HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010904 Ver 1_2007 Annual Report_200804091 ~ ~~~ \@~; -`~' \v 7 -. ~,~ f' ~.~~a ~ 4709 COLLEGE ACRES DRIVE ~ ~~~^~ SUITE 2 ~~ ~ INCORPORATED WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1725 ~„ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS TEL 910/392-9253 FAX 910/392-9139 czrwilm@czr-inc.com Ms. Jennifer Frye U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch -Wilmington District Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Ms. Tammy L. Hill DWQ 401 Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 8 April 2008 o ~~~~I~ ~ APR g .. 2008 ~~~ sT Epp ~BR~ v~~ Re: -Mayfaire wetland mitigation site, New Hanover County, for Mayfaire I, LLC -Transmittal of the 2007 Annual Monitoring Report (Hydrology and Vegetation) Department of the Army Permit - ID 20000135, Water Quality Certification - #3341-modified - Request for concurrence and cessation of site monitoring Dear Ms. Frye and Ms. Hill: Enclosed for your review is the "2007 Annual Report for the On-Site Mayfaire Riparian Wetlands Restoration Area New Hanover County, North Carolina." We are providing copies of this document in accordance with Special Condition Z of the Department of the Army permit and the above referenced Water Quality Certification. A summary of vegetation and hydrology of the mitigation area is listed below. Vegetation. Based on sampling data the average number of living seedlings per acre for the Mayfaire mitigation site was 650 in October 2007, well above the success criterion of 260 trees per acre. Five species were present in the plots with bald cypress comprising more than 50 percent of the total. The fourth-year planted tree survival rate was 63 percent. 2151 Alternate Al A South • SUITE 2000 • JUPITER, FLORIDA 33477-3902 TEL 561/747-7455 • FAX 561/747-7576 • czrinc@czr-inc.com • www.CZRINC.com Ms. Jennifer Frye 8 April 2008 Page 2 Hydrology. Hydrology data from 2007 show that all well locations, or 100 percent of the restoration areas, met the greater than 12.5 percent hydrology criterion for wetlands during periods of normal or below normal rainfall. The 2007 annual report provides fourth-year monitoring information relative to the on-site restoration process that was initiated in early-2004 at Mayfaire. Vegetation has become established and is undergoing a progression of natural succession. Seedling density and survival meet permit/condition requirements, and hydrology of the site has also exceeded the minimum 12.5 percent criterion. Since the site has been monitored one year beyond permit conditions and the mitigation sites have become established with wetland characteristics, Mayfaire is requesting concurrence that mitigation monitoring may cease. Please contact us with any questions or if you wish to meet for an on-site evaluation. Sincerely, CZR INCORPORATED Samuel Cooper Office Manager cc: John Dorney, NC Division of Water Quality (one copy) Dan Rahe, Mayfaire I, LLC. Jim Hudgens, CZR Incorporated Lorrie Laliberte, CZR Incorporated file: 1977.03 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prepared for: MAYFAIRE I, LLC 1 Q10 Military Cutoff Road Wilmington, North Carolina Prepared by: CZR fNCORPORATED 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 i 9 2007 ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE ON-SITE MAYFAIRE RIPARIAN WETLANDS RESTORATION AREA NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: MAYFAIRE (, LLC 1010 Military Cutoff Road Wilmington, North Carolina Prepared by: CZR INCORPORATED 4709 College Acres Drive, Suite 2 Wilmington, North Carolina APRIL 2008 i 2007 ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE ON-SITE MAYFAIRE RIPARIAN WETLANDS RESTORATION AREA NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page COVER PAGE ................................................................................................................. i TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... ii .......................................................................................................... LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ iii •~• iii LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................................... iv 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 ......................................................................... 1.1 Goal of the Project ............ 1 1.2 Success Criteria ...................................................................•--................... 1.2.1 Hydrology ........................................................................................ 4 4 1.2.2 Vegetation .................................••---............................---.................. 4 1.3 Study Objectives ........................................................................................ 2.0 METHODOLOGY .......................... ....................................................................... 4 5 2.1 Hydrology ................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Soils ........................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Vegetation ..................................................................................................9 2.3.1 Planted Tree Sampling Method ....................................................... 9 2.3.2 Photographic Record .................................................................... .. 9 3.0 RESULTS OF 2007 SAMPLING ......................................................................... 11 3.1 Rainfall ..................................................................................................... 3.2 Hydrology ................................................................................................. 11 11 3.3 Soils ......................................................................................................... 11 ' 3.4 Vegetation ................................................................................................ 3.4.1 Planted Trees ................................................................................ 15 15 3.4.2 Photographic Record .................................................................... 20 4.0 PRELIMINARY INDICATIONS OF RESTORATION SUCCESS ........................ 23 1 4.1 Hydrology ................................................................................................. 4.2 Vegetation ................................................................................................ 23 23 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 24 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 LOCATION MAP WETLANDS RESTORATION AREA ........................................ 2 2 ON-SITE MITIGATION -RESTORATION AREAS .............................................. 3 3 MONITORING WELL AND STAFF GAGE LOCATION IN AREA A ...................... 6 4 MONITORING WELL LOCATION IN AREA B ...................................................... 7 5 MONITORING WELL, STAFF GAGE, AND TREE PLOT LOCATIONS IN AREA C ............................................................................................................ 8 6 PHOTO STATION LOCATIONS IN AREA C ...................................................... 10 7 2007 MONTHLY RAINFALL -WILMINGTON, NC ............................................. 12 8 2007 RAINFALL THREE-MONTH ROLLING TOTAL -WILMINGTON, NC....... 13 9 MAYFAIRE BASELINE 2004 AND FALL 2007 PLANTED TREE HEIGHTS ...... 19 10 LINE 2004 AND FALL 2007 PLANTED TREE ROOT MAYFAIRE BASE ~. COLLAR DIAMETERS ....................................................................................... 22 LIST OF TABLES Table P-~ 1 LONGEST 2007 WETLAND HYDROPERIODS (EXPRESSED IN PERCENT OF THE GROWING SEASON) FOR MAYFAIRE WELL LOCATIONS ....................................................................................................... 14 2 NUMBER OF TAGGED STEMS ALIVE AT BASELINE, FALL 2006, AND FALL 2007, AND THE PERCENT SURVIVAL BY SPECIES IN THE MONITORING PLOTS OF AREA C ...................................................................16 3 AVERAGE DENSITY (TREES PER ACRE) AND PERCENT OF TOTAL DENSITY OF LIVING PLANTED TREE SEEDLINGS DURING 17 AND FALL 2007 SAMPLING SAMPLING .................... , BASELINE, FALL 2006 4 BASELINE, FALL 2006, AND FALL 2007 AVERAGE PLANTED STEM 18 EA C ........................................................................ HEIGHTS (INCHES) IN AR 5 BASELINE, FALL 2006, AND FALL 2007 AVERAGE PLANTED STEM 21 IN AREA C ........................................ ROOT COLLAR DIAMETERS (INCHES) ~ ~;~ LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE A SAMPLE DATA FORMS FOR WELLS AND TREE PLOTS B SHALLOW MONITORING WELL DATA AND RAINFALL C FIGURES DEPICTING SHALLOW MONITORING WELL DATA D FIGURES DEPICTING ECOTONE DATA E SCIENTIFIC NAME, COMMON NAME, AND WETLAND INDICATOR STATUS OF TREES F INDIVIDUAL VEGETATION PLOT DATA FOR AREA C G LIST OF SPECIES PLANTED IN AREA C 1N APRIL 2007 H FIXED-POINT AND GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS I SUMMARY OF REMEDIAL PLANTING AT 1.6-ACRE SITE AT MAYFAIRE iv 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 2007 ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE ON-SITE MAYFAIRE RIPARIAN WETLANDS RESTORATION AREA NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1.0 INTRODUCTION In early 2004, Mayfaire I, LLC, in coordination with CZR Incorporated (CZR), began a riparian wetlands restoration project along an unnamed tributary and a channelized portion of Howe Creek in New Hanover County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The site is located west of Military Cutoff Road in northeastern New Hanover County. The on-site restoration is comprised of three areas: Area A, 0.19-acre adjacent to the unnamed tributary of Howe Creek in the southern portion of the site, Area B, 0.17-acre on the north side of Howe Creek, and Area C, 1.02 acres on both sides of Howe Creek near the western edge of the property (Figure 2). The on-site riparian restoration is intended to fulfill part of the compensatory wetlands mitigation for impacts to wetlands associated with the completion of Mayfaire in New Hanover County, North Carolina [see "Compensatory Wetlands Mitigation Plan" (CZR 2003) for details of the wetlands mitigation and monitoring plan]. Monitoring guidelines, success criteria, and requirements are further described in North Carolina Division of Water Quality's 401 Water Quality Certification (No. 3341-modified) and in the permit conditions issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Action ID No. 20000135). The required on-site compensation is 0.74-acre, although the mitigation plan proposes restoration of 1.08 acres of wetlands. Collection of sub-meter- accurate GPS data points along the estimated restored wetland edge indicate that the acreage for the three areas totals approximately 1.38 acres, or 0.30-acre above the 1.08 acres proposed in the mitigation design. 1.1 Goal of the Proiect. The goal of this restoration project is to restore at least 1.08 acres of riparian buffer to forested riparian wetlands. The success of the restoration effort will be determined by the re-establishment of wetland hydroperiods and the presence of an acceptable density of trees at the end of the monitoring period. 1 0 3 6 SCALE IN MILES srtE: uTrtuoE LaNaTUOE 34'TS'00'N, 7T50'30'W 34'T3'S5'N, 7T50'301Y LOCATION MAP WETLANDS RESTORATION AREA MAYFAIRE MITIGATION MONITORING SCALE: AS SHOWN APPROV D BY: DRAWN BY: BFG DATE: $~~ 204 L,/ FILE: LOC-MAP CP#1977.00 4708 COLLEGE ACRES DRIVE SUITE 2 WILMINGTON. NORTH CARQLINA 2b403 INCORPORAi EC TEL 910/392-9253 FIGURE 1 [1Maa~criu caNSxiwis FAX 910/392-9139 2 ~^r a^~ . . ~ r s ~ ~ +r ~ rr ~ r rr a~ r w ~ ... I ~ouA~.IzAnDK wPEs ~~ // _,~ - ; . ~ ~ % y 1 ' '. ...' 3 t~ ~ ' (( ~ ~ ~~ ~ \ :~;~ UNNAMED TRIBUTARY a ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ' HOWE _ I /~CREEK J PROJECT BOUNDARY APPROXIMATE CENTER OF STREAM CHANNEL (~ EXISTING JURISDICTIONAL AREAS `~ d,,~ I CURRENT IMPACT AREAS ~~~~~''~,~"\J-~`~ ON SITE RESTORATIDN AREAS TO BE PRESERVED l\. Lil. `~R~j~`vq 0 300 1.000 SCALE IN FEET 1.2 Success Criteria. The restoration effort will be a success when the site has met all three wetland criteria as defined in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987). These criteria are: 1) hydric soils, 2) hydrophytic vegetation, and 3) wetland hydrology. The site ~~ is underlain by hydric soils (Johnston and Murville soils, Weaver 1977), so the immediate goals are concentrated on the re-establishment of a wetland ' hydroperiod and maintaining an acceptable density of trees at the end of the three-year monitoring period. Wetland functions such as surface water storage, nutrient cycling, and wildlife habitat will be restored as the well-drained riparian 1 bermed areas of Howe Creek and its unnamed tributary are returned to forested riparian wetlands. The following success criteria have been developed for the Mayfaire riparian wetlands restoration area. 1.2.1 Hydrology. The hydrology modifications made on the riparian restoration area were designed to restore the natural floodplain hydrology of the area. The restored wetland hydroperiod should either meet or exceed the criteria of 12.5 percent of the growing season with water levels within 12 inches of the surface or be frequently flooded for long duration (at least seven consecutive ' days of surface water) during a normal rainfall year. At least 0.74-acre of the 1.38 acres specified in the Mayfaire Compensatory Wetlands Mitigation Plan must meet the hydrology criterion to be considered successful. Standing water 1 and saturation within 12 inches of the surface are considered a positive indicator of wetland hydrology. 1.2.2 Vegetation. The Mayfaire riparian wetlands restoration areas were planted with several species of hardwoods. In accordance with the Mayfaire Compensatory Wetlands Mitigation Plan, the site design for tree composition included seven hardwood species planted at a density of 538 trees per acre with no more than 20 percent of any one species represented (CZR 2003). Vegetation success will be monitored for three years with vegetation plots scattered throughout restoration Area C. Success will be measured by tree ^ survival and species composition. Tree density will be at least 260 planted trees per acre at the end of the fifth growing season. If the trees per acre criterion is not met, remedial action will be taken. 1.3 Study Objectives. The primary study objectives are to monitor wetland hydroperiods and survival of planted trees within the restoration area. Shallow groundwater levels will be monitored for three years to evaluate whether the restoration area meets the hydrology success criteria. As an indication of planting success, a random sample of planted trees will be monitored for growth rates, mortality, and survival. Tree density and species composition will also be monitored to evaluate whether the area meets the vegetation success criteria. 1 1 ° 2.0 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Hydrology. Hydrology within the Mayfaire restoration site is monitored by measuring groundwater levels with four 32-inch shallow monitoring wells and one Remote Data Systems' EcotoneT"" semi-continuous groundwater recorder installed directly into the soil. One shallow monitoring well was installed in each of the two smaller mitigation sites (Areas A and B) and two were installed in Area C along with the Ecotone TM semi-continuous groundwater recorder (Figures 3, 4, and 5). In addition to the monitoring wells, two staff gages were installed in late May 2004; one adjacent to the unnamed tributary in the Area A, and one in Howe Creek in the vicinity of Area C (Figures 3 and 5). Staff gage information will be used to measure changes in water level of Howe Creek and the unnamed tributary. The As-Built Report (CZR Incorporated 2004) has complete descriptions of monitoring equipment. Hydrology data are collected monthly. Water table readings from the 1 shallow monitoring wells are recorded on standardized data sheets, examples of which are included in Appendix A. Hydroperiod interpretations were based on analysis of semi-continuous data, shallow well data, and rainfall data. Hydroperiods are based on the growing season given in the New Hanover County Soil Survey (Weaver 1977). Using the 28° F threshold and the 5-years- in-10 probability, the last freeze date in the spring is 27 February and the first freeze date in the fall is 26 November. Thus the growing season covers the 269- day period from 28 February to 25 November, inclusive. Wetland hydroperiods last at least 12.5 percent of the growing season (34 consecutive days). Marginal wetland hydroperiods span at least five percent of the growing season but less than 12.5 percent (13 - 33 consecutive days). 2.2 Soils. Soil profiles were taken at selected locations within Mayfaire prior to the restoration activities. Soil profiles were also taken after the restoration activities at each shallow monitoring well and EcotoneT"" location. Soil samples were taken with a 2.5-inch diameter hand auger when the wells were installed. Soil colors of the different horizons were determined using a Munsell Soil Color chart, and soil texture was described. CZR also collected soil samples for fertility and nutrient analyses from scattered locations within each mitigation area. Soil samples were dried and sent to the N.C. Department of Agriculture's Agronomic Division for testing. Nutrient levels and pH in all three restoration areas indicate that these sites are well-suited for planted hardwood seedlings. Soil results are included in the As-Built Report (CZR 2004). 5 `I W I W ~,~ I, ~ / Gam` W W ~.c~ / / gV \I/ W \I/ \I/ W W \I/ W /+ / W W W }/ / + \I/ W \I/ \I/ W W ~G / 1 ~ ` \I/ W \I, CJ W 2 4~ ti~ NOTE: BOLO CONTOUR LINE INDICATES RE-TOPOGRAPHIC `' W I W SURVEY DATE: 01-28-04 (TYPICAL) \ \\\\\ W k S/ck ~`N~ GAGE A F ~ r ~/ f CA~~ ~/ U ~ ~ ~ ~ gyFO \ lI ~ ~~_ i ~~-\ ~~eUTq R i ~ l I ._ ~~ y Si~T RIP-RAP ~~\ FfN ~ `\ M1 ~ r~i~ \ ~. 4 ~ ___ <~ ~ ~ o.isao ~~ .~_, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~` ~~ ~__-, ~ i ti1~T ACCESS - - MAYFAIRE P_ROPERT_Y _L1NE MILITARY CUT OFF ROAD R.O.W. MILITARY CUT OFF ROAD D 40 80 lCAIE RI FEET LEGEND MONITORING WELL AND STAFF GAGE -__ PROJECT 80UNDARY O ATION IN AREA A ----- 2004 ESTIMATED RESTORATION LIMITS MAYFAIRE MITIGATION MONITORING o STAFF GAGE A SCALE: AS SHOWN APPRO D BY: DRAWN BY: BFG •~'~ SHALLOW MONITORING WELL DATE: t 21 OS FlLE: un - -4- - D ® WETLAND (CONSERVATION EASEMENT) CP~/1977.DD 7 E^~ am+ cn.caE .uxs~arcK SWRCE: SURVEY DATA FROM FWlOVER DE9GN SEf2v1CE5, P.A "` +~+ri~~. «afx Cu~/~A~ flFSTOMPON LBIRS FRDY CZR INCORPOMiED(GPS) jai aieryx~f~ FIGURE 3 6 --~ `~ ~'~ ~'~ _\ ~\ ~ ~ { ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/ ~/ \ I \ ~\ . ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ` \ \ \ ~/ ~/ \ ~ ~ ~ \ \ ' ~ ' ~ ,,\ \ ~ '\ ~ ` ~~~ ~ \ i s ~ \ ~ T ~ ~ ~ ~ti \ ~ i i ``\ i ~ 'r'TF~p ``\ i i ~ \ ~ ~~'~~ ~\ ' ~ e-~ • _, ~ \ ~ ~ ~ \ ~'\ ~, ' ; ~ I '~\ \ ` ~~ ~~~~ ~ '~~ ~ ~ _~ 1 -' ~, ` l / ~/ \ ~~ - \ i ` ` , 1~., ~~ INFILTRATION ` AREA No. 5 o .~ ,a >~ « ~~ LE~1Il ... PROJECT 80UNDARY ----- 2004 ESTIMATED RESTORATION LIMITS •B'~ SHALLOW MONITORING WELL ® WETLAND (CONSERVATION EASEMENT) SOURCE SURVEY DATA FRGN HANDVEft DESIGN SFRN(~S, P.A. aESTORAtwN uuNS maw Gut wcopaoaAtFD<cas) ~\ .t, ~COBB~ PROPERTY MONITORING WELL LOCATION IN AREA B I MAYFAIRE MITIGATION MONITORING ' SCALE: AS SHOWN .4PPROyEO BY: DRAWN BY: BFG CPQt 977.00 am ar~mc .ors me aurc x ~' M0 rt~ s~ e~/~re on FIGURE 4 va no/analy 7 -' 1 11 ~~`. ' 1 I ~-~ 1 !•LOT 1 -~~ J r ~` O.JOoe C-~ ~ ~ ~~ 1 ~ I ~ r I r`~ ~-~ ~-_ 1 1 I 1 r rl 1 1 I ~ I I ~ HOWE CREEK 1 I f ., ~ ~ I i ~`L 1 r I ! ~ t \ ` , \ tl ~ ~. ~ I ~ ;~ % 1 !~ I _ ~ % 1 ` ~ /` 1 , I 1 .1. ~ ~ 11 11 i r _ I + °r'' \ ~L ~ r' I 1 aLOT 2 ~ ~ ` I 1 ~. ~ ~ `, 1 I 1 ~~r/ ~ I 1 I ~ ~ r I 1 __ `~ ` r ..e..~a. w~~w..u ~" I 1 ` ( ~ ~ ! ~~ I / I r t I / I-LOT ]I ~ ' / 0.3~ao~ 1 1 /mil l 1 I ~ i s• a~ ras wv.: ula ~ I ~ /r ~ I I ~ 1 1 C-~ I ~ / ` ` 1 ~ ~: um i i ` b.3eae ~~ 1 I I 1 I 1 ~ r % - r ~-~ ~ . r I r r I 1 i ~ I I 1 1 , I I I 1 1 \ \~ \ I 1, O fi0 120 ~q ~ ~ `` 1 ` ( I ~W[ IM iFET ~~ F+~. ~ M ~ ~ ~, Ir \ i \ Sioy \ I ` r ~~~ ~~ .~ I_: ~ LE END __. PROJECT BOUNDARY MONITORING WELL, STAFF GAGE, AND ----- 2004 ESTIMATED RES70RATION LIMITS TREE PLOT LOCATIONS IN AREA C • ECOTONE SEMI-CONTINUOUS MONITORING WELL MAYFAIRE MITIGATION MONITORING O STAFF GAGE C C"~ SCALE: AS SHOWN APPROV BY: DRAWN BY: 6FG • SHALLOW MONITORING WELL ® WETLAND (CONSERVATION EASEMENT) DATE: 1 21 OS ~ ~ °"^ - -`~ TREE PLOT ~ A as caame ras o~ve amrc : CP*1977.00 SWIII'E ARVEY ¢aA FPOY HMg16i R90M 4,AaCl3. PA aesraaanax arts mil ¢rt ocarana IC eoaraa•rea ~' NOrtm sl~ ~ v.: ve~~ FIGURE 5 8 2.3 Vegetation. 2.3.1 Planted Tree Sampling Method. The purpose of this sampling ' methodology is to monitor growth and survival of a random subset of the planted trees in order to extrapolate those parameters for the entire site. Three 0.02-acre sampling plots located north of Howe Creek in Area C were established and one 0.03-acre sampling plot south of Howe Creek in Area C was established at Mayfaire for a total sampling area of 0.09-acre. Planted trees were tagged with an identifying number and species names to assist in accuracy of ' measurements. The mitigation plan required monitoring in only the largest riparian mitigation area (Area C). An additional tree plot was added to the mitigation area to reach the required acreage of vegetation monitoring plots. Tree lot dimensions were ad~usted to ca ture the diversity of the planted p 1 p wetland zones as depicted in the planting design. Sampling acreage is consistent with guidance given in the 1993 USACE-Wilmington District Compensatory Hardwood Mitigation Guidelines. Figure 5 depicts the general layout of the tree sampling plots. r diameter of each to ed tree are measured and Height and root colla gg survival noted. Height is measured with a calibrated stake from the ground to the highest living bud on each tree, and root collar diameters are measured with calipers. Measurements are recorded on standardized tree data forms. A sample tree data form is included in Appendix A. The second annual fall measurements were collected during October 2005, the third annual measurements were collected 24 October 2006, and fourth annual measurements were conducted 23 October 2007, all near the end of the growing season, to monitor trends in growth and survival of planted trees. ' 2.3.2 Photographic Record. Six fixed-point photo stations were chosen to document changes in vegetation throughout the monitoring period. Representative baseline photographs were taken on 21 May and 10 June 2004. Annual photographs were taken at the time of fall vegetation monitoring. Fourth annual photographs were taken on 23 October 2007. Photographs were taken from the site corners and mid-section of the restoration area. These photo station locations were determined using GPS and therefore will remain the same throughout the monitoring period to ensure consistency of photo direction and location. Additional photographs were taken for comparison to show particular features of Area A and B restoration areas. Photo station locations are depicted in Figure 6. 1 1 t s - /i f ~ } ~+~- si i - - fl ~ l ~f_ i I' ~ i ~ ,, I r -- I 1 ~~ 1._ . ~. ...-~ 1 ~,.. _ ~~~~ I I ~ ~~.~ o,...M„~, ~ 1 i _ \ I _- / 1 l 1 ~ /' 0.34oc~ 1. 1 y~l ~ ~i 1 / ~~ ' `~ ._ ~ I I 1 ~ 1 - ~ i i :~: >sla ~ I ~ c a ~ ___, ~ ~ 1 \` 1 1 ` `` °~ y.m 1 I ~ I, ~ }' ~, I I, ~ ~ _ - ' 1 I ~ I I / I ~ / I ~ I 1 I ~ .I li ( ~ I ~ I 1 ~ ~ ~, ( '~~~ -, u _' ~ ~i e i I , - 4_ \`S y \ I ~~ o so X20 . ~ ~ ,pa9 ~ I / ,1 `... t xue iM ~cr LE END- PROJECT BOUNDARY PHOTO STATION LOCATIONS IN AREA C ----- 2004 ESTIMATED RESTORATION LIMITS • ECOTONE SEMI-CONTINUOUS MONITORING WELL MAYFAIRE MITIGATION MONITORING O STAFF GAGE C SCALE: AS SHOWN APPROVE BY: DRAWN BY: BFG •~'~ SHALLOW MONITORING WELL DATE: 7 21 05 ® WETLAND (CONSERVATION EASEMENT) ~~ PHOTO STATION LOCATION, DIRECTION, AND NUMBER ~ R aro muca ~u[s ewvi CP~1977.00 IC 4,IfE 1 SOUPft WMY MA iHOY NNIa19i oE51011 9QNYES. PA a aro.ereo M0°rt. fi" i~~f w~i s FIGURE 6 PCSWMTON lYR flit lRR nICOIdNiFD( iAX ft0~~fl]I 10 1 3.0 RESULTS OF 2007 SAMPLING 3.1 Rainfall. Monthly rainfall totals at Wilmington International Airport, New Hanover County, NC for 2007 are depicted in Figure 7. The Wilmington weather station is located approximately 8 miles west -northwest of Mayfaire. Monthly averages were derived from data collected daily at Wilmington Airport ' between 1976 and 2007, inclusive. Deviations (in inches) from 30-year average monthly totals were: +0.45 in January, -1.38 in February, -2.81 in March, -1.57 in April, -2.86 in May, -1.56 in June, -1.76 in July, -4.83 in August, -2.26 in September, -1.68 in October, -2.63 in November, and -0.53 in December. Most months were within the normal range (i.e. within one standard deviation of the 30-year average) except for March, May, August and November, which were more than one standard deviation below the average. Three-month rolling total rainfall at Wilmington Airport for 2007 are depicted in Figure 8. This rolling total is the total amount of rainfall for the three- month period ending with the month in question. For hydrological calculations, normal rainfall is defined as a three-month total within one standard deviation of ' the 30-year average. Rainfall was lower than normal April through December and above normal in January. Deviations (in inches) from 30-year average monthly totals were: +3.98 in January, -0.28 in February, -3.74 in March, -5.76 in April, -7.24 in May, -6.00 in June, -6.19 in July, -8.15 in August, -8.86 in September, -8.75 in October, -6.55 in November, and -4.81 in December. Using the three-month rolling total rainfall data, all of the growing season (except March) was below normal (i.e., within one standard coriation of the 30-year average). 3.2 Hydrology. Appendices B, C, and D contain the hydrology data gathered from the four shallow monitoring wells and the EcotoneT'" in the mitigation areas of Mayfaire. Dates of the longest wetland hydroperiod for each well location expressed as the percent of the growing season that the water table was within 12 inches of the surface are found in Table 1. Data from the fourth year of monitoring during normal or below normal rainfall indicate that wells B-1, ' C-1, C-2, and the Ecotone had a wetland hydroperiod of 269 days. Well A-1 had a wetland hydroperiod of 61 days Furthermore, the area containing wells C-1 and the Ecotone (the southwestern portion of Area C) had water above the ' ground surface for 100 percent of the growing period. The area containing well C-2 (the central portion of the northern section of Area C) had water above the ground surface most of the growing period. 3.3 Soils. The alluvial ri arian miti ti r p ga on a eas are mapped on the soil survey of New Hanover County as hydric Johnston and Murville soils (Weaver ' 1977). The Mayfaire As-Built Report (CZR 2004) contains an in-depth description of the soils on site and results of the fertility analyses. 1 ~ „ +r ~r rr rr ~r ~ it r r r r r r r r r r r r N 2007 MONTHLY RAINFALL WILMINGTON, NC 20 18 ------------------------ ---------- --- ---------------- --- ------------ -- --- -- ----- ------------ ------ ----------------- - -------- ---- - ---- ------------ 16 - -------- - ------------------------ --------- --- ----------- -- - -- --------------- - --- - - --------- -- ---------- - ----- --- -- ------- - - .-. 14 ----- - ----------- - --- -- - ------------ - -- - ------- -- - - - -------- ------------------------ -- -- - ---------- ---------------- --- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ~ 12 U C 10 - --------- - - --------------- - - ---------- - --- ------------- - - -- --------------- - - - ------- ---------- -------- --- - ----------- 8 -------------------------- --- ---- -------------------- ------------------ -------------------- ------------------------------- `~ 6 --- -- - - ---- ------ - ------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------ ._ ~ 4 ------------ - ------- ------------- ------ ----------- - - -------- ------ ------------------ 2 ----- --- -- --- -- -------------- -- -- ---- -- ----- ---- ---- ------------------- -- 0 ~ JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Months t30-year average monthly rainfall total +30-year average plus 1 standard deviation X30-year average minus 1 standard deviation ®2007 monthly total Figure 7. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w 2007 RAINFALL THREE-MONTH ROLLING TOTAL WILMINGTON, NC 32 30 --- -- ---------- ------- ------ - ------------ - - ------------ --- ------------ ------------ - ----------- ----------- -------------- - --------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28 26 --- - ---- --------- ----------------- ---------- - ----------------- - -------------- -------- --- ----------- - - - ------------------------------- 24 -------- ------------ ----- ------------ - --------------- ---- ---------- ----------- ---------- - -------------- - ------------- - v 22 - ---------------------- ----------- ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ~ 20 - -- ------- --- -------------- ---------- -------------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- v ~ g -------- --------------------------------------- ----------------- --------------- C ~ C -------------------- ----------------- --- ----- `_' ~ 4 ------------------------ ---------------- - ------------------- ca ~ 2 --- -------- ---------------- ----- ------ ----- ~ ~ 0 -- ------------- --------------- - •- g ---- ---- -------- -------------------- --------- -------- ------------------------ --- - ---- --- 6 ---- ---- ------- - ------ 4 ---- ---- ---- - 2 - -- -- ---- - 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Months t30-year average three-month rolling total rainfall x-30-year average plus 1 standard deviation *30-year average minus 1 standard deviation ®2007 rainfall three-month rolling total Figure 8. Table 1. Longest 2007 wetland hydroperiods (expressed in percent of the growing season) for Mayfaire well locations. Dates of the Percent Dates of Percent of Well longest of the hydroperiods during the hydroperiodsa growing normal or below growing season normal rainfall season A - 1 Feb 28-Apr 30 22.7 Feb 28-Apr 30 22.7 B - 1 Feb 28-25 Nov 100.0 Feb 28-25 Nov 100.0 C - 1 Feb 28-25 Nov 100.0 Feb 28-25 Nov 100.0 C - 2 Feb 28-25 Nov 100.0 Feb 28-25 Nov 100.0 a Includes all months of the growing season at which the water level was within 12 inches of the surface. 14 3.4 Vegetation 3.4.1 Planted Trees. Scientific names, common names, and wetland indicator status of all species planted in Mayfaire restoration areas are found in Appendix E. Vegetation data collected in the fall for the individual vegetation plots in Area C from 2004 through 2007 are provided in Appendix F. Survival of planted and tagged stems in Area C at baseline and fall 2007 is presented for each species in Table 2. Some seedlings were not identified to species because of poorly developed leaf characteristics, but all unknowns were dead by fall 2006. In Area C, some trees appeared to have been planted in poor health due to being planted late in the growing season (late May 2004), which may have contributed to tree mortality. Although seven species of hardwood trees [not including button bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) and silky dogwood (Cornus annomum)] were planted, not all species are represented in the tree plots. At least for Area C it appears that bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) was planted with a density of more than 20 percent. At the 2007 fall sampling, 61 of the 97 tree stems tagged at baseline, or 63 percent, were alive. Bald cypress (98 percent), water tupelo (Nyssa aquatics) (100 percent), and swamp tupelo (Nyssa biflora) (50 percent) had the highest survival percentages. The single water tupelo was not alive at the time of the 2006 sampling but appeared to have regenerated by the time of the 2007 sampling. Also, an unknown tree that was dead in 2006 regenerated in 2007. The survival of swamp tupelo, button bush, and river birch decreased. To increase tree diversity and density in Area C, Freeman Landscaping planted 168 trees/shrubs spaced on 9-foot centers in the southwest cell of Area C (0.3 acre) on 5 April 2007. A list of species and number of stems planted are found in Appendix G. Average baseline and fall densities for planted tree seedlings are found in Table 3. Using the sample plots as a guide, density of the area was extrapolated to 650 trees per acre during the fall sampling, which is above the minimum 260 trees per acre required by the success criteria. Five tree species are represented and one, bald cypress, makes up more than 50 percent of the total density. The other species individually represent less than 10 percent of the total density. Average heights are presented by species for 2004 baseline, fall 2006 and 2007 in Table 4. Although button bush and silky dogwood are not considered in the trees per acre calculation, height and root collar diameter will continue to be monitored along with the other tagged trees. All species experienced average height decreases (Figure 9), ranging from 0.9 (bald cypress) to 75.5 (silky dogwood) percent, with an overall 5.6 percent decrease 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table 2. Number of tagged stems alive at baseline, fall 2006, and fall 2007, and the percent survival by species in the monitoring plots of area C. Survival Survival (%) (%) between between baseline Number baseline Number Number alive and fall alive at fall and fall tagged at at fall 2006 2006 2007 2007 Species 2004 baseline sampling sampling sampling sampling Bald cypress 51 50 98 50 98 Swamp tupelo 6 5 83 3 50 Button bushy 2 1 50 0 0 River birch 13 13 100 4 31 Silky dogwoods 6 1 17 1 17 Unknown 18 0 0 2 11 Water tupelo 1 0 0 1 100 Total 97 70 72 61 63 s Woody shrubs not counted in trees per acre 16 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Table 3. Average density (trees per acre) and percent of total density of living planted tree seedlings during baseline, fall 2006 sampling, and fall 2007 sampling (95% confidence interval in parentheses). Percent of Percent Percent of total of total total density density at density at Species Baseline Density at baseline Fall 2006 density fall 2006 Fall 2007 density fall 2007 Bald cypress 575.0 (172.0 - 978.0) 60.8 566.7 (157.7 - 975.7) 88.3 566.7 (157.7 - 975.7) 83 Swamp tupelo 75.0 (0.0 - 212.8) 7.9 41.7 (-90.8 - 174.2) 6.5 25.0 (-54.6 - 104.6) 5 River birch 108.3 (0.0 - 453.1) 11.5 33.3 (-72.8 - 139.4) 5.2 33.3 (-72.8 - 139.4) 7 Unknown 175.0 (0.0 - 438.8) 18.5 N/A N/A 16.7 (-36.3 - 69.7) 3 Water tupelo 12.5 (0.0 - 52.3) 1.3 N/A NIA 8.3 (-18.3 - 34.9) 2 V All Trees 945 8 (257 2 - 1,634 4) 641.7 (225.0 - 1,058.4) 650 (224.1 - 1075.9) ll~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ll~ ~ ~ l~ ~ Table 4. Baseline, fall 2006, and fall 2007 average planted stem heights (inches) in Area C (95% confidence interval in parentheses). Average height Percent height change since Species Baseline Fall 2006 Fall 2007 baseline Bald cypress Black gum Button bush River birch 22.0 (20.9 - 23.1) 21.3 (20.5 - 22.1) 20.8 (17.2 - 24.4) 24.6 (20.6 - 28.6) 21.1 (19.9-22.1) 12.7 (4.9 - 20.5) 8.5a 14.0 (10.8 - 17.2) 21.8 (20.4 - 23.2) -0.9 11.7 (9.9 - 13.4) -45.0 N/A N/A 17.0 (7.1 - 26.9) -30.9 0D Silky dogwood 20.4 (0.0 - 42.2) 11.0 a 5a -75.5 Unknown 17.4 (15.0 - 19.8) N/A 9.3 (-1.0 - 19.5) -46.6 Water tupelo 23.5 (N/A) N/A 10.8a -54.0 All species 21.3 (20.3 - 22.3) 20.2 (18.7 - 21.8) 20.1 (18.5 - 21.7) -5.6 a Only one individual was alive. Bald cypress Button bush Silky Dogwood River birch Black gum unknown Water tupelo All trees Figure 9. MAYFAIRE BASELINE 2004 AND FALL 2007 PLANTED TREE HEIGHTS ^ Baseline 2004 ^ Fall 2007 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 for all trees; evidence of post-planting dieback. The average height of bald cypress, which is more tolerant to flooding conditions than most species, decreased the least amount. The average height decrease for all species for the first growing season (March through November 2004) was -16.0 percent (Figure !~ 9). Average root collar diameters are presented by species for 2004 baseline, fall 2006 and 2007 in Table 5. Water tupelo (90 percent) followed by bald cypress (64 percent) had the highest average root collar increase (Figure 10). Silky dogwood (7 percent) experienced the least amount of expansion. Although no formal monitoring is required for herbaceous species planted in all areas, N.C. Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) requested observational data be incorporated into the annual report. Approximately 60 percent of Plot 1 in Area C was visually estimated to be covered by Xyris sp., Juncus trigonocarpus (red-pod rush), Scirpus cyperinus (woolgrass), Fuirena squarrosa (umbrella sedge), Utricularia sp. (bladderwort), and algae in areas with standing water. Approximately 70 percent of Plot 2 and approximately 20 percent of Plot 4 contained the same species. Plot 3 was approximately 20 percent covered with an equal representation of woolgrass and red-pod rush. * Other species were in the area such as other Juncus species, Dicanthelium sp., Eleocharis sp. (spike rush), Hydrocotyle sp., and arrow arum (Pelfandra virginica). Area B contained several Juncus species, umbrella sedge, and arrow arum. Area A contained Typha latifolia (broad-leaved cattail), spike rush and Morelia cerifera (wax myrtle). The herbaceous and shrub layers in Area A are denser than other areas. The percent cover of herbaceous species in the vegetation monitoring plots has increased over the years. Vegetation in Area B appeared to be growing well after replanting trees in Area B in the summer of 2006. A retaining wall supporting the retention pond north of Area B collapsed in late September 2005 during a heavy rain, resulting in the deposition of a large sediment fan into the area, burying herbaceous cover and some trees (see photographs in Appendix G of CZR 2005). However, the area was mowed in late summer of 2007 affecting most of the herbaceous plants. 3.4.2 Photographic Record. The 2007 end of growing season photographs were taken on 23 October 2007. Representative baseline (26 October 2004) and fall fixed-point photo station photographs are in Appendix H. Additional photographs of mitigation Areas B and C are also located in Appendix H. Photographs and a brief summary of remedial planting at a 1.6-acre site ' within the conservation easement are found in Appendix I. 20 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~i ~% ~ ~ N Table 5. Baseline, fall 2006, and fall 2007 average planted stem root collar diameters (inches) in Area C (95% confidence interval in parentheses). Average root collar diameter Percent root collar diameter change Species Baseline Fall 2006 Fall 2007 since baseline Bald cypress 0.25 (0.23 - 0.27) 0.36 (0.34 - 0.38) 0.41 (0.38 - 0.44) 64 Black gum 0.25 (0.19 - 0.31) 0.31 (0.20 - 0.42) 0.36 (0.15 - 0.57) 44 Button bush 0.25 (0.0 - 0.79) 0.65 N/A N/A River birch 0.21 (0.19 - 0.23) 0.26 (0.22 - 0.30) 0.27 (0.22 - 0.34) 29 Silky dogwood 0.45 (0.0 - 1.33) 0.65 0.48a 7 Unknown 0.25 (0.21 - 0.29) N/A 0.37 (0.29 - 0.46) 48 Water tupelo 0.20 (N/A) N/A 0.38a 90 All species 0.25 (0.23 - 0.27) 0.32 (0.30 - 0.34) 0.40 (0.37 - 0.43) 60 a Only one individual was alive. ~1 ~ ~~` ~ ~~ ~J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Bald cypress Button bush Silky dogwood River birch N N Black gum unknown Water tupelo All trees MAYFAIRE BASELJNE 2004 AND FALL 2007 PLANTED TREE ROOT COLLAR DIAMETERS D Baseline 2004 t Fall 2007 Figure 10. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Mean Root Collar Diameters (in) +/- 95 percent confidence limits 4.0 PRELIMINARY INDICATIONS OF RESTORATION SUCCESS 4.1 Hvdrology. Hydrology data from 2007 and previous years indicate that all well locations, or 100 percent of the restoration areas, exceeded the greater than 12.5 percent hydrology criterion during periods of normal or below normal rainfall. 4.2 Vegetation. Bare-root hardwood seedlings were planted on an average of 6.5-foot spacings at a density of 1,031 trees per acre on the floodplain restoration areas of Mayfaire. The second annual planted tree survival 1 percentage was 73 percent and second year tree density was 725 trees per acre. The third annual tree survival percentage was 72 percent and third year tree density was 641 trees per acre. The fourth annual tree survival percentage was 63 percent and fourth year tree density was 650. While survival percentage has decreased each year, all years are above the minimum 260 trees per acre as ` required by the success criteria and this year's tree density increased slightly. ^ Based on the results of the fourth year (2007) and past years of tree monitoring, bald cypress dominates as the most prevalent species surviving, especially at Area C. This is likely due to the species' higher tolerance of flooding, which Area C has experienced. Vegetation at Area C appears to have been stressed by prolonged inundation prior to the lowered outlet as well as from the initial planting, which occurred later than planned due to grading/construction delays. Supplemental tree plantings occurred in Area C in the spring of 2007 in an attempt to ensure a successful diversity and density of trees within the wetland mitigation areas. 1 1 23 i ~, REFERENCES CZR Incorporated. 2003. Compensatory wetlands mitigation plan for wetland impacts associated with the completion of Mayfaire, New Hanover County, North Carolina. CZR Incorporated. 2004. As-built report for the on-site Mayfaire riparian wetlands restoration area, New Hanover County, North Carolina. CZR Incorporated. 2005. 2005 Annual report for the on-site Mayfaire riparian wetlands restoration area, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Technical report Y-87-1, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. Kartesz, John T. 1994. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland, 2"d ed. Vol. 1 Reed, P.B., Jr. 1988. National list of plant species that occur in wetlands: Southeast (Region 2). U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Biol. Rep. 88(26.2). 124pp. Weaver, A. 1977. Soil survey of New Hanover County, North Carolina. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1 1 1 r 1 24 1 1 1 1 r APPENDIX A 1 1 1 1 1 SAMPLE DATA FORMS FOR WELLS AND TREE PLOTS r 1 1 1 1 MAVFAIRF WFTI ANrI MITI(;ATII~N SITF ICP# 19771 OBSERVER: TIME IN: OUT: DATE: WELL CHECKER READING DISTANCE (in inches) between ground and water table a-A =below ground, A+@ =above ground NOTES: A-1 B-1 C-1 C-2 AREA A Stream Gage AREA C Stream Gage ECOTONE (C) COMMENTS: CAP OFF FOR PDA CHANGED BATTERIES REPROGRAMMED SET NEXT ALARM SPECIAL: OTHER: A-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DATA FORM MAYFAIRE PLANTED TREES Plot Number: Date: Time In: Time Out: Well Readin Surve ors: All measurements in inches Tree ID Number S ecies Hei ht Root Collar Alive Y/N Tree ID Number S ecies Hei ht Root Collar Alive Y/N 1 32 2 33 3 34 4 35 5 36 6 37 7 38 8 39 9 40 10 41 11 42 12 43 13 44 14 45 15 46 16 47 17 48 18 49 19 50 20 51 21 52 22 53 23 54 24 55 25 56 26 57 27 58 28 59 29 60 30 61 A-2 1 1 1 i 1 ' APPENDIX B r SHALLOW MONITORING WELL DATA AND RAINFALL 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 Appendix B Notes and Information i This appendix contains wetland monitoring well data tables. The tables contain manual water table measurements, Ecotone continuous water table measurements, and daily rainfall totals. The following notes and information will aid in interpreting these tables. ~ 1. Manual well measurements were made to the nearest quarter inch and are referenced to ground level (zero). 2. Ecotone water table readings were taken every 1.5 hours (16 times per day). Only the noon readings are given in these tables. Discrepancies between manual and electronic readings may be due to the different times readings were taken. All readings are displayed on the graphs in Appendix D. Printouts of the raw Ecotone data are on file in the CZR-Wilmington office. 3. Negative water table readings are below ground level and positive water table readings are above ground level. 4. Rainfall is from the Wilmington weather station and is the total rainfall for the 24 hour period ending at 8:00 am the day it is recorded. 1 r 1 1 1 Date MAYFAIRE WATER LEVEL IN INCHES ABOVE (+) OR BELOW (-) GROUND SURFACE Rainfalls A-1 Stream Gauge A B-1 C-1 C-2 C Ecotone Stream Gauge C 01-Jan-07 0.33 9.85 02-Jan-07 0.00 8.85 03-Jan-07 0.00 9.35 04-Jan-07 0.02 9.45 05-Jan-07 0.25 +3 1.60 + 1/2 +8 +4 3/4 8.85 0.70 06-Jan-07 0.81 8.95 07-Jan-07 0.14 9.25 08-Jan-07 0.56 8.85 09-Jan-07 0.00 8.75 10-Jan-07 0.00 8.75 11-Jan-07 0.00 8.95 12-Jan-07 0.00 9.35 13-Jan-07 0.00 9.25 14-Jan-07 0.00 9.05 15-Jan-07 0.00 9.05 16-Jan-07 0.04 9.05 17-Jan-07 0.00 8.55 18-Jan-07 0.39 8.75 19-Jan-07 0.00 8.75 20-Jan-07 21-Jan-07 0.00 0.25 8.75 8.85 22-Jan-07 1.31 9.05 23-Jan-07 24-Jan-07 0.00 0.00 8.95 9.05 25-Jan-07 0.00 8.75 26-Jan-07 0.00 8.75 27-Jan-07 0.00 9.35 28-Jan-07 0.33 9.25 29-Jan-07 0.00 8.45 30-Jan-07 0.00 8.75 31-Jan-07 0.00 8.75 t 1 1 B-1 MAYFAIRE WATER LEVEL IN INCHES ABOVE (+) OR BELOW (-) GROUND SURFACE Date Rainfalls A-1 Stream Gauge A B-1 C-1 C-2 C Ecotone Stream Gauge C 01-Feb-07 1.18 9.05 02-Feb-07 0.11 9.35 03-Feb-07 0.00 8.85 04-Feb-07 0.00 9.15 05-Feb-07 0.00 +2 1 /2 0.70 +0 +5 1 /2 +5 1 /2 8.75 0.70 06-Feb-07 0.00 8.55 07-Feb-07 0.00 9.75 08-Feb-07 0.00 9.05 09-Feb-07 0.00 9.05 10-Feb-07 0.00 9.05 11-Feb-07 0.00 9.25 12-Feb-07 0.00 9.85 13-Feb-07 0.34 9.95 14-Feb-07 0.02 8.65 15-Feb-07 0.00 8.65 16-Feb-07 0.00 8.35 17-Feb-07 0.00 9.35 ' 18-Feb-07 0.00 8.95 19-Feb-07 0.00 8.75 20-Feb-07 21-Feb-07 0.00 0.13 9.45 10.05 22-Feb-07 0.00 10.35 23-Feb-07 24-Feb-07 0.00 0.00 8.75 8.95 25-Feb-07 0.28 9.75 26-Feb-07 0.00 9.35 27-Feb-07 0.00 9.55 28-Feb-07 0.00 9.25 1 1 1 B-2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MAYFAIRE WATER LEVEL IN INCHES ABOVE (+) OR BELOW (-) GROUND SURFACE Date Rainfalls A-1 Stream Gauge A B-1 C-1 C-2 C Ecotone Stream Gauge C 01-Mar-07 0.08 9.65 02-Mar-07 0.40 9.35 03-Mar-07 0.00 8.55 04-Mar-07 0.00 8.85 05-Mar-07 0.00 +2 1.14 +1 +51/2 +2 8.85 0.70 06-Mar-07 0.00 9.05 07-Mar-07 0.00 9.75 08-Mar-07 0.00 8.65 09-Mar-07 0.00 9.35 10-Mar-07 0.00 8.95 11-Mar-07 0.00 9.05 12-Mar-07 0.00 8.95 13-Mar-07 0.00 9.05 14-Mar-07 0.00 9.15 15-Mar-07 0.01 9.15 16-Mar-07 0.99 9.35 17-Mar-07 0.00 8.85 18-Mar-07 0.00 8.85 19-Mar-07 0.00 8.95 20-Mar-07 0.00 9.15 21-Mar-07 0.00 9.15 22-Mar-07 0.00 9.25 23-Mar-07 0.00 9.35 24-Mar-07 0.00 9.35 25-Mar-07 0.00 9.35 26-Mar-07 0.00 9.35 27-Mar-07 0.00 9.35 28-Mar-07 0.00 9.35 29-Mar-07 0.08 9.35 30-Mar-07 0.00 9.05 31-Mar-07 0.00 9.25 B-3 1 MAYFAIRE WATER LEVEL IN INCHES ABOVE + OR BELOW -GROUND SURFACE ~) ~) Date Rainfalls A-1 Stream Gauge A B-1 C-1 C-2 C Ecotone Stream GaucZe C ' 01-Apr-07 0.00 9.35 02-Apr-07 0.00 9.35 03-Apr-O7 0.00 9.35 04-Apr-07 0.00 9.45 05-Apr-07 0.00 -5 1.20 +0 +51/2 +2 9.25 0.68 06-Apr-07 0.00 9.15 07-Apr-07 0.00 9.05 08-Apr-07 0.00 9.05 1 09-Apr-07 0.00 9.05 10-Apr-07 0.00 9.05 11-Apr-07 0.23 9.25 12-Apr-07 0.01 9.35 13-Apr-07 0.00 9.15 14-Apr-07 0.00 9.25 15-Apr-07 1.05 9.55 16-Apr-07 0.00 9.15 17-Apr-07 0.00 9.25 18-Apr-07 0.00 9.25 i 9-Apr-07 0.00 9.35 20-Apr-07 0.00 9.35 21-Apr-07 0.00 9.35 22-Apr-07 0.00 9.35 23-Apr-07 0.00 9.35 24-Apr-07 0.00 9.45 25-Apr-07 0.00 9.45 26-Apr-07 0.00 9.45 27-Apr-07 0.00 9.55 28-Apr-07 0.00 9.45 29-Apr-07 0.00 9.45 30-Apr-07 0.00 9.55 1 1 1 1 B-4 1 MAYFAIRE WATER LEVEL IN INCHES ABOVE (+) OR BELOW (-) GROUND SURFACE Date 01-May-07 Rainfalls A-1 Stream Gauge A B-1 C-1 C-2 0.00 C Ecotone Stream Gauge C 9.55 02-May-07 0.00 9.55 03-May-07 0.00 9.75 04-May-07 0.00 -14 3/4 0.78 +0 +5 1/4 +1 114 9.35 0.64 05-May-07 0.52 9.75 06-May-07 0.11 9.45 07-May-07 0.00 9.35 08-May-07 0.05 9.65 ' 09-May-07 0.35 9.75 10-May-07 0.00 9.55 11-May-07 0.00 9.55 12-May-07 0.00 9.65 13-May-07 0.00 9.55 14-May-07 0.00 9.35 1 15-May-07 0.00 9.55 16-May-07 0.00 9.55 17-May-07 0.52 9.65 18-May-07 0.08 9.45 19-May-07 0.00 9.35 20-May-07 0.00 9.65 21-May-07 0.00 9.75 22-May-07 0.00 9.85 23-May-07 0.00 9.65 ' 24-May-07 0.00 9.65 25-May-07 0.00 9.65 26-May-07 0.00 9.75 27-May-07 0.00 9.85 28-May-07 0.00 9.95 29-May-07 0.00 9.95 30-May-07 0.00 9.95 31-Mav-07 0.00 9.95 1 1 1 A B-5 1 MAYFAIRE WATER LEVEL IN INCHES ABOVE (+) OR BELOW (-)GROUND SURFACE Date Rainfalls A-1 Stream Gauge A B-1 C-1 C-2 C Ecotone Stream Gauge C 01-Jun-07 0.00 9.85 02-Jun-07 1.21 9.85 03-Jun-07 0.78 10.25 04-Jun-07 0.00 + 1/2 0.50 - 3/4 +5 +1 9.95 0.25 05-Jun-07 0.00 9.75 06-Jun-07 0.00 9.65 07-Jun-07 0.00 9.95 08-Jun-07 0.00 9.95 09-Jun-07 0.00 10.05 10-Jun-07 0.00 9.85 11-Jun-07 0.00 9.75 12-Jun-07 0.00 9.75 13-Jun-07 0.02 9.75 14-Jun-07 0.00 9.75 15-Jun-07 0.01 9.55 16-Jun-07 0.00 9.95 17-Jun-07 0.00 9.95 18-Jun-07 0.00 10.15 19-Jun-07 0.00 9.95 20-Jun-07 1.29 10.05 21-Jun-07 0.00 9.75 22-Jun-07 0.00 10.05 23-Jun-07 0.00 10.15 24-Jun-07 0.11 10.15 25-Jun-07 0.14 10.25 26-Jun-07 0.00 9.95 27-Jun-07 0.00 9.95 28-Jun-07 0.00 10.15 29-Jun-07 0.00 10.15 30-Jun-07 0.08 10.15 B-6 1 Date MAYFAIRE WATER LEVEL IN INCHES ABOVE + OR BELOW -GROUND SURFACE ~) ~) Rainfalls A-1 Stream Gauge A B-1 C-1 C-2 C Ecotone Stream Gauge C 01-Jul-07 0.12 10.25 02-Jul-07 0.00 9.75 03-Jul-07 0.00 -16 0.00 -5 +4 1/2 + 1/4 9.95 0.52 04-Jul-07 0.00 9.95 05-Jul-07 0.13 10.25 06-Jul-07 0.00 10.25 07-Jul-07 0.25 10.55 08-Jul-07 0.00 10.35 09-Jul-07 0.02 10.35 10-Jul-07 0.10 10.35 11-Jul-07 0.05 10.25 12-Jul-07 0.00 10.25 13-Jul-07 0.00 10.65 14-Jul-07 0.14 10.05 15-Jul-07 0.01 10.65 16-Jul-07 0.00 10.35 17-Jul-07 0.00 10.35 18-Jul-07 0.01 10.35 19-Jul-07 0.00 10.35 20-Jul-07 21-Jul-07 0.43 0.01 10.25 9.75 22-Jul-07 0.00 9.95 23-Jul-07 0.00 10.05 24-Jul-07 0.00 10.05 25-Jul-07 0.00 10.25 26-Jul-07 0.00 10.35 27-Jul-07 0.08 10.25 28-Jul-07 2.14 10.95 29-Jul-07 0.00 10.25 30-Jul-07 1.93 10.45 31-Jul-07 0.02 10.65 1 1 B-7 i MAYFAIRE WATER LEVEL IN INCHES ABOVE (+) OR BELOW (-) GROUND SURFACE Date 01-Aug-07 Rainfalls A-1 Stream Gauge A 8-1 C-1 C-2 0.00 C Ecotone Stream Gauge C 10.55 02-Aug-07 0.00 10.25 03-Aug-07 0.00 >-16 0.00 +0 +5 +0 8.85 0.50 04-Aug-07 0.00 9.75 05-Aug-07 0.00 9.55 06-Aug-07 0.00 10.25 07-Aug-07 0.34 9.95 08-Aug-07 0.00 10.05 09-Aug-07 0.00 9.95 10-Aug-07 0.37 10.05 11-Aug-07 0.02 10.55 12-Aug-07 0.00 9.95 13-Aug-07 0.00 10.15 14-Aug-07 0.00 9.55 1 15-Aug-07 0.00 10.05 16-Aug-07 0.00 9.75 17-Aug-07 0.00 10.05 18-Aug-07 0.00 9.45 19-Aug-07 0.00 10.25 20-Aug-07 0.00 9.95 21-Aug-07 0.00 9.55 22-Aug-07 0.26 10.35 23-Aug-07 24-Aug-07 0.00 0.00 10.35 9.85 25-Aug-07 0.00 9.85 26-Aug-07 0.15 9.65 1 27-Aug-07 1.75 10.65 28-Aug-07 0.00 10.85 29-Aug-07 0.00 9.85 30-Aug-07 0.00 9.45 31-Aua-07 0.00 10.05 1 t 1 B-8 1 MAYFAIRE WATER LEVEL IN INCHES ABOVE (+) OR BELOW ( -) GROUND SURFACE Date Rainfalls A-1 Stream Gauge A B-1 C-1 C-2 C Ecotone Stream Gauge C 01-Sep-07 0.00 10.25 02-Sep-07 0.00 9.75 03-Sep-07 0.00 9.75 ' 04-Sep-07 0.00 >-18 0.00 -3 +4 -4 9.15 0.50 05-Sep-07 0.00 9.25 06-Sep-07 0.00 9.35 07-Sep-07 0.00 8.75 08-Sep-07 0.00 8.65 09-Sep-07 0.03 10.25 10-Sep-07 0.00 8.65 11-Sep-07 0.00 8.45 12-Sep-07 1.49 10.55 13-Sep-07 0.54 9.05 14-Sep-07 0.16 9.95 ' 15-Sep-07 0.26 9.55 16-Sep-07 0.00 9.05 17-Sep-07 0.00 9.05 18-Sep-07 0.00 9.25 19-Sep-07 0.00 9.45 20-Sep-07 0.64 10.05 ' 21-Sep-07 0.04 10.05 22-Sep-07 1.31 10.05 23-Sep-07 0.00 10.35 24-Sep-07 0.00 9.65 25-Sep-07 0.00 9.95 26-Sep-07 0.00 9.95 27-Sep-07 0.13 10.35 28-Sep-07 0.00 10.05 29-Sep-07 0.00 9.35 30-Sep-07 0 00 9.55 I 1 1 B-9 t MAYFAIRE WATER LEVEL IN INCHES ABOVE (+) OR BELOW (-) GROUND SURFACE Date Rainfalls A-1 Stream Gauge A B-1 C-1 C-2 C Ecotone Stream Gauge C 01-Oct-07 0.00 9.65 02-Oct-07 0.00 9.95 03-Oct-07 0.01 10.05 04-Oct-07 0.00 10.25 05-Oct-07 0.01 10.55 06-Oct-07 0.04 9.05 07-Oct-07 0.00 9.05 08-Oct-07 0.00 >-18 0.00 -1 +4 +0 8.85 0.54 09-Oct-07 0.00 8.65 10-Oct-07 0.00 8.45 11-Oct-07 0.00 8.05 12-Oct-07 0.00 7.95 13-Oct-07 0.00 8.05 14-Oct-07 0.00 8.15 15-Oct-07 0.00 8.45 16-Oct-07 0.00 8.45 17-Oct-07 0.00 8.65 18-Oct-07 0.06 8.75 19-Oct-07 0.00 8.85 20-Oct-07 21-Oct-07 0.00 0.00 8.25 8.35 22-Oct-07 0.00 8.65 23-Oct-07 0.00 8.55 24-Oct-07 0.02 8.55 25-Oct-07 1.08 8.85 26-Oct-07 0.50 9.15 27-Oct-07 0.45 9.05 28-Oct-07 0.00 8.65 29-Oct-07 0.00 8.65 30-Oct-07 0.00 8.65 31-Oct-07 0.00 9.05 1 1 1 B-10 1 MAYFAIRE WATER LEVEL IN INCHES ABOVE (+) OR BELOW (-) GROUND SURFACE Date Rainfalls A-1 Stream Gauge A B-1 C-1 C-2 C Ecotone Stream Gauge C ' 01-Nov-07 0.00 8.05 02-Nov-07 0.00 7.65 03-Nov-07 0.00 7.65 04-Nov-07 0.00 7.65 05-Nov-07 0.00 7.65 06-Nov-07 0.00 -12 0.20 + 1/2 +4 3/4 +1 1/4 7.95 0.60 07-Nov-07 0.00 7.15 08-Nov-07 0.00 7.25 09-Nov-07 0.00 7.25 10-Nov-07 0.00 7.35 11-Nov-07 0.00 7.35 12-Nov-07 0.00 7.45 13-Nov-07 0.00 7.55 14-Nov-07 0.00 7.65 15-Nov-07 0.35 7.85 16-Nov-07 0.00 7.15 17-Nov-07 0.00 7.45 18-Nov-07 0.00 7.45 19-Nov-07 0.00 7.65 ' 20-Nov-07 21-Nov-07 0.00 0.00 7.75 7.85 22-Nov-07 0.00 7.65 23-Nov-07 0.00 6.65 24-Nov-07 0.00 7.15 25-Nov-07 0.06 7.75 26-Nov-07 0.15 8.05 27-Nov-07 0.00 7.05 28-Nov-07 0.00 6.35 29-Nov-07 0.04 6.85 30-Nov-07 0.00 6.45 1 1 1 8-11 1 Date MAYFAIRE WATER LEVEL IN INCHES ABOVE (+) OR BELOW (-) GROUND SURFACE Rainfalls A-1 Stream Gauge A B-1 C-1 C-2 C Ecotone Stream Gauge C 01-Deo-07 0.00 6.35 02-Dec-07 0.00 6.65 03-Dec-07 0.01 6.75 ' 04-Dec-07 0.00 6.05 05-Dec-07 0.00 >-17 3/4 0.00 +2 +7 +1 6.05 0.60 06-Dec-07 0.00 6.05 07-Dec-07 0.00 6.35 08-Dec-07 0.00 6.65 09-Dec-07 0.00 6.85 10-Dec-07 0.00 7.05 11-Dec-07 0.00 7.25 ' 12-Dec-07 0.00 7.45 13-Dec-07 0.00 7.25 14-Dec-07 0.00 7.05 15-Dec-07 0.16 6.35 16-Dec-07 1.66 6.95 17-Dec-07 0.00 6.35 ' 18-Dec-07 0.00 6.35 19-Dec-07 0.00 6.65 20-Dec-07 0.00 6.65 1 21-Dec-07 0.69 6.75 22-Dec-07 0.00 6.85 23-Dec-07 24-Dec-07 0.03 0.00 6.85 6.45 25-Dec-07 0.02 6.45 26-Dec-07 0.47 6.45 ' 27-Dec-07 0.00 6.45 28-Dec-07 0.00 6.65 29-Dec-07 0.00 6.65 30-Dec-07 0.01 6.65 31-Dec-07 0.00 6.55 1 1 B-12 1 APPENDIX C FIGURES DEPICTING SHALLOW MONITORING WELL DATA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Appendix C Notes and Information This appendix contains wetland shallow monitoring well data graphs. The graphs contain manual water table measurements, associated stream gauge measurements , and daily rainfall totals. The following notes and information will aid in interpreting these graphs. 1. Manual well measurements were made to the nearest quarter inch and are referenced to ground level (zero). 2. Negative water table readings are below ground level and positive water table readings are above ground level. 3. Rainfall is from the Wilmington weather station and is the total rainfall for the 24 hour period ending at 8:00 am the day it is recorded. 1 1 1 1 1 MAYFAIRE WELL A-1 15 6.5 6.0 10 y 5.5 m L 5 5.0 ~ ~ 4 5 0 . 4 0 d ~ o -5 . 3.5 -10 3.0 -------- ----------------------------------------------•--------- --------------------- 2.5 -15 2.0 -20 1.5 3 1.0 -25 0.5 -30 n n n n n n n 0.0 n n n 0 0 0 O (O{VV O `j ~ n n n n n n 0 0 0 0 O O S O O O o~' n N ~ ~ ~ N~~ n n n r n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O ~OV [OV O f~0 O_ ~ a~D f3 t~Vo ~ ~~~ [ V 0 ~OV to ~' 0 0 0 0 0 O OO`l ~V ~OV N O_ 7 1la f`7 ((Vd S V r .- .~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ff f~ f(( f~ a (~ f~` f ~ C t~ C~' C~' I Z t'3 ®Rainfall + water level A-1 ground surface - - - - - -12" below ground surface ~ stream gauge A-1 MAYFAIRE WELL A-1 15 6.5 6.0 10 y 5.5 v L 5 5.0 m 0 p 4.5 4.0 -5 + 3.5 -10 3.0 ~ --------- ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- 2.5 -15 -~- 2 0 a: -20 1.5 ~ 1.0 -25 0.5 -30 0.0 n n n 0 0 o g o ~ ~ ~ n n n n n n 0 $~v g g g $ o c3 n ~ ~ rn ~ n n n n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 o g o 0 ~0~vv o g N ~ ~ m r3 n ~ n r n n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 o g Gov {0v 0 0 {0v o3 o a a m A fb Y K 7 V V V ~ a '~ ~ ~ ~ N N ~ ~ _ V ~ V ~ ~VV ~ ~ ~ to to fa ~ t3 eRainfall + water level A-1 ground surface - - - - - - 12" below ground surface D stream gauge A-1 C-1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 MAYFAIRE WELL A-1 15 6.5 6.0 10 m 5.5 5 5.0 0 4.5 4.0 m w -5 3.5 m R -10 3.0 ~ ------------ -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 2.5 -15 ,..~. ~ 2.0 ~ ~' -20 1.5 3 1.0 -25 0.5 -30 0.0 n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ~ ~ ~ ~ n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g o 0 0 0$ o o°rv 0 0 0 0 n ~ ~ rn ~ o v a3 ~ ~ ~ ~ C n n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~0v 0 ~ v~ rn r3 ~ ~ n n ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a7 ~ m rn ~ rn m m m ®Rainfall ^ water level A-1 ground surface - - - - - - 12" below ground surface ~ stream gauge A-1 ^ dry manual well A-1 MAYFAIRE WELL A-1 15 6.5 6.0 10 ~ 5.5 ~ 5 5.0 ~ 0 4.5 4.0 S -5 3.5 m a -10 3.0 ., , _ m -- ---------------------------------~-...----------------------------........_...------- - 2.5 ~ -15 2.0 ~ ~ ^ r -20 1.5 3 1.0 -25 0.5 -30 0.0 n g ~ n n n n 0 0 o 8 0 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ n n n n r n n n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 ~ 0v 8 0 i 0v ~0v 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ f3 o a fv ~ c n n n 0 ii0~~ L~ o c3 ~ n n n n o g o0 {v 0 i{v~ ~ 0 o t8 a o o a a o o~ ~ ~ r~ a a a~~~ ®Rainfall + water level A-1 ground surface - - - - - -12" below ground surtace D stream gauge A-1 ^ dry manual well A-1 C-2 1 1 1 1 1 1 MAYFAIRE WELL B-1 15 6.5 6.0 10 5.5 5 5.0 0 4.5 4.0 d 3 -5 r 3.5 - m ' -10 3.0 ~ ~ -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5 -15 2 0 . °f -20 1.5 3 1.0 -25 0.5 -30 0.0 n r ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 0 0 0 $ o o $ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N ~V N N N N N N N a W ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N a O O ~ a ` 1\ ~ t0 ? M r h t0 O 7 d0 ~~ a a a a a a "a "' ~ f m " M ORainfall + water level B-1 ground surface - - - - - - 12" below ground surface MAYFAIRE WELL B-1 15 6.5 6.0 10 ~ 5.5 d 5 5 0 . 0 4.5 4.0 3 -5 3.5 ~ > ;; -10 = 0 ,~ ~ ---- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------- 2.5 -15 2 0 m . °= -20 1.5 3 1.0 -25 0.5 -30 0.0 f~ t~ S S ~ r ~ A P n h /~ S S O O O S S L`~ ~ m h A n n r ~ r O O S S S S O LV C ~ rn ~ ~ n r ~ h n h A O S S O S S O ~ ~ o v a ~ v v ~ ~ ~ ~ v _ _ ~~v `~ _ _ ~ `a ~3 ~ ~ v a a vl ul uZ u7 ~ ~ t3 ~3 ~Ralnfall + water level B-1 ground surface - - - - - -12" below ground surface C-3 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 MAYFAIRE WELL B-1 6 5 . 6.0 10 5.5 5 5.0 0 4.5 A + 4.0 d S -5 + 3.5 > -10 = 3.0 w ° ~ ---- ° --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 5 m -15 . 2 0 -20 1.5 ~ 1.0 -25 0.5 -30 0.0 n n °o °o n n n n n n n n n n n n n n °o °o g °o °o °o °o °o °o °o °o o° °o o n n n n r r n °o ~ °o °o °o $ °o N N n n N N ~V ~V N N N ~V N ~V N N N N ~ to n m rn a m o ~ m a m o n ~ ~ N N N ~ m ~ N ~ ~ ~ n n n n w ao o) m m m N N N N N N N ~ C ~ in rn ~ n ~ ~ r ~ r N N o~ a w w a ®Rainfall + water level B-1 ground surface - - - - - -12" below ground surtace MAYFAIRE WELL B-1 15 6.5 6.0 10 5.5 5 5.0 ~ 0 + 4.5 a 4.0 r .. ° -5 3.5 m R -10 3.0 _ ------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------- ------------- ~ 2.5 -15 2 0 . -20 1.5 ~ 1.0 -25 0.5 -30 0.0 n env n (n~ ~ N ~ ~ n n env n n n n n r n n n n ~ ul ~ ~ ~ $ g ~ ~ ~ g n ins {n~ a e3 A env n n n rd $ g s o o a a o o o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ a a a a S~~ -Rainfall + water level B-1 ground surface - - - - - - 12" below ground surface C-4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MAYFAIRE WELL C-1 and C-2 15 6.5 6.0 10 ~ + 0 5.5 5 -~' + 5.0 m p 4 5 0 . 3 4.0 t o w -5 3.5 ' 3.0 R L -10 -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5 -15 p 2.0 m :; -20 1.5 ~ 1.0 -25 ~ ~ 0.5 -30 0.0 n r n g $ ~ r~ r ~ ~ r- n ~ n ~ r g S g g g g g g S g g n r n ~ r g g g g g n n n r- g g g g Obi (VV ~ `1 ~ `l ( t3 ~ N ~ W ~ to d ~ a3 a [ V fi `/ ~ `l lb ~ to d K ~ ~``ll fi rV! ~ Cj ~ ~ d ffVV r ~- r ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ NN lV f~ f~` f~ ~ f~+ l~l f' ~ (~ l~ l+Z (~ -Rainfall •1- Water level C-1 Ground surface - - - - - • 12" below ground surface ~ Stream gauge C O Water level C-2 MAYFAIRE WELL C-1 and C-2 15 6.5 6.0 10 ~ 5.5 d 5 + + + 5.0 4.5 ~ 0 4.0 m o -5 3 5 . -10 3.0 --------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------- ---- 2.5 -15 p 2.0 m -20 1.5 3 0 0 1.0 -25 p 0.5 -30 0.0 n r~ r a a g r~ n n n n n s~ 8~ 8 s ~ n n r r r s~~ g~ ~ n n n g~~~ ~ n n S~ g ~ n ~ 5 a a ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ a a ~ ~ a ~ ~ a a ~ ~ ~ ~Ralnfalf t Water level C-1 Ground surface - - - - - -12" below ground surface p Stream gauge C O Water level C-2 C-5 1 1 1 MAYFAIRE WELL C-1 and C-2 15 6.5 6.0 10 ~ 5.5 5 + -f- + 5.0 d 4.5 v 4.0 t o -5 3.5 ' 3.0 -10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.5 -15 2 0 . d -20 1.5 ~ 1.0 -25 ~ o p 0.5 0 -30 r r r r r r r r r r r r 0.0 r r r r r r 0 0 0 0 N ~ ~ n r r r 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0oV N o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ C _ ~ t~ r ~ N N a to O ' ~ N (a O t~ N .'- °i °' ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0`l 0 0 0 YT N_ N N °' r r rn r a ao ao 0o co ~ m r n r ~ `r ~ rn w rn -Rainfall + Water level C-1 Ground surface - - - - - -12" below ground surface ~ Stream gauge C O Water level C-2 MAYFAIRE WELL C-1 and C-2 15 6.5 6.0 10 ~ + 5.5 L c 5 + + 5.0 4.5 ~ 0 4.0 d o -5 3 5 . ' R -10 3.0 ------------------ -- ------------ ------------ - ------------------------------- ------- - 2.5 -15 2.0 d -20 1.5 3 0 0 1.0 -25 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 -30 r r r r r r r r . r r r r r r g g $ S S r r r o g g r r r r r r o g g g g g g g $ o $ $ o° S C C C C C C M r Y N C C 1 O~ C C C C C C O a OD 1 C C C O ~ N C C C C '~ N N N f Q1 N a a a £ N a o ~ F N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a a a a a -Rainfall + Water level C-1 Ground surtaCe - - - - - -12" below ground surface ~ Stream gauge C O Water level C-2 C-6 1 1 APPENDIX D FIGURES DEPICTING ECOTONE DATA t r t 1 1 Appendix D Notes and Information 1 1 1 1 1 t This appendix contains wetland monitoring well data graphs The tables contain manual water table measurements, Ecotone continuous water table measurements, associated stream gauge measurements, and daily rainfall totals. The following notes and information will aid in interpreting these graphs. 1. Manual well measurements were made to the nearest quarter inch and are referenced to ground level (zero). 2. Ecotone water table readings were taken every 1.5 hours (16 times per day). Printouts of the raw Ecotone data are on file in the CZR-Wilmington office. 3. Negative water table readings are below ground level and positive water table readings are above ground level. 4. Rainfall is from the Wilmington weather station and is the total rainfall for the 24 hour period ending at 8:00 am the day it is recorded. MAYFAIRE ECOTONE JANUARY 2007 6.5 15 6.0 m 5.5 r ~ 5 5.0 -------------------- ------- -- 4.5 ~ -5 4.0 m N r 3 5 = -15 . 3.0 = ~ w ~ 2.5 m -25 2 0 ~ . 1.5 3 -35 1.0 0.5 -45 n n 0.0 ~ n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v ~ ~ C m ~ o ~ ~ ~ v u~i ~ ~ ~ rn o ~ n n n n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ chi v vii m ~ ~ n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 rn o ~ r r r r r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ Rainfall ~C Ecotone - - - -ground surface 12" below ground surface MAYFAIRE ECOTONE FEBRUARY 2007 6.5 15 6.0 N d ~ 5 5 5 . 5.0 ,~ ---------- -------- --- ----- 4.5 o -5 4 0 . > 3.5 ~. m -15 3.0 =r w > 2.5 m -25 2 0 ~ . 3 1.5 -35 1.0 0.5 -45 n n n n n n n ~ n n n n ~ n n n n n n 0'0 0 0 N o g o 0 0$ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N 0 o g$ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N r n ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 n n n r n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 (~ r f~ t~ l~ a a (~ N (~ ~ ~ a s N N N N N N A l7 V In fD 1~ ao ~ f~ A c~ f~ a a a a N N N O (~ f~ f~ f~ N N N N N (7 V l0 iD 1~ N a a a a N aD a ~ Rainfall ~C Ecotone - - - - ground surface 12" below ground surface D-1 1 t 1 1 1 1 i r 1 1 1 1 MAYFAIRE ECOTONE MARCH 2007 6.5 15 6.0 m 5.5 ~ 5 5.0 m ---- ------- ------------ --- --- 4.5 -5 4.0 d 3 N 3.5 L -15 3.0 w R 2.5 ~ m -25 2.0 ;; 1.5 3 -35 1.0 0.5 -45 0.0 n °o ~_ n n n n °o o° o0 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ n n n n n n n °o °o g °o °o °o °o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O n n n n n n n n n n n n °o ~ °o °o °o o° o °o °o °o °o °o L~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~_ ~ ~ ~ t+I a N n 01 O v n n n °o g °o ~ ~ ~ N fD n n n n n °o °o °o o° ~ ~ ~ N Ol O C~' O C'1 f") l~' f`~' ~ C~' ~ l~' C~' (`~ _ ~~``ll ~`/ C~' f`~' M ~ l'7 l~ Nl /~~1 l3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M t~+l ~ t~+1 ~ Rainfall ~C Ecotone - - - -ground surface 12" below ground surface MAYFAIRE ECOTONE APRIL 2007 6.5 15 6.0 m 5.5 ~ 5 5.0 ~ -- -------- --------- ------ --- 4.5 N -5 4.0 ,~ 3.5 d > ~; -15 3.0 - ~ 2.5 w > -25 2.0 ~ 3 1.5 -35 1.0 0.5 -45 0.0 n n n g o °o N N r ~ ~ n n n n n °o °o °o °o g °o $ °o ~V ~V N N ~V N N N t~ ~ r n ~ ~ r r n o $ °o °o °o °o °o °o °o N N N N N N N N N n n n n r r °o °o o° o °o °o ` N N N N N n n n n °o °o °o °o N N N N ~ ~'' 7 Y Y ~ 'O m C ao Q, o V < < Q V V ~ •- v v ~ ri a w m r w w o `- e- •- •- N a a v c v v v a v c~ ~ v m m N N N N N N e a a 3 v a n m m o N N N M v v a a Rainfall ~C Ecotone - - - -ground surface 12" below ground surface D-2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MAYFAIRE ECOTONE MAY 2007 6.5 15 6.0 ~, 5.5 d 5 5.0 d -- ----------------------- ---- 4.5 -5 4.0 s 3 w 3 5 . r -15 3.0 w 2.5 > -25 2.0 d w 1.5 ~ -35 1.0 0.5 -45 0.0 n n n °o °o o° n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n °o o° °o ~ °o °o °o g ~°oV ~$V °o ~°oV ~°oV °o °o °o °o °o °o °o °o °o °o ~ ~ ~ LV N N LV ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o u~ o a ~n co ~ ~ ~ ~ n rn o m rn o n r n r r o° °o o° °o °o N N ~V ~V N n a`o rn o y N N YI _ ( ( ~ v n c C ~ 1n ~ h N In .- ~ r r '- '- .- '- r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ VI N N N N N N ~ N ~ N N 1n N N In ~ N N N M t` N ~ ~ N ~ ®Rainfall ~C Ecotone - - - -ground surface 12" below ground surface MAYFAIRE ECOTONE JUNE 2007 6.5 15 6.0 5.5 v 5 5.0 __ m -- -------- --------- --------- 4.5 u eo -5 4.0 r N V 3.5 5 y -15 3.0 w ~ 2.5 ~ > d -25 2.0 y 1.5 ~ -35 1.0 0.5 -45 0.0 n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ n n n n n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ V e ~ O ~ n n n n n n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0$ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (h a n Of O n n n n n n n n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cn ~ N N a N (D n a0 O n 0 0 ~ O ' f0 tp t0 f0 t0 {a to ~1 /a f~ fa (a (O la (~ 10 ~O ~ ~ N ~V $~V ~V N N ~V f0 fD 10 t0 10 tD t0 l0 lp (` ) (D ®Rainfall ~C Ecotone - - - -ground surface 12" below ground surface D-3 1 1 r i MAYFAIRE ECOTONE JULY 2007 6.5 15 6.0 5.5 ~ 5 5.0 d ----------- -------------- ---- 4.5 -5 4.0 H V 3 5 . v ~, -15 3.0 , 2.5 > -25 2.0 ;; 1.5 3 -35 1.0 0.5 -45 r n n n r r~ n r n r r n r r 0.0 r r n n n r 0 0 N n r n n n r n n n r n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0$ o 0 0 0 0 o fV N N N N N N N N N N ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N ~V N N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N h (~ l` V 1q m C a0 ~ O ~ a f~ f~ h h P r r h ~ ^ n r~ r ('7 O N ~O f~ a0 W O .- a l0 Y 1[I m ~ ~ ~ '- ~ ~ ~ N N N N N N N n r r ~ t~ n n r n r r~ n ~ n h O ~ O N N N ~ M n ~ n r ~ ~ Rainfall ~C Ecotone - - - - ground surface 12" below ground surface MAYFAIRE ECOTONE AUGUST 2007 6.5 15 6.0 d 5.5 5 5.0 ~ -- ----------------- -------- - 4.5 - ~ ' -5 4.0 d 3.5 -15 3.0 w °' __ 2.5 -25 2.0 1.5 -35 1.0 0.5 -45 n n r n r n r n n r r~ 0.0 n r n n r r 0 o S 0 0 N N N r~ n r- n n n n n n r r~ r n n o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o S o 0 0 0$$ o 0 o S o 0 0 0 ~V N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ~V N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, o ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ r '- r r r r ~ ~ r N a0 a0 a0 aD a~ CO a0 a0 a0 m m a ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ N N N N ('/ N N N aD a0 a0 a0 O ~ aD aD w a N (7 M a0 a0 a0 ~ Rainfall ~~C Ecotone - - - -ground surface 12" below ground surface D-4 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 MAYFAIRE ECOTONE SEPTEMBER 2007 6.5 15 6.0 5.5 d 5 5.0 d ------------------- ------- - 4.5 _5 - 4.0 d c 5 3 .. . ~ -15 3.0 w R 2.5 -25 2.0 :: 1.5 ~ -35 1.0 0.5 -45 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r r r r r r r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r r 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o g o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N c~ c~ a m to C ao m o~ a~~ m r ao m o ~~~~~ W ~ ~ ~- N N ~ ~ ~ ~ Ol W ~ ~ Of W ~ O1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N c~ ~ v .n m ~ w N N N N N N N T ~ Qt W W T ~ 0 0 N N m o N M ~ ~ ®Rainfall ~~C Ecotone - - - -ground surface 12" below ground surface MAYFAIRE ECOTONE OCTOBER 2007 6.5 15 6.0 ~, 5.5 d 5 5.0 d ---------- --------- -------- -- 4.5 v -5 4.0 d ~ g 3.5 r m w -15 3.0 _ , 2.5 -25 2.0 ;; 1.5 ~ -35 1.0 0.5 -45 r 0 r r r r r r r n r r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r r r r r r r r r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r r r r r r r r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r r r 0.0 0 0 0 0 N O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N f~` M O ~ m ~ QO W O ~ O O O O O O O O ~ ~ O O .- r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N a f7 Y ~ m r m ~ O ~ N O O O O O O O O O r r .- r .-- ~ r r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N (~` c7 a m m r a0 N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O r .- r ~ r r ~ 0 0 0 N N N W O N l7 !7 O O O .- r o Rainfall ~~C Ecotone - - - -ground surface 12" below ground surface D-5 ~r r r r . r r r ~r ire ri r rr ~r r~ r ~ r^r ar 0 Water level relative to surface (inches) ~ w rv ~ ~ -~ cn cn cn cn cr cn cn 12/1/2007 ~ 12/2/2007 I ~ 12/3/2007 I d 12/4/2007 I 12/5/2007 I 12/6/2007 I 12/7/2007 I _ 1 va/2oo7 I ~ n m 12/9/2007 I m 8 0 ,2/10/2007 I 1'17 ~ 12/11/2007 I 1vluzoo7 I O 12/13/2007 I ~ i 12/14/2007 I O 12/15/2007 I Z 12/16/2007 I m a j 12/17/2007 I ~- !// 12/18/2007 I v 12119/2007 I ^ ~ , 2/20/2007 I m ,2/21/2007 I 12/22/2007 I T N 12/23/2007 II T ' , 1 12/24/2007 I T /~ 12/25/2007 I N ~ 1 2/2 6120 0 7 I O 12/2712007 I Q ~ 12/28!2007 I a ,2129,2007 ( a 12/30/2007 I c 12/31/2007 O O -• --~ N N W W :P ? U1 U1 O ~ O CJ1 O CJl O C T1 O U7 O U1 O <Jt O U1 ip Rainfall (inches) Water level relative to surface (inches) ~ W N ~ n r1 c 11 c cn Cn cn cn 11 /1 /2007 1 vvzao7 I p~ 11 /3/2007 I 11/4/2007 ( 1 ` 11/5/2007 ( ~ 11 /6/2007 I 11n/2oo7 I n „/8/2007 I I't1 s „/9/2fl07 I m p „/, 0/2007 I A ~ 11/11/2007 I O I 1v1v2oo7 I ~ 11/13/2007 I O 1 1 /1 412 00 7 I Z 11/15/2007 I fT7 t~ 1,1 1S/16/2007 I a 11/17/2007 I Z O c ~ 11/18/2007 I i n 11/tfl/2007 I T ~ „120/2007 I „1 11 /21 /2007 I 11/22/2007 I T 1 , 1 11/23/2007 I T /~ 1 1124/2 0 0 7 I _ N 11 /25/2007 I N 11/26/2007 I Q ~ 'y 1 v27/2ao7 a 11/28/2007 I j „129/2007 I n ~ 11!30/2007 ~ O O -~ -~ N N W W ~P J~ U1 U1 O ~ ~ O U1 O CJ1 O CJ7 O U1 O U1 O U7 O U1 Rainfall (inches) 1 1 1 i APPENDIX E ' SCIENTIFIC NAME, COMMON NAME AND WETLAND INDICATOR STATUS OF TREES 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX E. Hardwood species planted in 2004 in Mayfaire wetland restoration areas. Scientific name a Common name Wetland indicator status Salix nigra black willow OBL Betula nigra river birch FACW Cephalanthus occidentalis button bush OBL Cornus amomum silky dogwood FACW+ Taxodium distichum bald cypress OBL Nyssa aquatics water tupelo OBL Nyssa sylvatica black gum/swamp FAC tupelo Quercus lyrata overcup oak OBL Fraxinus Qennsvlvanica green ash FACW _ _ a Nomenclature follows Kartesz (1994). b Wetland indicator status provided by Fish and Wildlife Service (Reed 1988). E-1 1 1 APPENDIX F ' INDIVIDUAL VEGETATION PLOT DATA FOR AREA C 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table F-1. Individual ve etation data for lot C-1, collected October 2007 9 P , in Area C mitigation area at Mayfaire. f H i ht ll r t C R g o e oo o a Plot Tree a Species Tree Dimension Location Sample (inches) (inches) C-1 1 Bald Cypress 23.00 0.360 C-1 2 Unknown 4.00 0.330 C-1 3 Bald cypress 28 00 0.440 ' C-1 4 Unknown C-1 5 Silky dogwood 5.00 0.480 C-1 6 Riverbirch --- --- C-1 7 Riverbirch --- --- C-1 8 Bald cypress 22.00 0.410 C-1 9 Riverbirch 11.00 0.285 C-1 10 Buttenbush --- --- C-1 11 Bald cypress 21.00 0.390 C-1 12 Bald cypress 12.00 0.310 C-1 13 Bald cypress 21.00 0.305 C-1 14 Unknown 14.50 0.416 C-1 15 Unknown --- --- C-1 16 Riverbirch 14.00 310 0 C-1 17 Bald cypress - C-1 18 Riverbirch --- --- C-1 19 Bald cypress 19.00 0.275 ' C-1 20 Bald cypress 21.00 0.310 C-1 21 Bald cypress 19.00 0.320 C-1 C-1 22 23 Unknown Swamp tupelo --- 10.00 --- 0.270 C-1 24 Bald cypress --- --- C-1 25 Bald cypress 22.00 0.575 C-1 26 Bald cypress 26.00 0.550 C-1 27 Riverbirch 11.00 0.325 C-1 28 Nyssa aquatica 10.75 0.375 C-1 29 Riverbirch 32.00 0.190 C-1 30 Swamp tupelo 12.00 0.575 C-1 31 Bald cypress 26.00 0.480 C-1 32 Swamp tupelo 13.00 0.235 C-1 33 Bald cypress 15.00 0.315 C-1 34 Riverbirch --- --- C-1 35 Riverbirch _== C-1 36 Unknown ==_ C-1 37 Riverbirch -- --- C-1 38 Riverbirch ==_ __= C-1 39 Swamp tupelo C-1 40 Riverbirch --- --- C-1 C-1 41 42 Riverbirch Bald cypress --- 14.00 --- 0.560 a Tree species that were unable to be identified at the time of sampling were labeled as unknown. F-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table F-2. Individual vegetation data for plot C-2, collected October 2007, in Area C mitigation area at Mayfaire. Height of Root Collar Speciesa Tree Dimensions Locat on Sample (inches) (inches) C-2 1 Bald cypress 26.00 0.250 C-2 2 Bald cypress 31.00 0.520 C-2 3 Silky dogwood -- --- C-2 4 Bald cypress 14.00 0.210 C-2 5 Silky dogwood --- --- C-2 6 Bald cypress 24.00 0.410 C-2 7 Bald cypress 21.00 0.500 C-2 8 Silky dogwood --- --- C-2 9 Bald cypress 28.00 0.495 C-2 10 Silky dogwood --- --- C-2 11 Bald cypress 22.00 0.480 C-2 12 Bald cypress 22.00 0.320 C-2 13 Swamp tupelo --- --- C-2 14 Swamp tupelo --- --- C-2 15 Bald cypress 24.00 0.280 C-2 16 Bald cypress 9.00 0.275 C-2 17 unknown --- --- C-2 18 Swamp tupelo --- --- C-2 19 Bald cypress 23.00 0.400 C-2 20 Bald cypress 19.50 0.280 C-2 21 Silky dogwood --- --- C-2 22 Bald cypress 21.00 0.375 C-2 23 Bald cypress 32.00 0.450 C-2 24 Bald cypress 23.00 0.550 C-2 25 Bald cypress 25.00 0.520 C-2 26 Bald cypress 24.00 0.410 C-2 27 unknown C-2 28 Batd cypress 31.00 0.550 C-2 29 unknown --- --- C-2 30 unknown --- -- C-2 31 Bald cypress 21.00 0.565 C-2 32 Silky dogwood --- --- a Tree species that were unable to be identified at the time of sampling were labeled as unknown. F-2 ' Table F-3. Individual ve etation data for lot C-3 co 9 P llected October 2007, in Area C mitigation area at Mayfaire. ll R t C l Speciesa Height of Tree ar oo o Dimensions Loca t on C-3 Sample 1 Bald cypress (inches) 24.00 (inches) 0.480 C-3 2 Bald cypress 14.00 0.450 C-3 3 Bald cypress 14.00 0.260 C-3 4 Swamp tupelo C-3 5 Bald cypress 16.00 0.460 ' C-3 C-3 6 7 Swamp tupelo Bald cypress --- 22.00 --- 0.650 C-3 8 Bald cypress 27.00 0.260 C-3 9 Bald cypress 19.00 0.190 C-3 10 Swamp tupelo __ ___ C-3 11 unknown = C-3 12 Bald cypress 23.00 0.520 C-3 13 Water tupelo --- --- aTree species that were unab le to be identified at the time of sampling were labeled as unknown. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' F-3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table F-4. Individual vegetation data for plot C-4 collected October 2007, in Area C mitigation area at Mayfaire. Height of Root Collar c Speciesa Tree Dimensions Lo at on Sample (inches) (inches) C-4 1 bald cypress 22.50 0.490 C-4 2 bald cypress 17.00 0.275 C-4 3 bald cypress 20.00 0.360 C-4 4 bald cypress 25.00 0.360 C-4 5 bald cypress 23.00 0.530 C-4 6 unknown --- --- C-4 7 bald cypress 22.00 0.475 C-4 8 bald cypress 28.00 0.475 C-4 9 bald cypress 19.00 0.350 C-4 10 bald cypress 25.00 0.380 a Tree species that were unable to be identified at the time of sampling were labeled as unknown. F~ Table F-5. Individual ve etation data for lot C-1 collected October 2006 in Area C miti ation 9 p 9 area at Mayfaire. Plot Tree Height of Root Collar Speciesa Tree Dimension Location Sample (inches) (inches) C-1 1 bald cypress 21.50 0.34 C-1 2 unknown - - C-1 3 bald cypress 27.00 0.32 ' C-1 4 unknown C-1 5 dogwood 11.00 0.65 ' C-1 C-1 6 7 river birch river birch - 12.00 - 0.30 C-1 8 bald cypress 21.50 0.88 C-1 9 river birch 11.0 0.25 ' C-1 10 button bush 8.50 0.65 C-1 11 bald cypress 21.50 0.30 C-1 12 bald cypress 6.75 0.20 ' C-1 13 bald cypress 23.75 0.25 C-1 14 unknown C-1 15 unknown - - C-1 16 river birch 10.00 0.40 ' C-1 17 bald cypress 16.50 0.60 C-1 18 river birch - - C-1 19 bald cypress 18.50 0.30 C-1 20 river birch 14.75 0.21 C-1 21 bald cypress - - C-1 22 unknown - - C-1 23 swamp tupelo 12.00 0.28 C-1 24 bald cypress 20.00 0.20 ' C-1 C-1 25 26 bald cypress bald cypress 20.50 25.25 0.28 0.29 C-1 27 river birch 11.50 0.21 C-1 28 swamp tupelo 5.75 0.24 ' C-1 29 river birch 14.25 0.12 C-1 30 swamp tupelo 13.25 0.40 C-1 31 bald cypress 23.25 0.34 ' C-1 32 swamp tupelo 16.75 0.35 C-1 33 bald cypress 15.00 0.22 C-1 34 river birch - - C-1 35 river birch C-1 36 unknown C-1 37 river birch - - C-1 38 river birch 24.25 0.33 C-1 39 swamp tupelo 15.50 0.30 C-1 40 river birch - - C-1 41 river birch - - C-1 42 bald cypress 19.00 0.38 aTree species that were unable to be identified at the time of sampling were labeled as unknown. F-5 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 Table F-6. Individual vegetation data for plot C-2, collected October 2006, in Area C mitigation area at Mayfaire. Height of Root Collar Locat on Sample Speciesa Tree Dimensions (inches) (inches) C-2 1 bald cypress 24.50 0.36 C-2 2 bald cypress 25.25 0.41 C-2 3 dogwood - - C-2 4 bald cypress 10.00 0.19 C-2 5 dogwood - - C-2 6 bald cypress 24.00 0.35 C-2 7 bald cypress 21.25 0.35 C-2 8 dogwood - - C-2 9 bald cypress 23.75 0.39 C-2 10 dogwood - - C-2 11 bald cypress 22.75 0.29 C-2 12 bald cypress 22.00 0.39 C-2 13 swamp tupelo - - C-2 14 swamp tupelo - - C-2 15 bald cypress 23.00 0.31 C-2 16 bald cypress 9.00 0.21 C-2 17 unknown - - C-2 18 swamp tupelo - - C-2 19 bald cypress 23.00 0.40 C-2 20 bald cypress 20.50 0.29 C-2 21 dogwood - - C-2 22 bald cypress 21.00 0.31 C-2 23 bald cypress 30.00 0.40 C-2 24 bald cypress 28.25 0.40 C-2 25 bald cypress 40.00 0.34 C-2 26 bald cypress 20.00 0.39 C-2 27 unknown - - C-2 28 bald cypress 23.50 0.40 C-2 29 unknown - - C-2 30 unknown - - C-2 31 bald cypress 21.75 0.41 C-2 32 dogwood - - aTree species that were unable to be identified at the time of sampling were labeled as unknown. F-6 ' Table F-7. Individual ve etation - g data for plot C 3 col lected October 2006, m Area C mitigation area at Mayfaire. ' Plot Tree Speciesa Height of Root Collar Dimensions Location Sample Tree (inches) (inches) C-3 1 bald cypress 25.75 0.36 C-3 2 bald cypress 17.50 0.28 C-3 3 bald cypress 15.00 0.27 C-3 4 swamp tupelo C-3 5 bald cypress 16.00 0.43 ' C-3 C-3 6 7 swamp tupelo bald cypress - 27.00 - 0.60 C-3 8 bald cypress 26.75 0.48 C-3 9 bald cypress 22.00 0.25 ' C-3 10 swamp tupelo - C-3 11 unknown = - C-3 12 bald cypress 23.00 0.58 ' C-3 13 water tupelo - - a Tree species that were unable to be identified at the time of sampling were labeled as unknown. 1 1 1 F-7 t t w 1 1 1 Table F-8. Individual vegetation data for plot C-4 collected October 2006, in Area C mitigation area at Mayfaire. Height of Root Collar Locat on Sample Speciesa Tree Dimensions (inches) (inches) C-4 1 bald cypress 22.00 0.47 C-4 2 bald cypress 17.00 0.23 C-4 3 bald cypress 22.00 0.30 C-4 4 bald cypress 27.00 0.36 C-4 5 bald cypress 33.25 0.54 C-4 6 unknown - - C-4 7 bald cypress 23.00 0.41 C-4 8 bald cypress 26.00 0.40 C-4 9 bald cypress 20.00 0.26 C-4 10 bald cypress 24.00 0.36 a Tree species that were unable to be identified at the time of sampling were labeled as unknown. F-8 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table F-9. Individual vegetation data for plot C-1, collected October 2005, in Area C mitigation area at Mayfaire. Root Collar Plot Height of Tree Dimension Location Tree Sample Speciesa (inches)b (inches)b C-1 1 bald cypress 21.50 0.34 C-1 2 unknown - - C-1 3 bald cypress 27.00 0.32 C-1 4 unknown - - C-1 5 dogwood 11.00 0.65 C-1 6 river birch - - C-1 7 river birch 12.00 0.30 C-1 8 bald cypress 21.50 0.88 C-1 9 river birch 11.00 0.25 C-1 10 button bush 8.50 0.65 C-1 11 bald cypress 21.50 0.30 C-1 12 bald cypress 6.75 0.20 C-1 13 bald cypress 23.75 0.25 C-1 14 unknown - - C-1 15 unknown - - C-1 16 river birch 10.00 0.40 C-1 17 bald cypress 16.50 0.60 C-1 18 river birch - - C-1 19 bald cypress 18.50 0.30 C-1 20 river birch 14.75 0.21 C-1 21 bald cypress - - C-1 22 unknown - - C-1 23 swamp tupelo 12.00 0.28 C-1 24 bald cypress 20.00 0.20 C-1 25 bald cypress 20.50 0.28 C-1 26 bald cypress 25.25 0.29 C-1 27 river birch 11.50 0.21 C-1 28 swamp tupelo 5.75 0.24 C-1 29 river birch 14.25 0.12 C-1 30 swamp tupelo 13.25 0.40 C-1 31 bald cypress 23.25 0.34 C-1 32 swamp tupelo 16.75 0.35 C-1 33 bald cypress 15.00 0.22 C-1 34 river birch - - C-1 35 river birch - - C-1 36 unknown - - C-1 37 river birch - - C-1 38 river birch 24.25 0.33 C-1 39 swamp tupelo 15.50 0.30 C-1 40 river birch - - C-1 41 river birch - - C-1 42 bald cypress 19.00 0.38 a Tree species that were unable to be identified at the time of sampling were labeled as unknown. b Height and root collar dimensions labeled as n/a refer to those trees that were alive during fall 2004 sampling but not during fall 2005 sampling. F-9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table F-10. Individual vegetation data for plot C-2, collected October 2005, in Area C mitigation area at Mayfaire. Root Collar Plot Height of Tree Dimensions Location Tree Sample Speciesa (inches) b (inches) b C-2 1 bald cypress 24.50 0.36 C-2 2 bald cypress 25.25 0.41 C-2 3 dogwood - - C-2 4 bald cypress 10.00 0.19 C-2 5 dogwood - - C-2 6 bald cypress 24.00 0.35 C-2 7 bald cypress 21.25 0.35 C-2 8 dogwood - - C-2 9 bald cypress 23.75 0.39 C-2 10 dogwood - - C-2 11 unknown - - C-2 12 bald cypress 22.00 0.39 C-2 13 water tupelo - - C-2 14 swamp tupelo - - C-2 15 bald cypress 23.00 0.31 C-2 16 bald cypress 9.00 0.21 C-2 17 unknown - - C-2 18 swamp tupelo - - C-2 19 bald cypress 23.00 0.40 C-2 20 bald cypress 20.50 0.29 C-2 21 dogwood - - C-2 22 bald cypress 21.00 0.31 C-2 23 bald cypress 30.00 0.40 C-2 24 bald cypress 28.25 0.40 C-2 25 bald cypress 40.00 0.34 C-2 26 bald cypress 20.00 0.39 C-2 27 unknown - - C-2 28 bald cypress 23.50 0.40 C-2 29 unknown - - C-2 30 unknown - - C-2 31 bald cypress 21.75 0.41 C-2 32 dogwood - - a Tree species that were unable to be identified at the time of sampling were labeled as unknown. b Height and root collar dimensions labeled as n/a refer to those trees that were alive during fall 2004 sampling but not during fa112005 sampling. F-10 Table F-11. Individual ve etation data for lot C-3 collected October 2005 9 p , in Area C mitigation area at Mayfaire. Root Collar Plot Height of Tree Dimensions Location Tree Sample Speciesa (inches) b (inches) b ' C-3 1 bald cypress 25.75 0.36 C-3 2 bald cypress 17.50 0.28 C-3 3 bald cypress 15.00 0.27 ' C-3 4 swamp tupelo - - C-3 5 bald cypress 16.00 0.43 C-3 6 swamp tupelo - - C-3 7 bald cypress 27.00 0.60 ' C-3 8 bald cypress 26.75 0.48 C-3 9 bald cypress 22.00 0.25 C-3 10 swamp tupelo - - ' C-3 11 unknown n/a n/a C-3 12 bald cypress 23.00 0.58 C-3 13 water tupelo n/a n/a ' a Tree species that were unable to be identified at the ti me of sampling were labeled as unknown. b Height and root collar dimensions labeled as n/a refer to those trees tha t were alive during fall 2004 ' sampling but not during fall 2005 sampling. 1 1 ' F-11 1 r 1 Table F-12. Individual vegetation data for plot C-4 collected October 2005, in Area C mitigation area at Mayfaire. Root Collar Plot Height of Tree Dimensions Location Tree Sample Speciesa (inches) b (inches) b C-4 1 bald cypress 22.00 0.47 C-4 2 bald cypress 17.00 0.23 C-4 3 bald cypress 22.00 0.30 C-4 4 bald cypress 27.00 0.36 C-4 5 bald cypress 3325 0.54 C-4 6 unknown n/a n/a C-4 7 bald cypress 23.00 0.41 C-4 8 bald cypress 26.00 0.40 C-4 9 bald cypress 20.00 0.26 C-4 10 bald cypress 24.00 0.36 a Tree species that were unable to be identified at the time of sampling were labeled as unknown. n Height and root collar dimensions labeled as n/a refer to those trees that were alive during fall 2004 sampling but not during fall 2005 sampling. 1 1 1 i 1 1 r 1 F-12 i i ti Table F-13. Individu al vegetation data for plot C-1, t ga on collected October 2004, in Area C m area at Mayfaire. Height of Root Collar Plot Tree Sample a Species Tree Dimension Location (inches) (inches) C-1 1 bald cypress 23.50 0.43 C-1 2 unknown 21.50 0.59 C-1 3 bald cypress 27.25 0.27 C-1 4 unknown 1.25 0.24 C-1 5 button bush 21.00 0.25 G1 6 river birch 8.50 0.26 C-1 7 river birch 11.00 0.26 C-1 8 bald cypress 23.25 0.41 C-1 9 river birch 6.50 0.21 C-1 10 button bush 18.50 0.34 C-1 11 bald cypress 22.25 0.28 C-1 12 bald cypress 18.50 0.22 C-1 13 bald cypress 24.00 0.40 C-1 14 unknown 10.25 0.18 C-1 15 unknown 17.75 0.23 C-1 16 river birch 11.50 0.13 C-1 17 bald cypress 16.25 0.19 C-1 18 unknown 11.75 0.20 C-1 19 bald cypress 22.25 0.26 C-1 20 river birch 11.00 0.13 C-1 21 bald cypress 21.50 0.25 C-1 22 unknown 10.00 0.37 C-1 23 unknown 17.00 0.29 C-1 24 bald cypress 21.75 0.25 C-1 25 bald cypress 23.25 0.23 C-1 26 bald cypress 25.00 0.30 C-1 27 river birch 18.50 0.22 C-1 28 unknown 12.50 0.24 C-1 29 river birch 6.00 0.14 C-1 30 unknown 23.00 0.35 C-1 31 bald cypress 22.00 0.30 C-1 32 unknown 17.50 0.33 C-1 33 bald cypress 17.00 0.21 C-1 34 river birch 21.00 0.32 C-1 35 river birch - - C-1 36 unknown 4.00 0.26 C-1 37 river birch 3.50 0.21 G1 38 river birch 11.00 0.22 C-1 39 unknown 15.25 0.31 G1 40 river birch 18.00 0.25 C-1 41 river birch 10.75 0.22 C 1 42 bald cypress 17.00 0.26 aTree species that were unable to be identified at the time of sa mpling were labeled as unknown. F-13 Table F-14. Individu al vegetation data for plot C-2, collected October 2004, in Area C ~ mitigaton area at Mayfaire. Plot Height of Root Collar Location Tree Sample Speciesa Tree Dimension (inches) (inches) C-2 1 bald cypress 24.75 0.35 C-2 2 bald cypress 24.50 0.41 C-2 3 dogwood 23.25 0.40 C-2 4 bald cypress 12.25 0.32 C-2 5 dogwood 19.00 0.32 C-2 6 bald cypress 25.00 0.41 C-2 C-2 7 8 bald cypress dogwood 22.00 11.50 0.32 0.20 C-2 9 bald cypress 25.75 0.44 C-2 10 dogwood 15.00 0.54 C-2 11 bald cypress 22.75 0.33 C-2 12 bald cypress 22.25 0.35 C-2 13 swamp tupelo 17.25 0.14 C-2 C-2 14 15 swamp tupelo bald cypress 19.25 22.50 0.40 0.37 C-2 16 bald cypress 10.25 0.26 C-2 17 unknown 9.50 0.22 C-2 18 swamp tupelo 4.00 0.20 C-2 19 bald cypress 23.00 0.41 C-2 20 bald cypress 12.75 0.31 C-2 21 dogwood 19.50 0.45 C-2 22 bald cypress 21.00 0.27 C-2 23 bald cypress 24.25 0.34 C-2 24 bald cypress 18.75 0.25 C-2 25 bald cypress 24.75 0.34 C-2 26 bald cypress 21.00 0.42 C-2 27 unknown 19.75 0.30 C-2 28 bald cypress 22.75 0.29 C-2 29 unknown 15.75 0.34 C-2 30 unknown 19.50 0.25 C-2 31 bald cypress 21.25 0.45 C-2 32 dogwood 21.00 0.57 aTree species that were unable to be identified at the time of sampling were labeled as unknown. 1 1 F-14 1 1 Table F-15. Individual vegetation data for plot C-3, collected October 2004, in Area C ` mitigation area at Mayfaire. ~ Plot Height of Root Collar Tree Sample Speciesa Tree Dimension Location (inches) (inches) C-3 1 bald cypress 21.00 0.44 C-3 2 bald cypress 22.00 0.32 C-3 3 bald cypress 22.25 0.46 C-3 4 swamp tupelo 22.50 0.19 C-3 5 bald cypress 24.75 0.37 C-3 6 swamp tupelo 14.75 0.37 C-3 7 bald cypress 25.25 0.40 C-3 8 bald cypress 22.75 0.45 C-3 9 bald cypress 19.75 0.39 C-3 10 swamp tupelo 21.50 0.28 C-3 11 unknown 11.00 0.24 C-3 12 bald cypress 22.00 0.28 C-3 13 water tupelo 20.75 0.15 aTree species that were unable to be identified at the time of sampling were labeled as unknown. 1 t f 1 1 F-15 1 1 Table F-16. Individu al vegetation data for plot C-4, collected October 2004, in Area C mitigation area at Mayfaire. Plot Height of Root Collar Location Tree Sample Speciesa Tree Dimension (inches) (inches) C-4 1 bald cypress 24.75 0.46 C-4 2 bald cypress 10.75 0.12 C-4 3 bald cypress 21.50 0.30 C-4 4 bald cypress 26.00 0.34 C-4 5 bald cypress 22.00 0.55 C-4 6 unknown 11.75 0.14 C-4 C-4 7 8 bald cypress bald cypress 20.50 26.25 0.44 0.38 C-4 9 bald cypress 19.75 0.32 C-4 10 bald cypress 22.50 0.34 aTree species that were unable to be identified at the time of sampling were labeled as unknown. 1 1 t 1 r It 1 F-16 1 x 1 1 1 APPENDIX G LIST OF SPECIES PLANTED IN AREA C 1 IN APRIL 2007 t 1 1 1 a APPENDIX G. Species planted in the southwest cell of Area C at Mayfaire April 2007. Common name Scientific name Amount Wetland Status Tree/Shrub Water tupelo Nyssa aquatica 61 OBL Tree Swamp tupelo Nyssa bifora 30 OBL Tree Water hickory Carya aquatica 15 OBL Tree Sugarberry Celtis laevigata 15 FACW Tree Swamp bay Persea palustris 16 FACW Tree Button bush Cephalanthus 16 OBL Shrub occidentalis Hazel alder Alnus serrulata 15 FACW+ Shrub 1 1 A 1 1 G-1 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 APPENDIX H FIXED-POINT AND GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS 1 1 1 1 i R ~; ~ ~~H ~~ ~, ~ ~ ~:rt ~~ t ,. ~A - Photo 2. Photo Station 1: East comer facing west. (23 October 2007) H-1 ti ix .. '+ :',~ C, facing west. (26 October 2004) Photo 3. Photo Station 2: West corner of the southeast facing east. (26 October 2004) facing east. (23 October 2007) :~~ C, H-2 t 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 H-3 Photo 5. Photo Station 3: East corner of the southwest portion of Mayfaire Mitigation Area C, facing west. (26 October 2004) Photo 6. Photo Station 3: East corner of the southwest portion of Mayfaire Mitigation Area C, facing west. (23 October 2007) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Photo 8. Photo Station 4: Westem area of the southwest portion facing north-east. (23 October 2007) H-4 Area C, Photo 7. Photo Station 4: Westem area of the southwest portion of Mayfaire Mitigation Area C, facing north-east. (26 October 2004) a~~.'~s . '~::~.r~. ,.~ .. _. .. ,,w nw-~ +r, a '"' +q .' r "~~' '~ 4#~x ~ ~~ ~ .D ~.}.1q~+ :. ~~t:'" ^f Photo 9. Photo Station 5: West facing east. {26 October 2004) H-5 facing east. (23 October 2007) H-6 ,x~ s~ ~. :. Area C, Photo 11. Photo Station 6. Eastern half of the northern portion of Mayfaire Mitigation Area C, facing west. (26 October 2004} facing west. (23 October 2007) H-7 Photo 13. Western area of mitigation Area B, facing west. (23 October 2007) Photo 16. Site of ; (23 October 2007) H-8 .,~. ~r ~ LLB., F~ . .'. '~" ` s~rr ~ _,, 15) in mitigation Area B. Photo 15. Sediment deposition in mitigation Area B resulting from the September 2005 collapse of the retaining wall pictured in Photo 17 and 18. {24 October 2006) and wetland area in Area B. (24 October 2006} Photo 18. View of rebuilt retaining wall and H-9 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 H-10 Photo 19. North corner of Mayfaire mitigation Area A, facing south. (26 October 2004) ~ ,~„ -_ }~v 1/ r ~ \ y- ~, k.. ~Q ~yri~~. ' ~~ Y~ ~. .~,, ; ; s ~ s °' ~ ' ~ a Z '! r r ~ . ~ s' .t ;, ~ ,:. , `' ~ P.. . , ~T a ~k~~ `F ti „ ? ink f ~ F~I ti _ H-11 1 1 1 1 1 ' APPENDIX I ' SUMMARY OF REMEDIAL PLANTING AT 1.6-ACRE SITE AT MAYFAIRE t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 i 1 1 APPENDIX I Summary of Remedial Planting at 1.6-acre site at Mayfaire A tract of undeveloped property (1.6 acres under a conservation easement) adjacent to the intersection of Military Cutoff Road and Destiny Way is the subject of this summary. Mayfaire is allowed limited landscape activity at this site as described in Exhibit C of the Amendment to Permanent Conservation Easement attached to the permit (ID No. 200001359)-modification dated 24 February 2006. Condition AB.a states: "Permittee shall be allowed to create and maintain a visibility corridor over the 1.6-acre tract. In order to create and maintain this corridor, Permittee may remove all trees on the 1.6-acre tract, and trim all vegetation to a height of two meters, subject to the restrictions in sub-paragraphs b, c, and d." However, below canopy-level vegetation was trimmed to less than one meter tall, vegetation chipped on site and placed in piles on the site during the summer of 2006. Remedial Planting of the entire 1.6-acre tract occurred with a combination of native bare root and container hardwood saplings, and wetland shrubs. Planting of 860 trees and small shrubs, spaced on 9-foot centers, occurred 5 April 2007 (Table 1, Photos 1-12). Yearly vegetation monitoring was conducted on mitigation areas at Mayfaire in October 2007. Dominant vegetation in the conservation easement was also noted and photos of the area were taken (Photos 13-16) at that time. The canopy in October 2007 consisted of red maple, sweetgum, blackgum, and pond pine with red maple, red bay, and sweet bay sprouting in the cutover understory. The western third of the area was wetter, with inkberry as primary ground cover. Muhlenbergia sp. was the main ground cover in the eastern two thirds. Table 1. List of species planted in the 1.6-acre Mayfaire conservation easement 5 April 2007. Common name Scientific name Quantity Wetland Status Swamp rose Rosa palustris 100 OBL American beautyberry Callicarpa americana 200 FACU- Red chokeberry Aronia arbutifolia 200 FACW Stiff dogwood Cornus foemina 60 FACW- Inkberry Ilex glabra 300 FACW I-1 'tit,. ,! ~v~~; ..; .~,, r~'`~„ ,: ,~_~~; ~~ F .~- ~: Photo 2. Mayfaire conservation easement area in front of Fresh Market, beside Smokey Bones, before replanting occurred 5 April 2007. (Military Cutoff Rd is to the left.) I-2 replanting occurred 5 April 2007. 1 1 1 1 1 C. I-3 Photo 4. Aroma arbutifolia tubelings used in 5 April 2007 planting. Persea palustris planted only at Area 1 1 1 ' I-4 Photo 8. Ilex gdabra and other tubelings used in 5 Apri12007 planting. I-5 H ~d 0 r. 0 ~. vo ~e ss. ~' b~ ~: N 8 J '~ r ~~ ~~ Y ~~.~v Photo l~. Standing at the northwest corner of the conservation easement, looking in, in the fall of 2007. Military Cutoff Rd. is in the background. I-8 ~~~ ~ ~ ' ~' :,~.~~' I-9 _+~~ j ~~, ~., :~ ~ ~ mow, _-y.." ~; ~~` ~~;, .~ Photo 15. Southeast corner of the conservation easement in the fall of 2007.