HomeMy WebLinkAboutElizabeth Brady Rd Extension (4)~~_ ~~6~ .~~~. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEpART1V~NT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR MEMORANDUM December 5, 2005 TO: Mr. Chris Militscher, EPA Mr. Gary Jordan S-F is Wilson, NCWRC ~ue Homewood, D - WQ Mr. Felix , FHWA Mr. Todd Tugwell, ACOE LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY - i d~~ ~ $ ~.~~~ I i Winston-Salem Regional Urflca FROM incent J. Rhea, PE Project Development Engineer Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch SUBJECT: Hillsborough, Elizabeth Brady Road Extension, from south of US 70 Business to north US 70 Bypass at SR 1002 (Saint Mary's Road), Orange County, Federal-Aid Project No. STP-0711 (1), State Project No. 8.2501901, TIP Project No. U- 3808 A copy of the Executive Summary of the final Natural Resources Technical Report for the, subject project is attached for your files. If you have any questions, please contact me at (919) 733-7844 ext. 261. VJR/vjr Attachment Cc: Douglas Smith, Parsons Brinkerhoff files MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 TELEPHONE: 919 -733-3141 FAX: 919-733-9794 WEBSlTE. WW1'V.DON.DOT.STATE.NC.US LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH W ILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NATURAL RESOURCES TECHNICAL REPORT ELIZABETH BRADY ROAD EXTENSION (U-3808) ORANGE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA State Project No. 8.2501901 Federal Aid No. STP- 0711 (1) Prepared for: The North Carolina Department of Transportation Raleigh, North Carolina October 2005 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to provide a bypass of Hillsborough between NC Highway 86 (NC 86)/US 70 Business (US 70) and US 70 Bypass, in the vicinity of Elizabeth Brady Road in Orange County, NC (Figure 1). INTRODUCTION The project region is located in the Piedmont physiographic province of North Carolina. Land use within the project region is characterized by residential and urban development, forest land (including Eno River State Park), and agriculture. The project study area is located in a moderately developed area southeast of the City of Hillsborough and is dominated by maintained right-of-ways, residential and commercial development, and disturbed plant communities. Elevations range from a low of 500 feet above sea level along the Eno River to a high of 767 feet at Occoneechee Mountain near the western boundary of the project study area. No soils present within the project study area are classified as hydric in Orange County. Three alternative corridors are under study (Alternates 3, 4, and 6). Each alternative is oriented on an approximately north-south axis (Figure 2). Alternate 3 extends from a southern terminus on Elizabeth Brady Road, approximately 900 feet north of the intersection with NC 86, in anorth-northeastward direction across a former automobile race track, the Eno River, Highland Loop Road, and US 70 Bypass (Figure 1). The northern terminus of Alternate 3 occurs on St. Mary's Road (SR 1002) at a point approximately 1440 feet northeast of the intersection of St. Mary's Road and US 70 Bypass (Figure 1). Alternate 4 utilizes a southern section shared with Alternate 6, a northern section shared with Alternate 3, and an exclusive middle section. Alternate 4 breaks from the Alternate 6 corridor along the Eno River floodplain slope at a point approximately midway between US 70 and US 70 Bypass (Figure 1). This alternate extends northwestward across the Eno River, through a residential portion of Hillsborough to a junction with Alternate 3 approximately 600 feet south of the Alternate 3 crossing of US 70 Bypass (Figure 1). Alternate 6 extends from a southern terminus on NC 86 approximately 2000 feet south of the intersection with US 70 and extends in a northeastward direction across US 70, and along the southern slope of the Eno River floodplain (Figure 1). The northern terminus of Alternate 6 occurs on US 70 Bypass approximately 500 feet east of the US 70 Bypass bridge over the Eno River (Figure 1). PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Water Resources The project study area is located within the sub basin 03-04-01 of the Neuse River Basin. This area is part of the USGS Hydrologic Unit 03020201 or the South Atlantic/ Gulf Region. The Eno River (DWQ Index No. 27-2-(7)) (NCDWQ 2004) is the largest named stream within the project 1 study area. The Eno River enters the project vicinity from the west, and meanders southward and then northward before exiting the project vicinity to the east. Cates Creek (NCDWQ Index No. 27-2-8) (NCDWQ 2004) is the only named tributary of the Eno River within the project study area. Cates Creek flows north from its source and crosses the western portion of the project study area before discharging into the Eno River. The Eno River (from Lake Ben Johnston to SR 1561) and Cates Creek have a water quality best usage classification of C, NSW. No designated High Quality Waters (HQW), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), Water Supply I (WS-I), Water Supply II (WS-II) waters, or watershed Critical Areas (CA) occur within 1.0 mile of the project study area. Biotic Resources The study corridor is located in a region of developing residential and industrial land use. Five broad classifications of plant communities are recognized: 1) pine uplands, 2) Dry-Mesic Oak- Hickory Forest, 3) Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest (Piedmont Subtype), 4) Piedmont/Mountain Bottomland Forest, and 5) urban/disturbed land. JURISDICTIONAL TOPICS Surface Waters and Wetlands Within the project study area, 16 streams are considered to be jurisdictional surface waters under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The project study area also contains four jurisdictional wetland areas. The characteristics of these streams and wetlands occurring within the project study area are summarized in Table 1. The Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy for the Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Buffers for the Neuse River Basin (15A NCAC 02B .0232) provides a designation for uses that cause impacts to riparian buffers within the Neuse River Basin (15A NCAC 026 .0233). The Neuse River Basin Rule applies to 50-foot wide riparian buffers (measured perpendicular to the stream) directly adjacent to surface waters in the Neuse River Basin. Designated surface waters are indicated on USGS 7.5-minute topographic maps and county soil surveys. Within the project area, 2S2, 3S1, 4S1, 5S2, 6S1, 7S1, 9S1, 10S1, 11S1, and 12S1 are subject to the Neuse River Basin Rules (Figure 2). Table 2 and Table 3 summarize the jurisdictional area and riparian buffer impacts for each alternative. Anticipated impacts resulting from this project are presented with respect to cut-fill limits. Based on the USACE field verification of section 404 jurisdictional areas, impacts to any jurisdictional stream will require mitigation. Permits Due to the inclusion of multiple streams and wetlands within project alternatives, permits will be required for encroachment into these jurisdictional areas. On linear highway projects, each wetland/stream system crossing may be considered a "single and complete" project for 2 permitting purposes. Consideration should be given to the use of Nationwide Permit (NWP) 14 (Linear Transportation Projects); which allows a filled area of no more than 0.5 acre of waters of the United States. Since each crossing can be considered a "single and complete" project, it is possible to have multiple NWP 14s along the proposed highway alignment, assuming that the combined adverse effects are minimal. Another possibility is the use of USACE General Permit (GP) 031 that authorizes jurisdictional area impacts associated with NCDOT bridge projects. The USACE may also exert discretionary authority and require an Individual Permit if avoidance and minimization have not been adequately addressed, if appropriate mitigation is inadequate, or if the combined impacts of all crossings are not considered to be minimal. Section 401 of the CWA requires each state to certify that state water quality standards will not be violated for activities which 1) involve issuance of a federal permit or license, or 2) require discharges to waters of the United States. The USACE cannot issue a Section 404 permit until 401 water quality certification is issued by NCDWQ. Therefore, NCDOT must apply fora 401 water quality certification as part of the permit process. Each "single and complete" project will require notification to NCDWQ for general certification. NCDWQ has made available a General 401 Water Quality Certification for NWP 14 and GP 031 (GC 3404). Federally Protected Species Species with the federal classification of Endangered (E), Threatened (T), or officially Proposed (P) for such listing are protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The term "Endangered Species" is defined as "any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range," and the term "Threatened Species" is defined as "any species which is likely to become an Endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range" (16 U.S.C. 1532). Four federally protected species are listed as Endangered for Orange County as of September 6, 2005: Red-cockaded woodpecker, dwarf wedge mussel, Michaux's sumac, and smooth coneflower. Red-cockaded woodpecker: Suitable breeding habitat for red-cockaded woodpecker is discounted in the project study area due to the absence of mature pine forests. Pine forest within the project study area provides only minimal foraging habitat. NCNHP records (reviewed June 3, 2005) document no occurrence of red-cockaded woodpecker within 2.0 miles of the project study area. No red- cockaded woodpeckers were observed during field investigations. Based on NCNHP records and field observations, there will be No Effect on red-cockaded woodpecker as a result of this project. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: NO EFFECT Dwarf wedge mussel: Suitable habitat for dwarf wedge mussel does exist within the project study in perennial streams 2S3, 3S1, 4S1, 5S1, 6S1, 7S1, 9S1, 10S1, and 11S1. Although NCNHP records (reviewed June, 3 2005) document no occurrence of dwarf wedge mussel within 2.0 miles of the project 3 study area, the presence of dwarf wedge mussel cannot be discounted until a systematic survey is conducted. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: UNRESOLVED Michaux's sumac: Suitable habitat for Michaux's sumac does occur within the project study area in the form of disturbed areas along roadsides and developed areas. NCNHP records (reviewed June 3, 2005) document no occurrence of Michaux's sumac within 2.0 miles of the project study area. A systematic plant-by-plant survey was conducted within suitable habitat by EcoScience Corporation biologists in early May 2005. This survey determined that no individuals of Michaux's sumac occur within the project study area; subsequently, the proposed project will have No Effect on Michaux's sumac. However, because this species is likely to migrate if new habitat is created due to clearing, an additional survey will be needed prior to LET. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: NO EFFECT Smooth coneflower: Suitable habitat for smooth coneflower does exist within the project study area in the form of disturbed areas along roadsides. NCNHP records (reviewed June 3, 2005) document no occurrence of smooth coneflower within 2.0 miles of the project study area. A systematic plant- by-plant survey was conducted within suitable habitat by EcoScience Corporation biologists in early May 2005. This survey determined that no individuals of smooth coneflower occur within the project study area; subsequently, the proposed project will have No Effect on smooth coneflower. However, because this species is likely to migrate if new habitat is created due to clearing, an additional survey will be needed prior to LET. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: NO EFFECT CONCLUSIONS No designated High Quality Waters (HQW), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), Water Supply I (WS-I), Water Supply II (WS-II) waters, or watershed Critical Areas (CA) occur within 1.0 mile of the project study area. Alternatives 3, 4, and 6 have impacts to surface waters. Alternate 6 has impacts to jurisdictional wetlands. Overall, Alternate 3 contains the least amount of jurisdictional area impacts with the shortest linear distance of streams. Alternate 3 also contains the shortest linear distance and area of riparian buffer impacts. Section 404 permits likely to be required for this project study area include Section 404 NWP 14 or GP 031, in addition to the corresponding Section 401 Water Quality Certifications. No federally protected species are, projected to be impacted by this project, but a systematic survey is necessary to fully discount the presence dwarf wedge mussel. 4 Table 1: Streams and Wetlands within Project Study Area Alternatives S stem Descri tion* Cowardin Classification Substrate Average width (feet DEM Wetland Ratin 1 W 1 Wetland (IS PFO 1F N/A N/A 54 2S1 UT Eno River (I R4SB4 silt/sand/ ravel 1 N/A 2S2 UT Eno River (I) R4SB4 silt/sand/ ravel 4 N/A 2W1 Wetland (R PSS1E N/A N/A 18 3 S 1 Eno River (P) R3UB 1 silt/sand/gravel/ boulder 50 N/A 4S 1 Cates Creek (P R2UB 1/2 sand/graveU cobble 10 N/A SS1 UT Cates Creek (I R4SB3/4 silt/sand/ ravel 3 N/A SS2 UT Cates Creek (P) R2UB1 ravel/cobble 6 N/A 6S 1 Eno River P R3UB 1 silt sand/gravel/ boulder 50 N/A 6W1 Wetland R PFO1F N/A N/A 25 7S 1 UT Eno River P R2UB 1/2 silt/sand/ ravel 6 N/A 7S2 UT Eno River (I) R4SB3/4 silt/sand/ ravel 2 N/A 7S3 UT Eno River P) R2UB 1/2 silt/sand/ ravel 6 N/A 7W1 Wetland R PFOIE N/A N/A 11 8S1 UT Cates Creek (I R4SB3/4 silt/sand/gravel/ cobble 3 N/A 9S 1 UT Cates Creek P R2UB2 silt/sand 6 N/A 9S2 UT Cates Creek (I) R4SB3/4 silt/sand/ ravel 6 N/A l OS 1 UT Cates Creek (I) R4SB4 sand/ ravel 5 N/A 11 S 1 UT Eno River I R4SB3 gravel/cobble/ boulder 6 N/A 12S 1 UT Eno River I) R4SB3 gravel/cobble/ boulder 3 N/A *UT =Unnamed Tributary; P =Perennial stream; I =Intermittent stream, R= Riverine Wetland; IS= Isolated Wetland 5 Table 2: Anticipated Impacts to Waters of the United States Alterna te 3 Alternate 4 Alternate 6 System Description** Linear Distance (feet Area acres) Linear Distance (feet Area (acres Linear Distance (feet Area (acres 1 W 1 Wetland (IS) -- -- -- -- -- 2S 1 UT I -- -- -- -- -- 2S2* UT (I) 148 0.01 159 0.01 -- -- 2W 1 Wetland (R -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 S 1 * Eno River P -- -- -- -- -- -- 4S 1 * Cates Creek (P -- -- -- -- -- -- SS1 UT (I 114 0.01 -- -- -- -- SS2* UT (P) -- -- -- -- -- -- 6S 1 * Eno River (P -- -- -- -- -- -- 6W 1 Wetland (R) -- -- -- -- -- -- 7S 1 * UT P -- -- 208 0.03 470 0.06 7S2 UT (I) -- -- -- -- 52 0.01 7S3 UT (P) -- -- -- -- -- -- 7W1 Wetland (R -- -- -- -- -- 0.02 8S1 UT I -- -- 219 0.02 219 0.02 9S 1 * UT (P -- -- 203 0.03 203 0.03 9S2 UT I -- -- 257 0.04 257 0.04 11 S 1 * UT (I) -- -- -- -- 82 0.01 12 S 1 * UT ( -- -- -- -- -- -- *Subject to Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer Rules **UT=Unnamed Tributary; P =Perennial Stream; I =Intermittent Stream; R=Riverine Wetland; IS=Isolated Wetland Table 3: Anticipated Impacts to Jurisdictional Areas and Riparian Buffers (Area is expressed in acres; linear distance is expressed in feet) Alternate 3 Alternate 4 Alternate 6 Riverine Number 0 0 1 Wetlands Area 0 0 0.02 Isolated Number 0 0 0 Wetlands Area 0 0 0 Perennial Number 0 2 2 Streams Linear Distance 0 411 673 Area 0 0.06 0.09 Intermittent Number 2 3 4 Streams Linear Distance 262 635 610 Area 0.02 0.07 0.10 Riparian Linear Distance 751 1536 1088 Buffers Area 0.50 1.80 1.31 6 ~ ~ { ~.~-`~ f ,7 V ,1 ~ 7 ~-r ~ \ ~ J .' n (r` sr ~_r `!i ~ t ~ tl (It + ~\+g ~ r ~ ~ q , V a e ~'Dtew spa ~r ~ --~ !+ ' ~77 t`' •s~i~+ ~ (11y)r ~ ~ ~ 7~! /'r ~f ; l j -' ~'~, A ~ ~~ 1- ac>'' '%~'4r Yti' l ~~~ l ~ , ~x t Imo" ~' %~' ~ , tl~r `, ~> ; : ~ ~ Legend ,, ;{{ .. v ,~ 1 , ,,~ ~ ~i~ ~, i ; '~. 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NC 27699-15.98 Telephone No.: Property description: Size (acres) 05 Nearest Town Hillsborough Nearest Waterway Eno River River Basin Neuse USG$ ~C 0 02020 Coordinates N 3b041S.17 VSt 790447.33 Location description Pm used Elizabeth Brad Road Extension 'Yl' U~38Q8 ad'aeent to the Lrno River in Hillsbornu h Qran a Couuty North Carolina. indicate Which o>~'t~e rollowin A 1 _ Based on prelinunary~ information, there may be ~vctlands on the above described prnptrty. We strongly suggest you have this property inspected to determine the extent of Department of the Army (DA} jtirisdietion. Td ba considered final, a jurisdictional deternun,ation must be verified by the Corps. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory prpgram Administrative Appeal Process {Reference 33 CpR Part 331). _ There are Navigable Waters of the United Status within the above described properly subject to the pcrncit requirements of Svctiozr10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. 'Unless there is a change in the law or our publish-d regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from tl~e date of this notification. X There are waters of the U.S. including 4vutlands on the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC $ 1344). Unless them is a change in the law or our published regulations, this detem~inapion may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ We strongly suggest you have rite wetlands on your property delineated. Due to the sue of your property and/or our present workload, the Carps may ztot be able to accomplish this wetlfutd dclincatioa in a timely manner. For a more timely delineation, you uaay wish to obtain a aonsuitant. To be cansidesed final, any delineation must be verified by the Carps. 3 _ T'he waters of the U.S. including we7tiand on your pra3ect area have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. We strongly snggGSi you have this cielincation surveyed. Upon wmpletion, this survey should be rcvie~•vd and verified by the Corps. Once verified, this survey will pravidv au accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdierioti on yourproperty which, provided there is z-o change in the law or our published regulations, maybe relied upon for a period got to exceed five years. The wetlands f~a.ve been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on Unless there is s change is the law or our pnblishod regulations, this determination may bn relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ 'Thera era no wafers of the Y.I.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described property which are subject to the permit requinrments of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this detemiinatiozt maybe relied upon for a period not to exceed five pears from the date of this xlotification. _ `1'he property is heated in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (Cf1MA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Washington, NC, at (252) 946.6481 to detcrmline their tequirementa. Puge 1 of 2 bR!7.q ~r1t1.-I r iaiLn~vnn ~r,tiinrncnn~ nT~~~~~~r~ ~r ..r ~.,~~ „r ,.,T X66=~1 ~08~3Jt1d C108dCC1I 8~S~8Z86Z6C~~1 bt ~bI SaOZ-bS-1~0 , Actxozz XD: Flacement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wet]ands without a Department ofthe Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the C1Gan Water Act (33 USC § 1311). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps reF;ulatory program, please contact John Thamxs at 914 876-8441, Basis For Determination: There are stream channels within your nroi¢ct site -vhich are tributaries of the Eno River Remarks: Corps Regulatory Otficisl: Date 10/11/2005 ( Expiration D tc 10/11/2010 Corps Regulatory Official (Initial): FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: A plat or sketch of thG aparty artd the wetland data form must be attached to the Lila copy o#~this foiTn. • A Dopy of the "Notification Of Admini3trativu Appeal Options And Process And Request rar Appeal" farm must be IransrnittCd with the property owner/agent copy of this form. • If the property captains isolated wetlaxxdslwaters,pleose indicate in "Remarks" section and attach the "Isolated Determination Information Sheet" to the file copy of tlxis fotm. 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