HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080629 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20080410Use this form instead of writing inside the folder Tri~.ge Comment Sheep ~ . . DVVQ# - Triaged By: e ~~ ~ . . Reviewer I - Date: Reviewer 2 Date: (~ Reviewer 3 Date: ^ Issue Project (R.eviewer 1) ^ Issue Project (Reviewer 2) ~ Issue with conditions (Reviewer 1) [] Issue with conditions (Reviewer 2) More Information (Reviewer 1) ^ Retum Application (Reviewer 1) ^ Send to Regions ~Reu.~ewer 1) 0 Send to Regions (Reviewer 2) More Information (R.eviewer 2) [~ Return Applidation (Reviewer 2) S:ITriage EornislTriage Issue Sheetdoc PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ,~~ .- O~~'~ Date: r7 ~ Who Reviewea: DWQ#~ `~~----- '' Plan Detail Incomplete r hic m for the project. ^ Please provide a location map/most recent NRCS soil survey map/USGS 1:24,000 topog Please re-submit your site plans on full plan sheets aisions fo~aquat c life.passage 50'. ^ Please provide cross section details showing the prov ^ Please provide the location of any proposed stormwater management practices as required by GC ^ Please provide plans and profiles for all the stormwater management,devices asrequired by GC ^ Please indicate all stormwater inlets and outfalls on the site plan. Please provide an inventory of proposed project impervio ks e5ravel surfs ed areaseamenity area, etc conditions. Please include ^ all proposed building footprints, roads, driveways, s~dewal , g __, on the site plans. ^ Please provide building envelopes for all lots with wetlands, streams or buffers (or lots ^ Please indicate proposed lot layout as an overlay on the site plan. Please provide a signed and sealed geoteehnical reporCJt of subsurface soils at the proposed bottomless culvert location. T e - uidelines for Drains a Studies and H draulic Desi n, prepared by A.L. ^ report must comply with the Division of Hizhways Hankins, Jr:, State Hydraulics Engineer - 1999. ^ Please locate any planned sewer lines on the site plan. ^ Please provide a detailed planting plan for (standard format includes: scientific name, common name, source of the plant material, plant spacing, wetland indicator status, etc., as well as planting specifications). ase indicate all proposed stream or wetland driveway crossings on your pink stabilization o~the ssiteppla°osed). ^ Ple ^ Please indicate all stream impacts including all fill slopes, dissipaters, and ba ^ Please indicate all wetland impacts including fill slopes on the site plan. ^ Please enumerate all riparian buffer impacts o ds streamsa and otheraswaterslof the StatBe as over ays on the site plan. ^ Please locate all isolated or non isolated wetlan , ^ Please locate all of the protected riparian buffers as overlays on the site plan, clearly showing Zone 1 and Zone 2. Avoidance and Minimization rovide additional ^ The labeled as on the plans does not appear to be necessary. Please eliminate the or p information as to why it is necessary for this project. ^ This Office believes that the labeled on the plans to avoid thei pains ved or reconfigured to avoid the impacts to the . Please revise the pia ^ This Office believes that the labeled on the plans as can be moved or reconfigured to minimize the impacts to the .Please revise the plans to minimize the impact Please re-configure your proposed stream ^ Your proposed stream crossing appears to be aligned at approximately crossing to show it aligned approximately perpendicular (between 75° and 105°). Other ^ The application fee is insufficient because over 15eived before am appli ation can be reviewed impacts were requested. Pease provide $ .This additional fee must be rec Y ^ Please complete Section(s) on the application. ^ Please provide a signed copy of the application. p lication si nature. ^ Please provide an agent authorization letter for the a .p g ^ Please indicate which 404 Permit the USACE has actohp es of the shte plans or other supporting documentation. ^ Please provide copies of the application, ^ Please resubmit copies of your information h the/moo enustatetnMus/ncwet0lands/re cert.html on Notification form. You can download this format the following web address. ttn ^ Please submit electronic CAD files showing ,via email to ian mcmillanna ncmail.net and provide a CD (TIF Group 4 format (black and white, not grayscale or color)) along with your response to the addstream and downstream photos and ^ Please provide intermittent/perennial stream determination documentation on the site,(up DWQ stream identification forms). ^ Please provide a qualitative indirect and cumulativ s/document /InterimInternalPolicyCumulativDe mpactdocy for guidance on our website at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetland ^ For areas in nutrient sensitive waters or buffered river basins fertilizer specifications for stormwater BMPs should state that that only an initial minimal application of fertilizer to establish the plants shall be used. ^ Please indicate whether or not the proposed impacts have~a-1\ready been conducted. ~ ~ , ~- Mitigation ^ of compensatory mitigation is required for this project. Please provide a compensatory. mitigation plan. The plan must conform to the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .0500 and must be appropriate to the type of impacts proposed. ^ Buffer mitigation is required for all road crossings that impact 150 linear feet of riparian buffer or more, Please submit a mitigation plan detailing the amount of buffer impact at crossing and how the impact will be mitigated. ^ Please provide documentation from the NCEEP indicating their willingness to accept your request to purchase (type of mitigation) credit to mitigate for the proposed (type of mitigation) impacts listed in your PCN application per section VIII, No. 2. Stormwater ^ Please provide BMP Supplement for the proposed on the site plan. ^ Please provide BMP Supplements for every proposed BMP on your site. The Supplement forms (including the Required Items Checklist) can be found at: http://h2o,enr.state.nc.us/su/bmp forms.htm, ^ Please use the most current version of the BMP Supplement available on the DWQ website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/bmp forms.htm. The submitted version is outdated. ^ Please redesign your BMP to comply with the 2007 DWQ Stormwater BMP manual (current revisions can be found at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/bmp_forms.htm). ^ Please complete all items in Part I of the BMP Supplement form: Project Information. - ^ Please include ali information list in Part II of the BMP Supplement form: The Required Items Checklist was not included in your original submittal ^ Please indicate the diffuse flow provision measures on the site plan and submit diffuse flow provision measure supplement forms (Supplement forms available on the DWQ website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/bmp, forms.htm). ^ Please provide calculations to show the outlet velocity to ensure that anon-erosive velocity will be achieved for the 10-year storm. This should include the. delineated drainage area, percent imperviousness, peak flow calculations for the 1.0- year storm, cross-section, and longitudinal slope. ^ The slope from the proposed level spreader(s) lip ( ) to the top of bank of the stream exceeds the maximum allowable slopes for level spreaders (6% for wooded vegetation and 8% for thick ground cover and grass). If an appropriate area for level spreader(s) cannot be found then another BMP such as a bioretention area must me proposed. Notes: