HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080781 Ver 1_Report_20080506o? Channel Geomorphic Conditions and Evaluation Report Duharts Creek, Gaston Mall Project Gaston County, North Carolina Project No. 2007-1860 May 24, 2007 0 7 g 1 Cws Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................... Methods ......................................................................................... Results ........................................................................................... Bankfull Verification ................................................................. Geomorphic Assessment ........................................................... Discussion ...................................................................................... List of Enclosures .........................................................1 .........................................................1 .........................................................1 .........................................................1 .........................................................2 .........................................................2 Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Channel Reach and Cross-Section Locations Figure 3 - North Carolina Piedmont Regional Curves Table 1 - Stream Reach Data Summary Channel Cross Sections (CSI - CS4) Longitudinal Profiles Pebble Count Data Representative Photographs MAY 6 2008 DENR - WATER GUAUTY WETLANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH Duhart's Creek - Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project Channel Geomorphic Conditions and Evaluation Report Project No. 2007-1860 Introduction The Duhart's Creek relocation project is located in Gaston County, North Carolina. The project site is an approximate 60-acre tract located in Gastonia, North Carolina, south of exit 21 from Interstate 85 (see location map, enclosed). Stream relocation, for the purpose of reducing and mitigating the impacts of the expansion of the existing Gaston Mall, is proposed for the reach of Duhart's Creek located within the property boundary. The reach of Duhart's Creek was assessed using Rosgen Level H Classification methods. The following assessment was done to evaluate the existing conditions of the streams and to identify potential strategies for stream restoration. The following report describes the existing conditions of the streams. Methods A geomorphic survey was performed by CWS biologists Thomas Blackwell, Patty Perino and Paul Bright on May 11, 2007. The survey included a longitudinal profile, a cross-sectional survey, substrate sampling (reach-wide pebble count), Bank Erodability Hazard Index (BEHI) analysis, and photographic documentation of the reach of Duhart's Creek for which relocation is proposed. This data was used to classify each reach using the Rosgen Level 11 system. Results Bankfull Verification Bankfull cross-sectional measurements were verified using the North Carolina Piedmont regional curve (Figure 4). Indicators of bankfull levels were identified in the field and included scour lines, floodplain benches, and the backs of depositional bars. The observed bankfull widths and calculated bankfull cross-sectional areas were verified using the drainage area for each stream channel. The observed widths for Cross Sections 1 to 4 fall on or slightly below the regression lines for urban North Carolina piedmont streams. This verifies that the bankfull widths and bankfull cross-sectional areas observed by CWS for these areas are consistent with those of similar streams in an urbanizing watershed. Locations of cross sections were chosen at areas that represent the overall character of the channel. Cross-Sectional measurements were not taken within two bankfull widths of a culvert or other in-stream structure based on current methodology. In-Stream structures alter the flow and velocity of the channel causing the presence of non-representative bankfull indicators. Duhart's Creek - Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project Channel Geomorphic Conditions and Evaluation Report Project No. 2007-1860 Geomorphic Assessment Duhart's Creek flows south-east though the central portion of the property for approximately 1,575 linear feet. A 400 linear foot reach of Duharts Creek was analyzed in this study. The Level H classification for the study reach of Duhart's Creek was identified as F4. This reach exhibited substrate consisting of very fine gravel (D50= 2 - 4 mm). The drainage area for this reach is approximately 1.61 square miles, channel slope is 0.0023 ft/ft, and sinuosity is 1.07. Mean bankfull width and depth for this reach were 22.6 feet and 1.94 feet, respectively. The average flood-prone width for the riffle portions of the reach was approximately 31.2 feet. A Bank Erodibility Hazard Index (BEHI) assessment was performed at two locations within the reach. These yielded adjusted BEHI scores of 27 and 39 which indicate moderate and high susceptibility to erosion respectively. Discussion CWS believes that Duhart's Creek has opportunities to combine Restoration Priority levels 1 and 2. This section will summarize the opportunities and present our recommendation for the level of enhancement within the reach. Priority 1 Restoration - Category that involves building a new morphologically stable channel at a higher elevation thereby connecting to the original floodplain. The newly constructed channels will typically be Rosgen type C or E channels. Priority 2 Restoration - Category that involves restoring morphological stability and reestablishing a floodplain to an existing channel at the current elevation or higher to create a Rosgen type C or E channel. This priority of restoration is typically used when relocation of an incised stream is not feasible. Based on this evaluation, CWS believes the best option is to relocate portions of these reaches to re-establish a natural meandering pattern. The relocated areas will be graded to match closely the existing cross sections. Relocating the channel will allow the sinuosity to be increased, thus reducing the shear stress along these reaches. The relocated area can be graded to include floodplain benches, floodplain wetlands, and native riparian vegetation which will help to improve the water quality and capacity within this channel. 2 ?IJ Legend 2,000 1,000 0 2,000 Feet Project Outer Boundary REFERENCE- USGS 7.5' IUPOGRAPHIC MAP SERIES, GASTON!A NORTH QUADRANGLE, DATED 7093 a; CWS, INC. Figure 1. Site Location Map 550 E. Westinghouse Blvd. Gaston Mall Geomorphic Conditions Report Charlotte, NC 28273 Gaston County, North Carolina roiect No. 2007-1860 I Applicant No: Date: _ - - _-- J CS-3 CS-2 CS-1 Legend Streams Wetlands Project Outer Boundary !? 150 75 0 150 Feet i Figure 2. Channel Reach and . CWS, INC. Cross-Section Locations 550 E. Westinghouse Blvd. Gaston Mall Geomorphic Conditions Report CAWS Charlotte, NC 28273 Gaston County, North Carolina [V...••- Project No. 2007-1860 [Applicant No: Date: Sheet of North Ctirolina Piedmont Regional Curve 1000 - - l I 1 I -- 100 ; { -- - Urban o : _ I v ? 0.95 R2 a :. 10 ? G . ; _ a 44 O 67 : TIt j i I , 1 0.1 1.0 10.0 , 100.0 10 00.0 Drainage Areal (AM' 2 j • ITAiail Data A Ritral Data -"-° Power (I,1ltl'al I)ata) -- TTrball Rem e ? X1+311 North Carolina Piedmont Regional C='urge 10000 -- - - - - --- -- - --- - - - - i a ;-7 ? 1000 ?. I _ : __ ? ;, ? ? ; ; ?. Urban y E .? i i . a_1i 306.,s4 x • Aj 1 r t H 100 • ? _ -- _ _ =' _ S.?il"ill a 71 6 J_1 ry 1 1a 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 Drairkage ALrea (sq ird) + I it-.ail Data . Pan al Data -°- Power (Rxifal Data) -- Urban Re?TMressi+311 Summary of Existing Conditions Parameter Existing Condition Reach Reach 1 Length of Reach Studied ft. 400 Channel Dimen sion Average Bankful Width ft. 22.6 Mean Bankful Depth ft. 1.94 Average Width/De th Ratio 12.17 Average Bankful Areas . ft. 44.6 Average Bankful Maximum Depth ft. 2.54 Average Width Flood-prone Area ft. 31.2 Average Entrenchment Ratio 1.38 Max Pool Depth ft. 4.12 Ratio Max Pool Depth to Bankful Depth 1.62 Pool Width ft. 8.0-10.0 Ratio Pool Width/Bankfull Width 0.39 Pool to Pool Spacing ft. 42-127 Ratio Pool to Pool Spacing to Bankful Width 1.0-4.92 Bank Height Ratio 1.6-2.7 Channel Patt ern Meander Length ft. N/A Meander Length Ratio N/A Radius of Curvature ft. N/A Radius of Curvature Ratio N/A Meander Belt Width ft. N/A Meander Width Ratio N/A Sinuosity 1.07 Channel Pro file Valle Slope ft./ft. 0.006 Channel Sloe 0.002 WS Sloe ft./ft. 0.0019 Pool Sloe ft./ft. 0.0016 Channel Mate rials Bed Material Distribution Material Size mm d16 0.125 - 0.250 d35 0.5-1.0 d50 2-4 (Very Fine Gravel d84 8 - 11.3 d95 11.3-16 Rosgen Stream Tye F4 Longitudinal Profile - Duharts Creek 710.0 709.0 708.0 707.0 706.0 705.0 704.0 4. MOM 0 702.0 W 701.0 700.0 699.0 698.0 697.0 696.0 695.0 - ?3--Water Surface -? Thalweg RTOB -- LTOB - a- Lbkf o r ?n o 0 0 0 0 0 o v? o .' O ?G O ?O N 7 O? M N 00 [? d' ?--? N M O 00 ?O Station (feet) Duharts Creek - Cross Section 2 - Riffle 709 707 ,705 0 703 701 w 699 697 695 0 10 20 Distance (ft.) -T 30 40 Bankfull Width L Flood-Prone Width Duharts Creek - Cross Section 3 - Riffle 709 707 705 703 c w 701 699 I 697 695 -? ?- 0 10 20 Distance (ft.) 30 __ 40 Bankfull Width Flood Prone Elevation DUHARTS CREEK - Cross Section 4 - Riffle 709 707 Now 705 o 703 > 701 a? w 699 697 695 0 10 20 Distance (ft.) 30 40 Bankfull Width Flood-Prone Width] North (I'arolina Piedmont Rec-Tional C='.ur?-? 10000 4 " 1000 U w bb v v i-1 100 10 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 I ivaillume Area (sq rni} T_Trl?ati I):it:y AL Riu-al I):ita --? 114- ,-V er iRiwal Data) - TT-ban R.2% el"SlOix PnhhlP f n»nt _ 11„hnrtc Creek Metric (mm) Particle Count Tot # % Tot % Cum 062 <0 Silt/Clay s 2 100.0 2.0 2.00 . 125 062 - 0 0 Very Fine Sand 3 100.0 3.0 5.00 . . 250 125 - 0 0 Fine Sand A 4 100.0 4.0 9.00 . . 25-0 5 0 Sand Med N 5 100.0 5.0 14.00 . . 0 5-1 0 . Coarse Sand D 18 100.0 18.0 32.00 . . 1.0-2.0 Ve Coarse Sand 12 100.0 12.0 44.00 2-4 Very Fine Gravel 2 100.0 2.0 46.00 7 4 - 5 Fine Gravel 10 100.0 10.0 56.00 . 5 7 - 8 Fine Gravel G 6 100.0 6.0 62.00 . 3 8 - 11 Medium R 6 100.0 6.0 68.00 . 3-16 11 Medium A 11 100.0 11.0 79.00 . 16 - 22 6 Coarse v 8 100.0 8.0 87.00 . 22 6 - 32 Coarse E 8 100.0 8.0 95.00 . 32 - 45 Ve Coarse L 3 100.0 3.0 98.00 45 - 64 Very Coarse 1 100.0 1.0 99.00 64 - 90 Small c 1 100.0 1.0 100.00 90 - 128 Small b 0 100.0 0.0 100.00 128 - 180 Large b 0 100.0 0.0 100.00 180 - 256 Large I e 0 100.0 0.0 100.00 256 - 362 Small B 0 100.0 0.0 100.00 362 - 512 Small u 0 100.0 0.0 100.00 512 - 1024 Medium 1 0 100.0 0.0 100.00 1024 - 2048 Large - Ve Large e 0 100.0 0.0 100.00 Bedrock Bedrock r 100.0 0.0 100.00 Percent (%) p .n o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <0.062 0.062 - 0.125 0.125 - 0.250 0.25-0.5 0.5-1.0 1.0-2.0 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7-8 8 - 11.3 11.3-16 b A rA f? 16-22.f 22.6 - 32 32-4° 45-6, 64-91 90-12 128 - 18 180 - 25 256 - 36 362-51 512 - 102 1024 - 204 Bedroc n r• CD b CD O rr d O w.+ N W A ? ? J GO ? ? O O O O O O O O O C O O O C C O O O O O O Cumulative Percent (%) Reach-wide Pebble Count Particle Size Distributions - Duharts 0 x, W v x, 964 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 I ! 40.00 30.00 - 20.00 I 10.00 LLL L4 0.00 o r,, Particle Size (mm) Duhart's Creek - Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project Channel Geomorphic Conditions and Evaluation Resort Project No. 2007-1860 ' , r" ,, r a68 f # r sg ? ? } f c 4it7 r? ? t a .- ... 'C ! .yly .a ''.?!(?'y^? ? ? ? t +r?ti ? P 3 YSY '?},?e wt' t t ?PW? ? ? ? ??'? dM ?' / y, d ? ?] & 6 rYd +? ...M r t • Al '"°.__' qq O' ,,fi?nn . d " ' ' iX '41+t 1. WL ?Y ,r 1 < S 1 ? . F Y t N ? ?. F ,?y""li A r > ' 7 Y ? {R "3 e S Y' pt - i I X ( ib l[.(c LA f ,`f T . L,V Sf"?4 '?} 1.Y' d -rte 46Z f .?` /? a 4 j`?i. w p `5 i , !? WwI Mt' ?( r ?y ??4?? ,L ?Y., ' i 1?ll ,?JR,i?•d. ` ?x l`-?i'N 9'^ J ?M?-EF .M?j• L •^F ' Y yf "'? 1,? T I .: b. y? ? . ( x_ ` W /? ? f l' /a? ..? y I•a x ? ? ? ?"•? * `r , y?7 ?? 'A ?? ? ?. i . Y " . . PS i $, i ?? ? t.'{i :'{.- ,. ?? ? ? 1 Photograph A: Cross-Section 1, across xy ?F -?- M ?I \? y3T, i` } .J' * rt yV Y Y t, t _ ?r s k ? •'14y 1 R f -A V 3 Yµ d? I 1! i ? ? ? ? r i!9 ? 1 ,, { • yMt ? ? fin' wrl . ? , ? Photograph 13: Cross-Section 1, upstream Duhart's Creek - Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project Channel Geomorphic Conditions and Evaluation Report Project No. 2007-1860 Duhart's Creek - Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project Channel Geomorphic Conditions and Evaluation Report Project No. 2007-1860 Photograph E: Cross-Section 2, downstream F: Cross-Section z, Duhart's Creek - Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project Channel Geomorphic Conditions and Evaluation Report Project No. 2007-1860 Photograph G: Cross-Section 3, across Photograph H: Cross-Section 3, downstream Duhart's Creek - Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project Channel Geomorphic Conditions and Evaluation Report Project No. 2007-1860 Photograph I: Cross-Section 3, upstream Duhart's Creek - Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project Channel Geomorphic Conditions and Evaluation Report Project No. 2007-1860 {{ 41 ?'?? ?? v ? ° t F )) .+' -{pii, A'' + y 1ry tl ) , i a j n ? ? f, k 5?? ?• ?? ie "??rl 4 '?;I ? ,e j (h '?? ? rr V? \p `?•,: ? ? T _.K, H ? , . p* ?. " j e ?Gr { . .• 2 wS w v? t KU A r ? Yf i "y p i r1 i V l y? a w r iil4r+ Photograph L: Cross-Section 4, downstream ? F dt+.,A?'"yy'?L y'?y??. '"s'p? ?- ?:F le?,? f a i n I .r• 4 c E1Fr• :(+?3. v rA .:?Y'{-AAG?ti+?} `< A-Ph,'. `,,,'5"? ii?. ,.y , ?. .(. s µµ`??r V ? r a & b 4? a.?•?: .. mom. Photograph M: Cross-Section 4, upstrcanl Duhart's Creek - Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project Channel Geomorphic Conditions and Evaluation Report Protect No. 2007-1860 Photograph N: Unstable Bank on uuriart, s Lreex