HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051117 Ver 2_More Info Received_20080430/FEY, & t i RAIA/ l 'S C)S- I%%-1 Y2 April 29, 2008 Ms. Cyndy Karoly, Supervisor North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 ? Re: Lissara Development r_`1 DWQ Project 05-1117, Ver. 2 (Forsyth County) APR 2JG& DENR - VVAfER ?tUiaiJiY Dear Ms. Karoly: MTLMDSAND STORdMWATM BRANCH . Enclosed you will find a packet of reports and materials that are intended to satisfy the requirements of your March 12, 2008 "Predictability Study Protocol for Sampling Reference Impoundments" as that process is applied to our proposed Lissara Lake in Forsyth County, North Carolina. While we were certainly inquisitive in our April 15, 2008 meeting on many aspects of the newly created protocol, including the science surrounding the requirements in it and its approval process given the very short working time within which it was apparently developed, your statement that it had been approved and signed by all of the appropriate folks (our copy was neither signed nor dated as approved) left 4&- no choice but to try and satisfy the spirit and intent of the protocol. After our meeting wherein you encouraged us to continue to be creative in the necessary process to provide your office with the requested information (this was after we mentioned using previous public lake monitoring), we and our consultant spent time combing through the various studies that have been prepared by DWQ staffers over the last 10-12 years on "public" lakes in North Carolina with particular emphasis on the lakes in the necessary HUC area and Level IV ecoregion in which our Lissara Lake is included. Once we determined the physical area of the HUC for Lissara Lake and superimposed it over the same Level IV ecoregion for Lissara Lake, we determined an area that was the most comparable for comparison on the two factors that you indicated mattered most to your office-HUC and ecoregion. We next had to identify those public lakes that were in or contiguous to that crossroads of HUC and ecoregion. There were a number of lakes that had been monitored extensively by DWQ and we were fortunate P.O. Box 10 • Bethania, NC 27010-0010 • 336-922-4000 • Fax 336-922-1762 enough to have lots of data on the two lakes we chose that met the first two criteria in your protocol. The selection of Salem Lake in Winston-Salem and Lake Thom-A-Lex in Davidson County was made all the easier by the fact that they are both water supply lakes. What that means to us is that their expected safety and welfare from a water quality standpoint is bound to be greater since drinking water is taken from there for the public at large. Since neither of those lakes has been, to our knowledge, on the impaired list of lakes over the last 10-12 years, there is every expectation on our part that the quality of these lakes is as great as can be attained in our part of the state. Another significant reason for choosing Salem Lake and Lake Thom-A-Lex is the fact that they are public water bodies with significant monitoring by both the state and local water authorities, and the results of the testing is known to all, including the public. The issues we raised about private lakes--how would the testing results that we might obtain be used by other DWQ staffers if the private lakes failed the tests and how hard would it be to obtain permission from the lake owners to even go on their property--were eliminated completely with public lakes such as the ones we chose. Additionally, since DWQ did the testing of the comparable lakes, there can be no questioning of how the sampling was done and the results obtained. If the DWQ testers don't have the knowledge, experience and ability to do the monitoring correctly, then we would suggest that no one would be able to satisfy that requirement. We feel particularly grateful that DWQ has done the extensive research and monitoring that your office can now use in its process of determining if the information on these lakes, as extrapolated, can predict the results of our lake. I must note that even after 6-8 years of monitoring, DWQ's staff thought the results were inconclusive on our two comparable lakes as to whether they met the appropriate water quality standards. If this is true on existing lakes, I continue to wonder how a theoretical assessment can ever be made on a proposed lake based on other lake's measurements? Inasmuch as our "second" application filed on February 19, 2008 is apparently one of the first applications to have to address the March 12, 2008 protocol (and our immediate request for a meeting on same took us three weeks further into the year as we accepted your first available date), we would expect some latitude in the interpretation of the monitoring expectations of a protocol penned after our application was filed. And the DWQ monitoring of our two comparable lakes should easily fit into acceptable practices and results. Along with our report, we have provided an analysis/recommendation on the data and factors involved in determining the efficacy of Lissara Lake by a former regional employee of NC DENR, DWQ division, Daryl Lamb. We have worked with Daryl on numerous occasions when he was here in Winston-Salem and we always found him to be knowledgeable, experienced, practical, and above all, professional in his approach to issues that affected the projects on which we were working. His concern for detail, while appreciated in the abstract, was sometimes difficult to satisfy in the field but he always explained the reason for his requirements and we trusted his judgment and complied. Our conversation reminded us that he was now living in another state and doing consulting work, and we quickly brought him aboard to guide us in this process. We heard you loud and clear on the importance of having the best professional help we could get for this process. And I take comfort in the knowledge that your office relies heavily on the fact finding, investigation, and processing of any 401 permit by the local staff of NC DENR (DWQ). Our previous working relationship with Steve Tedder has always been very professional, I believe. And Sue Homewood has been involved with this project already, which is a real plus. Both of those folks have always been mindful of time constraints on both sides of the equation in our experience. Your comment about using and relying upon those folks for the process makes sense. Their knowledge about our part of North Carolina and their judgments about what works or doesn't work in Piedmont, North Carolina obviously should, and apparently does, carry a great deal of weight in this process. Both you and Ian McMillan made it abundantly clear that you understood that finding lakes exactly like our Lissara Lake was not expected but that the information on the lakes we did choose could be vetted by your scientists in some type of analysis that could bring about scientifically significant adjustments to the provided information that would bring some degree of confidence that the information would be a good predictor of how our Lississa Lake will turn out. We seriously questioned that approach but you both assured us that this was how your process would work. Given that assurance, we have provided you with lakes that obviously need those scientific adjustments but we have accepted that your folks can make the necessary adjustments. We have included a discussion of the various site selection parameters for each of the two chosen lakes and then our proposed Lissara Lake. The first two items are significant and virtually match your requirements. The other parameters need adjustment per our discussion. Daryl has interjected some thoughts about the whole process both as it pertains to the parameters and how the results in the 2 lakes can give us guidance in our Lissara Lake project to meet the expectations of DWQ. Some would call this lake management and I would agree with that term. Each lake is different, t am quickly learning, and needs its own set of corrective actions. That's not unlike each child in a multi-child family. He or she may have the same Mom and Dad, live in the same house, sleep in the same room, dress the same way, eat the same food, play in the same yard, but need entirely different amounts of various things, including attention, to satisfy his or her needs. That's how our Lissara Lake will be treated-we'll figure out what she needs and give her those things to make her the best she can be. We note that monitoring data is not available to us from 2007. Since that was such an unusual year because of the drought (which may have left lingering issues in the lakes that will take several years to correct), it is probably good that the years that were monitored were pre-2007. Other natural factors could probably be suggested that cause fluctuation in the results (hurricanes, upstream spills, large development projects, etc.) but the drought was an all encompassing one that will unquestionably have long term effects. Should you need anything else or explanations as to any provided data or information, please feel free to contact us. We believe we have satisfied the needs of your office with the enclosed information and look forward to wrapping up our permitting process in the very near future. With this submittal and the additional inclusion of information requested by Mr. McMillan about the bottomless culverts, we believe we have submitted a fully compliant application for an individual 401 permit for our Lissara Lake project. Time continues to be of the essence for us and the need for moving onto the next phase of our project stares us in the face every day. We respectfully request a response from your office within the next 30 days as to our satisfaction of your requirements or any deficiencies that you believe we have. Your previous review of our application with listed deficiencies obviously indicates a thorough review of what you already had in hand. This additional information should be easily reviewed and assessed. I look forward to your response in the very near future. Very truly yours, es W. Armentrout or the Lissara Group, LLC JWA/Ig W.enclosures cc Daryl Lamb Steve Tedder Lang Wilcox Beau Dancy Pete Ramey Brant H. Godfrey Lissara Lake and Subdivision Reference Impoundment Sampling Process April 2008 INTRODUCTION: As requested by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (DWQ), Lissara Partners, L.L.C. has selected two reference impoundments, each of which is a public water supply reservoir, for analysis of sampling data as it may relate to the proposed Lissara Lake and to postulates and hypotheses within the DWQ's "Predictability Study Protocol for Sampling Reference Impoundments" guidelines. DWQ has agreed that data already gathered and available through the public domain could be considered for analyses of data as requested within the guideline document. PROCEDURE: Our review of the site selection criteria is with the understanding that it is unlikely that completely comparable impoundments exist, and that the proposed Lissara subdivision and impoundment design, surrounding vegetation, watershed area, buffers, site geology, soil types and overall lake management philosophy, to name a few, may differ from that of any sites within the public domain for which meaningful data exist. With these factors in mind, it was determined that water supply reservoirs which exist within or very near the intersection of the USGS Hydrologic Unit and the Level IV Ecoregion where the Lissara impoundment is to be located would be selected for submittal of sampled data. Lake Thom-A-Lex and Salem Lake meet these criteria. DWQ presented a comprehensive report regarding the status of water quality in North Carolina water supply reservoirs to the Environmental Review Commission in April of 2006. The data reviewed was confined to the period from January 1995 through May 2005. In a separate report dated April, 2007, the DWQ Intensive Survey Unit, Environmental Sciences Section, summarized and discussed lake and reservoir assessments within the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin. Data for this report were reviewed for the period of January 1, 2002 through September 30, 2006. Both of these reports form the basis for the underlying data submitted with this Report. ANALYSIS: Beginning with DWQ's April 2006 report, it should be noted, as stated in the report, that the DWQ ambient monitoring program is designed to provide snapshots of water quality during the period of the year when the effects of eutrophication are most noticeable, just as suggested by the current DWQ guideline. It should be further noted that, after nearly 9 V2 years of sampling and data analyses, the DWQ concluded that there was not sufficient data from the DWQ sampling program to determine with confidence if many of the reservoirs sampled were meeting or not meeting surface water quality standards. A summary of sampling results taken from that report for Lake Thom-A-Lex and Salem Lake is attached. Lake Thom-A-Lex did not meet the Turbidity standard during the sampling period of 1999 and 2000 through 2002, although less than two of the twenty -one samples obtained during this period failed to meet the standard. Salem Lake did not meet the dissolved oxygen standard for the period of 1999 through 2002, even though only one sample of the thirty-three samples obtained did not meet the standard. No other above-normal eutrophication-related water quality standards were noted for either of these two reservoirs. It is important to note that within the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin, the report listed several other reservoirs showing no above-normal water quality standards noted during the sampling period. This gives us great comfort in knowing that the data from our two comparative impoundments was developed over a long period of time and from responsibly managed lakes. Continuing with a review of the April, 2007 report, sampling data for Salem Lake and Lake Thom-A-Lex indicates that both reservoirs exceeded the 40 ug/L standard for chloryphyll-a, although the amount above-normal is not indicated in the report. All other water quality standards were within target and acceptable limits. Reports for the sampling summaries for these two lakes are attached for additional review. Again, as noted within the April, 2006 DWQ report, sufficient data has not been gathered or analyzed to determine if these reservoirs were meeting or not meeting state water quality standards. CONCLUSIONS Most of the State of North Carolina lakes have been artificially created or enhanced for the creation of one or more specific uses. Lakes are traditionally seen as a valuable resource, providing wildlife and fisheries habitat, flood control, water supply, water-generated power and recreational activities such as fishing, boating and swimming. Their societal impact can be very significantly positive and their adverse environmental impacts, if any, can be mitigated through responsible lake management protocols and sound environmental stewardship of the surrounding watershed area. From a geologic perspective, lakes are short-lived phenomena that undergo a natural enrichment (aging) process called eutrophication. Generally, the life span of most lakes is measured in tens of thousands of years. Over that time period, a lake will gradually fill with sediments and organic materials with the length of its life depending on its individual characteristics and those of the watershed. Many North Carolina lakes may be prematurely aging due to stresses caused by primarily human activities; however, the role of Mother Nature through the introduction of droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes and other adverse weather phenomena cannot be ignored. Watershed activities that disturb soils, increase erosion, or increase stormwater runoff from paved surfaces, can lead to increased sediment discharges and accelerate the filling of a lake basin. Nutrient runoff from fertilizers, septic systems and other non-point sources in the watershed can cause undesirable algal blooms and increased growth of aquatic plants. The flow of nutrients and other substances into a lake can degrade overall water quality, altering the eco-system. The understanding of these matters and other factors which can affect a lake's water quality have been recognized by the Lissara Partners management group and every effort has been, and will be, made to incorporate means to mitigate these factors through the site planning, design process, proposed construction methods as well as through future lake management protocols. Unlike the minimal municipality control of the watersheds which serve Lake Thom-A-Lex and Salem Lake, a unique feature of the proposed Lissara impoundment is that upwards of 80% of the watershed area will be controlled by the applicant. The proposed project includes over 38% of common area open space and only 11% impervious area, (as compared to an impervious area stormwater management criteria limit of 24%). Through designs that require clearing and grading by following existing topography contours, the impacts of roadways and utilities will be at a minimum. At-grade stormwater drainage will maximize the process of natural ground absorption of stormwater. Limited clearing for home-sites will be required to reduce impact to natural vegetation. Homeowners will be encouraged to have little or no permanent lawn areas which will reduce fertilizer applications and subsequent nutrient runoff. An offsite wastewater treatment plant, constructed down-gradient of the subdivision and lake dam, will treat wastewater generated within the subdivision. On-site streams will be protected by a 50-foot preservation buffer, as will be the proposed lake shoreline itself, which will help maintain the perimeter of natural mature forest. The Lissara Partners management group intends to utilize the services of a professional lake management-consulting firm to assist in ensuring that the Lissara Lake meet any and all applicable DWQ standards Class C waters. We have met with one group already to get a sense of the issues they commonly see in North Carolina lakes so we can incorporate those issues into our early planning process. If, and as needed, techniques to be implemented to enhance or improve lake water quality may include, among others, water level drawdown, targeted sediment removal, aeration, vegetation harvesting, biological treatment and chemical treatment. These techniques may be used to manage eutrophication, restore lake depth, enhance sport fisheries habitat, or to increase the amount of lake area available for recreation. In-lake management may also be used, if needed to control the spread of non-native and/or invasive plant or animal species. These in-lake management techniques are often very effective in addressing certain specific water quality issues, algal blooms, oxygen depletion, or excessive plant growth. Watershed management is an integral component of a lake management plan and, as noted above, the developer has already attempted, through design, to incorporate careful land-use planning and practices as a means to control erosion, agricultural and residential stormwater runoff as well as any wastewaters generated within the subdivision. The Lissara Development (DWQ #05-1117, Version 2): Utilizing Existing DWQ Lake Water Quality Data to Meet the Requirements of the Predictability Study Protocol for Sampling Reference Impoundments Background In June of 2005, Lissara Partners, LLC filed applications with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the N. C. Division of Water Quality requesting authorization under Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act to place fill in waters of the U. S. for the purpose of constructing a 32-acre lake in western Forsyth County. This lake was planned as an integral component of a 132-acre residential subdivision to be called Lissara. Since the original submittal, there have been numerous changes made to the proposed plan in response to requirements of both the Corps and DWQ. The lake is currently planned to have a surface area of 21.06 acres and impact, by placement of fill and flooding, 5,107 linear feet of jurisdiction stream and .042 acre of jurisdictional wetlands. On March 14, 2008, the 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit of the N. C Division of Water Quality sent Lissara Partners, LLC a "Request for More Information" pursuant to processing Lissara Partners' application. Among the additional items requested was a requirement to sample similar reference impoundments according to DWQ's "Predictability Study Protocol for Sampling Reference Impoundments (March 12, 2008)". In an effort to meet this requirement in a timely and efficient manner, Lissara Partners, LLC is proposing to utilize existing water quality data gathered by DWQ over the last ten years in impoundments which meet the criteria of being similar in location and physical characteristics to the impoundment being proposed. Discussion In response to concerns that lakes such as the one proposed for Lissara have a high potential to degrade water quality and to violate the State's water quality standards, DWQ has adopted a policy which requires permit applicants to show that a proposed impoundment is unlikely to cause a degradation of water quality within the affected reach by collecting appropriate water quality data from a minimum of two existing impoundments that are similar to the impoundment being proposed. The procedures for collecting this data are detailed in the "Predictability Study Protocol for Sampling Reference Impoundments" released by DWQ on March 12, 2008. This document lists requirements for site selection, sampling schedule, sampling stations, water quality indicators, sampling methods, analytical methods, and reporting of results. This protocol is designed around the essential features of DWQ's Ambient Lakes Monitoring Program which is conducted by the Intensive Survey Unit of DWQ's Environmental Sciences Section. These activities are supported by public funds including federal monies made available under the Clean Water Act. All data collected and all reports generated are in the public domain and are available for review and use by the general public. Two reports generated by this program are of particular interest in regards to meeting the requirements of the Predictability Study Protocol for the proposed lake at Lissara. The first report was released in April 2006 and details the findings of a 10-year effort to assess the water quality of 95 water supply reservoirs throughout North Carolina. Included among these impoundments are two lakes that meet the selection criteria of the Predictability Protocol: Salem Lake in Forsyth County and Lake Thom-A-Lex in Davidson County. The second report was released in April 2007 and deals specifically with an assessment of water quality in lakes and reservoirs in the Yadkin - Pee Dee River Basin. Included in this study are extensive water quality data for three impoundments which meet the selection criteria: Salem Lake, Winston Lake, and Lake Thom-A-Lex. All three lakes are located in the same ecoregion (45b - Southern Outer Piedmont) and hydrologic unit (03040101). In addition, they are located in areas with the same or very similar geology ( Gneiss, Schist and granitic rocks of the Charlotte Belt) and soils (fine sandy and clayey loams). In addition, the same water quality parameters specified in the Predictability Study Protocol are included in both studies, with the exception of fecal coliform. The depths, volumes, and watershed areas of the three lakes are listed below. All three lakes have a trophic status of 2trophic. 1. Salem Lake: Mean depth = 5.5 meters Volume = 800,000 m3 Watershed area = 25.5 mil 2. Winston Lake: Mean depth = 2.5 meters Volume = 30,000 m3 Watershed area = 6.6 mil 3. Lake Thom-A-Lex: Mean depth = 8.0 meters Volume = 7,800,000 m3 Watershed area = 39.4 mil The information contained in these two reports makes it clear that the most significant threats to water quality in an impoundment in the Upper Yadkin - Pee Dee Basin are eutrophication and sediment impacts. The following summaries are quoted directly from the Yadkin - Pee Dee River Basin assessment report of April 2007: Salem Lake DWQ monitored Salem Lake five times in 2006 from May through September. Secchi depths were generally less than a meter. Surface dissolved oxygen, while not less than the state's instantaneous reading of 4.0 mg/L, was low at site YAD077C in July (4.5 mg/L) and August (4.3 mg/L). Total phosphorus and total organic nitrogen generally ranged from moderate to elevated throughout the reservoir. Chlorophyll a values ranged from moderate to elevated in 2006 with values in the Lowery Creek Arm (YAD077B) and Kerners Mill Creek Arm (YAD077A) greater than the state water quality standard of 40 Ng/L in July and August. Algal blooms were observed from June through September in the arms of Salem Lake. In May and August, the pinnate diatom, Nitzschia, was common. The prymnesiophyte Chrysochromulina was the most common genus throughout the summer and the filamentous blue green alga Cylindrospermopsis was common in September (Figure 1). Based on the calculated NCTSI scores, Salem Lake was determined to be eutrophic in 2006. Trophic scores were similar to those previously calculated by DWQ for this reservoir since 1981. The elevated chlorophyll a values and depressed dissolved oxygen concentrations indicate that there may be problems at this lake. Winston Lake One station was sampled in Winston Lake by DWQ five times from May through September of 2006. Dissolved oxygen and pH measurements were within state water quality standards during the sampling period. One of five (20%) of the dissolved oxygen saturation values was above 120% saturation. The dissolved oxygen saturation found was 125% saturation on August 10, 2006. This indicates that significant algal activity (production of dissolved oxygen by algae) was occurring in the lake. Nutrient concentrations were generally moderate to elevated in Winston Lake in 2006. The highest nutrient values were generally found for total organic nitrogen, nitrite + nitrate, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen. No chlorophyll a values were above the state water quality standard of 40 Ng/L. Trophic state analyses indicated that Winston Lake is a biologically productive lake with a 2006 average NCTSI score placing the lake in the eutrophic category. Lake Thom-A-Lex Lake Thom-A-Lex was sampled by DWQ from May through September in 2006 for a total of five sampling trips. Physical lake parameters in 2006 were similar to those observed in previous sampling years. Dissolved oxygen and pH measurements were within state water quality standards during the sampling period. The average lake-wide Secchi readings for the summer of 2006 ranged from 0.5 to 0.7 meters. These readings were fairly low, indicating limited water clarity. Nutrient concentrations generally ranged from moderate to elevated with the exceptions of ammonia and nitrite + nitrate, which were generally below DWQ laboratory detection levels. The greatest lake wide average concentrations of total phosphorus, total Kjeldahl nitrogen and total organic nitrogen were observed in July and August. The lake-wide average chlorophyll a values for the summer of 2006 ranged from 21 //g/L to 50 /jg/L. The state chlorophyll a standard (40 ug/L) was exceeded during August and September and chlorophyll levels were elevated (> 20 ug/L) during May and July. Forty percent of lake-wide average chlorophyll a values were greater than the state water quality standard of 40 Pg/L, indicating elevated biological productivity by algae. Severe blooms were observed from May through July. Extreme blooms occurred during August and September (50 /jg/L). Surface mats, scums or flecks were not observed in the lake at the time of the algal blooms. Recommendations It is recommended that Lissara Partners, LLC submit both the water quality data and a summary of the relevant findings from both reports for Salem Lake, Winston Lake, and Lake Thom-A-Lex in order to provide a timely response to DWQ's "Request for More Information", dated March 14, 2008. This report should include a discussion of the implications for the water quality of the proposed Lissara impoundment and the steps that will be taken in the design, construction, and post-construction management stages of the project to ensure that the threats to water quality demonstrated by the present condition of the three reference lakes are thoroughly addressed. It is important to stress that the information presented to DWQ is being used to establish a baseline, and that if further sampling is required, it should be focused on the stream system on the project site. In addition, this report should demonstrate why the data previously collected and analyzed by DWQ's Intensive Survey Unit is appropriate to address the request for sampling of similar impoundments listed in the March 14, 2008 "Request for More Information". The Predictability Study Protocol for Sampling Reference Impoundments does not specify how the water quality data collected is to be used by DWQ staff in reviewing proposed impoundments. It also does not specify how applicants should use the information to aid in the design, construction, and management of impoundments to ensure that water quality is not degraded and water quality standards are not violated. However, it is expected that Lissara Partners, LLC will be proactive in utilizing this data to adjust the overall project design and execution as well as to demonstrate how this previously collected data meets all the requirements listed in DWQ's "Request for More Information" of March 14, 2008. Daryl Lamb, P.G. N 1 r Report to the Environmental Review Commission on the Status of Water Quality in Water Supply Reservoirs Sampled by the Division of Water Quality April 2006 North Carolina Environmental Management Commission t EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Under Section 2(a) of the 2005 Drinking Water Reservoir Protection Act (SB981), the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) is charged with analyzing existing water quality data for water supply reservoirs sampled by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) and reporting its findings and recommendations to the Environmental Review Commission by May 1, 2006. Data review was confined to January 1995 through May 2005 to provide the most recent assessment. Of the 160 lakes that DWQ monitors, data from the 95 reservoirs classified as water supplies and sampled during this time period were reviewed. These lakes are from 10 river basins and are located in the piedmont and mountain regions of North Carolina. As the Act focused on elevated nutrients in water supplies, this analysis includes those standards regularly sampled by DWQ related to nutrient enrichment (also referred to as eutrophication): chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, pH and turbidity. In some cases, the discussions of individual lakes include discussions of water quality problems associated with parameters that have no standards such as aquatic weeds. Findings: ¦ Fourteen percent of the water supply reservoirs (13 out of 95) sampled by DWQ during January 1995 through May 2005 did not meet all eutrophication related standards based on available data. ¦ Those lakes that did not meet all of the eutrophication-related standards are: Graham- Mebane Reservoir, High Point Lake, Jordan Lake, Stoney Creek Reservoir, Lake Mackintosh, Pittsboro Lake, Lake Rhodhiss, Cedar Cliff Lake, Lake Sequoyah, Falls of the Neuse Reservoir, High Rock Lake, Lake Lee, and Lake Twitty. • Graham-Mebane, High Point, Jordan, Mackintosh, Pittsboro, Stoney Creek, Rhodhiss, Falls of the Neuse, and High Rock have strategies in place or under development to address their water quality concerns. ¦ Additional sampling is planned for Lakes Lee and Twitty. • Six lakes had water quality problems (taste, odor, color) sufficient to require additional treatment either in-lake or at the treatment facility: High Point, Oak Hollow, Lucas, Twitty, Hickory and Rhodhiss. • In addition to nutrients, aquatic weeds and sediment are problems in water supplies. Fourteen lakes, mainly in the Cape Fear and Catawba River basins, are currently infested with aquatic weeds at levels that require some treatment. Recommendations There was not sufficient data from DWQ's sampling program to determine with confidence if many of these reservoirs were meeting or not meeting surface water quality standards. The current ambient monitoring program is designed to provide snapshots of water quality during the period of the year when the effects of eutrophication are most noticeable. DWQ prioritizes additional monitoring based on the ambient lakes monitoring. The current monitoring program resources are insufficient to perform large-scale assessments of eutrophication in multiple reservoirs where additional monitoring has not been prioritized. Such evaluations are possible; however, a significant input of staff, equipment and laboratory support would be required to perform these evaluations on all water supply reservoirs. Page ii Y f Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ii Table of Contents iii List of Tables Section 1. Introduction and Program Overview 1.1. Introduction iv 5 5 1.2. Division of Water Quality Ambient Lakes Monitoring Program 5 1.3. Water Supply Classifications & Standards 11 1.4. Impaired Waters Designation 13 1.5. Water Supply Protection Program 16 1.6. Division of Environmental Health Surface Water Assessment Program 16 Section 2. Methodology 17 Section 3. Findings and Recommendations 19 3.1. Findings 3.1.1. Eutrophication Related Standards 3.1.2. Other Water Quality Concerns _ 19 19 20 3.2. Recommendations 21 Appendix 1. Percentage of Samples Not Meeting Eutrophication- Related Water Quality Standards in Water Supply Reservoirs Sampled by DWQ 1 Appendix 2. Water Supply Reservoir Water Quality For Selected Water Supplies By Basin 5 Page iii ! r List of Tables Table 1.1. Water Supply Reservoirs Sampled by DWQ (Jan. 2000 - May 2005) 7 Table 1.2. Parameters Routinely Sampled by DWQ at Water Supply Reservoirs 10 Table 1.3. Parameters with Water Supply Standards 11 Table 1.4. Land Use and Discharge Requirements Associated with WS Classifications. 12 Table 1.5. Water Supply Lakes Currently Classified as NSW by River Basin 13 Table 1.6. NSW Requirements Related to Discharges and Land Use in the Neuse, Tar-Pamlico and Cape Fear River Basins. 14 Table 1.7. Water Supply Lakes Listed as Impaired on the 2004 Impaired Waters List. 15 Table 2.1. Surface Water Quality Standards Related to . Eutrophication 17 Table 3.1. Water Supply Reservoirs Sampled by DWQ Not Meeting All Eutrophication-Related Standards (Jan 2000-May 2005) with Current Management Strategies 19 Table 3.2. Potential Causes of Water Quality Concerns in Water Supply Reservoirs Based on DWQ Ambient Lakes Monitoring Results. 21 Page iv Y Section 1. Introduction and Program Overview 9.1. Introduction Lakes and reservoirs are integral features of the North Carolina landscape, supplying water for personal, industrial and municipal users. Lakes provide recreational opportunities and aesthetic enjoyment for the public, and support rich communities of aquatic plants and animals. Public use of the state's lakes is high, and lake-related recreation provides significant revenues. The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission and Division of Water Quality are committed to protecting these valuable resources for public use. Recognizing the importance of North Carolina's waters, the Legislature adopted the 2005 Drinking Water Reservoir Protection Act (SB981). Under Section 2(a) of this Act, the Environmental Management Commission is charged with studying the state's drinking water reservoirs, determining which reservoirs are not meeting surface water quality standards using available data, and reporting their findings and recommendations to the Environmental Review Commission. This report was prepared to meet that requirement and to provide some additional information on the Division of Water Quality's (DWQ) Ambient Lakes Monitoring Program. An overview of the Ambient Lakes Monitoring Program (ALMP) is presented as well as an explanation of water supply classifications, standards and rules. Other programs that assist with protection of water supplies are discussed briefly. Following those sections there is a review of the data collected over the past 24 years, basin by basin discussion of lakes with exceedances of the standards and recommendations. 1.2. Division of Water Quality Ambient Lakes Monitoring Program Assessment of water quality is necessary to determine the health of a reservoir and its suitability for public use. Reservoirs in North Carolina have been monitored for several decades; however, current electronic data only goes back to 1981 when the DWQ received federal Clean Water Act funding to classify the trophic (or nutrient enrichment) status of North Carolina's publicly owned freshwater lakes/reservoirs', and to prioritize them for restoration. This report looks at the most recent ten years of data as it provides a better picture of current conditions in the reservoirs. EPA has continued to provide limited funding for monitoring lakes under Section 314 and recently 319 of the Federal Clean Water Act. The emphasis continues to be on eutrophication, where eutrophication is defined as human-induced increases in nutrient loading above natural levels in a lake. This has driven DWQ's program 1 The ternis lake and reservoir are used interchangeably throughout this report. Technically, lake refers to a natural waterbody. North Carolina has only a few natural lakes in the sandhills and coastal plain. All other "lakes" are reservoirs created by man. Page 5 to focus its monitoring toward the summer months when eutrophication impacts are most prevalent. A total of 160 publicly owned lakes have been sampled as part of the ALMP. Those lakes are sampled once every five years per the DWQ's Basinwide Assessment Program's schedule. Data are used to prioritize lakes for restoration efforts and, starting in 2004, resources are being reorganized to provide sufficient data to determine if water quality standards are being met and to support special studies and development of lake total maximum daily loads (TMDL). A TMDL is a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet water quality standards and it includes the allocation of that loading between the various sources that contribute the pollutant to the water body. These calculations are required under Section 303 of the Federal Clean Water Act for any water body determined not to be attaining its uses (water supply, recreation, aquatic life). Recent special studies include Falls of the Neuse Reservoir, Jordan Lake (B. Everett Jordan Reservoir) and High Rock Lake. The data collected will be used for analysis of water quality trends and model development/calibration (TMDLs). Other lakes have been monitored intensively to evaluate lake restoration attempts. Merchants Millpond, Big Lake, and Lake Wheeler have been monitored to assess the effects of aquatic weed control measures. Belews, Hyco and Mayo continue to be monitored because of selenium contamination. Lake Wylie was intensively monitored in 1989 and 1990 in response to problems associated with eutrophication and the results were used to implement a nutrient management strategy in the watershed. Of the 160 reservoirs routinely sampled, 95 lakes classified Water Supply (WS) are reviewed in this report (Figure 1.1 and Table 1.1). While this report discusses only 95 water supply reservoirs, there are 101 reservoirs classified as WS that have been sampled by DWQ over the years. Some lakes classified as WS were not sampled during the 1995-2005 review period due to resource constraints. Figure 9.1. Water Supply Reservoirs Sampled by DWQ as Part of the Ambient Lakes Monitoring Program. Page 6 Figure 1.1 presents the distribution of the 95 lakes, while Table 1.1 provides data on characteristics, classification, and sampling history for each lake. Eighty-five of these water supplies are located in the piedmont with ten located in mountain basins. None of these surface water supplies are located in the coastal area. Sampling for the ALMP has normally occurred in June through August targeting the critical time of year for algal activity in most lakes. Typically, 30 to 35 lakes are sampled monthly in the summer. The number of stations per lake varies based on the morphology of the lake. Sampling may be more frequent if a special study for permitting or TMDL development is occurring. Table 1.2 lists the parameters routinely sampled as part of the ALMP. There are 59 parameters that have numeric standards in freshwater, 29 of those parameters have standards specific to water supplies and only five WS specific parameters are regularly monitored due to resource constraints (Table 1.3). Table 1.1. Water Supply Reservoirs Sampled by DWQ (Jan. 1995 - May 2005) Mean Number of Depth Volume Watershed Sampling Dates* Times Basin/Water body Classification feet 108m3 Area mil month! ear Sampled BROAD Kings Mountain Reservoir WS-III CA 46 7.4 65.3 8/1989 - 5/2005 16 CAPE FEAR Bonnie Doone Lake WSW 3 0.1 3 811993 - 812003 7 Cane Creek Reservoir WS-II HQW NSW CA 7 11.0 32 811990 - 8/2003 11 Carthage City Lake WS-III CA 3 0.1 27 8/1991 - 8/2003 8 Glenville Lake WS-IV CA 8 0.2 10 811991 - 8/2003 7 Graham-Mebane Reservoir WS-II HOW NSW CA 10 8.7 66 8/1993-8/2003 7 Harris Lake WS-V 20 10.1 70 8/1987 - 8/2003 13 High Point Lake WS-IV CA 16 4,8 60 7/1981 - 8/2003 29 Jordan Lake WS-IV B NSW CA 16 929.6 1689 7/1982-5/2005 128 Kornbow Lake WS-IV 7 0.3 5 8/1993 - 8/2003 7 Lake Brandt WS-III NSW CA 7 84.0 40 711981 - 8/2003 10 Lake Cammack (Burlington Reservoir WS-11 HOW NSW CA 13 12.2 28 811981 - 8/2003 10 Lake HI ins WS-III NSW CA 12 3.0 11 811990 - 812003 8 Lake Hunt WS-III B NSW CA 33 2.8 5 7/1981 - 8/2003 17 Lake Mackintosh WS-IV NSW CA 59 29.0 129 8/1993-812003 14 Lake Ramseur (Sandy Creek Reservoir WS-111 CA 21 1.5 55 8/1992 - 8/2003 8 Lake Townsend WS-111 NSW CA 10 25.0 105 8/1990 - 812003 8 Mintz Pond WS-IV 5 0.3 6 8/1993 - 8/2003 7 Page 7 Table 1. 1. Water Supply Reservoirs Sampled by DWQ (Jan. 1995 - May 2005) Mean Number of Depth Volume Watershed Sampling Dates* Times Basin/ Water body Classification feet 10sm' Area miZ month/year Sampled Lake Lucas (Back Creek Lake WS-11 HQW CA 13 5.0 16 7/1989 - 8/2002 9 Lake Monroe WS-IV CA 18 1.8 9 811989 - 8/2000 5 Lake Reese WS-III CA 16 0.9 100 7/1989 - 812002 13 Lake Thom-A-Lex WS-III CA 26 7.8 39 711981 - 8/2002 17 Lake Tiller WS-IV B CA 33 207 4834 711981 - 8/1999 10 Lake Twits Lake Stewart WS-III CA 18 7.6 36 8/1989 - 8/2000 5 Lake Wright WS-II HOW CA 10 0.3 2 8/1989 - 811999 5 McCrary Lake WS-II HQW CA 10 0.9 1 7/1989 - B/2001 10 Roberdel Lake WS-III CA 10 10.0 140 8/1989 - 8/2000 4 Rockingham City Lake WS-III CA 2 0.02 20 8/1992 - 812000 4 Salem Lake WS-111 CA 18 0.8 26 7/1981 - 812002 17 Tuckertown Reservoir WS-IV B CA 33 289 4210 7/1981 - 811999 9 Wadesboro City Pond (City Pond WS-II HQW CA 8 0.1 9 8/ 1989 - 8/200 5 Water Lake WS-II HOW CA 10 0.06 20 811989 - 8/2000 10 * Sampling was normally conducted during June, July, and August. Table 1.2. Parameters Routinely Sampled by DWQ at Water Supply Reservoirs Physical Measurements (at 1 meter increments from the surface to the bottom of the lake) Dissolved Oxygen Secchi depth pH Water Temperature Conductivity Metals (collected at the surface) Cadmium Copper Calcium ' Iron Manganese Zinc Chromium, Total Lead Magnesium Nickel Water Chemistry (collected from Photic Zone (from surface to 2 times the Secchi depth) Turbidity Total Residue Total Suspended Solids Total Dissolved Solids Nutrients (Photic Zone composite samples and Bottom grab samples) Ammonia Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Total Phosphorus Nitrate/Nitrite Biological Chlorophyll a (Photic Zone) Phytoplankton (Photic Zone) Fecal Coliform Bacteria (Surface Grab) (colonies/100 ml) only in lakes classified B * Calcium and Magnesium are used to calculate Total Hardness (mg/L) Page 10 The ALMP is conducted by the Intensive Survey Unit with a staff of seven people (including supervisor); only two are dedicated to sampling lakes. The Intensive Survey Unit also conducts a variety of physical and chemical sampling to support permitting, compliance, modeling, TMDL development, emergency response, reclassifications and regional investigations in lakes, rivers, streams and estuaries. At times, the Winston-Salem Regional Office assists with lakes monitoring. Table 1.3. Parameters with Water Supply Standards (Bold indicates parameters routinely sampled as part of Ambient Lakes monitoring) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlorethane Chlorinated Benzenes PAH 2,4-D DDT PCB Aldrin Dieldrin Phenolic Compounds Arsenic Dioxin Siivex Barium Hardness Sulfates Benzene Hexachlorobutadiene Tetrachloroethylene Beryllium Manganese Total dissolved solids Carbon Tetrachloride Methylene Blue Active Substances Trichloroethylene Chlordane Nickel Vinyl chloride Chloride Nitrate (nitrate/nitrite) 1.3. Water Supply Classifications & Standards Surface water classifications are designations applied to streams, rivers and lakes, and are intended to define the best uses to be protected within these waters (for example swimming, recreation, drinking water supply, etc.). The surface water standards are designed to protect the water quality based on the classifications for a variety of ecological and human health reasons. For surface waters used as water supplies, there are five classifications: WS-I, WS-II, WS-III, WS-IV, and WS-V. All water supply classifications except WS-V carry additional restrictions on treated wastewater discharges and land use activities based on development in the watershed (Table 1.4). Note that some portions of the WS watersheds carry additional restrictions due to their proximity to the water intakes. Those areas are designated by CA, which stands for "critical area". Twenty-eight of the WS lakes are also classified B, which recognizes that they have organized swimming occurring on a regular basis in areas of those lakes. Management strategies associated with these waters include discouraging wastewater discharges and storm drains. Some WS lakes are supplementally classified as nutrient sensitive waters (NSW). These lakes are in watersheds that the EMC has determined to be experiencing nutrient over-enrichment and that need additional management to protect and restore water quality. Page 11 INn N I-° O N N U > m m U E m O O a U m U N o o 3 co " w N d m m a> a aNi w Q U) 'm ' o 0 0 LU z a o z z Z a a Q L rn ., m > L C of N m ? ? v ?a a -2 co m ° c 2Q (D c 43 ma) o m a0 _0 (D " co 12 O= O O Q Cr p a O o N rn . L Z m :3 cn 0) N > °., . (ED U -6 U ° 0 m C m 2 5 d v C m N O l9 CV O r N U1 P m U ¢ '6 J y 3 C N c 0. C a O a O p •ty r O p B C p C .? z 2 Cn N • O p 7 m z O N >` N -O w N N C N O ?- O) C (0 a 7 ° 2' m - ? a 0- m '- a r- f/1 ° ° E Cp C C N w > m ° p 0 3 N N J o ) = z o z a) CD 21 m w N N ?v Q Q` ° w - n -0 U c m to ° ° E > a o Q m a) N c O m C 3 ? r- ° m = om Z J Y o m 3 ° J 0 z U N L .,N. d C U m C O C N T CL Q1 _ fn > O co m a. O d M ° m N L IF $ - O T CV ? U m ? N o N .° 'o c L ° c N D r C J (0 75 ' U z ? CL ? ? = ` C co 0 ? m La} Q U) N O u1 Z m - N a) CL a O w C :3 N C CN (? (? fV m Q a) C m O J > d r N 3 N m U O N p cc J N N a Cp Cn C Z r m J N N 0 a 2 O o a? ,a o ?' m o o a a ° O ° a >_ p v - ?_L m _ - I N ! a) 3 a) 0 0) co ca Q a c.3 c? °a. Z Q Z C f0 3 m c o Q z 2 Z Q) 0 Q N m c ° c Z Z c c o Z c o W z y 'N° m o c 0 o aNi a U) V 0 d 7 O Y d m U) tJ % N l6 t '6 O U) O m . O 0 7 C g N C 'O • V- C M U) ` L r 'D U of w A J •N C C N l! O '?' al m 'fl 9 Q N 0 Q an d _ a) a 0 I c 0 to O r y; p N %= I`o C . E m a 0 E r n ?' L m 'ro ° E y c'? ro U) m 0) m a m L v ° zm m o= m rn « Q E m 0 2 1 0 m R m c E m . 11 y U .Q N 0 Oll Fourteen of the WS reservoirs sampled in the Cape Fear River Basin are regulated under the NSW rules for the Haw River and Jordan Reservoir drainage areas (Table 1.5). All of the Neuse (17) and Tar-Pamlico (2) Water Supply reservoirs sampled by DWQ are NSW. An outline of the management strategies and rules governing these waters is presented in Table 1.6. They include permit limits and stream buffer requirements. Other supplemental classifications that impact management and regulations related to water supplies and their watersheds include High Quality Waters (HQW) and Trout jr). All WS-1 and WS-II are classified as HQW (n=29) and that classification is reflected in the management strategies presented in Table 1.4. The Trout classification is reserved for waters that are home to naturally propagating trout and stocked trout. Trout flourish in colder waters and are more sensitive to some pollutants than most other fish species. Therefore, water quality standards for dissolved oxygen, temperature, turbidity, chlorophyll-a, cadmium, and toluene are more stringent. Table 1.5. Water Supply Lakes Currently Classified as NSW by River Basin Cape Fear River Basin Burlington Reservoir Cane Creek Reservoir Graham-Mebane Reservoir B.E. Jordan Reservoir Lake Brandt Lake Burlington Lake Higgins Lake Hunt Lake Mackintosh Lake Townsend Pittsboro Lake Reidsville Lake Richland Lake University Lake Neuse River Basin Apex Reservoir Beaverdam Reservoir Buckhorn Reservoir Corporation Lake Falls of the Neuse Reservoir Lake Ben Johnson Lake Benson Lake Butner Lake Michie Lake Orange Lake Rogers Lake Wheeler Lake Wilson Little River Reservoir Toisnot Reservoir West Fork Eno River Reservoir Wig ins Mill Reservoir Tar-Pamlico River Basin Lake Devin Tar River Reservoir 1.4. Impaired Waters Designation Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires states to develop a list of waters not meeting water quality standards or which have impaired uses. Listed waters must be prioritized, and a management strategy or total maximum daily load (TMDL) must subsequently be developed for all listed waters. Uses that are evaluated for development of this list include water supply, aquatic life, and recreation. This list must be submitted to EPA every 2 years for their approval. More information on this program is available at http:%/h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmd1/. Page 13 Table 1.6. NSW Requirements Related to Discharges and Land Use in the Neuse, Tar-Pamlico and Cape Fear River Basins. Neuse River Basin Tar-Pamlico River Basin Cape Fear River Basi Area Affected Entire watershed Entire watershed Haw River & Jordan Reservoir Drainage Wastewater Discharge Allowed Per WS Classification Permit t Limits Yes' Yes z Yes' Low Density Option Per WS Classification High Density Option (includes additional stormwater controls Per WS Classification Stream Setbacks for Impervious Riparian Buffer Protection Rules ' Surfaces 50 wide riparian buffer adjacent directly adjacent to surface Per WS Classification waters Erosion & Sedimentation Controls Standard Rules Agriculture Best Management Required either as standard Required to collectively limit Practices Mandated BMPs or as part of Collective nutrient loading to the estuary Standard Rules Local Strategy to achieve target reductions Forestry Best Management Practices Mandated Per Forest Practices Guidelines Transportation Best Management Practices Mandated Per WS Classification Landfills Allowed Per WS Classification 1. NEUSE RIVER BASIN: NiMQgen Limits Originally effective August 1, 1998, the nitrogen discharge limit reduces the nitrogen from point sources by 30 percent compared to 1995 levels. The overall nitrogen discharge limit is 2.8 million pounds per year. Limits in terms of pounds per year are called "mass-based limits." The overall nitrogen discharge limit is divided among three different groups of dischargers as follows: • Dischargers with permitted flows greater than or equal to 500,000 gallons per day or 0.5 million gallons per day (MGD) downstream of Falls Lake dam have a combined limit of 2.45 million pounds per year. • Dischargers with permitted flows greater than or equal to 0.5 MGD upstream of the dam have a combined limit of 444,000 pounds per year. • Dischargers with permitted flows less than 0.5 MGD have a combined limit of 280,000 pounds per year. Phosphor imit ? 2.0 mg/L concentration limit on phosphorus throughout basin 2. TAR-PAMLICO RIVER BASIN Tar-Pamllco Basin Association Members - As a coalition, the goal is to decrease total nitrogen load to the estuary by 30 percent from 1991 levels along with no increases in phosphorus loads. Nutrient exceedances follow the offset payment approach with offset rates adjusted based on basin-specific agricultural BMP cost-effectiveness data. Non-Tar-Pamlico Basin Association Members are placed on restrictions; all discharges >0.5 MGD must meet 6 mg/L TN and 1 mg/L TP limits within 5 years. Any new loading from new or expanding facilities are mitigated using the offset payment method established for the Tar-Pamlico Association Members. 3. CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN Limits of 5.5 mg/L TN and 2.0 mg/L TP for qualifying facilities discharging >O.5MGD into the Jordan Reservoir/Haw River watershed (Clean Water Responsibility Act of 1997). Most of the facilities were granted an extension by the EMC (Senate Bill 1366) and were required to develop a calibrated nutrient response model. That model has been developed and rules are being developed to implement the limits indicated by the model. Page 14 There are ten water supply lakes listed for impaired aquatic life use support (Table 1.7). Six of the lakes are listed for impaired biological integrity due to impairments in the streams feeding them. Several have been recently delisted due to improvements in water quality. Hyco Lake has been removed due to the rescinding of the fish consumption advisory for selenium. Pittsboro and Roanoke Rapids Lakes are listed for aquatic weeds and as aquatic weeds are not considered a pollutant, no TMDL is required. Table 1.7. Water Supply Lakes Listed as Impaired on the 2004 Impaired Waters List. Basin[Water Supplies Year Listed Reason Listed TMDL Status Cape Fear Bonnie Doone Lake 1998 Impaired biological Included in impaired stream segment (Little inte ri Cross Creek). Not scheduled. B.E. Jordan Reservoir - New Hope & Morgan Cr Arms 2002 Chlorophyll a Draft TMDL completed Glenville Lake 2000 Impaired biological Included in impaired stream segment (Little integrity Cross Creek). Not scheduled. Kornbow Lake 1998 Impaired biological Included in impaired stream segment (Little integrity Cross Creek). Not scheduled. Mintz Pond 1998 Impaired biological Included in impaired stream segment (Little integrity Cross Creek). Not scheduled. To be shifted to Category 4c (Impairment Pittsboro Lake 1998 Aquatic Weeds not caused by a pollutant) -does not require a TMDL Neuse Buckhorn Reservoir 1998 Impaired biological Included in impaired stream segment _ inte rit Contentnea Creek). Not scheduled. Roanoke Hyco Lake 1998 Fish Advisory - Delisted 2004 - Fish Advisory rescinded in Selenium 2001. To be shifted to Category 4c (Impairment Roanoke Rapids Lake 1998 Aquatic Weeds not caused by a pollutant) -does not require a TMDL Yadkin-Pee Dee I High Rock Lake 2004 Turbidity & In Scoping Phase prior to TMDL Chloro h ll a develo ment B.E. Jordan Reservoir was listed for chlorophyll-a violations in 2002 and a draft TMDL was completed in 2005. Development of an implementation strategy is currently underway. High Rock Lake is also listed for chlorophyll a, as well as, turbidity. DWQ is currently doing additional monitoring and working with the High Rock Lake Technical Advisory Committee composed of Page 15 agency staff and other stakeholders to develop the monitoring and modeling strategy for TMDL development. It is expected that TMDL modeling will begin in 2009 or 2010. There are no lakes currently listed as not supporting water supply uses. Water supply use support is assessed using information from the seven Division of Environmental Health regional water treatment plant (WTP) consultants. Each January, the WTP consultants are asked to submit a spreadsheet listing closures and water intake switch-overs for all water treatment plants in their region. This spreadsheet describes the length and time of the event, contact information for the WTP, and the reason for the switch-overs and closures. When the closures/switches are due to water quality, then they are considered in determining if the uses of the lake (recreation, water supply, aquatic life) are being protected. 1.5. Water Supply Protection Program The EMC and DWQ have administered a Water Supply Protection Program since 1986. Under the Water Supply Protection Rules, all water supply watersheds are to have ordinances, maps and a management plan in place to protect the water supplies. DWQ is conducting a review of the program and preparing for another audit of all water supplies covered under the rules. 1.6. Division of Environmental Health Surface Water Assessment Program The 1996 Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Amendments required that all states establish Source Water Assessment Programs in order to determine the susceptibility of public water supply sources to contamination. This new focus in the SDWA promotes the prevention of drinking water contamination as a cost-effective means to provide reliable, long-term, and safe drinking water sources for public water supply systems. Specifically, Section 1453 of the SDWA Amendments required that states develop and implement a Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP) to delineate source water assessment areas, inventory potential contaminants in these areas, and determine the susceptibility of each public water supply to contamination. The Public Water Supply (PWS) Section of the Division of Environmental Health in DENR is responsible for SWAP in North Carolina. The PWS Section received EPA approval for their SWAP Plan in November 1999. The SWAP Plan, entitled "North Carolina's Source Water Assessment Program Plan," fully describes the methods and procedures used to delineate and assess the susceptibility of more than 9,000 wells and approximately 207 surface water intakes. The SWAP Plan is available at: http://www.deh.enr.state.nc.us/pws/swaD- In April 2004, the PWS Section completed source water assessments for all drinking water sources and generated reports for the public water supply systems using these sources. In April 2005, a second round of assessments were completed. The ratings are available at the above-mentioned web site, either through the interactive mapping tool or compiled in a written report for each public water supply system. Page 16 Section 2. Methodology For the purposes of this report, DWQ ambient lakes data from January 1995 through May 2005 were reviewed. Over that time period, DWQ sampled 97 lakes with the water supply classifications (WS-I, WS-II, WS-III, WS-IV, and WS-V). West Fork Eno Reservoir was only recently filled and was only sampled once in May 2005. Beaverdam Lake has been included in the analysis of Falls of the Neuse Reservoir. Therefore, only 95 lakes are discussed in this report. As noted earlier, lakes are sampled once every five years unless a special study is conducted. As the 2005 Drinking Water Reservoir Protection Act is focused on eutrophication in water supplies, this analysis is of those standards related to eutrophication: chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity. The discussions for individual lakes found in Appendix 2 may include discussion of water quality problems associated with parameters that have no standards such as aquatic weeds. Eutrophication-related standards for WS waters are presented in Table 2.1. Table 2.9. Surface Water Quality Standards Related to Eutrophication Parameter Standard for Non-Trout Waters Standard for Trout Waters Chlorophyll a Not greater than 40 ug/L Not greater than 15 ug/L Dissolved oxygen Not less than 4 m /L Not less than 6 m /L pH Between 6 and 9 except in Swamp Waters then 4.3 Standard Units SU Between 6 and 9 SU Turbidity 25 Ne helometric Units NTU 10 NTU North Carolina does not have standards for nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) that result in eutrophication as there are a variety of factors that control a water body's response to nutrients including, but not limited to: size, depth, flow, shape of the lake, and light penetration. When the chlorophyll-a standard was adopted it was based on the determination that an indicator of eutrophication would provide more certainty in determining impacts than nitrogen and phosphorus standards. Dissolved oxygen (DO), pH and turbidity are also indicators of the potential for eutrophication. During photosynthesis and respiration, DO and pH can increase and decrease due to the chemical reactions taking place. During the normal sampling times for the Ambient Lakes Monitoring Program (usually between 10 AM and 3 PM), peak photosynthesis is occurring resulting in increased oxygen releases by the alga and an increase in pH due to carbon dioxide uptake related to photosynthesis. When DO reaches levels above 10-12 mg/L at summer temperatures, the water becomes supersaturated and fish may experience gas bubble disease if they are unable to escape the supersaturated waters. Gas bubble disease may be fatal or the fish may eventually recover. Turbidity refers to water clarity. The greater the amount of suspended solids in the water, including algae, the murkier it appears and the higher the turbidity measured. Turbidity measures the scatter of light by the suspended solids as opposed to measuring solids. Page 17 Therefore, anything that results in light scattering will increased the turbidity reading. That is why turbidity is considered to be related to eutrophication, the more phytoplankton in the water column, the higher the turbidity reading. Therefore, the major source of turbidity in the open water zone of most lakes is typically phytoplankton. Closer to the shore, clays and silts from shoreline erosion, resuspended bottom sediments and organic detritus from stream and/or discharges not only are usually the major source of turbidity but they actually act to shade the phytoplankton, reducing phytoplankton growth. Dredging operations, channelization, increased flow rates, floods, or even too many bottom-feeding fish (such as carp) may stir up bottom sediments and increase,the cloudiness of the water. In addition to carrying nutrients, high concentrations of particulate matter can modify light penetration, cause shallow lakes and bays to fill in faster, and smother bottom habitats impacting both organisms and eggs. As particles of silt, clay, and other organic materials settle to the bottom, they can suffocate newly hatched larvae and fill in spaces between rocks which could have been used by aquatic organisms as habitat. Fine particulate material also can clog or damage sensitive gill structures, decrease their resistance to disease, prevent proper egg and larval development, and potentially interfere with particle feeding activities. If light penetration is reduced significantly, macrophyte growth may be decreased which would in turn impact the organisms dependent upon them for food and cover. Reduced photosynthesis can also result in a lower daytime release of oxygen into the water. Effects on phytoplankton growth are complex depending on too many factors to generalize. For the purposes of this review, standards were deemed to be exceeded (not met) when the sample size was 10 or more and more than 10 percent of the samples failed to meet the standard. Page 18 Section 3. Findings and Recommendations 3.1. Findings 3.1.1. Eutrophication Related Standards Using DWQ's Ambient Lakes Monitoring data and some information from the water supply users (Appendix 1), 13 lakes (14 percent) are currently not meeting eutrophication-related water quality standards: Graham-Mebane Reservoir, High Point Lake, Jordan Lake, Stoney Creek Reservoir, Lake Mackintosh, Pittsboro Lake, Lake Rhodhiss, Cedar Cliff Lake, Lake Sequoyah, Falls of the Neuse Reservoir, High Rock Lake, Lake Lee, and Lake Twitty (Table 3.1). Table 3.1. Water Supply Reservoirs Sampled by DWQ Not Meeting All Eutrophication-Related Standards (Jan 1995-May 2005) with Current Management Strategies Lake F- 1 Standard Not Met in X10% of Samples - Current Actions Cape Fear River Basin Graham-Mebane Reservoir Chloro h II-a NSW High Point Lake Chloro h II-a _ Adding to Impaired Waters List Jordan Lake Chloro h II-a NSW TMDL Lake Mackintosh Chloro h II-a NSW Pittsboro Lake Turbidity NSW, TMDL (aquatic plants) Stone Creek Reservoir Turbidity NSW Catawba River Basin Lake Rhodhiss H Adding to Impaired Waters List Little Tennessee' River Basin Cedar Cliff Lake pH Additional sampling was conducted that did not find similar pH problems. No further action has been planned. Lake Se uo ah H Local Efforts Underway Neuse River Basin Falls of the Neuse Reservoir Turbidity NSW, Special study underway Yadkin River Basin High Rock Lake Chlorophyll-a, pH, turbidity TMDL Lake Lee pH Additional sampling is planned during 2006 Lake Twitty (Lake Stewart) pH Additional sampling is planned during 2006 Page 19 Table 3.1 indicates activities currently underway, which are intended to reduce nutrient inputs. Most of the Cape Fear River basin lakes and Falls of the Neuse Reservoir in the Neuse River basin are classified as NSW. The NSW classification carries with it management strategies designed to reduce nutrient inputs based on site-specific requirements. These management strategies are revisited periodically through the basinwide process to determine if the strategy is working and allow for adjustments. Those lakes that are listed on the Impaired Waters List may require the development of TMDLs that identify the allowable nutrient concentrations as well as how much reduction is required of each source. TMDLs are used to develop permit limits and to target nonpoint source control activities. They may also result in the development of rules to provide additional controls of point and nonpoint sources. Additional sampling was conducted on Cedar Cliff Lake during 1999 to determine if the low pH values were indicative of on-going impairment. Subsequent sampling indicates pH within the standards and no additional management is recommended at this time. Lakes Lee and Twitty are targeted during the 2006 sampling period for additional sampling to provide additional data for determining causes and sources of impairment. In the case of some water supply lakes (High Point Lake, Oak Hollow Lake, Lakes Lucas, Twitty, Hickory and Rhodhiss), algal bloom related problems have been significant enough to require additional treatment either at the treatment facility (addition of carbon filters for example) or in the lake (destratification systems). The destratification systems used in Oak Hollow, Lucas and Twitty prevent algae from remaining within the photic zone and multiplying while maintaining dissolved oxygen and pH at normal levels, therefore chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen and pH values met the standards even though nutrient concentrations are sufficient to cause blooms. The sources of the nutrients fueling the algal blooms include point and nonpoint sources. Due to the protected nature of most water supply watersheds, nonpoint sources of rural origin appear to be the largest source of threat. The Basinwide process continues to work with local stakeholders to address these issues. Additional information on the lakes with exceedances is provided in Appendix 2 3.1.2. Other Water Quality Concerns In the process of preparing this document, information on all the water supply lakes was reviewed and it appears that, in addition to nutrient over-enrichment (algal blooms), aquatic weeds and sediment are also major problems for water supply reservoirs (Table 3.2 and Appendix 2). Sedimentation is a major problem in some of the watersheds, although it is not always indicated by in-lake turbidity. While turbidity gives some idea of sediment, it does not provide a good measure of the amount of sediment coming into a system and being deposited. Therefore, DWQ's results include field observations and are probably an underestimation of the true impact of sedimentation within North Carolina's lakes. This is especially true in the Yadkin- Pee Dee River Basin where highly erodable soils and heavy development pressures result in the Yadkin River flowing muddy most of the time. A few lakes had other documented problems, such as Bonnie Doone Lake in the Cape Fear Basin where the City of Fayetteville is addressing pesticides in stormwater runoff after finding them in the lake. Some lakes need to be reclassified to recognize the swamp water influences that result in pH below the standard. Page 20 Table 3.2. Potential Causes of Water Quality Concerns in Water Supply Reservoirs Based on DWQ Ambient Lakes Monitoring Results. (Shading indicates that those causes have been identified as problems in each basin.) Cause Basin Aquatic Sediment Algal Blooms- Weeds Nutrients Broad Cape Fear i, Catawba French Broad Little Tennessee Neuse New Roanoke ?- Tar-Pamlico Yadkin-Pee Dee - -' - Aquatic weeds, such as Hydrilla and Parrotfeather, are hardy, fast growing and have caused problems for water supply intakes, boating, swimming and aquatic life throughout the state. These aquatic weeds can take over a water supply within a couple of years, increasing maintenance costs for facilities and ruining the public's experience of their waters. Fourteen WS lakes sampled by DWQ are currently infested with aquatic weeds at levels that require some treatment. 3.2. Recommendations As is evident from the data review, DWQ's current program does not have sufficient data in most cases to determine with confidence that a water supply is or is not meeting standards. The Ambient Lakes Monitoring program was designed to allow targeting of water bodies for additional sampling based on the limited resources available to support the program. It is possible to conduct large-scale assessments of eutrophication in multiple reservoirs; however, it will require significant additional resources including staff, equipment and laboratory support. Page 21 I , A Appendix 1. Percentage of Samples Not Meeting Eutrophication-Related Water Quality Standards in Water Supply Reservoirs Sampled by DWQ Basin & Lake Name Years Included in Analyses # of Chl-a Samples # of DO, ph & Turbidity Samples Percentage of Samples Not Meeting Each Standard During January 1995 through May 2005 Chl-a DO H Turbidity BROAD RIVER Kings Mountain Reservoir 1995, 2000, 2005 12 24 CAPE FEAR RIVER Bonnie Doone Lake 1998, 2003 6 6 Cane Creek Reservoir 1996, 1998, 2003 9 27 Carthage City Lake 1998, 2003 3 6 Glenville Lake 1998, 2003 2 5 Graham-Mebane Reservoir 1998, 2003 15 30 27% Harris Lake 1996, 2003 8 22 High Point Lake 1996-1998, 2000-2003 12 48 25% Jordan Lake 1995-2001, 2005 607 732 27% 5 % 8 % 8 % Kornbow Lake 1998 2003 3 6 Lake Brandt 1998, 2003 9 18 6% Lake Cammack (Burlington Reservoir 1998, 2003 6 12 Lake Higgins 1998, 2003 6 12 Lake Hunt 1998, 2003 9 15 * 7% Lake Mackintosh 1996-1998, 2003 18 72 17% 7% Lake Townsend 1998,2003 9 18 Mintz Pond 1998 2003 3 6 Oak Hollow Lake 1996-1998 2000-2003 18 63 Old Town Reservoir 1998 2003 6 12 Pittsboro Lake 1998 2003 6 11 * 27% Reidsville Lake 1998, 2003 6 12 * 8% Rock River Reservoir 199B,2003 6 12 Sand Creek Reservoir 1998, 2003 9 18 I Stoney Creek Reservoir (Lake Burlington) 1998, 2003 6 12 ° 17 /o University Lake 1998 2003 6 .12 CATAWBA RIVER Bessemer City Lake 2002 3 3 Lake Hickory 1997 2002 11 24 4% Lake James 1997, 2001, 2002 18 59 Lake Norman 1997 2002 24 48 Page A-I 0 , Basin & Lake Name Years Included in Analyses # of Chl-a Samples # of DO, ph & Turbidity Samples Percentage of Samples Not Meeting Each Standard During January 1995 through May 2005 Chl-a DO pH Turbidit ROANOKE RIVER Belews Lake 1999, 2000-2002, 2004 20 55 Farmer Lake 1999, 2000-2002, 2004 36 51 6% H co Lake 1999,2004 12 24 Kernersville Lake 2000, 2004 3 11 Lake Gaston 1996, 1999, 2000, 2004 15 41 Lake Roxboro 1999,2000-2002, 2004 18 42 2% Mayo Reservoir 1999, 2004 9 18 Roanoke Rapids Lake 1999, 2004 9 18 Roxboro City Lake 1999, 2004 18 30 TAR-PAMLICO RIVER Lake Devin 1997,2002 6 12 Tar River Reservoir 1997, 2002 12 24 8% 8 YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER Back Creek Lake 1999, 2001, 2002 15 21 5 % Badin Lake 1999, 2002 48 63 2% 2% 8% Blewett Falls 1999 2 3 Bunch Lake 1999, 2000, 2001 2 8 High Rock Lake 1997,1999,2000- 2005 2 160 28% 12 /0 ° 13 /° I F- Kanna olis Lake 1995, 2000 2 8 Kerr Scott Reservoir 1999, 2000-2002 9 33 Lake Concord 1995 2000 3 9 Lake Corriher 1999 0 6 Lake Fisher 1995 2000 3 12 8 % Lake Lee 1995 2000 3 12 18 % Lake Monroe 1995, 2000 2 8 Lake Reese 1995, 2000-2002 15 33 Lake Thom-A-Lex 1999_2000-2002 6 16 8% Lake Tillery 1999 0 12 Lake Twitt Lake Stewart 1995 2000 3 12 58% Lake Wright 1999 0 4 McCrary Lake 1999- 2001 2 8 Roberdel Lake 1995 2000 2 6 Rockin ham Cit Lake 1995, 2000 1 3 Salem Lake 1999-2002 9 33 3% Page A-3 Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin Water Supply Reservoirs Sampled by DWQ in the Yadkin- Pee Dee River Basin le. ?t !19 1 Back Creek; Reservoir 10 0$ ?? 2 Badin Lake ) 7 23 3 Blewitt Falls Lake l? 2 4 Bunch Lake ?m 5 Falls Lake d J? 6 High Rock Lake 6 7 Kannapolis Lake 8 Kerr Scott Reservoir 9 Lake Concord 10 Lake Con-iher 1 3 20 '11 Lake Fisher 24 12 Lake Lee 2 R ckfngham 13 Lake Monroe 14 Lake Reese 15 Lake Thom-A.-Lex 16 Lake Tillery 17 Lake Twitty (Lake Stewart) 18 Lake Wright 19 McCrary Lake 20 Roberdel Lake 21 Rockingham City Lake 22 Salem Lake 23 Tuckertown Reservoir 24 Wadesboro City Pond 25 Water Lake Page A-33 I Basin Overview From its headwaters in northwestern North Carolina and southern Virginia, the Yadkin River flows southeast across North Carolina's densely populated midsection. Three of the state's five interstate highways cross the upper half of the basin. The Yadkin River basin is the second largest basin in North Carolina, covering 7,213 square miles within twenty-one counties. Ninety-three municipalities are located within this river basin. From the eastern slopes of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Caldwell and Wilkes counties, the Yadkin River flows northeasterly for about 100 miles, and then flows to the southeast until it joins the Uwharrie River to form the Pee Dee River. The Pee Dee River continues flowing southeasterly to the North Carolina-South Carolina state line and then through South Carolina to Winyah Bay. The river is impounded several times as it travels through North Carolina forming the Yadkin Chain Lakes. These reservoirs include W. Kerr Scott Reservoir, High Rock Lake, Tuckertown Reservoir, Badin Lake, Falls Lake, Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lake. The Yadkin drainage encompasses much of the Piedmont Triad area including the cities of Winston-Salem, High Point, Thomasville and Lexington. Land use is mixed with forests, agriculture, and urban development. Twenty-five lakes classified as WS were sampled within the Yadkin-Pee Dee River basin. High Rock Lake exceeded chlorophyll-a, pH, and turbidity standards in more than 10 percent of the samples taken. Lakes with Water Quality Concerns High Rock Lake Located on the mainstem of the Yadkin River in Rowan and Davidson counties, High Rock Lake is the largest and most upstream of the Yadkin-Pee Dee chain lakes. Completed in 1929, the reservoir was constructed to provide hydroelectric power and is owned and operated by Yadkin Division of APGI. With a 3,850 square mile watershed, the lake has a volume of approximately 83 billion gallons and a surface area of approximately 15,750 acres. No drinking water is drawn directly from the lake, although Salisbury's water supply intake is located just upstream of the reservoir and the Town of Denton draws water just below the dam. Due to numerous discharges (155 individual NPDES permitted dischargers) and potential sources of contamination in the watershed, High Rock Lake has a Higher Susceptibility Rating under the SWAP. This rating indicates that there are many potential sources of pollution in the watershed that could adversely impact High Rock Lake's water quality. Eutrophic conditions in High Rock Lake have been documented by DWQ since 19741. In the 1998 basinwide plan, several recommendations were made to address over-enrichment in portions of the lake, Phosphorus limits,were recommended and subsequently implemented in the Abbotts Creek arm of the lake in the NPDES permits for Lexington, Thomasville, and High Point WWTPs. The Town of Spencer removed their discharge from Grants Creek, a major tributary of High Rock Lake, and connected to the City of Salisbury's WWTP. The City of Salisbury eliminated its discharges to Grants Creek and Town Creek by constructing a new WWTP that discharges to the Yadkin River in the upper reaches of High Rock Lake. Water quality data over the past 24 years indicates 44 exceedances (n=156) of the chlorophyll-a standard, 19 of those recorded since June 2002. Values for pH have exceeded the standard 14 times, usually co- occurring with the elevated chlorophyll-a concentrations. Turbidity has been exceeded 23 times with some measurements over 10 times the standard. Most of the turbidity exceedances occurred at the upper stations reflecting the amount of sediment that is coming into High Rock Lake from its upper watershed. Mild to severe blooms were recorded throughout 2005. The mild blooms recorded in May were dominated by green algae. The 1 DENR 2003, Basinwide Assessment Report Yadkin-Pee Dee River. http://vrvvw.esb.enr.,state.nc.us/Basinwide/ Page A-34 A. assemblages then shifted to blue greens, which formed moderate to severe blooms in June, July and September. These blooms consisted of multiple filamentous, blue-green taxa, such as Planktolyngbya and Anabaena. Excessive sediment and detrital matter was frequently noted during the analysis of samples from upper most station. This was the only station that did not have blooms recorded during 2005. It was also noted that the samples at this location contained many benthic diatoms indicating a riparian more than lacustrine system. In the 2003 basinwide plan, DWQ committed to work more closely with other agencies to assist in reducing nonpoint source pollution to the lake. DWQ also continues to work on relicensing of the hydropower projects in the Yadkin-Pee Dee basin in order to provide greater protection of water quality. In 2004, High Rock Lake was added to the Impaired Waters list due to turbidity and chlorophyll-a problems. A scoping study was begun in 2005 to support development of a TMDL for High Rock Lake. This study is continuing into 2006 and the final TMDL is scheduled for completion in 2008 or 2009. Badin Lake Badin Lake (also called Narrows Reservoir) is one of the chain lakes on the Yadkin River, located downstream from Tuckertown Reservoir, High Rock Lake and W. Kerr Scott Reservoir. The lake was filled in 1917 and is owned by the Yadkin Division of APGI Hydropower. It has a maximum depth of 53 meters and a surface area of 5,350 acres. The City of Albemarle draws water from Badin Lake. The watershed is forested with some agriculture; however, population growth in the area raises concerns regarding protection and improvement of water quality. DWQ has sampled Badin Lake 18 times since 1981. Over the past few years, summer fish kills have become a concern. These fish kills are currently under investigation by researchers at NCSU and preliminary results indicate that the stocked striped bass are at the edge of their temperature tolerance zone causing them to be easily stressed 2. As the lake warms up, the fish look for adequate dissolved oxygen and low water temperatures. At times they get caught in pockets of low dissolved oxygen and higher temperature and die. A few samples did not meet the standards for chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, pH and turbidity. These samples were from throughout the sampling period and did not seem to indicate any decrease in water quality. Mild blooms were recorded in early and mid summer 2002. These blooms were dominated by Chrysochromulina sp. (a golden flagellate] and Psuedoanabaena (filamentous blue-green). During late summer 2002, moderate algal blooms of Psuedoanabaena and Cylindrospermopsis (filamentous blue-green) were documented. Similar assemblages were identified in 1987 and 1990. Relicensing is underway for the hydropower projects on the Yadkin and the Division is working with the Yadkin Division of APGI to provide/ensure water quality improvements through that process'. Lake Lee Lake Lee was built in 1927 and serves as an emergency water source for the City of Monroe. The lake is fairly shallow with a maximum depth of approximately 10 feet. Water from Lake Monroe feeds into Lake Lee and water from Lake Lee is pumped into a tributary of Lake Twitty during periods of low flow. Sampling in 1989 found chlorophyll-a concentrations above the standard and then in 2000, two pH readings were above the standard. These readings were accompanied by elevated dissolved oxygen indicating potential algal bloom activity. Surface algal mats and green-colored water were observed at Lake Lee in 2000. An analysis of phytoplankton samples Bryn Tracy, Fisheries Biologist DWQ Environmental Sciences Section. Personal communication January 12; 2006. 3 DENR 2003. Basinwide Assessment Report Yadkin-Pee Dee River. http://www.esb.enr.state.nc.us/Basinwide Page A=35 4 4 e ? confirmed the presence of algal blooms during each sampling event. Samples collected in June were dominated by green algae while samples collected in July and August were dominated by filamentous blue- green algae (Anabaena sp. and Anabaenopsis sp.) commonly associated with taste and odor problems in drinking water. As with many other lakes in the basin, manganese concentrations were above the applicable surface water quality standard in one sample. No reports of taste and odor problems were received by DWQ. Lake Monroe Lake Monroe is a secondary (backup) water supply for the City of Monroe in Union County and is also used for recreation. The reservoir was built in 1955 and has a volume of 480 million gallons. The drainage area is mostly forested. This lake was most recently sampled in 2000. While Lake Monroe was rated eutrophic in 1995, surface dissolved oxygen and pH values were even higher in 2000. Total phosphorus and total organic nitrogen were elevated in both years and the 2000 phytoplankton sample analysis confirmed the presence of algal blooms in June, July and August. Phytoplankton samples from July and August were dominated by filamentous blue-green algae (Anabaena sp. and Anabaenopsis sp.) commonly implicated in taste and odor problems in drinking water. Lake Thom-A-Lex Lake Thom-A-Lex is a water supply reservoir for the cities of Thomasville and Lexington. Its major tributary is Abbotts Creek. This lake was monitored in 1999, 2000 and 2001. Sampling was previously conducted in 1994 at which time the lake was determined to be eutrophic. This lake has been consistently eutrophic since it was first monitored in 1981. Secchi depths in 1999 through 2001 were typical of a piedmont reservoir with readings usually less than one meter. In general, nutrient concentrations were elevated in 1999 through 2001. The availability of nutrients supported increased algae productivity in all years. In 2001, chlorophyll-a values ranged from 24 to 31 pg/L. The exceedances of the chlorophyll-a standard occurred in 1982 and 1989. As has been seen in other piedmont lakes, the state water quality standard for manganese was exceeded once in the 1999 - 2001 period. Salem Lake Salem Lake is a water supply reservoir providing drinking water for the City of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. This lake has a maximum depth of 36 feet (11 meters), well-defined north and south arms and 14 miles of shoreline. The watershed includes portions of the Towns of Kernersville and Walkertown. Land use is mainly urban with some agriculture. Sedimentation and agricultural runoff have presented problems in the lake. Salem Lake has been monitored since 1994, with the most recent samples taken in 2000 and 2001. Overall, the lake is showing some signs of nutrient over-enrichment, based on nutrient concentrations. Surface dissolved oxygen at Station YAD077B on June 12, 2000 was 3.4 mg/L, which was less than the state water quality standard of 4.0 mg/L for an instantaneous reading. A review of the data indicated that the sample was taken at 9:15 AM and that previous samples taken at the station that early also exhibited low dissolved oxygen compared to the other stations. In keeping with the moderate to elevated nutrient concentrations found over the years, chlorophyll-a values for 2001 were in the moderate range (12 - 20 pg/L). Phytoplankton samples collected in 1999 indicated that the lake contained a diverse assemblage of algae ranging from blue- green and green algae in the Kerners Mill Creek arm to diatoms near the dam. Exceedances of the chlorophyll-a standard occurred in 1989 due to the presence of a small golden alga, Chrysochromulina breviturrita. This alga contains a large amount of chlorophyll-a relative to its size. Chlorophyll-a standards were also exceeded Page A-36 4 ? I 1 in 1982. No phytoplankton information is available for that time period. In September 2000, the US Environmental Protection Agency investigated lead contaminated soil at a battery manufacturing plant in Walkertown and at an unnamed tributary to Lowery Creek, which is one of the major tributaries to Salem Lake. Lead levels of 320 pg/L were found in the creek. The NC DWQ's sampling during 2000 and 2001 found lead levels less than the water quality laboratory detection level of 10 pg/L in the lake. All other parameters were below state standards with the exception of manganese in 2000 at one station in July 2000. Manganese concentrations above the state water quality standard of 200 pg/L for water supply sources are common in the state due to background manganese concentrations. Lake Twitty Lake Twitty (also called Lake Stewart) is owned by the City of Monroe and operated as a water supply reservoir and for recreation. The lake's volume is approximately 2 billion gallons with a maximum depth of 15 meters. Stewart Creek and Chinkapin Creek are the main tributaries to Lake Twitty. Land in the mainly flat drainage area is forested and agriculture. Lake Twitty was most recently monitored in 2000. The lake was strongly stratified near the dam with hypoxic conditions present at a depth of three meters from the surface (depth to bottom in June was 12 meters). Secchi depths were less than one meter at each of the sampling sites, indicating poor light availability within the water column. Surface dissolved oxygen and pH values were elevated. Elevated dissolved oxygen and pH values are symptoms of increased algal photosynthetic activity in the lake. Field notes indicated that the water was green in color in 2000. Nutrient concentrations were elevated. Analysis of phytoplankton samples confirmed the presence of algal blooms in June, July and August. Samples collected in June were dominated by green algae while samples collected in July and August were dominated by filamentous blue-green algae. The blue-green algae observed in the July and August samples (Anabaena sp., Oscillatoria sp., and Anabaenopsis sp.) are commonly associated with taste and odor problems in drinking water. Surface metals were within applicable state water quality standards with the exception of copper. Values in June, July and August (15.0, 9.8, and 76.0 pg/L, respectively) were greater than the state water quality action level of 7.0 pg/L. A conversation with Mr. Allan Kilogh, Water Treatment Plant Supervisor for the Town of Monroe revealed that Lake Stewart was treated with a copper based algaecide twice during the summer. One of these treatment occurred the first week of August. The product used remains in suspension, which explains the elevated copper values. Treatment was done using appropriate application and an algaecide approved for use in water supplies. All precautions were taken to protect the treated drinking water. In May of 2001, the City of Monroe installed a diffused air hypolimnic system to decrease stratification and increase dissolved oxygen levels throughout the lakes profile to improve the drinking water quality4. Rockingham City Lake Rockingham City Lake is a secondary water supply reservoir for the City of Rockingham. It is located on Falling Creek. Rockingham City Lake was most recently monitored in 2000. This lake is dystrophic (tannic water, acidic) with numerous aquatic macrophytes present. Plant samples collected from the lake consisted of spikerush (E/eocharis sp.), bog moss (Mayaca f/uviatilis), variable-leaf watermilfoil (Myriophyllum heterophyllum), and fragrant or white water lily (Nymphaea odorata). Due to the naturally dark colored water, Secchi depths were less than a meter. Surface dissolved oxygen concentrations (3.9 mg/L in June and 3.2 mg/L in August) were less than the state water quality standard of 4.0 mg/L for an instantaneous 4 Russell Colbath, Water Resources Director for the City of Monroe. Personal communication January 18, 2006. Page A-37 4" (,I , • reading. This low dissolved oxygen reading is not considered unusual in the presence of such thick stands of macrophytes. Nutrient concentrations ranged from low to moderate. This lake has been listed as impaired due to the excessive growth . of aquatic macrophytes. Pave A-38 t ? LAKE & RESERVOIR ASSESSMENTS - YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER BASIN MODeraw LaKe Intensive Survey Unit Environmental Sciences Section Division of Water Quality April 2007 DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 6/29/2007 a . TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... 2 FIGURES ............................................................................................................................. 4 TABLES ............................................................................................................................... 5 GLOSSARY ......................................................................................................................... 6 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................... 8 ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................... 8 ASSESSMENTS BY SUBBASIN ....................................................................................... 10 Subbasin 030701 .............................................................................................................. 10 W. Kerr Scott Reservoir .................................................................................................. 10 Subbasin 030704 .............................................................................................................. 11 Salem Lake ..................................................................................................................... 11 Winston Lake .................................................................................................................. 12 High Rock Lake .............................................................................................................. 13 Subbasin 030707 .............................................................................................................. 19 Lake Thom-A-Lex ........................................................................................................... 19 Subbasin 030708 .............................................................................................................. 21 Tuckertown Reservoir ..................................................................................................... 21 Badin Lake ...................................................................................................................... 22 Lake Tillery ..................................................................................................................... 23 Subbasin 030709 .............................................................................................................. 25 Lake Reese .................................................................................................................... 25 Back Creek Lake (Lake Lucas) ....................................................................................... 26 Lake Bunch ..................................................................................................................... 27 McCrary Lake ........................................................................................................ ... 29 Subbasin 030710 .............................................................................................................. 31 Blewett Falls Lake ........................................................................................................... 31 Subbasin 030711 .............................................................................................................. 32 Lake Howell .............................................................................. ... 32 ................................... Subbasin 030712 .............................................................................................................. 33 DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 2 6/29/2007 J Y Kannapolis Lake ............................................................................................................. 33 Lake Fisher ................................... :................................................................................. 34 Lake Concord ................................................................................................................. 35 Subbasin 030714 ............................................................................. ............................... 37 Lake Lee ......................................................................................................................... 37 Lake Monroe ................................................................................................................... 41 Lake Twitty ..................................................................................................................... 42 Subbasin 030716 .............................................................................................................. 46 Roberdel Lake ................................................................................................................ 46 Water Lake ..................................................................................................................... 46 Subbasin 030717 .............................................................................................................. 48 Wadesboro City Pond ..................................................................................................... 48 Appendix A. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin Lakes Use Assessment Matrix Appendix B. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin Lakes Use Assessment Data Appendix C. High Rock Lake Algae Densities and Biovolumes 2004-2006 DVVQ Intensive Survey Unit 3 6/29/2007 Figures Figure 1. Phytoplankton Groups of Salem Lake, Summer 2006 ................................. 11 Figure 2. Mean chlorophyll a values by sampling station for May through September, 2006 ............................................................................................................... 14 Figure 3a. Results of the Algal Growth Potential Test, June 15, 2005 ........................ 15 Figure 3b. Results of the Algal Growth Potential Test, July 19, 2006 ......................... 15 Figure 4. Average Densities of Algae in High Rock Lake from May to September 2006 ....................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 5. Digital images of samples collected on 9/21/05 (200X magnification)........ 18 Figure 6. Magnified Image of Euglena sp. (a) and Euglena sp. forming a cyst (b).... 18 Figure 7. Lake Thom-A-Lex Algae Groups at YAD1611A in 2006. Densities are labeled for blue green algae ........................................................................ 20 Figure 8. Chinese Mystery Snail Collected From Tuckertown Reservoir ................... 22 Figure 9. Image of the algae in Lake Bunch that shows the, size variation (200X magnification): .............................................................................................. 29 Figure 10. Algal Densities (units/ml) in Lake Lee, May - September, 2006 ................ 37 Figure 11. A Comparison of Algal Densities at the Dam (YAD233) on Lake Lee for 2000 and 2006 ............................................................................................... 39 Figure 12. Anabaena, the dominant alga in Lake Lee on June 8, 2006 (magnification 200X ) .............................................................................................................. 39 Figure 13. Algal Densities in Lake Twitty, May - September, 2006 ............................. 43 Figure 14. Algal Densities (units/ml) in Lake Twitty, 2000 ............. Figure 15. Phytoplankton Groups at the Two Sampling Sites in Wadesboro City Pond, Summer 2006 ..................................................................................... 49 DVVQ Intensive Survey Unit 4 6/29/2007 Tables Table 1. Locations of Algal Samples Including Station Description and Years Characterized ................................................................................................... 16 Table 2. Chlorophyll a, Phytoplankton Densities and Common Algae at the Lake Thom-a-Lex DWQ Sampling Site Near the Dam, 2006 .................................. 20 Table 3. Phytoplankton densities and % dominance in Lake Bunch during 2006..... 28 Table 4. Phytoplankton Biovolumes (BV) and Percent Dominance (%) in Lake Bunch during 2006 ....................................................................................................... 28 Table 5. Chlorophyll a and dominant phytoplankton at Station YAD216G on Lake Concord ............................................................................................................ 35 Table 6. Algal Densities (units/ml) in Lake Lee, May - September 2006 .................... 38 Table 7. Algal Biovolume (mm3/m3) in Lake Lee, May - September 2006 ................. 38 Table 8. Number of Genera by Major Algal Groups ...................................................... 40 Table 9. Algal Densities (units/ml) and Dominance in Lake Twitty, May- September 2006 ................................................................................................................... 43 Table 10. Algal Biovolumes (mm3/m3) and Dominance in Lake Twitty, May - September, 2006 ............................................................................................... 44 Table 11. Number of Genera by Major Algal Groups .................................................... 44 Table 12. Chlorophyll a, Phytoplankton Densities and Common Genera in Wadesboro City Pond ...................................................................................... 48 DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 5 6/29/2007 GLOSSARY Algae Small aquatic plants that occur as single cells, colonies, or filaments. May also be referred to as phytoplankton, although phytoplankton are a subset of algae. Algal biovolume The volume of all living algae in a unit area at a given point in time. To determine biovolume, individual cells in a known amount of sample are counted. Cells are measured to obtain their cell volume, which is used in calculating biovolume Algal density The density of algae based on the number of units (single cells, filaments and/or colonies) present in a milliliter of water. The severity of an algae bloom many be determined by the algal density as follows: Mild bloom = 20,000 to 30,000 units/ml Severe bloom = 30,000 to 100,000 units/ml Extreme bloom = Greater than 100,000 units/ml Algal Growth A test to determine the nutrient that is the most limiting to the growth of algae in a body Potential Test of water. The sample water is split such that one sub-sample is given additional (AGPT) nitrogen, another is given phosphorus, a third may be given a combination of nitrogen and phosphorus, and one sub-sample is not treated and acts as the control. A specific species of algae is added to each sub-sample and is allowed to grow for a given period of time. The dry weights of algae in each sub-sample and the control are then measured to determine the rate of productivity in each treatment. The treatment (nitrogen or phosphorus) with the greatest algal productivity is said to be the limiting nutrient of the sample source. If the control sample has an algal dry weight greater than 5 mg/L, the source water is considered to be unlimited for either nitrogen or phosphorus. Centric diatom Diatoms photosynthetic algae that have a siliceous skeleton (frustule) and are found in almost every aquatic environment including fresh and marine waters, soils, in fact almost anywhere moist. Centric diatoms are circular in shape and are often found in the water column. Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll a is an algal pigment that is used as an approximate measure of algal biomass. The concentration of chlorophyll-a is used in the calculation of the NCTSI , and the value listed is a lake-wide average from all sampling locations. Clinograde In productive lakes where oxygen levels drop to zero in the lower waters near the bottom, the graphed changes in oxygen from the surface to the lake bottom produces a curve known as clinograde curve. Coccoid Round or spherical shaped cell Conductivity This is a measure of the ability of water to conduct an electrical current. This measure increases as water becomes more mineralized. The concentrations listed are the range of values observed in surface readings from the sampling locations. Dissolved oxygen The range of surface concentrations found at the sampling locations. Dissolved oxygen The capacity of water to absorb oxygen gas. Often expressed as a percentage saturation , the amount of oxygen that can dissolved into water will change depending on a number of parameters, the most important being temperature. Dissolved oxygen saturation is inversely proportion to temperature, that is, as temperature increases , water's capacity for oxygen will decrease, and vice versa. Eutrophic Describes a lake with high plant productivity and low water transparency. DvuQ Intensive Survey Unit 6 6129/2007 Eutrophication The process of physical, chemical, and biological changes associated with nutrient, organic matter, and silt enrichment and sedimentation of a lake. Limiting nutrient The plant nutrient present in lowest concentration relative to need limits growth such that addition of the limiting nutrient will stimulate additional growth. In north temperate lakes, phosphorus (P) is commonly the limiting nutrient for algal growth Manganese A naturally occurring metal commonly found in soils and organic matter. As a trace nutrient, manganese is essential to all forms of biological life. Manganese in lakes is released from bottom sediments and enters the water column when the oxygen concentration in the water near the lake bottom is extremely low or absent. Manganese in lake water may cause taste and odor problems in drinking water and require additional treatment of the raw water at water treatment facilities to alleviate this problem. Mesotrophic Describes a lake with moderate plant productivity and water transparency NCTSI North Carolina Trophic State Index was specifically developed for North Carolina lakes as part of the state's original Clean Lakes Classification Survey (NRCD 1982). It takes the nutrients present along with chlorophyll a and Secchi depth to calculate a lake's biological productivity. Oligotrophic Describes a lake with low plant productivity and high water transparency. pH The range of surface pH readings found at the sampling locations. This value is used to express the relative acidity or alkalinity of water Photic zone The portion of the water column in which there is sufficient light for algal growth. DWQ considers 2 times the Secchi depth as depicting the photic zone. Secchi depth This is a measure of water transparency expressed in meters. This parameter is used in the calculation of the NCTSI value for the lake. The depth listed is an average value from all sampling locations in the lake. Temperature The range of surface temperatures found at the sampling locations. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) The sum of organic nitrogen and ammonia in a water body. High measurements of TKN typically results from sewage and manure discharges in water bodies Total organic . Total Organic Nitrogen (TON) can represent a major reservoir of nitrogen in Nitrogen (TON) aquatic systems during summer months. Similar to phosphorus, this concentration can be related to lake productivity and is used in the calculation of the NCTSI. The concentration listed is a lake-wide average from all sampling stations and is calculated by subtracting Ammonia concentrations from TKN concentrations. Total phosphorus (TP) Total phosphorus (TP) includes all forms of phosphorus that occur in water. This t i nu r ent is essential for the growth of aquatic plants and is often the nutrient that limits the growth of phytoplankton. It is used to calculate the NCTSI. The concentration listed is a lake-wide average from all sampling stations. Trophic state This is a relative description of the biological productivity of a lake based on the calculated NCTSI value. Trophic states may range from extremely productive (Hypereutrophic) to very low productivity (Oligotrophic) Turbidity A measure of the ability of light to pass through a volume of water. Turbidity may be influenced by suspended sediment and/or algae in the water. Watershed A drainage area in which all land and water areas drain or flow toward a central collector such as a stream, river, or lake at a lower elevation. DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 7 6/29/2007 Overview The Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin covers 7,213 square miles within 21 counties in North Carolina in the mountain and piedmont regions. It is the second largest basin in the state. The river basin originates om the eastern slope of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Caldwell and Wilkes counties. The Yadkin River lows northeast for approximately 100 miles before turning southeast and joining with the Uwharrie River to form the Pee Dee River. The Pee Dee River continues flowing southeast across the North Carolina-South Carolina state line into South Carolina and to Winyah Bay. Prior sampling in the Yadkin basin resulted in High Rock Lake, the upper portion of Tuckertown Lake and Rockingham City Lake being listed as impaired. The upper portion of High Rock Lake below normal operating level was impaired in 2004 for violations of the state water quality standards for turbidity, chlorophyll a, and dissolved oxygen. The lower portion of High Rock Lake to the dam) is also listed as impaired for turbidity. Data collected in 2005 and 2006 supported impairment of High Rock Lake based on elevated turbidity and chlorophyll a values. The upper portion of Tuckertown Lake to the mouth of Cabin Creek was placed on the 303(d) List in 2004 as impaired for low dissolved oxygen. The upper most DWQ ambient sampling site is downstream of Cabin Creek, and dissolved oxygen values in this portion of the reservoir in 2006 were adequate. Rockingham City Lake was impaired in 1998 for aquatic weeds. A survey of the lake in the early summer of 2006 determined that the lake is still impaired for aquatic plants. Twenty-three reservoirs were sampled in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin between 1 January 2002 and 30 September 2006. In 2006, DWQ staff discovered Chinese Mystery Snails (Cipangopa/udina chinensis) in Tuckertown Reservoir. These snails are a nonnative species commonly found in aquarium and pet stores. Where they have become established in other parts of the United States, they have out competed native snails for food and habitat. Also found in Tuckertown Reservoir and Badin Lake were mats of the fibrous blue green alga, Lyngbya wollei. Lyngbya can form huge mats that impede swimming and boating and can greatly reduce the aesthetic values of a lake where it has become established. The mats generally form on the lake bottom but often come to the surface of the water where they may decay and produce a strong, offensive odor. One lake, Lake Howell (Coddle Creek Reservoir), a water supply for Concord, was sampled for the first time by DWQ in 2006. Lakes Lee, Monroe and Twitty were identified in the 2006 Report to the Environmental Review Commission on the Status of Water Quality in Water Supply Reservoirs Sampled by the Division of Water Quality as needing additional sampling to better determine if these lakes should be listed as impaired. The 2006 sampling resulted in all three lakes are being listed as impaired based on exceedances of the chlorophyll a standard. The remaining 18 lakes sampled during 2006 were not rated due to insufficient sampling. However, six lakes were identified as having potential problems and additional sampling on those lakes will be conducted as resources become available. Those lakes are Salem, Fisher, Concord, Back Creek, Bunch and Badin. Following the description of the assessment methodology used for the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin, there are individual summaries for each of the lakes and Appendix A, a matrix that distills the information used to make the lakes use support assessments. For further background information on a particular lake (including sampling data), please go to http://www.esb.enr.state.nc.us/. Assessment Methodology For this report, data from January 1, 2002 through September 30, 2006 were reviewed. All lakes except High Rock Lake were sampled only during the summer of 2006 from May through September. High Rock Lake was sampled April 2005 through August of 2006. The extended sampling period was due to a special study being conducted to better document current conditions in the reservoir and support development of a nutrient model for the watershed. Data were assessed for excursions of the state's class C water quality standards for chlorophyll-a, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and surface metals. The water supply standards sampled and evaluated were total suspended solids (TSS), nickel, manganese, chlorides and total hardness. DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 8 6/29/2007 Other parameters discussed in this report include Secchi depth and percent dissolved oxygen saturation. Secchi depth provides a measure of water clarity and is used in calculating the trophic or nutrient enriched status of a lake. Percent dissolved oxygen saturation gives information on the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water column and may be increased by photosynthesis. On lakes without obvious segmentation or differences in hydrology and morphology between stations, all samples taken on a particular sampling date regardless of station are treated as replicates and the average concentration is used to determine if the standards are being met. Readings of pH are the only exception as it is inappropriate to average pH values. For a lake such as High Rock Lake, which has very definite differences between portions of the lake and has been given different assessment units based on hydrology and morphology, results are averaged within the assessment unit. See the matrix in Appendix A for how the stations are grouped. A water quality standard is exceeded (denoted by CE in matrix) if data values are do not meet the state's water quality standard for more than 10% of the samples where the sample size consists of ten or more observations for the basinwide assessment period. Ideally, ten observations are needed to provide enough data to reasonably interpret water quality conditions within the lake or reservoir. Fewer observations increase the possibility of misinterpreting random unusual conditions as representative of ongoing water quality trends. If the water quality standard is exceeded, either in less than 10% of the data collected during the assessment period or if the sample observation size is less than ten for the basinwide assessment period, then the water quality standard for that parameter is designated exceeded (E in the matrix). Additional data considered as part of the use support assessment includes historic DWQ water quality data, documented algal blooms and/or fish kills, problematic aquatic macrophytes, or listing on the EPA's 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. Lakes receive an overall rating of Supporting or Impaired when ten or more samples per water quality criteria are collected for evaluation within the basinwide assessment period. Otherwise, the lake is considered as Not Rated. The exception is for a lake listed on the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters or where additional data indicates water quality problems not captured during sampling. These lakes are listed as Impaired along with the reason for the impairment. A more complete discussion of lake ecology and assessment can be found at http://Www.esb.enr.state.nc.us/. The 1990 North Carolina Lake Assessment Report (downloadable from this website) contains a detailed chapter on ecological concepts that clarifies how the parameters discussed in this review related to water quality and reservoir health. DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 9 6/29/2007 Assessments by Subbasin Subbasin 030701 W. Kerr Scott Reservoir Construction of W. Kerr Scott Reservoir took place between 1960 and 1962. The project was open for public use in 1963. Located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, this reservoir is within the Mountain ecoregion of the state. Nutrient concentrations in 2006 were similar to those observed since 1981. Total phosphorus values were low and within range of concentrations to be expected in lakes located in the Mountain ecoregion. Total organic nitrogen and total Kjeldahl nitrogen ranged from low to moderate while ammonia and nitrite + nitrate values were generally low, with the exception of values measured in May, 2006. Nitrite + nitrate concentrations at all three lake sampling sites on May 23, 2006 were very elevated. This was more likely due to the availability of nitrogen in the system in the spring prior to an increase in the phytoplankton community as suggested by the low chlorophyll a concentrations in May as compared with increasing concentrations in July through September. In response to the available nutrients, lake-wide chlorophyll a values were greater than the state water quality standard of 15 pg/L for Trout Waters at YAD007A in August and at all three lake sampling sites in September (Appendix B). W. Kerr Scott Reservoir was consistently mesotrophic (moderate biological productivity) in 2006 based on the calculated NCTSI scores. Historically, this reservoir has ranged between mesotrophic and oligotrophic (very low biological productivity) since 1981. Because this lake was sampled eight times during this evaluation period (less than 10 trips for evaluation of rating status), W. Kerr Scott Reservoir was designated as Not Rated. Repair work on the swimming beach began in mid-December 2006 with the lowering of the lake water level to near elevation 1026 ft mean sea level (msl). Repair work was completed in January 2007 and the return to normal pool level (1030 ft msl) was expected to occur within four to six weeks. There were no complaints received by the Army Corps of Engineers regarding the drawdown of the reservoir, and some permit holders used the opportunity to repair their docks. Additional sampling may be performed in this reservoir during the High Rock Lake TMDL special sampling beginning in 2007. DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 10 6/29/2007 Subbasin 030704 Salem Lake Salem Lake is located in the municipality of Winston- Salem. Created in 1919, this small reservoir serves as the water supply source for the city. Salem Lake provides water to eastern and southeastern Winston- Salem as well as serving as a reserve water basin for the Yadkin River (hftp://www.citvofws.org/Assets/City0f\NS//Document s/departments/utilities/pdf files/Water%20Division%2 00perations2.pdf). DWQ monitored Salem Lake five times in 2006 (May through September). 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25.000 ¦ 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 Figure 1. Phytoplankton Groups of Salem Lake, Summer 2006 DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 11 6/29/2007 YADU17A YAD077A YAD077A YAD077B YAD077B YAD077B YAD077B YAD077B May 3 June6 July 10 Aug 14 Sept 12 May 3 June6 July 10 Aug 14 Sept 12 Total phosphorus and total organic nitrogen generally ranged from moderate to elevated throughout the reservoir. Chlorophyll a values in Salem Lake ranged from moderate to elevated in 2006 with values in the Lowery Creek Arm (YAD077B) and Kerners Mill Creek Arm (YAD077A) greater than the state water quality standard of 40 pg/L in July and August. Algal blooms were observed from June through September in the arms of Salem Lake. In May and August, the pinnate diatom, Nitzschia, was common. The prymnesiophyte Chrysochromulina was the most common genus throughout the summer and the filamentous blue green alga Cylindrospermopsis was common in September (Figure 1) Based on the calculated NCTSI scores, Salem Lake was determined to be eutrophic in 2006. Trophic scores were similar to those previously calculated by DWQ for this small reservoir since 1981. The elevated chlorophyll a values and depressed dissolved oxygen concentrations indicate that there may be problems at this lake. Additional sampling is warranted as resources become available. Winston Lake Winston Lake is a small reservoir located in the City of Winston-Salem. The lake was built in 1919 as a water supply source but is no longer used for that purpose. The lake is currently used for non- contact recreation such as fishing. One station was sampled in Winston Lake by DWQ five times from May through September of 2006. Dissolved oxygen and pH measurements were within state water quality standards during the sampling period. One of five (20%) of the dissolved oxygen saturation values was above 120% saturation. The dissolved oxygen saturation found was 125% saturation on August 10, 2006. This indicates that significant algal activity (production of dissolved oxygen by algae) was occurring in the lake. Nutrient concentrations were generally moderate to elevated in Winston Lake in 2006. The highest nutrient values were generally found for total organic nitrogen, nitrite + nitrate, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (Appendix B). Total phosphorus was generally found in more moderate amounts. No chlorophyll a values were above the state water quality standard of 40 pg/L. Trophic state analyses indicated that Winston Lake is a biologically productive lake with a 2006 average NCTSI score placing the lake in the eutrophic category. Surface metals in Winston Lake were within applicable state water quality standards with the exception of iron. Iron was found to be greater than the state water quality action level of 1000 pg/L in 60% of the samples collected. Iron values ranged from 660 pg/L to 1600 pg/L in 2006. Iron is present in naturally occurring high amounts in local soils. Field notes indicated that Winston Lake was very shallow and frequently had high turbidity levels, especially after a rain. These high iron values may be due to re-suspension of bottom sediments due to wind mixing along with nonpoint source runoff from iron rich soils upstream in the watershed. Winston Lake appears to be supporting its aquatic life designated uses at this time. DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 12 6/29/2007 High Rock Lake High Rock Lake, built in 1927, is in the Yadkin River High Rock Lake is separated into four assessment units. Sampling stations are established in each of these units (Appendix A). The lake was sampled from August 2004 through September 2006. Three of the four assessment units were sampled 22 times and the remaining assessment unit was sampled 19 times during the sampling period (Appendix A). At two locations (one the middle of the main stem of the lake and the other near the dam), thermisters (programmed temperature recorders) documented temperature profiles. These devices were deployed at three lake sampling sites (YAD169F, YAD152A, and in the Abbots Creek Arm from March through November 2005. These thermisters were programmed to record water temperatures every two hours. At YAD152A where water depth is shallow, data showed little stratification. However, at the dam location (YAD169F) where water depths are much deeper, stratification layers are particularly evident in the warmer months and less so during cooler months. Surface water temperature was greater than the state water quality standard of 32 °C (89.6 °F) in the main body of High Rock Lake and the Second Creek arm on July 19, August 16, 2005 and August 1, 2006 (August 2, 2006 for the Second Creek arm sampling site). Air temperatures on the days preceding sampling and on these sampling dates were in the low to mid 90's (32 to 35 °C). These high ambient air temperatures may have assisted in the warming of the lake water and producing the surface water temperature excursions observed. Sampling was conducted between 11 AM and 2 PM, times of day when temperatures are the highest and the air is usually the calmest. Water temperatures dropped below the standard of 32 °C at a depth of one meter from the surface. As there remained sufficient cooler water (temperatures measured at 1 meter and deeper were all below the temperature maximum) to support fish populations, these elevated temperatures are not considered sufficient to result in impairment of aquatic life. Surface dissolved oxygen levels did not exceed state water quality standards during the sampling period; however, surface dissolved oxygen values were elevated during the warm months. These high values were consistent with previous data. Surface pH values in three of the four assessment units did exceed the state water quality standard of 9.0 s.u. (Appendix A & B). Again, pH was consistent with previous sampling events data. A predictable warm weather relationship between elevated dissolved oxygen, pH values, and algal growth was observed. Warmer temperatures during summer speed up the rates of photosynthesis. During photosynthesis carbon dioxide is taken up, increasing the pH values. Oxygen is produced and released into the water, increasing dissolved oxygen levels. Turbidity in three of the four assessment units exceeded the state water quality standard of 25 NTU for lakes. The elevated turbidity values corresponded with low Secchi depths (which ranged from 0.1 to 1.4 meters), DVVQ Intensive Survey Unit 13 6/29/2007 and observations of extremely orange to brown water color. Secchi depths were similar to those observed in the past. Nutrient levels in High Rock Lake varied greatly and tended to be elevated. Chlorophyll a values ranged from low to elevated. Chlorophyll a values did exceed the state water quality standard of 40 Ng/L during more than 10% of sampling events, in all four assessment units (Appendix A). Mean chlorophyll a values from May through September 2006 were greater than 40 pg/L at eight of the 11 lake sampling sites (Figure 2) 60 50 J Of 3 40 s 0 30 0 t U 20 c m 10 0 Figure 2. Mean chlorophyll a values by sampling station for May through September, 2006 With the assistance of EPA's Athens Laboratory, Algal Growth Potential Tests (AGPT) were conducted at six stations on the lake. Algal growth potential tests are used to determine the potential of the water body to grow algae and the nutrient that is controlling algal growth. Tests indicated nitrogen was the predominate limiting nutrient controlling algal growth in High Rock Lake for samples taken June 15, 2005 and July 19, 2006. (Figures 3a and 3b). DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 14 6/29/2007 N? o? X A QOM yQ0 41P Alp -k N Dam Sampling Site 40 , -- 32.8 32 2 30 J 01 E 20 .? L 0 10 0 OCOntr01 C+N OC+P 56 i 2 6 2.7 ,- 2.1 2.3 3.3 ?? - &- YAD169F YAD169A Station 30 3 Figure 3a. Results of the Algal Growth Potential Test, June 15, 2005 40 30 J Of E = 20 A 0 10 0 36.4 In 2004, algae samples were collected for the basinwide assessment program. In 2005 and 2006, algae samples were collected as part of a scoping study for the Modeling Unit in DWQ's Planning Section. Phytoplankton assemblages were characterized at four stations for three consecutive months in 2004 and at five stations every other month for a total of six times in 2005 and 2006 (Table 1). DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 15 6/29/2007 YAD152A YAD1391A YAD152C YAD156A YAD169B Table 1. Locations of Algal Samples Including Station Description and Years Characterized. Station Code Station Description Year Characterized YAD1391A HIGH ROCK LAKE UPSTREAM S POTTS CK NR LINWOOD, NC 2005 YAD152A HIGH ROCK LAKE AT MOUTH OF TOWN CK 2006 YAD152C HIGH ROCK LAKE NEAR ROCKWELL, NC 2004, 2005 & 2006 HRL052 ABBOTTS CREEK ABOVE HOLLYWAY CHURCH RD BRIDGE 2005, 2006 YAD169A ABBOTTS CREEK AT NC HWY 8 NEAR COTTON GROVE, NC 2004 YAD1561A SECOND CREEK AT SR 1002 NEAR LIBERTY, NC 2006 YAD156A SECOND CREEK AT MOUTH NEAR GRANITE QUARRY, NC 2004 YAD169B HIGH ROCK LAKE UPSTREAM OF PANTHER CREEK 2004 YAD169E HIGH ROCK LAKE AT MOUTH OF FLAT SWAMP CREEK 2004, 2006 YAD169F HIGH ROCK LAKE NEAR HIGH ROCK, NC 2004, 2005 & 2006 Algal densities and assemblage structure in High Rock Lake fluctuated over time with highest densities occurring during the summer growing season of May through September. Densities in most sections of the lake were comparable with severe to extreme blooms occurring at all stations during this time (Figure 4). Severe algae blooms range between 30,000 to 1000,000 units/ml. Extreme blooms are those that are greater than 100,000 units/ml. The most upper station, YAD1391A, where samples contained a lot of sediment and reflected a riparian environment was the only location that did not experience blooms (Figure 5). Blue greens overwhelmingly dominated the algal assemblages in 88% of the samples collected during the May through September period (Appendix C). The majority (31%) of the blooms were dominated by the blue green alga, Pseudanabaena sp., which comprised up to 63% of the assemblage. Blue green blooms may discolor water, cause taste and odor problems in processed drinking water, and are common indicators of eutrophication. Pseudanabaena is arguably the most common alga found in large North Carolina reservoirs. It is relatively small (cells < 2x5µm), often forms extreme blooms that, unlike other blue greens, inhabit the complete photic zone as opposed to collecting at the surface. Pseudanabaena can fix atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into a biologically usable form (nitrate/nitrite or NOJ Other filamentous blue greens found in the lake, such as Cylindrospermopsis, are documented in other locations as producing toxins. There have been no reported health problems associated with blue greens in North Carolina. On August 23, 2006, a surface bloom of Euglena sp. was observed in the main channel of High Rock Lake between Crane Creek and Swearing Creek. Analysis of samples collected at this site confirmed the presence of the bloom. Euglena sp. can vary in color and, in this particular case, a dark red euglenoid was dominant. Euglena sp. commonly ball up and form cysts when under stress making them difficult to identify (Figures 6a and 6b). Euglena blooms are often found on the surface of still waters that have a high organic nutrient content. These blooms may give the water a characteristic red or green surface sheen and a fishy odor. DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 16 6/29/2007 YAD1391A Year 2005 N 4 Avg. 5,000 r? Max. 7,000 x Min. 1,000 k, K, ? YAD152A HRL051 . No algal data Year 2006 J N 2 i Avg. 56,000 Max. 90,000 _' - YAD152 22,000 - No algal data 12-11 8.6 H R L052 I I , i Year 2005 2006 N 3 2 Avg. 60,000 78,000 Max. 76,000 123,000 Min. 42,000 32,000 • YAD152C Year 2004 2005 2006 N 2 4 2 Avg. 49,000 33,000 44,000 Max. 52,000 77,000 52,000 Min. 46,000 14,000 37,000 I YAD156A I Year 2004 N 3 Avg. 59,000 Max. 98,000 Min. 23,000 • • • •'`gssessment Units Boundaries YAD169A Year 2004 N 3 Avg. 71,000 Max. 139,000 Min. 25,000 ?'. 12-(114) IT 7-(3)? / -z YAD169E Year 2004 2006 N 1 2 Avg. N/A 90,000 Max. 18,000 142,000 Min. N/A 39,000 J YAD1561A YAD169B Year 2006 Year 2004 N 2 N 3 Avg. 85,000 Avg. 79 000 Max. 120,000 Max. 116,000 Min. 51,000 Min. 20,000 YAD169F Year 2004 2005 2006 N 3 5 2 Avg. 69,000 48,000 77,000 Max. 102,000 95,000 115,000 Min. 19,000 11,000, 37,000 Figure 4. Average Densities of Algae in High Rock Lake from May to September 2006 DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 17 6/29/2007 Figure o. Digital images of samples collected on 9/21/05 (200X magnification). On the left is the sample collected from station YAD1391A. Note that it is full of sediment in comparison to the relatively clear sample collected from station YAD169F on the right. Figure 6. Magnified Image of Euglena sp. (a) and Euglena sp. forming a cyst (b). High Rock Lake was consistently eutrophic (very high biological productivity) during the sampling period, based on the NCTSI calculations. This is consistent with monitoring that has taken place since 1981. The uses of High Rock Lake were determined to be impaired due to elevated chlorophyll a, turbidity and pH (Appendix A). DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 18 6!29!2007 Subbasin 030707 Lake Thom-A-Lex Lake Thom-A-Lex is located near the Cities of Lexington and Thomasville. The lake was built in 1957 as a drinking water supply for these two cities. The watershed draining to the lake is primarily composed of commercial and urban areas. The lake-wide average chlorophyll a values for the summer of 2006 ranged from 21 pg/L to 50 pg/L. The state chlorophyll a standard (40 ug/L) was exceeded during August and September and chlorophyll levels were elevated (> 20 ug/L) during May and July. Forty percent of lake-wide average chlorophyll a values were greater than the state water quality standard of 40 jig/L, indicating elevated biological productivity by algae (Appendix A). Severe blooms were observed from May through July. Extreme blooms occurred during August and September (50 pg/L). Staff field notes indicated that the lake water had a brown coloration in 2006 that impacted the aesthetics of the lake. Surface mats, scums or flecks were not observed in the lake at the time of the algal blooms. Algal densities at the sampling site near the dam (YAD1611A) ranged from 40,000 to 214,000 units/ ml (Table 2). Blooms were comprised of the prymnesiophyte Chrysochromulina and the filamentous blue green Cylindrospermopsis during early summer (Figure 7). Blooms during July-September were comprised of Cylindrospermopsis. Chrysochromulina is sometimes associated with elevated chlorophyll concentrations and taste and odor problems in processed drinking water. Filamentous blue greens frequently bloom in local freshwaters during mid to late summer and are often associated with eutrophication. They are also associated with taste and odor problems in processed drinking water. Cylindrospermopsis is known to be toxic elsewhere in the world, but there have been no reported health problems associated with this alga in North Carolina Surface metals in Lake Thom-A-Lex were within applicable state water quality standards. Trophic state analyses confirmed that Lake Thom-A-Lex is a biologically productive lake with a 2006 average NCTSI score placing the lake in the eutrophic category. Lake Thom-A-Lex appears to be supporting its designated use as a secondary water supply at this time although insufficient data is available to rate it. The eutrophic conditions found in the lake also warrant cause for future concern and monitoring. DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 19 6/29/2007 Table 2. Chlorophyll a, Phytoplankton Densities and Common Algae at the Lake Thom-a-Lex DWQ Sampling Site Near the Dam, 2006 Chia - It ]nit nanRitl/) 4-May-06 25 51,000 Blue green, Pr mnesio h to C lindros e 20-Jun-06 18 40,000 Blue green, Pr mnesio h to C lindros e 12-Jul-06 32 68,000 Blue green c 10-Au -06 52 179,000 Blue green C 12-Sep-06 45 214,000 Blue preen r. 35,000 30,000 E 25,000 cm iA 20,000 c d c 0 15,000 m CL 0 M M a 10,000 5,000 0 --Y zu-jun Date 12-Jul 10-Aug 12-Sep Figure 7. Lake Thom-A-Lex Algae Groups at YAD1611A in 2006. Densities are labeled for blue green algae. DWQ Intensive Survey Unit 20 6/29/2007 APPENDIX A. YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER BASIN LAKES USE ASSESSMENT MATRIX : 030701 030704 030704 s e & W. Kerr Scott Reservoir Salem Lake Winston Lake !% ) Eutrophic Eutrophic ) 12.0 5,5 2 5 volume (10°m') 189.0 08 . W t h l 0.03 a ers ed Area (mi ) 347.5 25.5 6 6 Assessment Unit Name Yadkin River Kerr Scott Reservoir ir below Elevation 1030) Salem Creek(Middle Fork Muddy Creek, Salem Lake) . Frazier Creek (Winston Lake) Classification WS-IVB Tr WS-III C A ssessment Unit 12-(27.5) 12-94-12-(1) 12-94-12-6-1 Stations in Assessment Unit YAD007A, YAD008, YAD008A YAD077A, YAD077B, YAD077C YAD077D N b f um er o Sampling Trips 8 5 5 water quality Standards Chloro h ll a p y >40 ug/L E (20%) E (40%) NCE Dissolved Ox e yg n <4.0 mg/L NCE NCE NCE pH <6 s.u. or > 9 s u. NCE NCE NCE Turbidit y >25 NTU NCE NCE NCE Tem er t >29°C Mountains and Upper Piedmont p a ure >32°C Piedmont E (13%) NCE NCE Metals 15A NCAC 2B.0211 ND E (Mn - 100%)• NCE Other Data % Saturation DO >120°% N N Y (20%) Algae Fish Documented blooms during 2 or more sampling events in 1 year with historic blooms N N N Chemically/Biologically Kills related to eutrophication algal or macro h te t N N N p y con rol - either icals or biolo icall g y by fish, etc. nted sheens discolorati t N N N TSI , on, e c. - written mplaint and follow-up by a state Increase of 2 tro hic l l f N N N Historic D4%'O Data 30 tdl aGPT Aacrophytes aste and Odor ediments n p eve s romone 5-yr period to next Conclusions trom other reports (link to other reports) Listed on susidl (year listed] Algal Growth Potential Test 5-9 mg/L = concern 10 mg/L or more = problematic Limiting access to public ramps, docks, swimming areas; reducing access by fish and other aquatic life to habitat Public complaints or taste and odor causing algal species are dominant Clogging intakes -dredging program ecessary Fre uent bl" / N N N NR N N N N N NR N N N "--- ---- N N NR N N I H. is agency complaints - N visual observation N N Rating: NR NR NR E =Criteria exceeded but N<10 (full key on last page of this appendix) NR = Not rated. Not Rated is used where there are <10 samples & Other Data indicate potential problems. 'W Kerr Scott Reservoir is located in the Mountains Region of the state therefore the >29°C is applicable. All other Yadkin lakes are in Piedmont. ' Mn (Manganese) concentrations are probably related to the high organic carbon present due to the algal blooms and is not considered to be distinct from the chlorophyll-a violation. Addressing algal blooms should result in decreased Mn concentrations. There are no point sources of Mn in the watershed DWQ Intensive Survey Unit A - 1 6/29/2007 6 a ? % APPENDIX A. YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER BASIN LAKES USE ASSESSMENT MATRIX Subbasin: 030707 030708 Lakes Ambient Program Name Lake Thom-A-Lex Tuckertown Badin Lake Lake Tillery Trophic Status (NC TSI) Eutrophic Eutro hic P Eutrophic Eutrophic Mean Depth (meters) Volume (10° ') 8.0 10.0 14.0 7.2 m 7.8 297.5 3440 166 0 Watershed Area (mil) 39.4 4120.0 4116.0 . 4834 0 . Abbots Creek (including Assessment Unit Name Lexington- Thomasville Water Supply Reservoir at normal reservoir elevation, Lake Yadkin River (including lower portion of Tuckertown Lake) Yadkin River (including Badin Lake) Pee Dee River (including Lake Tillery below normal operating levels) Thom-A-Lex) Classification WS Assessment Unit -II CA 12 11 WS-IV B CA WS-IV B CA WS-IV B CA - 9-(4.5) YAD 12-(124.5)c 12-(1245)d 13-(1) Stations in Assessment Unit 16013, YAD1611A YAD172C, YAD1780A YAD178B, YAD178E, YAD178F,YAD178F1 YAD185A, YAD189, YAD189B, YAD189C Number of Sam lin TrI s 8 5 6 4 Water Quality Standards Chlorophyll a >40 ug/L Dissolved Oxygen <4 0 mg/L E (40%) E (40%) NCE NCE . H <6 s.u. or > 9 s.u. NCE NCE NCE NCE NCE NCE Turbidity >25 NTU NCE NCE NCE NCE NCE emperature >32°C Piedmont NCE NCE NCE NCE Metals 15A NCAC 2B .0211 NCE NCE NCE NCE NCE Other Data % Saturation DO >120% N Y (40%) N Documented blooms during 2 or N Algae more sampling events in 1 year with N Y (Lyngbia woolei Y (Lyngbia woo/el mats historic blooms mats reported by staff) reported by staff) N Fish Kills related to eutrophication N N For algal or macroPhYto control - hemically/Biologically N N reated either chemicals or biologically by N N fish, etc. N N Documented sheens, discoloration, Aesthetics complaints etc. -written complaint and f ll p Y L o ow-u by a state N mats reported by ( yngbia wcdei mats N public) reported by public) SI Increase of 2 trophic levels from one 5-yr period to next N N N N HIStOrlr CWt? C3tz COnC?_i5i0n5 from Other reports (link to other remits) N N 303(d) Listed on 303(d) [year listea] N PJ Algal Growth Potential Test 5-9 N N N AGPT mg/L = concern NR NR 10 mg/L or more = problematic NR NR Limiting access to public ramps, Macrophytes docks, swimming areas; reducing access by fish and other aquatic life N Y N to habitat N Taste and Odor Public complaints or taste and odor causing algal species are dominant N N N Clogging intakes - dredging N Sediments program necessary ; Frequent public/agency complaints - visual N N N observation N Rating: NR NR NR NR E =Criteria exceeded but N<10 (full key on last page of this appendix) NR = Not rated. Not Rated is used where there are <10 sa l mp es & Cther Data in dicate potential problems. DWQ Intensive Survey Unit A-3 6/29/2007 6 s I s C N N Y a E y A F- E v QQ E 00 O L z z ,W vI (n c w C F N U m N > a vyi tq W U N w g z a m a y N W 1 W W 0 W W 0C Z W Y w J O W y K a C W 'o Z Y Ul w a a a C A O d ? ? e ¦ N I ? 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Y v E 12 C 0 (D m v c -0 (UNw D v Q{ m T 0w 2 N m 3 ? ) UO m ) V1w c w wUZ c } Y p BOTTOMLESS CULVERT & GEOLOGIC INFORMATION Because of our intent to use bottomless culverts as our stream crossing structures, additional information has been requested regarding the geology of the Lissara property, specifically, in the areas of the two proposed bottomless culverts which shall be utilized as stream crossings. In August of 2007, Soil and Environmental Consultants, PA, conducted a site soil investigation and determined that particular soil types encountered within the project area are consistent with soils typically found in layers above bedrock formations of gneiss. The Federal Highway Administration, Hydraulics Engineering Division, assigns their highest Rock Quality Designation number (RQD) to gneiss as well as certain other igneous and metamorphic rocks which exhibit high strength characteristics and a resistance to scour as related to continuos exposure to stream flows. Ms. Sue Homewood's internal DWQ correspondence of March 6, 2008 noted that "The upper portion of the stream, (where the stream crossings occur), is a step-pool stream with bedrock and boulder substrate". Outcroppings of gneiss and associated float material along the stream banks and within the stream itself are easily observed by the trained professional. Prior to design and construction of footings as may be required for the installation of bottomless culverts in these stream crossing areas, subsurface investigations will be performed and data will be analyzed by a professional engineering consulting firm with expertise in these types of footing designs and our proposed stream crossing structure. Footing designs and crossing construction details will be in accordance with any and all applicable Federal, State and Municipal ordinances or design criteria as necessary.