HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080347 Ver 1_More Info Received_20080415ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 524 S. NEW HOPE ROAD RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27610 919-212-1760 • FAX 919-212-1707 www.environmentalservicesinc.com April 15, 2008 Ms. Cyndi Karoly NCDWQ Wetlands/401 Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Re: Brookwood Capital DWQ# 08-0347 Ms. Karoly: ESI is submitting the enclosed information on behalf of the applicant (Brookwood Capital) and the project engineer (Advanced Civil Design). Five copies of the requested. information are being provided, and I trust that this will allow DWQ to continue reviewing and processing the 401 application. Please call me if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, Environmental ervices, Inc. ,~~ - e fHarbour, P W S Asst. Vice President Attachments ~.~ ~~ < ~ ~ - .. . ,,:." ~ ~n~~ ~ tJjf~ ~~TiANDS,4ND SYDE~~9~/,q~; ~~l d"sr"y~,~ FLORIDA • GEORGIA • NORTH CAROLINA • SOUTH CAROLINA • MARYLAND • OHIO NEW HOPE DEVELOPMENT STORM WATER CONTROL NARRITIVE AND CALCULATIONS Apri18, 2008 ;```~~ii~1 a rig, ~ \~,~ ~N CARp~ `''s ~~ ~Q~.~FESS10~ 1 q ~ ,, ~: _ SEAL _ ~ ' ~ ~~ Vie: - /~ ~ ~~ ~ "' „-~ __. ,~i. ~ ~ ~; ~ _ w~ ;~r,.. ~''C~YA.' ~Nl~~~. LANDS,~NDS"t;:i;~r.;,'... ;;~ct • New Hope Development STORM WATER REPORT TABLE OF CONTENT S • Section 1 -Runoff and Detention Pond Design and Calculations • Section 2 -Storm Drainage Design and Calculations • Section 3 -Miscellaneous Maps and Images ~~ 1 New Hope Development STORM WATER REPORT Section 1 RUNOFF AND DETENTION POND DESIGN AND CALCULAT IONS ~~ ~~/~ rrr 1 V ~ E 117 Centrewest C ngineering, Inc. ourt Cary, NC 27313-2013 ~'v'~ F'"8a"`"' ~ La7~Yors Phone: 919-677-1996 Fax:919-677-1998 New Hope Development -Storm water Analysis Apri18, 2008 Narrative and Calculations The referenced site is located off of New Hope Road between US64 Highway and the Crabtree creek in Raleigh, North Cazolina. The site is bound to the north by the Crabtree Creek and there aze two main perennial streams that flow through the property from south to north and discharge in the creek. The Crabtree Creek is part of the Neuse River watershed .The site is currently a vacant lot and is light to densely wooded with no significant ground cover. The proposed development is to extend global street from the eastern property line about 600 to a dead end cul-de-sac. At the present time, a 150,000 sq warehouse with associated parking and truck loading azeas is proposed at the end of the cul-de-sac. There is no development proposed on the remaining land, but it was assumed that these areas will be developed in the future with 85% of the azea being impervious surface. By analyzing the existing topography of the site, it was determined that there is one main discharge point for the site and is labeled as Dischazge Point `A' on the included pre-development drainage plan. For this analysis, the site was divided into three sections; Drainage Area `A', Drainage Area `B, and Drainage Area `C'. Drainage Area `A' includes all of the azea between the two perennial streams. Drainage Areas `B' and `C' are located between the eastern property line and the eastern most perennial stream and is divided by the future road. These areas can also be found on the attached pre- development drainage plan. Ultimate discharge points were determined were storm water will leave each one of the drainage areas. The three Ultimate Discharge points can be found on the attached pre-development drainage plan. In order to not impact any downstream areas ~~ this proposed and future construction, pre-development and post-development flow rates for each discharge points must be determined. The existing 1-yr, 2-yr, and 10-yr rates as well as the existing Times of Concentrations and Weighted Curve Numbers were determined using the TR-55 method as published by the United States Department of Agriculture, titled Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, and the results aze shown on the following pages: 1 t8 N€1NHOPE DEVFLOOPAIE EXISTING WEIDHTED CURVE N NT EXIST7A7p p/erwA • r~=-- Re nn. LAND USE ~~ ~) ~ BUILDING (scree) 0.00 98.00 PAVEMENT 0.00 98.00 GRAS6 20.59 63.Op TOTAL AREA (HSG B 8 C, wootled) 20.59 Time M Corx:entratlon R.X T,= 0997 •(n•L)a~znf •a0.. whxa: SepmaM t L=Ebw LarWlh = n = mannbm rouphnd coaR. 75 R 0 4 Pr= 2 year, 24 hour rainh0 . 3.5 N e = abpe of hydralk grade Ilns 0.080 RRI T" o.1ss nr Sepmam 2 ShotlowConcentrated Elver T,sL/3800•V L = Fbw Lenp0l = V = VsbcBy 802 R • = abpa of hydralk grade Bna 8.25 Rhec T`f 0.110 RRt 0.032 M SepmaM 3 Open Channel Row V=1.49 •rm•s1eln where: r=alp,~=hydra0c radius OA90R a =lbw area 14 R~ R. ° welted Perlmaler 28.58 R e = channel ebpe ' 0.004 itAl n=manninp a coelL V= 0.022 T,= L 13600 • V 2.88 Ns L= T ' `r 1407 R 0.147 N T~r+Te,~+Ty 0.335 hr 1-VR PRF-0El ~ OPA.F~RI u. P= Curve Numher (CN) = 3.0 h la = ~ S =1000/CN-10 1.175 h 5.87 O ~L 0.43 h larP _ Untl Peak Diedfarpe (y) 0.392 (auumkp Type II rebhtl d'ntrlMdbn) 4B0 am Orainape area (!~„) 0.0322 ~ , Oo=G•A='4, 8.68 ch 2-VR PRF-0El OPa A R IA P= Cuero Numher (CN)= 3.6b la = ~ S = t00WCtd-10 1.175 k1 5.87 O=lP-02~C? (P+0.8•S) 0.88 h lalP . Unit Peak IOlecharpe (y) 0.338 Type II raNhB d t O 580 oam ietrmu n Orainape area (l~) 0.0322 mF 11.88 ch 10-YR PRE-DE t ppMET RUI OFF P= Curve Number (CN)= 5.1 N la = ~ 8 =1000ICN_10 7.175 b S.B7 Q=Ip-0.2•SIx (P +0.8 • S) 7.57 h hIP = UnR Peak Dacha a ro la,) 0.230 (wumbp Type II rabfaB dKtrPoUBon) 820 cam Drabepe uea (A,a 0.0322 mP 37.37 Ms Ar aT THE WERIHTED WEHaHiF WelpMad CN~SUM ( 0.00 x 88) + ( 000 98) + ! 2059 63 ) 20.58 Webhtad CN = ~ h = 1.175 ~. tsb NEW NOP~eyELOPMEN EXISTING WEIONTED CURVE N T EXISTIN nrcrl{pR UMB r TI'71~ ~~.~u LAND USE AREA (A) CN BUILDING (~~) 0.00 08.00 PAVEMENT 0.00 08.00 GRAS6 7.30 83.00 TOTAL AREA (H8G B S C, Ymotled) 7.30 Tkn of Coneentretbn (T,): T, • 0.007 •(n•L)°s/P~ s. ear Whsrx Segment 1 l = Ebw Lenplh 75 R n=menMpns rouOhMS OOeR 04 Ps=2yee, 24 hour relnh0 3.5b s = sbpe of hydrelk Ontle Ilne 0.040 RIR rn' 0.200 hr SsOmaM 2 Sho-ow Conanlnted Flow, T,=L/9500•V L ° Fknv lenOth 364 R V = Vebe-y= 1.8 Rkeo s=skpe of hydralk Onde-ne 0.050 R/R T`s 0.020 hr SeOment 3 Open Clululel fkw V•1.40 •rsn•e'R/n whue: r • a/p„° hydnOc ndlus 0.400 R •=sow aru 74 R= P.=waMd perimeter 28.SOR s=channalsbpe 0.031 R/II n = mannln0'a eoeD. 0.022 V r,=Lr3eoD•v 7.N Ns L' T•s 622 R 0.020 M 7". r,a. T~ 0.251 hr 1-VR PRE-0EVELOPM NT RI I _ P = Curve NUmber(CN)= 3.0 N M° 03 3 =1000/CN-10 ~ 1.175 N 8.87 D'Ip-p2•S1~ 0.43k (P .0.8•S) IaIP = 0.382 Un8 Peak DISMvOe (q„) (auumb0 Type II nbfell 540 am dklrlbu-on) Dninape uu(A,,,) 0.0115 mP 0, D • /`" • q= 2.70 eb 2-VR PR -0EV OPM 1.T R P Curw Numhar (CN) _ 7.6 h l = ~ e S s 1000/CN-10 1.175 b 5.87 O•(P-0.2•SI~ 0.88k (P~0.8•S) lalP s 0.335 Una Peak DlsMSrOe (q„) (aseumbp Type II nbrsll 580 um d4tributbn) Dnbspe uee (A•) 0.0115 mP O,° O • A• • q, 5.03 eh 15.YR PRE-0EVELOPA_ •ET_~1 OPP P s Curve NumMr (CN) = 6.1 k le s 03 1.175 N S =1000ICN-10 5.87 DsrP.e.2.01' 1.57k (P ~ 0.8.6) IaN = 0.230 Unk Peak Discharys 17„) (aswmb0 Type II nkr~ll 710 esm dktrkutbn) DnlneOe area (A•) 0.01 f 6 mP O•° O • ~• 4• 1250 ob 49LS..LLATE THE WEIGHTED WEIGIITE~•• 1 s 5 - Weiphbd CN=SUM (. _ ( O.OD x DB 1 . r 000 x 981~r 73BZ 631 7.30 Welyhtsd CN s 83 la • 1.175 ra NEW HOPE DEVELOPME EXf$TINO WEIGHTED CURVE N NT EX/S77N[;r r1/cru UMRE e r LAND USE t r n AREA µ) CN BUILDING (eens) 0.00 98.00 PAVEMENT 0.00 98.00 GRASS 5.07 63.00 TOTAL AREA (HSG B d C, wooded) 5.07 Tkns M Corx:entratlon R.): T, ° 0.007 •(n'L)n•/Prm • s~ wham; SeDmenl 1 L=Fkhv length - n = manni9ns rouphnea ooe8. 75 R 0 4 Px=2Year.24 hour ninhtl . s = abpe o1 hydnlb pride Ibe 3.5N 0.053 R/R Tar 0.184 M Sa9ment 2 6holbw Concentrated Flaw. T.=L/3800•V L Fbw Lanp81 : V=VabGty= 8228 s =sbpe of hydnlb pride Wa 28 Msao T`~ 0.034 RRI 0.082 hr SeOment 3 Open ChanneNkrw whew: r=a/0.=hydralie radius 0.490R a =Raw area 14 Ra 0.=welled perimeter 28.SBR s = charurN sbpe ' 0.031 RRt n = manNnp a coeR. 0 024 V= T.= L /3800 • V . 8.80 Rh L= T 123 R 0.005 hr T,,r+T~a+T~ 0.251 nr 1-YR PRE•DEVFr OP~pA ..•rA ~ p= CurveNumber(CN): 3.0 N la = 83 S =1000/CN f0 1.175 h 5.87 O = IF' D 2~c~r (P+0.8 • S) 0.43 in la/P = Unk Peak Disch aroe (R.) 0.392 ( ?u~ ; ype II rainhY 545 am d Drainage uaa (1),,,) 0.0079 ml' Or`O' he' 4, 1.87 eh 2•YR PRE•OE~2LOPMENT R ru P= Curve Number (CN) = 3.5 h la : S3 S = t00WCN•10 7.175 h 5.87 O = IP' o`•~ la? Unk Peak Discharge (q„) 0:338 (auuming Type II rahhtl 580 am dlalr6ulion) Drahags araa (ti,) 0.0322 mF °°_~ •ti•°• 11.ee aN • 10•YR PRE DEUCi OPM R NOFE P= Curve Number (CN)= 5,1 h la = 83 5: 100NCN•10 1.175 h 5.87 G=(P--0-2u~:~ (P+0.8•S) 1.57 h IaIP = Unit Peak Dkkha a ro (4,J 0230 (asaumkp Type II nhh8 d'utrbutlan) 820 am DraYRge uea (Aa 0.0022 ml' Or=G•q,•q , 31.37 Us -° °T THETHE_ NrEIGNT~D WEIDHTEn Wephtsd CN=SUM (= O.OD x 88) + f 000 +( 507x 63) 5.07 Weightetl CN : B3 la = 1.175 The post development 1-yr, 2-yr, and 10-yr flow rates for each discharge area wh also analyzed using the TR-55 method. The post-development Times of Concentrat were assumed to be the minimum, 0.1 hr for this analysis. For the areas that are ion proposed to be future developed, it was assumed that they would be developed to be 85% impervious surface. The results of the analysis can be found on the followin pages: g e l~ NEW HOPE DEVELOPMFUr_onne..~ E31SDN4.)lYErGN7ED CURVE NUMB a LAND USE AAEq W CN BUILDING (•~~+) 9.11 Be.00 PAVEMENT xe3 3e.35 GRASS 1121 B5.0o FUTURE DEVELOPMENT (H86 B i C, WOODS, ORA89 COMBO) AREA /~`~ 37.00 (ASSUME 05%IMPERVIOUS) TOTAL AREA 72.11 Tlmeof CenFenVatlm RJ: De. 9.1 w 1•YR POST-0EVF OPM P• Curve Number (CN)+ I. • 7'0 h eD S ` f000/CN f 0 0.500 N 2.18 O • IL.Q.Z$L' (P+O.e•S) 1.17 h IeR+ UNI Peek dedlv3e (y) O.iW o ~n>~3 Type 11 rainfi9 B50 am Dnh•3•... cA.) 9.371e mr a•O ~~'~4' 11.51 ds 1•VR POST-DEV OPM 'T R NO P+ Curve Numbv (CN)+ la a FF 7.5h DO S • f000/CN-f 0 0.500 91 2./e O•~~~ 1.85h le/P s Urie Peek Dkuilv0e (y,) 0,117 (ammkp Type II ninfa9 ' a85 csln d sk9xdion) Dnhepe rea (q„) 0.0718 ml' ~~0 ~~'~4' 55.15 c4 t0.VR POST D~ OP6ET Rl 11 n P. Cwe Numbv(CN)+ la • 5.1h e3 S .100WCN•10 0.500 h x.1e G • IPA 7.OO h 1~ ~ UNI Peak Dklrhar3e l4I O.OBe (acaundnp Type II rWnfWl ' 350 Cam d •bhuien) OrWupe area (A„) 0.0311 mY ~eO~A'~4' 101.71 cfs OA~T`_riE M1EION'fFD WEIOHTF WNphted CN•SUM 4• I J./1 x 90 1+( 2 08 x Be I I ?Z.11 85 1 t e t 97 1 WN3h1W CN + e0 I• • o.soo ev NEW HOPE DEVELOPMENT PROPOCCn me y EXI$11ND WEIGHTED CURVE Mmc o r LAND USE AREA (A) CN (acne) FUTURE DEVELOPMENT AREA 7.38 53.00 (ASSUME 88% IMPERVIOUS) Tbne of Concentration (T°): Uae 0.1 hr 1•YR POST-DES ~ tior, ti R h P• Curve Number (CN) • OFF 3.0 In la • B3 S • f 000/CN•t 0 0.151 in 0.75 D `~=4.Z~L' 2 28 in (P .0.8.8) . IeIP • Un8 Psak Dkchar8e (q,~ 0.080 (~M~~Type II ralnfa0 1000 am Dreirlaps area (A,a 0.0118 M` 2-VR POST-0El LOPMFti R ny P• Curve Number (CN) • s- 3.5 In la • SS 6. 1 OOO/CN-70 0.181 in 0.78 D • IPA 2 73 In (P . 0.8 • S) . la? . Unit Peek Disehar8e (q,J 0.03 (assurtdn8 Type II ralnfap tllshlbWOn) 1000 am Drainage area (q,J 0.0118 ml` D°• Q • ~ ~ q° 31.88 efs 70.YR POST-DES LOPL•~' ^• Ir`^- P• Curvs Number (CN) . - 8.1 In la . 53 S • 1000/CN•10 0.181 In 0.78 D • (P. n_z •~l 30 In x (P . 0.8' S) • ie? • Unit peak Dkeheres (q,J 0.030 ~~~lyps II ralnh8 1000 am D~napa a1OB (~ 0.0118 mi` D°•C•A"•q" 15.81 efs C9LGU eT 7HE WEI6NTEp WEIGHTED C~ ~ RV h ru w WelBhtea CN 57 la ` 0.151 m NEWHOPEDEVELOPMENT PROPOSED/SS w- °--~° ETC LAND U8E AREA (A) CN FUTURE DEVELOPMENT AREA 5.07 93.00 (ASSUME 85%IMPERVIOUS) Tkna of Coneenaason (T,); Use 0.1 1u 1-YR POST DEVFI OPA A ~ P. Curve Number (CN) . 3.0 N le ~ B3 S .1000/CN-10 0.151 In 0.75 O'!f' •S.Z.S1' 225N (Pf OE•S) IaR ~ Un8 Peak Dlccharpe (q,J 0.050 (osuminp Typs it nlnfatl dkbibutlon) 1000 esm DnMapa eroa (A„J 0.0079 mN Ov`O •Am• a, 17.86 eh 2-YR POST-DES OPMFti r P. Curve Number (CN) . 3.5 h la . B3 S.1000/CN-1D 0.151 N 0,75 O~fP.n •sl' 2 73 in (P~0.8•S) . h1P . Un0 Psak gscharpe (q,J 0.043 (esauminy Type II ralnhtl dlcbibudon) 1000 cam Drainage area py„) O.OOIB ml' Oa• O' Ae' 4, 21.87 eh 10.YR POST DE~rol OPA FT R I DF P. Curve Number (CN) • F 5.1 In Ia . S ~ 1000ICN-/0 B3 0.151 h 0.75 4 30h (P~0.8•S) . lalP . Un0 peak Diccharpe (q,J 0.030 (sasuminp iypa II ralnhU dia0ibutlon) 1000 am Dnkwpa area {A„J 0.0079 mi` Or`O'Ae•q„ 34,03 eh A eT THE yyE1pNT~D WEIONTED nn Wefyhted CN y3 le ~ 0.151 Since all of the drainage azeas are located in the Neuse River watershed and there are significant slopes on site creating difficult areas to construct level spreaders, constructed wetlands BMP's have been proposed to control the post development increase run-off and reduce the runoff nitrogen levels. A constructed wetland has been designed for each of the three major drainage areas. A summary and calculations for each BMP is listed below. Drainage Area `A' Drainage area `A' was divided up into 3 different sections for this analysis; the area draining to the proposed basin from the proposed warehouse construction, the area draining to the basin from the future building area, and the areas that are bypassing the basin and exiting at the ultimate discharge point. The the runoff from the impervious surface azea from the lp s orm and. detain t for 2 to Saze days. This volume was calculated using Schuler's simple method and the results have been provided below: /" wA7eR QuA! t7v vet ~ ~~. Schuelers Simple Method Post-De~atonm=~t , Rv=0.05+0.9•h where: I~ =Impervious Fraction 0.73 R„=Runoff Coefficient 0.71 Volumo of Pre-Development Runoff: V =3830 • Ro ' Rv • A where: Ro =Destyn Storm 1.0 to Rv =Runoff Coett. 0.05 A = Waterehetl Area 14.04 ac V= 38,032 d This volume is to be captured by the BMP and detained for 2 to 5 days. A 3" inverted siphon is proposed to be placed in the outlet structure at the permanent water elevation and will release the storm water at a maximum flow of 0.24 cfs and will drain the basin in 3.38 days. The routing for this storm can be found below: -arunn ,~~. 6tatnRl Stage (10 7ofalOufllow 71me ~ '~ u32 1 0 (eh1 024 PoNn1 m ~'~ 0.53 021 1800 0.00 ~ 902 0.77 0 72 021 38D 0.13 025 2 . 0.67 020 0 19 28 0.35 .655 o.tn . o 19 7 o.so ~~~ D.s7 o 1a 900 0.63 20,7 0.53 . 0 17 0.75 0.46 . 0 16 1260 oaa 17,097 0.44 . 0 15 1440 1.00 85 . 0 15 80 13,7 0.~ . 0.14 1 125 10,~ D29 0.13 216D 1.50 0'u 0.13 0 12 252 1.63 5,169 e a7z n ~ . 0.11 ? 0 2700 i.~ , s,eao 1 9 o.1e o.to 0 09 25eo 2,~ 3 098 0.14 . 0.0D ~~ 213 225 . 3,051 0.11 o.oe 0.05 o 07 yt~ 2.35 0.07 . 0 06 3780 250 B34 . 0 05 2 5 1,070 D.03 . 4 3900 7 o.oz o.0 3 4140 4320 2.ea 17 0.01 0 00 o.oz 4599 3.00 3.13 0 . 0.00 0.01 0 00 325 . 4560 3.35 l The second purpose of this BMP is to detain the storm water form the 10-year storm and release it so that the 10-year flow rate at the ultimate discharge point will not exceed the pre-existing conditions. Because of the grading of site, it is impossible to capture all of the post development runoff in the BMP. Below is the 10-year post development flow rate that is bypassing the basin and discharging the site at Ultimate Discharge point `A' calculated using the TR55 method: NEW NOP ncvei no en, pROP~ED DIRE T R ~ ISTI WEIDHTED CURVE LAND USE SEA IA7 CN BUILDING (gyp) 0.00 88.00 PAVEMENT 0.83 .98.00 GRASS 7.97 65.00 (HSG B b C, WOODS, GRASS COMBO) TOTAL AREA 8.80 A C 4 THE WEIOHTFO WEICHTE JE NUMnc WeiBMed CN=SUM (= 0.00 x 98 1 • f 0 83 ~f 797x ~rl 8.80 WeIOMed CN = 67 la a 0.985 Tlme o! COngntratlon (T~: T•= 0.007 •(n•L)°r/p~ed • aa. when: Sepmam 1 L = Flow lenOth ` n = manniBna ra+Bhnea coeR. 75 R 0 4 P~:2 year, 24 hour ralnfaa . a = abpe of hydra8c Brads line 3.S H 0,107 RIR T`r 0.138 hr Segment 2 Shoaow Concentrated flew. T,=L/3600•V L=flow LanOth = V = VebcRy = 332 R a=ab of pe hydralb grade Ilne 4.2 Rheo T`~ 0.072 R/R 0.022 hr Sepmem 3 Open Channel Bow V=1.49•r~O•erofn where: r = Wq•: hydn8e 2dlue a=lbw area 0.490 R 14 Ra 0.=welled perimeter 28.SBR a = dgnnN sbpa 0.004 R/R n = manninBY eaefL 0.022 V= T•= L! 3800 • V 2.86 Rh L= T `~ 1454 R Q152 hr T•r ~ T•~ r T~ 0.313 hr 10-VR POCT-D ~ i no P= Curve Numher (CN). 5.1 b la = B7 S = t000rCN-10 0.885 In 4.83 C=~'~"~ (P~0.8•S) 1.01 N IaIP = UN[ Paak Dkeharpe (y,) Q 183 ~ Type I) rainfatl a 620 am Dn4lape area (A„J 0.0134 mN 15.87 ofa The direct runoff at the ultimate discharge point was calculated to be 15.87 cfs. Since the pre-development flow rate was determined to be 31.37 cfs, a discharge rate of 15.50 cfs from the basin must be obtained in order to keep the 10-yeaz flow rate to at or below the pre-development condition. A 48"x48" concrete riser with a 15" barrel was selected to control the 10-yeaz flow to the basin. Below are is the 10-year routing for the basin as well as the stage/storage curve calculation: BASIN .EVATION AREA AVp AREq HEIOHT VOLUM CUMULATII 198.0 40,705 E VOLUME 199.0 42,520 41,313 7.0 41,913 41,313 200.0 u 090 43,755 1.0 43,755 85,068 201.0 47,515 48,251 1.0 48,253 131,320 202.0 50,100 4E.500 1'0 4!•L05 180,126 203.0 52,740 51'420 1.0 51,420 231,546 204.0 FREEBOARD ORApE E_- V~+ ` EyAT1pN5 38.032 ci provided a! ~' 2 • 201.0 Vuo• 148,721 ctprovWed at ~ 7 198.D wa. 201.1 $b Q4!/$6DfiQ~ cw,w 200,001 150.00( a e e ~ 100,000 SD,000 0 •, _._ ...., +.0 4.5 5.0 b.5 ~+a• (n( Formulate 10-vr Des(na H ydm~ ~ Drainage Area Pre-Development CN 14.04 Ac Post Development CN 83 89 Q° QP b aw 31.37 ds Qpm»a~n»n 64.89 cis Q •~.+o», aw 15.87 15.49 P= SCS Curve # Comoure Tlme to Pe k TP = Vo111.39 • Qp 1.25 TP 5.1 in (10-yr, 24 hr predp) 89 1.23 3.87 (n 28 min 35 Stage Storage Ks = b= Zo = 2~ _ Zi -Zo = 40,948 1.069 198.0 ft 198.9 ft 0.9 ft Outlet Centmr -•°~~~°~~ «ceroco OnBce size ntrollvrnenn Area 3 in 0.049 sf Discharoe RiseNBarret t4S~ntrol 10-vr flood crr, Riser Size 48»x48» in Riser Area 18.000 sf Riser Length 18-00 ft Barret Diameter 15 in Barrel Area 1.227 sf Results 10-Year Flood Routine Max. Storage Vol. 146,721 cf Max. Stage Elev. 3.30 ft Max Outflow 10 yr 13.00 ds Flood Rountine Comoutatten: un .. Time -- -° InBow S(a ft~ S p9e Totai Outflow 1-Year Riser Riser (dst n.;ns ..,_. Barrel 3 8 2.40 9.34 p 432 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 9 12 20.02 2,108 0'01 0.03 0 ~ 0.03 15 33.24 47 51 5,702 p,~g ' 0.09 0.08 0 09 21 . B1.19 11,669 20,198 0 52 0.13 . 0.13 24 72.78 31,181 . 0.78 0.17 0 21 0.17 80.88 84.87 44,240 58 124 . 3.78 0.21 0.24 30 33 83.87 , 71,577 1.39 1 69 9.93 0.28 38 77.99 x 87 84,749 . 1.97 10.46 10.89 0.31 0 33 39 ' 59.70 98,810 107,114 2.24 2 48 11.43 . 0.35 42 45 51.90 115,738 . 2,84 11.79 t2 ~ 0.37 48 45.12 39.23 122,908 128 812 2.80 ' 12,31 0.38 0.39 51 54 x'11 , 133,822 2.92 3 02 12.50 0.40 57 29.65 137,483 . 3.10 12'~ 12 78 0.41 60 25.78 22 41 140,520 3.17 . 12.87 0,42 0 42 63 . 19.48 142,843 144 548 3.22 3 25 12.94 . 0.42 68 69 16.94 145,718 . 3.28 12.99 13 03 0.42 72 14.73 12 80 148,419 3,29 . 13.05 0.43 0 43 75 . 11.13 148,721 148 674 3.30 13.08 . 0.43 76 9.88 , 148,327 3.30 3 29 13.08 0.43 81 8.41 145,720 . 328 13.05 0.43 87 7.31 144,889 3,26 13.03 13 00 0.43 90 8.38 5.53 143,864 142 873 3.24 . 12.97 0.43 0.42 93 98 4.81 , 141,340 3.21 3.19 12'~ 12 90 0.42 99 4.18 3.63 139,883 138 322 3,15 . 12.85 0.42 0.42 102 105 3.18 , 138,671 3.12 3 09 12.80 0.42 108 2.75 2 38 134 ~ . 3.05 12.75 12,70 0.41 0 41 . 133,153 3.01 12.84 . 0.41 0.00 0.00 g,7Y 0.00 0.00 8.75 0.00 0.00 6.86 0,00 0.00 7,11 0.00 0.00 7,47 0.00 0.00 7.94 0.00 0.00 8.49 3.51 32.13 9.08 18,34 53.63 9.66 33.44 68.08 10.18 53.48 79.61 10.66 74.13 88.77 11.08 93.34 95.88 11.42 110.42 101.38 11.70 125.25 105.73 11.92 137.89 109.17 12,10 148.45 111,89 12.25 157.09 114.02 12.36 183.89 115.67 12.45 189.33 118.91 12.52 173.28 117.81 12.57 176.00 118.43 12.60 177.84 118.79 12.62 178.35 118.85 12.63 178.24 118.93 12.63 177.43 118.75 12,82 178.01 118.43 12.60 174.07 117.98 12.56 171.69 117.45 12.55 188.94 118.62 12.51 165.87 118.11 12.48 162.53 115.33 12.43 158.99 114.48 12.39 155.28 113.58 12.34 151.39 112.63 12.29 147.41 111.83 12.23 The results from the routing indicate that the 10-year flow from the basin will be 13.06 cfs. By combining that with the flow that is bypassing the basin, 15.87 cfs, a total 10-' yeaz flow of 28.93 cfs is calculated at Ultimate Dischazge Point `A', which is below the 31.37 cfs pre-development rate. Drainage Area `B' Drainage Area `B' is the azea located north of the proposed road and east of the existing perennial stream. At this time, there is no development proposed for this area. However, this azea could be developed some day and in order to minimize the environmental impacts for this entire property, a storm water wetland BMP was sized for this site assuming the site would be developed at 85% impervious. This azea will have the same 1" storm and 10-yeaz stone requirements as Drainage Area `A', and the results are listed below: 1• WATER O iet trv vn~ a •~ Schuelefa Simple Method Post-Developm t en R„=0.05+0.9•I~ where: I~=Impervious FrecSon 0.85 R„ =Runoff Coefficient 0.82 Volume of Pre•Deveiopment Runoff: V = 3630 • Ro • Rv • A where: Ro=Design Stortn 10 in Rv= Runofff Coen 0 05 A =Watershed Area . 7.39 ac ~° 21,883 a 9ASw EVATION AREq AVG. AREA HEIGHT VOLUME cuMUl.grn VOLUME 192.0 21,915 193.0 23,605 22,760 1.0 22,760 22,780 194.0 25,880 24,633 1.0 21,833 17,303 195.0 27,170 28,415 7.0 28,415 73,906 196.0 FREEBOARD Formulate 10-vr Desing Hvdrograo h Dre~age Area 7.39 Ac Outlet Con 1 Pre-Development CN Post Development CN 83 Discharge OrKce t O° 93 12.89 cts Orifice size o control 1 flood 2.5 in Op a9.61 as Area 0.034 sf Dlscharee Riser/Barrel Struc to control i0-vrflood re P SCS Curve0 5.1 in (10-yr, 24 hr pred P) ~s~ Stza RlserArea 48'k48" in S = (1000/CN) -10 93 Riser Length 18.000 sf Q' _ (P-0.2S)2/(P+0.8S) 0 75 16 00 ft 4.30 in Barrel Diameter Comout~Tlme to pew Barrel Area 1.2 15 in 27 sf TP = VoV1.39' Op 28 min 1.25 TP 35 Stage Storage Results 10-Year Flood Routln Ks = 22 712 Max. Storage Vol. 74 14 8 cf b = 1.070 Max. Stage Elev. , 3 02 ft Z° = Max Outflow 10 yr . Z' 192.0 ft 12.5 3 cts 193.0 ft Zr-Z-0= 1.0 ft Flood Rounting Comgutntr~ r10 v ri Time min Inflow ~ Store e 9 S~9e TotalOutfiow 1-Year Rise 0 0 Oft ft cfs Orifice r Weir Riser Orifice 8arcei 3 1.40 0 0 0.00 0 0 0,00 O Orifice 9 253 0.01 0 02 0.00 g~2 12 1.70 1.232 0.07 . 0 0,1 0.02 0.00 0.00 6.75 19.43 3,330 0.17 . 0.04 0 07 0.00 0.00 6.88 18 27.77 8,816 0.32 0 09 . 0.00 0.00 7.13 21 35.77 42 53 11,797 0.54 . 0.12 0.09 0 12 0.00 0.00 7.51 24 . 47.28 18,213 25 841 0.81 0.15 . 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 7.99 27 30 49.49 , 33,923 1.13 1.48 2.38 9 97 0.17 2.20 . 27.50 8.56 9.18 48.90 45.58 41,035 47 950 1.74 . 0.20 0.22 14.74 30.47 51.81 60 00 9.78 38 39 40.14 , 54,184 2.01 2.25 10.95 11 35 0.23 48.80 . 77.23 10.27 10.72 42 34.89 30 34 59,385 2.48 . 11.67 0.25 28 0 67.45 88.02 11.11 45 . 28,37 63,545 66 859 2.62 11.92 . 0.28 84.30 98.69 92.66 97 66 11.42 48 51 x•93 , 89,425 2.74 2.84 12.12 12 27 0.27 110.58 . 101.43 11.136 11.85 54 19.93 71,344 2.92 . 12 37 0.28 120.06 104.25 11.99 57 17.33 15 72,705 2.97 . 12.45 0.28 0 28 127.31 108,31 12.08 .07 73,583 3.00 . 132.52 107.74 12.17 83 13.10 74,045 3.02 12.53 0.28 0 28 135.92 108.65 12.22 11.39 74,146 3.02 12 53 . 137.72 109.13 12.24 66 9.90 73,942 3.02 . 12 52 0.28 138.12 109.24 12.25 69 8.81 73,470 3.00 . 12 49 0.28 137.32 109.02 12.24 72 75 7.48 72,770 2.97 , 12 45 0.28 135.48 108.54 12.21 78 8.50 5 88 71,875 . 12.40 0.28 0 28 132.78 107.87 12.17 B1 . 4.92 70,813 88 609 2.90 12.34 . 0.28 129.34 125.29 106.67 105 74 12.12 84 87 4.27 , 88,284 2.85 2.80 12.28 12 20 0.28 120.75 . 104.45 12.07 12.00 90 3.72 3 23 88,858 2.74 . 12.12 0.27 0 27 115.82 103,01 11.93 . 2.81 85,348 63 782 2.69 . 0.27 110.58 105,10 101.43 99 73 11.85 99 2•~ , 82,119 2.83 2.58 11.94 11 84 0.27 99.46 . 97.91 11.78 11.87 102 2'12 1 85 80,428 2.50 . 11.74 0.28 0 28 93.70 95.98 11.58 . 1.130 58,898 58 938 11.63 . 0.28 87.89 82.06 93.98 91 83 108 1.39 , 55,151 2.36 2.29 11.52 11 41 0.25 76.28 . 89.61 11.38 11.27 . 0.25 70.51 87.30 11.18 e Drainage Area `C' Drainage Area `C' is the area located south of the proposed road and east of the existing perennial stream, It is in the exact same situation as Drainage Area `B' in that there is no proposed development at this time, but it may be developed in the future and storm water BMP will be necessary. Below are the calculations for sizing the BMP for this drainage area: 1" WATER QUALITY VOl IIAIIF Schueler's Simple Method Po t-D ~~looment R„=0.05+0.9•I~ where: IA =Impervious Fraction R,=Runoff Coeffidant 0.85 0.82 Volume of pre-Development Runoff: V = 3630' Ro • Rv • A where: Ro =Design Storm 1.0 in Rv = Runoff Coeff. 0.05 A =Watershed Area V = 5.07 ac 1a,sss a BAS1N EVATION 198.0 AREA 18,160 AVG. AREA HEIGHT VOLUME CUMULATn VOLUME 199.0 17,570 18,865 1'0 18,885 18,885 200.0 19,040 18,305 1.0 18,305 35,170 201.0 20,580 19,800 1.0 19,800 54,970 Shp~lStonp~ b0,Oq ~400f ao,ooa 0 20,000 ioaoo 0 mn -- :.o s.o ~~ tnt a.s ~a Formulate l0-vrDesin vdroareoh Drainage Area 5.07 Ac Pre-Development CN 8S Post Development CN 93 . Q0 8.84 da 0D 34.03 ds P= SCS Curve # 5.1 in (10.yr, 24 hr predp) S = (1000/CN) - 10 93 0.75 0' _ (P-0.2S)2/(P+O.BS) 4.30 in Compute Time to Peak Tp = VoU1.39 • Qp 28 min 1.25 TP 35 Stsce 5+~~= ~ = 16,822 _ b 1.074 _ Z0 198.0 ft Zr 199.3 ft 2~-Zo - 1.3 ft Flood Rount(nc Comoutatlons f10 vrl Time Inflow Store e i...~..~ _ . 9 Outlet Control Orifice size 2 loin Araa Dlsdt 0.022 sf aroa Riser/Bar 20 control 10-vr flood Riser Size rel t ire 48"x48" in Riser Area 18.000 sf Riser Length 16.00 k Barrel Diameter 12 In Barrel Area 0.785 sf Results 10-Year Flood Routlna Max. Storage Vol. 53,467 d Max, Stage Elev. 2.94 ft Max Outflow 10 yr 7.94 ds Total Outflow 1-Year Riser Riser /K..\ .- 3 6 0.98 0 " 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 00 0.00 0 9 3.74 173 0.01 D.01 . 0 01 0.00 0.00 12 8.03 13.33 845 2 288 0.08 0.03 . 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 15 19.05 , 4,877 0.18 0 30 0.04 0.04 0.00 , 0.00 18 24.54 8,098 . 0.51 0.06 0 07 0.08 0.00 0,00 21 24 29.18 12,499 0.7B . 0.09 0.07 0 09 0.00 0.00 27 32.44 17,734 1.05 0.11 . 0 11 0.00 0.00 30 33.95 33.55 23,553 29 489 1.37 0.98 . 0,12 0.00 0.85 0,00 20 04 33 31.27 , 34 ~0 1.69 1.94 6•~ 8 93 0.14 11.54 . 47.75 38 39 27.54 38,711 2.17 . 7 18 0.15 24.75 61.59 42 23.94 42,375 2.38 . 7.38 0.15 0 18 39.15 71.76 45 20.81 45,357 2.52 7.53 . 0 17 52.67 79.22 48 18.09 15.73 47,747 49 828 2,84 7.65 . 0.17 64.55 74.60 84.77 88 96 51 13.88 , 51,062 2.74 2.81 7.75 7 82 0.17 82.81 . 92.11 54 11.89 52,118 2.87 . 7 87 0.18 89.28 94.44 57 10.34 52,839 2.90 . 7 91 0.18 94.08 96.11 60 63 8.99 53,276 2.93 . 7.93 0.18 0 18 97.43 97.24 68 7.61 8 79 53,487 2.94 . 0.18 99.48 100.37 97.92 96 21 69 . 5 90 53,444 2.93 7.94 0.18 100,27 . 98 18 72 . 5,13 53,236 52 874 2.92 7.93 0.18 99.30 . 97.86 75 4.48 , 52,374 2,90 2 88 7.91 0.18 97.80 97.30 78 3.88 51,759 . 2.85 7.88 7 85 0.1 B 95.27 96.52 81 84 3.37 51,043 2.Si . 7.82 0.18 0 18 92.43 95.55 87 2.93 2.55 50,243 49 370 2.77 7.78 . 0.17 89.17 85.58 94.41 93 12 90 2.22 , 46,438 2.73 2.68 7.74 7 89 0.17 81.87 . 91.89 93 96 1.93 47,451 2.83 . 7.84 0.17 0 17 77.58 90.13 99 1.68 1.48 48,423 45 359 2.57 7.59 . 0.17 73.33 68.98 88.45 86 87 102 1.27 , 44,265 2,52 2.48 7'~ 7 ~ 0.17 84.58 . 84.78 105 108 1.10 ~ 43,147 2.40 • 7.42 0.18 0 18 60.12 82.78 0.98 42,010 2.34 7 38 . 55.67 80.89 . 0.18 51.27 78.51 Barrel 4.30 4.32 4.40 4.55 4.77 5.07 5.41 5.78 6.18 8.52 6.79 7.03 7.22 7.37 7.46 7.56 7.64 7.69 7.73 7.75 7.76 7.76 7.75 7.73 7.71 7.68 7.64 7.61 7.58 7.52 7.47 7.42 7.37 7.31 7.26 7.20 ,. ~ r i-v 117 Centrewest Court .~ 1 V L Engineering, Inc. Cary, NC 27513-2015 C(vt(Bngtpgdy ~e coxdsurveyos Phone: 919-677-1996 Faz: 919-677-1998 New Hope Development -Storm Water Analysis Apri18, 2008 Conclusion After analyzing the pre-development discharge and the post-development discharge from the site, it was determined that a BMP device is necessary to treat storm water generated by the proposed and future developments. Storm water wetlands were selected since they provide the most pollution reduction of any BMP. At this time, only the BMP for Drainage Area A is to be constructed in order to detain and treat the proposed warehouse runoff. The other two BMP's will be properly sized and constructed with any future development. Please see the following page for a complete results table from this storm water analysis. i Pond 1 Weir Outlet Box Anti-Flotation Calculations Project Name: New Hope Development Project Number: 07-579 Designer: TRS Pond Number /Description: Pond #1 Perm. Outlet Device Date: 4!3/2008 Box Front Internal Dimension = 4.0 feet Box Side Internal Dimension = 4.0 feet Box Wall Thickness = 0.5 feet Box Bottom Thickness = 0.5 feet Box Top Thickness = 0.0 feet Height of Box, interhal dimension = 4.80 feet Outside Diameter of barrel(s) exiting box = 31.0 inches Number of barrels exiting box = 1 Diameter of DIP drain pipe entering box = 3.0 inches Diameter of manhole opening in top of box = 0.00 feet Total Flow Opening Area in sides of box = 0 00 SF Temporary CMP Pipe Diameter (if present) = . 0 inches Amount of Concrete present in Standard Box defined a#~eva Concrete present in box no adjustments for oaeninas > Total Volume present in top = 0.000 CF Total Volume present in front = 12.000 CF Total Volume present in rear = 12.000 CF Total Volume present in RH side = 9.600 CF Total Volume present in LH side = 9.600 CF Total Volume present in bottom = 12.500 CF Total Concrete Present, no adjustments = 55.700 CF Adfust total concrete aresent for ooeninas --> Subtract for perm. barrel opening = 2.621 CF Subtract for manhole opening in top = 0.000 CF Subtract for drain pipe opening in front = 0.025 CF Subtract for flow openings, front and side = 0 000 CF Subtract for temp. CMP pipe opening, if present = . 0.000 CF Total Adjustment Volume = 2.645 CF Therefore, focal concrete present In box = 53.055 CF Page 1 Pond 1 Total Water Disolaced by Qutiet Str~ct~re Water displaced by concrete in box = 53.055 CF Water displaced by air inside box = 76.800 CF Total Water displaced = 129.855 CF Weight of total water displaced (@ 62.4 PCF) = 8103 lbs. For a safety factor of 20%, the weight of concrete that must be present = 9724 lbs. Total weight of concrete present (@ 150 PCF) = 7958 lbs. Therefore, must add a total of 1765 lbs. of concrete Buoyant weight of concrete, with 20% safety factor included = 73.00 PCF Therefore, need to add 24.18 CF of concrete to base of outlet structure Standard outlet structure base is =_> 0.50 feet thick 25.00 SF (plan dimension) Concrete present in standard outlet structure base = 12.50 CF Therefore, total concrete present in newly designed base must = 36.68 CF Design of new base for o~ i t str~ct~re Concrete required = 36.68 CF New base dimensions =_> 8.00 feet long 8.00 feet wide 24.00 inches thick Total Concrete present in new base design = 128.00 CF OK Check validity of new base desain ~s to flotation characteristics Total concrete present in final design = 168.555 CF Total water displaced in final design = 245.355 CF Total weight of concrete present in final design = 25283 lbs. Total weight of water present in final design = 15310 lbs. Actual safety factor present in final design = 1.65 OK =final Base Deslgn =_> 8.00 Width 8.00 Length 24.00 Thickness Page 2 New Hope Development STORM WATER REPORT SeCt1011 2 Storm Drainage Calculations 10-Year stom Daaign FROM TO DVCAB- EQUIV. TOTAL T 1 Q-CIA CAPAC• DIAM. LENGTN SLOPE MIN HG NG FOR ACTUAL VE4 TIME H.G. H.G. GROUND ELEV. INVERT ELEV. MH MH MEN7 C AREA AREA TIME (IN C.FS. ITYOF OF OF OF BASED 2S FPS HG FLOW OF ELEV. ELEV. UPPER LOWER UPPER LOWER ' INPUT ACRES 100X 100X (MIN.) PER FLOW SEWER PIPE LINE PIPE ON "Q" GIVEN "D" (X) FULL FLOW UPPER LOWER END END END END (A) ACRES ACRES HOUR) (C.FS.) (IN.) (FI'.) (X) ~(%) (%) (FI'J (MIN.) END END CA SUM CA SEC.) ' STUB A 7 0.25 0.77 0.19 0.19 5.00 7.22 1.39 7.00 l3 203 1.00 0.04 0,23 1.00. 5.7 0.6 213.28 213.23 220.00 218.40 214.28 212.23 7 6 0.72 0.77 0.55 0.75 5.60 7.07 5.28 5.42 i5 92 0.60 057 0.23 0.60 4.4 0,3 213.25 212.70 218.40 216.80 212.25 2] 1.70 6 S 0.19 0.77 O.1S 0.89 5.90 6.99 6.24 6.26 15 135 0.80 0.80 0.23 0.80 S.l 0.4 21270 211.62 216.80 219.00 211.70 210.62 S 4 0.18 0.77 0.14 1.03 6.30 6.89 7.1! f.05 IE 44 0.50 0.40 0.16 0.50 4.6 0.2 211.62 21].40 219.00 217.00 210.42 210.20 4 3 0.36 0.77 0.28 1.31 6.30 6.84 i.96 9.32 IB ISO 0.70 0.63 0.18 0.70 5.4 0.5 211.40 210.35 217.00 217.00 210.20 209.15 3 2 0.69 0.77 0.33 1.84 7.00 6.72 1237 13.42 24 265 0.30 0.26 0.12 0.30 4.3 1.0 210.35 209.55 217.00 217.00 208.75 207.95 2 1 4.84 0.77 3.73 3.37 8.00 6.50 36.19 39.58 36 86 0.30 0.26 0.07 0.30 5.6 0.3 203.65 203.39 217.00 216.80 198.75 198.50 1 C 0.00 0.77 0.00 5.37 d30 6.44 36.19 39.38 36 161 0.30 0.25 0.07 0.30 5.6 0.5 203.39 20290 21i.i0 FS 198.50 198.00 8 6 0.04 0.77 0.03 0.03 5.00 7.22 0.22 6.64 1S 58 0,90 0.00 0.23 0.90 5.4 0,2 213.22 212.70 216.70 216.80 21226 211.74 ' STUB B 2 4.15 0,T1 3.20 3.20 5.00 7.22 23.0E ]A.51 24 29 1.00 0.90 0.12 1.00 7.8 0.1 203.94 203.65 21200 217.50 200.04 199.15 C06 11 0.69 0.77 0.53 0.53 5.00 7.22 3.84 9.90 IS 51 200 030 0.23 200 B.I O.I 217.56 216.56 22).60 220.00 216.3E 215.56 11 CDS 0.09 0.77 0.07 0.60 5.10 7.20 432 4.95 15 30 0.30 0.39 0.23 0.50 4.0 0.2. 216.56 21631 220.00 221.00 215.56 213.31 COS COI 0.69 0.71 0.53 1.13 3.30 7.14 E.09 8.i1 IE 100 0.60 0.51 0.18 0.60 5.0 0.3 21631 215.71 221.00 221.00 215.11 214,51 C04 10 0.69 0.77 0.53 1.66 5.60 7.07 11.75 11.93 IB SO 1.10 1.08 0.18 1.10 6.E 0,1 215.71 215.16 221.00 ZZ0.00 214.51 213.96 10 C03 0,09 0,77 0.07 1.73 3.70 7.01 12.20 17.33 21 Si 0.50 0.25 0.12 0.50 5.3 0.2 215.16 214.91 220.00 221.00 213.36 213.31 C03 C02 0.69 0.77 0,53 226 3.90 6.99 15.82 17.33 24 100 0.50 0.42 O.i2 0.50 S.S 0.3 214.91 214.41 221.00 221.00 213.31 212E1 C02 COI 0.69 0.77 0.53 2.80 6.20 6,91 19.33 20.50 .24 100 0.70 0.63 0.12 0.70 6.5 0.3 214.41 213.71 221.00 220.70 21281 21211 COl 9 0.69 0.77 0.53 3.33 6.50 6.84 2276 24.31 24 70 1.00 0.87 0.12 1.00 7.8 0.1 213.71 213.01 220.70 219.80 21211 211.41 9 D 0.10 0.77 0.08 3,40 6.60 6.t2 23.21 24.34 30 104 030 0.28 0.09 0.28 S.D 0.3 203.19 20290 219.E0 ES 198.32 198.00 Culvert Analysis Summary ANC analyzed the major culvert crossing by using TR 55 for the hydrology and HY8 for the culvert analysis by looking at the 10 year storm and the 100 year storm for overtopping. The drainage area is 57 acres and of which the majority of the drainage area is commercial zoning with some open space areas and about 17 acres of undeveloped property which will be subject to Raleigh Stormwater regulations should development occur in the future. By using a 5' (60") culvert the 100 year headwater does not exceed the 15' maximum and the 10 year storm exceeds the required 2' freeboard as noted below. Q10=211 cfs Q100 = 337 cfs 60" RCP Invert Up = 198.92 Invert Down = 195.78 L=96' Roadway Elevation = 214:3 10 Year Water surface elevation = 206.75 100 Year Water surface elevation = 213.90 BAR New Hope 1 Culvert 1 Wake County, North Carolina Sub-Area Time of Concentration Details Sub-Area Flow Mannings's End Wetted Identifier/ Len th g Slo e P n Area Perimeter Velocity Travel Time ------------- (ft) ------- (ft/ft) ---------- ------------- (sq-ft) (ft) (ft/sec) (hr) DA 1 to cu --------------- ----------- ------- SHEET 99 0.0200 0.400 SHALLOW 900 0.0600 0.050 0.335 CHANNEL 1700 0.0235 0.030 12.50 10.00 8.910 0.063 0.053 Time of Concentration .951 WinTR-55, Version 1.00.08 Page 1 4/5/2008 4:99:11 PM 1 ~ BAR New Hope 1 Culvert 1 Wake County, North Carolina Sub-Area Land Use and Curve Number Details Sub-Area Hydrologic Sub-Area Curve Identifier Land Use Soil Area Number Group (ac) -------------------------------------------B- ---------------------- DA 1 to cuIndustrial 57 88 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number 57 88 WinTR-55, Version 1.00.08 Page 1 4/5/2008 4:49:11 PM BAR New Hope 1 Culvert 1 Wake County, North Carolina Storm Data Rainfall Depth by Rainfall Return Period 2-Yr (in) 5-Yr (in) 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 1-Yr ---- (in) ----------- (in) --------- (in) (in) (in) 3.6 .0 5.38 --- 6.91 ----- ------- .0 ----8-0----- ----3-0- Storm Data Source: User-provided custom storm data Rainfall Distribution Type: Type II Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph: <standard> WinTR-55, Version 1.00.08 Page 1 4/5/2008 4:99:11 PM ti BAR New Hope 1 Culvert 1 Wake County, North Carolina Hydrograph Peak/Peak Time Table Sub-Area Peak Flow and Peak Time (hr) by Rainfall Return Period or Reach 10-Yr 100-Yr Identifier (cfs) (cfs) (hr) (hr) --------------------------------- -------------------- ----------------- BAREAS DA 1 to cu 211.63 337.80 12.19 12.14 REACHES OUTLET 211.63 337.80 WinTR-55, Version 1.00.08 Page 1 4/5/2008 9:47:12 PM a HY-8 Culvert Analysis Report ~~~~ "~ 1~`CR~ ~ Table 1 -Summary of Culvert Flows at Cirossina• Nr~w Nn.,o r_...,~e:.,~ Headwater Elevation ({t) Total Discharge (cfs) Culvert 1 Discharge (~) Roadway Discharge (c~) Iterations 206.29 200.00 200.00 0.00 1 206.75 211.00 211.00 0.00 1 207.48 227.40 227.40 0.00 1 208.13 241.10 241.10 0.00 1 208.83 254.80 254.80 0.00 1 209.58 268.50 268.50 0.00 1 210.36 282.20 282.20 0.00 1 211.19 295.90 295.90 0.00 1 212.05 309.60 309.60 0.00 1 212.96 323.30 323.30 0.00 1 213.90 337.00 337.00 0.00 1 Rating Curve Piot for Crossing: New Hope Crossing 1 214 213 rt ~ 212 O 211 d w 210 ~ 209 = 208' 207' 206- Total Rating curve Crossing: New Hope Crossing ----------------c--------- -;- ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~------------ --------~- ~ ~ 1 1 ' , 1 ~ ~ -------~----------j----------J---- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ _ ~ ; ~ r--..._.__. r-^--------,'----------~ i ~ ~ , ~ r-_•-____-_~_, = i ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ •__________-r-____--_-_.-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ i!! _--7----•-- i_-_---•--- i--- ~ ~ ~ --_---•-r---•---_--i--•-- ~ ~ ~ ----•~_---_------i'------_--' ~ ~ i- ~ ' i ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a--:--G--~-a--:--+--G--~-- :--a--a--~--' -r~ --~--I ~ f• 4 I--;--a--i--~--~ --~--~--~ Total Discharge tcfs~ ,, Table 2 -Culvert Summary Table: Culvert 1 Total Culvert Headwater Inlet Control Outlel Flow Normal Discharge Discharge Elevation (ft) Depth (it) Control Type Depth (ft) (cfs) (cfs) Depth (fl) 211.00 C De riUcal pth (ft) .029 .111 uUet Depth (ft) 2.659 2.747 Taihvater Depth (ft) 2.258 2.309 Outlet VeloGty (ft/s) 18.852 19.101 Tailwater Velocity (fUS) 10.096 10.233 •234 .336 2.874 2.980 2.363 2.442 19.479 19.780 10.432 10,584 .438 3.087 2.500 20.038 10.731 .540 3.190 2.555 20.330 10,876 ,643 3.282 2.808 20.687 11.011 .745 3.371 2.860 21.037 11.146 .847 3.457 2.710 21.387 11.274 949 3.539 2.780 21.748 11.397 000 3.639 2.808 22.054 11.515 ., .- Culvert Performance Curve Plot: Culvert 1 Performance curve Culvert: Culvert 1 Inlet Control Elev Outlet Control Elev 214 ------ , ~ ~ ' r---'_-__--*-----_____ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ , ~ X212 ' ----------}----------i----------J--- ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ; 0210 - ~ , 1 ; > 2os ---T------ ~ - , w ~ ~ ; 206 ' L -- -----•-•-~-•---•-----'--•---•-- - ~ ' i ~ --~--•-•-~---;----------~-----------~----•-t ~ 1---~ - r ~ 204 -------------;-----------;-----------~-------~-~----------;--------- ' a~i 202 ---:- --; ----~-----i - ' 200 ---=---------- ~----------= ~ ~ --------i-~-------~----------.-• , ~ ~ , ' ~ ~r- -- ~ -.~ ' I I I Total Discharge (cfs) ~, , Water Surface Profile Plot for Culvert: Culvert 1 Crossing - Nevv Hope Crossing 1, Design Discharge - 211.0 cfs Culvert -Culvert 1, Culvert Discharge - 211.Q cfs 215 -----;----------,------------ ~.~_ - , 210 ----------------~------- ~-- ~ ~ ' +- - -~ ; c - ~ ~ ~ ' o : ~ ~ ~ - •~ 205 - ~ ~ , r ---------r---------' ' ' ~ ~_--.--____T-________-r__- -_-_- ;_--- `' ~ i ' ~ ~ --__--i-_- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ 1 ~.. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 200 ---------------- --------- ;---------~~`."f '- .~~ -~-; , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 195 _' - --f---- -- -N-- -- -- ~ 1 'emu u ~u 40 60 80 100 1 Station (ft~ Site Data -Culvert 1 Site Data Option: Culvert Invert Data Inlet Station: 0.00 ft Inlet Elevation: 198.92 ft Outlet Station: 96.00 ft Outlet Elevation: 195.78 ft Number of Barrels: 1 Culvert Data Summary -Culvert 1 Barrel Shape: Circular Barrel Diameter: 5.00 ft Barrel Material: Concrete Barrel Manning's n: 0.0120 Inlet Type: Conventional Inlet Edge Condition: Square Edge with Headwall Inlet Depression: None • Table 3 -Dow nstream Cha nnel Rating Curve (Crossin g: New Hope Cros i 1 Flow (cfs) Water Surface Depth (ft) Velocity (ft/s) Shear (psf) s ng ) Froude Numb Elev (tt) er 200.00 198.06 2.26 10.10 4.51 1 58 211.00 198.11 2.31 10.23 4.61 . 1 58 227.40 198.18 2.38 10.43 4.76 . 1 59 241.10 198.24 2.44 10.58 4.88 . 1 59 254.80 198.30 2.50 10.73 4.99 . 1 60 268.50. 198.35 2.55 10.88 5.10 . 1 61 282.20 198.41 2.61 11.01 5.21 . 1 61 295.90 198.46 2.66 11.15 5.31 . 1 62 309.60 198.51 2.71 11.27 5.41 . 1 62 323.30 198.56 2.76 11.40 5.51 . 1 62 337.00 198.61 2.81 11.51 5.61 . 1.63 ~ ~ 9 Tailwater Channel Data -New Hope Crossing 1 Tailwater Channel Option: Trapezoidal Channel Bottom Width: 2.00 ft Side Slope (H:V): 3.00 L:1) Channel Slope: 0.0320 Channel Manning's n: 0.0300 Channel Invert Elevation: 195.80 ft Roadway Data for Crossing: New Hope Crossing 1 Roadway Profile Shape: Constant Roadway Elevation Crest Length: 100.00 ft Crest Elevation: 214.34 ft Roadway SurFace: Paved Roadway Top Width: 40.00 ft