HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080425 Ver 1_Emails_20080411cemetery branch sewer -request for modification Subject: cemetery branch sewer -request for modification From: Todd Preuninger <TPreuninger@withersravenel.com> Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 08:06:35 -0400 To: Ian McMillan <ian.mcmillan@ncmail.net> Ian, On January 18, .2008, apre-application meeting was conducted with Ms. Amy Chapman of the NC-DWQ to review the proposed impacts to the riparian buffers needed to rehabilitate the sewer line. On February 28, 2008, a second meeting was conducted with Ms. Amy Chapman, the City of Raleigh Public Works and Withers & Ravenel to discuss mitigation requirements. Because one component of this project is to protect water quality and move the sewer line away from the creek, it was determined that mitigation would not be required for this project. However, in areas where the existing sewer line is abandoned within Zone of the buffer, the applicant will proposed re-plan ting the riparian buffer , where practicabl e. In response to that meeting we propose Only native plants will be selected for this project and at least 3 different species will be installed along the creek banks where practicable. Planting protocols/design will follow the NCEEP Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration (2004), as closely as possible. Approximately 16,298 square feet of line will be abandoned in Zone 1 of the buffer and re-planted, wherever practicable . Please note that due to the urban environment, there are a number of locations along the abandoned sewer line that cannot be re-forested. Specifically, existing structures (e.g. driveways, carports, flower beds ,existing lawns) limit our ability to restore the buffers. Additionally, there are also areas within the easement that have not been maintained, and therefore, have become densely vegetated. We do not believe that these areas will benefit from additional plantings, the City will insure that these sections of the abandoned easement remain undisturbed. Because of the constraints cited above, there are currently no suitable areas within the easement that can be restored. There is however, a park owned by the City of Raleigh, located within the buffers. We are working with the Parks and Recreation Department to determine whether this area could be enhanced with additional plantings. The City is also contacting property owners along the abandoned easement to see whether they would be willing to participate in the restoration project. Following these discussions, we will provide a map to DWQ depicting the proposed restoration sites. Please feel free to contact me if you require additional information. Sincerely, Todd Preuninger 1 of 2 4/15/2008 10:42 AM cemetery branch sewer -request for modification TC~L~1:7 3~REUNINGER WITHERS ~`~: RAVENEL sar .41actCenan ~ri~.e ~ Cant, North l.arolina 17;rc :e i. y..r 4Gy.3 i4'~~ fa:t: ~1g.535~454°: 4'w'A`A"i.~'i I~~efS(3tifi„„•(i£ i.Cl?(71 NC1~It~E: Crf i_l7NFiDiNTIALI?Y ANL1 Nr~NO~tiCtOSUkE. Tr:is r,~iCtlroriir rr,c•s,av+:, Whirh inrlu~ic~; any ,7 (l:.trPimrniannd r~ihr_r~~a~u~Ticntc, ~ctrrrcd t<, hrrcin. cUnlains inl<~rrnalinst frrArn Viit~,ca & Rau,:nel. In! lhat m~ be Ir_~uaIIY iirivilegrd and cvn(idcnlial ~hc inlonrialion is irrtcrnded fur lhr: u~~c of the addmssce(=~} inky. iFyau are r~~' U~ie adds s~~~~t, nr~ii. 1t~~a! airy d~;_I<r.~crc. ~~,ky~sng, prinlir.y. listn~~,li-:in <x ur>c u' the CunlCnt, of ibis rncssa~;e is pnrhit~ilcd, It you M~c;v~+~d Ih. i ~1•„age in error, ptea,c ad~,~s~t the ~slndcr !~~ reply and 4~ Iei~~ tFiis rtrctnmic message and nay altachrnents. t:r~Fr?RI(,eIT IJCltI{=E: ~~~right zea~~R t~y'A'ithcr: ~, Rnvenc~, Inr. ,ail Ripfrt; Reserved byVlilher; & Ravencl, larc. This rn:rlice aUVlirs lu Ih . rlt.~~+.rr~i ~ r~ ~^;~„rgc, a!I atlaihmcnls Uicralc~, and aH d•ocurncnts redcrrcd to therein. This elcctraaic message, anyallidmrent~~ tha ~ la.7nd ukl ~Ju::urncnls referred i~.~ r.hcrcin arc the Pr,,irw~t,or! pro~rty nt Wilhrrs & Rawcncl. kit- This clrctranic nussas;c anY il,~r?7nicnt~, ltientl•:~ and aU ;iutu~nenl:> rePCrrt•d ?o ihcrcin arc provided for the rcci~;icnt's inlormalion only, and nc~ rights arc trdn>- It~rrc J by-",rra , dn~smi;;c~n of Ui~.: r^Ic,tn~i~~~~ ies:aNr' Lw 1"i+lt~cr_ & Rcrvcn~.•I, !nt gar rc~~elRt of this rr~rssage by the rr~ripient car,rny ~uthrr k:r,~ r!Y 2 of 2 4/15/2008 10:42 AM