,c) ut ,,,,astewatcr «errrr'atcd tr«nl the prclposcd projcci, or ai ai'Niblc capacity of tare Suk?jc t l aciiitv. Not =A_pplicabrc X:I.II. Violations (required by DNVQ) Is this site in +ioiatiim of DWQ Wetland Rules ( 15 A .CAC 211 .0500) or an% Btll'tl:r R.u1eS' Is this an aftcr-tllc:.-tact permit application? Yes Ac, X MV, Cumulative Impacts (required by DNVQ) GVill this project (based on past and reasonahly anticipated future impacts) resuh in iddiltional development, 't> Melt could impact nearby downstream water quality" yes No X If v es. pltaSe 5<t}7l iii <1 Li l'lltidtlbt or llLlrlrrtltll[tti'C CIarllllizltl*%e Impact and], -,"'S i;1 :i?4 t?i :'3I'a'L with the. Mast recent )r'h Carolina Di?lslorl ut `? at r Quahty pollc% postc.ti of t+to. `o >Itc ;at I !elate i ) I tr`11?i."`. 1' a,-c 13 f 14 ili c???11(1, I no, plea:, a 1?iC'1 Il.i!'"dYl 1?1 h t? _h ll-Ze 1S r :LLPlr Liz nc rshor ,act 1.i?r,9CC.La to Pea ISl 111 ?;: Cla( VV 'Ids R? T .i1I`C1.'l nr 1. 11(, d e1 1,)ngc.rP1N`A-R X V. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the apphcanfs- respnnsirlllty io suhn-ilt the appiicati n aficlc ikl CE)I1sil'uClion tIa',..5 ) adI??i 1 ' yrl ctssln. T:J'le for Lhz: G'r. f7u1I11.71>. E?t',Y'ty„ `1; <i . i, }? %lioosc Io h,,, clonstram1 ,-? asscic alai %vlth coo-I11 '.101T ,1T S 't}a?-".1c"T, 1, a, =11a 1111 41't-,]'l:' schedul °_ 4 e.C1 , i]rm -down ; C `)'Mules fo dxe 1 h-eate[led Species, .cCc4ss b lity problcros, or othe:- 1»lieti c)U,Sid o <Y,`ptl ' ;1i < :; "Ii , i A consrislen':,y d %- Iogat[011 }IBS h?CTI..SUN-M ttki 1i_i N( Dl sloe-_of Cori, i '1l z(t t :'1?i'ilt A T .t???a Mcidi a . iI Rlnl?,_lcal.0-Nillorl haF -bceTl t.4?t_o.._etui .1- t.t.-?---l 1 J ti' h 11)iI ')1CC, jrlil 'i rrc?d fi?ti_i i_Lt?ci Sl 1' 1 II he rec.i ci frcml Plti`yl lt_ Prtorto tile Applicant, Agent's Signatur 1)atc t;, sent s ;i =n-, to rc IS ti aliil dr11v if an al(h Uodarcd : l ? l ?".'i)C?7 Page 14 oi'4 t i ? VVanche , J i y i r I M1 ?AS JTE j t f j t '1. e 1 7 t.? F?. y Sao _ j 7-1 I v ? :1. j I , I I y I i I I •' 1 ? tr ? 'may .... v l M1 j 4 4? ------- ------- r - r ? 6. 4 ? I I? j 1 S _., ? f f? '?FE?caNG }uti.>_< I I.. ^r?M• .. j_?! - _- ...__.._ ' ?._ .? 14 -- - - ----------- --- Oregon Inlet Disposal Figure 3 E-Aw is and s i a Pea Isi nd J e? -6 V - - - 1? - 3 Streets =: - Navigation Channel -- Map Data: 19 March 2008 4: EXPRESS MAY 0 $ ZQQ8 NC DENR Express Major 401 acceptance in WaRO Subject: Express Major 401 acceptance in WaRO From: Lyn Hardison <Lyn.Hardison@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 08 May 2008 15:25:01 -0400 To: Laurie J Dennison <Laurie.J.Dennison@ncmail.net> CC: roberto.scheller@ncmail.net Hi Laurie, We received a major 401 application for express permitting today. Here is the application and copy of check so that it can be process into BIMS. Please confirm that the application has been received and entered into BIMS. Thanks, Lyn Lyn B. Hardison One-Stop/Express Permitting Coordinator NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Customer Service Center Washington Regional office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-948-3842, phone 252-975-3716, fax Oregon Inlet Major 401 Express.pdf Content-Type: application/pdf Content-Encoding: base64 1 of 1 5/8/2008 3:39 PM