HomeMy WebLinkAboutElizabeth Brady Rd Extension (5)~C a„a SfA~u~ ~Y _ ~, ,,,,~ ~~ ~~~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPAR'I~NT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR AGENDA Concurrence Meeting Eastern Tuesday November 17, 2005 Board Room, Transportation Building Raleigh, North Carolina 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.- Vincent Rhea - NCDOT -PDEA Branch f~~.C, !"J'E'CY. of ENR I i wlfl5tOt1 ~S8lElT7 ' F2egiona! Of;ICE LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY TIP No. U-3808 -Elizabeth Brady road Extension ,from south of US 70 Business to North US 70 Bypass at SR 1002 (Saint Mary's Road), Orange County Team Members: Todd Tugwell- US Army Corps of Engineer Gary Jordan- US Fish & Wildlife Felix Davila- FHWA Sue Homewood- DENR-DWQ Sarah McBride- SHPO Chris Militscher-Environmental Protection Agency Travis Wilson- NCWRC Piedmont Felix Nwoko- Transportation Engineer, MPO NCDOT Technical Support Staff and Other Agency Staff: Mike Mills - NCDOT Division 7 Brad Wall - NCDOT Division 7 Brenda Moore- NCDOT Roadway Design Unit Thad Duncan- NCDOT Roadway Design Unit Jerome Nix - NCDOT Hydraulics Unit Quang Nquyen - NCDOT Structures Unit Elizabeth Lusk- NCDOT PDEA-ONE Derrick Weaver -PDEA Eric Midkiff -PDEA Mary Pope Furr, HEU Ed Lewis., HEU * The purpose of this meeting is to Achieve CP 2A. MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DcVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 TELERHONE: 919-733-3141 FAX: 919-733-9794 WEBSITE.' WV/W.DON.DOT.S7ATE.NC.US LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC `v Summary of Changes to Merger 2A Information Package 1. The bridge length for the new crossing of the Eno River at stream 6S1 has been corrected (see Table 1, page 2, and the Wetlands and Stream figure, page 7). 2. Stream 7S1 was removed from Table 1 (page 2) as a major stream crossing. The culvert information that had been included in the original package was incorrect. This crossing will not require a large culvert or bridge. 3. The structure type for stream 13S1 (see Table 1, page 2, and the Wetland and Stream Figure, page 7) has been changed. The change was based upon a revised hydraulic analysis of the stream crossing that showed adouble-barrel box culvert could handle the flow. 4. Anew table, Table 4 (page 5), has been added. This table provides the stream mitigation requirements based upon the Corps' field visit. 5. The notes at the end of Table 5 (page 6) have been updated to include information that only the Eno River and Cates Creek have suitable habitat for the dwarf wedge mussel. 6. Table 6 (page 6) has been updated to identify the number of hazardous waste sites directly impacted by the alignments. 7. Photographs of existing structures on US 70 Business and US 70 Bypass (Eno River) have been added to the Information Package. The photographs begin on page 11. ,~ Project Information Package NEPA /404 Merger Project Team Meeting Concurrence Point No. 2A -Bridge and Alignment Review Elizabeth Brady Road Extension State Project Number: 8.2501901/ TIP NO. U-3808 Hillsborough, Orange County, North Carolina y~P1~tl~ Ntl R iN ~q ( 7 O o z 0 '^ P<P '~iFhfOr T4 ANSQO ~ Merger Team Meeting November 17, 2005 Introduction and Summary As described in the current Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the NCDOT proposes to widen and extend Elizabeth Brady Road (SR 1879) from the intersection of NC 86 with US 70 Business to north of US 70 Bypass at the intersection of St. Mary's Road (SR 1002). The proposed project would involve the construction of a multi-lane road and a possible new crossing of the Eno River. Elizabeth Brady Road is presently atwo-lane road, 24 feet wide. The project would be a four-lane median divided road on a 100-foot-wide right-of-way. In April, 2004, the NEPA/404 Merger Team reached concurrence on three build-alternatives to be carried forward for evaluation in an Environmental Impact Statement. The alternatives are shown on the attached figures and described below. • Alternative 3 -This alternative is the original alignment identified in the NCDOT TIP. This alternative would widen existing Elizabeth Brady Road and extend the road across the Eno River intersecting with US 70 Bypass at St. Mary's Road. ^ Alternative 4 -This alternative avoids impacts to the former Occoneechee-Orange Speedway NASCAR racetrack site, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), by constructing a road on new alignment east of existing Elizabeth Brady Road. After crossing the Eno River, the road would turn back toward the west and intersect US 70 Bypass in approximately the same location as Alternative 3. ^ Alternative 6 -This alternative avoids a new crossing of the Eno River. The new road would intersect US 70 Business east of the existing Elizabeth Brady Road intersection and run northeast, intersecting US 70 Bypass east of the existing bridge over the Eno River. Alternative 6 would require the replacement of the existing US 70 bridge over the Eno River with a wider bridge. The purpose of the November 17, 2005 NEPA/404 Merger Team Concurrence Point 2A meeting is to review the alignments and to reach concurrence on bridge locations and lengths. The following tables and figures summarize the relevant findings. Table 1 presents the major stream crossings for the alternatives, any existing structures, proposed structures, and estimated costs. Table 2 presents the streams crossed by the alternatives, the characteristics of each stream crossing, and the linear feet of stream impact by alternative. Table 3 lists the wetlands identified within the project study corridors and total wetland impacts for each alternative. Table 4 lists the required stream mitigation as a result of the field jurisdictional determination. Finally, Table 5 provides an overall summary of the resources and impacts for each alternative. Following the tables are figures depicting: ^ Location of delineated wetlands and streams ^ Floodplains • Prime and unique farmland soils • Historic resources O1 C .~ O U E (~ Q) ~~+ (n O .~ N N Q L a _~ ca H ° °o o o o° 0 ° 0 o 0 00 0 ° °o a ~ _ ° ' O rn ~+ r o rim a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ._. «S ~ t w cD r` O oo ~ m c0 00 00 ° ooi +'' v x x x x x x ~ x ~ ° fV ~ ° N N C G1 00 M J ~ Cfl~ ~~ e-~ C inZ *' t0 ~ ~ ~ > m U °~ U > `m U W .3 ~ ~ •°- ~, ~m 3 ~ ~m ~;g ~ Q x aim ~ ~m Z S +~+ ~ ~ ~ ~ x °' m m ~ °_' :. -~ ~ ~ > ~, > ~, > Oai ~' Q a3i ~o ~~ m° ~ ~ + Z ~m 3 m o00 O Q ~ a i Z o d ~ ~ x a~ o> ~ m c`a ~ m a~ ~ ~ ~ w. -° ~°- ~ ~ ~ > ~ ~ lC m m ~' U m U m d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~m Z Z m ~~ Q x o ~ ~ (.~ ~~ i i ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ V = d ~ ~ r ~~ ~ ~ ~ M d w J `~ N C1 x x 'w~-, d a~ ~ ~ m~ ~ °-jOO~ ~~ rn ~ ~ 0 0 o in -' o ~ a~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ Z z Z xU Z ~ ~~U ~ inm W ~ m 3 ~ y ~ N G ~ ~ Y ~ Z > Y ~ ~ > ~ 'N U Y ~ ~ N ~ ~ U ~ o ~ ~ i a U E U ~ £ t0 ~ N ~ C ~' ~~ N W m W U ' ~ m W U ~'X U U N ~. ~ ~ H ~ O ~ M a' CO ~ ~ M a ~ .y ~J f~ ~~ ~. v ~~ a~ m n C O m ii d N a .m E _~ Q 0 r- N O U C C O C N E 0 m Q 0 N O U N C O .~ E 0 ~o 7 E A C C I I U ca CQ C N Q~ H R C t0 O O O O O O O O ~ ~ O D1 N p M O f` h N O N W O ~ O ~ M ~ d ~+ ~ ~ w d Q w eL0 > ~ o ` V' O rn to O O O O p co N O O rn N o M o O r` N O O O ,~ ~ O cMo '- v y r+ ~ ~ i+ V Q a E ~ C M O VOD p p ~ O O O O O O ~ O O O O O ~=~ O M a-- Y Q i ~ N > N > N > N > N 4J > N > N > N > N > N > N > w+ ~ (0 [0 (` ~ (9 ~ (0 N` f` (0 (9 N l~D L 01 01 01 > O) ~ Q1 O) ` O) 01 O) U7 D1 N -o v ~ ~ ~o ° -o v 'v a ~ -o -o m ~ C C gy C ~ O) O C ~ C ~ C C C C N G N O C N C N 3 N ~ ( p ~ N a ~ ~ "O c ~ a y a > N a ~ ~ N ? 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Corps of Engineers mitigation requirements for stream impacts System Mitigation Requirements 2S2 1:1 5S1 no mitigation 7S1 2:1 7S2 1:1 8S1 1:1 9S1 2:1 9S2 1:1 11S1 1:1 5 r Table 5. Summary Impacts by Alternative Evaluation Category Alternative 3 Alternative 4 Alternative 6 Length of Alternative 2.97 miles 3.41 miles 3.78 miles Interchanges (number) 0 0 0 Construction Cost Estimate $22,450,000 $19,100,000 $22,150,000 Right of Way Cost Estimate TBD TBD TBD Estimated Utility Relocation Costs $263,000. $430,000 $525,000 Railroad Crossings (number) 0 0 0 Major Utility Crossings (number) 0 0 0 Potential Residential Relocations (number)' 2 (estimate) 12 (estimate) 3 (estimate) Potential Business Relocations (number)' 2 (estimate) 2 (estimate) 0 (estimate) Low Income Population Impacts (number of relocatees or communities) 0 0 0 Minority Population Impacts (number of relocatees or communities) 0 0 0 Schools Affected (number) 0 0 0 Churches Affected (number) 0 0 0 Cemeteries Affected(number) 0 0 0 Noise Receptors Where Noise Criteria is Exceeded (number) 8 8 6 Existing and Proposed Greenway Crossings (number)2 None None None Recreational Areas and Parks Affected (number) Bisects Occoneechee Speedway Racetrack trail (private) 0 Os Historic Properties Affected (number) Bisects Occoneechee-Orange Speedway NASCAR Racetrack site 0 0 Known Archaeological Sites Affected (number) 0 0 0 Federal Lands Affected 0 0 0 Section 4 (f) Impacts (number) 1 0 0 Delineated Wetland Impacts (number of crossings and acreage) 0 / 0 acres 0 / 0 acres 1 / 0.02 acres Delineated stream impacts (number of crossings and length) 2 / 262 feet 5 / 1,046 feet 6 / 1,283 feet Delineated stream shading impacts (number of crossings and length x width) 1 / 88 x 100 feet 1 / 88 x 100 feet 1 / 88 x 100 feet Riparian Buffer Affected Zone 1 /Zone 2 (linear feet) 572 / 751 1,543 / 1,536 1,108 / 1,188 Riparian Buffer Affected Zone 1 /Zone 2 (acres) 0.21 / 0.29 1.08 / 0.72 0.80 / 0.51 CAMA Areas of Environmental Concern (number of crossings and acreage) 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 On-site Restoration Potential Not Evaluated Not Evaluated Not Evaluated 100 Year Floodplain Crossings 2 1 1 Federal Listed Protected Species Present Within Country4 4 4 4 State Listed Protected Species Present Within Countys 18 18 18 Wildlife Refuges and Game Lands Affected 0 0 0 High Quality Resources (number of crossings) 0 0 0 Significant Natural Heritage Program Areas (number of crossings) 0 0 0 Forest Impacts (acres) 11.5 11.1 11.4 Prime & Unique Farmland (acreage) 9.3 7.5 1.3 Hazardous Materials Sitess 0 0 0 'Relocation estimates are from the Alternatives Report. The NCDOT is currently preparing a relocation estimate that should be available by the November 17 Merger Team meeting. 2The Mountain to Sea Trail follows back roads through Orange County and crosses NC 87. There is a concept to have the trail parallel the Eno River within the vicinity of the project corridor. 3Two parcels of undeveloped sections of the Eno River State Park are in close proximity to the northern terminus of Alternative 6 at US 70 Bypass. The alternative does not impact the park. 4Four federally protected species have been listed for Orange County, NC. These species are the red-cockaded woodpecker, dwarf wedge mussel, Michaux's sumac, and smooth coneflower. The last recorded observation of the red-cockaded woodpecker was over 50 years ago. The date and location of the observation of the smooth coneflower is uncertain. Suitable habitat for the red-cockaded woodpecker does not exist within the project area. No Michaux's sumac or smooth coneflower were found during field surveys of suitable habitat conducted in May 2005. The only suitable habitat for the dwarf wedge mussel is found in the Eno River and Cates Creek. SEighteen state protected species are listed for Orange County. Four are listed as federally endangered and two are listed as federal species of concern. 6All of the alternatives would widen or construct adjacent to properties with underground storage tanks (USTs) or formerly had USTs. These sites are located at the northern terminus at the intersection of St. Mary' and US 70 Bypass, one site east of St. Mary's that would potentially only impact Alternative 6, and at the intersection of NC 86 and I-85 at the southern terminus of the alternatives. Legend Alternative 3 -Alignment and Right-of-Way '"`~~ Alternative 4 -Alignment and Right-of-Way ---- Property Boundaries Alternative 6 -Alignment and Right-of-Way Jurisdictional Stream St. Mary's Road Realignment (Alternatives 3 and 4 only) Wetlands o 0.06 0.~2 o.~e o.za "' Pavement Removal (Alternatives 3 and 4 only) ~~-.-~ Flow Direction MIIeS ~~ ~ ~>w~ Wetlands & Streams ~ ~o~ Y b ~ t -_-_ -,@$,[ OF IPA" 'OO YEARS Legend Alternative 3 -Alignment and Right-of-Way 100-Year Floodplain Alternative 4 -Alignment and Right-of-Way o o.os o.~2 o.is o.2a -4 Alternative 6 -Alignment and Right-of-Way 500-Year Floodplain Miles St. Mary's Road Realignment (Alternatives 3 and 4 only) Pavement Removal (Alternatives 3 and 4 only) ' ~ OFNORik~ ~ '~ Floodplains & ~ ,P °~ _ ~~ ~ ~ ~-~ - Floodwa Re lator s _ : o b _ - - y y gu \~~ OF TRAN~Q~ -BOO O Lege~~u Alternative 3 -Alignment and Right-of-Way -- '' ` °"` Alternative 4 -Alignment and Right-of-Way 0 ~~ Alternative 6 -Alignment and Right-of-Way St. Mary's Road Realignment (Alternatives 3 and 4 only) "`~` Pavement Removal (Alternatives 3 and 4 only) Property Boundaries Prime and Unique Farmlands State and Locally Important Farmlands 0 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24 Miles I~~~,~. N L O U ~ U U ~ (B U U f6 ~ 7 ~ ~ O O M V Cfl ~ ~ U N O O CO "O -6 N N > > > p UJ C C ~ ~ ~ CO p ~ U O U U L '~"'~ UI N J ~L L L ;= L O N ~ ~ N Y O _O Q Q Q ~ Cn ~ ~ J ~ _ _ ^ ~ (°--'t ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 9 • O r N U L ~~/ I.L. V •L J O 2 a ~ NO{l~ ~ ~ ~ s ~~ fb~8 s pE4P Z _,,~ . i r+,~~- cY~k ~ ~ .-,1 I l I `~ ,,1 V' ``~ / /,. `\ `~ ~~°d ~~~ s N c~ L N O O ~~ as *~ 3~ ~~ ~~ m as (A ~~ .-_..~ s I ~, ~ peo \ ~ ~ ----~ '~ ~ l9 aue~ ,\ ~ W ~ O p. ~ o ~, ~' .,\ ®+~ s~ 4 K~oaa ~ +•*°~ 0 '. 4 Gce °~ \ .p 51rou s o `. ao -~ s G,e~ ~ -~ 1 ~/ APO p ~,.~~~ ~#~~ -, ,«. ' *-' ~~, ~. ,; . '~ a °CV1~'a41 ~ i `~'•' '~~ o , Miller Road C ~°"" ~ + \'t ~ 1 I~ ~ Q) .Q = N L7f y~ ~ ~ MMQ L4 rf 1- ~ Q eo~~Pe~B 4~egezq d~~ i~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ '~ /. J ~ ~: U y ~ • i O ~ O f ~'~ ~: ~ a l H ~ ~~` ~ ~ Q~ "^ --3. O ILC~ _ ~~g 0 r~ ' ;aaa;g uo~ny~ Y --ate ~t~d-~~ ~ ~ ~ le ~ a JAS U laa~1S aNeM = ~ O n ~ y~ S ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~'~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C O ~ ~ ~ F 4 \1 /~,)T Q O ;aa~;g aayoaauooop M W J _ ~.____.__ y -- ._ __ _.~aa 1S ySeN . J , ~N \, r\ ,~ ,\ WeStiHd1 P=~ ~~~ . ^/ J %~ . ~ I ,'~~ / \ J o ~ o~ ,\ \ \ ' -~ •-~ ._ _, .~ 1 ~ ~\ ` ,\ \. .. '. Photographs of Existing Structures Stream 13S 1 -Cates Creek at NC 86 Stream 9S 1~} Unnamed Tributary of Cates Creek at US 70 Business (view north) 11 ~~ Stream 9S I -Unnamed Tributary of Cates Creek at US 70 Business (view south) Stream 9S 1 - Unnamed Tributary of Cates Creek at US 70 Business (view south) 12 Stream 1451 -Eno River at US 70 Bypass Stream 14S 1 -Eno River at US 70 Bypass 13