HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071818 Ver 2_Application_20080417 v ~~ ~-i 1 ~~ ~J ~.l ,~ .P'a ^+` SEAT[ vnn ••~_ D ~~ ~~ 'W, a,w~r STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA I~EPART'MENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 ATTENTION: Mr. Andrew Williams NCDOT Coordinator, Division 7 Dear Sir: ~r~~~Ply r~~~t~ LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY SUBJECT: Notice of Intent to Use Section 404 Nationwide Permit 13 for the replacement of Bridge No. 108 over New Hope Creek on SR 1730 (Turkey Farm Road), Orange County, Division 7. Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1730 (5), State Project No. 8.2502301, WBS Element 33563.1.1, T.I.P. No. B-4218. REFERENCE: Memorandum from the North Carolina Department of Transportation rescinding Section 404 Nationwide Permits 23 and 33, dated April 11, 2008. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace Bridge No. 108 over New Hope Creek on SR 1730 (Turkey Fann Road) in Orange County. The project proposes to demolish the existing bridge and construct a three span, pre-stressed concrete cored slab superstructure on concrete caps atop drilled piers. The new bridge will be 120 feet long with spans, from south to north, of 30 feet, 50 feet, and 40 feet. Additionally, the new bridge will span New Hope Creek. The structure will have a clear roadway width. of 27 feet, 6 inches, with two 10-foot lanes and 3-foot, 9-inch offsets. The bridge approaches will have two 10-foot lanes, with 6-foot grass shoulders. The shoulders of the approaches will be widened to 9 feet where guardrail is present. During construction, Turkey Farm Road will be closed near the existing bridge and traffic will be re-routed using an offsite detour. Nationwide Permit (NWP) Numbers 23 and 33 were issued for this project by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) on December 6, 2007 (Action ID No. SAW-2007-03852). However, these permits are no longer required because the bridge design has been modified and the impacts permitted under them have been eliminated. Therefore, in a memorandum to USAGE dated April 11, 2008, NCDOT rescinded its permits. Please see the enclosed copies of the permit drawings, design plans, an email from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) regarding a sunfish moratorium, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) concurrence letter, dated February 25, 2005, for the above- referenced project. The Programmatic Categorical Exclusion (PCE) was completed for this project in January 2006 and distributed shortly thereafter. Additional copies of this document are available upon request. MAILING ADDRESti: NC DEPARTMENT OF I RANSPORTAIION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIIj(iV\-I [i'.TAJ_AN,1LISLS 1598 MAIL SertvlcE ('ENrea RALEIGH, NC 27699-1598 April 1 ] , 2008 IEU:Pnoyr:: 919-715-1i 4 EAX 919-715-5501 14'EGS/77i: WW6V. N('OGT.ORG LOCATION: 272$ CAPITAL BLVD., SUITE 240 RALEIGH, NC 27604 IMPACTS TO WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES General Description The project is located in the Cape Fear River Basin (sub-basin 03-06-OS). This area is part of Hydrologic Cataloging Unit 03030002. New Hope Creek is the only water resource being impacted by this project. A Jurisdictional Determination was issued for this project on December 6, 2007. New Hope Creek is a perennial stream that flows northwest to southeast underneath the existing bridge. The portion of New Hope Creek that flows through the construction limits is assigned Stream Index Number 16-41-1-(0.5) (12/01/1983) by the N.C. Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) and has a best usage classification of C NSW. The creek has a top of bank width of 50 to 75 feet, an average wetted width of 50 feet, and 3- to 10-foot tall stable stream banks. During field investigations associated with the Natural Resources Technical Report (NRTR; February 2003), 1 to 3 feet of slow to fast flowing water was observed (conditions varied because a long reach of the channel was investigated). The water clarity was described as being clear with moderate sediment deposition and the substrate was primarily composed of bedrock, cobble, gravel, and sand. Neither High Quality Waters (HQW), Water Supplies (WS I or WS II), nor Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) occur within 1.0 mile of the project. Additionally, no portion of New Hope Creek, its tributaries, or other surface waters within 1.0 mile of the project are listed on the NCDWQ 2006 Final 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. The NCWRC previously determined that a significant fishery for sunfish existed in New Hope Creek at this site and requested an in-water work moratorium from April 1 S` to June 30"'. However, according to email correspondence with Travis Wilson, the NCWRC agreed to remove this moratorium in November 2007. Permanent Impacts There will be a total of 60 linear feet of permanent stream impacts to New Hope Creek associated with this project (Site 1). These impacts will result from the placement of Class II rip rap atop filter fabric on the inside of each interior bent. This rip rap will act as bank stabilization and will protect against scour and slope failure. Temporary Impacts There are no temporary stream impacts to New Hope Creek associated with this project Bridue Demolition The superstructure of Bridge No. 108 consists of three spans, one at 17 feet, 9 inches, one at 40 feet, and one at 17 feet, 11 inches. T'he superstructure is comprised of an asphalt wearing surface on a timber deck atop steel I-beams. The existing substructure consists of timber caps on timber piles. The timber piles of the interior bents sit atop concrete footers and are surrounded by concrete encasements. The piles will be removed to the top of the concrete encasements. NCDOT shall adhere to NCDOT's Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Bridge Demolition and Removal. No appreciable till will ihll into New Hope Creek as a result of bridge demolition. B-218 Notice of Intent to Use w Utility Impacts No impacts to jurisdictional waters will occur as a result of utility work associated with this project. The only utility work being performed within the construction limits is associated with the relocation of a power pole line. The existing overhead line is located on the south side of Turkey Farm Road. from Station 13+25 ± to Station 14+36 ±. The line will be relocated within the existing right-of way (ROW) on the same side of the road and will not impact New Hope Creek. AVOIDANCE, iV1INIMIZATION, AND COMPENSATORY MITIGATION The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all remaining, unavoidable jurisdictional impacts. Avoidance measures were taken during the planning and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance stages; minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design. According to the Clean Water Act (CWA) §404(b) (l) guidelines, NCDOT must avoid, minimize, and mitigate, in sequential order, impacts to waters of the US. The following is a list of the project's jurisdictional stream a~ioidance/rinimization activities proposed or completed by NCDOT: Avoidance/Minimization • The bridge design was changed from a two span, pre-stressed concrete box beam bridge with a bent in the creek to a three span, pre-stressed concrete cored slab bridge. The new structure design will now span New Hope Creek and no bents will be placed into the water. • In-stream activity will be limited to the use of Class ll rip rap for bank stabilization along 60 linear feet of New Hope Creek. The impacts will ~1ot incur a loss of aquatic use to this part of the stream. • During construction, traffic will be re-routed using an off-site detour. • Temporary construction impacts due to erosion and sedimentation will be minimized through implementation of stringent erosion control methods and use of NCDOT's BMPs for Protection of Surface Waters. • Due to the presence oi~ a unique freshwater mussel assemblage, including several Federal Species of Concern (FSC), Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds will be employed. • NCDOT will implement its BMP's for Bridge Demolition and Removal during this project. Compensatory Miti ation NCDOT does not propose mitigation for the 60 linear feet of permanent stream impacts to New Hope Creek resulting fi-om stream bank stabilization (Site 1). These impacts are below the threshold (stated in the NWP Number 13 general conditions) for requiring compensatory mitigation for this type of action. Additionally, the impacts will not incur a loss of aquatic use to this part of the stream. FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered (E), Threatened (T), Proposed Endangered (PE), and Proposed Threatened (PT) are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act or' 1973, as amended. As of its most recent update on January 31, 2008, the USFWS website lists four federally-protected species for Orange County. These species and their associated biological conclusions are listed below in Table I. Concurrence from the USFWS for biological conclusions assigned to these species was received on February 25, 2005. B-4218 Notice of latent to Use r Table 1. Federall rotected s ecies in Oran a Count Common Name Scientific Name Federal Status Biological ' Habitat Conclusion Present red-cockaded wood ecker* Picoicle.c horeulis' E No Effect No May Affect, Not dwarf wedgemussel Alcrsrnidonta heter-edor~ E Likely to Yes Adversel Affect Michaux's sumac* Rlu~s michrauxii E No Effect Yes smooth coneflower* Echi,zac~a lae~~igcata E No Effect Yes c - cnaangerea. * -Historic record; the species was last observed in the county nu~re than 50 years ago. The bald eagle was previously listed by the USFWS as a federally protected species for Orange County. Due to this listing, a survey for suitable nesting and foraging habitat was conducted on March 16, 2007 by NCDOT biologists Jim Mason, Ashley Cox, and .Tames Pflaum. No bald eagle individuals or nests were observed during the survey and no suitable nesting or foraging habitat was identified within either the project study area or 1.0 mile of the study area. A search of the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) database (c~IS shapefiles most recently updated on February 13, 2008) was also performed on April 1, 2008 and revealed no known occurrences of this species within 1.0 mile of the project. Based on this information, it was determined that this project will not affect the bald eagle. According to a 2007 Federal Register release. the bald eagle was officially de-listed in the Lower 48 States and removed from the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife effective August 8, 2007 (72 FR 37346-37372; July 9, 2007). This species still receives protection under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. A species survey and habitat assessment for the red-cockaded woodpecker was performed for the PCE in January 2003. No individuals or cavity trees were observed within the project area or on adjacent properties. Additionally, no suitable foraging or nesting habitat exists within the project study area. There were no large tracts of mature pines present and the tall/dense understory in the hardwood/pine forest was not. usable foraging habitat for this species. Furthermore, a search of the NCNHP database on April 1, 2008 revealed no known occurrences of this species within 1.0 mile of the project. Since no habitat is present, no individuals were observed, the species records in the county are historic, and no known populations are present within 1.0 mile of the project, a biological conclusion of "No Effect" has been assigned to this species. New Hope Creek was surveyed for dwarf wedgemussel habitat and individuals by the Catena Group on April 24, 2004, September 14, 2004, and November 3, 2004. Multiple surveys were conducted because the diversity and abundance of mussel species observed required more in-depth and lengthy surveys. Visual and tactile methods were used and a total of 13.25 man-hours were spent within the survey reach. At least nine species of freshwater mussels were found in New Hope Creek, including several FSCs. These included the brook floater (~ll~tsmic~o~ita va~~icosn), Carolina creekshell (Villosa vaughaniana), and Atlantic pigtoe (Fztisconura ~nasol~i). No dwarf wedgemussel individuals were found. New Hope Creek could provide potential habitat for the dwarf wedgemussel; however, due to the limited and questionable records of this species from the Cape Fear River Basin, it is u~~likely that the dwarf wedgemussel occurs in the surveyed reach of this creek. Additionally, a search of the NCNHP database on April 1, 2008 revealed no known occun-ences of this species within l .0 mile of the project. Based on this information, a biological conclusion of "May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect" was assigned to this species. B-4218 Notice of latent to Use r A survey for Michaux's sumac was initially performed by NCDOT biologists Brett Feulner and Heather Montague on July 9, 2003. Suitable habitat for the species existed within the project study area, but individuals were not observed. Only winged sumac (Rht~~s cop~rlliruary~) was identified. Are-survey was performed by NCDOT biologists .lames Mason and Ashley Cox on September 17, 2007. Again, potential habitat was observed, but no individuals were identified. A search of the NCNHP database on April 1, 2008 revealed no known occurrences of this species within 1.0 mile of the project. Since no individuals were observed, the species records in the county are historic, and no known populations are present within 1.0 mile of the project, a biological conclusion of "No Effect" has been assigned to this species. A survey for smooth coneflower was initially performed by NCDOT biologists Brett Feulner and Heather Montague on July 9, 2003. Suitable habitat for the species existed within the project study area, but individuals were not observed. A re.-survey was performed by NCDOT biologists James Mason and Ashley Cox on September 17, 2007. Observations made during this survey were similar to those made during the 2003 survey. A search of the NCNHP database on April 1, 2008 revealed no known populations of this species within 1.0 mile of the project. Since no individuals were observed, the species records in the county are historic, and no known populations are present within 1.0 mile of the project, a biological conclusion of "No Effect" has been assigned to this species. SCHEIDULE The project calls for a review date of May 27, 2008, a letting of July 15, 2008, and a date of availability of August 26, 2008. (t is expected that the contractor will choose to start construction in August/September 2008. REGULATOR`-' APPROVALS Section 404 Permit: "This document hereby serves as a notice of intent to use Section 404 NWP 13 for bank stabilization. Since the activities associated with this project meet all conditions related to this permit, we are not requesting written authorization. Section 401 Permit: We anticipate that Section 401 General Water Quality Certification (WQC) 3689 will apply to this project. The NCDOT will adhere to all general conditions of this WQC. Therefore, written concurrence from the NC'DWQ is not required. [n accordance with 15A NCAC 2H, Section .0500 (a) and 15A NC:1C 2B, Section .0200, we are providing two copies of this application to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), NCDWQ, as notification. B-4218 Notice of Intent to Use .. A copy of this notice will be posted on the NCDOT website at: http://www.ncdot.org/doh/preconstruct/pe/. If you have any duestions or need additional information please contact Mr..fim Pvlason at either (919) 7155531 or jsmasonlu%'dot.state.nc.us. Sincerely ~' ~v/ Gregory J. horpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director, PDEA w/attachment Mr. Brian Wreivi, NCDWQ (2 Copies) Mr. Travis Wilson, NCWKC Mr. Gary Jordan, USFWS w/o attachment (see website for attachments) Dr. David Chang, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Greg Perfetti, P.E., Structure Design Mr. Victor Barbour, P.E., Project Services Unit Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Mr..T. M. Mills, P.E., Division 7 En<~ineer Mr. Jerry Parker, Division 7 Environmental Officer Mr. Jay Bennett. P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Majed Alghandour, P. E., Programming and TIP Mr. Art McMillan. P.E., flighway Design Mr. Tracy Walter, PDEA Project Planning Engineer Mr. Scott McLendon, USACE, Wilmington B-42 ] 8 Notice of Intent to Use (~ [Fwr~: s~ infish moratoriums] V Subject: [Fwd: sunfish moratoriums] From: Rachelle Beauregard <reauregard@dot.state.nc.us> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 09:20:26 -0500 To: Ashley Cox <acox@dot.state.nc.us> , "James S. Mason" <jsmason@dot.state.nc.us> ,Sara Easterly <seeasterly@dot. state. nc. us> CC: Elizabeth Lee Lusk <ellusk@dot.state.nc.us> Please update warehouse based on this WRC email. E, I updated the let list moratorium spreadsheet with this info. Subject: RE: sunfish moratoriums From: "Travis Wilson" <travis.wilson@cwildlife.org> Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 l 5:18:54 -0500 To: "'Rachelle Beauregard"' <reauregard@dot.state.nc.us> B-4613: Commitments associated with reducing impacts to the Cape Fear Shiner will suffice in lieu of the previous requested moratorium B-4218: WRC agreed to remove this moratorium in November 2007 B-4525: WRC no longer request the in-water work moratorium of April 1 to June 30 as stated in our memo dated March 1, 2004. B-4592: The SR/FSC Roanoke bass is located at this project site. We request NCDOT utilize Erosion and Sediment Control BMP as well as BMP for Bridge Demolition and Removal. B-4216: The SR/FSC Roanoke bas is location immediately downstream of the project site. We request NCDOT utilize Erosion and Sediment Control BMP as well as BMP for Bridge Demolition and Removal. Travis W. Wilson Eastern Region Highway Project Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program NC Wildlife Resources Commission 1142 I-85 Service Rd. Creedmoor, NC 27522 Phone: 919-528-9886 Fax: 919-528-9839 Travis . Wilson~_~ncwi 1 d.l i f e . o:rc~ -----Original Message----- From: Rachelle Beauregard [m~:ilt.o:zbeaureg~:;~_dC9dot.state.nc.us] Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 3:07 PM To: David.cox~~incwildl.fe.orcr Cc: Travis Wilson; Rachelle Beauregard Subject: sunfish moratoriums David, The WRC has requested sunfish moratoriums from 4/1 to 6/30 for the following projects in the central region: B-4613 Randolph Co 1 of 2 4/11/2008 12:44 PM [Fwd: s. ~hfish moratoriums] -~ B-4592, B-4216, B-4218 Orange Co B-4525 Granville Co. According to the November 30, 2007 meeting with NCDOT, WRC would no longer be requesting sunfish moratoriums. Please let me know if these previous requests are still valid. Rachelle Beauregard Content-Type: message/rfc822 RE: sunfish moratoriums.eml Content-Encoding: 7bit 2 of 2 4/11/2008 12:44 PM United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 83726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3726 February 25, 2005 Phil Harris North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Development and Environmental Analysis 1598 Mail Service Center n.,i :gl.. ~.J~r+t, r, 1• ~-,~n~ , Sao ~uie• 1, i v ui ~. arV llla L / Jl-1 7U Dear Mr. Harris: ,1~C',~~ner FES 2~ 270 D!'IIS~C`: 0~ Ni4~i~dAYS PDEA~OEFiCE OF N;i u~1! ENVfRON~IE~T This letter is in response to your letter of February 11, 2005 which provided the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) with the biological determination of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) that the replacement of Bridge No. 108 on SR 1730 over New Hope Creek in Orange County (TIP No. -421 may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the federally endangered dwarf wedgemussel. In addition, NCDOT had determined that the project will have no effect on the federally listed Michaux's sumac (Rhus michauxii), small whorled pogonia (Isotria medeoloides), smooth coneflower (Echinacea laevigata) and red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis). These comments are provided in accordance with section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543). According to information provided, mussel surveys were conducted at the project site on April 24, September 14 and November 3 of 2004. The surveys extended 100 meters upstream and 400 meters downstream of SR 1730. The dwarf wedgemussel was not observed. New Hope Creek is in the Cape Fear River Basin. Though there is one old and questionable record of the species in the Cape Fear River Basin, the record was never verified and no voucher specimen exists for the record. Current information suggests that the dwarf wedgemussel does not currently occur in the C?pe Fear R.1ver B~Sln. Though no federally protected mussel species were observed during the surveys, the surveys revealed a rich assemblage of mussel fauna at and near the site. Two federal species of concern, brook floater (Alasmidonta varicosa) and Carolina creekshell (Villosa vaughaniana), and an undescribed Lampsilis species were observed. The Service encourages NCDOT to make every effort to protect this diverse mussel bed. Typical conservation measures used for federally protected species would serve to help conserve this important resource. The Service does not have any documentation for the 2004 surveys that NCDOT conducted for Michaux's sumac, small whorled pogonia, smooth coneflower and red-cockaded woodpecker. However, we have no reason to dispute your "no effect" determination for these species. Please note that small whorled pogonia is no longer listed for Orange County. Based on the information provided and other information available, the Service concurs with your determination that the proposed bridge replacement may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the dwarf wedgemussel. We believe that the requirements of section 7(a)(2) of the ESA have been satisfied. We remind you that obligations under section 7 consultation must be reconsidered if: (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered in this review; (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner that was not considered in this review; or (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by this identified action. The Service appreciates the opportunity to review this project. If you have any questions regarding our response, please contact Mr. Gary Jordan at (919) 856-4520 (Ext. 32). Sincerely, fi/- John Hammon Acting Ecological Services Supervisor cc: John Thomas, USACE, Raleigh, NC Beth Barnes, NCDWQ, Raleigh, NC Travis Wilson, NCWRC, Creedmoor, NC Chris Militscher, USEPA, Raleigh, NC RORTH COROR RQ OO ,- 0 o~d ,674 ~ - '695 ~ .Project B-4218 ~,~ 5 Y (Bridge-108) 18 ~ 4 Sinai Rd• 718 r 1873 ~ € 1730 '~ ~m ~o~ 1 3 2275 -~ ) J~~' r ~ \ - 18 ~ 16 Blackwood 'x''1639 Station /~ 22,9 / 2274 ~ I 1726 \ 1730 2227 '~ 2222 2226 2231 1 1= 221 223D ao DUKE 86 _ 2226 ~ zz FOR ST 2233 222 2272232 223 222 2 29 / - ~1 a t 3t 236 t7 1 Whitfield R ~~Jl//®~ IDIVISI®N ®~ I-II~~IWt~YS ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ®la.~NGE C®UN'1'Y ~/ I'R®.lEC'I': ~-4218 ~/~ ~Q 1~IgIIDGE N®.108 ®VEIZ ~° Jl d~1 ~ ~ NEW ~I®~E CRIEEI~ ®N SR 1730 ('d'U13~EY F~~M R®AID) SI~EE'1' f ®F 1~ 7 % 26 % 2007 ,, ~ ~~ ~ ~. 1 ~`' J~ I ~- ~ - -',11 ',~ .. ~14 , f I / r ~-• { 172 ,~~+~!.^- _ ~ S Si .'r ,._ ~ l ~' / ~ ~ ~ •- t ~ ~ ~ .- : ~ / q ~! f + I ~~ t~ f ~ ~,i l 'y a.+ ~~ E >< ; r' ~ ~'`~...-.-% V J `--°..-...F`.. f i ~f I - t 1 i 1 l4 ~ ` / r, + ` ! ~ k~ { , ( ~ ' f ~ I ~ ,, ~ r ~ ~~~1 "`' l ..yt~ '.`+. ! ./ /t w---- )/ II r ~ / I'~ if /f 1~+ /~~~~ ~,i' '' , ~ ~ ~ 4" ~ ~._.,,. / VAS ~~ iv._ry`~-~~:7 f ~t;r-' l , ~ + '~ .r/ r'-• 4~ , •` ~ I+tf~`" ~t ~." l "~ -~..~.- ~ ~ \t~ V ~pk'•~. .+'J'~ ~.% {; ~~.,~,, ~'`.. -~.Y.. _."f . ti 1 f/l„~ , / ' rf rllr' f/ ~4° y ~ ~. `~. .•~f ~~, ~'' f`//i ~.. 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' lJ V ~®~ IDIVISI®N ®F HIGHWAYS ®RANGE C®UNTY d~R®.IECT: E-4218 ~RId~GE N®.10~ ®VER NEW H®I~E CREEK SCALE: 1" :1500' ®N SR 1730 (TURKEY FARA'I R®AII~) SHEET 2 ®F ... 7 % 2Ii % 2007 N~A~IES AN® .~IDDRESSES N.4Iv11ES AIDIDIBIESSES 1 Triang~e Land Conservancy 11®0'A Wake ~oresE Road Ra~eig~, NC 27Ir®~ 2 Granger }' ami]y ]~,imiEed ]f~arEnership ~9®~i ~`ur~ey ~' arm Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514 3 l..ockridge CommuniEy lilSSOCIIBElon 5518 Turkey I' arm Road Durham, NC 277®5 4 Lockridge CommuniEy AssociaEion 5$18 Turkey l~arm Road Durham, NC 27705 .a t ~~~®~ I)IVISI®N ®l~ HIGHW.~YS ®RANGE C®UNTY FR®JECT: ID-4218 BRIIDGE N®.108 ®VER NEW H®1~E CREED ®N SR 1730 <TURI~EY ~'.9R1~I R®,~DD SHEET ~ ®I~ ~ 7 % 20 % 2007 WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Site No. Station (From/To) Structure Size /Type Permanent Fillln Wetlands (ac) Temp. Fillln Wetlands (ac) Excavation in Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Hand Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Permanent SW impacts (ac) Temp. SW impacts (ac) Existing Channel Impacts Permanent (ft) Existing Channel Impacts Temp. (ft) Natural Stream Design (ft) 1 13+90 -L- +/_ 21" PCCS 60 Brid e 3 Span 1 30', 1 54', 1 40' Bank stabilization TOTALS: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60 0 Revisetl c s m a L ~~ N~ P_7 ~N O"y N o= ~~ i ~ ~a 00 03 N~ ~, ~o~ aom ~~> ~!~ ~~> See S1~et 1-A For Index of Sleets See S1~et 1-B for Cornenllona/ Symbols 00 N U '~ 0 '~1 ~~ 1€19 ~ y ND OJEC r-- ~ ® ~ ~~~ ~ - Bledcwood ~~~ Station g BEGIN- ' ~ ~ P~o~ECT LL ~ 1I3F 2 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ / a - FoR~T ~ 331' ~ 1 a ~' fl1Nd \ 4 tl ~ ~ ~. \ b VICINITY MAP ~-~--F~ DETOUR ROUTE oxaNCE covxzr LOCATION: BRIDGE N0.108 OVER NEW HOPE CREEK ON SR 1730 (TURKEY FARM ROAD) TYPE OF WORK GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING, AND STRUCTURE BEGIN TIP PROJECT B-4218 -L- POC Il +25.00 ~ ~o yc ~6 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION POT 10+50.00 BEGIN BRIDGE POT 13+30.00 ~ r, ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ i ~~ i NOTE, (~V ~\~~ ~ ~ QO DESIGN EXCEPTION REQUIRED FOR MINIMUM I ~~ ~ ~ ~ HORIZONTAL CURVATURE, VERTICAL CURVE K ~ ~ ~ ` ~~'~~ O VALUE, MAXIMUM SUPER AND MINIMUM SHOULDER ~ I ~~~ \1 ~ N WIDTH. ~ ~ \~~; ~ I f ~ ~\~l NCDOT CONTACTr CATNY HODSBR, PB PROJECT BNGINBBR -ROADWAY D8S7GN,SNGINBBRfNG COORDINATION ROBERT J. STROUP, PB V PROJECT DESIGN BNGINBBR -ROADWAY D83IGN, BNGIN88RfNG COORDINATION GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH 50 25 50 1 0 ADT 2008 = 681 LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B-4218 = 0,105 mi ADT 2028 = 1,291 LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT 8,4218 = 0.023 mi PLANS DHV = 10 96 TOTAL LENGTH OF TIP PROJECT 8-4218 = 0.128 mi 50 25 50 100 D = 60 96 O T=496" PROFILE (HORIZONTALS V = 40 MPH 10 5 10 2 " TTST 1 DUAL 3 PROFILE (VERTICAL) FUNC CLASS = LOCAL s srAn nntrtt Y.gdO w °~ ~. 8-4218 1 RA1. .RYAW RA.IROI.W OYLLt11R1 .1 100% PLANS SUBMITTED: 3/1.i~08 {' Drawing St>e~ S of, 4 J ,, I~ ~i,- 1 1 ~~ ~ . i it ~~ ~ Ir ~ , I "' I // -' W U II a I END BRIDGE ~- POT 14+50.00 i ; ~~~ = I sly lal I SR 1730 ~ ~ ~ TO ~SR n f ~~ (TURKEY FARM RD) ~ ~` _-= ~~ ,, II II ~~ ~I I `~ END TIP PROJECT 8218 '~ ; -L- POT 18+00.00 C N IN RIN ro=~ ~_~ DIVISION OF NIGER'AYS rooa arK~ araa. D,. feea arawaaw aracm/carRwa J1IGJIT OF WAY J>ATTir THOMAS R. HEPLER, PE, PLS JULY 20.2007 A10~f ~~0°'®' LBTTTNG DATE: RHONDA B. EARLY. PE JULY 15, 2008 D'a`y" a"'°"~' HYDRAULICS SNGIN88R 1glYGINESR DIYISIOH OF IIIGHWAYS STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA '~ 0 Note: Not to Scale *S UrFr. = Subsurface Utili{v E~rgi>neering 5°l[[°A'J[°]E ~1F N~~$'Jt°1H[ ~.~F8~1LIN.~ d~dVI~I~N ~F ~II~1H[WA~~ CONVENTIONAL PLAN SHEET BOUNDARIES AND PROPERTY State Line County Line Township Une City Une -••••-••.•_ ------- ----- Reservation Une ---- - - ~ - Property Une Existing Iron Pin o Property Comer --~ Property Monument Parcel/Sequence Number Q E:dsting Fence Une -x-X-X- Proposed Woven Wire Fence e Proposed Chain Link Fence e Proposed Barbed Wiro Fence --$- Existing Wetland Boundary - - - -~- - - - Proposed Wetland Boundary ne E;dating Endongerod Mimal Boundary Existing Endangered Plant Boundary ~- BUILDINGS AND OTHER CULTURI::~ Gas Pump Vent or USG Tank Cap o Sign 0 Well o Small Mine ~ Foundation ~ Area Outline ~~ Cemetery Building ~-~~ School Church Dam HYDROLOGY Stroam or Body of Water Hydro, Pool or Reservoir Jurisdictional Stream Buffer Zone 1 Buffer Zone 2 Flow Arrow Disappearing Stream Spring Wetland Proposed lateral, Tail, Head Ditch False Sump r----, -~s- .. -ai- .-,~,- p~-...~ ~ r rte, m RAlLROADS.r Standard Gauge - RR Signal Milepost Switch RR Abandoned - RR Dismantled - RrGHT of wAY axr 0 "IIfPoST ,j,5 ~~~ Baseline Control Point Existing Right of Way Marker ~ Existing Right of Way Line - Proposed Right of Way Une --•~- Proposed Right of Way Line with Iron Pin and Cap Marker Propoaed Right of Way Una with Concrote or Granite Marker Existing Control of Access - ~`,_- Proposed Control of Acceu ~- Existing Easement Line - -E-- Proposed Temporary Construction Easemenf - e Proposed Temporary Drainage Easement- -mE- Proposed Permonenf Drainage Easemenf- -roE- Proposed Permanent Utility Easement -puE- ROADS AND RELATED AEATURES.~ Existing Edge of Pavement ----- Existing Curb ----- Proposed Slope Stakes Cut - -- ~ - - - Propos~l Slope Stakes Fill ----°--- roposed Wheel Chair Ramp 'sting Metal Guardrail Proposed Guardrail Existing Cable Guideroil ^ Proposed Cable Guideroil ^ Equality Symbol 0 Pavement Removal I?s'GETATION.• Single Tree Single Shrub Hedge Woods Line Orchard Vineyard 4 4 4 Q 4 wlneyaa SYMBOLS EXISTING STRUCTURES' MAJOR: Bridge, Tunnel or Box Cuhrert Bridge Wing Wall, Head Wall and End Wall MINOR: Head and End Wall Pipe Culvert Footbridge Drainage Box: Catch Basin, DI or JB Paved Dffch Gutler Storm Sewer Manhole Storm Sewer UTILITIES.' POWER; Existing Power Pole Proposed Power Pole Existing Joint Uaa Pole Proposed Joint Use Pole Power Manhole Power Line Tower Power Tronafonner U~G Power Cable Hand Hole H-Frame Pole Recorded lJ-G Power Line Designated USG Power Line (S.U.E."} WATER: Water Manhole p Water Meter o Water Valve Water Hydrant ~ Recorded LbG Water Line coat Designated L4G Waterline (S.U.E."~-- ----~---- ~ CONC caw ~ AbOVe Ground Water Una nit came' ccwG ~ N: TV Satellite Dish ~ ~-----~ N Pedestal p ^cB N Tower ----- lbG N Cable Hand Hole p Os Recorded U-G TV Cable ,r ' Designated USG TV Cable (S.U.E.") - - - -^_ _ _ _ Recorded USG Fiber Optic Cable -,rra- Designatad lVG FlberOptic Cable (S.U.E.")- - ----rvro--- b -(~- 8 H TELEPHONE: Existing Telephone Pole •- Propoaed Telephone Pole ~ Telephone Manhole 6 Telephone Booth ~ Telephone Pedestal p Telephone Cell Tower ~, USG Telephone Cable Hand Hole Recorded UIG Telephone Cable Designated ll~G Telephone Cable (S.U.E.")- ----~---- Recorded LAG Telephone Conduit n Designated LYG Telephone Conduit(S.U.E."~ ----,'---- Recorded U-G Fiber Optia Cable i la- Designated USG Fiber Optics Cable (S.U.E.'~- - - - -~ ra- - - GAS: Gas Valve p Gas Meter Rewrded l4G Gas Une 6 Designated USG Gas Une (S.U.E.•) ----~---- Above Ground Gas line uo Gas SANRARY SEWER: Sanitary Sewer Manhole Sanitary Sewer Cleanout p I,YG Santary Sewer Line u Above Ground Sanitary Sewer ~iG Sanitary Sewer R~orded SS Forced Main Line ru Designated SS Forced Main Line (S.U.E.") - ----Iss---- MISCELLANEOUS: Utility Pole ~ Utility Pole with Base ~ Utility located Object o Utility Traffic Signal Box Utility Unknown IJLG Line M,- USG Tank; Water, Gas, Oil AEG Tank; Water, Gas, Oil lbG Test Hole (S.U,E.") ~ Abandoned According to Utility Records - ,qA~R End of Information E.0.1. 4 `~S _~_ PI Sb 12+U7.Z9 ~ - 2553' S3J fLTJ D • 20'06'13.E L - I4a~z r - 76A5 R - 285.0(1' Se • OA4 Ro -See P/onview DS - 30 ~ - ll+ +Po~ W W TREANGLE LAND I ~ N g CON$ERYANCY ww OB N53 PO SAO ~ ~ ; 2aA,2T .diEi EIP rT = I fNE~ pp " v_ wo0U5 ~ ~ u 4 -L- POT 13+30A0 I ~ ~, C i G1N APPR ACH I ~ ~ _ ~ - PC N+31?PI !ND EIG f I ' 4P A11.EW -1~ Pr: ~9+1~ I ier tT~ c~ \ ~ uL+m,w ~\~ ~ ~. ~ ,. [KIEGNN . ~~ ~ ~ ., I ~ ~~ 0 \~x . / 1E•A6.OD IE N I ~ . ~ \ ' ~ . A P 40.00 RT +A0 l~~J eusA A R~ EAr ~...~ 1 ~.. ~ \~ ~ ~ ~ / ~~ ~ 7 TONS `JIr=' ~ 1 4iTll ~. \~ I '~ LY~IED pARTA1ERSIP 0@3188 PG 517 ~~ I~ ~ ~~ ~. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ 4•oE Acres o j~~ ~o I v - BEGIN APPRDACN SLAB EIM1 EIEUATION •401.11 -L- POT l3tIG.W END APPROACH SLAB N87BE38 E1HA332 -L- PT l4+B4Q0 8L8TATIDNB+12 2l8LEFT ;~ RR BP1021N 1A' POPLgR M n~~~ a~ ~N~~ N BEGIN BRIDGE ENO BRICGE -L- Po7 13+30.CQ -L- POT 14+50 @AIOGE /ROADWAY REIATIONSHIP SRFECH 430 420 410 400 390 380 BRIDGE HYDRAULIC DATA aESaN pSGTARCE - ,~_ cFs DESXwv fREp/EATY ' 25____1RS DESIGN NIY ELEVATA7N • ~4 _ fT XX1 rfAR pSCNAEGf • 5~_!i'S EQ7 YEAR NW ELEVATA'A' • 115Z_FI aERrcwPn~c asa+aRGE ^ ,~_s,Fs aEaro+~ PREp1ENGY - ~_~RS aERrp~rAG EI~vArxw - ~_Pr DATE OF 9/AVEY ' 3LUY45____ w,S.ELEYATxw AY DATE fIF SURVEY ' 32FZ.. fT PI ^ 12+80.00 CL • 404.17 a 'l+ Lc ^ eo' K • 88 D6^ao 8LEN0 N TO -L- N+ - ~~BR~~EEEEGGGG Ex~5TU1G EL - l04.BI' ~ I - PRUPUSED BINOGE UATYASSIF/E0 STRUCTURAL EXCAVATp1Y CIYVIIYCCRIIYV MOC95 _ _ s 4J ~ 4 s ~ ~.' ~ .~7~~91~M ~TF~ C01114NTT ~ \. ' i ~ j A$ . 08 2AIP6 80 / y0T A04E5 2St! FN' ~ P0.CN I ~o ~ ~ E' ~ ,~ oe~~\eLs - Por la+5oo0 ~ r I AND APPROACH S x x\ w 1 I r 'L- 14 ~r (~ k woods ~ .. I ~ . woods \ J j. I r e NVU PAS ESLEN J ~5 a PAT ~ ~ ~TTERSpFS w. 8T. R1W ~, DB 2484 PC 246 ~ uE •~ ; 1T.Zt. I~ N TIP P -4218 LIZ AI:REs w ~ I~: -t- r %~' SITE 1 x / auA UT~D 17 u lT, a/4C LT ~ .,' _~ .5. ___ / ~nsnwrwn- ervG(I p o sswo wM f - ~_ ~I I G 350 ~ ~ , \ 1 _ ,- nw rvarErfwvaoao 9esr TAT e I _ ~~ fnsnw uw .~ .. .. Txc .n w00o5 ~. I Y • ~ ~~ E 07RT jp ov-wwo a woods ~ ROGEpR~ T J.IE 11WKOEE I I ~~• .~ W?kTlA EAAAIC - Bf 40 TONS 7A•80A0 OkAB~ O6 I I P ~W : HT 6A EY R O EXIB? AAV ~ Ep ; ~'I YA I I w• (,+~ ~E D0511NG LODCRpGE COWINTY '. ~ ~ I roE AssoturlON ~ ~ 9HS,1AJ ~2IT PG nTO o `NE ~ + ~ RT woods ~ -~CREpF/E1 ~ I ?~Q01 ~ ~~ sP€wLuL EIT (~ ~ ~s'F I ~~~/ \~ ~W x.t Mu9ooW ~ ~ ~ I J II L t +~o+ x 1JI~JI u.~a RV Ym.O = LG ,ft 1F 5 ~ ~ ~\ TYW of L~1L__?YM_-.--- x ETA 14+7A LT~TO ETA 1f+40 LT. I ~ DESIGN EXCEPTIpv REQUIRED ~ a,~7 - HoR/ZONrAC CURVATURE f UNCCASS/f/ED - VERTICAL CURVE X VALUE STRUCTURAL EXCAVATXUY - YAN/A((!Y SUPER ELEVATION , - SHWLDER W/OTH N -L- EL - 423!1' PL ^ 16+00.00 PI ^ 18+80.00 EL ^ 404.81' CL ^ 418.66 EV8LEN0 vc ^ soe' vc ^ ez' K ^ 28" K • 46 EXIST/NC DB ^ ZB D8 ^ 40 i ' I~ ~ E + + ~ . 5~i (+~+~• Aaw~~ C ~ P A 8- ~Z/• % ~ , 8~ + I - - - LEFT DITOH GRADE I ~ `~ I ENGINEER S[tri~ CI~ heat„_Q~ 49~w oP s N ~~ ~a tT' ,~ ~t~~ G~'r L'05y95 e ~y tL~6~ l° T'~ 430 420 410 400 390 380 ~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 - 19 See Stet i-A For Index of Stets See Stet 1-B for Conventlonol Symlbts N H U W - e -~ e ~ ~ ND j ~ P~oJEc _, , ~,~ ~,~ ~~ ® Blackwood ~' e o $1811011 aECtw . , ~ e 1 P OJECT ~ a ,~--~ 4 ///~--QQ I 9 ~ 1 ~ e+~a hne~.. ORANGE COUNTY LOCATIONr BRIDGE N0.108 OVER -NEW HOPE CREEK ON SR 1730 (TURKEY FARM ROAD) TYPE OF WORK; GRADI11lG, DRAINAGE, PAVING, AND STRUCTURE Ran Ran NMp(,T WWAts m f6®T N0. TttAL 6A61E ~~~ B-4218 1 RAn MOLm FaROIm CCLApTYi 33563.1,1 BRI-1730 5 P.E. 33563.2.1 BR7r1730)5) RrW 6 UTIL 39563,3.1 BRI-17305) CONSTRUC110N U . , ____ _ _ ~~,~~~ a ~ PROJBCT BNGIN88R -ROADWAY DSSIGN,BNGINBBRING COORDINATION r ROBBR7 J. STROUP, PB ~ t ~ PROJBCT DBSION SNGIN88R -ROADWAY DBSIGN,BNOINBBRING COORDINATION T GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH 50 25 50 100 ADT 1008 = 681 LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B-4218 = 0.105 mi •o ~ ADT 2028 = 1,291 LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT 8-4218 = 0 023 mi n 1~ P<AHS DHY = 10 % . TOTAL LENGTH OF TIP PROJECT B-4218 = 0,128 mi Q o~ `~~~ 1( 50 25 50 1 0 D = 60 % ~ 3+» Dw T = 4 % e m°o oZ PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) y 40 MPH "mow ANN ~ to 5 1o zo * TTST 1 DUAL 3 a~~ a~ o ~ PROFILE (VERTICAL) FUNC CLASS = LOCAL C -t DIVISION OP 87GBWAYS i¢ee a+.~ aien a.• ro ° m ~ ~^~ ~R~ ~, r R~7dei, NC 7fe10 goer swmexa sracmc+rmxs ItIGHf OF WAY DATE; THOMAS R. HEPLER, PE PLS JULY 20,2007 ~0a'~ LBTTJNG 1)ATBr RHONDA B, EARLY PE JULY 15.2008 '~0~'•~`'QIIi®' InrDRauLres snrcD~BR BNGD1iE8R 100% PLANS SUBMITlBD; .~l.1~U8 DIVISIOX OF fIIGBR'AYS STA28 OF NORTA CAROLIIYr! ip N ~~ o~ Or p ra ° P U N N e a N i,_1" 0'-1" b' 9` W/GR. 10' _~_ 10' GRADE W1 OR C1 POINT OpR 0,01 0.04 , \17.5" ~ 7.5" 0 0 LOCATION VARIES SEE PLANS GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION N0.1 -L- E T POINT .08 0.04 0.01 7S° El GRADE TO THIS UNE TYPICAL SECTION N0.2 -L- „~ A" 3'-9' 10' 10' 3'-9" GRADE 4° ~ 75'16" PaNr Dl OR 4" 0.01 0.02 , PRESrxessE~ coNCRErE CORED SLAB UNITS = 3 TYPICAL SECTION N0. 3 6' B' 9' W/GR, 9' W I .OB ~1,1" 0'-1° ,r1 ~ ~ti ~. USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.1 A5 FOLLOWS: (REFER TO INSET °A" FOR STA 16+00 TO STA 17+50 - LEFi~ TRANSRION FROM EXISTING TO T.S. N0.1 FROM -L- STA 11+25 TO -Ir STA 11+35 TRANSRION FROM T.S. N0.1 TO EXISTING FROM -L- STA 17+63 TO -L- STA 17+73 USE TYPICAL SECTION N0.2 AS FOLLOWS; -L- STA 14+70 TO -L- STA 13+30 (BEGIN BRIDGE) -L- STA 14+50 (END BRIDGE) TO -lr 15+40 -Ir STA 13+30 (BEGIN BRIDGE) TO d- STA 14+50 (END BRIDGE) , CFA F !NG!@R INCOMPLE E PLANS DO NO'f UBE POR ~~ AGOVIB~fION PRELIMIN 00 NQf U98 AO RY PLANS WN91'RUCf10N PAVEMENT SCHEDULE ~~ PROP. APPROX. iL3" ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE SF8.6A, AT AN AVERADE RATE OF 187.6 LBS. PER S0. YD. PROP. APPRDX, 21~" ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE SFB.6A, Q AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 137.6 LBS. PER S0. YD. IN EACH OF TWD LAYERS. PROP. VARIABLE DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE,TYPE 6FA.6A, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 110 LBS. PER 80. YD. PER 1" DEPTH TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN iLd" OR GREATER THAN 11~" IN DEPTH. PROP. VARIABLE DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COUASE,TYPE D1 I18.OB, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 114 LBS. PEA 80. YD. PEA 1" DEPTH TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 2>~4" DR GREATER THAN 4 " IN DEPTH, E1 PROP. APPROX. 6" ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE 826.08, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 670 LBS. PEA 60. YD. PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONGRETE BASE CDUABE TYPE B26.OB, AT EZ AN AVERADE RATE OF 114 LBS. PEA 8D. YD. PER 1E DEPTH, TO BE " PLACED IN LAYERS NOT DREATEA THAN 5.6 IN DEPTH OA LESS THAN 9" IN DEPTH. T EARTH MATERIAL. U EXI8TIN0 PAVEMENT, W1 VARIABLE DEPTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT (SEE STANDARD WEDOINS DETAIL 1) WZ VARIABLE DEPTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT (SEE 6TANDARD WEDGING DETAIL 2) NOTE ;PAVEMENT EDSE SLOPE ARE 1:1 UNLESS BROWN OTHERWISE INSET "A" TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH TYPICAL SECTION N0,1 FOR -lr STA 1b+00 TO STA 11+50 (LEFT) 4 4 TO10~ T .08 ... ~~ 41 NOTE: DESIGN IXCEPTION REQUIRED FOR MINIMUM HORIZONTAL CURVATURE,VERTiCAL CURVE K VALUE MAXIMUM SUPER AND MINIMUM SHOULDER WIDTh~. ~ C1 ~ C1 ~ 9" \ 3" r MIN. ~ i ~ RUN. u Detail Showing Method of Wedging (Wi) ~ D1 ~ R r ~ ~~ C3 0000 00 Detail Showing Method of Wedging (W2) ~: I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ I - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I i I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I i I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I------- I I I 02-AFR-2008 II:IB --- -- I ------ --------- ----- ~ ___ I I I G\64218\roodway\ac \64218_rdy_xpl.dgn I SSSSUSERN AME$S$S I I I ~, _ , .. .. : . -.: , . I ~ . . I i : . ' ~ I - I 8/ 23/ 99 I I I I 1 . I . . ~ . _ ~ I I + .. , . ~ ~ ~ ... ~ _ I I :. ~ - . ., : .. . .. .. . -'. . ... ~ ' , ... . . . . . . I _. __ ~ _ I ~ _ '~ I I ~ ~ I I I I I ~ _ j . _', _ I ' ~ . _ I I ~ ! . . Ii I I I f `' I I J ' I ,. ' _ i ` 11 ~ I 7 ,.. _. _, I I I - - I . ..__ ~. ~. '._ I . _ I I ~ , ~ I ~ !. . _ -- I I I _. :. ~ ~ - - '; .. I . - ,, , . ~ .. . , ~ ~ _ I I ~ ~ i I I f I (._ ~ I I I I I I _ _ 3. 1 I - - _~ _ _: .7 '. _ . 1 I : I I I I I' I . , , r I I ~ '_ I I ,. ~ ' I I t . . I I . ~ '. I I I I I .~ I I ~ . :: ~ 4 I I ' I I I I I . _ - . _ ~ . + - - ,'~, ~. ; . :. , I . , -. ~ ~ ~ , , i I I ~ i~ ~' ~ _ ~ _ I I - _ _ . . , . ~ I I I ~, __ I . ,_ ,. .. „ . t, I I i I ~ 1 ~~ I ! ~! ~ ~~' ' . . I I ~ i I I I ~ ~ ~ I 1 ~. 1 I . I I ! - k t I : . _ ~ _ - : I , ' I I I I i ~ { ; - I , !. ''.i - ~ - . - I I i ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ I a , ~'. _ 1. .. 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