HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060447 Ver 1_NOV Response_20080408Apri14, 2008 S&EC Project No. 4865.D1 Environmental Consultants, PA Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27b14 Phone: {919) 84G-5904 Fax: {919) $46-9467 www.SandEC.com Mr. Mark Bertoncino Olde Towne Company, LLC 5810 Cameo Glass Way Raleigh, NC 27612 Reference: Olde Towne Subdivision Q~c~~oe~~ APR 8 2006 DENR -WATER QUALITY WETLANDS AND STpRMWATER Bi2ANCH Sediment Impact Delineation Report & Clean-up Plan Wake County, NC DWQ Project No. 06-0447 Dear Mr. Bertoncino: Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC) has been engaged by Olde Towne Company, LLC to prepare a Sediment Impact Delineation Report and Clean-up Plan for wetland and open water (pond) sediment impacts which occurred within the referenced project site. These actions are in response to observations made by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) and United States Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) as sited in the Notice of Violation dated March 7, 2008 and the Cease and Desist Letter (Action ID #200620287) dated November 2, 2007. The purpose of this letter is to summarize our findings regarding sediment deposition that has occurred onsite and describe in detail our plan for its clean-up and proper disposal. Site Description The project site, a proposed subdivision and golf course of approximately 547 acres, is located east of Highway 440, along New Hope Road, between Poole Road and Rock Quarry Road in the City of Raleigh in Wake County, North Carolina. A vicinity map is provided in Figure 1. Field Efforts and Onsite Observations Our observations and evaluations were focused on sediment clean-up deposition with in a portion of previously delineated site wetlands and an open water pond. These areas were Olde Towne Subdivision Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Apri14, 2008 Project No. 4865.D 1 impacted by sedimentation from site grading operations of upland areas. S&EC performed an onsite inspection on March 21, 2008. While onsite we observed the characteristics of the site (including current grading and stabilization operations), the surrounding area, verified surface and channel flow conditions, observed wetland and open water sediment deposition, and observed existing property boundaries, utilities, water conveyance structures, and existing erosion and sediment control measures. During our initial site visit, the impacted areas were traversed and the extent and severity of the impacts was observed. While onsite, we identified, delineated (with sequentially lettered and numbered flags), and GPS located the approximate boundaries of the flagged sediment impacts. From our site observations, sediment appears to have entered the impacted wetlands and pond by one of two primary means: 1) from streambank erosion of an impacted stream channel, and 2) at various locations onsite where existing Erosion and Sedimentation (E&S) devices were overwhelmed. A total of 0.56 acres (24,394 square feet) of wetlands and 0.11 acres (4,780 square feet) of the pond were impacted by the deposition of sediment. This deposition varied from a skim layer up to thicknesses of approximately fifteen (15) inches. Areas of sediment accumulation in the wetland and pond were flagged in the field and are shown on the attached site maps (Sheets 1 to 3). Photos representative of our observations are also provided for reference. Observed Sediment Deposition Sediment deposition observed onsite varies considerably within the wetland and open water pond. For ease of evaluations we have divided observed sediment impacts into one of three categories: Category 1 (within the wetland area) -Sediment deposition in excess of approximately two (2) inches in thickness which will require removal and proper disposal. Category 2 (within the wetland area) -Sediment deposition less than approximately two (2) inches in thickness which will remain in place. Category 3 (within the pond) -Open water sediment deposition varying from two (2) to in excess of fifteen (15) inches in thickness which will require removal. NOTE.• Based on experience with similar sediment deposition and subsequent clean-up operations, it is our opinion that deposition layers less than approximately two (2) inches in thickness should remain in place. Clean-up of thin layers can result in damage to the underlying soils which will exceed the temporary nature of localized thin layered deposition. These impacted areas have been identified on the attached maps (Sheets 1 to 3). Page 2 of 5 Olde Towne Subdivision Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Proposed Clean-up Operations Apri14, 2008 Project No. 4865.D1 This clean-up plan has been prepared for the sole purpose of providing a systematic approach to remove and/or stabilize in place sediment deposited into the wetland and open water pond. Based on our site observations and experience with similar projects, S&EC proposes the following steps be performed to remove the existing sediment impacts onsite and reduce the potential for future sediment impacts: Step 1 Repair as necessary and augment existing site Erosion and Sediment (E&S) control measures including silt fence, existing sediment traps, sediment basins, and temporary stabilization measures. All additional E&S control measures and repairs should be performed /installed in accordance with NCDENR approved standards and the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (by others). Temporary and permanent seeding measures should be applied at the earliest opportunity across exposed (non-actively graded) portions of the site. All existing and new E&S devices should be inspected and cleaned out (sediment removed from upstream of the devices) as required. Typically the frequency of inspection is weekly, and after each rainfall event of 0.5 inches (or greater). Step 2 To the extent, required by DWQ, manually remove excess sediment in the wetland (Category 1) as identified on the plan sheets. Sediment will be excavated to a depth that reaches the approximate natural grade (as determined by S&EC personnel). All wetland excavation will be performed by hand. Excavation will be performed with manual labor using shovels (flat head or "sharp shooter") and 5 gallon buckets. Caution will be applied so as not to disturb the original wetland surface. Existing easements or site trails and roads will be used for vehicular and mechanized equipment access to assist in mass sediment removal. Where heavy equipment is used every effort will be made to reduce the impact to the existing vegetation. No thinning or clearing of vegetation will be performed. Delineated wetland areas will not be trafficked with motorized equipment to perform clean-up operations. Recovered sediment will be transported away from any channel, wetland, or ponds and disposed of properly (in accordance with State and local regulations). Page 3 of 5 Olde Towne Subdivision Apri14, 2008 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Project No. 4865.D1 Step 3 To the extent, required by DWQ, manually remove excess sediment in the open water pond (Category 3) as identified on the plan sheets. Sediment will be excavated to a depth that reaches the approximate original pond bed (as determined by S&EC personnel). Based on the estimated volume of sediment accumulated, impacted areas within the open water pond will require mechanized equipment to perform clean-up operations. Prior to excavation, the pond water surface should be lowered (through pumping, siphon, or other means) to a depth which will reasonably expose the deposited sediment. Excavated material shall not be double handled within the pond or pond bed. Caution shall be applied so as not to disturb the original pond bed. Where heavy equipment is used every effort will be made to reduce the impact to the existing vegetation. Recovered sediment will be transported away from any channel, wetland, or ponds and disposed of properly (in accordance with State and local regulations). Step 4 Impacted wetland areas onsite will be seeded with a native wetland seed mix following clean-up. The seed mix should include a minimum of four species with a wetland indicator status of FAC, FACW or OBL. Species may include but are not limited to: • Virginia Wild Rye (Elymus virginicus) • Soft Rush (Juncus effusus) • Sedge (Carex lurida, lupulina, or vulpinoidea) • Woolgrass (Scirpus cyperinus) • Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) • Lizard's Tail (Saururus cernuus) Acceptable wetland seed mixes are commercially available that include many more species and are designed for specific site situations. Preference should be given to southeastern seed sources and/or NC ecotype seeds in order to ensure seeds are adapted to the local climate. Seed should be applied at a rate of 15 pounds per acre (or as directed by the seed supplier) and covered with light straw mulch. Clean-up operations will be performed under the direct supervision of an individual with a thorough understanding of the purpose and the delicate manner in which manual methods should be performed. We understand that Olde Towne Company, LLC will engage S&EC to provide periodic onsite observation of sediment clean-up operations and Page 4 of 5 Olde Towne Subdivision Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Apri14, 2008 Project No. 4865.D1 provide guidance to the clean-up contractor based on experience and site conditions at that time. Implementation Schedule Clean-up work should be executed immediately following the review and approval of this plan by USAGE and DWQ. Based on experience with similar projects, we anticipate the clean-up work can be completed (barring any inclement weather) within 30 days of the approval of this plan. A notification should be submitted to DWQ and USAGE following the completion of site work. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments regarding these recommendations. Sincerely, ~ ~~~ c,,t ~ « SOIL & ENVIRONNIENTA~`_'~N~iANTS. PA ~~J~ ~~~~ Rebecca S. Peterson, P.E. N.C. License No. 031266 ` ..y 1 '~ ~cAL ~•: - Q ,31266. ~ GI NE~r''~~n~ *.. ~j ~C N..N~{~' ' Attachments: Figure 1 -Vicinity Map Site Maps - (Sheets 1 through 3) Site Photos (1 through 11) Cc: Ms. Cyndi Karoly, DWQ, 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250, Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Ian McMillan, DWQ, 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250, Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Monte Matthews, USAGE, 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105, Wake Forest, NC 27587 Ms. Vicki Fuentes, DWQ, 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Ms. Natalie Landry, DWQ, 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Mr. Patrick Paine, City of Raleigh, PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 Page 5 of 5 Map Sediment Impact Photos i t 1 o-rk ,.,. A p ~~,}'~. .f„::-v, l ~s fi 1 . l~. ~ ~ ~ d ,J 5.~4~ ~t k:.1~ ~5,; rte. '~ ~. ! ~~ ~. ~ ~.4' ~ ~. r ~ ~~ .1.,, ~» ., ~ ~.~ a ~' +~ ~ z,~ :,,, y,~ ~,' ~, , ,~i, ~ awl ~.rc,...~, ~~ ~ _ y{'1~•~S~ gfih ~ ~' ~C ,~'$ ill. ~ Jl ~°ro3'~ ,2... ~J t j R.: M~ _'" ~~7 e v .~ x ~ ~~ k, r d ~~, ~y~l~t ~,,5 '. 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Al VN LVLl ~, I. ~' Vl ~ J lllltJ[l\.1J- Along North Edge of Water, Looking East Olde Town Subdivision-Sediment Clean-up Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA April 2008 S&EC Job # 4865.D 1 Sediment Impact Photos 1 4 ~1,`~~ ? .;per. . met x ,a. i <, _ . ,. ~ ~; t ' t, tµ nt~n i ;~iCN .. ,. r ~., .a~~` 11111!1 ~~ f + ,. ~ ' ti t ~ ~ 17 ~~' ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ darti ~~"~~ Y ~" ~ sJ ~ ~~~ `1 e `` t, k `~ 7 ~`' Y~~ C i f 4 irk" ~ yd~, . r t ~~ 1y' LR 'S"'d'a'1 ~~~ ~ ~ ~ q~~A ~~~~~ P ~! :!rte ~ ~: ~ `~ ?~r~, ~ d ~ _~sy~°` Photo 9-Impact Area 2-Sediment Area E-Category 3 Impacts- Along North Edge of Water, Looking East Photo 10-Impact Area 2-Sediment Area F-Category 3 Impacts- Along North Edge of Water, Looking East Olde Town Subdivision-Sediment Clean-up Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA April 2008 S&EC Job # 4865.D 1 Sediment Impact Photos Photo 11-Impact Area 2-Sediment Area G-Category 3 Impacts- Along North Edge of Water, Looking East Olde Town Subdivision Sediment Clean-up Plan Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA April 2008 S&EC Job # 4865.D 1 DRAWINGS PRINTED AT HALF- SCALE NORTH SCALE I " = 250' 250 ~2_5~0 Existing Power Lines Existing Site Entrance IMPACT AREA 2 EXISTING STREAM CHANNEL [[~~ I I u UTILITY LINES PARCELS Existing Open-Water Pond © 2008 Sod 4 Environmental Consultants, PA. OVERALL SITE PLAN ~ INDEX SHEET WETLAND BOUNDARIES APPROX. SEDIMENT BOUNDARIES ~Z N ~~ ~ 0 ~~_N m -Z z ~ w 0 J Z N Nz > ~~ og o m Z Z ~z o N~ .. Z z~ v~ g -o J 0~ Z ~ ~~ ~ N W W z J ~ ~jJ _° o° ~ ~ to y~~> 2 ~3~0 a a w~ a °o h ~_ a O u U° a E v ?U rv ~3g 3 z 0 ~~ a m v ~a ~~ ~°s ~- <^) N O 0 a 0 ID DRAWINGS PRINTED AT HALF- SCALE NORTH SCALE I " = 25' 25 12.5 O 25 D C> D rn D Existing Relocated Stream Channel Existing Undisturbed Stream Channel NOTES: I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, STREAMS, UTILITIES, AND CHANNEL IMPACTS PROVIDED BY WITHERS ~ RAVENEL, INC OF CARY, NC 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. SEDIMENT IMPACTS FLAGGED AND GPS DATA COLLECTED ON MARCH 2 I , 2008, BY SPEC. ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 4. CATEGORY I BOUNDARY MARKED WITH SEQUENTIALLY NUMBERED PIN FLAGS (#X I -X 17) 5. CATEGORY 2 BOUNDARY MARKED WITH SEQUENTIALLY NUMBERED PIN FLAGS (#A I -A26 AND B I -828) Permanent Stormwater Pond (Footprint Approximate) Category l (within the wetland area) -Sediment deposition in excess of approximately two (2) inches in thickness which will require removal and proper disposal. Category 2 (within the wetland area) -Sediment deposition less than approximately two (2) inches in thickness which will remain in place. ~OLDE TOWNS SUBDIVISION ~ 4a6s.Dl RESTORATION PLAN Pr°~ Mgr.: °'aW": • Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA DG NMM Location: bent: tale: 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Phone: (919) 846-5900 Fax: (919) 846-9467 WAKE COUNTY, NC OLDS TOWNS COMPANY, LLC I ~~ = 25' www.SandEC.eom Sheel Title: .sheet No.: IMPACT AREA I 2 OF 3 DfZAWINGS PRINTED AT HALF- SCALE NORTH SCALE I " = 30' 30 15 0 IS Existing Dam Sediment Area G / `\ ~ NOTES: I . SITE DATA INCLUDING ROADS, STREAMS, UTILITIES, AND CHANNEL IMPACTS PROVIDED BY WITHERS ~ RAVENEL, INC. OF CARP, NC 2. LOCATIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND DIMENSIONS OF ALL SITE FEATURES ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. SEDIMENT IMPACTS FLAGGED AND GPS DATA COLLECTED ON MARCH 2 I , 2008, BY SPEC. ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 4. CATEGORY 3 BOUNDARIES MARKED WITH SEQUENTIALLY NUMBERED PIN FLAGS (#C I -C I I, D I -D3, E I -E3, F I -F6, G 1-G3) 0 2008 Sod ~ Enwronmentaf Consultants, PA. _~.--L d Existing Open Water Pond IMPACT AREA 2 EXISTING off, CATEGORY 3 STREAM CHANNEL ~°~ SEDIMENT IMPACTS UTILITY LINES ~ PHOTO POINTS ediment Area F 1 ~-Sediment Area E Sediment Area D ~°~_ Sediment Area C °~ oa o ° a 0 0 0 Inflow Channel Location (approx.) Category 3 (within the pond -Open water sediment deposition varying from two (2) to in excess of fifteen (I 5) inches in thickness which will require removal. ~ m ~_~o a Zm 0 Z Nz >Q ~ 0 ~~ ~ cv mz ~ w ~~ ~ Q z~ ~o U 0 Z o~ ~ w~ z. o ay J OU ~ ~O ~y ~ a ~<~ ° 3 ~, aP a wP ~w g 0` U° a ~.o U d ~ ~ °~~~ ~~ z o ~~ q~ z m ~a ~~ ~a V1=