HomeMy WebLinkAboutElizabeth Brady Rd Extension (6)CONCURRENCE MEETING INFORMATION PACKET FOR YOUR REVIEW PRIOR TO MEETING ON Thursday, February 21, 2008 PROJECT ENGINEER Vince Rhea TIP #U-3808 Please bring this packet to the meeting. ~~~~~~ QQC~Q D AGENDA Thursday, February 21, 2008 Eastern Concurrence Meeting Board Room, Transportation Building Raleigh, North Carolina 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, Vince Rhea, Project Development Engineer, PDEA Branch TIP No. U-3808, Elizabeth Brady Road Extension in Hillsborough from NC 86 south of US 70 Business to SR 1002 (St Mary's Road) North of US 70 Bypass Orange County, Division 7 Team Members• Andy Williams, USACE Vince Rhea, PDEA Felix Davila, FHWA Chris Militscher, USEPA Gary Jordan, FWA Travis Wilson, WRC Renee Gledhill-Earley, SHPO David Wainwright, DWQ Felix Nwoko, Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO NCDOT Technical Support Staff and Other Agency Staff: Kathy Matthews, USEPA Mike Mills, DOH Division 7 Brenda Moore, Roadway Design Thad Duncan Roadway Design David Chang, Hydraulics Quang Nguyen, Structures Ed Lewis, HEU Mary Pope Furr, HEU Elizabeth Lusk, NEU Eric Midkiff, PDEA Derrick Weaver, PDEA * The purpose of this meeting is to reach concurrence on a Revised CP 1. a~~~q n.,~ ~C~nLj - 1` •yf~ ~,. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENTT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR MEMORANDUM TO: Merger Team Members FROM: ~ Vincent J. Rhea, P.E. Project Development and Environmental Analysis SUBJECT: Hillsborough, Elizabeth Brady Road Extension, from south of US 70 Business to north US 70 Bypass at SR 1002 (Saint Mary's Road), Orange County, Federal-Aid Project No. STP-0711 (1), State Project No. 8.2501901, TIP Project No. U-3808 Attached for your information is the Merger Meeting Packet for the Revisions to Concurrence Point 1 Merger Team Meeting to be held February 21, 2008 in the BOT meeting room. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 733-7844, extension 268. VJR/vjr Attachment January 24, 2008 LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY Cc: Reggie Scales, Parsons Brinkerhoff, Quade & Douglas files MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 FAX: 919-733-9794 WEBSI7E: WWW.DOH.DOT.S1ArE.NC.US LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC Elizabeth Brady Road Extension Orange County TIP Project No. U-3808 State Project No.: 8.2501901 Federal Project No.: STP-0711(1) The NEPA/Section 404 Merger Team reached concurrence on the Purpose and Need of the Elizabeth Brady Road Extension Project on June 14, 2001. The purpose of the project was to: 1. Reduce traffic congestion and improve the Level of Service (LOS) in the central business district of the Town of Hillsborough, including Churton Street and Saint Mary's Road. 2. Improve traffic safety along Churton Street and NC 86. The original signed Merger Form is shown in Attachment A. For many years it has been assumed that reducing congestion and improving the level of service would improve safety, but in recent years research has shown that the issue can be very complex and depend on multiple variables. FHWA therefore now requires specific proof under special criteria that a project will improve safety before it is made part of the purpose and need. It has been determined that it will be difficult to establish that a decrease in volumes along Churton Street, due to the Elizabeth Brady Extension Project, would or would not result in crash reduction or safety benefits, or by how much. Highway traffic safety or crash frequency is dependent on complex interaction of ROADWAY conditions, DRIVER behavior and VEHICLE characteristics. The primary ROADWAY variables impacting traffic safety include the following: • GEOMETRICS (e.g., lane width, shoulder width, horizontal curves, grades, driveway density, two-way left-turn lanes, passing lanes, intersection skew, turn lanes, sight distance), • VOLUMES (e.g., daily and peak hour auto, truck, bicycle and pedestrian traffic volumes, turning movements, vehicle parking), and • CONTROL (e.g., stop signs, signals, signal timing and coordination) The effects of these GEOMETRICS, VOLUMES and CONTROL features on roadway and intersection crash frequency have been incorporated in crash predictive models by researchers'. These generalized highway safety linear regression type prediction models enabled highway agencies to estimate the safety performance of existing or proposed two-lane rural highways and to compare the expected safety performance of geometric design alternatives. However, it has not always been easy to apply these safety models as they tend to be corridor- sensitive and required local validation with corridor specific crash data. For urban area roadways ~ Prediction of the Expected Safety Performance of Rural Two-Lane Highways; PUBLICATION NO. FHWA-RD- 99-207; DECEMBER 2000; Research, Development, and Technology; Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, McLean, Virginia. with unique adjacent land use conditions such as the Churton Street corridor in Hillsborough, the relationships between CRASH rate and ROADWAY variables are typically inconclusive. Therefore a revised purpose and need concurrence form, shown in Attachment B is presented, eliminating Safety as a project purpose. Merger Team concurrence of the new project Purpose and Need is requested. Attachment A MERGER PROJECT TEAM MEETING AC3REEMENT Concurr6~nce point No. 1, url2ose and Need Project Name/DeSCrlpfipn: Elizabeth Brady Road Extension riSR~1879}, Hilisborou~h, Orange County TIP Project No.: U-3808 ~} ~"D a oo>' ~ oa~6 State Prajeot No.: 8.2501901 FederA! Project No.: STt~-0711(1) Purpose d1f the PronasQd Action. ~. Tt1B purpose of the proposed project is to: 1. Reduce traffic conflestion and improve the t,evel of Service (L4S) in the central business district of the Town of Hillsborough, including Churton Street and Saint Mary's Rvad. 2. Improve ira~C safety clang Churton Street and NC B6. The Project Team has concurred on this date of June 14, 2041, with the purpose and need for the proposed project as stated above. USAGE G NCDOT U$EPA NCDCR~ ~~~~~'~'~ F WA USf=W5 _/fit v~----~,,~.-.~' ~.~~..~.~. ,~' r NCW C + (~ R pCHG MPO N-ECtGER pRQJECT TEAM MEET{NG AGREEMENT ra ~;,n;~- :~; ~ purtaose and Need ~Qncurro __ Project NarnelDescription: Eli2nhet.h Brady Road Extension (5R-1879), Hillsborough, Grange County TIP Yrofect Nn.: t,T-3808 Sktte Project No.: 8.2501901 Federpl t'rojeci Na~ STP-0711(1) Ep I{nose of the PrOgos®d ACtiQtl: The ;~urposc of tith prapose+a pm,~cet is to: 1. Reduce traf#ic cangestlon and improve ~hden eChurtoneStreei aOnd Sfaint MarytsaRaadness dsstrtct of the Town Qf Hiilsbarout~h, incl g 1. Improve traffic safety aibng Churton Street and NC 86, The project Team has concurred ot~ this date of June 14, 2061, with the Purpose snd need for the proposed prejcct as stated Above. NcnoT USACE USFWS NCDWQ i v CDCR FH~VA NCWRC DGHG MPO ornr.~wu Foam es p•po) FAX TRANSMITTAL D %/wanry ~ Phone ~ j° ~ F'a. ~ of pRGvs -~f .-' ~~ -Otat7-7~G& 5~~ia~-tilt (~NEHAL SEfiVIC:E.S AnuiNit~ir~nTiixr M~_~GER pROJEGT TEAM MEETING AGREEMENT Cos;c~irrence Point Nd. 1. Pur ose and Need ' cri tiofz: Elizabeth Brady l;.oad -gamtension (SR-1879}, Hillsborough, prvjecz rVajnei,D~s ,~' Prange County TIP Project lvo.: U-3 X08 82501901 ,State Project No.: STP-t1717.(t) Fcder-a1,Prolect JVo.: Pu ese cif the Pro. used Action; Thy pip©ae of the pr~pospd pzoj yet is to, 1. Reduce ~ffic congestion end improve tt'din eChurEb eSt eet aond Saint Mary~seRoad Hess district of the ~ouvn of HiiCsbarough, tnctu 9 2. lmprave tragic safety along Churtan Street and NC 86_ The Pro'ect Team has concu~nred on this date of 7ume 1~, 2001, with the purPQSe and need for the J proposed project as stated above. USA.CE ;EPA T~CDCR ~~VV.A. NGDOT USFWS NGD~~7Q ~1CRTRG DCI~C NS~C? ~,--__,_, Attachment B MERGER PROJECT TEAM MEETING AGREEMENT Concurrence Point No. 1. Puraose and Need Project Name/Description: Elizabeth Brady Road Extension (SR-1879), Hillsborough, Orange County TIP Project No.: U-3808 State Project No.: 8.2501901 Federal Project No.: STP-0711(1) Purpose of the Proposed Action: The purpose of the proposed project is to: • Reduce traffic congestion and improve the Level of Service (LOS) in the central business district of the Town of Hillsborough, including Churton Street and Saint Mary's Road. The Project Team has concurred on this date of ,with the purpose and need for the proposed project as stated above. USACE USEPA NCDCR FHWA NCDOT USFWS NCDWQ NCWRC DCHC MPO Elizabeth Brady Road Extension Orange County TIP Project No. U-3808 State Project No.: 8.2501901 Federal Project No.: STP-0711(1) The NEPA/Section 404 Merger Team reached concurrence on the Purpose and Need of the Elizabeth Brady Road Extension Project on June 14, 2001. The purpose of the project was to: 1. Reduce traffic congestion and improve the Level of Service (LOS) in the central business district of the Town of Hillsborough, including Churton Street and Saint Mary's Road. 2. Improve traffic safety along Churton Street and NC 86. The original signed Merger Form is shown in Attachment A. For many years it has been assumed that reducing congestion and improving the level of service would improve safety, but in recent years research has shown that the issue can be very complex and depend on multiple variables. FHWA therefore now requires specific proof under special criteria that a project will improve safety before it is made part of the purpose and need. It has been determined that it will be difficult to establish that a decrease in volumes along Churton Street, due to the Elizabeth Brady Extension Project, would or would not result in crash reduction or safety benefits, or by how much. Highway traffic safety or crash frequency is dependent on complex interaction of ROADWAY conditions, DRIVER behavior and VEHICLE characteristics. The primary ROADWAY variables impacting traffic safety include the following: • GEOMETRICS (e.g., lane width, shoulder width, horizontal curves, grades, driveway density, two-way left-turn lanes, passing lanes, intersection skew, turn lanes, sight distance), • VOLUMES (e.g., daily and peak hour auto, truck, bicycle and pedestrian traffic volumes, turning movements, vehicle parking), and • CONTROL (e.g., stop signs, signals, signal timing and coordination) The effects of these GEOMETRICS, VOLUMES and CONTROL features on roadway and intersection crash frequency have been incorporated in crash predictive models by researchers'. These generalized highway safety linear regression type prediction models enabled highway agencies to estimate the safety performance of existing or proposed two-lane rural highways and to compare the expected safety performance of geometric design alternatives. However, it has not always been easy to apply these safety models as they tend to be corridor- sensitive and required local validation with corridor specific crash data. For urban area roadways ~ Prediction of the Expected Safety Performance of Rural Two-Lane Highways; PUBLICATION NO. FHWA-RD- 99-207; DECEMBER 2000; Research, Development, and Technology; Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, McLean, Virginia. Page 1 with unique adjacent land use conditions such as the Churton Street corridor in Hillsborough, the relationships between CRASH rate and ROADWAY variables are typically inconclusive. Therefore a revised purpose and need concurrence form, shown in Attachment B is presented, eliminating Safety as a project purpose. Merger Team concurrence of the new project Purpose and Need is requested. Page 2 MERGER PROJECT TEAM MEETING AGREEMENT Concurrence Point No. 1. Purpose and Need Project Name/Description: Elizabeth Brady Road Extension (SR-1879), Hillsborough, Orange County TIP Project No.: U-3808 State Project No.: 8.2501901 Federal Project No.: STP-0711(1) Purpose of the Proposed Action: The purpose of the proposed project is to: • Reduce traffic congestion and improve the Level of Service (LOS) in the central business district of the Town of Hillsborough, including Churton Street and Saint Mary's Road. The Project Team has concurred on this date of ,with the purpose and need for the proposed project as stated above. USACE USEPA NCDCR FHWA NCDOT USFWS NCDWQ NCWRC DCHC MPO Page 3