HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010093 Ver 1_CAMA Permit Application_20010123a DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT ~ '~ ~ ~ 9 ~_ L APPLICANT'S NAME:-New Hanover County/Middle Sound Regional Sewer 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Ogden area of Middle Sound, between US Hwy 17 & AIWW, and between Pages Creek and Howe Creek, in New Hanover County. Photo Index -1995: 22-258,259,260 1989:.4 175-18,19,20 State Plane Coordinates - X: 2366137 Y: 189171 GPS: 0-010818A . 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA/D&F 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCIDURE: Dates of Site Visit -..12/18/00 1/8/01 Was Applicant Present -Yes No 5. PROCESSING PROCIDURE: Application Received - 12/18100 Office -Wilmington , 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: {A) Local:Land Use Plan - Wilmington/New Hanover County Land Classification From LUP -Conservation /Resource Protection (B) AEC(s) Involved: CW, Coastal Shoreline (C) Water Dependent: No (D) Intended Use: Public (E) Wastewater Treatment: E~sting -Middle Sound Community is primarily individual septic tank systems w/ subsurface disposal. Planned -Expansion of New Hanover County Sewer`System (F) 1`ype of Structures: E~sting -Predominantly, single-family residences Planned -Pump stations (6), gravity and'force main pipe collection system (G) Estimated Annual Rate of :Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [~Al T~RR17(TF.17 FiT T X771 n~ruu~ (A) Vegetated Wetlands 44;000 ~sgft. (mixed coastal :and 404) (B) Non Vegetated ~VVetlands 720 sgft. (Tidal .creek crossings) (C) Other - Highground disturbance 117 acres (D) TotaLArea Disturbed: Approximately 118 acres (E) Primary Nursery .Area: Yes -Howe & .Pages Creeks (F) Water'Classification::AIWW/Howe Creek-.SA-ORW; Pages Creek- SA Open: AIW W . & lower Pages -Creek 8. PROJECT -SUM11sARY: -The applicant proposes the construction _a sewer collection system, consisting of 118;000 Linear feet of gravity sewer main, .21,000 linear feet of sewer force -main, and six (6) sewer pumping stations. 127 Cardinal Dr. Ezt., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395 3900 FAX 910-350=2004 An Equai Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10%° post-consumer paper r Hanover County/Middle Sound Page Two 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Middle Sound Regional Wastewater Facilities (MSRWF) project would be located and would serve the community of Ogden. The Ogden area is located approximately four miles northeast of the City of Wilmington, bounded on -the west by US highway 17,-and on the east by the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW), between Pages Creek (north) and Howe Creek (south), in New Hanover County. Middle'Sound Loop Road (NCSR1403) is the primary road in the Ogden area. All other roads and streets connect to the loop road for ingress and egress from US Hwy 17 (Market St.). 'The existing land use in the area is predominately single- family residential; with 80 percent of the existing residences located in established subdivisions. Middle Sound was included as part of Phase III in New Hanover County's County-wide Sewer Plan, as reviewed in conjunction with the origina1401 Facilitie Plan (modified 1989).. Included -within the proposed project comdor are several areas of "404" type wetlands, mixed "404" :type/coastal wetlands, and three {3) crossings of tidal tributaries, two (2) off .Pages Creek and one-(1) off the AIWW. The wetlands within the project area have.been delineated and approved by _the US .Army Corps of Engineers. The two largest tidal .areas .are near Buckeye Road on the northern side of Middle Sound Loop Road .and the Stoneybrook pump station site on the -east side. There are existing culverts under Middle Sound Loop Road at both locations, which convey flows to .and from Pages Creek and the AIWW, respectively. Coastal wetland vegetation includes: Black Needle :Rush (Juncos roemerianus), Salt Reed -Grass (Sparlina ~cynosuroides), .Salt lVieadow -Grass (Spartina patens), Salt Grass (Distichlis spicata), .and Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina ~lzerrtiflora). Above tidal influence, -.the vegetation transitions to wooded swamp (404 type wetlands), .including Black-Gum {1Vyssa sylvatica), Pond Pine '(Pinus serotina), :and Red Maple (Ater rubrum), with Common Cat tail(T~pha latifolia), Narrow leaved Cat tail (Typha angustifolia), Bull Rush (Scirpus, :spp.), and Other freshwater wetland species.:Similarly, drainage from the wetland area .between Dunbar Road and North Hills Drive is conveyed'to the tidal.marsh adjacent to Pages Creek through an existing :culvert under Dunbar Road. "This drainage feature's straight alignment indicates that ., historically, it was .excavated =or :channelized, .possibly during -.the .original development of the surrounding subdivisions..Although, :there is some irregular tidal influence through the culvert in the lower reaches of the:ditch (east end), the majority of~the adjacent wetland vegetation:are freshwater _ species..Collectively, these three drainage features constitute the amain .hydrologic corridors for stormwater run-off within the project ara. . The Wilmington-New .Hanover Land Use Plan classifies the wetland .areas of the project site as Conservation and those -areas :above the :100 year flood elevation:as, Resource Protection. The Division of Water Quality classifies the waters of the :AIW W and Bowe Creek, as SA-ORW (Outstanding.Resource `Waters) -and the waters of.Pages Creek:as SA. Howe Creek and Pages Creek-are designated a Primary Nursery:Areas, by heDivision.of Marine Fisheries. Howe Creek .and the upper area of.Pages Creek are CLOSED tothe taking of shellfish. 'The remainder of :Pages Creek and the .AIW W, except 'for the :areas :adjacent to .existing marinas, are OPEN to the taking of shellfish. Based on availible archaeological .information, -there aze 127 Cardinal Dr. Ezt, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910.350.2004 An "Equal Opportunity Aft'umative Action Employer 'S0% recycled/10%pcst-consumer paper New Hanover County/Middle Sound Page Three approximately 29 sites in the Ogden/Middle Sound Loop Road vicinity. The County proposes to install a gravity sewer and force main collection system to serve the Middle Sound residential community, which currently uses individual septic tank systems with subsurface disposal of wastewater. The project will consist of the construction of approximately 118,000 linear feet of gravity sewer line, 21,000 linear feet of pressure force main, and six (6) pumping stations. The majority of the sewer and force main-pipe system would be installed in highground, under existing pavement or adjacent road shoulders, within the right of-ways of existing .State roads and/or streets. Of the projects 139,000 linear feet of pipe, only 1,1001inear feet would be installed in delineated wetlands. In areas outside of road right-of--ways, clearing and construction would be limited to a 40-foot-'wide corridor, centered on the pipe installation. Typical trench dimensions would,be 6 feet in width aad 6-8 feet in depth. The applicant proposes to use mechanical excavating equipment to trench, .place bedding stone, bed pipe, and backfill to original grade. All excavated material would be temporarily :contained by :adequate sedimentation and erosion control measures. A Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan (NH-01009) for the project 'has been approved by the NC Division of Land Quality.. In wetland areas, the applicant states that all excavated material would be placed on adjacent upland areas to avoid double handling or stockpiling in wetlands. The project includes approximately 3 acres of high ground .area, divided into in six (6) parcels, on which, :the proposed pumping stations would be constructed. Pumping stations have been designed with top elevations of 1 foot higher than the 100-year flood elevation of 11 feet mean sea level. Each fenced, pumping station would include a valve box, wet well, Electrical panel, and emergency generator. Upon completion of installation, .all disturbed areas would be revegetated per the approved erosion control plan. Included in this application is :the specification sheet for replanting the tidal marsh area. The Division of Water :Quality has issued a "State Non-discharge Sewer Extension Permit, and a Stormwater Permit for the .project. At the time of -this report, the NCDOT Encroachment Agreement was -still pending. 10. ANTICIPATED IlVIPACTS The installation of the proposed sewer system expansion would result in a total wand disturbance of:approximately 118 acres.:It would result in the~temporary excavation:and disturbance ofapproximately 44,000 square feet (1 :acre) of.mixed coastaU404 wetlands:and :approximately 720 :square feet of tidal creek bottom.:All .areas w171 be returned to the ,original grade and replanted. -If construction is timed :to :avoid periods :of peak biological:activity .and .conducted in -strict accordance with the .approved :sedimentation and erosion -control plan, long term impacts :should Abe minimal. Submitted by: E. F. Brooks Date: December 19, .2000 Office: Wilmington 127 Cardinal Dn Ezt, Wiknington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAx 910-350.2004 An Equal Opportunity Affumative Action:Employer 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting Secretary Donna D. Moffitt, Director 1 • • ~,~.,~~~ CDE 1~ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES January 19, 2001 ; t ~,_.._... __,~, , I MEMORANDUM: ~ ~ 2 3 ~~,, ~ TO: Mr. John R. Dorney, NCDENR ~-~ ,.-P.,,-~-;,~~ 'd~~_ s ~~,': "s~ C,'2011P Division of Water Quality Ul'!~EF ~'~-'.~! s ~ s=:crl~r~ 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 FROM: Doug Huggett 0 ~ o ®~ Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT: LAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Applicant: New Hanover County Project Location: Ogden area of Middle Sound, between US Hwy 17 & AIWW Proposed Project: the construction of a sewer collection system, consisting of 118,000 linear feet of gravity sewer main, 21,000 linear feet of sewer force main, and six (6) sewer pumping stations Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by February 13, 2001. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Ed Brooks at extension 395-3900. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATE 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 Form DCM-MP-1" APPLICA ~~ ~~~~~`~~ u~ r`-iSEDN OF (To be oompl~,ed by all appiic~i~STAL MANAGEMENT 1. APPLICANT - -~ a. Landowner: .Name New Hanover County Address _ 41.4 GheG~nut Grreet City _ Wilmington State NC Zip 28401 Day Ph'c9ae 9~0-341-7139 FaX._- 91C-X41-4C~5 b. Authorized Agent: 'Name Watt E Blanchard P E Address Same as "a" :above City State ZiP Day Phone max :c. ~SOject name (if any) .. `Middle sound Regional Wastewater Facilities :d. NOT.• Pernrt,will be.issued,in name o . f landowner(s), "mid/or Pro1eM name. 2.IOCATION ~OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. COUnty, New 1:ianovar b. City, town, community or landmark c. Street .address or secondary road number ~.R 14C~ M; ddl a So and 7 oon Ro d d. _IS proposed work within city `limits or planning .jurisdiction? Yes g No ._ e. Name of body of water nearest -project (8,g. river, creek, sound,:bay) Miil,d~l~ Sound Intracoastal • Waterway 3• .DESCRIPTION :AND PLANNED USE ~OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. List .all :development .activities you .propose {e:g. buiIding;a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, end • =excavation andLor filling activrties. _. ~anti~fiarv^Sewe~r I~Iaias Newer Force :Mains .Sewer.~.umping ;Stations :b. Is the.proposed .activity maintenance of ,an -existing project, mew work, -or :.both? New .c. Will~theprajectbe:forpublic,privateor:commercial ;use? Public -Given'::brief descriptionofpurpose,mse, wethods of -construction ::and :daily .,operations :of proposed project. If more space is :needed, please :attach -additional pages. Prop eet will provide sanitary sewer service to Tesidents.in the Middle Sound-community..'COnstruction~will.:be via .open trenc constructl.on.. Maantenance wi7J. be "reuuized parr -the "pip stations and sewer .maaas .on ~ zegular basis The -s stem "w3.71 be primarily :self :sufficient <on .a -daily . asis. ~xe~a oaig~ -. Form DCM-MP-1 " ~ ~'~ . y •.:.~. " 1 :~:~ ,~ ~_ ~~ ~ ~ ~ '~ 4. LAND AND WATER ~° t , ~ •~ Ae~cribe existing wastewater treatment facilities. • t ~.e~~lents are currently on private Cj-~ARA~~ERISTTCS Q~ <~-~' indi6~,dual septic tanks . _ •> ~~~ _ . _, ,, ,~ a. -Size of entire tract N/A Located in DOT R/W ascribe location and type of dischazges to waters " - of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary b. Size of individual lot(s) N/A wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential dischazges.) C. Approximate elevation of tract above ~IW Or SiirfarP r~mnff from raadAe +• ~ arc+a~ NWL tJ/a r d. Soil :type(s) and texture(s) of tract e. Vegetation on tract N/A C1 oared R/W ...~ f. Man-made features now on tract Road /Asphal t ,g. `What is the CAMA :Land Vse Plan land classification Of the -site? ;(consult t/u Toazl land use plan,) Conservation Transitional X Developed Community :_ Rural _ Other _ __ h. How _s the tract zoned by .local ,government? Residentiaa i. Is theproposed project consistent with:theappIicable :caning? X Yes 'No (Attae~iZoning.compJiance oemfiarte, lfcppliaableJ o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. The mai on v of PGi ~1Pnt~ „*~ ~ -r ~,, p ivtite individual wells. There are several small private water systems as well 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In .addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: ~ A copy of the deed (with stateapplication only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims :tide _to the affected properties. Tf the ;applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said -property, .then forwazd :a -:copy of the deed or other instrumentunder which the owner claims tide, plus written,permission from -the owner to cony out the project. a. Has ~~professiona7:arcbaeoIogical assessment been donefor~he tract? Yes x No If :yes, 'by :whom? k. Is -.the project :located ,in a National .Registered :Historic `District _or does it ;involve a _National Register listed or~.e~gible;property? Yes R No 1. ° .Are ere -wetlands. on _the site? ~ Yes No 'Coastal '(mazsh), ,x Other. _ 7f yes, :has a delineation:been -conducted? Yes (~ittach .doainuntation, ; f a-~ilabkJ An accurate, dated work plat (including ,plan view and cross-sectional.drawings) drawn~toscale:in~black :ink ; on :an i8 1 /Z" :by 11" ` tivbite ;paper. Refer to Coastal 3tesources ~Cemmission 3tule 7J,D20s for a detailed description.) Please note tliat original drawings aze preferred and only high quality copies will be :accepted. Blue-line prints or other lazger plats are .acceptable only:if an adequate number of equality copies aze provided `by :.applicant.. (Contact the ~U S. ,Army `Corps ;of .Engineers :regazding that .agency's .use :of lazger .drawings.) A site or ocation map is a part of ;plat :requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed o .guide agency personnel unfamiliaz-with ffie:azea o the :Revised 03/95 Form DCM-MP-1 site. .Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, .landmarks, and the like. • A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. • A list of .the names .and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) .landowners and signed return .receipts as .proof that such owners have received a Dopy of -the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days is which to submit comments on the proposed _project to -the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name See attached list Address "~ Phone Name Address Phone :Name Address :Phone • A `list of;previaus state or federal :permits ;issued for work on the project ract: Includepermit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. None as of CA1~.application date • A check for:S250 made payableto'the Department of Environment, >Health, -:;and :Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the :costs >:of ;processing the :application. '• A signed :AEC :hazard notice for ,projects in oceanfront and inlet-areas. °• :A statement of :compliance with he NC. :Environmental Policy ,Act (N.C:G:S. ~113A - 1 to ,10) If;the project :involves-.the expenditure of :public :funds or use of public lands, ..attach a statement documenting compliance with ae :North Cazolina Environmental :Policy Act. `', Q ~ ~ ~ ~~~ DEC 4 ~ 2~~1 j ~~ ..%k 6. CE~~A~~,~~SION TO ENTER ON LAND I understand that any :permit -issued in response to this :application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained i~ the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with .:the State of North. 'Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner :consistent with. such program. I certify that I am :authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state.and .federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information :related to this permit application and follow-up :monitoring of the :project. • I further .certify -that the information :provided in this application is truthful .to the:best of my knowledge. This is the _day of u=, ~ d~ Print Name Wyatt :E; "Blanchard County Engin er :Signature or .lrrtlia~ed .Agent Pleaseindicate attachments pertaining.to your:proposed project. - DCM MP-2 .Excavation and Fi11:Information `DCM MP-3 Upland Development DCM MP-4 .:Structures Information DCM MP-S .Bridges ..and Culverts DCM:MF-6 Mazina.Development NOTE: .Please sign and .date :each attachment :in :the space. provided at:•the .bottom of each, fornt. Qp.~;~a natoa `F©rm I~Ivf-Mp 2 EXCAVATION AND FILL (Except bridges sad culvert) Attach this -form to Joint Applic~tioa for"CAMA Major. Permit, .Form DCM:MP-1. Be sure ao complete :all other sections of the Joint Application that relate o this proposed Proj~- Drscr~e :below the purpose of proposed excavation or .:fill :activities. All~values "to be glvea 3n eet. Average _ ~ Length , WidtL ..Access channel (MI.Vh ar (IVw] Canal Boat :basin :Boat ramF .Rack . ~~ Rock ~breakwat;er *Sanitary .Sewer Q er (~ ~:~ ataoilaafion) Pump ,Station ~~~1 Pomp :Station ~~2 Pomp Station ~~3 Pomp :Station ~~4 Pump :.Station ,~f'5 Pump :Station ~~6 '.S ~~5 :Ac~c R~ d 1050' S0' 2' [~ ~ D ~ ~ ~ ~~~ DEC 18 2000 QIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1- ~r~vA~roN a .Amount of matenai to be :excavated from below MHW or;NWL 'm cubic yards 26 , 600 Cy b. Type.of-material"to'be excavated soil Topsoil., Cla :Sand., "'Marl c. Does the .area to be .excavated :include coastal Wetlands '(marsll~, °'S{lbmerged `aQuatlC ~egetatlOII (SAVs} or .other ~+etlands? - y~ - No `d. Bighground excav~*ion 'ri 'cubic 199, J-ards_ 000 CY . ~. ~ISPQSA-L ~OF LXCAVA3'ED 1ViAT~,RIAI, - -a. I.ot~tioII of:disposal:area_Ad=i accent -to trench used for Hain s-nstallation. Tem ora 'will .be placed 7~aclc ~o :original ,condition .`b. Dimensions.of:disposal~_~pica7ly 2"0' x ~0'. -- =wi11 move with c c. ~7oyou 'claim ~titIe xo=disposal area? ._::_~.~ =No °If no, ~itach ~ Metter granting :Permission from-the OwneZ. Area Ito ~:be granted :by ,easement negotiations ,are on-going.. :d• -Wilt ra :disposal -area :be =ava$able ~ ~irture :maintenance? "Yes x No . -~.yeS, ~fiere~ 95' 95, 3 r 6, 65' 65 r I r 2 , 65, 65' 2- -4, 75' X75' I - :3 r 7S' 75' I' 2r Form~CM-MP Z _ _ `-J`e. 'Does the disposal; area include any coastal wetla~s (marsh), SAVs ar other, a-etlands? x Yes_ NO :. :Temporary , - ~ f Does the disposal include any area in the watef! . Yes x No 3. SHORELINE STABII~IZATION N/A a. Type of shoreline stabilization Bulkhead Riprap b. Length c. Average distance waterward of MHW or NWL d. Maximum distance waterward of MHW or NWL e. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 momhs (Sorrnce af'++ifonmtion) f. Type of .bulkhead or riprap material g. .Amount of fill in cubic .yards to be placed below water level ~. -(l) g~pmp • (2) Bulkhead 'backfill `h. Type of :fill material i. `Source of fill material 4. OTHER -FILL ACTIVITIES (Excluding ShoreL'ne Stabilization) a. ~ WiII fill :material be brought~to site? Yes _ x Na " If yes, (1) Amount of material to be placed in 'the water (2) Dimensions of fill area (3) Purpose of fill b. Will fill material be placed in coastal wetlands (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? Yes = No ~ Y~~ - (I) .Dimensions of fill azea (2) Purpose of fill 5. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill material be -kept on site and erosion cornrolled? Defined construction limits -silt .fence, check dams - standard erosion .control methods will be utilized throughout project.. b. What type of construction equipment will be -used (for .example, "dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Backhoe c. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to pmject ite? `les . x No Jf yes, exptain -steps Ghat will be taken Ito ;lessen :environmental :impacts. New Hanover County Ap t;orProj Name ~ ~_ .Date - . Revised Q3/95 Form BCM-MP-3 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT ~e ~i 1C~~ 1~ .ICS DEC 18 2AOp D COASTgL'M NAGEMENT (Construction and/or land disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for. CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete alI other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or • structures prop05ed S -Sanitary Sewer Pumping Stations and 1 -Access Road b. Number of lots or pazcels 5 c. Density (give the number of residential units and the units per acre) N/A -Parcels will be used for public utility only.. d. Size of urea to be graded, filled or disturbed includingroads, ditches, etc. 3.0 acres e. If ,the -proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the :Division of -Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at ,least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If -applicable, .has a edimeniation and -erosion control plan `been submitted to :the Division ofl.and Resources? X •Yes No If .yes,: date-submitted. -June 2.000 ,....Approved August. 28, .2000 f. List the .materials (such as mazl, paver atone, .asphalt, or concrete) to be used for paved. surfaces. Gravel/Marl g. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of `MHW or NWL, or within:575 feet`in-.the.case of an OutstandingResource Water, to be .covered by .impervious and/or built-upon surfaces, :such :as pavement, buildings, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular driveways or pazking. , 887 h. Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Permit may also require a Stormwater Certification. .Has a site development plan been submitted to the Division of Environmental Management for review? X Yes No If yes, date submitted June 2000 Approved August 29, 2000 i. Describe proposed method of sewage disposal. Sewage will be pumped to the Northside Treatment Plant for treatment and dis osal j. Have the facilities described in Item i. above .received state or local approval? Yes (Attach aPP~Ptuue .documentation) k. Describe location and type of proposed dischazges to waters of the state (for example, surface runoff, sanitary.wastewater, .industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" .and residential dischazges). $u f r ~n-off nn~tr Describe proposed ..drinking water supply source (e.g. well, -.community, public system, etc.) Private -wPl.l c nv; or ., ., ~,.., , -- ___ - . public-water systems. m. Will water be impounded? Yes x No . 1f -yes, how :many :acres? n. If the -project is a oceanfront development, when was the lot(s) platted .and recorded? N/A New Hanover County .Applicant or Project Name S' ure Date Revised 03/95 DEC 18 200p D COgS A~L~M NAGEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT MIDDLE SOUND REGIONAL WASTEWATER FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS .PROJECT NARRATIVE 'McKim 8~ Creed Project'No. 00494-0017 _ December 2000 :5625 Dillard Road, Building 1, Suite 117 Cary, North Carolina 27511 (919) 233-8091 Q:10494\0017140\CAMANarrative.doc 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Sections I. Introduction 11. Project Purpose and Scope III. .Upland Areas A. Geography B. .Soils and Floodplains C. Existing Land Use and Zoning D. Growth E. Existing Facilities F. Wetlands fV. CAMA Boundaries V. Environmental Protection -Project Safeguards VI. Permitting VI1. ..Summary Q:1049410017~40\CAMANarrative.doc Paae 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 8 9 2 1. INTRODUCTION The Middle Sound Regional Wastewater Facilities Improvements (MSRWF) project will involve the construction of approximately 118,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer mains, 21,000 linear feet of sewerforce mains and six (6) sewer pumping stations in the Middle Sound area of New Hanover County, North Carolina. The project area is located in the community of Ogden, approximately 4 miles northeast of the City of Wilmington, and is bounded on the north by Pages,Creek, the south by Howe Creek, the east bythe Intracoastal Waterway, and the west by US Highway 117. II. PROJECT PUPROSE:AND SCOPE The MSRWF is a part of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, and is intended to serve current and future residents with domestic sanitary sewer service. At the time of this writing, there are approximately 1300-homes located in the project area, the majority of which are utilizing private individual septic tanks for wastewater disposal. With continued development in he area, the proliferation of septic tanks, poses a potential threat to human health and the environment. The .project as designed, will eliminate the use of septic tanks and provide a means of wastewater disposal that will protect human health and the surrounding .environment. 111. UPLAND :AREAS A. Geography The MSRWF encompasses an area of .approximately 2100 acres and is .located in the Atlantic Coast:region of North Carolina; more specificallythe project is located in the coastal plain provinces. The areas slopes generally to the south and east with elevations ranging from 0 feet to 45 feet, mean sea level (MSL). B. Soils;and ~Floodplains .Soils within the project area vary greatly with approximately 12-15 different soils categories identified. 'The most common are Kenansville-Craven-Lakeland, which are moderately well Q:1049410017k10\CAMANarrative.doc 3 drained to excessively well drained in nature, arid are characterized by a sand or sandy loam surface layer and a sandy loam, clay orsand-subsoil underlying layer. Floodplains in the project area are prevalent mainly along the Pages Creek, Howe Creek and Intracoastal Waterway boundaries.. There are also areas of delineated floodplains associated with tributaries to the previously mentioned surface waters present within the project area. The .approximate elevation of the 100-year floodplain is 11 feet MSL. C. Existing Land Use and Zoning Land use in the project area is predominantly residential, with the exception of the Ogden Elementary School located on SR 1403 Middle Sound Loop Road and two Marinas located on the Intracoastal Waterway. Approximately 80 percent of the residences in the area are located in established residential subdivisions. Information supplied by the New Hanover County planning department shows that the undeveloped areas within the project are zoned primarily residential, and it is expected that land use and new development in this region will continue to be residentially driven. D. Growth Historical growth in the Middle Sound region has typically ranged from 2.5 percent to 5 percent. At the time of this writing, several large tracts in the. project area were either under development or in aplanning/design stage. The proximity of the project area to beaches and recreation facilities of New Hanover County as well other coastal.counties has-been a major impetus for residential development. tt is expected that the -region will :continue 'to experience residential growth. as a result of its attractive location. E. Existing Facilities Sewer The majority of residents in the Middle Sound area utilize private individual septic tanks for wastewater disposal; however, there are several small private low-pressure sewer systems `that utilize drain fields as a means of waste disposal, as well as gravity systems that Q:\049410017440\CAMANarrafive.doc 4 discharge waste to County facilities via a pump station and force main. Water While most residents have private individual wells for potable drinking water, there are some areas that are supplied by county or city water facilities. These areas are limited and are mainly concentrated near the intersection of US Highway 117 and SR 1403 Middle Sound Loop Road. This project does not include. any provisions for providing a potable water supply source to residents. F. Wetlands Wetlands that will be impacted as a result of this project have:been delineated, sunieyed and included as part of the construction plans and documents for this project. Due to the fact that the majority of the proposed sewer mains have been designed in the rights-of--way of existing roads and streets, impacts to wetlands have largely been avoided. However, there are some areas where the sewer mains.-must traverse wetlands. In these areas, clearing and construction disturbance has been limited to a 40-foot wide (or less) corridor, .thereby minimizing the impact to wetlands. All activities in or adjacent to wetlands which result-from construction of this-project will be conducted in accordance with 33 CFR .Part 330 of the Federal Register. The wetlands delineation for this .project has been approved by the US Army Corps of Engineers -Wilmington Regional Office. IV. CAMA BOUNDARIES The MSRWF project is within the jurisdictional boundary of several bodies of water regulated by the Division of Coastal Management. -These waters and their respective classifications are-as follows: Water -Body Classification Mean High Water Buffer Pages Creek SA 75 Feet Howe Creek ORW 575 Feet Intracoastal Waterway ORW 575 Feet Q:\0494100171401CAMANarrative.doc 5 All buffers are measured from the mean high water elevation, which is approximately 3 feet MSL for the Middle Sound area. V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION -PROJECT SAFEGUARDS A primary concern for this project is the protection of the CAMA regulated waters. The project has been designed to provide an effective .means of wastewater collection to area residents while safeguarding CAMA waters, wetlands, and other environmental concerns.. Specific design elements and protective measures are detailed as follows: Construction Phase During construction, the contractor will be required to install and maintain adequate erosion and sedimentation control measures as required by the NCDENR -Division of Land Quality. An erosion and sedimentation control plan has been designed forthis project and is currently under review by the Division of Land Quality. These measures include the installation of silt :fencing, straw/net channel liners, check dams, riprap, sediment traps and diversions ditches. for control of gilt .and sediments. An on-site resident~construction observer will enforce the implementation and .maintenance of the erosion control measures during construction, and is empowered to atop work if these measures are -not adhered #o. No .stockpiling of excavated or spoil material will be allowed in wetland areas. The contractor will be required to place all overburden. and spoil material on upland areas. Further, the .contractor-will be required to provide anon-eroding support system -for equipment during construction -through the wetlands in addition to installing the required erosion control measures. Construction .will be limited to .a 40-foot wide corridor centered on the pipe installation and all excavated material will be stockpiled within the upland .areas ofthese limits. All stockpile areas will require proper sedimentation and erosion control measures, primarilyfrom the use of siltfence containment. Construction methods used~forthis project :will primarily be via the open=trench method utilizing medium-duty excavation equipment. This method is -efficient and .minimizes the .excavation required for pipe installation. A resident construction observer will be on-site at all times to monitor and inspect the work as it is being performed. The .sewer mains will be tested for leaks and sanitized :prior to Q:\0494\0017140\CAMANarrative.doc 6 acceptance and approval by the engineer. The excavated trench will be backFilled to original grade and restored to pre-construction condition at the end of each day's operation. A .planting restoration plan has been designed as an integral part of the project and is included in the construction plans. -This plan includes approved plant species, spacing and seasonal options for particular species. It should be noted that of the approximately 1.39,000 linearfeet of sewer mains proposed for this project, only 12,000+/- linear feet will be installed within the mean high water buffer areas. .Additionally, three of the .six sewer pumping stations will be installed within the boundary. 900-Year Flood Protection The 100-year flood elevation in the Middle Sound area is 11 feet MSL. The sewer mains and .pump stations have been designed to eliminate discharges, spills or contamination that could result .from the 100-year storm event. Sewer Manholes -The top rim elevation of all manholes proposed for this project have been set at an elevation of 1 foot above the 100-year flood elevation of 11-feet MSL wheneverfeasible. In areas where this is notfeasible, the manhole rims have been designed with water-tight, sealed rims and covers. Pump Stations - Thetop elevations of the proposed sewer pumping stations have.been designed at an elevation 1 foot higher than `the 100-year flood elevation of 11 fleet MSL. Additionally, electrical .structures and all other appurtenances have been designed at the .same elevation. Protection from Power Outages A main focus of this project was to ensure that the six pump stations proposed for this project were .supplied with a standby power supply in the event of a power outage.- To Q: \0494\0017\40\CAMANarrative.doc 7 accomplish this, each station has been designed with a dedicated, on-site generator and automatic power transfer switch. Each generator shall also be supplied with a fuel tank capable of providing 72 hours of continuous run time. Additionally, each pump station will have dedicated telemetry. This will provide instant notification to the flew Hanover County Utilities Department of any problems that may arise at the station (power outages, pump failures, alarms, etc.), so that immediate attention may be given to alleviating potential problems. Protection of Human Health Heavy development in the project area has resulted in a large number of private individual septic tanks being utilized for waste disposal. The residential growth expected for the area will most likely lead to the continued proliferation of septic tank disposal systems. Coupled with the fact that most of the. septic tank owners also utilize private individual wells for drinking water supply, his creates a potential threat to human health. ,The failure of septic tanks could lead to contamination of private wells, ground water and nearby surface waters. The primary benefit of this project: is that it will eliminate this potential threat to human health by eliminating the need forprivate septic tank disposal systems. VI. PERMITTING At the time of this writing, the Middle Sound .Regional Wastewater Facilities project is under review (or-has been :approved) by the following agencies: • 'NCDENR -Division of Water Quality.- Non-Discharge .Section Approved + 'NCDENR -Division of Land Quality- Erosion Control .Approved • NCDENR -Division of Water Quality -Storm Water Management Approved • NCDOT -Right-of--Way Encroachment Agreement Pending Q:\0494\0017440\CAMANaRative.doc 8 VI1. SUMMARY The Middle Sound Regional Wastewater Facilities Improvements projectwillprovide current and future residents of the area with a public sanitary sewer system. This project will eliminate the need for private individual septic tanks as well as the potential threatto human health and the environment that may arise from failure of these septic tanks. The design of this .public sanitary sewer system includes numerous safeguards against potential damage to the surrounding environment. These safeguards are summarized as follows: Sewer Manholes -The top elevations of all manholes are either 1 foot above the 100-year flood .elevation of 11 feet MSL, or have been designed with water-tight covers. Pump Stations - .Pump stations have been designedto be 1 foot above-the 100-year flood elevation. Each station will be equipped with .dedicated standby generators, automatic transfer switches and telemetry. Erosion Control - An erosion control plan has been designed for the project and will be implemented during construction. Wetlands - Impacts to wetlands have been avoided when feasible. In .areas where wetlands must betraversed, clearing figs been limited to a maximum 40-foot wide corridor. No excavation or spoil material will be stockpiled in wetland areas. Q:1049410017140\CAMANarrative.doc 9 Proposed Sanitary Sewer Main Proposed Manhole ~' ~ ~ Q Q ~? ~ ~ ~ ~ w Q~ fl Q~ ~3 ~ Q~ Proposed 30' Utility Easement- Maximum Construction Limits fl~~~ Contractor to provide .restoration plantings for entire disturbed area in accordance as detailed below. Note that contractor shall coordinate all planting selections and spacings with engineer prior to planting. ~ ~ ~ Q ~ £~ fl ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ Q Spacing varies - See planting specifications below Along the edges of the tidal marsh where the elevation is higher, shrubs such as myrtle, groundsel bush, and marsh elder. -will be planted at a 5' spacing. From this marsh edge, three herbaceous marsh species will be planted on a 2' spacing. Culms of saw grass, giant cordgrass, and black needlerush will be planted in elevation bands, with saw grass in the. highest elevation, followed by a band of giant cordgrass, and finally black needlerush in the lowest elevation. The optimal time to plant these species is in the dormant season, which is late winter to early .spring (January-March). However, the herbaceous species can likely be .planted up until mid -May. Table 1. `Species to be .planted at Middle Sound Looo.* Scientific Name .Common Name Spacing Myrica cerifera Baccharis halimifolia Iva frutescens Wax myrtle Groundsel Bush Marsh elder 5' (along edges of marsh) Spartina cynosuroides Giant cordgrass 2' Cladium jamaicense .Saw grass 2' Juncus romerianus ..Black needlerush 2' MIDDLE SOUND REGIONAL `WASTEWATER FACILITIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC PLANTING :RESTORATION .`:PLAN AND SPEOIFICATION Not to Scale State of North Carolina _ Department of Environment and 1VTatural Resources V4'ilminb on Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor BiII Holman, Secretary Division of Water Quality Mr. Wyatt E. Blanchard New Hanover County 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Blanchard: ~E~~rf ~t ~ vcT.z ~ ~~_ October 25, 2000 ~~s ~~~~~~ NODE R N NOR~TIh CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: Permit Error SW8 000645 New Hanover County Middle Sound Regional Wastewater Facility, Siormwater Project No. SW8 000711 New Hanover County This letter is to inform you that an error has been made on the State Stormwater Permit for the New Hanover County Middle Sound Regional Wastewater Facility. The permit was issued to you with the project number SW8 000645. This number is incorrect. The correct project number is SW8 000711. Anew permit has been issued with the correct number. Please replace your existing permit with the permit attached. I apologize for.any inconvenience. If you' have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at (910}-395-3900. Sincerely, RSS1nml: cc:. Noelle Lutheran °Irrahri;~ ~~ Tony Roberts Beth .Easley .Central .Files `Wilmina on Regional Office Noelle Lutheran Environmental Technician ZQ~ ~~~~~~ DEC 2 7 20~ D DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Caroiina28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 9]0-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources V1'ilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretar}• Division of Rater Quality ~•• NCt~E R N NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES August 29, 2000 Mr. Wyatt E. Blanchard New Hanover County ~4 ] 4 Chesfiut Street Wilmington, NC 2840] Dear Mr. Blanchard: Subject: Permit No. SWS 000711 NewHanoverCountyMiddleSuund Regional WastewaterFaciIities General Permit Stormwater-Utility Line .New Hanover County The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete StormwaterMana°ementPermitAppIication forNewHanover County Middle Sound Regional WastewaterFacilitiesonAugust21,2000. Staffreviewoftheplansandspecificationshasdetermined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stotmwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H .1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SWS 000711 dated .August 29, 2000, for the construction of New Hanover County Middle Sound Regional Wastewater Facilities. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be subj ectto the conditions and limitations as specified therein. lfanyparts,requirements, or Iimitationscontained inthis permitare unacceptable, you have therightto requestan adj udicatory .hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a writtenpetition, conformingtoChapter 150B oftheNorth Carolina General Statutes, andfiled with the Office ofAdministrative Hearings,P.O.Drawer27447,Raleigh,NC27611-7447. Unless such demandsaremadethispermitshal]befinalandbinding. Ifyou have any questions, orneed additional information concerningthis matter, please contact eitherme orNoelleLutheran at (910}39~-3900. Sincerely, Rick Shiver Water Quality Regional. Supervisor RSS/nmL S:\WQS\STORMWATIPERMIT10007].1.JUL cc: Tony Boahn Tony Roberts, New Hanover County"Inspections BethBasley; New Hanover County EnaQitleering Noe11e Lutheran Wilmington- Regional Office Central Files l--, ~~ ~~ DEC 2~7 ~~ C}IVI MAN ~ ~ME~Ti COp,STAt I2? Cardinal Dr. Ext., Witmingtan, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 F'Aa 910-350-2004 An .Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post-consumer paper State Stormwater M ement Systems Pe tt No. ppp W STATE. OF NORTH CAROLINA ~ o rL w 0 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCE ~' zO z DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY ~ c 4 ~ 0 ~ J STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT . ~~ o . ~~ O GENERAL PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes ofNorth Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws,Rules and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO New Hanover County New Hanover County Middle Sound Regional Wastewater Facilities FOR THE construction of utility Lines in compliance with theprovisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules ") andthe approved stormwater management plans and specifications, and other supporting data, as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit for New HanoverCounty Middle.Sound Regional Wastewater Facilities. The Permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be subject to the following specific conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit .covers the construction of utility Lines only. 2. Runofffrom-any proposed buildings and driveways associated with the utility project will be diverted away -from surface waters. All runoff must sheet flow through vegetated areas, .and no piped discharges .are allowed. 3. The approved Erosion Control plan will be followed. 4. Approved plans and specifications for prof ects covered by this permit are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts ofthe permit. S. .Projects covered by this permit will maintain a minimum 30 foot wide vegetative buffer between all impervious_areas and surface waters. 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equa! Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post-consumer oaner State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 000711 II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE l . The permittee shall at all times provide adequate erosion control measures in conformance with the approved Erosion Control Plan. 2. The permittee shall submit all information requested by the Director or his representative within the time frame specified in the written information request. 3 . The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction for the following items: a. Any revision to the approved plans, regazdless of size. b. Project name change. c. Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign of, addition to or deletion of the approved amount of built-upon area, regardless of size. e. Further subdivision of the project area. f. Alteration of the proposed drainage. 4. The Director may determine that other revisions to the project should require a modification to the permit. ~. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans. and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. :; 6. No stormwater piping in addition to the :existing piping shall be allowed except: a. That minimum amount necessary to direct runoff beneath an impervious surface such as a road. b. That minimum amount needed under driveways to provide access. III. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Failure to .abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General :Statutes '143-215.6A to 143 215:6C. . 2. The permit issued shall continue in force and effect-until revoked or terminated. 3. The permit 'may be modified, revoked and .reissued or terminated for cause. The .filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination does not stay any permit condition. 4. The issuance ofthispermitdoesnotprohibittheDirectorfromreopeningandmodifyingthepermit,revoking and reissuing the permit, or terminating the permit as allowed by the laws, rules, andregulations contained in Title 1 SA of the North Carolina Administrative Code, `Subchapter 2H,1000; -and North Carolina. General Statute 143-215.1.et. al: D DEC 2:7.2Q00 DIVISION OF I27 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 284Q5 Telephone 910-395A ~91~!'~s~EME NT An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer SO% recycled/10% post-consumer paper State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 000711 5 • The permit is not transferable to any person except after notice to and approval by the Director. The Director s may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit to change the name and incorporate such other requirements as may be necessary. A formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Water I • Quality accompanied by the appropriate fee, documentation from both parties involved, and other supporting j materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits, and may or ' may not be approved. ~° i 6. The issuance of this~ermit does not preclude then Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, ~ regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state and federal) which have jurisdiction. 7. The permittee grants .permission to DENR Staff to -enter the property for the purpose of ins ectin the project.. • ' p g i Permit issued this the 29th day of August, 2000. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL 1VIANAGEMENT COMMISSION Kerr T. Stevens, Director -r.r Division of Water Quality ., By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission 'Permit Number SW8 000711 .. ~~~~~~ D DEC 2:7.2000 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 127 Cartlinal'Dr. Exf., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-390Q FAX 910.350 2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recvderUt(1%..,~~+ ,.,.......___ _ __ State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilminb on Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Division of Water Quality August 29, 2000 Mr. Wyatt E. Blanchard New Hanover County 414 Chestnut Street Wilmin~on, NC 28401: +~• +~~~ ~~~ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: Permit No. SW8 000645 NewHanoverCountyMiddle SoundRegional WastewaterFacilities General Permit Stormwater-Utility Line New Hanover County Deaz Mr. Blanchard: The WilmingtonRegional Office received a complete StormwaterManagementPermitApplication forNewHanoverCounty MiddleSoundRegionalWastewaterFacilitiesonAugust2l,'2000. StafFreviewoftheplansandspecif~cationshasdetermined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H .1000:. We are forwazding Permit No. SW8 000645 dated August 29, .2000, .for the construction of New Hanover County Middle Sound Regional Wastewater Facilities. This permit shallbe effective from-the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as 'specified therein. If anyparts,requirements, or limitations contained in this permit aze unacceptable; you havethenghtto request ari'adjudicatory :hearing upon written request within thirty(30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforminato Chapter 150B ofthe North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Q~ce ofAduiinistrative Hearings,P.O. Drawer27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unlesssuch demands aze made this permit shall be final and binding. Ifyou have any questions, orneed additional information concerning this matter, please contact eitherme orNoelleLutheran at (910):395-3900. ' .Sincerely, ~ ~ ~~f %r'Ricl: Shiver / Water Qualify Regional Supervisor RSS/nml: S:\W StST~QRMWATIPERIvIIT1000645.JUL cc: ... , oar .Tony Roberts, New :Hanover County Inspections Beth Easley, New:Hanover County .Engineering Noelle Lutheran Wilmington Regional Office Central .Files .127 Cardinal Dr. Ext.;Wilmington; North'Carolina 28405 An Egual Opportunity Affirmative Action.Employee ~~~~ -DEC r 7 2000 DIV1S10~! OF ~C~gSTAL ~IANA.GEMENT ~'elephone 910-395-3900 EAX 910-350-2004 50% recycled/10% post-consumer paper State Stormwater Management Systems .Permit No. SW8 000645 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT' PERMIT GENERAL PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO New Hanover County New Hanover County Middle Sound Regional Wastewater Facilities .FOR THE construction of utility lines in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafterreferred to as the "stormwater rules ") and the approved stormwater management plans and.specifications, and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this .permit for ;New Hanover County Middle Sound Regional Wastewater Facilities. The Permit shall be .effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be sub'ect to a conditions and limitations: specific I~; ~ ~~ I. DESIGN STANDARDS D~~~E.2000... 1 • This permit covers the construction of :utility lines only. DiVIS10N OF 2. Runoff from anyproposed buildings and driveways associated wi~~~pQ~~ ~ v~bM E NT _ sec a diverted away :from .surface waters. AlI runoff must .sheet .flow :through vegetated areas, and no piped discharges .are allowed. 3. The approved Erosion Control plan will be followed. 4• Approved plans and specifications for prof ects covered by this permit are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 5. Projects covered by -this permit will maintain a -minimum 30 foot wide vegetative buffer between all impervious areas and .surface waters. State Stormwater Management Systems ` Permit No. SW8 000645 II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. The permittee shall at all times provide adequate erosion control measures in conformance with the approved Erosion Control Plan. i 2. The permittee shall submit all information requested by the Director or his representative within the time frame specified in the written information request. ~;. 3. Thepennittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval forrevised plans, specifications, ~; ~:. and calculations prior to construction for the following items: a. Any revision to the approved plans, regazdless of size. b. Project name change. ' c. Transfer of ownership. d. .Redesign. of, .addition to or deletion of the approved amount of built-upon azea, regardless of size. e. Further subdivision of the project azea. f. Alteration of the proposed drainage. 4. The Director may determine that other revisions to the project should require a modification to the permit. . 5. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Withinthe time frame specified in the notice, thepermittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying-the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have beenmade. 6. No stormwater piping in addition to the existing piping shall be allowed except: a. That m;n;munl amount necessary to direct runoff beneath an impervious suxface such as a road. b. That minimum amount needed under driveways to provide access. III. GENERAL CONDTITONS ' ~' 1. Failure to.abidebythe conditions andlimitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an - enforcementaction bytheDivision-ofWater Quality, in accordance with North Carolina. General Statutes ~'` 1.43 215.6A'to 1.43 21:5.6C. } '~ ~ 2. -The permit issued shall continue in force and effect until revoked or terminated. _ 3. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a :.permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination does not stay any permit condition. 4. TheissuanceofthispermitdoesnotprohibittheDirectorfromreopeningandmodifyingthepermit,revoking andreissuing the;peimit, or.terminating the permit as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations contained in Title 15A of the North Carolina. Administrative Code, Subchapter.2H.1000; and North Caro ~ neral Statute .143 215.1 et. al. ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~- ~ I.2000 DL..~ -~ .~~r)IC~i~"1 ' lJi" State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 000645 5. The permit is not transferable to any person except after notice to and approval by the Director. The Director may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit to change the name and incorporate such other requirements as may be necessary. A formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Water Quality accompanied bythe appropriate fee, documentation from bothparties involved, and other supporting materials as maybe appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits, and may or may not be approved. 6. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and. all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state and federal) which have juristiiction_ 7. The permittee grants permission to DENR Staff to enter the property for the purpose of inspecting the project. Permit issued this the 29th day of August, 2000. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIl2OTTMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMIv1TSSION Ke r T. Stevens, Director }~rvision of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commissi a On PermitNumber SW8 D00645 _ ;. ~~ ~~ D~~ 2 ~ 200 DN~S~~N GEMEN~ O~AS~AL MAN State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quatity STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project): New Hanover County 2. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and tide (person legally responsible for facility and compIiance): 1.1. _ 11 r_ .2i____- n s ., 3. Mailing Address for person Iisted in item 2 above: 414 Chestnut Street City: Wilmington State: NC Zip: 28401 Telephone Number: (910) 341-7139 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name-should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): New Hanover County Middle Sound Regional Wastewater Facilities Improvements b. Location of Project (street address): Middle_ Sound .Loop Road- (See Attached Plans) City._Wilmmgton County: New Hanover 6. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection): From US 17 Market Street and SR 1402 Middle Sound Loo Road a roximatel %< mile east On SR 1403 7. Latitude:, 34°01'1.5" Longitude: 77°4730" of project 8. Contactperson who can answer questions about the project: Name: _ Anthony W. Boahn P.E Telephone Number (919) 233-8091 lI. PERM[T INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): X New Renewal :FORM SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 1 of 4 Modification (1~; ~1 DEC ? ? 2000 DIVISION OF COASTAL ~ANAGEMEN i ti = 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number N/A and its issue date (if known) 3. Specify the type of project (check one); Low Density High Density Redevelop X General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): X CAMA Major X Sedimentation/Erosion Control X 404/401 NPDES Stormwater Information on required permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at. 1-877-623-6748. III. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided. below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages)~describing stonnwater management for the project. Storm watei will be drained via sheet flow and will be directed to existin natural draina a features. 2. Stonnwater runoff from this- project drains to the Cage Fear River basin. 3. Total Project Area: 1.51 acres. 4. Project Built Upon Area: 81.5 5. How many drainage basins does the project have? 6 6. Complete the following .information for each drainage azea. If there are more than two drainage areas in the .project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each azea provided in the same format as below: (See Attachment A for additional drainage basin information.) Buckeye Rd. Pnmp B~n3nfonafton~:_ , : ;- _. DramageAre Receiving Stream Name Pages Cree] Receiving Stream Class. SA Drainage Area 0:40 Acres Existing Impervious* Area 0 Acres Proposed Impervious* Area 0.12 Acres Impervious*.Area (total) 30% Imp _ erviou~*.:Suiface~ea" - On-site Buildings ~:?ra~nagel~ea .1 ~ 0.02 Acres -Damage Aroma 0.01-Acres On-site Streets 0.04 Acres 0.06 Acres On-site Pazking 0.06 Acres 0.21 Acres On-site Sidewalks 0 Acres 0 .Acres Other on-site 0 Acres - 0 Acres Off-site 0. Acres 0 Acres Total: 0.12 Acres -~.~ 'kTmnan~iroic ~o~ ~...7~~~,,, ,1 ,....z,, z_._r. _-___ ..._. r.... ~, ,....,~~~.~.~.«.~s, u~ v~r~~J~zYXrt~ ~. Parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. FORM SWU-101 Version 3.99 Paget of4 aEC ~ ~ Z00o DIVISION OF COASTAL (ViANAGEMENT `. ` - ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE BASINS Pages Creek. Pump Station Dennis Drive Pump Station Basin Information . Drainage Area 3 ..... Drainage.Area.:4 Receiving Stream Name Pages Creek Pages Creek Receiving Stream Class SA SA Drainage Area 0.19 Acres 0.08 Acres Existing Impervious* Area 0 Acres 0 Acres Proposed Impervious* Area 0.19 Acres 0.08 Acres Impervious* Area (total) 100% 100% :::Impervious* :surface Area: ; - : =Drainage Area3 - - - ~ Dramage Area 4 On-site Buildings 0.01 Acres 0.01 Acres On-site Streets 0.09 Acres 0 Acres On-site Parking 0.09 Acres 0.07 Acres On-site Sidewalks : ' ~ 0 Acres 0 Acres Other on-site 0 Acres 0 Acres Off-site 0 Acres 0 Acres To~~ 0.19 Acres 0.08 Acres *Impervious area is defined as the built-upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. Stoney Brook Pump Station Falcon Pointe Pum Station $asin~nformation -. Dsa~nage Area:. - ; - p ;. -. _ -Drainage ~iea fi Receiving Stream Name Middle Sound Howe Creek Receiving Stream Class SA-ORW SA -0RW .Drainage Area 0.45 .Acres 0.11 Acres Existing Impervious* Area D Acres 0 Acres Proposed Impervious* Area 0.45 Acres 0.11 Acres %o Impervious* Area (total) 100% 100% -, ervious~*urfac~ Area-;: DramageArea~3 _ °~ 'Dr~,uiageATeaiG On-site Buildings 0.01 Acres 0.01 Acres On-site Streets 0.32 Acres 0 Acres On-site Parking 0.12 Acres 0.10 Acres On-site Sidewalks O.Acres O Acres Other on-site 0 Acres O Acres Off site O Acres 0 Acres- . Total: 0.45 Acres 0.1-1 Acres `*Impervious area is defined as .the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. ~V ~~~~ Q DEC 2 ? 2000 DIVISION OF FORM Swu-1o1 Version 3.99 Addition 1 i^..OAST~I-- MANAGEMENT 7. How was the off-site impervious area listed above derived? N/A -There are no off-site im envious areas for this ro'ect. N. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants aze required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outpazcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly, a table listing each lot number, size and the allowable built-upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with state stormwater management permit number as issued by the Division o Water covenants may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. f Quality. These 2. No more than square feet of any lot shall be covered by structures or impervious materials. Impervious materials include asphalt, gravel, concrete, bricl~ stone, .slate or similar material but do not include. wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools. 3. Swales shall not be filled in, piped, or altered except as necessary to provide driveway crossings. 4. Built-upon area in excess of the permitted amount requires a state stormwater management permit modification prior to construction. S. All permitted runo,~f from outparcels or future development shall be directed into the permitted stormwater .control system. These connections to the stormwater control system shall be performed in a.manner that maintains the integrity and performance of the system as permitted. By your signature below, you certify that the recorded. deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons clairriing under them, that they will run with the land, .that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from :the State, -and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. :SUPPLEMENT FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specif ed for this project. Contact the stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083 for the status and availability of these forms. .Form .SWU-102 Form SWU-103 Form SWLT-104 Form SWU-105 Form SWU-106 Form SWU-107 Fonn SWU-108 Form SWU-109 WetDetention Basin .Supplement Infiltration Basin Supplement Low Density Supplement .Curb Outlet System Supplement Off-Site System Supplement _ Underground I~ltration Trench Supplement Neuse River Basin Supplement Innovative Best Management Practice Supplement FORM SWU-101 Version 3.99- Page 3 of 4 ~~ ~~~ D ~, DEC 2 ? 20 ®~V~g10N ~ ~M~NT -,~p,S~A~ MANAG' s. VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIItEMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office. 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item. • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form - Initials • One copy of the applicable Supplemental Form(s) for each BMP • Permit application processing fee of $420 (payable to NCDENR) • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment /management ~ Two copies of plans and specifications, includin g - Development /Project name - Engineer and firm - Legend - North arrow - Scale - Revision number & date - Mean high water Line - Dimensioned property /project boundary - Location map with names streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures - Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements, pipe .sizes, runoff calculations - Drainage basins delineated - .Vegetated buffers. (where required). VIL AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate submittal. authority to another individual or firm so that they map provide information on your. behalf, please complete this section. Designated .agent (individual or firm): McKim & Creed P.A. Mailing Address: =5625 Diifard Drive- Suite 117 City: CaN State: NC :Zip: 2511 Phone: (919) 233-8091 .Fax: (91.9) 233=8031 VIII. APPLICANr'.S'CERTIFICATION I, (print or tie name ofperson listed in Generallnformation, item 2)_ Wyatt E. Blanchard certify thatthe information included on this permit application-form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance .with the approved plans,-that the required .deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H.1000. Signature ~ ~. - Date: ~ Z 3_ ~ .v FORM .SWU-`101 Version:3.99 ~.~~~~ Page 4 of 4 DEC 2 '7 2~0 DtVlSION OF ....,, ~-~-~~ nAOwAGEMENT . D~_~'aartment of Environment and Na~ural Resources W~mington Regional Office Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary RECEIY~><, ~~~ 1 Q ~'tj00 August 8, 2000 LETTER OF APPROVAL County of New Hanover Mr. Wyatt E. Blanchard, 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 County Engineer Ir~-n .~.w CDE R NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND N,m'uRAL RESOURCES ~~~~~ DEC 2 7 2000 COASTAL IMANAGEME NT Project .Name: New Hanover Co. Middle .Soand Reg. WV~IF Project No.: NH-01009 Location: Ogden -New Hanover County River Basin: Cape Fear Submitted by: McKim and Creed Date Received: July 20, 2000 New Submittal Dear Mr. Blanchard:. This office has reviewed the .subject sedimentation and erosion control plan. We find the ..plan to be acceptable and hereby~issue this Letterof Approval. Theenclosed Certificate of Approval must be posted at the job site. This plan .approval shall expire three (3) years following the date of approval, if no land-disturbing activity has .been undertaken, as is required .by Title 1 ~A NCAC 48.0029.. Please be advised that Title 1 bA, of the North Carolina Administrative Code, ~4B.0018(a) requires that a copy of the approved plan be on file. at the. job site. Also, you should consider this letter to ,give the Notice required by GS 113A-61(a) approved plan. The last naae~) which lists approval comments should be copied and attached to the sedimentation and erosion control flan that is maintained on site. :North Carolina's .Sedimentation Pollution Control Program is performance oriented, requiring .protection of -the natural resources and adjoining .properties. )f, following the commencement of this °project, it is determined that the erosion .and sedimentation control plan .is inadequate -.to -meet the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (North Carolina General `Statute ~113A- 51 thru 66), this office may require revisions to the plan and its implementation to insure compliance with the Act. Acceptance and approval ofi this plan is conditioned upon your compliance with fiederal and tate water quality laws, regulations, .and rules. In particular, if wetlands are effected by this land disturbing activity, °the provisions of the Clean Water Act as mandated by the Environmental Protection.Agency must be adhered to. In addition, local city or county ordinances or rules-may also apply to -this land- disturbin~ .activity. This .approval does not supersede any other permit or approval. 127 .Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C..28405-3845 ~ Telephone 910-395-3900 ~ Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer f -;n.at 8, .2000 ` ' Page Two i Please be aware that if five acres are to be disturbed by this project, you will be covered by the enclosed general storm water permit NCG01000 (Construction Activities). You should first become familiar with all of the requirements for compliance with the enclosed general permit. Please note that this approval is based in part on the accuracy of the information provided in the Financial Responsibility Form which you provided .You are requested to file an amended form if there . is any change in the information included on the form. In addition, it would be helpful if you notify this office of the proposed starting date for this project. We look forward to working with. you on this project. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, G~.~-C.,-n- ~-~c.~-e-c.~--~ Carol N. Miller, CPESC Acting Regional Engineer CNM/dbd cc: Tony Boahn, PE, Project Engineer, McKim and Creed W iR0-LQS i `~ ~, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 p~~~` ~ `~og~e~ O~P~. P~ r.Q 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 ~ Telephone 910-395-3900 ~ Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer P; Y ~, of 2 APPROVAL COMMENTS AND CONDITIONS PROJECT NAME: New Hanover Co. Middle Sound Regional WWF PROJECT NUMBER: NH-01009 LOCATION: Ogden- New Hanover County RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear ' SUBMITTED BY: McKim and Creed DATE RECEIVED: July 20, 2000 1. This plan approval shall expire three (3) years following the date of approval, if no land disturbing activity has been undertaken, as is required by Title 15A NCAC 4B.0029. 2. The developer is responsible for the control of sediment on-site. If the approved erosion measures prove insufficient, the developer must take those additional steps necessary to stop erosion from leaving this site. Each sediment storage device must be inspected after each storm event. Maintenance and/or clean out is necessary anytime the device is at 50% capacity. 3. Any and all existing ditches on this project site are assumed to be left undisturbed by the proposed development unless otherwise noted. The removal of vegetation within any existing ditch or channel is prohibited unless the ditch or channel is to be regraded with side slopes of 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or less steep. Bank slopes may be mowed, but stripping of vegetation is considered new earth work and is subject to the same erosion control requirements as new ditches. 4. The developer is responsible for obtaining any and all .permits and approvals necessary for the development of this project prior to the commencement of this land disturbing activity. This could include agencies such as the Division of Water Quality's stormwater regulations, their enforcement requirements within Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' jurisdiction of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the Division of Coastal Management's CAMA requirements, the Division of Solid Waste Management's landfill regulations, the Environmental Protection Agency and/or The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act, .local County or ti1unicipalities' ordinances, or others that may be required.~This approval cannot supersede any other Permit or approval; however, in the case of a Cease and':Desist Order from the -Corp of Engineers, that Order would only apply to wetland areas. All highland would still have to `be in compliance with the N.C. Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. 5. If any area on site falls within the jurisdiction of Section 401 or 404 of the Clean Water Act, the developer is responsible for compliance with the requirements of the Division of Water Quality or the Corps of Engineers and.the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) respectively. Anjr erosion control measures that -fall, within jurisdictional wetland area must be approved by the aforementioned agencies prior to installation of our Section must be notified of a relocation of -the measures in question to the transition point between the wetlands :and the highlands to assure that the migration of sediment will not occur. If hat relocation presents a problems or.contradicts any requirements of either agency, of the EPA it is the responsibility of the-developer to inform the Land Quality Section regional office so that an adequate contingency plan can ,be made'to.assure sufficient erosion control remains on site. Failure to do so will be considered a violation of his approval - .. - 8. Any borrow material brought onto this site must be-from a legally operated mine or-other approved source. A single use borrow site or an area to waste material is only permissible if it is operated under total control of the Financially Responsible person or firm-who is developing this site, is located on or adjacent to this site, and has been incorporated.as part of hisplan. 7. Th1•s permit allows .for a land disturbance, as galled for on .the application ..plan, not .to :exceed 92 acres. Exceeding that acreage will be a violation ofthis permit and would require a :revised. plan and additional application fee. Any addition in impervious surface, over that already noted on the approved plan, would also require a revised plan to verify the appropriateness of the erg ' c r water retention measures. ~~~ DEC 2 7 2000 ntvISION OF F Vie' 2 of 2 8. 1 The North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act now mandates a shortened time-frame in which to reestablish vegetative groundcover. Slopes (including cuts, fills, and ditch banks) left exposed will, within 15 working days or 30 calendar days (whichever is the shorter) after completion of any phase of grading, be planted or otherwise provided with groundcover sufficient to permanently restrain erosion. D DIVISION OF ~ne~T?~.4 ~n±~RiaCEMENT i w~ DFC 2 7 20~ NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CO~~~TAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH ,,, WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM EXTENSION PERMIT This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: 1. This .permit shall become voidable unless the wastewater collection facilities are constructed in accordance with the .conditions of this permit; 15A NCAC 2H .0200; the Division of Water Quality's .(Division) .Gravity Sewer Minimum Design .Criteria adopted February 12, 1996 as applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast-Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, .2000 .as applicable; and other supporting materials unless specifically mentioned herein. ~-~ 2. This permit shall be effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application .and other supporting data. 3. The wastewater collection .facilities shall be properly maintained .and operated at all times. The Permittee-shall :maintain compliance with an individual system-wide collection system permit for the .operation and maintenance. of these facilities or with 15A NCAC 2H .0227 as follows: a. The sewer system shall be effectively~maintained and operated at.all times to prevent discharge to land or surface waters, and .any contravention of the groundwater standards in 15A NCAC 2L .0200 or the surface water standards in 15A NCAC 2B .0200. b. A map of the sewer system shall be developed .prior to January 1; 2004 and shall be actively maintained. - c. An operation =and maintenance plan shall be developed and implemented. d. :Pump stations that ..are not :connected to .a telemetry system shall :be inspected :at least -three times per week until:July 1, 2000; thereafter, pump stations shall be inspected at least daily, as defined in 15A NCAC 2B .0503(5), .until -July 1, 2001; .and thereafter, pump stations shall be ', inspected every day. Pump stations that are connected to a telemetryy system shall be inspected at least once per-week. e. High-priority sewer lines shall be inspected at least once per every six-month period of time. f. A general observation of the .entire sewer system shall be conducted at least once per year. g. Inspection and maintenance records .shall be maintainedfora period of at'Ieast three years. h. Overflows and :bypasses shall be reported to the appropriate Division regional office in .accordance with 15A .NCAC 2B .0506(a), :and public notice .shall be provided as required by Noith Carolina General Statute §143-215.1C. a. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that renders the facility incapable of adequate wastewater transport, such as mechanical or electrical failures of pumps, line blockage or breakage, etc.; or b. Any failure of a pumping station or sewer line resulting in a by-pass directly to receiving waters without treatment of all or any portion of the influent to such station or facility. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter fdrm within - five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. 12. This permit shall be for the construction of the wastewater collection facilities only. No flow .shall be made tributary to the .subject facilities until permit modification .application is submitted tyvith the .appropriate fee), a modified permit is issued, and the Engineer's Certification is received and approved by the Division. Permit issued thi ~e twenty-eighth -day of August, 2000 'AL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION -~ `~' Kerr T. Stevens, Director . Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0018725 ~. ~~~~ D, _DEC 2 7 `2000 DIVISION 'OF COASTAL ..MANAGEMENT 3 state of North Carolina Epartment ofi Environment and Natural Resources __-ivision of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T.~Stevens, Director ~~~ ~~ ~~~ August 28, 2000 `t~`~-(~ WYATT BLANCHARD, PE, COUNTY ENGINEER NEW HANOVER COUNTY 414 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NC 27401 • Subject: Permit No. WQOOI8725 '+lew Hanover County Middle Sound Regional Wastewater Facilities Wastewater Collection System Extension New Hanover County Dear Mr. Blanchard: In accordance with your application received July 3, 2000, we are forwarding -herewith Permit No. WQ0018725, dated August 28, 2000, to New Hanover County for the construction of the subject wastewater collection system extension. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. This cover letter shall be considered a part of this permit and is therefore incorporated therein by reference. Please pay particular attention to Permit Condition 2, which requires that. the wastewater collection facilities be properly operated and maintained in accordance with 1~A NCAC 2H .0227 or any individual system-wide collection system permit issued to the Permttee. Please- note Permit Condition I2 regarding future flow allocation to the subject wastewater collection ystem. Permitting of this project does not constitute an acceptance of any part of the :project that -does - not meet 15A NCAC 2H .0200; the Division of Water Quality's ..(Division) Gravity Sewer .Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996 .as applicable; .and the Division's :Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast-Track Permitting of .Pump .Stations -.and Force 1Vlains ..adopted .June 1, 2000 as -applicable, unless specifically mentioned .herein. Division :approval .is .based on .acceptance of the certification .provided by .a North Carolina-licensed :Professional Engineer in -the .application. It shall 'be the Pez~ittee's responsibility to ensure that the .as-constructed project -meets the .appropriate design criteria aid rules. Failure o .comply may result in penalties in :accordance with North Carolina-:General Statute §143-215.6A through §143-215.6C, construction of additional or -replacement wastewater collection facilities, and/or referral of the North Carolina-licensed-Professional Engineer to the licensing board. In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General .Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, .Rules, -and :Regulations, permission is hereby „granted to New Hanover County for the construction of approximately 80,990 Iinear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer, 27,520 Iinear feet of 10-inch gravity sewer, .and 9,110 linear feet of .12-inch gravity .sewer, a 1,070- gallon per minute pump station (No.l Buckeye) equipped with a hydrogen peroxide-based odor.control system, .a 3.90-gallon per minute pump station (No.2 Falcon Point), a 230-gallon per minute pump station (No.3 Stoneybrook), a 200-gallon per minute pump station (No.4 Caudell), .a .180-gallon per •- 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5083 FAX (919) 715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer ~ 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper '~ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ~~ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RE~URCES G