HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR 1660 and SR 1662 (5)~~ U L ~C ~ Y :~1_ MEMORANDUM To: Meeting Participants Fxzor~: Lisa Warlick, Mulkey Engineers and Consultants DATE: February 13, 2007 SUBJECT: Transportation improvements lri the vicinity of SR 1660 (Sher Road) and SR 1662 (Wiley Brown Road) south of US 64/23/441, Macon County, NCDOT TIP Project No. R-4748 A NEPA/Section 404 Merger Team meeting on Concurrence Points 2 and 2a was held for the subject project on February 13, 2007 in the board room of NCDOT's Highway Building. Meeting attendees are listed below. A summary of the meeting follows. r: 1 ~- ~ !: Doug Allison NCDOT -Right-of--Way David Baker U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (via Asheville) James Bridges NCDOT -PDEA Marella Buncick U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (via Asheville) Marla Chambers N.C. Wild life Resources Commission Mark Davis NCDOT -Division 14 Missy Dickens NCDOT -PDEA Harold Draper Tennessee Valley Authority (via Asheville) James Dunlop NCDOT -Traffic Engineering Marshall Edwards NCDOT -PDEA Brett Feulner NCDOT -PDEA Teresa Hart NCDOT -PDEA Tun Jordan Mulkey Liz Kovasckitz Mulkey Jeremy Learner NCDOT -Natural Environment Unit Gary Covering NCDOT -Roadway Undrea Major NCDOT -PDEA Sarah McBride State Historic Preservation Office Ron McCollum NCDOT - Roadway Colin Mellor NCDOT - Natural Environment Unit Mark Mickley Mulkey Christopher Militscher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency -Raleigh Don Moore NCDOT - Geotechnical Engineering Jake Riggsbee FHWA Angela Sanderson NCDOT - PDEA Joel Setzer NCDOT - Division 14 (via Asheville) Topsy Skinner NCDOT - PDEA Jerry Snead NCDOT - Hydraulics Mark Staley NCDOT - Roadside Environmental Wilson Stroud NCDOT - PDEA Michael Turchy NCDOT - Natural Environment Unit Lisa Warlick Mulkey Jamie Wilson NCDOT - Division 14 (via Asheville) Brian Wrenn N. C. Divi sion of Water Quality MLILK EY iNC, 6750 TRYON Rono GARY. NC 2751 F P^ 80% 33127 RA1E113M, NC 27636 PH: 9i9-85i•1912 FA%: 919-951-1478 WWW.MULKEYINC.COM Undrea Major opened the meeting and invited introductions from attendees. In addition to those in attendance at the Raleigh location, several individuals joined the meeting by video from Asheville, North Carolina. Extra copies of the information packets mailed to the Merger Team prior to the meeting were available. Mr. Major turned the meeting over to Liz Kovasckitz. Ms. Kovasckitz gave a PowerPoint presentation that reviewed the project and introduced Alternative D, a revised non-crossing alternative. Discussion that followed the presentation is summarized below by topic. Chris Militscher questioned how Alternative D provided access compared to other alternatives. It was clarified that the revised Alternative D, which extends east and west of the Little Tennessee River but does not cross it, provides access to properties similar to Alternative C. Mr. Wrenn asked why there was such as difference in right-of--way impacts between the Alternative D intersection and roundabout options. Mr. Militscher asked why Alternative D needed a longer extension on the west, and why the alternative could not follow Siler Road. Ms. Kovasckitz said local citizens and officials wanted a secondary means of access to the community college and library. The other alternatives that cross the river provide secondary access via Wiley Brown Road. Mr. Wrenn asked why there could not be non-crossing alternatives for Alternatives A, B, and C. Ms. Kovasckitz responded that Alternative D provides another means of access that will serve the thousands of community college students expected on Siler Road. Gary Covering said that the traffic volume implied that some traffic needed to be moved south to Allman Drive. Mr. Militscher asked if there was any way to upgrade existing access on Siler Road. Mr. Covering said it would not work well because of the proximity to the US 64 interchange. Mr. Militschex noted that Alternative A did not provide access to the majority of properties in the study area. He questioned keeping Alternative A as part of the project. Undrea Major said it was part of the process to consider several alternatives and Ms. Kovasckitz said Alternative A had been previously approved by the Merger Team to carry forward for detailed study. Mr. Covering pointed out that Alternative A was parallel to US 64/23/441 and functions like a service road, which is common. Marla Chambers asked if costs presented in Table 2 included the bridging costs. Ms. Kovasckitz said they did. Ms. Chambers questioned why Alternative D was so expensive since it did not include a bridge. Brian Wrenn indicated he had questions about the cost of Alternative D as well. General discussion followed noting that Alternative D was longer than the other alternatives. Mr. Wrenn requested a copy of the cost estimate. Ms. Buncick asked why private developers weren't paying for a portion of the road on the western side of the river. It was determined that Macon County owned the particular piece of property that the road would access in the area in question. Ms. Chambers asked if there were federally-protected species in the project area. Marella Buncick replied that none were known to be present. Ms. Chambers said state-listed species should be included in Table 2, as there is an occurrence of the olive darter in the Little Tennessee River marked on project mapping. Ms. Chambers requested that Table 2 be reviewed for accuracy and to minimize impacts as much as possible for all alternatives before the next Merger meeting. Mr. Militscher requested that noise information in Table 2 be quantified. Mr. Wrenn asked why farmland impacts for Alternative D were so much more than others. Ms. Kovasckitz said farmland soils were mapped and calculations were sent to the Natural Resources Conservation Service, which agreed with the calculations. Mr. Militscher said only soils of statewide or local importance should be used in the calculations because the project is state funded and state regulations should be followed. Ms. Kovasckitz reviewed the wording on the Concurrence Points 2 and 2a signature forms. The Merger Team members present signed the concurrence forms; Mx. Major said he would fax the farms to those participating by video from Asheville for signature. The meeting was adjourned.